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nasb@Genesis:2:9 @Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

nasb@Genesis:6:11 @Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence.

nasb@Genesis:14:4 @He went in to Hagar, and she conceived; and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her sight.

nasb@Genesis:14:5 @And Sarai said to Abram, " May the wrong done me be upon you. I gave my maid into your arms, but when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her sight. May the LORD judge between you and me."

nasb@Genesis:14:6 @But Abram said to Sarai, "Behold, your maid is in your power; do to her what is good in your sight." So Sarai treated her harshly, and she fled from her presence.

nasb@Genesis:15:3 @and said, "My Lord, if now I have found favor in Your sight, please do not pass Your servant by.

nasb@Genesis:16:19" @Now behold, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have magnified your lovingkindness, which you have shown me by saving my life; but I cannot escape to the mountains, for the disaster will overtake me and I will die;

nasb@Genesis:20:4" @I am a stranger and a sojourner among you; give me a burial site among you that I may bury my dead out of my sight."

nasb@Genesis:20:8 @And he spoke with them, saying, "If it is your wish for me to bury my dead out of my sight, hear me, and approach Ephron the son of Zohar for me,

nasb@Genesis:24:12" @ Perhaps my father will feel me, then I will be as a deceiver in his sight, and I will bring upon myself a curse and not a blessing."

nasb@Genesis:26:41 @Moreover, whenever the stronger of the flock were mating, Jacob would place the rods in the sight of the flock in the gutters, so that they might mate by the rods;

nasb@Genesis:28:5 @I have oxen and donkeys and flocks and male and female servants; and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find favor in your sight."'"

nasb@Genesis:29:8 @And he said, "What do you mean by all this company which I have met?" And he said, " To find favor in the sight of my lord."

nasb@Genesis:29:10 @Jacob said, "No, please, if now I have found favor in your sight, then take my present from my hand, for I see your face as one sees the face of God, and you have received me favorably.

nasb@Genesis:29:15 @Esau said, "Please let me leave with you some of the people who are with me." But he said, " What need is there? Let me find favor in the sight of my lord."

nasb@Genesis:30:11 @Shechem also said to her father and to her brothers, "If I find favor in your sight, then I will give whatever you say to me.

nasb@Genesis:34:7 @But Er, Judah's firstborn, was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD took his life.

nasb@Genesis:34:10 @But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD; so He took his life also.

nasb@Genesis:35:4 @So Joseph found favor in his sight and became his personal servant; and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he owned he put in his charge.

nasb@Genesis:35:21 @But the LORD was with Joseph and extended kindness to him, and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer.

nasb@Genesis:39:14 @and may God Almighty grant you compassion in the sight of the man, so that he will release to you your other brother and Benjamin. And as for me, if I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved."

nasb@Genesis:42:25 @So they said, "You have saved our lives! Let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's slaves."

nasb@Genesis:42:29 @When the time for Israel to die drew near, he called his son Joseph and said to him, "Please, if I have found favor in your sight, place now your hand under my thigh and deal with me in kindness and faithfulness. Please do not bury me in Egypt,

nasb@Genesis:44:4 @When the days of mourning for him were past, Joseph spoke to the household of Pharaoh, saying, "If now I have found favor in your sight, please speak to Pharaoh, saying,

nasb@Exodus:3:3 @So Moses said, " I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up."

nasb@Exodus:3:21" @I will grant this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be that when you go, you will not go empty-handed.

nasb@Exodus:4:30 @and Aaron spoke all the words which the LORD had spoken to Moses. He then performed the signs in the sight of the people.

nasb@Exodus:5:21 @They said to them, " May the LORD look upon you and judge you, for you have made us odious in Pharaoh's sight and in the sight of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us."

nasb@Exodus:6:20 @So Moses and Aaron did even as the LORD had commanded. And he lifted up the staff and struck the water that was in the Nile, in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants, and all the water that was in the Nile was turned to blood.

nasb@Exodus:6:8 @Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Take for yourselves handfuls of soot from a kiln, and let Moses throw it toward the sky in the sight of Pharaoh.

nasb@Exodus:7:3 @The LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Furthermore, the man Moses himself was greatly esteemed in the land of Egypt, both in the sight of Pharaoh's servants and in the sight of the people.

nasb@Exodus:7:36 @and the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have their request. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.

nasb@Exodus:7:26 @And He said, " If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer."

nasb@Exodus:9:6" @Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink." And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

nasb@Exodus:11:11 @and let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day the LORD will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.

nasb@Exodus:11:8" @ You shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of the just.

nasb@Exodus:13:12 @Then Moses said to the LORD, "See, You say to me, ' Bring up this people!' But You Yourself have not let me know whom You will send with me. Moreover, You have said, 'I have known you by name, and you have also found favor in My sight.'

nasb@Exodus:13:13" @Now therefore, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too, that this nation is Your people."

nasb@Exodus:13:16" @For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are upon the face of the earth?"

nasb@Exodus:13:17 @The LORD said to Moses, "I will also do this thing of which you have spoken; for you have found favor in My sight and I have known you by name."

nasb@Exodus:13:9 @He said, " If now I have found favor in Your sight, O Lord, I pray, let the Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate, and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your own possession."

nasb@Exodus:17:38 @For throughout all their journeys, the cloud of the LORD was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.

nasb@Leviticus:6:19 @But Aaron spoke to Moses, "Behold, this very day they presented their sin offering and their burnt offering before the LORD. When things like these happened to me, if I had eaten a sin offering today, would it have been good in the sight of the LORD?"

nasb@Leviticus:6:20 @When Moses heard that, it seemed good in his sight.

nasb@Leviticus:6:37" @If in his sight the scale has remained, however, and black hair has grown in it, the scale has healed, he is clean; and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

nasb@Leviticus:7:17 @' If there is a man who takes his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, so that he sees her nakedness and she sees his nakedness, it is a disgrace; and they shall be cut off in the sight of the sons of their people. He has uncovered his sister's nakedness; he bears his guilt.

nasb@Leviticus:8:53 @'Like a man hired year by year he shall be with him; he shall not rule over him with severity in your sight.

nasb@Leviticus:9:45 @'But I will remember for them the covenant with their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God. I am the LORD.'"

nasb@Numbers:2:32 @and Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest was the chief of the leaders of Levi, and had the oversight of those who perform the duties of the sanctuary.

nasb@Numbers:4:11 @So Moses said to the LORD, "Why have You been so hard on Your servant? And why have I not found favor in Your sight, that You have laid the burden of all this people on me?

nasb@Numbers:4:15" @ So if You are going to deal thus with me, please kill me at once, if I have found favor in Your sight, and do not let me see my wretchedness."

nasb@Numbers:5:33" @There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."

nasb@Numbers:7:5 @'Then the heifer shall be burned in his sight; its hide and its flesh and its blood, with its refuse, shall be burned.

nasb@Numbers:8:12 @But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, " Because you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them."

nasb@Numbers:8:27 @So Moses did just as the LORD had commanded, and they went up to Mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation.

nasb@Numbers:13:6 @Then behold, one of the sons of Israel came and brought to his relatives a Midianite woman, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the doorway of the tent of meeting.

nasb@Numbers:14:19 @and have him stand before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation, and commission him in their sight.

nasb@Numbers:16:5 @They said, "If we have found favor in your sight, let this land be given to your servants as a possession; do not take us across the Jordan."

nasb@Numbers:16:13" @ So the LORD'S anger burned against Israel, and He made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until the entire generation of those who had done evil in the sight of the LORD was destroyed.

nasb@Numbers:17:3 @They journeyed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the next day after the Passover the sons of Israel started out boldly in the sight of all the Egyptians,

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:6" @So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, 'Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:25" @When you become the father of children and children's children and have remained long in the land, and act corruptly, and make an idol in the form of anything, and do that which is evil in the sight of the LORD your God so as to provoke Him to anger,

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:18" @You shall do what is right and good in the sight of the LORD, that it may be well with you and that you may go in and possess the good land which the LORD swore to give your fathers,

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:18" @ I fell down before the LORD, as at the first, forty days and nights; I neither ate bread nor drank water, because of all your sin which you had committed in doing what was evil in the sight of the LORD to provoke Him to anger.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:25" @You shall not eat it, so that it may be well with you and your sons after you, for you will be doing what is right in the sight of the LORD.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:28" @Be careful to listen to all these words which I command you, so that it may be well with you and your sons after you forever, for you will be doing what is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:18 @if you will listen to the voice of the LORD your God, keeping all His commandments which I am commanding you today, and doing what is right in the sight of the LORD your God.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:2" @ If there is found in your midst, in any of your towns, which the LORD your God is giving you, a man or a woman who does what is evil in the sight of the LORD your God, by transgressing His covenant,

nasb@Deuteronomy:10:9 @then his brother's wife shall come to him in the sight of the elders, and pull his sandal off his foot and spit in his face; and she shall declare, 'Thus it is done to the man who does not build up his brother's house.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:34" @You shall be driven mad by the sight of what you see.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:67" @ In the morning you shall say, 'Would that it were evening!' And at evening you shall say, 'Would that it were morning!' because of the dread of your heart which you dread, and for the sight of your eyes which you will see.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:7 @Then Moses called to Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, " Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people into the land which the LORD has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall give it to them as an inheritance.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:29" @For I know that after my death you will act corruptly and turn from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days, for you will do that which is evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger with the work of your hands."

nasb@Deuteronomy:16:12 @and for all the mighty power and for all the great terror which Moses performed in the sight of all Israel.