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strkjv@Isaiah:2:7 @ Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots:

strkjv@Isaiah:2:20 @ In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles chaphor# and to the bats;

strkjv@Isaiah:4:6 @ And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.

strkjv@Isaiah:5:6 @ And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

strkjv@Isaiah:5:17 @ Then shall the lambs feed after their manner, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat.

strkjv@Isaiah:5:28 @ Whose arrows are sharp, and all their bows bent, their horses hoofs shall be counted like flint, and their wheels like a whirlwind:

strkjv@Isaiah:7:4 @ And say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the son of Remaliah.

strkjv@Isaiah:7:16 @ For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings.

strkjv@Isaiah:7:19 @ And they shall come, and shall rest all of them in the desolate valleys, and in the holes of the rocks, and upon all thorns na#atsuwts#, and upon all bushes.

strkjv@Isaiah:7:23 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that every place shall be, where there were a thousand vines at a thousand silverlings, it shall even be for briers and thorns.

strkjv@Isaiah:7:24 @ With arrows and with bows shall men come thither; because all the land shall become briers and thorns.

strkjv@Isaiah:7:25 @ And on all hills that shall be digged with the mattock ma#der#, there shall not come thither the fear of briers and thorns: but it shall be for the sending forth of oxen, and for the treading of lesser cattle.

strkjv@Isaiah:9:18 @ For wickedness burneth as the fire: it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest ya#ar#, and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke.

strkjv@Isaiah:10:17 @ And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day;

strkjv@Isaiah:15:5 @ My heart shall cry out for Moab Mow#ab#; his fugitives shall flee unto Zoar Tso#ar#, an heifer of three years old: for by the mounting up of Luhith with weeping shall they go it up; for in the way of Horonaim they shall raise up a cry of destruction.

strkjv@Isaiah:17:9 @ In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel Yisra#el#: and there shall be desolation.

strkjv@Isaiah:21:7 @ And he saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, and a chariot of camels; and he hearkened diligently with much heed:

strkjv@Isaiah:21:9 @ And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground.

strkjv@Isaiah:22:6 @ And Elam bare the quiver with chariots of men and horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield.

strkjv@Isaiah:22:7 @ And it shall come to pass, that thy choicest valleys shall be full of chariots, and the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate sha#ar#.

strkjv@Isaiah:23:3 @ And by great waters the seed of Sihor, the harvest of the river y@#or#, is her revenue t@buw#ah#; and she is a mart of nations.

strkjv@Isaiah:25:4 @ For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.

strkjv@Isaiah:25:5 @ Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low.

strkjv@Isaiah:27:4 @ Fury is not in me: who would set the briers and thorns against me in battle? I would go through them, I would burn them together.

strkjv@Isaiah:28:20 @ For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it.

strkjv@Isaiah:28:28 @ Bread corn is bruised; because he will not ever be threshing # it, nor break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with his horsemen.

strkjv@Isaiah:30:16 @ But ye said, No; for we will flee upon horses; therefore shall ye flee: and, We will ride upon the swift; therefore shall they that pursue you be swift.

strkjv@Isaiah:31:1 @ Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel Yisra#el#, neither seek the LORD!

strkjv@Isaiah:31:3 @ Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the LORD shall stretch out his hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is holpen shall fall down, and they all shall fail together.

strkjv@Isaiah:32:13 @ Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers; yea, upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city:

strkjv@Isaiah:33:12 @ And the people shall be as the burnings of lime: as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire.

strkjv@Isaiah:34:12 @ They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing.

strkjv@Isaiah:34:13 @ And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls bath# ya#anah#.

strkjv@Isaiah:36:8 @ Now therefore give pledges, I pray thee, to my master the king of Assyria, and I will give thee two thousand horses, if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them.

strkjv@Isaiah:36:9 @ How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my masters servants, and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen?

strkjv@Isaiah:38:8 @ Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees ma#alah#, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees ma#alah#, by which degrees it was gone down.

strkjv@Isaiah:43:17 @ Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as tow.

strkjv@Isaiah:44:26 @ That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers mal#ak#; that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof:

strkjv@Isaiah:48:21 @ And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts: he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them: he clave the rock also, and the waters gushed out.

strkjv@Isaiah:49:7 @ Thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel Yisra#el#, and his Holy One, to him whom man despiseth, to him whom the nation abhorreth, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel Yisra#el#, and he shall choose thee.

strkjv@Isaiah:49:19 @ For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.

strkjv@Isaiah:50:2 @ Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst.

strkjv@Isaiah:51:3 @ For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.

strkjv@Isaiah:52:9 @ Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the LORD hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.

strkjv@Isaiah:55:13 @ Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

strkjv@Isaiah:57:3 @ But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore.

strkjv@Isaiah:58:12 @ And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

strkjv@Isaiah:59:1 @ Behold, the LORDS hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

strkjv@Isaiah:61:4 @ And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.

strkjv@Isaiah:63:13 @ That led them through the deep, as an horse in the wilderness, that they should not stumble?

strkjv@Isaiah:64:11 @ Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste.

strkjv@Isaiah:65:10 @ And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks tso#n#, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in, for my people that have sought me.

strkjv@Isaiah:66:20 @ And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the LORD out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the LORD, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD.

strkjv@Isaiah:66:24 @ And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

strkjv@Jeremiah:2:12 @ Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the LORD.

strkjv@Jeremiah:2:18 @ And now what hast thou to do in the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Sihor? or what hast thou to do in the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river?

strkjv@Jeremiah:3:2 @ Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien (8676) with. In the ways hast thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness.

strkjv@Jeremiah:3:3 @ Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whores forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed.

strkjv@Jeremiah:3:9 @ And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks.

strkjv@Jeremiah:4:3 @ For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns.

strkjv@Jeremiah:4:13 @ Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his chariots shall be as a whirlwind: his horses are swifter than eagles. Woe unto us! for we are spoiled.

strkjv@Jeremiah:4:29 @ The whole city shall flee for the noise of the horsemen and bowmen qesheth#; they shall go into thickets, and climb up upon the rocks: every city shall be forsaken, and not a man dwell therein.

strkjv@Jeremiah:5:8 @ They were as fed horses in the morning: every one neighed after his neighbours wife.

strkjv@Jeremiah:5:30 @ A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land;

strkjv@Jeremiah:6:23 @ They shall lay hold on bow and spear; they are cruel, and have no mercy; their voice roareth like the sea; and they ride upon horses, set in array as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion.

strkjv@Jeremiah:7:34 @ Then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride: for the land shall be desolate.

strkjv@Jeremiah:8:6 @ I hearkened and heard, but they spake not aright: no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? every one turned to his course, as the horse rusheth into the battle.

strkjv@Jeremiah:8:16 @ The snorting of his horses was heard from Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones; for they are come, and have devoured the land, and all that is in it; the city, and those that dwell therein.

strkjv@Jeremiah:12:5 @ If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

strkjv@Jeremiah:12:13 @ They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns: they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit: and they shall be ashamed of your revenues because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

strkjv@Jeremiah:13:27 @ I have seen thine adulteries ni#uph#, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom, and thine abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! wilt thou not be made clean? when shall it once #H310be?

strkjv@Jeremiah:14:21 @ Do not abhor us, for thy names sake, do not disgrace the throne of thy glory: remember, break not thy covenant with us.

strkjv@Jeremiah:17:1 @ The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars;

strkjv@Jeremiah:17:25 @ Then shall there enter into the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, they, and their princes, the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem: and this city shall remain for ever.

strkjv@Jeremiah:18:13 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD; Ask ye now among the heathen, who hath heard such things: the virgin of Israel hath done a very horrible thing sha#aruwrah#.

strkjv@Jeremiah:20:3 @ And it came to pass on the morrow, that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks. Then said Jeremiah unto him, The LORD hath not called thy name Pashur, but Magormissabib Magowr mic-Cabiyb#.

strkjv@Jeremiah:22:4 @ For if ye do this thing indeed, then shall there enter in by the gates of this house kings sitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, he, and his servants, and his people.

strkjv@Jeremiah:22:5 @ But if ye will not hear these words, I swear by myself, saith the LORD, that this house shall become a desolation.

strkjv@Jeremiah:23:14 @ I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing sha#aruwrah#: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evildoers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.

strkjv@Jeremiah:25:9 @ Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations.

strkjv@Jeremiah:25:11 @ And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

strkjv@Jeremiah:25:18 @ To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse; as it is this day;

strkjv@Jeremiah:27:16 @ Also I spake to the priests and to all this people, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Hearken not to the words of your prophets that prophesy unto you, saying, Behold, the vessels of the LORDS house shall now shortly be brought again from Babylon: for they prophesy a lie unto you.

strkjv@Jeremiah:27:17 @ Hearken not unto them; serve the king of Babylon, and live: wherefore should this city be laid waste?

strkjv@Jeremiah:27:20 @ Which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took not, when he carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah from Jerusalem to Babylon, and all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem;

strkjv@Jeremiah:31:40 @ And the whole valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields sh@ unto the brook of Kidron, unto the corner of the horse gate toward the east, shall be holy unto the LORD; it shall not be plucked up, nor thrown down any more for ever.

strkjv@Jeremiah:36:22 @ Now the king sat in the winterhouse bayith# in the ninth month: and there was a fire on the hearth burning before him.

strkjv@Jeremiah:36:30 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD of Jehoiakim king of Judah; He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.

strkjv@Jeremiah:39:6 @ Then the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes: also the king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah.

strkjv@Jeremiah:44:2 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel Yisra#el#; Ye have seen all the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, and upon all the cities of Judah; and, behold, this day they are a desolation, and no man dwelleth therein,

strkjv@Jeremiah:44:6 @ Wherefore my fury and mine anger was poured forth, and was kindled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; and they are wasted and desolate, as at this day.

strkjv@Jeremiah:44:22 @ So that the LORD could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings ma#alal#, and because of the abominations which ye have committed; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day.

strkjv@Jeremiah:46:4 @ Harness the horses; and get up, ye horsemen, and stand forth with your helmets; furbish the spears, and put on the brigandines.

strkjv@Jeremiah:46:9 @ Come up, ye horses; and rage, ye chariots; and let the mighty men come forth; the Ethiopians and the Libyans, that handle the shield; and the Lydians, that handle and bend the bow.

strkjv@Jeremiah:47:3 @ At the noise of the stamping of the hoofs of his strong horses, at the rushing of his chariots, and at the rumbling of his wheels, the fathers shall not look back to their children for feebleness of hands;

strkjv@Jeremiah:47:7 @ How can it be quiet, seeing the LORD hath given it a charge against Ashkelon #Ashq@lown#, and against the sea shore? there hath he appointed it.

strkjv@Jeremiah:48:3 @ A voice of crying shall be from Horonaim, spoiling and great destruction.

strkjv@Jeremiah:48:5 @ For in the going up of Luhith continual weeping shall go up; for in the going down of Horonaim the enemies have heard a cry of destruction.

strkjv@Jeremiah:48:25 @ The horn of Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken, saith the LORD.

strkjv@Jeremiah:48:34 @ From the cry of Heshbon even unto Elealeh #El#ale#, and even unto Jahaz, have they uttered their voice, from Zoar even unto Horonaim, as an heifer of three years old: for the waters also of Nimrim shall be desolate.

strkjv@Jeremiah:49:13 @ For I have sworn by myself, saith the LORD, that Bozrah shall become a desolation, a reproach, a waste, and a curse; and all the cities thereof shall be perpetual wastes.

strkjv@Jeremiah:50:37 @ A sword is upon their horses, and upon their chariots, and upon all the mingled people that are in the midst of her; and they shall become as women: a sword is upon her treasures; and they shall be robbed.

strkjv@Jeremiah:50:38 @ A drought is upon her waters; and they shall be dried up: for it is the land of graven images, and they are mad upon their idols.

strkjv@Jeremiah:50:42 @ They shall hold the bow and the lance: they are cruel, and will not shew mercy: their voice shall roar like the sea, and they shall ride upon horses, every one put in array, like a man to the battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon.

strkjv@Jeremiah:51:21 @ And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider; and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider;

strkjv@Jeremiah:51:27 @ Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz #Ashk@naz#; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers.

strkjv@Lamentations:2:3 @ He hath cut off in his fierce anger all the horn of Israel Yisra#el#: he hath drawn back his right hand from before the enemy, and he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devoureth round about.

strkjv@Lamentations:2:7 @ The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath abhorred his sanctuary, he hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces; they have made a noise in the house of the LORD, as in the day of a solemn feast mow#ed#.

strkjv@Lamentations:2:17 @ The LORD hath done that which he had devised; he hath fulfilled his word that he had commanded in the days of old: he hath thrown down, and hath not pitied: and he hath caused thine enemy to rejoice over thee, he hath set up the horn of thine adversaries.

strkjv@Ezekiel:2:6 @ And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.

strkjv@Ezekiel:5:14 @ Moreover I will make thee waste, and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee, in the sight of all that pass by.

strkjv@Ezekiel:6:9 @ And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall lothe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations tow#ebah#.

strkjv@Ezekiel:7:8 @ Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations tow#ebah#.

strkjv@Ezekiel:7:18 @ They shall also gird themselves with sackcloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their heads ro#sh#.

strkjv@Ezekiel:9:2 @ And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate sha#ar#, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writers inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar.

strkjv@Ezekiel:9:3 @ And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writers inkhorn by his side;

strkjv@Ezekiel:9:11 @ And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me.

strkjv@Ezekiel:13:4 @ O Israel Yisra#el#, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:4 @ And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:17 @ Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given thee, and madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit whoredom with them,

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:20 @ Moreover thou hast taken thy sons and thy daughters, whom thou hast borne unto me, and these hast thou sacrificed unto them to be devoured. Is this of thy whoredoms a small matter m@#at#,

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:22 @ And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth na#uwr#, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:25 @ Thou hast built thy high place at every head of the way, and hast made thy beauty to be abhorred, and hast opened thy feet to every one that passed by, and multiplied thy whoredoms.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:26 @ Thou hast also committed fornication with the Egyptians ben# thy neighbours, great of flesh; and hast increased thy whoredoms, to provoke me to anger.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:28 @ Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians ben#, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied sob#ah#.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:30 @ How weak is thine heart, saith the Lord GOD, seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish woman;

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:33 @ They give gifts to all whores: but thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers, and hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:34 @ And the contrary is in thee from other women in thy whoredoms, whereas none followeth thee to commit whoredoms: and in that thou givest a reward, and no reward is given unto thee, therefore thou art contrary.

strkjv@Ezekiel:16:36 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations tow#ebah#, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;

strkjv@Ezekiel:17:15 @ But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such things? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered?

strkjv@Ezekiel:20:30 @ Wherefore say unto the house of Israel Yisra#el#, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers? and commit ye whoredom after their abominations?

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:3 @ And they committed whoredoms in Egypt; they committed whoredoms in their youth na#uwr#: there were their breasts pressed, and there they bruised the teats of their virginity.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:6 @ Which were clothed with blue, captains and rulers, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding upon horses.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:7 @ Thus she committed her whoredoms with them, with all them that were the chosen men of Assyria, and with all on whom she doted: with all their idols she defiled herself.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:8 @ Neither left she her whoredoms brought from Egypt: for in her youth they lay with her, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured their whoredom upon her.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:11 @ And when her sister Aholibah saw this, she was more corrupt in her inordinate love than she, and in her whoredoms more than her sister in her whoredoms.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:12 @ She doted upon the Assyrians ben# her neighbours, captains and rulers clothed most gorgeously, horsemen riding upon horses, all of them desirable young men.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:14 @ And that she increased her whoredoms: for when she saw men pourtrayed upon the wall, the images of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with vermilion,

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:17 @ And the Babylonians ben# came to her into the bed of love, and they defiled her with their whoredom, and she was polluted with them, and her mind was alienated from them.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:18 @ So she discovered her whoredoms, and discovered her nakedness: then my mind was alienated from her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:19 @ Yet she multiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth na#uwr#, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:20 @ For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:23 @ The Babylonians ben#, and all the Chaldeans, Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians ben# with them: all of them desirable young men, captains and rulers, great lords and renowned, all of them riding upon horses.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:27 @ Thus will I make thy lewdness to cease from thee, and thy whoredom brought from the land of Egypt: so that thou shalt not lift up thine eyes unto them, nor remember Egypt any more.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:29 @ And they shall deal with thee hatefully sin#ah#, and shall take away all thy labour, and shall leave thee naked and bare: and the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be discovered, both thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:30 @ I will do these things unto thee, because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen, and because thou art polluted with their idols.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:35 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast forgotten me, and cast me behind thy back, therefore bear thou also thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.

strkjv@Ezekiel:23:43 @ Then said I unto her that was old in adulteries ni#uph#, Will they now commit whoredoms with her, and she with them?

strkjv@Ezekiel:25:13 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also stretch out mine hand upon Edom, and will cut off man and beast from it; and I will make it desolate from Teman; and they of Dedan shall fall by the sword.

strkjv@Ezekiel:26:7 @ For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people.

strkjv@Ezekiel:26:10 @ By reason of the abundance of his horses their dust shall cover thee: thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates sha#ar#, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach.

strkjv@Ezekiel:26:11 @ With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets: he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground.

strkjv@Ezekiel:26:20 @ When I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit, with the people of old time, and shall set thee in the low parts of the earth, in places desolate of old, with them that go down to the pit, that thou be not inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of the living;

strkjv@Ezekiel:27:14 @ They of the house of Togarmah traded in thy fairs with horses and horsemen and mules.

strkjv@Ezekiel:27:15 @ The men of Dedan were thy merchants; many isles were the merchandise of thine hand: they brought thee for a present horns of ivory and ebony.

strkjv@Ezekiel:28:24 @ And there shall be no more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel Yisra#el#, nor any grieving ka' thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them; and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

strkjv@Ezekiel:29:9 @ And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I am the LORD: because he hath said, The river is mine, and I have made it.

strkjv@Ezekiel:29:10 @ Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers y@#or#, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia.

strkjv@Ezekiel:29:21 @ In that day will I cause # the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth, and I will give thee the opening of the mouth in the midst of them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

strkjv@Ezekiel:31:3 @ Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs.

strkjv@Ezekiel:32:10 @ Yea, I will make many people amazed at thee, and their kings shall be horribly afraid for thee, when I shall brandish my sword before them; and they shall tremble at every moment, every man for his own life, in the day of thy fall.

strkjv@Ezekiel:33:24 @ Son of man, they that inhabit those wastes of the land of Israel speak, saying, Abraham was one, and he inherited the land: but we are many; the land is given us for inheritance.

strkjv@Ezekiel:33:27 @ Say thou thus unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; As I live, surely they that are in the wastes shall fall by the sword, and him that is in the open field will I give to the beasts to be devoured, and they that be in the forts and in the caves shall die of the pestilence.

strkjv@Ezekiel:34:21 @ Because ye have thrust H with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad;

strkjv@Ezekiel:35:4 @ I will lay thy cities waste, and thou shalt be desolate, and thou shalt know that I am the LORD.

strkjv@Ezekiel:36:4 @ Therefore, ye mountains of Israel Yisra#el#, hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills gib#ah#, to the rivers, and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken, which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that are round about;

strkjv@Ezekiel:36:10 @ And I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel Yisra#el#, even all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be builded:

strkjv@Ezekiel:36:33 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded.

strkjv@Ezekiel:38:4 @ And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:

strkjv@Ezekiel:38:8 @ After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel Yisra#el#, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.

strkjv@Ezekiel:38:12 @ To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.

strkjv@Ezekiel:38:15 @ And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:

strkjv@Ezekiel:39:20 @ Thus ye shall be filled at my table with horses and chariots, with mighty men, and with all men of war, saith the Lord GOD.

strkjv@Ezekiel:42:5 @ Now the upper chambers were shorter: for the galleries were higher than these, than the lower, and than the middlemost of the building.

strkjv@Ezekiel:43:7 @ And he said unto me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoredom, nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places.

strkjv@Ezekiel:43:9 @ Now let them put away # their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever.

strkjv@Ezekiel:43:15 @ So the altar #ari#eyl# shall be four cubits; and from the altar #ari#eyl# and upward shall be four horns.

strkjv@Ezekiel:43:20 @ And thou shalt take of the blood thereof, and put it on the four horns of it, and on the four corners of the settle, and upon the border round about: thus shalt thou cleanse and purge it.

strkjv@Ezekiel:44:26 @ And after he is cleansed, they shall reckon unto him seven days.

strkjv@Daniel:2:11 @ And it is a rare thing that the king requireth, and there is none other that can shew it before the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.

strkjv@Daniel:2:39 @ And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule sh@ over all the earth.

strkjv@Daniel:2:44 @ And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never #H3809be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left sh@ to other people, but it shall break in pieces d@ and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

strkjv@Daniel:3:29 @ Therefore I make a decree t@#em#, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego #Abed, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made sh@ a dunghill: because q@bel# there is no other God that can y@ deliver n@ after this sort.

strkjv@Daniel:4:5 @ I saw a dream which made me afraid d@, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled b@ me.

strkjv@Daniel:4:8 @ But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar Belt@sha#tstsar#, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying,

strkjv@Daniel:4:15 @ Nevertheless leave sh@ the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet ts@ with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth:

strkjv@Daniel:4:23 @ And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down n@ from heaven, and saying, Hew # the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave sh@ the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet ts@ with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him;

strkjv@Daniel:4:26 @ And whereas they commanded to leave sh@ the stump of the tree roots; thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known y@ that the heavens do rule.

strkjv@Daniel:5:17 @ Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give y@ thy rewards to another; yet I will read q@ the writing unto the king, and make known y@ to him the interpretation.

strkjv@Daniel:7:5 @ And behold another beast, a second, like d@ to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

strkjv@Daniel:7:6 @ After this I beheld , and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads re#sh#; and dominion was given y@ to it.

strkjv@Daniel:7:7 @ After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful d@ and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces d@, and stamped r@ the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse sh@ from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.

strkjv@Daniel:7:8 @ I considered s@ the horns, and, behold, there came up c@ among them another little horn, before qodam# whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking m@ great things.

strkjv@Daniel:7:11 @ I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake m@: I beheld even till the beast was slain q@, and his body destroyed, and given y@ to the burning flame.

strkjv@Daniel:7:20 @ And of the ten horns that were in his head re#sh#, and of the other which came up c@, and before min# whom three fell n@; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake m@ very great things, whose look was more # stout than his fellows.

strkjv@Daniel:7:21 @ I beheld , and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed y@ against them;

strkjv@Daniel:7:24 @ And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse sh@ from the first, and he shall subdue sh@ three kings.

strkjv@Daniel:8:3 @ Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, behold, there stood before the river a ram which had two horns: and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher came up last.

strkjv@Daniel:8:5 @ And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.

strkjv@Daniel:8:6 @ And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power.

strkjv@Daniel:8:7 @ And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand.

strkjv@Daniel:8:8 @ Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven.

strkjv@Daniel:8:9 @ And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.

strkjv@Daniel:8:20 @ The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.

strkjv@Daniel:8:21 @ And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.

strkjv@Daniel:9:2 @ In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

strkjv@Daniel:11:40 @ And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.