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NT.filter - strkjv 5695:

strkjv@Matthew:1:21 @ And she shall bring forth (5695) a son, and thou shalt call (5692) his name JESUS: for he shall save (5692) his people from their sins.

strkjv@Matthew:1:23 @ Behold (5628), a virgin shall be with child (5692), and shall bring forth (5695) a son, and they shall call (5692) his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted (5746) is (5748), God with us.

strkjv@Matthew:2:6 @ And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art (5748) not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come (5695) a Governor (5740), that shall rule (5692) my people Israel.

strkjv@Matthew:4:4 @ But he answered (5679) and said (5627), It is written (5769), Man shall not live (5695) by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth (5740) out of the mouth of God.

strkjv@Matthew:5:8 @ Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see (5695) God.

strkjv@Matthew:6:24 @ No man can (5736) serve (5721) two masters: for either he will hate (5692) the one, and love (5692) the other; or else he will hold (5695) to the one, and despise (5692) the other. Ye cannot (5736) serve (5721) God and mammon.

strkjv@Matthew:7:16 @ Ye shall know (5695) them by their fruits . Do men gather (5719) grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

strkjv@Matthew:7:20 @ Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know (5695) them.

strkjv@Matthew:7:21 @ Not every one that saith (5723) unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter (5695) into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth (5723) the will of my Father which is in heaven.

strkjv@Matthew:9:15 @ And Jesus said (5627) unto them, Can (5736) the children of the bridechamber mourn (5721), as long as the bridegroom is (5748) with them? but the days will come (5695), when the bridegroom shall be taken (5686) from them, and then shall they fast (5692).

strkjv@Matthew:9:18 @ While he spake (5723) these things unto them, behold (5628), there came (5631) a certain ruler, and worshipped (5707) him, saying (5723), My daughter is even now dead (5656): but come (5631) and lay (5628) thy hand upon her, and she shall live (5695).

strkjv@Matthew:10:21 @ And the brother shall deliver up (5692) the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up (5695) against their parents, and cause them to be put to death (5692).

strkjv@Matthew:10:29 @ Are not two sparrows sold (5743) for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall (5695) on the ground without your Father.

strkjv@Matthew:10:33 @ But whosoever shall deny (5667) me before men, him will I also deny (5695) before my Father which is in heaven.

strkjv@Matthew:10:41 @ He that receiveth (5740) a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive (5695) a prophets reward; and he that receiveth (5695) a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive (5740) a righteous mans reward.

strkjv@Matthew:13:35 @ That it might be fulfilled (5686) which was spoken (5685) by the prophet, saying (5723), I will open (5692) my mouth in parables; I will utter (5695) things which have been kept secret (5772) from the foundation of the world.

strkjv@Matthew:13:49 @ So shall it be (5704) at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth (5695), and sever (5692) the wicked from among the just,

strkjv@Matthew:17:17 @ Then Jesus answered (5679) and said (5627), O faithless and perverse (5772) generation, how long shall I be (5704) with you? how long shall I suffer (5695) you? bring (5720) him hither to me.

strkjv@Matthew:17:20 @ And Jesus said (5627) unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say (5719) unto you, If ye have (5725) faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say (5692) unto this mountain, Remove (5628) hence to yonder place; and it shall remove (5695); and nothing shall be impossible (5692) unto you.

strkjv@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say (5719) unto you, That if two of you shall agree (5661) on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask (5672), it shall be done (5695) for them of my Father which is in heaven.

strkjv@Matthew:19:23 @ Then said (5627) Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say (5719) unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter (5695) into the kingdom of heaven.

strkjv@Matthew:19:28 @ And Jesus said (5627) unto them, Verily I say (5719) unto you, That ye which have followed (5660) me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit (5661) in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit (5695) upon twelve thrones, judging (5723) the twelve tribes of Israel.

strkjv@Matthew:19:29 @ And every one that hath forsaken (5656) houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my names sake, shall receive (5695) an hundredfold, and shall inherit (5692) everlasting life.

strkjv@Matthew:20:7 @ They say (5719) unto him, Because no man hath hired (5668) us. He saith (5719) unto them, Go (5720) ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is (5753) right, that shall ye receive (5695).

strkjv@Matthew:20:10 @ But when the first came (5631), they supposed (5656) that they should have received (5695) more; and they likewise received (5627) every man a penny.

strkjv@Matthew:20:23 @ And he saith (5719) unto them, Ye shall drink (5695) indeed of my cup, and be baptized (5743) with the baptism that I am baptized with (5701): but to sit (5658) on my right hand, and on my left, is (5748) not mine to give (5629), but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared (5769) of my Father.

strkjv@Matthew:21:21 @ Jesus answered (5679) and said (5627) unto them, Verily I say (5719) unto you, If ye have (5725) faith, and doubt (5686) not, ye shall not only do (5692) this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say (5632) unto this mountain, Be thou removed (5682), and be thou cast (5682) into the sea; it shall be done (5695).

strkjv@Matthew:21:22 @ And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask (5661) in prayer, believing (5723), ye shall receive (5695).

strkjv@Matthew:21:41 @ They say (5719) unto him, He will miserably destroy (5692) those wicked men, and will let out (5695) his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render (5692) him the fruits in their seasons.

strkjv@Matthew:23:14 @ Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour (5719) widows houses, and for a pretence make long prayer (5740): therefore ye shall receive (5695) the greater damnation.

strkjv@Matthew:24:5 @ For many shall come (5695) in my name, saying (5723), I am (5748) Christ; and shall deceive (5692) many.

strkjv@Matthew:24:30 @ And then shall appear (5691) the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn (5695), and they shall see (5695) the Son of man coming (5740) in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

strkjv@Matthew:24:35 @ Heaven and earth shall pass away (5695), but my words shall not pass away (5632).

strkjv@Matthew:25:46 @ And these shall go away (5695) into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

strkjv@Matthew:26:34 @ Jesus said (5713) unto him, Verily I say (5719) unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow (5658), thou shalt deny (5695) me thrice.

strkjv@Matthew:26:35 @ Peter said (5719) unto him, Though I should (5753) die (5629) with thee, yet will I not deny (5695) thee. Likewise also said (5627) all the disciples.

strkjv@Matthew:26:64 @ Jesus saith (5719) unto him, Thou hast said (5627): nevertheless I say (5719) unto you, Hereafter shall ye see (5695) the Son of man sitting (5740) on the right hand of power, and coming (5740) in the clouds of heaven.

strkjv@Matthew:26:75 @ And Peter remembered (5681) the word of Jesus, which said (5761) unto him, Before the cock crow (5658), thou shalt deny (5695) me thrice. And he went out, and (5631) wept (5656) bitterly.

strkjv@Matthew:27:4 @ Saying (5723), I have sinned (5627) in that I have betrayed (5631) the innocent blood. And they said (5627), What is that to us? see (5695) thou to that.

strkjv@Matthew:27:24 @ When Pilate saw (5631) that he could prevail (5719) nothing, but that rather a tumult was made (5736), he took (5631) water, and washed (5668) his hands before the multitude, saying (5723), I am (5748) innocent of the blood of this just person: see (5695) ye to it.

strkjv@Matthew:28:7 @ And go (5679) quickly, and tell (5628) his disciples that he is risen (5681) from the dead; and, behold (5628), he goeth before (5719) you into Galilee; there shall ye see (5695) him: lo (5628), I have told (5627) you.

strkjv@Matthew:28:10 @ Then said (5719) Jesus unto them, Be not afraid (5737): go (5632) tell (5657) my brethren that they go (5720) into Galilee, and there shall they see (5695) me.

strkjv@Mark:2:20 @ But the days will come (5695), when the bridegroom shall be taken away (5686) from them, and then shall they fast (5692) in those days.

strkjv@Mark:4:13 @ And he said (5719) unto them, Know ye (5758) not this parable? and how then will ye know (5695) all parables?

strkjv@Mark:5:23 @ And besought (5707) him greatly, saying (5723), My little daughter lieth at the point of death (5719): I pray thee, come (5631) and lay (5632) thy hands on her, that she may be healed (5686); and she shall live (5695).

strkjv@Mark:8:4 @ And his disciples answered (5662) him, From whence can (5695) a man satisfy (5658) these men with bread here in the wilderness?

strkjv@Mark:9:19 @ He answereth (5679) him, and saith (5719), O faithless generation, how long shall I be (5704) with you? how long shall I suffer (5695) you? bring (5720) him unto me.

strkjv@Mark:9:39 @ But Jesus said (5627), Forbid (5720) him not: for there is (5748) no man which shall do (5692) a miracle in my name, that can (5695) lightly speak evil (5658) of me.

strkjv@Mark:10:23 @ And Jesus looked round about (5671), and saith (5719) unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have (5723) riches enter (5695) into the kingdom of God!

strkjv@Mark:10:39 @ And they said (5627) unto him, We can (5736). And Jesus said (5627) unto them, Ye shall indeed drink (5719) of the cup that I drink of (5695); and with the baptism that I am baptized withal (5743) shall ye be baptized (5701):

strkjv@Mark:12:9 @ What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do (5692)? he will come (5695) and destroy (5692) the husbandmen, and will give (5692) the vineyard unto others.

strkjv@Mark:12:40 @ Which devour (5723) widows houses, and for a pretence make long prayers (5740): these shall receive (5695) greater damnation.

strkjv@Mark:13:6 @ For many shall come (5695) in my name, saying (5723), I am (5748) Christ; and shall deceive (5692) many.

strkjv@Mark:13:12 @ Now the brother shall betray (5692) the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up (5695) against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death (5692).

strkjv@Mark:13:26 @ And then shall they see (5695) the Son of man coming (5740) in the clouds with great power and glory.

strkjv@Mark:13:31 @ Heaven and earth shall pass away (5695): but my words shall not pass away (5632).

strkjv@Mark:14:30 @ And Jesus saith (5719) unto him, Verily I say (5719) unto thee, That this day, even in this night, before the cock crow (5658) twice, thou shalt deny (5695) me thrice.

strkjv@Mark:14:31 @ But he spake (5707) the more vehemently , If I should (5753) die with (5629) thee, I will not deny (5695) thee in any wise. Likewise also said they (5707) all.

strkjv@Mark:14:62 @ And Jesus said (5627), I am (5748): and ye shall see (5695) the Son of man sitting (5740) on the right hand of power, and coming (5740) in the clouds of heaven.

strkjv@Mark:14:72 @ And the second time the cock crew (5656). And Peter called to mind (5681) the word that Jesus said (5627) unto him, Before the cock crow (5658) twice, thou shalt deny (5695) me thrice. And when he thought thereon (5631), he wept (5707).

strkjv@Mark:16:7 @ But go your way (5720), tell (5628) his disciples and Peter that he goeth before (5719) you into Galilee: there shall ye see (5695) him, as he said (5627) unto you.

strkjv@Luke:1:17 @ And he shall go (5695) before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn (5658) the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready (5658) a people prepared (5772) for the Lord.

strkjv@Luke:1:18 @ And Zacharias said (5627) unto the angel, Whereby shall I know (5695) this? for I am (5748) an old man, and my wife well stricken (5761) in years .

strkjv@Luke:1:31 @ And, behold (5628), thou shalt conceive (5695) in thy womb, and bring forth (5695) a son, and shalt call (5692) his name JESUS.

strkjv@Luke:1:35 @ And the angel answered (5679) and said (5627) unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come (5695) upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow (5692) thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born (5746) of thee shall be called (5701) the Son of God.

strkjv@Luke:1:76 @ And thou, child, shalt be called (5701) the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go (5695) before the face of the Lord to prepare (5658) his ways;

strkjv@Luke:2:35 @ (Yea, a sword shall pierce through (5695) thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed (5686).

strkjv@Luke:3:6 @ And all flesh shall see (5695) the salvation of God.

strkjv@Luke:4:4 @ And Jesus answered (5662) him , saying (5723), It is written (5769), That man shall not live (5695) by bread alone, but by every word of God.

strkjv@Luke:5:35 @ But the days will come (5695), when the bridegroom shall be taken away (5686) from them, and then shall they fast (5692) in those days.

strkjv@Luke:8:17 @ For nothing is (574) secret, that shall not be made (5695) manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known (5701) and come (5632) abroad .

strkjv@Luke:9:27 @ But I tell (5719) you of a truth, there be (5748) some standing (5761) here, which shall not taste (5695) of death, till they see (5632) the kingdom of God.

strkjv@Luke:9:41 @ And Jesus answering (5679) said (5627), O faithless and perverse (5772) generation, how long shall I be (5704) with you, and suffer (5695) you? Bring (5628) thy son hither.

strkjv@Luke:10:6 @ And if the son of peace be (5753) there, your peace shall rest (5695) upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again (5692).

strkjv@Luke:11:5 @ And he said (5627) unto them, Which of you shall have (5692) a friend, and shall go (5695) unto him at midnight, and say (5632) unto him, Friend, lend (5657) me three loaves;

strkjv@Luke:14:5 @ And answered (5679) them , saying (5627), Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen (5695) into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out (5692) on the sabbath day?

strkjv@Luke:14:15 @ And when one of them that sat at meat with him (5740) heard (5660) these things, he said (5627) unto him, Blessed is he that shall eat (5695) bread in the kingdom of God.

strkjv@Luke:14:24 @ For I say (5719) unto you, That none of those men which were bidden (5772) shall taste (5695) of my supper.

strkjv@Luke:15:18 @ I will arise (5631) and go (5695) to my father, and will say (5692) unto him, Father, I have sinned (5627) against heaven, and before thee,

strkjv@Luke:16:2 @ And he called (5660) him, and said (5627) unto him, How is it that I hear (5719) this of thee? give (5628) an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be (5695) no longer steward (5721).

strkjv@Luke:16:13 @ No servant can (5736) serve (5721) two masters: for either he will hate (5692) the one, and love (5692) the other; or else he will hold (5695) to the one, and despise (5692) the other. Ye cannot (5736) serve (5721) God and mammon.

strkjv@Luke:17:8 @ And will not rather say (5692) unto him, Make ready (5657) wherewith I may sup (5661), and gird thyself (5671), and serve (5720) me, till I have eaten (5632) and drunken (5632); and afterward thou shalt eat (5695) and drink (5695)?

strkjv@Luke:17:22 @ And he said (5627) unto the disciples, The days will come (5695), when ye shall desire (5692) to see (5629) one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see (5695) it.

strkjv@Luke:18:24 @ And when Jesus saw (5631) that he was (5637) very sorrowful, he said (5627), How hardly shall they that have (5723) riches enter (5695) into the kingdom of God!

strkjv@Luke:20:16 @ He shall come (5695) and destroy (5692) these husbandmen, and shall give (5692) the vineyard to others. And when they heard (5660) it, they said (5627), God forbid (5636).

strkjv@Luke:20:47 @ Which devour (5719) widows houses, and for a shew make long prayers (5736): the same shall receive (5695) greater damnation.

strkjv@Luke:21:6 @ As for these things which ye behold (5719), the days will come (5695), in the which there shall not be left (5701) one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down (5701).

strkjv@Luke:21:8 @ And he said (5627), Take heed (5720) that ye be not deceived (5686): for many shall come (5695) in my name, saying (5723), I am (5748) Christ; and the time draweth near (5758): go ye (5680) not therefore after them.

strkjv@Luke:21:13 @ And it shall turn (5695) to you for a testimony.

strkjv@Luke:21:15 @ For I will give (5692) you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries (5740) shall not be able (5695) to gainsay (5629) nor resist (5629).

strkjv@Luke:21:27 @ And then shall they see (5695) the Son of man coming (5740) in a cloud with power and great glory.

strkjv@Luke:21:33 @ Heaven and earth shall pass away (5695): but my words shall not pass away (5632).

strkjv@Luke:21:35 @ For as a snare shall it come (5695) on all them that dwell (5740) on the face of the whole earth.

strkjv@Luke:22:34 @ And he said (5627), I tell (5719) thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow (5692) this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny (5695) that thou knowest (5760) me.

strkjv@Luke:22:61 @ And the Lord turned (5651), and looked upon (5656) Peter. And Peter remembered (5656) the word of the Lord, how he had said (5627) unto him, Before the cock crow (5658), thou shalt deny (5695) me thrice.

strkjv@Luke:23:46 @ And when Jesus had cried (5660) with a loud voice, he said (5627), Father, into thy hands I commend (5695) my spirit: and having said (5631) thus, he gave up the ghost (5656).

strkjv@John:1:50 @ Jesus answered (5662) and said (5627) unto him, Because I said (5627) unto thee, I saw (5627) thee under the fig tree, believest thou (5719)? thou shalt see (5695) greater things than these.

strkjv@John:1:51 @ And he saith (5719) unto him, Verily, verily, I say (5719) unto you, Hereafter ye shall see (5695) heaven open (5757), and the angels of God ascending (5723) and descending (5723) upon the Son of man.

strkjv@John:3:36 @ He that believeth (5723) on the Son hath (5719) everlasting life: and he that believeth not (5723) the Son shall not see (5695) life; but the wrath of God abideth (5719) on him.

strkjv@John:4:14 @ But whosoever drinketh (5632) of the water that I shall give (5692) him shall never thirst (5661); but the water that I shall give (5692) him shall be (5695) in him a well of water springing up (5740) into everlasting life.

strkjv@John:5:25 @ Verily, verily, I say (5719) unto you, The hour is coming (5736), and now is (5748), when the dead shall hear (5695) the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear (5660) shall live (5695).

strkjv@John:5:28 @ Marvel (5720) not at this: for the hour is coming (5736), in the which all that are in the graves shall hear (5695) his voice,

strkjv@John:5:29 @ And shall come forth (5695); they that have done (5660) good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done (5660) evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

strkjv@John:5:43 @ I am come (5754) in my Fathers name, and ye receive (5719) me not: if another shall come (5632) in his own name, him ye will receive (5695).

strkjv@John:6:51 @ I am (5748) the living (5723) bread which came down (5631) from heaven: if any man eat (5632) of this bread, he shall live (5695) for ever: and the bread that I will give (5692) is (5748) my flesh, which I will give (5692) for the life of the world.

strkjv@John:6:57 @ As the living (5723) Father hath sent (5656) me, and I live (5719) by the Father: so he that eateth (5723) me, even he shall live (5695) by me.

strkjv@John:6:58 @ This is (5748) that bread which came down (5631) from heaven: not as your fathers did eat (5627) manna, and are dead (5627): he that eateth (5723) of this bread shall live (5695) for ever.

strkjv@John:6:68 @ Then Simon Peter answered (5662) him, Lord, to whom shall we go (5695)? thou hast (5719) the words of eternal life.

strkjv@John:7:17 @ If any man will (5725) do (5721) his will, he shall know (5695) of the doctrine, whether it be (5748) of God, or whether I speak (5719) of myself.

strkjv@John:8:21 @ Then said (5627) Jesus again unto them, I go my way (5719), and ye shall seek (5692) me, and shall die (5695) in your sins: whither I go (5719), ye cannot (5736) come (5629).

strkjv@John:8:24 @ I said (5627) therefore unto you, that ye shall die (5695) in your sins: for if ye believe (5661) not that I am (5748) he, ye shall die (5695) in your sins.

strkjv@John:8:28 @ Then said (5627) Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up (5661) the Son of man, then shall ye know (5695) that I am (5748) he, and that I do (5719) nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught (5656) me, I speak (5719) these things.

strkjv@John:8:32 @ And ye shall know (5695) the truth, and the truth shall make you free (5692).

strkjv@John:8:33 @ They answered (5662) him, We be (5748) Abrahams seed, and were never in bondage (5758) to any man: how sayest (5719) thou, Ye shall be made (5695) free?

strkjv@John:8:52 @ Then said (5627) the Jews unto him, Now we know (5758) that thou hast (5719) a devil. Abraham is dead (5627), and the prophets; and thou sayest (5719), If a man keep (5661) my saying, he shall never taste (5695) of death.

strkjv@John:10:5 @ And a stranger will they not follow (5661), but will flee (5695) from him: for they know (5758) not the voice of strangers.

strkjv@John:10:9 @ I am (5748) the door: by me if any man enter in (5632), he shall be saved (5701), and shall go in (5695) and out (5695), and find (5692) pasture.

strkjv@John:10:16 @ And other sheep I have (5719), which are (5748) not of this fold: them also I must (5748) bring (5629), and they shall hear (5692) my voice; and there shall be (5695) one fold, and one shepherd.

strkjv@John:11:25 @ Jesus said (5627) unto her, I am (5748) the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth (5723) in me, though he were dead (5632), yet shall he live (5695):

strkjv@John:11:40 @ Jesus saith (5719) unto her, Said I (5627) not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe (5661), thou shouldest see (5695) the glory of God?

strkjv@John:11:48 @ If we let him thus alone (5632), all men will believe (5692) on him: and the Romans shall come (5695) and take away (5692) both our place and nation.

strkjv@John:13:7 @ Jesus answered (5662) and said (5627) unto him, What I do (5719) thou knowest (5758) not now; but thou shalt know (5695) hereafter .

strkjv@John:13:35 @ By this shall all men know (5695) that ye are (5748) my disciples, if ye have (5725) love one to another .

strkjv@John:13:38 @ Jesus answered (5662) him, Wilt thou lay down (5692) thy life for my sake? Verily, verily, I say (5719) unto thee, The cock shall not crow (5692), till thou hast denied (5695) me thrice.

strkjv@John:14:3 @ And if I go (5680) and prepare (5661) a place for you, I will come (5736) again, and receive (5695) you unto myself; that where I am (5748), there ye may be (5753) also.

strkjv@John:14:19 @ Yet a little while, and the world seeth (5719) me no more; but ye see (5719) me: because I live (5719), ye shall live (5695) also.

strkjv@John:14:20 @ At that day ye shall know (5695) that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

strkjv@John:14:23 @ Jesus answered (5662) and said (5627) unto him, If a man love (5725) me, he will keep (5692) my words: and my Father will love (5692) him, and we will come (5695) unto him, and make (5692) our abode with him.

strkjv@John:15:7 @ If ye abide (5661) in me, and my words abide (5661) in you, ye shall ask (5698) what ye will (5725), and it shall be done (5695) unto you.

strkjv@John:15:8 @ Herein is my Father glorified (5681), that ye bear (5725) much fruit; so shall ye be (5695) my disciples.

strkjv@John:16:7 @ Nevertheless I tell (5719) you the truth; It is expedient (5719) for you that I go away (5632): for if I go not away (5632), the Comforter will not come (5695) unto you; but if I depart (5680), I will send (5692) him unto you.

strkjv@John:16:14 @ He shall glorify (5692) me: for he shall receive (5695) of mine, and shall shew (5692) it unto you.

strkjv@John:16:15 @ All things that the Father hath (5719) are (5748) mine: therefore said I (5627), that he shall take (5695) of mine, and shall shew (5692) it unto you.

strkjv@John:16:16 @ A little while, and ye shall not see (5719) me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see (5695) me, because I go (5719) to the Father.

strkjv@John:16:17 @ Then said (5627) some of his disciples among themselves, What is (5748) this that he saith (5719) unto us, A little while, and ye shall not see (5719) me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see (5695) me: and, Because I go (5719) to the Father?

strkjv@John:16:19 @ Now Jesus knew (5627) that they were desirous (5707) to ask (5721) him, and said (5627) unto them, Do ye enquire (5719) among yourselves of that I said (5627), A little while, and ye shall not see (5719) me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see (5695) me?

strkjv@John:16:20 @ Verily, verily, I say (5719) unto you, That ye shall weep (5692) and lament (5692), but the world shall rejoice (5690): and ye shall be sorrowful (5701), but your sorrow shall be turned (5695) into joy.

strkjv@John:16:22 @ And ye now therefore have (5719) sorrow: but I will see (5695) you again, and your heart shall rejoice (5690), and your joy no man taketh (5719) from you.

strkjv@John:16:24 @ Hitherto have ye asked (5656) nothing in my name: ask (5720), and ye shall receive (5695), that your joy may be (5753) full (5772).

strkjv@John:19:37 @ And again another scripture saith (5719), They shall look (5695) on him whom they pierced (5656).

strkjv@Acts:1:8 @ But ye shall receive (5695) power, after that the Holy Ghost is come (5631) upon you: and ye shall be (5704) witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

strkjv@Acts:1:11 @ Which also said (5627), Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye (5758) gazing up (5723) into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up (5685) from you into heaven, shall so come (5695) in like manner as ye have seen (5662) him go (5740) into heaven.

strkjv@Acts:2:17 @ And it shall come to pass (5704) in the last days, saith (5719) God, I will pour out (5692) of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy (5692), and your young men shall see (5695) visions, and your old men shall dream (5701) dreams:

strkjv@Acts:2:38 @ Then Peter said (5713) unto them, Repent (5657), and be baptized (5682) every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive (5695) the gift of the Holy Ghost.

strkjv@Acts:3:22 @ For Moses truly said (5627) unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up (5692) unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear (5695) in all things whatsoever he shall say (5661) unto you.

strkjv@Acts:7:7 @ And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage (5661) will I judge (5692), said (5627) God: and after that shall they come forth (5695), and serve (5692) me in this place.

strkjv@Acts:7:37 @ This is (5748) that Moses, which said (5631) unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up (5692) unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear (5695).

strkjv@Acts:7:40 @ Saying (5631) unto Aaron, Make (5657) us gods to go before (5695) us: for as for this Moses, which brought (5627) us out of the land of Egypt, we wot (5758) not what is become (5754) of him.

strkjv@Acts:8:33 @ In his humiliation his judgment was taken away (5681): and who shall declare (5695) his generation? for his life is taken (5743) from the earth.

strkjv@Acts:13:10 @ And said (5627), O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease (5695) to pervert (5723) the right ways of the Lord?

strkjv@Acts:17:32 @ And when they heard (5660) of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked (5707): and others said (5627), We will hear (5695) thee again of this matter.

strkjv@Acts:18:6 @ And when they opposed (5734) themselves, and blasphemed (5723), he shook (5671) his raiment, and said (5627) unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean: from henceforth I will go (5695) unto the Gentiles.

strkjv@Acts:18:15 @ But if it be (5748) a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye (5695) to it; for I will be (5736) (5750) no judge of such matters.

strkjv@Acts:19:40 @ For we are in danger (5719) to be called in question (5745) for this days uproar, there being (5723) no cause whereby we may (5695) give (5629) an account of this concourse.

strkjv@Acts:20:25 @ And now, behold (5628), I know (5758) that ye all, among whom I have gone (5627) preaching (5723) the kingdom of God, shall see (5695) my face no more.

strkjv@Acts:20:29 @ For I know (5758) this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in (5695) among you, not sparing (5740) the flock.

strkjv@Acts:21:22 @ What is it (5748) therefore? the multitude must (5748) needs come together (5629): for they will hear (5695) that thou art come (5754).

strkjv@Acts:23:35 @ I will hear (5695) thee, said he (5713), when thine accusers are also come (5638). And he commanded (5656) him to be kept (5733) in Herods judgment hall.

strkjv@Acts:24:8 @ Commanding (5660) his accusers to come (5738) unto thee: by examining (5660) of whom thyself mayest (5695) take knowledge (5629) of all these things, whereof we accuse (5719) him.

strkjv@Acts:24:22 @ And when Felix heard (5660) these things, having more perfect knowledge (5761) of that way, he deferred (5639) them, and said (5631), When Lysias the chief captain shall come down (5632), I will know the uttermost (5695) of your matter.

strkjv@Acts:25:12 @ Then Festus, when he had conferred (5660) with the council, answered (5662), Hast thou appealed unto (5764) Caesar? unto Caesar shalt thou go (5695).

strkjv@Acts:25:22 @ Then Agrippa said (5713) unto Festus, I would (5711) also hear (5658) the man myself. To morrow, said (5748) he, thou shalt hear (5695) him.

strkjv@Acts:27:34 @ Wherefore I pray (5719) you to take (5629) some meat: for this is (5719) for your health: for there shall not an hair fall (5695) from the head of any of you.

strkjv@Acts:28:28 @ Be it (5749) known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent (5648) unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear (5695) it.

strkjv@Romans:1:17 @ For therein is the righteousness of God revealed (5743) from faith to faith: as it is written (5769), The just shall live (5695) by faith.

strkjv@Romans:2:3 @ And thinkest thou (5736) this, O man, that judgest (5723) them which do (5723) such things, and doest (5723) the same, that thou shalt escape (5695) the judgment of God?

strkjv@Romans:5:7 @ For scarcely for a righteous man will one die (5695): yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare (5719) to die (5629).

strkjv@Romans:7:24 @ O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver (5695) me from the body of this death?

strkjv@Romans:8:13 @ For if ye live (5719) after the flesh, ye shall (5719) die (5721): but if ye through the Spirit do mortify (5719) the deeds of the body, ye shall live (5695).

strkjv@Romans:8:32 @ He that spared (5662) not his own Son, but delivered him up (5656) for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give (5695) us all things?

strkjv@Romans:8:39 @ Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able (5695) to separate (5658) us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

strkjv@Romans:9:9 @ For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come (5695), and Sara shall have (5704) a son.

strkjv@Romans:10:5 @ For Moses describeth (5719) the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth (5660) those things shall live (5695) by them.

strkjv@Romans:10:6 @ But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh (5719) on this wise, Say (5632) not in thine heart, Who shall ascend (5695) into heaven? (that is (5748), to bring Christ down (5629) from above:)

strkjv@Romans:10:7 @ Or, Who shall descend (5695) into the deep? (that is (5748), to bring up Christ again (5629) from the dead.)

strkjv@Romans:13:2 @ Whosoever therefore resisteth (5734) the power, resisteth (5758) the ordinance of God: and they that resist (5761) shall receive (5695) to themselves damnation.

strkjv@Romans:14:10 @ But why dost thou judge (5719) thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought (5719) thy brother? for we shall all stand before (5695) the judgment seat of Christ.

strkjv@Romans:15:21 @ But as it is written (5769), To whom he was not spoken (5648) of, they shall see (5695): and they that have not heard (5754) shall understand (5704).

strkjv@Romans:15:24 @ Whensoever I take my journey (5741) into Spain, I will come (5695) to you: for I trust (5719) to see (5664) you in my journey (5740), and to be brought on my way (5683) thitherward by you, if first I be somewhat filled (5686) with your company.

strkjv@Romans:15:28 @ When therefore I have performed (5660) this, and have sealed (5671) to them this fruit, I will come (5695) by you into Spain.

strkjv@Romans:15:29 @ And I am sure (5758) that, when I come (5740) unto you, I shall come (5695) in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.

strkjv@1Corinthians:3:8 @ Now he that planteth (5723) and he that watereth (5723) are (5748) one: and every man shall receive (5695) his own reward according to his own labour.

strkjv@1Corinthians:3:13 @ Every mans work shall be made (5695) manifest: for the day shall declare (5692) it, because it shall be revealed (5743) by fire; and the fire shall try (5692) every mans work of what sort it is (5748).

strkjv@1Corinthians:3:14 @ If any mans work abide (5719) which he hath built (5656) thereupon, he shall receive (5695) a reward.

strkjv@1Corinthians:4:5 @ Therefore judge (5720) nothing before the time, until the Lord come (5632), who both will bring to light (5692) the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest (5692) the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have (5695) praise of God.

strkjv@1Corinthians:4:19 @ But I will come (5695) to you shortly, if the Lord will (5661), and will know (5695), not the speech of them which are puffed up (5772), but the power.

strkjv@1Corinthians:6:5 @ I speak (5719) to your shame. Is it so, that there (5748) is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able (5695) to judge (5658) between his brethren?

strkjv@1Corinthians:11:34 @ And if any man hunger (5719), let him eat (5720) at home; that ye come not together (5741) unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order (5695) when I come (5632).

strkjv@1Corinthians:13:8 @ Charity never faileth (5719): but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail (5701); whether there be tongues, they shall cease (5695); whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away (5701).

strkjv@1Corinthians:13:12 @ For now we see (5719) through a glass, darkly ; but then face to face: now I know (5719) in part; but then shall I know (5695) even as also I am known (5681).

strkjv@1Corinthians:14:8 @ For if the trumpet give (5632) an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself (5695) to the battle?

strkjv@1Corinthians:14:15 @ What is it (5748) then? I will pray (5695) with the spirit, and I will pray (5695) with the understanding also: I will sing (5692) with the spirit, and I will sing (5692) with the understanding also.

strkjv@1Corinthians:14:21 @ In the law it is written (5769), With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak (5692) unto this people; and yet for all that will they not hear (5695) me, saith (5719) the Lord.

strkjv@1Corinthians:15:54 @ So when this corruptible shall have put on (5672) incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on (5672) immortality, then shall be brought to pass (5695) the saying that is written (5772), Death is swallowed up (5681) in victory.

strkjv@1Corinthians:16:4 @ And if it be (5753) meet that I go (5738) also, they shall go (5695) with me.

strkjv@1Corinthians:16:5 @ Now I will come (5695) unto you, when I shall pass through (5632) Macedonia: for I do pass through (5736) Macedonia.

strkjv@1Corinthians:16:12 @ As touching our brother Apollos, I greatly desired (5656) him to come (5632) unto you with the brethren: but his will was (5713) not at all to come (5632) at this time; but he will come (5695) when he shall have convenient time (5661).

strkjv@2Corinthians:1:10 @ Who delivered (5673) us from so great a death, and doth deliver (5736): in whom we trust (5758) that he will # yet deliver (5695) us;

strkjv@2Corinthians:1:13 @ For we write (5719) none other things unto you, than what ye read (5719) or acknowledge (5719); and I trust (5719) ye shall acknowledge (5695) even to the end;

strkjv@2Corinthians:6:17 @ Wherefore come out (5628) from among them, and be ye separate (5682), saith (5719) the Lord, and touch (5732) not the unclean thing; and I will receive (5695) you,

strkjv@2Corinthians:10:13 @ But we will not boast (5695) of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed (5656) to us, a measure to reach (5635) even unto you.

strkjv@2Corinthians:11:10 @ As the truth of Christ is (5748) in me, no man shall stop (5695) (5625) (5691) me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia.

strkjv@2Corinthians:11:18 @ Seeing that many glory (5736) after the flesh, I will glory (5695) also.

strkjv@2Corinthians:11:30 @ If I must needs (5748) glory (5738), I will glory (5695) of the things which concern mine infirmities.

strkjv@2Corinthians:12:1 @ It is not expedient (5719) for me doubtless to glory (5738). I will come (5695) to visions and revelations of the Lord.

strkjv@2Corinthians:12:5 @ Of such an one will I glory (5695): yet of myself I will not glory (5695), but in mine infirmities.

strkjv@2Corinthians:12:9 @ And he said (5758) unto me, My grace is sufficient (5719) for thee: for my strength is made perfect (5743) in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory (5695) in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest (5661) upon me.

strkjv@2Corinthians:13:2 @ I told you before (5758), and foretell you (5719), as if I were present (5752), the second time; and being absent (5752) now I write (5719) to them which heretofore have sinned (5761), and to all other, that, if I come (5632) again , I will not spare (5695):

strkjv@2Corinthians:13:4 @ For though he was crucified (5681) through weakness, yet he liveth (5719) by the power of God. For we also are weak (5719) in him, but we shall live (5695) with him by the power of God toward you.

strkjv@2Corinthians:13:6 @ But I trust (5719) that ye shall know (5695) that we are (5748) not reobates.

strkjv@Galatians:3:11 @ But that no man is justified (5743) by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live (5695) by faith.

strkjv@Galatians:3:12 @ And the law is (5748) not of faith: but, The man that doeth (5660) them shall live (5695) in them.

strkjv@Ephesians:6:8 @ Knowing (5761) that whatsoever good thing any man doeth (5661), the same shall he receive (5695) of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

strkjv@Ephesians:6:16 @ Above all, taking (5631) the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able (5695) to quench (5658) all the fiery (5772) darts of the wicked.

strkjv@Philippians:1:19 @ For I know (5758) that this shall turn (5695) to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,

strkjv@Philippians:2:24 @ But I trust (5754) in the Lord that I also myself shall come (5695) shortly.

strkjv@Colossians:3:24 @ Knowing (5761) that of the Lord ye shall receive (5695) the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve (5719) the Lord Christ.

strkjv@Colossians:3:25 @ But he that doeth wrong (5723) shall receive (5695) for the wrong which he hath done (5656): and there is (5748) no respect of persons.

strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:16 @ For the Lord himself shall descend (5695) from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise (5698) first:

strkjv@1Timothy:3:5 @ (For if a man know not how (5758) to rule (5629) his own house, how shall he take care of (5695) the church of God?)

strkjv@1Timothy:4:1 @ Now the Spirit speaketh (5719) expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from (5695) the faith, giving heed (5723) to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

strkjv@2Timothy:2:12 @ If we suffer (5719), we shall also reign with (5692) him: if we deny (5736) him, he also will deny (5695) us:

strkjv@2Timothy:3:1 @ This know (5720) also, that in the last days perilous times shall come (5695).

strkjv@2Timothy:4:3 @ For the time will come (5704) when they will not endure (5695) sound (5723) doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap (5692) to themselves teachers, having itching (5746) ears;

strkjv@2Timothy:4:18 @ And the Lord shall deliver (5695) me from every evil work, and will preserve (5692) me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

strkjv@Hebrews:2:3 @ How shall we escape (5695), if we neglect (5660) so great salvation; which at the first began (5631) to be spoken (5745) by the Lord, and was confirmed (5681) unto us by them that heard (5660) him;

strkjv@Hebrews:3:11 @ So I sware (5656) in my wrath, They shall not enter (5695) into my rest.)

strkjv@Hebrews:4:3 @ For we which have believed (5660) do enter (5736) into rest, as he said (5758), As I have sworn (5656) in my wrath, if they shall enter (5695) into my rest: although the works were finished (5679) from the foundation of the world.

strkjv@Hebrews:4:5 @ And in this place again, If they shall enter (5695) into my rest.

strkjv@Hebrews:8:10 @ For this is the covenant that I will make (5695) with the house of Israel after those days, saith (5719) the Lord; I will put (5723) my laws into their mind, and write (5692) them in their hearts: and I will be (5704) to them a God, and they shall be (5704) to me a people:

strkjv@Hebrews:10:16 @ This is the covenant that I will make (5695) with them after those days, saith (5719) the Lord, I will put (5723) my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write (5692) them;

strkjv@Hebrews:10:38 @ Now the just shall live (5695) by faith: but if any man draw back (5672), my soul shall have no pleasure (5719) in him.

strkjv@Hebrews:12:14 @ Follow (5720) peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see (5695) the Lord:

strkjv@Hebrews:13:23 @ Know ye (5719) that our brother Timothy is set at liberty (5772); with whom, if he come (5741) shortly, I will see (5695) you.

strkjv@James:1:7 @ For let not that man think (5737) that he shall receive (5695) any thing of the Lord.

strkjv@James:1:10 @ But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away (5695).

strkjv@James:1:12 @ Blessed is the man that endureth (5719) temptation: for when he is tried (5637), he shall receive (5695) the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised (5662) to them that love (5723) him.

strkjv@James:3:1 @ My brethren, be (5737) not many masters, knowing (5761) that we shall receive (5695) the greater condemnation.

strkjv@James:4:7 @ Submit yourselves (5649) therefore to God. Resist (5628) the devil, and he will flee (5695) from you.

strkjv@James:4:13 @ Go to (5720) now, ye that say (5723), To day or to morrow we will go (5667) into such a city, and continue (5661) (5625) (5692) there a year, and buy and sell (5667) (5625) (5695), and get gain (5661) (5625) (5692):

strkjv@James:5:3 @ Your gold and silver is cankered (5769); and the rust of them shall be (5704) a witness against you, and shall eat (5695) your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together (5656) for the last days.

strkjv@1Peter:4:18 @ And if the righteous scarcely be saved (5743), where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear (5695)?

strkjv@1Peter:5:4 @ And when the chief Shepherd shall appear (5685), ye shall receive (5695) a crown of glory that fadeth not away.

strkjv@2Peter:2:3 @ And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise (5695) of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth (5719) not, and their damnation slumbereth (5719) not.

strkjv@2Peter:3:3 @ Knowing (5723) this first, that there shall come (5695) in the last days scoffers, walking (5740) after their own lusts,

strkjv@2Peter:3:10 @ But the day of the Lord will come (5692) as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away (5695) with a great noise, and the elements shall melt (5701) with fervent heat (5746), the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up (5691).

strkjv@1John:3:2 @ Beloved, now are we (5748) the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear (5681) what we shall be (5704): but we know (5758) that, when he shall appear (5686), we shall be (5704) like him; for we shall see (5695) him as he is (5748).

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