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acv@Matthew:6:28 @ And why are ye anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, nor do they spin,

acv@Matthew:7:3 @ And why do thou see the speck in thy brother's eye, but do not notice the beam in thine own eye?

acv@Matthew:8:26 @ And he says to them, Why are ye cowardly, O ye of little faith? Then after rising, he rebuked the winds and the sea, and there became a great calm.

acv@Matthew:9:4 @ And having known their thoughts Jesus said, Why think ye evil in your hearts?

acv@Matthew:9:11 @ And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to his disciples, Why does your teacher eat with the tax collectors and sinners?

acv@Matthew:9:14 @ Then the disciples of John come to him, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but thy disciples fast not?

acv@Matthew:13:10 @ And the disciples having come, they said to him, Why do thou speak to them in parables?

acv@Matthew:14:31 @ And straightaway having stretched forth his hand, Jesus took hold of him, and says to him, O thou of little faith, why did thou doubt?

acv@Matthew:15:2 @ Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.

acv@Matthew:15:3 @ And having answered, he said to them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God, because of your tradition?

acv@Matthew:16:8 @ And having known it, Jesus said to them, O ye of little faith, why do ye deliberate among yourselves because ye brought no loaves?

acv@Matthew:17:10 @ And his disciples questioned him, saying, Why then do the scholars say that Elijah must first come?

acv@Matthew:17:19 @ Then the disciples having come to Jesus in private, said, Why could we not cast it out?

acv@Matthew:19:7 @ They say to him, Why then did Moses command to give a writing of divorcement, and to divorce her?

acv@Matthew:19:17 @ And he said to him, Why do thou call me good? There is none good except one, God. But if thou want to enter into life, keep the commandments.

acv@Matthew:20:6 @ And having gone out about the eleventh hour, he found others who have stood idle. And he says to them, Why have ye stood here idle the whole day?

acv@Matthew:21:25 @ The immersion of John, from where was it, from heaven or from men? And they deliberated with themselves, saying, If we should say, From heaven, he will say to us, Why then did ye not believe him?

acv@Matthew:22:18 @ But Jesus having known their wickedness, said, Why do ye tempt me, ye hypocrites?

acv@Matthew:26:8 @ But when his disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, Why this waste?

acv@Matthew:26:10 @ But Jesus knowing it, he said to them, Why do ye cause troubles to the woman? For she has wrought a good work upon me.

acv@Matthew:26:50 @ And Jesus said to him, Friend, why are thou here. Then having come, they threw their hands on Jesus, and seized him.

acv@Matthew:27:46 @ And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a great voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That is, My God, my God, why have thou forsaken me?

acv@Mark:2:7 @ Why does this man speak blasphemies this way. Who can forgive sins but one, God?

acv@Mark:2:8 @ And straightaway Jesus, having perceived in his spirit that they so deliberated within themselves, said to them, Why do ye deliberate these things in your hearts?

acv@Mark:2:16 @ And the scholars of the Pharisees, when they saw him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, they said to his disciples, Why is it that he eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?

acv@Mark:2:18 @ And John's disciples and those of the Pharisees were fasting. And they come and say to him, Why do John's disciples and those of the Pharisees fast, but the disciples with you do not fast?

acv@Mark:2:24 @ And the Pharisees said to him, Look, why are they doing what is not permitted on the Sabbath day?

acv@Mark:4:40 @ And he said to them, Why are ye cowardly this way? How have ye no faith?

acv@Mark:5:35 @ While he still spoke, they come from the synagogue ruler saying, Thy daughter died, why still trouble the teacher?

acv@Mark:5:39 @ And when he entered in, he says to them, Why do ye make a commotion, and weep? The child did not die, but sleeps.

acv@Mark:7:5 @ Then the Pharisees and the scholars demand of him, Why do thy disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with unwashed hands?

acv@Mark:8:12 @ And having sighed deeply in his spirit, he says, Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly I am telling you, if a sign will be given to this generation.

acv@Mark:8:17 @ And knowing it Jesus says to them, Why do ye deliberate because ye have no loaves? Do ye not yet perceive nor understand? Have ye your heart still hardened?

acv@Mark:10:18 @ And Jesus said to him, Why do thou call me good? None is good except one, God.

acv@Mark:11:3 @ And if any man should say to you, Why are ye doing this? say ye, The Lord has need of it, and straightaway he sends it here.

acv@Mark:11:31 @ And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we should say, From heaven, he will say, Why then did ye not believe him?

acv@Mark:12:15 @ Should we give, or should we not give? But Jesus, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, Why do ye test me? Bring me a denarius, so that I may see it.

acv@Mark:14:4 @ And some were indignant within themselves, saying, Why has this waste of the ointment happened?

acv@Mark:14:6 @ But Jesus said, Leave her be. Why do ye cause troubles for her? She performed a good work on me.

acv@Mark:15:34 @ And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a great voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why have thou forsaken me?

acv@Luke:1:43 @ And why is this to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me?

acv@Luke:2:48 @ And when they saw him they were amazed. And his mother said to him, Child, why did thou this way to us? Behold, thy father and I were seeking thee sorrowing.

acv@Luke:2:49 @ And he said to them, Why is it that ye were seeking me? Had ye not known that I must be among the things of my Father?

acv@Luke:5:22 @ But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, having responded, he said to them, Why do ye deliberate in your hearts?

acv@Luke:5:30 @ And their scholars and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with the tax collectors and sinners?

acv@Luke:5:33 @ And they said to him, Why do the disciples of John fast often, and make supplications, and likewise those of the Pharisees, but thine eat and drink.

acv@Luke:6:2 @ But some of the Pharisees said to them, Why do ye what is not permitted to do on the Sabbath day?

acv@Luke:6:41 @ And why do thou see the speck in thy brother's eye, but do not perceive the beam in thine own eye?

acv@Luke:6:46 @ And why do ye call me, Lord, Lord, and not do the things that I say?

acv@Luke:12:26 @ If then ye are not able to do even the least, why are ye anxious about the rest?

acv@Luke:12:57 @ And also why do ye not judge yourselves what is right?

acv@Luke:13:7 @ And he said to the vine workman, Behold, three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none. Cut it down, why also waste the ground?

acv@Luke:18:19 @ And Jesus said to him, Why do thou call me good? None is good except one, God.

acv@Luke:19:23 @ Then why did thou not give my silver into a bank, and having come I would have collected it with interest?

acv@Luke:19:31 @ And if any man asks you, Why do ye untie it? Thus ye will say to him, The Lord has need of it.

acv@Luke:19:33 @ And as they were untying the colt, the masters of it said to them, Why do ye untie the colt?

acv@Luke:20:5 @ And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we should say, From heaven, he will say, Why did ye not believe him?

acv@Luke:20:23 @ But having perceived their craftiness, he said to them, Why do ye try me?

acv@Luke:22:46 @ And said to them, Why sleep ye? Having risen, pray that ye may not enter into temptation.

acv@Luke:24:5 @ And since they became frightened and bowing down their face to the ground, they said to them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

acv@Luke:24:38 @ And he said to them, Why are ye troubled, and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?

acv@John:1:25 @ And they asked him, and said to him, Why therefore do thou immerse if thou are not the Christ nor Elijah nor the prophet?

acv@John:4:27 @ And upon this his disciples came. And they marveled that he spoke with the woman, yet no man said, What seek thou? or, Why do thou speak with her?

acv@John:7:19 @ Did not Moses give you the law, and none of you does the law? Why do ye seek to kill me?

acv@John:7:45 @ The subordinates therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees. And those men said to them, Why did ye not bring him?

acv@John:8:43 @ Why do ye not understand my speech? Because ye cannot hear my word.

acv@John:8:46 @ Which of you convicts me about sin? And if I speak truth, why do ye not believe me?

acv@John:9:27 @ He answered them, I told you already, and ye did not listen. Why do ye want to hear it again? Do ye not also want to become his disciples?

acv@John:10:20 @ And many of them said, He has a demon, and is mad. Why do ye listen to him?

acv@John:12:5 @ Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii, and given to the poor?

acv@John:13:28 @ But no man who was sitting knew why he said this to him.

acv@John:13:37 @ Peter said to him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thee.

acv@John:18:21 @ Why question thou me? Question those who have heard what I said to them. Behold, these know the things that I said.

acv@John:18:23 @ Jesus answered him, If I spoke wrongly, testify about the wrong, but if correctly, why strike me?

acv@John:20:13 @ And those men say to her, Woman, why weep thou? She says to them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.

acv@John:20:15 @ Jesus says to her, Woman, why weep thou? Whom seek thou? That woman, supposing that he is the gardener, says to him, Sir, if thou have taken him, tell me where thou have laid him, and I will take him away.

acv@Acts:1:11 @ who also said, Men, Galileans, why stand ye gazing into the sky? This Jesus who was taken up from you into the sky will so come, in that same way as ye saw him going into the sky.

acv@Acts:3:12 @ And Peter having seen, he responded to the people, Men, Israelites, why do ye marvel at this man? Or why do ye stare at us, as by our own power or piety we have made him to walk?

acv@Acts:4:25 @ He who said through the mouth of thy boy David, Why do the nations rage, and the peoples meditate vain things?

acv@Acts:5:3 @ But Peter said, Ananias, why did Satan fill thy heart for thee to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back from the price of the land?

acv@Acts:5:4 @ While it remained, did it not remain to thee? And after it was sold, it was in thine authority. Why is it that thou have placed this matter in thy heart? Thou have not lied to men, but to God.

acv@Acts:7:26 @ And on the next day he was seen by them as they fought, and he was reconciling them for peace, having said, Men, ye are brothers. Why is it that ye wrong each other?

acv@Acts:9:4 @ And after falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why do thou persecute me?

acv@Acts:14:15 @ and saying, Men, why are ye doing these things? We also are men of like nature with you, proclaiming good-news to you, to turn from these vain things to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all the thi

acv@Acts:15:10 @ Now therefore why do ye challenge God, to place a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?

acv@Acts:19:32 @ Indeed therefore some cried out one thing, some another, for the assembly was confused, and most had not seen why they had come together.

acv@Acts:22:7 @ And I fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do thou persecute me?

acv@Acts:22:30 @ But on the morrow, wanting to know the certainty of why he was accused by the Jews, he loosed him from the bonds, and commanded the chief priests and all their council to come. And having brought Paul down, he set him before them.

acv@Acts:26:8 @ Why is it judged incredible with you, if God raises the dead?

acv@Acts:26:14 @ And when we all fell to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the Hebrew language, Saul, Saul, why do thou persecute me? It is hard for thee to kick against the goads.

acv@Romans:3:7 @ For if by my lie, the truth of God abounded to his glory, why am I also still judged as sinful,

acv@Romans:8:24 @ For we were saved to hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. For what is seen, why also hope for that?

acv@Romans:9:19 @ Thou will say to me therefore, Why does he still find fault? For who has resisted his purpose?

acv@Romans:9:20 @ Rather, O man, who are thou answering back to God? No, will the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why did thou make me this way?

acv@Romans:9:32 @ Why? Because it was not from faith but as from works of law. For they stumbled at the stone of stumbling,

acv@Romans:14:10 @ But why do thou criticize thy brother? Or also why do thou disdain thy brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

acv@1Corinthians:4:7 @ For who makes thee different? And what have thou that thou did not receive? And also if thou received it, why do thou boast as not having received it?

acv@1Corinthians:6:3 @ Know ye not that we will judge heavenly agents? Then why not mundane things?

acv@1Corinthians:6:7 @ Now therefore it is indeed altogether a defeat for you because ye have legal disputes against yourselves. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?

acv@1Corinthians:10:29 @ And I say conscience, not the one of himself, but the one of the other man. For why is my liberty judged by another conscience?

acv@1Corinthians:10:30 @ If I partake with thankfulness, why am I maligned about which I express thanks?

acv@1Corinthians:15:29 @ Otherwise what will they do who are immersed for the dead? If the dead do not rise at all, why then are they immersed for the dead?

acv@1Corinthians:15:30 @ And we, why are we in peril every hour?

acv@2Corinthians:11:11 @ Why? Because I do not love you? God knows.

acv@Galatians:2:14 @ But when I saw that they did not walk uprightly toward the truth of the good-news, I said to Peter before all, If thou being a Jew, live as a Gentile and not as a Jew, why do thou compel the Gentiles to live as Jews?

acv@Galatians:3:19 @ Why then the law? It was added on account of transgressions, until the seed would come to whom it was promised, which was arranged through heavenly agents in the hand of a mediator.

acv@Galatians:5:11 @ But I, brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? Then the stumbling-block of the cross has been abolished.

acv@Colossians:2:20 @ If ye died with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why do ye submit to rules, as though living in the world?

acv@1John:3:12 @ Not as Cain. He was of the wicked, and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were wrong, and his brother's right.