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acv@Matthew:3:4 @ Now John himself had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leather belt about his waist. And his food was locusts and wild honey.

acv@Matthew:3:10 @ And even now the axe is laid at the root of the trees. Every tree therefore not producing good fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.

acv@Matthew:5:10 @ Blessed are those who have been persecuted because of righteousness, because the kingdom of the heavens is theirs.

acv@Matthew:5:11 @ Blessed are ye when they revile you, and persecute you, and say every evil word, being deceitful against you because of me.

acv@Matthew:5:12 @ Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, because your reward is great in the heavens, for so they persecuted the prophets before you.

acv@Matthew:5:30 @ And if thy right hand causes thee to stumble, cut it off and cast it from thee, for it is advantageous for thee that one of thy body-parts should perish, and not thy whole body be cast into hell.

acv@Matthew:5:44 @ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you,

acv@Matthew:6:27 @ And which man of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?

acv@Matthew:7:19 @ Every tree not producing good fruit is cut down, and thrown into the fire.

acv@Matthew:9:24 @ he says to them, Depart, for the little girl did not die, but sleeps. And they ridiculed him.

acv@Matthew:10:23 @ But when they persecute you in this city, flee into the other, for truly I say to you, ye will, no, not have completed the cities of Israel, until the Son of man comes.

acv@Matthew:10:42 @ And whoever may give to drink one of these little ones merely a cold cup in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you he will, no, not lose his reward.

acv@Matthew:11:20 @ Then he began to upbraid the cities in which most of his mighty works occurred, because they did not repent.

acv@Matthew:11:21 @ Woe to thee, Chorazin! Woe to thee, Bethsaida! Because if the mighty works that occurred in you occurred in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

acv@Matthew:11:23 @ And thou, Capernaum, which was exalted as far as the sky. Thou will be brought down as far as Hades, because if the mighty works had occurred in Sodom that occurred in thee, it would have remained until this day.

acv@Matthew:12:10 @ And behold, there was a man having a withered hand. And they interrogated him, asking if it permitted to heal on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him.

acv@Matthew:13:21 @ yet he has no root in himself, instead it is temporary. And when tribulation or persecution develops because of the word, straightaway he is caused to stumble.

acv@Matthew:17:18 @ And Jesus rebuked it, and the demon departed from him. And the boy was cured from that hour.

acv@Matthew:18:8 @ And if thy hand or thy foot causes thee to stumble, cut them off and cast from thee. It is good for thee to enter into life crippled or maimed, than having two hands or two feet to be cast into the eternal fire.

acv@Matthew:19:23 @ And Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I say to you, that a rich man will enter into the kingdom of the heavens difficultly.

acv@Matthew:20:19 @ and will deliver him to the Gentiles to ridicule, and to scourge, and to crucify. And the third day he will rise.

acv@Matthew:20:22 @ But having answered, Jesus said, Ye know not what ye are asking. Are ye able to drink the cup that I am going to drink, or to be immersed the immersion that I am immersed? They say to him, We are able.

acv@Matthew:20:23 @ And he says to them, Ye will indeed drink my cup, and ye will be immersed the immersion that I am immersed. But to sit at my right hand and at my left hand is not mine to give, but to whom it has been prepared by my Father.

acv@Matthew:21:8 @ And the great multitide spread their garments on the road, and others cut down branches from the trees, and spread them on the road.

acv@Matthew:23:4 @ For they bind heavy burdens and difficult to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they do not want to move them with their finger.

acv@Matthew:23:23 @ Woe to you, scholars and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because ye tithe the mint and the anise and the cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law--justice and mercy and faith. These things must be done, and not neglecting t

acv@Matthew:23:25 @ Woe to you, scholars and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because ye cleanse the outside of the cup and of the platter, but inside they are full of plunder and unrighteousness.

acv@Matthew:23:26 @ Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the platter, so that the outside of them may also become clean.

acv@Matthew:23:34 @ Because of this, behold, I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scholars. And some of them ye will kill and crucify, and some of them ye will scourge in your synagogues, and will persecute from city to city,

acv@Matthew:24:51 @ and he will cut him in two, and place his share with the hypocrites. There will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

acv@Matthew:25:6 @ But at midnight a shout occurred, Behold, the bridegroom comes! Go ye forth for his gathering.

acv@Matthew:25:41 @ Then he will also say to those at the left hand, Depart from me, ye accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his agents.

acv@Matthew:26:27 @ And having taken the cup, having expressed thanks, he gave to them, saying, All ye drink of it,

acv@Matthew:26:39 @ And having gone forward a little, he fell on his face praying, and saying, My Father, if it be possible, may this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I want, but as thou.

acv@Matthew:26:42 @ Having gone again a second time, he prayed, saying, My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to pass from me, except I drink it, may thy will happen.

acv@Matthew:26:51 @ And behold, one of those with Jesus, having stretched out a hand, drew his sword, and when he struck the bondman of the high priest, he cut off his ear.

acv@Matthew:26:74 @ Then he began to curse vehemently and to swear, I do not know the man. And straightaway a cock sounded.

acv@Matthew:27:12 @ And when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing.

acv@Matthew:27:15 @ Now during a feast the governor had been accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wanted.

acv@Matthew:27:29 @ And having woven a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand. And having knelt down before him, they ridiculed him, saying, Hail, king of the Jews!

acv@Matthew:27:31 @ And after they ridiculed him, they took the robe off of him, and put his clothes on him, and led him away in order to crucify.

acv@Matthew:27:37 @ And they set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.

acv@Matthew:27:41 @ And likewise also the chief priests, ridiculing with the scholars, and elders, and Pharisees, said,

acv@Matthew:27:43 @ He trusted in God, let him rescue him now, if he wants him, for he said, I am the Son of God.

acv@Matthew:27:51 @ And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom, and the earth quaked, and the rocks split,

acv@Matthew:27:64 @ Command therefore to secure the tomb until the third day, lest his disciples having come by night steal him away, and say to the people, He was raised from the dead. And the last error will be worse than the first.

acv@Matthew:27:65 @ Pilate said to them, Ye have security. Go, make it as secure as ye know how.

acv@Matthew:27:66 @ And having gone, they made the tomb secure, with the security having sealed the stone.

acv@Matthew:28:2 @ And behold, a great earthquake occurred, for an agent of Lord, having descended from heaven, having come, he rolled the stone away from the door and sat upon it.

acv@Matthew:28:11 @ Now while they were going, behold, some of the security having come into the city, reported to the chief priests all the things that happened.

acv@Mark:1:6 @ And John was clothed with camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, and eating locusts and wild honey.

acv@Mark:1:11 @ And a voice occurred out of the heavens, Thou are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

acv@Mark:3:2 @ And they watched him whether he would heal him on the Sabbath day, so that they might accuse him.

acv@Mark:4:11 @ And he said to them, To you is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God, but to those outside, all things occur in parables.

acv@Mark:4:17 @ And they have no root in themselves, but are temporary. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution develops because of the word, straightaway they are caused to stumble.

acv@Mark:4:38 @ And he himself was in the stern sleeping on the cushion. And they awake him, and say to him, Teacher, does it not concern thee that we perish?

acv@Mark:5:5 @ And always, night and day, in the mountains and in the sepulchers, he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.

acv@Mark:5:40 @ And they ridiculed him. But he, having put them all out, takes the father of the child and the mother and those with him, and enters in where the child was laying.

acv@Mark:5:41 @ And having taken the child's hand, he says to her, Talitha cumi. Which is, being interpreted, Little girl, I say to thee, awake.

acv@Mark:6:27 @ And straightaway having sent an executioner, the king commanded his head to be brought. And having departed, he beheaded him in the prison,

acv@Mark:7:2 @ And having seen some of his disciples eating their loaves with profane hands, that is, unwashed, they accused them.

acv@Mark:7:4 @ And coming from the marketplace, they do not eat unless they bathe. And there are many other things that they have taken in to retain: washings of cups, and pots, and brazen vessels, and beds.)

acv@Mark:7:8 @ For having set aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men: washings of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do.

acv@Mark:9:10 @ And they kept the saying to themselves, discussing what is the rising from the dead.

acv@Mark:9:34 @ But they were silent, for on the way they discussed among each other, who is greater.

acv@Mark:9:41 @ For whoever may give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye are of Christ, truly I say to you, he will, no, not lose his reward.

acv@Mark:9:43 @ And if thy hand may cause thee to stumble, cut it off. It is good for thee to enter into life maimed, than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire,

acv@Mark:9:45 @ And if thy foot may cause thee to stumble, cut it off. It is good for thee to enter into life crippled, than having thy two feet to be cast into hell, into the unquenchable fire

acv@Mark:10:4 @ And they said, Moses permitted to write a document of divorce, and to divorce her.

acv@Mark:10:23 @ And Jesus having looked around, he says to his disciples, How difficultly those who have riches will enter into the kingdom of God.

acv@Mark:10:24 @ And the disciples were astonished at his words. But again having answered, Jesus says to them, Children, how difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God.

acv@Mark:10:30 @ but he will receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands--with persecutions--and in the coming age, eternal life.

acv@Mark:10:38 @ But Jesus said to them, Ye know not what ye are asking. Are ye able to drink the cup that I drink? And to be immersed the immersion that I am immersed?

acv@Mark:10:39 @ And they said to him, We are able. And Jesus said to them, Ye will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and the immersion that I am immersed ye will be immersed.

acv@Mark:11:8 @ And many spread their garments upon the road, and others were cutting branches from the fields, and were spreading on the road.

acv@Mark:11:21 @ And having remembered, Peter says to him, Rabbi, behold, the fig tree that thou cursed has been dried out.

acv@Mark:13:20 @ And unless the Lord cut short the days, no flesh would have been saved, but because of the chosen, whom he chose, he cut short the days.

acv@Mark:14:23 @ And after taking the cup, having expressed thanks, he gave to them, and they all drank from it.

acv@Mark:14:36 @ And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible to thee. Remove this cup from me, but not what I want, but what thou want.

acv@Mark:14:44 @ Now he who betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, Whomever I may kiss is he. Seize him, and lead away securely.

acv@Mark:14:47 @ And a certain one of those who stood by, having drawn his sword, struck the bondman of the high priest, and cut off his ear.

acv@Mark:14:71 @ But he began to curse and to swear, I do not know this man of whom ye speak.

acv@Mark:15:3 @ And the chief priests accused him of many things.

acv@Mark:15:26 @ And the inscription of his accusation was inscribed, THE KING OF THE JEWS.

acv@Mark:15:33 @ And having become the sixth hour, darkness occurred over the whole land until the ninth hour.

acv@Mark:15:38 @ And the curtain of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom.

acv@Luke:1:3 @ it occurred to me also, having followed closely from the beginning all things accurately, to write to thee in order, eminent Theophilus,

acv@Luke:1:9 @ that, according to the custom of the priesthood, he was chosen by lot to burn incense after entering into the temple of the Lord.

acv@Luke:1:59 @ And it came to pass on the eighth day, that they came to circumcise the child, and they were calling it by the name of his father Zacharias.

acv@Luke:2:2 @ This enrollment first occurred when Quirinius was governor of Syria.

acv@Luke:2:21 @ And when eight days were fulfilled to circumcise him, that his name was called JESUS, the one called by the heavenly agent before he was conceived in the belly.

acv@Luke:2:27 @ And he came by the Spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the child Jesus, for them to do according to the custom of the law about him,

acv@Luke:2:42 @ And when he became twelve years old, them having gone up according to the custom of the feast,

acv@Luke:3:9 @ And even now the ax is laid at the root of the trees. Every tree therefore not making good fruit is cut down, and cast into fire.

acv@Luke:3:14 @ And men who were soldiers also questioned him, saying, And we, what should we do? And he said to them, Do violence to no man, nor accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.

acv@Luke:3:22 @ and the Holy Spirit to descend in a bodily form as a dove upon him, and a voice to occur out of heaven, saying, Thou are my beloved Son. In thee I am well pleased.

acv@Luke:4:16 @ And he came to Nazareth, where he was brought up. And according to that which was customary to him, he entered into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

acv@Luke:4:20 @ And having closed the book, having given it back to the attendant, he sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were focused on him.

acv@Luke:4:25 @ But in truth I say to you, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up for three years and six months, when a great famine occurred on all the land.

acv@Luke:6:1 @ Now it came to pass for him to be going through the grain fields on a particular Sabbath, and his disciples were plucking the ears and were eating, rubbing them in their hands.

acv@Luke:6:7 @ And the scholars and the Pharisees watched if he would heal on the Sabbath, so that they might find an accusation against him.

acv@Luke:6:28 @ Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you.

acv@Luke:8:53 @ And they ridiculed him, knowing that she died.

acv@Luke:9:11 @ But the multitudes having known, they followed him. And having received them, he spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and he cured those who had need of healing.

acv@Luke:9:36 @ And at the occurrence of the voice, Jesus was found alone. And they kept silent, and informed no man in those days any of the things that they have seen.

acv@Luke:9:39 @ And lo, a spirit seizes him, and he suddenly cries out, and it convulses him with foaming. And it departs from him difficultly, injuring him.

acv@Luke:10:40 @ But Martha was encumbered about much serving. And having stood near, she said, Lord, do thou not care that my sister left me behind to serve alone? Speak to her therefore that she may help me.

acv@Luke:11:39 @ And the Lord said to him, Now ye Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the platter, but your interior is full of plundering and wickedness.

acv@Luke:11:46 @ And he said, Woe also to you lawyers! Because ye load men with burdens difficult to bear, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.

acv@Luke:11:49 @ Because of this also the wisdom of God said, I will send to them prophets and apostles. And some of them they will kill and persecute,

acv@Luke:11:54 @ waiting to ambush him, seeking to catch something out of his mouth so that they might accuse him.

acv@Luke:12:25 @ And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his age?

acv@Luke:12:46 @ the lord of that bondman will arrive in a day that he does not expect, and in an hour that he is not aware, and will cut him in two, and will place his portion with the unbelieving.

acv@Luke:13:7 @ And he said to the vine workman, Behold, three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none. Cut it down, why also waste the ground?

acv@Luke:13:9 @ Although surely it should bear fruit, and if not, in the coming year thou will cut it down.

acv@Luke:13:32 @ And he said to them, Having gone, say to this fox, Behold, I cast out demons and finish cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I am fully perfected.

acv@Luke:14:18 @ And they all from one began to make excuse. The first said to him, I have bought a field, and I have need to go out and see it. I ask thee have me excused.

acv@Luke:14:19 @ And another said, I bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to test them. I ask thee have me excused.

acv@Luke:14:29 @ So that perhaps, having laid its foundation, and not being able to finish, all those who see begin to ridicule him,

acv@Luke:16:1 @ And he also said to his disciples, There was a certain rich man who had a manager, and this man was accused to him as squandering things possessed by him.

acv@Luke:16:6 @ And he said, A hundred measures of olive oil. And he said to him, Receive thy document, and having sat down, quickly write fifty.

acv@Luke:16:7 @ Next he said to another, And how much do thou owe? And he said, A hundred measures of wheat. And he says to him, Receive thy document, and write eighty.

acv@Luke:18:24 @ And having seen him become very sorrowful, Jesus said, How difficultly those who have riches will enter into the kingdom of God.

acv@Luke:21:12 @ But before all these things, they will throw their hands on you, and will persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake.

acv@Luke:22:17 @ And having taken a cup, having expressed thanks, he said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves.

acv@Luke:22:20 @ Likewise also the cup after dining, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood being shed for you.

acv@Luke:22:42 @ saying, Father, if thou want, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.

acv@Luke:22:50 @ And a certain one of them struck the bondman of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

acv@Luke:23:2 @ And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this man perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying himself to be Christ, a king.

acv@Luke:23:10 @ And the chief priests and the scholars had stood, vehemently accusing him.

acv@Luke:23:14 @ said to them, Ye brought this man to me as turning away the people. And behold, I, having examined him before you, found nothing guilty in this man of what ye accuse against him.

acv@Luke:23:19 @ (a man who was cast into prison because of a certain insurrection that occurred in the city, and for murder).

acv@Luke:23:32 @ And two other men, malefactors, were also led with him to be executed.

acv@Luke:23:44 @ And it was about the sixth hour, and darkness occurred over the whole land until the ninth hour.

acv@Luke:23:45 @ And the sun was darkened, and the curtain of the temple was torn in the middle.

acv@Luke:23:53 @ And having taken it down, he wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulcher cut in rock, of which no man was yet lain.

acv@Luke:24:15 @ And it came to pass, while they conversed and discussed, that Jesus himself also having approached, went along with them.

acv@John:1:28 @ These things occurred in Bethany beyond the Jordan where John was immersing.

acv@John:2:1 @ And the third day a wedding occurred in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.

acv@John:5:10 @ The Jews therefore said to the man who was cured, It is Sabbath. It is not permitted for thee to take up the bed.

acv@John:5:16 @ And because of this the Jews persecuted Jesus, and sought to kill him, because he did these things on a Sabbath.

acv@John:5:27 @ And he also gave him authority to execute judgment because he is a son of man.

acv@John:5:45 @ Think not that I will accuse you to the Father. The man who accuses you is Moses, in whom ye have hoped.

acv@John:7:22 @ Moses has given you circumcision (not that it is from Moses, but from the fathers), and ye circumcise a man on a Sabbath.

acv@John:7:23 @ If a man receives circumcision on a Sabbath, so that the law of Moses may not be loosed, are ye angry with me because I made a man entirely well on a Sabbath?

acv@John:7:49 @ But this multitude that does not know the law are accursed.

acv@John:8:6 @ But they said this, trying him, so that they might have an accusation against him. But Jesus having stooped down, wrote on the ground with his finger, not pretending.

acv@John:8:10 @ And Jesus, after standing erect, and having seen no man but the woman, he said to her, Woman, where are those accusers of thee? Did no man condemn thee?

acv@John:12:29 @ The multitude therefore that stood by and heard, said thunder occurred, others said, A heavenly agent has spoken to him.

acv@John:12:30 @ Jesus answered and said, This voice occurred not for my sake, but for your sakes.

acv@John:13:2 @ And supper having occurred, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, that he would betray him,

acv@John:15:20 @ Remember the word that I said to you, A bondman is not greater than his lord. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they kept my word, they will keep yours also.

acv@John:15:22 @ If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.

acv@John:18:10 @ Simon Peter therefore, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's bondman, and cut off his right ear. Now the servant's name was Malchus.

acv@John:18:11 @ Jesus therefore said to Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath. The cup that the Father has given me, shall I, no, not drink it?

acv@John:18:26 @ One of the bondmen of the high priest, being a kinsman of him whose ear Peter cut off, says, Did I not see thee in the garden with him?

acv@John:18:29 @ Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, What accusation do ye bring against this man?

acv@John:18:39 @ But there is a custom for you that I should release to you one man at the Passover. Do ye wish therefore I would release to you the king of the Jews?

acv@John:19:40 @ So they took the body of Jesus, and wrapped it in linen cloths with the spices, just as is the custom of the Jews to bury.

acv@John:21:8 @ And the other disciples came in the skiff (for they were not far from the land, but about two hundred cubits off), dragging the net of the fishes.

acv@Acts:2:43 @ And fear developed in every soul. And many wonders and signs occurred through the apostles.

acv@Acts:4:3 @ And they threw hands on them, and put them in custody for the morrow, for it was now evening.

acv@Acts:4:22 @ For the man was more than forty years old on whom this sign of healing had occurred.

acv@Acts:5:23 @ saying, We found the prison indeed shut in all security, and the guards standing before the doors, but after opening, we found no man inside.

acv@Acts:6:14 @ For we have heard him saying that this Jesus the Nazarene will destroy this place, and will change the customs that Moses delivered to us.

acv@Acts:7:8 @ And he gave him the covenant of circumcision. And so he begot Isaac, and circumcised him the eighth day. And Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob the twelve patriarchs.

acv@Acts:7:19 @ This man, who cunningly victimized our race, mistreated our fathers to make their infants be placed outside in order not to keep alive.

acv@Acts:7:51 @ Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers, ye also.

acv@Acts:7:52 @ Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold about the coming of the Righteous man, of whom ye now have become betrayers and murderers,

acv@Acts:8:1 @ And Saul was approving the killing of him. And on that day there developed a great persecution against the church at Jerusalem. And they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.

acv@Acts:8:13 @ And Simon himself also believed. And after being immersed, he was continuing with Philip. And seeing miracles and signs occurring, he was astonished.

acv@Acts:9:2 @ he requested letters from him for Damascus, to the synagogues, so that if he found any who were of the Way, both men and women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

acv@Acts:9:3 @ And on going, it came to pass for him to approach Damascus. And suddenly there shone around him a light out of heaven.

acv@Acts:9:4 @ And after falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why do thou persecute me?

acv@Acts:9:5 @ And he said, Who are thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecute.

acv@Acts:9:8 @ And Saul arose from the ground. And when his eyes were opened, he saw no man. But they brought him into Damascus, leading him by the hand.

acv@Acts:9:10 @ Now there was a certain disciple in Damascus, named Ananias, and the Lord said to him in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold me, Lord.

acv@Acts:9:19 @ And having received nourishment, he was strengthened. And Saul became with the disciples in Damascus some days.

acv@Acts:9:22 @ But Saul was strengthened more, and was confounding the Jews who dwell at Damascus, proving that this is the Christ.

acv@Acts:9:27 @ But Barnabas having taken him, he brought him to the apostles. And he related to them how he saw the Lord on the road, and that he spoke to him, and how he spoke boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.

acv@Acts:10:37 @ ye know, the word having occurred throughout the whole of Judea beginning from Galilee after the immersion that John preached--

acv@Acts:10:45 @ And the faithful men of circumcision were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because also on the Gentiles the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out.

acv@Acts:11:2 @ And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, the men of circumcision contended against him,

acv@Acts:11:3 @ saying, Thou went in to uncircumcised men, having also eaten with them.

acv@Acts:11:19 @ Indeed therefore those who were scattered abroad from the persecution that occurred against Stephen passed through as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to none except Jews only.

acv@Acts:13:50 @ But the Jews incited the religious women, and the prominent women, and the principle men of the city, and raised up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas. And they threw them out of their boundaries.

acv@Acts:14:3 @ Indeed therefore they remained a considerable time speaking boldly in the Lord--him testifying to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to occur by their hands.

acv@Acts:15:1 @ And certain men, who came down from Judea, taught the brothers, Unless ye will be circumcised in the custom of Moses, ye cannot be saved.

acv@Acts:15:5 @ But some of the men who believed from the sect of the Pharisees rose up, saying, It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.

acv@Acts:15:7 @ And when much debate occurred, Peter having risen up, he said to them, Men, brothers, ye know that from past days among us, God chose the Gentiles to hear through my mouth the word of the good-news, and to believe.

acv@Acts:15:24 @ Since we have heard that certain men who went out from us have troubled you with words, disturbing your souls, saying to be circumcised, and to keep the law, to whom we did not command,

acv@Acts:16:3 @ Paul wanted this man to go forth with him. And having taken him, he circumcised him because of the Jews who were in those regions, for they had all seen that his father was a Greek.

acv@Acts:16:13 @ And on the Sabbath day we went outside the city beside a river, where it was customary for prayer to be. And having sat down, we spoke to the women who came together.

acv@Acts:16:21 @ and proclaim customs that are not permitted for us to receive nor to do, being Romans.

acv@Acts:16:23 @ And having laid many blows upon them, they cast them into prison, having ordered the jailor to guard them securely,

acv@Acts:16:26 @ And suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so as for the foundations of the prison to shake. And immediately all the doors were opened, and the bonds of all the men were unfastened.

acv@Acts:17:2 @ And according to Paul's custom, he went in to them, and for three Sabbaths he discoursed with them from the Scriptures,

acv@Acts:17:18 @ And also some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers encountered him. And some said, Whatever does this babbler want to say? But others, He seems to be a proclaimer of strange deities, because he brought the good-news--Jesus and t

acv@Acts:17:26 @ And he made from one blood every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, having determined prescribed times, and the limits of their occupancy,

acv@Acts:18:25 @ This was a man who was instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in the Spirit, he was speaking and teaching accurately the things about the Lord, knowing only the immersion of John.

acv@Acts:18:26 @ And this man began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside, and expounded to him the way of God more accurately.

acv@Acts:19:38 @ Indeed therefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen with him, have a matter against any man, forums are brought, and there are proconsuls. Let them accuse each other.

acv@Acts:19:40 @ For we are also in danger to be accused about the uproar today, there being no cause about which we can give account of this commotion.

acv@Acts:20:4 @ And there accompanied him as far as Asia, Sopater a Berean, and of the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundus, and Gaius a Derbean, and Timothy, and the Asians, Tychicus and Trophimus.

acv@Acts:21:21 @ And they were informed about thee, that thou teach all the Jews throughout the nations desertion from Moses, telling them not to circumcise the children nor to walk by the customs.

acv@Acts:22:3 @ I am indeed a Jewish man, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but reared in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, reared accurately in the paternal law, being a zealot of God, as ye all are today.

acv@Acts:22:4 @ And I persecuted this Way as far as death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.

acv@Acts:22:5 @ As also the high priest testifies about me, and all the senior council, from whom also having received letters to the brothers in Damascus, I was going to bring bound even those who were there to Jerusalem so that they might be pun

acv@Acts:22:6 @ And there happened to me, while going and approaching Damascus about noon, suddenly to flash forth from heaven a great light around me.

acv@Acts:22:7 @ And I fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do thou persecute me?

acv@Acts:22:8 @ And I answered, Who are thou, Lord? And he said to me, I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom thou persecute.

acv@Acts:22:10 @ And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said to me, After rising, go into Damascus, and there it will be told thee about all things that have been assigned for thee to do.

acv@Acts:22:11 @ And as I was not seeing from the splendor of that light, I came into Damascus, being led by hand by those who accompanied me.

acv@Acts:22:30 @ But on the morrow, wanting to know the certainty of why he was accused by the Jews, he loosed him from the bonds, and commanded the chief priests and all their council to come. And having brought Paul down, he set him before them.

acv@Acts:23:12 @ And when it became day, some of the Jews, having made a conspiracy, put themselves under a curse, saying neither to eat nor to drink until they would kill Paul.

acv@Acts:23:14 @ who, having come near to the chief priests and the elders, said, We have put ourselves under a curse, a curse to taste of nothing until we would kill Paul.

acv@Acts:23:15 @ Now therefore ye with the council report to the chief captain that tomorrow he may bring him down to you, as though going to inquire more accurately the things about him. And we, before he comes near, are prepared to kill him.

acv@Acts:23:20 @ And he said, The Jews have agreed to ask thee that to tomorrow thou would bring Paul down to the council, as though going to inquire something more accurately about him.

acv@Acts:23:27 @ This man who was seized by the Jews, and was going to be killed by them, having stood by with the soldiers, I rescued him, having learned that he is a Roman.

acv@Acts:23:28 @ And wanting to know for what reason they accused him, I brought him down to their council,

acv@Acts:23:29 @ whom I found accusing about issues of their law, having not one accusation worthy of death or of bonds.

acv@Acts:23:30 @ And when it was reported to me of a plot going to be against the man by the Jews, I immediately sent him to thee, also having commanded the accusers to speak before thee the things against him. Be strong.

acv@Acts:23:35 @ he said, I will hear thee when thine accusers also will arrive. And he commanded him to be kept in the Praetorium of Herod.

acv@Acts:24:2 @ And when he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, Experiencing much peace because of thee, and worthy deeds happening to this nation because of thy foresight,

acv@Acts:24:8 @ from whom thou will be able, having examined him, to learn about all these things of which we accuse him.

acv@Acts:24:13 @ Neither can they prove against me of which things they now accuse me.

acv@Acts:24:19 @ who ought to be here before thee, and to accuse, if they would have anything against me.

acv@Acts:25:5 @ Therefore he says, Let the able men among you, after coming down together, accuse him if there is anything in this man.

acv@Acts:25:7 @ And when he arrived, the Jews who came down from Jerusalem stood around, bringing many and serious accusations against Paul, which they could not prove,

acv@Acts:25:11 @ For if I am indeed wrong, and have done anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die, but if there is nothing of what these men accuse me, no man can give me to them freely. I appeal Caesar.

acv@Acts:25:16 @ To whom I answered, that it is not a custom by Romans to give any man freely for destruction, before the man being accused has the accusers in person, and receives an occasion of defense about the accusation.

acv@Acts:25:18 @ About whom, when the accusers stood up, they brought not one cause of what I supposed,

acv@Acts:25:26 @ About whom I do not have anything certain to write to the lord. Therefore I brought him before you, and especially before thee, king Agrippa, so that, an examination having occurred, I may have something to write.

acv@Acts:26:2 @ Concerning all things of which I am accused by the Jews, king Agrippa, I consider myself blessed, being about to make my defense before thee today.

acv@Acts:26:7 @ to which our twelve tribes, serving in earnestness night and day, hope to attain, about which hope, king Agrippa, I am accused by the Jews!

acv@Acts:26:11 @ And punishing them often at all the synagogues, I compelled them to blaspheme. And being extraordinarily furious toward them, I persecuted them even as far as to outside cities.

acv@Acts:26:12 @ And during which, while going to Damascus with the authority and commission of the chief priests,

acv@Acts:26:14 @ And when we all fell to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the Hebrew language, Saul, Saul, why do thou persecute me? It is hard for thee to kick against the goads.

acv@Acts:26:15 @ And I said, Who are thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecute.

acv@Acts:26:20 @ but declaring first to those at Damascus and then at Jerusalem, and in all the region of Judea, and to the Gentiles, to repent and return to God, doing works worthy of repentance.

acv@Acts:27:7 @ And sailing slowly during considerable days, and with difficulty having come along the Cnidus, the wind not allowing us further, we sailed under lee of Crete, along Salmone.

acv@Acts:27:8 @ And sailing by it with difficulty, we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near to which was Lasea City.

acv@Acts:27:16 @ And having sailed under lee of a certain island called Clauda, we were able with difficulty, to develop control of the skiff.

acv@Acts:27:32 @ Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the skiff, and let it fall off.

acv@Acts:28:12 @ And after being brought down to Syracuse, we remained there three days,

acv@Acts:28:13 @ from where having made a circuit, we arrived at Rhegium. And after one day, wind from the south having developed, we came a second day to Puteoli,

acv@Acts:28:19 @ But when the Jews spoke against it, I was compelled to appeal Caesar, not as having anything to accuse my nation.

acv@Romans:1:20 @ For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things made, both his eternal power and divinity, for them to be without excuse.

acv@Romans:2:1 @ Therefore, O man, thou are without excuse, every man who judges, for in what thou judge the other man, thou condemn thyself, for the man who judges is doing the same things.

acv@Romans:2:15 @ Who show the work of the law written in their hearts, testifying of their conscience, and their thoughts amidst each other accusing or also defending them

acv@Romans:2:25 @ For circumcision is indeed beneficial if thou perform law, but if thou are a transgressor of law, thy circumcision has become uncircumcision.

acv@Romans:2:26 @ If therefore a man of uncircumcision keeps the ordinances of the law, will not his uncircumcision be considered circumcision?

acv@Romans:2:27 @ And the man of natural uncircumcision who fulfills the law, will judge thee, a transgressor of law through a document and circumcision.

acv@Romans:2:28 @ For he is not a Jew in what is visible, nor is circumcision in what is visible, in flesh,

acv@Romans:2:29 @ but he is a Jew in what is hidden, and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit not a document, whose praise is not from men but from God.

acv@Romans:3:1 @ What then is the advantage of the Jew? Or what is the benefit of circumcision?

acv@Romans:3:14 @ whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.

acv@Romans:3:25 @ whom God set forth an expiatory sacrifice through faith in his blood, for proof of his justice, because of the passing over of the sins that have formerly occurred

acv@Romans:3:30 @ since God is one, who will make the man of circumcision righteous from faith, and the man of uncircumcision through faith.

acv@Romans:4:9 @ Is this blessedness therefore upon men of circumcision, or also upon men of uncircumcision? For we say, Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.

acv@Romans:4:10 @ How then was it reckoned? When he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.

acv@Romans:4:11 @ And he received the sign of circumcision, as a seal of the righteousness of his faith during uncircumcision, for him to be father of all those who believe during uncircumcision (for righteousness to also be imputed to them),

acv@Romans:4:12 @ and father of those of circumcision, to those not only of circumcision, but also to those who march in the steps of faith--of that during the uncircumcision of our father Abraham.

acv@Romans:7:6 @ But now we have been released from the law, having died to what we were held, so as for us to serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of a document.

acv@Romans:7:24 @ I am a wretched man. Who will rescue me out of the body of this death?

acv@Romans:8:33 @ Who will accuse against the chosen of God? God is he who makes righteous.

acv@Romans:8:35 @ Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or restriction, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

acv@Romans:9:3 @ For I wished I myself to be accursed from the Christ, for my brothers, my kinsmen according to flesh,

acv@Romans:9:28 @ Since he is completing and finishing quickly a matter in righteousness, because a matter that has been cut short upon the earth, Lord will perform.

acv@Romans:11:22 @ Behold therefore the goodness and the severity of God. Indeed toward those who fell, severity, but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness, otherwise thou too will be cut off.

acv@Romans:11:24 @ For if thou were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural ones, be grafted into their own olive tree.

acv@Romans:12:14 @ Bless those who persecute you. Bless ye and do not curse.

acv@Romans:15:8 @ And I say, Christ Jesus became a helper of men of circumcision, for the sake of God's truth (in order to confirm the promises of the fathers),

acv@Romans:15:19 @ in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of a spirit of God, so that for me, from Jerusalem and all around as far as Illyricum, to fully preach the good-news of Christ.

acv@Romans:15:31 @ So that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may become acceptable to the sanctified,

acv@Romans:16:7 @ Salute Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners who are notable men among the apostles, who also became in Christ before me.

acv@1Corinthians:4:12 @ And we toil, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure;

acv@1Corinthians:7:18 @ Was any man called circumcised? He should not become uncircumcised. Was any man called in uncircumcision? He should not be circumcised.

acv@1Corinthians:7:19 @ Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, instead, the keeping of God's commandments.

acv@1Corinthians:9:6 @ Or have only I and Barnabas no right not to be occupied earning a living?

acv@1Corinthians:10:16 @ The cup of the blessing that we bless, is it not a participation of the blood of the Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation of the body of the Christ?

acv@1Corinthians:10:21 @ Ye cannot drink the cup of Lord, and the cup of demons. Ye cannot be partakers of a table of Lord, and of a table of demons.

acv@1Corinthians:11:16 @ But if any man appears to be a lover of strife, we have no such custom, nor the congregations of God.

acv@1Corinthians:11:25 @ Likewise also the cup after the supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. This do, as often as ye drink it, for my memorial.

acv@1Corinthians:11:26 @ For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

acv@1Corinthians:11:27 @ Therefore whoever may eat this bread or drink the cup of the Lord unworthily of the Lord, will be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.

acv@1Corinthians:11:28 @ But let a man examine himself, and let him so eat of the bread, and drink of the cup.

acv@1Corinthians:12:3 @ Therefore I make known to you, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God says, Jesus is accursed, and no man can say, Jesus is Lord, except by Holy Spirit.

acv@1Corinthians:15:9 @ For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

acv@1Corinthians:16:17 @ And I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus, because these men filled your lack.

acv@1Corinthians:16:22 @ If any man does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. Maranatha.

acv@2Corinthians:1:10 @ Who rescued us out of so great a death, and does rescue, in whom we have hoped that he will also still rescue.

acv@2Corinthians:3:6 @ who also made us qualified helpers of a new covenant, not of a document, but of a spirit, for the document kills but the spirit makes alive.

acv@2Corinthians:3:7 @ But if the administration of death in writings engraved on stones occurred in glory, so that the sons of Israel could not gaze upon the face of Moses because of the fading glory of his countenance,

acv@2Corinthians:4:9 @ persecuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed.

acv@2Corinthians:11:12 @ But what I do, I also will do, so that I may cut off the opportunity of those who desire an opportunity, that in what they boast, they might appear just as we also.

acv@2Corinthians:11:32 @ In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king guarded the city of the Damascenes wanting to apprehend me.

acv@2Corinthians:12:10 @ Therefore I am pleased in weaknesses, in injuries, in necessities, in persecutions, in restrictions, for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

acv@Galatians:1:4 @ who gave himself for our sins, so that he might rescue us, according to the will of our God and Father, out of the evil age that has come,

acv@Galatians:1:8 @ But even if we, or an agent from heaven, should preach a good-news to you contrary to what we preached to you, let him be accursed.

acv@Galatians:1:9 @ As we have said before, I now also say again, if any man preaches a good-news to you contrary to what ye received, let him be accursed.

acv@Galatians:1:13 @ For ye heard of my former behavior in Judaism, that I persecuted the church of God to extraordinariness, and ravaged it.

acv@Galatians:1:17 @ nor did I go up to Jerusalem to the apostles before me, but I went into Arabia and returned again to Damascus.

acv@Galatians:1:23 @ but they were only hearing that the man who once persecuted us now preaches the good-news, the faith that he once ravaged.

acv@Galatians:2:3 @ But not even Titus with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised.

acv@Galatians:2:7 @ but to the contrary, when they saw that I was entrusted with the good-news for men of uncircumcision, as Peter for men of circumcision

acv@Galatians:2:8 @ (for he who was working in Peter for the apostleship for men of circumcision was also working in me for the Gentiles),

acv@Galatians:2:12 @ For before certain men came from James he ate together with the Gentiles, but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing men of circumcision.

acv@Galatians:3:10 @ For as many as are from works of law are under a curse, for it is written, Cursed is every man who does not continue in all things written in the book of the law, to do them.

acv@Galatians:3:13 @ Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us. For it is written, Cursed is every man who hangs on a tree.

acv@Galatians:3:14 @ So that the blessing of Abraham might occur for the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through the faith.

acv@Galatians:3:23 @ But before faith came we were kept in custody under law, having been confined for faith that was going to be revealed.

acv@Galatians:4:29 @ But just as then, the man who was born according to flesh persecuted the man according to Spirit, so also now.

acv@Galatians:5:2 @ Behold, I Paul say to you, that if ye are circumcised, Christ will benefit you nothing.

acv@Galatians:5:3 @ And I solemnly declare again to every man who is circumcised, that he is obligated to do the whole law.

acv@Galatians:5:6 @ For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything nor uncircumcision, but faith working through love.

acv@Galatians:5:11 @ But I, brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then the stumbling-block of the cross has been abolished.

acv@Galatians:5:12 @ O that those who trouble you would even cut it all off.

acv@Galatians:6:12 @ As many as desire to make a good impression in flesh, these compel you to be circumcised, only so that they may not be persecuted for the cross of the Christ.

acv@Galatians:6:13 @ For not even those who have been circumcised themselves keep law, but they want you to be circumcised, so that they may boast in thy flesh.

acv@Galatians:6:15 @ For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.

acv@Ephesians:2:11 @ Remember therefore that once ye, the Gentiles in flesh, who are called uncircumcision by that which is called circumcision (in flesh, made by hands),

acv@Ephesians:5:33 @ Nevertheless ye also, each one in particular, shall so love his own wife as himself, and the wife that she fear her husband.

acv@Ephesians:6:21 @ But that ye also may know the things concerning me, what I do, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful helper in Lord, will make known all things to you.

acv@Philippians:2:23 @ Indeed therefore I hope to send this man immediately, whenever I may focus on the things concerning me.

acv@Philippians:3:3 @ For we are the circumcision, men who worship in spirit to God, and who boast in Christ Jesus, and not being confident in flesh.

acv@Philippians:3:5 @ in circumcision the eighth day, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; regarding law, a Pharisee;

acv@Philippians:3:6 @ regarding zeal, persecuting the church; regarding the righteousness in law, having become blameless.

acv@Colossians:1:13 @ Who rescued us out of the power of darkness, and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of his love,

acv@Colossians:2:11 @ In whom also ye were circumcised a circumcision not made with hands, in the removal of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of the Christ.

acv@Colossians:2:13 @ And you, being dead in transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, you he made alive together with him, having forgiven us all the transgressions,

acv@Colossians:3:11 @ where there is no Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman, freeman, but the all and in all, Christ.

acv@Colossians:4:7 @ Tychicus will make known to you all things about me, the beloved brother and faithful helper and fellow bondman in Lord.

acv@Colossians:4:11 @ and Jesus who is called Justus, these being the only fellow workmen from the circumcision for the kingdom of God, men who became a comfort to me.

acv@1Thessalonians:1:10 @ and to await his Son from the heavens whom he raised from the dead--Jesus--who rescues us from the coming wrath.

acv@1Thessalonians:2:15 @ The men who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and who persecuted us, and are not pleasing to God, and are contrary to all men.

acv@1Thessalonians:5:2 @ For ye yourselves know accurately that the day of Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

acv@2Thessalonians:1:4 @ So as for us ourselves to have pride in you in the congregations of God, for your perseverance and faith in all your persecutions and in the tribulations that ye endure,

acv@1Timothy:1:13 @ the man who was formerly blasphemous, and a persecutor, and an aggressor. But I obtained mercy because I did it being ignorant in unbelief.

acv@1Timothy:5:19 @ Accept no accusation against an elder, except at two or three witnesses.

acv@2Timothy:3:11 @ persecutions, sufferings, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra. I endured such persecutions, and the Lord rescued me out of them all.

acv@2Timothy:3:12 @ And also all those who want to live devoutly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.

acv@2Timothy:4:3 @ For there will be time when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but they will accumulate teachers to themselves according to their own desires, who tickle the ear,

acv@2Timothy:4:12 @ But Tychicus I sent to Ephesus.

acv@2Timothy:4:17 @ But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the sacred message might be brought to fullness, and all the Gentiles might hear. And I was rescued out of the mouth of the lion.

acv@2Timothy:4:18 @ And the Lord will rescue me from every evil work, and will save me for his heavenly kingdom, to whom is the glory into the ages of the ages. Truly.

acv@Titus:1:6 @ if any man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having believing children, not with an accusation of debauchery or insubordinate.

acv@Titus:1:10 @ For there are also many insubordinate men, vain talkers and deceivers, especially those from circumcision,

acv@Titus:3:12 @ When I will send Artemas to thee, or Tychicus. Be diligence to come to me in Nicopolis, for I have decided to winter there.

acv@Hebrews:4:3 @ For those who believe enter into that rest, just as he said, So I swore in my wrath, They will not enter into my rest, although the works occurred from the foundation of the world.

acv@Hebrews:5:11 @ About whom, much subject matter from us is also difficult to explain, since ye have become sluggish in hearing.

acv@Hebrews:6:7 @ For the soil that has drunk the rain often coming upon it, and bringing forth vegetation useful for those by whom also it is cultivated, partakes of a blessing from God.

acv@Hebrews:6:8 @ But producing thorns and thistles it is unfit and near a curse, the end of which is for burning.

acv@Hebrews:7:12 @ For the priesthood being changed, of necessity a change of law also occurs.

acv@Hebrews:9:3 @ And behind the second curtain, the tabernacle called the Holy of holies,

acv@Hebrews:9:15 @ And because of this he is mediator of a new covenant, so that a death having occurred for the redemption of the transgressions against the first covenant, those who are called might take the promise of the eternal inheritance.

acv@Hebrews:9:22 @ And almost all things, according to the law, are cleansed with blood, and remission does not occur without bloodshed.

acv@Hebrews:10:20 @ which he inaugurated for us, a new and living way through the curtain, that is, his flesh,

acv@Hebrews:11:26 @ Having esteemed the vilification of the Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he focused toward the recompense of reward.

acv@James:3:9 @ By it we bless the God and Father, and by it we curse men, who were made according to a likeness of God.

acv@James:3:10 @ Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and curse. My brothers, these things ought not to happen this way.

acv@James:5:15 @ And the prayer of faith will rescue him who is depressed, and the Lord will rouse him. And if he should be a man who has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.

acv@1Peter:4:12 @ Beloved, ye should not be surprised at the fieriness in you, which occurs for a trial to you, like a strange thing happening to you.

acv@2Peter:1:16 @ For we revealed to you the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, not men who followed in cunningly devised myths, but men who became eyewitnesses of the majesty of that man.

acv@2Peter:2:7 @ and he rescued righteous Lot, being distressed by the conduct of the lawless in their licentiousness

acv@2Peter:2:9 @ the Lord knows how to rescue the pious out of temptation, and to hold in reserve unrighteous men being cut off for a day of judgment.

acv@2Peter:2:14 @ having eyes full of adultery, and unceasing sin, enticing unstable souls, having a heart trained in greed, children of a curse,

acv@Jude:1:15 @ to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the irreverent of them about all the works of their own irreverence that they have done irreverently, and about all the harsh things that irreverent sinners spoke against him.