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bwe@Matthew:3:16 @ After Jesus was baptised, he came up out of the water right away. The sky opened. He saw the Spirit of God coming down on him like a dove.

bwe@Matthew:5:13 @ You are like salt in the world. If salt has lost its taste, how can it be made salty again? Salt that has no taste is good for nothing. The only thing to do is to throw it out on the road.

bwe@Matthew:5:14 @ You are like light in the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden.

bwe@Matthew:6:5 @ When you talk to God, do not be like people who are not true to themselves. They like to stand and talk to God in the meeting houses and at the street corners, so that people will see them. I tell you the truth. They have their reward already.

bwe@Matthew:6:8 @ Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

bwe@Matthew:6:9 @ So talk to your God like this: "Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

bwe@Matthew:6:30 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is put on the fire. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Matthew:7:15 @ Take care. There are prophets who are not true. They come to you dressed like sheep, but inside they are like wolves, bad animals that kill sheep.

bwe@Matthew:7:16 @ You will know them by the things they do. People do not pick fruit like grapes from thistles. They do not pick fruit like figs from thorn trees.

bwe@Matthew:7:24 @ Everyone who hears what I say and obeys me will be like a man who has good sense. He built his house on a rock.

bwe@Matthew:7:26 @ But everyone who hears what I say and does not obey me, will be like a man who has no sense. He built his house on the sand.

bwe@Matthew:7:29 @ He taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach like their scribes.

bwe@Matthew:9:33 @ Jesus drove the bad spirit out of the man. Then he could talk. The people were very much surprised. They said, Nothing like this has ever been seen in the country of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:9:36 @ He saw the many people and was sorry for them. They were troubled and they could not help themselves. They were like sheep with no one to care for them.

bwe@Matthew:10:6 @ But go to the people of Israel. They are like lost sheep.

bwe@Matthew:10:16 @ I am sending you out amongst people. You will be like sheep amongst bad animals like wolves. So be wise like snakes, and harmless like doves.

bwe@Matthew:10:25 @ The one who learns should want to be like his teacher. And the servant should want to be like his master. If they say the master belongs to the devil, they will say it all the more about those who work for him.

bwe@Matthew:11:16 @ What shall I say that the people of today are like? They are like children who sit in the market. They call to the other children.

bwe@Matthew:11:25 @ Then Jesus said, Father, you are Lord of heaven and earth. I thank you because you have hidden these things from people who are wise and know many things. But you have shown them to people who are like children.

bwe@Matthew:12:13 @ Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man held out his hand and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Matthew:13:19 @ People listen to the message about the kingdom of heaven. If anyone does not understand it, the devil comes along and takes the message out of his heart. That person is like the seed which fell on the road.

bwe@Matthew:13:20 @ Some seed fell on the stony ground. That is like a person who hears the message and right away he is glad to hear it.

bwe@Matthew:13:22 @ Some seed fell among the weeds. That is like the person who hears the message. But he thinks about the things of this world. He wants to get money to be happy. These things push the message out of his heart. No good comes from it.

bwe@Matthew:13:23 @ Some seed fell on good ground. That is like a person who hears the message and understands it. Much good comes from it. Some people are like the seed that gave a hundred more seeds. Some people are like the seed that gave sixty. Some people are like the seed that gave thirty.

bwe@Matthew:13:24 @ Jesus told the people another story. He said, The kingdom of heaven is like this. A man sowed good seed in his field.

bwe@Matthew:13:31 @ Jesus told the people another story. He said, The kingdom of heaven is like this. A man took a mustard seed and planted it in his field.

bwe@Matthew:13:32 @ A mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds. But the plant that grows from it is bigger than other plants. It is like a tree. It is so big that birds come and live in the branches.

bwe@Matthew:13:33 @ Jesus told them another story. He said, The kingdom of heaven is like this. A woman took yeast and mixed it with many cups of flour. The yeast went all through the flour.

bwe@Matthew:13:43 @ Then the people who are right with God will shine like the sun in their Fathers kingdom. Everyone who has ears, listen.

bwe@Matthew:13:44 @ The kingdom of heaven is like this. Something worth a lot of money is buried in a field. A man found it and covered it again. He was so glad that he went and sold everything he had. Then he bought that field.

bwe@Matthew:13:45 @ The kingdom of heaven is like this. A trader was looking for fine stones called pearls.

bwe@Matthew:13:47 @ The kingdom of heaven is like this. A fish net was thrown into the sea. It caught all kinds of fish.

bwe@Matthew:13:52 @ Then Jesus said to them, So anyone who knows the law and has learned about the kingdom of heaven, is like the headman of a house. He can bring both new things and old things out of what he has stored up.

bwe@Matthew:15:23 @ He said, I was sent only to the people of Israel. They are like lost sheep.

bwe@Matthew:16:27 @ The Son of Man will come with his angels and will be great like his Father. Then he will pay every man for what he has done.

bwe@Matthew:17:2 @ Jesus was changed in front of them. His face was bright like the sun. His clothes were white, like light.

bwe@Matthew:18:3 @ He said, I tell you the truth. If your hearts do not change and become like hearts of children, you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.

bwe@Matthew:18:4 @ So anyone who feels himself small like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

bwe@Matthew:18:5 @ If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me.

bwe@Matthew:18:23 @ In that way the kingdom of heaven is like this. A king was ready to finish his business with his servants.

bwe@Matthew:18:35 @ That is like what my Father in heaven will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.

bwe@Matthew:19:5 @ God said, "A man must leave his father and mother and must stay with his wife. The two of them will be like one person."

bwe@Matthew:19:10 @ The disciples said to him, If a man and woman are like that, then it is better not to marry.

bwe@Matthew:19:14 @ But Jesus said, Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them. The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like them.

bwe@Matthew:19:24 @ And I tell you this also. It is easier for a big animal like a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

bwe@Matthew:20:1 @ The kingdom of heaven is like this. A man owned a farm. Early in the morning he went out to look for men to work on his farm.

bwe@Matthew:20:15 @ It is my own money. Can I not do with it as I like? Do you think it is a wrong thing for me to be kind?"

bwe@Matthew:21:16 @ They asked Jesus, Do you hear what they are saying? Jesus answered, Yes. Have you never read this? "You like the praise of children and babies."

bwe@Matthew:22:2 @ He said, The kingdom of heaven is like this. A king made a wedding for his son.

bwe@Matthew:22:30 @ When people rise from death, men and women do not marry. But they are like angels in heaven.

bwe@Matthew:22:39 @ The second law of God is like it. "Love your neighbour as you love yourself."

bwe@Matthew:23:24 @ You blind leaders! You take a fly out of your cup, but you drink down a big animal like a camel!

bwe@Matthew:23:27 @ You scribes and Pharisees will have trouble. You who are not true to yourselves! You are like graves that have been painted white. Outside they look very nice. But inside they are full of dead mens bones and all kinds of dirt.

bwe@Matthew:24:27 @ When lightning shines in the east, it can be seen in the west. It will be like that when the Son of Man comes.

bwe@Matthew:24:39 @ The people did not know until much water came and killed them all. When the Son of Man comes, it will be like that.

bwe@Matthew:24:45 @ Who is like a wise servant who can be trusted? His master will put him in charge of his other servants. He gives them their food at the right time.

bwe@Matthew:25:1 @ Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten young women took their lamps and went to meet a man who was being married.

bwe@Matthew:25:14 @ The kingdom of heaven will be like the time a man went to a country far away. He called his servants and put them in charge of his money.

bwe@Matthew:25:31 @ The Son of Man will be great and will come with all his holy angels. Then he will sit on his throne like a king.

bwe@Matthew:25:32 @ All the nations will be gathered in front of him. He will put them in two groups like a man who takes care of sheep. He puts the sheep on one side of him and he puts the goats on the other side of him.

bwe@Matthew:25:33 @ The Son of Man will put people who are like the sheep at his right side. He will put people who are like the goats at his left side.

bwe@Matthew:26:8 @ When the disciples saw this, they were angry. They said, Why was the oil wasted like that?

bwe@Matthew:27:18 @ Pilate knew that the chief priests did not like Jesus. He knew that was why they had brought Jesus to him.

bwe@Matthew:27:29 @ They made a big ring of thorns like a crown and put it on his head. They put a stick in his right hand. Then they kneeled down in front of him and made fun of him. They shouted, Greetings, King of the Jews!

bwe@Matthew:28:3 @ His face shone like lightning. His clothes were as white as snow.

bwe@Matthew:28:4 @ The soldiers who were guarding the grave saw him and shook with fear. They fell down like dead men.

bwe@Mark:1:10 @ As soon as he came up out of the water, Jesus saw the sky open. He saw Gods Holy Spirit come down on him like a bird called a dove.

bwe@Mark:1:22 @ They were very much surprised at his teaching because he taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach them like their teachers called scribes.

bwe@Mark:2:12 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his mat and went home. They were all very much surprised, and they praised God. They said, We have never seen anything like this before.

bwe@Mark:3:5 @ Jesus was angry as he looked at them. And he was sad that their hearts were so hard. Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man did so, and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Mark:4:15 @ Those beside the road are like people who hear the message. But as soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes it out of their hearts

bwe@Mark:4:16 @ The seed that fell on the stony ground is the same. It is like people who hear the message and as soon as they hear it they are very glad.

bwe@Mark:4:18 @ The seed that fell among the weeds is like people who hear the message.

bwe@Mark:4:20 @ But some seed fell on good ground. That is like people who hear the message and understand it. Much good comes from it. Some people are like the seed that made thirty seeds. Some people are like the seed that gave sixty. Some people are like the seed that gave a hundred.

bwe@Mark:4:26 @ And Jesus said, The kingdom of God is like this. A man sows some seed in the ground.

bwe@Mark:4:30 @ And Jesus said, What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I say it is like?

bwe@Mark:4:31 @ It is like this. A mustard seed is the smallest seed that is ever planted in the earth.

bwe@Mark:4:33 @ Jesus told the people many stories like this. He told them as much of Gods words as they were able to understand.

bwe@Mark:6:15 @ Other people said, It is Elijah. Others said, He is a prophet like the prophets of God who lived long ago.

bwe@Mark:6:20 @ So Herodias hated John. She wanted to kill him. But she could not because Herod liked John. He knew that John did what was right and was a good man. So he kept John safe. When he heard John speak he was troubled in his heart, and yet he was glad to hear him.

bwe@Mark:6:34 @ When the boat got there, Jesus saw the many people. He was very sorry for them because they were like sheep with no one to care for them. He began to teach them many things.

bwe@Mark:7:8 @ You do not keep the law of God, but you keep the laws made by people. Those laws are about washing pots and cups. You do many other things like that also.

bwe@Mark:7:13 @ You make Gods law to mean nothing so that you can keep your own laws. You do many other things like that also.

bwe@Mark:8:24 @ The man looked up and said, I see men, but they look like trees that are walking.

bwe@Mark:8:37 @ What can a person give to get back his soul? People have gone away from God and are full of wrong ways. If anyone in this time is ashamed of me and the things I say, the Son of Man also will be ashamed of that person when he comes. The Son of Man will come with his holy angels, and be great like his Father.

bwe@Mark:9:3 @ His clothes were white like light. No person on earth could make them so white.

bwe@Mark:9:26 @ The bad spirit screamed and threw the boy around. Then it came out of him and left him like a dead person. Many of the people even said, The boy is dead.

bwe@Mark:9:37 @ If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me. If anyone takes in me, he takes in the One who sent me.

bwe@Mark:10:8 @ The two of them will be like one person. So they are not two people any more, but they are one person.

bwe@Mark:10:14 @ When Jesus saw what the disciples did, he did not like it. He said, Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them.

bwe@Mark:10:15 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone does not believe in the kingdom of God like a child, he will never go in.

bwe@Mark:12:25 @ When people rise from death, men and women do not marry. But they are like angels in heaven.

bwe@Mark:12:38 @ Jesus went on to teach them. He said, Take care. Do not let the scribes fool you by the way they do things. They like to walk about with long gowns. They want people to greet them in the market.

bwe@Mark:13:34 @ It is like a man who went to a country far away. He left his home and told each one of his servants what work he must do. Then he told the man who guards the door to watch.

bwe@Mark:14:4 @ Some people there were angry. They said, Why was this oil wasted like that?

bwe@Mark:15:10 @ He knew that the chief priests did not like Jesus. He knew that was why they brought Jesus to him.

bwe@Mark:15:17 @ They put a red gown on Jesus. They made a big ring of thorns like a crown and put it on his head.

bwe@Mark:16:12 @ After this, Jesus came to two disciples. He looked like a different person. They were walking out in the country.

bwe@Luke:1:59 @ On the eighth day people came to circumcise <FI>make a special mark on<Fi> the child. They were going to name him Zechariah like his father.

bwe@Luke:3:22 @ The Holy Spirit came down upon him like a dove. And a voice from the sky said, You are my dear Son. I am very pleased with you.

bwe@Luke:5:30 @ The Pharisees and their scribes did not like what Jesus disciples did. They said, Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and bad people?"

bwe@Luke:5:36 @ Jesus told them a short story. He said, No one takes a piece from a new coat and sews it on an old coat. If he does, the new coat will have a hole. And the new piece will not be like the old coat.

bwe@Luke:6:10 @ He looked around at them all. Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man did so and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Luke:6:36 @ So be kind like your Father.

bwe@Luke:6:40 @ The one who learns is not better than his teacher. But every one who learns will be like his teacher when his teacher has finished teaching him.

bwe@Luke:6:44 @ Every kind of tree is known by its fruit. People do not pick fruit like figs from thorn trees. And they do not pick grapes from bramble bushes.

bwe@Luke:6:47 @ A person comes to me. He hears what I say and obeys me. I will show you who he is like.

bwe@Luke:6:48 @ He is like a man who built a house. He dug down deep in the ground and made it stand on a rock. The water in the river came up high. The water beat hard against the house. But the house did not move, because it was built on a rock.

bwe@Luke:6:49 @ A man hears what I say but does not obey me. He is like a man who built his house on top of the ground. He did not dig down deep. The water beat hard against it and it fell with a loud noise!

bwe@Luke:7:31 @ Jesus asked, What will I say that the people of today are like? What are they like?

bwe@Luke:7:32 @ They are like children who sit in the market. They call to other children. They say, "We played music for you, but you did not dance. We cried, but you did not cry."

bwe@Luke:8:12 @ Some seeds fell on the road. They are like the people who hear the word of God. Then the devil comes and takes the word out of their hearts. He does not want them to believe and be saved.

bwe@Luke:8:13 @ Some seeds fell on the stones. They are like people who are glad when they hear the word. But it does not go down deep into their hearts. They believe for a short time. But when they have trouble they stop believing.

bwe@Luke:8:14 @ Some seeds fell among the weeds. They are like people who hear the word. But they think about the things of this world. They want to get money and things to be happy in this life. As they go on in life, these things push the message out of their hearts and no good comes from them.

bwe@Luke:8:15 @ Some seeds fell on good ground. They are like people who hear the word and remember it. Their hearts are honest and good. These people keep on believing, and much good comes from them.

bwe@Luke:9:26 @ If anyone is ashamed of me and the things I say, the Son of man will be ashamed of that person when he comes. The Son of man will come with his holy angels and be great like his Father.

bwe@Luke:9:48 @ Then he said, If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me. And if anyone takes in me, he takes in the one who sent me. The one who takes the least or lowest place among you is the greatest.

bwe@Luke:10:3 @ Go on your way now. I am sending you out among people. You will be like sheep among bad animals.

bwe@Luke:10:18 @ Jesus said to them, I saw Satan fall from the sky like lightning.

bwe@Luke:10:21 @ At that same time the Holy Spirit made Jesus very happy. Jesus said, Father, you are Lord of heaven and earth. I thank you because you have hidden these things from people who are wise and know many things. But you have shown them to people who are like children. Yes, Father. That was the way you wanted it.

bwe@Luke:11:36 @ If no part of your body is dark, it will all be light. It will be like a lamp that shines to give you light.

bwe@Luke:11:44 @ You will have trouble! You are not true to yourselves! You are like graves that are not marked. Men walk over them and do not know it.

bwe@Luke:12:26 @ If you cannot do a small thing like that, why do you trouble yourself about the other things?

bwe@Luke:12:28 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is burned. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Luke:12:33 @ Sell what you have and give it to poor people. Make for yourselves money bags that will not wear out. Keep the things you like in heaven. They will not be lost there. People cannot go in and steal them, and insects cannot spoil them.

bwe@Luke:12:34 @ The place where you keep the things you like is where your heart will be also.

bwe@Luke:12:36 @ Be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from a wedding. They are ready to open the door as soon as he comes and knocks.

bwe@Luke:12:42 @ The Lord said, Who is like a wise servant who can be trusted? His master will put him in charge of his other servants. He gives them food to eat at the right time.

bwe@Luke:12:50 @ I will be going through a big trouble, and I feel like a prisoner until it is all over.

bwe@Luke:13:18 @ He went on to say, What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I say it is like?

bwe@Luke:13:19 @ It is like this. A man took a mustard seed and planted it in his field. It grew up big like a tree. The birds came and lived in its branches.

bwe@Luke:13:20 @ Then Jesus said again, What else is the kingdom of God like?

bwe@Luke:13:21 @ It is like this. A woman took yeast and mixed it with many cups of flour. The yeast went all through the flour.

bwe@Luke:15:2 @ The Pharisees and scribes did not like it. And they said to each other, This man is glad to have bad people come. He eats with them.

bwe@Luke:15:7 @ I tell you, the angels in heaven will be glad like that when one bad person stops doing wrong things. The angels will be more glad about that one person than about ninety-nine good people who do not need to change their ways.

bwe@Luke:15:10 @ I tell you, the angels of God will be glad like that when one bad person stops doing wrong things.

bwe@Luke:15:19 @ I am not good enough now to be called your son. Let me be like one of these men who work for you."

bwe@Luke:15:21 @ The son said to him, "Father, I have been a bad son. I have done wrong to God in heaven and to you. I am not good enough now to be called your son. Let me be like one of these men who work for you."

bwe@Luke:16:8 @ Then the master praised the manager who did wrong. He praised him because he did what was wise. The people of this world are wiser than the people who have the Light. They know how to get along with people like themselves.

bwe@Luke:16:19 @ There was a rich man who dressed and lived like a king every day.

bwe@Luke:17:24 @ When lightning comes, it lights up the whole sky. It will be like that on the day when the Son of Man comes.

bwe@Luke:18:11 @ The Pharisee stood and said to himself, "God, I thank you that I am not like other men. They steal, cheat, and commit adultery. I thank you that I am not like this tax collector.

bwe@Luke:18:16 @ But Jesus called them to him and said, Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them. The kingdom of God belongs to people like them.

bwe@Luke:18:17 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone does not believe in the kingdom of God like a child, he will never go in.

bwe@Luke:18:25 @ It is easier for a big animal like a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

bwe@Luke:19:7 @ When all the people saw this, they did not like it. They said, He has gone to visit a bad man.

bwe@Luke:19:40 @ Jesus answered, I tell you, if they do not speak like this the stones will call out.

bwe@Luke:20:36 @ They cannot die again. They are like angels. They are Gods children because they have been raised from death.

bwe@Luke:20:46 @ He said, Take care. Do not let the scribes fool you. They like to walk about dressed in long gowns. They want people to greet them in the market. They want to have the front seats in the meeting houses. They want to sit in the best places at feasts.

bwe@Luke:21:25 @ There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And there will be much trouble for the people on earth. They will not know what to do. It will be like the sound of big waves of the sea.

bwe@Luke:21:34 @ But take care. Do not think too much about eating, drinking, and things in this life. If you do, that day will come and catch you like a trap.

bwe@Luke:22:26 @ But it must not be so among you. The one who is greatest among you must be like the most unimportant. And the leader must be like one who helps others.

bwe@Luke:22:27 @ Which man is greater, the man who sits at the table or the man who helps him? Is it not the man who sits at the table? But I am like the man who helps you.

bwe@Luke:22:31 @ Simon, Simon, listen! Satan has asked to have all of you. He wants to shake you like grain with the cleaning fan.

bwe@Luke:22:44 @ His heart was troubled very much. So he talked with God more than before. His sweat was like big drops of blood falling on the ground.

bwe@Luke:24:31 @ They said to each other, It was like a fire burning in our hearts when he talked to us on the road and told us the meaning of the holy writings!

bwe@John:1:32 @ John also said, I saw the Spirit coming from the sky. He came down on him like a dove. It stayed on him.

bwe@John:2:17 @ His disciples remembered that Gods word says, My love for your house is like a fire burning in me.

bwe@John:2:25 @ He knew what all people are like. He did not need anyone to tell him about any person, because he knew what was in a persons heart.

bwe@John:5:37 @ And my Father who sent me has himself talked about me. You have never heard him speak and you do not know what he is like.

bwe@John:6:41 @ The leaders of the Jews did not like Jesus to say, I am the bread that has come down from heaven.

bwe@John:6:58 @ This bread which came down from heaven is not like the bread that your fathers ate. They ate bread but they died. Anyone who eats this bread from heaven will live for ever.

bwe@John:6:61 @ But Jesus knew that his disciples did not like what he said. He asked, Is this hard for you?

bwe@John:7:46 @ The soldiers replied, No person has ever talked like he does!

bwe@John:8:37 @ I know that you come from Abraham. But you want to kill me because you do not like what I tell you.

bwe@John:9:9 @ Some people said, Yes, this is the same man. Others said, He is like that man. But the man himself said, I am that man.

bwe@John:9:33 @ If this man did not come from God, he could not do anything like this.

bwe@John:15:6 @ If any person is not in me, he is cut off like a branch and dies. People gather the dry branches and throw them into the fire to be burned.

bwe@John:18:37 @ So Pilate said, So you really are a king then? Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. The reason that I was born was that I should tell what is true. That is why I came into the world. Everyone who likes what is true listens to what I say.

bwe@John:19:2 @ The soldiers made a big ring of thorns like a crown and put it on Jesus head. They put a red gown on him.

bwe@John:21:15 @ After they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? He said, Yes, Lord. You know that I like you. I am your friend. Jesus said to him, Feed my lambs.

bwe@John:21:16 @ He asked him the second time, Simon, son of John, do you love me? Peter said, Yes, Lord. You know that I like you. I am your friend. Jesus said to him, Take care of my sheep.

bwe@John:21:17 @ Then he asked Peter the third time, Simon son of John, do you like me? Peter was sad because of the way Jesus asked him the third time. So he answered him, Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you as a close friend Jesus said to him, Feed my sheep.