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OT-POET.filter - kjv into:

kjv@Job:3:6 @ As for that night, let darkness seize upon it; let it not be joined unto the days of the year, let it not come into the number of the months.

kjv@Job:9:24 @ The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he?

kjv@Job:10:9 @ Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay; and wilt thou bring me into dust again?

kjv@Job:12:6 @ The tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure; into whose hand God bringeth abundantly.

kjv@Job:14:3 @ And dost thou open thine eyes upon such an one, and bringest me into judgment with thee?

kjv@Job:16:11 @ God hath delivered me to the ungodly, and turned me over into the hands of the wicked.

kjv@Job:17:12 @ They change the night into day: the light is short because of darkness.

kjv@Job:18:8 @ For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon a snare.

kjv@Job:18:18 @ He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world.

kjv@Job:22:4 @ Will he reprove thee for fear of thee? will he enter with thee into judgment?

kjv@Job:30:3 @ For want and famine they were solitary; fleeing into the wilderness in former time desolate and waste.

kjv@Job:30:19 @ He hath cast me into the mire, and I am become like dust and ashes.

kjv@Job:30:31 @ My harp also is turned to mourning, and my organ into the voice of them that weep.

kjv@Job:33:28 @ He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.

kjv@Job:34:23 @ For he will not lay upon man more than right; that he should enter into judgment with God.

kjv@Job:36:16 @ Even so would he have removed thee out of the strait into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and that which should be set on thy table should be full of fatness.

kjv@Job:37:8 @ Then the beasts go into dens, and remain in their places.

kjv@Job:38:16 @ Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?

kjv@Job:38:22 @ Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,

kjv@Job:38:38 @ When the dust groweth into hardness, and the clods cleave fast together?

kjv@Job:39:12 @ Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn?

kjv@Job:40:23 @ Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth.

kjv@Job:41:2 @ Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?

kjv@Job:41:22 @ In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.

kjv@Job:41:28 @ The arrow cannot make him flee: slingstones are turned with him into stubble.

kjv@Psalms:4:2 @ O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? how long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Selah.

kjv@Psalms:5:7 @ But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.

kjv@Psalms:7:15 @ He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.

kjv@Psalms:9:17 @ The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

kjv@Psalms:10:9 @ He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net.

kjv@Psalms:16:4 @ Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips.

kjv@Psalms:18:6 @ In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

kjv@Psalms:18:19 @ He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

kjv@Psalms:22:15 @ My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.

kjv@Psalms:24:3 @ Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?

kjv@Psalms:28:1 @ Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.

kjv@Psalms:30:11 @ Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;

kjv@Psalms:31:5 @ Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.

kjv@Psalms:31:8 @ And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a large room.

kjv@Psalms:32:4 @ For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:35:8 @ Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.

kjv@Psalms:35:13 @ But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.

kjv@Psalms:37:15 @ Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

kjv@Psalms:37:20 @ But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

kjv@Psalms:45:2 @ Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.

kjv@Psalms:45:15 @ With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace.

kjv@Psalms:46:2 @ Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

kjv@Psalms:55:15 @ Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.

kjv@Psalms:55:23 @ But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee.

kjv@Psalms:56:8 @ Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

kjv@Psalms:57:6 @ They have prepared a net for my steps; my soul is bowed down: they have digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen themselves. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:60:9 @ Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?

kjv@Psalms:63:9 @ But those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.

kjv@Psalms:66:6 @ He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him.

kjv@Psalms:66:11 @ Thou broughtest us into the net; thou laidst affliction upon our loins.

kjv@Psalms:66:12 @ Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

kjv@Psalms:66:13 @ I will go into thy house with burnt offerings: I will pay thee my vows,

kjv@Psalms:69:2 @ I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.

kjv@Psalms:69:27 @ Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness.

kjv@Psalms:73:17 @ Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

kjv@Psalms:73:18 @ Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.

kjv@Psalms:73:19 @ How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.

kjv@Psalms:74:7 @ They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down the dwelling place of thy name to the ground.

kjv@Psalms:76:6 @ At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep.

kjv@Psalms:78:44 @ And had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink.

kjv@Psalms:78:61 @ And delivered his strength into captivity, and his glory into the enemy's hand.

kjv@Psalms:79:1 @ O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.

kjv@Psalms:79:12 @ And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord.

kjv@Psalms:88:4 @ I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man that hath no strength:

kjv@Psalms:88:18 @ Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness.

kjv@Psalms:95:11 @ Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

kjv@Psalms:96:8 @ Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts.

kjv@Psalms:100:4 @ Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

kjv@Psalms:104:10 @ He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills.

kjv@Psalms:105:23 @ Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.

kjv@Psalms:105:29 @ He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish.

kjv@Psalms:106:15 @ And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.

kjv@Psalms:106:20 @ Thus they changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.

kjv@Psalms:106:41 @ And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them.

kjv@Psalms:106:42 @ Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.

kjv@Psalms:107:33 @ He turneth rivers into a wilderness, and the watersprings into dry ground;

kjv@Psalms:107:34 @ A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.

kjv@Psalms:107:35 @ He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings.

kjv@Psalms:108:10 @ Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?

kjv@Psalms:109:18 @ As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.

kjv@Psalms:114:8 @ Which turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of waters.

kjv@Psalms:115:17 @ The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence.

kjv@Psalms:118:19 @ Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD:

kjv@Psalms:118:20 @ This gate of the LORD, into which the righteous shall enter.

kjv@Psalms:122:1 @ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.

kjv@Psalms:132:3 @ Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed;

kjv@Psalms:132:7 @ We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.

kjv@Psalms:132:8 @ Arise, O LORD, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength.

kjv@Psalms:135:9 @ Who sent tokens and wonders into the midst of thee, O Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his servants.

kjv@Psalms:136:13 @ To him which divided the Red sea into parts: for his mercy endureth for ever:

kjv@Psalms:139:8 @ If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

kjv@Psalms:140:10 @ Let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again.

kjv@Psalms:141:10 @ Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.

kjv@Psalms:143:2 @ And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified.

kjv@Psalms:143:7 @ Hear me speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

kjv@Psalms:143:10 @ Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.

kjv@Proverbs:1:12 @ Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those that go down into the pit:

kjv@Proverbs:2:10 @ When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul;

kjv@Proverbs:4:14 @ Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.

kjv@Proverbs:6:3 @ Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.

kjv@Proverbs:13:17 @ A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.

kjv@Proverbs:16:29 @ A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good.

kjv@Proverbs:16:33 @ The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.

kjv@Proverbs:17:10 @ A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.

kjv@Proverbs:17:20 @ He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.

kjv@Proverbs:18:6 @ A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.

kjv@Proverbs:18:8 @ The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

kjv@Proverbs:18:10 @ The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

kjv@Proverbs:19:15 @ Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.

kjv@Proverbs:23:10 @ Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless:

kjv@Proverbs:24:16 @ For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

kjv@Proverbs:26:9 @ As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

kjv@Proverbs:26:22 @ The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

kjv@Proverbs:27:10 @ Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not; neither go into thy brother's house in the day of thy calamity: for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.

kjv@Proverbs:28:10 @ Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.

kjv@Proverbs:28:14 @ Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.

kjv@Proverbs:29:8 @ Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away wrath.

kjv@Proverbs:30:4 @ Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?

kjv@Ecclesiastes:1:7 @ All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:8 @ He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @ Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:14 @ For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

kjv@Songs:1:4 @ Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.

kjv@Songs:3:4 @ It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

kjv@Songs:4:16 @ Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

kjv@Songs:5:1 @ I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved.

kjv@Songs:6:2 @ My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies.

kjv@Songs:6:11 @ I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished, and the pomegranates budded.

kjv@Songs:7:11 @ Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages.

kjv@Songs:8:2 @ I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.

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