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OT-PROPHET.filter - nasb concerning:

nasb@Isaiah:1:1 @The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz concerning Judah and Jerusalem, which he saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

nasb@Isaiah:2:1 @The word which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

nasb@Isaiah:2:3 @And many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; That He may teach us concerning His ways And that we may walk in His paths." For the law will go forth from Zion And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

nasb@Isaiah:5:1 @Let me sing now for my well-beloved A song of my beloved concerning His vineyard. My well-beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill.

nasb@Isaiah:11:1 @The oracle concerning Babylon which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw.

nasb@Isaiah:13:1 @The oracle concerning Moab. Surely in a night Ar of Moab is devastated and ruined; Surely in a night Kir of Moab is devastated and ruined.

nasb@Isaiah:14:13 @This is the word which the LORD spoke earlier concerning Moab.

nasb@Isaiah:14:17 @The oracle concerning Damascus. "Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city And will become a fallen ruin.

nasb@Isaiah:15:19 @The oracle concerning Egypt. Behold, the LORD is riding on a swift cloud and is about to come to Egypt; The idols of Egypt will tremble at His presence, And the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them.

nasb@Isaiah:17:1 @The oracle concerning the wilderness of the sea. As windstorms in the Negev sweep on, It comes from the wilderness, from a terrifying land.

nasb@Isaiah:17:11 @The oracle concerning Edom. One keeps calling to me from Seir, "Watchman, how far gone is the night? Watchman, how far gone is the night?"

nasb@Isaiah:18:1 @The oracle concerning the valley of vision. What is the matter with you now, that you have all gone up to the housetops?

nasb@Isaiah:18:4 @Therefore I say, "Turn your eyes away from me, Let me weep bitterly, Do not try to comfort me concerning the destruction of the daughter of my people."

nasb@Isaiah:19:1 @The oracle concerning Tyre. Wail, O ships of Tarshish, For Tyre is destroyed, without house or harbor; It is reported to them from the land of Cyprus.

nasb@Isaiah:19:11 @He has stretched His hand out over the sea, He has made the kingdoms tremble; The LORD has given a command concerning Canaan to demolish its strongholds.

nasb@Isaiah:20:11 @There is an outcry in the streets concerning the wine; All joy turns to gloom. The gaiety of the earth is banished.

nasb@Isaiah:20:14 @They raise their voices, they shout for joy; They cry out from the west concerning the majesty of the LORD.

nasb@Isaiah:24:22 @Therefore thus says the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob- "Jacob shall not now be ashamed, nor shall his face now turn pale;

nasb@Isaiah:25:6 @The oracle concerning the beasts of the Negev. Through a land of distress and anguish, From where come lioness and lion, viper and flying serpent, They carry their riches on the backs of young donkeys And their treasures on camels' humps, To a people who cannot profit them;

nasb@Isaiah:32:9 @When he heard them say concerning Tirhakah king of Cush, "He has come out to fight against you," and when he heard it he sent messengers to Hezekiah, saying,

nasb@Isaiah:32:33" @Therefore, thus says the LORD concerning the king of Assyria, 'He will not come to this city or shoot an arrow there; and he will not come before it with a shield, or throw up a siege ramp against it.

nasb@Isaiah:35:11 @Thus says the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker- " Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, And you shall commit to Me the work of My hands.

nasb@Isaiah:40:6" @Among the smooth stones of the ravine Is your portion, they are your lot; Even to them you have poured out a drink offering, You have made a grain offering. Shall I relent concerning these things?

nasb@Jeremiah:1:16" @I will pronounce My judgments on them concerning all their wickedness, whereby they have forsaken Me and have offered sacrifices to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands.

nasb@Jeremiah:2:2" @Go and proclaim in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, 'Thus says the LORD, "I remember concerning you the devotion of your youth, The love of your betrothals, Your following after Me in the wilderness, Through a land not sown.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:22" @For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices.

nasb@Jeremiah:5:21 @Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the men of Anathoth, who seek your life, saying, " Do not prophesy in the name of the LORD, so that you will not die at our hand";

nasb@Jeremiah:6:14 @Thus says the LORD concerning all My wicked neighbors who strike at the inheritance with which I have endowed My people Israel, "Behold I am about to uproot them from their land and will uproot the house of Judah from among them.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:15" @Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the prophets who are prophesying in My name, although it was not I who sent them--yet they keep saying, 'There will be no sword or famine in this land'-- by sword and famine those prophets shall meet their end!

nasb@Jeremiah:7:3 @For thus says the LORD concerning the sons and daughters born in this place, and concerning their mothers who bear them, and their fathers who beget them in this land-

nasb@Jeremiah:8:7" @At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it;

nasb@Jeremiah:8:8 @if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it.

nasb@Jeremiah:8:9" @Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it;

nasb@Jeremiah:10:6 @For thus says the LORD concerning the house of the king of Judah- "You are like Gilead to Me, Like the summit of Lebanon; Yet most assuredly I will make you like a wilderness, Like cities which are not inhabited.

nasb@Jeremiah:11:2 @Therefore thus says the LORD God of Israel concerning the shepherds who are tending My people- "You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not attended to them; behold, I am about to attend to you for the evil of your deeds," declares the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:11:15" @Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets, 'Behold, I am going to feed them wormwood And make them drink poisonous water, For from the prophets of Jerusalem Pollution has gone forth into all the land.'"

nasb@Jeremiah:13:1 @The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah (that was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon),

nasb@Jeremiah:14:19" @For thus says the LORD of hosts concerning the pillars, concerning the sea, concerning the stands and concerning the rest of the vessels that are left in this city,

nasb@Jeremiah:14:21" @Yes, thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, concerning the vessels that are left in the house of the LORD and in the house of the king of Judah and in Jerusalem,

nasb@Jeremiah:15:16 @for thus says the LORD concerning the king who sits on the throne of David, and concerning all the people who dwell in this city, your brothers who did not go with you into exile--

nasb@Jeremiah:15:21" @Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, concerning Ahab the son of Kolaiah and concerning Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah, who are prophesying to you falsely in My name, 'Behold, I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will slay them before your eyes.

nasb@Jeremiah:15:31" @Send to all the exiles, saying, 'Thus says the LORD concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite, "Because Shemaiah has prophesied to you, although I did not send him, and he has made you trust in a lie,"

nasb@Jeremiah:15:4 @Now these are the words which the LORD spoke concerning Israel and concerning Judah-

nasb@Jeremiah:17:36" @Now therefore thus says the LORD God of Israel concerning this city of which you say, 'It is given into the hand of the king of Babylon by sword, by famine and by pestilence.'

nasb@Jeremiah:17:4" @For thus says the LORD God of Israel concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah which are broken down to make a defense against the siege ramps and against the sword,

nasb@Jeremiah:17:14 @'Behold, days are coming,' declares the LORD, 'when I will fulfill the good word which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:4" @Yet hear the word of the LORD, O Zedekiah king of Judah! Thus says the LORD concerning you, 'You will not die by the sword.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:2" @Take a scroll and write on it all the words which I have spoken to you concerning Israel and concerning Judah, and concerning all the nations, from the day I first spoke to you, from the days of Josiah, even to this day.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:29" @And concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah you shall say, 'Thus says the LORD, "You have burned this scroll, saying, ' Why have you written on it that the king of Babylon will certainly come and destroy this land, and will make man and beast to cease from it?'"

nasb@Jeremiah:17:30 @'Therefore thus says the LORD concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah, "He shall have no one to sit on the throne of David, and his dead body shall be cast out to the heat of the day and the frost of the night.

nasb@Jeremiah:22:10 @'If you will indeed stay in this land, then I will build you up and not tear you down, and I will plant you and not uproot you; for I will relent concerning the calamity that I have inflicted on you.

nasb@Jeremiah:24:1 @That which came as the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the nations.

nasb@Jeremiah:24:2 @To Egypt, concerning the army of Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt, which was by the Euphrates River at Carchemish, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon defeated in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah-

nasb@Jeremiah:25:1 @That which came as the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the Philistines, before Pharaoh conquered Gaza.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:48 @Concerning Moab. Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, "Woe to Nebo, for it has been destroyed; Kiriathaim has been put to shame, it has been captured; The lofty stronghold has been put to shame and shattered.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:49 @Concerning the sons of Ammon. Thus says the LORD- "Does Israel have no sons? Or has he no heirs? Why then has Malcam taken possession of Gad And his people settled in its cities?

nasb@Jeremiah:25:7 @Concerning Edom. Thus says the LORD of hosts, "Is there no longer any wisdom in Teman? Has good counsel been lost to the prudent? Has their wisdom decayed?

nasb@Jeremiah:25:23 @Concerning Damascus. " Hamath and Arpad are put to shame, For they have heard bad news; They are disheartened. There is anxiety by the sea, It cannot be calmed.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:28 @Concerning Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon defeated. Thus says the LORD, "Arise, go up to Kedar And devastate the men of the east.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:34 @That which came as the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying-

nasb@Jeremiah:25:50 @The word which the LORD spoke concerning Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans, through Jeremiah the prophet-

nasb@Jeremiah:25:12 @Lift up a signal against the walls of Babylon; Post a strong guard, Station sentries, Place men in ambush! For the LORD has both purposed and performed What He spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:60 @So Jeremiah wrote in a single scroll all the calamity which would come upon Babylon, that is, all these words which have been written concerning Babylon.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:62 @and say, 'You, O LORD, have promised concerning this place to cut it off, so that there will be nothing dwelling in it, whether man or beast, but it will be a perpetual desolation.'

nasb@Lamentations:1:17 @Zion stretches out her hands; There is no one to comfort her; The LORD has commanded concerning Jacob That the ones round about him should be his adversaries; Jerusalem has become an unclean thing among them.

nasb@Ezekiel:7:19" @Then say to the people of the land, 'Thus says the Lord GOD concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the land of Israel, "They will eat their bread with anxiety and drink their water with horror, because their land will be stripped of its fullness on account of the violence of all who live in it.

nasb@Ezekiel:7:22" @Son of man, what is this proverb you people have concerning the land of Israel, saying, 'The days are long and every vision fails'?

nasb@Ezekiel:8:44" @Behold, everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb concerning you, saying, 'Like mother, like daughter.'

nasb@Ezekiel:8:2" @ What do you mean by using this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, ' The fathers eat the sour grapes, But the children's teeth are set on edge'?

nasb@Ezekiel:10:28" @And you, son of man, prophesy and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD concerning the sons of Ammon and concerning their reproach,' and say- 'A sword, a sword is drawn, polished for the slaughter, to cause it to consume, that it may be like lightning--

nasb@Ezekiel:10:43" @Then I said concerning her who was worn out by adulteries, 'Will they now commit adultery with her when she is thus?'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, because Tyre has said concerning Jerusalem, 'Aha, the gateway of the peoples is broken; it has opened to me. I shall be filled, now that she is laid waste,'

nasb@Ezekiel:11:6 @'Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the ravines and to the valleys, "Thus says the Lord GOD, 'Behold, I have spoken in My jealousy and in My wrath because you have endured the insults of the nations.'

nasb@Ezekiel:18:5 @The LORD said to me, "Son of man, mark well, see with your eyes and hear with your ears all that I say to you concerning all the statutes of the house of the LORD and concerning all its laws; and mark well the entrance of the house, with all exits of the sanctuary.

nasb@Daniel:2:18 @so that they might request compassion from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that Daniel and his friends would not be destroyed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

nasb@Daniel:3:16 @Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter.

nasb@Daniel:3:33" @Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles' feathers and his nails like birds' claws.

nasb@Daniel:4:29 @Then Belshazzar gave orders, and they clothed Daniel with purple and put a necklace of gold around his neck, and issued a proclamation concerning him that he now had authority as the third ruler in the kingdom.