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OT-POET.filter - strkjv lechem:

strkjv@Job:3:24 @ For my sighing cometh before I eat lechem#, and my roarings are poured out like the waters.

strkjv@Job:6:7 @ The things that my soul refused to touch are as my sorrowful meat lechem#.

strkjv@Job:15:23 @ He wandereth abroad for bread lechem#, saying, Where is it? he knoweth that the day of darkness is ready at his hand.

strkjv@Job:20:14 @ Yet his meat lechem# in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him.

strkjv@Job:22:7 @ Thou hast not given water to the weary to drink, and thou hast withholden bread lechem# from the hungry ra#eb#.

strkjv@Job:24:5 @ Behold, as wild asses in the desert, go they forth to their work po#al#; rising betimes for a prey: the wilderness yieldeth food lechem# for them and for their children na#ar#.

strkjv@Job:27:14 @ If his children be multiplied, it is for the sword: and his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread lechem#.

strkjv@Job:28:5 @ As for the earth, out of it cometh bread lechem#: and under it is turned up as it were fire.

strkjv@Job:30:4 @ Who cut up mallows by the bushes, and juniper roots for their meat lechem#.

strkjv@Job:33:20 @ So that his life abhorreth bread lechem#, and his soul dainty meat ma#akal#.

strkjv@Job:42:11 @ Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread lechem# with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.

strkjv@Psalms:14:4 @ Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread lechem#, and call not upon the LORD.

strkjv@Psalms:37:25 @ I have been young na#ar#, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread lechem#.

strkjv@Psalms:41:9 @ Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread lechem#, hath lifted up his heel against me.

strkjv@Psalms:42:3 @ My tears have been my meat lechem# day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?

strkjv@Psalms:53:4 @ Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread lechem#: they have not called upon God.

strkjv@Psalms:78:20 @ Behold, he smote the rock, that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed; can he give bread lechem# also? can he provide flesh for his people?

strkjv@Psalms:78:25 @ Man did eat angels food lechem#: he sent them meat to the full.

strkjv@Psalms:80:5 @ Thou feedest them with the bread lechem# of tears dim#ah#; and givest them tears to drink in great measure.

strkjv@Psalms:102:4 @ My heart is smitten, and withered like grass; so that I forget to eat my bread lechem#.

strkjv@Psalms:102:9 @ For I have eaten ashes like bread lechem#, and mingled my drink with weeping,

strkjv@Psalms:104:14 @ He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food lechem# out of the earth;

strkjv@Psalms:104:15 @ And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread lechem# which strengtheneth mans heart.

strkjv@Psalms:105:16 @ Moreover he called for a famine upon the land: he brake the whole staff of bread lechem#.

strkjv@Psalms:105:40 @ The people asked, and he brought quails, and satisfied them with the bread lechem# of heaven.

strkjv@Psalms:127:2 @ It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread lechem# of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

strkjv@Psalms:132:15 @ I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread lechem#.

strkjv@Psalms:136:25 @ Who giveth food lechem# to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever.

strkjv@Psalms:146:7 @ Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food lechem# to the hungry ra#eb#. The LORD looseth the prisoners:

strkjv@Psalms:147:9 @ He giveth to the beast his food lechem#, and to the young ravens which cry.

strkjv@Proverbs:4:17 @ For they eat the bread lechem# of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.

strkjv@Proverbs:6:8 @ Provideth her meat lechem# in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.

strkjv@Proverbs:6:26 @ For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread lechem#: and the adulteress #H376will hunt for the precious life.

strkjv@Proverbs:9:5 @ Come, eat of my bread lechem#, and drink of the wine which I have mingled.

strkjv@Proverbs:9:17 @ Stolen waters are sweet, and bread lechem# eaten in secret is pleasant.

strkjv@Proverbs:12:9 @ He that is despised, and hath a servant, is better than he that honoureth himself, and lacketh bread lechem#.

strkjv@Proverbs:12:11 @ He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread lechem#: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding.

strkjv@Proverbs:20:13 @ Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread lechem#.

strkjv@Proverbs:20:17 @ Bread lechem# of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

strkjv@Proverbs:22:9 @ He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread lechem# to the poor.

strkjv@Proverbs:23:3 @ Be not desirous of his dainties mat#am#: for they are deceitful meat lechem#.

strkjv@Proverbs:23:6 @ Eat thou not the bread lechem# of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats mat#am#:

strkjv@Proverbs:25:21 @ If thine enemy be hungry ra#eb#, give him bread lechem# to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:

strkjv@Proverbs:27:27 @ And thou shalt have goats milk enough for thy food lechem#, for the food lechem# of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens na#arah#.

strkjv@Proverbs:28:3 @ A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food lechem#.

strkjv@Proverbs:28:19 @ He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread lechem#: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough.

strkjv@Proverbs:28:21 @ To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread lechem# that man will transgress.

strkjv@Proverbs:30:8 @ Remove far from me vanity and lies dabar#: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food lechem# convenient for me:

strkjv@Proverbs:30:22 @ For a servant when he reigneth; and a fool when he is filled with meat lechem#;

strkjv@Proverbs:30:25 @ The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat lechem# in the summer;

strkjv@Proverbs:31:14 @ She is like the merchants ships; she bringeth her food lechem# from afar.

strkjv@Proverbs:31:27 @ She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread lechem# of idleness.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:7 @ Go thy way, eat thy bread lechem# with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works ma#aseh#.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread lechem# to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:10:19 @ A feast lechem# is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry : but money answereth all things.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:11:1 @ Cast thy bread lechem# upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.

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