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rsv@Joshua:1:8 @ This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.

rsv@Joshua:2:11 @ And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no courage left in any man, because of you; for the LORD your God is he who is God in heaven above and on earth beneath.

rsv@Joshua:2:21 @ And she said, "According to your words, so be it." Then she sent them away, and they departed; and she bound the scarlet cord in the window.

rsv@Joshua:3:4 @ that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before. Yet there shall be a space between you and it, a distance of about two thousand cubits; do not come near it."

rsv@Joshua:3:13 @ And when the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be stopped from flowing, and the waters coming down from above shall stand in one heap."

rsv@Joshua:3:15 @ and when those who bore the ark had come to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water (the Jordan overflows all its banks throughout the time of harvest),

rsv@Joshua:3:16 @ the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap far off, at Adam, the city that is beside Zar'ethan, and those flowing down toward the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were wholly cut off; and the people passed over opposite Jericho.

rsv@Joshua:3:17 @ And while all Israel were passing over on dry ground, the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, until all the nation finished passing over the Jordan.

rsv@Joshua:4:10 @ For the priests who bore the ark stood in the midst of the Jordan, until everything was finished that the LORD commanded Joshua to tell the people, according to all that Moses had commanded Joshua. The people passed over in haste;

rsv@Joshua:4:13 @ about forty thousand ready armed for war passed over before the LORD for battle, to the plains of Jericho.

rsv@Joshua:4:19 @ The people came up out of the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and they encamped in Gilgal on the east border of Jericho.

rsv@Joshua:5:5 @ Though all the people who came out had been circumcised, yet all the people that were born on the way in the wilderness after they had come out of Egypt had not been circumcised.

rsv@Joshua:6:11 @ So he caused the ark of the LORD to compass the city, going about it once; and they came into the camp, and spent the night in the camp.

rsv@Joshua:6:21 @ Then they utterly destroyed all in the city, both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and asses, with the edge of the sword.

rsv@Joshua:6:26 @ Joshua laid an oath upon them at that time, saying, "Cursed before the LORD be the man that rises up and rebuilds this city, Jericho. At the cost of his first-born shall he lay its foundation, and at the cost of his youngest son shall he set up its gates."

rsv@Joshua:7:3 @ And they returned to Joshua, and said to him, "Let not all the people go up, but let about two or three thousand men go up and attack Ai; do not make the whole people toil up there, for they are but few."

rsv@Joshua:7:4 @ So about three thousand went up there from the people; and they fled before the men of Ai,

rsv@Joshua:7:5 @ and the men of Ai killed about thirty-six men of them, and chased them before the gate as far as Sheb'arim, and slew them at the descent. And the hearts of the people melted, and became as water.

rsv@Joshua:8:2 @ and you shall do to Ai and its king as you did to Jericho and its king; only its spoil and its cattle you shall take as booty for yourselves; lay an ambush against the city, behind it."

rsv@Joshua:8:12 @ And he took about five thousand men, and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, to the west of the city.

rsv@Joshua:8:25 @ And all who fell that day, both men and women, were twelve thousand, all the people of Ai.

rsv@Joshua:8:27 @ Only the cattle and the spoil of that city Israel took as their booty, according to the word of the LORD which he commanded Joshua.

rsv@Joshua:8:29 @ And he hanged the king of Ai on a tree until evening; and at the going down of the sun Joshua commanded, and they took his body down from the tree, and cast it at the entrance of the gate of the city, and raised over it a great heap of stones, which stands there to this day.

rsv@Joshua:8:31 @ as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded the people of Israel, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses, "an altar of unhewn stones, upon which no man has lifted an iron tool"; and they offered on it burnt offerings to the LORD, and sacrificed peace offerings.

rsv@Joshua:8:33 @ And all Israel, sojourner as well as homeborn, with their elders and officers and their judges, stood on opposite sides of the ark before the Levitical priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD, half of them in front of Mount Ger'izim and half of them in front of Mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded at the first, that they should bless the people of Israel.

rsv@Joshua:8:34 @ And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessing and the curse, according to all that is written in the book of the law.

rsv@Joshua:9:10 @ and all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, Sihon the king of Heshbon, and Og king of Bashan, who dwelt in Ash'taroth.

rsv@Joshua:9:16 @ At the end of three days after they had made a covenant with them, they heard that they were their neighbors, and that they dwelt among them.

rsv@Joshua:10:13 @ And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.

rsv@Joshua:11:14 @ And all the spoil of these cities and the cattle, the people of Israel took for their booty; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, and they did not leave any that breathed.

rsv@Joshua:12:2 @ Sihon king of the Amorites who dwelt at Heshbon, and ruled from Aro'er, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, and from the middle of the valley as far as the river Jabbok, the boundary of the Ammonites, that is, half of Gilead,

rsv@Joshua:12:5 @ and ruled over Mount Hermon and Sal'ecah and all Bashan to the boundary of the Gesh'urites and the Ma-ac'athites, and over half of Gilead to the boundary of Sihon king of Heshbon.

rsv@Joshua:13:3 @ (from the Shihor, which is east of Egypt, northward to the boundary of Ekron, it is reckoned as Canaanite; there are five rulers of the Philistines, those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ash'kelon, Gath, and Ekron), and those of the Avvim,

rsv@Joshua:13:4 @ in the south, all the land of the Canaanites, and Mear'ah which belongs to the Sido'nians, to Aphek, to the boundary of the Amorites,

rsv@Joshua:13:9 @ from Aro'er, which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon, and the city that is in the middle of the valley, and all the tableland of Med'eba as far as Dibon;

rsv@Joshua:13:10 @ and all the cities of Sihon king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, as far as the boundary of the Ammonites;

rsv@Joshua:13:17 @ with Heshbon, and all its cities that are in the tableland; Dibon, and Ba'moth-ba'al, and Beth-ba'al-me'on,

rsv@Joshua:13:21 @ that is, all the cities of the tableland, and all the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, whom Moses defeated with the leaders of Mid'ian, Evi and Rekem and Zur and Hur and Reba, the princes of Sihon, who dwelt in the land.

rsv@Joshua:13:23 @ And the border of the people of Reuben was the Jordan as a boundary. This was the inheritance of the Reubenites, according to their families with their cities and villages.

rsv@Joshua:13:26 @ and from Heshbon to Ra'math-miz'peh and Bet'onim, and from Mahana'im to the territory of Debir,

rsv@Joshua:13:27 @ and in the valley Beth-ha'ram, Beth-nim'rah, Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, having the Jordan as a boundary, to the lower end of the Sea of Chin'nereth, eastward beyond the Jordan.

rsv@Joshua:15:1 @ The lot for the tribe of the people of Judah according to their families reached southward to the boundary of Edom, to the wilderness of Zin at the farthest south.

rsv@Joshua:15:2 @ And their south boundary ran from the end of the Salt Sea, from the bay that faces southward;

rsv@Joshua:15:3 @ it goes out southward of the ascent of Akrab'bim, passes along to Zin, and goes up south of Ka'desh-bar'nea, along by Hezron, up to Addar, turns about to Karka,

rsv@Joshua:15:4 @ passes along to Azmon, goes out by the Brook of Egypt, and comes to its end at the sea. This shall be your south boundary.

rsv@Joshua:15:5 @ And the east boundary is the Salt Sea, to the mouth of the Jordan. And the boundary on the north side runs from the bay of the sea at the mouth of the Jordan;

rsv@Joshua:15:6 @ and the boundary goes up to Beth-hoglah, and passes along north of Beth-arabah; and the boundary goes up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben;

rsv@Joshua:15:7 @ and the boundary goes up to Debir from the Valley of Achor, and so northward, turning toward Gilgal, which is opposite the ascent of Adum'mim, which is on the south side of the valley; and the boundary passes along to the waters of En-she'mesh, and ends at En-ro'gel;

rsv@Joshua:15:8 @ then the boundary goes up by the valley of the son of Hinnom at the southern shoulder of the Jeb'usite (that is, Jerusalem); and the boundary goes up to the top of the mountain that lies over against the valley of Hinnom, on the west, at the northern end of the valley of Reph'aim;

rsv@Joshua:15:9 @ then the boundary extends from the top of the mountain to the spring of the Waters of Nephto'ah, and from there to the cities of Mount Ephron; then the boundary bends round to Ba'alah (that is, Kir'iath-je'arim);

rsv@Joshua:15:10 @ and the boundary circles west of Ba'alah to Mount Se'ir, passes along to the northern shoulder of Mount Je'arim (that is, Ches'alon), and goes down to Beth-she'mesh, and passes along by Timnah;

rsv@Joshua:15:11 @ the boundary goes out to the shoulder of the hill north of Ekron, then the boundary bends round to Shik'keron, and passes along to Mount Ba'alah, and goes out to Jabneel; then the boundary comes to an end at the sea.

rsv@Joshua:15:12 @ And the west boundary was the Great Sea with its coast-line. This is the boundary round about the people of Judah according to their families.

rsv@Joshua:15:21 @ The cities belonging to the tribe of the people of Judah in the extreme South, toward the boundary of Edom, were Kabzeel, Eder, Jagur,

rsv@Joshua:15:39 @ Lachish, Bozkath, Eglon,

rsv@Joshua:15:40 @ Cabbon, Lahmam, Chitlish,

rsv@Joshua:16:5 @ The territory of the E'phraimites by their families was as follows: the boundary of their inheritance on the east was At'aroth-ad'dar as far as Upper Beth-hor'on,

rsv@Joshua:16:6 @ and the boundary goes thence to the sea; on the north is Mich-me'thath; then on the east the boundary turns round toward Ta'anath-shi'loh, and passes along beyond it on the east to Jan-o'ah,

rsv@Joshua:16:8 @ From Tap'puah the boundary goes westward to the brook Kanah, and ends at the sea. Such is the inheritance of the tribe of the E'phraimites by their families,

rsv@Joshua:16:10 @ However they did not drive out the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer: so the Canaanites have dwelt in the midst of E'phraim to this day but have become slaves to do forced labor.

rsv@Joshua:17:1 @ Then allotment was made to the tribe of Manas'seh, for he was the first-born of Joseph. To Machir the first-born of Manas'seh, the father of Gilead, were allotted Gilead and Bashan, because he was a man of war.

rsv@Joshua:17:7 @ The territory of Manas'seh reached from Asher to Mich-me'thath, which is east of Shechem; then the boundary goes along southward to the inhabitants of En-tap'puah.

rsv@Joshua:17:8 @ The land of Tap'puah belonged to Manas'seh, but the town of Tap'puah on the boundary of Manas'seh belonged to the sons of E'phraim.

rsv@Joshua:17:9 @ Then the boundary went down to the brook Kanah. The cities here, to the south of the brook, among the cities of Manas'seh, belong to E'phraim. Then the boundary of Manas'seh goes on the north side of the brook and ends at the sea;

rsv@Joshua:17:10 @ the land to the south being E'phraim's and that to the north being Manas'seh's, with the sea forming its boundary; on the north Asher is reached, and on the east Is'sachar.

rsv@Joshua:17:13 @ But when the people of Israel grew strong, they put the Canaanites to forced labor, and did not utterly drive them out.

rsv@Joshua:17:16 @ The tribe of Joseph said, "The hill country is not enough for us; yet all the Canaanites who dwell in the plain have chariots of iron, both those in Beth-she'an and its villages and those in the Valley of Jezreel."

rsv@Joshua:17:18 @ but the hill country shall be yours, for though it is a forest, you shall clear it and possess it to its farthest borders; for you shall drive out the Canaanites, though they have chariots of iron, and though they are strong."

rsv@Joshua:18:9 @ So the men went and passed up and down in the land and set down in a book a description of it by towns in seven divisions; then they came to Joshua in the camp at Shiloh,

rsv@Joshua:18:12 @ On the north side their boundary began at the Jordan; then the boundary goes up to the shoulder north of Jericho, then up through the hill country westward; and it ends at the wilderness of Beth-a'ven.

rsv@Joshua:18:13 @ From there the boundary passes along southward in the direction of Luz, to the shoulder of Luz (the same is Bethel), then the boundary goes down to At'aroth-ad'dar, upon the mountain that lies south of Lower Beth-hor'on.

rsv@Joshua:18:14 @ Then the boundary goes in another direction, turning on the western side southward from the mountain that lies to the south, opposite Beth-hor'on, and it ends at Kir'iath-ba'al (that is, Kir'iath-je'arim), a city belonging to the tribe of Judah. This forms the western side.

rsv@Joshua:18:15 @ And the southern side begins at the outskirts of Kir'iath-je'arim; and the boundary goes from there to Ephron, to the spring of the Waters of Nephto'ah;

rsv@Joshua:18:16 @ then the boundary goes down to the border of the mountain that overlooks the valley of the son of Hinnom, which is at the north end of the valley of Reph'aim; and it then goes down the valley of Hinnom, south of the shoulder of the Jeb'usites, and downward to En-rogel;

rsv@Joshua:18:17 @ then it bends in a northerly direction going on to En-she'mesh, and thence goes to Geli'loth, which is opposite the ascent of Adum'mim; then it goes down to the Stone of Bohan the son of Reuben;

rsv@Joshua:18:19 @ then the boundary passes on to the north of the shoulder of Beth-hoglah; and the boundary ends at the northern bay of the Salt Sea, at the south end of the Jordan: this is the southern border.

rsv@Joshua:18:20 @ The Jordan forms its boundary on the eastern side. This is the inheritance of the tribe of Benjamin, according to its families, boundary by boundary round about.

rsv@Joshua:19:5 @ Ziklag, Beth-mar'caboth, Ha'zar-su'sah,

rsv@Joshua:19:8 @ together with all the villages round about these cities as far as Ba'alath-beer, Ramah of the Negeb. This was the inheritance of the tribe of Simeon according to its families.

rsv@Joshua:19:11 @ then its boundary goes up westward, and on to Mar'eal, and touches Dab'besheth, then the brook which is east of Jok'ne-am;

rsv@Joshua:19:12 @ from Sarid it goes in the other direction eastward toward the sunrise to the boundary of Chis'loth-ta'bor; thence it goes to Dab'erath, then up to Japhi'a;

rsv@Joshua:19:14 @ then on the north the boundary turns about to Han'nathon, and it ends at the valley of Iph'tahel;

rsv@Joshua:19:22 @ the boundary also touches Tabor, Shahazu'mah, and Beth-she'mesh, and its boundary ends at the Jordan--sixteen cities with their villages.

rsv@Joshua:19:29 @ then the boundary turns to Ramah, reaching to the fortified city of Tyre; then the boundary turns to Hosah, and it ends at the sea; Mahalab, Achzib,

rsv@Joshua:19:33 @ And its boundary ran from Heleph, from the oak in Za-anan'nim, and Ad'ami-nekeb, and Jabneel, as far as Lakkum; and it ended at the Jordan;

rsv@Joshua:19:34 @ then the boundary turns westward to Az'noth-tabor, and goes from there to Hukkok, touching Zeb'ulun at the south, and Asher on the west, and Judah on the east at the Jordan.

rsv@Joshua:20:5 @ And if the avenger of blood pursues him, they shall not give up the slayer into his hand; because he killed his neighbor unwittingly, having had no enmity against him in times past.

rsv@Joshua:21:11 @ They gave them Kir'iath-ar'ba (Arba being the father of Anak), that is Hebron, in the hill country of Judah, along with the pasture lands round about it.

rsv@Joshua:21:39 @ Heshbon with its pasture lands, Jazer with its pasture lands--four cities in all.

rsv@Joshua:21:42 @ These cities had each its pasture lands round about it; so it was with all these cities.

rsv@Joshua:22:10 @ And when they came to the region about the Jordan, that lies in the land of Canaan, the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manas'seh built there an altar by the Jordan, an altar of great size.

rsv@Joshua:22:11 @ And the people of Israel heard say, "Behold, the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manas'seh have built an altar at the frontier of the land of Canaan, in the region about the Jordan, on the side that belongs to the people of Israel."

rsv@Joshua:22:25 @ For the LORD has made the Jordan a boundary between us and you, you Reubenites and Gadites; you have no portion in the LORD.' So your children might make our children cease to worship the LORD.

rsv@Joshua:23:1 @ A long time afterward, when the LORD had given rest to Israel from all their enemies round about, and Joshua was old and well advanced in years,

rsv@Joshua:23:6 @ Therefore be very steadfast to keep and do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left,

rsv@Joshua:23:7 @ that you may not be mixed with these nations left here among you, or make mention of the names of their gods, or swear by them, or serve them, or bow down yourselves to them,

rsv@Joshua:23:14 @ "And now I am about to go the way of all the earth, and you know in your hearts and souls, all of you, that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the LORD your God promised concerning you; all have come to pass for you, not one of them has failed.

rsv@Joshua:23:16 @ if you transgress the covenant of the LORD your God, which he commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them. Then the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you, and you shall perish quickly from off the good land which he has given to you."

rsv@Joshua:24:12 @ And I sent the hornet before you, which drove them out before you, the two kings of the Amorites; it was not by your sword or by your bow.

rsv@Joshua:24:13 @ I gave you a land on which you had not labored, and cities which you had not built, and you dwell therein; you eat the fruit of vineyards and oliveyards which you did not plant.'

rsv@Joshua:24:17 @ for it is the LORD our God who brought us and our fathers up from the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, and who did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way that we went, and among all the peoples through whom we passed;

rsv@Joshua:24:26 @ And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God; and he took a great stone, and set it up there under the oak in the sanctuary of the LORD.

rsv@Joshua:24:32 @ The bones of Joseph which the people of Israel brought up from Egypt were buried at Shechem, in the portion of ground which Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for a hundred pieces of money; it became an inheritance of the descendants of Joseph.

rsv@Judges:1:28 @ When Israel grew strong, they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but did not utterly drive them out.

rsv@Judges:1:30 @ Zeb'ulun did not drive out the inhabitants of Kitron, or the inhabitants of Na'halol; but the Canaanites dwelt among them, and became subject to forced labor.

rsv@Judges:1:33 @ Naph'tali did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth-she'mesh, or the inhabitants of Beth-anath, but dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land; nevertheless the inhabitants of Beth-she'mesh and of Beth-anath became subject to forced labor for them.

rsv@Judges:1:35 @ the Amorites persisted in dwelling in Har-heres, in Ai'jalon, and in Sha-al'bim, but the hand of the house of Joseph rested heavily upon them, and they became subject to forced labor.

rsv@Judges:1:36 @ And the border of the Amorites ran from the ascent of Akrab'bim, from Sela and upward.

rsv@Judges:2:1 @ Now the angel of the LORD went up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said, "I brought you up from Egypt, and brought you into the land which I swore to give to your fathers. I said, `I will never break my covenant with you,

rsv@Judges:2:5 @ And they called the name of that place Bochim; and they sacrificed there to the LORD.

rsv@Judges:2:9 @ And they buried him within the bounds of his inheritance in Tim'nath-he'res, in the hill country of E'phraim, north of the mountain of Ga'ash.

rsv@Judges:2:12 @ and they forsook the LORD, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt; they went after other gods, from among the gods of the peoples who were round about them, and bowed down to them; and they provoked the LORD to anger.

rsv@Judges:2:14 @ So the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he gave them over to plunderers, who plundered them; and he sold them into the power of their enemies round about, so that they could no longer withstand their enemies.

rsv@Judges:2:17 @ And yet they did not listen to their judges; for they played the harlot after other gods and bowed down to them; they soon turned aside from the way in which their fathers had walked, who had obeyed the commandments of the LORD, and they did not do so.

rsv@Judges:2:19 @ But whenever the judge died, they turned back and behaved worse than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them; they did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways.

rsv@Judges:3:29 @ And they killed at that time about ten thousand of the Moabites, all strong, able-bodied men; not a man escaped.

rsv@Judges:4:6 @ She sent and summoned Barak the son of Abin'o-am from Kedesh in Naph'tali, and said to him, "The LORD, the God of Israel, commands you, `Go, gather your men at Mount Tabor, taking ten thousand from the tribe of Naph'tali and the tribe of Zeb'ulun.

rsv@Judges:4:12 @ When Sis'era was told that Barak the son of Abin'o-am had gone up to Mount Tabor,

rsv@Judges:4:14 @ And Deb'orah said to Barak, "Up! For this is the day in which the LORD has given Sis'era into your hand. Does not the LORD go out before you?" So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him.

rsv@Judges:4:24 @ And the hand of the people of Israel bore harder and harder on Jabin the king of Canaan, until they destroyed Jabin king of Canaan.

rsv@Judges:5:25 @ He asked water and she gave him milk, she brought him curds in a lordly bowl.

rsv@Judges:6:4 @ they would encamp against them and destroy the produce of the land, as far as the neighborhood of Gaza, and leave no sustenance in Israel, and no sheep or ox or ass.

rsv@Judges:6:5 @ For they would come up with their cattle and their tents, coming like locusts for number; both they and their camels could not be counted; so that they wasted the land as they came in.

rsv@Judges:6:8 @ the LORD sent a prophet to the people of Israel; and he said to them, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: I led you up from Egypt, and brought you out of the house of bondage;

rsv@Judges:6:38 @ And it was so. When he rose early next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water.

rsv@Judges:7:21 @ They stood every man in his place round about the camp, and all the army ran; they cried out and fled.

rsv@Judges:7:22 @ When they blew the three hundred trumpets, the LORD set every man's sword against his fellow and against all the army; and the army fled as far as Beth-shit'tah toward Zer'erah, as far as the border of A'bel-meho'lah, by Tabbath.

rsv@Judges:8:10 @ Now Zebah and Zalmun'na were in Karkor with their army, about fifteen thousand men, all who were left of all the army of the people of the East; for there had fallen a hundred and twenty thousand men who drew the sword.

rsv@Judges:8:15 @ And he came to the men of Succoth, and said, "Behold Zebah and Zalmun'na, about whom you taunted me, saying, `Are Zebah and Zalmun'na already in your hand, that we should give bread to your men who are faint?'"

rsv@Judges:8:18 @ Then he said to Zebah and Zalmun'na, "Where are the men whom you slew at Tabor?" They answered, "As you are, so were they, every one of them; they resembled the sons of a king."

rsv@Judges:8:20 @ And he said to Jether his first-born, "Rise, and slay them." But the youth did not draw his sword; for he was afraid, because he was still a youth.

rsv@Judges:8:26 @ And the weight of the golden earrings that he requested was one thousand seven hundred shekels of gold; besides the crescents and the pendants and the purple garments worn by the kings of Mid'ian, and besides the collars that were about the necks of their camels.

rsv@Judges:8:31 @ And his concubine who was in Shechem also bore him a son, and he called his name Abim'elech.

rsv@Judges:9:2 @ "Say in the ears of all the citizens of Shechem, `Which is better for you, that all seventy of the sons of Jerubba'al rule over you, or that one rule over you?' Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh."

rsv@Judges:9:49 @ So every one of the people cut down his bundle and following Abim'elech put it against the stronghold, and they set the stronghold on fire over them, so that all the people of the Tower of Shechem also died, about a thousand men and women.

rsv@Judges:11:2 @ And Gilead's wife also bore him sons; and when his wife's sons grew up, they thrust Jephthah out, and said to him, "You shall not inherit in our father's house; for you are the son of another woman."

rsv@Judges:11:13 @ And the king of the Ammonites answered the messengers of Jephthah, "Because Israel on coming from Egypt took away my land, from the Arnon to the Jabbok and to the Jordan; now therefore restore it peaceably."

rsv@Judges:11:18 @ Then they journeyed through the wilderness, and went around the land of Edom and the land of Moab, and arrived on the east side of the land of Moab, and camped on the other side of the Arnon; but they did not enter the territory of Moab, for the Arnon was the boundary of Moab.

rsv@Judges:11:19 @ Israel then sent messengers to Sihon king of the Amorites, king of Heshbon; and Israel said to him, `Let us pass, we pray, through your land to our country.'

rsv@Judges:11:22 @ And they took possession of all the territory of the Amorites from the Arnon to the Jabbok and from the wilderness to the Jordan.

rsv@Judges:11:26 @ While Israel dwelt in Heshbon and its villages, and in Aro'er and its villages, and in all the cities that are on the banks of the Arnon, three hundred years, why did you not recover them within that time?

rsv@Judges:11:33 @ And he smote them from Aro'er to the neighborhood of Minnith, twenty cities, and as far as Abel-keramim, with a very great slaughter. So the Ammonites were subdued before the people of Israel.

rsv@Judges:12:6 @ they said to him, "Then say Shibboleth," and he said, "Sibboleth," for he could not pronounce it right; then they seized him and slew him at the fords of the Jordan. And there fell at that time forty-two thousand of the E'phraimites.

rsv@Judges:13:5 @ for lo, you shall conceive and bear a son. No razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from birth; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines."

rsv@Judges:13:7 @ but he said to me, `Behold, you shall conceive and bear a son; so then drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from birth to the day of his death.'"

rsv@Judges:13:8 @ Then Mano'ah entreated the LORD, and said, "O, LORD, I pray thee, let the man of God whom thou didst send come again to us, and teach us what we are to do with the boy that will be born."

rsv@Judges:13:12 @ And Mano'ah said, "Now when your words come true, what is to be the boy's manner of life, and what is he to do?"

rsv@Judges:13:24 @ And the woman bore a son, and called his name Samson; and the boy grew, and the LORD blessed him.

rsv@Judges:14:8 @ And after a while he returned to take her; and he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion, and behold, there was a swarm of bees in the body of the lion, and honey.

rsv@Judges:15:13 @ They said to him, "No; we will only bind you and give you into their hands; we will not kill you." So they bound him with two new ropes, and brought him up from the rock.

rsv@Judges:15:14 @ When he came to Lehi, the Philistines came shouting to meet him; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and the ropes which were on his arms became as flax that has caught fire, and his bonds melted off his hands.

rsv@Judges:15:15 @ And he found a fresh jawbone of an ass, and put out his hand and seized it, and with it he slew a thousand men.

rsv@Judges:15:16 @ And Samson said, "With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps, with the jawbone of an ass have I slain a thousand men."

rsv@Judges:15:17 @ When he had finished speaking, he threw away the jawbone out of his hand; and that place was called Ra'math-le'hi.

rsv@Judges:16:6 @ And Deli'lah said to Samson, "Please tell me wherein your great strength lies, and how you might be bound, that one could subdue you."

rsv@Judges:16:7 @ And Samson said to her, "If they bind me with seven fresh bowstrings which have not been dried, then I shall become weak, and be like any other man."

rsv@Judges:16:8 @ Then the lords of the Philistines brought her seven fresh bowstrings which had not been dried, and she bound him with them.

rsv@Judges:16:9 @ Now she had men lying in wait in an inner chamber. And she said to him, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" But he snapped the bowstrings, as a string of tow snaps when it touches the fire. So the secret of his strength was not known.

rsv@Judges:16:10 @ And Deli'lah said to Samson, "Behold, you have mocked me, and told me lies; please tell me how you might be bound."

rsv@Judges:16:12 @ So Deli'lah took new ropes and bound him with them, and said to him, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" And the men lying in wait were in an inner chamber. But he snapped the ropes off his arms like a thread.

rsv@Judges:16:13 @ And Deli'lah said to Samson, "Until now you have mocked me, and told me lies; tell me how you might be bound." And he said to her, "If you weave the seven locks of my head with the web and make it tight with the pin, then I shall become weak, and be like any other man."

rsv@Judges:16:21 @ And the Philistines seized him and gouged out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with bronze fetters; and he ground at the mill in the prison.

rsv@Judges:16:27 @ Now the house was full of men and women; all the lords of the Philistines were there, and on the roof there were about three thousand men and women, who looked on while Samson made sport.

rsv@Judges:16:30 @ And Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines." Then he bowed with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords and upon all the people that were in it. So the dead whom he slew at his death were more than those whom he had slain during his life.

rsv@Judges:17:2 @ And he said to his mother, "The eleven hundred pieces of silver which were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse, and also spoke it in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it." And his mother said, "Blessed be my son by the LORD."

rsv@Judges:18:29 @ And they named the city Dan, after the name of Dan their ancestor, who was born to Israel; but the name of the city was La'ish at the first.

rsv@Judges:19:8 @ And on the fifth day he arose early in the morning to depart; and the girl's father said, "Strengthen your heart, and tarry until the day declines." So they ate, both of them.

rsv@Judges:19:18 @ And he said to him, "We are passing from Bethlehem in Judah to the remote parts of the hill country of E'phraim, from which I come. I went to Bethlehem in Judah; and I am going to my home; and nobody takes me into his house.

rsv@Judges:19:22 @ As they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, base fellows, beset the house round about, beating on the door; and they said to the old man, the master of the house, "Bring out the man who came into your house, that we may know him."

rsv@Judges:20:5 @ And the men of Gib'e-ah rose against me, and beset the house round about me by night; they meant to kill me, and they ravished my concubine, and she is dead.

rsv@Judges:20:6 @ And I took my concubine and cut her in pieces, and sent her throughout all the country of the inheritance of Israel; for they have committed abomination and wantonness in Israel.

rsv@Judges:20:29 @ So Israel set men in ambush round about Gib'e-ah.

rsv@Judges:20:31 @ And the Benjaminites went out against the people, and were drawn away from the city; and as at other times they began to smite and kill some of the people, in the highways, one of which goes up to Bethel and the other to Gib'e-ah, and in the open country, about thirty men of Israel.

rsv@Judges:20:39 @ the men of Israel should turn in battle. Now Benjamin had begun to smite and kill about thirty men of Israel; they said, "Surely they are smitten down before us, as in the first battle."

rsv@Judges:20:47 @ But six hundred men turned and fled toward the wilderness to the rock of Rimmon, and abode at the rock of Rimmon four months.

rsv@Judges:21:19 @ So they said, "Behold, there is the yearly feast of the LORD at Shiloh, which is north of Bethel, on the east of the highway that goes up from Bethel to Shechem, and south of Lebo'nah."

rsv@Ruth:1:4 @ These took Moabite wives; the name of the one was Orpah and the name of the other Ruth. They lived there about ten years;

rsv@Ruth:1:5 @ and both Mahlon and Chil'ion died, so that the woman was bereft of her two sons and her husband.

rsv@Ruth:2:1 @ Now Na'omi had a kinsman of her husband's, a man of wealth, of the family of Elim'elech, whose name was Bo'az.

rsv@Ruth:2:3 @ So she set forth and went and gleaned in the field after the reapers; and she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Bo'az, who was of the family of Elim'elech.

rsv@Ruth:2:4 @ And behold, Bo'az came from Bethlehem; and he said to the reapers, "The LORD be with you!" And they answered, "The LORD bless you."

rsv@Ruth:2:5 @ Then Bo'az said to his servant who was in charge of the reapers, "Whose maiden is this?"

rsv@Ruth:2:8 @ Then Bo'az said to Ruth, "Now, listen, my daughter, do not go to glean in another field or leave this one, but keep close to my maidens.

rsv@Ruth:2:10 @ Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground, and said to him, "Why have I found favor in your eyes, that you should take notice of me, when I am a foreigner?"

rsv@Ruth:2:11 @ But Bo'az answered her, "All that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband has been fully told me, and how you left your father and mother and your native land and came to a people that you did not know before.

rsv@Ruth:2:14 @ And at mealtime Bo'az said to her, "Come here, and eat some bread, and dip your morsel in the wine." So she sat beside the reapers, and he passed to her parched grain; and she ate until she was satisfied, and she had some left over.

rsv@Ruth:2:15 @ When she rose to glean, Bo'az instructed his young men, saying, "Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her.

rsv@Ruth:2:17 @ So she gleaned in the field until evening; then she beat out what she had gleaned, and it was about an ephah of barley.

rsv@Ruth:2:19 @ And her mother-in-law said to her, "Where did you glean today? And where have you worked? Blessed be the man who took notice of you." So she told her mother-in-law with whom she had worked, and said, "The man's name with whom I worked today is Bo'az."

rsv@Ruth:2:23 @ So she kept close to the maidens of Bo'az, gleaning until the end of the barley and wheat harvests; and she lived with her mother-in-law.

rsv@Ruth:3:2 @ Now is not Bo'az our kinsman, with whose maidens you were? See, he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor.

rsv@Ruth:3:7 @ And when Bo'az had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain. Then she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and lay down.

rsv@Ruth:4:1 @ And Bo'az went up to the gate and sat down there; and behold, the next of kin, of whom Bo'az had spoken, came by. So Bo'az said, "Turn aside, friend; sit down here"; and he turned aside and sat down.

rsv@Ruth:4:5 @ Then Bo'az said, "The day you buy the field from the hand of Na'omi, you are also buying Ruth the Moabitess, the widow of the dead, in order to restore the name of the dead to his inheritance."

rsv@Ruth:4:8 @ So when the next of kin said to Bo'az, "Buy it for yourself," he drew off his sandal.

rsv@Ruth:4:9 @ Then Bo'az said to the elders and all the people, "You are witnesses this day that I have bought from the hand of Na'omi all that belonged to Elim'elech and all that belonged to Chil'ion and to Mahlon.

rsv@Ruth:4:10 @ Also Ruth the Moabitess, the widow of Mahlon, I have bought to be my wife, to perpetuate the name of the dead in his inheritance, that the name of the dead may not be cut off from among his brethren and from the gate of his native place; you are witnesses this day."

rsv@Ruth:4:12 @ and may your house be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah, because of the children that the LORD will give you by this young woman."

rsv@Ruth:4:13 @ So Bo'az took Ruth and she became his wife; and he went in to her, and the LORD gave her conception, and she bore a son.

rsv@Ruth:4:15 @ He shall be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is more to you than seven sons, has borne him."

rsv@Ruth:4:16 @ Then Na'omi took the child and laid him in her bosom, and became his nurse.

rsv@Ruth:4:17 @ And the women of the neighborhood gave him a name, saying, "A son has been born to Na'omi." They named him Obed; he was the father of Jesse, the father of David.

rsv@Ruth:4:21 @ Salmon of Bo'az, Bo'az of Obed,

rsv@1Samuel:1:20 @ and in due time Hannah conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Samuel, for she said, "I have asked him of the LORD."

rsv@1Samuel:2:4 @ The bows of the mighty are broken, but the feeble gird on strength.

rsv@1Samuel:2:5 @ Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, but those who were hungry have ceased to hunger. The barren has borne seven, but she who has many children is forlorn.

rsv@1Samuel:2:11 @ Then Elka'nah went home to Ramah. And the boy ministered to the LORD, in the presence of Eli the priest.

rsv@1Samuel:2:13 @ The custom of the priests with the people was that when any man offered sacrifice, the priest's servant would come, while the meat was boiling, with a three-pronged fork in his hand,

rsv@1Samuel:2:15 @ Moreover, before the fat was burned, the priest's servant would come and say to the man who was sacrificing, "Give meat for the priest to roast; for he will not accept boiled meat from you, but raw."

rsv@1Samuel:2:18 @ Samuel was ministering before the LORD, a boy girded with a linen ephod.

rsv@1Samuel:2:21 @ And the LORD visited Hannah, and she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. And the boy Samuel grew in the presence of the LORD.

rsv@1Samuel:2:26 @ Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the LORD and with men.

rsv@1Samuel:2:29 @ Why then look with greedy eye at my sacrifices and my offerings which I commanded, and honor your sons above me by fattening yourselves upon the choicest parts of every offering of my people Israel?'

rsv@1Samuel:2:34 @ And this which shall befall your two sons, Hophni and Phin'ehas, shall be the sign to you: both of them shall die on the same day.

rsv@1Samuel:3:1 @ Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD under Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision.

rsv@1Samuel:3:8 @ And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am, for you called me." Then Eli perceived that the LORD was calling the boy.

rsv@1Samuel:3:11 @ Then the LORD said to Samuel, "Behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel, at which the two ears of every one that hears it will tingle.

rsv@1Samuel:3:13 @ And I tell him that I am about to punish his house for ever, for the iniquity which he knew, because his sons were blaspheming God, and he did not restrain them.

rsv@1Samuel:4:2 @ The Philistines drew up in line against Israel, and when the battle spread, Israel was defeated by the Philistines, who slew about four thousand men on the field of battle.

rsv@1Samuel:4:19 @ Now his daughter-in-law, the wife of Phin'ehas, was with child, about to give birth. And when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was captured, and that her father-in-law and her husband were dead, she bowed and gave birth; for her pains came upon her.

rsv@1Samuel:4:20 @ And about the time of her death the women attending her said to her, "Fear not, for you have borne a son." But she did not answer or give heed.

rsv@1Samuel:4:21 @ And she named the child Ich'abod, saying, "The glory has departed from Israel!" because the ark of God had been captured and because of her father-in-law and her husband.

rsv@1Samuel:5:4 @ But when they rose early on the next morning, behold, Dagon had fallen face downward on the ground before the ark of the LORD, and the head of Dagon and both his hands were lying cut off upon the threshold; only the trunk of Dagon was left to him.

rsv@1Samuel:5:6 @ The hand of the LORD was heavy upon the people of Ashdod, and he terrified and afflicted them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territory.

rsv@1Samuel:5:9 @ But after they had brought it around, the hand of the LORD was against the city, causing a very great panic, and he afflicted the men of the city, both young and old, so that tumors broke out upon them.

rsv@1Samuel:6:8 @ And take the ark of the LORD and place it on the cart, and put in a box at its side the figures of gold, which you are returning to him as a guilt offering. Then send it off, and let it go its way.

rsv@1Samuel:6:11 @ And they put the ark of the LORD on the cart, and the box with the golden mice and the images of their tumors.

rsv@1Samuel:6:12 @ And the cows went straight in the direction of Beth-she'mesh along one highway, lowing as they went; they turned neither to the right nor to the left, and the lords of the Philistines went after them as far as the border of Beth-she'mesh.

rsv@1Samuel:6:15 @ And the Levites took down the ark of the LORD and the box that was beside it, in which were the golden figures, and set them upon the great stone; and the men of Beth-she'mesh offered burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices on that day to the LORD.

rsv@1Samuel:6:18 @ also the golden mice, according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords, both fortified cities and unwalled villages. The great stone, beside which they set down the ark of the LORD, is a witness to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth-she'mesh.

rsv@1Samuel:8:2 @ The name of his first-born son was Jo'el, and the name of his second, Abi'jah; they were judges in Beer-sheba.

rsv@1Samuel:9:5 @ When they came to the land of Zuph, Saul said to his servant who was with him, "Come, let us go back, lest my father cease to care about the asses and become anxious about us."

rsv@1Samuel:9:6 @ But he said to him, "Behold, there is a man of God in this city, and he is a man that is held in honor; all that he says comes true. Let us go there; perhaps he can tell us about the journey on which we have set out."

rsv@1Samuel:9:16 @ "Tomorrow about this time I will send to you a man from the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him to be prince over my people Israel. He shall save my people from the hand of the Philistines; for I have seen the affliction of my people, because their cry has come to me."

rsv@1Samuel:9:22 @ Then Samuel took Saul and his servant and brought them into the hall and gave them a place at the head of those who had been invited, who were about thirty persons.

rsv@1Samuel:9:26 @ Then at the break of dawn Samuel called to Saul upon the roof, "Up, that I may send you on your way." So Saul arose, and both he and Samuel went out into the street.

rsv@1Samuel:10:1 @ Then Samuel took a vial of oil and poured it on his head, and kissed him and said, "Has not the LORD anointed you to be prince over his people Israel? And you shall reign over the people of the LORD and you will save them from the hand of their enemies round about. And this shall be the sign to you that the LORD has anointed you to be prince over his heritage.

rsv@1Samuel:10:2 @ When you depart from me today you will meet two men by Rachel's tomb in the territory of Benjamin at Zelzah, and they will say to you, `The asses which you went to seek are found, and now your father has ceased to care about the asses and is anxious about you, saying, "What shall I do about my son?"'

rsv@1Samuel:10:3 @ Then you shall go on from there further and come to the oak of Tabor; three men going up to God at Bethel will meet you there, one carrying three kids, another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a skin of wine.

rsv@1Samuel:10:5 @ After that you shall come to Gib'e-ath-elo'him, where there is a garrison of the Philistines; and there, as you come to the city, you will meet a band of prophets coming down from the high place with harp, tambourine, flute, and lyre before them, prophesying.

rsv@1Samuel:10:16 @ And Saul said to his uncle, "He told us plainly that the asses had been found." But about the matter of the kingdom, of which Samuel had spoken, he did not tell him anything.

rsv@1Samuel:10:25 @ Then Samuel told the people the rights and duties of the kingship; and he wrote them in a book and laid it up before the LORD. Then Samuel sent all the people away, each one to his home.

rsv@1Samuel:12:14 @ If you will fear the LORD and serve him and hearken to his voice and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, and if both you and the king who reigns over you will follow the LORD your God, it will be well;

rsv@1Samuel:12:25 @ But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king."

rsv@1Samuel:13:15 @ And Samuel arose, and went up from Gilgal to Gib'e-ah of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the people who were present with him, about six hundred men.

rsv@1Samuel:13:18 @ another company turned toward Beth-hor'on, and another company turned toward the border that looks down upon the valley of Zebo'im toward the wilderness.

rsv@1Samuel:14:1 @ One day Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, let us go over to the Philistine garrison on yonder side." But he did not tell his father.

rsv@1Samuel:14:2 @ Saul was staying in the outskirts of Gib'e-ah under the pomegranate tree which is at Migron; the people who were with him were about six hundred men,

rsv@1Samuel:14:3 @ and Ahi'jah the son of Ahi'tub, Ich'abod's brother, son of Phin'ehas, son of Eli, the priest of the LORD in Shiloh, wearing an ephod. And the people did not know that Jonathan had gone.

rsv@1Samuel:14:4 @ In the pass, by which Jonathan sought to go over to the Philistine garrison, there was a rocky crag on the one side and a rocky crag on the other side; the name of the one was Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh.

rsv@1Samuel:14:6 @ And Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the LORD will work for us; for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few."

rsv@1Samuel:14:11 @ So both of them showed themselves to the garrison of the Philistines; and the Philistines said, "Look, Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have hid themselves."

rsv@1Samuel:14:14 @ and that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armor-bearer made, was of about twenty men within as it were half a furrow's length in an acre of land.

rsv@1Samuel:14:49 @ Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, Ishvi, and Mal'chishu'a; and the names of his two daughters were these: the name of the first-born was Merab, and the name of the younger Michal;

rsv@1Samuel:15:3 @ Now go and smite Am'alek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.'"

rsv@1Samuel:15:23 @ For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has also rejected you from being king."

rsv@1Samuel:15:28 @ And Samuel said to him, "The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you this day, and has given it to a neighbor of yours, who is better than you.

rsv@1Samuel:17:13 @ The three eldest sons of Jesse had followed Saul to the battle; and the names of his three sons who went to the battle were Eli'ab the first-born, and next to him Abin'adab, and the third Shammah.

rsv@1Samuel:17:36 @ Your servant has killed both lions and bears; and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God."

rsv@1Samuel:17:46 @ This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down, and cut off your head; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel,

rsv@1Samuel:18:4 @ And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his girdle.

rsv@1Samuel:19:3 @ and I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are, and I will speak to my father about you; and if I learn anything I will tell you."

rsv@1Samuel:20:11 @ And Jonathan said to David, "Come, let us go out into the field." So they both went out into the field.

rsv@1Samuel:20:12 @ And Jonathan said to David, "The LORD, the God of Israel, be witness! When I have sounded my father, about this time tomorrow, or the third day, behold, if he is well disposed toward David, shall I not then send and disclose it to you?

rsv@1Samuel:20:41 @ And as soon as the lad had gone, David rose from beside the stone heap and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed three times; and they kissed one another, and wept with one another, until David recovered himself.

rsv@1Samuel:20:42 @ Then Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, `The LORD shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants, for ever.'" And he rose and departed; and Jonathan went into the city.

rsv@1Samuel:21:2 @ And David said to Ahim'elech the priest, "The king has charged me with a matter, and said to me, `Let no one know anything of the matter about which I send you, and with which I have charged you.' I have made an appointment with the young men for such and such a place.

rsv@1Samuel:22:2 @ And every one who was in distress, and every one who was in debt, and every one who was discontented, gathered to him; and he became captain over them. And there were with him about four hundred men.

rsv@1Samuel:22:6 @ Now Saul heard that David was discovered, and the men who were with him. Saul was sitting at Gib'e-ah, under the tamarisk tree on the height, with his spear in his hand, and all his servants were standing about him.

rsv@1Samuel:22:7 @ And Saul said to his servants who stood about him, "Hear now, you Benjaminites; will the son of Jesse give every one of you fields and vineyards, will he make you all commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds,

rsv@1Samuel:22:14 @ Then Ahim'elech answered the king, "And who among all your servants is so faithful as David, who is the king's son-in-law, and captain over your bodyguard, and honored in your house?

rsv@1Samuel:22:17 @ And the king said to the guard who stood about him, "Turn and kill the priests of the LORD; because their hand also is with David, and they knew that he fled, and did not disclose it to me." But the servants of the king would not put forth their hand to fall upon the priests of the LORD.

rsv@1Samuel:22:19 @ And Nob, the city of the priests, he put to the sword; both men and women, children and sucklings, oxen, asses and sheep, he put to the sword.

rsv@1Samuel:23:13 @ Then David and his men, who were about six hundred, arose and departed from Kei'lah, and they went wherever they could go. When Saul was told that David had escaped from Kei'lah, he gave up the expedition.

rsv@1Samuel:24:8 @ Afterward David also arose, and went out of the cave, and called after Saul, "My lord the king!" And when Saul looked behind him, David bowed with his face to the earth, and did obeisance.

rsv@1Samuel:25:13 @ And David said to his men, "Every man gird on his sword!" And every man of them girded on his sword; David also girded on his sword; and about four hundred men went up after David, while two hundred remained with the baggage.

rsv@1Samuel:25:16 @ they were a wall to us both by night and by day, all the while we were with them keeping the sheep.

rsv@1Samuel:25:23 @ When Ab'igail saw David, she made haste, and alighted from the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed to the ground.

rsv@1Samuel:25:29 @ If men rise up to pursue you and to seek your life, the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living in the care of the LORD your God; and the lives of your enemies he shall sling out as from the hollow of a sling.

rsv@1Samuel:25:38 @ And about ten days later the LORD smote Nabal; and he died.

rsv@1Samuel:25:41 @ And she rose and bowed with her face to the ground, and said, "Behold, your handmaid is a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord."

rsv@1Samuel:25:43 @ David also took Ahin'o-am of Jezreel; and both of them became his wives.

rsv@1Samuel:27:1 @ And David said in his heart, "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul; there is nothing better for me than that I should escape to the land of the Philistines; then Saul will despair of seeking me any longer within the borders of Israel, and I shall escape out of his hand."

rsv@1Samuel:27:11 @ And David saved neither man nor woman alive, to bring tidings to Gath, thinking, "Lest they should tell about us, and say, `So David has done.'" Such was his custom all the while he dwelt in the country of the Philistines.

rsv@1Samuel:28:2 @ David said to A'chish, "Very well, you shall know what your servant can do." And A'chish said to David, "Very well, I will make you my bodyguard for life."

rsv@1Samuel:28:4 @ The Philistines assembled, and came and encamped at Shunem; and Saul gathered all Israel, and they encamped at Gilbo'a.

rsv@1Samuel:28:9 @ The woman said to him, "Surely you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off the mediums and the wizards from the land. Why then are you laying a snare for my life to bring about my death?"

rsv@1Samuel:28:14 @ He said to her, "What is his appearance?" And she said, "An old man is coming up; and he is wrapped in a robe." And Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground, and did obeisance.

rsv@1Samuel:28:17 @ The LORD has done to you as he spoke by me; for the LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hand, and given it to your neighbor, David.

rsv@1Samuel:30:2 @ and taken captive the women and all who were in it, both small and great; they killed no one, but carried them off, and went their way.

rsv@1Samuel:30:30 @ in Hormah, in Borash'an, in A'thach,

rsv@1Samuel:31:1 @ Now the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled before the Philistines, and fell slain on Mount Gilbo'a.

rsv@1Samuel:31:8 @ On the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, they found Saul and his three sons fallen on Mount Gilbo'a.

rsv@1Samuel:31:10 @ They put his armor in the temple of Ash'taroth; and they fastened his body to the wall of Beth-shan.

rsv@1Samuel:31:12 @ all the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan; and they came to Jabesh and burnt them there.

rsv@1Samuel:31:13 @ And they took their bones and buried them under the tamarisk tree in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

rsv@2Samuel:1:6 @ And the young man who told him said, "By chance I happened to be on Mount Gilbo'a; and there was Saul leaning upon his spear; and lo, the chariots and the horsemen were close upon him.

rsv@2Samuel:1:18 @ and he said it should be taught to the people of Judah; behold, it is written in the Book of Jashar. He said:

rsv@2Samuel:1:21 @ "Ye mountains of Gilbo'a, let there be no dew or rain upon you, nor upsurging of the deep! For there the shield of the mighty was defiled, the shield of Saul, not anointed with oil.

rsv@2Samuel:1:22 @ "From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back, and the sword of Saul returned not empty.

rsv@2Samuel:2:8 @ Now Abner the son of Ner, commander of Saul's army, had taken Ish-bo'sheth the son of Saul, and brought him over to Mahana'im;

rsv@2Samuel:2:10 @ Ish-bo'sheth, Saul's son, was forty years old when he began to reign over Israel, and he reigned two years. But the house of Judah followed David.

rsv@2Samuel:2:12 @ Abner the son of Ner, and the servants of Ish-bo'sheth the son of Saul, went out from Mahana'im to Gibeon.

rsv@2Samuel:2:15 @ Then they arose and passed over by number, twelve for Benjamin and Ish-bo'sheth the son of Saul, and twelve of the servants of David.

rsv@2Samuel:3:2 @ And sons were born to David at Hebron: his first-born was Amnon, of Ahin'o-am of Jezreel;

rsv@2Samuel:3:5 @ and the sixth, Ith're-am, of Eglah, David's wife. These were born to David in Hebron.

rsv@2Samuel:3:7 @ Now Saul had a concubine, whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Ai'ah; and Ish-bo'sheth said to Abner, "Why have you gone in to my father's concubine?"

rsv@2Samuel:3:8 @ Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bo'sheth, and said, "Am I a dog's head of Judah? This day I keep showing loyalty to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends, and have not given you into the hand of David; and yet you charge me today with a fault concerning a woman.

rsv@2Samuel:3:11 @ And Ish-bo'sheth could not answer Abner another word, because he feared him.

rsv@2Samuel:3:14 @ Then David sent messengers to Ish-bo'sheth Saul's son, saying, "Give me my wife Michal, whom I betrothed at the price of a hundred foreskins of the Philistines."

rsv@2Samuel:3:15 @ And Ish-bo'sheth sent, and took her from her husband Pal'ti-el the son of La'ish.

rsv@2Samuel:3:18 @ Now then bring it about; for the LORD has promised David, saying, `By the hand of my servant David I will save my people Israel from the hand of the Philistines, and from the hand of all their enemies.'"

rsv@2Samuel:3:26 @ When Jo'ab came out from David's presence, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the cistern of Sirah; but David did not know about it.

rsv@2Samuel:3:34 @ Your hands were not bound, your feet were not fettered; as one falls before the wicked you have fallen." And all the people wept again over him.

rsv@2Samuel:4:1 @ When Ish-bo'sheth, Saul's son, heard that Abner had died at Hebron, his courage failed, and all Israel was dismayed.

rsv@2Samuel:4:4 @ Jonathan, the son of Saul, had a son who was crippled in his feet. He was five years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel; and his nurse took him up, and fled; and, as she fled in her haste, he fell, and became lame. And his name was Mephib'osheth.

rsv@2Samuel:4:5 @ Now the sons of Rimmon the Be-er'othite, Rechab and Ba'anah, set out, and about the heat of the day they came to the house of Ish-bo'sheth, as he was taking his noonday rest.

rsv@2Samuel:4:8 @ and brought the head of Ish-bo'sheth to David at Hebron. And they said to the king, "Here is the head of Ish-bo'sheth, the son of Saul, your enemy, who sought your life; the LORD has avenged my lord the king this day on Saul and on his offspring."

rsv@2Samuel:4:12 @ And David commanded his young men, and they killed them, and cut off their hands and feet, and hanged them beside the pool at Hebron. But they took the head of Ish-bo'sheth, and buried it in the tomb of Abner at Hebron.

rsv@2Samuel:5:1 @ Then all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron, and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh.

rsv@2Samuel:5:9 @ And David dwelt in the stronghold, and called it the city of David. And David built the city round about from the Millo inward.

rsv@2Samuel:5:13 @ And David took more concubines and wives from Jerusalem, after he came from Hebron; and more sons and daughters were born to David.

rsv@2Samuel:5:14 @ And these are the names of those who were born to him in Jerusalem: Sham'mu-a, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,

rsv@2Samuel:6:5 @ And David and all the house of Israel were making merry before the LORD with all their might, with songs and lyres and harps and tambourines and castanets and cymbals.

rsv@2Samuel:6:13 @ and when those who bore the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling.

rsv@2Samuel:6:19 @ and distributed among all the people, the whole multitude of Israel, both men and women, to each a cake of bread, a portion of meat, and a cake of raisins. Then all the people departed, each to his house.

rsv@2Samuel:6:21 @ And David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me above your father, and above all his house, to appoint me as prince over Israel, the people of the LORD--and I will make merry before the LORD.

rsv@2Samuel:7:1 @ Now when the king dwelt in his house, and the LORD had given him rest from all his enemies round about,

rsv@2Samuel:7:6 @ I have not dwelt in a house since the day I brought up the people of Israel from Egypt to this day, but I have been moving about in a tent for my dwelling.

rsv@2Samuel:7:12 @ When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come forth from your body, and I will establish his kingdom.

rsv@2Samuel:9:13 @ So Mephib'osheth dwelt in Jerusalem; for he ate always at the king's table. Now he was lame in both his feet.

rsv@2Samuel:10:9 @ When Jo'ab saw that the battle was set against him both in front and in the rear, he chose some of the picked men of Israel, and arrayed them against the Syrians;

rsv@2Samuel:11:3 @ And David sent and inquired about the woman. And one said, "Is not this Bathshe'ba, the daughter of Eli'am, the wife of Uri'ah the Hittite?"

rsv@2Samuel:11:11 @ Uri'ah said to David, "The ark and Israel and Judah dwell in booths; and my lord Jo'ab and the servants of my lord are camping in the open field; shall I then go to my house, to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife? As you live, and as your soul lives, I will not do this thing."

rsv@2Samuel:11:18 @ Then Jo'ab sent and told David all the news about the fighting;

rsv@2Samuel:11:19 @ and he instructed the messenger, "When you have finished telling all the news about the fighting to the king,

rsv@2Samuel:11:27 @ And when the mourning was over, David sent and brought her to his house, and she became his wife, and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD.

rsv@2Samuel:12:3 @ but the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had bought. And he brought it up, and it grew up with him and with his children; it used to eat of his morsel, and drink from his cup, and lie in his bosom, and it was like a daughter to him.

rsv@2Samuel:12:8 @ and I gave you your master's house, and your master's wives into your bosom, and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah; and if this were too little, I would add to you as much more.

rsv@2Samuel:12:11 @ Thus says the LORD, `Behold, I will raise up evil against you out of your own house; and I will take your wives before your eyes, and give them to your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun.

rsv@2Samuel:12:14 @ Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the LORD, the child that is born to you shall die."

rsv@2Samuel:12:15 @ Then Nathan went to his house. And the LORD struck the child that Uri'ah's wife bore to David, and it became sick.

rsv@2Samuel:12:24 @ Then David comforted his wife, Bathshe'ba, and went in to her, and lay with her; and she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. And the LORD loved him,

rsv@2Samuel:12:31 @ And he brought forth the people who were in it, and set them to labor with saws and iron picks and iron axes, and made them toil at the brickkilns; and thus he did to all the cities of the Ammonites. Then David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.

rsv@2Samuel:13:17 @ He called the young man who served him and said, "Put this woman out of my presence, and bolt the door after her."

rsv@2Samuel:13:18 @ Now she was wearing a long robe with sleeves; for thus were the virgin daughters of the king clad of old. So his servant put her out, and bolted the door after her.

rsv@2Samuel:13:35 @ And Jon'adab said to the king, "Behold, the king's sons have come; as your servant said, so it has come about."

rsv@2Samuel:13:39 @ And the spirit of the king longed to go forth to Ab'salom; for he was comforted about Amnon, seeing he was dead.

rsv@2Samuel:14:27 @ There were born to Ab'salom three sons, and one daughter whose name was Tamar; she was a beautiful woman.

rsv@2Samuel:14:33 @ Then Jo'ab went to the king, and told him; and he summoned Ab'salom. So he came to the king, and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king; and the king kissed Ab'salom.

rsv@2Samuel:15:20 @ You came only yesterday, and shall I today make you wander about with us, seeing I go I know not where? Go back, and take your brethren with you; and may the LORD show steadfast love and faithfulness to you."

rsv@2Samuel:15:25 @ Then the king said to Zadok, "Carry the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the eyes of the LORD, he will bring me back and let me see both it and his habitation;

rsv@2Samuel:16:23 @ Now in those days the counsel which Ahith'ophel gave was as if one consulted the oracle of God; so was all the counsel of Ahith'ophel esteemed, both by David and by Ab'salom.

rsv@2Samuel:17:18 @ But a lad saw them, and told Ab'salom; so both of them went away quickly, and came to the house of a man at Bahu'rim, who had a well in his courtyard; and they went down into it.

rsv@2Samuel:18:3 @ But the men said, "You shall not go out. For if we flee, they will not care about us. If half of us die, they will not care about us. But you are worth ten thousand of us; therefore it is better that you send us help from the city."

rsv@2Samuel:18:5 @ And the king ordered Jo'ab and Abi'shai and It'tai, "Deal gently for my sake with the young man Ab'salom." And all the people heard when the king gave orders to all the commanders about Ab'salom.

rsv@2Samuel:18:21 @ Then Jo'ab said to the Cushite, "Go, tell the king what you have seen." The Cushite bowed before Jo'ab, and ran.

rsv@2Samuel:18:28 @ Then Ahi'ma-az cried out to the king, "All is well." And he bowed before the king with his face to the earth, and said, "Blessed be the LORD your God, who has delivered up the men who raised their hand against my lord the king."

rsv@2Samuel:19:10 @ But Ab'salom, whom we anointed over us, is dead in battle. Now therefore why do you say nothing about bringing the king back?"

rsv@2Samuel:19:12 @ You are my kinsmen, you are my bone and my flesh; why then should you be the last to bring back the king?'

rsv@2Samuel:19:13 @ And say to Ama'sa, `Are you not my bone and my flesh? God do so to me, and more also, if you are not commander of my army henceforth in place of Jo'ab.'"

rsv@2Samuel:19:14 @ And he swayed the heart of all the men of Judah as one man; so that they sent word to the king, "Return, both you and all your servants."

rsv@2Samuel:19:18 @ and they crossed the ford to bring over the king's household, and to do his pleasure. And Shim'e-i the son of Gera fell down before the king, as he was about to cross the Jordan,

rsv@2Samuel:20:10 @ But Ama'sa did not observe the sword which was in Jo'ab's hand; so Jo'ab struck him with it in the body, and shed his bowels to the ground, without striking a second blow; and he died. Then Jo'ab and Abi'shai his brother pursued Sheba the son of Bichri.

rsv@2Samuel:20:24 @ and Ador'am was in charge of the forced labor; and Jehosh'aphat the son of Ahi'lud was the recorder;

rsv@2Samuel:21:8 @ The king took the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Ai'ah, whom she bore to Saul, Armo'ni and Mephib'osheth; and the five sons of Merab the daughter of Saul, whom she bore to A'dri-el the son of Barzil'lai the Meho'lathite;

rsv@2Samuel:21:12 @ David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of his son Jonathan from the men of Ja'besh-gil'ead, who had stolen them from the public square of Beth-shan, where the Philistines had hanged them, on the day the Philistines killed Saul on Gilbo'a;

rsv@2Samuel:21:13 @ and he brought up from there the bones of Saul and the bones of his son Jonathan; and they gathered the bones of those who were hanged.

rsv@2Samuel:21:14 @ And they buried the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan in the land of Benjamin in Zela, in the tomb of Kish his father; and they did all that the king commanded. And after that God heeded supplications for the land.

rsv@2Samuel:22:10 @ He bowed the heavens, and came down; thick darkness was under his feet.

rsv@2Samuel:22:35 @ He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

rsv@2Samuel:22:49 @ who brought me out from my enemies; thou didst exalt me above my adversaries, thou didst deliver me from men of violence.

rsv@2Samuel:23:13 @ And three of the thirty chief men went down, and came about harvest time to David at the cave of Adullam, when a band of Philistines was encamped in the valley of Reph'aim.

rsv@2Samuel:23:23 @ He was renowned among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard.

rsv@2Samuel:23:31 @ Abi-al'bon the Ar'bathite, Az'maveth of Bahu'rim,

rsv@2Samuel:23:32 @ Eli'ahba of Sha-al'bon, the sons of Jashen, Jonathan,

rsv@2Samuel:24:24 @ But the king said to Arau'nah, "No, but I will buy it of you for a price; I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God which cost me nothing." So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

rsv@1Kings:1:2 @ Therefore his servants said to him, "Let a young maiden be sought for my lord the king, and let her wait upon the king, and be his nurse; let her lie in your bosom, that my lord the king may be warm."

rsv@1Kings:1:6 @ His father had never at any time displeased him by asking, "Why have you done thus and so?" He was also a very handsome man; and he was born next after Ab'salom.

rsv@1Kings:1:16 @ Bathshe'ba bowed and did obeisance to the king, and the king said, "What do you desire?"

rsv@1Kings:1:23 @ And they told the king, "Here is Nathan the prophet." And when he came in before the king, he bowed before the king, with his face to the ground.

rsv@1Kings:1:27 @ Has this thing been brought about by my lord the king and you have not told your servants who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?"

rsv@1Kings:1:31 @ Then Bathshe'ba bowed with her face to the ground, and did obeisance to the king, and said, "May my lord King David live for ever!"

rsv@1Kings:1:47 @ Moreover the king's servants came to congratulate our lord King David, saying, `Your God make the name of Solomon more famous than yours, and make his throne greater than your throne.' And the king bowed himself upon the bed.

rsv@1Kings:2:2 @ "I am about to go the way of all the earth. Be strong, and show yourself a man,

rsv@1Kings:2:5 @ "Moreover you know also what Jo'ab the son of Zeru'iah did to me, how he dealt with the two commanders of the armies of Israel, Abner the son of Ner, and Ama'sa the son of Jether, whom he murdered, avenging in time of peace blood which had been shed in war, and putting innocent blood upon the girdle about my loins, and upon the sandals on my feet.

rsv@1Kings:2:15 @ He said, "You know that the kingdom was mine, and that all Israel fully expected me to reign; however the kingdom has turned about and become my brother's, for it was his from the LORD.

rsv@1Kings:2:19 @ So Bathshe'ba went to King Solomon, to speak to him on behalf of Adoni'jah. And the king rose to meet her, and bowed down to her; then he sat on his throne, and had a seat brought for the king's mother; and she sat on his right.

rsv@1Kings:2:26 @ And to Abi'athar the priest the king said, "Go to An'athoth, to your estate; for you deserve death. But I will not at this time put you to death, because you bore the ark of the Lord GOD before David my father, and because you shared in all the affliction of my father."

rsv@1Kings:3:13 @ I give you also what you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that no other king shall compare with you, all your days.

rsv@1Kings:3:20 @ And she arose at midnight, and took my son from beside me, while your maidservant slept, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead son in my bosom.

rsv@1Kings:3:21 @ When I rose in the morning to nurse my child, behold, it was dead; but when I looked at it closely in the morning, behold, it was not the child that I had borne."

rsv@1Kings:4:6 @ Ahi'shar was in charge of the palace; and Adoni'ram the son of Abda was in charge of the forced labor.

rsv@1Kings:4:10 @ Ben-hesed, in Arub'both (to him belonged Socoh and all the land of Hepher);

rsv@1Kings:4:21 @ Solomon ruled over all the kingdoms from the Euphra'tes to the land of the Philistines and to the border of Egypt; they brought tribute and served Solomon all the days of his life.

rsv@1Kings:4:24 @ For he had dominion over all the region west of the Euphra'tes from Tiphsah to Gaza, over all the kings west of the Euphra'tes; and he had peace on all sides round about him.

rsv@1Kings:4:31 @ For he was wiser than all other men, wiser than Ethan the Ez'rahite, and Heman, Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and his fame was in all the nations round about.

rsv@1Kings:5:13 @ King Solomon raised a levy of forced labor out of all Israel; and the levy numbered thirty thousand men.

rsv@1Kings:6:5 @ He also built a structure against the wall of the house, running round the walls of the house, both the nave and the inner sanctuary; and he made side chambers all around.

rsv@1Kings:6:15 @ He lined the walls of the house on the inside with boards of cedar; from the floor of the house to the rafters of the ceiling, he covered them on the inside with wood; and he covered the floor of the house with boards of cypress.

rsv@1Kings:6:16 @ He built twenty cubits of the rear of the house with boards of cedar from the floor to the rafters, and he built this within as an inner sanctuary, as the most holy place.

rsv@1Kings:6:25 @ The other cherub also measured ten cubits; both cherubim had the same measure and the same form.

rsv@1Kings:6:29 @ He carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubim and palm trees and open flowers, in the inner and outer rooms.

rsv@1Kings:7:3 @ And it was covered with cedar above the chambers that were upon the forty-five pillars, fifteen in each row.

rsv@1Kings:7:11 @ And above were costly stones, hewn according to measurement, and cedar.

rsv@1Kings:7:12 @ The great court had three courses of hewn stone round about, and a course of cedar beams; so had the inner court of the house of the LORD, and the vestibule of the house.

rsv@1Kings:7:18 @ Likewise he made pomegranates; in two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the capital that was upon the top of the pillar; and he did the same with the other capital.

rsv@1Kings:7:20 @ The capitals were upon the two pillars and also above the rounded projection which was beside the network; there were two hundred pomegranates, in two rows round about; and so with the other capital.

rsv@1Kings:7:21 @ He set up the pillars at the vestibule of the temple; he set up the pillar on the south and called its name Jachin; and he set up the pillar on the north and called its name Bo'az.

rsv@1Kings:7:24 @ Under its brim were gourds, for thirty cubits, compassing the sea round about; the gourds were in two rows, cast with it when it was cast.

rsv@1Kings:7:29 @ and on the panels that were set in the frames were lions, oxen, and cherubim. Upon the frames, both above and below the lions and oxen, there were wreaths of beveled work.

rsv@1Kings:7:36 @ And on the surfaces of its stays and on its panels, he carved cherubim, lions, and palm trees, according to the space of each, with wreaths round about.

rsv@1Kings:7:41 @ the two pillars, the two bowls of the capitals that were on the tops of the pillars, and the two networks to cover the two bowls of the capitals that were on the tops of the pillars;

rsv@1Kings:7:42 @ and the four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, two rows of pomegranates for each network, to cover the two bowls of the capitals that were upon the pillars;

rsv@1Kings:8:7 @ For the cherubim spread out their wings over the place of the ark, so that the cherubim made a covering above the ark and its poles.

rsv@1Kings:8:14 @ Then the king faced about, and blessed all the assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel stood.

rsv@1Kings:8:19 @ nevertheless you shall not build the house, but your son who shall be born to you shall build the house for my name.'

rsv@1Kings:8:23 @ and said, "O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to thy servants who walk before thee with all their heart;

rsv@1Kings:8:31 @ "If a man sins against his neighbor and is made to take an oath, and comes and swears his oath before thine altar in this house,

rsv@1Kings:9:15 @ And this is the account of the forced labor which King Solomon levied to build the house of the LORD and his own house and the Millo and the wall of Jerusalem and Hazor and Megid'do and Gezer

rsv@1Kings:10:13 @ And King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all that she desired, whatever she asked besides what was given her by the bounty of King Solomon. So she turned and went back to her own land, with her servants.

rsv@1Kings:11:5 @ For Solomon went after Ash'toreth the goddess of the Sido'nians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.

rsv@1Kings:11:7 @ Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem.

rsv@1Kings:11:20 @ And the sister of Tah'penes bore him Genu'bath his son, whom Tah'penes weaned in Pharaoh's house; and Genu'bath was in Pharaoh's house among the sons of Pharaoh.

rsv@1Kings:11:24 @ And he gathered men about him and became leader of a marauding band, after the slaughter by David; and they went to Damascus, and dwelt there, and made him king in Damascus.

rsv@1Kings:11:26 @ Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, an E'phraimite of Zer'edah, a servant of Solomon, whose mother's name was Zeru'ah, a widow, also lifted up his hand against the king.

rsv@1Kings:11:28 @ The man Jerobo'am was very able, and when Solomon saw that the young man was industrious he gave him charge over all the forced labor of the house of Joseph.

rsv@1Kings:11:29 @ And at that time, when Jerobo'am went out of Jerusalem, the prophet Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite found him on the road. Now Ahi'jah had clad himself with a new garment; and the two of them were alone in the open country.

rsv@1Kings:11:31 @ And he said to Jerobo'am, "Take for yourself ten pieces; for thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, `Behold, I am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon, and will give you ten tribes

rsv@1Kings:11:40 @ Solomon sought therefore to kill Jerobo'am; but Jerobo'am arose, and fled into Egypt, to Shishak king of Egypt, and was in Egypt until the death of Solomon.

rsv@1Kings:11:41 @ Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon?

rsv@1Kings:11:43 @ And Solomon slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David his father; and Rehobo'am his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@1Kings:12:1 @ Rehobo'am went to Shechem, for all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.

rsv@1Kings:12:2 @ And when Jerobo'am the son of Nebat heard of it (for he was still in Egypt, whither he had fled from King Solomon), then Jerobo'am returned from Egypt.

rsv@1Kings:12:3 @ And they sent and called him; and Jerobo'am and all the assembly of Israel came and said to Rehobo'am,

rsv@1Kings:12:6 @ Then King Rehobo'am took counsel with the old men, who had stood before Solomon his father while he was yet alive, saying, "How do you advise me to answer this people?"

rsv@1Kings:12:12 @ So Jerobo'am and all the people came to Rehobo'am the third day, as the king said, "Come to me again the third day."

rsv@1Kings:12:15 @ So the king did not hearken to the people; for it was a turn of affairs brought about by the LORD that he might fulfil his word, which the LORD spoke by Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite to Jerobo'am the son of Nebat.

rsv@1Kings:12:17 @ But Rehobo'am reigned over the people of Israel who dwelt in the cities of Judah.

rsv@1Kings:12:18 @ Then King Rehobo'am sent Ador'am, who was taskmaster over the forced labor, and all Israel stoned him to death with stones. And King Rehobo'am made haste to mount his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.

rsv@1Kings:12:20 @ And when all Israel heard that Jerobo'am had returned, they sent and called him to the assembly and made him king over all Israel. There was none that followed the house of David, but the tribe of Judah only.

rsv@1Kings:12:21 @ When Rehobo'am came to Jerusalem, he assembled all the house of Judah, and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen warriors, to fight against the house of Israel, to restore the kingdom to Rehobo'am the son of Solomon.

rsv@1Kings:12:23 @ "Say to Rehobo'am the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and to all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and to the rest of the people,

rsv@1Kings:12:25 @ Then Jerobo'am built Shechem in the hill country of E'phraim, and dwelt there; and he went out from there and built Penu'el.

rsv@1Kings:12:26 @ And Jerobo'am said in his heart, "Now the kingdom will turn back to the house of David;

rsv@1Kings:12:27 @ if this people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then the heart of this people will turn again to their lord, to Rehobo'am king of Judah, and they will kill me and return to Rehobo'am king of Judah."

rsv@1Kings:12:32 @ And Jerobo'am appointed a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month like the feast that was in Judah, and he offered sacrifices upon the altar; so he did in Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made. And he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places that he had made.

rsv@1Kings:13:1 @ And behold, a man of God came out of Judah by the word of the LORD to Bethel. Jerobo'am was standing by the altar to burn incense.

rsv@1Kings:13:2 @ And the man cried against the altar by the word of the LORD, and said, "O altar, altar, thus says the LORD: `Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josi'ah by name; and he shall sacrifice upon you the priests of the high places who burn incense upon you, and men's bones shall be burned upon you.'"

rsv@1Kings:13:4 @ And when the king heard the saying of the man of God, which he cried against the altar at Bethel, Jerobo'am stretched out his hand from the altar, saying, "Lay hold of him." And his hand, which he stretched out against him, dried up, so that he could not draw it back to himself.

rsv@1Kings:13:22 @ but have come back, and have eaten bread and drunk water in the place of which he said to you, "Eat no bread, and drink no water"; your body shall not come to the tomb of your fathers.'"

rsv@1Kings:13:24 @ And as he went away a lion met him on the road and killed him. And his body was thrown in the road, and the ass stood beside it; the lion also stood beside the body.

rsv@1Kings:13:25 @ And behold, men passed by, and saw the body thrown in the road, and the lion standing by the body. And they came and told it in the city where the old prophet dwelt.

rsv@1Kings:13:28 @ And he went and found his body thrown in the road, and the ass and the lion standing beside the body. The lion had not eaten the body or torn the ass.

rsv@1Kings:13:29 @ And the prophet took up the body of the man of God and laid it upon the ass, and brought it back to the city, to mourn and to bury him.

rsv@1Kings:13:30 @ And he laid the body in his own grave; and they mourned over him, saying, "Alas, my brother!"

rsv@1Kings:13:31 @ And after he had buried him, he said to his sons, "When I die, bury me in the grave in which the man of God is buried; lay my bones beside his bones.

rsv@1Kings:13:33 @ After this thing Jerobo'am did not turn from his evil way, but made priests for the high places again from among all the people; any who would, he consecrated to be priests of the high places.

rsv@1Kings:13:34 @ And this thing became sin to the house of Jerobo'am, so as to cut it off and to destroy it from the face of the earth.

rsv@1Kings:14:1 @ At that time Abi'jah the son of Jerobo'am fell sick.

rsv@1Kings:14:2 @ And Jerobo'am said to his wife, "Arise, and disguise yourself, that it be not known that you are the wife of Jerobo'am, and go to Shiloh; behold, Ahi'jah the prophet is there, who said of me that I should be king over this people.

rsv@1Kings:14:4 @ Jerobo'am's wife did so; she arose, and went to Shiloh, and came to the house of Ahi'jah. Now Ahi'jah could not see, for his eyes were dim because of his age.

rsv@1Kings:14:5 @ And the LORD said to Ahi'jah, "Behold, the wife of Jerobo'am is coming to inquire of you concerning her son; for he is sick. Thus and thus shall you say to her." When she came, she pretended to be another woman.

rsv@1Kings:14:6 @ But when Ahi'jah heard the sound of her feet, as she came in at the door, he said, "Come in, wife of Jerobo'am; why do you pretend to be another? For I am charged with heavy tidings for you.

rsv@1Kings:14:7 @ Go, tell Jerobo'am, `Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: "Because I exalted you from among the people, and made you leader over my people Israel,

rsv@1Kings:14:9 @ but you have done evil above all that were before you and have gone and made for yourself other gods, and molten images, provoking me to anger, and have cast me behind your back;

rsv@1Kings:14:10 @ therefore behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jerobo'am, and will cut off from Jerobo'am every male, both bond and free in Israel, and will utterly consume the house of Jerobo'am, as a man burns up dung until it is all gone.

rsv@1Kings:14:11 @ Any one belonging to Jerobo'am who dies in the city the dogs shall eat; and any one who dies in the open country the birds of the air shall eat; for the LORD has spoken it."'

rsv@1Kings:14:13 @ And all Israel shall mourn for him, and bury him; for he only of Jerobo'am shall come to the grave, because in him there is found something pleasing to the LORD, the God of Israel, in the house of Jerobo'am.

rsv@1Kings:14:14 @ Moreover the LORD will raise up for himself a king over Israel, who shall cut off the house of Jerobo'am today. And henceforth

rsv@1Kings:14:16 @ And he will give Israel up because of the sins of Jerobo'am, which he sinned and which he made Israel to sin."

rsv@1Kings:14:17 @ Then Jerobo'am's wife arose, and departed, and came to Tirzah. And as she came to the threshold of the house, the child died.

rsv@1Kings:14:19 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jerobo'am, how he warred and how he reigned, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@1Kings:14:20 @ And the time that Jerobo'am reigned was twenty-two years; and he slept with his fathers, and Nadab his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@1Kings:14:21 @ Now Rehobo'am the son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehobo'am was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, to put his name there. His mother's name was Na'amah the Ammonitess.

rsv@1Kings:14:24 @ and there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.

rsv@1Kings:14:25 @ In the fifth year of King Rehobo'am, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem;

rsv@1Kings:14:27 @ and King Rehobo'am made in their stead shields of bronze, and committed them to the hands of the officers of the guard, who kept the door of the king's house.

rsv@1Kings:14:28 @ And as often as the king went into the house of the LORD, the guard bore them and brought them back to the guardroom.

rsv@1Kings:14:29 @ Now the rest of the acts of Rehobo'am, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@1Kings:14:30 @ And there was war between Rehobo'am and Jerobo'am continually.

rsv@1Kings:14:31 @ And Rehobo'am slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David. His mother's name was Na'amah the Ammonitess. And Abi'jam his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@1Kings:15:1 @ Now in the eighteenth year of King Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, Abi'jam began to reign over Judah.

rsv@1Kings:15:6 @ Now there was war between Rehobo'am and Jerobo'am all the days of his life.

rsv@1Kings:15:7 @ The rest of the acts of Abi'jam, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah? And there was war between Abi'jam and Jerobo'am.

rsv@1Kings:15:9 @ In the twentieth year of Jerobo'am king of Israel Asa began to reign over Judah,

rsv@1Kings:15:13 @ He also removed Ma'acah his mother from being queen mother because she had an abominable image made for Ashe'rah; and Asa cut down her image and burned it at the brook Kidron.

rsv@1Kings:15:23 @ Now the rest of all the acts of Asa, all his might, and all that he did, and the cities which he built, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah? But in his old age he was diseased in his feet.

rsv@1Kings:15:25 @ Nadab the son of Jerobo'am began to reign over Israel in the second year of Asa king of Judah; and he reigned over Israel two years.

rsv@1Kings:15:29 @ And as soon as he was king, he killed all the house of Jerobo'am; he left to the house of Jerobo'am not one that breathed, until he had destroyed it, according to the word of the LORD which he spoke by his servant Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite;

rsv@1Kings:15:30 @ it was for the sins of Jerobo'am which he sinned and which he made Israel to sin, and because of the anger to which he provoked the LORD, the God of Israel.

rsv@1Kings:15:31 @ Now the rest of the acts of Nadab, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:15:34 @ He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the way of Jerobo'am and in his sin which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@1Kings:16:2 @ "Since I exalted you out of the dust and made you leader over my people Israel, and you have walked in the way of Jerobo'am, and have made my people Israel to sin, provoking me to anger with their sins,

rsv@1Kings:16:3 @ behold, I will utterly sweep away Ba'asha and his house, and I will make your house like the house of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat.

rsv@1Kings:16:5 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ba'asha, and what he did, and his might, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:7 @ Moreover the word of the LORD came by the prophet Jehu the son of Hana'ni against Ba'asha and his house, both because of all the evil that he did in the sight of the LORD, provoking him to anger with the work of his hands, in being like the house of Jerobo'am, and also because he destroyed it.

rsv@1Kings:16:14 @ Now the rest of the acts of Elah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:19 @ because of his sins which he committed, doing evil in the sight of the LORD, walking in the way of Jerobo'am, and for his sin which he committed, making Israel to sin.

rsv@1Kings:16:20 @ Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and the conspiracy which he made, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:24 @ He bought the hill of Sama'ria from Shemer for two talents of silver; and he fortified the hill, and called the name of the city which he built, Sama'ria, after the name of Shemer, the owner of the hill.

rsv@1Kings:16:26 @ For he walked in all the way of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, and in the sins which he made Israel to sin, provoking the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger by their idols.

rsv@1Kings:16:27 @ Now the rest of the acts of Omri which he did, and the might that he showed, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:16:31 @ And as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, he took for wife Jez'ebel the daughter of Ethba'al king of the Sido'nians, and went and served Ba'al, and worshiped him.

rsv@1Kings:16:34 @ In his days Hi'el of Bethel built Jericho; he laid its foundation at the cost of Abi'ram his first-born, and set up its gates at the cost of his youngest son Segub, according to the word of the LORD, which he spoke by Joshua the son of Nun.

rsv@1Kings:17:19 @ And he said to her, "Give me your son." And he took him from her bosom, and carried him up into the upper chamber, where he lodged, and laid him upon his own bed.

rsv@1Kings:18:26 @ And they took the bull which was given them, and they prepared it, and called on the name of Ba'al from morning until noon, saying, "O Ba'al, answer us!" But there was no voice, and no one answered. And they limped about the altar which they had made.

rsv@1Kings:18:32 @ and with the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD. And he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed.

rsv@1Kings:18:35 @ And the water ran round about the altar, and filled the trench also with water.

rsv@1Kings:18:42 @ So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Eli'jah went up to the top of Carmel; and he bowed himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees.

rsv@1Kings:19:18 @ Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Ba'al, and every mouth that has not kissed him."

rsv@1Kings:19:21 @ And he returned from following him, and took the yoke of oxen, and slew them, and boiled their flesh with the yokes of the oxen, and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he arose and went after Eli'jah, and ministered to him.

rsv@1Kings:20:6 @ nevertheless I will send my servants to you tomorrow about this time, and they shall search your house and the houses of your servants, and lay hands on whatever pleases them, and take it away.'"

rsv@1Kings:20:11 @ And the king of Israel answered, "Tell him, `Let not him that girds on his armor boast himself as he that puts it off.'"

rsv@1Kings:20:12 @ When Ben-ha'dad heard this message as he was drinking with the kings in the booths, he said to his men, "Take your positions." And they took their positions against the city.

rsv@1Kings:20:16 @ And they went out at noon, while Ben-ha'dad was drinking himself drunk in the booths, he and the thirty-two kings who helped him.

rsv@1Kings:21:1 @ Now Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard in Jezreel, beside the palace of Ahab king of Sama'ria.

rsv@1Kings:21:2 @ And after this Ahab said to Naboth, "Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near my house; and I will give you a better vineyard for it; or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its value in money."

rsv@1Kings:21:3 @ But Naboth said to Ahab, "The LORD forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers."

rsv@1Kings:21:4 @ And Ahab went into his house vexed and sullen because of what Naboth the Jezreelite had said to him; for he had said, "I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers." And he lay down on his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no food.

rsv@1Kings:21:6 @ And he said to her, "Because I spoke to Naboth the Jezreelite, and said to him, `Give me your vineyard for money; or else, if it please you, I will give you another vineyard for it'; and he answered, `I will not give you my vineyard.'"

rsv@1Kings:21:7 @ And Jez'ebel his wife said to him, "Do you now govern Israel? Arise, and eat bread, and let your heart be cheerful; I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite."

rsv@1Kings:21:8 @ So she wrote letters in Ahab's name and sealed them with his seal, and she sent the letters to the elders and the nobles who dwelt with Naboth in his city.

rsv@1Kings:21:9 @ And she wrote in the letters, "Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people;

rsv@1Kings:21:12 @ they proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people.

rsv@1Kings:21:13 @ And the two base fellows came in and sat opposite him; and the base fellows brought a charge against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, "Naboth cursed God and the king." So they took him outside the city, and stoned him to death with stones.

rsv@1Kings:21:14 @ Then they sent to Jez'ebel, saying, "Naboth has been stoned; he is dead."

rsv@1Kings:21:15 @ As soon as Jez'ebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, Jez'ebel said to Ahab, "Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead."

rsv@1Kings:21:16 @ And as soon as Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, Ahab arose to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it.

rsv@1Kings:21:18 @ "Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who is in Sama'ria; behold, he is in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone to take possession.

rsv@1Kings:21:19 @ And you shall say to him, `Thus says the LORD, "Have you killed, and also taken possession?"' And you shall say to him, `Thus says the LORD: "In the place where dogs licked up the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick your own blood."'"

rsv@1Kings:21:21 @ Behold, I will bring evil upon you; I will utterly sweep you away, and will cut off from Ahab every male, bond or free, in Israel;

rsv@1Kings:21:22 @ and I will make your house like the house of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, and like the house of Ba'asha the son of Ahi'jah, for the anger to which you have provoked me, and because you have made Israel to sin.

rsv@1Kings:21:23 @ And of Jez'ebel the LORD also said, `The dogs shall eat Jez'ebel within the bounds of Jezreel.'

rsv@1Kings:21:26 @ He did very abominably in going after idols, as the Amorites had done, whom the LORD cast out before the people of Israel.)

rsv@1Kings:21:27 @ And when Ahab heard those words, he rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about dejectedly.

rsv@1Kings:22:6 @ Then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together, about four hundred men, and said to them, "Shall I go to battle against Ramoth-gilead, or shall I forbear?" And they said, "Go up; for the Lord will give it into the hand of the king."

rsv@1Kings:22:34 @ But a certain man drew his bow at a venture, and struck the king of Israel between the scale armor and the breastplate; therefore he said to the driver of his chariot, "Turn about, and carry me out of the battle, for I am wounded."

rsv@1Kings:22:35 @ And the battle grew hot that day, and the king was propped up in his chariot facing the Syrians, until at evening he died; and the blood of the wound flowed into the bottom of the chariot.

rsv@1Kings:22:36 @ And about sunset a cry went through the army, "Every man to his city, and every man to his country!"

rsv@1Kings:22:39 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all that he did, and the ivory house which he built, and all the cities that he built, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@1Kings:22:45 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehosh'aphat, and his might that he showed, and how he warred, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@1Kings:22:52 @ He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and walked in the way of his father, and in the way of his mother, and in the way of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:1:8 @ They answered him, "He wore a garment of haircloth, with a girdle of leather about his loins." And he said, "It is Eli'jah the Tishbite."

rsv@2Kings:1:18 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ahazi'ah which he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:2:1 @ Now when the LORD was about to take Eli'jah up to heaven by a whirlwind, Eli'jah and Eli'sha were on their way from Gilgal.

rsv@2Kings:2:7 @ Fifty men of the sons of the prophets also went, and stood at some distance from them, as they both were standing by the Jordan.

rsv@2Kings:2:15 @ Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho saw him over against them, they said, "The spirit of Eli'jah rests on Eli'sha." And they came to meet him, and bowed to the ground before him.

rsv@2Kings:2:20 @ He said, "Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it." So they brought it to him.

rsv@2Kings:2:23 @ He went up from there to Bethel; and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, "Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!"

rsv@2Kings:2:24 @ And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys.

rsv@2Kings:3:3 @ Nevertheless he clung to the sin of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin; he did not depart from it.

rsv@2Kings:3:20 @ The next morning, about the time of offering the sacrifice, behold, water came from the direction of Edom, till the country was filled with water.

rsv@2Kings:4:3 @ Then he said, "Go outside, borrow vessels of all your neighbors, empty vessels and not too few.

rsv@2Kings:4:17 @ But the woman conceived, and she bore a son about that time the following spring, as Eli'sha had said to her.

rsv@2Kings:4:37 @ She came and fell at his feet, bowing to the ground; then she took up her son and went out.

rsv@2Kings:4:38 @ And Eli'sha came again to Gilgal when there was a famine in the land. And as the sons of the prophets were sitting before him, he said to his servant, "Set on the great pot, and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets."

rsv@2Kings:5:18 @ In this matter may the LORD pardon your servant: when my master goes into the house of Rimmon to worship there, leaning on my arm, and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, when I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, the LORD pardon your servant in this matter."

rsv@2Kings:6:5 @ But as one was felling a log, his axe head fell into the water; and he cried out, "Alas, my master! It was borrowed."

rsv@2Kings:6:15 @ When the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was round about the city. And the servant said, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?"

rsv@2Kings:6:17 @ Then Eli'sha prayed, and said, "O LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see." So the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Eli'sha.

rsv@2Kings:6:22 @ He answered, "You shall not slay them. Would you slay those whom you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow? Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink and go to their master."

rsv@2Kings:6:29 @ So we boiled my son, and ate him. And on the next day I said to her, `Give your son, that we may eat him'; but she has hidden her son."

rsv@2Kings:6:30 @ When the king heard the words of the woman he rent his clothes--now he was passing by upon the wall--and the people looked, and behold, he had sackcloth beneath upon his body--

rsv@2Kings:7:1 @ But Eli'sha said, "Hear the word of the LORD: thus says the LORD, Tomorrow about this time a measure of fine meal shall be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Sama'ria."

rsv@2Kings:7:18 @ For when the man of God had said to the king, "Two measures of barley shall be sold for a shekel, and a measure of fine meal for a shekel, about this time tomorrow in the gate of Sama'ria,"

rsv@2Kings:8:23 @ Now the rest of the acts of Joram, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:9:8 @ For the whole house of Ahab shall perish; and I will cut off from Ahab every male, bond or free, in Israel.

rsv@2Kings:9:9 @ And I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, and like the house of Ba'asha the son of Ahi'jah.

rsv@2Kings:9:21 @ Joram said, "Make ready." And they made ready his chariot. Then Joram king of Israel and Ahazi'ah king of Judah set out, each in his chariot, and went to meet Jehu, and met him at the property of Naboth the Jezreelite.

rsv@2Kings:9:23 @ Then Joram reined about and fled, saying to Ahazi'ah, "Treachery, O Ahazi'ah!"

rsv@2Kings:9:24 @ And Jehu drew his bow with his full strength, and shot Joram between the shoulders, so that the arrow pierced his heart, and he sank in his chariot.

rsv@2Kings:9:25 @ Jehu said to Bidkar his aide, "Take him up, and cast him on the plot of ground belonging to Naboth the Jezreelite; for remember, when you and I rode side by side behind Ahab his father, how the LORD uttered this oracle against him:

rsv@2Kings:9:26 @ `As surely as I saw yesterday the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons--says the LORD--I will requite you on this plot of ground.' Now therefore take him up and cast him on the plot of ground, in accordance with the word of the LORD."

rsv@2Kings:10:29 @ But Jehu did not turn aside from the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin, the golden calves that were in Bethel, and in Daniel.

rsv@2Kings:10:31 @ But Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the LORD the God of Israel with all his heart; he did not turn from the sins of Jerobo'am, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:10:34 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehu, and all that he did, and all his might, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:11:2 @ But Jehosh'eba, the daughter of King Joram, sister of Ahazi'ah, took Jo'ash the son of Ahazi'ah, and stole him away from among the king's sons who were about to be slain, and she put him and his nurse in a bedchamber. Thus she hid him from Athali'ah, so that he was not slain;

rsv@2Kings:12:9 @ Then Jehoi'ada the priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the lid of it, and set it beside the altar on the right side as one entered the house of the LORD; and the priests who guarded the threshold put in it all the money that was brought into the house of the LORD.

rsv@2Kings:12:13 @ But there were not made for the house of the LORD basins of silver, snuffers, bowls, trumpets, or any vessels of gold, or of silver, from the money that was brought into the house of the LORD,

rsv@2Kings:12:19 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jo'ash, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:13:2 @ He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and followed the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin; he did not depart from them.

rsv@2Kings:13:6 @ Nevertheless they did not depart from the sins of the house of Jerobo'am, which he made Israel to sin, but walked in them; and the Ashe'rah also remained in Sama'ria.)

rsv@2Kings:13:8 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jeho'ahaz and all that he did, and his might, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:13:11 @ He also did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart from all the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin, but he walked in them.

rsv@2Kings:13:12 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jo'ash, and all that he did, and the might with which he fought against Amazi'ah king of Judah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:13:13 @ So Jo'ash slept with his fathers, and Jerobo'am sat upon his throne; and Jo'ash was buried in Sama'ria with the kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:13:15 @ And Eli'sha said to him, "Take a bow and arrows"; so he took a bow and arrows.

rsv@2Kings:13:16 @ Then he said to the king of Israel, "Draw the bow"; and he drew it. And Eli'sha laid his hands upon the king's hands.

rsv@2Kings:13:21 @ And as a man was being buried, lo, a marauding band was seen and the man was cast into the grave of Eli'sha; and as soon as the man touched the bones of Eli'sha, he revived, and stood on his feet.

rsv@2Kings:14:6 @ But he did not put to death the children of the murderers; according to what is written in the book of the law of Moses, where the LORD commanded, "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, or the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall die for his own sin."

rsv@2Kings:14:15 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jeho'ash which he did, and his might, and how he fought with Amazi'ah king of Judah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:14:16 @ And Jeho'ash slept with his fathers, and was buried in Sama'ria with the kings of Israel; and Jerobo'am his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Kings:14:18 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Amazi'ah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:14:23 @ In the fifteenth year of Amazi'ah the son of Jo'ash, king of Judah, Jerobo'am the son of Jo'ash, king of Israel, began to reign in Sama'ria, and he reigned forty-one years.

rsv@2Kings:14:24 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart from all the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:14:25 @ He restored the border of Israel from the entrance of Hamath as far as the Sea of the Arabah, according to the word of the LORD, the God of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonah the son of Amit'tai, the prophet, who was from Gath-he'pher.

rsv@2Kings:14:26 @ For the LORD saw that the affliction of Israel was very bitter, for there was none left, bond or free, and there was none to help Israel.

rsv@2Kings:14:27 @ But the LORD had not said that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven, so he saved them by the hand of Jerobo'am the son of Jo'ash.

rsv@2Kings:14:28 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jerobo'am, and all that he did, and his might, how he fought, and how he recovered for Israel Damascus and Hamath, which had belonged to Judah, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:14:29 @ And Jerobo'am slept with his fathers, the kings of Israel, and Zechari'ah his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Kings:15:1 @ In the twenty-seventh year of Jerobo'am king of Israel Azari'ah the son of Amazi'ah, king of Judah, began to reign.

rsv@2Kings:15:6 @ Now the rest of the acts of Azari'ah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:15:8 @ In the thirty-eighth year of Azari'ah king of Judah Zechari'ah the son of Jerobo'am reigned over Israel in Sama'ria six months.

rsv@2Kings:15:9 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, as his fathers had done. He did not depart from the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:15:11 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Zechari'ah, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:15 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Shallum, and the conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:18 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart all his days from all the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:15:21 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Men'ahem, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

rsv@2Kings:15:24 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not turn away from the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:15:26 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Pekahi'ah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:28 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not depart from the sins of Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.

rsv@2Kings:15:31 @ Now the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:15:36 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:16:3 @ but he walked in the way of the kings of Israel. He even burned his son as an offering, according to the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:16:19 @ Now the rest of the acts of Ahaz which he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:17:4 @ But the king of Assyria found treachery in Hoshe'a; for he had sent messengers to So, king of Egypt, and offered no tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year; therefore the king of Assyria shut him up, and bound him in prison.

rsv@2Kings:17:6 @ In the ninth year of Hoshe'a the king of Assyria captured Sama'ria, and he carried the Israelites away to Assyria, and placed them in Halah, and on the Habor, the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.

rsv@2Kings:17:14 @ But they would not listen, but were stubborn, as their fathers had been, who did not believe in the LORD their God.

rsv@2Kings:17:15 @ They despised his statutes, and his covenant that he made with their fathers, and the warnings which he gave them. They went after false idols, and became false, and they followed the nations that were round about them, concerning whom the LORD had commanded them that they should not do like them.

rsv@2Kings:17:21 @ When he had torn Israel from the house of David they made Jerobo'am the son of Nebat king. And Jerobo'am drove Israel from following the LORD and made them commit great sin.

rsv@2Kings:17:22 @ The people of Israel walked in all the sins which Jerobo'am did; they did not depart from them,

rsv@2Kings:17:35 @ The LORD made a covenant with them, and commanded them, "You shall not fear other gods or bow yourselves to them or serve them or sacrifice to them;

rsv@2Kings:17:36 @ but you shall fear the LORD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt with great power and with an outstretched arm; you shall bow yourselves to him, and to him you shall sacrifice.

rsv@2Kings:18:11 @ The king of Assyria carried the Israelites away to Assyria, and put them in Halah, and on the Habor, the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes,

rsv@2Kings:19:15 @ And Hezeki'ah prayed before the LORD, and said: "O LORD the God of Israel, who art enthroned above the cherubim, thou art the God, thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth.

rsv@2Kings:19:20 @ Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezeki'ah, saying, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Your prayer to me about Sennach'erib king of Assyria I have heard.

rsv@2Kings:19:35 @ And that night the angel of the LORD went forth, and slew a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians; and when men arose early in the morning, behold, these were all dead bodies.

rsv@2Kings:20:7 @ And Isaiah said, "Bring a cake of figs. And let them take and lay it on the boil, that he may recover."

rsv@2Kings:20:18 @ And some of your own sons, who are born to you, shall be taken away; and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon."

rsv@2Kings:20:20 @ The rest of the deeds of Hezeki'ah, and all his might, and how he made the pool and the conduit and brought water into the city, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:21:2 @ And he did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.

rsv@2Kings:21:11 @ "Because Manas'seh king of Judah has committed these abominations, and has done things more wicked than all that the Amorites did, who were before him, and has made Judah also to sin with his idols;

rsv@2Kings:21:17 @ Now the rest of the acts of Manas'seh, and all that he did, and the sin that he committed, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:21:25 @ Now the rest of the acts of Amon which he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:22:1 @ Josi'ah was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Jedi'dah the daughter of Adai'ah of Bozkath.

rsv@2Kings:22:8 @ And Hilki'ah the high priest said to Shaphan the secretary, "I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD." And Hilki'ah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it.

rsv@2Kings:22:10 @ Then Shaphan the secretary told the king, "Hilki'ah the priest has given me a book." And Shaphan read it before the king.

rsv@2Kings:22:11 @ And when the king heard the words of the book of the law, he rent his clothes.

rsv@2Kings:22:12 @ And the king commanded Hilki'ah the priest, and Ahi'kam the son of Shaphan, and Achbor the son of Micai'ah, and Shaphan the secretary, and Asai'ah the king's servant, saying,

rsv@2Kings:22:13 @ "Go, inquire of the LORD for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that has been found; for great is the wrath of the LORD that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book, to do according to all that is written concerning us."

rsv@2Kings:22:14 @ So Hilki'ah the priest, and Ahi'kam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asai'ah went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second Quarter); and they talked with her.

rsv@2Kings:22:16 @ Thus says the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place and upon its inhabitants, all the words of the book which the king of Judah has read.

rsv@2Kings:23:2 @ And the king went up to the house of the LORD, and with him all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the priests and the prophets, all the people, both small and great; and he read in their hearing all the words of the book of the covenant which had been found in the house of the LORD.

rsv@2Kings:23:3 @ And the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book; and all the people joined in the covenant.

rsv@2Kings:23:5 @ And he deposed the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places at the cities of Judah and round about Jerusalem; those also who burned incense to Ba'al, to the sun, and the moon, and the constellations, and all the host of the heavens.

rsv@2Kings:23:13 @ And the king defiled the high places that were east of Jerusalem, to the south of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ash'toreth the abomination of the Sido'nians, and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.

rsv@2Kings:23:14 @ And he broke in pieces the pillars, and cut down the Ashe'rim, and filled their places with the bones of men.

rsv@2Kings:23:15 @ Moreover the altar at Bethel, the high place erected by Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, that altar with the high place he pulled down and he broke in pieces its stones, crushing them to dust; also he burned the Ashe'rah.

rsv@2Kings:23:16 @ And as Josi'ah turned, he saw the tombs there on the mount; and he sent and took the bones out of the tombs, and burned them upon the altar, and defiled it, according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who had predicted these things.

rsv@2Kings:23:18 @ And he said, "Let him be; let no man move his bones." So they let his bones alone, with the bones of the prophet who came out of Sama'ria.

rsv@2Kings:23:20 @ And he slew all the priests of the high places who were there, upon the altars, and burned the bones of men upon them. Then he returned to Jerusalem.

rsv@2Kings:23:21 @ And the king commanded all the people, "Keep the passover to the LORD your God, as it is written in this book of the covenant."

rsv@2Kings:23:24 @ Moreover Josi'ah put away the mediums and the wizards and the teraphim and the idols and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, that he might establish the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilki'ah the priest found in the house of the LORD.

rsv@2Kings:23:28 @ Now the rest of the acts of Josi'ah, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:23:33 @ And Pharaoh Neco put him in bonds at Riblah in the land of Hamath, that he might not reign in Jerusalem, and laid upon the land a tribute of a hundred talents of silver and a talent of gold.

rsv@2Kings:24:5 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Jehoi'akim, and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

rsv@2Kings:25:1 @ And in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, Nebuchadnez'zar king of Babylon came with all his army against Jerusalem, and laid siege to it; and they built siegeworks against it round about.

rsv@2Kings:25:7 @ They slew the sons of Zedeki'ah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedeki'ah, and bound him in fetters, and took him to Babylon.

rsv@2Kings:25:8 @ In the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month--which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnez'zar, king of Babylon--Nebu'zarad'an, the captain of the bodyguard, a servant of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem.

rsv@2Kings:25:15 @ the firepans also, and the bowls. What was of gold the captain of the guard took away as gold, and what was of silver, as silver.

rsv@2Kings:25:17 @ The height of the one pillar was eighteen cubits, and upon it was a capital of bronze; the height of the capital was three cubits; a network and pomegranates, all of bronze, were upon the capital round about. And the second pillar had the like, with the network.

rsv@2Kings:25:26 @ Then all the people, both small and great, and the captains of the forces arose, and went to Egypt; for they were afraid of the Chalde'ans.

rsv@2Kings:25:28 @ and he spoke kindly to him, and gave him a seat above the seats of the kings who were with him in Babylon.

rsv@1Chronicles:1:13 @ Canaan was the father of Sidon his first-born, and Heth,

rsv@1Chronicles:1:19 @ To Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg (for in his days the earth was divided), and the name of his brother Joktan.

rsv@1Chronicles:1:29 @ These are their genealogies: the first-born of Ish'mael, Neba'ioth; and Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,

rsv@1Chronicles:1:32 @ The sons of Ketu'rah, Abraham's concubine: she bore Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Mid'ian, Ishbak, and Shu'ah. The sons of Jokshan: Sheba and Dedan.

rsv@1Chronicles:1:44 @ When Bela died, Jobab the son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his stead.

rsv@1Chronicles:1:48 @ When Samlah died, Sha'ul of Reho'both on the Euphra'tes reigned in his stead.

rsv@1Chronicles:1:49 @ When Sha'ul died, Ba'al-ha'nan, the son of Achbor, reigned in his stead.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:3 @ The sons of Judah: Er, Onan, and Shelah; these three Bath-shu'a the Canaanitess bore to him. Now Er, Judah's first-born, was wicked in the sight of the LORD, and he slew him.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:4 @ His daughter-in-law Tamar also bore him Perez and Zerah. Judah had five sons in all.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:9 @ The sons of Hezron, that were born to him: Jerah'meel, Ram, and Chelu'bai.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:11 @ Nahshon was the father of Salma, Salma of Bo'az,

rsv@1Chronicles:2:12 @ Bo'az of Obed, Obed of Jesse.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:13 @ Jesse was the father of Eli'ab his first-born, Abin'adab the second, Shim'ea the third,

rsv@1Chronicles:2:17 @ Ab'igail bore Ama'sa, and the father of Ama'sa was Jether the Ish'maelite.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:19 @ When Azu'bah died, Caleb married Ephrath, who bore him Hur.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:21 @ Afterward Hezron went in to the daughter of Machir the father of Gilead, whom he married when he was sixty years old; and she bore him Segub;

rsv@1Chronicles:2:24 @ After the death of Hezron, Caleb went in to Eph'rathah, the wife of Hezron his father, and she bore him Ashhur, the father of Teko'a.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:25 @ The sons of Jerah'meel, the first-born of Hezron: Ram, his first-born, Bunah, Oren, Ozem, and Ahi'jah.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:27 @ The sons of Ram, the first-born of Jerah'meel: Ma'az, Jamin, and Eker.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:29 @ The name of Abi'shur's wife was Ab'ihail, and she bore him Ahban and Molid.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:35 @ So Sheshan gave his daughter in marriage to Jarha his slave; and she bore him Attai.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:42 @ The sons of Caleb the brother of Jerah'meel: Mare'shah his first-born, who was the father of Ziph. The sons of Mare'shah: Hebron.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:46 @ Ephah also, Caleb's concubine, bore Haran, Moza, and Gazez; and Haran was the father of Gazez.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:48 @ Ma'acah, Caleb's concubine, bore Sheber and Tir'hanah.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:49 @ She also bore Sha'aph the father of Madman'nah, Sheva the father of Machbe'nah and the father of Gib'e-a; and the daughter of Caleb was Achsah.

rsv@1Chronicles:2:50 @ These were the descendants of Caleb. The sons of Hur the first-born of Eph'rathah: Shobal the father of Kir'iath-je'arim,

rsv@1Chronicles:3:1 @ These are the sons of David that were born to him in Hebron: the first-born Amnon, by Ahin'o-am the Jezreelitess; the second Daniel, by Ab'igail the Car'melitess,

rsv@1Chronicles:3:4 @ six were born to him in Hebron, where he reigned for seven years and six months. And he reigned thirty-three years in Jerusalem.

rsv@1Chronicles:3:5 @ These were born to him in Jerusalem: Shim'e-a, Shobab, Nathan and Solomon, four by Bath-shu'a, the daughter of Am'mi-el;

rsv@1Chronicles:3:10 @ The descendants of Solomon: Rehobo'am, Abi'jah his son, Asa his son, Jehosh'aphat his son,

rsv@1Chronicles:3:15 @ The sons of Josi'ah: Joha'nan the first-born, the second Jehoi'akim, the third Zedeki'ah, the fourth Shallum.

rsv@1Chronicles:4:4 @ and Penu'el was the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Hushah. These were the sons of Hur, the first-born of Eph'rathah, the father of Bethlehem.

rsv@1Chronicles:4:6 @ Na'arah bore him Ahuz'zam, Hepher, Te'meni, and Ha-ahash'tari. These were the sons of Na'arah.

rsv@1Chronicles:4:9 @ Jabez was more honorable than his brothers; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "Because I bore him in pain."

rsv@1Chronicles:4:10 @ Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that thou wouldst bless me and enlarge my border, and that thy hand might be with me, and that thou wouldst keep me from harm so that it might not hurt me!" And God granted what he asked.

rsv@1Chronicles:4:17 @ The sons of Ezrah: Jether, Mered, Epher, and Jalon. These are the sons of Bith'i-ah, the daughter of Pharaoh, whom Mered married; and she conceived and bore Miriam, Sham'mai, and Ishbah, the father of Eshtemo'a.

rsv@1Chronicles:4:18 @ And his Jewish wife bore Jered the father of Gedor, Heber the father of Soco, and Jeku'thiel the father of Zano'ah.

rsv@1Chronicles:4:31 @ Beth-mar'caboth, Ha'zar-su'sim, Beth-biri, and Sha-ara'im. These were their cities until David reigned.

rsv@1Chronicles:4:33 @ along with all their villages which were round about these cities as far as Ba'al. These were their settlements, and they kept a genealogical record.

rsv@1Chronicles:5:1 @ The sons of Reuben the first-born of Israel (for he was the first-born; but because he polluted his father's couch, his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel, so that he is not enrolled in the genealogy according to the birthright;

rsv@1Chronicles:5:3 @ the sons of Reuben, the first-born of Israel: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.

rsv@1Chronicles:5:8 @ and Bela the son of Azaz, son of Shema, son of Jo'el, who dwelt in Aro'er, as far as Nebo and Ba'al-me'on.

rsv@1Chronicles:5:17 @ All of these were enrolled by genealogies in the days of Jotham king of Judah, and in the days of Jerobo'am king of Israel.

rsv@1Chronicles:5:18 @ The Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manas'seh had valiant men, who carried shield and sword, and drew the bow, expert in war, forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty, ready for service.

rsv@1Chronicles:5:26 @ So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, the spirit of Til'gath-pilne'ser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, namely, the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manas'seh, and brought them to Halah, Habor, Hara, and the river Gozan, to this day.

rsv@1Chronicles:6:28 @ The sons of Samuel: Jo'el his first-born, the second Abi'jah.

rsv@1Chronicles:6:54 @ These are their dwelling places according to their settlements within their borders: to the sons of Aaron of the families of Ko'hathites, for theirs was the lot,

rsv@1Chronicles:6:77 @ To the rest of the Merar'ites were allotted out of the tribe of Zeb'ulun: Rim'mono with its pasture lands, Tabor with its pasture lands,

rsv@1Chronicles:6:81 @ Heshbon with its pasture lands, and Jazer with its pasture lands.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:7 @ The sons of Bela: Ezbon, Uzzi, Uz'ziel, Jer'imoth, and Iri, five, heads of fathers' houses, mighty warriors; and their enrollment by genealogies was twenty-two thousand and thirty-four.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:14 @ The sons of Manas'seh: As'ri-el, whom his Aramean concubine bore; she bore Machir the father of Gilead.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:16 @ And Ma'acah the wife of Machir bore a son, and she called his name Peresh; and the name of his brother was Sheresh; and his sons were Ulam and Rakem.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:18 @ And his sister Hammo'lecheth bore Ishhod, Abi-e'zer, and Mahlah.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:21 @ Zabad his son, Shuthe'lah his son, and Ezer and E'le-ad, whom the men of Gath who were born in the land slew, because they came down to raid their cattle.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:23 @ And E'phraim went in to his wife, and she conceived and bore a son; and he called his name Beri'ah, because evil had befallen his house.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:24 @ His daughter was She'erah, who built both Lower and Upper Beth-hor'on, and Uz'zen-she'erah.

rsv@1Chronicles:7:29 @ also along the borders of the Manas'sites, Beth-she'an and its towns, Ta'anach and its towns, Megid'do and its towns, Dor and its towns. In these dwelt the sons of Joseph the son of Israel.

rsv@1Chronicles:8:1 @ Benjamin was the father of Bela his first-born, Ashbel the second, Ahar'ah the third,

rsv@1Chronicles:8:30 @ His first-born son: Abdon, then Zur, Kish, Ba'al, Nadab,

rsv@1Chronicles:8:38 @ Azel had six sons, and these are their names: Azri'kam, Bo'cheru, Ish'mael, She-ari'ah, Obadi'ah, and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.

rsv@1Chronicles:8:39 @ The sons of Eshek his brother: Ulam his first-born, Je'ush the second, and Eliph'elet the third.

rsv@1Chronicles:8:40 @ The sons of Ulam were men who were mighty warriors, bowmen, having many sons and grandsons, one hundred and fifty. All these were Benjaminites.

rsv@1Chronicles:9:1 @ So all Israel was enrolled by genealogies; and these are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel. And Judah was taken into exile in Babylon because of their unfaithfulness.

rsv@1Chronicles:9:5 @ And of the Shi'lonites: Asai'ah the first-born, and his sons.

rsv@1Chronicles:9:27 @ And they lodged round about the house of God; for upon them lay the duty of watching, and they had charge of opening it every morning.

rsv@1Chronicles:9:31 @ and Mattithi'ah, one of the Levites, the first-born of Shallum the Ko'rahite, was in charge of making the flat cakes.

rsv@1Chronicles:9:36 @ and his first-born son Abdon, then Zur, Kish, Ba'al, Ner, Nadab,

rsv@1Chronicles:9:44 @ Azel had six sons and these are their names: Azri'kam, Bo'cheru, Ish'mael, She-ari'ah, Obadi'ah, and Hanan; these were the sons of Azel.

rsv@1Chronicles:10:1 @ Now the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled before the Philistines, and fell slain on Mount Gilbo'a.

rsv@1Chronicles:10:8 @ On the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, they found Saul and his sons fallen on Mount Gilbo'a.

rsv@1Chronicles:10:12 @ all the valiant men arose, and took away the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons, and brought them to Jabesh. And they buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

rsv@1Chronicles:11:1 @ Then all Israel gathered together to David at Hebron, and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh.

rsv@1Chronicles:11:8 @ And he built the city round about from the Millo in complete circuit; and Jo'ab repaired the rest of the city.

rsv@1Chronicles:11:25 @ He was renowned among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard.

rsv@1Chronicles:11:33 @ Az'maveth of Baha'rum, Eli'ahba of Sha-al'bon,

rsv@1Chronicles:12:1 @ Now these are the men who came to David at Ziklag, while he could not move about freely because of Saul the son of Kish; and they were among the mighty men who helped him in war.

rsv@1Chronicles:12:2 @ They were bowmen, and could shoot arrows and sling stones with either the right or the left hand; they were Benjaminites, Saul's kinsmen.

rsv@1Chronicles:12:3 @ The chief was Ahi-e'zer, then Jo'ash, both sons of Shema'ah of Gib'e-ah; also Je'zi-el and Pelet the sons of Az'maveth; Ber'acah, Jehu of An'athoth,

rsv@1Chronicles:12:40 @ And also their neighbors, from as far as Is'sachar and Zeb'ulun and Naph'tali, came bringing food on asses and on camels and on mules and on oxen, abundant provisions of meal, cakes of figs, clusters of raisins, and wine and oil, oxen and sheep, for there was joy in Israel.

rsv@1Chronicles:13:6 @ And David and all Israel went up to Ba'alah, that is, to Kir'iath-je'arim which belongs to Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the name of the LORD who sits enthroned above the cherubim.

rsv@1Chronicles:13:8 @ And David and all Israel were making merry before God with all their might, with song and lyres and harps and tambourines and cymbals and trumpets.

rsv@1Chronicles:16:3 @ and distributed to all Israel, both men and women, to each a loaf of bread, a portion of meat, and a cake of raisins.

rsv@1Chronicles:16:25 @ For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and he is to be held in awe above all gods.

rsv@1Chronicles:19:10 @ When Jo'ab saw that the battle was set against him both in front and in the rear, he chose some of the picked men of Israel, and arrayed them against the Syrians;

rsv@1Chronicles:20:3 @ And he brought forth the people who were in it, and set them to labor with saws and iron picks and axes; and thus David did to all the cities of the Ammonites. Then David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.

rsv@1Chronicles:21:15 @ And God sent the angel to Jerusalem to destroy it; but when he was about to destroy it, the LORD saw, and he repented of the evil; and he said to the destroying angel, "It is enough; now stay your hand." And the angel of the LORD was standing by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jeb'usite.

rsv@1Chronicles:22:9 @ Behold, a son shall be born to you; he shall be a man of peace. I will give him peace from all his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quiet to Israel in his days.

rsv@1Chronicles:24:5 @ They organized them by lot, all alike, for there were officers of the sanctuary and officers of God among both the sons of Elea'zar and the sons of Ith'amar.

rsv@1Chronicles:26:2 @ And Meshelemi'ah had sons: Zechari'ah the first-born, Jedi'a-el the second, Zebadi'ah the third, Jath'ni-el the fourth,

rsv@1Chronicles:26:4 @ And O'bed-e'dom had sons: Shemai'ah the first-born, Jehoz'abad the second, Jo'ah the third, Sachar the fourth, Nethan'el the fifth,

rsv@1Chronicles:26:6 @ Also to his son Shemai'ah were sons born who were rulers in their fathers' houses, for they were men of great ability.

rsv@1Chronicles:26:10 @ And Hosah, of the sons of Merar'i, had sons: Shimri the chief (for though he was not the first-born, his father made him chief),

rsv@1Chronicles:28:17 @ and pure gold for the forks, the basins, and the cups; for the golden bowls and the weight of each; for the silver bowls and the weight of each;

rsv@1Chronicles:29:11 @ Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.

rsv@1Chronicles:29:12 @ Both riches and honor come from thee, and thou rulest over all. In thy hand are power and might; and in thy hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.

rsv@1Chronicles:29:20 @ Then David said to all the assembly, "Bless the LORD your God." And all the assembly blessed the LORD, the God of their fathers, and bowed their heads, and worshiped the LORD, and did obeisance to the king.

rsv@2Chronicles:2:4 @ Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of the LORD my God and dedicate it to him for the burning of incense of sweet spices before him, and for the continual offering of the showbread, and for burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths and the new moons and the appointed feasts of the LORD our God, as ordained for ever for Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:3:17 @ He set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the south, the other on the north; that on the south he called Jachin, and that on the north Bo'az.

rsv@2Chronicles:4:3 @ Under it were figures of gourds, for thirty cubits, compassing the sea round about; the gourds were in two rows, cast with it when it was cast.

rsv@2Chronicles:4:12 @ the two pillars, the bowls, and the two capitals on the top of the pillars; and the two networks to cover the two bowls of the capitals that were on the top of the pillars;

rsv@2Chronicles:4:13 @ and the four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, two rows of pomegranates for each network, to cover the two bowls of the capitals that were upon the pillars.

rsv@2Chronicles:5:8 @ For the cherubim spread out their wings over the place of the ark, so that the cherubim made a covering above the ark and its poles.

rsv@2Chronicles:6:3 @ Then the king faced about, and blessed all the assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel stood.

rsv@2Chronicles:6:9 @ nevertheless you shall not build the house, but your son who shall be born to you shall build the house for my name.'

rsv@2Chronicles:6:22 @ "If a man sins against his neighbor and is made to take an oath, and comes and swears his oath before thy altar in this house,

rsv@2Chronicles:7:3 @ When all the children of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of the LORD upon the temple, they bowed down with their faces to the earth on the pavement, and worshiped and gave thanks to the LORD, saying, "For he is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever."

rsv@2Chronicles:9:26 @ And he ruled over all the kings from the Euphra'tes to the land of the Philistines, and to the border of Egypt.

rsv@2Chronicles:9:29 @ Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, from first to last, are they not written in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer concerning Jerobo'am the son of Nebat?

rsv@2Chronicles:9:31 @ And Solomon slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David his father; and Rehobo'am his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Chronicles:10:1 @ Rehobo'am went to Shechem, for all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.

rsv@2Chronicles:10:2 @ And when Jerobo'am the son of Nebat heard of it (for he was in Egypt, whither he had fled from King Solomon), then Jerobo'am returned from Egypt.

rsv@2Chronicles:10:3 @ And they sent and called him; and Jerobo'am and all Israel came and said to Rehobo'am,

rsv@2Chronicles:10:6 @ Then King Rehobo'am took counsel with the old men, who had stood before Solomon his father while he was yet alive, saying, "How do you advise me to answer this people?"

rsv@2Chronicles:10:12 @ So Jerobo'am and all the people came to Rehobo'am the third day, as the king said, "Come to me again the third day."

rsv@2Chronicles:10:14 @ King Rehobo'am spoke to them according to the counsel of the young men, saying, "My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to it; my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions."

rsv@2Chronicles:10:15 @ So the king did not hearken to the people; for it was a turn of affairs brought about by God that the LORD might fulfil his word, which he spoke by Ahi'jah the Shi'lonite to Jerobo'am the son of Nebat.

rsv@2Chronicles:10:17 @ But Rehobo'am reigned over the people of Israel who dwelt in the cities of Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:10:18 @ Then King Rehobo'am sent Hador'am, who was taskmaster over the forced labor, and the people of Israel stoned him to death with stones. And King Rehobo'am made haste to mount his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:1 @ When Rehobo'am came to Jerusalem, he assembled the house of Judah, and Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen warriors, to fight against Israel, to restore the kingdom to Rehobo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:3 @ "Say to Rehobo'am the son of Solomon king of Judah, and to all Israel in Judah and Benjamin,

rsv@2Chronicles:11:4 @ `Thus says the LORD, You shall not go up or fight against your brethren. Return every man to his home, for this thing is from me.'" So they hearkened to the word of the LORD, and returned and did not go against Jerobo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:5 @ Rehobo'am dwelt in Jerusalem, and he built cities for defense in Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:14 @ For the Levites left their common lands and their holdings and came to Judah and Jerusalem, because Jerobo'am and his sons cast them out from serving as priests of the LORD,

rsv@2Chronicles:11:17 @ They strengthened the kingdom of Judah, and for three years they made Rehobo'am the son of Solomon secure, for they walked for three years in the way of David and Solomon.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:18 @ Rehobo'am took as wife Ma'halath the daughter of Jer'imoth the son of David, and of Ab'ihail the daughter of Eli'ab the son of Jesse;

rsv@2Chronicles:11:19 @ and she bore him sons, Je'ush, Shemari'ah, and Zaham.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:20 @ After her he took Ma'acah the daughter of Ab'salom, who bore him Abi'jah, Attai, Ziza, and Shelo'mith.

rsv@2Chronicles:11:21 @ Rehobo'am loved Ma'acah the daughter of Ab'salom above all his wives and concubines (he took eighteen wives and sixty concubines, and had twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters);

rsv@2Chronicles:11:22 @ and Rehobo'am appointed Abi'jah the son of Ma'acah as chief prince among his brothers, for he intended to make him king.

rsv@2Chronicles:12:1 @ When the rule of Rehobo'am was established and was strong, he forsook the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him.

rsv@2Chronicles:12:2 @ In the fifth year of King Rehobo'am, because they had been unfaithful to the LORD, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem

rsv@2Chronicles:12:5 @ Then Shemai'ah the prophet came to Rehobo'am and to the princes of Judah, who had gathered at Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them, "Thus says the LORD, `You abandoned me, so I have abandoned you to the hand of Shishak.'"

rsv@2Chronicles:12:10 @ and King Rehobo'am made in their stead shields of bronze, and committed them to the hands of the officers of the guard, who kept the door of the king's house.

rsv@2Chronicles:12:11 @ And as often as the king went into the house of the LORD, the guard came and bore them, and brought them back to the guardroom.

rsv@2Chronicles:12:13 @ So King Rehobo'am established himself in Jerusalem and reigned. Rehobo'am was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned seventeen years in Jerusalem, the city which the LORD had chosen out of all the tribes of Israel to put his name there. His mother's name was Na'amah the Ammonitess.

rsv@2Chronicles:12:15 @ Now the acts of Rehobo'am, from first to last, are they not written in the chronicles of Shemai'ah the prophet and of Iddo the seer? There were continual wars between Rehobo'am and Jerobo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:12:16 @ And Rehobo'am slept with his fathers, and was buried in the city of David; and Abi'jah his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:1 @ In the eighteenth year of King Jerobo'am Abi'jah began to reign over Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:2 @ He reigned for three years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Micai'ah the daughter of U'riel of Gib'e-ah. Now there was war between Abi'jah and Jerobo'am.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:3 @ Abi'jah went out to battle having an army of valiant men of war, four hundred thousand picked men; and Jerobo'am drew up his line of battle against him with eight hundred thousand picked mighty warriors.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:4 @ Then Abi'jah stood up on Mount Zemara'im which is in the hill country of E'phraim, and said, "Hear me, O Jerobo'am and all Israel!

rsv@2Chronicles:13:6 @ Yet Jerobo'am the son of Nebat, a servant of Solomon the son of David, rose up and rebelled against his lord;

rsv@2Chronicles:13:7 @ and certain worthless scoundrels gathered about him and defied Rehobo'am the son of Solomon, when Rehobo'am was young and irresolute and could not withstand them.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:8 @ "And now you think to withstand the kingdom of the LORD in the hand of the sons of David, because you are a great multitude and have with you the golden calves which Jerobo'am made you for gods.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:13 @ Jerobo'am had sent an ambush around to come on them from behind; thus his troops were in front of Judah, and the ambush was behind them.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:15 @ Then the men of Judah raised the battle shout. And when the men of Judah shouted, God defeated Jerobo'am and all Israel before Abi'jah and Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:19 @ And Abi'jah pursued Jerobo'am, and took cities from him, Bethel with its villages and Jesha'nah with its villages and Ephron with its villages.

rsv@2Chronicles:13:20 @ Jerobo'am did not recover his power in the days of Abi'jah; and the LORD smote him, and he died.

rsv@2Chronicles:14:8 @ And Asa had an army of three hundred thousand from Judah, armed with bucklers and spears, and two hundred and eighty thousand men from Benjamin, that carried shields and drew bows; all these were mighty men of valor.

rsv@2Chronicles:14:13 @ Asa and the people that were with him pursued them as far as Gerar, and the Ethiopians fell until none remained alive; for they were broken before the LORD and his army. The men of Judah carried away very much booty.

rsv@2Chronicles:14:14 @ And they smote all the cities round about Gerar, for the fear of the LORD was upon them. They plundered all the cities, for there was much plunder in them.

rsv@2Chronicles:15:8 @ When Asa heard these words, the prophecy of Azari'ah the son of Oded, he took courage, and put away the abominable idols from all the land of Judah and Benjamin and from the cities which he had taken in the hill country of E'phraim, and he repaired the altar of the LORD that was in front of the vestibule of the house of the LORD.

rsv@2Chronicles:15:15 @ And all Judah rejoiced over the oath; for they had sworn with all their heart, and had sought him with their whole desire, and he was found by them, and the LORD gave them rest round about.

rsv@2Chronicles:15:16 @ Even Ma'acah, his mother, King Asa removed from being queen mother because she had made an abominable image for Ashe'rah. Asa cut down her image, crushed it, and burned it at the brook Kidron.

rsv@2Chronicles:16:11 @ The acts of Asa, from first to last, are written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:17:9 @ And they taught in Judah, having the book of the law of the LORD with them; they went about through all the cities of Judah and taught among the people.

rsv@2Chronicles:17:10 @ And the fear of the LORD fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were round about Judah, and they made no war against Jehosh'aphat.

rsv@2Chronicles:17:17 @ Of Benjamin: Eli'ada, a mighty man of valor, with two hundred thousand men armed with bow and shield,

rsv@2Chronicles:18:33 @ But a certain man drew his bow at a venture, and struck the king of Israel between the scale armor and the breastplate; therefore he said to the driver of his chariot, "Turn about, and carry me out of the battle, for I am wounded."

rsv@2Chronicles:20:18 @ Then Jehosh'aphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem fell down before the LORD, worshiping the LORD.

rsv@2Chronicles:20:24 @ When Judah came to the watchtower of the wilderness, they looked toward the multitude; and behold, they were dead bodies lying on the ground; none had escaped.

rsv@2Chronicles:20:30 @ So the realm of Jehosh'aphat was quiet, for his God gave him rest round about.

rsv@2Chronicles:20:34 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehosh'aphat, from first to last, are written in the chronicles of Jehu the son of Hana'ni, which are recorded in the Book of the Kings of Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:21:3 @ Their father gave them great gifts, of silver, gold, and valuable possessions, together with fortified cities in Judah; but he gave the kingdom to Jeho'ram, because he was the first-born.

rsv@2Chronicles:21:15 @ and you yourself will have a severe sickness with a disease of your bowels, until your bowels come out because of the disease, day by day.'"

rsv@2Chronicles:21:18 @ And after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.

rsv@2Chronicles:21:19 @ In course of time, at the end of two years, his bowels came out because of the disease, and he died in great agony. His people made no fire in his honor, like the fires made for his fathers.

rsv@2Chronicles:22:7 @ But it was ordained by God that the downfall of Ahazi'ah should come about through his going to visit Joram. For when he came there he went out with Jeho'ram to meet Jehu the son of Nimshi, whom the LORD had anointed to destroy the house of Ahab.

rsv@2Chronicles:22:11 @ But Jeho-shab'e-ath, the daughter of the king, took Jo'ash the son of Ahazi'ah, and stole him away from among the king's sons who were about to be slain, and she put him and his nurse in a bedchamber. Thus Jeho-shab'e-ath, the daughter of King Jeho'ram and wife of Jehoi'ada the priest, because she was a sister of Ahazi'ah, hid him from Athali'ah, so that she did not slay him;

rsv@2Chronicles:23:2 @ And they went about through Judah and gathered the Levites from all the cities of Judah, and the heads of fathers' houses of Israel, and they came to Jerusalem.

rsv@2Chronicles:24:13 @ So those who were engaged in the work labored, and the repairing went forward in their hands, and they restored the house of God to its proper condition and strengthened it.

rsv@2Chronicles:24:14 @ And when they had finished, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoi'ada, and with it were made utensils for the house of the LORD, both for the service and for the burnt offerings, and dishes for incense, and vessels of gold and silver. And they offered burnt offerings in the house of the LORD continually all the days of Jehoi'ada.

rsv@2Chronicles:24:20 @ Then the Spirit of God took possession of Zechari'ah the son of Jehoi'ada the priest; and he stood above the people, and said to them, "Thus says God, `Why do you transgress the commandments of the LORD, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have forsaken the LORD, he has forsaken you.'"

rsv@2Chronicles:24:27 @ Accounts of his sons, and of the many oracles against him, and of the rebuilding of the house of God are written in the Commentary on the Book of the Kings. And Amazi'ah his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Chronicles:25:4 @ But he did not put their children to death, according to what is written in the law, in the book of Moses, where the LORD commanded, "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, or the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall die for his own sin."

rsv@2Chronicles:25:9 @ And Amazi'ah said to the man of God, "But what shall we do about the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel?" The man of God answered, "The LORD is able to give you much more than this."

rsv@2Chronicles:25:19 @ You say, `See, I have smitten Edom,' and your heart has lifted you up in boastfulness. But now stay at home; why should you provoke trouble so that you fall, you and Judah with you?"

rsv@2Chronicles:25:26 @ Now the rest of the deeds of Amazi'ah, from first to last, are they not written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel?

rsv@2Chronicles:26:8 @ The Ammonites paid tribute to Uzzi'ah, and his fame spread even to the border of Egypt, for he became very strong.

rsv@2Chronicles:26:10 @ And he built towers in the wilderness, and hewed out many cisterns, for he had large herds, both in the Shephe'lah and in the plain, and he had farmers and vinedressers in the hills and in the fertile lands, for he loved the soil.

rsv@2Chronicles:26:14 @ And Uzzi'ah prepared for all the army shields, spears, helmets, coats of mail, bows, and stones for slinging.

rsv@2Chronicles:27:7 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and all his wars, and his ways, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:28:3 @ and he burned incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and burned his sons as an offering, according to the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:28:26 @ Now the rest of his acts and all his ways, from first to last, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:29:29 @ When the offering was finished, the king and all who were present with him bowed themselves and worshiped.

rsv@2Chronicles:29:30 @ And Hezeki'ah the king and the princes commanded the Levites to sing praises to the LORD with the words of David and of Asaph the seer. And they sang praises with gladness, and they bowed down and worshiped.

rsv@2Chronicles:29:36 @ And Hezeki'ah and all the people rejoiced because of what God had done for the people; for the thing came about suddenly.

rsv@2Chronicles:31:9 @ And Hezeki'ah questioned the priests and the Levites about the heaps.

rsv@2Chronicles:32:26 @ But Hezeki'ah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the LORD did not come upon them in the days of Hezeki'ah.

rsv@2Chronicles:32:31 @ And so in the matter of the envoys of the princes of Babylon, who had been sent to him to inquire about the sign that had been done in the land, God left him to himself, in order to try him and to know all that was in his heart.

rsv@2Chronicles:32:32 @ Now the rest of the acts of Hezeki'ah, and his good deeds, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz, in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:33:2 @ He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, according to the abominable practices of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the people of Israel.

rsv@2Chronicles:33:11 @ Therefore the LORD brought upon them the commanders of the army of the king of Assyria, who took Manas'seh with hooks and bound him with fetters of bronze and brought him to Babylon.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:3 @ For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of David his father; and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places, the Ashe'rim, and the graven and the molten images.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:4 @ And they broke down the altars of the Ba'als in his presence; and he hewed down the incense altars which stood above them; and he broke in pieces the Ashe'rim and the graven and the molten images, and he made dust of them and strewed it over the graves of those who had sacrificed to them.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:5 @ He also burned the bones of the priests on their altars, and purged Judah and Jerusalem.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:6 @ And in the cities of Manas'seh, E'phraim, and Simeon, and as far as Naph'tali, in their ruins round about,

rsv@2Chronicles:34:14 @ While they were bringing out the money that had been brought into the house of the LORD, Hilki'ah the priest found the book of the law of the LORD given through Moses.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:15 @ Then Hilki'ah said to Shaphan the secretary, "I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD"; and Hilki'ah gave the book to Shaphan.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:16 @ Shaphan brought the book to the king, and further reported to the king, "All that was committed to your servants they are doing.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:18 @ Then Shaphan the secretary told the king, "Hilki'ah the priest has given me a book." And Shaphan read it before the king.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:21 @ "Go, inquire of the LORD for me and for those who are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that has been found; for great is the wrath of the LORD that is poured out on us, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to do according to all that is written in this book."

rsv@2Chronicles:34:24 @ Thus says the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon this place and upon its inhabitants, all the curses that are written in the book which was read before the king of Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:30 @ And the king went up to the house of the LORD, with all the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the priests and the Levites, all the people both great and small; and he read in their hearing all the words of the book of the covenant which had been found in the house of the LORD.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:31 @ And the king stood in his place and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes, with all his heart and all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book.

rsv@2Chronicles:34:33 @ And Josi'ah took away all the abominations from all the territory that belonged to the people of Israel, and made all who were in Israel serve the LORD their God. All his days they did not turn away from following the LORD the God of their fathers.

rsv@2Chronicles:35:12 @ And they set aside the burnt offerings that they might distribute them according to the groupings of the fathers' houses of the lay people, to offer to the LORD, as it is written in the book of Moses. And so they did with the bulls.

rsv@2Chronicles:35:13 @ And they roasted the passover lamb with fire according to the ordinance; and they boiled the holy offerings in pots, in caldrons, and in pans, and carried them quickly to all the lay people.

rsv@2Chronicles:35:27 @ and his acts, first and last, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah.

rsv@2Chronicles:36:6 @ Against him came up Nebuchadnez'zar king of Babylon, and bound him in fetters to take him to Babylon.

rsv@2Chronicles:36:8 @ Now the rest of the acts of Jehoi'akim, and the abominations which he did, and what was found against him, behold, they are written in the Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah; and Jehoi'achin his son reigned in his stead.

rsv@2Chronicles:36:14 @ All the leading priests and the people likewise were exceedingly unfaithful, following all the abominations of the nations; and they polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.

rsv@Ezra:1:6 @ and all who were about them aided them with vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, with beasts, and with costly wares, besides all that was freely offered.

rsv@Ezra:1:10 @ thirty bowls of gold, two thousand four hundred and ten bowls of silver, and a thousand other vessels;

rsv@Ezra:2:29 @ The sons of Nebo, fifty-two.

rsv@Ezra:3:4 @ And they kept the feast of booths, as it is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number according to the ordinance, as each day required,

rsv@Ezra:4:15 @ in order that search may be made in the book of the records of your fathers. You will find in the book of the records and learn that this city is a rebellious city, hurtful to kings and provinces, and that sedition was stirred up in it from of old. That was why this city was laid waste.

rsv@Ezra:5:3 @ At the same time Tat'tenai the governor of the province Beyond the River and She'thar-boz'enai and their associates came to them and spoke to them thus, "Who gave you a decree to build this house and to finish this structure?"

rsv@Ezra:5:6 @ The copy of the letter which Tat'tenai the governor of the province Beyond the River and She'thar-boz'enai and his associates the governors who were in the province Beyond the River sent to Darius the king;

rsv@Ezra:6:6 @ "Now therefore, Tat'tenai, governor of the province Beyond the River, She'thar-boz'enai, and your associates the governors who are in the province Beyond the River, keep away;

rsv@Ezra:6:13 @ Then, according to the word sent by Darius the king, Tat'tenai, the governor of the province Beyond the River, She'thar-boz'enai, and their associates did with all diligence what Darius the king had ordered.

rsv@Ezra:6:18 @ And they set the priests in their divisions and the Levites in their courses, for the service of God at Jerusalem, as it is written in the book of Moses.

rsv@Ezra:7:14 @ For you are sent by the king and his seven counselors to make inquiries about Judah and Jerusalem according to the law of your God, which is in your hand,

rsv@Ezra:8:27 @ twenty bowls of gold worth a thousand darics, and two vessels of fine bright bronze as precious as gold.

rsv@Ezra:9:1 @ After these things had been done, the officials approached me and said, "The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands with their abominations, from the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Per'izzites, the Jeb'usites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

rsv@Ezra:9:8 @ But now for a brief moment favor has been shown by the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant, and to give us a secure hold within his holy place, that our God may brighten our eyes and grant us a little reviving in our bondage.

rsv@Ezra:9:9 @ For we are bondmen; yet our God has not forsaken us in our bondage, but has extended to us his steadfast love before the kings of Persia, to grant us some reviving to set up the house of our God, to repair its ruins, and to give us protection in Judea and Jerusalem.

rsv@Ezra:9:11 @ which thou didst command by thy servants the prophets, saying, `The land which you are entering, to take possession of it, is a land unclean with the pollutions of the peoples of the lands, with their abominations which have filled it from end to end with their uncleanness.

rsv@Ezra:9:14 @ shall we break thy commandments again and intermarry with the peoples who practice these abominations? Wouldst thou not be angry with us till thou wouldst consume us, so that there should be no remnant, nor any to escape?

rsv@Ezra:10:43 @ Of the sons of Nebo: Je-i'el, Mattithi'ah, Zabad, Zebi'na, Jaddai, Jo'el, and Benai'ah.

rsv@Nehemiah:3:3 @ And the sons of Hassena'ah built the Fish Gate; they laid its beams and set its doors, its bolts, and its bars.

rsv@Nehemiah:3:6 @ And Joi'ada the son of Pase'ah and Meshul'lam the son of Besodei'ah repaired the Old Gate; they laid its beams and set its doors, its bolts, and its bars.

rsv@Nehemiah:3:13 @ Hanun and the inhabitants of Zano'ah repaired the Valley Gate; they rebuilt it and set its doors, its bolts, and its bars, and repaired a thousand cubits of the wall, as far as the Dung Gate.

rsv@Nehemiah:3:14 @ Malchi'jah the son of Rechab, ruler of the district of Beth-hacche'rem, repaired the Dung Gate; he rebuilt it and set its doors, its bolts, and its bars.

rsv@Nehemiah:3:15 @ And Shallum the son of Colho'zeh, ruler of the district of Mizpah, repaired the Fountain Gate; he rebuilt it and covered it and set its doors, its bolts, and its bars; and he built the wall of the Pool of Shelah of the king's garden, as far as the stairs that go down from the City of David.

rsv@Nehemiah:3:28 @ Above the Horse Gate the priests repaired, each one opposite his own house.

rsv@Nehemiah:4:13 @ So in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, in open places, I stationed the people according to their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.

rsv@Nehemiah:4:16 @ From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail; and the leaders stood behind all the house of Judah,

rsv@Nehemiah:4:17 @ who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were laden in such a way that each with one hand labored on the work and with the other held his weapon.

rsv@Nehemiah:4:21 @ So we labored at the work, and half of them held the spears from the break of dawn till the stars came out.

rsv@Nehemiah:4:22 @ I also said to the people at that time, "Let every man and his servant pass the night within Jerusalem, that they may be a guard for us by night and may labor by day."

rsv@Nehemiah:5:4 @ And there were those who said, "We have borrowed money for the king's tax upon our fields and our vineyards.

rsv@Nehemiah:5:8 @ and said to them, "We, as far as we are able, have bought back our Jewish brethren who have been sold to the nations; but you even sell your brethren that they may be sold to us!" They were silent, and could not find a word to say.

rsv@Nehemiah:5:13 @ I also shook out my lap and said, "So may God shake out every man from his house and from his labor who does not perform this promise. So may he be shaken out and emptied." And all the assembly said "Amen" and praised the LORD. And the people did as they had promised.

rsv@Nehemiah:5:17 @ Moreover there were at my table a hundred and fifty men, Jews and officials, besides those who came to us from the nations which were about us.

rsv@Nehemiah:6:16 @ And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations round about us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem; for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.

rsv@Nehemiah:6:18 @ For many in Judah were bound by oath to him, because he was the son-in-law of Shecani'ah the son of Arah: and his son Jehoha'nan had taken the daughter of Meshul'lam the son of Berechi'ah as his wife.

rsv@Nehemiah:7:5 @ Then God put it into my mind to assemble the nobles and the officials and the people to be enrolled by genealogy. And I found the book of the genealogy of those who came up at the first, and I found written in it:

rsv@Nehemiah:7:33 @ The men of the other Nebo, fifty-two.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:1 @ And all the people gathered as one man into the square before the Water Gate; and they told Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the LORD had given to Israel.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:2 @ And Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly, both men and women and all who could hear with understanding, on the first day of the seventh month.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:3 @ And he read from it facing the square before the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women and those who could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:5 @ And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was above all the people; and when he opened it all the people stood.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:6 @ And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God; and all the people answered, "Amen, Amen," lifting up their hands; and they bowed their heads and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:8 @ And they read from the book, from the law of God, clearly; and they gave the sense, so that the people understood the reading.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:14 @ And they found it written in the law that the LORD had commanded by Moses that the people of Israel should dwell in booths during the feast of the seventh month,

rsv@Nehemiah:8:15 @ and that they should publish and proclaim in all their towns and in Jerusalem, "Go out to the hills and bring branches of olive, wild olive, myrtle, palm, and other leafy trees to make booths, as it is written."

rsv@Nehemiah:8:16 @ So the people went out and brought them and made booths for themselves, each on his roof, and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God, and in the square at the Water Gate and in the square at the Gate of E'phraim.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:17 @ And all the assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and dwelt in the booths; for from the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day the people of Israel had not done so. And there was very great rejoicing.

rsv@Nehemiah:8:18 @ And day by day, from the first day to the last day, he read from the book of the law of God. They kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day there was a solemn assembly, according to the ordinance.

rsv@Nehemiah:9:3 @ And they stood up in their place and read from the book of the law of the LORD their God for a fourth of the day; for another fourth of it they made confession and worshiped the LORD their God.

rsv@Nehemiah:9:5 @ Then the Levites, Jeshua, Kad'mi-el, Bani, Hashabnei'ah, Sherebi'ah, Hodi'ah, Shebani'ah, and Pethahi'ah, said, "Stand up and bless the LORD your God from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be thy glorious name which is exalted above all blessing and praise."

rsv@Nehemiah:9:17 @ they refused to obey, and were not mindful of the wonders which thou didst perform among them; but they stiffened their neck and appointed a leader to return to their bondage in Egypt. But thou art a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and didst not forsake them.

rsv@Nehemiah:9:22 @ And thou didst give them kingdoms and peoples, and didst allot to them every corner; so they took possession of the land of Sihon king of Heshbon and the land of Og king of Bashan.

rsv@Nehemiah:9:29 @ And thou didst warn them in order to turn them back to thy law. Yet they acted presumptuously and did not obey thy commandments, but sinned against thy ordinances, by the observance of which a man shall live, and turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck and would not obey.

rsv@Nehemiah:9:37 @ And its rich yield goes to the kings whom thou hast set over us because of our sins; they have power also over our bodies and over our cattle at their pleasure, and we are in great distress."

rsv@Nehemiah:10:36 @ also to bring to the house of our God, to the priests who minister in the house of our God, the first-born of our sons and of our cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings of our herds and of our flocks;

rsv@Nehemiah:11:25 @ And as for the villages, with their fields, some of the people of Judah lived in Kir'iath-ar'ba and its villages, and in Dibon and its villages, and in Jekab'zeel and its villages,

rsv@Nehemiah:11:34 @ Hadid, Zebo'im, Nebal'lat,

rsv@Nehemiah:12:23 @ The sons of Levi, heads of fathers' houses, were written in the Book of the Chronicles until the days of Joha'nan the son of Eli'ashib.

rsv@Nehemiah:12:37 @ At the Fountain Gate they went up straight before them by the stairs of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, to the Water Gate on the east.

rsv@Nehemiah:12:38 @ The other company of those who gave thanks went to the left, and I followed them with half of the people, upon the wall, above the Tower of the Ovens, to the Broad Wall,

rsv@Nehemiah:12:39 @ and above the Gate of E'phraim, and by the Old Gate, and by the Fish Gate and the Tower of Hanan'el and the Tower of the Hundred, to the Sheep Gate; and they came to a halt at the Gate of the Guard.

rsv@Nehemiah:12:40 @ So both companies of those who gave thanks stood in the house of God, and I and half of the officials with me;

rsv@Nehemiah:13:1 @ On that day they read from the book of Moses in the hearing of the people; and in it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever enter the assembly of God;

rsv@Esther:1:5 @ And when these days were completed, the king gave for all the people present in Susa the capital, both great and small, a banquet lasting for seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.

rsv@Esther:1:7 @ Drinks were served in golden goblets, goblets of different kinds, and the royal wine was lavished according to the bounty of the king.

rsv@Esther:1:10 @ On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehu'man, Biztha, Harbo'na, Bigtha and Abag'tha, Zethar and Carkas, the seven eunuchs who served King Ahasu-e'rus as chamberlains,

rsv@Esther:2:23 @ When the affair was investigated and found to be so, the men were both hanged on the gallows. And it was recorded in the Book of the Chronicles in the presence of the king.

rsv@Esther:3:1 @ After these things King Ahasu-e'rus promoted Haman the Ag'agite, the son of Hammeda'tha, and advanced him and set his seat above all the princes who were with him.

rsv@Esther:3:2 @ And all the king's servants who were at the king's gate bowed down and did obeisance to Haman; for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mor'decai did not bow down or do obeisance.

rsv@Esther:3:5 @ And when Haman saw that Mor'decai did not bow down or do obeisance to him, Haman was filled with fury.

rsv@Esther:5:11 @ And Haman recounted to them the splendor of his riches, the number of his sons, all the promotions with which the king had honored him, and how he had advanced him above the princes and the servants of the king.

rsv@Esther:6:1 @ On that night the king could not sleep; and he gave orders to bring the book of memorable deeds, the chronicles, and they were read before the king.

rsv@Esther:6:2 @ And it was found written how Mor'decai had told about Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's eunuchs, who guarded the threshold, and who had sought to lay hands upon King Ahasu-e'rus.

rsv@Esther:6:4 @ And the king said, "Who is in the court?" Now Haman had just entered the outer court of the king's palace to speak to the king about having Mor'decai hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for him.

rsv@Esther:7:9 @ Then said Harbo'na, one of the eunuchs in attendance on the king, "Moreover, the gallows which Haman has prepared for Mor'decai, whose word saved the king, is standing in Haman's house, fifty cubits high."

rsv@Esther:9:1 @ Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's command and edict were about to be executed, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to get the mastery over them, but which had been changed to a day when the Jews should get the mastery over their foes,

rsv@Esther:9:20 @ And Mor'decai recorded these things, and sent letters to all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Ahasu-e'rus, both near and far,

rsv@Esther:9:29 @ Then Queen Esther, the daughter of Ab'ihail, and Mor'decai the Jew gave full written authority, confirming this second letter about Purim.

rsv@Esther:10:2 @ And all the acts of his power and might, and the full account of the high honor of Mor'decai, to which the king advanced him, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia?

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