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OT-LAW.filter - lesserot bread:

lesserot@Genesis:3:19 @ In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

lesserot@Genesis:6:15 @ And this is the manner in which thou shalt make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

lesserot@Genesis:13:17 @ Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for unto thee will I give it.

lesserot@Genesis:14:18 @ And Malkizidek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine; and he was a priest of the most high God.

lesserot@Genesis:18:5 @ And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your heart, after that ye may pass on; since ye have once passed by your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast spoken.

lesserot@Genesis:19:3 @ And he pressed upon them greatly, and they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread, and they did eat.

lesserot@Genesis:21:14 @ And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it onto her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away; and she departed, and wandered astray in the wilderness of Beer–sheba.

lesserot@Genesis:25:34 @ Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles, and he did eat and drink, and he rose up, and went his way; thus Esau despised the birthright.

lesserot@Genesis:27:17 @ And she gave the savory food and bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of Jacob her son.

lesserot@Genesis:28:20 @ And Jacob made a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me on this way which I am going, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

lesserot@Genesis:31:54 @ Then Jacob slew some cattle upon the mount, and called his brethren to eat bread; and they did eat bread, and tarried all night on the mount.

lesserot@Genesis:37:25 @ And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmaelites was coming from Gilead; and their camels were bearing spicery, and balm, and lotus, going to carry it down to Egypt.

lesserot@Genesis:39:6 @ And he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand; and he troubled himself not about aught he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was handsome in form and handsome in appearance.

lesserot@Genesis:40:16 @ And when the chief of the bakers saw that he had well interpreted, he said unto Joseph, I also in my dream, and, behold, I had three baskets with fine bread on my head:

lesserot@Genesis:41:54 @ And the seven years of famine began to come, just as Joseph had said; and there was famine in all the countries, but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.

lesserot@Genesis:41:55 @ And when all the land of Egypt also felt hunger, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do.

lesserot@Genesis:43:25 @ And they made ready the present before Joseph came home at noon; for they had heard that they should eat bread there.

lesserot@Genesis:43:31 @ And he washed his face, and came out, and refrained himself, and said, Set on the bread.

lesserot@Genesis:43:32 @ And they set on for him by himself, and for them by themselves; and for the Egyptians, who did eat with him, by themselves; because the Egyptians may not eat bread with the Hebrews; for that is an abomination unto the Egyptians.

lesserot@Genesis:45:23 @ And to his father he sent after this manner: ten asses laden with the best things of Egypt, and ten she–asses laden with corn and bread and other food for his father, for the journey.

lesserot@Genesis:47:12 @ And Joseph supplied his father, and his brothers, and all his father’s household, with bread, in proportion to their families.

lesserot@Genesis:47:13 @ And there was no bread in all the land: for the famine was very sore; and the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine.

lesserot@Genesis:47:15 @ And when the money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, Give us bread, for why should we die in thy presence, since the money is all gone?

lesserot@Genesis:47:17 @ And they brought their cattle unto Joseph; and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for the flocks of sheep, and for the herds of cattle, and for the asses; and he supplied them with bread for all their cattle for that year.

lesserot@Genesis:47:19 @ Wherefore shall we die before thy eyes, both we and our land? buy us and our land for bread; and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh; and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, and that the land be not rendered desolate.

lesserot@Genesis:49:20 @ Out of Asher cometh fat bread, and he shall yield royal dainties.

lesserot@Exodus:2:20 @ And he said unto his daughters, And where is he? wherefore have ye left the man? call him, that he may eat bread.

lesserot@Exodus:12:8 @ And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted by the fire, with unleavened bread; together with bitter herbs shall they eat it.

lesserot@Exodus:12:15 @ Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; but on the first day ye shall have put away leaven out of your houses; for whosoever eateth leavened bread, that soul shall be cut off from Israel, from the first day until the seventh day.

lesserot@Exodus:12:17 @ And ye shall observe the unleavened bread; for on this selfsame day have I brought forth your armies out of the land of Egypt; therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations as an ordinance for ever.

lesserot@Exodus:12:18 @ In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, shall ye eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at evening.

lesserot@Exodus:12:20 @ Nothing that is leavened shall ye eat; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.

lesserot@Exodus:13:3 @ And Moses said unto the people, Remember this day, on which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of slavery; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from here: and no leavened bread shall be eaten.

lesserot@Exodus:13:6 @ Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day shall be a feast to the Lord.

lesserot@Exodus:13:7 @ Unleavened bread shall be eaten these seven days; and there shall not be seen with thee any leavened bread, neither shall there be seen with thee any leaven in all thy boundaries.

lesserot@Exodus:16:3 @ And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh–pot, when we ate bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.

lesserot@Exodus:16:4 @ Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will let rain for you bread from heaven; and the people shall go out and gather a certain portion every day, in order that I may prove it, whether it will walk in my law, or not.

lesserot@Exodus:16:8 @ And Moses said, When the Lord giveth you in the evening flesh to eat, and bread in the morning to the full; since the Lord heareth your murmurings which ye murmur against him:––what are we then? not against us are your murmurings, but against the Lord.

lesserot@Exodus:16:12 @ I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: speak unto them, saying, Toward evening ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread; and ye shall know that I am the Eternal your God.

lesserot@Exodus:16:15 @ And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna, for they knew not what it was; and Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat.

lesserot@Exodus:16:22 @ And it came to pass on the sixth day, that they gathered twofold bread, two omers for every one; all the rulers of the congregation came and told it to Moses.

lesserot@Exodus:16:29 @ See, that the Lord hath given you the sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day bread for two days; remain ye, every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.

lesserot@Exodus:16:32 @ And Moses said, This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded, One omer–full of it is to be kept for your generations; in order that they may see the bread which I gave you to eat in the wilderness, when I brought you forth out of the land of Egypt.

lesserot@Exodus:18:12 @ And Jithro, the father–in–law of Moses, offered a burnt–offering and sacrifices unto God; and Aaron came, with all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with the father–in–law of Moses, before God.

lesserot@Exodus:23:15 @ The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month of Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty.

lesserot@Exodus:23:18 @ Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread; neither shall the fat of my festive sacrifice remain until morning.

lesserot@Exodus:23:25 @ And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will remove sickness from the midst of thee.

lesserot@Exodus:25:10 @ And they shall make an ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height.

lesserot@Exodus:25:17 @ And thou shalt make a cover of pure gold; two cubits and a half shall be its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth.

lesserot@Exodus:25:23 @ Thou shalt also make a table of shittim wood; two cubits shall be its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height.

lesserot@Exodus:25:25 @ And thou shalt make unto it a rim of a hand’s breadth round about; and thou shalt make a golden crown on its rim round about.

lesserot@Exodus:25:30 @ And thou shalt set upon the table show–bread before me always.

lesserot@Exodus:26:2 @ The length of each curtain shall be eight and twenty cubits, and the breadth of each curtain four cubits: there shall be one measure for all the curtains.

lesserot@Exodus:26:8 @ The length of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of each curtain four cubits: there shall be one measure for the eleven curtains.

lesserot@Exodus:26:16 @ Ten cubits shall be the length of each board, and a cubit and a half shall be the breadth of each one board.

lesserot@Exodus:27:12 @ And the breadth of the court on the west side shall be fifty cubits of hangings; their pillars shall be ten, and their sockets ten.

lesserot@Exodus:27:13 @ And the breadth of the court on the front side, eastward, shall be fifty cubits.

lesserot@Exodus:27:18 @ The length of the court shall be one hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty by fifty, and the height five cubits, of twisted linen, and the sockets for the same of copper.

lesserot@Exodus:28:16 @ Four–square shall it be, double; a span in length, and a span in breadth.

lesserot@Exodus:29:2 @ And unleavened bread, and unleavened cakes, mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers, anointed with oil; of fine wheaten flour shalt thou make them.

lesserot@Exodus:29:23 @ And one loaf of bread, and one cake of the oiled bread, and one wafer, out of the basket of the unleavened bread that is before the Lord.

lesserot@Exodus:29:32 @ And Aaron with his sons shall eat the flesh of the ram, and the bread that is in the basket, by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

lesserot@Exodus:29:34 @ And if aught of the flesh of the consecration sacrifice, or of the bread, remain unto the morning, then shalt thou burn the remainder with fire; it shall not be eaten, because it is holy.

lesserot@Exodus:30:2 @ A cubit shall be its length, and a cubit its breadth, foursquare shall it be; and two cubits shall be its height; from itself shall its horns be.

lesserot@Exodus:34:18 @ The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, as I have commanded thee, in the time of the month of Abib; for in the month of Abib thou wentest forth out of Egypt.

lesserot@Exodus:34:28 @ And he remained there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; bread he did not eat, and water he did not drink; and he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.

lesserot@Exodus:35:13 @ The table, and its staves, and all its vessels, and the showbread;

lesserot@Exodus:36:9 @ The length of each curtain was twenty–eight cubits, and the breadth of each curtain four cubits: there was one measure for all the curtains.

lesserot@Exodus:36:15 @ The length of each curtain was thirty cubits, and four cubits was the breadth of each curtain: there was one measure for the eleven curtains.

lesserot@Exodus:36:21 @ Ten cubits was the length of each board, and one cubit and a half was the breadth of each one board.

lesserot@Exodus:37:1 @ And Bezalel made the ark of shittim wood: two cubits and a half was its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height.

lesserot@Exodus:37:6 @ And he made a cover of pure gold: two cubits and a half was its length, and one cubit and a half its breadth.

lesserot@Exodus:37:10 @ And he made the table of shittim wood: two cubits was its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height;

lesserot@Exodus:37:12 @ And he made unto it a rim of a hand’s breadth round about, and made a golden crown on its rim round about.

lesserot@Exodus:37:25 @ And he made the altar of incense of shittim wood: its length was a cubit, and its breadth a cubit; it was foursquare, and two cubits was its height; from itself were its horns.

lesserot@Exodus:38:1 @ And he made the altar of burnt–offering of shittim wood: five cubits was its length, and five cubits its breadth; it was foursquare, and three cubits was its height.

lesserot@Exodus:38:18 @ And the hanging for the gate of the court was the work of the embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet yarn, and twisted linen; and twenty cubits was the length, and the height, in the breadth, was five cubits, answering to the hangings of the court.

lesserot@Exodus:39:9 @ It was foursquare, double did they make the breastplate: it was a span in length, and a span in breadth, double.

lesserot@Exodus:39:36 @ The table, and all its vessels, and the showbread;

lesserot@Exodus:40:4 @ And thou shalt bring in the table, and arrange the order of the showbread upon it; and thou shalt bring in the candlestick, and light the lamps thereof.

lesserot@Exodus:40:23 @ And he arranged upon it the order of bread before the Lord; as the Lord had commanded Moses.

lesserot@Leviticus:7:13 @ Together with cakes of leavened bread shall he bring his offering, with the sacrifice of his thanksgiving peace–offering.

lesserot@Leviticus:8:2 @ Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and the bullock for the sin–offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread;

lesserot@Leviticus:8:26 @ And out of the basket of unleavened bread, that was before the Lord, he took one unleavened cake, and one cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and he put them on the fat, and upon the right shoulder;

lesserot@Leviticus:8:31 @ And Moses said unto Aaron and to his sons, Boil ye the flesh at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation; and there shall ye eat it with the bread that is in the basket of the consecration; as I have commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons shall eat it.

lesserot@Leviticus:8:32 @ And that which is left of the flesh and of the bread shall ye burn with fire.

lesserot@Leviticus:21:6 @ Holy shall they be unto their God, and they shall not profane the name of their God; for the fire–offerings of the Lord, the bread of their God, do they offer, they shall therefore be holy.

lesserot@Leviticus:21:8 @ And thou shalt sanctify him; for the bread of thy God doth he offer: holy shall he be unto thee; for I the Lord, who sanctify you, am holy.

lesserot@Leviticus:21:17 @ Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever of thy seed in their generations it be on whom there is any blemish, shall not approach to offer the bread of his God.

lesserot@Leviticus:21:21 @ Every man on whom there is a blemish, of the seed of Aaron the priest, shall not come nigh to offer the fire–offerings of the Lord: there is a blemish on him; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

lesserot@Leviticus:22:11 @ But if a priest buy a person with his money, then may he eat of it; and those that are born in his house, may eat of his bread.

lesserot@Leviticus:22:13 @ But the daughter of a priest, if she be a widow, or divorced, and have no child, and is returned unto her father’s house, as in her youth, may eat of her father’s bread; but no stranger shall eat thereof.

lesserot@Leviticus:22:25 @ And from a stranger’s hand shall ye not offer the bread of your God from any of these; because their corruption is on them, a bodily defect is on them: they shall not be favorably received for you.

lesserot@Leviticus:23:6 @ And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord: seven days must ye eat unleavened bread.

lesserot@Leviticus:23:14 @ And neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, shall ye eat, until the self–same day, until ye have brought the offering of your God: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.

lesserot@Leviticus:23:18 @ And ye shall offer with the bread seven sheep without blemish of the first year, and one young bullock, and two rams: they shall be for a burnt–offering unto the Lord, with their meat–offering, with their drink–offerings, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the Lord.

lesserot@Leviticus:23:20 @ And the priest shall make with them together with the bread of the first–fruits a waving before the Lord, together with the two sheep; holy shall they be to the Lord for the priest.

lesserot@Leviticus:24:7 @ And thou shalt put upon each row pure frankincense, that it may be unto the bread for a memorial, as a fire–offering unto the Lord.

lesserot@Leviticus:26:5 @ And the threshing shall reach with you unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto sowing–time; and ye shall eat your bread to the full, and ye shall dwell in safety in your land.

lesserot@Leviticus:26:26 @ When I break unto you the staff of bread; and ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver your bread again by weight; and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.

lesserot@Numbers:4:7 @ And over the table of the showbread shall they spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the tubes, and the staves of the covering; and the continual bread shall be thereon:

lesserot@Numbers:6:15 @ And a basket of unleavened bread, cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil; and their meat–offering, and their drink–offerings.

lesserot@Numbers:6:17 @ And the ram shall he prepare for a sacrifice of peace–offering unto the Lord, with the basket of unleavened bread; and the priest shall prepare his meat–offering and his drink–offering.

lesserot@Numbers:9:11 @ In the second month on the fourteenth day toward evening shall they prepare it, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs shall they eat it.

lesserot@Numbers:14:9 @ Only against the Lord do ye not rebel; and then ye need not fear the people of the land; for they are our bread: their shadow is departed from them, while the Lord is with us; fear them not.

lesserot@Numbers:15:19 @ Then shall it be, that, when ye eat of the bread of the land, ye shall set aside a heave–offering unto the Lord.

lesserot@Numbers:21:5 @ And the people spoke against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, and there is no water; and our soul loatheth this miserable bread.

lesserot@Numbers:28:2 @ Command the children of Israel, and say unto them, My offering, my bread for my sacrifices consumed by fire, for a sweet savor unto me, shall ye observe to offer unto me in its due season.

lesserot@Numbers:28:17 @ And on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast; seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:2:5 @ Do not contend with them; for I will not give unto you of their land, even so much as a foot’s breadth; because unto Esau have I given mount Seir for an inheritance.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:3:11 @ For only ‘Og the king of Bashan had been left of the remnant of the Rephaim; behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; lo! it is in Rabbah of the children of ‘Ammon: nine cubits is its length, and four cubits its breadth, after the arm of a man.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:8:3 @ And he afflicted thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and he gave thee manna to eat, which thou knewest not, and which thy fathers had not known; in order that he might make thee know that not by bread alone man doth live, but by every thing that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:8:9 @ A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, wherein thou shalt not lack anything; a land the stones whereof are iron, and out of the mountains of which thou canst hew copper.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:9:9 @ When I was gone up into the mount to receive the tables of stone, the tables of the covenant which the Lord had made with you, and I abode on the mount forty days and forty nights, bread did I not eat, and water did I not drink.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:9:18 @ And I threw myself down before the Lord, as at the first, forty days and forty nights; bread did I not eat, and water did I not drink; on account of all your sins which ye had committed, in doing what is evil in the eyes of the Lord, to provoke him to anger.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:16:3 @ Thou shalt not eat therewith any leavened bread: seven days shalt thou eat therewith unleavened bread, the bread of affliction; for in haste didst thou go forth out of the land of Egypt; in order that thou mayest remember the day of thy going forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:16:8 @ Six days shalt thou eat unleavened bread; and on the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly to the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work.

lesserot@Deuteronomy:16:16 @ Three times in the year shall every one of thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he will choose: on the feast of unleavened bread, and on the feast of weeks, and on the feast of tabernacles; and no one shall appear before the Lord empty;