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bwe@Matthew:2:18 @ He said, A voice could be heard in the town of Ramah. Rachel was crying for her children. She would not let anyone comfort her because her children were dead.

bwe@Matthew:4:24 @ The people in all the country of Syria heard about him. They brought all who were sick in any way, or had bad spirits in them, and those who could not walk or use their hands. Jesus healed them.

bwe@Matthew:9:2 @ Some men brought a sick man to him. The man could not move his arms or legs. He was lying on a bed. Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, My son, be glad! The wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Matthew:9:32 @ As they were leaving, people brought a man to Jesus. This man could not talk He had a bad spirit in him.

bwe@Matthew:9:33 @ Jesus drove the bad spirit out of the man. Then he could talk. The people were very much surprised. They said, Nothing like this has ever been seen in the country of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:9:36 @ He saw the many people and was sorry for them. They were troubled and they could not help themselves. They were like sheep with no one to care for them.

bwe@Matthew:10:1 @ Jesus called his twelve disciples to him. He gave them power over bad spirits so they could drive them out of people. He gave them power to heal people who were sick or weak in any way.

bwe@Matthew:11:5 @ Blind people see. Lame people walk. People with leprosy are healed. People who could not hear, can hear. Dead people are made alive. Poor people hear the good news.

bwe@Matthew:12:22 @ Then the people brought a man to Jesus. The man had a bad spirit in him. He was blind and could not talk. Jesus healed him. Then the man could talk and see.

bwe@Matthew:13:58 @ Jesus could not do many big works in that place because the people did not believe in him.

bwe@Matthew:15:29 @ Many people came to him. They brought sick people with them. Some were lame. Some were hurt. Some were blind. Some could not talk. And there were many others. They laid them down in front of Jesus. And he healed them.

bwe@Matthew:15:30 @ The people were surprised. They saw that people who had not been able to talk were talking. They saw that people who were hurt were made well. They saw that lame people were walking. They saw that blind people could see. And they praised the God of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:17:16 @ I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.

bwe@Matthew:17:19 @ Then the disciples came to Jesus alone. They asked him, Why could we not drive the bad spirit out?

bwe@Matthew:17:20 @ Jesus said to them, Because you do not believe enough. I tell you the truth. If your strength to believe were as much as a little mustard seed, you could say to this hill, "Go, move over to that place!" And it would move. Nothing is too hard for you to do.

bwe@Matthew:18:25 @ He could not pay it. So his master said, "Go sell him, his wife, his children, and everything he has, and pay me!"

bwe@Matthew:18:30 @ But he said, "No." He went and put the man in prison until he could pay what he owed him.

bwe@Matthew:18:34 @ His master was very angry. He turned the servant over to the prison guards until he could pay all he owed him.

bwe@Matthew:21:14 @ Blind people came to Jesus in the temple. People who could not walk came to him. And he healed them.

bwe@Matthew:21:33 @ Listen to another story. A man planted a farm of vines for growing fruit called grapes. He put a fence of small trees around it. He dug a place to press the juice from the fruit. He built a high house from which men could watch over the farm. He let some men pay to use it. Then he went to a country far away.

bwe@Matthew:22:10 @ So those servants went out on the roads. They brought all the people they could find, both bad and good people. Then the room was full of people for the wedding.

bwe@Matthew:22:34 @ The Pharisees heard that the Sadducees could not answer Jesus. So they got together.

bwe@Matthew:22:46 @ No one could answer him a word. And after that day, everyone feared to ask him any more questions.

bwe@Matthew:26:9 @ The oil might have been sold for much money. Then the money could have been given to poor people.

bwe@Matthew:26:40 @ Jesus went back to the disciples and found them sleeping. He said to Peter, What? Could you not watch with me for one hour?

bwe@Matthew:26:43 @ Jesus went back again and found the disciples sleeping. They could not keep their eyes open.

bwe@Matthew:26:59 @ The chief priests and all the judges of the court tried to find men to say Jesus had done something wrong so they could kill him.

bwe@Matthew:27:40 @ They said, You are the man who said you could break down the temple and build it again in three days. Save yourself! If you are really Gods Son, come down from the cross.

bwe@Matthew:27:61 @ Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there. They sat where they could see the grave.

bwe@Mark:1:45 @ But the man went out and told everyone everywhere what had happened to him. Because he did this, Jesus could not go into any large town freely. He stayed in places where only a few people were. There people came to him from everywhere.

bwe@Mark:2:3 @ Four men brought a sick man to Jesus. The man could not move his arms or legs.

bwe@Mark:2:4 @ But they could not get in the house where Jesus was, because there were so many people. So they went up on the roof. They made a hole in the roof. Then they let down the mat with the sick man on it.

bwe@Mark:3:20 @ So many people came again that they could not even eat.

bwe@Mark:5:3 @ The man lived among the graves. No person could tie him, not even with chains.

bwe@Mark:5:29 @ The bleeding stopped right away. She could feel that she was healed of her trouble.

bwe@Mark:6:5 @ Jesus could not do any big works in that place. But he put his hands on a few sick people and healed them.

bwe@Mark:6:20 @ So Herodias hated John. She wanted to kill him. But she could not because Herod liked John. He knew that John did what was right and was a good man. So he kept John safe. When he heard John speak he was troubled in his heart, and yet he was glad to hear him.

bwe@Mark:6:31 @ Jesus said to them, Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while. Many people were coming and going. They could not even eat.

bwe@Mark:7:23 @ Then Jesus went away to the country of Tyre and Sidon. He went into a house and did not want anyone to know he was there. But he could not hide from the people.

bwe@Mark:7:31 @ The people brought a man to Jesus who could not hear and could not talk well. They begged Jesus to put his hand on him.

bwe@Mark:7:34 @ Right away the mans ears were opened and his tongue was made free. He could talk well.

bwe@Mark:7:36 @ The people were very much surprised. They said, He has done everything well. The people who could not hear can hear. The people who could not talk can talk.

bwe@Mark:8:25 @ Jesus put his hands on him again. He made him look up. Then he was healed and could see everybody clearly.

bwe@Mark:9:3 @ His clothes were white like light. No person on earth could make them so white.

bwe@Mark:9:18 @ Wherever it takes hold of him, it throws him around. It makes him foam at his mouth. It makes him make noises with his teeth. He is getting weak and thin. I asked your disciples to drive the bad spirit out, but they could not do it.

bwe@Mark:9:28 @ Jesus went into the house. His disciples were alone with him. They asked him, Why could we not drive out the bad spirit?

bwe@Mark:12:1 @ Jesus then began to speak to the disciples in stories. A man planted a farm of vines for growing fruit called grapes. He put a fence of small trees around it. He dug a place to press the juice from the fruit. He built a high house from which men could watch over the farm. Then he let some men pay to use it and went to a country far away.

bwe@Mark:14:5 @ The oil might have been sold for a lot of money. Then the money could have been given to poor people. They said to the woman, You should not have done this!

bwe@Mark:14:8 @ She has done what she could. She has put oil on my body to make me ready to be buried.

bwe@Mark:14:10 @ Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the chief priests. He told them how he could help them catch Jesus.

bwe@Mark:14:35 @ Jesus went on a little farther. He fell on the ground and asked God that, if it could be so, this big trouble might pass by him.

bwe@Mark:14:37 @ Jesus went back and found the disciples sleeping. He said to Peter, Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour?

bwe@Mark:14:40 @ Jesus went back again and found the disciples sleeping. They could not keep their eyes open. They did not know what to say to Jesus.

bwe@Mark:14:55 @ The chief priests, and all the judges of the court tried to find men to say Jesus had done something wrong so they could kill him. But they found none.

bwe@Mark:15:29 @ The people who passed by said wrong things about him. They shook their heads and said, Ha, ha! You are the man who said you could break down the temple and build it again in three days.

bwe@Luke:1:22 @ When he came out, he could not talk to them. They knew that he had seen something in the temple. He made signs to them with his hands and did not talk.

bwe@Luke:1:39 @ At that time, Mary got ready and went as quickly as she could to the hill country. She went to a town in Judah.

bwe@Luke:4:5 @ The devil took Jesus to a high place where he could see all the countries of the world at one time.

bwe@Luke:5:18 @ Some men brought a sick man on his bed. The man could not move his arms or legs. They tried to bring him in and put him in front of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:5:19 @ But they could not get in the house where Jesus was, because there were so many people. So they went up on the roof. Then through a hole in the roof they let down the bed with the sick man on it, until he was in front of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:6:11 @ The Pharisees were very angry and they talked together about what they could do to Jesus.

bwe@Luke:7:22 @ He answered Johns disciples, Go tell John what you have seen and heard. Blind people see. The lame people walk. People with leprosy are healed. People who could not hear can hear. Dead people are alive again. Poor people hear the good news.

bwe@Luke:7:42 @ They could not pay the money, so he let them both free. Now which one of them will love him more?

bwe@Luke:8:3 @ Another one was Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who worked for Herod. Another one was Susanna. And there were many others who gave what they could to help him.

bwe@Luke:8:19 @ The mother of Jesus and his brothers came to him. They could not reach him because there were so many people around him.

bwe@Luke:9:40 @ I begged your disciples to drive the bad spirit out, but they could not do it.

bwe@Luke:11:14 @ Jesus was driving a bad spirit out of a man who could not talk. When the spirit left him, the man could talk. The people were surprised.

bwe@Luke:11:54 @ They wanted him to say something that was wrong so they could make trouble for him.

bwe@Luke:13:11 @ A woman was there who had a spirit that had made her sick for eighteen years. She had to bend down all the time and could not stand up straight.

bwe@Luke:14:6 @ They could not answer that.

bwe@Luke:14:30 @ They will say, "This man started to build a house and could not finish it."

bwe@Luke:16:11 @ So if you could not be trusted to use money, which is bad, who will trust you to use true riches?

bwe@Luke:16:12 @ If you could not be trusted with what belonged to another person, who will give you something for yourself?

bwe@Luke:19:3 @ He wanted to see who Jesus was but he could not see him because he was a short man and there were many people around him.

bwe@Luke:19:48 @ But they did not find any way they could do it. All the people stayed around to hear what Jesus said.

bwe@Luke:20:26 @ They were not able to catch him in anything he said in front of the people. They were surprised at his answer and they could not say anything.

bwe@Luke:20:45 @ Then Jesus talked to his disciples while all the people could hear him.

bwe@Luke:22:4 @ Judas went away and talked things over with the chief priests and captains. He told them how he could help them catch Jesus.

bwe@Luke:23:24 @ So he said they could have it their way.

bwe@Luke:24:30 @ Then they saw who he was. They knew him. And then suddenly they could not see him any more.

bwe@John:3:2 @ One night Nicodemus came to Jesus. He said, Master, we know you are a teacher sent by God. We know this because no person could do the big works you are doing if God did not help him.

bwe@John:5:3 @ Many sick people were lying on these places. Some of them were blind. Some were lame. Some were very thin and stiff so that they could not move by themselves. All of them were waiting for the water to move.

bwe@John:8:57 @ The Jewish leaders said to him, You are not fifty years old yet. How could Abraham see you?

bwe@John:9:11 @ He answered them, That man whose name is Jesus made some mud. He rubbed it on my eyes and told me to go and wash them in the water hole Siloam. And when I had washed my eyes, I could see.

bwe@John:9:18 @ But the leaders of the Jews did not really believe what they heard about the man. They did not believe that first he had been blind and now was able to see. So they called the parents of the man who could now see.

bwe@John:9:33 @ If this man did not come from God, he could not do anything like this.

bwe@John:11:37 @ Then some of them said, This man made the blind see. Could he not have saved Lazarus from dying?

bwe@John:12:40 @ So they could not believe. Isaiah said also, God has made them blind. Their hearts have no feeling. They cannot see. They do not understand with their heart. They will not turn to God. If they did turn, he would heal them.

bwe@John:18:20 @ Jesus answered him, I have talked so that anyone who wanted to could hear me. I have always taught in the meeting houses and in the temple. That is where the Jews always go. I have not said anything in a secret way.

bwe@John:19:31 @ It was the day before the Sabbath day. The Jewish leaders did not want the bodies to stay on the cross on the Sabbath day because it was a big day. So they begged Pilate to break the legs of those who had been nailed to crosses. Then they could be taken away.