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rotherham@Matthew:2:8 @ and sending them to Bethlehem, said Go search out accurately concerning the child, and, as soon as ye find it, bring report unto me, that, I also, may come and bow myself down to it.

rotherham@Matthew:7:7 @ Be asking, and it shall be given you, Be seeking, and ye shall find, Be knocking, and it shall be opened unto you.

rotherham@Matthew:7:8 @ For, whosoever asketh, receiveth, and, he that seeketh, findeth, and, to him that knocketh, shall it be opened.

rotherham@Matthew:7:14 @ Because, narrow, is the gate, and, confined, the way, that leadeth unto life, and, few, are they who find, it.

rotherham@Matthew:7:16 @ By their fruits, shall ye find, them, out, unless perhaps men gatherfrom thorns, grapes! or, from thistles, figs!

rotherham@Matthew:7:20 @ After all then, by their fruits, shall ye find, them, out.

rotherham@Matthew:10:39 @ He that hath found his life, shall lose it, and, he that hath lost his life, for my sake, shall find it.

rotherham@Matthew:11:6 @ And, happy, is he, whosoever shall not find cause of stumbling, in me.

rotherham@Matthew:11:29 @ Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because, meek, am I and lowly, in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls;

rotherham@Matthew:12:43 @ But, when the impure spirit goeth out of the man, it passeth through waterless places, seeking rest, and findeth it not.

rotherham@Matthew:12:44 @ Then, it saith, Into my house, will I return whence I came out, and, coming, findeth it empty and swept and adorned.

rotherham@Matthew:13:21 @ yet hath he no root in himself, but is, only for a season, and, there arising, tribulation or persecution because of the word, straightway, he findeth cause of stumbling.

rotherham@Matthew:13:44 @ The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a treasure hid in the field, which a man, finding, hid, and, by reason of his joy, withdraweth and selleth whatsoever he hath, and buyeth that field.

rotherham@Matthew:13:46 @ and, finding one very precious pearl, departing, he at once sold all things, whatsoever he had, and bought it.

rotherham@Matthew:13:57 @ And they began to find cause of stumbling in him. But, Jesus, said unto them A prophet is not without honour, save in his city, and in his house.

rotherham@Matthew:15:17 @ Perceive ye not that, every thing which entereth into the mouth, into the stomach, findeth way, and, into the draught, is passed;

rotherham@Matthew:16:25 @ For, whosoever intendeth, his life, to save, shall lose it, but, whosoever shall lose his life, for my sake, shall find it.

rotherham@Matthew:17:27 @ But, that we may not cause them to stumble, go unto the sea, and cast in a hook, and, the first fish that cometh up, take, and, opening its mouth, thou shalt find a shekel, that, take, and give to them for me and thee.

rotherham@Matthew:18:13 @ And, if it should be that he find it, Verily, I say unto you He rejoiceth over it, more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray.

rotherham@Matthew:19:11 @ But, he, said unto them Not all, find room for he word, save they to whom it hath been given;

rotherham@Matthew:19:12 @ For there, are, eunuchs, who, from their mothers womb, were born so, and there, are, eunuchs, who were made eunuchs, by men, and there, are, eunuchs, who have made, themselves, eunuchs, for the sake the kingdom of the heavens: He that is able to find room, let him find room.

rotherham@Matthew:21:2 @ saying unto them Be going into the village that is over against you, and, straightway, ye shall find an ass, bound, and a colt with her, loose them, and lead them unto me.

rotherham@Matthew:22:9 @ Be going, therefore, into the crossways of the roads, and, as many as ye shall find, call ye into the marriage-feast.

rotherham@Matthew:24:46 @ Happy! that servant, whom his master, when he cometh, shall find so doing!

rotherham@Matthew:26:31 @ Then, Jesus saith unto them All ye, will find cause of stumbling in me, during this night; for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and, the sheep of the flock, will be scattered abroad;

rotherham@Matthew:26:33 @ Now Peter, answering, said unto him Though, all, shall find cause of stumbling in thee, I, shall never find cause of stumbling.

rotherham@Matthew:26:40 @ And he cometh unto his disciples, and findeth them sleeping, and said unto Peter Thus, powerless are ye, one hour, to watch with me?

rotherham@Mark:4:17 @ and have no root in themselves, but, only for a season are, afterwards, when there ariseth tribulation or persecution by reason of the word, straightway, they find cause of stumbling;

rotherham@Mark:4:32 @ and, as soon as it is sown, springeth up, and becometh greater than all garden plants, and produceth large branches, so that, under the shade thereof, the birds of heaven can find shelter.

rotherham@Mark:6:3 @ Is not, this, the carpenter? the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?and they were finding cause of stumbling in him.

rotherham@Mark:6:31 @ And he saith unto them Come, ye yourselves, apart, into a desert place, and rest yourselves a little. For they who were coming and they who were going were many, and, not even to eat, were they finding fitting opportunity.

rotherham@Mark:11:2 @ and saith unto them Go your way into the village that is over against you, and, straightway, as ye are entering it, ye shall find a colt tied, upon which, no, man, yet, hath sat: loose him, and bring him.

rotherham@Mark:11:13 @ and, seeing a fig-tree from afar, having leaves, he came if, therefore, he should find aught in it, and, coming up to it, nothing, found he, save, leaves; for it was not, the season, of figs.

rotherham@Mark:13:36 @ Lest, coming suddenly, he find you, sleeping.

rotherham@Mark:14:27 @ And Jesus saith unto them Ye, all, will find cause of stumbling, because it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and, the sheep, will be scattered abroad;

rotherham@Mark:14:29 @ And, Peter, said unto him Even if, all, shall find cause of stumbling, certainly not, I.

rotherham@Mark:14:37 @ And he cometh and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter Simon! art thou sleeping? Hadst thou not strength, one hour, to watch?

rotherham@Mark:14:55 @ Now, the High-priest, and all the High-council, were seeking, against Jesus, testimony, with the intent to put him to death, and were not finding any;

rotherham@Luke:2:12 @ And, this, to you is, a sign: Ye shall find a babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger.

rotherham@Luke:2:45 @ and, not finding him, returned unto Jerusalem, seeking him.

rotherham@Luke:5:19 @ And, not finding by what means they might bring him in, because of the multitude, going up on the house-top, through the tiling, let they him down, with the little-couch, into the midst before Jesus.

rotherham@Luke:6:7 @ Now the Scribes and the Pharisees were narrowly watching him, whether, on the Sabbath, he healeth, that they might find whereof to accuse him.

rotherham@Luke:7:23 @ And, happy, is he, whosoever shall not find occasion of stumbling in me!

rotherham@Luke:9:12 @ And, the day, began to decline; and the twelve, coming near, said to him Dismiss the multitude, that, going into the surrounding villages and hamlets, they may lodge, and find provisions; because, here, in a desert place, are we.

rotherham@Luke:11:9 @ I, therefore, unto you, say Be asking, and it shall be given to you, Be seeking, and ye shall find, Be knocking, and it shall be opened unto you.

rotherham@Luke:11:10 @ For, whosoever asketh, receiveth, and, he that seeketh, findeth, and, to him that knocketh, shall it be opened.

rotherham@Luke:11:24 @ Whensoever, the impure spirit, goeth out from the man, it passeth through waterless places, seeking rest; and, not finding it, then, it saith, I will return unto my house, whence I came out;

rotherham@Luke:11:25 @ and, coming, findeth it, empty, swept, and adorned.

rotherham@Luke:11:48 @ Hence, witnesses, are ye, and find consenting pleasure in the works of your fathers: because, they, indeed, slew them, and, ye, are building,.

rotherham@Luke:12:37 @ Happy those servants, whom the lord, when he cometh, shall find watching! Verily, I say unto youhe will gird himself, and make them recline, and, coming near, will minister unto them.

rotherham@Luke:12:38 @ And, if, in the second, or if, in the third, watch, he come and find, thus, happy, are, they!

rotherham@Luke:12:43 @ Happy, that servant, whom the lord, when he cometh shall find doing, thus!

rotherham@Luke:13:7 @ And he said unto the vine-dresser Lo! three years, I come, seeking fruit in this fig-tree, and find none. Cut it down! Why doth it make, even the round useless?

rotherham@Luke:15:4 @ What man from among you, having a hundred sheep, and losing, from among them, one, doth not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go his way after the lost one, until he find it?

rotherham@Luke:15:5 @ And, finding it, he layeth it upon his shoulders, rejoicing;

rotherham@Luke:15:8 @ Or, what woman, having, ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek carefully, until she find it?

rotherham@Luke:18:8 @ I tell you He will execute their vindication, quickly! nevertheless, though, the Son of Man, do come, will he, after all, find the faith on the earth?

rotherham@Luke:19:30 @ saying Go your way unto the opposite village, in which, as ye are entering, ye shall find a colt, bound, whereon, no man, hath, ever sat, and, having loosed him, bring him.

rotherham@Luke:19:48 @ and could not find what they might do, for, the people, one and all, were hanging upon him, as they hearkened.

rotherham@Luke:23:4 @ And, Pilate, said unto the High-priests and the multitudes, Nothing, find I, worthy of blame, in this man.

rotherham@Luke:24:23 @ and, not finding his body, came, sayingthat, a vision of messengers, they had seen, who were affirming him to be alive.

rotherham@John:1:41 @ The same findeth, first, his own brother Simon, and saith unto him We have found the Messiah! which is, when translated, Anointed.

rotherham@John:1:43 @ On the morrow, he desired to go forth into Galilee. And Jesus findeth Philip, and saith unto him Be following me!

rotherham@John:1:45 @ Philip, findeth, Nathanael, and saith unto him Him, of whom wrote Moses in the law, and the Prophets, have we found.Jesus, son of Joseph, him from Nazareth!

rotherham@John:5:14 @ After these things, Jesus findeth him, in the temple, and said unto him See! thou hast become, well: No more, be committing sin, lest, some worse thing, do thee befall.

rotherham@John:6:25 @ and, finding him on the other side of the sea, they said unto him Rabbi! when, camest thou, hither?

rotherham@John:7:34 @ Ye shall seek me, and not find me, and, where, I, am, ye, cannot come.

rotherham@John:7:35 @ The Jews, therefore, said unto themselves Whither, is, this one, about to go, that we shall not find him? Unto the dispersion of the Greeks, is he about to go, and teach the Greeks?

rotherham@John:7:36 @ What, is this which he said: Ye shall seek me and not find me, and, where, I, am, ye, cannot come?

rotherham@John:8:37 @ I know that ye are, seed of Abraham; but ye are seeking to kill me, because, my word, findeth no place in you.

rotherham@John:9:35 @ Jesus heard that they had cast him out: and, finding him, said Dost, thou, believe on the son of Man?

rotherham@John:10:9 @ I, am the door: through me, if anyone enter, he shall be saved, and shall come in and go out, and, pasture, shall find.

rotherham@John:12:14 @ And Jesus, finding a young ass, took his seat thereon, just as it is written

rotherham@John:18:38 @ Pilate saith unto him What, is truth? And, this saying, again, went he out to the Jews, and saith unto them, I, find in him, not a single fault.

rotherham@John:19:4 @ And Pilate went forth again outside, and saith unto them See! I lead him unto you outside, that ye may take knowledge, that, no single fault, do I find in him.

rotherham@John:19:6 @ When, therefore, the High-priests and the officers saw him, they cried aloud, saying Crucify! Crucify! Pilate saith unto them Ye, take him, and crucify; for, I, find not in him, a fault.

rotherham@John:21:6 @ And, he, said unto them Cast the net, on the right side of the boat, and ye shall find. They cast, therefore; and, no longer, were they able, to draw, it, for the multitude of the fishes.

rotherham@Acts:4:21 @ They, however, further charging them with threats, let them go, finding nothing as to how they might chastise them, on account of the people; because, all, were glorifying God for that which had come to pass;

rotherham@Acts:7:11 @ And there came a famine upon all Egypt and Canaan, and great tribulation, and our fathers could not find pasture.

rotherham@Acts:7:46 @ Who found favour before God, and asked to find a habitation for the God of Jacob.

rotherham@Acts:9:2 @ asked from him letters for Damascus, unto the synagogues; to the end that, if he should find, any, who were of The Way, whether men or women, he might bring them, bound, unto Jerusalem.

rotherham@Acts:10:27 @ And, conversing with him, he went in, and findeth many come together;

rotherham@Acts:10:34 @ And Peter, opening his mouth, said Of a truth, I find that God is no respecter of persons;

rotherham@Acts:11:2 @ And, when Peter came up unto Jerusalem, they of the circumcision began to find fault with him,

rotherham@Acts:11:26 @ And, finding him, he brought him unto Antioch. And so it was with them, that, for a whole year, they were brought together in the assembly, and taught a considerable multitude; also that the disciples, first in Antioch, were called, Christians.

rotherham@Acts:12:19 @ And, Herod, seeking after and not finding, him, having examined the guards, ordered them to be led away

rotherham@Acts:17:6 @ and, not finding them, they began dragging Jason and certain brethren unto the city-rulers, shouting They who have thrown the inhabited earth into confusion, the same, hither also, are come,

rotherham@Acts:17:27 @ that they might be seeking Godif, after all, indeed, they might feel after him and find him, although, in truth, he is already not far from any one of us.

rotherham@Acts:18:2 @ and, finding a certain Jew, by name Aquila, of Pontus by birth, lately come from Italy, and Priscilla his wife, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to be leaving Rome, he came unto them,

rotherham@Acts:21:2 @ and, finding a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, going on board, we set sail.

rotherham@Acts:21:4 @ And, finding up the disciples, we remained there seven days, and they, unto Paul, began to say, through the Spirit, that he would gain no footing in Jerusalem.

rotherham@Acts:22:24 @ the captain ordered him to be brought into the castle, saying, that, with scourging, he should be put to the test, that he might find out, for what cause they were, thus, clamouring against him.

rotherham@Acts:23:9 @ And there arose a great outcry, and certain of the Scribes of the party of the Pharisees, standing up, began to strive, saying Nothing bad, find we in this man; but, if a spirit hath spoken unto him, or a messenger

rotherham@Acts:23:28 @ And, being minded to find out the cause for which they were accusing him, I took him down into their High-council,

rotherham@Acts:24:5 @ For, finding this man a pest, and moving sedition with all the Jews that are throughout the inhabited earth, a leader also of the sect of the Nazarenes,

rotherham@Acts:24:25 @ And, as he was reasoning of righteousness, and self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix, becoming greatly afraid, answered For the present, be going thy way, and, when I find an opportunity, I will send for thee,

rotherham@Acts:27:6 @ And the centurion, there, finding a ship of Alexandria sailing for Italy, put us therein.

rotherham@Acts:28:14 @ where, finding brethren, we were entreated to tarry, with them, seven days; and, thus, towards Rome, we came.

rotherham@Romans:7:21 @ Hence, I find the law, to me who wish to be doing the right, that, unto me, the wrong lieth near:

rotherham@Romans:9:19 @ Thou wilt say to me, then Why longer findeth he fault? For, his purpose, who hath withstood?

rotherham@Romans:15:32 @ In order that, with joy coming unto you through Gods will, I may together with you find rest.

rotherham@2Corinthians:9:4 @ Lest by any means, if there should come with me Macedonians, and find you unprepared, we, not to say, ye, should be put to shame in this confidence.

rotherham@2Corinthians:12:20 @ For I fearlest, by any means, when I come, not such as I wish, should I find you, and, I, should be found by you, such as ye do not wish; lest, by any means, strife, jealousy, outbursts of wrath, factions, railings, whisperings, puffed up pretensions, confusions;

rotherham@2Timothy:1:18 @ The Lord grant him to find mercy from

rotherham@Hebrews:4:16 @ Let us, then, be approaching with freedom of speech, unto the throne of favour, that we may receive mercy, and, favour, may find, for seasonable succour.

rotherham@Hebrews:8:8 @ For, finding fault with them, he saith Lo! days are coming, saith the Lord, when I will conclude, for the house of Israel and the house of Judah, a covenant of a new sort:

rotherham@2Peter:2:16 @ But had, a reproof, of his own transgression, a dumb beast of burden, in mans voice, finding utterance, forbade the prophets madness.