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dourh@Job:1:5 @ And when the days of their feasting were gone about, Job sent to them, and sanctified them: and rising up early offered holocausts for every one of them. For he said: Lest perhaps my sons have sinned, and have blessed God in their hearts. So did Job all days.

dourh@Job:1:8 @ And the Lord said to him: Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a simple and upright man, and fearing God, and avoiding evil?

dourh@Job:1:21 @ And said: Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it hath pleased the Lord so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord.

dourh@Job:2:3 @ And the Lord said to Satan: Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a man simple, and upright, and fearing Cod, and avoiding evil, and still keeping his innocence? But thou hast moved me against him, that I sho uld afflict him without cause.

dourh@Job:3:10 @ Because it shut not up the doors of the womb that bore me, nor took away evils from my eyes.

dourh@Job:3:13 @ For now I should have been asleep and still, and should have rest in my sleep.

dourh@Job:3:24 @ Before I eat I sigh: and as overflowing waters, so is my roaring:

dourh@Job:4:12 @ Now there was a word spoken to me in private, and my ears by stealth as it were received the veins of its whisper.

dourh@Job:4:14 @ Fear seized upon me, and trembling, and all my bones were affrighted:

dourh@Job:4:15 @ And when a spirit passed before me, the hair of my flesh stood up.

dourh@Job:4:16 @ There stood one whose countenance I knew not, an image before my eyes, and I heard the voice as it were of a gentle wind:

dourh@Job:5:8 @ Wherefore I will pray to the Lord, and address my speech to God:

dourh@Job:6:2 @ O that my sins, whereby I have deserved wrath, and the calamity that I suffer, were weighed in a balance.

dourh@Job:6:3 @ As the sand of the sea this would appear heavier: therefore my words are full of sorrow:

dourh@Job:6:4 @ For the arrows of the Lord are in me, the rage whereof drinketh up my spirit, and the terrors of the Lord war against me.

dourh@Job:6:7 @ The things which before my soul would not touch, now, through anguish are my meats.

dourh@Job:6:8 @ Who will grant that my request may come: and that God may give me what I look for?

dourh@Job:6:10 @ And that this may be my comfort, that afflicting me with sorrow, he spare not, nor I contradict the words of the Holy One.

dourh@Job:6:11 @ For what is my strength, that I can hold out? or what is my end that I should keep patience?

dourh@Job:6:12 @ My strength is not the strength of stones, nor is my flesh of brass.

dourh@Job:6:13 @ Behold there is no help for me in myself, and my familiar friends also are departed from me.

dourh@Job:6:15 @ My brethren have passed by me, as the torrent that passeth swiftly in the valleys.

dourh@Job:6:21 @ Now you are come: and now seeing my affliction you are afraid.

dourh@Job:6:23 @ Or deliver me from the hand of the enemy, and rescue me out of the hand of the mighty?

dourh@Job:6:24 @ Teach me, and I will hold my peace: and if I have been ignorant in any thing, instruct me.

dourh@Job:6:30 @ And you shall not And iniquity in my tongue, neither shall folly sound in my mouth.

dourh@Job:7:3 @ So I also have had empty months, and have numbered to myself wearisome nights.

dourh@Job:7:5 @ My flesh is clothed with rottenness and the filth of dust, my skin is withered and drawn together.

dourh@Job:7:6 @ My days have passed more swiftly than the web is cut by the weaver, and are consumed without any hope.

dourh@Job:7:7 @ Remember that my life is but wind, and my eyes shall not return to see good things.

dourh@Job:7:10 @ Nor shall he return my more into his house, neither shall his place know him any more.

dourh@Job:7:11 @ Wherefore I will not spare my month, I will speak in the affliction of my spirit: I will talk with the bitterness of my soul.

dourh@Job:7:13 @ If I say: My bed shall comfort me, and I shall be relieved speaking with myself on my couch:

dourh@Job:7:15 @ So that my soul rather chooseth hanging, and my bones death.

dourh@Job:7:16 @ I have done with hope, I shall now live no longer: spare me, for my days are nothing.

dourh@Job:7:19 @ How long wilt thou not spare me, nor suffer me to swallow down my spittle?

dourh@Job:7:20 @ I have sinned: what shall I do to thee, O keeper of men? why hast thou set me opposite to thee, and I am become burdensome to myself?

dourh@Job:7:21 @ Why dost thou not remove my sin, and why dost thou not take away my iniquity? Behold now I shall sleep in the dust: and if thou seek me in the morning, I shall not be.

dourh@Job:9:15 @ I, who although I should have any just thing, would not answer, but would make supplication to my judge.

dourh@Job:9:16 @ And if he should hear me when I call, I should not believe that he had heard my voice.

dourh@Job:9:17 @ For he shall crush me in a whirlwind, and multiply my wounds even without cause.

dourh@Job:9:18 @ He alloweth not my spirit to rest, and he filleth me with bitterness.

dourh@Job:9:20 @ If I would justify myself, my own mouth shall condemn me: if I would shew myself innocent, he shall prove me wicked.

dourh@Job:9:21 @ Although I should be simple, even this my soul shall be ignorant of, and I shall be weary of my life.

dourh@Job:9:25 @ My days have been swifter than a post: they have fled away and have not seen good.

dourh@Job:9:27 @ If I say: I will not speak so: I change my face, and am tormented with sorrow.

dourh@Job:9:28 @ I feared all my works, knowing that thou didst not spare the offender.

dourh@Job:9:30 @ If I be washed as it were with snow waters, and my hands shall shine ever so clean:

dourh@Job:9:31 @ Yet thou shalt plunge me in filth, and my garments shall abhor me,

dourh@Job:9:32 @ For I shall not answer a man that is like myself: nor one that may be heard with me equally in judgment.

dourh@Job:10:1 @ My soul is weary of my life, I will let go my speech against myself, I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.

dourh@Job:10:6 @ That thou shouldst inquire after my iniquity, and search after my sin?

dourh@Job:10:12 @ Thou hast granted me life and mercy, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.

dourh@Job:10:14 @ If I have sinned and thou hast spared me for an hour: why dost thou not suffer me to be clean from my iniquity?

dourh@Job:10:15 @ And if I be wicked, woe unto me: and if just, I shall not lift up my head, being filled with affliction and misery.

dourh@Job:10:20 @ Shall not the fewness of my days be ended shortly? suffer me, therefore, that I may lament my sorrow a little:

dourh@Job:11:4 @ For thou hast said: My word is pure, and I am clean in thy sight.

dourh@Job:13:1 @ Behold my eye hath seen all these things, and my ear hath heard them, and I have understood them all.

dourh@Job:13:6 @ Hear ye therefore my reproof, and attend to the judgment of my lips.

dourh@Job:13:13 @ Hold your peace a little while, that I may speak whatsoever my mind shall suggest to me.

dourh@Job:13:14 @ Why do I tear my flesh with my teeth, and carry my soul in my hands?

dourh@Job:13:15 @ Although he should bill me, I will trust in him: but yet I will reprove my ways in his sight.

dourh@Job:13:16 @ And he shall be my saviour: for no hypocrite shall come before his presence.

dourh@Job:13:17 @ Hear ye my speech, and receive with Sour ears hidden truths.

dourh@Job:13:19 @ Who is he that will plead against me? let him come: why am I consumed holding my peace?

dourh@Job:13:23 @ How many are my iniquities and sins? make me know my crimes and offences.

dourh@Job:13:24 @ Why hidest thou thy face, and thinkest me thy enemy?

dourh@Job:13:26 @ For thou writest bitter things against me, and wilt consume me for the sins of my youth.

dourh@Job:13:27 @ Thou hast put my feet in the stocks, and hast observed all my paths, and hast considered the steps of my feet:

dourh@Job:14:14 @ Shall man that is dead, thinkest thou, live again? all the days in which I am now in warfare, I expect until my change come.

dourh@Job:14:16 @ Thou indeed hast numbered my steps, but spare my sins.

dourh@Job:14:17 @ Thou hast sealed up my offences as it were in a bag, but hast cured my iniquity.

dourh@Job:16:4 @ I also could speak like you: and would God your soul were for my soul.

dourh@Job:16:5 @ I would comfort you also with words, and would wag my head over you.

dourh@Job:16:6 @ I would strengthen you with my mouth, and would move my lips, as sparing you.

dourh@Job:16:7 @ But what shall I do? If I speak, my pain will not rest: and if I hold my peace, it will not depart from me.

dourh@Job:16:8 @ But now my sorrow hath oppressed me, and all my limbs are brought to nothing.

dourh@Job:16:9 @ My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a false speaker riseth up against my face, contradicting me.

dourh@Job:16:10 @ He hath gathered together his fury against me, and threatening me he hath gnashed with his teeth upon me: my enemy hath beheld me with terrible eyes.

dourh@Job:16:11 @ They have opened their mouths upon me, and reproaching me they have struck me on the cheek, they are filled with my pains.

dourh@Job:16:13 @ I that was formerly so wealthy, am all on a sudden broken to pieces: he hath taken me by my neck, he hath broken me, and hath set me up to be his mark.

dourh@Job:16:14 @ He hath compassed me round about with his lances, he hath wounded my loins, he hath not spared, and hath poured out my bowels on the earth.

dourh@Job:16:16 @ I have sowed sackcloth upon my skin, and have covered my flesh with ashes.

dourh@Job:16:17 @ My face is swollen with weeping, and my eyelids are dim.

dourh@Job:16:18 @ These things have I suffered without the iniquity of my hand, when I offered pure prayers to God.

dourh@Job:16:19 @ O earth, cover not thou my blood, neither let my cry find a hiding place in thee.

dourh@Job:16:20 @ For behold my witness is in heaven, and he that knoweth my conscience is on high.

dourh@Job:16:21 @ My friends are full of words: my eye poureth out tears to God.

dourh@Job:17:1 @ My spirit shall be wasted, my days shall be shortened, and only the grave remaineth for me.

dourh@Job:17:2 @ I have not sinned, and my eye abideth in bitterness.

dourh@Job:17:7 @ My eye is dim through indignation, and my limbs are brought as it were to nothing.

dourh@Job:17:11 @ My days have passed away, my thoughts are dissipated, tormenting my heart.

dourh@Job:17:13 @ If I wait hell is my house, and I have made my bed in darkness.

dourh@Job:17:14 @ If I have said to rottenness: Thou art my father; to worms, my mother and my sister.

dourh@Job:17:15 @ Where is now then my expectation, and who considereth my patience?

dourh@Job:19:2 @ How long do you afflict my soul, and break me in pieces with words?

dourh@Job:19:4 @ For if I have been ignorant, my ignorance shall be with me.

dourh@Job:19:5 @ But you have set yourselves up against me, and reprove me with my reproaches.

dourh@Job:19:8 @ He hath hedged in my path round about, and I cannot pass, and in my way he hath set darkness.

dourh@Job:19:9 @ He hath stripped me of my glory, and hath taken the crown from my head.

dourh@Job:19:10 @ He hath destroyed me on every side, and I am lost, and he hath taken away my hope, as from a tree that is plucked up.

dourh@Job:19:11 @ His wrath is kindled against me, and he hath counted me as his enemy.

dourh@Job:19:12 @ His troops have come together, and have made themselves a way by me, and have besieged my tabernacle round about.

dourh@Job:19:13 @ He hath put my brethren far from me, and my acquaintance like strangers have departed from me.

dourh@Job:19:14 @ My kinsmen have forsaken me, and they that knew me, have forgotten me.

dourh@Job:19:15 @ They that dwelt in my house, and my maidservants have counted me a stranger, and I have been like an alien in their eyes.

dourh@Job:19:16 @ I called my servant, and he gave me no answer, I entreated him with my own mouth.

dourh@Job:19:17 @ My wife hath abhorred my breath, and I entreated the children of my womb.

dourh@Job:19:19 @ They that were sometime my counsellors, have abhorred me: and he whom I love most is turned against me.

dourh@Job:19:20 @ The flesh being consumed. My bone hath cleaved to my skin, and nothing but lips are left about my teeth.

dourh@Job:19:21 @ Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends, because the hand of the Lord hath touched me.

dourh@Job:19:22 @ Why do you persecute me as God, and glut yourselves with my flesh?

dourh@Job:19:23 @ Who will grant me that my words may be written? Who will grant me that they may be marked down in a book?

dourh@Job:19:25 @ For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and in the last day I shall rise out of the earth.

dourh@Job:19:26 @ And I shall be clothed again with my skin, and in my flesh I will see my God.

dourh@Job:19:27 @ Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes shall behold, and not another: this my hope is laid up in my bosom.

dourh@Job:20:2 @ Therefore various thoughts succeed one another in me, and my mind is hurried away to different things.

dourh@Job:20:3 @ The doctrine with which thou reprovest me, I will hear, and the spirit of my understanding shall answer for me.

dourh@Job:21:2 @ Hear, I beseech you, my words, and do penance.

dourh@Job:21:3 @ Suffer me, and I will speak, and after, if you please, laugh at my words.

dourh@Job:21:4 @ Is my debate against man, that I should not have just reason to be troubled?

dourh@Job:21:6 @ As for me, when I remember, I am afraid, and trembling taketh hold on my flesh.

dourh@Job:23:2 @ Now also my words are in bitterness, and the hand of my scourge is more grievous than my mourning.

dourh@Job:23:4 @ I would set judgment before him, and would fill my mouth with complaints.

dourh@Job:23:7 @ Let him propose equity against me, and let my judgment come to victory.

dourh@Job:23:9 @ If to the left hand, what shall I do? I shall not take hold on him: if I turn myself to the right hand, I shall not see him.

dourh@Job:23:10 @ But he knoweth my way, and has tried me as gold that passeth through the fire:

dourh@Job:23:11 @ My foot hath followed his steps, I have kept his way, and have not declined from it.

dourh@Job:23:12 @ I have not departed from the commandments of his lips, and the words of his mouth I have hid in my bosom.

dourh@Job:23:16 @ God hath softened my heart, and the Almighty hath troubled me.

dourh@Job:23:17 @ For I have not perished because of the darkness that hangs over me, neither hath the mist covered my face.

dourh@Job:24:25 @ And if it be not so, who can convince me that I have lied, and set my words before God?

dourh@Job:27:2 @ As God liveth, who hath taken away my judgment, and the Almighty, who hath brought my soul to bitterness,

dourh@Job:27:3 @ As long as breath remaineth in me, and the spirit of God in my nostrils,

dourh@Job:27:4 @ My lips shall not speak iniquity, neither shall my tongue contrive lying.

dourh@Job:27:5 @ God forbid that I should judge you to be just: till I die I will not depart from my innocence.

dourh@Job:27:6 @ My justification, which I have begun to hold, I will not forsake: for my heart doth not reprehend me in all my life.

dourh@Job:27:7 @ Let my enemy be as the ungodly, and my adversary as the wicked one.

dourh@Job:29:3 @ When his lamp shined over my head, and I walked by his light in darkness?

dourh@Job:29:4 @ As I was in the days of my youth, when God was secretly in my tabernacle?

dourh@Job:29:5 @ When the Almighty was with me: and my servants round about me?

dourh@Job:29:6 @ When I washed my feet with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil?

dourh@Job:29:14 @ I was clad with justice: and I clothed myself with my judgment, as with a robe and a diadem.

dourh@Job:29:18 @ And I said: I shall die in my nest, and as a palm tree shall multiply my days.

dourh@Job:29:19 @ My root is opened beside the waters, and dew shall continue in my harvest.

dourh@Job:29:20 @ My glory shall always be renewed, and my bow in my hand shall be repaired.

dourh@Job:29:21 @ They that heard me, waited for my sentence, and being attentive held their peace at my counsel.

dourh@Job:29:22 @ To my words they durst add nothing, and my speech dropped upon them.

dourh@Job:29:24 @ If at any time I laughed on them, they believed not, and the light of my countenance fell not on earth.

dourh@Job:29:25 @ If I had a mind to go to them, I sat first, and when I sat as a king, with his army standing about him, yet I was a comforter of them that mourned.

dourh@Job:30:1 @ But now the younger in time scorn me, whose fathers I would not have set with the dogs of my flock:

dourh@Job:30:10 @ They abhor me, and flee far from me, and are not afraid to spit in my face.

dourh@Job:30:11 @ For he hath opened his quiver, and hath afflicted me, and hath put a bridle into my mouth.

dourh@Job:30:12 @ At the right hand of my rising, my calamities forthwith arose: they have overthrown my feet, and have overwhelmed me with their paths as with waves.

dourh@Job:30:13 @ They have destroyed my ways, they have lain in wait against me, and they have prevailed, and there was none to help.

dourh@Job:30:14 @ They have rushed in upon me, as when a wall is broken, and a gate opened, and have rolled themselves down to my miseries.

dourh@Job:30:15 @ I am brought to nothing: as a wind thou hast taken away my desire: and my prosperity hath passed away like a cloud.

dourh@Job:30:16 @ And now my soul fadeth within myself, and the days of affliction possess me.

dourh@Job:30:17 @ In the night my bone is pierced with sorrows: and they that feed upon me, do not sleep.

dourh@Job:30:18 @ With the multitude of them my garment is consumed, and they have girded me about, as with the collar of my coat.

dourh@Job:30:25 @ I wept heretofore for him that was afflicted, and my soul had compassion on the poor.

dourh@Job:30:27 @ My inner parts have boiled without any rest, the days of affliction have prevented me.

dourh@Job:30:30 @ My skin is become black upon me, and my bones are dried up with heat.

dourh@Job:30:31 @ My harp is turned to mourning, and my organ into the voice of those that weep.

dourh@Job:31:1 @ I made a covenant with my eyes, that I would not so much as think upon a virgin.

dourh@Job:31:4 @ Doth not he consider my ways, and number all my steps?

dourh@Job:31:5 @ If I have walked in vanity, and my foot hath made haste to deceit:

dourh@Job:31:6 @ Let him weigh me in a just balance, and let God know my simplicity.

dourh@Job:31:7 @ If my step hath turned out of the way, and if my heart hath followed my eyes, and if a spot hath cleaved to my hands:

dourh@Job:31:8 @ Then let me sow and let another eat: and let my offspring be rooted out.

dourh@Job:31:9 @ If my heart hath been deceived upon a woman, and if I have laid wait at my friend's door:

dourh@Job:31:10 @ Let my wife be the harlot of another, and let other men lie with her.

dourh@Job:31:13 @ If I have despised to abide judgment with my manservant, or my maidservant, when they had any controversy against me:

dourh@Job:31:17 @ If I have eaten my morsel alone, and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof:

dourh@Job:31:18 @ (For from my infancy mercy grew up with me: and it came out with me from my mother's womb:)

dourh@Job:31:20 @ If his sides have not blessed me, and if he were not warmed with the fleece of my sheep:

dourh@Job:31:21 @ If I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless, even when I saw myself superior in the gate:

dourh@Job:31:22 @ Let my shoulder fall from its joint, and let my arm with its bones be broken.

dourh@Job:31:24 @ If I have thought gold my strength, and have said to fine gold: My confidence:

dourh@Job:31:25 @ If I have rejoiced over my great riches, and because my hand had gotten much.

dourh@Job:31:27 @ And my heart in secret hath rejoiced, and I have kissed my hand with my mouth:

dourh@Job:31:30 @ For I have not given my mouth to sin, by wishing a curse to his soul.

dourh@Job:31:31 @ If the men of my tabernacle have not said: Who will give us of his flesh that we may be filled?

dourh@Job:31:32 @ The stranger did not stay without, my door was open to the traveller.

dourh@Job:31:33 @ If as a man I have hid my sin, and have concealed my iniquity in my bosom.

dourh@Job:31:34 @ If I have been afraid at a very great multitude, and the contempt of kinsmen hath terrified me: and I have not rather held my peace, and not gone out of the door.

dourh@Job:31:35 @ Who would grant me a hearer, that the Almighty may hear my desire; and that he himself that judgeth would write a book,

dourh@Job:31:36 @ That I may carry it on my shoulder, and put it about me as a crown?

dourh@Job:31:38 @ If my land cry against me, and with it the furrows thereof mourn:

dourh@Job:32:6 @ Then Eliu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said: I am younger in days, and you are more ancient; therefore hanging down my head, I was afraid to shew you my opinion.

dourh@Job:32:10 @ Therefore I will speak: Hearken to me, I also will shew you my wisdom.

dourh@Job:32:17 @ I also will answer my part, and will shew my knowledge.

dourh@Job:32:18 @ Behold, my belly is as new wine which wanteth vent, which bursteth the new vessels.

dourh@Job:32:19 @ dummy verses inserted by amos

dourh@Job:32:20 @ I will speak and take breath a little: I will open my lips, and will answer.

dourh@Job:32:22 @ For I know not how long I shall continue, and whether after a while my Maker may take me away.

dourh@Job:33:1 @ Hear therefore, O Job, my speeches, and hearken to all my words.

dourh@Job:33:2 @ Behold now I have opened my mouth, let my tongue speak within my jaws.

dourh@Job:33:3 @ My words are from my upright heart, and my lips shall speak a pure sentence.

dourh@Job:33:5 @ If thou canst, answer me, and stand up against my face.

dourh@Job:33:7 @ But yet let not my wonder terrify thee, and let not my eloquence be burdensome to thee.

dourh@Job:33:8 @ Now thou has said in my hearing, and I have heard the voice of thy words:

dourh@Job:33:10 @ Because he hath found complaints against me, therefore he hath counted me for his enemy.

dourh@Job:33:11 @ He hath put my feet in the stocks, he hath observed all my paths.

dourh@Job:34:2 @ Hear ye, wise men, my words, and ye learned, hearken to me:

dourh@Job:34:5 @ For Job hath said: I am just, and God hath overthrown my judgment.

dourh@Job:34:6 @ For in judging me there is a lie: my arrow is violent without any sin.

dourh@Job:34:16 @ If then thou hast understanding, hear what is said, and hearken to the voice of my words.

dourh@Job:34:36 @ My father, let Job be tried even to the end: cease not from the man of iniquity.

dourh@Job:34:37 @ Because he addeth blasphemy upon his sins, let him be tied fast in the mean time amongst us: and then let him provoke God to judgment with his speeches.

dourh@Job:36:3 @ I will repeat my knowledge from the beginning, and I will prove my Maker just.

dourh@Job:36:4 @ For indeed my words are without a lie, and perfect knowledge shall be proved to thee.

dourh@Job:37:1 @ At this my heart trembleth, and is moved out of its place.

dourh@Job:38:10 @ I set my bounds around it, and made it bars and doors:

dourh@Job:38:23 @ Which I have prepared for the time of the enemy, against the day of battle and war?

dourh@Job:39:25 @ When he heareth the trumpet he saith: Ha, ha: he smelleth the battle afar off, the encouraging of the captains, and the shouting of the army.

dourh@Job:40:3 @ Wilt thou make void my judgment: and condemn me, that thou mayst be justified?

dourh@Job:41:1 @ I will not stir him up, like one that is cruel: for who can resist my countenance?

dourh@Job:42:3 @ Who is this that hideth counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have spoken unwisely, and things that above measure exceeded my knowledge.

dourh@Job:42:5 @ With the hearing of the ear, I have heard thee, but now my eye seeth thee.

dourh@Job:42:6 @ Therefore I reprehend myself, and do penance in dust and ashes.

dourh@Job:42:7 @ And after the Lord had spoken these words to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Themanite: My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends, because you have not spoken the thing that is right before my, as my servant Job hath.

dourh@Job:42:8 @ Take unto you therefore seven oxen, and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer for yourselves a holocaust: and my servant Job shall pray for you: his face I will accept, that folly be not imputed to you: for you have not spoken right things before me, as my servant Job hath.

dourh@Psalms:2:7 @ The Lord hath said to me: Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.

dourh@Psalms:3:3 @ Many say to my soul: There is no salvation for him in his God.

dourh@Psalms:3:4 @ But thou, O Lord art my protector, my glory, and the lifter up of my head.

dourh@Psalms:3:5 @ I have cried to the Lord with my voice: and he hath heard me from his holy hill.

dourh@Psalms:3:6 @ I have slept and taken my rest: and I have risen up, because the Lord hath protected me.

dourh@Psalms:3:7 @ I will not fear thousands of the people, surrounding me: arise, O Lord; save me, O my God.

dourh@Psalms:3:8 @ For thou hast struck all them who are my adversaries without cause: thou hast broken the teeth of sinners.

dourh@Psalms:4:2 @ When I called upon him, the God of my justice heard me: when I was in distress, thou hast enlarged me. Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer.

dourh@Psalms:4:7 @ The light of thy countenance O Lord, is signed upon us: thou hast given gladness in my heart.

dourh@Psalms:5:2 @ Give ear, O Lord, to my words, understand my cry.

dourh@Psalms:5:3 @ Hearken to the voice of my prayer, O my King and my God.

dourh@Psalms:5:4 @ For to thee will I pray: O Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear my voice.

dourh@Psalms:5:9 @ Conduct me, O Lord, in thy justice: because of my enemies, direct my way in thy sight.

dourh@Psalms:6:3 @ Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak: heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.

dourh@Psalms:6:4 @ And my soul is troubled exceedingly: but thou, O Lord, how long?

dourh@Psalms:6:5 @ Turn to me, O Lord, and deliver my soul: O save me for thy mercy's sake.

dourh@Psalms:6:7 @ I have laboured in my groanings, every night I will wash my bed: I will water my couch with my tears.

dourh@Psalms:6:8 @ My eye is troubled through indignation: I have grown old amongst all my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:6:9 @ Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity: for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.

dourh@Psalms:6:10 @ The Lord hath heard my supplication: the Lord hath received my prayer.

dourh@Psalms:6:11 @ Let all my enemies be ashamed, and be very much troubled: let them be turned back, and be ashamed very speedily.

dourh@Psalms:7:2 @ O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me.

dourh@Psalms:7:3 @ Lest at any time he seize upon my soul like a lion, while there is no one to redeem me, nor to save.

dourh@Psalms:7:4 @ O Lord my God, if I have done this thing, if there be iniquity in my hands:

dourh@Psalms:7:5 @ If I have rendered to them that repaid me evils, let me deservedly fall empty before my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:7:6 @ Let the enemy pursue my soul, and take it, and tread down my life on the earth, and bring down my glory to the dust.

dourh@Psalms:7:7 @ Rise up, O Lord, in thy anger: and be thou exalted in the borders of my enemies. And arise, O Lord my God, in the precept which thou hast commanded:

dourh@Psalms:7:9 @ The Lord judgeth the people. Judge me, O Lord, according to my justice, and according to my innocence in me.

dourh@Psalms:7:11 @ Just is my help from the Lord: who saveth the upright of heart.

dourh@Psalms:8:3 @ Out of the mouth of infants and of sucklings thou hast perfected praise, because of thy enemies, that thou mayst destroy the enemy and the avenger.

dourh@Psalms:9:2 @ I will give praise to thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will relate all thy wonders.

dourh@Psalms:9:4 @ When my enemy shall be turned back: they shall be weakened and perish before thy face.

dourh@Psalms:9:5 @ For thou hast maintained my judgment and my cause: thou hast sat on the throne, who judgest justice.

dourh@Psalms:9:7 @ The swords of the enemy have failed unto the end: and their cities thou hast destroyed. Their memory hath perished with a noise.

dourh@Psalms:9:14 @ Have mercy on me, O Lord: see my humiliation which I suffer from my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:11:4 @ In the Lord I put my trust: how then do you say to my soul: Get thee away from hence to the mountain like a sparrow?

dourh@Psalms:13:2 @ How long shall I take counsels in my soul, sorrow in my heart all the day?

dourh@Psalms:13:3 @ How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

dourh@Psalms:13:4 @ Consider, and hear me, O Lord my God. Enlighten my eyes that I never sleep in death:

dourh@Psalms:13:5 @ lest at any time my enemy say: I have prevailed against him. They that trouble me will rejoice when I am moved:

dourh@Psalms:13:6 @ but I have trusted in thy mercy. My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation: I will sing to the Lord, who giveth me good things: yea I will sing to the name of the Lord the most high.

dourh@Psalms:14:4 @ Shall not all they know that work iniquity, who devour my people as they eat bread?

dourh@Psalms:16:2 @ I have said to the Lord, thou art my God, for thou hast no need of my goods.

dourh@Psalms:16:3 @ To the saints, who are in his land, he hath made wonderful all my desires in them.

dourh@Psalms:16:4 @ Their infirmities were multiplied: afterwards they made haste. I will not gather together their meetings for blood offerings: nor will I be mindful of their names by my lips.

dourh@Psalms:16:5 @ The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup: it is thou that wilt restore my inheritance to me.

dourh@Psalms:16:6 @ The lines are fallen unto me in goodly places: for my inheritance is goodly to me.

dourh@Psalms:16:7 @ I will bless the Lord, who hath given me understanding: moreover my reins also have corrected me even till night.

dourh@Psalms:16:8 @ I set the Lord always in my sight: for he is at my right hand, that I be not moved.

dourh@Psalms:16:9 @ Therefore my heart hath been glad, and my tongue hath rejoiced: moreover my flesh also shall rest in hope.

dourh@Psalms:16:10 @ Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; nor wilt then give thy holy one to see corruption.

dourh@Psalms:17:1 @ The prayer of David. Hear, O Lord, my justice: attend to my supplication. Give ear unto my prayer, which proceedeth not from deceitful lips.

dourh@Psalms:17:2 @ Let my judgment come forth from thy countenance: let thy eyes behold the things that are equitable.

dourh@Psalms:17:3 @ Thou hast proved my heart, and visited it by night, thou hast tried me by fire: and iniquity hath not been found in me.

dourh@Psalms:17:4 @ That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways.

dourh@Psalms:17:5 @ Perfect thou my goings in thy paths: that my footsteps be not moved.

dourh@Psalms:17:6 @ I have cried to thee, for thou, O God, hast heard me: O incline thy ear unto me, and hear my words.

dourh@Psalms:17:9 @ From the face of the wicked who have afflicted me. My enemies have surrounded my soul:

dourh@Psalms:17:13 @ Arise, O Lord, disappoint him and supplant him; deliver my soul from the wicked one: thy sword

dourh@Psalms:18:2 @ I will love thee, O Lord, my strength:

dourh@Psalms:18:3 @ The Lord is my firmament, my refuge, and my deliverer. My God is my helper, and in him will I put my trust. My protector and the horn of my salvation, and my support.

dourh@Psalms:18:4 @ Praising I will call upon the Lord: and I shall be saved from my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:18:7 @ In my affliction I called upon the Lord, and I cried to my God: And he heard my voice from his holy temple: and my cry before him came into his ears.

dourh@Psalms:18:18 @ He delivered me from my strongest enemies, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.

dourh@Psalms:18:19 @ They prevented me in the day of my affliction: and the Lord became my protector.

dourh@Psalms:18:21 @ And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and will repay me according to the cleanness of my hands:

dourh@Psalms:18:22 @ Because I have kept the ways of the Lord; and have not done wickedly against my God.

dourh@Psalms:18:23 @ For till his judgments are in my sight: and his justices I have not put away from me.

dourh@Psalms:18:24 @ And I shall be spotless with him: and shall keep myself from my iniquity.

dourh@Psalms:18:25 @ And the Lord will reward me according to my justice; and according to the cleanness of my hands before his eyes.

dourh@Psalms:18:29 @ For thou lightest my lamp, O Lord: O my God enlighten my darkness.

dourh@Psalms:18:30 @ For by thee I shall be delivered from temptation; and through my God I shall go over a wall.

dourh@Psalms:18:31 @ As for my God, his way is undefiled: the words of the Lord are fire tried: he is the protector of all that trust in him.

dourh@Psalms:18:33 @ God who hath girt me with strength; and made my way blameless.

dourh@Psalms:18:34 @ Who hath made my feet like the feet of harts: and who setteth me upon high places.

dourh@Psalms:18:35 @ Who teacheth my hands to war: and thou hast made my arms like a brazen bow.

dourh@Psalms:18:37 @ Thou hast enlarged my steps under me; and my feet are not weakened.

dourh@Psalms:18:38 @ I will pursue after my enemies, and overtake them: and I will not turn again till they are consumed.

dourh@Psalms:18:39 @ I will break them, and they shall not be able to stand: they shall fall under my feet.

dourh@Psalms:18:41 @ And thou hast made my enemies turn their back upon me, and hast destroyed them that hated me.

dourh@Psalms:18:47 @ The Lord liveth, and blessed be my God, and let the God of my salvation be exalted:

dourh@Psalms:18:48 @ O God, who avengest me, and subduest the people under me, my deliverer from my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:19:13 @ Who can understand sins? from my secret ones cleanse me, O Lord:

dourh@Psalms:19:15 @ And the words of my mouth shall be such as may please: and the meditation of my heart always in thy sight. O Lord, my helper, and my redeemer.

dourh@Psalms:22:2 @ O God my God, look upon me: why hast thou forsaken me? Far from my salvation are the words of my sins.

dourh@Psalms:22:3 @ O my God, I shall cry by day, and thou wilt not hear: and by night, and it shall not be reputed as folly in me.

dourh@Psalms:22:10 @ For thou art he that hast drawn me out of the womb: my hope from the breasts of my mother.

dourh@Psalms:22:11 @ I was cast upon thee from the womb. From my mother's womb thou art my God,

dourh@Psalms:22:15 @ I am poured out like water; and all my bones are scattered. My heart is become like wax melting in the midst of my bowels.

dourh@Psalms:22:16 @ My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue hath cleaved to my jaws: and thou hast brought me down into the dust of death.

dourh@Psalms:22:17 @ For many dogs have encompassed me: the council of the malignant hath besieged me. They have dug my hands and feet.

dourh@Psalms:22:18 @ They have numbered all my bones. And they have looked and stared upon me.

dourh@Psalms:22:19 @ They parted my garments amongst them; and upon my vesture they cast lots.

dourh@Psalms:22:20 @ But thou, O Lord, remove not thy help to a distance from me; look towards my defence.

dourh@Psalms:22:21 @ Deliver, O God, my soul from the sword: my only one from the hand of the dog.

dourh@Psalms:22:22 @ Save me from the lion's mouth; and my lowness from the horns of the unicorns.

dourh@Psalms:22:23 @ I will declare thy name to my brethren: in the midst of the church will I praise thee.

dourh@Psalms:22:26 @ With thee is my praise in a great church: I will pay my vows in the sight of them that fear him.

dourh@Psalms:22:31 @ And to him my soul shall live: and my seed shall serve him.

dourh@Psalms:23:3 @ he hath converted my soul. He hath led me on the paths of justice, for his own name's sake.

dourh@Psalms:23:5 @ Thou hast prepared a table before me against them that afflict me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil; and my chalice which inebriateth me, how goodly is it!

dourh@Psalms:23:6 @ And thy mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord unto length of days.

dourh@Psalms:25:1 @ Unto the end, a psalm for David. To thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul.

dourh@Psalms:25:2 @ In thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be ashamed.

dourh@Psalms:25:3 @ Neither let my enemies laugh at me: for none of them that wait on thee shall be confounded.

dourh@Psalms:25:5 @ Direct me in thy truth, and teach me; for thou art God my Saviour; and on thee have I waited all the day long.

dourh@Psalms:25:7 @ The sins of my youth and my ignorances do not remember. According to thy mercy remember thou me: for thy goodness' sake, O Lord.

dourh@Psalms:25:11 @ For thy name's sake, O Lord, thou wilt pardon my sin: for it is great.

dourh@Psalms:25:15 @ My eyes are ever towards the Lord: for he shall pluck my feet out of the snare.

dourh@Psalms:25:17 @ The troubles of my heart are multiplied: deliver me from my necessities.

dourh@Psalms:25:18 @ See my abjection and my labour; and forgive me all my sins.

dourh@Psalms:25:19 @ Consider my enemies for they are multiplied, and have hated me with an unjust hatred.

dourh@Psalms:25:20 @ Keep thou my soul, and deliver me: I shall not be ashamed, for I have hoped in thee.

dourh@Psalms:26:1 @ Unto the end, a psalm for David. Judge me, O Lord, for I have walked in my innocence: and I have put my trust in the Lord, and shall not be weakened.

dourh@Psalms:26:2 @ Prove me, O Lord, and try me; burn my reins and my heart.

dourh@Psalms:26:3 @ For thy mercy is before my eyes; and I am well pleased with thy truth.

dourh@Psalms:26:6 @ I will wash my hands among the innocent; and will compass thy altar, O Lord:

dourh@Psalms:26:9 @ Take not away my soul, O God, with the wicked: nor my life with bloody men:

dourh@Psalms:26:11 @ But as for me, I have walked in my innocence: redeem me, and have mercy on me.

dourh@Psalms:26:12 @ My foot hath stood in the direct way: in the churches I will bless thee, O Lord.

dourh@Psalms:27:1 @ The psalm of David before he was anointed. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall I be afraid?

dourh@Psalms:27:2 @ Whilst the wicked draw near against me, to eat my flesh. My enemies that trouble me, have themselves been weakened, and have fallen.

dourh@Psalms:27:3 @ If armies in camp should stand together against me, my heart shall not fear. If a battle should rise up against me, in this will I be confident.

dourh@Psalms:27:4 @ One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. That I may see the delight of the Lord, and may visit his temple.

dourh@Psalms:27:6 @ He hath exalted me upon a rock: and now he hath lifted up my head above my enemies. I have gone round, and have offered up in his tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation: I will sing, and recite a psalm to the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:27:7 @ Hear, O Lord, my voice, with which I have cried to thee: have mercy on me and hear me.

dourh@Psalms:27:8 @ My heart hath said to thee: My face hath sought thee: thy face, O Lord, will I still seek.

dourh@Psalms:27:9 @ Turn not away thy face from me; decline not in thy wrath from thy servant. Be thou my helper, forsake me not; do not thou despise me, O God my Saviour.

dourh@Psalms:27:10 @ For my father and my mother have left me: but the Lord hath taken me up.

dourh@Psalms:27:11 @ Set me, O Lord, a law in thy way, and guide me in the right path, because of my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:28:1 @ A psalm for David himself. Unto thee will I cry, O Lord: O my God, be not thou silent to me: lest thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

dourh@Psalms:28:2 @ Hear, O Lord, the voice of my supplication, when I pray to thee; when I lift up my hands to thy holy temple.

dourh@Psalms:28:6 @ Blessed be the Lord, for he hath heard the voice of my supplication.

dourh@Psalms:28:7 @ The Lord is my helper and my protector: in him hath my heart confided, and I have been helped. And my flesh hath flourished again, and with my will I will give praise to him.

dourh@Psalms:30:2 @ I will extol thee, O Lord, for thou hast upheld me: and hast not made my enemies to rejoice over me.

dourh@Psalms:30:3 @ O Lord my God, I have cried to thee, and then hast healed me.

dourh@Psalms:30:4 @ Thou hast brought forth, O Lord, my soul from hell: thou hast saved me from them that go down into the pit.

dourh@Psalms:30:7 @ And in my abundance I said: I shall never be moved.

dourh@Psalms:30:8 @ O Lord, in thy favour, thou gavest strength to my beauty. Thou turnedst away thy face from me, and I became troubled.

dourh@Psalms:30:9 @ To thee, O Lord, will I cry: and I will make supplication to my God.

dourh@Psalms:30:10 @ What profit is there in my blood, whilst I go down to corruption? Shall dust confess to thee, or declare thy truth?

dourh@Psalms:30:11 @ The Lord hath heard, and hath had mercy on me: the Lord became my helper.

dourh@Psalms:30:12 @ Thou hast turned for me my mourning into joy: thou hast cut my sackcloth, and hast compassed me with gladness:

dourh@Psalms:30:13 @ To the end that my glory may sing to thee, and I may not regret: O Lord my God, I will give praise to thee for ever.

dourh@Psalms:31:4 @ For thou art my strength and my refuge; and for thy name's sake thou wilt lead me, and nourish me.

dourh@Psalms:31:5 @ Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which they have hidden for me: for thou art my protector.

dourh@Psalms:31:6 @ Into thy hands I commend my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth.

dourh@Psalms:31:8 @ I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy. For thou best regarded my humility, thou hast saved my soul out of distresses.

dourh@Psalms:31:9 @ And thou hast not shut me up in the hands of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a spacious place.

dourh@Psalms:31:10 @ Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am afflicted: my eye is troubled with wrath, my soul, and my belly:

dourh@Psalms:31:11 @ For my life is wasted with grief: and my years in sighs. My strength is weakened through poverty and my bones are disturbed.

dourh@Psalms:31:12 @ I am become a reproach among all my enemies, and very much to my neighbours; and a fear to my acquaintance. They that saw me without fled from me.

dourh@Psalms:31:14 @ For I have heard the blame of many that dwell round about. While they assembled together against me, they consulted to take away my life.

dourh@Psalms:31:15 @ But I have put my trust in thee, O Lord: I said: Thou art my God.

dourh@Psalms:31:16 @ My lots are in thy hands. Deliver me out of the hands of my enemies; and from them that persecute me.

dourh@Psalms:31:23 @ But I said in the excess of my mind: I am cast away from before thy eyes. Therefore thou hast heard the voice of my prayer, when I cried to thee.

dourh@Psalms:32:3 @ Because I was silent my bones grew old; whilst I cried out all the day long.

dourh@Psalms:32:4 @ For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: I am turned in my anguish, whilst the thorn is fastened.

dourh@Psalms:32:5 @ I have acknowledged my sin to thee, and my injustice I have not concealed. I said I will confess against myself my injustice to the Lord: and thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my sin.

dourh@Psalms:32:7 @ Thou art my refuge from the trouble which hath encompassed me: my joy, deliver me from them that surround me.

dourh@Psalms:32:8 @ I will give thee understanding, and I will instruct thee in this way, in which thou shalt go: I will fix my eyes upon thee.

dourh@Psalms:33:16 @ The king is not saved by a great army: nor shall the giant be saved by his own great strength.

dourh@Psalms:34:2 @ I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall be always in my mouth.

dourh@Psalms:34:3 @ In the Lord shall my soul be praised: let the meek hear and rejoice.

dourh@Psalms:34:5 @ I sought the Lord, and he heard me; and he delivered me from all my troubles.

dourh@Psalms:35:3 @ Bring out the sword, and shut up the way against them that persecute me: say to my soul: I am thy salvation.

dourh@Psalms:35:4 @ Let them be confounded and ashamed that seek after my soul. Let them be turned back and be confounded that devise against me.

dourh@Psalms:35:7 @ For without cause they have hidden their net for me unto destruction: without cause they have upbraided my soul.

dourh@Psalms:35:9 @ But my soul shall rejoice in the Lord; and shall be delighted in his salvation.

dourh@Psalms:35:10 @ All my bones shall say: Lord, who is like to thee? Who deliverest the poor from the hand of them that are stronger than he; the needy and the poor from them that strip him.

dourh@Psalms:35:12 @ They repaid me evil for good: to the depriving me of my soul.

dourh@Psalms:35:13 @ But as for me, when they were troublesome to me, I was clothed with haircloth. I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer shall be turned into my bosom.

dourh@Psalms:35:17 @ Lord, when wilt thou look upon me? rescue thou soul from their malice: my only one from the lions.

dourh@Psalms:35:19 @ Let not them that are my enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: who have hated me without cause, and wink with the eyes.

dourh@Psalms:35:23 @ Arise, and be attentive to my judgment: to my cause, my God, and my Lord.

dourh@Psalms:35:24 @ Judge me, O Lord my God according to thy justice, and let them not rejoice over me.

dourh@Psalms:35:26 @ Let them blush: and be ashamed together, who rejoice at my evils. Let them be clothed with confusion and shame, who speak great things against me.

dourh@Psalms:35:27 @ Let them rejoice and be glad, who are well pleased with my justice, and let them say always: The Lord be magnified, who delights in the peace of his servant.

dourh@Psalms:35:28 @ Any my tongue shall meditate thy justice, thy praise all the day long.

dourh@Psalms:38:4 @ There is no health in my flesh, because of thy wrath: there is no peace for my bones, because of my sins.

dourh@Psalms:38:5 @ For my iniquities are gone over my head: and as a heavy burden are become heavy upon me.

dourh@Psalms:38:6 @ My sores are putrified and corrupted, because of my foolishness.

dourh@Psalms:38:8 @ For my loins are filled with illusions; and there is no health in my flesh.

dourh@Psalms:38:9 @ I am afflicted and humbled exceedingly: I roared with the groaning of my heart.

dourh@Psalms:38:10 @ Lord, all my desire is before thee, and my groaning is not hidden from thee.

dourh@Psalms:38:11 @ My heart is troubled, my strength hath left me, and the light of my eyes itself is not with me.

dourh@Psalms:38:12 @ My friends and my neighbours have drawn near, and stood against me. And they that were near me stood afar off:

dourh@Psalms:38:13 @ And they that sought my soul used violence. And they that sought evils to me spoke vain things, and studied deceits all the day long.

dourh@Psalms:38:16 @ For in thee, O Lord, have I hoped: thou wilt hear me, O Lord my God.

dourh@Psalms:38:17 @ For I said: Lest at any time my enemies rejoice over me: and whilst my feet are moved, they speak great things against me.

dourh@Psalms:38:18 @ For I am ready for scourges: and my sorrow is continually before me.

dourh@Psalms:38:19 @ For I will declare my inequity: and I will think for my sin.

dourh@Psalms:38:20 @ But my enemies live, and are stronger that I: and they hate me wrongfully are multiplied.

dourh@Psalms:38:22 @ Forsake me not, O Lord my God: do not thou depart from me.

dourh@Psalms:38:23 @ Attend unto my help, O Lord, the God of my salvation.

dourh@Psalms:39:2 @ I said: I will take heed to my ways: that I sin not with my tongue. I have set guard to my mouth, when the sinner stood against me.

dourh@Psalms:39:3 @ I was dumb, and was humbled, and kept silence from good things: and my sorrow was renewed.

dourh@Psalms:39:4 @ My heart grew hot within me: and in my meditation a fire shall flame out.

dourh@Psalms:39:5 @ I spoke with my tongue: O Lord, make me know my end. And what is the number of my days: that I may know what is wanting to me.

dourh@Psalms:39:6 @ Behold thou hast made my days measurable: and my substance is as nothing before thee. And indeed all things are vanity: every man living.

dourh@Psalms:39:8 @ And now what is my hope? is it not the Lord? and my substance is with thee.

dourh@Psalms:39:9 @ Deliver thou me from all my iniquities: thou hast made me a reproach to the fool.

dourh@Psalms:39:10 @ I was dumb, and I opened not my mouth, because thou hast done it.

dourh@Psalms:39:13 @ Hear my prayer, O Lord, and my supplication: give ear to my tears. Be not silent: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner as all my fathers were.

dourh@Psalms:40:3 @ And he heard my prayers, and brought me out of the pit of misery and the mire of dregs. And he set my feet upon a rock, and directed my steps.

dourh@Psalms:40:4 @ And he put a new canticle into my mouth, a song to our God. Many shall see, and shall fear: and they shall hope in the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:40:6 @ Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful works, O Lord my God: and in thy thoughts there is no one like to thee. I have declared and I have spoken they are multiplied above number.

dourh@Psalms:40:9 @ that I should do thy will: O my God, I have desired it, and thy law in the midst of my heart.

dourh@Psalms:40:10 @ I have declared thy justice in a great church, lo, I will not restrain my lips: O Lord, thou knowest it.

dourh@Psalms:40:11 @ I have not hid thy justice within my heart: I have declared thy truth and thy salvation. I have not concealed thy mercy and thy truth from a great council.

dourh@Psalms:40:13 @ For evils without number have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, and I was not able to see. They are multiplied above the hairs of my head: and my heart hath forsaken me.

dourh@Psalms:40:15 @ Let them be confounded and ashamed together, that seek after my soul to take it away. Let them be turned backward and be ashamed that desire evils to me.

dourh@Psalms:40:18 @ But I am a beggar and poor: the Lord is careful for me. Thou art my helper and my protector: O my God, be not slack.

dourh@Psalms:41:5 @ I said: O Lord, be thou merciful to me: heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee.

dourh@Psalms:41:6 @ My enemies have spoken evils against me: when shall he die and his name perish?

dourh@Psalms:41:8 @ All my enemies whispered together against me: they devised evils to me.

dourh@Psalms:41:10 @ For even the man of peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, hath greatly supplanted me.

dourh@Psalms:41:12 @ By this I know, that thou hast had a good will for me: because my enemy shall not rejoice over me.

dourh@Psalms:41:13 @ But thou hast upheld me by reason of my innocence: and hast established me in thy sight for ever.

dourh@Psalms:42:2 @ As the hart panteth after the fountains of water; so my soul panteth after thee, O God.

dourh@Psalms:42:3 @ My soul hath thirsted after the strong living God; when shall I come and appear before the face of God?

dourh@Psalms:42:4 @ My tears have been any bread day and night, whilst it is said to me daily: Where is thy God?

dourh@Psalms:42:5 @ These things I remembered, and poured out my soul in me: for I shall go over into the place of the wonderful tabernacle, even to the house of God: With the voice of joy and praise; the noise of one feasting.

dourh@Psalms:42:6 @ Why art thou sad, O my soul? and why dost thou trouble me? Hope in God, for I will still give praise to him: the salvation of my countenance,

dourh@Psalms:42:7 @ and my God. My soul is troubled within myself: therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan and Hermoniim, from the little hill.

dourh@Psalms:42:9 @ In the daytime the Lord hath commanded his mercy; and a canticle to him in the night. With me is prayer to the God of my life.

dourh@Psalms:42:10 @ I will say to God: Thou art my support. Why hast thou forgotten me? and why go I mourning, whilst my enemy afflicteth me?

dourh@Psalms:42:11 @ Whilst my bones are broken, my enemies who trouble me have reproached me; Whilst they say to me day be day: Where is thy God?

dourh@Psalms:42:12 @ Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why dost thou disquiet me? Hope thou in God, for I will still give praise to him: the salvation of my countenance, and my God.

dourh@Psalms:43:1 @ A psalm for David. Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.

dourh@Psalms:43:2 @ For thou art God my strength: why hast thou cast me off? and why do I go sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me?

dourh@Psalms:43:4 @ And I will go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth.

dourh@Psalms:43:5 @ To thee, O God my God, I will give praise upon the harp: why art thou sad, O my soul? and why dost thou disquiet me?

dourh@Psalms:43:6 @ Hope in God, for I will still give praise to him: the salvation of my countenance, and my God.

dourh@Psalms:44:5 @ Thou art thyself my king and my God, who commandest the saving of Jacob.

dourh@Psalms:44:7 @ For I will not trust in my bow: neither shall my sword save me.

dourh@Psalms:44:16 @ All the day long my shame is before me: and the confusion of my face hath covered me,

dourh@Psalms:44:17 @ At the voice of him that reproacheth and detracteth me: at the face of the enemy and persecutor.

dourh@Psalms:45:2 @ My heart hath uttered a good word I speak my works to the king; My tongue is the pen of a scrivener that writeth swiftly.

dourh@Psalms:45:9 @ Myrrh and stacte and cassia perfume thy garments, from the ivory houses: out of which

dourh@Psalms:49:4 @ My mouth shall speak wisdom: and the meditation of my heart understanding.

dourh@Psalms:49:5 @ I will incline my ear to a parable; I will open my proposition on the psaltery.

dourh@Psalms:49:6 @ Why shall I fear in the evil day? the iniquity of my heel shall encompass me.

dourh@Psalms:49:16 @ But God will redeem my soul from the hand of hell, when he shall receive me.

dourh@Psalms:50:7 @ Hear, O my people, and I will speak: O Israel, and I will testify to thee: I am God, thy God.

dourh@Psalms:50:8 @ I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices: and thy burnt offerings are always in my sight.

dourh@Psalms:50:16 @ But to the sinner God hath said: Why dost thou declare my justices, and take my covenant in thy mouth?

dourh@Psalms:50:17 @ Seeing thou hast hated discipline: and hast cast my words behind thee.

dourh@Psalms:51:3 @ Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity.

dourh@Psalms:51:4 @ Wash me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

dourh@Psalms:51:5 @ For I know my iniquity, and my sin is always before me.

dourh@Psalms:51:7 @ For behold I was conceived in iniquities; and in sins did my mother conceive me.

dourh@Psalms:51:10 @ To my hearing thou shalt give joy and gladness: and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice.

dourh@Psalms:51:11 @ Turn away thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.

dourh@Psalms:51:12 @ Create a clean heart in me, O God: and renew a right spirit within my bowels.

dourh@Psalms:51:16 @ Deliver me from blood, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall extol thy justice.

dourh@Psalms:51:17 @ O Lord, thou wilt open my lips: and my mouth shall declare thy praise.

dourh@Psalms:53:5 @ Shall not all the workers of iniquity know, who eat up my people as they eat bread?

dourh@Psalms:54:4 @ O God, hear my prayer: give ear to the words of my mouth.

dourh@Psalms:54:5 @ For strangers have risen up against me; and the mighty have sought after my soul: and they have not set God before their eyes.

dourh@Psalms:54:6 @ For behold God is my helper: and the Lord is the protector of my soul.

dourh@Psalms:54:7 @ Turn back the evils upon my enemies; and cut them off in thy truth.

dourh@Psalms:54:9 @ For thou hast delivered me out of all trouble: and my eye hath looked down upon my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:55:2 @ Hear, O God, my prayer, and despise not my supplication:

dourh@Psalms:55:5 @ be attentive to me and hear me. I am grieved in my exercise; and am troubled,

dourh@Psalms:55:6 @ at the voice of the enemy, and at the tribulation of the sinner. For they have cast iniquities upon me: and in wrath they were troublesome to me.

dourh@Psalms:55:7 @ My heart is troubled within me: and the fear of death is fallen upon me.

dourh@Psalms:55:15 @ For if my enemy had reviled me, I would verily have borne with it. And if he that hated me had spoken great things against me, I would perhaps have hidden myself from him.

dourh@Psalms:55:16 @ But thou a man of one mind, my guide, and my familiar,

dourh@Psalms:55:20 @ Evening and morning, and at noon I will speak and declare: and he shall hear my voice.

dourh@Psalms:55:21 @ He shall redeem my soul in peace from them that draw near to me: for among many they were with me.

dourh@Psalms:56:3 @ My enemies have trodden on me all the day long; for they are many that make war against me.

dourh@Psalms:56:5 @ In God I will praise my words, in God I have put my trust: I will not fear what flesh can do against me.

dourh@Psalms:56:6 @ All the day long they detested my words: all their thoughts were against me unto evil.

dourh@Psalms:56:7 @ They will dwell and hide themselves: they will watch my heel. As they have waited for my soul,

dourh@Psalms:56:9 @ I have declared to thee my life: thou hast set my tears in thy sight, As also in thy promise.

dourh@Psalms:56:10 @ Then shall my enemies be turned back. In what day soever I shall call upon thee, behold I know thou art my God.

dourh@Psalms:56:13 @ Because thou hast delivered my soul from death, my feet from falling: that I may please in the sight of God, in the light of the living.

dourh@Psalms:57:2 @ Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul trusteth in thee. And in the shadow of thy wings will I hope, until iniquity pass away.

dourh@Psalms:57:5 @ and he hath delivered my soul from the midst of the young lions. I slept troubled. The sons of men, whose teeth are weapons and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.

dourh@Psalms:57:7 @ They prepared a snare for my feet; and they bowed down my soul. They dug a pit before my face, and they are fallen into it.

dourh@Psalms:57:8 @ My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready: I will Sing, and rehearse a psalm.

dourh@Psalms:57:9 @ Arise, O my glory, arise psaltery and harp: I will arise early.

dourh@Psalms:59:2 @ Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; and defend me from them that rise up against me.

dourh@Psalms:59:4 @ For behold they have caught my soul: the mighty have rushed in upon me:

dourh@Psalms:59:5 @ Neither is it my iniquity, nor my sin, O Lord: without iniquity have I run, and directed my steps.

dourh@Psalms:59:10 @ I will keep my strength to thee: for thou art my protector:

dourh@Psalms:59:11 @ my God, his mercy shall prevent me.

dourh@Psalms:59:12 @ God shall let me see over my enemies: slay them not, lest at any time my people forget. Scatter them by thy power; and bring them down, O Lord, my protector:

dourh@Psalms:59:17 @ But I will sing thy strength: and will extol thy mercy in the morning. For thou art become my support, and my refuge, in the day of my trouble.

dourh@Psalms:59:18 @ Unto thee, O my helper, will I sing, for thou art God my defence: my God my mercy.

dourh@Psalms:60:9 @ Galaad is mine, and Manasses is mine: and Ephraim is the strength of my head. Juda is my king:

dourh@Psalms:60:10 @ Moab is the pot of my hope. Into Edom will I stretch out my shoe: to me the foreigners are made subject.

dourh@Psalms:61:2 @ Hear, O God, my supplication: be attentive to my prayer,

dourh@Psalms:61:3 @ To thee have I cried from the ends of the earth: when my heart was in anguish, thou hast exalted me on a rock. Thou hast conducted me;

dourh@Psalms:61:4 @ for thou hast been my hope; a tower of strength against the face of the enemy.

dourh@Psalms:61:6 @ For thou, my God, hast heard my prayer: thou hast given an inheritance to them that fear thy name.

dourh@Psalms:61:9 @ So will I sing a psalm to thy name for ever and ever: that I may pay my vows from day to day.

dourh@Psalms:62:2 @ Shall not my soul be subject to God? for from him is my salvation.

dourh@Psalms:62:3 @ For he is my God and my saviour: he is my protector, I shall be moved no more.

dourh@Psalms:62:5 @ But they have thought to cast away my price; I ran in thirst: they blessed with their mouth, but cursed with their heart.

dourh@Psalms:62:6 @ But be thou, O my soul, subject to God: for from him is my patience.

dourh@Psalms:62:7 @ For he is my God and my saviour: he is my helper, I shall not be moved.

dourh@Psalms:62:8 @ In God is my salvation and my glory: he is the God of my help, and my hope is in God.

dourh@Psalms:63:2 @ O God, my God, to thee do I watch at break of day. For thee my soul hath thirsted; for thee my flesh, O how many ways!

dourh@Psalms:63:4 @ For thy mercy is better than lives: thee my lips shall praise.

dourh@Psalms:63:5 @ Thus will I bless thee all my life long: and in thy name I will lift up my hands.

dourh@Psalms:63:6 @ Let my soul be filled as with marrow and fatness: and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips.

dourh@Psalms:63:7 @ If I have remembered thee upon my bed, I will meditate on thee in the morning:

dourh@Psalms:63:8 @ because thou hast been my helper. And I will rejoice under the covert of thy wings:

dourh@Psalms:63:9 @ my soul hath stuck close to thee: thy right hand hath received me.

dourh@Psalms:63:10 @ But they have sought my soul in vain, they shall go into the lower parts of the earth:

dourh@Psalms:64:2 @ Hear, O God, my prayer, when I make supplication to thee: deliver my soul from the fear of the enemy.

dourh@Psalms:65:3 @ O hear my prayer: all flesh shall come to thee.

dourh@Psalms:66:9 @ Who hath set my soul to live: and hath not suffered my feet to be moved:

dourh@Psalms:66:13 @ I will go into thy house with burnt offerings: I will pay thee my vows,

dourh@Psalms:66:14 @ which my lips have uttered, And my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble.

dourh@Psalms:66:16 @ Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what great things he hath done for my soul.

dourh@Psalms:66:17 @ I cried to him with my mouth: and I extolled him with my tongue.

dourh@Psalms:66:18 @ If I have looked at iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.

dourh@Psalms:66:19 @ Therefore hath God heard me, and hath attended to the voice of my supplication.

dourh@Psalms:66:20 @ Blessed be God, who hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

dourh@Psalms:68:25 @ They have seen thy goings, O God, the goings of my God: of my king who is in his sanctuary.

dourh@Psalms:69:2 @ SAVE me, O God: for the waters are come in even unto my soul.

dourh@Psalms:69:4 @ I have laboured with crying; my jaws are become hoarse: my eyes have failed, whilst I hope in my God.

dourh@Psalms:69:5 @ They are multiplied above the hairs of my head, who hate me without cause. My enemies are grown strong who have wrongfully persecuted me: then did I pay that which I took not away.

dourh@Psalms:69:6 @ O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my offences are not hidden from thee:

dourh@Psalms:69:7 @ Let not them be ashamed for me, who look for thee, O Lord, the Lord of hosts. Let them not be confounded on my account, who seek thee, O God of Israel.

dourh@Psalms:69:8 @ Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.

dourh@Psalms:69:9 @ I am become a stranger to my brethren, and an alien to the sons of my mother.

dourh@Psalms:69:11 @ And I covered my soul in fasting: and it was made a reproach to me.

dourh@Psalms:69:12 @ And I made haircloth my garment: and I became a byword to them.

dourh@Psalms:69:14 @ But as for me, my prayer is to thee, O Lord; for the time of thy good pleasure, O God. In the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

dourh@Psalms:69:19 @ Attend to my soul, and deliver it: save me because of my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:69:20 @ Thou knowest my reproach, and my confusion, and my shame.

dourh@Psalms:69:21 @ In thy sight are all they that afflict me; my heart hath expected reproach and misery. And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort me, and I found none.

dourh@Psalms:69:22 @ And they gave me gall for my food, and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

dourh@Psalms:69:27 @ Because they have persecuted him whom thou hast smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds.

dourh@Psalms:70:2 @ O God, come to my assistance; O Lord, make haste to help me.

dourh@Psalms:70:3 @ Let them be confounded and ashamed that seek my soul:

dourh@Psalms:70:6 @ But I am needy and poor; O God, help me. Thou art my helper and my deliverer: O Lord, make no delay.

dourh@Psalms:71:3 @ Be thou unto me a God, a protector, and a place of strength: that thou mayst make me safe. For thou art my firmament and my refuge.

dourh@Psalms:71:4 @ Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the sinner, and out of the hand of the transgressor of the law and of the unjust.

dourh@Psalms:71:5 @ For thou art my patience, O Lord: my hope, O Lord, from my youth;

dourh@Psalms:71:6 @ By thee have I been confirmed from the womb: from my mother's womb thou art my protector. Of thee shall I continually sing:

dourh@Psalms:71:8 @ Let my mouth be filled with praise, that I may sing thy glory; thy greatness all the day long.

dourh@Psalms:71:9 @ Cast me not off in the time of old age: when my strength shall fail, do not thou forsake me.

dourh@Psalms:71:10 @ For my enemies have spoken against me; and they that watched my soul have consulted together,

dourh@Psalms:71:12 @ O God, be not thou far from me: O my God, make haste to my help.

dourh@Psalms:71:13 @ Let them be confounded and come to nothing that detract my soul; let them be covered with confusion and shame that seek my hurt.

dourh@Psalms:71:15 @ My mouth shall shew forth thy justice; thy salvation all the day long. Because I have not knows learning,

dourh@Psalms:71:17 @ Thou hast taught me, O God, from my youth: and till now I will declare thy wonderful works.

dourh@Psalms:71:23 @ My lips shall greatly rejoice, when I shall sing to thee; and my soul which thou hast redeemed.

dourh@Psalms:71:24 @ Yea and my tongue shall meditate on thy justice all the day; when they shall be confounded and put to shame that seek evils to me.

dourh@Psalms:73:2 @ But my feet were almost moved; my steps had well nigh slipped.

dourh@Psalms:73:6 @ dummy verses inserted by amos

dourh@Psalms:73:10 @ Therefore will my people return here and full days shall be found in them.

dourh@Psalms:73:13 @ And I said: Then have I in vain justified my heart, and washed my hands among the innocent.

dourh@Psalms:73:14 @ And I have been scourged all the day; and my chastisement hath been in the mornings.

dourh@Psalms:73:16 @ I studied that I might know this thing, it is a labour in my sight:

dourh@Psalms:73:21 @ For my heart hath been inflamed, and my reins have been changed:

dourh@Psalms:73:24 @ Thou hast held me by my right hand; and by thy will thou hast conducted me, and with thy glory thou hast received me.

dourh@Psalms:73:26 @ For thee my flesh and my heart hath fainted away: thou art the God of my heart, and the God that is my portion for ever.

dourh@Psalms:73:28 @ But it is good for me to adhere to my God, to put my hope in the Lord God: That I may declare all thy praises, in the gates of the daughter of Sion.

dourh@Psalms:74:3 @ Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end; see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

dourh@Psalms:74:10 @ How long, O God, shall the enemy reproach: is the adversary to provoke thy name for ever?

dourh@Psalms:74:18 @ Remember this, the enemy hath reproached the Lord: and a foolish people hath provoked thy name.

dourh@Psalms:77:2 @ I cried to the Lord with my voice; to God with my voice, and he gave ear to me.

dourh@Psalms:77:3 @ In the day of my trouble I sought God, with my hands lifted up to him in the night, and I was not deceived. My soul refused to be comforted:

dourh@Psalms:77:4 @ I remembered God, and was delighted, and was exercised, and my spirit swooned away.

dourh@Psalms:77:5 @ My eyes prevented the watches: I was troubled, and I spoke not.

dourh@Psalms:77:6 @ I thought upon the days of old: and I had in my mind the eternal years.

dourh@Psalms:77:7 @ And I meditated in the night with my own heart: and I was exercised and I swept my spirit.

dourh@Psalms:78:1 @ Understanding for Asaph. Attend, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

dourh@Psalms:78:2 @ I will open my mouth in parables: I will utter propositions from the beginning.

dourh@Psalms:78:61 @ And he delivered their strength into captivity: and their beauty into the hands of the enemy.

dourh@Psalms:81:9 @ Hear, O my people, and I will testify to thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken to me,

dourh@Psalms:81:12 @ But my people heard not my voice: and Israel hearkened not to me.

dourh@Psalms:81:14 @ If my people had heard me: if Israel had walked in my ways:

dourh@Psalms:81:15 @ I should soon have humbled their enemies, and laid my hand on them that troubled them.

dourh@Psalms:83:14 @ O my God, make them like a wheel; and as stubble before the wind.

dourh@Psalms:84:3 @ my soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh have rejoiced in the living God.

dourh@Psalms:84:4 @ For the sparrow hath found herself a house, and the turtle a nest for herself where she may lay her young ones: Thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my God.

dourh@Psalms:84:9 @ O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob.

dourh@Psalms:84:11 @ For better is one day in thy courts above thousands. I have chosen to be an abject in the house of my God, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles of sinners.

dourh@Psalms:86:2 @ Preserve my soul, for I am holy: save thy servant, O my God, that trusteth in thee.

dourh@Psalms:86:4 @ Give joy to the soul of thy servant, for to thee, O Lord, I have lifted up my soul.

dourh@Psalms:86:6 @ Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer: and attend to the voice of my petition.

dourh@Psalms:86:7 @ I have called upon thee in the day of my trouble: because thou hast heard me.

dourh@Psalms:86:11 @ Conduct me, O Lord, in thy way, and I will walk in thy truth: let my heart rejoice that it may fear thy name.

dourh@Psalms:86:12 @ I will praise thee, O Lord my God: with my whole heart, and I will glorify thy name for ever:

dourh@Psalms:86:13 @ For thy mercy is great towards me: and thou hast delivered my soul out of the lower hell.

dourh@Psalms:86:14 @ O God, the wicked are risen up against me, and the assembly of the mighty have sought my soul: and they have not set thee before their eyes.

dourh@Psalms:88:2 @ O Lord, the God of my salvation: I have cried in the day, and in the night before thee.

dourh@Psalms:88:3 @ Let my prayer come in before thee: incline thy ear to my petition.

dourh@Psalms:88:4 @ For my soul is filled with evils: and my life hath drawn nigh to hell.

dourh@Psalms:88:9 @ Thou hast put away my acquaintance far from me: they have set me an abomination to themselves. I was delivered up, and came not forth:

dourh@Psalms:88:10 @ my eyes languished through poverty. All the day I cried to thee, O Lord: I stretched out my hands to thee.

dourh@Psalms:88:14 @ But I, O Lord, have cried to thee: and in the morning my prayer shall prevent thee.

dourh@Psalms:88:15 @ Lord, why castest thou off my prayer: why turnest thou away thy face from me?

dourh@Psalms:88:16 @ I am poor, and in labours from my youth: and being exalted have been humbled and troubled.

dourh@Psalms:88:19 @ Friend and neighbour thou hast put far from me: and my acquaintance, because of misery.

dourh@Psalms:89:2 @ The mercies of the Lord I will sing for ever. I will shew forth thy truth with my mouth to generation and generation.

dourh@Psalms:89:4 @ I have made a covenant with my elect: I have sworn to David my servant:

dourh@Psalms:89:20 @ Then thou spokest in a vision to thy saints, and saidst: I have laid help upon one that is mighty, and have exalted one chosen out of my people.

dourh@Psalms:89:21 @ I have found David my servant: with my holy oil I have anointed him.

dourh@Psalms:89:22 @ For my hand shall help him: and my arm shall strengthen him.

dourh@Psalms:89:23 @ The enemy shall have no advantage over him: nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt him.

dourh@Psalms:89:25 @ And my truth and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted.

dourh@Psalms:89:27 @ He shall cry out to me: Thou art my father: my God, and the support of my salvation.

dourh@Psalms:89:28 @ And I will make him my firstborn, high above the kings of the earth.

dourh@Psalms:89:29 @ I will keep my mercy for him for ever: and my covenant faithful to him.

dourh@Psalms:89:31 @ And if his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments:

dourh@Psalms:89:32 @ If they profane my justices: and keep not my commandments:

dourh@Psalms:89:34 @ But my mercy I will not take away from him: nor will I suffer my truth to fail.

dourh@Psalms:89:35 @ Neither will I profane my covenant: and the words that proceed from my mouth I will not make void.

dourh@Psalms:89:36 @ Once have I sworn by my holiness: I will not lie unto David:

dourh@Psalms:89:48 @ Remember what my substance is for hast thou made all the children of men in vain?

dourh@Psalms:89:51 @ Be mindful, O Lord, of the reproach of thy servants (which I have held in my bosom) of many nations:

dourh@Psalms:91:2 @ He shall say to the Lord: Thou art my protector, and my refuge: my God, in him will I trust.

dourh@Psalms:91:9 @ Because thou, O Lord, art my hope: thou hast made the most High thy refuge.

dourh@Psalms:91:14 @ Because he hoped in me I will deliver him: I will protect him because he hath known my name.

dourh@Psalms:91:16 @ I will fill him with length of days; and I will shew him my salvation.

dourh@Psalms:92:11 @ But my horn shall be exalted like that of the unicorn: and my old age in plentiful mercy.

dourh@Psalms:92:12 @ My eye also hath looked down upon my enemies: and my ear shall hear of the downfall of the malignant that rise up against me.

dourh@Psalms:94:17 @ Unless the Lord had been my helper, my soul had almost dwelt in hell.

dourh@Psalms:94:18 @ If I said: My foot is moved: thy mercy, O Lord, assisted me.

dourh@Psalms:94:19 @ According to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart, thy comforts have given joy to my soul.

dourh@Psalms:94:22 @ But the Lord is my refuge: and my God the help of my hope.

dourh@Psalms:95:9 @ As in the provocation, according to the day of temptation in the wilderness: where your fathers tempted me, they proved me, and saw my works.

dourh@Psalms:95:11 @ And these men have not known my ways: so I swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest.

dourh@Psalms:101:2 @ and I will understand in the unspotted way, when thou shalt come to me. I walked in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house.

dourh@Psalms:101:3 @ I did not set before my eyes any unjust thing: I hated the workers of iniquities.

dourh@Psalms:101:6 @ My eyes were upon the faithful of the earth, to sit with me: the man that walked in the perfect way, he served me.

dourh@Psalms:101:7 @ He that worketh pride shall not dwell in the midst of my house: he that speaketh unjust things did not prosper before my eyes.

dourh@Psalms:102:2 @ Hear, O Lord, my prayer: and let my cry come to thee.

dourh@Psalms:102:4 @ For my days are vanished like smoke: and my bones are grown dry like fuel for the fire.

dourh@Psalms:102:5 @ I am smitten as grass, and my heart is withered: because I forgot to eat my bread.

dourh@Psalms:102:6 @ Through the voice of my groaning, my bone hath cleaved to my flesh.

dourh@Psalms:102:9 @ All the day long my enemies reproached me: and they that praised me did swear against me.

dourh@Psalms:102:10 @ For I did eat ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping.

dourh@Psalms:102:12 @ My days have declined like a shadow, and I am withered like grass.

dourh@Psalms:102:24 @ He answered him in the way of his strength: Declare unto me the fewness of my days.

dourh@Psalms:102:25 @ Call me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are unto generation and generation.

dourh@Psalms:103:1 @ For David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul: and let all that is within me bless his holy name.

dourh@Psalms:103:2 @ Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all he hath done for thee.

dourh@Psalms:103:22 @ Bless the Lord, all his works: in every place of his dominion, O my soul, bless thou the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:104:1 @ For David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul: O Lord my God, thou art exceedingly great. Thou hast put on praise and beauty:

dourh@Psalms:104:33 @ I will sing to the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

dourh@Psalms:104:34 @ Let my speech be acceptable to him: but I will take delight in the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:104:35 @ Let sinners be consumed out of the earth, and the unjust, so that they be no more: O my soul, bless thou the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:105:15 @ Touch ye not my anointed: and do no evil to my prophets.

dourh@Psalms:106:10 @ And he saved them from the hand of them that hated them: and he redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.

dourh@Psalms:107:2 @ Let them say so that have been redeemed by the Lord, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy: and gathered out of the countries.

dourh@Psalms:108:2 @ My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready: I will sing, and will give praise, with my glory.

dourh@Psalms:108:3 @ Arise, my glory; arise, psaltery and harp: I will arise in the morning early.

dourh@Psalms:108:9 @ Galaad is mine, and Manasses is mine and Ephraim the protection of my head. Juda is my king:

dourh@Psalms:108:10 @ Moab the pot of my hope. Over Edom I will stretch out my shoe: the aliens are become my friends.

dourh@Psalms:109:4 @ Instead of making me a return of love, they detracted me: but I gave myself to prayer.

dourh@Psalms:109:5 @ And they repaid me evil for good: and hatred for my love.

dourh@Psalms:109:20 @ This is the work of them who detract me before the Lord; and who speak evils against my soul.

dourh@Psalms:109:22 @ for I am poor and needy, and my heart is troubled within me.

dourh@Psalms:109:24 @ My knees are weakened through fasting: and my flesh is changed for oil.

dourh@Psalms:109:26 @ Help me, O Lord my God; save me according to thy mercy.

dourh@Psalms:109:30 @ I will give great thanks to the Lord with my mouth: and in the midst of many I will praise him.

dourh@Psalms:109:31 @ Because he hath stood at the right hand of the poor, to save my soul from persecutors

dourh@Psalms:110:1 @ The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.

dourh@Psalms:111:1 @ I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; in the council of the just: and in the congregation.

dourh@Psalms:115:1 @ I have loved, because the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer.

dourh@Psalms:115:2 @ Because he hath inclined his ear unto me: and in my days I will call upon him.

dourh@Psalms:115:4 @ and I called upon the name of the Lord. O Lord, deliver my soul.

dourh@Psalms:115:7 @ Turn, O my soul, into thy rest: for the Lord hath been bountiful to thee.

dourh@Psalms:115:8 @ For he hath delivered my soul from death: my eyes from tears, my feet from falling.

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dourh@Psalms:116:11 @ I said in my excess: Every man is a liar.

dourh@Psalms:116:14 @ I will pay my vows to the Lord before all his people:

dourh@Psalms:116:16 @ O Lord, for I am thy servant: I am thy servant, and the son of thy handmaid. Thou hast broken my bonds:

dourh@Psalms:116:18 @ I will pay my vows to the Lord in the sight of all his people:

dourh@Psalms:118:5 @ In my trouble I called upon the Lord: and the Lord heard me, and enlarged me.

dourh@Psalms:118:6 @ The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do unto me.

dourh@Psalms:118:7 @ The Lord is my helper: and I will look over my enemies.

dourh@Psalms:118:14 @ The Lord is my strength and my praise: and he is become my salvation.

dourh@Psalms:118:21 @ I will give glory to thee because thou hast heard me: and art become my salvation.

dourh@Psalms:118:28 @ Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, and I will exalt thee. I will praise thee, because thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

dourh@Psalms:120:5 @ O! that my ways may be directed to keep thy justifications.

dourh@Psalms:120:10 @ With my whole heart have I sought after thee: let me not stray from thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:11 @ Thy words have I hidden in my heart, that I may not sin against thee.

dourh@Psalms:120:13 @ With my lips I have pronounced all the judgments of thy mouth.

dourh@Psalms:120:18 @ Open thou my eyes: and I will consider the wondrous things of thy law.

dourh@Psalms:120:20 @ My soul hath coveted to long for thy justifications, at all times.

dourh@Psalms:120:24 @ For thy testimonies are my meditation: and thy justifications my counsel. DALETH

dourh@Psalms:120:25 @ My soul hath cleaved to the pavement: quicken thou me according to thy word.

dourh@Psalms:120:26 @ I have declared my ways, and thou hast heard me: tech me thy justifications.

dourh@Psalms:120:28 @ My soul hath slumbered through heaviness: strengthen thou me in thy words.

dourh@Psalms:120:32 @ I have run the way of thy commandments, when thou didst enlarge my heart. HE

dourh@Psalms:120:34 @ Give me understanding, and I will search thy law; and I will keep it with my whole heart.

dourh@Psalms:120:36 @ Incline my heart into thy testimonies and not to covetousness.

dourh@Psalms:120:37 @ Turn away my eyes that they may not behold vanity: quicken me in thy way.

dourh@Psalms:120:39 @ Turn away my reproach, which I have apprehended: for thy judgments are delightful.

dourh@Psalms:120:43 @ And take not thou the word of truth utterly out of my mouth: for in thy words have I hoped exceedingly.

dourh@Psalms:120:48 @ And I lifted up my hands to thy commandments, which I loved: and I was exercised in thy justifications. ZAIN

dourh@Psalms:120:50 @ This hath comforted me in my humiliation: because thy word hath enlivened me.

dourh@Psalms:120:54 @ Thy justifications were the subject of my song, in the place of my pilgrimage.

dourh@Psalms:120:57 @ O Lord, my portion, I have said, I would keep the law.

dourh@Psalms:120:58 @ I entreated thy face with all my heart: have mercy on me according to thy word.

dourh@Psalms:120:59 @ I have thought on my ways: and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.

dourh@Psalms:120:69 @ The iniquity of the proud hath been multiplied over me: but I will seek thy commandments with my whole heart.

dourh@Psalms:120:76 @ O! let thy mercy be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.

dourh@Psalms:120:77 @ Let thy tender mercies come unto me, and I shall live: for thy law is my meditation.

dourh@Psalms:120:80 @ Let my heart be undefiled in thy justifications, that I may not be confounded. CAPH

dourh@Psalms:120:81 @ My soul hath fainted after thy salvation: and in thy word I have very much hoped.

dourh@Psalms:120:82 @ My eyes have failed for thy word, saying: When wilt thou comfort me?

dourh@Psalms:120:92 @ Unless thy law had been my meditation, I had then perhaps perished in my abjection.

dourh@Psalms:120:97 @ O how have I loved thy law, O Lord! it is my meditation all the day.

dourh@Psalms:120:98 @ Through thy commandment, thou hast made me wiser than my enemies: for it is ever with me.

dourh@Psalms:120:99 @ I have understood more than all my teachers: because thy testimonies are my meditation.

dourh@Psalms:120:101 @ I have restrained my feet from every evil way: that I may keep thy words.

dourh@Psalms:120:103 @ How sweet are thy words to my palate! more than honey to my mouth.

dourh@Psalms:120:105 @ Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my paths.

dourh@Psalms:120:108 @ The free offerings of my mouth make acceptable, O Lord: and teach me thy judgments.

dourh@Psalms:120:109 @ My soul is continually in my hands: and I have not forgotten thy law.

dourh@Psalms:120:111 @ I have purchased thy testimonies for an inheritance for ever: because they are a joy to my heart.

dourh@Psalms:120:112 @ I have inclined my heart to do thy justifications for ever, for the reward. SAMECH

dourh@Psalms:120:114 @ Thou art my helper and my protector: and in thy word I have greatly hoped.

dourh@Psalms:120:115 @ Depart from me, ye malignant: and I will search the commandments of my God.

dourh@Psalms:120:116 @ Uphold me according to thy word, and I shall live: and let me not be confounded in my expectation.

dourh@Psalms:120:120 @ Pierce thou my flesh with thy fear: for I am afraid of thy judgments. AIN

dourh@Psalms:120:123 @ My eyes have fainted after thy salvation: and for the word of thy justice.

dourh@Psalms:120:129 @ Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore my soul hath sought them.

dourh@Psalms:120:131 @ I opened my mouth and panted: because I longed for thy commandments.

dourh@Psalms:120:133 @ Direct my steps according to thy word: and let no iniquity have dominion over me.

dourh@Psalms:120:136 @ My eyes have sent forth springs of water: because they have not kept thy law. SADE

dourh@Psalms:120:139 @ My zeal hath made me pine away: because my enemies forgot thy words.

dourh@Psalms:120:143 @ Trouble and anguish have found me: thy commandments are my meditation.

dourh@Psalms:120:145 @ I cried with my whole heart, hear me, O Lord: I will seek thy justifications.

dourh@Psalms:120:148 @ My eyes to thee have prevented the morning: that I might meditate on thy words.

dourh@Psalms:120:149 @ Hear thou my voice, O Lord, according to thy mercy: and quicken me according to thy mercy.

dourh@Psalms:120:153 @ See my humiliation and deliver me: for I have not forgotten the law.

dourh@Psalms:120:154 @ Judge my judgment and redeem me: quicken thou me for thy word's sake.

dourh@Psalms:120:161 @ Princes have persecuted me without cause: and my heart hath been in awe of thy words.

dourh@Psalms:120:167 @ My soul hath kept thy testimonies: and hath loved them exceedingly.

dourh@Psalms:120:168 @ I have kept thy commandments and thy testimonies: because all my ways are in thy sight. TAU

dourh@Psalms:120:169 @ Let my supplication, O Lord, come near in thy sight: give me understanding according to thy word.

dourh@Psalms:120:170 @ Let my request come in before thee; deliver thou me according to thy word.

dourh@Psalms:120:171 @ My lips shall utter a hymn, when thou shalt teach me thy justifications.

dourh@Psalms:120:172 @ My tongue shall pronounce thy word: because all thy commandments are justice.

dourh@Psalms:120:174 @ I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord; and thy law is my meditation.

dourh@Psalms:120:175 @ My soul shall live and shall praise thee: and thy judgments shall help me.

dourh@Psalms:121:1 @ In my trouble I cried to the Lord: and he heard me.

dourh@Psalms:121:2 @ O Lord, deliver my soul from wicked lips, and a deceitful tongue.

dourh@Psalms:121:5 @ Woe is me, that my sojourning is prolonged! I have dwelt with the inhabitants of cedar:

dourh@Psalms:121:6 @ my soul hath been long a sojourner.

dourh@Psalms:122:1 @ I have lifted up my eyes to the mountains, from whence help shall come to me.

dourh@Psalms:122:2 @ My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

dourh@Psalms:123:8 @ For the sake of my brethren, and of my neighbours, I spoke peace of thee.

dourh@Psalms:124:1 @ To thee have I lifted up my eyes, who dwellest in heaven.

dourh@Psalms:130:1 @ Often have they fought against me from my youth, let Israel now say.

dourh@Psalms:130:2 @ Often have they fought against me from my youth: but they could not prevail over me.

dourh@Psalms:130:3 @ The wicked have wrought upon my back: they have lengthened their iniquity.

dourh@Psalms:131:2 @ Lord, hear my voice. Let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.

dourh@Psalms:131:4 @ For with thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of thy law, I have waited for thee, O Lord. My soul hath relied on his word:

dourh@Psalms:131:5 @ my soul hath hoped in the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:132:1 @ Lord, my heart is not exalted: nor are my eyes lofty. Neither have I walked in great matters, nor in wonderful things above me.

dourh@Psalms:132:2 @ If I was not humbly minded, but exalted my soul: As a child that is weaned is towards his mother, so reward in my soul.

dourh@Psalms:133:3 @ If I shall enter into the tabernacle of my house: if I shall go up into the bed wherein I lie:

dourh@Psalms:133:4 @ If I shall give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids,

dourh@Psalms:133:5 @ Or rest to my temples: until I find out a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.

dourh@Psalms:133:12 @ If thy children will keep thy covenant, and these my testimonies which I shall teach them: Their children also for evermore shall sit upon thy throne.

dourh@Psalms:133:14 @ This is my rest for ever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.

dourh@Psalms:133:17 @ There will I bring forth a horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.

dourh@Psalms:133:18 @ His enemies I will clothe with confusion: but upon him will my sanctification flourish.

dourh@Psalms:138:5 @ If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten.

dourh@Psalms:138:6 @ Let my tongue cleave to my jaws, if I do not remember thee: If I make not Jerusalem the beginning of my joy.

dourh@Psalms:139:1 @ I will praise thee, O lord, with my whole heart: for thou hast heard the words of my mouth. I will sing praise to thee in the sight of his angels:

dourh@Psalms:139:3 @ In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear me: thou shall multiply strength in my soul.

dourh@Psalms:139:7 @ If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation, thou wilt quicken me: and thou hast stretched forth thy hand against the wrath of my enemies: and thy right hand hath saved me.

dourh@Psalms:140:2 @ thou hast know my sitting down, and my rising up.

dourh@Psalms:140:3 @ Thou hast understood my thoughts afar off: my path and my line thou hast searched out.

dourh@Psalms:140:4 @ And thou hast foreseen all my ways: for there is no speech in my tongue.

dourh@Psalms:140:9 @ If I take my wings early in the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea:

dourh@Psalms:140:11 @ And I said: Perhaps darkness shall cover me: and night shall be my light in my pleasures.

dourh@Psalms:140:13 @ For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast protected me from my mother's womb.

dourh@Psalms:140:14 @ I will praise thee, for thou art fearfully magnified: wonderful are thy works, and my soul knoweth right well.

dourh@Psalms:140:15 @ My bone is not hidden from thee, which thou hast made in secret: and my substance in the lower parts of the earth.

dourh@Psalms:140:16 @ Thy eyes did see my imperfect being, and in thy book all shall be written: days shall be formed, and no one in them.

dourh@Psalms:140:23 @ Prove me, O God, and know my heart: examine me, and know my paths.

dourh@Psalms:141:5 @ Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the wicked: and from unjust men deliver me. Who have proposed to supplant my steps.

dourh@Psalms:141:7 @ I said to the Lord: Thou art my God: hear, O Lord, the voice of my supplication.

dourh@Psalms:141:8 @ O Lord, Lord, the strength of my salvation: thou hast overshadowed my head in the day of battle.

dourh@Psalms:141:9 @ Give me not up, O Lord, from my desire to the wicked: they have plotted against me; do not thou forsake me, lest they should triumph.

dourh@Psalms:142:1 @ I have cried to the, O Lord, hear me: hearken to my voice, when I cry to thee.

dourh@Psalms:142:2 @ Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight; the lifting up of my hands, as evening sacrifice.

dourh@Psalms:142:3 @ Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth: and a door round about my lips.

dourh@Psalms:142:4 @ Incline not my heart to evil words; to make excuses in sins. With men that work iniquity: and I will not communicate with the choicest of them.

dourh@Psalms:142:5 @ The just shall correct me in mercy, and shall reprove me: but let not the oil of the sinner fatten my head. For my prayer also shall still be against the things with which they are well pleased:

dourh@Psalms:142:6 @ their judges falling upon the rock have been swallowed up. They shall hear my words, for they have prevailed:

dourh@Psalms:142:8 @ But o to thee, O Lord, Lord, are my eyes: in thee have I put my trust, take not away my soul.

dourh@Psalms:143:2 @ I cried to the Lord with my voice: with my voice I made supplication to the Lord.

dourh@Psalms:143:3 @ In his sight I pour out my prayer, and before him I declare my trouble:

dourh@Psalms:143:4 @ When my spirit failed me, then thou newest my paths.

dourh@Psalms:143:5 @ I looked on my right hand, and beheld, and there was no one that would know me. Flight hath failed me: and there is no one that hath regard to my soul.

dourh@Psalms:143:6 @ I cried to thee, O Lord: I said: Thou art my hope, my portion in the land of the living.

dourh@Psalms:143:7 @ Attend to my supplication: for I am brought very low. Deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.

dourh@Psalms:143:8 @ Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the just wait for me, until thou reward me.

dourh@Psalms:144:1 @ Hear, O Lord, my prayer: give ear to my supplication in thy truth: hear me in thy justice.

dourh@Psalms:144:3 @ For the enemy hath persecuted my soul: he hath brought down my life to the earth. He hath made me to dwell in darkness as those that have been dead of old:

dourh@Psalms:144:4 @ and my spirit is in anguish within me: my heart within me is troubled.

dourh@Psalms:144:6 @ I stretched forth my hands to thee: my soul is as earth without water unto thee.

dourh@Psalms:144:7 @ Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit hath fainted away. Turn not away thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

dourh@Psalms:144:8 @ Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning; for in thee have I hoped. Make the way known to me, wherein I should walk: for I have lifted up my soul to thee.

dourh@Psalms:144:9 @ Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, to thee have I fled:

dourh@Psalms:144:10 @ teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God. Thy good spirit shall lead me into the right land:

dourh@Psalms:144:11 @ for thy name's sake, O Lord, thou wilt quicken me in thy justice. Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble:

dourh@Psalms:144:12 @ and in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies. And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

dourh@Psalms:145:1 @ Blessed be the Lord my God, who teacheth my hands to fight, and my fingers to war.

dourh@Psalms:145:2 @ My mercy, and my refuge: my support, and my deliverer: My protector, and I have hoped in him: who subdueth my people under me.

dourh@Psalms:146:1 @ I will extol thee, O God my king: and I will bless thy name for ever; yea, for ever and ever.

dourh@Psalms:146:21 @ My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless thy holy name for ever; yea, for ever and ever.

dourh@Psalms:147:2 @ Praise the Lord, O my soul, in my life I will praise the Lord: I will sing to my God as long as I shall be. Put not your trust in princes:

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dourh@Psalms:150:8 @ Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy winds which fulfil his word:

dourh@Proverbs:1:6 @ He shall understand a parable, and the interpretation, the words of the wise, and their mysterious sayings.

dourh@Proverbs:1:8 @ My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:

dourh@Proverbs:1:10 @ My son, if sinners shall entice thee, consent not to them.

dourh@Proverbs:1:15 @ My son, walk not thou with them, restrain thy foot from their paths.

dourh@Proverbs:1:23 @ Turn ye at my reproof: behold I will utter my spirit to you, and will shew you my words.

dourh@Proverbs:1:24 @ Because I called, and you refused: I stretched out my hand, and there was none that regarded.

dourh@Proverbs:1:25 @ You have despised all my counsel, and have neglected my reprehensions.

dourh@Proverbs:1:30 @ Nor consented to my counsel, but despised all my reproof.

dourh@Proverbs:2:1 @ My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and wilt hide my commandments with thee,

dourh@Proverbs:3:1 @ My son, forget not my law, and let thy heart keep my commandments.

dourh@Proverbs:3:11 @ My son, reject not the correction of the Lord: and do not faint when thou art chastised by him:

dourh@Proverbs:3:21 @ My son, let not these things depart from thy eyes: keep the law and counsel:

dourh@Proverbs:4:2 @ I will give you a good gift, forsake not my law.

dourh@Proverbs:4:3 @ For I also was my father's son, tender and as an only son in the sight of my mother:

dourh@Proverbs:4:4 @ And he taught me, and said: Let thy heart receive my words, keep my commandments, and thou shalt live.

dourh@Proverbs:4:5 @ Get wisdom, get prudence: forget not, neither decline from the words of my mouth.

dourh@Proverbs:4:10 @ Hear, O my son, and receive my words, that years of life may be multiplied to thee.

dourh@Proverbs:4:20 @ My son, hearken to my words, and incline thy ear to my sayings.

dourh@Proverbs:5:1 @ My son, attend to my wisdom, and incline thy ear to my prudence.

dourh@Proverbs:5:7 @ Now therefore, my son, hear me, and depart not from the words of my mouth.

dourh@Proverbs:5:12 @ Why have I hated instruction, and my heart consented not to reproof,

dourh@Proverbs:5:13 @ And have not heard the voice of them that taught me, and have not in- dined my ear to masters?

dourh@Proverbs:5:20 @ Why art thou seduced, my son, by a strange woman, and art cherished in the bosom of another?

dourh@Proverbs:6:1 @ My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, thou hast engaged fast thy hand to a stranger.

dourh@Proverbs:6:3 @ Do therefore, my son, what I say, and deliver thyself: because thou art fallen into the hand of thy neighbour. Run about, make haste, stir up thy friend:

dourh@Proverbs:6:20 @ My son, beep the commandments of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother.

dourh@Proverbs:7:1 @ My son, keep my words, and lay up my precepts with thee. Son,

dourh@Proverbs:7:2 @ Keep my commandments, and thou shalt live: and my law as the apple of thy eye:

dourh@Proverbs:7:4 @ Say to wisdom: Thou art my sister: and call prudence thy friend,

dourh@Proverbs:7:6 @ For I look out of the window of my house through the lattice,

dourh@Proverbs:7:14 @ I vowed victims for prosperity, this day I have paid my vows.

dourh@Proverbs:7:16 @ I have woven my bed with cords, I have covered it with painted tapestry, brought from Egypt.

dourh@Proverbs:7:17 @ I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

dourh@Proverbs:7:19 @ For my husband is not at home, he is gone a very long journey.

dourh@Proverbs:7:24 @ Now therefore, my son, hear me, and attend to the words of my mouth.

dourh@Proverbs:8:4 @ O ye men, to you I call, and my voice is to the sons of men.

dourh@Proverbs:8:6 @ Hear, for I will speak of great things: and my lips shall be opened to preach right things.

dourh@Proverbs:8:7 @ My mouth shall meditate truth, and my lips shall hate wickedness.

dourh@Proverbs:8:8 @ All my words are just, there is nothing wicked nor perverse in them.

dourh@Proverbs:8:10 @ Receive my instruction, and not money: choose knowledge rather than gold.

dourh@Proverbs:8:19 @ For my fruit is better than gold and the precious stone, and my blossoms than choice silver.

dourh@Proverbs:8:31 @ Playing in the world: and my delights were to be with the children of men.

dourh@Proverbs:8:32 @ Now therefore, ye children, hear me: Blessed are they that keep my ways.

dourh@Proverbs:8:34 @ Blessed is the man that heareth me, and that watcheth daily at my gates, and waiteth at the posts of my doors.

dourh@Proverbs:9:5 @ Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine which I have mingled for you.

dourh@Proverbs:19:27 @ Cease not, O my son, to hear instruction, and be not ignorant of the words of knowledge.

dourh@Proverbs:20:9 @ Who can say: My heart is clean, I am pure from sin?

dourh@Proverbs:22:17 @ Incline thy ear, and hear the words of the wise: and apply thy heart to my doctrine:

dourh@Proverbs:23:15 @ My son, if thy mind be wise, my heart shall rejoice with thee:

dourh@Proverbs:23:16 @ And my reins shall rejoice, when thy lips shall speak what is right.

dourh@Proverbs:23:19 @ Hear thou, my son, and be wise: and guide thy mind in the way.

dourh@Proverbs:23:26 @ My son, give me thy heart: and let thy eyes keep my ways.

dourh@Proverbs:24:13 @ Fat honey, my son, because it is good, and the honeycomb most sweet to thy throat:

dourh@Proverbs:24:17 @ When thy enemy shall fall, be not glad, and in his ruin let not thy heart rejoice:

dourh@Proverbs:24:21 @ My son, fear the Lord and the king: and have nothing to do with detracters.

dourh@Proverbs:24:32 @ Which when I had seen, I laid it up in my heart, and by the example I received instruction.

dourh@Proverbs:25:21 @ If thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat: if he thirst, give him water to drink:

dourh@Proverbs:26:24 @ An enemy is known by his lips, when in his heart he entertaineth deceit.

dourh@Proverbs:27:6 @ Better are the wounds of a friend, than the deceitful kisses of an enemy.

dourh@Proverbs:27:11 @ Study wisdom, my son, and make my heart joyful, that thou mayst give an answer to him that reproacheth.

dourh@Proverbs:30:9 @ Lest perhaps being filled, I should be tempted to deny, and say: Who is the Lord? or being compelled by poverty, I should steal, and forswear the name of my God.

dourh@Proverbs:31:2 @ What, O my beloved, what, O the beloved of my womb, what, O the beloved of my vows?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:1:13 @ And I proposed in my mind to seek and search out wisely concerning all things that are done under the sun. This painful occupation hath God given to the children of men, to be exercised therein.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:1:16 @ I have spoken in my heart, saying: Behold I am become great, and have gone beyond all in wisdom, that were before me in Jerusalem: and my mind hath contemplated many things wisely, and I have learned.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:1:17 @ And I have given my heart to know prudence, and learning, and errors, and folly: and I have perceived that in these also there was labour, and vexation of spirit,

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:1 @ I said in my heart: I will go, and abound with delights, and enjoy good things. And I saw that this also was vanity.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:3 @ I thought in my heart, to withdraw my flesh from wine, that I might turn my mind to wisdom, and might avoid folly, till I might see what was profitable for the children of men: and what they ought to do under the sun, all the days of their life.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:8 @ I heaped together for myself silver and gold, and the wealth of kings, and provinces: I made me singing men, and singing women, and the delights of the sons of men, cups and vessels to serve to pour out wine:

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:9 @ And I surpassed in riches all that were before me in Jerusalem: my wisdom also remained with me.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:10 @ And whatsoever my eyes desired, I refused them not: and I withheld not my heart from enjoying every pleasure, and delighting itself in the things which I had prepared: and esteemed this my portion, to make use of my own labour.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:11 @ And when I turned myself to all the works which my hands had wrought, and to the labours wherein I had laboured in vain, I saw in all things vanity, and vexation of mind, and that nothing was lasting under the sun.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @ And I said in my heart: If the death of the fool and mine shall be one, what doth it avail me, that I have applied myself more to the study of wisdom? And speaking with my own mind, I perceived that this also was vanity.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:17 @ And therefore I was weary of my life, when I saw that all things under the sun are evil, and all vanity and vexation of spirit.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:18 @ Again I hated all my application wherewith I had earnestly laboured under the sun, being like to have an heir after me,

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:19 @ Whom I know not whether he will be a wise man or a fool, and he shall have rule over all my labours with which I have laboured and been solicitous: and is there any thing so vain?

dourh@Ecclesiastes:2:20 @ Wherefore I left off and my heart renounced labouring any more under the sun.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:3:17 @ And I said in my heart: God shall judge both the just and the wicked, and then shall be the time of every thing.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:3:18 @ I said in my heart concerning the sons of men, that God would prove them, and shew them to be like beasts.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:1 @ I turned myself to other things, and I saw the oppressions that are done under the sun, and the tears of the innocent, and they had no comforter; and they were not able to resist their violence, being destitute of help from any.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @ There is but one, and he hath not a second, no child, no brother, and yet he ceaseth not to labour, neither are his eyes satisfied with riches, neither doth he reflect, saying: For whom do I labour, and defraud my soul of good things? in this also is vanity, and a grievous vexation.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:16 @ These things also I saw in the days of my vanity: A just man perisheth in his justice, and a wicked man liveth a long time in his wickedness.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @ I have surveyed all things with my mind, to know, and consider, and seek out wisdom and reason: and to know the wickedness of the fool, and the error of the imprudent:

dourh@Ecclesiastes:7:29 @ Which yet my soul seeketh, and I have not found it. One man among a thousand I have found, a woman among them all I have not found.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @ All these things I have considered, and applied my heart to all the works that are done under the sun. Sometimes one man ruleth over another to his own hurt.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:8:16 @ And I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to understand the distraction that is upon earth: for there are some that day and night take no sleep with their eyes.

dourh@Ecclesiastes:9:1 @ All these things have I considered in my heart, that I might carefully understand them: there are just men and wise men, and their works are in the hand of God: and yet man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love, or hatred:

dourh@Ecclesiastes:12:12 @ More than these, my son, require not. Of making many books there is no end: and much study is an affliction of the flesh.

dourh@Songs:1:5 @ Do not consider me that I am brown, because the sun hath altered my colour: the sons of my mother have fought against me, they have made me the keeper in the vineyards: my vineyard I have not kept.

dourh@Songs:1:6 @ Shew me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou liest in the midday, lest I begin to wander after the flocks of thy companions.

dourh@Songs:1:8 @ To my company of horsemen, in Pharao's chariots, have I likened thee, O my love.

dourh@Songs:1:11 @ While the king was at his repose, my spikenard sent forth the odour thereof.

dourh@Songs:1:12 @ A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, he shall abide between my breasts.

dourh@Songs:1:13 @ A cluster of cypress my love is to me, in the vineyards of Engaddi.

dourh@Songs:1:14 @ Behold thou art fair, O my love, behold thou art fair, thy eyes are as those of doves.

dourh@Songs:1:15 @ Behold thou art fair, my beloved, and comely. Our bed is flourishing.

dourh@Songs:2:2 @ As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.

dourh@Songs:2:3 @ As the apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow, whom I desired: and his fruit was sweet to my palate.

dourh@Songs:2:6 @ His left hand is under my head, and his right hand shall embrace me.

dourh@Songs:2:8 @ The voice of my beloved, behold he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping over the hills.

dourh@Songs:2:9 @ My beloved is like a roe, or a young hart. Behold he standeth behind our wall, looking through the windows, looking through the lattices.

dourh@Songs:2:10 @ Behold my beloved speaketh to me: Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, and come.

dourh@Songs:2:13 @ The fig tree hath put forth her green figs: the vines in flower yield their sweet smell. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come:

dourh@Songs:2:14 @ My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hollow places of the wall, shew me thy face, let thy voice sound in my ears: for thy voice is sweet, and thy face comely.

dourh@Songs:2:16 @ My beloved to me, and I to him who feedeth among the lilies,

dourh@Songs:2:17 @ Till the day break, and the shadows retire. Return: be like, my beloved, to a roe, or to a young hart upon the mountains of Bether.

dourh@Songs:3:1 @ In my bed by night I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, and found him not.

dourh@Songs:3:2 @ I will rise, and will go about the city: in the streets and the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, and I found him not.

dourh@Songs:3:3 @ The watchmen who keep the city, found me: Have you seen him, whom my soul loveth?

dourh@Songs:3:4 @ When I had a little passed by them, I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him: and I will not let him go, till I bring him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that bore me.

dourh@Songs:3:5 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes and the harts of the fields, that you stir not up, nor awake my beloved, till she please.

dourh@Songs:3:6 @ Who is she that goeth up by the desert, as a pillar of smoke of aromatical spices, of myrrh, and frankincense, and of all the powders of the perfumer?

dourh@Songs:4:1 @ How beautiful art thou, my love, how beautiful art thou! thy eyes are doves' eyes, besides what is hid within. Thy hair is as flocks of goats, which Come up from mount Galaad.

dourh@Songs:4:6 @ Till the day break, and the shadows retire, I will go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.

dourh@Songs:4:7 @ Thou art all fair, O my love, and there is not a spot in thee.

dourh@Songs:4:8 @ Come from Libanus, my spouse, come from Libanus, come: thou shalt be crowned from the top of Amana, from the top of Sanir and Hermon, from the dens of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards.

dourh@Songs:4:9 @ Thou hast wounded my heart, my sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded my heart with one of thy eyes, and with one hair of thy neck.

dourh@Songs:4:10 @ How beautiful are thy breasts, my sister, my spouse! thy breasts are more beautiful than wine, and the sweet smell of thy ointments above all aromatical spices.

dourh@Songs:4:11 @ Thy lips, my spouse, are as a dropping honeycomb, honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments, as the smell of frankincense.

dourh@Songs:4:12 @ My sister, my spouse, is a garden enclosed, a garden enclosed, a fountain sealed up.

dourh@Songs:4:14 @ Spikenard and saffron, sweet cane and cinnamon, with all the trees of Libanus, myrrh and aloes with all the chief perfumes.

dourh@Songs:4:16 @ Arise, O north wind, and come, O south wind, blow through my garden, and let the aromatical spices thereof flow.

dourh@Songs:5:1 @ Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat the fruit of his apple trees. I am come into my garden, O my sister, my spouse, I have gathered my myrrh, with my aromatical spices: I have eaten the honeycomb with my honey, I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends, and drink, and be inebriated, my dearly beloved.

dourh@Songs:5:2 @ I sleep, and my heart watcheth; the voice of my beloved knocking: Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is full of dew, and my locks of the drops of the nights.

dourh@Songs:5:3 @ I have put off my garment, how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet, how shall I defile them?

dourh@Songs:5:4 @ My beloved put his hand through the key hole, and my bowels were moved at his touch.

dourh@Songs:5:5 @ I arose up to open to my beloved: my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers were full of the choicest myrrh.

dourh@Songs:5:6 @ I opened the bolt of my door to my beloved: but he had turned aside, and was gone. My soul melted when he spoke: I sought him, and found him not: I called, and he did not answer me.

dourh@Songs:5:7 @ The keepers that go about the city found me: they struck me: and wounded me: the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me.

dourh@Songs:5:8 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, that you tell him that I languish with love.

dourh@Songs:5:10 @ My beloved is white and ruddy, chosen out of thousands.

dourh@Songs:5:13 @ His cheeks are as beds of aromatical spices set by the perfumers. His lips are as lilies dropping choice myrrb.

dourh@Songs:5:16 @ His throat most sweet, and he is all lovely: such is my beloved, and he is my friend, O ye daughters of Jerusalem.

dourh@Songs:6:1 @ My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the bed of aromatical spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies.

dourh@Songs:6:2 @ I to my beloved, and my beloved to me, who feedeth among the lilies.

dourh@Songs:6:3 @ Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet and comely as Jerusalem: terrible as an army set in array.

dourh@Songs:6:8 @ One is my dove, my perfect one is but one, she is the only one of her mother, the chosen of her that bore her. The daughters saw her, and declared her most blessed: the queens and concubines, and they praised her.

dourh@Songs:6:9 @ Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?

dourh@Songs:6:11 @ I knew not: my soul troubled me for the chariots of Aminadab.

dourh@Songs:7:6 @ How beautiful art thou, and how comely, my dearest, in delights!

dourh@Songs:7:9 @ Thy throat like the best wine, worthy for my beloved to drink, and for his lips and his teeth to ruminate.

dourh@Songs:7:10 @ I to my beloved, and his turning is towards me.

dourh@Songs:7:11 @ Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field, let us abide in the villages.

dourh@Songs:7:12 @ Let us get up early to the vineyards, let us see if the vineyard flourish, if the flowers be ready to bring forth fruits, if the pomegranates flourish: there will I give thee my breasts.

dourh@Songs:7:13 @ The mandrakes give a smell. In our gates are all fruits: the new and the old, my beloved, I have kept for thee.

dourh@Songs:8:1 @ Who shall give thee to me for my brother, sucking the breasts of my mother, that I may find thee without, and kiss thee, and now no man may despise me?

dourh@Songs:8:2 @ I will take hold of thee, and bring thee Into my mother's house: there thou shalt teach me, and I will give thee a cup of spiced wine and new wine of my pomegranates.

dourh@Songs:8:3 @ His left hand under my head, and his right hand shall embrace me.

dourh@Songs:8:4 @ I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you stir not up, nor awake my love till she please.

dourh@Songs:8:10 @ I am a wall: and my breasts are as a tower since I am become in his presence as one finding peace.

dourh@Songs:8:12 @ My vineyard is before me. A thousand are for thee, the peaceable, and two hundred for them that keep the fruit thereof.

dourh@Songs:8:14 @ Flee away, O my beloved, and be like to the roe, and to the young hart upon the mountains of aromatical spices.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:3 @ And now, O Lord, think of me, and take not revenge of my sins, neither remember my offenses, nor those of my parents.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:6 @ And now, O Lord, do with me according to thy will, and command my spirit to be received in peace: for it is better for me to die, than to live.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:14 @ To thee, O Lord, I turn my face, to thee I direct my eyes.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:16 @ Thou knowest, O Lord, that I never coveted a husband, and have kept my soul clean from all lust.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:17 @ Never have I joined myself with them that play: neither have I made myself partaker with them that walk in lightness.

dourh@EpJeremiah:3:18 @ But a husband I consented to take, with thy fear, not with my lust.

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:2 @ And said to him: Hear, my son, the words of my mouth, and lay them as a foundation in thy heart.

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:3 @ When God shall take my soul, thou shalt bury my body: and thou shalt honour thy mother all the days of her life:

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:13 @ Take heed to keep thyself, my son, from all fornication, and beside thy wife never endure to know a crime.

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:21 @ I tell thee also, my son, that I lent ten talents of silver, while thou wast yet a child, to Gabelus, in Rages a city of the Medes, and I have a note of his hand with me:

dourh@EpJeremiah:4:23 @ Fear not, my son: we lead indeed a poor life, but we shall have many good things if we fear God, and depart from all sin, and do that which is good.

dourh@EpJeremiah:5:9 @ And Tobias said to him: Stay for me, I beseech thee, till I tell these same things to my father.

dourh@EpJeremiah:5:14 @ And Tobias said to him: Canst thou conduct my son to Gabelus at Rages, a city of the Medes? and when thou shalt return, I will pay thee thy hire.

dourh@EpJeremiah:6:15 @ Now I am afraid, lest the same thing should happen to me also: and whereas I am the only child of my parents, I should bring down their old age with sorrow to hell.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:2 @ And Raguel looking upon Tobias, said to Anna his wife: How like is this young man to my cousin?

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:5 @ And Raguel said to them: Do you know Tobias my brother? And they said: We know him.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:7 @ And Raguel went to him, and kissed him with tears, and weeping upon his neck, said: A blessing be upon thee, my son, because thou art the son of a good and most virtuous man.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:10 @ Tobias said: I will not eat nor drink here this day, unless thou first grant me my petition, and promise to give me Sara thy daughter.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:13 @ Then Raguel said: I doubt not but God hath regarded my prayers and tears in his sight.

dourh@EpJeremiah:7:20 @ And she said to her: Be of good cheer, my daughter: the Lord of heaven give thee joy for the trouble thou hast undergone.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:9 @ And now, Lord, thou knowest, that not for fleshly lust do I take my sister to wife, but only for the love of posterity, in which thy name may be blessed for ever and ever.

dourh@EpJeremiah:8:18 @ For thou hast shewn thy mercy to us, and hast shut out from us the enemy that persecuted us.

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:1 @ Then Tobias called the angel to him, whom he took to be a man, and said to him: Brother Azarias, I pray thee hearken to my words:

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:2 @ If I should give myself to be thy servant I should not make a worthy return for thy care.

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:3 @ However, I beseech thee, to take with thee beasts and servants, and to go to Gabelus to Rages the city of the Medes: and to restore to him his note of hand, and receive of him the money, and desire him to come to my wedding.

dourh@EpJeremiah:9:4 @ For thou knowest that my father numbereth the days: and if I stay one day more, his soul will be afflicted.

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:1 @ But as Tobias made longer stay upon occasion of the marriage, Tobias his father was solicitous, saying: Why thinkest thou doth my son tarry, or why is he detained there?

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:4 @ But his mother wept and was quite disconsolate, and said: Woe, woe is me, my son; why did we send thee to go to a strange country, the light of our eyes, the staff of our old age, the comfort of our life, the hope of our posterity?

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:9 @ And Tobias said to him: I know that my father and mother now count the days, and their spirit is grievously afflicted within them.

dourh@EpJeremiah:10:11 @ Saying: The holy angel of the Lord be with you in your journey, and bring you through safe, and that you may find all things well about your parents, and my eyes see your children before I die.

dourh@EpJeremiah:11:17 @ And Tobias said: I bless thee, O Lord God of Israel, because thou hast chastised me, and thou hast saved me: and behold I see Tobias my son.

dourh@EpJeremiah:12:3 @ He conducted me and brought me safe again, he received the money of Gabelus, he caused me to have my wife, and he chased from her the evil spirit, he gave joy to her parents, myself he delivered from being devoured by the fish, thee also he hath made to see the light of heaven, and we are filled with all good things through him. What can we give him sufficient for these things?

dourh@EpJeremiah:12:4 @ But I beseech thee, my father, to desire him, that he would vouchsafe to accept one half of all things that have been brought.

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:7 @ As for me, I will praise him in the land of my captivity: because he hath shewn his majesty toward a sinful nation.

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:9 @ And I and my soul will rejoice in him.

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:19 @ My soul, bless thou the Lord, because the Lord our God hath delivered Jerusalem his city from all her troubles.

dourh@EpJeremiah:13:20 @ Happy shall I be if there shall remain of my seed, to see the glory of Jerusalem.

dourh@EpJeremiah:14:10 @ Hearken therefore, my children, to your father: serve the Lord in truth, and seek to do the things that please him:

dourh@1Esd:6:10 @ To you, therefore, O kings, are these my words, that you may learn wisdom, and not fall from it.

dourh@1Esd:6:12 @ Covet ye therefore my words, and love them, and you shall have instruction.

dourh@1Esd:6:24 @ Now what wisdom is, and what was her origin, I will declare: and I will not hide from you the mysteries of God, but will seek her out from the beginning of her birth, and bring the knowledge of her to light, and will not pass over the truth:

dourh@1Esd:6:27 @ Receive therefore instruction by my words, and it shall be profitable to you.

dourh@1Esd:7:1 @ I myself also am a mortal man, like all others, and of the race of him, that was first made of the earth, and in the womb of my mother I was fashioned to be flesh.

dourh@1Esd:8:2 @ Her have I loved, and have sought her out from my youth, and have desired to take her for my spouse, and I became a lover of her beauty.

dourh@1Esd:8:9 @ I purposed therefore to take her to me to live with me: knowing that she will communicate to me of her good things, and will be a comfort in my cares and grief.

dourh@1Esd:8:12 @ They shall wait for me when I hold my peace, and they shall look upon me when I speak, and if I talk much they shall lay their hands on their mouths.

dourh@1Esd:8:16 @ When I go into my house, I shall repose myself with her: for her conversation hath no bitterness, nor her company any tediousness, but joy and gladness.

dourh@1Esd:8:17 @ Thinking these things with myself, and pondering them in my heart, that to be allied to wisdom is immortality,

dourh@1Esd:8:18 @ And that there is great delight in her friendship, and inexhaustible riches in the works of her hands, and in the exercise of conference with her, wisdom, and glory in the communication of her words: I went about seeking, that I might take her to myself.

dourh@1Esd:8:21 @ And as I knew that I could not otherwise be continent, except God gave it, and this also was a point of wisdom, to know whose gift it was: I went to the Lord, and besought him, and said with my whole heart:

dourh@1Esd:9:1 @ God of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word,

dourh@1Esd:9:11 @ For she knoweth and understandeth all things, and shall lead me soberly in my works, and shall preserve me by her power.

dourh@1Esd:9:12 @ So shall my works be acceptable, and I shall govern thy people justly, and shall be worthy of the throne of my father.

dourh@PssSol:2:7 @ And my nation is Israel, who cried to the Lord, and the Lord saved his people: and he delivered us from all evils, and hath wrought great signs and wonders among the nations:

dourh@PssSol:3:1 @ In the fourth year of the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra, Dositheus, who said he was a priest, and of the Levitical race, and Ptolemy his son brought this epistle of Phurim, which they said Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy had interpreted in Jerusalem.

dourh@PssSol:5:2 @ Whereas I reigned over many nations, and had brought all the world under my dominion, I was not willing to abuse the greatness of my power, but to govern my subjects with clemency and lenity, that they might live quietly without any terror. and might enjoy peace, which is desired by all men.

dourh@PssSol:5:3 @ But when I asked my counsellors how this might be accomplished, one that excelled the rest in wisdom and fidelity, and was second after the king, Aman by name,

dourh@PssSol:5:14 @ But I feared lest I should transfer the honour of my God to a man, and lest I should adore any one except my God.

dourh@PssSol:5:17 @ Hear my supplication, and be merciful to thy lot and inheritance, and turn our mourning into joy, that we may live and praise thy name, 0 Lord, and shut not the mouths of them that sing to thee.

dourh@PssSol:6:3 @ And she prayed to the Lord the God of Israel, saying: O my Lord, who alone art our king, help me a desolate woman, and who have no other helper but thee.

dourh@PssSol:6:4 @ My danger is in my hands.

dourh@PssSol:6:5 @ I have heard of my father that thou, O Lord, didst take Israel from among all nations, and our fathers from all their predecessors, to possess them as an everlasting inheritance, and thou hast done to them as thou hast promised.

dourh@PssSol:6:13 @ Give me a well ordered speech in my mouth in the presence of the lion, and turn his heart to the hatred of our enemy, that both he himself may perish, and the rest that consent to him.

dourh@PssSol:6:16 @ Thou knowest my necessity, that I abominate the sign of my pride and glory, which is upon my head in the days of my public appearance, and detest it as a menstruous rag, and wear it not in the days of my silence,

dourh@PssSol:6:19 @ O God, who art mighty above all, hear the voice of them, that have no other hope, and deliver us from the hand of the wicked, and deliver me from my fear.

dourh@PssSol:7:2 @ Remember, (said he,) the days of thy low estate, how thou wast brought up by my hand, because Aman the second after the king hath spoken against us unto death.

dourh@PssSol:7:16 @ She answered: I saw thee, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled for fear of thy majesty.

dourh@PssSol:7:17 @ For thou, my lord, art very admirable, and thy. face is full of graces.