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rsv@Isaiah:2:4 @ He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

rsv@Isaiah:21:15 @ For they have fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, from the bent bow, and from the press of battle.

rsv@Isaiah:29:4 @ Then deep from the earth you shall speak, from low in the dust your words shall come; your voice shall come from the ground like the voice of a ghost, and your speech shall whisper out of the dust.

rsv@Isaiah:29:11 @ And the vision of all this has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed. When men give it to one who can read, saying, "Read this," he says, "I cannot, for it is sealed."

rsv@Isaiah:29:18 @ In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see.

rsv@Isaiah:31:2 @ And yet he is wise and brings disaster, he does not call back his words, but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the helpers of those who work iniquity.

rsv@Isaiah:32:7 @ The knaveries of the knave are evil; he devises wicked devices to ruin the poor with lying words, even when the plea of the needy is right.

rsv@Isaiah:36:5 @ Do you think that mere words are strategy and power for war? On whom do you now rely, that you have rebelled against me?

rsv@Isaiah:36:12 @ But the Rab'shakeh said, "Has my master sent me to speak these words to your master and to you, and not to the men sitting on the wall, who are doomed with you to eat their own dung and drink their own urine?"

rsv@Isaiah:36:13 @ Then the Rab'shakeh stood and called out in a loud voice in the language of Judah: "Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria!

rsv@Isaiah:36:22 @ Then Eli'akim the son of Hilki'ah, who was over the household, and Shebna the secretary, and Jo'ah the son of Asaph, the recorder, came to Hezeki'ah with their clothes rent, and told him the words of the Rab'shakeh.

rsv@Isaiah:37:4 @ It may be that the LORD your God heard the words of the Rab'shakeh, whom his master the king of Assyria has sent to mock the living God, and will rebuke the words which the LORD your God has heard; therefore lift up your prayer for the remnant that is left.'"

rsv@Isaiah:37:6 @ Isaiah said to them, "Say to your master, `Thus says the LORD: Do not be afraid because of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have reviled me.

rsv@Isaiah:37:17 @ Incline thy ear, O LORD, and hear; open thy eyes, O LORD, and see; and hear all the words of Sennach'erib, which he has sent to mock the living God.

rsv@Isaiah:41:26 @ Who declared it from the beginning, that we might know, and beforetime, that we might say, "He is right"? There was none who declared it, none who proclaimed, none who heard your words.

rsv@Isaiah:51:16 @ And I have put my words in your mouth, and hid you in the shadow of my hand, stretching out the heavens and laying the foundations of the earth, and saying to Zion, `You are my people.'"

rsv@Isaiah:59:13 @ transgressing, and denying the LORD, and turning away from following our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart lying words.

rsv@Isaiah:59:21 @ "And as for me, this is my covenant with them, says the LORD: my spirit which is upon you, and my words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your children, or out of the mouth of your children's children, says the LORD, from this time forth and for evermore."

rsv@Jeremiah:1:1 @ The words of Jeremiah, the son of Hilki'ah, of the priests who were in An'athoth in the land of Benjamin,

rsv@Jeremiah:1:9 @ Then the LORD put forth his hand and touched my mouth; and the LORD said to me, "Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.

rsv@Jeremiah:3:12 @ Go, and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, `Return, faithless Israel, says the LORD. I will not look on you in anger, for I am merciful, says the LORD; I will not be angry for ever.

rsv@Jeremiah:5:14 @ Therefore thus says the LORD, the God of hosts: "Because they have spoken this word, behold, I am making my words in your mouth a fire, and this people wood, and the fire shall devour them.

rsv@Jeremiah:6:19 @ Hear, O earth; behold, I am bringing evil upon this people, the fruit of their devices, because they have not given heed to my words; and as for my law, they have rejected it.

rsv@Jeremiah:7:4 @ Do not trust in these deceptive words: `This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD.'

rsv@Jeremiah:7:8 @ "Behold, you trust in deceptive words to no avail.

rsv@Jeremiah:7:27 @ "So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you.

rsv@Jeremiah:11:2 @ "Hear the words of this covenant, and speak to the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

rsv@Jeremiah:11:3 @ You shall say to them, Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Cursed be the man who does not heed the words of this covenant

rsv@Jeremiah:11:6 @ And the LORD said to me, "Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: Hear the words of this covenant and do them.

rsv@Jeremiah:11:8 @ Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but every one walked in the stubbornness of his evil heart. Therefore I brought upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do, but they did not."

rsv@Jeremiah:11:10 @ They have turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, who refused to hear my words; they have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their fathers.

rsv@Jeremiah:12:6 @ For even your brothers and the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you; they are in full cry after you; believe them not, though they speak fair words to you."

rsv@Jeremiah:13:10 @ This evil people, who refuse to hear my words, who stubbornly follow their own heart and have gone after other gods to serve them and worship them, shall be like this waistcloth, which is good for nothing.

rsv@Jeremiah:15:16 @ Thy words were found, and I ate them, and thy words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I am called by thy name, O LORD, God of hosts.

rsv@Jeremiah:16:10 @ "And when you tell this people all these words, and they say to you, `Why has the LORD pronounced all this great evil against us? What is our iniquity? What is the sin that we have committed against the LORD our God?'

rsv@Jeremiah:18:2 @ "Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will let you hear my words."

rsv@Jeremiah:18:18 @ Then they said, "Come, let us make plots against Jeremiah, for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not heed any of his words."

rsv@Jeremiah:19:2 @ and go out to the valley of the son of Hinnom at the entry of the Potsherd Gate, and proclaim there the words that I tell you.

rsv@Jeremiah:19:15 @ "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing upon this city and upon all its towns all the evil that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their neck, refusing to hear my words."

rsv@Jeremiah:22:5 @ But if you will not heed these words, I swear by myself, says the LORD, that this house shall become a desolation.

rsv@Jeremiah:23:9 @ Concerning the prophets: My heart is broken within me, all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, like a man overcome by wine, because of the LORD and because of his holy words.

rsv@Jeremiah:23:16 @ Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes; they speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:23:22 @ But if they had stood in my council, then they would have proclaimed my words to my people, and they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

rsv@Jeremiah:23:30 @ Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, says the LORD, who steal my words from one another.

rsv@Jeremiah:23:36 @ But `the burden of the LORD' you shall mention no more, for the burden is every man's own word, and you pervert the words of the living God, the LORD of hosts, our God.

rsv@Jeremiah:23:38 @ But if you say, `The burden of the LORD,' thus says the LORD, `Because you have said these words, "The burden of the LORD," when I sent to you, saying, "You shall not say, `The burden of the LORD,'"

rsv@Jeremiah:25:8 @ "Therefore thus says the LORD of hosts: Because you have not obeyed my words,

rsv@Jeremiah:25:13 @ I will bring upon that land all the words which I have uttered against it, everything written in this book, which Jeremiah prophesied against all the nations.

rsv@Jeremiah:25:30 @ "You, therefore, shall prophesy against them all these words, and say to them: `The LORD will roar from on high, and from his holy habitation utter his voice; he will roar mightily against his fold, and shout, like those who tread grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.

rsv@Jeremiah:26:2 @ "Thus says the LORD: Stand in the court of the LORD's house, and speak to all the cities of Judah which come to worship in the house of the LORD all the words that I command you to speak to them; do not hold back a word.

rsv@Jeremiah:26:5 @ and to heed the words of my servants the prophets whom I send to you urgently, though you have not heeded,

rsv@Jeremiah:26:7 @ The priests and the prophets and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the house of the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:26:12 @ Then Jeremiah spoke to all the princes and all the people, saying, "The LORD sent me to prophesy against this house and this city all the words you have heard.

rsv@Jeremiah:26:15 @ Only know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood upon yourselves and upon this city and its inhabitants, for in truth the LORD sent me to you to speak all these words in your ears."

rsv@Jeremiah:26:20 @ There was another man who prophesied in the name of the LORD, Uri'ah the son of Shemai'ah from Kir'iath-je'arim. He prophesied against this city and against this land in words like those of Jeremiah.

rsv@Jeremiah:26:21 @ And when King Jehoi'akim, with all his warriors and all the princes, heard his words, the king sought to put him to death; but when Uri'ah heard of it, he was afraid and fled and escaped to Egypt.

rsv@Jeremiah:27:14 @ Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are saying to you, `You shall not serve the king of Babylon,' for it is a lie which they are prophesying to you.

rsv@Jeremiah:27:16 @ Then I spoke to the priests and to all this people, saying, "Thus says the LORD: Do not listen to the words of your prophets who are prophesying to you, saying, `Behold, the vessels of the LORD's house will now shortly be brought back from Babylon,' for it is a lie which they are prophesying to you.

rsv@Jeremiah:28:6 @ and the prophet Jeremiah said, "Amen! May the LORD do so; may the LORD make the words which you have prophesied come true, and bring back to this place from Babylon the vessels of the house of the LORD, and all the exiles.

rsv@Jeremiah:29:1 @ These are the words of the letter which Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the elders of the exiles, and to the priests, the prophets, and all the people, whom Nebuchadnez'zar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon.

rsv@Jeremiah:29:19 @ because they did not heed my words, says the LORD, which I persistently sent to you by my servants the prophets, but you would not listen, says the LORD.'--

rsv@Jeremiah:29:23 @ because they have committed folly in Israel, they have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives, and they have spoken in my name lying words which I did not command them. I am the one who knows, and I am witness, says the LORD.'"

rsv@Jeremiah:30:2 @ "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Write in a book all the words that I have spoken to you.

rsv@Jeremiah:30:4 @ These are the words which the LORD spoke concerning Israel and Judah:

rsv@Jeremiah:31:23 @ Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: "Once more they shall use these words in the land of Judah and in its cities, when I restore their fortunes: `The LORD bless you, O habitation of righteousness, O holy hill!'

rsv@Jeremiah:34:6 @ Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedeki'ah king of Judah, in Jerusalem,

rsv@Jeremiah:35:13 @ "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Go and say to the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will you not receive instruction and listen to my words? says the LORD.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:2 @ "Take a scroll and write on it all the words that I have spoken to you against Israel and Judah and all the nations, from the day I spoke to you, from the days of Josi'ah until today.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:4 @ Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neri'ah, and Baruch wrote upon a scroll at the dictation of Jeremiah all the words of the LORD which he had spoken to him.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:6 @ so you are to go, and on a fast day in the hearing of all the people in the LORD's house you shall read the words of the LORD from the scroll which you have written at my dictation. You shall read them also in the hearing of all the men of Judah who come out of their cities.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:8 @ And Baruch the son of Neri'ah did all that Jeremiah the prophet ordered him about reading from the scroll the words of the LORD in the LORD's house.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:10 @ Then, in the hearing of all the people, Baruch read the words of Jeremiah from the scroll, in the house of the LORD, in the chamber of Gemari'ah the son of Shaphan the secretary, which was in the upper court, at the entry of the New Gate of the LORD's house.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:11 @ When Micai'ah the son of Gemari'ah, son of Shaphan, heard all the words of the LORD from the scroll,

rsv@Jeremiah:36:13 @ And Micai'ah told them all the words that he had heard, when Baruch read the scroll in the hearing of the people.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:16 @ When they heard all the words, they turned one to another in fear; and they said to Baruch, "We must report all these words to the king."

rsv@Jeremiah:36:17 @ Then they asked Baruch, "Tell us, how did you write all these words? Was it at his dictation?"

rsv@Jeremiah:36:18 @ Baruch answered them, "He dictated all these words to me, while I wrote them with ink on the scroll."

rsv@Jeremiah:36:20 @ So they went into the court to the king, having put the scroll in the chamber of Eli'shama the secretary; and they reported all the words to the king.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:24 @ Yet neither the king, nor any of his servants who heard all these words, was afraid, nor did they rend their garments.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:27 @ Now, after the king had burned the scroll with the words which Baruch wrote at Jeremiah's dictation, the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah:

rsv@Jeremiah:36:28 @ "Take another scroll and write on it all the former words that were in the first scroll, which Jehoi'akim the king of Judah has burned.

rsv@Jeremiah:36:32 @ Then Jeremiah took another scroll and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neri'ah, who wrote on it at the dictation of Jeremiah all the words of the scroll which Jehoi'akim king of Judah had burned in the fire; and many similar words were added to them.

rsv@Jeremiah:37:2 @ But neither he nor his servants nor the people of the land listened to the words of the LORD which he spoke through Jeremiah the prophet.

rsv@Jeremiah:38:1 @ Now Shephati'ah the son of Mattan, Gedali'ah the son of Pashhur, Jucal the son of Shelemi'ah, and Pashhur the son of Malchi'ah heard the words that Jeremiah was saying to all the people,

rsv@Jeremiah:38:4 @ Then the princes said to the king, "Let this man be put to death, for he is weakening the hands of the soldiers who are left in this city, and the hands of all the people, by speaking such words to them. For this man is not seeking the welfare of this people, but their harm."

rsv@Jeremiah:38:24 @ Then Zedeki'ah said to Jeremiah, "Let no one know of these words and you shall not die.

rsv@Jeremiah:39:16 @ "Go, and say to E'bed-mel'ech the Ethiopian, `Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I will fulfil my words against this city for evil and not for good, and they shall be accomplished before you on that day.

rsv@Jeremiah:43:1 @ When Jeremiah finished speaking to all the people all these words of the LORD their God, with which the LORD their God had sent him to them,

rsv@Jeremiah:44:29 @ This shall be the sign to you, says the LORD, that I will punish you in this place, in order that you may know that my words will surely stand against you for evil:

rsv@Jeremiah:45:1 @ The word that Jeremiah the prophet spoke to Baruch the son of Neri'ah, when he wrote these words in a book at the dictation of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoi'akim the son of Josi'ah, king of Judah:

rsv@Jeremiah:51:60 @ Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon, all these words that are written concerning Babylon.

rsv@Jeremiah:51:61 @ And Jeremiah said to Serai'ah: "When you come to Babylon, see that you read all these words,

rsv@Jeremiah:51:64 @ and say, `Thus shall Babylon sink, to rise no more, because of the evil that I am bringing upon her.'" Thus far are the words of Jeremiah.

rsv@Ezekiel:2:6 @ And you, son of man, be not afraid of them, nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you sit upon scorpions; be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, for they are a rebellious house.

rsv@Ezekiel:2:7 @ And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear; for they are a rebellious house.

rsv@Ezekiel:2:10 @ and he spread it before me; and it had writing on the front and on the back, and there were written on it words of lamentation and mourning and woe.

rsv@Ezekiel:3:4 @ And he said to me, "Son of man, go, get you to the house of Israel, and speak with my words to them.

rsv@Ezekiel:3:6 @ not to many peoples of foreign speech and a hard language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely, if I sent you to such, they would listen to you.

rsv@Ezekiel:3:10 @ Moreover he said to me, "Son of man, all my words that I shall speak to you receive in your heart, and hear with your ears.

rsv@Ezekiel:12:28 @ Therefore say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: None of my words will be delayed any longer, but the word which I speak will be performed, says the Lord GOD."

rsv@Ezekiel:16:40 @ They shall bring up a host against you, and they shall stone you and cut you to pieces with their swords.

rsv@Ezekiel:23:47 @ And the host shall stone them and dispatch them with their swords; they shall slay their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses.

rsv@Ezekiel:28:7 @ therefore, behold, I will bring strangers upon you, the most terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom and defile your splendor.

rsv@Ezekiel:30:11 @ He and his people with him, the most terrible of the nations, shall be brought in to destroy the land; and they shall draw their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:12 @ I will cause your multitude to fall by the swords of mighty ones, all of them most terrible among the nations. "They shall bring to nought the pride of Egypt, and all its multitude shall perish.

rsv@Ezekiel:32:27 @ And they do not lie with the fallen mighty men of old who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid under their heads, and whose shields are upon their bones; for the terror of the mighty men was in the land of the living.

rsv@Ezekiel:35:13 @ And you magnified yourselves against me with your mouth, and multiplied your words against me; I heard it.

rsv@Ezekiel:38:4 @ and I will turn you about, and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you forth, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great company, all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords;

rsv@Daniel:2:9 @ that if you do not make the dream known to me, there is but one sentence for you. You have agreed to speak lying and corrupt words before me till the times change. Therefore tell me the dream, and I shall know that you can show me its interpretation."

rsv@Daniel:4:31 @ While the words were still in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, "O King Nebuchadnez'zar, to you it is spoken: The kingdom has departed from you,

rsv@Daniel:5:10 @ The queen, because of the words of the king and his lords, came into the banqueting hall; and the queen said, "O king, live for ever! Let not your thoughts alarm you or your color change.

rsv@Daniel:6:14 @ Then the king, when he heard these words, was much distressed, and set his mind to deliver Daniel; and he labored till the sun went down to rescue him.

rsv@Daniel:7:11 @ I looked then because of the sound of the great words which the horn was speaking. And as I looked, the beast was slain, and its body destroyed and given over to be burned with fire.

rsv@Daniel:7:25 @ He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, two times, and half a time.

rsv@Daniel:9:12 @ He has confirmed his words, which he spoke against us and against our rulers who ruled us, by bringing upon us a great calamity; for under the whole heaven there has not been done the like of what has been done against Jerusalem.

rsv@Daniel:10:6 @ His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the noise of a multitude.

rsv@Daniel:10:9 @ Then I heard the sound of his words; and when I heard the sound of his words, I fell on my face in a deep sleep with my face to the ground.

rsv@Daniel:10:11 @ And he said to me, "O Daniel, man greatly beloved, give heed to the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for now I have been sent to you." While he was speaking this word to me, I stood up trembling.

rsv@Daniel:10:12 @ Then he said to me, "Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words.

rsv@Daniel:10:15 @ When he had spoken to me according to these words, I turned my face toward the ground and was dumb.

rsv@Daniel:12:4 @ But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."

rsv@Daniel:12:9 @ He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end.

rsv@Matthew:12:37 @ for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."

rsv@Matthew:24:35 @ Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

rsv@Matthew:26:44 @ So, leaving them again, he went away and prayed for the third time, saying the same words.

rsv@Matthew:26:47 @ While he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people.

rsv@Matthew:26:55 @ At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me.

rsv@Mark:8:38 @ For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

rsv@Mark:10:24 @ And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!

rsv@Mark:13:31 @ Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

rsv@Mark:14:39 @ And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words.

rsv@Mark:14:43 @ And immediately, while he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.

rsv@Mark:14:48 @ And Jesus said to them, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me?

rsv@Luke:1:20 @ And behold, you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that these things come to pass, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time."

rsv@Luke:3:4 @ As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

rsv@Luke:4:22 @ And all spoke well of him, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth; and they said, "Is not this Joseph's son?"

rsv@Luke:6:47 @ Every one who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like:

rsv@Luke:9:26 @ For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

rsv@Luke:9:44 @ "Let these words sink into your ears; for the Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men."

rsv@Luke:19:48 @ but they did not find anything they could do, for all the people hung upon his words.

rsv@Luke:21:33 @ Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

rsv@Luke:22:38 @ And they said, "Look, Lord, here are two swords." And he said to them, "It is enough."

rsv@Luke:22:50 @ Then Jesus said to the chief priests and officers of the temple and elders, who had come out against him, "Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?

rsv@Luke:22:63 @ And they spoke many other words against him, reviling him.

rsv@Luke:24:8 @ And they remembered his words,

rsv@Luke:24:11 @ but these words seemed to them an idle tale, and they did not believe them.

rsv@Luke:24:42 @ Then he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled."

rsv@John:3:34 @ For he whom God has sent utters the words of God, for it is not by measure that he gives the Spirit;

rsv@John:4:42 @ They said to the woman, "It is no longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world."

rsv@John:5:46 @ But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?"

rsv@John:6:63 @ It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

rsv@John:6:68 @ Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life;

rsv@John:7:40 @ When they heard these words, some of the people said, "This is really the prophet."

rsv@John:8:20 @ These words he spoke in the treasury, as he taught in the temple; but no one arrested him, because his hour had not yet come.

rsv@John:8:47 @ He who is of God hears the words of God; the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God."

rsv@John:10:19 @ There was again a division among the Jews because of these words.

rsv@John:14:10 @ Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.

rsv@John:14:24 @ He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent me.

rsv@John:15:7 @ If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.

rsv@John:17:1 @ When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify thy Son that the Son may glorify thee,

rsv@John:17:8 @ for I have given them the words which thou gavest me, and they have received them and know in truth that I came from thee; and they have believed that thou didst send me.

rsv@John:18:1 @ When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples across the Kidron valley, where there was a garden, which he and his disciples entered.

rsv@John:19:8 @ When Pilate heard these words, he was the more afraid;

rsv@John:19:13 @ When Pilate heard these words, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judgment seat at a place called The Pavement, and in Hebrew, Gab'batha.

rsv@Acts:2:14 @ But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them, "Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words.

rsv@Acts:2:22 @ "Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs which God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know--

rsv@Acts:2:40 @ And he testified with many other words and exhorted them, saying, "Save yourselves from this crooked generation."

rsv@Acts:5:5 @ When Anani'as heard these words, he fell down and died. And great fear came upon all who heard of it.

rsv@Acts:5:20 @ "Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this Life."

rsv@Acts:5:24 @ Now when the captain of the temple and the chief priests heard these words, they were much perplexed about them, wondering what this would come to.

rsv@Acts:6:11 @ Then they secretly instigated men, who said, "We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God."

rsv@Acts:6:13 @ and set up false witnesses who said, "This man never ceases to speak words against this holy place and the law;

rsv@Acts:7:22 @ And Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds.

rsv@Acts:14:18 @ With these words they scarcely restrained the people from offering sacrifice to them.

rsv@Acts:15:15 @ And with this the words of the prophets agree, as it is written,

rsv@Acts:15:24 @ Since we have heard that some persons from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your minds, although we gave them no instructions,

rsv@Acts:15:32 @ And Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, exhorted the brethren with many words and strengthened them.

rsv@Acts:16:36 @ And the jailer reported the words to Paul, saying, "The magistrates have sent to let you go; now therefore come out and go in peace."

rsv@Acts:16:38 @ The police reported these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Roman citizens;

rsv@Acts:18:15 @ but since it is a matter of questions about words and names and your own law, see to it yourselves; I refuse to be a judge of these things."

rsv@Acts:20:35 @ In all things I have shown you that by so toiling one must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, `It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

rsv@Romans:3:4 @ By no means! Let God be true though every man be false, as it is written, "That thou mayest be justified in thy words, and prevail when thou art judged."

rsv@Romans:4:23 @ But the words, "it was reckoned to him," were written not for his sake alone,

rsv@Romans:8:26 @ Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.

rsv@Romans:10:18 @ But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have; for "Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world."

rsv@Romans:16:18 @ For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by fair and flattering words they deceive the hearts of the simple-minded.

rsv@1Corinthians:2:1 @ When I came to you, brethren, I did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God in lofty words or wisdom.

rsv@1Corinthians:2:4 @ and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,

rsv@1Corinthians:2:13 @ And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.

rsv@1Corinthians:14:19 @ nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind, in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue.

rsv@Ephesians:5:6 @ Let no one deceive you with empty words, for it is because of these things that the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

rsv@1Thessalonians:2:5 @ For we never used either words of flattery, as you know, or a cloak for greed, as God is witness;

rsv@1Thessalonians:4:18 @ Therefore comfort one another with these words.

rsv@1Timothy:4:6 @ If you put these instructions before the brethren, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the words of the faith and of the good doctrine which you have followed.

rsv@1Timothy:6:3 @ If any one teaches otherwise and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching which accords with godliness,

rsv@1Timothy:6:4 @ he is puffed up with conceit, he knows nothing; he has a morbid craving for controversy and for disputes about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions,

rsv@2Timothy:1:13 @ Follow the pattern of the sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus;

rsv@2Timothy:2:14 @ Remind them of this, and charge them before the Lord to avoid disputing about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.

rsv@Hebrews:4:7 @ again he sets a certain day, "Today," saying through David so long afterward, in the words already quoted, "Today, when you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."

rsv@Hebrews:12:19 @ and the sound of a trumpet, and a voice whose words made the hearers entreat that no further messages be spoken to them.

rsv@2Peter:2:3 @ And in their greed they will exploit you with false words; from of old their condemnation has not been idle, and their destruction has not been asleep.

rsv@3John:1:10 @ So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, prating against me with evil words. And not content with that, he refuses himself to welcome the brethren, and also stops those who want to welcome them and puts them out of the church.

rsv@Revelation:1:3 @ Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written therein; for the time is near.

rsv@Revelation:2:1 @ "To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: `The words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands.

rsv@Revelation:2:8 @ "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: `The words of the first and the last, who died and came to life.

rsv@Revelation:2:12 @ "And to the angel of the church in Per'gamum write: `The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword.

rsv@Revelation:2:18 @ "And to the angel of the church in Thyati'ra write: `The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze.

rsv@Revelation:3:1 @ "And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: `The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. "`I know your works; you have the name of being alive, and you are dead.

rsv@Revelation:3:7 @ "And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: `The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one shall shut, who shuts and no one opens.

rsv@Revelation:3:14 @ "And to the angel of the church in La-odice'a write: `The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.

rsv@Revelation:13:5 @ And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months;

rsv@Revelation:17:17 @ for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and giving over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

rsv@Revelation:19:9 @ And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." And he said to me, "These are true words of God."

rsv@Revelation:21:5 @ And he who sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." Also he said, "Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true."

rsv@Revelation:22:6 @ And he said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.

rsv@Revelation:22:7 @ And behold, I am coming soon." Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.

rsv@Revelation:22:9 @ but he said to me, "You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brethren the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God."

rsv@Revelation:22:10 @ And he said to me, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.

rsv@Revelation:22:18 @ I warn every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,

rsv@Revelation:22:19 @ and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

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