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ylt@Matthew:4:9 @and saith to him, 'All these to thee I will give, if falling down thou mayest bow to me.'

ylt@Matthew:5:31 @'And it was said, That whoever may put away his wife, let him give to her a writing of divorce;

ylt@Matthew:6:11 @'Our appointed bread give us to-day.

ylt@Matthew:6:12 @'And forgive us our debts, as also we forgive our debtors.

ylt@Matthew:6:14 @'For, if ye may forgive men their trespasses He also will forgive you -- your Father who [is] in the heavens;

ylt@Matthew:6:15 @but if ye may not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

ylt@Matthew:7:6 @'Ye may not give that which is [holy] to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, that they may not trample them among their feet, and having turned -- may rend you.

ylt@Matthew:7:7 @'Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you;

ylt@Matthew:7:11 @if, therefore, ye being evil, have known good gifts to give to your children, how much more shall your Father who [is] in the heavens give good things to those asking him?

ylt@Matthew:9:2 @and lo, they were bringing to him a paralytic, laid upon a couch, and Jesus having seen their faith, said to the paralytic, 'Be of good courage, child, thy sins have been forgiven thee.'

ylt@Matthew:9:5 @for which is easier? to say, The sins have been forgiven to thee; or to say, Rise, and walk?

ylt@Matthew:9:6 @'But, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power upon the earth to forgive sins -- (then saith he to the paralytic) -- having risen, take up thy couch, and go to thy house.'

ylt@Matthew:9:8 @and the multitudes having seen, wondered, and glorified God, who did give such power to men.

ylt@Matthew:10:5 @These twelve did Jesus send forth, having given command to them, saying, 'To the way of the nations go not away, and into a city of the Samaritans go not in,

ylt@Matthew:10:8 @infirm ones be healing, lepers be cleansing, dead be raising, demons be casting out -- freely ye did receive, freely give.

ylt@Matthew:10:17 @And, take ye heed of men, for they will give you up to sanhedrims, and in their synagogues they will scourge you,

ylt@Matthew:10:19 @'And whenever they may deliver you up, be not anxious how or what ye may speak, for it shall be given you in that hour what ye shall speak;

ylt@Matthew:10:42 @and whoever may give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say to you, he may not lose his reward.'

ylt@Matthew:11:28 @'Come unto me, all ye labouring and burdened ones, and I will give you rest,

ylt@Matthew:12:31 @Because of this I say to you, all sin and evil speaking shall be forgiven to men, but the evil speaking of the Spirit shall not be forgiven to men.

ylt@Matthew:12:32 @And whoever may speak a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven to him, but whoever may speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this age, nor in that which is coming.

ylt@Matthew:12:36 @'And I say to you, that every idle word that men may speak, they shall give for it a reckoning in a day of judgment;

ylt@Matthew:12:39 @And he answering said to them, 'A generation, evil and adulterous, doth seek a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet;

ylt@Matthew:13:11 @And he answering said to them that -- 'To you it hath been given to know the secrets of the reign of the heavens, and to these it hath not been given,

ylt@Matthew:13:12 @for whoever hath, it shall be given to him, and he shall have overabundance, and whoever hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken from him.

ylt@Matthew:14:7 @whereupon with an oath he professed to give her whatever she might ask.

ylt@Matthew:14:8 @And she having been instigated by her mother -- 'Give me (says she) here upon a plate the head of John the Baptist;

ylt@Matthew:14:9 @and the king was grieved, but because of the oaths and of those reclining with him, he commanded [it] to be given;

ylt@Matthew:14:11 @and his head was brought upon a plate, and was given to the damsel, and she brought [it] nigh to her mother.

ylt@Matthew:14:16 @And Jesus said to them, 'They have no need to go away -- give ye them to eat.'

ylt@Matthew:15:36 @and having taken the seven loaves and the fishes, having given thanks, he did break, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

ylt@Matthew:16:4 @'A generation evil and adulterous doth seek a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet;' and having left them he went away.

ylt@Matthew:16:19 @and I will give to thee the keys of the reign of the heavens, and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens.'

ylt@Matthew:16:26 @for what is a man profited if he may gain the whole world, but of his life suffer loss? or what shall a man give as an exchange for his life?

ylt@Matthew:17:27 @but, that we may not cause them to stumble, having gone to the sea, cast a hook, and the fish that hath come up first take thou up, and having opened its mouth, thou shalt find a stater, that having taken, give to them for me and thee.'

ylt@Matthew:18:21 @Then Peter having come near to him, said, 'Sir, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him -- till seven times?'

ylt@Matthew:18:32 @then having called him, his lord saith to him, Evil servant! all that debt I did forgive thee, seeing thou didst call upon me,

ylt@Matthew:18:35 @so also my heavenly Father will do to you, if ye may not forgive each one his brother from your hearts their trespasses.'

ylt@Matthew:19:7 @They say to him, 'Why then did Moses command to give a roll of divorce, and to put her away?'

ylt@Matthew:19:11 @And he said to them, 'All do not receive this word, but those to whom it hath been given;

ylt@Matthew:19:21 @Jesus said to him, 'If thou dost will to be perfect, go away, sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.'

ylt@Matthew:20:4 @and to these he said, Go ye -- also ye -- to the vineyard, and whatever may be righteous I will give you;

ylt@Matthew:20:14 @take that which is thine, and go; and I will to give to this, the last, also as to thee;

ylt@Matthew:20:23 @And he saith to them, 'Of my cup indeed ye shall drink, and with the baptism that I am baptized with ye shall be baptized; but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give, but -- to those for whom it hath been prepared by my father.'

ylt@Matthew:20:28 @even as the Son of Man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.'

ylt@Matthew:21:41 @They say to him, 'Evil men -- he will evilly destroy them, and the vineyard will give out to other husbandmen, who will give back to him the fruits in their seasons.'

ylt@Matthew:21:43 @'Because of this I say to you, that the reign of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth its fruit;

ylt@Matthew:22:17 @tell us, therefore, what dost thou think? is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?'

ylt@Matthew:22:30 @for in the rising again they do not marry, nor are they given in marriage, but are as messengers of God in heaven.

ylt@Matthew:23:23 @'Wo to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye give tithe of the mint, and the dill, and the cumin, and did neglect the weightier things of the Law -- the judgment, and the kindness, and the faith; these it behoved [you] to do, and those not to neglect.

ylt@Matthew:24:24 @for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and they shall give great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, also the chosen.

ylt@Matthew:24:29 @'And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken;

ylt@Matthew:24:45 @'Who, then, is the servant, faithful and wise, whom his lord did set over his household, to give them the nourishment in season?

ylt@Matthew:25:8 @and the foolish said to the prudent, Give us of your oil, because our lamps are going out;

ylt@Matthew:25:28 @'Take therefore from him the talent, and give to him having the ten talents,

ylt@Matthew:25:29 @for to every one having shall be given, and he shall have overabundance, and from him who is not having, even that which he hath shall be taken from him;

ylt@Matthew:26:9 @for this ointment could have been sold for much, and given to the poor.'

ylt@Matthew:26:10 @And Jesus having known, said to them, 'Why do ye give trouble to the woman? for a good work she wrought for me;

ylt@Matthew:26:15 @'What are ye willing to give me, and I will deliver him up to you?' and they weighed out to him thirty silverlings,

ylt@Matthew:26:27 @and having taken the cup, and having given thanks, he gave to them, saying, 'Drink ye of it -- all;

ylt@Matthew:26:48 @And he who did deliver him up did give them a sign, saying, 'Whomsoever I will kiss, it is he: lay hold on him;'

ylt@Matthew:27:58 @he having gone near to Pilate, asked for himself the body of Jesus; then Pilate commanded the body to be given back.

ylt@Matthew:28:18 @And having come near, Jesus spake to them, saying, 'Given to me was all authority in heaven and on earth;

ylt@Mark:2:5 @and Jesus having seen their faith, saith to the paralytic, 'Child, thy sins have been forgiven thee.'

ylt@Mark:2:7 @'Why doth this one thus speak evil words? who is able to forgive sins except one -- God?'

ylt@Mark:2:9 @which is easier, to say to the paralytic, The sins have been forgiven to thee? or to say, Rise, and take up thy couch, and walk?

ylt@Mark:2:10 @'And, that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority on the earth to forgive sins -- (he saith to the paralytic) --

ylt@Mark:3:28 @'Verily I say to you, that all the sins shall be forgiven to the sons of men, and evil speakings with which they might speak evil,

ylt@Mark:3:29 @but whoever may speak evil in regard to the Holy Spirit hath not forgiveness -- to the age, but is in danger of age-during judgment;'

ylt@Mark:4:11 @and he said to them, 'To you it hath been given to know the secret of the reign of God, but to those who are without, in similes are all the things done;

ylt@Mark:4:12 @that seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand, lest they may turn, and the sins may be forgiven them.'

ylt@Mark:4:25 @for whoever may have, there shall be given to him, and whoever hath not, also that which he hath shall be taken from him.'

ylt@Mark:5:43 @and he charged them much, that no one may know this thing, and he said that there be given to her to eat.

ylt@Mark:6:2 @and sabbath having come, he began in the synagogue to teach, and many hearing were astonished, saying, 'Whence hath this one these things? and what the wisdom that was given to him, that also such mighty works through his hands are done?

ylt@Mark:6:22 @and the daughter of that Herodias having come in, and having danced, and having pleased Herod and those reclining (at meat) with him, the king said to the damsel, 'Ask of me whatever thou wilt, and I will give to thee,'

ylt@Mark:6:23 @and he sware to her -- 'Whatever thou mayest ask me, I will give to thee -- unto the half of my kingdom.'

ylt@Mark:6:25 @and having come in immediately with haste unto the king, she asked, saying, 'I will that thou mayest give me presently, upon a plate, the head of John the Baptist.'

ylt@Mark:6:28 @and he having gone, beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head upon a plate, and did give it to the damsel, and the damsel did give it to her mother;

ylt@Mark:6:37 @And he answering said to them, 'Give ye them to eat,' and they say to him, 'Having gone away, may we buy two hundred denaries' worth of loaves, and give to them to eat?'

ylt@Mark:8:6 @And he commanded the multitude to sit down upon the ground, and having taken the seven loaves, having given thanks, he brake, and was giving to his disciples that they may set before [them]; and they did set before the multitude.

ylt@Mark:8:12 @and having sighed deeply in his spirit, he saith, 'Why doth this generation seek after a sign? Verily I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation.'

ylt@Mark:8:37 @Or what shall a man give as an exchange for his life?

ylt@Mark:9:41 @for whoever may give you to drink a cup of water in my name, because ye are Christ's, verily I say to you, he may not lose his reward;

ylt@Mark:10:21 @And Jesus having looked upon him, did love him, and said to him, 'One thing thou dost lack; go away, whatever thou hast -- sell, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come, be following me, having taken up the cross.'

ylt@Mark:10:40 @but to sit on my right and on my left, is not mine to give, but -- to those for whom it hath been prepared.'

ylt@Mark:10:45 @for even the Son of Man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.'

ylt@Mark:11:25 @'And whenever ye may stand praying, forgive, if ye have anything against any one, that your Father also who is in the heavens may forgive you your trespasses;

ylt@Mark:11:26 @and, if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in the heavens forgive your trespasses.'

ylt@Mark:12:9 @'What therefore shall the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard to others.

ylt@Mark:12:14 @and they having come, say to him, 'Teacher, we have known that thou art true, and thou art not caring for any one, for thou dost not look to the face of men, but in truth the way of God dost teach; is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not? may we give, or may we not give?'

ylt@Mark:12:17 @and Jesus answering said to them, 'Give back the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God;' and they did wonder at him.

ylt@Mark:12:25 @for when they may rise out of the dead, they neither marry nor are they given in marriage, but are as messengers who are in the heavens.

ylt@Mark:13:11 @'And when they may lead you, delivering up, be not anxious beforehand what ye may speak, nor premeditate, but whatever may be given to you in that hour, that speak ye, for it is not ye who are speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

ylt@Mark:13:22 @for there shall rise false Christs and false prophets, and they shall give signs and wonders, to seduce, if possible, also the chosen;

ylt@Mark:13:24 @'But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,

ylt@Mark:13:34 @as a man who is gone abroad, having left his house, and given to his servants the authority, and to each one his work, did command also the porter that he may watch;

ylt@Mark:14:5 @for this could have been sold for more than three hundred denaries, and given to the poor;' and they were murmuring at her.

ylt@Mark:14:11 @and having heard, they were glad, and promised to give him money, and he was seeking how, conveniently, he might deliver him up.

ylt@Mark:14:23 @And having taken the cup, having given thanks, he gave to them, and they drank of it -- all;

ylt@Mark:14:44 @and he who is delivering him up had given a token to them, saying, 'Whomsoever I shall kiss, he it is, lay hold on him, and lead him away safely,'

ylt@Luke:1:32 @he shall be great, and Son of the Highest he shall be called, and the Lord God shall give him the throne of David his father,

ylt@Luke:1:74 @To give to us, without fear, Out of the hand of our enemies having been delivered,

ylt@Luke:1:77 @To give knowledge of salvation to His people In remission of their sins,

ylt@Luke:1:79 @To give light to those sitting in darkness and death-shade, To guide our feet to a way of peace.'

ylt@Luke:2:24 @and to give a sacrifice, according to that said in the Law of the Lord, 'A pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons.'

ylt@Luke:4:6 @and the Devil said to him, 'To thee I will give all this authority, and their glory, because to me it hath been delivered, and to whomsoever I will, I do give it;

ylt@Luke:4:10 @for it hath been written -- To His messengers He will give charge concerning thee, to guard over thee,

ylt@Luke:4:17 @and there was given over to him a roll of Isaiah the prophet, and having unfolded the roll, he found the place where it hath been written:

ylt@Luke:4:20 @And having folded the roll, having given [it] back to the officer, he sat down, and the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing on him.

ylt@Luke:5:20 @and he having seen their faith, said to him, 'Man, thy sins have been forgiven thee.'

ylt@Luke:5:21 @And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, 'Who is this that doth speak evil words? who is able to forgive sins, except God only?'

ylt@Luke:5:23 @which is easier -- to say, Thy sins have been forgiven thee? or to say, Arise, and walk?

ylt@Luke:5:24 @'And that ye may know that the Son of Man hath authority upon the earth to forgive sins -- (he said to the one struck with palsy) -- I say to thee, Arise, and having taken up thy little couch, be going on to thy house.'

ylt@Luke:6:29 @and to him smiting thee upon the cheek, give also the other, and from him taking away from thee the mantle, also the coat thou mayest not keep back.

ylt@Luke:6:38 @'Give, and it shall be given to you; good measure, pressed, and shaken, and running over, they shall give into your bosom; for with that measure with which ye measure, it shall be measured to you again.'

ylt@Luke:7:42 @and they not having [wherewith] to give back, he forgave both; which then of them, say thou, will love him more?'

ylt@Luke:7:44 @And having turned unto the woman, he said to Simon, 'Seest thou this woman? I entered into thy house; water for my feet thou didst not give, but this woman with tears did wet my feet, and with the hairs of her head did wipe;

ylt@Luke:7:45 @a kiss to me thou didst not give, but this woman, from what [time] I came in, did not cease kissing my feet;

ylt@Luke:7:47 @therefore I say to thee, her many sins have been forgiven, because she did love much; but to whom little is forgiven, little he doth love.'

ylt@Luke:7:48 @And he said to her, 'Thy sins have been forgiven;'

ylt@Luke:7:49 @and those reclining with him (at meat) began to say within themselves, 'Who is this, who also doth forgive sins?'

ylt@Luke:8:10 @And he said, 'To you it hath been given to know the secrets of the reign of God, and to the rest in similes; that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.

ylt@Luke:8:18 @'See, therefore, how ye hear, for whoever may have, there shall be given to him, and whoever may not have, also what he seemeth to have, shall be taken from him.'

ylt@Luke:8:55 @and her spirit came back, and she arose presently, and he directed that there be given to her to eat;

ylt@Luke:9:13 @And he said unto them, 'Give ye them to eat;' and they said, 'We have no more than five loaves, and two fishes: except, having gone, we may buy for all this people victuals;'

ylt@Luke:10:19 @lo, I give to you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you;

ylt@Luke:10:35 @and on the morrow, going forth, taking out two denaries, he gave to the innkeeper, and said to him, Be careful of him, and whatever thou mayest spend more, I, in my coming again, will give back to thee.

ylt@Luke:11:4 @and forgive us our sins, for also we ourselves forgive every one indebted to us; and mayest Thou not bring us into temptation; but do Thou deliver us from the evil.'

ylt@Luke:11:7 @and he from within answering may say, Do not give me trouble, already the door hath been shut, and my children with me are in the bed, I am not able, having risen, to give to thee.

ylt@Luke:11:8 @'I say to you, even if he will not give to him, having risen, because of his being his friend, yet because of his importunity, having risen, he will give him as many as he doth need;

ylt@Luke:11:9 @and I say to you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you;

ylt@Luke:11:13 @If, then, ye, being evil, have known good gifts to be giving to your children, how much more shall the Father who is from heaven give the Holy Spirit to those asking Him!'

ylt@Luke:11:29 @And the multitudes crowding together upon him, he began to say, 'This generation is evil, a sign it doth seek after, and a sign shall not be given to it, except the sign of Jonah the prophet,

ylt@Luke:11:36 @if then thy whole body is lightened, not having any part darkened, the whole shall be lightened, as when the lamp by the brightness may give thee light.'

ylt@Luke:11:41 @But what ye have give ye [as] alms, and, lo, all things are clean to you.

ylt@Luke:12:10 @and every one whoever shall say a word to the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven to him, but to him who to the Holy Spirit did speak evil, it shall not be forgiven.

ylt@Luke:12:32 @'Fear not, little flock, because your Father did delight to give you the reign;

ylt@Luke:12:33 @sell your goods, and give alms, make to yourselves bags that become not old, a treasure unfailing in the heavens, where thief doth not come near, nor moth destroy;

ylt@Luke:12:42 @And the Lord said, 'Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the lord shall set over his household, to give in season the wheat measure?

ylt@Luke:12:48 @and he who, not having known, and having done things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few; and to every one to whom much was given, much shall be required from him; and to whom they did commit much, more abundantly they will ask of him.

ylt@Luke:12:51 @'Think ye that peace I came to give in the earth? no, I say to you, but rather division;

ylt@Luke:12:58 @for, as thou art going away with thy opponent to the ruler, in the way give diligence to be released from him, lest he may drag thee unto the judge, and the judge may deliver thee to the officer, and the officer may cast thee into prison;

ylt@Luke:12:59 @I say to thee, thou mayest not come forth thence till even the last mite thou mayest give back.'

ylt@Luke:14:9 @and he who did call thee and him having come shall say to thee, Give to this one place, and then thou mayest begin with shame to occupy the last place.

ylt@Luke:15:12 @and the younger of them said to the father, Father, give me the portion of the substance falling to [me], and he divided to them the living.

ylt@Luke:15:22 @'And the father said unto his servants, Bring forth the first robe, and clothe him, and give a ring for his hand, and sandals for the feet;

ylt@Luke:15:29 @and he answering said to the father, Lo, so many years I do serve thee, and never thy command did I transgress, and to me thou didst never give a kid, that with my friends I might make merry;

ylt@Luke:16:12 @and if in the other's ye became not faithful -- your own, who shall give to you?

ylt@Luke:17:3 @'Take heed to yourselves, and, if thy brother may sin in regard to thee, rebuke him, and if he may reform, forgive him,

ylt@Luke:17:4 @and if seven times in the day he may sin against thee, and seven times in the day may turn back to thee, saying, I reform; thou shalt forgive him.'

ylt@Luke:17:18 @There were not found who did turn back to give glory to God, except this alien;'

ylt@Luke:17:27 @they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were given in marriage, till the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the deluge came, and destroyed all;

ylt@Luke:18:5 @yet because this widow doth give me trouble, I will do her justice, lest, perpetually coming, she may plague me.'

ylt@Luke:18:12 @I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all things -- as many as I possess.

ylt@Luke:18:43 @and presently he did receive sight, and was following him, glorifying God; and all the people, having seen, did give praise to God.

ylt@Luke:19:8 @And Zaccheus having stood, said unto the Lord, 'Lo, the half of my goods, sir, I give to the poor, and if of any one anything I did take by false accusation, I give back fourfold.'

ylt@Luke:19:23 @and wherefore didst thou not give my money to the bank, and I, having come, with interest might have received it?

ylt@Luke:19:24 @'And to those standing by he said, Take from him the pound, and give to him having the ten pounds --

ylt@Luke:19:26 @for I say to you, that to every one having shall be given, and from him not having, also what he hath shall be taken from him,

ylt@Luke:20:10 @and at the season he sent unto the husbandmen a servant, that from the fruit of the vineyard they may give to him, but the husbandmen having beat him, did send [him] away empty.

ylt@Luke:20:16 @He will come, and destroy these husbandmen, and will give the vineyard to others.' And having heard, they said, 'Let it not be!'

ylt@Luke:20:22 @Is it lawful to us to give tribute to Caesar or not?'

ylt@Luke:20:25 @and he said to them, 'Give back, therefore, the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God;'

ylt@Luke:20:34 @And Jesus answering said to them, 'The sons of this age do marry and are given in marriage,

ylt@Luke:20:35 @but those accounted worthy to obtain that age, and the rising again that is out of the dead, neither marry, nor are they given in marriage;

ylt@Luke:21:15 @for I will give to you a mouth and wisdom that all your opposers shall not be able to refute or resist.

ylt@Luke:22:5 @and they rejoiced, and covenanted to give him money,

ylt@Luke:22:17 @And having taken a cup, having given thanks, he said, 'Take this and divide to yourselves,

ylt@Luke:22:19 @And having taken bread, having given thanks, he brake and gave to them, saying, 'This is my body, that for you is being given, this do ye -- to remembrance of me.'

ylt@Luke:23:2 @and began to accuse him, saying, 'This one we found perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying himself to be Christ a king.'

ylt@Luke:23:29 @for, lo, days do come, in which they shall say, Happy the barren, and wombs that did not bare, and paps that did not give suck;

ylt@Luke:23:34 @And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they have not known what they do;' and parting his garments they cast a lot.

ylt@John:1:17 @for the law through Moses was given, the grace and the truth through Jesus Christ did come;

ylt@John:1:22 @They said then to him, 'Who art thou, that we may give an answer to those sending us? what dost thou say concerning thyself?'

ylt@John:3:27 @John answered and said, 'A man is not able to receive anything, if it may not have been given him from the heaven;

ylt@John:3:34 @for he whom God sent, the sayings of God he speaketh; for not by measure doth God give the Spirit;

ylt@John:3:35 @the Father doth love the Son, and all things hath given into his hand;

ylt@John:4:7 @there cometh a woman out of Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith to her, 'Give me to drink;'

ylt@John:4:10 @Jesus answered and said to her, 'If thou hadst known the gift of God, and who it is who is saying to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked him, and he would have given thee living water.'

ylt@John:4:12 @Art thou greater than our father Jacob, who did give us the well, and himself out of it did drink, and his sons, and his cattle?'

ylt@John:4:14 @but whoever may drink of the water that I will give him, may not thirst -- to the age; and the water that I will give him shall become in him a well of water, springing up to life age-during.'

ylt@John:4:15 @The woman saith unto him, 'Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come hither to draw.'

ylt@John:5:22 @for neither doth the Father judge any one, but all the judgment He hath given to the Son,

ylt@John:6:11 @and Jesus took the loaves, and having given thanks he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to those reclining, in like manner, also of the little fishes as much as they wished.

ylt@John:6:23 @(and other little boats came from Tiberias, nigh the place where they did eat the bread, the Lord having given thanks),

ylt@John:6:27 @work not for the food that is perishing, but for the food that is remaining to life age-during, which the Son of Man will give to you, for him did the Father seal -- [even] God.'

ylt@John:6:32 @Jesus, therefore, said to them, 'Verily, verily, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread out of the heaven; but my Father doth give you the true bread out of the heaven;

ylt@John:6:34 @They said, therefore, unto him, 'Sir, always give us this bread.'

ylt@John:6:37 @all that the Father doth give to me will come unto me; and him who is coming unto me, I may in no wise cast without,

ylt@John:6:39 @'And this is the will of the Father who sent me, that all that He hath given to me I may not lose of it, but may raise it up in the last day;

ylt@John:6:51 @'I am the living bread that came down out of the heaven; if any one may eat of this bread he shall live -- to the age; and the bread also that I will give is my flesh, that I will give for the life of the world.'

ylt@John:6:52 @The Jews, therefore, were striving with one another, saying, 'How is this one able to give us [his] flesh to eat?'

ylt@John:6:65 @and he said, 'Because of this I have said to you -- No one is able to come unto me, if it may not have been given him from my Father.'

ylt@John:7:19 @hath not Moses given you the law? and none of you doth the law; why me do ye seek to kill?'

ylt@John:7:22 @because of this, Moses hath given you the circumcision -- not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers -- and on a sabbath ye circumcise a man;

ylt@John:9:24 @They called, therefore, a second time the man who was blind, and they said to him, 'Give glory to God, we have known that this man is a sinner;'

ylt@John:10:28 @and life age-during I give to them, and they shall not perish -- to the age, and no one shall pluck them out of my hand;

ylt@John:10:29 @my Father, who hath given to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to pluck out of the hand of my Father;

ylt@John:11:22 @but even now, I have known that whatever thou mayest ask of God, God will give to thee;'

ylt@John:11:57 @and both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a command, that if any one may know where he is, he may shew [it], so that they may seize him.

ylt@John:12:5 @'Wherefore was not this ointment sold for three hundred denaries, and given to the poor?'

ylt@John:12:49 @because I spake not from myself, but the Father who sent me, He did give me a command, what I may say, and what I may speak,

ylt@John:13:3 @Jesus knowing that all things the Father hath given to him -- into [his] hands, and that from God he came forth, and unto God he goeth,

ylt@John:13:26 @Jesus answereth, 'That one it is to whom I, having dipped the morsel, shall give it;' and having dipped the morsel, he giveth [it] to Judas of Simon, Iscariot.

ylt@John:13:29 @for certain were thinking, since Judas had the bag, that Jesus saith to him, 'Buy what we have need of for the feast;' or that he may give something to the poor;

ylt@John:13:34 @'A new commandment I give to you, that ye love one another; according as I did love you, that ye also love one another;

ylt@John:14:16 @and I will ask the Father, and another Comforter He will give to you, that he may remain with you -- to the age;

ylt@John:14:27 @'Peace I leave to you; my peace I give to you, not according as the world doth give do I give to you; let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid;

ylt@John:15:16 @'Ye did not choose out me, but I chose out you, and did appoint you, that ye might go away, and might bear fruit, and your fruit might remain, that whatever ye may ask of the Father in my name, He may give you.

ylt@John:16:23 @and in that day ye will question me nothing; verily, verily, I say to you, as many things as ye may ask of the Father in my name, He will give you;

ylt@John:17:2 @according as Thou didst give to him authority over all flesh, that -- all that Thou hast given to him -- he may give to them life age-during;

ylt@John:17:4 @I did glorify Thee on the earth, the work I did finish that Thou hast given me, that I may do [it].

ylt@John:17:6 @I did manifest Thy name to the men whom Thou hast given to me out of the world; Thine they were, and to me Thou hast given them, and Thy word they have kept;

ylt@John:17:7 @now they have known that all things, as many as Thou hast given to me, are from Thee,

ylt@John:17:8 @because the sayings that Thou hast given to me, I have given to them, and they themselves received, and have known truly, that from Thee I came forth, and they did believe that Thou didst send me.

ylt@John:17:9 @'I ask in regard to them; not in regard to the world do I ask, but in regard to those whom Thou hast given to me, because Thine they are,

ylt@John:17:11 @and no more am I in the world, and these are in the world, and I come unto Thee. Holy Father, keep them in Thy name, whom Thou hast given to me, that they may be one as we;

ylt@John:17:12 @when I was with them in the world, I was keeping them in Thy name; those whom Thou hast given to me I did guard, and none of them was destroyed, except the son of the destruction, that the Writing may be fulfilled.

ylt@John:17:14 @I have given to them Thy word, and the world did hate them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world;

ylt@John:17:22 @'And I, the glory that thou hast given to me, have given to them, that they may be one as we are one;

ylt@John:17:24 @'Father, those whom Thou hast given to me, I will that where I am they also may be with me, that they may behold my glory that Thou didst give to me, because Thou didst love me before the foundation of the world.

ylt@John:18:9 @that the word might be fulfilled that he said -- 'Those whom Thou hast given to me, I did not lose of them even one.'

ylt@John:18:11 @Jesus, therefore, said to Peter, 'Put the sword into the sheath; the cup that the Father hath given to me, may I not drink it?'

ylt@John:18:22 @And he having said these things, one of the officers standing by did give Jesus a slap, saying, 'Thus dost thou answer the chief priest?'

ylt@John:19:11 @Jesus answered, 'Thou wouldst have no authority against me, if it were not having been given thee from above; because of this, he who is delivering me up to thee hath greater sin.'

ylt@John:21:13 @Jesus, therefore, doth come and take the bread and give to them, and the fish in like manner;

ylt@Acts:1:2 @till the day in which, having given command, through the Holy Spirit, to the apostles whom he did choose out, he was taken up,

ylt@Acts:2:19 @and I will give wonders in the heaven above, and signs upon the earth beneath -- blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke,

ylt@Acts:2:23 @this one, by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, being given out, having taken by lawless hands, having crucified -- ye did slay;

ylt@Acts:2:27 @because Thou wilt not leave my soul to hades, nor wilt Thou give Thy Kind One to see corruption;

ylt@Acts:3:6 @and Peter said, 'Silver and gold I have none, but what I have, that I give to thee; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and be walking.'

ylt@Acts:3:13 @'The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, did glorify His child Jesus, whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, he having given judgment to release [him],

ylt@Acts:3:16 @and on the faith of his name, this one whom ye see and have known, his name made strong, even the faith that [is] through him did give to him this perfect soundness before you all.

ylt@Acts:4:12 @and there is not salvation in any other, for there is no other name under the heaven that hath been given among men, in which it behoveth us to be saved.'

ylt@Acts:5:31 @this one God, a Prince and a Saviour, hath exalted with His right hand, to give reformation to Israel, and forgiveness of sins;

ylt@Acts:6:4 @and we to prayer, and to the ministration of the word, will give ourselves continually.'

ylt@Acts:7:5 @and He gave him no inheritance in it, not even a footstep, and did promise to give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him -- he having no child.

ylt@Acts:7:25 @and he was supposing his brethren to understand that God through his hand doth give salvation; and they did not understand.

ylt@Acts:7:38 @'This is he who was in the assembly in the wilderness, with the messenger who is speaking to him in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers who did receive the living oracles to give to us;

ylt@Acts:7:42 @and God did turn, and did give them up to do service to the host of the heaven, according as it hath been written in the scroll of the prophets: Slain beasts and sacrifices did ye offer to Me forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?

ylt@Acts:8:18 @And Simon, having beheld that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles, the Holy Spirit is given, brought before them money,

ylt@Acts:8:19 @saying, 'Give also to me this authority, that on whomsoever I may lay the hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit.'

ylt@Acts:8:22 @reform, therefore, from this thy wickedness, and beseech God, if then the purpose of thy heart may be forgiven thee,

ylt@Acts:9:41 @and having given her [his] hand, he lifted her up, and having called the saints and the widows, he presented her alive,

ylt@Acts:11:17 @if then the equal gift God did give to them as also to us, having believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, I -- how was I able to withstand God?'

ylt@Acts:11:18 @And they, having heard these things, were silent, and were glorifying God, saying, 'Then, indeed, also to the nations did God give the reformation to life.'

ylt@Acts:12:23 @and presently there smote him a messenger of the Lord, because he did not give the glory to God, and having been eaten of worms, he expired.

ylt@Acts:13:21 @and thereafter they asked for a king, and God did give to them Saul, son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years;

ylt@Acts:13:34 @'And that He did raise him up out of the dead, no more to return to corruption, he hath said thus -- I will give to you the faithful kindnesses of David;

ylt@Acts:13:35 @wherefore also in another [place] he saith, Thou shalt not give Thy kind One to see corruption,

ylt@Acts:13:38 @'Let it therefore be known to you, men, brethren, that through this one to you is the forgiveness of sins declared,

ylt@Acts:14:26 @and thence did sail to Antioch, whence they had been given by the grace of God for the work that they fulfilled;

ylt@Acts:15:8 @and the heart-knowing God did bare them testimony, having given to them the Holy Spirit, even as also to us,

ylt@Acts:15:24 @seeing we have heard that certain having gone forth from us did trouble you with words, subverting your souls, saying to be circumcised and to keep the law, to whom we did give no charge,

ylt@Acts:15:26 @men who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ --

ylt@Acts:15:40 @and Paul having chosen Silas, went forth, having been given up to the grace of God by the brethren;

ylt@Acts:16:23 @many blows also having laid upon them, they cast them to prison, having given charge to the jailor to keep them safely,

ylt@Acts:17:16 @and Paul waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, beholding the city wholly given to idolatry,

ylt@Acts:17:31 @because He did set a day in which He is about to judge the world in righteousness, by a man whom He did ordain, having given assurance to all, having raised him out of the dead.'

ylt@Acts:19:40 @for we are also in peril of being accused of insurrection in regard to this day, there being no occasion by which we shall be able to give an account of this concourse;'

ylt@Acts:20:32 @and now, I commend you, brethren, to God, and to the word of His grace, that is able to build up, and to give you an inheritance among all those sanctified.

ylt@Acts:20:35 @all things I did shew you, that, thus labouring, it behoveth [us] to partake with the ailing, to be mindful also of the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

ylt@Acts:21:25 @'And concerning those of the nations who have believed, we have written, having given judgment, that they observe no such thing, except to keep themselves both from idol-sacrifices, and blood, and a strangled thing, and whoredom.'

ylt@Acts:21:40 @And he having given him leave, Paul having stood upon the stairs, did beckon with the hand to the people, and there having been a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew dialect, saying:

ylt@Acts:23:30 @and a plot having been intimated to me against this man -- about to be of the Jews -- at once I sent unto thee, having given command also to the accusers to say the things against him before thee; be strong.'

ylt@Acts:24:23 @having given also a direction to the centurion to keep Paul, to let [him] also have liberty, and to forbid none of his own friends to minister or to come near to him.

ylt@Acts:24:26 @and at the same time also hoping that money shall be given to him by Paul, that he may release him, therefore, also sending for him the oftener, he was conversing with him;

ylt@Acts:26:18 @to open their eyes, to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the authority of the Adversary unto God, for their receiving forgiveness of sins, and a lot among those having been sanctified, by faith that [is] toward me.

ylt@Acts:27:15 @and the ship being caught, and not being able to bear up against the wind, having given [her] up, we were borne on,

ylt@Acts:28:15 @and thence, the brethren having heard the things concerning us, came forth to meet us, unto Appii Forum, and Three Taverns -- whom Paul having seen, having given thanks to God, took courage.

ylt@Romans:1:24 @Wherefore also God did give them up, in the desires of their hearts, to uncleanness, to dishonour their bodies among themselves;

ylt@Romans:1:26 @Because of this did God give them up to dishonourable affections, for even their females did change the natural use into that against nature;

ylt@Romans:4:7 @'Happy they whose lawless acts were forgiven, and whose sins were covered;

ylt@Romans:4:20 @and at the promise of God did not stagger in unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, having given glory to God,

ylt@Romans:5:5 @and the hope doth not make ashamed, because the love of God hath been poured forth in our hearts through the Holy Spirit that hath been given to us.

ylt@Romans:10:16 @But they were not all obedient to the good tidings, for Isaiah saith, 'Lord, who did give credence to our report?'

ylt@Romans:11:35 @or who did first give to Him, and it shall be given back to him again?

ylt@Romans:12:3 @For I say, through the grace that was given to me, to every one who is among you, not to think above what it behoveth to think; but to think so as to think wisely, as to each God did deal a measure of faith,

ylt@Romans:12:6 @And having gifts, different according to the grace that was given to us; whether prophecy -- 'According to the proportion of faith!'

ylt@Romans:12:19 @not avenging yourselves, beloved, but give place to the wrath, for it hath been written, 'Vengeance [is] Mine,

ylt@Romans:12:20 @I will recompense again, saith the Lord;' if, then, thine enemy doth hunger, feed him; if he doth thirst, give him drink; for this doing, coals of fire thou shalt heap upon his head;

ylt@Romans:14:6 @He who is regarding the day, to the Lord he doth regard [it], and he who is not regarding the day, to the Lord he doth not regard [it]. He who is eating, to the Lord he doth eat, for he doth give thanks to God; and he who is not eating, to the Lord he doth not eat, and doth give thanks to God.

ylt@Romans:14:12 @so, then, each of us concerning himself shall give reckoning to God;

ylt@Romans:15:5 @And may the God of the endurance, and of the exhortation, give to you to have the same mind toward one another, according to Christ Jesus;

ylt@Romans:15:15 @and the more boldly I did write to you, brethren, in part, as putting you in mind, because of the grace that is given to me by God,

ylt@Romans:16:4 @who for my life their own neck did lay down, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the assemblies of the nations --

ylt@1Corinthians:1:4 @I give thanks to my God always concerning you for the grace of God that was given to you in Christ Jesus,

ylt@1Corinthians:1:14 @I give thanks to God that no one of you did I baptize, except Crispus and Gaius --

ylt@1Corinthians:3:10 @According to the grace of God that was given to me, as a wise master-builder, a foundation I have laid, and another doth build on [it],

ylt@1Corinthians:7:25 @And concerning the virgins, a command of the Lord I have not; and I give judgment as having obtained kindness from the Lord to be faithful:

ylt@1Corinthians:9:12 @if others do partake of the authority over you -- not we more? but we did not use this authority, but all things we bear, that we may give no hindrance to the good news of the Christ.

ylt@1Corinthians:10:30 @and if I thankfully do partake, why am I evil spoken of, for that for which I give thanks?

ylt@1Corinthians:11:15 @and a woman, if she have long hair, a glory it is to her, because the hair instead of a covering hath been given to her;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:17 @And this declaring, I give no praise, because not for the better, but for the worse ye come together;

ylt@1Corinthians:11:24 @and having given thanks, he brake, and said, 'Take ye, eat ye, this is my body, that for you is being broken; this do ye -- to the remembrance of me.'

ylt@1Corinthians:12:3 @wherefore, I give you to understand that no one, in the Spirit of God speaking, saith Jesus [is] anathema, and no one is able to say Jesus [is] Lord, except in the Holy Spirit.

ylt@1Corinthians:12:7 @And to each hath been given the manifestation of the Spirit for profit;

ylt@1Corinthians:12:8 @for to one through the Spirit hath been given a word of wisdom, and to another a word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit;

ylt@1Corinthians:12:24 @and our seemly things have no need; but God did temper the body together, to the lacking part having given more abundant honour,

ylt@1Corinthians:13:3 @and if I give away to feed others all my goods, and if I give up my body that I may be burned, and have not love, I am profited nothing.

ylt@1Corinthians:14:7 @yet the things without life giving sound -- whether pipe or harp -- if a difference in the sounds they may not give, how shall be known that which is piped or that which is harped?

ylt@1Corinthians:14:8 @for if also an uncertain sound a trumpet may give, who shall prepare himself for battle?

ylt@1Corinthians:14:9 @so also ye, if through the tongue, speech easily understood ye may not give -- how shall that which is spoken be known? for ye shall be speaking to air.

ylt@1Corinthians:14:17 @for thou, indeed, dost give thanks well, but the other is not built up!

ylt@1Corinthians:14:18 @I give thanks to my God -- more than you all with tongues speaking --

ylt@1Corinthians:15:38 @and God doth give to it a body according as He willed, and to each of the seeds its proper body.

ylt@2Corinthians:2:7 @so that, on the contrary, [it is] rather for you to forgive and to comfort, lest by over abundant sorrow such a one may be swallowed up;

ylt@2Corinthians:2:10 @And to whom ye forgive anything -- I also; for I also, if I have forgiven anything, to whom I have forgiven [it], because of you -- in the person of Christ -- [I forgive it,]

ylt@2Corinthians:5:5 @And He who did work us to this self-same thing [is] God, who also did give to us the earnest of the Spirit;

ylt@2Corinthians:5:18 @And the all things [are] of God, who reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and did give to us the ministration of the reconciliation,

ylt@2Corinthians:8:1 @And we make known to you, brethren, the grace of God, that hath been given in the assemblies of Macedonia,

ylt@2Corinthians:8:5 @and not according as we expected, but themselves they did give first to the Lord, and to us, through the will of God,

ylt@2Corinthians:8:10 @and an opinion in this do I give: for this to you [is] expedient, who not only to do, but also to will, did begin before -- a year ago,

ylt@2Corinthians:9:7 @each one, according as he doth purpose in heart, not out of sorrow or out of necessity, for a cheerful giver doth God love,

ylt@2Corinthians:12:7 @and that by the exceeding greatness of the revelations I might not be exalted overmuch, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of the Adversary, that he might buffet me, that I might not be exalted overmuch.

ylt@2Corinthians:12:13 @for what is there in which ye were inferior to the rest of the assemblies, except that I myself was not a burden to you? forgive me this injustice!

ylt@2Corinthians:13:10 @because of this, these things -- being absent -- I write, that being present, I may not treat [any] sharply, according to the authority that the Lord did give me for building up, and not for casting down.

ylt@Galatians:1:4 @who did give himself for our sins, that he might deliver us out of the present evil age, according to the will of God even our Father,

ylt@Galatians:2:9 @and having known the grace that was given to me, James, and Cephas, and John, who were esteemed to be pillars, a right hand of fellowship they did give to me, and to Barnabas, that we to the nations, and they to the circumcision [may go],

ylt@Galatians:2:20 @with Christ I have been crucified, and live no more do I, and Christ doth live in me; and that which I now live in the flesh -- in the faith I live of the Son of God, who did love me and did give himself for me;

ylt@Galatians:3:21 @the law, then, [is] against the promises of God? -- let it not be! for if a law was given that was able to make alive, truly by law there would have been the righteousness,

ylt@Galatians:3:22 @but the Writing did shut up the whole under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ may be given to those believing.

ylt@Galatians:4:15 @what then was your happiness? for I testify to you, that if possible, your eyes having plucked out, ye would have given to me;

ylt@Galatians:6:17 @Henceforth, let no one give me trouble, for I the scars of the Lord Jesus in my body do bear.

ylt@Ephesians:1:17 @that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the recognition of him,

ylt@Ephesians:1:22 @and all things He did put under his feet, and did give him -- head over all things to the assembly,

ylt@Ephesians:3:2 @if, indeed, ye did hear of the dispensation of the grace of God that was given to me in regard to you,

ylt@Ephesians:3:7 @of which I became a ministrant, according to the gift of the grace of God that was given to me, according to the working of His power;

ylt@Ephesians:3:8 @to me -- the less than the least of all the saints -- was given this grace, among the nations to proclaim good news -- the untraceable riches of the Christ,

ylt@Ephesians:3:16 @that He may give to you, according to the riches of His glory, with might to be strengthened through His Spirit, in regard to the inner man,

ylt@Ephesians:4:7 @and to each one of you was given the grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ,

ylt@Ephesians:4:19 @who, having ceased to feel, themselves did give up to the lasciviousness, for the working of all uncleanness in greediness;

ylt@Ephesians:4:27 @neither give place to the devil;

ylt@Ephesians:4:29 @Let no corrupt word out of your mouth go forth, but what is good unto the needful building up, that it may give grace to the hearers;

ylt@Ephesians:4:32 @and become one to another kind, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, according as also God in Christ did forgive you.

ylt@Ephesians:5:2 @and walk in love, as also the Christ did love us, and did give himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odour of a sweet smell,

ylt@Ephesians:5:25 @The husbands! love your own wives, as also the Christ did love the assembly, and did give himself for it,

ylt@Ephesians:6:19 @and in behalf of me, that to me may be given a word in the opening of my mouth, in freedom, to make known the secret of the good news,

ylt@Philippians:1:3 @I give thanks to my God upon all the remembrance of you,

ylt@Colossians:1:3 @We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, always praying for you,

ylt@Colossians:1:14 @in whom we have the redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of the sins,

ylt@Colossians:1:25 @of which I -- I did become a ministrant according to the dispensation of God, that was given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God,

ylt@Colossians:2:13 @And you -- being dead in the trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh -- He made alive together with him, having forgiven you all the trespasses,

ylt@Colossians:3:13 @forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any one with any one may have a quarrel, as also the Christ did forgive you -- so also ye;

ylt@Colossians:4:1 @The masters! that which is righteous and equal to the servants give ye, having known that ye also have a Master in the heavens.

ylt@1Thessalonians:1:2 @We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers,

ylt@1Thessalonians:2:13 @Because of this also, we -- we do give thanks to God continually, that, having received the word of hearing from us of God, ye accepted, not the word of man, but as it is truly, the word of God, who also doth work in you who believe;

ylt@1Thessalonians:4:8 @he, therefore, who is despising -- doth not despise man, but God, who also did give His Holy Spirit to us.

ylt@1Thessalonians:5:18 @in every thing give thanks, for this [is] the will of God in Christ Jesus in regard to you.

ylt@2Thessalonians:1:3 @We ought to give thanks to God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because increase greatly doth your faith, and abound doth the love of each one of you all, to one another;

ylt@2Thessalonians:1:6 @since [it is] a righteous thing with God to give back to those troubling you -- trouble,

ylt@2Thessalonians:2:13 @And we -- we ought to give thanks to God always for you, brethren, beloved by the Lord, that God did choose you from the beginning to salvation, in sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth,

ylt@2Thessalonians:2:16 @and may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and our God and Father, who did love us, and did give comfort age-during, and good hope in grace,

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:9 @not because we have not authority, but that ourselves a pattern we might give to you, to imitate us;

ylt@2Thessalonians:3:16 @and may the Lord of the peace Himself give to you the peace always in every way; the Lord [is] with you all!

ylt@1Timothy:1:4 @nor to give heed to fables and endless genealogies, that cause questions rather than the building up of God that is in faith: --

ylt@1Timothy:1:12 @And I give thanks to him who enabled me -- Christ Jesus our Lord -- that he did reckon me stedfast, having put [me] to the ministration,

ylt@1Timothy:2:6 @who did give himself a ransom for all -- the testimony in its own times --

ylt@1Timothy:3:3 @not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lucre, but gentle, not contentious, not a lover of money,

ylt@1Timothy:3:8 @Ministrants -- in like manner grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not given to filthy lucre,

ylt@1Timothy:4:13 @till I come, give heed to the reading, to the exhortation, to the teaching;

ylt@1Timothy:4:14 @be not careless of the gift in thee, that was given thee through prophecy, with laying on of the hands of the eldership;

ylt@1Timothy:5:4 @and if any widow have children or grandchildren, let them learn first to their own house to show piety, and to give back a recompense to the parents, for this is right and acceptable before God.

ylt@1Timothy:5:6 @and she who is given to luxury, living -- hath died;

ylt@1Timothy:5:14 @I wish, therefore, younger ones to marry, to bear children, to be mistress of the house, to give no occasion to the opposer to reviling;

ylt@2Timothy:1:7 @for God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind;

ylt@2Timothy:1:9 @who did save us, and did call with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, that was given to us in Christ Jesus, before the times of the ages,

ylt@2Timothy:1:16 @may the Lord give kindness to the house of Onesiphorus, because many times he did refresh me, and of my chain was not ashamed,

ylt@2Timothy:1:18 @may the Lord give to him to find kindness from the Lord in that day; and how many things in Ephesus he did minister thou dost very well know.

ylt@2Timothy:2:7 @be considering what things I say, for the Lord give to thee understanding in all things.

ylt@2Timothy:2:25 @in meekness instructing those opposing -- if perhaps God may give to them repentance to an acknowledging of the truth,

ylt@2Timothy:4:8 @henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of the righteousness that the Lord -- the Righteous Judge -- shall give to me in that day, and not only to me, but also to all those loving his manifestation.

ylt@Titus:1:7 @for it behoveth the overseer to be blameless, as God's steward, not self-pleased, nor irascible, not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lucre;

ylt@Titus:2:14 @who did give himself for us, that he might ransom us from all lawlessness, and might purify to himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works;

ylt@Philemon:1:4 @I give thanks to my God, always making mention of thee in my prayers,

ylt@Hebrews:2:13 @and again, 'Behold I and the children that God did give to me.'

ylt@Hebrews:4:8 @for if Joshua had given them rest, He would not concerning another day have spoken after these things;

ylt@Hebrews:7:4 @And see how great this one [is], to whom also a tenth Abraham the patriarch did give out of the best of the spoils,

ylt@Hebrews:9:22 @and with blood almost all things are purified according to the law, and apart from blood-shedding forgiveness doth not come.

ylt@Hebrews:10:18 @and where forgiveness of these [is], there is no more offering for sin.

ylt@Hebrews:11:22 @by faith, Joseph dying, concerning the outgoing of the sons of Israel did make mention, and concerning his bones did give command.

ylt@Hebrews:11:34 @quenched the power of fire, escaped the mouth of the sword, were made powerful out of infirmities, became strong in battle, caused to give way camps of the aliens.

ylt@Hebrews:12:15 @looking diligently over lest any one be failing of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up may give trouble, and through this many may be defiled;

ylt@Hebrews:13:17 @Be obedient to those leading you, and be subject, for these do watch for your souls, as about to give account, that with joy they may do this, and not sighing, for this [is] unprofitable to you.

ylt@James:1:5 @and if any of you do lack wisdom, let him ask from God, who is giving to all liberally, and not reproaching, and it shall be given to him;

ylt@James:1:15 @afterward the desire having conceived, doth give birth to sin, and the sin having been perfected, doth bring forth death.

ylt@James:2:16 @and any one of you may say to them, 'Depart ye in peace, be warmed, and be filled,' and may not give to them the things needful for the body, what [is] the profit?

ylt@James:4:6 @and greater grace he doth give, wherefore he saith, 'God against proud ones doth set Himself up, and to lowly ones He doth give grace?'

ylt@James:4:12 @one is the lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy; thou -- who art thou that dost judge the other?

ylt@James:5:15 @and the prayer of the faith shall save the distressed one, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if sins he may have committed, they shall be forgiven to him.

ylt@James:5:18 @and again he did pray, and the heaven did give rain, and the land did bring forth her fruit.

ylt@1Peter:1:21 @who through him do believe in God, who did raise out of the dead, and glory to him did give, so that your faith and hope may be in God.

ylt@1Peter:2:17 @to all give ye honour; the brotherhood love ye; God fear ye; the king honour ye.

ylt@1Peter:4:5 @who shall give an account to Him who is ready to judge living and dead,

ylt@1Peter:5:5 @In like manner, ye younger, be subject to elders, and all to one another subjecting yourselves; with humble-mindedness clothe yourselves, because God the proud doth resist, but to the humble He doth give grace;

ylt@2Peter:1:3 @As all things to us His divine power (the things pertaining unto life and piety) hath given, through the acknowledgement of him who did call us through glory and worthiness,

ylt@2Peter:1:4 @through which to us the most great and precious promises have been given, that through these ye may become partakers of a divine nature, having escaped from the corruption in the world in desires.

ylt@2Peter:3:15 @and the long-suffering of our Lord count ye salvation, according as also our beloved brother Paul -- according to the wisdom given to him -- did write to you,

ylt@1John:1:9 @if we may confess our sins, stedfast He is and righteous that He may forgive us the sins, and may cleanse us from every unrighteousness;

ylt@1John:2:12 @I write to you, little children, because the sins have been forgiven you through his name;

ylt@1John:3:1 @See ye what love the Father hath given to us, that children of God we may be called; because of this the world doth not know us, because it did not know Him;

ylt@1John:3:23 @and this is His command, that we may believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and may love one another, even as He did give command to us,

ylt@1John:4:13 @in this we know that in Him we do remain, and He in us, because of His Spirit He hath given us.

ylt@1John:5:11 @and this is the testimony, that life age-during did God give to us, and this -- the life -- is in His Son;

ylt@1John:5:16 @If any one may see his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall ask, and He shall give to him life to those sinning not unto death; there is sin to death, not concerning it do I speak that he may beseech;

ylt@1John:5:20 @and we have known that the Son of God is come, and hath given us a mind, that we may know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ; this one is the true God and the life age-during!

ylt@3John:1:12 @to Demetrius testimony hath been given by all, and by the truth itself, and we also -- we do testify, and ye have known that our testimony is true.

ylt@Jude:1:7 @as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, in like manner to these, having given themselves to whoredom, and gone after other flesh, have been set before -- an example, of fire age-during, justice suffering.