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NT-GOSPEL.filter - geneva :15:

geneva@Matthew:1:15 @ And Eliud begate Eleazar; Eleazar begate Matthan; Matthan begate Iacob.

geneva@Matthew:2:15 @ And was there vnto the death of Herod, that that might be fulfilled, which is spoken of the Lord by the Prophet, saying, Out of Egypt haue I called my sonne.

geneva@Matthew:3:15 @ And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer [it to be so] now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil (note:)All such things as it has appointed for us to keep.(:note) all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

geneva@Matthew:4:15 @ The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, [by] the way of the (note:)Of Tiberias, or because that country went toward Tyre, which borders the eastern Mediterranean Sea.(:note) sea, beyond Jordan, So called because it bordered upon Tyre and Sidon, and because Solomon gave the king of Tyre twenty cities in that quarter; (1Ki_9:11). Galilee of the Gentiles;

geneva@Matthew:5:15 @ Neither doe men light a candel, and put it vnder a bushel, but on a candlesticke, and it giueth light vnto all that are in the house.

geneva@Matthew:6:15 @ But if ye do not forgiue men their trespasses,, no more will your father forgiue you your trespaces.

geneva@Matthew:7:15 @

geneva@Matthew:8:15 @ And he touched her hande, and the feuer left her: so she arose, and ministred vnto them.

geneva@Matthew:9:15 @ And Jesus said unto them, Can the (note:)A Hebrew idiom, for they that are admitted into the marriage chamber are as the bridegroom's closest friends.(:note) children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.

geneva@Matthew:10:15 @ Truely I say vnto you, it shall be easier for them of the lande of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of iudgement, then for that citie.

geneva@Matthew:11:15 @ He that hath eares to heare, let him heare.

geneva@Matthew:12:15 @ But whe Iesus knew it, he departed thece, & great multitudes folowed him, & he healed the al,

geneva@Matthew:13:15 @ For this peoples heart is waxed fat, & their eares are dull of hearing, and with their eyes they haue winked, lest they should see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, & should vnderstand with their hearts, & should returne, that I might heale them.

geneva@Matthew:14:15 @ And when euen was come, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desart place, and the time is alreadie past: let the multitude depart, that they may goe into the townes, and bye them vitailes.

geneva@Matthew:15:1 @

geneva@Matthew:15:2 @ Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they (note:)Which they received handed down from their ancestors, or their elders allowed, who were the governors of the Church.(:note) wash not their hands when they eat bread.

geneva@Matthew:15:3 @

geneva@Matthew:15:4 @ For God commanded, saying, (note:)By honour is meant every duty which children owe to their parents.(:note) Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

geneva@Matthew:15:5 @ But ye say, (note:)The meaning is this: whatever I bestow upon the temple, is to your profit, for it is as good as if I gave it to you, for (as the Pharisees of our time say) it will be meritorious for you: for under this form of religion, they gathered all to themselves, as though he that had given anything to the temple, had done the duty of a child.(:note) Whosoever shall say to [his] father or [his] mother, [It is] a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;

geneva@Matthew:15:6 @ And honour not his father or his mother, [he shall be free]. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none (note:)As much as you could, you destroyed the power and authority of the commandment: for otherwise the commandments of God stand fast in the Church of God, in spite of the world and Satan.(:note) effect by your tradition.

geneva@Matthew:15:7 @

geneva@Matthew:15:8 @ This people draweth neere vnto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with the lips, but their heart is farre off from me.

geneva@Matthew:15:9 @ But in vaine they worship me, teaching for doctrines, mens precepts.

geneva@Matthew:15:10 @

geneva@Matthew:15:11 @ That which goeth into the mouth, defileth not the man, but that which commeth out of the mouth, that defileth the man.

geneva@Matthew:15:12 @ Then came his disciples, and saide vnto him, Perceiuest thou not, that the Pharises are offended in hearing this saying?

geneva@Matthew:15:13 @ But hee answered and saide, Euery plant which mine heauenly Father hath not planted, shalbe rooted vp.

geneva@Matthew:15:14 @ Let them alone, they be the blinde leaders of the blinde: and if the blinde leade ye blinde, both shall fall into the ditche.

geneva@Matthew:15:15 @ Then answered Peter, and said to him, Declare vnto vs this parable.

geneva@Matthew:15:16 @ Then said Iesus, Are ye yet without vnderstanding?

geneva@Matthew:15:17 @ Perceiue ye not yet, that whatsoeuer entreth into the mouth, goeth into the bellie, and is cast out into the draught?

geneva@Matthew:15:18 @ But those thinges which proceede out of the mouth, come from the heart, and they defile the man.

geneva@Matthew:15:19 @ For out of the heart come euil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, slaunders.

geneva@Matthew:15:20 @ These are the things, which defile the man: but to eat with vnwashen hands, defileth not ye man.

geneva@Matthew:15:21 @ Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the (note:)Coasts which were next to Tyre and Sidon, that is in that region where Palestine faces toward Venice, and the sea of Syria.(:note) coasts of Tyre and Sidon.

geneva@Matthew:15:22 @ And, behold, a woman of (note:)Of the people of the Canaanites, who dwelt in Phoenicia.(:note) Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, [thou] Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

geneva@Matthew:15:23 @

geneva@Matthew:15:24 @ But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the (note:)Of the people of Israel, who were divided into tribes, but all those tribes came from one family.(:note) house of Israel.

geneva@Matthew:15:25 @ Yet she came, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, helpe me.

geneva@Matthew:15:26 @ And he answered, and said, It is not good to take the childrens bread, and to cast it to whelps.

geneva@Matthew:15:27 @ But she said, Trueth, Lord: yet in deede the whelpes eate of the crommes, which fall from their masters table.

geneva@Matthew:15:28 @ Then Iesus answered, and saide vnto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it to thee, as thou desirest; her daughter was made whole at that houre.

geneva@Matthew:15:29 @

geneva@Matthew:15:30 @ And great multitudes came unto him, having with them [those that were] lame, blind, dumb, (note:)Whose members were weakened with paralysis, or by nature, for after it is said that he healed them. Now Christ preferred to heal in this way, that such members as were weak, he restored to health, and yet he could easily, if he had wanted, have given them hands and feet and other members which they lacked.(:note) maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus' feet; and he healed them:

geneva@Matthew:15:31 @ In so much that the multitude wondered, to see the dumme speake, the maimed whole, the halt to goe, and the blinde to see: and they glorified the God of Israel.

geneva@Matthew:15:32 @

geneva@Matthew:15:33 @ And his disciples saide vnto him, Whence should we get so much bread in the wildernes, as should suffice so great a multitude!

geneva@Matthew:15:34 @ And Iesus said vnto them, How many loaues haue ye? And they said, Seuen, & a few litle fishes.

geneva@Matthew:15:35 @ And he commanded the multitude to (note:)Literally, «to lie down backwards», as rowers do in rowing, when they draw their oars to themselves.(:note) sit down on the ground.

geneva@Matthew:15:36 @ And tooke the seuen loaues, and the fishes, and gaue thankes, and brake them, and gaue to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

geneva@Matthew:15:37 @ And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken [meat] that was left seven (note:)A kind of container made with twigs.(:note) baskets full.

geneva@Matthew:15:38 @ And they that had eaten, were foure thousand men, beside women, and litle children.

geneva@Matthew:15:39 @ Then Iesus sent away the multitude, and tooke ship, and came into the partes of Magdala.

geneva@Matthew:16:15 @ He said vnto them, But whome say ye that I am?

geneva@Matthew:17:15 @ Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is (note:)They that at certain times of the moon are troubled with the falling sickness, or any other kind of disease: but in this case, we must so understand it, that besides the natural disease he had a demonic derangement.(:note) lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water.

geneva@Matthew:18:15 @

geneva@Matthew:19:15 @ And when he had put his hands on them, he departed thence.

geneva@Matthew:20:15 @ Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye (note:)Naught, that is to say, do you envy at my goodness towards them? For by an «evil eye» the Hebrews mean «envy», because such dispositions appear chiefly in the eyes, as above in (Mat_6:23). It is set in opposition to the word «single», and it is taken there for corrupt: for whereas he said before in verse 22, «If thine eye be single», he adds in verse 23, «but if thine eye by wicked», or «corrupt», the word being the same in that place as it is here. (Mat_6:22-23)(:note) evil, because I am good?

geneva@Matthew:21:15 @

geneva@Matthew:22:15 @

geneva@Matthew:23:15 @ Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and (note:)The dry part: now that part of the earth is called dry which the Lord has given to us to live upon.(:note) land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

geneva@Matthew:24:15 @

geneva@Matthew:25:15 @ And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several (note:)According to the wisdom and skill in dealing which was given to them.(:note) ability; and straightway took his journey.

geneva@Matthew:26:15 @ And said, What will ye giue me, and I will deliuer him vnto you? And they appoynted vnto him thirtie pieces of siluer.

geneva@Matthew:27:15 @

geneva@Matthew:28:15 @ So they tooke the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is noysed among the Iewes vnto this day.

geneva@Mark:1:15 @ And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdome of God is at hand: repent and beleeue the Gospel.

geneva@Mark:2:15 @ And it came to passe, as Iesus sate at table in his house, many Publicanes & sinners sate at table also with Iesus, and his disciples: for there were many that followed him.

geneva@Mark:3:15 @ And that they might haue power to heale sicknesses, and to cast out deuils.

geneva@Mark:4:15 @ And these are they that receiue the seede by the wayes side, in whome the worde is sowen: but when they haue heard it, Satan commeth immediatly, and taketh away the worde that was sowen in their heartes.

geneva@Mark:5:15 @ And they came to Iesus, and sawe him that had bene possessed with the deuil, and had the legion, sit both clothed, and in his right minde: and they were afraide.

geneva@Mark:6:15 @ Others said, That it is Elias. And others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of (note:)Of the old prophets.(:note) the prophets.

geneva@Mark:7:15 @ There is nothing without a man, that can defile him, when it entreth into him: but the things which proceede out of him, are they which defile the man.

geneva@Mark:8:15 @

geneva@Mark:9:15 @ And straightway all the people, when they behelde him, were amased, and ranne to him, and saluted him.

geneva@Mark:10:15 @ Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God (note:)In our malice we must become as children if we will enter into the kingdom of heaven.(:note) as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

geneva@Mark:11:15 @

geneva@Mark:12:15 @ Should we giue it, or should we not giue it? But he knew their hypocrisie, and said vnto them, Why tempt ye me? Bring me a peny, that I may see it.

geneva@Mark:13:15 @ And let him that is vpon the house, not come downe into the house, neither enter therein, to fetch any thing out of his house.

geneva@Mark:14:15 @ And he will shew you a large (note:)The Greek word signifies that part of the house that is highest from the ground, and because they used to eat supper in that part of the house they called it a supper room, no matter what they were using it for.(:note) upper room furnished [and] prepared: there make ready for us.

geneva@Mark:15:1 @ And (note:)Christ being bound before the judgment seat of an earthly Judge, is condemned before the open assembly as guilty unto the death of the cross, not for his own sins (as is shown by the judge's own words) but for all of ours, that we who are indeed guilty creatures, in being delivered from the guiltiness of our sins, might be acquitted before the judgment seat of God, even in the open assembly of the angels.(:note) straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried [him] away, and It was not lawful for them to put any man to death, for all authority to punish by death was taken away from them, first by Herod the great, and afterward by the Romans, about forty years before the destruction of the temple, and therefore they deliver Jesus to Pilate.delivered [him] to Pilate.

geneva@Mark:15:2 @ Then Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Iewes? And hee answered, and sayde vnto him, Thou sayest it.

geneva@Mark:15:3 @ And the hie Priestes accused him of many things.

geneva@Mark:15:4 @ Wherefore Pilate asked him againe, saying, Answerest thou nothing? beholde howe many things they witnesse against thee.

geneva@Mark:15:5 @ But Iesus answered no more at all, so that Pilate marueiled.

geneva@Mark:15:6 @ Now at [that] feast he (note:)Pilate used to deliver.(:note) released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired.

geneva@Mark:15:7 @ Then there was one named Barabbas, which was bounde with his fellowes, that had made insurrection, who in the insurrection had committed murther.

geneva@Mark:15:8 @ And the people cried aloude, and began to desire that he woulde doe as he had euer done vnto them.

geneva@Mark:15:9 @ Then Pilate answered them, and said, Will ye that I let loose vnto you the King of ye Iewes?

geneva@Mark:15:10 @ For he knewe that the hie Priestes had deliuered him of enuie.

geneva@Mark:15:11 @ But the high Priestes had moued the people to desire that he would rather deliuer Barabbas vnto them.

geneva@Mark:15:12 @ And Pilate answered, and said againe vnto them, What will ye then that I doe with him, whom ye call the King of the Iewes?

geneva@Mark:15:13 @ And they cried againe, Crucifie him.

geneva@Mark:15:14 @ Then Pilate said vnto them, But what euill hath he done? And they cryed the more feruently, Crucifie him.

geneva@Mark:15:15 @ So Pilate willing to content the people, loosed them Barabbas, & deliuered Iesus, when he had scourged him, that he might be crucified.

geneva@Mark:15:16 @ Then the souldiers led him away into the hall, which is the common hall, and called together the whole band,

geneva@Mark:15:17 @

geneva@Mark:15:18 @ And began to salute him, saying, Haile, King of the Iewes.

geneva@Mark:15:19 @ And they smote him on the head with a reede, and spat vpon him, and bowed the knees, and did him reuerence.

geneva@Mark:15:20 @ And whe they had mocked him, they tooke the purple off him, and put his owne clothes on him, and led him out to crucifie him.

geneva@Mark:15:21 @ And they (note:)The rage of the wicked has no measure; meanwhile, even the weakness of Christ, who was in pain under the heavy burden of the cross, manifestly shows that a lamb is led to be sacrificed.(:note) compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross.

geneva@Mark:15:22 @

geneva@Mark:15:23 @ And they gaue him to drinke wine mingled with myrrhe: but he receiued it not.

geneva@Mark:15:24 @

geneva@Mark:15:25 @ And it was the third houre, when they crucified him.

geneva@Mark:15:26 @ And ye title of his cause was written aboue, That king of the iewes.

geneva@Mark:15:27 @ They crucified also with him two theeues, the one on ye right hand, & the other on his left.

geneva@Mark:15:28 @ Thus the Scripture was fulfilled, which sayth, And he was counted among the wicked.

geneva@Mark:15:29 @ And they that went by, railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying, Hey, thou that destroyest the Temple, & buildest it in three dayes,

geneva@Mark:15:30 @ Saue thy selfe, and come downe from the crosse.

geneva@Mark:15:31 @ Likewise also euen the hie Priests mocking, said among themselues with the Scribes, He saued other men, himselfe he cannot saue.

geneva@Mark:15:32 @ Let Christ the King of Israel nowe come downe from the crosse, that we may see, and beleeue. They also that were crucified with him, reuiled him.

geneva@Mark:15:33 @ And when the sixth hour was come, there was (note:)How angry God was against our sins, which he punished in his son who is our sure substitute, is made evident by this horrible darkness.(:note) darkness over the By this word «land» he means Palestine: so that the strangeness of the wonder is all the more set forth in that at the feast of the passover, and in the full moon, when the sun shone over all the rest of the world, and at midday, this corner of the world in which so wicked an act was committed was covered over with great darkness. whole land until the ninth hour.

geneva@Mark:15:34 @ And at the (note:)Christ striving mightily with Satan, sin and death, all three armed with the horrible curse of God, grievously tormented in body hanging upon the cross, and in soul plunged into the depth of hell, yet he clears himself, crying with a mighty voice: and notwithstanding the wound which he received from death, in that he died, yet by smiting both things above and things beneath, by the renting of the veil of the temple, and by the testimony wrung out of those who murdered him, he shows evidently unto the rest of his enemies who are as yet obstinate, and mock at him, that he will be known without delay to be conqueror and Lord of all.(:note) ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

geneva@Mark:15:35 @ And some of them that stoode by, when they heard it, said, Behold, he calleth Elias.

geneva@Mark:15:36 @ And one ranne, and filled a spondge full of vineger, and put it on a reede, and gaue him to drinke, saying, Let him alone: let vs see if Elias will come, and take him downe.

geneva@Mark:15:37 @ And Iesus cryed with a loude voyce, and gaue vp the ghost.

geneva@Mark:15:38 @ And the vaile of the Temple was rent in twaine, from the toppe to the bottome.

geneva@Mark:15:39 @ Nowe when the Centurion, which stoode ouer against him, sawe that he thus crying gaue vp the ghost, he saide, Truely this man was the Sonne of God.

geneva@Mark:15:40 @

geneva@Mark:15:41 @ Which also when he was in Galile, folowed him, and ministred vnto him, and many other women which came vp with him vnto Hierusalem.

geneva@Mark:15:42 @ And nowe when the night was come (because it was the day of the preparation that is before the Sabbath)

geneva@Mark:15:43 @ Joseph of Arimathaea, an (note:)A man of great authority, of the council of the sanhedrin, or else a man who was taken by Pilate for his own council.(:note) honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in If we consider what danger Joseph put himself into we shall perceive how bold he was. boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.

geneva@Mark:15:44 @ And Pilate marueiled, if he were already dead, and called vnto him the Centurion, and asked of him whether he had bene any while dead.

geneva@Mark:15:45 @ And when he knewe the trueth of the Centurion, he gaue the body to Ioseph:

geneva@Mark:15:46 @ Who bought a linnen cloth, & tooke him downe, and wrapped him in the linnen cloth, and laide him in a tombe that was hewen out of a rocke, and rolled a stone vnto the doore of the sepulchre:

geneva@Mark:15:47 @ And Marie Magdalene, and Marie Ioses mother, behelde where he should be layed.

geneva@Mark:16:15 @

geneva@Luke:1:15 @ For he shall be great in the (note:)So the Hebrews say when a rare kind of excellency is signified: so it is said of Nimrod in (Gen_10:9), «He was a mighty hunter before the LORD».(:note) sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor Any drink that might make someone drunk. strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.

geneva@Luke:2:15 @ And it came to passe whe the Angels were gone away from them into heauen, that the shepheards sayde one to another, Let vs goe then vnto Beth-leem, and see this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs.

geneva@Luke:3:15 @

geneva@Luke:4:15 @ For he taught in their Synagogues, and was honoured of all men.

geneva@Luke:5:15 @

geneva@Luke:6:15 @ Matthewe and Thomas: Iames the sonne of Alpheus, and Simon called Zelous,

geneva@Luke:7:15 @ And he that was dead, sate vp, and began to speake, and he deliuered him to his mother.

geneva@Luke:8:15 @ But that on the good ground are they, which in an (note:)Who seek not only to seem to be such, but are indeed so: so that this word «honest» refers to the outward life, and the word «good» refers to the good gifts of the mind.(:note) honest and good heart, having heard the word, With much difficulty, for the devil and the flesh fight against the Spirit of God, who is a new guest. keep [it], and bring forth fruit with patience.

geneva@Luke:9:15 @ And they did so, and caused all to sit downe.

geneva@Luke:10:15 @ And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heauen, shalt be thrust downe to hell.

geneva@Luke:11:15 @

geneva@Luke:12:15 @ And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of (note:)By covetousness is meant that greedy desire to get, commonly causing hurt to other men.(:note) covetousness: for a man's life God is the author and preserver of man's life; goods are not. consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

geneva@Luke:13:15 @ Then answered him the Lord, and said, Hypocrite, doth not eche one of you on the Sabbath day loose his oxe or his asse from the stall, & leade him away to the water?

geneva@Luke:14:15 @ Nowe when one of them that sate at table, heard these things, he said vnto him, Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kingdome of God.

geneva@Luke:15:1 @ Then drew near unto (note:)We must not give up on those who have gone out of the way, but according to the example of Christ we must take great pains for them.(:note) him Some publicans and sinners came to Christ from all areas. all the publicans and sinners for to hear him.

geneva@Luke:15:2 @ Therefore the Pharises and Scribes murmured, saying, Hee receiueth sinners, and eateth with them.

geneva@Luke:15:3 @ Then spake hee this parable to them, saying,

geneva@Luke:15:4 @ What man of you hauing an hundreth sheepe, if hee lose one of them, doeth not leaue ninetie and nine in the wildernesse, and goe after that which is lost, vntill he finde it?

geneva@Luke:15:5 @ And when he hath found it, he laieth it on his shoulders with ioye.

geneva@Luke:15:6 @ And when he commeth home, he calleth together his friendes and neighbours, saying vnto them, Reioyce with mee: for I haue founde my sheepe which was lost.

geneva@Luke:15:7 @ I say vnto you, that likewise ioy shall be in heauen for one sinner that conuerteth, more then for ninetie and nine iust men, which neede none amendement of life.

geneva@Luke:15:8 @ Either what woma hauing ten groates, if she lose one groate, doth not light a candle, & sweepe the house, and seeke diligently till shee finde it?

geneva@Luke:15:9 @ And when shee hath found it, shee calleth her friendes, and neighbours, saying, Reioyce with me: for I haue found the groate which I had lost.

geneva@Luke:15:10 @ Likewise I say vnto you, there is ioy in the presence of the Angels of God, for one sinner that conuerteth.

geneva@Luke:15:11 @

geneva@Luke:15:12 @ And the yonger of them sayde to his father, Father, giue mee the portion of the goods that falleth to mee. So he deuided vnto them his substance.

geneva@Luke:15:13 @ So not many daies after, when the yonger sonne had gathered all together, hee tooke his iourney into a farre countrey, and there hee wasted his goods with riotous liuing.

geneva@Luke:15:14 @ Nowe when hee had spent all, there arose a great dearth throughout that land, and he began to be in necessitie.

geneva@Luke:15:15 @ Then hee went and claue to a citizen of that conntrey, and hee sent him to his farme, to feede swine.

geneva@Luke:15:16 @ And hee would faine haue filled his bellie with the huskes, that the swine ate: but no man gaue them him.

geneva@Luke:15:17 @

geneva@Luke:15:18 @ I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against (note:)Against God, because he is said to dwell in heaven.(:note) heaven, and before thee,

geneva@Luke:15:19 @ And am no more worthy to be called thy sonne: make me as one of thy hired seruants.

geneva@Luke:15:20 @ So hee arose and came to his father, and when hee was yet a great way off, his father sawe him, and had compassion, and ranne and fell on his necke, and kissed him.

geneva@Luke:15:21 @

geneva@Luke:15:22 @ Then the father said to his seruaunts, Bring foorth the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feete,

geneva@Luke:15:23 @ And bring the fat calfe, and kill him, & let vs eate, and be merie:

geneva@Luke:15:24 @ For this my sonne was dead, and is aliue againe: and he was lost, but he is found; they began to be merie.

geneva@Luke:15:25 @

geneva@Luke:15:26 @ And called one of his seruaunts, and asked what those things meant.

geneva@Luke:15:27 @ And hee sayde vnto him, Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatte calfe, because he hath receiued him safe and sound.

geneva@Luke:15:28 @ Then he was angry, and would not goe in: therefore came his father out and entreated him.

geneva@Luke:15:29 @ But he answered & said to his father, Loe, these many yeeres haue I done thee seruice, neither brake I at any time thy commadement, and yet thou neuer gauest mee a kidde that I might make merie with my friends.

geneva@Luke:15:30 @ But when this thy sonne was come, which hath deuoured thy good with harlots, thou hast for his sake killed the fat calfe.

geneva@Luke:15:31 @ And he said vnto him, Sonne, thou art euer with me, and al that I haue, is thine.

geneva@Luke:15:32 @ It was meete that we shoulde make merie, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is aliue againe: and hee was lost, but he is found.

geneva@Luke:16:15 @

geneva@Luke:17:15 @ Then one of them, when hee sawe that hee, was healed, turned backe, and with a loude voyce praised God,

geneva@Luke:18:15 @

geneva@Luke:19:15 @ And it came to passe, when hee was come againe, and had receiued his kingdome, that he commanded the seruants to be called to him, to whome he gaue his money, that he might knowe what euery man had gained.

geneva@Luke:20:15 @ So they cast him out of the vineyarde, and killed him. What shall the Lord of the vineyarde therefore doe vnto them?

geneva@Luke:21:15 @ For I will giue you a mouth and wisdome, where against all your aduersaries shall not be able to speake, nor resist.

geneva@Luke:22:15 @ And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I (note:)I am put to death.(:note) suffer:

geneva@Luke:23:15 @ No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him: and loe, nothing worthy of death is done of him.

geneva@Luke:24:15 @ And it came to passe, as they communed together, and reasoned, that Iesus himselfe drewe neere, and went with them.

geneva@John:1:15 @

geneva@John:1:21 @ And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, (note:)The Jews thought that Elias would come again before the days of the Messiah, and they took as the basis of their opinion (Mal_4:5), which is to be understood as referring to John, see (Mat_11:14). And yet John denies that he is Elias, answering their question just as they meant it.(:note) I am not. Art thou They are inquiring about some great prophet, and not about Christ, for John denied before that he is Christ, for they thought that some great prophet would be sent like Moses, using to support this position (Deu_18:15), which is to be understood to refer to all the company of the prophets and ministers, which have been and shall be to the end, and especially of Christ who is the head of all prophets. that prophet? And he answered, No.

geneva@John:2:15 @ Then hee made a scourge of small cordes, and draue them all out of the Temple with the sheepe and oxen, and powred out the changers money, and ouerthrewe the tables,

geneva@John:3:15 @ That whosoeuer beleeueth in him, shoulde not perish, but haue eternall life.

geneva@John:4:15 @ The woman said vnto him, Syr, giue me of that water, that I may not thirst, neither come hither to drawe.

geneva@John:5:15 @ The man departed and tolde the Iewes that it was Iesus, which had made him whole.

geneva@John:6:15 @

geneva@John:7:15 @ And the Iewes marueiled, saving, Howe knoweth this man the Scriptures, seeing that hee neuer learned!

geneva@John:8:15 @ Ye judge after the flesh; I (note:)I am presently only teaching you, I condemn no man: but yet if I want to do it, I might lawfully do it, for I am not alone, but my Father is with me.(:note) judge no man.

geneva@John:9:15 @ Then againe the Pharises also asked him, how he had receiued sight; hee sayd vnto them, He layd clay vpon mine eyes, & I washed, and doe see.

geneva@John:10:15 @ As the Father (note:)Loves me, allows me.(:note) knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

geneva@John:11:15 @ And I am glad for your sakes, that I was not there, that ye may beleeue: but let vs go vnto him.

geneva@John:12:15 @ Feare not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King commeth sitting on an asses colte.

geneva@John:13:15 @ For I haue giuen you an example, that ye should doe, euen as I haue done to you.

geneva@John:14:15 @

geneva@John:15:1 @ I (note:)We are by nature dry and fit for nothing but the fire. Therefore, in order that we may live and be fruitful, we must first be grafted into Christ, as it were into a vine, by the Father's hand: and then be daily moulded with a continual meditation of the word, and the cross: otherwise it will not avail any man at all to have been grafted unless he cleaves fast to the vine, and so draws juice out of it.(:note) am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.

geneva@John:15:2 @ Euery branch that beareth not fruite in me, he taketh away: and euery one that beareth fruite, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruite.

geneva@John:15:3 @ Nowe are ye cleane through the worde, which I haue spoken vnto you.

geneva@John:15:4 @ Abide in me, and I in you: as the branche cannot beare fruite of it selfe, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

geneva@John:15:5 @ I am that vine: ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, & I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruite: for without me can ye doe nothing.

geneva@John:15:6 @ If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branche, and withereth: and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they burne.

geneva@John:15:7 @

geneva@John:15:8 @

geneva@John:15:9 @

geneva@John:15:10 @ If ye shall keepe my commandements, ye shall abide in my loue, as I haue kept my Fathers commandements, and abide in his loue.

geneva@John:15:11 @ These things haue I spoken vnto you, that my ioy might remaine in you, and that your ioy might be full.

geneva@John:15:12 @ This is my commandement, that ye loue one another, as I haue loued you.

geneva@John:15:13 @ Greater loue then this hath no man, when any man bestoweth his life for his friendes.

geneva@John:15:14 @ Ye are my friendes, if ye doe whatsoeuer I commaund you.

geneva@John:15:15 @

geneva@John:15:16 @

geneva@John:15:17 @ These things commaunde I you, that ye loue one another.

geneva@John:15:18 @

geneva@John:15:19 @ If ye were of the worlde, the world woulde loue his owne: but because ye are not of ye world, but I haue chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

geneva@John:15:20 @ Remember the word that I said vnto you, The seruant is not greater then his master. If they haue persecuted me, they will persecute you also: if they haue kept my worde, they will also keepe yours.

geneva@John:15:21 @

geneva@John:15:22 @

geneva@John:15:23 @ He that hateth me, hateth my Father also.

geneva@John:15:24 @ If I had not done workes among them which none other man did, they had not had sinne: but nowe haue they both seene, and haue hated both me, and my Father.

geneva@John:15:25 @ But [this cometh to pass], that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their (note:)Sometimes this word «law» refers to the five books of Moses, but in this place it refers to the whole scripture: for the place that he refers to is found in the Psalms.(:note) law, They hated me without a cause.

geneva@John:15:26 @

geneva@John:15:27 @ And ye shall witnesse also, because ye haue bene with me from the beginning.

geneva@John:16:15 @ All thinges that the Father hath, are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shewe it vnto you.

geneva@John:17:15 @

geneva@John:18:15 @

geneva@John:19:15 @ But they cried, Away with him, away with him, crucifie him. Pilate sayde vnto them, Shall I crucifie your King? The high Priestes answered, We haue no King but Cesar.

geneva@John:20:15 @ Iesus saith vnto her, Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She supposing that he had bene the gardener, said vnto him, Sir, if thou hast borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

geneva@John:21:15 @