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dourh@Isaiah:8:22 @ And they shall look to the earth, and behold trouble and darkness, weakness and distress, and a mist following them, and they cannot fly away from their distress.

dourh@Isaiah:14:27 @ For the Lord of hosts hath decreed, and who can disannul it? and his hand is stretched out: and who shall turn it away?

dourh@Isaiah:26:1 @ In that day shall this canticle be sung the land of Juda. Sion the city of our strength a saviour, a wall and a bulwark shall be set therein.

dourh@Isaiah:28:20 @ For the bed is straitened, so that one must fall out, and a short covering can- not cover both.

dourh@Isaiah:29:11 @ And the vision of all shall be unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which when they shall deliver to one that is learned, they shall say: Read this: and he shall answer: I cannot, for it is sealed.

dourh@Isaiah:33:14 @ The sinners in Sion are afraid, trembling hath seized upon the hypocrites. Which of you can dwell with devouring fire? which of you shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

dourh@Isaiah:33:19 @ The shameless people thou shalt not see, the people of profound speech: so that thou canst not understand the eloquence of his tongue, in whom there is no wisdom.

dourh@Isaiah:33:20 @ Look upon Sion the city of our solemnity: thy eyes shall see Jerusalem, a rich habitation, a tabernacle that cannot be removed: neither shall the nails thereof be taken away for ever, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken:

dourh@Isaiah:37:11 @ Behold thou hast heard all that the kings of the Assyrians hare done to all countries which they have destroyed, and canst thou be delivered?

dourh@Isaiah:41:23 @ Shew the things that are to come hereafter, and we shall know that ye are gods. Do ye also good or evil, if you can: and let us speak, and see together.

dourh@Isaiah:43:9 @ All the nations are assembled together, and the tribes are gathered: who among you can declare this, and shall make us hear the former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, let them be justified, and hear, and say: It is truth.

dourh@Isaiah:43:13 @ And from the beginning I am the same, and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall turn it away?

dourh@Isaiah:43:24 @ Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money, neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy victims. But thou hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thy iniquities.

dourh@Isaiah:45:20 @ Assemble yourselves, and come, and draw near together, ye that are saved of the Gentiles: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven work, and pray to a god that cannot save.

dourh@Isaiah:47:11 @ Evil shall come upon thee, and then shalt not know the rising thereof: and calamity shall fall violently upon thee, which thou canst not keep off: misery shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know.

dourh@Isaiah:47:15 @ Such are all the things become to thee, in which thou best laboured: thy merchants from thy youth, every one hath erred in his own way, there is none that can save thee.

dourh@Isaiah:49:15 @ Can a woman forget her infant, so as not to have pity on the son of her womb? and if she should forget, yet will not I forget thee.

dourh@Isaiah:49:24 @ Shall the prey be taken from the strong? or can that which was taken by the mighty be delivered?

dourh@Isaiah:50:2 @ Because I came, and there was not a man: I called, and there was none that would hear. Is my hand shortened and become little, that I cannot redeem? or is there no strength in me to deliver? Behold at my rebuke I will make the sea a desert, I will turn the rivers into dry land: the fishes shall rot for want of water, and shall die for thirst.

dourh@Isaiah:51:18 @ There is none that can uphold her among all the children that she hath brought forth: and there is none that taketh her by the hand among all the children that she hath brought up.

dourh@Isaiah:57:20 @ But the wicked are like the raging sea, which cannot rest, and the waves thereof cast up dirt and mire.

dourh@Isaiah:59:1 @ Behold the hand of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save, neither is his ear heavy that it cannot hear.

dourh@Jeremiah:1:6 @ And I said: Ah, ah, ah, Lord God: behold, I cannot speak, for I am a child.

dourh@Jeremiah:2:13 @ For my people have done two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, and have digged to themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

dourh@Jeremiah:2:23 @ How canst thou say: I am not polluted, and I have not walked after Baalim? see thy ways in the valley, know what thou hast done: as a swift runner pursuing his course.

dourh@Jeremiah:4:4 @ Be circumcised to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of your hearts, ye men of Juda, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my indignation come forth like fire, and burn, and there be none that can quench it: because of the wickedness of your thoughts.

dourh@Jeremiah:5:1 @ Go about through the streets of Jerusalem, and see, and consider, and seek in the broad places thereof, if you can fins a man that executeth judgement, and seeketh faith: and I will be merciful unto it.

dourh@Jeremiah:5:7 @ How can I be merciful to thee? thy children have forsaken me, and swear by them that are not gods: I fed them to the full, and they committed adultery, and rioted in the harlot's house.

dourh@Jeremiah:6:10 @ To whom shall I speak? and to whom shall I testify, that he may hear? behold, their ears are uncircumcised, and they cannot hear: behold the word of the Lord is become unto them a reproach: and and they will not receive it.

dourh@Jeremiah:6:20 @ To what purpose do you bring me frankincense from Saba, and the sweet smelling cane from a far country? your holocausts are not acceptable, nor are your sacrifices pleasing to me.

dourh@Jeremiah:10:5 @ They are framed after the likeness of a palm tree, and shall not speak: they must be carried to be removed, because they cannot go. Therefore, fear them not, for they can neither do evil nor good.

dourh@Jeremiah:12:5 @ If thou hast wearied with running with footmen, how canst thou contend with horses? and if thou hast been secure in a land of peace, what wilt thou do in the swelling of the Jordan?

dourh@Jeremiah:13:23 @ If the Ethiopian can change his skin, or the leopard his spots: you may also do well, when you have learned evil.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:9 @ Why wilt thou be as a wandering man, as a mighty man that cannot save? but thou, O Lord, art among us, and thy name is called upon by us, forsake us not.

dourh@Jeremiah:14:22 @ Are there any among the graven things of the Gentiles that can send rain? or can the heavens give showers? art not thou the Lord our God, whom we have looked for? for thou hast made all these things.

dourh@Jeremiah:15:18 @ Why is my sorrow become perpetual, and my wound desperate so as to refuse to be healed? it is become to me as the falsehood of deceitful waters that cannot be trusted.

dourh@Jeremiah:17:9 @ The heart is perverse above all things, and unsearchable, who can know it?

dourh@Jeremiah:18:6 @ Cannot I do with you as this potter, saith the Lord? behold as clay is in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.

dourh@Jeremiah:18:14 @ Shall now the snow of Libanus fail from the rock of the field? or can the cold waters that gush out and run down, be taken away?

dourh@Jeremiah:19:11 @ And thou shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord of hosts: even so will I break this people, and this city, as the potter's vessel is broken, which cannot be made whole again: and they shall be buried in Topheth, because there is no other place to bury in.

dourh@Jeremiah:24:3 @ And the Lord said to me: What seest thou, Jeremias? And I said: Figs, the good figs, very good: and the bad figs, very bad, which cannot be eaten because they are bad.

dourh@Jeremiah:24:8 @ And as the very bad figs, that cannot be eaten, because they are bad: thus saith the Lord: So will I give Sedecias the king of Juda, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that have remained in this city, and that dwell in the land of Egypt.

dourh@Jeremiah:29:17 @ Thus saith the Lord of hosts: Behold I will send upon them the sword, and the famine, and the pestilence: and I will make them like bad figs that cannot be eaten, because they are very bad.

dourh@Jeremiah:31:39 @ Thus saith the Lord: If the heavens above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I also will cast away all the seed of Israel, for all that they have done, saith the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:33:20 @ Thus saith the Lord: If my covenant with the day can be made void, and my covenant with the night, that there should not be day and night in their season:

dourh@Jeremiah:33:22 @ As the stars of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea be measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites my ministers.

dourh@Jeremiah:36:5 @ And Jeremias commanded Baruch, saying: I am shut up, and cannot go into the house of the Lord.

dourh@Jeremiah:46:23 @ They have cut down her forest, saith the Lord, which cannot be counted: they are multiplied above locusts, and are without number.

dourh@Jeremiah:49:10 @ But I have made Esau bare, I have revealed his secrets, and he cannot be hid: his seed is laid waste, and his brethren, and his neighbours, and he shall not be.

dourh@Jeremiah:49:19 @ Behold one shall come up as a lion from the swelling of the Jordan, against the strong and beautiful: for I will make him run suddenly upon her: and who shall be the chosen one whom I may appoint over her? for who is like to m? and who shall abide me? and who is that shepherd that can withstand my countenance?

dourh@Jeremiah:50:44 @ Behold he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of the Jordan to the strong and beautiful: for I will make him run suddenly upon her: and who shall be the chosen one whom I may appoint over her? for who is like to me? and who shall bear up against me? and who is that shepherd that can withstand my countenance?

dourh@Jeremiah:51:43 @ Her cities are become an astonishment, a land uninhabited and desolate, a land wherein none can dwell, nor son of man pass through it.

dourh@Jeremiah:52:19 @ The general took away the pitchers, and the censers, and the pots, and the basins, and the candlesticks, and the mortars, and the cups: as many as were of gold, in gold: and as many as were of silver, in silver:

dourh@Ezekiel:2:9 @ And I looked, and behold, a hand was sent to me, wherein was a book rolled up: and he spread it before me, and it was written within and without: and there were written in it lamentations, and canticles, and woe.

dourh@Ezekiel:3:6 @ Nor to many nations of a strange speech, and of an unknown tongue, whose words thou canst not understand: and if thou wert sent to them, they would hearken to thee.

dourh@Ezekiel:11:18 @ And they shall go in thither, and shall take away all the scandals, and all the abominations thereof from thence.

dourh@Ezekiel:11:21 @ But as for them whose heart walketh after their scandals and abominations, I will lay their way upon their head, saith the Lord God.

dourh@Ezekiel:14:15 @ And if I shall bring mischievous beasts also upon the land to waste it, and it be desolate, so that there is none that can pass because of the beasts:

dourh@Ezekiel:20:7 @ And I said to them: Let every man cast away the scandals of his eyes, and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

dourh@Ezekiel:33:10 @ Thou therefore, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: Thus you have spoken, saying: Our iniquities, and our sins are upon us, and we pine away in them: how then can we live?

dourh@Daniel:2:10 @ Then the Chaldeains answered before the king, and said: There is no man upon earth, that can accomplish thy word, O king, neither doth any king, though great and mighty, ask such a thing of any diviner, or wise man, or Chaldean.

dourh@Daniel:2:11 @ For the thing that thou askest, O king, is difficult; nor can any one be found that can shew it before the king, except the gods, whose conversation is not with men.

dourh@Daniel:2:26 @ The king answered, and said to Daniel, whose name was Baltassar: Thinkest thou indeed that thou canst tell me the dream that I saw, and the interpretation thereof?

dourh@Daniel:2:27 @ And Daniel made answer before the king, and said: The secret that the king desireth to know, none of the wise men, or the philosophers, or the diviners, or the soothsayers can declare to the king.

dourh@Daniel:2:43 @ And whereas thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall be mingled indeed together with the seed of man, but they shall not stick fast one to another, as iron cannot be mixed with clay.

dourh@Daniel:3:29 @ By me therefore this decree is made, that every people, tribe, and tongue, which shall speak blasphemy against the God of Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago, shall be destroyed, and their houses laid waste: for there is no other God that can save in this manner.

dourh@Daniel:4:35 @ And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing before him: for he doth according to his will, I as well with the powers of heaven, as among the inhabitants of the earth: and there is none that can resist his hand, and say to him: Why hast thou done it?

dourh@Daniel:5:5 @ In the same hour there appeared fingers, as it were of the hand of a man, writing over against the candlestick upon the surface of the wall of the king's palace: and the king beheld the joints of the hand that wrote.

dourh@Daniel:5:16 @ But I have heard of thee, that thou canst interpret obscure things, and resolve difficult things: now if thou art able to read the writing, and to shew me the interpretation thereof, thou shalt be clothed with purple, and shalt have a chain of gold about thy neck, and shalt be the third prince in my kingdom.

dourh@Daniel:8:24 @ And his power shall be strengthened, but not by his own force: and he shall lay all things waste, and shall prosper, and do more than can be believed. And he shall destroy the mighty, and the people of the saints,

dourh@Daniel:10:17 @ And how can the servant of my lord speak with my lord? for no strength remaineth in me, moreover my breath is stopped.

dourh@Daniel:14:8 @ But if you can shew that Bel eateth these things, Daniel shall die, because he hath blasphemed against Bel. And Daniel said to the king: Be it done according to thy word.

dourh@Daniel:14:23 @ And the king said to Daniel: Behold thou canst not say now, that this is not a living god: adore him therefore.