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geneva@Matthew:2:1 @ Now when (note:)Christ a poor child, laid down in a crib, and though given no attention by his own people, receives nonetheless a noble witness of his divinity from heaven, and of his kingly estate from strangers: which his own people unknowingly let happen, although they did not acknowledge him.(:note) Jesus was born in Bethlehem of For there was another in the tribe of Zebulun. Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came Wise and learned men: It is a Persian word which they use frequently. wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

geneva@Matthew:2:18 @ In Rama was there (note:)A voice of lamenting, weeping and howling.(:note) a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, That is to say, All who live around Bethlehem: for Rachel, Jacob's wife who died in childbirth, was buried by the road that leads to this town, which is also called Ephratah, because of the fruitfulness of the soil, and the plentifulness of corn. Rachel weeping [for] her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.

geneva@Matthew:2:22 @ But whe he heard that Archelaus did reigne in Iudea in stead of his father Herod, he was afraide to go thither: yet after he was warned of God in a dreame, he turned aside into the parts of Galile,

geneva@Matthew:3:1 @ In (note:)Not when Joseph went to dwell at Nazareth, but a great while after, about fifteen years: for in the 30th year of his life Jesus was baptized by John: therefore «those days» means the time when Jesus remained as an inhabitant of the town of Nazareth.(:note) those days came John, who through his singular holiness and rare austerity of life caused men to cast their eyes on him, prepares the way for Christ who is following fast on his heels, as the prophet Isaiah foretold, and delivers the sum of the gospel, which a short time later would be delivered more fully. John the Baptist, preaching in the In a hilly country, which was nonetheless inhabited, for Zacharias dwelt there, (Luk_1:39-40), and there was Joab's house, (1Ki_2:34); and besides these, Joshua makes mention of six towns that were in the wilderness, (Jos_15:61-62). wilderness of Judaea,

geneva@Matthew:5:15 @ Neither doe men light a candel, and put it vnder a bushel, but on a candlesticke, and it giueth light vnto all that are in the house.

geneva@Matthew:5:22 @ But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be (note:)He speaks of the judgment of God, and of the difference of sins, and therefore applies his words to the form of civil judgments which were then used.(:note) in danger Of that judgment which was ruled by three men, who had the hearing and deciding of money matters, and such other small causes. of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the By that judgment which stood of 23 judges, who had the hearing and deciding of weighty affairs, as the matter of a whole tribe or of a high priest, or of a false prophet. council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of Whereas we read here «hell», it is in the text itself «Gehenna», which is one Hebrew word made out of two, and is as if to say «as the Valley of Hinnom», which the Hebrews called Topheth: it was a place where the Israelites cruelly sacrificed their children to false gods, whereupon it was taken for a place appointed to torment the reprobates in (Jer_7:31). hell The Jews used four kinds of punishments, before their government was taken away by Herod: hanging, beheading, stoning, and burning. It is burning that Christ meant, because burning was the greatest punishment; therefore by making mention of a judgment, a council, and a fire, he shows that some sins are worse than others are, but yet they are all such that we must give account for them, and will be punished for them. fire.

geneva@Matthew:5:29 @ And if thy (note:)He names the right eye and the right hand, because the parts of the right side of our bodies are the chiefest, and the most ready to commit any wickedness.(:note) right eye Literally, do cause you to offend: for sins are stumbling blocks as it were, that is to say, rocks which we are cast upon. offend thee, pluck it out, and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not [that] thy whole body should be cast into hell.

geneva@Matthew:5:30 @ Also if thy right hand make thee to offend, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for better it is for thee that one of thy members perish, then that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

geneva@Matthew:10:28 @ And (note:)Though tyrants rage and are cruel, yet we must not fear them.(:note) fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

geneva@Matthew:11:23 @ And thou, Capernaum, which art lifted vp vnto heauen, shalt be brought downe to hell: for if the great workes, which haue bin done in thee, had bene done among them of Sodom, they had remained to this day.

geneva@Matthew:14:6 @ But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased (note:)There were three Herods: the first of them was Antipater's son, who is also called Ascalonius, in whose reign Christ was born, and it was he that caused the children to be slain. The second was called Antipas, Magnus his son, whose mother's name was Malthaca or Martaca, and he was called Tetrarch, because he enlarged his dominion, when Archelaus was banished to Vienna in France. The third was Agrippa, Magnus his nephew by Aristobulus, and it was he that slew James.(:note) Herod.

geneva@Matthew:14:9 @ And the King was sorie: neuerthelesse because of the othe, and them that sate with him at the table, he commanded it to be giuen her,

geneva@Matthew:15:25 @ Yet she came, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, helpe me.

geneva@Matthew:15:26 @ And he answered, and said, It is not good to take the childrens bread, and to cast it to whelps.

geneva@Matthew:15:27 @ But she said, Trueth, Lord: yet in deede the whelpes eate of the crommes, which fall from their masters table.

geneva@Matthew:18:9 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, then hauing two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

geneva@Matthew:19:26 @ And Iesus behelde them, and sayde vnto them, With men this is vnpossible, but with God all things are possible.

geneva@Matthew:22:12 @ And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was (note:)Literally, «haltered», that is to say, he held his peace, as though he had a bridle or a halter around his neck.(:note) speechless.

geneva@Matthew:23:15 @ Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and (note:)The dry part: now that part of the earth is called dry which the Lord has given to us to live upon.(:note) land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

geneva@Matthew:23:33 @ O serpents, the generation of vipers, howe should ye escape the damnation of hell!

geneva@Matthew:26:39 @ And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, (note:)Let it pass me, and not touch me.(:note) let this That is, which is at hand, and is offered and prepared for me: an idiom which the Hebrews use for the wrath of God, and the punishment he sends. {{See Mat_20:22}}. cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou [wilt].

geneva@Matthew:26:63 @ But Iesus helde his peace. Then the chiefe Priest answered, and saide to him, I charge thee sweare vnto vs by the liuing God, to tell vs, If thou be that Christ the Sonne of God, or no.

geneva@Matthew:26:64 @ Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, (note:)This word distinguishes his first coming from the latter.(:note) Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting Sitting with God in like and equal honour at the right hand of his power, that is, in greatest power: for the right hand signifies among the Hebrews that which is mighty and of great power. on the right hand of power, and coming in the Clouds of heaven; see above in (Mat_24:30). clouds of heaven.

geneva@Mark:3:4 @ And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save (note:)He uses here the figure of speech called synecdoche, for this type of saying, «to save the life», is the same as saying «to save the man».(:note) life, or to kill? But they held their peace.

geneva@Mark:9:15 @ And straightway all the people, when they behelde him, were amased, and ranne to him, and saluted him.

geneva@Mark:9:22 @ And oft times he casteth him into the fire, & into the water to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, helpe vs, and haue compassion vpo vs.

geneva@Mark:9:24 @ And straightway the father of the childe crying with teares, saide, Lorde, I beleeue: helpe my vnbeliefe.

geneva@Mark:9:34 @ And they helde their peace: for by the way they reasoned among themselues, who should bee the chiefest.

geneva@Mark:9:43 @ Wherefore, if thine hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, then hauing two hands, to goe into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:45 @ Likewise, if thy foote cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to go halt into life, then hauing two feete, to be cast into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:47 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out: it is better for thee to goe into the kingdome of God with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire,

geneva@Mark:14:36 @ And he said, (note:)This doubling of the word was used in those days when their languages were mixed together: for the word «Abba» is a Syrian word.(:note) Abba, Father, all things [are] possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.

geneva@Mark:14:61 @ But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the (note:)Of God, who is most worthy of all praise?(:note) Blessed?

geneva@Mark:15:1 @ And (note:)Christ being bound before the judgment seat of an earthly Judge, is condemned before the open assembly as guilty unto the death of the cross, not for his own sins (as is shown by the judge's own words) but for all of ours, that we who are indeed guilty creatures, in being delivered from the guiltiness of our sins, might be acquitted before the judgment seat of God, even in the open assembly of the angels.(:note) straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried [him] away, and It was not lawful for them to put any man to death, for all authority to punish by death was taken away from them, first by Herod the great, and afterward by the Romans, about forty years before the destruction of the temple, and therefore they deliver Jesus to Pilate.delivered [him] to Pilate.

geneva@Mark:15:34 @ And at the (note:)Christ striving mightily with Satan, sin and death, all three armed with the horrible curse of God, grievously tormented in body hanging upon the cross, and in soul plunged into the depth of hell, yet he clears himself, crying with a mighty voice: and notwithstanding the wound which he received from death, in that he died, yet by smiting both things above and things beneath, by the renting of the veil of the temple, and by the testimony wrung out of those who murdered him, he shows evidently unto the rest of his enemies who are as yet obstinate, and mock at him, that he will be known without delay to be conqueror and Lord of all.(:note) ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

geneva@Mark:15:47 @ And Marie Magdalene, and Marie Ioses mother, behelde where he should be layed.

geneva@Luke:5:5 @ And Simon answering said unto him, (note:)The word signifies someone that has rule over anything.(:note) Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

geneva@Luke:5:7 @ And they beckened to their parteners, which were in the other ship, that they shoulde come and helpe them, who came then, and filled both the ships, that they did sinke.

geneva@Luke:6:9 @ Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to (note:)Whoever does not help his neighbour when he can, he kills him.(:note) destroy [it]?

geneva@Luke:6:10 @ And he behelde them all in compasse, and sayd vnto the man, Stretch forth thine hand; he did so, and his hand was restored againe, as whole as the other.

geneva@Luke:7:28 @ For I say vnto you, there is no greater Prophet then Iohn, among them that are begotten of women: neuerthelesse, hee that is the least in the kingdome of God, is greater then he.

geneva@Luke:10:15 @ And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heauen, shalt be thrust downe to hell.

geneva@Luke:10:18 @ And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning (note:)Paul writes that the location of the devil and his angels is in the air, as is found in (Eph_6:12), and he is said to be cast down from there by force, when his power is abolished by the voice of the Gospel.(:note) fall from heaven.

geneva@Luke:10:20 @ Neuerthelesse, in this reioyce not, that the spirits are subdued vnto you: but rather reioyce, because your names are written in heauen.

geneva@Luke:10:40 @ But Martha was combred about much seruing, and came to him, and saide, Master, doest thou not care that my sister hath left me to serue alone? bid her therefore, that she helpe me.

geneva@Luke:11:48 @ Truly (note:)When you persecute God's servants like mad men, even as your fathers did, though you try and cover it with a pretence of godliness, yet nonetheless, by beautifying the sepulchres of the prophets, what else are you doing but glorying in your father's cruelty, and setting up monuments (as it were) in glory and triumph of it?(:note) ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers: for they indeed killed them, and ye build their sepulchres.

geneva@Luke:12:1 @ In (note:)The faithful teachers of God's word, who are appointed by him for his people, must both take good heed of those who corrupt the purity of doctrine with smooth speech, and also take pains through the help of God to set forth sincere doctrine, openly and without fear.(:note) the mean time, when there were gathered together Literally, «ten thousand of people», a certain number which is given for an uncertain number. an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

geneva@Luke:12:5 @ But I will (note:)He warns them of dangers that presently hang over their heads, for those that come upon one suddenly make a greater wound.(:note) forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

geneva@Luke:14:4 @ And they held their peace. Then he tooke him, and healed him, and let him goe,

geneva@Luke:16:23 @ And in hell (note:)Heavenly and spiritual things are expressed and set forth using language fit for our senses.(:note) he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

geneva@Luke:20:17 @ And he beheld them, & said, What meaneth this then that is written, The stone that the builders refused, that is made the head of the corner?

geneva@Luke:20:26 @ And they could not reproue his saying before the people: but they marueiled at his answere, and helde their peace.

geneva@Luke:21:19 @ In your patience (note:)Though you are surrounded on all sides with many miseries, yet nonetheless be valiant and courageous, and bear out these things bravely.(:note) possess ye your souls.

geneva@Luke:22:42 @ Saying, Father, if thou wilt, take away this cuppe from mee: neuerthelesse, not my will, but thine be done.

geneva@Luke:22:56 @ And a certaine mayde behelde him as hee sate by the fire, and hauing well looked on him, said, This man was also with him.

geneva@John:1:42 @ And he brought him to Iesus; Iesus behelde him, and saide, Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, a stone.

geneva@John:2:6 @ And there were set there six (note:)These were vessels made for the use of water, in which they washed themselves.(:note) waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three Every firkin contained one hundred pounds, at twelve ounces a pound: By this we gather that Christ helps them with one thousand and eight hundred pounds of wine. (about 135 imperial gallons or 600 litres Ed.) firkins apiece.

geneva@John:2:10 @ And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have (note:)Literally, «are drunken». Now this saying, to be drunken, does not always refer to being drunk in the evil sense in the Hebrew language, but sometimes signifies an abundant and plentiful use of wine, which is nonetheless a measured amount, as in (Gen_43:34).(:note) well drunk, then that which is worse: [but] thou hast kept the good wine until now.

geneva@John:5:19 @ Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing (note:)Not only without his Father's authority, but also without his mighty working and power.(:note) of himself, but what he This must be understood of the person of Christ, which consists of two natures, and not simply of his Godhead: so then he says that his Father moves and governs him in all things, but yet nonetheless, when he says he works with his Father, he confirms his Godhead. seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son In like sort, jointly and together. Not because the Father does some things, and then the Son works after him and does the same, but because the might and power of the Father and the Son work equally and jointly together. likewise.

geneva@John:5:34 @ But I receiue not the record of man: neuerthelesse these things I say, that ye might be saued.

geneva@John:14:20 @ At that day ye shall know that I [am] (note:)The Son is in the Father in such a way that he is of one selfsame substance with the Father, but he is in his disciples in a different way, as an aider and helper of them.(:note) in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

geneva@John:21:4 @ But when the morning was nowe come, Iesus stoode on the shore: neuerthelesse the disciples knewe not that it was Iesus.

geneva@Acts:2:25 @ For Dauid sayeth concerning him, I beheld the Lorde alwaies before me: for hee is at my right hand, that l should not be shaken.

geneva@Acts:2:27 @ Because thou wilt not (note:)You will not allow me to remain in the grave.(:note) leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.

geneva@Acts:3:11 @ And as the lame man which was healed (note:)Either because he loved them who had healed him, or because he feared that if he let them go out of his sight that he would become lame again.(:note) held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.

geneva@Acts:4:12 @ Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other (note:)There is no other man, or no other power and authority at all; and this kind of speech was common among the Jews, and arose from this, that when we are in danger we call upon those at whose hands we look for help.(:note) name Anywhere: and this shows us the largeness of Christ's kingdom. under heaven Of God. given among men, whereby we must be saved.

geneva@Acts:8:23 @ For I perceive that thou art in the (note:)He calls the inward malice of the heart and the venomous and demonic wickedness with which the magician was wholly filled with the gall of bitterness: and he is said to be in the gall, as though he were wholly overwhelmed with gall, and buried in it.(:note) gall of bitterness, and [in] the Entangled in the bonds of iniquity. bond of iniquity.

geneva@Acts:14:17 @ Neuerthelesse, hee left not him selfe without witnes, in that hee did good and gaue vs raine from heauen, & fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with foode, and gladnesse.

geneva@Acts:15:13 @ And after they had held their peace, (note:)The son of Alphaeus, who is also called the Lord's brother.(:note) James answered, saying, Men [and] brethren, hearken unto me:

geneva@Acts:17:23 @ For as I passed by, and beheld your (note:)Whatever men worship for religion's sake, that we call religion.(:note) devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE Pausanias in his Atticis makes mention of the altar which the Athenians had dedicated to unknown gods: and Laertius in his Epimenides makes mention of an altar that had no name entitled upon it. UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

geneva@Acts:18:27 @ And when he was disposed to pass into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him: who, when he was come, helped them much which had believed through (note:)Through God's gracious favour, or by those excellent gifts which God had bestowed upon him.(:note) grace:

geneva@Acts:21:28 @ Crying, Men of Israel, helpe: this is the man that teacheth all men euery where against the people, and the Lawe, and this place: moreouer, he hath brought Grecians into the Temple, and hath polluted this holy place.

geneva@Acts:25:25 @ Yet haue I found nothing worthy of death, that he hath committed: neuertheles, seeing that he hath appealed to Augustus, I haue determined to send him.

geneva@Acts:27:17 @ Which they tooke vp and vsed all helpe, vndergirding the ship, fearing least they should haue fallen into Syrtes, and they strake saile, and so were caried.

geneva@Romans:7:6 @ But now we are delivered from the law, that (note:)As if he said, «The bond which bound us is dead, and has disappeared, in as much that the sin which held us does not have anything to hold us with now.»(:note) being dead For this husband is within us. wherein we were Satan is an unjust possessor, for he deceitfully brought us into bondage to sin and himself: and yet nonetheless, as long as we are sinners, we sin willingly. held; that we should serve in As is appropriate for those who, after the death of their old husband, are joined to the Spirit, the ones whom the Spirit of God has made new men. newness of spirit, and not [in] the oldness of the By the letter he means the law, with respect to that old condition: for before our will is shaped by the Holy Spirit, the law speaks but to deaf men, and therefore it is dumb and dead to us, with regard to the fulfilling of it. letter.

geneva@Romans:15:15 @ Neuerthelesse, brethren, I haue somewhat boldly after a sort written vnto you, as one that putteth you in remembrance, through the grace that is giuen me of God,

geneva@Romans:16:3 @ Greete Priscilla, and Aquila my fellowe helpers in Christ Iesus,

geneva@Romans:16:9 @ Salute Vrbanus our fellow helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloued.

geneva@1Corinthians:1:1 @ Paul, (note:)The inscription of the epistle, in which he mainly tries to procure the good will of the Corinthians towards him, yet nonetheless in such a way that he always lets them know that he is the servant of God and not of men.(:note) called [to be] an If he is an apostle, then he must be heard, even though he sometimes sharply reprehends them, seeing he has not his own cause in hand, but is a messenger that brings the commandments of Christ. apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and He has Sosthenes with himself, that this doctrine might be confirmed by two witnesses. Sosthenes [our] brother,

geneva@1Corinthians:1:18 @ For the (note:)The preaching of Christ crucified, or the type of speech which we use.(:note) preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the It is that in which he declares his marvellous power in saving his elect, which would not so evidently appear if it depended upon any help of man, for if it did man might attribute that to himself which is to be attributed only to the cross of Christ. power of God.

geneva@1Corinthians:2:4 @ And my speech and my preaching [was] not with enticing words of man's wisdom, (note:)He turns now to the commendation of his ministry, which he had granted to his adversaries: for his strength and power, which they knew well enough, was so much the more excellent because it had no worldly help behind it.(:note) but in By «demonstration» he means such a proof as is made by reasons both certain and necessary. demonstration of the Spirit and of power:

geneva@1Corinthians:3:15 @ If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but (note:)He does not take away the hope of salvation from the unskilful and foolish builders, who hold fast the foundation, of which sort were those rhetoricians, rather than the pastors of Corinth. However, he adds an exception, that they must nonetheless suffer this trial of their work, and also abide the loss of their vain labours.(:note) he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

geneva@1Corinthians:4:1 @ Let (note:)He concludes the duty of the hearers towards their ministers: that they do not esteem them as lords. Yet nonetheless they are to give ear to them, as to those that are sent from Christ. Sent I say to this end and purpose, that they may receive as it were at their hands the treasure of salvation which is drawn out of the secrets of God.(:note) a Every man. man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.

geneva@1Corinthians:7:2 @ Neuertheles, to auoide fornication, let euery man haue his wife, and let euery woman haue her owne husband.

geneva@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Defraud ye not one the other, (note:)He adds an exception: unless the one abstain from the other by mutual consent, that they may the better give themselves to prayer, in which nonetheless he warns them to consider what is expedient, lest by this long breaking off as it were from marriage, they are stirred up to incontinency.(:note) except [it be] with consent for a time, that ye may Do nothing else. give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

geneva@1Corinthians:7:28 @ But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the (note:)By the «flesh» he understands whatever things belong to this present life, for marriage brings with it many problems. So that he leans more to a single life, not because it is a service more agreeable to God than marriage is, but for those problems which (if it were possible) he would wish all men to be avoid, so that they might give themselves to God alone.(:note) flesh: but I I would your weakness were provided for. spare you.

geneva@1Corinthians:7:37 @ Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his (note:)Resolved himself.(:note) heart, having no That the weakness of his daughter does not force him, or any other matter, that that he may safely still keep her a virgin. necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.

geneva@1Corinthians:8:1 @ Now (note:)He begins to entreat of another type of indifferent things, that is, things offered to idols, or the use of flesh so offered and sacrificed. And first of all he removes all those things which the Corinthians pretended in using things offered to idols without any respect. First of all they affirmed that this difference of foods was for the unskilful men, but as for them, they knew well enough the benefit of Christ, which causes all these things to be clean to those that are clean. Be it so, Paul says: even if we are all sufficiently instructed in the knowledge of Christ, I say nonetheless that we must not simply rest in this knowledge. The reason is, that unless our knowledge is tempered with charity, it does not only not avail, but also does much hurt, because it is the mistress of pride. Nay, it does not so much as deserve the name of godly knowledge, if it is separate from the love of God, and therefore from the love of our neighbour.(:note) as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we This general word is to be abridged as (1Co_8:7) appears, for there is a type of taunt in it, as we may perceive by (1Co_8:2). all have knowledge. Knowledge Gives occasion of vanity and pride, because it is void of charity. puffeth up, but charity Instructs our neighbour. edifieth.

geneva@1Corinthians:10:1 @ Moreover, (note:)He sets out that which he said, laying before them an example of the horrible judgment of God against those who had in effect the very same pledges of the same adoption and salvation that we have. And yet nonetheless when they gave themselves to idol's feasts, they perished in the wilderness, being horribly and manifoldly punished. Now, moreover and besides that these things are fitly spoken against those who frequented idol's feasts, the same also seems to be alleged to this end and purpose, because many men think that those things are not of such great weight that God will be angry with them if they use them. And so they frequent Christian assemblies and are baptized, and receive the communion, and confess Christ.(:note) brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our Paul says this in respect of the covenant, and not in respect of the persons, except generally. fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;

geneva@1Corinthians:12:28 @ And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, (note:)The offices of deacons.(:note) helps, He sets forth the order of elders, who were the maintainers of the church's discipline. governments, diversities of tongues.

geneva@1Corinthians:15:43 @ It is sown in (note:)Void of honour, void of glory and beauty.(:note) dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in Freed from the former weakness, in which it is subject to such alteration and change, that it cannot maintain itself without food and drink and such other like helps. power:

geneva@1Corinthians:16:16 @ That ye (note:)That you honour and revere them, be obedient to them, and be content to be ruled by them, as you properly should, seeing that they have bestowed themselves and their goods, and this to help you with them.(:note) submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with [us], and laboureth.

geneva@2Corinthians:3:16 @ Neuertheles when their heart shall be turned to the Lord, the vaile shalbe taken away.

geneva@2Corinthians:4:4 @ In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the (note:)The light of plain and enlightening preaching, which shows forth the glory of Christ.(:note) light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the In whom the Father sets himself forth to be seen and beheld. image of God, should shine unto them.

geneva@2Corinthians:4:16 @ For which cause we faint not; (note:)He adds as it were a triumphant song, that he is outwardly afflicted, but inwardly he profits daily: and he is not bothered by all the miseries that may be sustained in this life, in comparison of that most constant and eternal glory.(:note) but though our outward man perish, yet the inward [man] is Gathers new strength so that the outward man is not overcome with the miseries which come freshly one after another, being maintained and upheld with the strength of the inward man. renewed day by day.

geneva@2Corinthians:5:8 @ We are (note:)And yet we are in such a manner confident and do so pass on our pilgrimage with a valiant and peaceful mind, that yet nonetheless we had rather depart from here to the Lord.(:note) confident, [I say], and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

geneva@2Corinthians:7:6 @ Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are (note:)Whose hearts are cast down, and are very much worn out.(:note) cast down, comforted us by the With those things which Titus told me of you at his coming, that is, how fruitfully you read over my letters. And moreover and besides that, I am exceedingly refreshed with his presence. coming of Titus;

geneva@2Corinthians:7:10 @ For (note:)God's sorrow occurs when we are not terrified with the fear of punishment, but because we feel we have offended God our most merciful Father. Contrary to this there is another sorrow, that only fears punishment, or when a man is vexed for the loss of some worldly goods. The fruit of the first is repentance, and the fruit of the second is desperation, unless the Lord quickly helps.(:note) godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

geneva@2Corinthians:8:1 @ Moreover, (note:)The sixth part of this epistle containing different exhortations to stir up the Corinthians to liberality, with which the poverty of the church of Jerusalem might be helped at an appropriate time. And first of all he sets before them the example of the churches of Macedonia, which otherwise were brought by great misery to extreme poverty, so that the Corinthians should follow them.(:note) brethren, we do you to wit of the The benefit that God bestowed upon the Corinthians. grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia;

geneva@2Corinthians:8:14 @ But by an (note:)That as now in your abundance you help others with a share of your goods, so should others in the same way bestow some of their goods upon you.(:note) equality, [that] now at this time your abundance [may be a supply] for their want, that their abundance also may be [a supply] for your want: that there may be equality:

geneva@2Corinthians:8:23 @ Whether [any do enquire] of Titus, [he is] my partner and fellowhelper concerning you: or our (note:)The two companions of Titus.(:note) brethren [be enquired of, they are] the messengers of the churches, [and] the By whom the glory of Christ is set forth. glory of Christ.

geneva@2Corinthians:9:1 @ For (note:)He wisely answers the suspicion which the Corinthians might conceive, as though the apostle in urging them so carefully was doubting of their good will. Therefore he witnesses that he does it not to teach them that they ought to help the saints, seeing that he had become surety for them to the Macedonians. But only to stir those up who were labouring by themselves, to the end that all things might both be in a better readiness, and also be more plentiful.(:note) as touching the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you:

geneva@2Corinthians:9:8 @ And God [is] able to make (note:)All the bountiful liberality of God.(:note) all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all [things], may abound to To help others by all means possible, in doing them good in their needs. every good work:

geneva@2Corinthians:9:13 @ Whiles by the (note:)By this proof of your liberality in this helping of them.(:note) experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your In showing with one consent that you acknowledge that Gospel alone which you have willingly submitted yourselves to, declaring by this that you agree with the church of Jerusalem. professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ, and for [your] liberal distribution unto them, and unto all [men];

geneva@2Corinthians:10:2 @ But I beseech [you], that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walked (note:)As though I had no other aid and help than that which outwardly I seem to have: and therefore Paul contrasts his flesh, that is, his weak condition and state, with his spiritual and apostolic dignity.(:note) according to the flesh.

geneva@Galatians:2:20 @ I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not (note:)The same that I was before.(:note) I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the In this mortal body. flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

geneva@Galatians:3:1 @ O (note:)The third reason or argument taken of those gifts of the Holy Spirit, with which they were endued from heaven after they had heard and believed the gospel by Paul's ministry. And seeing that they were so evident to all men's eyes, that they were as it were graphic images, in which they might behold the truth of the doctrine of the Gospel, just as much as if they had beheld with their eyes Christ himself crucified, in whose only death they ought to have their trust, he marvels how it could be that they could be so bewitched by the false apostles.(:note) foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, Christ was laid before you so notably and so plainly that you had a graphic image of him as it were represented before your eyes, as if he had been crucified before you. before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

geneva@Galatians:4:18 @ But [it is] good to be (note:)He sets his own true and good love, which he earnestly held for them, against the wicked vicious love of the false apostles.(:note) zealously affected always in [a] good [thing], and not only when I am present with you.

geneva@Galatians:5:13 @ For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; (note:)The third part of this epistle, showing that the right use of Christian liberty consists of this, that being delivered and set at liberty from the slavery of sin and the flesh, and being obedient to the Spirit, we should through love help each other to mature in their salvation.(:note) only [use] not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

geneva@Galatians:6:1 @ Brethren, (note:)He condemns persistent and pressing harshness, because brotherly reprehensions ought to be moderated and tempered by the spirit of meekness.(:note) if a man be Through the malice of the flesh and the devil. overtaken in a fault, ye which are Who are upheld by the power of God's Spirit. spiritual, Labour to fill up that which is lacking in him. restore such an one in the This is a metaphor which the Hebrews use, showing by this that all good gifts come from God. spirit of meekness; He touches the problem, for they are commonly the most severe judges who forget their own weaknesses. considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

geneva@Ephesians:6:17 @ And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God.

geneva@Philippians:1:19 @ For I knowe that this shall turne to my saluation through your prayer, and by the helpe of the Spirit of Iesus Christ,

geneva@Philippians:1:24 @ Neuerthelesse, to abide in the flesh, is more needefull for you.

geneva@Philippians:3:16 @ Neuerthelesse, in that whereunto wee are come, let vs proceede by one rule, that wee may minde one thing.

geneva@Philippians:4:3 @ And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and [with] other my fellowlabourers, whose names [are] in the (note:)God is said, after the manner of men, to have a book, in which the names of his elect are written, to whom he will give everlasting life. Ezekiel calls it the writing of the house of Israel, and the secret of the Lord; (Eze_13:9).(:note) book of life.

geneva@Philippians:4:13 @ I am able to do al things through the helpe of Christ, which strengtheneth me.

geneva@Colossians:3:15 @ And let the peace of God (note:)Rule and govern all things.(:note) rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in You are joined together into one body through God's goodness, so that you might help one another, as fellow members. one body; and be ye thankful.

geneva@2Thessalonians:3:2 @ And that we may be delivered from (note:)Who do not do or care about their duty.(:note) unreasonable and wicked men: It is no wonder that the Gospel is hated by so many, seeing that faith is a rare gift of God. Nonetheless, the Church will never be destroyed by the multitude of the wicked, because it is grounded and stayed upon the faithful promise of God. for all [men] have not faith.

geneva@1Timothy:3:1 @ This (note:)Having completed the treatise of doctrine and of the manner of handling of it, as well also of public prayer, he now in the third place comes to the persons themselves, speaking first of pastors, and afterwards of deacons. And he uses a preface, so that the church may know that these are certain and sure rules.(:note) [is] a true saying, The office of bishop, or the ministry of the word is not an idle dignity, but a work, and that an excellent work: and therefore a bishop must be furnished with many virtues both at home and abroad. Therefore it is necessary before he is chosen to examine well his learning, his gifts, his abilities, and his life. If a man He does not speak here of ambitious seeking, of which there cannot be a worse fault in the Church, but generally of the mind and disposition of man, prepared and disposed to help and edify the Church of God, when and wherever it will please the Lord. desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

geneva@1Timothy:6:1 @ Let (note:)He adds also rules for the servant's duty towards their masters: upon which matter there were no doubt many questions asked by those who took occasion by the Gospel to trouble the normal manner of life. And this is the first rule: let servants that have come to the faith and have the unfaithful for their masters, serve them nonetheless with great faithfulness.(:note) as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, The reason: lest God should seem by the doctrine of the Gospel to stir up men to rebellion and all wickedness. that the name of God and [his] doctrine be not blasphemed.

geneva@1Timothy:6:21 @ Which some (note:)Not only in word, but also in appearance and gesture: to be short, while their behaviour was such that even when they held their peace they would make men believe, their heads were occupied about nothing but high and lofty matters, and therefore they erred concerning the faith.(:note) professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace [be] with thee. Amen. «[The first to Timothy was written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana.]»

geneva@2Timothy:3:1 @ This (note:)The seventh admonition: we may not hope for a Church in this world without corruption: but there will be rather great abundance of most wicked men even in the very bosom of the Church, who will nonetheless make a show and countenance of great holiness, and charity.(:note) know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

geneva@Philemon:1:1 @ Paul a prisoner of Iesus Christ, and our brother Timotheus, vnto Philemon our deare friende, and fellowe helper,

geneva@Philemon:1:24 @ Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke, my felowe helpers.

geneva@Hebrews:4:16 @ Let vs therefore goe boldly vnto ye throne of grace, that we may receiue mercy, and finde grace to helpe in time of neede.

geneva@Hebrews:7:27 @ Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: (note:)Another argument, which nonetheless he handles afterward: The Levitical priests offered sacrifice after sacrifice, first for themselves, and then for the people. Christ offered not for himself, but for others, not sacrifices, but himself, not repeatedly, but once. This should not seem strange, he says, for they are weak, but this man is consecrated as an everlasting Priest, and that by an oath.(:note) for That sacrifice which he offered. this he did It was done so that it need not be repeated or offered again any more. once, when he offered up himself.

geneva@Hebrews:13:6 @ So that we may boldly say, The Lord [is] my helper, and I will not fear what (note:)He contrasts man with God.(:note) man shall do unto me.

geneva@James:2:6 @ But ye have despised the poor. (note:)Secondly, he proves them to be fools: since the rich men are rather to be held detestable and cursed, considering that they persecute the church, and blaspheme Christ: for he speaks of wicked and profane rich men, as most of them have always been, beside whom he contrasts the poor and degraded.(:note) Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?

geneva@James:2:13 @ For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no (note:)He that is harsh and short with his neighbour, or else does not help him, he shall find God a hard and rough judge to him.(:note) mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.

geneva@James:2:16 @ And one of you say vnto them, Depart in peace: warme your selues, and fil your bellies, notwithstading ye giue them not those things which are needefull to the body, what helpeth it?

geneva@James:3:6 @ And the tongue [is] a fire, a (note:)A heap of all mischiefs.(:note) world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and It is able to set the whole world on fire. setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

geneva@James:4:2 @ Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, (note:)He reprehends them by name, who are not ashamed to make God the minister and helper of their lusts and pleasures, in asking things which are either in themselves unlawful or being lawful, ask for them out of wicked motives and uses.(:note) because ye ask not.

geneva@James:5:17 @ Helias was a man subiect to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rayne, and it rayned not on the earth for three yeeres and sixe moneths.

geneva@2Peter:2:1 @ But (note:)As in times past there were two kinds of prophets, the one true and the other false, so Peter tells them that there will be true and false teachers in the Church, so much so that Christ himself will be denied by some, who nonetheless will call him redeemer.(:note) there were false prophets also among the Under the law, while the state and policy of the Jews was yet standing. people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

geneva@2Peter:2:4 @ For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to (note:)So the Greeks called the deep dungeons under the earth, which should be appointed to torment the souls of the wicked in.(:note) hell, and delivered [them] into Bound them with darkness as with chains: and by darkness he means that most miserable state of life that is full of horror. chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

geneva@2Peter:3:13 @ Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, (note:)In which heavens.(:note) wherein dwelleth righteousness.

geneva@1John:1:1 @ That (note:)He begins with the description of the person of Christ who he makes one and not two: and him both God from everlasting (for he was with the Father from the beginning, and is that eternal life) and also made true man, whom John himself and his companions both heard, beheld, and handled.(:note) which was from the beginning, which we have I heard him speak, I saw him myself with my eyes, I handled with my hands him that is true God, being made true man, and not I alone, but others also that were with me. heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the That same everlasting Word by whom all things are made, and in whom only is there life. Word of life;

geneva@3John:1:8 @ We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be (note:)That we ourselves may help the preaching of the truth.(:note) fellowhelpers to the truth.