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ylt@Matthew:1:20 @And on his thinking of these things, lo, a messenger of the Lord in a dream appeared to him, saying, 'Joseph, son of David, thou mayest not fear to receive Mary thy wife, for that which in her was begotten [is] of the Holy Spirit,

ylt@Matthew:2:3 @And Herod the king having heard, was stirred, and all Jerusalem with him,

ylt@Matthew:2:7 @Then Herod, privately having called the mages, did inquire exactly from them the time of the appearing star,

ylt@Matthew:2:9 @And they, having heard the king, departed, and lo, the star, that they did see in the east, did go before them, till, having come, it stood over where the child was.

ylt@Matthew:2:13 @And on their having withdrawn, lo, a messenger of the Lord doth appear in a dream to Joseph, saying, 'Having risen, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and be thou there till I may speak to thee, for Herod is about to seek the child to destroy him.'

ylt@Matthew:2:16 @Then Herod, having seen that he was deceived by the mages, was very wroth, and having sent forth, he slew all the male children in Beth-Lehem, and in all its borders, from two years and under, according to the time that he inquired exactly from the mages.

ylt@Matthew:2:18 @'A voice in Ramah was heard -- lamentation and weeping and much mourning -- Rachel weeping [for] her children, and she would not be comforted because they are not.'

ylt@Matthew:2:19 @And Herod having died, lo, a messenger of the Lord in a dream doth appear to Joseph in Egypt,

ylt@Matthew:2:22 @and having heard that Archelaus doth reign over Judea instead of Herod his father, he was afraid to go thither, and having been divinely warned in a dream, he withdrew to the parts of Galilee,

ylt@Matthew:3:8 @bear, therefore, fruits worthy of the reformation,

ylt@Matthew:3:10 @and now also, the axe unto the root of the trees is laid, every tree therefore not bearing good fruit is hewn down, and to fire is cast.

ylt@Matthew:3:11 @'I indeed do baptize you with water to reformation, but he who after me is coming is mightier than I, of whom I am not worthy to bear the sandals, he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire,

ylt@Matthew:4:6 @and saith to him, 'If Son thou art of God -- cast thyself down, for it hath been written, that, His messengers He shall charge concerning thee, and on hands they shall bear thee up, that thou mayest not dash on a stone thy foot.'

ylt@Matthew:4:12 @And Jesus having heard that John was delivered up, did withdraw to Galilee,

ylt@Matthew:5:8 @'Happy the clean in heart -- because they shall see God.

ylt@Matthew:5:18 @for, verily I say to you, till that the heaven and the earth may pass away, one iota or one tittle may not pass away from the law, till that all may come to pass.

ylt@Matthew:5:21 @'Ye heard that it was said to the ancients: Thou shalt not kill, and whoever may kill shall be in danger of the judgment;

ylt@Matthew:5:27 @'Ye heard that it was said to the ancients: Thou shalt not commit adultery;

ylt@Matthew:5:28 @but I -- I say to you, that every one who is looking on a woman to desire her, did already commit adultery with her in his heart.

ylt@Matthew:5:33 @'Again, ye heard that it was said to the ancients: Thou shalt not swear falsely, but thou shalt pay to the Lord thine oaths;

ylt@Matthew:5:34 @but I -- I say to you, not to swear at all; neither by the heaven, because it is the throne of God,

ylt@Matthew:5:35 @nor by the earth, because it is His footstool, nor by Jerusalem, because it is a city of a great king,

ylt@Matthew:5:36 @nor by thy head mayest thou swear, because thou art not able one hair to make white or black;

ylt@Matthew:5:38 @'Ye heard that it was said: Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth;

ylt@Matthew:5:43 @'Ye heard that it was said: Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and shalt hate thine enemy;

ylt@Matthew:6:7 @'And -- praying -- ye may not use vain repetitions like the nations, for they think that in their much speaking they shall be heard,

ylt@Matthew:6:10 @'Thy reign come: Thy will come to pass, as in heaven also on the earth.

ylt@Matthew:6:16 @'And when ye may fast, be ye not as the hypocrites, of sour countenances, for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear to men fasting; verily I say to you, that they have their reward.

ylt@Matthew:6:18 @that thou mayest not appear to men fasting, but to thy Father who [is] in secret, and thy Father, who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

ylt@Matthew:6:19 @'Treasure not up to yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust disfigure, and where thieves break through and steal,

ylt@Matthew:6:21 @for where your treasure is, there will be also your heart.

ylt@Matthew:7:5 @Hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then thou shalt see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

ylt@Matthew:7:6 @'Ye may not give that which is [holy] to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, that they may not trample them among their feet, and having turned -- may rend you.

ylt@Matthew:7:24 @'Therefore, every one who doth hear of me these words, and doth do them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house upon the rock;

ylt@Matthew:7:26 @'And every one who is hearing of me these words, and is not doing them, shall be likened to a foolish man who built his house upon the sand;

ylt@Matthew:8:6 @and saying, 'Sir, my young man hath been laid in the house a paralytic, fearfully afflicted,'

ylt@Matthew:8:10 @And Jesus having heard, did wonder, and said to those following, 'Verily I say to you, not even in Israel so great faith have I found;

ylt@Matthew:8:17 @that it might be fulfilled that was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, 'Himself took our infirmities, and the sicknesses he did bear.'

ylt@Matthew:8:26 @And he saith to them, 'Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?' Then having risen, he rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm;

ylt@Matthew:9:4 @And Jesus, having known their thoughts, said, 'Why think ye evil in your hearts?

ylt@Matthew:9:6 @'But, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power upon the earth to forgive sins -- (then saith he to the paralytic) -- having risen, take up thy couch, and go to thy house.'

ylt@Matthew:9:12 @And Jesus having heard, said to them, 'They who are whole have no need of a physician, but they who are ill;

ylt@Matthew:9:13 @but having gone, learn ye what is, Kindness I will, and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call righteous men, but sinners, to reformation.'

ylt@Matthew:9:20 @and lo, a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, having come to him behind, did touch the fringe of his garments,

ylt@Matthew:10:14 @'And whoever may not receive you nor hear your words, coming forth from that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet,

ylt@Matthew:10:26 @'Ye may not, therefore, fear them, for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed, and hid, that shall not be known;

ylt@Matthew:10:27 @that which I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light, and that which you hear at the ear, proclaim on the house-tops.

ylt@Matthew:10:28 @'And be not afraid of those killing the body, and are not able to kill the soul, but fear rather Him who is able both soul and body to destroy in gehenna.

ylt@Matthew:10:34 @'Ye may not suppose that I came to put peace on the earth; I did not come to put peace, but a sword;

ylt@Matthew:11:2 @And John having heard in the prison the works of the Christ, having sent two of his disciples,

ylt@Matthew:11:4 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Having gone, declare to John the things that ye hear and see,

ylt@Matthew:11:5 @blind receive sight, and lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and deaf hear, dead are raised, and poor have good news proclaimed,

ylt@Matthew:11:8 @'But what went ye out to see? -- a man clothed in soft garments? lo, those wearing the soft things are in the kings' houses.

ylt@Matthew:11:15 @he who is having ears to hear -- let him hear.

ylt@Matthew:11:25 @At that time Jesus answering said, 'I do confess to Thee, Father, Lord of the heavens and of the earth, that thou didst hide these things from wise and understanding ones, and didst reveal them to babes.

ylt@Matthew:11:29 @take up my yoke upon you, and learn from me, because I am meek and humble in heart, and ye shall find rest to your souls,

ylt@Matthew:12:1 @At that time did Jesus go on the sabbaths through the corn, and his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck ears, and to eat,

ylt@Matthew:12:19 @he shall not strive nor cry, nor shall any hear in the broad places his voice,

ylt@Matthew:12:24 @but the Pharisees having heard, said, 'This one doth not cast out demons, except by Beelzeboul, ruler of the demons.'

ylt@Matthew:12:34 @'Brood of vipers! how are ye able to speak good things -- being evil? for out of the abundance of the heart doth the mouth speak.

ylt@Matthew:12:35 @The good man out of the good treasure of the heart doth put forth the good things, and the evil man out of the evil treasure doth put forth evil things.

ylt@Matthew:12:40 @for, as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.

ylt@Matthew:12:42 @'A queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and lo, a greater than Solomon here!

ylt@Matthew:13:5 @and others fell upon the rocky places, where they had not much earth, and immediately they sprang forth, through not having depth of earth,

ylt@Matthew:13:9 @He who is having ears to hear -- let him hear.'

ylt@Matthew:13:10 @And the disciples having come near, said to him, 'Wherefore in similes dost thou speak to them?'

ylt@Matthew:13:13 @'Because of this, in similes do I speak to them, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor understand,

ylt@Matthew:13:14 @and fulfilled on them is the prophecy of Isaiah, that saith, With hearing ye shall hear, and ye shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and ye shall not perceive,

ylt@Matthew:13:15 @for made gross was the heart of this people, and with the ears they heard heavily, and their eyes they did close, lest they might see with the eyes, and with the ears might hear, and with the heart understand, and turn back, and I might heal them.

ylt@Matthew:13:16 @'And happy are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear,

ylt@Matthew:13:17 @for verily I say to you, that many prophets and righteous men did desire to see that which ye look on, and they did not see, and to hear that which ye hear, and they did not hear.

ylt@Matthew:13:18 @'Ye, therefore, hear ye the simile of the sower:

ylt@Matthew:13:19 @Every one hearing the word of the reign, and not understanding -- the evil one doth come, and doth catch that which hath been sown in his heart; this is that sown by the way.

ylt@Matthew:13:20 @'And that sown on the rocky places, this is he who is hearing the word, and immediately with joy is receiving it,

ylt@Matthew:13:22 @'And that sown toward the thorns, this is he who is hearing the word, and the anxiety of this age, and the deceitfulness of the riches, do choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.

ylt@Matthew:13:23 @'And that sown on the good ground: this is he who is hearing the word, and is understanding, who indeed doth bear fruit, and doth make, some indeed a hundredfold, and some sixty, and some thirty.'

ylt@Matthew:13:26 @and when the herb sprang up, and yielded fruit, then appeared also the darnel.

ylt@Matthew:13:27 @'And the servants of the householder, having come near, said to him, Sir, good seed didst thou not sow in thy field? whence then hath it the darnel?

ylt@Matthew:13:36 @Then having let away the multitudes, Jesus came to the house, and his disciples came near to him, saying, 'Explain to us the simile of the darnel of the field.'

ylt@Matthew:13:43 @'Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the reign of their Father. He who is having ears to hear -- let him hear.

ylt@Matthew:13:45 @'Again, the reign of the heavens is like to a man, a merchant, seeking goodly pearls,

ylt@Matthew:13:46 @who having found one pearl of great price, having gone away, hath sold all, as much as he had, and bought it.

ylt@Matthew:14:1 @At that time did Herod the tetrarch hear the fame of Jesus,

ylt@Matthew:14:5 @and, willing to kill him, he feared the multitude, because as a prophet they were holding him.

ylt@Matthew:14:13 @and Jesus having heard, withdrew thence in a boat to a desolate place by himself, and the multitudes having heard did follow him on land from the cities.

ylt@Matthew:14:26 @and the disciples having seen him walking upon the sea, were troubled saying -- 'It is an apparition,' and from the fear they cried out;

ylt@Matthew:15:8 @This people doth draw nigh to Me with their mouth, and with the lips it doth honour Me, but their heart is far off from Me;

ylt@Matthew:15:10 @And having called near the multitude, he said to them, 'Hear and understand:

ylt@Matthew:15:12 @Then his disciples having come near, said to him, 'Hast thou known that the Pharisees, having heard the word, were stumbled?'

ylt@Matthew:15:18 @but the things coming forth from the mouth from the heart do come forth, and these defile the man;

ylt@Matthew:15:19 @for out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, whoredoms, thefts, false witnessings, evil speakings:

ylt@Matthew:15:32 @And Jesus having called near his disciples, said, 'I have compassion upon the multitude, because now three days they continue with me, and they have not what they may eat; and to let them away fasting I will not, lest they faint in the way.'

ylt@Matthew:16:19 @and I will give to thee the keys of the reign of the heavens, and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens.'

ylt@Matthew:17:3 @and lo, appear to them did Moses and Elijah, talking together with him.

ylt@Matthew:17:5 @While he is yet speaking, lo, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying, 'This is My Son, -- the Beloved, in whom I did delight; hear him.'

ylt@Matthew:17:6 @And the disciples having heard, did fall upon their face, and were exceedingly afraid,

ylt@Matthew:17:7 @and Jesus having come near, touched them, and said, 'Rise, be not afraid,'

ylt@Matthew:17:16 @and I brought him near to thy disciples, and they were not able to heal him.'

ylt@Matthew:17:17 @And Jesus answering said, 'O generation, unstedfast and perverse, till when shall I be with you? till when shall I bear you? bring him to me hither;'

ylt@Matthew:17:24 @And they having come to Capernaum, those receiving the didrachms came near to Peter, and said, 'Your teacher -- doth he not pay the didrachms?' He saith, 'Yes.'

ylt@Matthew:17:25 @And when he came into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, 'What thinkest thou, Simon? the kings of the earth -- from whom do they receive custom or poll-tax? from their sons or from the strangers?'

ylt@Matthew:18:1 @At that hour came the disciples near to Jesus, saying, 'Who, now, is greater in the reign of the heavens?'

ylt@Matthew:18:2 @And Jesus having called near a child, did set him in the midst of them,

ylt@Matthew:18:15 @'And if thy brother may sin against thee, go and show him his fault between thee and him alone, if he may hear thee, thou didst gain thy brother;

ylt@Matthew:18:16 @and if he may not hear, take with thee yet one or two, that by the mouth of two witnesses or three every word may stand.

ylt@Matthew:18:17 @'And if he may not hear them, say [it] to the assembly, and if also the assembly he may not hear, let him be to thee as the heathen man and the tax-gatherer.

ylt@Matthew:18:18 @'Verily I say to you, Whatever things ye may bind upon the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and whatever things ye may loose on the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens.

ylt@Matthew:18:19 @'Again, I say to you, that, if two of you may agree on the earth concerning anything, whatever they may ask -- it shall be done to them from my Father who is in the heavens,

ylt@Matthew:18:21 @Then Peter having come near to him, said, 'Sir, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him -- till seven times?'

ylt@Matthew:18:24 @and he having begun to take account, there was brought near to him one debtor of a myriad of talents,

ylt@Matthew:18:35 @so also my heavenly Father will do to you, if ye may not forgive each one his brother from your hearts their trespasses.'

ylt@Matthew:19:3 @And the Pharisees came near to him, tempting him, and saying to him, 'Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?'

ylt@Matthew:19:8 @He saith to them -- 'Moses for your stiffness of heart did suffer you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it hath not been so.

ylt@Matthew:19:13 @Then were brought near to him children that he might put hands on them and pray, and the disciples rebuked them.

ylt@Matthew:19:16 @And lo, one having come near, said to him, 'Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have life age-during?'

ylt@Matthew:19:18 @He saith to him, 'What kind?' And Jesus said, 'Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness,

ylt@Matthew:19:22 @And the young man, having heard the word, went away sorrowful, for he had many possessions;

ylt@Matthew:19:25 @And his disciples having heard, were amazed exceedingly, saying, 'Who, then, is able to be saved?'

ylt@Matthew:19:26 @And Jesus having earnestly beheld, said to them, 'With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'

ylt@Matthew:20:12 @that These, the last, wrought one hour, and thou didst make them equal to us, who were bearing the burden of the day -- and the heat.

ylt@Matthew:20:20 @Then came near to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee, with her sons, bowing and asking something from him,

ylt@Matthew:20:24 @And the ten having heard, were much displeased with the two brothers,

ylt@Matthew:20:25 @and Jesus having called them near, said, 'Ye have known that the rulers of the nations do exercise lordship over them, and those great do exercise authority over them,

ylt@Matthew:20:30 @and lo, two blind men sitting by the way, having heard that Jesus doth pass by, cried, saying, 'Deal kindly with us, sir -- Son of David.'

ylt@Matthew:21:16 @and they said to him, 'Hearest thou what these say?' And Jesus saith to them, 'Yes, did ye never read, that, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou didst prepare praise?'

ylt@Matthew:21:26 @and if we should say, From men, we fear the multitude, for all hold John as a prophet.'

ylt@Matthew:21:33 @'Hear ye another simile: There was a certain man, a householder, who planted a vineyard, and did put a hedge round it, and digged in it a wine-press, and built a tower, and gave it out to husbandmen, and went abroad.

ylt@Matthew:21:45 @And the chief priests and the Pharisees having heard his similes, knew that of them he speaketh,

ylt@Matthew:21:46 @and seeking to lay hold on him, they feared the multitudes, seeing they were holding him as a prophet.

ylt@Matthew:22:7 @'And the king having heard, was wroth, and having sent forth his soldiers, he destroyed those murderers, and their city he set on fire;

ylt@Matthew:22:22 @and having heard they wondered, and having left him they went away.

ylt@Matthew:22:23 @In that day there came near to him Sadducees, who are saying there is not a rising again, and they questioned him, saying,

ylt@Matthew:22:33 @And having heard, the multitudes were astonished at his teaching;

ylt@Matthew:22:34 @and the Pharisees, having heard that he did silence the Sadducees, were gathered together unto him;

ylt@Matthew:22:37 @And Jesus said to him, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thine understanding --

ylt@Matthew:23:9 @and ye may not call [any] your father on the earth, for one is your Father, who is in the heavens,

ylt@Matthew:23:16 @'Wo to you, blind guides, who are saying, Whoever may swear by the sanctuary, it is nothing, but whoever may swear by the gold of the sanctuary -- is debtor!

ylt@Matthew:23:18 @'And, whoever may swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever may swear by the gift that is upon it -- is debtor!

ylt@Matthew:23:20 @'He therefore who did swear by the altar, doth swear by it, and by all things on it;

ylt@Matthew:23:21 @and he who did swear by the sanctuary, doth swear by it, and by Him who is dwelling in it;

ylt@Matthew:23:22 @and he who did swear by the heaven, doth swear by the throne of God, and by Him who is sitting upon it.

ylt@Matthew:23:27 @'Wo to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye are like to whitewashed sepulchres, which outwardly indeed do appear beautiful, and within are full of bones of dead men, and of all uncleanness;

ylt@Matthew:23:28 @so also ye outwardly indeed do appear to men righteous, and within ye are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

ylt@Matthew:23:35 @that on you may come all the righteous blood being poured out on the earth from the blood of Abel the righteous, unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the sanctuary and the altar:

ylt@Matthew:24:1 @And having gone forth, Jesus departed from the temple, and his disciples came near to show him the buildings of the temple,

ylt@Matthew:24:3 @And when he is sitting on the mount of the Olives, the disciples came near to him by himself, saying, 'Tell us, when shall these be? and what [is] the sign of thy presence, and of the full end of the age?'

ylt@Matthew:24:6 @and ye shall begin to hear of wars, and reports of wars; see, be not troubled, for it behoveth all [these] to come to pass, but the end is not yet.

ylt@Matthew:24:7 @'For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places;

ylt@Matthew:24:27 @for as the lightning doth come forth from the east, and doth appear unto the west, so shall be also the presence of the Son of Man;

ylt@Matthew:24:30 @and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in the heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth smite the breast, and they shall see the Son of Man coming upon the clouds of the heaven, with power and much glory;

ylt@Matthew:24:32 @'And from the fig-tree learn ye the simile: When already its branch may have become tender, and the leaves it may put forth, ye know that summer [is] nigh,

ylt@Matthew:24:35 @The heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

ylt@Matthew:24:48 @'And, if that evil servant may say in his heart, My Lord doth delay to come,

ylt@Matthew:25:18 @and he who did receive the one, having gone away, digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.

ylt@Matthew:25:25 @and having been afraid, having gone away, I hid thy talent in the earth; lo, thou hast thine own!

ylt@Matthew:26:17 @And on the first [day] of the unleavened food came the disciples near to Jesus, saying to him, 'Where wilt thou [that] we may prepare for thee to eat the passover?'

ylt@Matthew:26:18 @and he said, 'Go away to the city, unto such a one, and say to him, The Teacher saith, My time is nigh; near thee I keep the passover, with my disciples;'

ylt@Matthew:26:50 @and Jesus said to him, 'Comrade, for what art thou present?' Then having come near, they laid hands on Jesus, and took hold on him.

ylt@Matthew:26:51 @And lo, one of those with Jesus, having stretched forth the hand, drew his sword, and having struck the servant of the chief priest, he took off his ear.

ylt@Matthew:26:60 @and they did not find; and many false witnesses having come near, they did not find; and at last two false witnesses having come near,

ylt@Matthew:26:65 @Then the chief priest rent his garments, saying, -- 'He hath spoken evil; what need have we yet of witnesses? lo, now ye heard his evil speaking;

ylt@Matthew:26:69 @And Peter without was sitting in the court, and there came near to him a certain maid, saying, 'And thou wast with Jesus of Galilee!'

ylt@Matthew:26:73 @And after a little those standing near having come, said to Peter, 'Truly thou also art of them, for even thy speech doth make thee manifest.'

ylt@Matthew:26:74 @Then began he to anathematise, and to swear -- 'I have not known the man;' and immediately did a cock crow,

ylt@Matthew:27:13 @then saith Pilate to him, 'Dost thou not hear how many things they witness against thee?'

ylt@Matthew:27:32 @And coming forth, they found a man, a Cyrenian, by name Simon: him they impressed that he might bear his cross;

ylt@Matthew:27:47 @And certain of those standing there having heard, said -- 'Elijah he doth call;'

ylt@Matthew:27:51 @and lo, the vail of the sanctuary was rent in two from top unto bottom, and the earth did quake, and the rocks were rent,

ylt@Matthew:27:53 @and having come forth out of the tombs after his rising, they went into the holy city, and appeared to many.

ylt@Matthew:27:54 @And the centurion, and those with him watching Jesus, having seen the earthquake, and the things that were done, were exceedingly afraid, saying, 'Truly this was God's Son.'

ylt@Matthew:27:58 @he having gone near to Pilate, asked for himself the body of Jesus; then Pilate commanded the body to be given back.

ylt@Matthew:28:2 @and lo, there came a great earthquake, for a messenger of the Lord, having come down out of heaven, having come, did roll away the stone from the door, and was sitting upon it,

ylt@Matthew:28:4 @and from the fear of him did the keepers shake, and they became as dead men.

ylt@Matthew:28:5 @And the messenger answering said to the women, 'Fear not ye, for I have known that Jesus, who hath been crucified, ye seek;

ylt@Matthew:28:8 @And having gone forth quickly from the tomb, with fear and great joy, they ran to tell to his disciples;

ylt@Matthew:28:9 @and as they were going to tell to his disciples, then lo, Jesus met them, saying, 'Hail!' and they having come near, laid hold of his feet, and did bow to him.

ylt@Matthew:28:10 @Then saith Jesus to them, 'Fear ye not, go away, tell to my brethren that they may go away to Galilee, and there they shall see me.'

ylt@Matthew:28:14 @and if this be heard by the governor, we will persuade him, and you keep free from anxiety.'

ylt@Matthew:28:18 @And having come near, Jesus spake to them, saying, 'Given to me was all authority in heaven and on earth;

ylt@Mark:1:31 @and having come near, he raised her up, having laid hold of her hand, and the fever left her immediately, and she was ministering to them.

ylt@Mark:1:33 @and the whole city was gathered together near the door,

ylt@Mark:1:35 @And very early, it being yet night, having risen, he went forth, and went away to a desert place, and was there praying;

ylt@Mark:1:44 @and saith to him, 'See thou mayest say nothing to any one, but go away, thyself shew to the priest, and bring near for thy cleansing the things Moses directed, for a testimony to them.'

ylt@Mark:2:1 @And again he entered into Capernaum, after [some] days, and it was heard that he is in the house,

ylt@Mark:2:4 @and not being able to come near to him because of the multitude, they uncovered the roof where he was, and, having broken [it] up, they let down the couch on which the paralytic was lying,

ylt@Mark:2:6 @And there were certain of the scribes there sitting, and reasoning in their hearts,

ylt@Mark:2:8 @And immediately Jesus, having known in his spirit that they thus reason in themselves, said to them, 'Why these things reason ye in your hearts?

ylt@Mark:2:10 @'And, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority on the earth to forgive sins -- (he saith to the paralytic) --

ylt@Mark:2:17 @And Jesus, having heard, saith to them, 'They who are strong have no need of a physician, but they who are ill; I came not to call righteous men, but sinners to reformation.'

ylt@Mark:2:23 @And it came to pass -- he is going along on the sabbaths through the corn-fields -- and his disciples began to make a way, plucking the ears,

ylt@Mark:3:5 @And having looked round upon them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their heart, he saith to the man, 'Stretch forth thy hand;' and he stretched forth, and his hand was restored whole as the other;

ylt@Mark:3:8 @and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea and beyond the Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon -- a great multitude -- having heard how great things he was doing, came unto him.

ylt@Mark:3:13 @And he goeth up to the mountain, and doth call near whom he willed, and they went away to him;

ylt@Mark:3:21 @and his friends having heard, went forth to lay hold on him, for they said that he was beside himself,

ylt@Mark:3:23 @And, having called them near, in similes he said to them, 'How is the Adversary able to cast out the Adversary?

ylt@Mark:4:1 @And again he began to teach by the sea, and there was gathered unto him a great multitude, so that he, having gone into the boat, sat in the sea, and all the multitude was near the sea, on the land,

ylt@Mark:4:3 @'Hearken, lo, the sower went forth to sow;

ylt@Mark:4:5 @and other fell upon the rocky ground, where it had not much earth, and immediately it sprang forth, because of not having depth of earth,

ylt@Mark:4:9 @And he said to them, 'He who is having ears to hear -- let him hear.'

ylt@Mark:4:12 @that seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest they may turn, and the sins may be forgiven them.'

ylt@Mark:4:15 @and these are they by the way where the word is sown: and whenever they may hear, immediately cometh the Adversary, and he taketh away the word that hath been sown in their hearts.

ylt@Mark:4:16 @'And these are they, in like manner, who on the rocky ground are sown: who, whenever they may hear the word, immediately with joy do receive it,

ylt@Mark:4:18 @'And these are they who toward the thorns are sown: these are they who are hearing the word,

ylt@Mark:4:20 @'And these are they who on the good ground have been sown: who do hear the word, and receive, and do bear fruit, one thirty-fold, and one sixty, and one an hundred.'

ylt@Mark:4:23 @If any hath ears to hear -- let him hear.'

ylt@Mark:4:24 @And he said to them, 'Take heed what ye hear; in what measure ye measure, it shall be measured to you; and to you who hear it shall be added;

ylt@Mark:4:26 @And he said, 'Thus is the reign of God: as if a man may cast the seed on the earth,

ylt@Mark:4:28 @for of itself doth the earth bear fruit, first a blade, afterwards an ear, afterwards full corn in the ear;

ylt@Mark:4:31 @As a grain of mustard, which, whenever it may be sown on the earth, is less than any of the seeds that are on the earth;

ylt@Mark:4:33 @And with many such similes he was speaking to them the word, as they were able to hear,

ylt@Mark:4:40 @and he said to them, 'Why are ye so fearful? how have ye not faith?'

ylt@Mark:4:41 @and they feared a great fear, and said one to another, 'Who, then, is this, that even the wind and the sea do obey him?'

ylt@Mark:5:11 @And there was there, near the mountains, a great herd of swine feeding,

ylt@Mark:5:21 @And Jesus having passed over in the boat again to the other side, there was gathered a great multitude to him, and he was near the sea,

ylt@Mark:5:25 @and a certain woman, having an issue of blood twelve years,

ylt@Mark:5:27 @having heard about Jesus, having come in the multitude behind, she touched his garment,

ylt@Mark:5:36 @And Jesus immediately, having heard the word that is spoken, saith to the chief of the synagogue, 'Be not afraid, only believe.'

ylt@Mark:5:42 @And immediately the damsel arose, and was walking, for she was twelve years [old]; and they were amazed with a great amazement,

ylt@Mark:6:2 @and sabbath having come, he began in the synagogue to teach, and many hearing were astonished, saying, 'Whence hath this one these things? and what the wisdom that was given to him, that also such mighty works through his hands are done?

ylt@Mark:6:7 @and he doth call near the twelve, and he began to send them forth two by two, and he was giving them power over the unclean spirits,

ylt@Mark:6:11 @and as many as may not receive you, nor hear you, going out thence, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony to them; verily I say to you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah in a day of judgment than for that city.'

ylt@Mark:6:14 @And the king Herod heard, (for his name became public,) and he said -- 'John the Baptist out of the dead was raised, and because of this the mighty powers are working in him.'

ylt@Mark:6:16 @And Herod having heard, said -- 'He whom I did behead -- John -- this is he; he was raised out of the dead.'

ylt@Mark:6:20 @for Herod was fearing John, knowing him a man righteous and holy, and was keeping watch over him, and having heard him, was doing many things, and hearing him gladly.

ylt@Mark:6:29 @and having heard, his disciples came and took up his corpse, and laid it in the tomb.

ylt@Mark:6:35 @And now the hour being advanced, his disciples having come near to him, say, -- 'The place is desolate, and the hour is now advanced,

ylt@Mark:6:52 @for they understood not concerning the loaves, for their heart hath been hard.

ylt@Mark:6:55 @having run about through all that region round about, they began upon the couches to carry about those ill, where they were hearing that he is,

ylt@Mark:7:6 @and he answering said to them -- 'Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you, hypocrites, as it hath been written, This people with the lips doth honor Me, and their heart is far from Me;

ylt@Mark:7:14 @And having called near all the multitude, he said to them, 'Hearken to me, ye all, and understand;

ylt@Mark:7:16 @If any hath ears to hear -- let him hear.'

ylt@Mark:7:19 @because it doth not enter into his heart, but into the belly, and into the drain it doth go out, purifying all the meats.'

ylt@Mark:7:21 @for from within, out of the heart of men, the evil reasonings do come forth, adulteries, whoredoms, murders,

ylt@Mark:7:25 @for a woman having heard about him, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having come, fell at his feet, --

ylt@Mark:7:33 @And having taken him away from the multitude by himself, he put his fingers to his ears, and having spit, he touched his tongue,

ylt@Mark:7:35 @and immediately were his ears opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he was speaking plain.

ylt@Mark:7:37 @and they were being beyond measure astonished, saying, 'Well hath he done all things; both the deaf he doth make to hear, and the dumb to speak.'

ylt@Mark:8:1 @In those days the multitude being very great, and not having what they may eat, Jesus having called near his disciples, saith to them,

ylt@Mark:8:17 @And Jesus having known, saith to them, 'Why do ye reason, because ye have no loaves? do ye not yet perceive, nor understand, yet have ye your heart hardened?

ylt@Mark:8:18 @Having eyes, do ye not see? and having ears, do ye not hear? and do ye not remember?

ylt@Mark:8:25 @Afterwards again he put [his] hands on his eyes, and made him look up, and he was restored, and discerned all things clearly,

ylt@Mark:8:34 @And having called near the multitude, with his disciples, he said to them, 'Whoever doth will to come after me -- let him disown himself, and take up his cross, and follow me;

ylt@Mark:9:3 @and his garments became glittering, white exceedingly, as snow, so as a fuller upon the earth is not able to whiten [them].

ylt@Mark:9:4 @And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.

ylt@Mark:9:7 @And there came a cloud overshadowing them, and there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, 'This is My Son -- the Beloved, hear ye him;'

ylt@Mark:9:15 @and immediately, all the multitude having seen him, were amazed, and running near, were saluting him.

ylt@Mark:9:18 @and wherever it doth seize him, it doth tear him, and he foameth, and gnasheth his teeth, and pineth away; and I spake to thy disciples that they may cast it out, and they were not able.'

ylt@Mark:9:20 @and they brought him unto him, and he having seen him, immediately the spirit tare him, and he, having fallen upon the earth, was wallowing -- foaming.

ylt@Mark:9:24 @and immediately the father of the child, having cried out, with tears said, 'I believe, sir; be helping mine unbelief.'

ylt@Mark:10:2 @And the Pharisees, having come near, questioned him, if it is lawful for a husband to put away a wife, tempting him,

ylt@Mark:10:5 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'For the stiffness of your heart he wrote you this command,

ylt@Mark:10:19 @the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

ylt@Mark:10:35 @And there come near to him James and John, the sons of Zebedee, saying, 'Teacher, we wish that whatever we may ask for ourselves, thou mayest do for us;'

ylt@Mark:10:41 @And the ten having heard, began to be much displeased at James and John,

ylt@Mark:10:42 @but Jesus having called them near, saith to them, 'Ye have known that they who are considered to rule the nations do exercise lordship over them, and their great ones do exercise authority upon them;

ylt@Mark:10:47 @and having heard that it is Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, and to say, 'The Son of David -- Jesus! deal kindly with me;'

ylt@Mark:11:14 @and Jesus answering said to it, 'No more from thee -- to the age -- may any eat fruit;' and his disciples were hearing.

ylt@Mark:11:16 @and he did not suffer that any might bear a vessel through the temple,

ylt@Mark:11:18 @And the scribes and the chief priests heard, and they were seeking how they shall destroy him, for they were afraid of him, because all the multitude was astonished at his teaching;

ylt@Mark:11:23 @for verily I say to you, that whoever may say to this mount, Be taken up, and be cast into the sea, and may not doubt in his heart, but may believe that the things that he saith do come to pass, it shall be to him whatever he may say.

ylt@Mark:11:32 @But if we may say, From men,' -- they were fearing the people, for all were holding John that he was indeed a prophet;

ylt@Mark:12:12 @And they were seeking to lay hold on him, and they feared the multitude, for they knew that against them he spake the simile, and having left him, they went away;

ylt@Mark:12:28 @And one of the scribes having come near, having heard them disputing, knowing that he answered them well, questioned him, 'Which is the first command of all?'

ylt@Mark:12:29 @and Jesus answered him -- 'The first of all the commands [is], Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one;

ylt@Mark:12:30 @and thou shalt love the Lord thy God out of all thy heart, and out of thy soul, and out of all thine understanding, and out of all thy strength -- this [is] the first command;

ylt@Mark:12:33 @and to love Him out of all the heart, and out of all the understanding, and out of all the soul, and out of all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as one's self, is more than all the whole burnt-offerings and the sacrifices.'

ylt@Mark:12:37 @therefore David himself saith of him Lord, and whence is he his son?' And the great multitude were hearing him gladly,

ylt@Mark:12:43 @And having called near his disciples, he saith to them, 'Verily I say to you, that this poor widow hath put in more than all those putting into the treasury;

ylt@Mark:13:7 @and when ye may hear of wars and reports of wars, be not troubled, for these behove to be, but the end [is] not yet;

ylt@Mark:13:8 @for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles; beginnings of sorrows [are] these.

ylt@Mark:13:27 @and then he shall send his messengers, and gather together his chosen from the four winds, from the end of the earth unto the end of heaven.

ylt@Mark:13:28 @'And from the fig-tree learn ye the simile: when the branch may already become tender, and may put forth the leaves, ye know that nigh is the summer;

ylt@Mark:13:31 @the heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

ylt@Mark:14:11 @and having heard, they were glad, and promised to give him money, and he was seeking how, conveniently, he might deliver him up.

ylt@Mark:14:13 @And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith to them, 'Go ye away to the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water, follow him;

ylt@Mark:14:35 @And having gone forward a little, he fell upon the earth, and was praying, that, if it be possible the hour may pass from him,

ylt@Mark:14:43 @And immediately -- while he is yet speaking -- cometh near Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude, with swords and sticks, from the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders;

ylt@Mark:14:45 @and having come, immediately, having gone near him, he saith, 'Rabbi, Rabbi,' and kissed him.

ylt@Mark:14:47 @and a certain one of those standing by, having drawn the sword, struck the servant of the chief priest, and took off his ear.

ylt@Mark:14:54 @and Peter afar off did follow him, to the inside of the hall of the chief priest, and he was sitting with the officers, and warming himself near the fire.

ylt@Mark:14:56 @for many were bearing false testimony against him, and their testimonies were not alike.

ylt@Mark:14:57 @And certain having risen up, were bearing false testimony against him, saying --

ylt@Mark:14:58 @'We heard him saying -- I will throw down this sanctuary made with hands, and by three days, another made without hands I will build;'

ylt@Mark:14:64 @Ye heard the evil speaking, what appeareth to you?' and they all condemned him to be worthy of death,

ylt@Mark:14:69 @And the maid having seen him again, began to say to those standing near -- 'This is of them;'

ylt@Mark:14:70 @and he was again denying. And after a little again, those standing near said to Peter, 'Truly thou art of them, for thou also art a Galilean, and thy speech is alike;'

ylt@Mark:14:71 @and he began to anathematize, and to swear -- 'I have not known this man of whom ye speak;'

ylt@Mark:15:21 @And they impress a certain one passing by -- Simon, a Cyrenian, coming from the field, the father of Alexander and Rufus -- that he may bear his cross,

ylt@Mark:15:35 @And certain of those standing by, having heard, said, 'Lo, Elijah he doth call;'

ylt@Mark:15:44 @And Pilate wondered if he were already dead, and having called near the centurion, did question him if he were long dead,

ylt@Mark:16:2 @and early in the morning of the first of the sabbaths, they come unto the sepulchre, at the rising of the sun,

ylt@Mark:16:9 @And he, having risen in the morning of the first of the sabbaths, did appear first to Mary the Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven demons;

ylt@Mark:16:11 @and they, having heard that he is alive, and was seen by her, did not believe.

ylt@Mark:16:14 @Afterwards, as they are reclining (at meat), he was manifested to the eleven, and did reproach their unbelief and stiffness of heart, because they believed not those having seen him being raised;

ylt@Luke:1:11 @And there appeared to him a messenger of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of the perfume,

ylt@Luke:1:12 @and Zacharias, having seen, was troubled, and fear fell on him;

ylt@Luke:1:13 @and the messenger said unto him, 'Fear not, Zacharias, for thy supplication was heard, and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear a son to thee, and thou shalt call his name John,

ylt@Luke:1:17 @and he shall go before Him, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn hearts of fathers unto children, and disobedient ones to the wisdom of righteous ones, to make ready for the Lord, a people prepared.'

ylt@Luke:1:19 @And the messenger answering said to him, 'I am Gabriel, who have been standing near before God, and I was sent to speak unto thee, and to proclaim these good news to thee,

ylt@Luke:1:30 @And the messenger said to her, 'Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favour with God;

ylt@Luke:1:41 @And it came to pass, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe did leap in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,

ylt@Luke:1:44 @for, lo, when the voice of thy salutation came to my ears, leap in gladness did the babe in my womb;

ylt@Luke:1:50 @And His kindness [is] to generations of generations, To those fearing Him,

ylt@Luke:1:51 @He did powerfully with His arm, He scattered abroad the proud in the thought of their heart,

ylt@Luke:1:58 @and the neighbours and her kindred heard that the Lord was making His kindness great with her, and they were rejoicing with her.

ylt@Luke:1:65 @And fear came upon all those dwelling around them, and in all the hill-country of Judea were all these sayings spoken of,

ylt@Luke:1:66 @and all who heard did lay them up in their hearts, saying, 'What then shall this child be?' and the hand of the Lord was with him.

ylt@Luke:1:74 @To give to us, without fear, Out of the hand of our enemies having been delivered,

ylt@Luke:2:9 @and lo, a messenger of the Lord stood over them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared a great fear.

ylt@Luke:2:10 @And the messenger said to them, 'Fear not, for lo, I bring you good news of great joy, that shall be to all the people --

ylt@Luke:2:14 @'Glory in the highest to God, and upon earth peace, among men -- good will.'

ylt@Luke:2:18 @And all who heard, did wonder concerning the things spoken by the shepherds unto them;

ylt@Luke:2:19 @and Mary was preserving all these things, pondering in her heart;

ylt@Luke:2:20 @and the shepherds turned back, glorifying and praising God, for all those things they heard and saw, as it was spoken unto them.

ylt@Luke:2:35 @(and also thine own soul shall a sword pass through) -- that the reasonings of many hearts may be revealed.'

ylt@Luke:2:36 @And there was Anna, a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, she was much advanced in days, having lived with an husband seven years from her virginity,

ylt@Luke:2:37 @and she [is] a widow of about eighty-four years, who did depart not from the temple, with fasts and supplications serving, night and day,

ylt@Luke:2:41 @And his parents were going yearly to Jerusalem, at the feast of the passover,

ylt@Luke:2:42 @and when he became twelve years old, they having gone up to Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast,

ylt@Luke:2:46 @And it came to pass, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing them and questioning them,

ylt@Luke:2:47 @and all those hearing him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

ylt@Luke:2:51 @and he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and he was subject to them, and his mother was keeping all these sayings in her heart,

ylt@Luke:3:1 @And in the fifteenth year of the government of Tiberius Caesar -- Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his brother, tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene --

ylt@Luke:3:15 @And the people are looking forward, and all are reasoning in their hearts concerning John, whether or not he may be the Christ;

ylt@Luke:3:22 @and the Holy Spirit came down in a bodily appearance, as if a dove, upon him, and a voice came out of heaven, saying, 'Thou art My Son -- the Beloved, in thee I did delight.'

ylt@Luke:3:23 @And Jesus himself was beginning to be about thirty years of age, being, as was supposed, son of Joseph,

ylt@Luke:4:11 @and -- On hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou mayest dash against a stone thy foot.'

ylt@Luke:4:18 @'The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, Because He did anoint me; To proclaim good news to the poor, Sent me to heal the broken of heart, To proclaim to captives deliverance, And to blind receiving of sight, To send away the bruised with deliverance,

ylt@Luke:4:19 @To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.'

ylt@Luke:4:21 @And he began to say unto them -- 'To-day hath this writing been fulfilled in your ears;'

ylt@Luke:4:22 @and all were bearing testimony to him, and were wondering at the gracious words that are coming forth out of his mouth, and they said, 'Is not this the son of Joseph?'

ylt@Luke:4:23 @And he said unto them, 'Certainly ye will say to me this simile, Physician, heal thyself; as great things as we heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country;'

ylt@Luke:4:25 @and of a truth I say to you, Many widows were in the days of Elijah, in Israel, when the heaven was shut for three years and six months, when great famine came on all the land,

ylt@Luke:4:28 @And all in the synagogue were filled with wrath, hearing these things,

ylt@Luke:5:1 @And it came to pass, in the multitude pressing on him to hear the word of God, that he was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret,

ylt@Luke:5:10 @and in like manner also James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon; and Jesus said unto Simon, 'Fear not, henceforth thou shalt be catching men;'

ylt@Luke:5:14 @And he charged him to tell no one, 'But, having gone away, shew thyself to the priest, and bring near for thy cleansing according as Moses directed, for a testimony to them;'

ylt@Luke:5:15 @but the more was the report going abroad concerning him, and great multitudes were coming together to hear, and to be healed by him of their infirmities,

ylt@Luke:5:18 @And lo, men bearing upon a couch a man, who hath been struck with palsy, and they were seeking to bring him in, and to place before him,

ylt@Luke:5:22 @And Jesus having known their reasonings, answering, said unto them, 'What reason ye in your hearts?

ylt@Luke:5:24 @'And that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority upon the earth to forgive sins -- (he said to the one struck with palsy) -- I say to thee, Arise, and having taken up thy little couch, be going on to thy house.'

ylt@Luke:5:26 @and astonishment took all, and they were glorifying God, and were filled with fear, saying -- 'We saw strange things to-day.'

ylt@Luke:6:1 @And it came to pass, on the second-first sabbath, as he is going through the corn fields, that his disciples were plucking the ears, and were eating, rubbing with the hands,

ylt@Luke:6:13 @and when it became day, he called near his disciples, and having chosen from them twelve, whom also he named apostles,

ylt@Luke:6:17 @and having come down with them, he stood upon a level spot, and a crowd of his disciples, and a great multitude of the people from all Judea, and Jerusalem, and the maritime Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him, and to be healed of their sicknesses,

ylt@Luke:6:27 @'But I say to you who are hearing, Love your enemies, do good to those hating you,

ylt@Luke:6:42 @or how art thou able to say to thy brother, Brother, suffer, I may take out the mote that [is] in thine eye -- thyself the beam in thine own eye not beholding? Hypocrite, take first the beam out of thine own eye, and then thou shalt see clearly to take out the mote that [is] in thy brother's eye.

ylt@Luke:6:45 @'The good man out of the good treasure of his heart doth bring forth that which [is] good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart doth bring forth that which [is] evil; for out of the abounding of the heart doth his mouth speak.

ylt@Luke:6:47 @Every one who is coming unto me, and is hearing my words, and is doing them, I will shew you to whom he is like;

ylt@Luke:6:49 @'And he who heard and did not, is like to a man having builded a house upon the earth, without a foundation, against which the stream brake forth, and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house became great.'

ylt@Luke:7:1 @And when he completed all his sayings in the ears of the people, he went into Capernaum;

ylt@Luke:7:3 @and having heard about Jesus, he sent unto him elders of the Jews, beseeching him, that having come he might thoroughly save his servant.

ylt@Luke:7:4 @And they, having come near unto Jesus, were calling upon him earnestly, saying -- 'He is worthy to whom thou shalt do this,

ylt@Luke:7:9 @And having heard these things Jesus wondered at him, and having turned to the multitude following him, he said, 'I say to you, not even in Israel so much faith did I find;'

ylt@Luke:7:14 @and having come near, he touched the bier, and those bearing [it] stood still, and he said, 'Young man, to thee I say, Arise;'

ylt@Luke:7:16 @and fear took hold of all, and they were glorifying God, saying -- 'A great prophet hath risen among us,' and -- 'God did look upon His people.'

ylt@Luke:7:19 @and John having called near a certain two of his disciples, sent unto Jesus, saying, 'Art thou he who is coming, or for another do we look?'

ylt@Luke:7:20 @And having come near to him, the men said, 'John the Baptist sent us unto thee, saying, Art thou he who is coming, or for another do we look?'

ylt@Luke:7:22 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'Having gone on, report to John what ye saw and heard, that blind men do see again, lame do walk, lepers are cleansed, deaf do hear, dead are raised, poor have good news proclaimed;

ylt@Luke:7:29 @And all the people having heard, and the tax-gatherers, declared God righteous, having been baptized with the baptism of John,

ylt@Luke:7:38 @and having stood behind, beside his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with the tears, and with the hairs of her head she was wiping, and was kissing his feet, and was anointing with the ointment.

ylt@Luke:7:44 @And having turned unto the woman, he said to Simon, 'Seest thou this woman? I entered into thy house; water for my feet thou didst not give, but this woman with tears did wet my feet, and with the hairs of her head did wipe;

ylt@Luke:8:8 @'And other fell upon the good ground, and having sprung up, it made fruit an hundred fold.' These things saying, he was calling, 'He having ears to hear -- let him hear.'

ylt@Luke:8:10 @And he said, 'To you it hath been given to know the secrets of the reign of God, and to the rest in similes; that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.

ylt@Luke:8:12 @and those beside the way are those hearing, then cometh the Devil, and taketh up the word from their heart, lest having believed, they may be saved.

ylt@Luke:8:13 @'And those upon the rock: They who, when they may hear, with joy do receive the word, and these have no root, who for a time believe, and in time of temptation fall away.

ylt@Luke:8:14 @'And that which fell to the thorns: These are they who have heard, and going forth, through anxieties, and riches, and pleasures of life, are choked, and bear not to completion.

ylt@Luke:8:15 @'And that in the good ground: These are they, who in an upright and good heart, having heard the word, do retain [it], and bear fruit in continuance.

ylt@Luke:8:18 @'See, therefore, how ye hear, for whoever may have, there shall be given to him, and whoever may not have, also what he seemeth to have, shall be taken from him.'

ylt@Luke:8:21 @and he answering said unto them, 'My mother and my brethren! they are those who the word of God are hearing, and doing.'

ylt@Luke:8:24 @And having come near, they awoke him, saying, 'Master, master, we perish;' and he, having arisen, rebuked the wind and the raging of the water, and they ceased, and there came a calm,

ylt@Luke:8:37 @And the whole multitude of the region of the Gadarenes round about asked him to go away from them, because with great fear they were pressed, and he having entered into the boat, did turn back.

ylt@Luke:8:42 @because he had an only daughter about twelve years [old], and she was dying. And in his going away, the multitudes were thronging him,

ylt@Luke:8:43 @and a woman, having an issue of blood for twelve years, who, having spent on physicians all her living, was not able to be healed by any,

ylt@Luke:8:44 @having come near behind, touched the fringe of his garment, and presently the issue of her blood stood.

ylt@Luke:8:50 @and Jesus having heard, answered him, saying, 'Be not afraid, only believe, and she shall be saved.'

ylt@Luke:9:7 @And Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things being done by him, and was perplexed, because it was said by certain, that John hath been raised out of the dead;

ylt@Luke:9:8 @and by certain, that Elijah did appear, and by others, that a prophet, one of the ancients, was risen;

ylt@Luke:9:9 @and Herod said, 'John I did behead, but who is this concerning whom I hear such things?' and he was seeking to see him.

ylt@Luke:9:12 @And the day began to decline, and the twelve having come near, said to him, 'Let away the multitude, that having gone to the villages and the fields round about, they may lodge and may find provision, because here we are in a desert place.'

ylt@Luke:9:29 @and it came to pass, in his praying, the appearance of his face became altered, and his garment white -- sparkling.

ylt@Luke:9:31 @who having appeared in glory, spake of his outgoing that he was about to fulfil in Jerusalem,

ylt@Luke:9:34 @and as he was speaking these things, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them, and they feared in their entering into the cloud,

ylt@Luke:9:35 @and a voice came out of the cloud saying, 'This is My Son -- the Beloved; hear ye him;'

ylt@Luke:9:39 @and lo, a spirit doth take him, and suddenly he doth cry out, and it teareth him, with foaming, and it hardly departeth from him, bruising him,

ylt@Luke:9:41 @And Jesus answering said, 'O generation, unstedfast and perverse, till when shall I be with you, and suffer you? bring near hither thy son;'

ylt@Luke:9:42 @and as he is yet coming near, the demon rent him, and tore [him] sore, and Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the youth, and gave him back to his father.

ylt@Luke:9:44 @'Lay ye to your ears these words, for the Son of Man is about to be delivered up to the hands of men.'

ylt@Luke:9:47 @and Jesus having seen the reasoning of their heart, having taken hold of a child, set him beside himself,

ylt@Luke:10:16 @'He who is hearing you, doth hear me; and he who is putting you away, doth put me away; and he who is putting me away, doth put away Him who sent me.'

ylt@Luke:10:21 @In that hour was Jesus glad in the Spirit, and said, 'I do confess to thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that Thou didst hide these things from wise men and understanding, and didst reveal them to babes; yes, Father, because so it became good pleasure before Thee.

ylt@Luke:10:24 @for I say to you, that many prophets and kings did wish to see what ye perceive, and did not see, and to hear what ye hear, and did not hear.'

ylt@Luke:10:27 @And he answering said, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God out of all thy heart, and out of all thy soul, and out of all thy strength, and out of all thy understanding, and thy neighbour as thyself.'

ylt@Luke:10:34 @and having come near, he bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine, and having lifted him up on his own beast, he brought him to an inn, and was careful of him;

ylt@Luke:10:39 @and she had also a sister, called Mary, who also, having seated herself beside the feet of Jesus, was hearing the word,

ylt@Luke:11:2 @And he said to them, 'When ye may pray, say ye: Our Father who art in the heavens; hallowed be Thy name: Thy reign come; Thy will come to pass, as in heaven also on earth;

ylt@Luke:11:28 @And he said, 'Yea, rather, happy those hearing the word of God, and keeping [it]!'

ylt@Luke:11:31 @'A queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and shall condemn them, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and lo, greater than Solomon here!

ylt@Luke:11:53 @And in his speaking these things unto them, the scribes and the Pharisees began fearfully to urge and to press him to speak about many things,

ylt@Luke:12:3 @because whatever in the darkness ye said, in the light shall be heard: and what to the ear ye spake in the inner-chambers, shall be proclaimed upon the house-tops.

ylt@Luke:12:5 @but I will show to you, whom ye may fear; Fear him who, after the killing, is having authority to cast to the gehenna; yes, I say to you, Fear ye Him.

ylt@Luke:12:7 @but even the hairs of your head have been all numbered; therefore fear ye not, than many sparrows ye are of more value.

ylt@Luke:12:19 @and I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast many good things laid up for many years, be resting, eat, drink, be merry.

ylt@Luke:12:32 @'Fear not, little flock, because your Father did delight to give you the reign;

ylt@Luke:12:33 @sell your goods, and give alms, make to yourselves bags that become not old, a treasure unfailing in the heavens, where thief doth not come near, nor moth destroy;

ylt@Luke:12:34 @for where your treasure is, there also your heart will be.

ylt@Luke:12:37 @'Happy those servants, whom the lord, having come, shall find watching; verily I say to you, that he will gird himself, and will cause them to recline (at meat), and having come near, will minister to them;

ylt@Luke:12:45 @'And if that servant may say in his heart, My lord doth delay to come, and may begin to beat the men-servants and the maid-servants, to eat also, and to drink, and to be drunken;

ylt@Luke:12:49 @'Fire I came to cast to the earth, and what will I if already it was kindled?

ylt@Luke:12:51 @'Think ye that peace I came to give in the earth? no, I say to you, but rather division;

ylt@Luke:12:56 @hypocrites! the face of the earth and of the heaven ye have known to make proof of, but this time -- how do ye not make proof of [it]?

ylt@Luke:13:7 @and he said unto the vine-dresser, Lo, three years I come seeking fruit in this fig-tree, and do not find, cut it off, why also the ground doth it render useless?

ylt@Luke:13:8 @'And he answering saith to him, Sir, suffer it also this year, till that I may dig about it, and cast in dung;

ylt@Luke:13:9 @and if indeed it may bear fruit --; and if not so, thereafter thou shalt cut it off.'

ylt@Luke:13:11 @and lo, there was a woman having a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and she was bowed together, and not able to bend back at all,

ylt@Luke:13:12 @and Jesus having seen her, did call [her] near, and said to her, 'Woman, thou hast been loosed from thy infirmity;'

ylt@Luke:13:16 @and this one, being a daughter of Abraham, whom the Adversary bound, lo, eighteen years, did it not behove to be loosed from this bond on the sabbath-day?'

ylt@Luke:13:31 @On that day there came near certain Pharisees, saying to him, 'Go forth, and be going on hence, for Herod doth wish to kill thee;'

ylt@Luke:14:15 @And one of those reclining with him, having heard these things, said to him, 'Happy [is] he who shall eat bread in the reign of God;'

ylt@Luke:14:27 @and whoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, is not able to be my disciple.

ylt@Luke:14:35 @neither for land nor for manure is it fit -- they cast it without. He who is having ears to hear -- let him hear.'

ylt@Luke:15:1 @And all the tax-gatherers and the sinners were coming nigh to him, to hear him,

ylt@Luke:15:25 @'And his elder son was in a field, and as, coming, he drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing,

ylt@Luke:15:26 @and having called near one of the young men, he was inquiring what these things might be,

ylt@Luke:15:29 @and he answering said to the father, Lo, so many years I do serve thee, and never thy command did I transgress, and to me thou didst never give a kid, that with my friends I might make merry;

ylt@Luke:16:2 @and having called him, he said to him, What [is] this I hear about thee? render the account of thy stewardship, for thou mayest not any longer be steward.

ylt@Luke:16:5 @'And having called near each one of his lord's debtors, he said to the first, How much dost thou owe to my lord?

ylt@Luke:16:14 @And also the Pharisees, being lovers of money, were hearing all these things, and were deriding him,

ylt@Luke:16:15 @and he said to them, 'Ye are those declaring yourselves righteous before men, but God doth know your hearts; because that which among men is high, [is] abomination before God;

ylt@Luke:16:17 @and it is easier to the heaven and the earth to pass away, than of the law one tittle to fall.

ylt@Luke:16:29 @'Abraham saith to him, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them;

ylt@Luke:16:31 @And he said to him, If Moses and the prophets they do not hear, neither if one may rise out of the dead will they be persuaded.'

ylt@Luke:17:7 @'But, who is he of you -- having a servant ploughing or feeding -- who, to him having come in out of the field, will say, Having come near, recline at meat?

ylt@Luke:18:2 @saying, 'A certain judge was in a certain city -- God he is not fearing, and man he is not regarding --

ylt@Luke:18:4 @and he would not for a time, but after these things he said in himself, Even if God I do not fear, and man do not regard,

ylt@Luke:18:6 @And the Lord said, 'Hear ye what the unrighteous judge saith:

ylt@Luke:18:7 @and shall not God execute the justice to His choice ones, who are crying unto Him day and night -- bearing long in regard to them?

ylt@Luke:18:8 @I say to you, that He will execute the justice to them quickly; but the Son of Man having come, shall he find the faith upon the earth?'

ylt@Luke:18:15 @And they were bringing near also the babes, that he may touch them, and the disciples having seen did rebuke them,

ylt@Luke:18:16 @and Jesus having called them near, said, 'Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the reign of God;

ylt@Luke:18:20 @the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother.'

ylt@Luke:18:22 @and having heard these things, Jesus said to him, 'Yet one thing to thee is lacking; all things -- as many as thou hast -- sell, and distribute to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, be following me;'

ylt@Luke:18:23 @and he, having heard these things, became very sorrowful, for he was exceeding rich.

ylt@Luke:18:26 @And those who heard, said, 'And who is able to be saved?'

ylt@Luke:18:36 @and having heard a multitude going by, he was inquiring what this may be,

ylt@Luke:19:11 @And while they are hearing these things, having added he spake a simile, because of his being nigh to Jerusalem, and of their thinking that the reign of God is about presently to be made manifest.

ylt@Luke:19:16 @'And the first came near, saying, Sir, thy pound did gain ten pounds;

ylt@Luke:19:48 @and they were not finding what they shall do, for all the people were hanging on him, hearing him.

ylt@Luke:20:16 @He will come, and destroy these husbandmen, and will give the vineyard to others.' And having heard, they said, 'Let it not be!'

ylt@Luke:20:19 @And the chief priests and the scribes sought to lay hands on him in that hour, and they feared the people, for they knew that against them he spake this simile.

ylt@Luke:20:27 @And certain of the Sadducees, who are denying that there is a rising again, having come near, questioned him,

ylt@Luke:20:45 @And, all the people hearing, he said to his disciples,

ylt@Luke:21:9 @and when ye may hear of wars and uprisings, be not terrified, for it behoveth these things to happen first, but the end [is] not immediately.'

ylt@Luke:21:11 @great shakings also in every place, and famines, and pestilences, there shall be; fearful things also, and great signs from heaven there shall be;

ylt@Luke:21:14 @'Settle, then, to your hearts, not to meditate beforehand to reply,

ylt@Luke:21:26 @men fainting at heart from fear, and expectation of the things coming on the world, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

ylt@Luke:21:31 @so also ye, when ye may see these things happening, ye know that near is the reign of God;

ylt@Luke:21:33 @the heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words may not pass away.

ylt@Luke:21:34 @'And take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts may be weighed down with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day may come on you,

ylt@Luke:21:38 @and all the people were coming early unto him in the temple to hear him.

ylt@Luke:22:10 @And he said to them, 'Lo, in your entering into the city, there shall meet you a man, bearing a pitcher of water, follow him to the house where he doth go in,

ylt@Luke:22:43 @And there appeared to him a messenger from heaven strengthening him;

ylt@Luke:22:44 @and having been in agony, he was more earnestly praying, and his sweat became, as it were, great drops of blood falling upon the ground.

ylt@Luke:22:50 @And a certain one of them smote the servant of the chief priest, and took off his right ear,

ylt@Luke:22:51 @and Jesus answering said, 'Suffer ye thus far,' and having touched his ear, he healed him.

ylt@Luke:22:56 @and a certain maid having seen him sitting at the light, and having earnestly looked at him, she said, 'And this one was with him!'

ylt@Luke:22:71 @and they said, 'What need yet have we of testimony? for we ourselves did hear [it] from his mouth.'

ylt@Luke:23:6 @And Pilate having heard of Galilee, questioned if the man is a Galilean,

ylt@Luke:23:8 @And Herod having seen Jesus did rejoice exceedingly, for he was wishing for a long [time] to see him, because of hearing many things about him, and he was hoping some sign to see done by him,

ylt@Luke:23:26 @And as they led him away, having taken hold on Simon, a certain Cyrenian, coming from the field, they put on him the cross, to bear [it] behind Jesus.

ylt@Luke:23:36 @And mocking him also were the soldiers, coming near and offering vinegar to him,

ylt@Luke:23:40 @And the other answering, was rebuking him, saying, 'Dost thou not even fear God, that thou art in the same judgment?

ylt@Luke:23:52 @he, having gone near to Pilate, asked the body of Jesus,

ylt@Luke:24:1 @And on the first of the sabbaths, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, bearing the spices they made ready, and certain [others] with them,

ylt@Luke:24:5 @and on their having become afraid, and having inclined the face to the earth, they said to them, 'Why do ye seek the living with the dead?

ylt@Luke:24:11 @and their sayings appeared before them as idle talk, and they were not believing them.

ylt@Luke:24:22 @'And certain women of ours also astonished us, coming early to the tomb,

ylt@Luke:24:25 @And he said unto them, 'O inconsiderate and slow in heart, to believe on all that the prophets spake!

ylt@Luke:24:28 @And they came nigh to the village whither they were going, and he made an appearance of going on further,

ylt@Luke:24:32 @And they said one to another, 'Was not our heart burning within us, as he was speaking to us in the way, and as he was opening up to us the Writings?'

ylt@Luke:24:38 @And he said to them, 'Why are ye troubled? and wherefore do reasonings come up in your hearts?

ylt@John:1:37 @and the two disciples heard him speaking, and they followed Jesus.

ylt@John:1:40 @Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard from John, and followed him;

ylt@John:2:8 @and he saith to them, 'Draw out, now, and bear to the director of the apartment;' and they bare.

ylt@John:2:20 @The Jews, therefore, said, 'Forty and six years was this sanctuary building, and wilt thou in three days raise it up?'

ylt@John:3:8 @the Spirit where he willeth doth blow, and his voice thou dost hear, but thou hast not known whence he cometh, and whither he goeth; thus is every one who hath been born of the Spirit.'

ylt@John:3:12 @if the earthly things I said to you, and ye do not believe, how, if I shall say to you the heavenly things, will ye believe?

ylt@John:3:29 @he who is having the bride is bridegroom, and the friend of the bridegroom, who is standing and hearing him, with joy doth rejoice because of the voice of the bridegroom; this, then, my joy hath been fulfilled.

ylt@John:3:31 @he who from above is coming is above all; he who is from the earth, from the earth he is, and from the earth he speaketh; he who from the heaven is coming is above all.

ylt@John:3:32 @'And what he hath seen and heard this he doth testify, and his testimony none receiveth;

ylt@John:4:1 @When therefore the Lord knew that the Pharisees heard that Jesus more disciples doth make and baptize than John,

ylt@John:4:5 @He cometh, therefore, to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near to the place that Jacob gave to Joseph his son;

ylt@John:4:6 @and there was there a well of Jacob. Jesus therefore having been weary from the journeying, was sitting thus on the well; it was as it were the sixth hour;

ylt@John:4:42 @and said to the woman -- 'No more because of thy speaking do we believe; for we ourselves have heard and known that this is truly the Saviour of the world -- the Christ.'

ylt@John:4:47 @he, having heard that Jesus is come out of Judea to Galilee, went away unto him, and was asking him that he may come down and may heal his son, for he was about to die.

ylt@John:5:5 @and there was a certain man there being in ailment thirty and eight years,

ylt@John:5:24 @'Verily, verily, I say to you -- He who is hearing my word, and is believing Him who sent me, hath life age-during, and to judgment he doth not come, but hath passed out of the death to the life.

ylt@John:5:25 @'Verily, verily, I say to you -- There cometh an hour, and it now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and those having heard shall live;

ylt@John:5:28 @'Wonder not at this, because there doth come an hour in which all those in the tombs shall hear his voice,

ylt@John:5:30 @'I am not able of myself to do anything; according as I hear I judge, and my judgment is righteous, because I seek not my own will, but the will of the Father who sent me.

ylt@John:5:37 @'And the Father who sent me Himself hath testified concerning me; ye have neither heard His voice at any time, nor His appearance have ye seen;

ylt@John:5:39 @'Ye search the Writings, because ye think in them to have life age-during, and these are they that are testifying concerning me;

ylt@John:6:45 @it is having been written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God; every one therefore who heard from the Father, and learned, cometh to me;

ylt@John:6:60 @many, therefore, of his disciples having heard, said, 'This word is hard; who is able to hear it?'

ylt@John:7:13 @no one, however, was speaking freely about him, through fear of the Jews.

ylt@John:7:15 @and the Jews were wondering, saying, 'How hath this one known letters -- not having learned?'

ylt@John:7:24 @judge not according to appearance, but the righteous judgment judge.'

ylt@John:7:32 @The Pharisees heard the multitude murmuring these things concerning him, and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers that they may take him;

ylt@John:7:40 @Many, therefore out of the multitude, having heard the word, said, 'This is truly the Prophet;'

ylt@John:7:51 @'Doth our law judge the man, if it may not hear from him first, and know what he doth?'

ylt@John:7:52 @They answered and said to him, 'Art thou also out of Galilee? search and see, that a prophet out of Galilee hath not risen;'

ylt@John:8:9 @and they having heard, and by the conscience being convicted, were going forth one by one, having begun from the elders -- unto the last; and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

ylt@John:8:26 @many things I have to speak concerning you and to judge, but He who sent me is true, and I -- what things I heard from Him -- these I say to the world.'

ylt@John:8:40 @and now, ye seek to kill me -- a man who hath spoken to you the truth I heard from God; this Abraham did not;

ylt@John:8:43 @wherefore do ye not know my speech? because ye are not able to hear my word.

ylt@John:8:47 @he who is of God, the sayings of God he doth hear; because of this ye do not hear, because of God ye are not.'

ylt@John:8:57 @The Jews, therefore, said unto him, 'Thou art not yet fifty years old, and Abraham hast thou seen?'

ylt@John:9:27 @He answered them, 'I told you already, and ye did not hear; why again do ye wish to hear? do ye also wish to become his disciples?'

ylt@John:9:31 @and we have known that God doth not hear sinners, but, if any one may be a worshipper of God, and may do His will, him He doth hear;

ylt@John:9:32 @from the age it was not heard, that any one did open eyes of one who hath been born blind;

ylt@John:9:35 @Jesus heard that they cast him forth without, and having found him, he said to him, 'Dost thou believe in the Son of God?'

ylt@John:9:40 @And those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things, and they said to him, 'Are we also blind?'

ylt@John:10:3 @to this one the doorkeeper doth open, and the sheep hear his voice, and his own sheep he doth call by name, and doth lead them forth;

ylt@John:10:8 @all, as many as came before me, are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them;

ylt@John:10:16 @and other sheep I have that are not of this fold, these also it behoveth me to bring, and my voice they will hear, and there shall become one flock -- one shepherd.

ylt@John:10:20 @and many of them said, 'He hath a demon, and is mad, why do ye hear him?'

ylt@John:10:27 @according as I said to you: My sheep my voice do hear, and I know them, and they follow me,

ylt@John:11:4 @and Jesus having heard, said, 'This ailment is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.'

ylt@John:11:6 @when, therefore, he heard that he is ailing, then indeed he remained in the place in which he was two days,

ylt@John:11:20 @Martha, therefore, when she heard that Jesus doth come, met him, and Mary kept sitting in the house.

ylt@John:11:29 @she, when she heard, riseth up quickly, and doth come to him;

ylt@John:11:41 @They took away, therefore, the stone where the dead was laid, and Jesus lifted his eyes upwards, and said, 'Father, I thank Thee, that Thou didst hear me;

ylt@John:11:42 @and I knew that Thou always dost hear me, but, because of the multitude that is standing by, I said [it], that they may believe that Thou didst send me.'

ylt@John:11:49 @and a certain one of them, Caiaphas, being chief priest of that year, said to them, 'Ye have not known anything,

ylt@John:11:51 @And this he said not of himself, but being chief priest of that year, he did prophesy that Jesus was about to die for the nation,

ylt@John:11:56 @they were seeking, therefore, Jesus, and said one with another, standing in the temple, 'What doth appear to you -- that he may not come to the feast?'

ylt@John:12:12 @On the morrow, a great multitude that came to the feast, having heard that Jesus doth come to Jerusalem,

ylt@John:12:15 @'Fear not, daughter of Sion, lo, thy king doth come, sitting on an ass' colt.'

ylt@John:12:18 @because of this also did the multitude meet him, because they heard of his having done this sign,

ylt@John:12:21 @these then came near to Philip, who [is] from Bethsaida of Galilee, and were asking him, saying, 'Sir, we wish to see Jesus;'

ylt@John:12:24 @verily, verily, I say to you, if the grain of the wheat, having fallen to the earth, may not die, itself remaineth alone; and if it may die, it doth bear much fruit;

ylt@John:12:29 @the multitude, therefore, having stood and heard, were saying that there hath been thunder; others said, 'A messenger hath spoken to him.'

ylt@John:12:32 @and I, if I may be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself.'

ylt@John:12:34 @the multitude answered him, 'We heard out of the law that the Christ doth remain -- to the age; and how dost thou say, That it behoveth the Son of Man to be lifted up? who is this -- the Son of Man?'

ylt@John:12:40 @'He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they might not see with the eyes, and understand with the heart, and turn back, and I might heal them;'

ylt@John:12:47 @and if any one may hear my sayings, and not believe, I -- I do not judge him, for I came not that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.

ylt@John:13:2 @And supper being come, the devil already having put [it] into the heart of Judas of Simon, Iscariot, that he may deliver him up,

ylt@John:14:1 @'Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, also in me believe;

ylt@John:14:24 @he who is not loving me, my words doth not keep; and the word that ye hear is not mine, but the Father's who sent me.

ylt@John:14:27 @'Peace I leave to you; my peace I give to you, not according as the world doth give do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid;

ylt@John:14:28 @ye heard that I said to you -- I go away, and I come unto you; if ye did love me, ye would have rejoiced that I said -- I go on to the Father, because my Father is greater than I.

ylt@John:15:2 @every branch in me not bearing fruit, He doth take it away, and every one bearing fruit, He doth cleanse by pruning it, that it may bear more fruit;

ylt@John:15:4 @remain in me, and I in you, as the branch is not able to bear fruit of itself, if it may not remain in the vine, so neither ye, if ye may not remain in me.

ylt@John:15:5 @'I am the vine, ye the branches; he who is remaining in me, and I in him, this one doth bear much fruit, because apart from me ye are not able to do anything;

ylt@John:15:8 @'In this was my Father glorified, that ye may bear much fruit, and ye shall become my disciples.

ylt@John:15:15 @no more do I call you servants, because the servant hath not known what his lord doth, and you I have called friends, because all things that I heard from my Father, I did make known to you.

ylt@John:15:16 @'Ye did not choose out me, but I chose out you, and did appoint you, that ye might go away, and might bear fruit, and your fruit might remain, that whatever ye may ask of the Father in my name, He may give you.

ylt@John:16:6 @but because these things I have said to you, the sorrow hath filled your heart.

ylt@John:16:12 @'I have yet many things to say to you, but ye are not able to bear [them] now;

ylt@John:16:13 @and when He may come -- the Spirit of truth -- He will guide you to all the truth, for He will not speak from Himself, but as many things as He will hear He will speak, and the coming things He will tell you;

ylt@John:16:21 @'The woman, when she may bear, hath sorrow, because her hour did come, and when she may bear the child, no more doth she remember the anguish, because of the joy that a man was born to the world.

ylt@John:16:22 @'And ye, therefore, now, indeed, have sorrow; and again I will see you, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no one doth take from you,

ylt@John:17:4 @I did glorify Thee on the earth, the work I did finish that Thou hast given me, that I may do [it].

ylt@John:18:10 @Simon Peter, therefore, having a sword, drew it, and struck the chief priest's servant, and cut off his right ear -- and the name of the servant was Malchus --

ylt@John:18:13 @and they led him away to Annas first, for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was chief priest of that year,

ylt@John:18:21 @why me dost thou question? question those having heard what I spake to them; lo, these have known what I said.'

ylt@John:18:26 @One of the servants of the chief priest, being kinsman of him whose ear Peter cut off, saith, 'Did not I see thee in the garden with him?'

ylt@John:18:28 @They led, therefore, Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium, and it was early, and they themselves did not enter into the praetorium, that they might not be defiled, but that they might eat the passover;

ylt@John:18:37 @Pilate, therefore, said to him, 'Art thou then a king?' Jesus answered, 'Thou dost say [it]; because a king I am, I for this have been born, and for this I have come to the world, that I may testify to the truth; every one who is of the truth, doth hear my voice.'

ylt@John:19:5 @Jesus, therefore, came forth without, bearing the thorny crown and the purple garment; and he saith to them, 'Lo, the man!'

ylt@John:19:8 @When, therefore, Pilate heard this word, he was the more afraid,

ylt@John:19:13 @Pilate, therefore, having heard this word, brought Jesus without -- and he sat down upon the tribunal -- to a place called, 'Pavement,' and in Hebrew, Gabbatha;

ylt@John:19:17 @and bearing his cross, he went forth to the place called [Place] of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha;

ylt@John:19:34 @but one of the soldiers with a spear did pierce his side, and immediately there came forth blood and water;

ylt@John:19:38 @And after these things did Joseph of Arimathea -- being a disciple of Jesus, but concealed, through the fear of the Jews -- ask of Pilate, that he may take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave leave; he came, therefore, and took away the body of Jesus,

ylt@John:19:39 @and Nicodemus also came -- who came unto Jesus by night at the first -- bearing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, as it were, a hundred pounds.

ylt@John:20:1 @And on the first of the sabbaths, Mary the Magdalene doth come early (there being yet darkness) to the tomb, and she seeth the stone having been taken away out of the tomb,

ylt@John:20:11 @and Mary was standing near the tomb, weeping without; as she was weeping, then, she stooped down to the tomb, and beholdeth two messengers in white, sitting,

ylt@John:20:19 @It being, therefore, evening, on that day, the first of the sabbaths, and the doors having been shut where the disciples were assembled, through fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and saith to them, 'Peace to you;'

ylt@John:21:7 @That disciple, therefore, whom Jesus was loving saith to Peter, 'The Lord it is!' Simon Peter, therefore, having heard that it is the Lord, did gird on the outer coat, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea;

ylt@John:21:15 @When, therefore, they dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, 'Simon, [son] of Jonas, dost thou love me more than these?' he saith to him, 'Yes, Lord; thou hast known that I dearly love thee;' he saith to him, 'Feed my lambs.'

ylt@John:21:16 @He saith to him again, a second time, 'Simon, [son] of Jonas, dost thou love me?' he saith to him, 'Yes, Lord; thou hast known that I dearly love thee;' he saith to him, 'Tend my sheep.'

ylt@John:21:17 @He saith to him the third time, 'Simon, [son] of Jonas, dost thou dearly love me?' Peter was grieved that he said to him the third time, 'Dost thou dearly love me?' and he said to him, 'Lord, thou hast known all things; thou dost know that I dearly love thee.' Jesus saith to him, 'Feed my sheep;