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nasb@Job:2:3 @The LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man fearing God and turning away from evil. And he still holds fast his integrity, although you incited Me against him to ruin him without cause."

nasb@Job:3:18 @' He puts no trust even in His servants; And against His angels He charges error.

nasb@Job:3:4" @For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, Their poison my spirit drinks; The terrors of God are arrayed against me.

nasb@Job:3:4" @ If your sons sinned against Him, Then He delivered them into the power of their transgression.

nasb@Job:3:16 @'Should my head be lifted up, You would hunt me like a lion; And again You would show Your power against me.

nasb@Job:3:17 @'You renew Your witnesses against me And increase Your anger toward me; Hardship after hardship is with me.

nasb@Job:3:5" @But would that God might speak, And open His lips against you,

nasb@Job:3:26" @For You write bitter things against me And make me to inherit the iniquities of my youth.

nasb@Job:3:6" @Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; And your own lips testify against you.

nasb@Job:3:13 @That you should turn your spirit against God And allow such words to go out of your mouth?

nasb@Job:3:25 @Because he has stretched out his hand against God And conducts himself arrogantly against the Almighty.

nasb@Job:3:4" @I too could speak like you, If I were in your place. I could compose words against you And shake my head at you.

nasb@Job:3:8" @You have shriveled me up, It has become a witness; And my leanness rises up against me, It testifies to my face.

nasb@Job:3:10" @They have gaped at me with their mouth, They have slapped me on the cheek with contempt; They have massed themselves against me.

nasb@Job:3:5" @He who informs against friends for a share of the spoil, The eyes of his children also will languish.

nasb@Job:3:8" @The upright will be appalled at this, And the innocent will stir up himself against the godless.

nasb@Job:3:5" @If indeed you vaunt yourselves against me And prove my disgrace to me,

nasb@Job:3:11" @He has also kindled His anger against me And considered me as His enemy.

nasb@Job:3:12" @His troops come together, And build up their way against me And camp around my tent.

nasb@Job:3:18" @Even young children despise me; I rise up and they speak against me.

nasb@Job:3:19" @All my associates abhor me, And those I love have turned against me.

nasb@Job:3:28" @If you say, 'How shall we persecute him?' And 'What pretext for a case against him can we find?'

nasb@Job:3:22" @In the fullness of his plenty he will be cramped; The hand of everyone who suffers will come against him.

nasb@Job:3:27" @The heavens will reveal his iniquity, And the earth will rise up against him.

nasb@Job:3:4" @Is it because of your reverence that He reproves you, That He enters into judgment against you?

nasb@Job:3:7" @ They spend the night naked, without clothing, And have no covering against the cold.

nasb@Job:3:9" @Others snatch the orphan from the breast, And against the poor they take a pledge.

nasb@Job:3:13" @Others have been with those who rebel against the light; They do not want to know its ways Nor abide in its paths.

nasb@Job:3:5" @They are driven from the community; They shout against them as against a thief,

nasb@Job:3:12" @On the right hand their brood arises; They thrust aside my feet and build up against me their ways of destruction.

nasb@Job:3:15" @ Terrors are turned against me; They pursue my honor as the wind, And my prosperity has passed away like a cloud.

nasb@Job:3:20" @I cry out to You for help, but You do not answer me; I stand up, and You turn Your attention against me.

nasb@Job:3:13" @If I have despised the claim of my male or female slaves When they filed a complaint against me,

nasb@Job:3:21 @If I have lifted up my hand against the orphan, Because I saw I had support in the gate,

nasb@Job:3:38" @If my land cries out against me, And its furrows weep together;

nasb@Job:4:2 @But the anger of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram burned; against Job his anger burned because he justified himself before God.

nasb@Job:4:3 @And his anger burned against his three friends because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job.

nasb@Job:4:14" @For he has not arranged his words against me, Nor will I reply to him with your arguments.

nasb@Job:4:10 @'Behold, He invents pretexts against me; He counts me as His enemy.

nasb@Job:4:13" @Why do you complain against Him That He does not give an account of all His doings?

nasb@Job:4:37 @'For he adds rebellion to his sin; He claps his hands among us, And multiplies his words against God.'"

nasb@Job:4:6" @If you have sinned, what do you accomplish against Him? And if your transgressions are many, what do you do to Him?

nasb@Job:4:23" @The quiver rattles against him, The flashing spear and javelin.

nasb@Job:4:7 @It came about after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, that the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends, because you have not spoken of Me what is right as My servant Job has.

nasb@Psalms:2:2 @The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,

nasb@Psalms:3:1 @O LORD, how my adversaries have increased! Many are rising up against me.

nasb@Psalms:3:6 @I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set themselves against me round about.

nasb@Psalms:5:10 @Hold them guilty, O God; By their own devices let them fall! In the multitude of their transgressions thrust them out, For they are rebellious against You.

nasb@Psalms:7:6 @Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; Lift up Yourself against the rage of my adversaries, And arouse Yourself for me; You have appointed judgment.

nasb@Psalms:15:3 @He does not slander with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor takes up a reproach against his friend;

nasb@Psalms:15:5 @He does not put out his money at interest, Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.

nasb@Psalms:17:7 @Wondrously show Your lovingkindness, O Savior of those who take refuge at Your right hand From those who rise up against them.

nasb@Psalms:18:39 @For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.

nasb@Psalms:18:48 @He delivers me from my enemies; Surely You lift me above those who rise up against me; You rescue me from the violent man.

nasb@Psalms:21:11 @Though they intended evil against You And devised a plot, They will not succeed.

nasb@Psalms:27:3 @Though a host encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, In spite of this I shall be confident.

nasb@Psalms:27:12 @Do not deliver me over to the desire of my adversaries, For false witnesses have risen against me, And such as breathe out violence.

nasb@Psalms:31:13 @For I have heard the slander of many, Terror is on every side; While they took counsel together against me, They schemed to take away my life.

nasb@Psalms:31:18 @Let the lying lips be mute, Which speak arrogantly against the righteous With pride and contempt.

nasb@Psalms:34:16 @The face of the LORD is against evildoers, To cut off the memory of them from the earth.

nasb@Psalms:35:1 @Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; Fight against those who fight against me.

nasb@Psalms:35:4 @Let those be ashamed and dishonored who seek my life; Let those be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me.

nasb@Psalms:35:15 @But at my stumbling they rejoiced and gathered themselves together; The smiters whom I did not know gathered together against me, They slandered me without ceasing.

nasb@Psalms:35:20 @For they do not speak peace, But they devise deceitful words against those who are quiet in the land.

nasb@Psalms:35:21 @They opened their mouth wide against me; They said, " Aha, aha, our eyes have seen it!"

nasb@Psalms:37:12 @The wicked plots against the righteous And gnashes at him with his teeth.

nasb@Psalms:38:16 @For I said, "May they not rejoice over me, Who, when my foot slips, would magnify themselves against me."

nasb@Psalms:41:4 @As for me, I said, "O LORD, be gracious to me; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You."

nasb@Psalms:41:5 @My enemies speak evil against me, "When will he die, and his name perish?"

nasb@Psalms:41:7 @All who hate me whisper together against me; Against me they devise my hurt, saying,

nasb@Psalms:41:9 @Even my close friend in whom I trusted, Who ate my bread, Has lifted up his heel against me.

nasb@Psalms:43:1 @Vindicate me, O God, and plead my case against an ungodly nation; O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man!

nasb@Psalms:44:5 @Through You we will push back our adversaries; Through Your name we will trample down those who rise up against us.

nasb@Psalms:50:7" @ Hear, O My people, and I will speak; O Israel, I will testify against you; I am God, your God.

nasb@Psalms:50:20" @You sit and speak against your brother; You slander your own mother's son.

nasb@Psalms:51:4 @Against You, You only, I have sinned And done what is evil in Your sight, So that You are justified when You speak And blameless when You judge.

nasb@Psalms:53:5 @There they were in great fear where no fear had been; For God scattered the bones of him who encamped against you; You put them to shame, because God had rejected them.

nasb@Psalms:54:3 @For strangers have risen against me And violent men have sought my life; They have not set God before them. Selah.

nasb@Psalms:55:3 @Because of the voice of the enemy, Because of the pressure of the wicked; For they bring down trouble upon me And in anger they bear a grudge against me.

nasb@Psalms:55:12 @For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, Then I could bear it; Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, Then I could hide myself from him.

nasb@Psalms:55:18 @He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me, For they are many who strive with me.

nasb@Psalms:55:20 @He has put forth his hands against those who were at peace with him; He has violated his covenant.

nasb@Psalms:56:2 @My foes have trampled upon me all day long, For they are many who fight proudly against me.

nasb@Psalms:56:5 @All day long they distort my words; All their thoughts are against me for evil.

nasb@Psalms:59:1 @Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; Set me securely on high away from those who rise up against me.

nasb@Psalms:59:3 @For behold, they have set an ambush for my life; Fierce men launch an attack against me, Not for my transgression nor for my sin, O LORD,

nasb@Psalms:59:4 @For no guilt of mine, they run and set themselves against me. Arouse Yourself to help me, and see!

nasb@Psalms:60:11 @O give us help against the adversary, For deliverance by man is in vain.

nasb@Psalms:61:3 @For You have been a refuge for me, A tower of strength against the enemy.

nasb@Psalms:64:8 @So they will make him stumble; Their own tongue is against them; All who see them will shake the head.

nasb@Psalms:65:3 @Iniquities prevail against me; As for our transgressions, You forgive them.

nasb@Psalms:71:10 @For my enemies have spoken against me; And those who watch for my life have consulted together,

nasb@Psalms:73:9 @They have set their mouth against the heavens, And their tongue parades through the earth.

nasb@Psalms:74:1 @O God, why have You rejected us forever? Why does Your anger smoke against the sheep of Your pasture?

nasb@Psalms:74:23 @Do not forget the voice of Your adversaries, The uproar of those who rise against You which ascends continually.

nasb@Psalms:77:17 @Yet they still continued to sin against Him, To rebel against the Most High in the desert.

nasb@Psalms:77:19 @Then they spoke against God; They said, " Can God prepare a table in the wilderness?

nasb@Psalms:77:21 @Therefore the LORD heard and was full of wrath; And a fire was kindled against Jacob And anger also mounted against Israel,

nasb@Psalms:77:31 @The anger of God rose against them And killed some of their stoutest ones, And subdued the choice men of Israel.

nasb@Psalms:77:40 @How often they rebelled against Him in the wilderness And grieved Him in the desert!

nasb@Psalms:77:56 @Yet they tempted and rebelled against the Most High God And did not keep His testimonies,

nasb@Psalms:78:8 @Do not remember the iniquities of our forefathers against us; Let Your compassion come quickly to meet us, For we are brought very low.

nasb@Psalms:80:14" @I would quickly subdue their enemies And turn My hand against their adversaries.

nasb@Psalms:82:3 @They make shrewd plans against Your people, And conspire together against Your treasured ones.

nasb@Psalms:82:5 @For they have conspired together with one mind; Against You they make a covenant-

nasb@Psalms:85:14 @O God, arrogant men have risen up against me, And a band of violent men have sought my life, And they have not set You before them.

nasb@Psalms:88:38 @But You have cast off and rejected, You have been full of wrath against Your anointed.

nasb@Psalms:90:12 @They will bear you up in their hands, That you do not strike your foot against a stone.

nasb@Psalms:91:11 @And my eye has looked exultantly upon my foes, My ears hear of the evildoers who rise up against me.

nasb@Psalms:93:16 @Who will stand up for me against evildoers? Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness?

nasb@Psalms:93:21 @They band themselves together against the life of the righteous And condemn the innocent to death.

nasb@Psalms:104:28 @He sent darkness and made it dark; And they did not rebel against His words.

nasb@Psalms:105:33 @Because they were rebellious against His Spirit, He spoke rashly with his lips.

nasb@Psalms:105:40 @Therefore the anger of the LORD was kindled against His people And He abhorred His inheritance.

nasb@Psalms:106:11 @Because they had rebelled against the words of God And spurned the counsel of the Most High.

nasb@Psalms:107:12 @Oh give us help against the adversary, For deliverance by man is in vain.

nasb@Psalms:108:2 @For they have opened the wicked and deceitful mouth against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue.

nasb@Psalms:108:3 @They have also surrounded me with words of hatred, And fought against me without cause.

nasb@Psalms:108:20 @Let this be the reward of my accusers from the LORD, And of those who speak evil against my soul.

nasb@Psalms:118:11 @Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.

nasb@Psalms:118:23 @Even though princes sit and talk against me, Your servant meditates on Your statutes.

nasb@Psalms:118:69 @The arrogant have forged a lie against me; With all my heart I will observe Your precepts.

nasb@Psalms:122:2" @Had it not been the LORD who was on our side When men rose up against us,

nasb@Psalms:122:3 @Then they would have swallowed us alive, When their anger was kindled against us;

nasb@Psalms:126:2" @Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up; Yet they have not prevailed against me.

nasb@Psalms:128:2 @Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, My soul is like a weaned child within me.

nasb@Psalms:134:7 @Remember, O LORD, against the sons of Edom The day of Jerusalem, Who said, "Raze it, raze it To its very foundation."

nasb@Psalms:134:9 @How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

nasb@Psalms:135:7 @Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me.

nasb@Psalms:136:20 @For they speak against You wickedly, And Your enemies take Your name in vain.

nasb@Psalms:136:21 @Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

nasb@Psalms:138:5 @Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; It is oil upon the head; Do not let my head refuse it, For still my prayer is against their wicked deeds.

nasb@Proverbs:3:29 @Do not devise harm against your neighbor, While he lives securely beside you.

nasb@Proverbs:8:36" @But he who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death."

nasb@Proverbs:17:11 @A rebellious man seeks only evil, So a cruel messenger will be sent against him.

nasb@Proverbs:18:1 @He who separates himself seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all sound wisdom.

nasb@Proverbs:19:3 @The foolishness of man ruins his way, And his heart rages against the LORD.

nasb@Proverbs:21:30 @There is no wisdom and no understanding And no counsel against the LORD.

nasb@Proverbs:23:11 @For their Redeemer is strong; He will plead their case against you.

nasb@Proverbs:24:15 @Do not lie in wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; Do not destroy his resting place;

nasb@Proverbs:24:28 @Do not be a witness against your neighbor without cause, And do not deceive with your lips.

nasb@Proverbs:25:18 @Like a club and a sword and a sharp arrow Is a man who bears false witness against his neighbor.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:11 @Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:8:14 @There was a small city with few men in it and a great king came to it, surrounded it and constructed large siegeworks against it.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:9:4 @If the ruler's temper rises against you, do not abandon your position, because composure allays great offenses.

nasb@Songs:1:8" @All of them are wielders of the sword, Expert in war; Each man has his sword at his side, Guarding against the terrors of the night.