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nasb@Genesis:1:26 @Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

nasb@Genesis:1:27 @God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

nasb@Genesis:2:5 @Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the LORD God had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground.

nasb@Genesis:2:7 @Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

nasb@Genesis:2:8 @The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed.

nasb@Genesis:2:15 @Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.

nasb@Genesis:2:16 @The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;

nasb@Genesis:2:18 @Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

nasb@Genesis:2:19 @Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.

nasb@Genesis:2:20 @The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.

nasb@Genesis:2:21 @So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.

nasb@Genesis:2:22 @The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.

nasb@Genesis:2:23 @The man said, " This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man."

nasb@Genesis:2:24 @For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

nasb@Genesis:2:25 @And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

nasb@Genesis:3:1 @Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, "Indeed, has God said, 'You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?"

nasb@Genesis:3:2 @The woman said to the serpent, " From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat;

nasb@Genesis:3:4 @The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!

nasb@Genesis:3:6 @When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.

nasb@Genesis:3:8 @They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

nasb@Genesis:3:9 @Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, " Where are you?"

nasb@Genesis:3:11 @And He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?"

nasb@Genesis:3:12 @The man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate."

nasb@Genesis:3:13 @Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, " The serpent deceived me, and I ate."

nasb@Genesis:3:15 @And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

nasb@Genesis:3:16 @To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply Your pain in childbirth, In pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you."

nasb@Genesis:3:17 @Then to Adam He said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'; Cursed is the ground because of you; In toil you will eat of it All the days of your life.

nasb@Genesis:3:20 @Now the man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.

nasb@Genesis:3:22 @Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"--

nasb@Genesis:3:24 @So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

nasb@Genesis:4:1 @Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, "I have gotten a manchild with the help of the LORD."

nasb@Genesis:4:23 @Lamech said to his wives, "Adah and Zillah, Listen to my voice, You wives of Lamech, Give heed to my speech, For I have killed a man for wounding me; And a boy for striking me;

nasb@Genesis:5:1 @This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.

nasb@Genesis:5:2 @He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the day when they were created.

nasb@Genesis:6:3 @Then the LORD said, " My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

nasb@Genesis:6:5 @Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

nasb@Genesis:6:6 @The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

nasb@Genesis:6:7 @The LORD said, " I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."

nasb@Genesis:6:9 @These are the records of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God.

nasb@Genesis:6:22 @Thus Noah did; according to all that God had commanded him, so he did.

nasb@Genesis:6:5 @Noah did according to all that the LORD had commanded him.

nasb@Genesis:6:9 @there went into the ark to Noah by twos, male and female, as God had commanded Noah.

nasb@Genesis:6:16 @Those that entered, male and female of all flesh, entered as God had commanded him; and the LORD closed it behind him.

nasb@Genesis:6:21 @All flesh that moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth, and all mankind;

nasb@Genesis:6:23 @Thus He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky, and they were blotted out from the earth; and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark.

nasb@Genesis:7:21 @The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.

nasb@Genesis:7:5" @Surely I will require your lifeblood; from every beast I will require it. And from every man, from every man's brother I will require the life of man.

nasb@Genesis:7:6" @ Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man.

nasb@Genesis:10:11 @It came about when he came near to Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, "See now, I know that you are a beautiful woman;

nasb@Genesis:10:14 @It came about when Abram came into Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful.

nasb@Genesis:10:15 @Pharaoh's officials saw her and praised her to Pharaoh; and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

nasb@Genesis:10:20 @Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him; and they escorted him away, with his wife and all that belonged to him.

nasb@Genesis:13:4 @Then behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, "This man will not be your heir; but one who will come forth from your own body, he shall be your heir."

nasb@Genesis:13:14" @But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve, and afterward they will come out with many possessions.

nasb@Genesis:14:10 @Moreover, the angel of the LORD said to her, " I will greatly multiply your descendants so that they will be too many to count."

nasb@Genesis:14:12" @He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be against everyone, And everyone's hand will be against him; And he will live to the east of all his brothers."

nasb@Genesis:14:17 @Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, "Will a child be born to a man one hundred years old? And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?"

nasb@Genesis:15:19" @For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him."

nasb@Genesis:16:8" @Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof."

nasb@Genesis:16:31 @Then the firstborn said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come in to us after the manner of the earth.

nasb@Genesis:17:3 @But God came to Abimelech in a dream of the night, and said to him, "Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is married."

nasb@Genesis:17:7" @Now therefore, restore the man's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours."

nasb@Genesis:18:4 @Then Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him.

nasb@Genesis:18:22 @Now it came about at that time that Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, spoke to Abraham, saying, " God is with you in all that you do;

nasb@Genesis:18:32 @So they made a covenant at Beersheba; and Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, arose and returned to the land of the Philistines.

nasb@Genesis:18:34 @And Abraham sojourned in the land of the Philistines for many days.

nasb@Genesis:21:5 @The servant said to him, "Suppose the woman is not willing to follow me to this land; should I take your son back to the land from where you came?"

nasb@Genesis:21:8" @But if the woman is not willing to follow you, then you will be free from this my oath; only do not take my son back there."

nasb@Genesis:21:16 @The girl was very beautiful, a virgin, and no man had had relations with her; and she went down to the spring and filled her jar and came up.

nasb@Genesis:21:21 @Meanwhile, the man was gazing at her in silence, to know whether the LORD had made his journey successful or not.

nasb@Genesis:21:22 @When the camels had finished drinking, the man took a gold ring weighing a half-shekel and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels in gold,

nasb@Genesis:21:26 @Then the man bowed low and worshiped the LORD.

nasb@Genesis:21:29 @Now Rebekah had a brother whose name was Laban; and Laban ran outside to the man at the spring.

nasb@Genesis:21:30 @When he saw the ring and the bracelets on his sister's wrists, and when he heard the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, "This is what the man said to me," he went to the man; and behold, he was standing by the camels at the spring.

nasb@Genesis:21:32 @So the man entered the house. Then Laban unloaded the camels, and he gave straw and feed to the camels, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him.

nasb@Genesis:21:39" @ I said to my master, 'Suppose the woman does not follow me.'

nasb@Genesis:21:44 @and she will say to me, "You drink, and I will draw for your camels also"; let her be the woman whom the LORD has appointed for my master's son.'

nasb@Genesis:21:48" @And I bowed low and worshiped the LORD, and blessed the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who had guided me in the right way to take the daughter of my master's kinsman for his son.

nasb@Genesis:21:58 @Then they called Rebekah and said to her, "Will you go with this man?" And she said, "I will go."

nasb@Genesis:21:61 @Then Rebekah arose with her maids, and they mounted the camels and followed the man. So the servant took Rebekah and departed.

nasb@Genesis:21:65 @She said to the servant, "Who is that man walking in the field to meet us?" And the servant said, "He is my master." Then she took her veil and covered herself.

nasb@Genesis:22:8 @Abraham breathed his last and died in a ripe old age, an old man and satisfied with life; and he was gathered to his people.

nasb@Genesis:22:27 @When the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the field, but Jacob was a peaceful man, living in tents.

nasb@Genesis:23:5 @because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes and My laws."

nasb@Genesis:23:11 @So Abimelech charged all the people, saying, "He who touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death."

nasb@Genesis:23:13 @and the man became rich, and continued to grow richer until he became very wealthy;

nasb@Genesis:23:26 @Then Abimelech came to him from Gerar with his adviser Ahuzzath and Phicol the commander of his army.

nasb@Genesis:24:8" @Now therefore, my son, listen to me as I command you.

nasb@Genesis:24:11 @Jacob answered his mother Rebekah, "Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man and I am a smooth man.

nasb@Genesis:25:19 @Laban said, "It is better that I give her to you than to give her to another man; stay with me."

nasb@Genesis:26:14 @Now in the days of wheat harvest Reuben went and found mandrakes in the field, and brought them to his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, "Please give me some of your son's mandrakes."

nasb@Genesis:26:15 @But she said to her, "Is it a small matter for you to take my husband? And would you take my son's mandrakes also?" So Rachel said, "Therefore he may lie with you tonight in return for your son's mandrakes."

nasb@Genesis:26:16 @When Jacob came in from the field in the evening, then Leah went out to meet him and said, "You must come in to me, for I have surely hired you with my son's mandrakes." So he lay with her that night.

nasb@Genesis:26:43 @So the man became exceedingly prosperous, and had large flocks and female and male servants and camels and donkeys.

nasb@Genesis:27:35 @She said to her father, "Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise before you, for the manner of women is upon me." So he searched but did not find the household idols.

nasb@Genesis:27:50" @If you mistreat my daughters, or if you take wives besides my daughters, although no man is with us, see, God is witness between you and me."

nasb@Genesis:28:4 @He also commanded them saying, "Thus you shall say to my lord Esau- 'Thus says your servant Jacob, "I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed until now;

nasb@Genesis:28:17 @He commanded the one in front, saying, "When my brother Esau meets you and asks you, saying, 'To whom do you belong, and where are you going, and to whom do these animals in front of you belong?'

nasb@Genesis:28:19 @Then he commanded also the second and the third, and all those who followed the droves, saying, "After this manner you shall speak to Esau when you find him;

nasb@Genesis:28:24 @Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak.

nasb@Genesis:30:19 @The young man did not delay to do the thing, because he was delighted with Jacob's daughter. Now he was more respected than all the household of his father.

nasb@Genesis:31:29 @Isaac breathed his last and died and was gathered to his people, an old man of ripe age; and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

nasb@Genesis:32:11 @The sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho and Gatam and Kenaz.

nasb@Genesis:32:15 @These are the chiefs of the sons of Esau. The sons of Eliphaz, the firstborn of Esau, are chief Teman, chief Omar, chief Zepho, chief Kenaz,

nasb@Genesis:32:23 @These are the sons of Shobal- Alvan and Manahath and Ebal, Shepho and Onam.

nasb@Genesis:32:34 @Then Jobab died, and Husham of the land of the Temanites became king in his place.

nasb@Genesis:32:42 @chief Kenaz, chief Teman, chief Mibzar,

nasb@Genesis:33:15 @A man found him, and behold, he was wandering in the field; and the man asked him, "What are you looking for?"

nasb@Genesis:33:17 @Then the man said, "They have moved from here; for I heard them say, 'Let us go to Dothan.'" So Joseph went after his brothers and found them at Dothan.

nasb@Genesis:33:34 @So Jacob tore his clothes, and put sackcloth on his loins and mourned for his son many days.

nasb@Genesis:34:20 @When Judah sent the young goat by his friend the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman's hand, he did not find her.

nasb@Genesis:34:25 @It was while she was being brought out that she sent to her father-in-law, saying, "I am with child by the man to whom these things belong." And she said, " Please examine and see, whose signet ring and cords and staff are these?"

nasb@Genesis:35:2 @The LORD was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian.

nasb@Genesis:36:5 @Then the cupbearer and the baker for the king of Egypt, who were confined in jail, both had a dream the same night, each man with his own dream and each dream with its own interpretation.

nasb@Genesis:37:33" @Now let Pharaoh look for a man discerning and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt.

nasb@Genesis:37:38 @Then Pharaoh said to his servants, "Can we find a man like this, in whom is a divine spirit?"

nasb@Genesis:37:40" @ You shall be over my house, and according to your command all my people shall do homage; only in the throne I will be greater than you."

nasb@Genesis:37:51 @Joseph named the firstborn Manasseh, "For," he said, "God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's household."

nasb@Genesis:38:11" @We are all sons of one man; we are honest men, your servants are not spies."

nasb@Genesis:38:13 @But they said, "Your servants are twelve brothers in all, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan; and behold, the youngest is with our father today, and one is no longer alive."

nasb@Genesis:38:25 @Then Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain and to restore every man's money in his sack, and to give them provisions for the journey. And thus it was done for them.

nasb@Genesis:38:30" @The man, the lord of the land, spoke harshly with us, and took us for spies of the country.

nasb@Genesis:38:33" @The man, the lord of the land, said to us, ' By this I will know that you are honest men- leave one of your brothers with me and take grain for the famine of your households, and go.

nasb@Genesis:38:35 @Now it came about as they were emptying their sacks, that behold, every man's bundle of money was in his sack; and when they and their father saw their bundles of money, they were dismayed.

nasb@Genesis:39:3 @Judah spoke to him, however, saying, " The man solemnly warned us, 'You shall not see my face unless your brother is with you.'

nasb@Genesis:39:5" @But if you do not send him, we will not go down; for the man said to us, 'You will not see my face unless your brother is with you.'"

nasb@Genesis:39:6 @Then Israel said, "Why did you treat me so badly by telling the man whether you still had another brother?"

nasb@Genesis:39:7 @But they said, "The man questioned particularly about us and our relatives, saying, ' Is your father still alive? Have you another brother?' So we answered his questions. Could we possibly know that he would say, 'Bring your brother down'?"

nasb@Genesis:39:11 @Then their father Israel said to them, "If it must be so, then do this- take some of the best products of the land in your bags, and carry down to the man as a present, a little balm and a little honey, aromatic gum and myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds.

nasb@Genesis:39:13" @Take your brother also, and arise, return to the man;

nasb@Genesis:39:14 @and may God Almighty grant you compassion in the sight of the man, so that he will release to you your other brother and Benjamin. And as for me, if I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved."

nasb@Genesis:39:17 @So the man did as Joseph said, and brought the men to Joseph's house.

nasb@Genesis:39:21 @and it came about when we came to the lodging place, that we opened our sacks, and behold, each man's money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full. So we have brought it back in our hand.

nasb@Genesis:39:24 @Then the man brought the men into Joseph's house and gave them water, and they washed their feet; and he gave their donkeys fodder.

nasb@Genesis:39:44 @Then he commanded his house steward, saying, "Fill the men's sacks with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man's money in the mouth of his sack.

nasb@Genesis:39:11 @Then they hurried, each man lowered his sack to the ground, and each man opened his sack.

nasb@Genesis:39:13 @Then they tore their clothes, and when each man loaded his donkey, they returned to the city.

nasb@Genesis:39:15 @Joseph said to them, "What is this deed that you have done? Do you not know that such a man as I can indeed practice divination?"

nasb@Genesis:39:17 @But he said, "Far be it from me to do this. The man in whose possession the cup has been found, he shall be my slave; but as for you, go up in peace to your father."

nasb@Genesis:39:26" @But we said, 'We cannot go down. If our youngest brother is with us, then we will go down; for we cannot see the man's face unless our youngest brother is with us.'

nasb@Genesis:40:1 @Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him, and he cried, "Have everyone go out from me." So there was no man with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers.

nasb@Genesis:40:21 @Then the sons of Israel did so; and Joseph gave them wagons according to the command of Pharaoh, and gave them provisions for the journey.

nasb@Genesis:41:10 @The sons of Simeon- Jemuel and Jamin and Ohad and Jachin and Zohar and Shaul the son of a Canaanite woman.

nasb@Genesis:41:20 @Now to Joseph in the land of Egypt were born Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore to him.

nasb@Genesis:41:21 @The sons of Benjamin- Bela and Becher and Ashbel, Gera and Naaman, Ehi and Rosh, Muppim and Huppim and Ard.

nasb@Genesis:42:8 @Pharaoh said to Jacob, "How many years have you lived?"

nasb@Genesis:43:1 @Now it came about after these things that Joseph was told, "Behold, your father is sick." So he took his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim with him.

nasb@Genesis:43:5" @Now your two sons, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you in Egypt, are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine, as Reuben and Simeon are.

nasb@Genesis:43:13 @Joseph took them both, Ephraim with his right hand toward Israel's left, and Manasseh with his left hand toward Israel's right, and brought them close to him.

nasb@Genesis:43:14 @But Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it on the head of Ephraim, who was the younger, and his left hand on Manasseh's head, crossing his hands, although Manasseh was the firstborn.

nasb@Genesis:43:17 @When Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on Ephraim's head, it displeased him; and he grasped his father's hand to remove it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head.

nasb@Genesis:43:20 @He blessed them that day, saying, "By you Israel will pronounce blessing, saying, 'May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh!'" Thus he put Ephraim before Manasseh.

nasb@Genesis:44:2 @Joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father. So the physicians embalmed Israel.

nasb@Genesis:44:20" @As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.

nasb@Genesis:44:23 @Joseph saw the third generation of Ephraim's sons; also the sons of Machir, the son of Manasseh, were born on Joseph's knees.

nasb@Exodus:1:17 @But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but let the boys live.

nasb@Exodus:1:22 @Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, " Every son who is born you are to cast into the Nile, and every daughter you are to keep alive."

nasb@Exodus:2:1 @Now a man from the house of Levi went and married a daughter of Levi.

nasb@Exodus:2:2 @The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was beautiful, she hid him for three months.

nasb@Exodus:2:9 @Then Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Take this child away and nurse him for me and I will give you your wages." So the woman took the child and nursed him.

nasb@Exodus:2:20 @He said to his daughters, "Where is he then? Why is it that you have left the man behind? Invite him to have something to eat."

nasb@Exodus:2:21 @Moses was willing to dwell with the man, and he gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses.

nasb@Exodus:2:23 @Now it came about in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died. And the sons of Israel sighed because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry for help because of their bondage rose up to God.

nasb@Exodus:3:22" @But every woman shall ask of her neighbor and the woman who lives in her house, articles of silver and articles of gold, and clothing; and you will put them on your sons and daughters. Thus you will plunder the Egyptians."

nasb@Exodus:4:11 @The LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?

nasb@Exodus:4:28 @Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD with which He had sent him, and all the signs that He had commanded him to do.

nasb@Exodus:5:5 @Again Pharaoh said, "Look, the people of the land are now many, and you would have them cease from their labors!"

nasb@Exodus:5:6 @So the same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters over the people and their foremen, saying,

nasb@Exodus:6:15 @The sons of Simeon- Jemuel and Jamin and Ohad and Jachin and Zohar and Shaul the son of a Canaanite woman; these are the families of Simeon.

nasb@Exodus:6:2" @You shall speak all that I command you, and your brother Aaron shall speak to Pharaoh that he let the sons of Israel go out of his land.

nasb@Exodus:6:6 @So Moses and Aaron did it; as the LORD commanded them, thus they did.

nasb@Exodus:6:10 @So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the LORD had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent.

nasb@Exodus:6:20 @So Moses and Aaron did even as the LORD had commanded. And he lifted up the staff and struck the water that was in the Nile, in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants, and all the water that was in the Nile was turned to blood.

nasb@Exodus:6:17 @They did so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff, and struck the dust of the earth, and there were gnats on man and beast. All the dust of the earth became gnats through all the land of Egypt.

nasb@Exodus:6:18 @The magicians tried with their secret arts to bring forth gnats, but they could not; so there were gnats on man and beast.

nasb@Exodus:6:27" @We must go a three days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the LORD our God as He commands us."

nasb@Exodus:6:9" @It will become fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and will become boils breaking out with sores on man and beast through all the land of Egypt."

nasb@Exodus:6:10 @So they took soot from a kiln, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses threw it toward the sky, and it became boils breaking out with sores on man and beast.

nasb@Exodus:6:19" @Now therefore send, bring your livestock and whatever you have in the field to safety. Every man and beast that is found in the field and is not brought home, when the hail comes down on them, will die."'"

nasb@Exodus:6:22 @Now the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that hail may fall on all the land of Egypt, on man and on beast and on every plant of the field, throughout the land of Egypt."

nasb@Exodus:6:25 @The hail struck all that was in the field through all the land of Egypt, both man and beast; the hail also struck every plant of the field and shattered every tree of the field.

nasb@Exodus:7:7 @Pharaoh's servants said to him, "How long will this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God. Do you not realize that Egypt is destroyed?"

nasb@Exodus:7:14 @The locusts came up over all the land of Egypt and settled in all the territory of Egypt; they were very numerous. There had never been so many locusts, nor would there be so many again.

nasb@Exodus:7:2" @Speak now in the hearing of the people that each man ask from his neighbor and each woman from her neighbor for articles of silver and articles of gold."

nasb@Exodus:7:3 @The LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Furthermore, the man Moses himself was greatly esteemed in the land of Egypt, both in the sight of Pharaoh's servants and in the sight of the people.

nasb@Exodus:7:7 @' But against any of the sons of Israel a dog will not even bark, whether against man or beast, that you may understand how the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.'

nasb@Exodus:7:4 @'Now if the household is too small for a lamb, then he and his neighbor nearest to his house are to take one according to the number of persons in them; according to what each man should eat, you are to divide the lamb.

nasb@Exodus:7:11 @'Now you shall eat it in this manner- with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste--it is the LORD'S Passover.

nasb@Exodus:7:12 @'For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments-- I am the LORD.

nasb@Exodus:7:14 @'Now this day will be a memorial to you, and you shall celebrate it as a feast to the LORD; throughout your generations you are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance.

nasb@Exodus:7:17 @'You shall also observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for on this very day I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt; therefore you shall observe this day throughout your generations as a permanent ordinance.

nasb@Exodus:7:28 @Then the sons of Israel went and did so; just as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did.

nasb@Exodus:7:44 @but every man's slave purchased with money, after you have circumcised him, then he may eat of it.

nasb@Exodus:7:50 @Then all the sons of Israel did so; they did just as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron.

nasb@Exodus:7:2" @ Sanctify to Me every firstborn, the first offspring of every womb among the sons of Israel, both of man and beast; it belongs to Me."

nasb@Exodus:7:13" @But every first offspring of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck; and every firstborn of man among your sons you shall redeem.

nasb@Exodus:7:15 @'It came about, when Pharaoh was stubborn about letting us go, that the LORD killed every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast. Therefore, I sacrifice to the LORD the males, the first offspring of every womb, but every firstborn of my sons I redeem.'

nasb@Exodus:7:26 @And He said, " If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer."

nasb@Exodus:8:16" @This is what the LORD has commanded, 'Gather of it every man as much as he should eat; you shall take an omer apiece according to the number of persons each of you has in his tent.'"

nasb@Exodus:8:18 @When they measured it with an omer, he who had gathered much had no excess, and he who had gathered little had no lack; every man gathered as much as he should eat.

nasb@Exodus:8:19 @Moses said to them, " Let no man leave any of it until morning."

nasb@Exodus:8:21 @They gathered it morning by morning, every man as much as he should eat; but when the sun grew hot, it would melt.

nasb@Exodus:8:28 @Then the LORD said to Moses, " How long do you refuse to keep My commandments and My instructions?

nasb@Exodus:8:29" @See, the LORD has given you the sabbath; therefore He gives you bread for two days on the sixth day. Remain every man in his place; let no man go out of his place on the seventh day."

nasb@Exodus:8:31 @The house of Israel named it manna, and it was like coriander seed, white, and its taste was like wafers with honey.

nasb@Exodus:8:32 @Then Moses said, "This is what the LORD has commanded, 'Let an omerful of it be kept throughout your generations, that they may see the bread that I fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.'"

nasb@Exodus:8:33 @Moses said to Aaron, " Take a jar and put an omerful of manna in it, and place it before the LORD to be kept throughout your generations."

nasb@Exodus:8:34 @As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron placed it before the Testimony, to be kept.

nasb@Exodus:8:35 @The sons of Israel ate the manna forty years, until they came to an inhabited land; they ate the manna until they came to the border of the land of Canaan.

nasb@Exodus:9:1 @Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the LORD, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink.

nasb@Exodus:10:16" @When they have a dispute, it comes to me, and I judge between a man and his neighbor and make known the statutes of God and His laws."

nasb@Exodus:10:23" @If you do this thing and God so commands you, then you will be able to endure, and all these people also will go to their place in peace."

nasb@Exodus:11:7 @So Moses came and called the elders of the people, and set before them all these words which the LORD had commanded him.

nasb@Exodus:11:13 @'No hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether beast or man, he shall not live.' When the ram's horn sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain."

nasb@Exodus:11:15 @He said to the people, "Be ready for the third day; do not go near a woman."

nasb@Exodus:11:21 @Then the LORD spoke to Moses, "Go down, warn the people, so that they do not break through to the LORD to gaze, and many of them perish.

nasb@Exodus:11:6 @but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

nasb@Exodus:11:2" @If you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve for six years; but on the seventh he shall go out as a free man without payment.

nasb@Exodus:11:5" @But if the slave plainly says, 'I love my master, my wife and my children; I will not go out as a free man,'

nasb@Exodus:11:6 @then his master shall bring him to God, then he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost. And his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him permanently.

nasb@Exodus:11:7" @ If a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she is not to go free as the male slaves do.

nasb@Exodus:11:10" @If he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights.

nasb@Exodus:11:12" @ He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death.

nasb@Exodus:11:14" @ If, however, a man acts presumptuously toward his neighbor, so as to kill him craftily, you are to take him even from My altar, that he may die.

nasb@Exodus:11:16" @ He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death.

nasb@Exodus:11:20" @If a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand, he shall be punished.

nasb@Exodus:11:22" @If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide.

nasb@Exodus:11:26" @If a man strikes the eye of his male or female slave, and destroys it, he shall let him go free on account of his eye.

nasb@Exodus:11:28" @If an ox gores a man or a woman to death, the ox shall surely be stoned and its flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox shall go unpunished.

nasb@Exodus:11:29" @If, however, an ox was previously in the habit of goring and its owner has been warned, yet he does not confine it and it kills a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned and its owner also shall be put to death.

nasb@Exodus:11:30" @If a ransom is demanded of him, then he shall give for the redemption of his life whatever is demanded of him.

nasb@Exodus:11:33" @If a man opens a pit, or digs a pit and does not cover it over, and an ox or a donkey falls into it,

nasb@Exodus:11:35" @If one man's ox hurts another's so that it dies, then they shall sell the live ox and divide its price equally; and also they shall divide the dead ox.

nasb@Exodus:11:22" @If a man steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it, he shall pay five oxen for the ox and four sheep for the sheep.

nasb@Exodus:11:5" @If a man lets a field or vineyard be grazed bare and lets his animal loose so that it grazes in another man's field, he shall make restitution from the best of his own field and the best of his own vineyard.

nasb@Exodus:11:7" @ If a man gives his neighbor money or goods to keep for him and it is stolen from the man's house, if the thief is caught, he shall pay double.

nasb@Exodus:11:10" @If a man gives his neighbor a donkey, an ox, a sheep, or any animal to keep for him, and it dies or is hurt or is driven away while no one is looking,

nasb@Exodus:11:14" @If a man borrows anything from his neighbor, and it is injured or dies while its owner is not with it, he shall make full restitution.

nasb@Exodus:11:16" @ If a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged, and lies with her, he must pay a dowry for her to be his wife.

nasb@Exodus:11:23" @ You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.

nasb@Exodus:11:3 @nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his dispute.

nasb@Exodus:11:15" @You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread; for seven days you are to eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the appointed time in the month Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt. And none shall appear before Me empty-handed.

nasb@Exodus:11:12 @Now the LORD said to Moses, "Come up to Me on the mountain and remain there, and I will give you the stone tablets with the law and the commandment which I have written for their instruction."

nasb@Exodus:11:2" @ Tell the sons of Israel to raise a contribution for Me; from every man whose heart moves him you shall raise My contribution.

nasb@Exodus:11:22" @ There I will meet with you; and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are upon the ark of the testimony, I will speak to you about all that I will give you in commandment for the sons of Israel.

nasb@Exodus:11:26" @ Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twisted linen and blue and purple and scarlet material; you shall make them with cherubim, the work of a skillful workman.

nasb@Exodus:11:31" @You shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen; it shall be made with cherubim, the work of a skillful workman.

nasb@Exodus:11:6" @They shall also make the ephod of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen, the work of the skillful workman.

nasb@Exodus:11:8" @The skillfully woven band, which is on it, shall be like its workmanship, of the same material- of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen.

nasb@Exodus:11:15" @ You shall make a breastpiece of judgment, the work of a skillful workman; like the work of the ephod you shall make it- of gold, of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen you shall make it.

nasb@Exodus:12:33" @Thus they shall eat those things by which atonement was made at their ordination and consecration; but a layman shall not eat them, because they are holy.

nasb@Exodus:12:35" @Thus you shall do to Aaron and to his sons, according to all that I have commanded you; you shall ordain them through seven days.

nasb@Exodus:12:33 @' Whoever shall mix any like it or whoever puts any of it on a layman shall be cut off from his people.'"

nasb@Exodus:12:3" @I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship,

nasb@Exodus:12:5 @and in the cutting of stones for settings, and in the carving of wood, that he may work in all kinds of craftsmanship.

nasb@Exodus:12:6" @And behold, I Myself have appointed with him Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and in the hearts of all who are skillful I have put skill, that they may make all that I have commanded you-

nasb@Exodus:12:11 @the anointing oil also, and the fragrant incense for the holy place, they are to make them according to all that I have commanded you."

nasb@Exodus:13:1 @Now when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people assembled about Aaron and said to him, "Come, make us a god who will go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him."

nasb@Exodus:13:8" @They have quickly turned aside from the way which I commanded them. They have made for themselves a molten calf, and have worshiped it and have sacrificed to it and said, ' This is your god, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt!'"

nasb@Exodus:13:23" @For they said to me, 'Make a god for us who will go before us; for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.'

nasb@Exodus:13:27 @He said to them, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Every man of you put his sword upon his thigh, and go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp, and kill every man his brother, and every man his friend, and every man his neighbor.'"

nasb@Exodus:13:29 @Then Moses said, "Dedicate yourselves today to the LORD--for every man has been against his son and against his brother--in order that He may bestow a blessing upon you today."

nasb@Exodus:13:11 @Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses returned to the camp, his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent.

nasb@Exodus:13:20 @But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"

nasb@Exodus:13:3" @ No man is to come up with you, nor let any man be seen anywhere on the mountain; even the flocks and the herds may not graze in front of that mountain."

nasb@Exodus:13:4 @So he cut out two stone tablets like the former ones, and Moses rose up early in the morning and went up to Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and he took two stone tablets in his hand.

nasb@Exodus:13:11" @Be sure to observe what I am commanding you this day- behold, I am going to drive out the Amorite before you, and the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite.

nasb@Exodus:13:18" @You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread. For seven days you are to eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in the month of Abib you came out of Egypt.

nasb@Exodus:13:24" @For I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your borders, and no man shall covet your land when you go up three times a year to appear before the LORD your God.

nasb@Exodus:13:28 @So he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.

nasb@Exodus:13:32 @Afterward all the sons of Israel came near, and he commanded them to do everything that the LORD had spoken to him on Mount Sinai.

nasb@Exodus:13:34 @But whenever Moses went in before the LORD to speak with Him, he would take off the veil until he came out; and whenever he came out and spoke to the sons of Israel what he had been commanded,

nasb@Exodus:13:35 @Then Moses assembled all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and said to them, " These are the things that the LORD has commanded you to do-

nasb@Exodus:13:4 @Moses spoke to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, saying, "This is the thing which the LORD has commanded, saying,

nasb@Exodus:13:10 @' Let every skillful man among you come, and make all that the LORD has commanded-

nasb@Exodus:13:22 @Then all whose hearts moved them, both men and women, came and brought brooches and earrings and signet rings and bracelets, all articles of gold; so did every man who presented an offering of gold to the LORD.

nasb@Exodus:13:23 @Every man, who had in his possession blue and purple and scarlet material and fine linen and goats' hair and rams' skins dyed red and porpoise skins, brought them.

nasb@Exodus:13:24 @Everyone who could make a contribution of silver and bronze brought the LORD'S contribution; and every man who had in his possession acacia wood for any work of the service brought it.

nasb@Exodus:13:29 @The Israelites, all the men and women, whose heart moved them to bring material for all the work, which the LORD had commanded through Moses to be done, brought a freewill offering to the LORD.

nasb@Exodus:13:31" @And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge and in all craftsmanship;

nasb@Exodus:14:1" @Now Bezalel and Oholiab, and every skillful person in whom the LORD has put skill and understanding to know how to perform all the work in the construction of the sanctuary, shall perform in accordance with all that the LORD has commanded."

nasb@Exodus:14:5 @and they said to Moses, " The people are bringing much more than enough for the construction work which the LORD commanded us to perform."

nasb@Exodus:14:6 @So Moses issued a command, and a proclamation was circulated throughout the camp, saying, "Let no man or woman any longer perform work for the contributions of the sanctuary." Thus the people were restrained from bringing any more.

nasb@Exodus:14:8 @All the skillful men among those who were performing the work made the tabernacle with ten curtains; of fine twisted linen and blue and purple and scarlet material, with cherubim, the work of a skillful workman, Bezalel made them.

nasb@Exodus:14:35 @Moreover, he made the veil of blue and purple and scarlet material, and fine twisted linen; he made it with cherubim, the work of a skillful workman.

nasb@Exodus:16:21 @This is the number of the things for the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the testimony, as they were numbered according to the command of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.

nasb@Exodus:16:22 @Now Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:16:23 @With him was Oholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver and a skillful workman and a weaver in blue and in purple and in scarlet material, and fine linen.

nasb@Exodus:17:1 @Moreover, from the blue and purple and scarlet material, they made finely woven garments for ministering in the holy place as well as the holy garments which were for Aaron, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:3 @Then they hammered out gold sheets and cut them into threads to be woven in with the blue and the purple and the scarlet material, and the fine linen, the work of a skillful workman.

nasb@Exodus:17:5 @The skillfully woven band which was on it was like its workmanship, of the same material- of gold and of blue and purple and scarlet material, and fine twisted linen, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:7 @And he placed them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod, as memorial stones for the sons of Israel, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:8 @He made the breastpiece, the work of a skillful workman, like the workmanship of the ephod- of gold and of blue and purple and scarlet material and fine twisted linen.

nasb@Exodus:17:21 @They bound the breastpiece by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a blue cord, so that it would be on the woven band of the ephod, and that the breastpiece would not come loose from the ephod, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:26 @alternating a bell and a pomegranate all around on the hem of the robe for the service, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:29 @and the sash of fine twisted linen, and blue and purple and scarlet material, the work of the weaver, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:31 @They fastened a blue cord to it, to fasten it on the turban above, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:32 @Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was completed; and the sons of Israel did according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses; so they did.

nasb@Exodus:17:42 @So the sons of Israel did all the work according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:43 @And Moses examined all the work and behold, they had done it; just as the LORD had commanded, this they had done. So Moses blessed them.

nasb@Exodus:17:16 @Thus Moses did; according to all that the LORD had commanded him, so he did.

nasb@Exodus:17:19 @He spread the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering of the tent on top of it, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:21 @He brought the ark into the tabernacle, and set up a veil for the screen, and screened off the ark of the testimony, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:23 @He set the arrangement of bread in order on it before the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:25 @He lighted the lamps before the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:27 @and he burned fragrant incense on it, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:29 @He set the altar of burnt offering before the doorway of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting, and offered on it the burnt offering and the meal offering, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Exodus:17:32 @When they entered the tent of meeting, and when they approached the altar, they washed, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:0:2" @Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, 'When any man of you brings an offering to the LORD, you shall bring your offering of animals from the herd or the flock.

nasb@Leviticus:2:2" @Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'If a person sins unintentionally in any of the things which the LORD has commanded not to be done, and commits any of them,

nasb@Leviticus:2:13 @' Now if the whole congregation of Israel commits error and the matter escapes the notice of the assembly, and they commit any of the things which the LORD has commanded not to be done, and they become guilty;

nasb@Leviticus:2:22 @'When a leader sins and unintentionally does any one of all the things which the LORD his God has commanded not to be done, and he becomes guilty,

nasb@Leviticus:2:27 @'Now if anyone of the common people sins unintentionally in doing any of the things which the LORD has commanded not to be done, and becomes guilty,

nasb@Leviticus:3:3 @'Or if he touches human uncleanness, of whatever sort his uncleanness may be with which he becomes unclean, and it is hidden from him, and then he comes to know it, he will be guilty.

nasb@Leviticus:3:4 @'Or if a person swears thoughtlessly with his lips to do evil or to do good, in whatever matter a man may speak thoughtlessly with an oath, and it is hidden from him, and then he comes to know it, he will be guilty in one of these.

nasb@Leviticus:3:17" @Now if a person sins and does any of the things which the LORD has commanded not to be done, though he was unaware, still he is guilty and shall bear his punishment.

nasb@Leviticus:3:3 @or has found what was lost and lied about it and sworn falsely, so that he sins in regard to any one of the things a man may do;

nasb@Leviticus:3:9" @Command Aaron and his sons, saying, 'This is the law for the burnt offering- the burnt offering itself shall remain on the hearth on the altar all night until the morning, and the fire on the altar is to be kept burning on it.

nasb@Leviticus:3:18 @' Every male among the sons of Aaron may eat it; it is a permanent ordinance throughout your generations, from the offerings by fire to the LORD. Whoever touches them will become consecrated.'"

nasb@Leviticus:3:22" @The anointed priest who will be in his place among his sons shall offer it. By a permanent ordinance it shall be entirely offered up in smoke to the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:4:8 @'Also the priest who presents any man's burnt offering, that priest shall have for himself the skin of the burnt offering which he has presented.

nasb@Leviticus:4:21 @' When anyone touches anything unclean, whether human uncleanness, or an unclean animal, or any unclean detestable thing, and eats of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings which belong to the LORD, that person shall be cut off from his people.'"

nasb@Leviticus:4:36 @'These the LORD had commanded to be given them from the sons of Israel in the day that He anointed them. It is their due forever throughout their generations.'"

nasb@Leviticus:4:38 @which the LORD commanded Moses at Mount Sinai in the day that He commanded the sons of Israel to present their offerings to the LORD in the wilderness of Sinai.

nasb@Leviticus:4:4 @So Moses did just as the LORD commanded him. When the congregation was assembled at the doorway of the tent of meeting,

nasb@Leviticus:4:5 @Moses said to the congregation, "This is the thing which the LORD has commanded to do."

nasb@Leviticus:4:9 @He also placed the turban on his head, and on the turban, at its front, he placed the golden plate, the holy crown, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:4:13 @Next Moses had Aaron's sons come near and clothed them with tunics, and girded them with sashes and bound caps on them, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:4:17 @But the bull and its hide and its flesh and its refuse he burned in the fire outside the camp, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:4:21 @After he had washed the entrails and the legs with water, Moses offered up the whole ram in smoke on the altar. It was a burnt offering for a soothing aroma; it was an offering by fire to the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:4:29 @Moses also took the breast and presented it for a wave offering before the LORD; it was Moses' portion of the ram of ordination, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:4:31 @Then Moses said to Aaron and to his sons, " Boil the flesh at the doorway of the tent of meeting, and eat it there together with the bread which is in the basket of the ordination offering, just as I commanded, saying, 'Aaron and his sons shall eat it.'

nasb@Leviticus:4:34" @The LORD has commanded to do as has been done this day, to make atonement on your behalf.

nasb@Leviticus:4:35" @At the doorway of the tent of meeting, moreover, you shall remain day and night for seven days and keep the charge of the LORD, so that you will not die, for so I have been commanded."

nasb@Leviticus:4:36 @Thus Aaron and his sons did all the things which the LORD had commanded through Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:5:5 @So they took what Moses had commanded to the front of the tent of meeting, and the whole congregation came near and stood before the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:5:6 @Moses said, "This is the thing which the LORD has commanded you to do, that the glory of the LORD may appear to you."

nasb@Leviticus:5:7 @Moses then said to Aaron, "Come near to the altar and offer your sin offering and your burnt offering, that you may make atonement for yourself and for the people; then make the offering for the people, that you may make atonement for them, just as the LORD has commanded."

nasb@Leviticus:5:10 @The fat and the kidneys and the lobe of the liver of the sin offering, he then offered up in smoke on the altar just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:5:21 @But the breasts and the right thigh Aaron presented as a wave offering before the LORD, just as Moses had commanded.

nasb@Leviticus:6:1 @Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them.

nasb@Leviticus:6:13" @You shall eat it, moreover, in a holy place, because it is your due and your sons' due out of the LORD'S offerings by fire; for thus I have been commanded.

nasb@Leviticus:6:15" @ The thigh offered by lifting up and the breast offered by waving they shall bring along with the offerings by fire of the portions of fat, to present as a wave offering before the LORD; so it shall be a thing perpetually due you and your sons with you, just as the LORD has commanded."

nasb@Leviticus:6:18" @Behold, since its blood had not been brought inside, into the sanctuary, you should certainly have eaten it in the sanctuary, just as I commanded."

nasb@Leviticus:6:42 @'Whatever crawls on its belly, and whatever walks on all fours, whatever has many feet, in respect to every swarming thing that swarms on the earth, you shall not eat them, for they are detestable.

nasb@Leviticus:6:2" @Speak to the sons of Israel, saying- 'When a woman gives birth and bears a male child, then she shall be unclean for seven days, as in the days of her menstruation she shall be unclean.

nasb@Leviticus:6:2" @When a man has on the skin of his body a swelling or a scab or a bright spot, and it becomes an infection of leprosy on the skin of his body, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests.

nasb@Leviticus:6:9" @When the infection of leprosy is on a man, then he shall be brought to the priest.

nasb@Leviticus:6:29" @Now if a man or woman has an infection on the head or on the beard,

nasb@Leviticus:6:38" @When a man or a woman has bright spots on the skin of the body, even white bright spots,

nasb@Leviticus:6:40" @Now if a man loses the hair of his head, he is bald; he is clean.

nasb@Leviticus:6:44 @he is a leprous man, he is unclean. The priest shall surely pronounce him unclean; his infection is on his head.

nasb@Leviticus:6:11 @and the priest who pronounces him clean shall present the man to be cleansed and the aforesaid before the LORD at the doorway of the tent of meeting.

nasb@Leviticus:6:36" @The priest shall then command that they empty the house before the priest goes in to look at the mark, so that everything in the house need not become unclean; and afterward the priest shall go in to look at the house.

nasb@Leviticus:6:2" @Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, ' When any man has a discharge from his body, his discharge is unclean.

nasb@Leviticus:6:6 @and whoever sits on the thing on which the man with the discharge has been sitting, shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until evening.

nasb@Leviticus:6:8 @'Or if the man with the discharge spits on one who is clean, he too shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until evening.

nasb@Leviticus:6:13 @'Now when the man with the discharge becomes cleansed from his discharge, then he shall count off for himself seven days for his cleansing; he shall then wash his clothes and bathe his body in running water and will become clean.

nasb@Leviticus:6:16 @' Now if a man has a seminal emission, he shall bathe all his body in water and be unclean until evening.

nasb@Leviticus:6:18 @'If a man lies with a woman so that there is a seminal emission, they shall both bathe in water and be unclean until evening.

nasb@Leviticus:6:19 @' When a woman has a discharge, if her discharge in her body is blood, she shall continue in her menstrual impurity for seven days; and whoever touches her shall be unclean until evening.

nasb@Leviticus:6:24 @' If a man actually lies with her so that her menstrual impurity is on him, he shall be unclean seven days, and every bed on which he lies shall be unclean.

nasb@Leviticus:6:25 @' Now if a woman has a discharge of her blood many days, not at the period of her menstrual impurity, or if she has a discharge beyond that period, all the days of her impure discharge she shall continue as though in her menstrual impurity; she is unclean.

nasb@Leviticus:6:32 @This is the law for the one with a discharge, and for the man who has a seminal emission so that he is unclean by it,

nasb@Leviticus:6:33 @and for the woman who is ill because of menstrual impurity, and for the one who has a discharge, whether a male or a female, or a man who lies with an unclean woman.

nasb@Leviticus:7:21" @Then Aaron shall lay both of his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the sons of Israel and all their transgressions in regard to all their sins; and he shall lay them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who stands in readiness.

nasb@Leviticus:7:29" @This shall be a permanent statute for you- in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall humble your souls and not do any work, whether the native, or the alien who sojourns among you;

nasb@Leviticus:7:31" @It is to be a sabbath of solemn rest for you, that you may humble your souls; it is a permanent statute.

nasb@Leviticus:7:34" @Now you shall have this as a permanent statute, to make atonement for the sons of Israel for all their sins once every year." And just as the LORD had commanded Moses, so he did.

nasb@Leviticus:7:2" @Speak to Aaron and to his sons and to all the sons of Israel and say to them, 'This is what the LORD has commanded, saying,

nasb@Leviticus:7:3" @Any man from the house of Israel who slaughters an ox or a lamb or a goat in the camp, or who slaughters it outside the camp,

nasb@Leviticus:7:4 @and has not brought it to the doorway of the tent of meeting to present it as an offering to the LORD before the tabernacle of the LORD, bloodguiltiness is to be reckoned to that man. He has shed blood and that man shall be cut off from among his people.

nasb@Leviticus:7:7" @ They shall no longer sacrifice their sacrifices to the goat demons with which they play the harlot. This shall be a permanent statute to them throughout their generations."'

nasb@Leviticus:7:8" @Then you shall say to them, 'Any man from the house of Israel, or from the aliens who sojourn among them, who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice,

nasb@Leviticus:7:9 @and does not bring it to the doorway of the tent of meeting to offer it to the LORD, that man also shall be cut off from his people.

nasb@Leviticus:7:10 @' And any man from the house of Israel, or from the aliens who sojourn among them, who eats any blood, I will set My face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from among his people.

nasb@Leviticus:7:13" @So when any man from the sons of Israel, or from the aliens who sojourn among them, in hunting catches a beast or a bird which may be eaten, he shall pour out its blood and cover it with earth.

nasb@Leviticus:7:5 @'So you shall keep My statutes and My judgments, by which a man may live if he does them; I am the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:7:17 @' You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and of her daughter, nor shall you take her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; they are blood relatives. It is lewdness.

nasb@Leviticus:7:18 @'You shall not marry a woman in addition to her sister as a rival while she is alive, to uncover her nakedness.

nasb@Leviticus:7:19 @' Also you shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness during her menstrual impurity.

nasb@Leviticus:7:23 @' Also you shall not have intercourse with any animal to be defiled with it, nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it; it is a perversion.

nasb@Leviticus:7:13 @' You shall not oppress your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of a hired man are not to remain with you all night until morning.

nasb@Leviticus:7:14 @'You shall not curse a deaf man, nor place a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall revere your God; I am the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:7:17 @'You shall not hate your fellow countryman in your heart; you may surely reprove your neighbor, but shall not incur sin because of him.

nasb@Leviticus:7:20 @' Now if a man lies carnally with a woman who is a slave acquired for another man, but who has in no way been redeemed nor given her freedom, there shall be punishment; they shall not, however, be put to death, because she was not free.

nasb@Leviticus:7:2" @You shall also say to the sons of Israel- 'Any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones.

nasb@Leviticus:7:3 @'I will also set My face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his offspring to Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary and to profane My holy name.

nasb@Leviticus:7:4 @'If the people of the land, however, should ever disregard that man when he gives any of his offspring to Molech, so as not to put him to death,

nasb@Leviticus:7:5 @then I Myself will set My face against that man and against his family, and I will cut off from among their people both him and all those who play the harlot after him, by playing the harlot after Molech.

nasb@Leviticus:7:10 @' If there is a man who commits adultery with another man's wife, one who commits adultery with his friend's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

nasb@Leviticus:7:11 @' If there is a man who lies with his father's wife, he has uncovered his father's nakedness; both of them shall surely be put to death, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.

nasb@Leviticus:7:12 @' If there is a man who lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death; they have committed incest, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.

nasb@Leviticus:7:13 @' If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.

nasb@Leviticus:7:14 @' If there is a man who marries a woman and her mother, it is immorality; both he and they shall be burned with fire, so that there will be no immorality in your midst.

nasb@Leviticus:7:15 @' If there is a man who lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death; you shall also kill the animal.

nasb@Leviticus:7:16 @'If there is a woman who approaches any animal to mate with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.

nasb@Leviticus:7:17 @' If there is a man who takes his sister, his father's daughter or his mother's daughter, so that he sees her nakedness and she sees his nakedness, it is a disgrace; and they shall be cut off in the sight of the sons of their people. He has uncovered his sister's nakedness; he bears his guilt.

nasb@Leviticus:7:18 @' If there is a man who lies with a menstruous woman and uncovers her nakedness, he has laid bare her flow, and she has exposed the flow of her blood; thus both of them shall be cut off from among their people.

nasb@Leviticus:7:20 @' If there is a man who lies with his uncle's wife he has uncovered his uncle's nakedness; they will bear their sin. They will die childless.

nasb@Leviticus:7:21 @' If there is a man who takes his brother's wife, it is abhorrent; he has uncovered his brother's nakedness. They will be childless.

nasb@Leviticus:7:27 @'Now a man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritist shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.'"

nasb@Leviticus:8:7 @' They shall not take a woman who is profaned by harlotry, nor shall they take a woman divorced from her husband; for he is holy to his God.

nasb@Leviticus:8:14 @' A widow, or a divorced woman, or one who is profaned by harlotry, these he may not take; but rather he is to marry a virgin of his own people,

nasb@Leviticus:8:17" @Speak to Aaron, saying, 'No man of your offspring throughout their generations who has a defect shall approach to offer the food of his God.

nasb@Leviticus:8:18 @' For no one who has a defect shall approach- a blind man, or a lame man, or he who has a disfigured face, or any deformed limb,

nasb@Leviticus:8:19 @or a man who has a broken foot or broken hand,

nasb@Leviticus:8:21 @'No man among the descendants of Aaron the priest who has a defect is to come near to offer the LORD'S offerings by fire; since he has a defect, he shall not come near to offer the food of his God.

nasb@Leviticus:8:3" @Say to them, ' If any man among all your descendants throughout your generations approaches the holy gifts which the sons of Israel dedicate to the LORD, while he has an uncleanness, that person shall be cut off from before Me; I am the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:8:4 @' No man of the descendants of Aaron, who is a leper or who has a discharge, may eat of the holy gifts until he is clean. And if one touches anything made unclean by a corpse or if a man has a seminal emission,

nasb@Leviticus:8:5 @or if a man touches any teeming things by which he is made unclean, or any man by whom he is made unclean, whatever his uncleanness;

nasb@Leviticus:8:10 @' No layman, however, is to eat the holy gift; a sojourner with the priest or a hired man shall not eat of the holy gift.

nasb@Leviticus:8:12 @'If a priest's daughter is married to a layman, she shall not eat of the offering of the gifts.

nasb@Leviticus:8:13 @'But if a priest's daughter becomes a widow or divorced, and has no child and returns to her father's house as in her youth, she shall eat of her father's food; but no layman shall eat of it.

nasb@Leviticus:8:14 @' But if a man eats a holy gift unintentionally, then he shall add to it a fifth of it and shall give the holy gift to the priest.

nasb@Leviticus:8:18" @Speak to Aaron and to his sons and to all the sons of Israel and say to them, ' Any man of the house of Israel or of the aliens in Israel who presents his offering, whether it is any of their votive or any of their freewill offerings, which they present to the LORD for a burnt offering--

nasb@Leviticus:8:21 @'When a man offers a sacrifice of peace offerings to the LORD to fulfill a special vow or for a freewill offering, of the herd or of the flock, it must be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no defect in it.

nasb@Leviticus:8:31" @ So you shall keep My commandments, and do them; I am the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:8:2" @Command the sons of Israel that they bring to you clear oil from beaten olives for the light, to make a lamp burn continually.

nasb@Leviticus:8:10 @Now the son of an Israelite woman, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the sons of Israel; and the Israelite woman's son and a man of Israel struggled with each other in the camp.

nasb@Leviticus:8:11 @The son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name and cursed. So they brought him to Moses. (Now his mother's name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.)

nasb@Leviticus:8:12 @They put him in custody so that the command of the LORD might be made clear to them.

nasb@Leviticus:8:17 @' If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death.

nasb@Leviticus:8:19 @'If a man injures his neighbor, just as he has done, so it shall be done to him-

nasb@Leviticus:8:20 @fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; just as he has injured a man, so it shall be inflicted on him.

nasb@Leviticus:8:21 @'Thus the one who kills an animal shall make it good, but the one who kills a man shall be put to death.

nasb@Leviticus:8:23 @Then Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, and they brought the one who had cursed outside the camp and stoned him with stones. Thus the sons of Israel did, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Leviticus:8:6 @' All of you shall have the sabbath products of the land for food; yourself, and your male and female slaves, and your hired man and your foreign resident, those who live as aliens with you.

nasb@Leviticus:8:23 @'The land, moreover, shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are but aliens and sojourners with Me.

nasb@Leviticus:8:25 @' If a fellow countryman of yours becomes so poor he has to sell part of his property, then his nearest kinsman is to come and buy back what his relative has sold.

nasb@Leviticus:8:26 @'Or in case a man has no kinsman, but so recovers his means as to find sufficient for its redemption,

nasb@Leviticus:8:27 @then he shall calculate the years since its sale and refund the balance to the man to whom he sold it, and so return to his property.

nasb@Leviticus:8:29 @'Likewise, if a man sells a dwelling house in a walled city, then his redemption right remains valid until a full year from its sale; his right of redemption lasts a full year.

nasb@Leviticus:8:30 @'But if it is not bought back for him within the space of a full year, then the house that is in the walled city passes permanently to its purchaser throughout his generations; it does not revert in the jubilee.

nasb@Leviticus:8:32 @'As for cities of the Levites, the Levites have a permanent right of redemption for the houses of the cities which are their possession.

nasb@Leviticus:8:35 @' Now in case a countryman of yours becomes poor and his means with regard to you falter, then you are to sustain him, like a stranger or a sojourner, that he may live with you.

nasb@Leviticus:8:36 @' Do not take usurious interest from him, but revere your God, that your countryman may live with you.

nasb@Leviticus:8:39 @' If a countryman of yours becomes so poor with regard to you that he sells himself to you, you shall not subject him to a slave's service.

nasb@Leviticus:8:40 @'He shall be with you as a hired man, as if he were a sojourner; he shall serve with you until the year of jubilee.

nasb@Leviticus:8:46 @'You may even bequeath them to your sons after you, to receive as a possession; you can use them as permanent slaves. But in respect to your countrymen, the sons of Israel, you shall not rule with severity over one another.

nasb@Leviticus:8:47 @'Now if the means of a stranger or of a sojourner with you becomes sufficient, and a countryman of yours becomes so poor with regard to him as to sell himself to a stranger who is sojourning with you, or to the descendants of a stranger's family,

nasb@Leviticus:8:50 @'He then with his purchaser shall calculate from the year when he sold himself to him up to the year of jubilee; and the price of his sale shall correspond to the number of years. It is like the days of a hired man that he shall be with him.

nasb@Leviticus:8:51 @'If there are still many years, he shall refund part of his purchase price in proportion to them for his own redemption;

nasb@Leviticus:8:53 @'Like a man hired year by year he shall be with him; he shall not rule over him with severity in your sight.

nasb@Leviticus:9:3 @' If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments so as to carry them out,

nasb@Leviticus:9:14 @' But if you do not obey Me and do not carry out all these commandments,

nasb@Leviticus:9:15 @if, instead, you reject My statutes, and if your soul abhors My ordinances so as not to carry out all My commandments, and so break My covenant,

nasb@Leviticus:9:2" @Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ' When a man makes a difficult vow, he shall be valued according to your valuation of persons belonging to the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:9:14 @'Now if a man consecrates his house as holy to the LORD, then the priest shall value it as either good or bad; as the priest values it, so it shall stand.

nasb@Leviticus:9:16 @'Again, if a man consecrates to the LORD part of the fields of his own property, then your valuation shall be proportionate to the seed needed for it- a homer of barley seed at fifty shekels of silver.

nasb@Leviticus:9:20 @'Yet if he will not redeem the field, but has sold the field to another man, it may no longer be redeemed;

nasb@Leviticus:9:26 @' However, a firstborn among animals, which as a firstborn belongs to the LORD, no man may consecrate it; whether ox or sheep, it is the LORD'S.

nasb@Leviticus:9:28 @'Nevertheless, anything which a man sets apart to the LORD out of all that he has, of man or animal or of the fields of his own property, shall not be sold or redeemed. Anything devoted to destruction is most holy to the LORD.

nasb@Leviticus:9:31 @'If, therefore, a man wishes to redeem part of his tithe, he shall add to it one-fifth of it.

nasb@Leviticus:9:34 @These are the commandments which the LORD commanded Moses for the sons of Israel at Mount Sinai.

nasb@Numbers:0:4" @With you, moreover, there shall be a man of each tribe, each one head of his father's household.

nasb@Numbers:0:10 @of the sons of Joseph- of Ephraim, Elishama the son of Ammihud; of Manasseh, Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur;

nasb@Numbers:0:19 @just as the LORD had commanded Moses. So he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai.

nasb@Numbers:0:34 @Of the sons of Manasseh, their genealogical registration by their families, by their fathers' households, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, whoever was able to go out to war,

nasb@Numbers:0:35 @their numbered men of the tribe of Manasseh were 32,200.

nasb@Numbers:0:51" @ So when the tabernacle is to set out, the Levites shall take it down; and when the tabernacle encamps, the Levites shall set it up. But the layman who comes near shall be put to death.

nasb@Numbers:0:52" @ The sons of Israel shall camp, each man by his own camp, and each man by his own standard, according to their armies.

nasb@Numbers:1:1 @Thus the sons of Israel did; according to all which the LORD had commanded Moses, so they did.

nasb@Numbers:1:17" @ Then the tent of meeting shall set out with the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camps; just as they camp, so they shall set out, every man in his place by their standards.

nasb@Numbers:1:20" @Next to him shall be the tribe of Manasseh, and the leader of the sons of Manasseh- Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur,

nasb@Numbers:1:33 @The Levites, however, were not numbered among the sons of Israel, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:1:34 @Thus the sons of Israel did; according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so they camped by their standards, and so they set out, every one by his family according to his father's household.

nasb@Numbers:2:10" @So you shall appoint Aaron and his sons that they may keep their priesthood, but the layman who comes near shall be put to death."

nasb@Numbers:2:13" @For all the firstborn are Mine; on the day that I struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, I sanctified to Myself all the firstborn in Israel, from man to beast. They shall be Mine; I am the LORD."

nasb@Numbers:2:16 @So Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD, just as he had been commanded.

nasb@Numbers:2:38 @Now those who were to camp before the tabernacle eastward, before the tent of meeting toward the sunrise, are Moses and Aaron and his sons, performing the duties of the sanctuary for the obligation of the sons of Israel; but the layman coming near was to be put to death.

nasb@Numbers:2:39 @All the numbered men of the Levites, whom Moses and Aaron numbered at the command of the LORD by their families, every male from a month old and upward, were 22,000.

nasb@Numbers:2:42 @So Moses numbered all the firstborn among the sons of Israel, just as the LORD had commanded him;

nasb@Numbers:2:51 @Then Moses gave the ransom money to Aaron and to his sons, at the command of the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:2:27" @All the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their loads and in all their work, shall be performed at the command of Aaron and his sons; and you shall assign to them as a duty all their loads.

nasb@Numbers:2:32 @and the pillars around the court and their sockets and their pegs and their cords, with all their equipment and with all their service; and you shall assign each man by name the items he is to carry.

nasb@Numbers:2:37 @These are the numbered men of the Kohathite families, everyone who was serving in the tent of meeting, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the commandment of the LORD through Moses.

nasb@Numbers:2:41 @These are the numbered men of the families of the sons of Gershon, everyone who was serving in the tent of meeting, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the commandment of the LORD.

nasb@Numbers:2:45 @These are the numbered men of the families of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the commandment of the LORD through Moses.

nasb@Numbers:2:49 @According to the commandment of the LORD through Moses, they were numbered, everyone by his serving or carrying; thus these were his numbered men, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:2:2" @Command the sons of Israel that they send away from the camp every leper and everyone having a discharge and everyone who is unclean because of a dead person.

nasb@Numbers:2:6" @Speak to the sons of Israel, ' When a man or woman commits any of the sins of mankind, acting unfaithfully against the LORD, and that person is guilty,

nasb@Numbers:2:8 @'But if the man has no relative to whom restitution may be made for the wrong, the restitution which is made for the wrong must go to the LORD for the priest, besides the ram of atonement, by which atonement is made for him.

nasb@Numbers:2:10 @'So every man's holy gifts shall be his; whatever any man gives to the priest, it becomes his.'"

nasb@Numbers:2:12" @Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, 'If any man's wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him,

nasb@Numbers:2:13 @and a man has intercourse with her and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband and she is undetected, although she has defiled herself, and there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act,

nasb@Numbers:2:15 @the man shall then bring his wife to the priest, and shall bring as an offering for her one-tenth of an ephah of barley meal; he shall not pour oil on it nor put frankincense on it, for it is a grain offering of jealousy, a grain offering of memorial, a reminder of iniquity.

nasb@Numbers:2:18 @'The priest shall then have the woman stand before the LORD and let the hair of the woman's head go loose, and place the grain offering of memorial in her hands, which is the grain offering of jealousy, and in the hand of the priest is to be the water of bitterness that brings a curse.

nasb@Numbers:2:19 @'The priest shall have her take an oath and shall say to the woman, "If no man has lain with you and if you have not gone astray into uncleanness, being under the authority of your husband, be immune to this water of bitterness that brings a curse;

nasb@Numbers:2:20 @if you, however, have gone astray, being under the authority of your husband, and if you have defiled yourself and a man other than your husband has had intercourse with you"

nasb@Numbers:2:21 @(then the priest shall have the woman swear with the oath of the curse, and the priest shall say to the woman), "the LORD make you a curse and an oath among your people by the LORD'S making your thigh waste away and your abdomen swell;

nasb@Numbers:2:22 @and this water that brings a curse shall go into your stomach, and make your abdomen swell and your thigh waste away." And the woman shall say, "Amen. Amen."

nasb@Numbers:2:24 @'Then he shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that brings a curse, so that the water which brings a curse will go into her and cause bitterness.

nasb@Numbers:2:25 @'The priest shall take the grain offering of jealousy from the woman's hand, and he shall wave the grain offering before the LORD and bring it to the altar;

nasb@Numbers:2:26 @and the priest shall take a handful of the grain offering as its memorial offering and offer it up in smoke on the altar, and afterward he shall make the woman drink the water.

nasb@Numbers:2:27 @'When he has made her drink the water, then it shall come about, if she has defiled herself and has been unfaithful to her husband, that the water which brings a curse will go into her and cause bitterness, and her abdomen will swell and her thigh will waste away, and the woman will become a curse among her people.

nasb@Numbers:2:28 @'But if the woman has not defiled herself and is clean, she will then be free and conceive children.

nasb@Numbers:2:30 @or when a spirit of jealousy comes over a man and he is jealous of his wife, he shall then make the woman stand before the LORD, and the priest shall apply all this law to her.

nasb@Numbers:2:31 @'Moreover, the man will be free from guilt, but that woman shall bear her guilt.'"

nasb@Numbers:2:2" @Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, 'When a man or woman makes a special vow, the vow of a Nazirite, to dedicate himself to the LORD,

nasb@Numbers:2:9 @'But if a man dies very suddenly beside him and he defiles his dedicated head of hair, then he shall shave his head on the day when he becomes clean; he shall shave it on the seventh day.

nasb@Numbers:3:5" @Accept these things from them, that they may be used in the service of the tent of meeting, and you shall give them to the Levites, to each man according to his service."

nasb@Numbers:3:54 @On the eighth day it was Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, leader of the sons of Manasseh;

nasb@Numbers:3:3 @Aaron therefore did so; he mounted its lamps at the front of the lampstand, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:3:4 @Now this was the workmanship of the lampstand, hammered work of gold; from its base to its flowers it was hammered work; according to the pattern which the LORD had shown Moses, so he made the lampstand.

nasb@Numbers:3:20 @Thus did Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the sons of Israel to the Levites; according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so the sons of Israel did to them.

nasb@Numbers:3:22 @Then after that the Levites went in to perform their service in the tent of meeting before Aaron and before his sons; just as the LORD had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so they did to them.

nasb@Numbers:3:5 @They observed the Passover in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at twilight, in the wilderness of Sinai; according to all that the LORD had commanded Moses, so the sons of Israel did.

nasb@Numbers:3:8 @Moses therefore said to them, " Wait, and I will listen to what the LORD will command concerning you."

nasb@Numbers:3:13 @' But the man who is clean and is not on a journey, and yet neglects to observe the Passover, that person shall then be cut off from his people, for he did not present the offering of the LORD at its appointed time. That man will bear his sin.

nasb@Numbers:3:18 @At the command of the LORD the sons of Israel would set out, and at the command of the LORD they would camp; as long as the cloud settled over the tabernacle, they remained camped.

nasb@Numbers:3:19 @Even when the cloud lingered over the tabernacle for many days, the sons of Israel would keep the LORD'S charge and not set out.

nasb@Numbers:3:20 @If sometimes the cloud remained a few days over the tabernacle, according to the command of the LORD they remained camped. Then according to the command of the LORD they set out.

nasb@Numbers:3:23 @At the command of the LORD they camped, and at the command of the LORD they set out; they kept the LORD'S charge, according to the command of the LORD through Moses.

nasb@Numbers:3:13 @So they moved out for the first time according to the commandment of the LORD through Moses.

nasb@Numbers:3:23 @and Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur over the tribal army of the sons of Manasseh;

nasb@Numbers:4:6 @but now our appetite is gone. There is nothing at all to look at except this manna."

nasb@Numbers:4:7 @Now the manna was like coriander seed, and its appearance like that of bdellium.

nasb@Numbers:4:9 @When the dew fell on the camp at night, the manna would fall with it.

nasb@Numbers:4:10 @Now Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, each man at the doorway of his tent; and the anger of the LORD was kindled greatly, and Moses was displeased.

nasb@Numbers:4:27 @So a young man ran and told Moses and said, "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp."

nasb@Numbers:5:1 @Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman);

nasb@Numbers:5:3 @(Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.)

nasb@Numbers:5:2" @ Send out for yourself men so that they may spy out the land of Canaan, which I am going to give to the sons of Israel; you shall send a man from each of their fathers' tribes, every one a leader among them."

nasb@Numbers:5:3 @So Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran at the command of the LORD, all of them men who were heads of the sons of Israel.

nasb@Numbers:5:11 @from the tribe of Joseph, from the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi the son of Susi;

nasb@Numbers:5:18" @See what the land is like, and whether the people who live in it are strong or weak, whether they are few or many.

nasb@Numbers:5:22 @When they had gone up into the Negev, they came to Hebron where Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the descendants of Anak were. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.)

nasb@Numbers:6:15" @Now if You slay this people as one man, then the nations who have heard of Your fame will say,

nasb@Numbers:6:41 @But Moses said, " Why then are you transgressing the commandment of the LORD, when it will not succeed?

nasb@Numbers:6:13 @'All who are native shall do these things in this manner, in presenting an offering by fire, as a soothing aroma to the LORD.

nasb@Numbers:6:22 @'But when you unwittingly fail and do not observe all these commandments, which the LORD has spoken to Moses,

nasb@Numbers:6:23 @even all that the LORD has commanded you through Moses, from the day when the LORD gave commandment and onward throughout your generations,

nasb@Numbers:6:31 @'Because he has despised the word of the LORD and has broken His commandment, that person shall be completely cut off; his guilt will be on him.'"

nasb@Numbers:6:32 @Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day.

nasb@Numbers:6:35 @Then the LORD said to Moses, "The man shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp."

nasb@Numbers:6:36 @So all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:6:39" @It shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the LORD, so as to do them and not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you played the harlot,

nasb@Numbers:6:40 @so that you may remember to do all My commandments and be holy to your God.

nasb@Numbers:7:7 @and put fire in them, and lay incense upon them in the presence of the LORD tomorrow; and the man whom the LORD chooses shall be the one who is holy. You have gone far enough, you sons of Levi!"

nasb@Numbers:7:22 @But they fell on their faces and said, "O God, God of the spirits of all flesh, when one man sins, will You be angry with the entire congregation?"

nasb@Numbers:7:40 @as a reminder to the sons of Israel that no layman who is not of the descendants of Aaron should come near to burn incense before the LORD; so that he will not become like Korah and his company--just as the LORD had spoken to him through Moses.

nasb@Numbers:7:5" @It will come about that the rod of the man whom I choose will sprout. Thus I will lessen from upon Myself the grumblings of the sons of Israel, who are grumbling against you."

nasb@Numbers:7:9 @Moses then brought out all the rods from the presence of the LORD to all the sons of Israel; and they looked, and each man took his rod.

nasb@Numbers:7:11 @Thus Moses did; just as the LORD had commanded him, so he did.

nasb@Numbers:7:15" @ Every first issue of the womb of all flesh, whether man or animal, which they offer to the LORD, shall be yours; nevertheless the firstborn of man you shall surely redeem, and the firstborn of unclean animals you shall redeem.

nasb@Numbers:7:2" @This is the statute of the law which the LORD has commanded, saying, 'Speak to the sons of Israel that they bring you an unblemished red heifer in which is no defect and on which a yoke has never been placed.

nasb@Numbers:7:9 @'Now a man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and deposit them outside the camp in a clean place, and the congregation of the sons of Israel shall keep it as water to remove impurity; it is purification from sin.

nasb@Numbers:7:13 @' Anyone who touches a corpse, the body of a man who has died, and does not purify himself, defiles the tabernacle of the LORD; and that person shall be cut off from Israel. Because the water for impurity was not sprinkled on him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is still on him.

nasb@Numbers:7:14 @'This is the law when a man dies in a tent- everyone who comes into the tent and everyone who is in the tent shall be unclean for seven days.

nasb@Numbers:7:16 @' Also, anyone who in the open field touches one who has been slain with a sword or who has died naturally, or a human bone or a grave, shall be unclean for seven days.

nasb@Numbers:7:20 @'But the man who is unclean and does not purify himself from uncleanness, that person shall be cut off from the midst of the assembly, because he has defiled the sanctuary of the LORD; the water for impurity has not been sprinkled on him, he is unclean.

nasb@Numbers:8:9 @So Moses took the rod from before the LORD, just as He had commanded him;

nasb@Numbers:8:24" @Aaron will be gathered to his people; for he shall not enter the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because you rebelled against My command at the waters of Meribah.

nasb@Numbers:8:27 @So Moses did just as the LORD had commanded, and they went up to Mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation.

nasb@Numbers:9:6 @The LORD sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died.

nasb@Numbers:9:9 @And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.

nasb@Numbers:10:18 @Balaam replied to the servants of Balak, " Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything, either small or great, contrary to the command of the LORD my God.

nasb@Numbers:11:19" @ God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

nasb@Numbers:11:20" @Behold, I have received a command to bless; When He has blessed, then I cannot revoke it.

nasb@Numbers:12:3 @He took up his discourse and said, " The oracle of Balaam the son of Beor, And the oracle of the man whose eye is opened;

nasb@Numbers:12:7" @Water will flow from his buckets, And his seed will be by many waters, And his king shall be higher than Agag, And his kingdom shall be exalted.

nasb@Numbers:12:13 @'Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything contrary to the command of the LORD, either good or bad, of my own accord. What the LORD speaks, that I will speak'?

nasb@Numbers:12:15 @He took up his discourse and said, " The oracle of Balaam the son of Beor, And the oracle of the man whose eye is opened,

nasb@Numbers:13:6 @Then behold, one of the sons of Israel came and brought to his relatives a Midianite woman, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the doorway of the tent of meeting.

nasb@Numbers:13:8 @and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman, through the body. So the plague on the sons of Israel was checked.

nasb@Numbers:13:14 @Now the name of the slain man of Israel who was slain with the Midianite woman, was Zimri the son of Salu, a leader of a father's household among the Simeonites.

nasb@Numbers:13:15 @The name of the Midianite woman who was slain was Cozbi the daughter of Zur, who was head of the people of a father's household in Midian.

nasb@Numbers:13:4" @Take a census of the people from twenty years old and upward, as the LORD has commanded Moses." Now the sons of Israel who came out of the land of Egypt were-

nasb@Numbers:13:28 @The sons of Joseph according to their families- Manasseh and Ephraim.

nasb@Numbers:13:29 @The sons of Manasseh- of Machir, the family of the Machirites; and Machir became the father of Gilead: of Gilead, the family of the Gileadites.

nasb@Numbers:13:34 @These are the families of Manasseh; and those who were numbered of them were 52,700.

nasb@Numbers:13:40 @The sons of Bela were Ard and Naaman- of Ard, the family of the Ardites; of Naaman, the family of the Naamites.

nasb@Numbers:13:64 @But among these there was not a man of those who were numbered by Moses and Aaron the priest, who numbered the sons of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.

nasb@Numbers:13:65 @For the LORD had said of them, " They shall surely die in the wilderness." And not a man was left of them, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun.

nasb@Numbers:14:1 @Then the daughters of Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh the son of Joseph, came near; and these are the names of his daughters- Mahlah, Noah and Hoglah and Milcah and Tirzah.

nasb@Numbers:14:8" @Further, you shall speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'If a man dies and has no son, then you shall transfer his inheritance to his daughter.

nasb@Numbers:14:11 @'If his father has no brothers, then you shall give his inheritance to his nearest relative in his own family, and he shall possess it; and it shall be a statutory ordinance to the sons of Israel, just as the LORD commanded Moses.'"

nasb@Numbers:14:14 @for in the wilderness of Zin, during the strife of the congregation, you rebelled against My command to treat Me as holy before their eyes at the water." (These are the waters of Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin.)

nasb@Numbers:14:16" @ May the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation,

nasb@Numbers:14:18 @So the LORD said to Moses, "Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him;

nasb@Numbers:14:21" @Moreover, he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall inquire for him by the judgment of the Urim before the LORD. At his command they shall go out and at his command they shall come in, both he and the sons of Israel with him, even all the congregation."

nasb@Numbers:14:22 @Moses did just as the LORD commanded him; and he took Joshua and set him before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation.

nasb@Numbers:14:2" @Command the sons of Israel and say to them, 'You shall be careful to present My offering, My food for My offerings by fire, of a soothing aroma to Me, at their appointed time.'

nasb@Numbers:14:24 @'After this manner you shall present daily, for seven days, the food of the offering by fire, of a soothing aroma to the LORD; it shall be presented with its drink offering in addition to the continual burnt offering.

nasb@Numbers:15:40 @Moses spoke to the sons of Israel in accordance with all that the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:15:30 @Then Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of the sons of Israel, saying, "This is the word which the LORD has commanded.

nasb@Numbers:15:2" @ If a man makes a vow to the LORD, or takes an oath to bind himself with a binding obligation, he shall not violate his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.

nasb@Numbers:15:3" @Also if a woman makes a vow to the LORD, and binds herself by an obligation in her father's house in her youth,

nasb@Numbers:15:9" @But the vow of a widow or of a divorced woman, everything by which she has bound herself, shall stand against her.

nasb@Numbers:15:16 @These are the statutes which the LORD commanded Moses, as between a man and his wife, and as between a father and his daughter, while she is in her youth in her father's house.

nasb@Numbers:15:7 @So they made war against Midian, just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed every male.

nasb@Numbers:15:11 @They took all the spoil and all the prey, both of man and of beast.

nasb@Numbers:15:17" @ Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately.

nasb@Numbers:15:18" @But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves.

nasb@Numbers:15:21 @Then Eleazar the priest said to the men of war who had gone to battle, "This is the statute of the law which the LORD has commanded Moses-

nasb@Numbers:15:26" @You and Eleazar the priest and the heads of the fathers' households of the congregation take a count of the booty that was captured, both of man and of animal;

nasb@Numbers:15:31 @Moses and Eleazar the priest did just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:15:35 @and of human beings, of the women who had not known man intimately, all the persons were 32,000.

nasb@Numbers:15:40 @and the human beings were 16,000, from whom the LORD'S levy was 32 persons.

nasb@Numbers:15:41 @Moses gave the levy which was the LORD'S offering to Eleazar the priest, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:15:46 @and the human beings were 16,000--

nasb@Numbers:15:47 @and from the sons of Israel's half, Moses took one drawn out of every fifty, both of man and of animals, and gave them to the Levites, who kept charge of the tabernacle of the LORD, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Numbers:15:49 @and they said to Moses, "Your servants have taken a census of men of war who are in our charge, and no man of us is missing.

nasb@Numbers:15:50" @So we have brought as an offering to the LORD what each man found, articles of gold, armlets and bracelets, signet rings, earrings and necklaces, to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD."

nasb@Numbers:15:53 @The men of war had taken booty, every man for himself.

nasb@Numbers:16:25 @The sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben spoke to Moses, saying, "Your servants will do just as my lord commands.

nasb@Numbers:16:28 @So Moses gave command concerning them to Eleazar the priest, and to Joshua the son of Nun, and to the heads of the fathers' households of the tribes of the sons of Israel.

nasb@Numbers:16:33 @So Moses gave to them, to the sons of Gad and to the sons of Reuben and to the half-tribe of Joseph's son Manasseh, the kingdom of Sihon, king of the Amorites and the kingdom of Og, the king of Bashan, the land with its cities with their territories, the cities of the surrounding land.

nasb@Numbers:16:39 @The sons of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead and took it, and dispossessed the Amorites who were in it.

nasb@Numbers:16:40 @So Moses gave Gilead to Machir the son of Manasseh, and he lived in it.

nasb@Numbers:16:41 @Jair the son of Manasseh went and took its towns, and called them Havvoth-jair.

nasb@Numbers:17:2 @Moses recorded their starting places according to their journeys by the command of the LORD, and these are their journeys according to their starting places.

nasb@Numbers:17:38 @Then Aaron the priest went up to Mount Hor at the command of the LORD, and died there in the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.

nasb@Numbers:17:2" @Command the sons of Israel and say to them, 'When you enter the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance, even the land of Canaan according to its borders.

nasb@Numbers:17:13 @So Moses commanded the sons of Israel, saying, " This is the land that you are to apportion by lot among you as a possession, which the LORD has commanded to give to the nine and a half tribes.

nasb@Numbers:17:14" @ For the tribe of the sons of Reuben have received theirs according to their fathers' households, and the tribe of the sons of Gad according to their fathers' households, and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received their possession.

nasb@Numbers:17:23" @Of the sons of Joseph- of the tribe of the sons of Manasseh a leader, Hanniel the son of Ephod.

nasb@Numbers:17:29 @These are those whom the LORD commanded to apportion the inheritance to the sons of Israel in the land of Canaan.

nasb@Numbers:17:2" @Command the sons of Israel that they give to the Levites from the inheritance of their possession cities to live in; and you shall give to the Levites pasture lands around the cities.

nasb@Numbers:17:6" @The cities which you shall give to the Levites shall be the six cities of refuge, which you shall give for the manslayer to flee to; and in addition to them you shall give forty-two cities.

nasb@Numbers:17:11 @then you shall select for yourselves cities to be your cities of refuge, that the manslayer who has killed any person unintentionally may flee there.

nasb@Numbers:17:12 @' The cities shall be to you as a refuge from the avenger, so that the manslayer will not die until he stands before the congregation for trial.

nasb@Numbers:17:25 @'The congregation shall deliver the manslayer from the hand of the blood avenger, and the congregation shall restore him to his city of refuge to which he fled; and he shall live in it until the death of the high priest who was anointed with the holy oil.

nasb@Numbers:17:26 @'But if the manslayer at any time goes beyond the border of his city of refuge to which he may flee,

nasb@Numbers:17:27 @and the blood avenger finds him outside the border of his city of refuge, and the blood avenger kills the manslayer, he will not be guilty of blood

nasb@Numbers:17:28 @because he should have remained in his city of refuge until the death of the high priest. But after the death of the high priest the manslayer shall return to the land of his possession.

nasb@Numbers:18:1 @And the heads of the fathers' households of the family of the sons of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near and spoke before Moses and before the leaders, the heads of the fathers' households of the sons of Israel,

nasb@Numbers:18:2 @and they said, "The LORD commanded my lord to give the land by lot to the sons of Israel as an inheritance, and my lord was commanded by the LORD to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our brother to his daughters.

nasb@Numbers:18:5 @Then Moses commanded the sons of Israel according to the word of the LORD, saying, "The tribe of the sons of Joseph are right in their statements.

nasb@Numbers:18:6" @ This is what the LORD has commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, 'Let them marry whom they wish; only they must marry within the family of the tribe of their father.'

nasb@Numbers:18:10 @Just as the LORD had commanded Moses, so the daughters of Zelophehad did-

nasb@Numbers:18:12 @They married those from the families of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained with the tribe of the family of their father.

nasb@Numbers:18:13 @These are the commandments and the ordinances which the LORD commanded to the sons of Israel through Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan opposite Jericho.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:3 @In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses spoke to the children of Israel, according to all that the LORD had commanded him to give to them,

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:16" @Then I charged your judges at that time, saying, 'Hear the cases between your fellow countrymen, and judge righteously between a man and his fellow countryman, or the alien who is with him.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:17 @' You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small and the great alike. You shall not fear man, for the judgment is God's. The case that is too hard for you, you shall bring to me, and I will hear it.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:18" @ I commanded you at that time all the things that you should do.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:19" @Then we set out from Horeb, and went through all that great and terrible wilderness which you saw on the way to the hill country of the Amorites, just as the LORD our God had commanded us; and we came to Kadesh-barnea.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:23" @The thing pleased me and I took twelve of your men, one man for each tribe.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:26" @ Yet you were not willing to go up, but rebelled against the command of the LORD your God;

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:31 @and in the wilderness where you saw how the LORD your God carried you, just as a man carries his son, in all the way which you have walked until you came to this place.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:41" @ Then you said to me, 'We have sinned against the LORD; we will indeed go up and fight, just as the LORD our God commanded us.' And every man of you girded on his weapons of war, and regarded it as easy to go up into the hill country.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:43" @So I spoke to you, but you would not listen. Instead you rebelled against the command of the LORD, and acted presumptuously and went up into the hill country.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:46" @So you remained in Kadesh many days, the days that you spent there.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:2" @ Then we turned and set out for the wilderness by the way to the Red Sea, as the LORD spoke to me, and circled Mount Seir for many days.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:4 @and command the people, saying, "You will pass through the territory of your brothers the sons of Esau who live in Seir; and they will be afraid of you. So be very careful;

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:37" @ Only you did not go near to the land of the sons of Ammon, all along the river Jabbok and the cities of the hill country, and wherever the LORD our God had commanded us.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:5" @All these were cities fortified with high walls, gates and bars, besides a great many unwalled towns.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:13" @The rest of Gilead and all Bashan, the kingdom of Og, I gave to the half-tribe of Manasseh, all the region of Argob (concerning all Bashan, it is called the land of Rephaim.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:14 @Jair the son of Manasseh took all the region of Argob as far as the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and called it, that is, Bashan, after his own name, Havvoth-jair, as it is to this day.)

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:18" @Then I commanded you at that time, saying, ' The LORD your God has given you this land to possess it; all you valiant men shall cross over armed before your brothers, the sons of Israel.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:20 @until the LORD gives rest to your fellow countrymen as to you, and they also possess the land which the LORD your God will give them beyond the Jordan. Then you may return every man to his possession which I have given you.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:21" @I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, 'Your eyes have seen all that the LORD your God has done to these two kings; so the LORD shall do to all the kingdoms into which you are about to cross.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:2" @ You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:5" @See, I have taught you statutes and judgments just as the LORD my God commanded me, that you should do thus in the land where you are entering to possess it.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:13" @So He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to perform, that is, the Ten Commandments; and He wrote them on two tablets of stone.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:14" @The LORD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that you might perform them in the land where you are going over to possess it.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:23" @So watch yourselves, that you do not forget the covenant of the LORD your God which He made with you, and make for yourselves a graven image in the form of anything against which the LORD your God has commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:28" @ There you will serve gods, the work of man's hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:32" @Indeed, ask now concerning the former days which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and inquire from one end of the heavens to the other. Has anything been done like this great thing, or has anything been heard like it?

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:40" @ So you shall keep His statutes and His commandments which I am giving you today, that it may go well with you and with your children after you, and that you may live long on the land which the LORD your God is giving you for all time."

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:42 @that a manslayer might flee there, who unintentionally slew his neighbor without having enmity toward him in time past; and by fleeing to one of these cities he might live-

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:43 @Bezer in the wilderness on the plateau for the Reubenites, and Ramoth in Gilead for the Gadites, and Golan in Bashan for the Manassites.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:10 @but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:12 @' Observe the sabbath day to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:15 @' You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out of there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD your God commanded you to observe the sabbath day.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:16 @' Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you on the land which the LORD your God gives you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:24" @You said, 'Behold, the LORD our God has shown us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard His voice from the midst of the fire; we have seen today that God speaks with man, yet he lives.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:29 @' Oh that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Me and keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever!

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:31 @' But as for you, stand here by Me, that I may speak to you all the commandments and the statutes and the judgments which you shall teach them, that they may observe them in the land which I give them to possess.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:32" @So you shall observe to do just as the LORD your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right or to the left.

nasb@Deuteronomy:1:33" @ You shall walk in all the way which the LORD your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you will possess.

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:1" @Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which the LORD your God has commanded me to teach you, that you might do them in the land where you are going over to possess it,

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:2 @so that you and your son and your grandson might fear the LORD your God, to keep all His statutes and His commandments which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged.

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:6" @ These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:17" @ You should diligently keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and His testimonies and His statutes which He has commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:20" @ When your son asks you in time to come, saying, 'What do the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments mean which the LORD our God commanded you?'

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:24" @So the LORD commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God for our good always and for our survival, as it is today.

nasb@Deuteronomy:2:25" @ It will be righteousness for us if we are careful to observe all this commandment before the LORD our God, just as He commanded us.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:1" @ When the LORD your God brings you into the land where you are entering to possess it, and clears away many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you,

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:9" @Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments;

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:11" @Therefore, you shall keep the commandment and the statutes and the judgments which I am commanding you today, to do them.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:24" @ He will deliver their kings into your hand so that you will make their name perish from under heaven; no man will be able to stand before you until you have destroyed them.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:8" @All the commandments that I am commanding you today you shall be careful to do, that you may live and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the LORD swore to give to your forefathers.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:2" @ You shall remember all the way which the LORD your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:3" @He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:5" @ Thus you are to know in your heart that the LORD your God was disciplining you just as a man disciplines his son.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:6" @Therefore, you shall keep the commandments of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him.

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:11" @Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today;

nasb@Deuteronomy:3:16" @In the wilderness He fed you manna which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do good for you in the end.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:12" @ Then the LORD said to me, 'Arise, go down from here quickly, for your people whom you brought out of Egypt have acted corruptly. They have quickly turned aside from the way which I commanded them; they have made a molten image for themselves.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:16" @And I saw that you had indeed sinned against the LORD your God. You had made for yourselves a molten calf; you had turned aside quickly from the way which the LORD had commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:4:23" @When the LORD sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, ' Go up and possess the land which I have given you,' then you rebelled against the command of the LORD your God; you neither believed Him nor listened to His voice.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:4" @He wrote on the tablets, like the former writing, the Ten Commandments which the LORD had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire on the day of the assembly; and the LORD gave them to me.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:5" @Then I turned and came down from the mountain and put the tablets in the ark which I had made; and there they are, as the LORD commanded me."

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:13 @and to keep the LORD'S commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today for your good?

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:11" @You shall therefore love the LORD your God, and always keep His charge, His statutes, His ordinances, and His commandments.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:8" @You shall therefore keep every commandment which I am commanding you today, so that you may be strong and go in and possess the land into which you are about to cross to possess it;

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:13" @It shall come about, if you listen obediently to my commandments which I am commanding you today, to love the LORD your God and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul,

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:22" @For if you are careful to keep all this commandment which I am commanding you to do, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and hold fast to Him,

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:25" @ No man will be able to stand before you; the LORD your God will lay the dread of you and the fear of you on all the land on which you set foot, as He has spoken to you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:27 @the blessing, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I am commanding you today;

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:28 @and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:8" @You shall not do at all what we are doing here today, every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes;

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:11 @then it shall come about that the place in which the LORD your God will choose for His name to dwell, there you shall bring all that I command you- your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the contribution of your hand, and all your choice votive offerings which you will vow to the LORD.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:14 @but in the place which the LORD chooses in one of your tribes, there you shall offer your burnt offerings, and there you shall do all that I command you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:21" @If the place which the LORD your God chooses to put His name is too far from you, then you may slaughter of your herd and flock which the LORD has given you, as I have commanded you; and you may eat within your gates whatever you desire.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:28" @Be careful to listen to all these words which I command you, so that it may be well with you and your sons after you forever, for you will be doing what is good and right in the sight of the LORD your God.

nasb@Deuteronomy:5:32" @ Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:4" @ You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:5" @But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has counseled rebellion against the LORD your God who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, to seduce you from the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from among you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:18 @if you will listen to the voice of the LORD your God, keeping all His commandments which I am commanding you today, and doing what is right in the sight of the LORD your God.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:2" @This is the manner of remission- every creditor shall release what he has loaned to his neighbor; he shall not exact it of his neighbor and his brother, because the LORD'S remission has been proclaimed.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:5 @if only you listen obediently to the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all this commandment which I am commanding you today.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:6" @ For the LORD your God will bless you as He has promised you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:7" @If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother;

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:11" @ For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, 'You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:12" @ If your kinsman, a Hebrew man or woman, is sold to you, then he shall serve you six years, but in the seventh year you shall set him free.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:15" @You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you; therefore I command you this today.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:18" @It shall not seem hard to you when you set him free, for he has given you six years with double the service of a hired man; so the LORD your God will bless you in whatever you do.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:17" @Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:2" @ If there is found in your midst, in any of your towns, which the LORD your God is giving you, a man or a woman who does what is evil in the sight of the LORD your God, by transgressing His covenant,

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:3 @and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the heavenly host, which I have not commanded,

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:5 @then you shall bring out that man or that woman who has done this evil deed to your gates, that is, the man or the woman, and you shall stone them to death.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:12" @The man who acts presumptuously by not listening to the priest who stands there to serve the LORD your God, nor to the judge, that man shall die; thus you shall purge the evil from Israel.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:15 @you shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:20 @that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, to the right or the left, so that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom in the midst of Israel.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:18 @'I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.

nasb@Deuteronomy:6:20 @'But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:3" @You shall prepare the roads for yourself, and divide into three parts the territory of your land which the LORD your God will give you as a possession, so that any manslayer may flee there.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:4" @ Now this is the case of the manslayer who may flee there and live- when he kills his friend unintentionally, not hating him previously--

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:5 @as when a man goes into the forest with his friend to cut wood, and his hand swings the axe to cut down the tree, and the iron head slips off the handle and strikes his friend so that he dies--he may flee to one of these cities and live;

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:6 @otherwise the avenger of blood might pursue the manslayer in the heat of his anger, and overtake him, because the way is long, and take his life, though he was not deserving of death, since he had not hated him previously.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:7" @Therefore, I command you, saying, 'You shall set aside three cities for yourself.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:9 @if you carefully observe all this commandment which I command you today, to love the LORD your God, and to walk in His ways always-- then you shall add three more cities for yourself, besides these three.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:11" @But if there is a man who hates his neighbor and lies in wait for him and rises up against him and strikes him so that he dies, and he flees to one of these cities,

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:15" @ A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:16" @ If a malicious witness rises up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing,

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:5" @The officers also shall speak to the people, saying, 'Who is the man that has built a new house and has not dedicated it? Let him depart and return to his house, otherwise he might die in the battle and another man would dedicate it.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:6 @'Who is the man that has planted a vineyard and has not begun to use its fruit? Let him depart and return to his house, otherwise he might die in the battle and another man would begin to use its fruit.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:7 @' And who is the man that is engaged to a woman and has not married her? Let him depart and return to his house, otherwise he might die in the battle and another man would marry her.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:8" @Then the officers shall speak further to the people and say, ' Who is the man that is afraid and fainthearted? Let him depart and return to his house, so that he might not make his brothers' hearts melt like his heart.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:9" @When the officers have finished speaking to the people, they shall appoint commanders of armies at the head of the people.

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:17" @But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the LORD your God has commanded you,

nasb@Deuteronomy:7:19" @When you besiege a city a long time, to make war against it in order to capture it, you shall not destroy its trees by swinging an axe against them; for you may eat from them, and you shall not cut them down. For is the tree of the field a man, that it should be besieged by you?

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:3" @It shall be that the city which is nearest to the slain man, that is, the elders of that city, shall take a heifer of the herd, which has not been worked and which has not pulled in a yoke;

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:6" @All the elders of that city which is nearest to the slain man shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley;

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:11 @and see among the captives a beautiful woman, and have a desire for her and would take her as a wife for yourself,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:15" @If a man has two wives, the one loved and the other unloved, and both the loved and the unloved have borne him sons, if the firstborn son belongs to the unloved,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:18" @If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:22" @If a man has committed a sin worthy of death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:22" @ You shall not see your countryman's ox or his sheep straying away, and pay no attention to them; you shall certainly bring them back to your countryman.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:2" @If your countryman is not near you, or if you do not know him, then you shall bring it home to your house, and it shall remain with you until your countryman looks for it; then you shall restore it to him.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:3" @Thus you shall do with his donkey, and you shall do the same with his garment, and you shall do likewise with anything lost by your countryman, which he has lost and you have found. You are not allowed to neglect them.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:4" @You shall not see your countryman's donkey or his ox fallen down on the way, and pay no attention to them; you shall certainly help him to raise them up.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:5" @A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:13" @ If any man takes a wife and goes in to her and then turns against her,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:14 @and charges her with shameful deeds and publicly defames her, and says, 'I took this woman, but when I came near her, I did not find her a virgin,'

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:16" @The girl's father shall say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter to this man for a wife, but he turned against her;

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:18" @So the elders of that city shall take the man and chastise him,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:22" @ If a man is found lying with a married woman, then both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman; thus you shall purge the evil from Israel.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:23" @ If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:24 @then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them to death; the girl, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he has violated his neighbor's wife. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:25" @But if in the field the man finds the girl who is engaged, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lies with her shall die.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:26" @But you shall do nothing to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, so is this case.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:28" @ If a man finds a girl who is a virgin, who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her and they are discovered,

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:29 @then the man who lay with her shall give to the girl's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall become his wife because he has violated her; he cannot divorce her all his days.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:30" @ A man shall not take his father's wife so that he will not uncover his father's skirt.

nasb@Deuteronomy:8:10" @ If there is among you any man who is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, then he must go outside the camp; he may not reenter the camp.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:1" @When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out from his house,

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:2 @and she leaves his house and goes and becomes another man's wife,

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:5" @ When a man takes a new wife, he shall not go out with the army nor be charged with any duty; he shall be free at home one year and shall give happiness to his wife whom he has taken.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:7" @ If a man is caught kidnapping any of his countrymen of the sons of Israel, and he deals with him violently or sells him, then that thief shall die; so you shall purge the evil from among you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:8" @ Be careful against an infection of leprosy, that you diligently observe and do according to all that the Levitical priests teach you; as I have commanded them, so you shall be careful to do.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:11" @You shall remain outside, and the man to whom you make the loan shall bring the pledge out to you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:12" @If he is a poor man, you shall not sleep with his pledge.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:18" @But you shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and that the LORD your God redeemed you from there; therefore I am commanding you to do this thing.

nasb@Deuteronomy:9:22" @You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt; therefore I am commanding you to do this thing.

nasb@Deuteronomy:10:2 @then it shall be if the wicked man deserves to be beaten, the judge shall then make him lie down and be beaten in his presence with the number of stripes according to his guilt.

nasb@Deuteronomy:10:3" @ He may beat him forty times but no more, so that he does not beat him with many more stripes than these and your brother is not degraded in your eyes.

nasb@Deuteronomy:10:5" @When brothers live together and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the deceased shall not be married outside the family to a strange man. Her husband's brother shall go in to her and take her to himself as wife and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her.

nasb@Deuteronomy:10:7" @ But if the man does not desire to take his brother's wife, then his brother's wife shall go up to the gate to the elders and say, 'My husband's brother refuses to establish a name for his brother in Israel; he is not willing to perform the duty of a husband's brother to me.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:10:9 @then his brother's wife shall come to him in the sight of the elders, and pull his sandal off his foot and spit in his face; and she shall declare, 'Thus it is done to the man who does not build up his brother's house.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:10:11" @If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals,

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:13" @You shall say before the LORD your God, 'I have removed the sacred portion from my house, and also have given it to the Levite and the alien, the orphan and the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me; I have not transgressed or forgotten any of Your commandments.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:14 @'I have not eaten of it while mourning, nor have I removed any of it while I was unclean, nor offered any of it to the dead. I have listened to the voice of the LORD my God; I have done according to all that You have commanded me.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:16" @This day the LORD your God commands you to do these statutes and ordinances. You shall therefore be careful to do them with all your heart and with all your soul.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:17" @ You have today declared the LORD to be your God, and that you would walk in His ways and keep His statutes, His commandments and His ordinances, and listen to His voice.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:18" @The LORD has today declared you to be His people, a treasured possession, as He promised you, and that you should keep all His commandments;

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:27 @Then Moses and the elders of Israel charged the people, saying, "Keep all the commandments which I command you today.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:4" @So it shall be when you cross the Jordan, you shall set up on Mount Ebal, these stones, as I am commanding you today, and you shall coat them with lime.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:10" @You shall therefore obey the LORD your God, and do His commandments and His statutes which I command you today."

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:15 @'Cursed is the man who makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret.' And all the people shall answer and say, 'Amen.'

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:28" @ Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:8" @The LORD will command the blessing upon you in your barns and in all that you put your hand to, and He will bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:9" @ The LORD will establish you as a holy people to Himself, as He swore to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God and walk in His ways.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:12" @The LORD will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:13" @ The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you only will be above, and you will not be underneath, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I charge you today, to observe them carefully,

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:14 @and do not turn aside from any of the words which I command you today, to the right or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:15" @ But it shall come about, if you do not obey the LORD your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes with which I charge you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you-

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:29 @and you will grope at noon, as the blind man gropes in darkness, and you will not prosper in your ways; but you shall only be oppressed and robbed continually, with none to save you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:30" @ You shall betroth a wife, but another man will violate her; you shall build a house, but you will not live in it; you shall plant a vineyard, but you will not use its fruit.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:45" @So all these curses shall come on you and pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you would not obey the LORD your God by keeping His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:54" @The man who is refined and very delicate among you shall be hostile toward his brother and toward the wife he cherishes and toward the rest of his children who remain,

nasb@Deuteronomy:11:56" @ The refined and delicate woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground for delicateness and refinement, shall be hostile toward the husband she cherishes and toward her son and daughter,

nasb@Deuteronomy:12:1 @These are the words of the covenant which the LORD commanded Moses to make with the sons of Israel in the land of Moab, besides the covenant which He had made with them at Horeb.

nasb@Deuteronomy:12:8 @and we took their land and gave it as an inheritance to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of the Manassites.

nasb@Deuteronomy:12:18 @so that there will not be among you a man or woman, or family or tribe, whose heart turns away today from the LORD our God, to go and serve the gods of those nations; that there will not be among you a root bearing poisonous fruit and wormwood.

nasb@Deuteronomy:12:20" @The LORD shall never be willing to forgive him, but rather the anger of the LORD and His jealousy will burn against that man, and every curse which is written in this book will rest on him, and the LORD will blot out his name from under heaven.

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:2 @and you return to the LORD your God and obey Him with all your heart and soul according to all that I command you today, you and your sons,

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:8" @And you shall again obey the LORD, and observe all His commandments which I command you today.

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:10 @if you obey the LORD your God to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this book of the law, if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:11" @For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach.

nasb@Deuteronomy:13:16 @in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you are entering to possess it.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:5" @ The LORD will deliver them up before you, and you shall do to them according to all the commandments which I have commanded you.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:10 @Then Moses commanded them, saying, "At the end of every seven years, at the time of the year of remission of debts, at the Feast of Booths,

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:17" @ Then My anger will be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them and hide My face from them, and they will be consumed, and many evils and troubles will come upon them; so that they will say in that day, ' Is it not because our God is not among us that these evils have come upon us?'

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:21" @Then it shall come about, when many evils and troubles have come upon them, that this song will testify before them as a witness (for it shall not be forgotten from the lips of their descendants); for I know their intent which they are developing today, before I have brought them into the land which I swore."

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:25 @that Moses commanded the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD, saying,

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:29" @For I know that after my death you will act corruptly and turn from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the latter days, for you will do that which is evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger with the work of your hands."

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:8" @ When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, When He separated the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples According to the number of the sons of Israel.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:25 @' Outside the sword will bereave, And inside terror-- Both young man and virgin, The nursling with the man of gray hair.

nasb@Deuteronomy:14:46 @he said to them, " Take to your heart all the words with which I am warning you today, which you shall command your sons to observe carefully, even all the words of this law.

nasb@Deuteronomy:15:1 @Now this is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the sons of Israel before his death.

nasb@Deuteronomy:15:8 @Of Levi he said, "Let Your Thummim and Your Urim belong to Your godly man, Whom You proved at Massah, With whom You contended at the waters of Meribah;

nasb@Deuteronomy:15:17" @As the firstborn of his ox, majesty is his, And his horns are the horns of the wild ox; With them he will push the peoples, All at once, to the ends of the earth. And those are the ten thousands of Ephraim, And those are the thousands of Manasseh."

nasb@Deuteronomy:16:2 @and all Naphtali and the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah as far as the western sea,

nasb@Deuteronomy:16:6 @And He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, opposite Beth-peor; but no man knows his burial place to this day.

nasb@Deuteronomy:16:9 @Now Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; and the sons of Israel listened to him and did as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Joshua:0:5" @ No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.

nasb@Joshua:0:7" @Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go.

nasb@Joshua:0:9" @Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

nasb@Joshua:0:10 @Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying,

nasb@Joshua:0:11" @Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, saying, 'Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you are to cross this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you, to possess it.'"

nasb@Joshua:0:12 @To the Reubenites and to the Gadites and to the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joshua said,

nasb@Joshua:0:13" @Remember the word which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, saying, ' The LORD your God gives you rest and will give you this land.'

nasb@Joshua:0:16 @They answered Joshua, saying, "All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.

nasb@Joshua:0:18" @Anyone who rebels against your command and does not obey your words in all that you command him, shall be put to death; only be strong and courageous."

nasb@Joshua:1:4 @But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them, and she said, "Yes, the men came to me, but I did not know where they were from.

nasb@Joshua:1:11" @When we heard it, our hearts melted and no courage remained in any man any longer because of you; for the LORD your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath.

nasb@Joshua:2:3 @and they commanded the people, saying, "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God with the Levitical priests carrying it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it.

nasb@Joshua:2:8" @You shall, moreover, command the priests who are carrying the ark of the covenant, saying, 'When you come to the edge of the waters of the Jordan, you shall stand still in the Jordan.'"

nasb@Joshua:2:12" @Now then, take for yourselves twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one man for each tribe.

nasb@Joshua:2:2" @ Take for yourselves twelve men from the people, one man from each tribe,

nasb@Joshua:2:3 @and command them, saying, 'Take up for yourselves twelve stones from here out of the middle of the Jordan, from the place where the priests' feet are standing firm, and carry them over with you and lay them down in the lodging place where you will lodge tonight.'"

nasb@Joshua:2:4 @So Joshua called the twelve men whom he had appointed from the sons of Israel, one man from each tribe;

nasb@Joshua:2:8 @Thus the sons of Israel did as Joshua commanded, and took up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan, just as the LORD spoke to Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel; and they carried them over with them to the lodging place and put them down there.

nasb@Joshua:2:10 @For the priests who carried the ark were standing in the middle of the Jordan until everything was completed that the LORD had commanded Joshua to speak to the people, according to all that Moses had commanded Joshua. And the people hurried and crossed;

nasb@Joshua:2:12 @The sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh crossed over in battle array before the sons of Israel, just as Moses had spoken to them;

nasb@Joshua:2:16" @Command the priests who carry the ark of the testimony that they come up from the Jordan."

nasb@Joshua:2:17 @So Joshua commanded the priests, saying, "Come up from the Jordan."

nasb@Joshua:3:12 @The manna ceased on the day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, so that the sons of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate some of the yield of the land of Canaan during that year.

nasb@Joshua:3:13 @Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us or for our adversaries?"

nasb@Joshua:4:5" @It shall be that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city will fall down flat, and the people will go up every man straight ahead."

nasb@Joshua:4:10 @But Joshua commanded the people, saying, "You shall not shout nor let your voice be heard nor let a word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I tell you, 'Shout!' Then you shall shout!"

nasb@Joshua:4:15 @Then on the seventh day they rose early at the dawning of the day and marched around the city in the same manner seven times; only on that day they marched around the city seven times.

nasb@Joshua:4:20 @So the people shouted, and priests blew the trumpets; and when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted with a great shout and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight ahead, and they took the city.

nasb@Joshua:4:21 @They utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword.

nasb@Joshua:4:22 @Joshua said to the two men who had spied out the land, " Go into the harlot's house and bring the woman and all she has out of there, as you have sworn to her."

nasb@Joshua:4:26 @Then Joshua made them take an oath at that time, saying, " Cursed before the LORD is the man who rises up and builds this city Jericho; with the loss of his firstborn he shall lay its foundation, and with the loss of his youngest son he shall set up its gates."

nasb@Joshua:5:11" @Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. And they have even taken some of the things under the ban and have both stolen and deceived. Moreover, they have also put them among their own things.

nasb@Joshua:5:14 @'In the morning then you shall come near by your tribes. And it shall be that the tribe which the LORD takes by lot shall come near by families, and the family which the LORD takes shall come near by households, and the household which the LORD takes shall come near man by man.

nasb@Joshua:5:17 @He brought the family of Judah near, and he took the family of the Zerahites; and he brought the family of the Zerahites near man by man, and Zabdi was taken.

nasb@Joshua:5:18 @He brought his household near man by man; and Achan, son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, from the tribe of Judah, was taken.

nasb@Joshua:5:21 @when I saw among the spoil a beautiful mantle from Shinar and two hundred shekels of silver and a bar of gold fifty shekels in weight, then I coveted them and took them; and behold, they are concealed in the earth inside my tent with the silver underneath it."

nasb@Joshua:5:24 @Then Joshua and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, the silver, the mantle, the bar of gold, his sons, his daughters, his oxen, his donkeys, his sheep, his tent and all that belonged to him; and they brought them up to the valley of Achor.

nasb@Joshua:5:4 @He commanded them, saying, "See, you are going to ambush the city from behind it. Do not go very far from the city, but all of you be ready.

nasb@Joshua:5:8" @Then it will be when you have seized the city, that you shall set the city on fire. You shall do it according to the word of the LORD. See, I have commanded you."

nasb@Joshua:5:17 @So not a man was left in Ai or Bethel who had not gone out after Israel, and they left the city unguarded and pursued Israel.

nasb@Joshua:5:27 @Israel took only the cattle and the spoil of that city as plunder for themselves, according to the word of the LORD which He had commanded Joshua.

nasb@Joshua:5:29 @He hanged the king of Ai on a tree until evening; and at sunset Joshua gave command and they took his body down from the tree and threw it at the entrance of the city gate, and raised over it a great heap of stones that stands to this day.

nasb@Joshua:5:31 @just as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded the sons of Israel, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses, an altar of uncut stones on which no man had wielded an iron tool; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, and sacrificed peace offerings.

nasb@Joshua:5:33 @All Israel with their elders and officers and their judges were standing on both sides of the ark before the Levitical priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD, the stranger as well as the native. Half of them stood in front of Mount Gerizim and half of them in front of Mount Ebal, just as Moses the servant of the LORD had given command at first to bless the people of Israel.

nasb@Joshua:5:35 @There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded which Joshua did not read before all the assembly of Israel with the women and the little ones and the strangers who were living among them.

nasb@Joshua:6:24 @So they answered Joshua and said, " Because it was certainly told your servants that the LORD your God had commanded His servant Moses to give you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land before you; therefore we feared greatly for our lives because of you, and have done this thing.

nasb@Joshua:7:14 @There was no day like that before it or after it, when the LORD listened to the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel.

nasb@Joshua:7:27 @It came about at sunset that Joshua gave a command, and they took them down from the trees and threw them into the cave where they had hidden themselves, and put large stones over the mouth of the cave, to this very day.

nasb@Joshua:7:40 @Thus Joshua struck all the land, the hill country and the Negev and the lowland and the slopes and all their kings. He left no survivor, but he utterly destroyed all who breathed, just as the LORD, the God of Israel, had commanded.

nasb@Joshua:8:4 @They came out, they and all their armies with them, as many people as the sand that is on the seashore, with very many horses and chariots.

nasb@Joshua:8:12 @Joshua captured all the cities of these kings, and all their kings, and he struck them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed them; just as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded.

nasb@Joshua:8:14 @All the spoil of these cities and the cattle, the sons of Israel took as their plunder; but they struck every man with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them. They left no one who breathed.

nasb@Joshua:8:15 @Just as the LORD had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did; he left nothing undone of all that the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Joshua:8:20 @For it was of the LORD to harden their hearts, to meet Israel in battle in order that he might utterly destroy them, that they might receive no mercy, but that he might destroy them, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@Joshua:9:6 @Moses the servant of the LORD and the sons of Israel defeated them; and Moses the servant of the LORD gave it to the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh as a possession.

nasb@Joshua:9:6" @All the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon as far as Misrephoth-maim, all the Sidonians, I will drive them out from before the sons of Israel; only allot it to Israel for an inheritance as I have commanded you.

nasb@Joshua:9:7" @Now therefore, apportion this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and the half-tribe of Manasseh."

nasb@Joshua:9:29 @Moses also gave an inheritance to the half-tribe of Manasseh; and it was for the half-tribe of the sons of Manasseh according to their families.

nasb@Joshua:9:31 @also half of Gilead, with Ashtaroth and Edrei, the cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan, were for the sons of Machir the son of Manasseh, for half of the sons of Machir according to their families.

nasb@Joshua:10:2 @by the lot of their inheritance, as the LORD commanded through Moses, for the nine tribes and the half-tribe.

nasb@Joshua:10:4 @For the sons of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim, and they did not give a portion to the Levites in the land, except cities to live in, with their pasture lands for their livestock and for their property.

nasb@Joshua:10:5 @Thus the sons of Israel did just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they divided the land.

nasb@Joshua:10:6 @Then the sons of Judah drew near to Joshua in Gilgal, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, "You know the word which the LORD spoke to Moses the man of God concerning you and me in Kadesh-barnea.

nasb@Joshua:10:15 @Now the name of Hebron was formerly Kiriath-arba; for Arba was the greatest man among the Anakim. Then the land had rest from war.

nasb@Joshua:11:13 @Now he gave to Caleb the son of Jephunneh a portion among the sons of Judah, according to the command of the LORD to Joshua, namely, Kiriath-arba, Arba being the father of Anak (that is, Hebron).

nasb@Joshua:11:14 @Caleb drove out from there the three sons of Anak- Sheshai and Ahiman and Talmai, the children of Anak.

nasb@Joshua:11:31 @and Ziklag and Madmannah and Sansannah,

nasb@Joshua:12:4 @The sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, received their inheritance.

nasb@Joshua:12:9 @together with the cities which were set apart for the sons of Ephraim in the midst of the inheritance of the sons of Manasseh, all the cities with their villages.

nasb@Joshua:13:1 @Now this was the lot for the tribe of Manasseh, for he was the firstborn of Joseph. To Machir the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead, were allotted Gilead and Bashan, because he was a man of war.

nasb@Joshua:13:2 @So the lot was made for the rest of the sons of Manasseh according to their families- for the sons of Abiezer and for the sons of Helek and for the sons of Asriel and for the sons of Shechem and for the sons of Hepher and for the sons of Shemida; these were the male descendants of Manasseh the son of Joseph according to their families.

nasb@Joshua:13:3 @However, Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, had no sons, only daughters; and these are the names of his daughters- Mahlah and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah.

nasb@Joshua:13:4 @They came near before Eleazar the priest and before Joshua the son of Nun and before the leaders, saying, "The LORD commanded Moses to give us an inheritance among our brothers." So according to the command of the LORD he gave them an inheritance among their father's brothers.

nasb@Joshua:13:5 @Thus there fell ten portions to Manasseh, besides the land of Gilead and Bashan, which is beyond the Jordan,

nasb@Joshua:13:6 @because the daughters of Manasseh received an inheritance among his sons. And the land of Gilead belonged to the rest of the sons of Manasseh.

nasb@Joshua:13:7 @The border of Manasseh ran from Asher to Michmethath which was east of Shechem; then the border went southward to the inhabitants of En-tappuah.

nasb@Joshua:13:8 @The land of Tappuah belonged to Manasseh, but Tappuah on the border of Manasseh belonged to the sons of Ephraim.

nasb@Joshua:13:9 @The border went down to the brook of Kanah, southward of the brook (these cities belonged to Ephraim among the cities of Manasseh), and the border of Manasseh was on the north side of the brook and it ended at the sea.

nasb@Joshua:13:10 @The south side belonged to Ephraim and the north side to Manasseh, and the sea was their border; and they reached to Asher on the north and to Issachar on the east.

nasb@Joshua:13:11 @In Issachar and in Asher, Manasseh had Beth-shean and its towns and Ibleam and its towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of En-dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns, the third is Napheth.

nasb@Joshua:13:12 @But the sons of Manasseh could not take possession of these cities, because the Canaanites persisted in living in that land.

nasb@Joshua:13:17 @Joshua spoke to the house of Joseph, to Ephraim and Manasseh, saying, "You are a numerous people and have great power; you shall not have one lot only,

nasb@Joshua:14:7" @For the Levites have no portion among you, because the priesthood of the LORD is their inheritance. Gad and Reuben and the half-tribe of Manasseh also have received their inheritance eastward beyond the Jordan, which Moses the servant of the LORD gave them."

nasb@Joshua:14:8 @Then the men arose and went, and Joshua commanded those who went to describe the land, saying, "Go and walk through the land and describe it, and return to me; then I will cast lots for you here before the LORD in Shiloh."

nasb@Joshua:15:50 @In accordance with the command of the LORD they gave him the city for which he asked, Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim. So he built the city and settled in it.

nasb@Joshua:15:3 @that the manslayer who kills any person unintentionally, without premeditation, may flee there, and they shall become your refuge from the avenger of blood.

nasb@Joshua:15:5 @'Now if the avenger of blood pursues him, then they shall not deliver the manslayer into his hand, because he struck his neighbor without premeditation and did not hate him beforehand.

nasb@Joshua:15:6 @'He shall dwell in that city until he stands before the congregation for judgment, until the death of the one who is high priest in those days. Then the manslayer shall return to his own city and to his own house, to the city from which he fled.'"

nasb@Joshua:15:8 @Beyond the Jordan east of Jericho, they designated Bezer in the wilderness on the plain from the tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth in Gilead from the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan from the tribe of Manasseh.

nasb@Joshua:16:2 @They spoke to them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, " The LORD commanded through Moses to give us cities to live in, with their pasture lands for our cattle."

nasb@Joshua:16:3 @So the sons of Israel gave the Levites from their inheritance these cities with their pasture lands, according to the command of the LORD.

nasb@Joshua:16:5 @The rest of the sons of Kohath received ten cities by lot from the families of the tribe of Ephraim and from the tribe of Dan and from the half-tribe of Manasseh.

nasb@Joshua:16:6 @The sons of Gershon received thirteen cities by lot from the families of the tribe of Issachar and from the tribe of Asher and from the tribe of Naphtali and from the half-tribe of Manasseh in Bashan.

nasb@Joshua:16:8 @Now the sons of Israel gave by lot to the Levites these cities with their pasture lands, as the LORD had commanded through Moses.

nasb@Joshua:16:13 @So to the sons of Aaron the priest they gave Hebron, the city of refuge for the manslayer, with its pasture lands, and Libnah with its pasture lands,

nasb@Joshua:16:21 @They gave them Shechem, the city of refuge for the manslayer, with its pasture lands, in the hill country of Ephraim, and Gezer with its pasture lands,

nasb@Joshua:16:25 @From the half-tribe of Manasseh, they allotted Taanach with its pasture lands and Gath-rimmon with its pasture lands; two cities.

nasb@Joshua:16:27 @To the sons of Gershon, one of the families of the Levites, from the half-tribe of Manasseh, they gave Golan in Bashan, the city of refuge for the manslayer, with its pasture lands, and Be-eshterah with its pasture lands; two cities.

nasb@Joshua:16:32 @From the tribe of Naphtali, they gave Kedesh in Galilee, the city of refuge for the manslayer, with its pasture lands and Hammoth-dor with its pasture lands and Kartan with its pasture lands; three cities.

nasb@Joshua:16:38 @From the tribe of Gad, they gave Ramoth in Gilead, the city of refuge for the manslayer, with its pasture lands and Mahanaim with its pasture lands,

nasb@Joshua:17:1 @Then Joshua summoned the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh,

nasb@Joshua:17:2 @and said to them, "You have kept all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, and have listened to my voice in all that I commanded you.

nasb@Joshua:17:3" @You have not forsaken your brothers these many days to this day, but have kept the charge of the commandment of the LORD your God.

nasb@Joshua:17:5" @Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, to love the LORD your God and walk in all His ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

nasb@Joshua:17:7 @Now to the one half-tribe of Manasseh Moses had given a possession in Bashan, but to the other half Joshua gave a possession among their brothers westward beyond the Jordan. So when Joshua sent them away to their tents, he blessed them,

nasb@Joshua:17:8 @and said to them, "Return to your tents with great riches and with very much livestock, with silver, gold, bronze, iron, and with very many clothes; divide the spoil of your enemies with your brothers."

nasb@Joshua:17:9 @The sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh returned home and departed from the sons of Israel at Shiloh which is in the land of Canaan, to go to the land of Gilead, to the land of their possession which they had possessed, according to the command of the LORD through Moses.

nasb@Joshua:17:10 @When they came to the region of the Jordan which is in the land of Canaan, the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh built an altar there by the Jordan, a large altar in appearance.

nasb@Joshua:17:11 @And the sons of Israel heard it said, "Behold, the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh have built an altar at the frontier of the land of Canaan, in the region of the Jordan, on the side belonging to the sons of Israel."

nasb@Joshua:17:13 @Then the sons of Israel sent to the sons of Reuben and to the sons of Gad and to the half-tribe of Manasseh, into the land of Gilead, Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,

nasb@Joshua:17:15 @They came to the sons of Reuben and to the sons of Gad and to the half-tribe of Manasseh, to the land of Gilead, and they spoke with them saying,

nasb@Joshua:17:20 @'Did not Achan the son of Zerah act unfaithfully in the things under the ban, and wrath fall on all the congregation of Israel? And that man did not perish alone in his iniquity.'"

nasb@Joshua:17:21 @Then the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh answered and spoke to the heads of the families of Israel.

nasb@Joshua:17:30 @So when Phinehas the priest and the leaders of the congregation, even the heads of the families of Israel who were with him, heard the words which the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the sons of Manasseh spoke, it pleased them.

nasb@Joshua:17:31 @And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest said to the sons of Reuben and to the sons of Gad and to the sons of Manasseh, "Today we know that the LORD is in our midst, because you have not committed this unfaithful act against the LORD; now you have delivered the sons of Israel from the hand of the LORD."

nasb@Joshua:18:1 @Now it came about after many days, when the LORD had given rest to Israel from all their enemies on every side, and Joshua was old, advanced in years,

nasb@Joshua:18:9" @ For the LORD has driven out great and strong nations from before you; and as for you, no man has stood before you to this day.

nasb@Joshua:18:16" @ When you transgress the covenant of the LORD your God, which He commanded you, and go and serve other gods and bow down to them, then the anger of the LORD will burn against you, and you will perish quickly from off the good land which He has given you."

nasb@Judges:1:10 @So Judah went against the Canaanites who lived in Hebron (now the name of Hebron formerly was Kiriath-arba); and they struck Sheshai and Ahiman and Talmai.

nasb@Judges:1:24 @The spies saw a man coming out of the city and they said to him, "Please show us the entrance to the city and we will treat you kindly."

nasb@Judges:1:25 @So he showed them the entrance to the city, and they struck the city with the edge of the sword, but they let the man and all his family go free.

nasb@Judges:1:26 @The man went into the land of the Hittites and built a city and named it Luz which is its name to this day.

nasb@Judges:1:27 @But Manasseh did not take possession of Beth-shean and its villages, or Taanach and its villages, or the inhabitants of Dor and its villages, or the inhabitants of Ibleam and its villages, or the inhabitants of Megiddo and its villages; so the Canaanites persisted in living in that land.

nasb@Judges:2:17 @Yet they did not listen to their judges, for they played the harlot after other gods and bowed themselves down to them. They turned aside quickly from the way in which their fathers had walked in obeying the commandments of the LORD; they did not do as their fathers.

nasb@Judges:2:20 @So the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and He said, "Because this nation has transgressed My covenant which I commanded their fathers and has not listened to My voice,

nasb@Judges:3:4 @They were for testing Israel, to find out if they would obey the commandments of the LORD, which He had commanded their fathers through Moses.

nasb@Judges:3:15 @But when the sons of Israel cried to the LORD, the LORD raised up a deliverer for them, Ehud the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a left-handed man. And the sons of Israel sent tribute by him to Eglon the king of Moab.

nasb@Judges:3:17 @He presented the tribute to Eglon king of Moab. Now Eglon was a very fat man.

nasb@Judges:4:2 @And the LORD sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor; and the commander of his army was Sisera, who lived in Harosheth-hagoyim.

nasb@Judges:4:6 @Now she sent and summoned Barak the son of Abinoam from Kedesh-naphtali, and said to him, "Behold, the LORD, the God of Israel, has commanded, 'Go and march to Mount Tabor, and take with you ten thousand men from the sons of Naphtali and from the sons of Zebulun.

nasb@Judges:4:7 @'I will draw out to you Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, with his chariots and his many troops to the river Kishon, and I will give him into your hand.'"

nasb@Judges:4:9 @She said, "I will surely go with you; nevertheless, the honor shall not be yours on the journey that you are about to take, for the LORD will sell Sisera into the hands of a woman." Then Deborah arose and went with Barak to Kedesh.

nasb@Judges:4:22 @And behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him and said to him, "Come, and I will show you the man whom you are seeking." And he entered with her, and behold Sisera was lying dead with the tent peg in his temple.

nasb@Judges:4:9" @My heart goes out to the commanders of Israel, The volunteers among the people; Bless the LORD!

nasb@Judges:4:14" @From Ephraim those whose root is in Amalek came down, Following you, Benjamin, with your peoples; From Machir commanders came down, And from Zebulun those who wield the staff of office.

nasb@Judges:5:15 @He said to Him, "O Lord, how shall I deliver Israel? Behold, my family is the least in Manasseh, and I am the youngest in my father's house."

nasb@Judges:5:16 @But the LORD said to him, "Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat Midian as one man."

nasb@Judges:5:26 @and build an altar to the LORD your God on the top of this stronghold in an orderly manner, and take a second bull and offer a burnt offering with the wood of the Asherah which you shall cut down."

nasb@Judges:5:35 @He sent messengers throughout Manasseh, and they also were called together to follow him; and he sent messengers to Asher, Zebulun, and Naphtali, and they came up to meet them.

nasb@Judges:6:2 @The LORD said to Gideon, "The people who are with you are too many for Me to give Midian into their hands, for Israel would become boastful, saying, 'My own power has delivered me.'

nasb@Judges:6:4 @Then the LORD said to Gideon, "The people are still too many; bring them down to the water and I will test them for you there. Therefore it shall be that he of whom I say to you, 'This one shall go with you,' he shall go with you; but everyone of whom I say to you, 'This one shall not go with you,' he shall not go."

nasb@Judges:6:7 @The LORD said to Gideon, "I will deliver you with the 300 men who lapped and will give the Midianites into your hands; so let all the other people go, each man to his home."

nasb@Judges:6:13 @When Gideon came, behold, a man was relating a dream to his friend. And he said, "Behold, I had a dream; a loaf of barley bread was tumbling into the camp of Midian, and it came to the tent and struck it so that it fell, and turned it upside down so that the tent lay flat."

nasb@Judges:6:14 @His friend replied, "This is nothing less than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel; God has given Midian and all the camp into his hand."

nasb@Judges:6:23 @The men of Israel were summoned from Naphtali and Asher and all Manasseh, and they pursued Midian.

nasb@Judges:7:21 @Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, "Rise up yourself, and fall on us; for as the man, so is his strength." So Gideon arose and killed Zebah and Zalmunna, and took the crescent ornaments which were on their camels' necks.

nasb@Judges:7:30 @Now Gideon had seventy sons who were his direct descendants, for he had many wives.

nasb@Judges:7:2" @Speak, now, in the hearing of all the leaders of Shechem, 'Which is better for you, that seventy men, all the sons of Jerubbaal, rule over you, or that one man rule over you?' Also, remember that I am your bone and your flesh."

nasb@Judges:7:40 @Abimelech chased him, and he fled before him; and many fell wounded up to the entrance of the gate.

nasb@Judges:7:53 @But a certain woman threw an upper millstone on Abimelech's head, crushing his skull.

nasb@Judges:7:54 @Then he called quickly to the young man, his armor bearer, and said to him, "Draw your sword and kill me, so that it will not be said of me, 'A woman slew him.'" So the young man pierced him through, and he died.

nasb@Judges:8:1 @Now after Abimelech died, Tola the son of Puah, the son of Dodo, a man of Issachar, arose to save Israel; and he lived in Shamir in the hill country of Ephraim.

nasb@Judges:8:18 @The people, the leaders of Gilead, said to one another, "Who is the man who will begin to fight against the sons of AmmonNULL He shall become head over all the inhabitants of Gilead."

nasb@Judges:9:2 @Gilead's wife bore him sons; and when his wife's sons grew up, they drove Jephthah out and said to him, "You shall not have an inheritance in our father's house, for you are the son of another woman."

nasb@Judges:9:29 @Now the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah, so that he passed through Gilead and Manasseh; then he passed through Mizpah of Gilead, and from Mizpah of Gilead he went on to the sons of Ammon.

nasb@Judges:9:39 @At the end of two months she returned to her father, who did to her according to the vow which he had made; and she had no relations with a man. Thus it became a custom in Israel,

nasb@Judges:10:4 @Then Jephthah gathered all the men of Gilead and fought Ephraim; and the men of Gilead defeated Ephraim, because they said, "You are fugitives of Ephraim, O Gileadites, in the midst of Ephraim and in the midst of Manasseh."

nasb@Judges:11:2 @There was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren and had borne no children.

nasb@Judges:11:3 @Then the angel of the LORD appeared to the woman and said to her, "Behold now, you are barren and have borne no children, but you shall conceive and give birth to a son.

nasb@Judges:11:6 @Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, " A man of God came to me and his appearance was like the appearance of the angel of God, very awesome. And I did not ask him where he came from, nor did he tell me his name.

nasb@Judges:11:8 @Then Manoah entreated the LORD and said, "O Lord, please let the man of God whom You have sent come to us again that he may teach us what to do for the boy who is to be born."

nasb@Judges:11:9 @God listened to the voice of Manoah; and the angel of God came again to the woman as she was sitting in the field, but Manoah her husband was not with her.

nasb@Judges:11:10 @So the woman ran quickly and told her husband, "Behold, the man who came the other day has appeared to me."

nasb@Judges:11:11 @Then Manoah arose and followed his wife, and when he came to the man he said to him, "Are you the man who spoke to the woman?" And he said, "I am."

nasb@Judges:11:12 @Manoah said, "Now when your words come to pass, what shall be the boy's mode of life and his vocation?"

nasb@Judges:11:13 @So the angel of the LORD said to Manoah, " Let the woman pay attention to all that I said.

nasb@Judges:11:14" @She should not eat anything that comes from the vine nor drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing; let her observe all that I commanded."

nasb@Judges:11:15 @Then Manoah said to the angel of the LORD, "Please let us detain you so that we may prepare a young goat for you."

nasb@Judges:11:16 @The angel of the LORD said to Manoah, "Though you detain me, I will not eat your food, but if you prepare a burnt offering, then offer it to the LORD." For Manoah did not know that he was the angel of the LORD.

nasb@Judges:11:17 @Manoah said to the angel of the LORD, " What is your name, so that when your words come to pass, we may honor you?"

nasb@Judges:11:19 @So Manoah took the young goat with the grain offering and offered it on the rock to the LORD, and He performed wonders while Manoah and his wife looked on.

nasb@Judges:11:20 @For it came about when the flame went up from the altar toward heaven, that the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame of the altar. When Manoah and his wife saw this, they fell on their faces to the ground.

nasb@Judges:11:21 @Now the angel of the LORD did not appear to Manoah or his wife again. Then Manoah knew that he was the angel of the LORD.

nasb@Judges:11:22 @So Manoah said to his wife, " We will surely die, for we have seen God."

nasb@Judges:11:24 @Then the woman gave birth to a son and named him Samson; and the child grew up and the LORD blessed him.

nasb@Judges:12:1 @Then Samson went down to Timnah and saw a woman in Timnah, one of the daughters of the Philistines.

nasb@Judges:12:2 @So he came back and told his father and mother, "I saw a woman in Timnah, one of the daughters of the Philistines; now therefore, get her for me as a wife."

nasb@Judges:12:3 @Then his father and his mother said to him, "Is there no woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?" But Samson said to his father, "Get her for me, for she looks good to me."

nasb@Judges:12:7 @So he went down and talked to the woman; and she looked good to Samson.

nasb@Judges:12:10 @Then his father went down to the woman; and Samson made a feast there, for the young men customarily did this.

nasb@Judges:14:4 @After this it came about that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.

nasb@Judges:14:7 @Samson said to her, "If they bind me with seven fresh cords that have not been dried, then I will become weak and be like any other man."

nasb@Judges:14:11 @He said to her, "If they bind me tightly with new ropes which have not been used, then I will become weak and be like any other man."

nasb@Judges:14:13 @Then Delilah said to Samson, "Up to now you have deceived me and told me lies; tell me how you may be bound." And he said to her, "If you weave the seven locks of my hair with the web [and fasten it with a pin, then I will become weak and be like any other man."

nasb@Judges:14:17 @So he told her all that was in his heart and said to her, "A razor has never come on my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaved, then my strength will leave me and I will become weak and be like any other man."

nasb@Judges:14:19 @She made him sleep on her knees, and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his hair. Then she began to afflict him, and his strength left him.

nasb@Judges:14:24 @When the people saw him, they praised their god, for they said, "Our god has given our enemy into our hands, Even the destroyer of our country, Who has slain many of us."

nasb@Judges:14:31 @Then his brothers and all his father's household came down, took him, brought him up and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the tomb of Manoah his father. Thus he had judged Israel twenty years.

nasb@Judges:15:1 @Now there was a man of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Micah.

nasb@Judges:15:5 @And the man Micah had a shrine and he made an ephod and household idols and consecrated one of his sons, that he might become his priest.

nasb@Judges:15:6 @In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.

nasb@Judges:15:7 @Now there was a young man from Bethlehem in Judah, of the family of Judah, who was a Levite; and he was staying there.

nasb@Judges:15:8 @Then the man departed from the city, from Bethlehem in Judah, to stay wherever he might find a place; and as he made his journey, he came to the hill country of Ephraim to the house of Micah.

nasb@Judges:15:11 @The Levite agreed to live with the man, and the young man became to him like one of his sons.

nasb@Judges:15:12 @So Micah consecrated the Levite, and the young man became his priest and lived in the house of Micah.

nasb@Judges:16:3 @When they were near the house of Micah, they recognized the voice of the young man, the Levite; and they turned aside there and said to him, "Who brought you here? And what are you doing in this place? And what do you have here?"

nasb@Judges:16:7 @Then the five men departed and came to Laish and saw the people who were in it living in security, after the manner of the Sidonians, quiet and secure; for there was no ruler humiliating them for anything in the land, and they were far from the Sidonians and had no dealings with anyone.

nasb@Judges:16:15 @They turned aside there and came to the house of the young man, the Levite, to the house of Micah, and asked him of his welfare.

nasb@Judges:16:19 @They said to him, "Be silent, put your hand over your mouth and come with us, and be to us a father and a priest. Is it better for you to be a priest to the house of one man, or to be priest to a tribe and a family in Israel?"

nasb@Judges:16:30 @The sons of Dan set up for themselves the graven image; and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Manasseh, he and his sons were priests to the tribe of the Danites until the day of the captivity of the land.

nasb@Judges:17:6 @So both of them sat down and ate and drank together; and the girl's father said to the man, "Please be willing to spend the night, and let your heart be merry."

nasb@Judges:17:7 @Then the man arose to go, but his father-in-law urged him so that he spent the night there again.

nasb@Judges:17:9 @When the man arose to go along with his concubine and servant, his father-in-law, the girl's father, said to him, "Behold now, the day has drawn to a close; please spend the night. Lo, the day is coming to an end; spend the night here that your heart may be merry. Then tomorrow you may arise early for your journey so that you may go home."

nasb@Judges:17:10 @But the man was not willing to spend the night, so he arose and departed and came to a place opposite Jebus (that is, Jerusalem). And there were with him a pair of saddled donkeys; his concubine also was with him.

nasb@Judges:17:16 @Then behold, an old man was coming out of the field from his work at evening. Now the man was from the hill country of Ephraim, and he was staying in Gibeah, but the men of the place were Benjamites.

nasb@Judges:17:17 @And he lifted up his eyes and saw the traveler in the open square of the city; and the old man said, "Where are you going, and where do you come from?"

nasb@Judges:17:18 @He said to him, "We are passing from Bethlehem in Judah to the remote part of the hill country of Ephraim, for I am from there, and I went to Bethlehem in Judah. But I am now going to my house, and no man will take me into his house.

nasb@Judges:17:19" @Yet there is both straw and fodder for our donkeys, and also bread and wine for me, your maidservant, and the young man who is with your servants; there is no lack of anything."

nasb@Judges:17:20 @The old man said, " Peace to you. Only let me take care of all your needs; however, do not spend the night in the open square."

nasb@Judges:17:22 @While they were celebrating, behold, the men of the city, certain worthless fellows, surrounded the house, pounding the door; and they spoke to the owner of the house, the old man, saying, "Bring out the man who came into your house that we may have relations with him."

nasb@Judges:17:23 @Then the man, the owner of the house, went out to them and said to them, "No, my fellows, please do not act so wickedly; since this man has come into my house, do not commit this act of folly.

nasb@Judges:17:24" @ Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man."

nasb@Judges:17:25 @But the men would not listen to him. So the man seized his concubine and brought her out to them; and they raped her and abused her all night until morning, then let her go at the approach of dawn.

nasb@Judges:17:26 @As the day began to dawn, the woman came and fell down at the doorway of the man's house where her master was, until full daylight.

nasb@Judges:17:28 @He said to her, "Get up and let us go," but there was no answer. Then he placed her on the donkey; and the man arose and went to his home.

nasb@Judges:18:1 @Then all the sons of Israel from Dan to Beersheba, including the land of Gilead, came out, and the congregation assembled as one man to the LORD at Mizpah.

nasb@Judges:18:4 @So the Levite, the husband of the woman who was murdered, answered and said, "I came with my concubine to spend the night at Gibeah which belongs to Benjamin.

nasb@Judges:18:8 @Then all the people arose as one man, saying, "Not one of us will go to his tent, nor will any of us return to his house.

nasb@Judges:18:11 @Thus all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, united as one man.

nasb@Judges:19:10 @And the congregation sent 12,000 of the valiant warriors there, and commanded them, saying, "Go and strike the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead with the edge of the sword, with the women and the little ones.

nasb@Judges:19:11" @This is the thing that you shall do- you shall utterly destroy every man and every woman who has lain with a man."

nasb@Judges:19:12 @And they found among the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead 400 young virgins who had not known a man by lying with him; and they brought them to the camp at Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.

nasb@Judges:19:20 @And they commanded the sons of Benjamin, saying, "Go and lie in wait in the vineyards,

nasb@Judges:19:22" @It shall come about, when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, that we shall say to them, 'Give them to us voluntarily, because we did not take for each man of Benjamin a wife in battle, nor did you give them to them, else you would now be guilty.'"

nasb@Judges:19:24 @The sons of Israel departed from there at that time, every man to his tribe and family, and each one of them went out from there to his inheritance.

nasb@Ruth:1:1 @Now it came about in the days when the judges governed, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the land of Moab with his wife and his two sons.

nasb@Ruth:1:2 @The name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife, Naomi; and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem in Judah. Now they entered the land of Moab and remained there.

nasb@Ruth:1:5 @Then both Mahlon and Chilion also died, and the woman was bereft of her two children and her husband.

nasb@Ruth:2:1 @Now Naomi had a kinsman of her husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz.

nasb@Ruth:2:5 @Then Boaz said to his servant who was in charge of the reapers, "Whose young woman is this?"

nasb@Ruth:2:6 @The servant in charge of the reapers replied, "She is the young Moabite woman who returned with Naomi from the land of Moab.

nasb@Ruth:2:9" @Let your eyes be on the field which they reap, and go after them. Indeed, I have commanded the servants not to touch you. When you are thirsty, go to the water jars and drink from what the servants draw."

nasb@Ruth:2:15 @When she rose to glean, Boaz commanded his servants, saying, "Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not insult her.

nasb@Ruth:2:19 @Her mother-in-law then said to her, "Where did you glean today and where did you work? May he who took notice of you be blessed." So she told her mother-in-law with whom she had worked and said, "The name of the man with whom I worked today is Boaz."

nasb@Ruth:2:20 @Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, " May he be blessed of the LORD who has not withdrawn his kindness to the living and to the dead." Again Naomi said to her, "The man is our relative, he is one of our closest relatives."

nasb@Ruth:2:2" @Now is not Boaz our kinsman, with whose maids you were? Behold, he winnows barley at the threshing floor tonight.

nasb@Ruth:2:3" @Wash yourself therefore, and anoint yourself and put on your best clothes, and go down to the threshing floor; but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking.

nasb@Ruth:2:6 @So she went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her.

nasb@Ruth:2:8 @It happened in the middle of the night that the man was startled and bent forward; and behold, a woman was lying at his feet.

nasb@Ruth:2:11" @Now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask, for all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence.

nasb@Ruth:2:14 @So she lay at his feet until morning and rose before one could recognize another; and he said, " Let it not be known that the woman came to the threshing floor."

nasb@Ruth:2:16 @When she came to her mother-in-law, she said, "How did it go, my daughter?" And she told her all that the man had done for her.

nasb@Ruth:2:18 @Then she said, "Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today."

nasb@Ruth:3:7 @Now this was the custom in former times in Israel concerning the redemption and the exchange of land to confirm any matter- a man removed his sandal and gave it to another; and this was the manner of attestation in Israel.

nasb@Ruth:3:11 @All the people who were in the court, and the elders, said, "We are witnesses. May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and may you achieve wealth in Ephrathah and become famous in Bethlehem.

nasb@Ruth:3:12" @Moreover, may your house be like the house of Perez whom Tamar bore to Judah, through the offspring which the LORD will give you by this young woman."

nasb@1Samuel:1:1 @Now there was a certain man from Ramathaim-zophim from the hill country of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite.

nasb@1Samuel:1:3 @Now this man would go up from his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice to the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were priests to the LORD there.

nasb@1Samuel:1:15 @But Hannah replied, "No, my lord, I am a woman oppressed in spirit; I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have poured out my soul before the LORD.

nasb@1Samuel:1:16" @Do not consider your maidservant as a worthless woman, for I have spoken until now out of my great concern and provocation."

nasb@1Samuel:1:18 @She said, " Let your maidservant find favor in your sight." So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad.

nasb@1Samuel:1:21 @Then the man Elkanah went up with all his household to offer to the LORD the yearly sacrifice and pay his vow.

nasb@1Samuel:1:23 @Elkanah her husband said to her, "Do what seems best to you. Remain until you have weaned him; only may the LORD confirm His word." So the woman remained and nursed her son until she weaned him.

nasb@1Samuel:1:26 @She said, "Oh, my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you, praying to the LORD.

nasb@1Samuel:2:5" @Those who were full hire themselves out for bread, But those who were hungry cease to hunger. Even the barren gives birth to seven, But she who has many children languishes.

nasb@1Samuel:2:9" @ He keeps the feet of His godly ones, But the wicked ones are silenced in darkness; For not by might shall a man prevail.

nasb@1Samuel:2:13 @and the custom of the priests with the people. When any man was offering a sacrifice, the priest's servant would come while the meat was boiling, with a three-pronged fork in his hand.

nasb@1Samuel:2:15 @Also, before they burned the fat, the priest's servant would come and say to the man who was sacrificing, "Give the priest meat for roasting, as he will not take boiled meat from you, only raw."

nasb@1Samuel:2:16 @If the man said to him, "They must surely burn the fat first, and then take as much as you desire," then he would say, "No, but you shall give it to me now; and if not, I will take it by force."

nasb@1Samuel:2:20 @Then Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife and say, "May the LORD give you children from this woman in place of the one she dedicated to the LORD." And they went to their own home.

nasb@1Samuel:2:25" @If one man sins against another, God will mediate for him; but if a man sins against the LORD, who can intercede for him?" But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for the LORD desired to put them to death.

nasb@1Samuel:2:27 @Then a man of God came to Eli and said to him, "Thus says the LORD, ' Did I not indeed reveal Myself to the house of your father when they were in Egypt in bondage to Pharaoh's house?

nasb@1Samuel:2:29 @'Why do you kick at My sacrifice and at My offering which I have commanded in My dwelling, and honor your sons above Me, by making yourselves fat with the choicest of every offering of My people Israel?'

nasb@1Samuel:2:31 @'Behold, the days are coming when I will break your strength and the strength of your father's house so that there will not be an old man in your house.

nasb@1Samuel:2:32 @'You will see the distress of My dwelling, in spite of all the good that I do for Israel; and an old man will not be in your house forever.

nasb@1Samuel:2:33 @'Yet I will not cut off every man of yours from My altar so that your eyes will fail from weeping and your soul grieve, and all the increase of your house will die in the prime of life.

nasb@1Samuel:4:10 @So the Philistines fought and Israel was defeated, and every man fled to his tent; and the slaughter was very great, for there fell of Israel thirty thousand foot soldiers.

nasb@1Samuel:4:12 @Now a man of Benjamin ran from the battle line and came to Shiloh the same day with his clothes torn and dust on his head.

nasb@1Samuel:4:13 @When he came, behold, Eli was sitting on his seat by the road eagerly watching, because his heart was trembling for the ark of God. So the man came to tell it in the city, and all the city cried out.

nasb@1Samuel:4:14 @When Eli heard the noise of the outcry, he said, "What does the noise of this commotion mean?" Then the man came hurriedly and told Eli.

nasb@1Samuel:4:16 @The man said to Eli, "I am the one who came from the battle line. Indeed, I escaped from the battle line today." And he said, " How did things go, my son?"

nasb@1Samuel:8:12" @ He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots.

nasb@1Samuel:8:22 @The LORD said to Samuel, " Listen to their voice and appoint them a king." So Samuel said to the men of Israel, "Go every man to his city."

nasb@1Samuel:9:1 @Now there was a man of Benjamin whose name was Kish the son of Abiel, the son of Zeror, the son of Becorath, the son of Aphiah, the son of a Benjamite, a mighty man of valor.

nasb@1Samuel:9:2 @He had a son whose name was Saul, a choice and handsome man, and there was not a more handsome person than he among the sons of Israel; from his shoulders and up he was taller than any of the people.

nasb@1Samuel:9:6 @He said to him, "Behold now, there is a man of God in this city, and the man is held in honor; all that he says surely comes true. Now let us go there, perhaps he can tell us about our journey on which we have set out."

nasb@1Samuel:9:7 @Then Saul said to his servant, "But behold, if we go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread is gone from our sack and there is no present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?"

nasb@1Samuel:9:8 @The servant answered Saul again and said, "Behold, I have in my hand a fourth of a shekel of silver; I will give it to the man of God and he will tell us our way."

nasb@1Samuel:9:9 @(Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he used to say, "Come, and let us go to the seer"; for he who is called a prophet now was formerly called a seer.)

nasb@1Samuel:9:10 @Then Saul said to his servant, "Well said; come, let us go." So they went to the city where the man of God was.

nasb@1Samuel:9:16" @About this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him to be prince over My people Israel; and he will deliver My people from the hand of the Philistines. For I have regarded My people, because their cry has come to Me."

nasb@1Samuel:9:17 @When Samuel saw Saul, the LORD said to him, " Behold, the man of whom I spoke to you! This one shall rule over My people."

nasb@1Samuel:9:6" @Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you mightily, and you shall prophesy with them and be changed into another man.

nasb@1Samuel:9:12 @A man there said, "Now, who is their father?" Therefore it became a proverb- " Is Saul also among the prophets?"

nasb@1Samuel:9:22 @Therefore they inquired further of the LORD, "Has the man come here yet?" So the LORD said, "Behold, he is hiding himself by the baggage."

nasb@1Samuel:10:7 @He took a yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces, and sent them throughout the territory of Israel by the hand of messengers, saying, " Whoever does not come out after Saul and after Samuel, so shall it be done to his oxen." Then the dread of the LORD fell on the people, and they came out as one man.

nasb@1Samuel:10:13 @But Saul said, " Not a man shall be put to death this day, for today the LORD has accomplished deliverance in Israel."

nasb@1Samuel:10:4 @They said, "You have not defrauded us or oppressed us or taken anything from any man's hand."

nasb@1Samuel:10:14" @ If you will fear the LORD and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the command of the LORD, then both you and also the king who reigns over you will follow the LORD your God.

nasb@1Samuel:10:15" @ If you will not listen to the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the command of the LORD, then the hand of the LORD will be against you, as it was against your fathers.

nasb@1Samuel:11:13 @Samuel said to Saul, " You have acted foolishly; you have not kept the commandment of the LORD your God, which He commanded you, for now the LORD would have established your kingdom over Israel forever.

nasb@1Samuel:11:14" @But now your kingdom shall not endure. The LORD has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has appointed him as ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you."

nasb@1Samuel:12:1 @Now the day came that Jonathan, the son of Saul, said to the young man who was carrying his armor, "Come and let us cross over to the Philistines' garrison that is on the other side." But he did not tell his father.

nasb@1Samuel:12:6 @Then Jonathan said to the young man who was carrying his armor, "Come and let us cross over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; perhaps the LORD will work for us, for the LORD is not restrained to save by many or by few."

nasb@1Samuel:12:20 @Then Saul and all the people who were with him rallied and came to the battle; and behold, every man's sword was against his fellow, and there was very great confusion.

nasb@1Samuel:12:24 @Now the men of Israel were hard-pressed on that day, for Saul had put the people under oath, saying, "Cursed be the man who eats food before evening, and until I have avenged myself on my enemies." So none of the people tasted food.

nasb@1Samuel:12:26 @When the people entered the forest, behold, there was a flow of honey; but no man put his hand to his mouth, for the people feared the oath.

nasb@1Samuel:12:28 @Then one of the people said, "Your father strictly put the people under oath, saying, 'Cursed be the man who eats food today.'" And the people were weary.

nasb@1Samuel:12:36 @Then Saul said, "Let us go down after the Philistines by night and take spoil among them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them." And they said, "Do whatever seems good to you." So the priest said, "Let us draw near to God here."

nasb@1Samuel:12:52 @Now the war against the Philistines was severe all the days of Saul; and when Saul saw any mighty man or any valiant man, he attached him to his staff.

nasb@1Samuel:12:3 @'Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.'"

nasb@1Samuel:12:11" @ I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following Me and has not carried out My commands." And Samuel was distressed and cried out to the LORD all night.

nasb@1Samuel:12:13 @Samuel came to Saul, and Saul said to him, " Blessed are you of the LORD! I have carried out the command of the LORD."

nasb@1Samuel:12:24 @Then Saul said to Samuel, " I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.

nasb@1Samuel:12:29" @Also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind."

nasb@1Samuel:13:7 @But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

nasb@1Samuel:13:16" @Let our lord now command your servants who are before you. Let them seek a man who is a skillful player on the harp; and it shall come about when the evil spirit from God is on you, that he shall play the harp with his hand, and you will be well."

nasb@1Samuel:13:17 @So Saul said to his servants, "Provide for me now a man who can play well and bring him to me."

nasb@1Samuel:13:18 @Then one of the young men said, "Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech, and a handsome man; and the LORD is with him."

nasb@1Samuel:14:8 @He stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel and said to them, "Why do you come out to draw up in battle array? Am I not the Philistine and you servants of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me.

nasb@1Samuel:14:10 @Again the Philistine said, " I defy the ranks of Israel this day; give me a man that we may fight together."

nasb@1Samuel:14:18" @ Bring also these ten cuts of cheese to the commander of their thousand, and look into the welfare of your brothers, and bring back news of them.

nasb@1Samuel:14:20 @So David arose early in the morning and left the flock with a keeper and took the supplies and went as Jesse had commanded him. And he came to the circle of the camp while the army was going out in battle array shouting the war cry.

nasb@1Samuel:14:24 @When all the men of Israel saw the man, they fled from him and were greatly afraid.

nasb@1Samuel:14:25 @The men of Israel said, "Have you seen this man who is coming up? Surely he is coming up to defy Israel. And it will be that the king will enrich the man who kills him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel."

nasb@1Samuel:14:26 @Then David spoke to the men who were standing by him, saying, "What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should taunt the armies of the living God?"

nasb@1Samuel:14:27 @The people answered him in accord with this word, saying, " Thus it will be done for the man who kills him."

nasb@1Samuel:14:32 @David said to Saul, " Let no man's heart fail on account of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine."

nasb@1Samuel:14:55 @Now when Saul saw David going out against the Philistine, he said to Abner the commander of the army, "Abner, whose son is this young man?" And Abner said, "By your life, O king, I do not know."

nasb@1Samuel:14:58 @Saul said to him, "Whose son are you, young manNULL" And David answered, " I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite."

nasb@1Samuel:15:13 @Therefore Saul removed him from his presence and appointed him as his commander of a thousand; and he went out and came in before the people.

nasb@1Samuel:15:17 @Then Saul said to David, " Here is my older daughter Merab; I will give her to you as a wife, only be a valiant man for me and fight the LORD'S battles." For Saul thought, "My hand shall not be against him, but let the hand of the Philistines be against him."

nasb@1Samuel:15:22 @Then Saul commanded his servants, "Speak to David secretly, saying, 'Behold, the king delights in you, and all his servants love you; now therefore, become the king's son-in-law.'"

nasb@1Samuel:15:23 @So Saul's servants spoke these words to David. But David said, "Is it trivial in your sight to become the king's son-in-law, since I am a poor man and lightly esteemed?"

nasb@1Samuel:15:30 @Then the commanders of the Philistines went out to battle, and it happened as often as they went out, that David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul. So his name was highly esteemed.

nasb@1Samuel:17:29 @for he said, 'Please let me go, since our family has a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has commanded me to attend. And now, if I have found favor in your sight, please let me get away that I may see my brothers.' For this reason he has not come to the king's table."

nasb@1Samuel:17:30 @Then Saul's anger burned against Jonathan and he said to him, "You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you are choosing the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your mother's nakedness?

nasb@1Samuel:18:14 @Then Achish said to his servants, "Behold, you see the man behaving as a madman. Why do you bring him to me?

nasb@1Samuel:18:15" @Do I lack madmen, that you have brought this one to act the madman in my presenceNULL Shall this one come into my houseNULL"

nasb@1Samuel:19:7 @Saul said to his servants who stood around him, "Hear now, O Benjamites! Will the son of Jesse also give to all of you fields and vineyards? Will he make you all commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds?

nasb@1Samuel:21:19" @For if a man finds his enemy, will he let him go away safely? May the LORD therefore reward you with good in return for what you have done to me this day.

nasb@1Samuel:22:2 @Now there was a man in Maon whose business was in Carmel; and the man was very rich, and he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats. And it came about while he was shearing his sheep in Carmel

nasb@1Samuel:22:3 @(now the man's name was Nabal, and his wife's name was Abigail. And the woman was intelligent and beautiful in appearance, but the man was harsh and evil in his dealings, and he was a Calebite),

nasb@1Samuel:22:10 @But Nabal answered David's servants and said, " Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? There are many servants today who are each breaking away from his master.

nasb@1Samuel:22:13 @David said to his men, "Each of you gird on his sword." So each man girded on his sword. And David also girded on his sword, and about four hundred men went up behind David while two hundred stayed with the baggage.

nasb@1Samuel:22:17" @Now therefore, know and consider what you should do, for evil is plotted against our master and against all his household; and he is such a worthless man that no one can speak to him."

nasb@1Samuel:22:21 @Now David had said, "Surely in vain I have guarded all that this man has in the wilderness, so that nothing was missed of all that belonged to him; and he has returned me evil for good.

nasb@1Samuel:22:25" @Please do not let my lord pay attention to this worthless man, Nabal, for as his name is, so is he. Nabal is his name and folly is with him; but I your maidservant did not see the young men of my lord whom you sent.

nasb@1Samuel:23:5 @David then arose and came to the place where Saul had camped. And David saw the place where Saul lay, and Abner the son of Ner, the commander of his army; and Saul was lying in the circle of the camp, and the people were camped around him.

nasb@1Samuel:23:15 @So David said to Abner, "Are you not a man? And who is like you in Israel? Why then have you not guarded your lord the king? For one of the people came to destroy the king your lord.

nasb@1Samuel:23:23" @ The LORD will repay each man for his righteousness and his faithfulness; for the LORD delivered you into my hand today, but I refused to stretch out my hand against the LORD'S anointed.

nasb@1Samuel:24:9 @David attacked the land and did not leave a man or a woman alive, and he took away the sheep, the cattle, the donkeys, the camels, and the clothing. Then he returned and came to Achish.

nasb@1Samuel:24:11 @David did not leave a man or a woman alive to bring to Gath, saying, "Otherwise they will tell about us, saying, 'So has David done and so has been his practice all the time he has lived in the country of the Philistines.'"

nasb@1Samuel:25:7 @Then Saul said to his servants, "Seek for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her." And his servants said to him, "Behold, there is a woman who is a medium at En-dor."

nasb@1Samuel:25:8 @Then Saul disguised himself by putting on other clothes, and went, he and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night; and he said, " Conjure up for me, please, and bring up for me whom I shall name to you."

nasb@1Samuel:25:9 @But the woman said to him, "Behold, you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off those who are mediums and spiritists from the land. Why are you then laying a snare for my life to bring about my death?"

nasb@1Samuel:25:11 @Then the woman said, "Whom shall I bring up for you?" And he said, "Bring up Samuel for me."

nasb@1Samuel:25:12 @When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice; and the woman spoke to Saul, saying, "Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul."

nasb@1Samuel:25:13 @The king said to her, "Do not be afraid; but what do you see?" And the woman said to Saul, "I see a divine being coming up out of the earth."

nasb@1Samuel:25:14 @He said to her, "What is his form?" And she said, "An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped with a robe." And Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground and did homage.

nasb@1Samuel:25:21 @The woman came to Saul and saw that he was terrified, and said to him, "Behold, your maidservant has obeyed you, and I have taken my life in my hand and have listened to your words which you spoke to me.

nasb@1Samuel:25:23 @But he refused and said, " I will not eat." However, his servants together with the woman urged him, and he listened to them. So he arose from the ground and sat on the bed.

nasb@1Samuel:25:24 @The woman had a fattened calf in the house, and she quickly slaughtered it; and she took flour, kneaded it and baked unleavened bread from it.

nasb@1Samuel:26:3 @Then the commanders of the Philistines said, "What are these Hebrews doing here?" And Achish said to the commanders of the Philistines, "Is this not David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, who has been with me these days, or rather these years, and I have found no fault in him from the day he deserted to me to this day?"

nasb@1Samuel:26:4 @But the commanders of the Philistines were angry with him, and the commanders of the Philistines said to him, "Make the man go back, that he may return to his place where you have assigned him, and do not let him go down to battle with us, or in the battle he may become an adversary to us. For with what could this man make himself acceptable to his lord? Would it not be with the heads of these men?

nasb@1Samuel:26:9 @But Achish replied to David, "I know that you are pleasing in my sight, like an angel of God; nevertheless the commanders of the Philistines have said, 'He must not go up with us to the battle.'

nasb@1Samuel:27:13 @David said to him, "To whom do you belong? And where are you from?" And he said, "I am a young man of Egypt, a servant of an Amalekite; and my master left me behind when I fell sick three days ago.

nasb@1Samuel:27:17 @David slaughtered them from the twilight until the evening of the next day; and not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled.

nasb@1Samuel:27:22 @Then all the wicked and worthless men among those who went with David said, "Because they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we have recovered, except to every man his wife and his children, that they may lead them away and depart."

nasb@2Samuel:1:2 @On the third day, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul, with his clothes torn and dust on his head. And it came about when he came to David that he fell to the ground and prostrated himself.

nasb@2Samuel:1:4 @David said to him, " How did things go? Please tell me." And he said, "The people have fled from the battle, and also many of the people have fallen and are dead; and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also."

nasb@2Samuel:1:5 @So David said to the young man who told him, "How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan are dead?"

nasb@2Samuel:1:6 @The young man who told him said, "By chance I happened to be on Mount Gilboa, and behold, Saul was leaning on his spear. And behold, the chariots and the horsemen pursued him closely.

nasb@2Samuel:1:13 @David said to the young man who told him, "Where are you from?" And he answered, " I am the son of an alien, an Amalekite."

nasb@2Samuel:2:8 @But Abner the son of Ner, commander of Saul's army, had taken Ish-bosheth the son of Saul and brought him over to Mahanaim.

nasb@2Samuel:2:31 @But the servants of David had struck down many of Benjamin and Abner's men, so that three hundred and sixty men died.

nasb@2Samuel:3:8 @Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, " Am I a dog's head that belongs to Judah? Today I show kindness to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers and to his friends, and have not delivered you into the hands of David; and yet today you charge me with a guilt concerning the woman.

nasb@2Samuel:3:13 @He said, "Good! I will make a covenant with you, but I demand one thing of you, namely, you shall not see my face unless you first bring Michal, Saul's daughter, when you come to see me."

nasb@2Samuel:3:38 @Then the king said to his servants, "Do you not know that a prince and a great man has fallen this day in Israel?

nasb@2Samuel:4:2 @Saul's son had two men who were commanders of bands- the name of the one was Baanah and the name of the other Rechab, sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, of the sons of Benjamin (for Beeroth is also considered part of Benjamin,

nasb@2Samuel:4:11" @How much more, when wicked men have killed a righteous man in his own house on his bed, shall I not now require his blood from your hand and destroy you from the earth?"

nasb@2Samuel:4:12 @Then David commanded the young men, and they killed them and cut off their hands and feet and hung them up beside the pool in Hebron. But they took the head of Ish-bosheth and buried it in the grave of Abner in Hebron.

nasb@2Samuel:4:25 @Then David did so, just as the LORD had commanded him, and struck down the Philistines from Geba as far as Gezer.

nasb@2Samuel:6:7" @ Wherever I have gone with all the sons of Israel, did I speak a word with one of the tribes of Israel, which I commanded to shepherd My people Israel, saying, 'Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?'"'

nasb@2Samuel:6:11 @even from the day that I commanded judges to be over My people Israel; and I will give you rest from all your enemies. The LORD also declares to you that the LORD will make a house for you.

nasb@2Samuel:6:19" @And yet this was insignificant in Your eyes, O Lord GOD, for You have spoken also of the house of Your servant concerning the distant future. And this is the custom of man, O Lord GOD.

nasb@2Samuel:8:11 @Then Ziba said to the king, "According to all that my lord the king commands his servant so your servant will do." So Mephibosheth ate at David's table as one of the king's sons.

nasb@2Samuel:9:16 @And Hadadezer sent and brought out the Arameans who were beyond the River, and they came to Helam; and Shobach the commander of the army of Hadadezer led them.

nasb@2Samuel:9:18 @But the Arameans fled before Israel, and David killed 700 charioteers of the Arameans and 40,000 horsemen and struck down Shobach the commander of their army, and he died there.

nasb@2Samuel:10:2 @Now when evening came David arose from his bed and walked around on the roof of the king's house, and from the roof he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful in appearance.

nasb@2Samuel:10:3 @So David sent and inquired about the woman. And one said, "Is this not Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?"

nasb@2Samuel:10:5 @The woman conceived; and she sent and told David, and said, " I am pregnant."

nasb@2Samuel:10:21 @'Who struck down Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? Did not a woman throw an upper millstone on him from the wall so that he died at Thebez? Why did you go so near the wall?'--then you shall say, 'Your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.'"

nasb@2Samuel:10:2" @The rich man had a great many flocks and herds.

nasb@2Samuel:10:3" @But the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb Which he bought and nourished; And it grew up together with him and his children. It would eat of his bread and drink of his cup and lie in his bosom, And was like a daughter to him.

nasb@2Samuel:10:4" @Now a traveler came to the rich man, And he was unwilling to take from his own flock or his own herd, To prepare for the wayfarer who had come to him; Rather he took the poor man's ewe lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him."

nasb@2Samuel:10:5 @Then David's anger burned greatly against the man, and he said to Nathan, "As the LORD lives, surely the man who has done this deserves to die.

nasb@2Samuel:10:7 @Nathan then said to David, " You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel, ' It is I who anointed you king over Israel and it is I who delivered you from the hand of Saul.

nasb@2Samuel:10:8 @'I also gave you your master's house and your master's wives into your care, and I gave you the house of Israel and Judah; and if that had been too little, I would have added to you many more things like these!

nasb@2Samuel:11:3 @But Amnon had a friend whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, David's brother; and Jonadab was a very shrewd man.

nasb@2Samuel:11:17 @Then he called his young man who attended him and said, "Now throw this woman out of my presence, and lock the door behind her."

nasb@2Samuel:11:18 @Now she had on a long-sleeved garment; for in this manner the virgin daughters of the king dressed themselves in robes. Then his attendant took her out and locked the door behind her.

nasb@2Samuel:11:28 @Absalom commanded his servants, saying, "See now, when Amnon's heart is merry with wine, and when I say to you, 'Strike Amnon,' then put him to death. Do not fear; have not I myself commanded you? Be courageous and be valiant."

nasb@2Samuel:11:29 @The servants of Absalom did to Amnon just as Absalom had commanded. Then all the king's sons arose and each mounted his mule and fled.

nasb@2Samuel:11:34 @Now Absalom had fled. And the young man who was the watchman raised his eyes and looked, and behold, many people were coming from the road behind him by the side of the mountain.

nasb@2Samuel:12:2 @So Joab sent to Tekoa and brought a wise woman from there and said to her, "Please pretend to be a mourner, and put on mourning garments now, and do not anoint yourself with oil, but be like a woman who has been mourning for the dead many days;

nasb@2Samuel:12:3 @then go to the king and speak to him in this manner." So Joab put the words in her mouth.

nasb@2Samuel:12:4 @Now when the woman of Tekoa spoke to the king, she fell on her face to the ground and prostrated herself and said, " Help, O king."

nasb@2Samuel:12:8 @Then the king said to the woman, "Go to your house, and I will give orders concerning you."

nasb@2Samuel:12:9 @The woman of Tekoa said to the king, "O my lord, the king, the iniquity is on me and my father's house, but the king and his throne are guiltless."

nasb@2Samuel:12:12 @Then the woman said, "Please let your maidservant speak a word to my lord the king." And he said, "Speak."

nasb@2Samuel:12:13 @The woman said, " Why then have you planned such a thing against the people of God? For in speaking this word the king is as one who is guilty, in that the king does not bring back his banished one.

nasb@2Samuel:12:16 @'For the king will hear and deliver his maidservant from the hand of the man who would destroy both me and my son from the inheritance of God.'

nasb@2Samuel:12:18 @Then the king answered and said to the woman, "Please do not hide anything from me that I am about to ask you." And the woman said, "Let my lord the king please speak."

nasb@2Samuel:12:19 @So the king said, "Is the hand of Joab with you in all this?" And the woman replied, "As your soul lives, my lord the king, no one can turn to the right or to the left from anything that my lord the king has spoken. Indeed, it was your servant Joab who commanded me, and it was he who put all these words in the mouth of your maidservant;

nasb@2Samuel:12:21 @Then the king said to Joab, "Behold now, I will surely do this thing; go therefore, bring back the young man Absalom."

nasb@2Samuel:12:27 @To Absalom there were born three sons, and one daughter whose name was Tamar; she was a woman of beautiful appearance.

nasb@2Samuel:13:2 @Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way to the gate; and when any man had a suit to come to the king for judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, "From what city are you?" And he would say, "Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel."

nasb@2Samuel:13:3 @Then Absalom would say to him, "See, your claims are good and right, but no man listens to you on the part of the king."

nasb@2Samuel:13:4 @Moreover, Absalom would say, " Oh that one would appoint me judge in the land, then every man who has any suit or cause could come to me and I would give him justice."

nasb@2Samuel:13:5 @And when a man came near to prostrate himself before him, he would put out his hand and take hold of him and kiss him.

nasb@2Samuel:13:6 @In this manner Absalom dealt with all Israel who came to the king for judgment; so Absalom stole away the hearts of the men of Israel.

nasb@2Samuel:14:5 @When King David came to Bahurim, behold, there came out from there a man of the family of the house of Saul whose name was Shimei, the son of Gera; he came out cursing continually as he came.

nasb@2Samuel:14:7 @Thus Shimei said when he cursed, "Get out, get out, you man of bloodshed, and worthless fellow!

nasb@2Samuel:14:8" @ The LORD has returned upon you all the bloodshed of the house of Saul, in whose place you have reigned; and the LORD has given the kingdom into the hand of your son Absalom. And behold, you are taken in your own evil, for you are a man of bloodshed!"

nasb@2Samuel:14:3 @and I will bring back all the people to you. The return of everyone depends on the man you seek; then all the people will be at peace."

nasb@2Samuel:14:10" @And even the one who is valiant, whose heart is like the heart of a lion, will completely lose heart; for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man and those who are with him are valiant men.

nasb@2Samuel:14:18 @But a lad did see them and told Absalom; so the two of them departed quickly and came to the house of a man in Bahurim, who had a well in his courtyard, and they went down into it.

nasb@2Samuel:14:19 @And the woman took a covering and spread it over the well's mouth and scattered grain on it, so that nothing was known.

nasb@2Samuel:14:20 @Then Absalom's servants came to the woman at the house and said, "Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?" And the woman said to them, "They have crossed the brook of water." And when they searched and could not find them, they returned to Jerusalem.

nasb@2Samuel:14:25 @Absalom set Amasa over the army in place of Joab. Now Amasa was the son of a man whose name was Ithra the Israelite, who went in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash, sister of Zeruiah, Joab's mother.

nasb@2Samuel:15:1 @Then David numbered the people who were with him and set over them commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds.

nasb@2Samuel:15:2 @David sent the people out, one third under the command of Joab, one third under the command of Abishai the son of Zeruiah, Joab's brother, and one third under the command of Ittai the Gittite. And the king said to the people, "I myself will surely go out with you also."

nasb@2Samuel:15:5 @The king charged Joab and Abishai and Ittai, saying, "Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom." And all the people heard when the king charged all the commanders concerning Absalom.

nasb@2Samuel:15:10 @When a certain man saw it, he told Joab and said, "Behold, I saw Absalom hanging in an oak."

nasb@2Samuel:15:11 @Then Joab said to the man who had told him, "Now behold, you saw him! Why then did you not strike him there to the ground? And I would have given you ten pieces of silver and a belt."

nasb@2Samuel:15:12 @The man said to Joab, "Even if I should receive a thousand pieces of silver in my hand, I would not put out my hand against the king's son; for in our hearing the king charged you and Abishai and Ittai, saying, 'Protect for me the young man Absalom!'

nasb@2Samuel:15:20 @But Joab said to him, "You are not the man to carry news this day, but you shall carry news another day; however, you shall carry no news today because the king's son is dead."

nasb@2Samuel:15:24 @Now David was sitting between the two gates; and the watchman went up to the roof of the gate by the wall, and raised his eyes and looked, and behold, a man running by himself.

nasb@2Samuel:15:25 @The watchman called and told the king. And the king said, "If he is by himself there is good news in his mouth." And he came nearer and nearer.

nasb@2Samuel:15:26 @Then the watchman saw another man running; and the watchman called to the gatekeeper and said, "Behold, another man running by himself." And the king said, "This one also is bringing good news."

nasb@2Samuel:15:27 @The watchman said, "I think the running of the first one is like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok." And the king said, " This is a good man and comes with good news."

nasb@2Samuel:15:29 @The king said, " Is it well with the young man Absalom?" And Ahimaaz answered, "When Joab sent the king's servant, and your servant, I saw a great tumult, but I did not know what it was."

nasb@2Samuel:15:32 @Then the king said to the Cushite, " Is it well with the young man Absalom?" And the Cushite answered, " Let the enemies of my lord the king, and all who rise up against you for evil, be as that young man!"

nasb@2Samuel:16:7" @Now therefore arise, go out and speak kindly to your servants, for I swear by the LORD, if you do not go out, surely not a man will pass the night with you, and this will be worse for you than all the evil that has come upon you from your youth until now."

nasb@2Samuel:16:13" @Say to Amasa, 'Are you not my bone and my flesh? May God do so to me, and more also, if you will not be commander of the army before me continually in place of Joab.'"

nasb@2Samuel:16:14 @Thus he turned the hearts of all the men of Judah as one man, so that they sent word to the king, saying, "Return, you and all your servants."

nasb@2Samuel:16:22 @David then said, " What have I to do with you, O sons of Zeruiah, that you should this day be an adversary to me? Should any man be put to death in Israel today? For do I not know that I am king over Israel today?"

nasb@2Samuel:16:32 @Now Barzillai was very old, being eighty years old; and he had sustained the king while he stayed at Mahanaim, for he was a very great man.

nasb@2Samuel:17:1 @Now a worthless fellow happened to be there whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite; and he blew the trumpet and said, " We have no portion in David, Nor do we have inheritance in the son of Jesse; Every man to his tents, O Israel!"

nasb@2Samuel:17:12 @But Amasa lay wallowing in his blood in the middle of the highway. And when the man saw that all the people stood still, he removed Amasa from the highway into the field and threw a garment over him when he saw that everyone who came by him stood still.

nasb@2Samuel:17:16 @Then a wise woman called from the city, "Hear, hear! Please tell Joab, 'Come here that I may speak with you.'"

nasb@2Samuel:17:17 @So he approached her, and the woman said, "Are you Joab?" And he answered, "I am." Then she said to him, "Listen to the words of your maidservant." And he answered, "I am listening."

nasb@2Samuel:17:21" @Such is not the case. But a man from the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, has lifted up his hand against King David. Only hand him over, and I will depart from the city." And the woman said to Joab, "Behold, his head will be thrown to you over the wall."

nasb@2Samuel:17:22 @Then the woman wisely came to all the people. And they cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri and threw it to Joab. So he blew the trumpet, and they were dispersed from the city, each to his tent. Joab also returned to the king at Jerusalem.

nasb@2Samuel:18:4 @Then the Gibeonites said to him, " We have no concern of silver or gold with Saul or his house, nor is it for us to put any man to death in Israel." And he said, "I will do for you whatever you say."

nasb@2Samuel:18:5 @So they said to the king, " The man who consumed us and who planned to exterminate us from remaining within any border of Israel,

nasb@2Samuel:18:14 @They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Benjamin in Zela, in the grave of Kish his father; thus they did all that the king commanded, and after that God was moved by prayer for the land.

nasb@2Samuel:18:20 @There was war at Gath again, where there was a man of great stature who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also had been born to the giant.

nasb@2Samuel:19:17" @ He sent from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.

nasb@2Samuel:19:49 @Who also brings me out from my enemies; You even lift me above those who rise up against me; You rescue me from the violent man.

nasb@2Samuel:19:23 @Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse declares, The man who was raised on high declares, The anointed of the God of Jacob, And the sweet psalmist of Israel,

nasb@2Samuel:19:7 @But the man who touches them Must be armed with iron and the shaft of a spear, And they will be completely burned with fire in their place."

nasb@2Samuel:19:19 @He was most honored of the thirty, therefore he became their commander; however, he did not attain to the three.

nasb@2Samuel:19:20 @Then Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man of Kabzeel, who had done mighty deeds, killed the two sons of Ariel of Moab. He also went down and killed a lion in the middle of a pit on a snowy day.

nasb@2Samuel:19:21 @He killed an Egyptian, an impressive man. Now the Egyptian had a spear in his hand, but he went down to him with a club and snatched the spear from the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear.

nasb@2Samuel:20:2 @The king said to Joab the commander of the army who was with him, "Go about now through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, and register the people, that I may know the number of the people."

nasb@2Samuel:20:3 @But Joab said to the king, " Now may the LORD your God add to the people a hundred times as many as they are, while the eyes of my lord the king still see; but why does my lord the king delight in this thing?"

nasb@2Samuel:20:4 @Nevertheless, the king's word prevailed against Joab and against the commanders of the army. So Joab and the commanders of the army went out from the presence of the king to register the people of Israel.

nasb@2Samuel:20:14 @Then David said to Gad, "I am in great distress. Let us now fall into the hand of the LORD for His mercies are great, but do not let me fall into the hand of man."

nasb@2Samuel:20:19 @David went up according to the word of Gad, just as the LORD had commanded.

nasb@1Kings:1:6 @His father had never crossed him at any time by asking, "Why have you done so?" And he was also a very handsome man, and he was born after Absalom.

nasb@1Kings:1:19" @ He has sacrificed oxen and fatlings and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the sons of the king and Abiathar the priest and Joab the commander of the army, but he has not invited Solomon your servant.

nasb@1Kings:1:25" @ For he has gone down today and has sacrificed oxen and fatlings and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the king's sons and the commanders of the army and Abiathar the priest, and behold, they are eating and drinking before him; and they say, ' Long live King Adonijah!'

nasb@1Kings:1:42 @While he was still speaking, behold, Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came. Then Adonijah said, "Come in, for you are a valiant man and bring good news."

nasb@1Kings:1:52 @Solomon said, "If he is a worthy man, not one of his hairs will fall to the ground; but if wickedness is found in him, he will die."

nasb@1Kings:2:2" @ I am going the way of all the earth. Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man.

nasb@1Kings:2:3" @Keep the charge of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His ordinances, and His testimonies, according to what is written in the Law of Moses, that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn,

nasb@1Kings:2:4 @so that the LORD may carry out His promise which He spoke concerning me, saying, ' If your sons are careful of their way, to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.'

nasb@1Kings:2:5" @Now you also know what Joab the son of Zeruiah did to me, what he did to the two commanders of the armies of Israel, to Abner the son of Ner, and to Amasa the son of Jether, whom he killed; he also shed the blood of war in peace. And he put the blood of war on his belt about his waist, and on his sandals on his feet.

nasb@1Kings:2:9" @Now therefore, do not let him go unpunished, for you are a wise man; and you will know what you ought to do to him, and you will bring his gray hair down to Sheol with blood."

nasb@1Kings:2:32" @ The LORD will return his blood on his own head, because he fell upon two men more righteous and better than he and killed them with the sword, while my father David did not know it- Abner the son of Ner, commander of the army of Israel, and Amasa the son of Jether, commander of the army of Judah.

nasb@1Kings:2:38 @Shimei then said to the king, "The word is good. As my lord the king has said, so your servant will do." So Shimei lived in Jerusalem many days.

nasb@1Kings:2:43" @Why then have you not kept the oath of the LORD, and the command which I have laid on you?"

nasb@1Kings:2:46 @So the king commanded Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and he went out and fell upon him so that he died. Thus the kingdom was established in the hands of Solomon.

nasb@1Kings:3:8" @ Your servant is in the midst of Your people which You have chosen, a great people who are too many to be numbered or counted.

nasb@1Kings:3:14" @ If you walk in My ways, keeping My statutes and commandments, as your father David walked, then I will prolong your days."

nasb@1Kings:3:17 @The one woman said, "Oh, my lord, this woman and I live in the same house; and I gave birth to a child while she was in the house.

nasb@1Kings:3:18" @It happened on the third day after I gave birth, that this woman also gave birth to a child, and we were together. There was no stranger with us in the house, only the two of us in the house.

nasb@1Kings:3:19" @This woman's son died in the night, because she lay on it.

nasb@1Kings:3:22 @Then the other woman said, "No! For the living one is my son, and the dead one is your son." But the first woman said, "No! For the dead one is your son, and the living one is my son." Thus they spoke before the king.

nasb@1Kings:3:26 @Then the woman whose child was the living one spoke to the king, for she was deeply stirred over her son and said, "Oh, my lord, give her the living child, and by no means kill him." But the other said, "He shall be neither mine nor yours; divide him!"

nasb@1Kings:3:27 @Then the king said, "Give the first woman the living child, and by no means kill him. She is his mother."

nasb@1Kings:4:7 @Solomon had twelve deputies over all Israel, who provided for the king and his household; each man had to provide for a month in the year.

nasb@1Kings:4:13 @Ben-geber, in Ramoth-gilead ( the towns of Jair, the son of Manasseh, which are in Gilead were his- the region of Argob, which is in Bashan, sixty great cities with walls and bronze bars were his);

nasb@1Kings:4:25 @So Judah and Israel lived in safety, every man under his vine and his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.

nasb@1Kings:4:31 @For he was wiser than all men, than Ethan the Ezrahite, Heman, Calcol and Darda, the sons of Mahol; and his fame was known in all the surrounding nations.

nasb@1Kings:5:6" @Now therefore, command that they cut for me cedars from Lebanon, and my servants will be with your servants; and I will give you wages for your servants according to all that you say, for you know that there is no one among us who knows how to cut timber like the Sidonians."

nasb@1Kings:5:17 @Then the king commanded, and they quarried great stones, costly stones, to lay the foundation of the house with cut stones.

nasb@1Kings:6:12" @Concerning this house which you are building, if you will walk in My statutes and execute My ordinances and keep all My commandments by walking in them, then I will carry out My word with you which I spoke to David your father.

nasb@1Kings:7:8 @His house where he was to live, the other court inward from the hall, was of the same workmanship. He also made a house like this hall for Pharaoh's daughter, whom Solomon had married.

nasb@1Kings:7:14 @He was a widow's son from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in bronze; and he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill for doing any work in bronze. So he came to King Solomon and performed all his work.

nasb@1Kings:7:33 @The workmanship of the wheels was like the workmanship of a chariot wheel. Their axles, their rims, their spokes, and their hubs were all cast.

nasb@1Kings:7:47 @Solomon left all the utensils unweighed, because they were too many; the weight of the bronze could not be ascertained.

nasb@1Kings:8:5 @And King Solomon and all the congregation of Israel, who were assembled to him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing so many sheep and oxen they could not be counted or numbered.

nasb@1Kings:8:25" @Now therefore, O LORD, the God of Israel, keep with Your servant David my father that which You have promised him, saying, ' You shall not lack a man to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your sons take heed to their way to walk before Me as you have walked.'

nasb@1Kings:8:31" @ If a man sins against his neighbor and is made to take an oath, and he comes and takes an oath before Your altar in this house,

nasb@1Kings:8:38 @whatever prayer or supplication is made by any man or by all Your people Israel, each knowing the affliction of his own heart, and spreading his hands toward this house;

nasb@1Kings:8:46" @When they sin against You (for there is no man who does not sin) and You are angry with them and deliver them to an enemy, so that they take them away captive to the land of the enemy, far off or near;

nasb@1Kings:8:58 @that He may incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances, which He commanded our fathers.

nasb@1Kings:8:61" @ Let your heart therefore be wholly devoted to the LORD our God, to walk in His statutes and to keep His commandments, as at this day."

nasb@1Kings:9:4" @As for you, if you will walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and uprightness, doing according to all that I have commanded you and will keep My statutes and My ordinances,

nasb@1Kings:9:5 @then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, just as I promised to your father David, saying, 'You shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.'

nasb@1Kings:9:6" @ But if you or your sons indeed turn away from following Me, and do not keep My commandments and My statutes which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them,

nasb@1Kings:9:22 @But Solomon did not make slaves of the sons of Israel; for they were men of war, his servants, his princes, his captains, his chariot commanders, and his horsemen.

nasb@1Kings:10:25 @They brought every man his gift, articles of silver and gold, garments, weapons, spices, horses, and mules, so much year by year.

nasb@1Kings:11:1 @Now King Solomon loved many foreign women along with the daughter of Pharaoh- Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women,

nasb@1Kings:11:10 @and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods; but he did not observe what the LORD had commanded.

nasb@1Kings:11:11 @So the LORD said to Solomon, "Because you have done this, and you have not kept My covenant and My statutes, which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you, and will give it to your servant.

nasb@1Kings:11:15 @For it came about, when David was in Edom, and Joab the commander of the army had gone up to bury the slain, and had struck down every male in Edom

nasb@1Kings:11:21 @But when Hadad heard in Egypt that David slept with his fathers and that Joab the commander of the army was dead, Hadad said to Pharaoh, "Send me away, that I may go to my own country."

nasb@1Kings:11:28 @Now the man Jeroboam was a valiant warrior, and when Solomon saw that the young man was industrious, he appointed him over all the forced labor of the house of Joseph.

nasb@1Kings:11:34 @'Nevertheless I will not take the whole kingdom out of his hand, but I will make him ruler all the days of his life, for the sake of My servant David whom I chose, who observed My commandments and My statutes;

nasb@1Kings:11:38 @'Then it will be, that if you listen to all that I command you and walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight by observing My statutes and My commandments, as My servant David did, then I will be with you and build you an enduring house as I built for David, and I will give Israel to you.

nasb@1Kings:12:22 @But the word of God came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,

nasb@1Kings:12:24 @'Thus says the LORD, "You must not go up and fight against your relatives the sons of Israel; return every man to his house, for this thing has come from Me."'" So they listened to the word of the LORD, and returned and went their way according to the word of the LORD.

nasb@1Kings:13:1 @Now behold, there came a man of God from Judah to Bethel by the word of the LORD, while Jeroboam was standing by the altar to burn incense.

nasb@1Kings:13:2 @He cried against the altar by the word of the LORD, and said, "O altar, altar, thus says the LORD, 'Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name; and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and human bones shall be burned on you.'"

nasb@1Kings:13:4 @Now when the king heard the saying of the man of God, which he cried against the altar in Bethel, Jeroboam stretched out his hand from the altar, saying, "Seize him." But his hand which he stretched out against him dried up, so that he could not draw it back to himself.

nasb@1Kings:13:5 @The altar also was split apart and the ashes were poured out from the altar, according to the sign which the man of God had given by the word of the LORD.

nasb@1Kings:13:6 @The king said to the man of God, "Please entreat the LORD your God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me." So the man of God entreated the LORD, and the king's hand was restored to him, and it became as it was before.

nasb@1Kings:13:7 @Then the king said to the man of God, "Come home with me and refresh yourself, and I will give you a reward."

nasb@1Kings:13:8 @But the man of God said to the king, " If you were to give me half your house I would not go with you, nor would I eat bread or drink water in this place.

nasb@1Kings:13:9" @For so it was commanded me by the word of the LORD, saying, 'You shall eat no bread, nor drink water, nor return by the way which you came.'"

nasb@1Kings:13:11 @Now an old prophet was living in Bethel; and his sons came and told him all the deeds which the man of God had done that day in Bethel; the words which he had spoken to the king, these also they related to their father.

nasb@1Kings:13:12 @Their father said to them, "Which way did he go?" Now his sons had seen the way which the man of God who came from Judah had gone.

nasb@1Kings:13:14 @So he went after the man of God and found him sitting under an oak; and he said to him, "Are you the man of God who came from Judah?" And he said, "I am."

nasb@1Kings:13:17" @For a command came to me by the word of the LORD, 'You shall eat no bread, nor drink water there; do not return by going the way which you came.'"

nasb@1Kings:13:21 @and he cried to the man of God who came from Judah, saying, "Thus says the LORD, 'Because you have disobeyed the command of the LORD, and have not observed the commandment which the LORD your God commanded you,

nasb@1Kings:13:26 @Now when the prophet who brought him back from the way heard it, he said, "It is the man of God, who disobeyed the command of the LORD; therefore the LORD has given him to the lion, which has torn him and killed him, according to the word of the LORD which He spoke to him."

nasb@1Kings:13:29 @So the prophet took up the body of the man of God and laid it on the donkey and brought it back, and he came to the city of the old prophet to mourn and to bury him.

nasb@1Kings:13:31 @After he had buried him, he spoke to his sons, saying, "When I die, bury me in the grave in which the man of God is buried; lay my bones beside his bones.

nasb@1Kings:14:5 @Now the LORD had said to Ahijah, "Behold, the wife of Jeroboam is coming to inquire of you concerning her son, for he is sick. You shall say thus and thus to her, for it will be when she arrives that she will pretend to be another woman."

nasb@1Kings:14:6 @When Ahijah heard the sound of her feet coming in the doorway, he said, "Come in, wife of Jeroboam, why do you pretend to be another woman? For I am sent to you with a harsh message.

nasb@1Kings:14:8 @and tore the kingdom away from the house of David and gave it to you-- yet you have not been like My servant David, who kept My commandments and who followed Me with all his heart, to do only that which was right in My sight;

nasb@1Kings:14:27 @So King Rehoboam made shields of bronze in their place, and committed them to the care of the commanders of the guard who guarded the doorway of the king's house.

nasb@1Kings:15:5 @because David did what was right in the sight of the LORD, and had not turned aside from anything that He commanded him all the days of his life, except in the case of Uriah the Hittite.

nasb@1Kings:15:20 @So Ben-hadad listened to King Asa and sent the commanders of his armies against the cities of Israel, and conquered Ijon, Dan, Abel-beth-maacah and all Chinneroth, besides all the land of Naphtali.

nasb@1Kings:15:9 @His servant Zimri, commander of half his chariots, conspired against him. Now he was at Tirzah drinking himself drunk in the house of Arza, who was over the household at Tirzah.

nasb@1Kings:15:16 @The people who were camped heard it said, "Zimri has conspired and has also struck down the king." Therefore all Israel made Omri, the commander of the army, king over Israel that day in the camp.

nasb@1Kings:16:4" @It shall be that you will drink of the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to provide for you there."

nasb@1Kings:16:9" @Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there; behold, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you."

nasb@1Kings:16:15 @So she went and did according to the word of Elijah, and she and he and her household ate for many days.

nasb@1Kings:16:17 @Now it came about after these things that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, became sick; and his sickness was so severe that there was no breath left in him.

nasb@1Kings:16:18 @So she said to Elijah, " What do I have to do with you, O man of God? You have come to me to bring my iniquity to remembrance and to put my son to death!"

nasb@1Kings:16:24 @Then the woman said to Elijah, " Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is truth."

nasb@1Kings:17:1 @Now it happened after many days that the word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year, saying, "Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the face of the earth."

nasb@1Kings:17:18 @He said, "I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house have, because you have forsaken the commandments of the LORD and you have followed the Baals.

nasb@1Kings:17:25 @So Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, "Choose one ox for yourselves and prepare it first for you are many, and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under it."

nasb@1Kings:17:44 @It came about at the seventh time, that he said, "Behold, a cloud as small as a man's hand is coming up from the sea." And he said, "Go up, say to Ahab, 'Prepare your chariot and go down, so that the heavy shower does not stop you.'"

nasb@1Kings:18:13 @When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?"

nasb@1Kings:18:19 @So he departed from there and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, while he was plowing with twelve pairs of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth. And Elijah passed over to him and threw his mantle on him.

nasb@1Kings:19:7 @Then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land and said, "Please observe and see how this man is looking for trouble; for he sent to me for my wives and my children and my silver and my gold, and I did not refuse him."

nasb@1Kings:19:20 @They killed each his man; and the Arameans fled and Israel pursued them, and Ben-hadad king of Aram escaped on a horse with horsemen.

nasb@1Kings:19:28 @Then a man of God came near and spoke to the king of Israel and said, "Thus says the LORD, 'Because the Arameans have said, " The LORD is a god of the mountains, but He is not a god of the valleys," therefore I will give all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the LORD.'"

nasb@1Kings:19:35 @Now a certain man of the sons of the prophets said to another by the word of the LORD, "Please strike me." But the man refused to strike him.

nasb@1Kings:19:37 @Then he found another man and said, "Please strike me." And the man struck him, wounding him.

nasb@1Kings:19:39 @As the king passed by, he cried to the king and said, "Your servant went out into the midst of the battle; and behold, a man turned aside and brought a man to me and said, 'Guard this man; if for any reason he is missing, then your life shall be for his life, or else you shall pay a talent of silver.'

nasb@1Kings:19:42 @He said to him, "Thus says the LORD, 'Because you have let go out of your hand the man whom I had devoted to destruction, therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.'"

nasb@1Kings:21:8 @The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. He is Micaiah son of Imlah." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so."

nasb@1Kings:21:16 @Then the king said to him, "How many times must I adjure you to speak to me nothing but the truth in the name of the LORD?"

nasb@1Kings:21:27 @and say, 'Thus says the king, " Put this man in prison and feed him sparingly with bread and water until I return safely."'"

nasb@1Kings:21:31 @Now the king of Aram had commanded the thirty-two captains of his chariots, saying, "Do not fight with small or great, but with the king of Israel alone."

nasb@1Kings:21:34 @Now a certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel in a joint of the armor. So he said to the driver of his chariot, "Turn around and take me out of the fight; for I am severely wounded."

nasb@1Kings:21:36 @Then a cry passed throughout the army close to sunset, saying, "Every man to his city and every man to his country."

nasb@2Kings:1:6 @They said to him, "A man came up to meet us and said to us, 'Go, return to the king who sent you and say to him, "Thus says the LORD, 'Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron? Therefore you shall not come down from the bed where you have gone up, but shall surely die.'"'"

nasb@2Kings:1:7 @He said to them, "What kind of man was he who came up to meet you and spoke these words to you?"

nasb@2Kings:1:8 @They answered him, " He was a hairy man with a leather girdle bound about his loins." And he said, "It is Elijah the Tishbite."

nasb@2Kings:1:9 @Then the king sent to him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him, and behold, he was sitting on the top of the hill. And he said to him, "O man of God, the king says, 'Come down.'"

nasb@2Kings:1:10 @Elijah replied to the captain of fifty, "If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty." Then fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty.

nasb@2Kings:1:11 @So he again sent to him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he said to him, "O man of God, thus says the king, 'Come down quickly.'"

nasb@2Kings:1:12 @Elijah replied to them, "If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty." Then the fire of God came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty.

nasb@2Kings:1:13 @So he again sent the captain of a third fifty with his fifty. When the third captain of fifty went up, he came and bowed down on his knees before Elijah, and begged him and said to him, "O man of God, please let my life and the lives of these fifty servants of yours be precious in your sight.

nasb@2Kings:2:8 @Elijah took his mantle and folded it together and struck the waters, and they were divided here and there, so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground.

nasb@2Kings:2:13 @He also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan.

nasb@2Kings:2:14 @He took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and struck the waters and said, "Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?" And when he also had struck the waters, they were divided here and there; and Elisha crossed over.

nasb@2Kings:4:1 @Now a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, "Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD; and the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves."

nasb@2Kings:4:7 @Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest."

nasb@2Kings:4:8 @Now there came a day when Elisha passed over to Shunem, where there was a prominent woman, and she persuaded him to eat food. And so it was, as often as he passed by, he turned in there to eat food.

nasb@2Kings:4:9 @She said to her husband, "Behold now, I perceive that this is a holy man of God passing by us continually.

nasb@2Kings:4:16 @Then he said, " At this season next year you will embrace a son." And she said, "No, my lord, O man of God, do not lie to your maidservant."

nasb@2Kings:4:17 @The woman conceived and bore a son at that season the next year, as Elisha had said to her.

nasb@2Kings:4:21 @She went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door behind him and went out.

nasb@2Kings:4:22 @Then she called to her husband and said, "Please send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the man of God and return."

nasb@2Kings:4:25 @So she went and came to the man of God to Mount Carmel. When the man of God saw her at a distance, he said to Gehazi his servant, "Behold, there is the Shunammite.

nasb@2Kings:4:27 @When she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught hold of his feet. And Gehazi came near to push her away; but the man of God said, "Let her alone, for her soul is troubled within her; and the LORD has hidden it from me and has not told me."

nasb@2Kings:4:29 @Then he said to Gehazi, " Gird up your loins and take my staff in your hand, and go your way; if you meet any man, do not salute him, and if anyone salutes you, do not answer him; and lay my staff on the lad's face."

nasb@2Kings:4:40 @So they poured it out for the men to eat. And as they were eating of the stew, they cried out and said, "O man of God, there is death in the pot." And they were unable to eat.

nasb@2Kings:4:42 @Now a man came from Baal-shalishah, and brought the man of God bread of the first fruits, twenty loaves of barley and fresh ears of grain in his sack. And he said, " Give them to the people that they may eat."

nasb@2Kings:5:1 @Now Naaman, captain of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man with his master, and highly respected, because by him the LORD had given victory to Aram. The man was also a valiant warrior, but he was a leper.

nasb@2Kings:5:2 @Now the Arameans had gone out in bands and had taken captive a little girl from the land of Israel; and she waited on Naaman's wife.

nasb@2Kings:5:4 @Naaman went in and told his master, saying, "Thus and thus spoke the girl who is from the land of Israel."

nasb@2Kings:5:6 @He brought the letter to the king of Israel, saying, "And now as this letter comes to you, behold, I have sent Naaman my servant to you, that you may cure him of his leprosy."

nasb@2Kings:5:7 @When the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes and said, " Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man is sending word to me to cure a man of his leprosy? But consider now, and see how he is seeking a quarrel against me."

nasb@2Kings:5:8 @It happened when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, that he sent word to the king, saying, "Why have you torn your clothes? Now let him come to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel."

nasb@2Kings:5:9 @So Naaman came with his horses and his chariots and stood at the doorway of the house of Elisha.

nasb@2Kings:5:11 @But Naaman was furious and went away and said, "Behold, I thought, 'He will surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the place and cure the leper.'

nasb@2Kings:5:14 @So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child and he was clean.

nasb@2Kings:5:15 @When he returned to the man of God with all his company, and came and stood before him, he said, "Behold now, I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel; so please take a present from your servant now."

nasb@2Kings:5:17 @Naaman said, "If not, please let your servant at least be given two mules' load of earth; for your servant will no longer offer burnt offering nor will he sacrifice to other gods, but to the LORD.

nasb@2Kings:5:20 @But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, thought, "Behold, my master has spared this Naaman the Aramean, by not receiving from his hands what he brought. As the LORD lives, I will run after him and take something from him."

nasb@2Kings:5:21 @So Gehazi pursued Naaman. When Naaman saw one running after him, he came down from the chariot to meet him and said, "Is all well?"

nasb@2Kings:5:23 @Naaman said, " Be pleased to take two talents." And he urged him, and bound two talents of silver in two bags with two changes of clothes and gave them to two of his servants; and they carried them before him.

nasb@2Kings:5:26 @Then he said to him, "Did not my heart go with you, when the man turned from his chariot to meet you? Is it a time to receive money and to receive clothes and olive groves and vineyards and sheep and oxen and male and female servants?

nasb@2Kings:5:27" @Therefore, the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and to your descendants forever." So he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow.

nasb@2Kings:5:6 @Then the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And when he showed him the place, he cut off a stick and threw it in there, and made the iron float.

nasb@2Kings:5:9 @The man of God sent word to the king of Israel saying, "Beware that you do not pass this place, for the Arameans are coming down there."

nasb@2Kings:5:10 @The king of Israel sent to the place about which the man of God had told him; thus he warned him, so that he guarded himself there, more than once or twice.

nasb@2Kings:5:15 @Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?"

nasb@2Kings:5:19 @Then Elisha said to them, "This is not the way, nor is this the city; follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek." And he brought them to Samaria.

nasb@2Kings:5:26 @As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall a woman cried out to him, saying, "Help, my lord, O king!"

nasb@2Kings:5:28 @And the king said to her, " What is the matter with you?" And she answered, "This woman said to me, 'Give your son that we may eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow.'

nasb@2Kings:5:30 @When the king heard the words of the woman, he tore his clothes--now he was passing by on the wall--and the people looked, and behold, he had sackcloth beneath on his body.

nasb@2Kings:5:32 @Now Elisha was sitting in his house, and the elders were sitting with him. And the king sent a man from his presence; but before the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, "Do you see how this son of a murderer has sent to take away my head? Look, when the messenger comes, shut the door and hold the door shut against him. Is not the sound of his master's feet behind him?"

nasb@2Kings:6:2 @The royal officer on whose hand the king was leaning answered the man of God and said, "Behold, if the LORD should make windows in heaven, could this thing be?" Then he said, "Behold, you will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat of it."

nasb@2Kings:6:10 @So they came and called to the gatekeepers of the city, and they told them, saying, "We came to the camp of the Arameans, and behold, there was no one there, nor the voice of man, only the horses tied and the donkeys tied, and the tents just as they were."

nasb@2Kings:6:17 @Now the king appointed the royal officer on whose hand he leaned to have charge of the gate; but the people trampled on him at the gate, and he died just as the man of God had said, who spoke when the king came down to him.

nasb@2Kings:6:18 @It happened just as the man of God had spoken to the king, saying, " Two measures of barley for a shekel and a measure of fine flour for a shekel, will be sold tomorrow about this time at the gate of Samaria."

nasb@2Kings:6:19 @Then the royal officer answered the man of God and said, "Now behold, if the LORD should make windows in heaven, could such a thing be?" And he said, "Behold, you will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat of it."

nasb@2Kings:7:1 @Now Elisha spoke to the woman whose son he had restored to life, saying, "Arise and go with your household, and sojourn wherever you can sojourn; for the LORD has called for a famine, and it will even come on the land for seven years."

nasb@2Kings:7:2 @So the woman arose and did according to the word of the man of God, and she went with her household and sojourned in the land of the Philistines seven years.

nasb@2Kings:7:3 @At the end of seven years, the woman returned from the land of the Philistines; and she went out to appeal to the king for her house and for her field.

nasb@2Kings:7:4 @Now the king was talking with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, saying, "Please relate to me all the great things that Elisha has done."

nasb@2Kings:7:5 @As he was relating to the king how he had restored to life the one who was dead, behold, the woman whose son he had restored to life appealed to the king for her house and for her field. And Gehazi said, "My lord, O king, this is the woman and this is her son, whom Elisha restored to life."

nasb@2Kings:7:6 @When the king asked the woman, she related it to him. So the king appointed for her a certain officer, saying, "Restore all that was hers and all the produce of the field from the day that she left the land even until now."

nasb@2Kings:7:7 @Then Elisha came to Damascus. Now Ben-hadad king of Aram was sick, and it was told him, saying, " The man of God has come here."

nasb@2Kings:7:8 @The king said to Hazael, " Take a gift in your hand and go to meet the man of God, and inquire of the LORD by him, saying, 'Will I recover from this sickness?'"

nasb@2Kings:7:11 @He fixed his gaze steadily on him until he was ashamed, and the man of God wept.

nasb@2Kings:7:4 @So the young man, the servant of the prophet, went to Ramoth-gilead.

nasb@2Kings:7:11 @Now Jehu came out to the servants of his master, and one said to him, " Is all well? Why did this mad fellow come to you?" And he said to them, "You know very well the man and his talk."

nasb@2Kings:7:13 @Then they hurried and each man took his garment and placed it under him on the bare steps, and blew the trumpet, saying, "Jehu is king!"

nasb@2Kings:7:17 @Now the watchman was standing on the tower in Jezreel and he saw the company of Jehu as he came, and said, "I see a company." And Joram said, "Take a horseman and send him to meet them and let him say, 'Is it peace?'"

nasb@2Kings:7:18 @So a horseman went to meet him and said, "Thus says the king, 'Is it peace?'" And Jehu said, " What have you to do with peace? Turn behind me." And the watchman reported, "The messenger came to them, but he did not return."

nasb@2Kings:7:19 @Then he sent out a second horseman, who came to them and said, "Thus says the king, 'Is it peace?'" And Jehu answered, "What have you to do with peace? Turn behind me."

nasb@2Kings:7:20 @The watchman reported, "He came even to them, and he did not return; and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously."

nasb@2Kings:7:22 @When Joram saw Jehu, he said, "Is it peace, Jehu?" And he answered, "What peace, so long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?"

nasb@2Kings:7:34 @When he came in, he ate and drank; and he said, "See now to this cursed woman and bury her, for she is a king's daughter."

nasb@2Kings:7:5 @And the one who was over the household, and he who was over the city, the elders, and the guardians of the children, sent word to Jehu, saying, " We are your servants, all that you say to us we will do, we will not make any man king; do what is good in your sight."

nasb@2Kings:7:21 @Then Jehu sent throughout Israel and all the worshipers of Baal came, so that there was not a man left who did not come. And when they went into the house of Baal, the house of Baal was filled from one end to the other.

nasb@2Kings:7:33 @from the Jordan eastward, all the land of Gilead, the Gadites and the Reubenites and the Manassites, from Aroer, which is by the valley of the Arnon, even Gilead and Bashan.

nasb@2Kings:8:5 @He commanded them, saying, "This is the thing that you shall do- one third of you, who come in on the sabbath and keep watch over the king's house

nasb@2Kings:8:9 @So the captains of hundreds did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded. And each one of them took his men who were to come in on the sabbath, with those who were to go out on the sabbath, and came to Jehoiada the priest.

nasb@2Kings:8:15 @And Jehoiada the priest commanded the captains of hundreds who were appointed over the army and said to them, "Bring her out between the ranks, and whoever follows her put to death with the sword." For the priest said, "Let her not be put to death in the house of the LORD."

nasb@2Kings:9:4 @Then Jehoash said to the priests, "All the money of the sacred things which is brought into the house of the LORD, in current money, both the money of each man's assessment and all the money which any man's heart prompts him to bring into the house of the LORD,

nasb@2Kings:10:19 @So the man of God was angry with him and said, "You should have struck five or six times, then you would have struck Aram until you would have destroyed it. But now you shall strike Aram only three times."

nasb@2Kings:10:21 @As they were burying a man, behold, they saw a marauding band; and they cast the man into the grave of Elisha. And when the man touched the bones of Elisha he revived and stood up on his feet.

nasb@2Kings:11:6 @But the sons of the slayers he did not put to death, according to what is written in the book of the Law of Moses, as the LORD commanded, saying, " The fathers shall not be put to death for the sons, nor the sons be put to death for the fathers; but each shall be put to death for his own sin."

nasb@2Kings:12:20 @Then Menahem exacted the money from Israel, even from all the mighty men of wealth, from each man fifty shekels of silver to pay the king of Assyria. So the king of Assyria returned and did not remain there in the land.

nasb@2Kings:13:10 @Now King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, and saw the altar which was at Damascus; and King Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the pattern of the altar and its model, according to all its workmanship.

nasb@2Kings:13:15 @Then King Ahaz commanded Urijah the priest, saying, "Upon the great altar burn the morning burnt offering and the evening meal offering and the king's burnt offering and his meal offering, with the burnt offering of all the people of the land and their meal offering and their drink offerings; and sprinkle on it all the blood of the burnt offering and all the blood of the sacrifice. But the bronze altar shall be for me to inquire by."

nasb@2Kings:13:16 @So Urijah the priest did according to all that King Ahaz commanded.

nasb@2Kings:14:3 @Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against him, and Hoshea became his servant and paid him tribute.

nasb@2Kings:14:13 @Yet the LORD warned Israel and Judah through all His prophets and every seer, saying, " Turn from your evil ways and keep My commandments, My statutes according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you through My servants the prophets."

nasb@2Kings:14:15 @They rejected His statutes and His covenant which He made with their fathers and His warnings with which He warned them. And they followed vanity and became vain, and went after the nations which surrounded them, concerning which the LORD had commanded them not to do like them.

nasb@2Kings:14:16 @They forsook all the commandments of the LORD their God and made for themselves molten images, even two calves, and made an Asherah and worshiped all the host of heaven and served Baal.

nasb@2Kings:14:19 @Also Judah did not keep the commandments of the LORD their God, but walked in the customs which Israel had introduced.

nasb@2Kings:14:27 @Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, "Take there one of the priests whom you carried away into exile and let him go and live there; and let him teach them the custom of the god of the land."

nasb@2Kings:14:34 @To this day they do according to the earlier customs- they do not fear the LORD, nor do they follow their statutes or their ordinances or the law, or the commandments which the LORD commanded the sons of Jacob, whom He named Israel;

nasb@2Kings:14:35 @with whom the LORD made a covenant and commanded them, saying, " You shall not fear other gods, nor bow down yourselves to them nor serve them nor sacrifice to them.

nasb@2Kings:14:37" @The statutes and the ordinances and the law and the commandment which He wrote for you, you shall observe to do forever; and you shall not fear other gods.

nasb@2Kings:15:6 @For he clung to the LORD; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the LORD had commanded Moses.

nasb@2Kings:15:9 @Now in the fourth year of King Hezekiah, which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against Samaria and besieged it.

nasb@2Kings:15:12 @because they did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, but transgressed His covenant, even all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded; they would neither listen nor do it.

nasb@2Kings:15:21" @Now behold, you rely on the staff of this crushed reed, even on Egypt; on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who rely on him.

nasb@2Kings:15:36 @But the people were silent and answered him not a word, for the king's commandment was, "Do not answer him."

nasb@2Kings:16:23 @' Through your messengers you have reproached the Lord, And you have said, "With my many chariots I came up to the heights of the mountains, To the remotest parts of Lebanon; And I cut down its tall cedars and its choice cypresses. And I entered its farthest lodging place, its thickest forest.

nasb@2Kings:17:21 @So Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and Manasseh his son became king in his place.

nasb@2Kings:18:1 @Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Hephzibah.

nasb@2Kings:18:8" @And I will not make the feet of Israel wander anymore from the land which I gave their fathers, if only they will observe to do according to all that I have commanded them, and according to all the law that My servant Moses commanded them."

nasb@2Kings:18:9 @But they did not listen, and Manasseh seduced them to do evil more than the nations whom the LORD destroyed before the sons of Israel.

nasb@2Kings:18:11" @ Because Manasseh king of Judah has done these abominations, having done wickedly more than all the Amorites did who were before him, and has also made Judah sin with his idols;

nasb@2Kings:18:16 @Moreover, Manasseh shed very much innocent blood until he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another; besides his sin with which he made Judah sin, in doing evil in the sight of the LORD.

nasb@2Kings:18:17 @Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh and all that he did and his sin which he committed, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?

nasb@2Kings:18:18 @And Manasseh slept with his fathers and was buried in the garden of his own house, in the garden of Uzza, and Amon his son became king in his place.

nasb@2Kings:18:20 @He did evil in the sight of the LORD, as Manasseh his father had done.

nasb@2Kings:19:12 @Then the king commanded Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam the son of Shaphan, Achbor the son of Micaiah, Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah the king's servant saying,

nasb@2Kings:19:15 @She said to them, "Thus says the LORD God of Israel, 'Tell the man who sent you to me,

nasb@2Kings:20:3 @The king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the LORD, to walk after the LORD, and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to carry out the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people entered into the covenant.

nasb@2Kings:20:4 @Then the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest and the priests of the second order and the doorkeepers, to bring out of the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal, for Asherah, and for all the host of heaven; and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of the Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel.

nasb@2Kings:20:10 @He also defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire for Molech.

nasb@2Kings:20:12 @The altars which were on the roof, the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the LORD, the king broke down; and he smashed them there and threw their dust into the brook Kidron.

nasb@2Kings:20:14 @He broke in pieces the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherim and filled their places with human bones.

nasb@2Kings:20:16 @Now when Josiah turned, he saw the graves that were there on the mountain, and he sent and took the bones from the graves and burned them on the altar and defiled it according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these things.

nasb@2Kings:20:17 @Then he said, "What is this monument that I see?" And the men of the city told him, " It is the grave of the man of God who came from Judah and proclaimed these things which you have done against the altar of Bethel."

nasb@2Kings:20:20 @All the priests of the high places who were there he slaughtered on the altars and burned human bones on them; then he returned to Jerusalem.

nasb@2Kings:20:21 @Then the king commanded all the people saying, " Celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God as it is written in this book of the covenant."

nasb@2Kings:20:26 @However, the LORD did not turn from the fierceness of His great wrath with which His anger burned against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked Him.

nasb@2Kings:20:35 @So Jehoiakim gave the silver and gold to Pharaoh, but he taxed the land in order to give the money at the command of Pharaoh. He exacted the silver and gold from the people of the land, each according to his valuation, to give it to Pharaoh Neco.

nasb@2Kings:21:3 @Surely at the command of the LORD it came upon Judah, to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done,

nasb@1Chronicles:1:36 @The sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zephi, Gatam, Kenaz, Timna and Amalek.

nasb@1Chronicles:1:40 @The sons of Shobal were Alian, Manahath, Ebal, Shephi and Onam. And the sons of Zibeon were Aiah and Anah.

nasb@1Chronicles:1:45 @When Jobab died, Husham of the land of the Temanites became king in his place.

nasb@1Chronicles:1:53 @chief Kenaz, chief Teman, chief Mibzar,

nasb@1Chronicles:2:6 @The sons of Zerah were Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Calcol and Dara; five of them in all.

nasb@1Chronicles:2:49 @She also bore Shaaph the father of Madmannah, Sheva the father of Machbena and the father of Gibea; and the daughter of Caleb was Achsah.

nasb@1Chronicles:2:52 @Shobal the father of Kiriath-jearim had sons- Haroeh, half of the Manahathites,

nasb@1Chronicles:2:54 @The sons of Salma were Bethlehem and the Netophathites, Atroth-beth-joab and half of the Manahathites, the Zorites.

nasb@1Chronicles:3:13 @Ahaz his son, Hezekiah his son, Manasseh his son,

nasb@1Chronicles:4:27 @Now Shimei had sixteen sons and six daughters; but his brothers did not have many sons, nor did all their family multiply like the sons of Judah.

nasb@1Chronicles:5:18 @The sons of Reuben and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, consisting of valiant men, men who bore shield and sword and shot with bow and were skillful in battle, were 44,760, who went to war.

nasb@1Chronicles:5:22 @For many fell slain, because the war was of God. And they settled in their place until the exile.

nasb@1Chronicles:5:23 @Now the sons of the half-tribe of Manasseh lived in the land; from Bashan to Baal-hermon and Senir and Mount Hermon they were numerous.

nasb@1Chronicles:5:26 @So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul, king of Assyria, even the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away into exile, namely the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, and brought them to Halah, Habor, Hara and to the river of Gozan, to this day.

nasb@1Chronicles:6:33 @These are those who served with their sons- From the sons of the Kohathites were Heman the singer, the son of Joel, the son of Samuel,

nasb@1Chronicles:6:39 @Heman's brother Asaph stood at his right hand, even Asaph the son of Berechiah, the son of Shimea,

nasb@1Chronicles:6:49 @But Aaron and his sons offered on the altar of burnt offering and on the altar of incense, for all the work of the most holy place, and to make atonement for Israel, according to all that Moses the servant of God had commanded.

nasb@1Chronicles:6:61 @Then to the rest of the sons of Kohath were given by lot, from the family of the tribe, from the half-tribe, the half of Manasseh, ten cities.

nasb@1Chronicles:6:62 @To the sons of Gershom, according to their families, were given from the tribe of Issachar and from the tribe of Asher, the tribe of Naphtali, and the tribe of Manasseh, thirteen cities in Bashan.

nasb@1Chronicles:6:70 @and from the half-tribe of Manasseh- Aner with its pasture lands and Bileam with its pasture lands, for the rest of the family of the sons of Kohath.

nasb@1Chronicles:6:71 @To the sons of Gershom were given, from the family of the half-tribe of Manasseh- Golan in Bashan with its pasture lands and Ashtaroth with its pasture lands;

nasb@1Chronicles:7:4 @With them by their generations according to their fathers' households were 36,000 troops of the army for war, for they had many wives and sons.

nasb@1Chronicles:7:14 @The sons of Manasseh were Asriel, whom his Aramean concubine bore; she bore Machir the father of Gilead.

nasb@1Chronicles:7:17 @The son of Ulam was Bedan. These were the sons of Gilead the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh.

nasb@1Chronicles:7:22 @Their father Ephraim mourned many days, and his relatives came to comfort him.

nasb@1Chronicles:7:29 @and along the borders of the sons of Manasseh, Beth-shean with its towns, Taanach with its towns, Megiddo with its towns, Dor with its towns. In these lived the sons of Joseph the son of Israel.

nasb@1Chronicles:8:4 @Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah,

nasb@1Chronicles:8:6 @These are the sons of Ehud- these are the heads of fathers' households of the inhabitants of Geba, and they carried them into exile to Manahath,

nasb@1Chronicles:8:7 @namely, Naaman, Ahijah and Gera--he carried them into exile; and he became the father of Uzza and Ahihud.

nasb@1Chronicles:8:40 @The sons of Ulam were mighty men of valor, archers, and had many sons and grandsons, 150 of them. All these were of the sons of Benjamin.

nasb@1Chronicles:9:3 @Some of the sons of Judah, of the sons of Benjamin and of the sons of Ephraim and Manasseh lived in Jerusalem-

nasb@1Chronicles:9:17 @Now the gatekeepers were Shallum and Akkub and Talmon and Ahiman and their relatives (Shallum the chief

nasb@1Chronicles:10:6 @Now David had said, "Whoever strikes down a Jebusite first shall be chief and commander." Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first, so he became chief.

nasb@1Chronicles:10:21 @Of the three in the second rank he was the most honored and became their commander; however, he did not attain to the first three.

nasb@1Chronicles:10:22 @Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man of Kabzeel, mighty in deeds, struck down the two sons of Ariel of Moab. He also went down and killed a lion inside a pit on a snowy day.

nasb@1Chronicles:10:23 @He killed an Egyptian, a man of great stature five cubits tall. Now in the Egyptian's hand was a spear like a weaver's beam, but he went down to him with a club and snatched the spear from the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear.

nasb@1Chronicles:11:4 @and Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man among the thirty, and over the thirty. Then Jeremiah, Jahaziel, Johanan, Jozabad the Gederathite,

nasb@1Chronicles:11:10 @Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth,

nasb@1Chronicles:11:19 @From Manasseh also some defected to David when he was about to go to battle with the Philistines against Saul. But they did not help them, for the lords of the Philistines after consultation sent him away, saying, "At the cost of our heads he may defect to his master Saul."

nasb@1Chronicles:11:20 @As he went to Ziklag there defected to him from Manasseh- Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu and Zillethai, captains of thousands who belonged to Manasseh.

nasb@1Chronicles:11:28 @also Zadok, a young man mighty of valor, and of his father's house twenty-two captains.

nasb@1Chronicles:11:31 @Of the half-tribe of Manasseh 18,000, who were designated by name to come and make David king.

nasb@1Chronicles:11:32 @Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.

nasb@1Chronicles:11:37 @From the other side of the Jordan, of the Reubenites and the Gadites and of the half-tribe of Manasseh, there were 120,000 with all kinds of weapons of war for the battle.

nasb@1Chronicles:13:16 @David did just as God had commanded him, and they struck down the army of the Philistines from Gibeon even as far as Gezer.

nasb@1Chronicles:14:15 @The sons of the Levites carried the ark of God on their shoulders with the poles thereon, as Moses had commanded according to the word of the LORD.

nasb@1Chronicles:14:17 @So the Levites appointed Heman the son of Joel, and from his relatives, Asaph the son of Berechiah; and from the sons of Merari their relatives, Ethan the son of Kushaiah,

nasb@1Chronicles:14:19 @So the singers, Heman, Asaph and Ethan were appointed to sound aloud cymbals of bronze;

nasb@1Chronicles:15:3 @He distributed to everyone of Israel, both man and woman, to everyone a loaf of bread and a portion of meat and a raisin cake.

nasb@1Chronicles:15:15 @Remember His covenant forever, The word which He commanded to a thousand generations,

nasb@1Chronicles:15:21 @He permitted no man to oppress them, And He reproved kings for their sakes, saying,

nasb@1Chronicles:15:40 @to offer burnt offerings to the LORD on the altar of burnt offering continually morning and evening, even according to all that is written in the law of the LORD, which He commanded Israel.

nasb@1Chronicles:15:41 @With them were Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest who were chosen, who were designated by name, to give thanks to the LORD, because His lovingkindness is everlasting.

nasb@1Chronicles:15:42 @And with them were Heman and Jeduthun with trumpets and cymbals for those who should sound aloud, and with instruments for the songs of God, and the sons of Jeduthun for the gate.

nasb@1Chronicles:16:6" @In all places where I have walked with all Israel, have I spoken a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people, saying, 'Why have you not built for Me a house of cedar?'"'

nasb@1Chronicles:16:10 @even from the day that I commanded judges to be over My people Israel. And I will subdue all your enemies. Moreover, I tell you that the LORD will build a house for you.

nasb@1Chronicles:16:17" @This was a small thing in Your eyes, O God; but You have spoken of Your servant's house for a great while to come, and have regarded me according to the standard of a man of high degree, O LORD God.

nasb@1Chronicles:18:16 @When the Arameans saw that they had been defeated by Israel, they sent messengers and brought out the Arameans who were beyond the River, with Shophach the commander of the army of Hadadezer leading them.

nasb@1Chronicles:18:18 @The Arameans fled before Israel, and David killed of the Arameans 7,000 charioteers and 40,000 foot soldiers, and put to death Shophach the commander of the army.

nasb@1Chronicles:19:6 @Again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature who had twenty-four fingers and toes, six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot; and he also was descended from the giants.

nasb@1Chronicles:20:3 @Joab said, " May the LORD add to His people a hundred times as many as they are! But, my lord the king, are they not all my lord's servants? Why does my lord seek this thing? Why should he be a cause of guilt to Israel?"

nasb@1Chronicles:20:6 @But he did not number Levi and Benjamin among them, for the king's command was abhorrent to Joab.

nasb@1Chronicles:20:13 @David said to Gad, "I am in great distress; please let me fall into the hand of the LORD, for His mercies are very great. But do not let me fall into the hand of man."

nasb@1Chronicles:20:17 @David said to God, "Is it not I who commanded to count the people? Indeed, I am the one who has sinned and done very wickedly, but these sheep, what have they done? O LORD my God, please let Your hand be against me and my father's household, but not against Your people that they should be plagued."

nasb@1Chronicles:20:18 @Then the angel of the LORD commanded Gad to say to David, that David should go up and build an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

nasb@1Chronicles:20:27 @The LORD commanded the angel, and he put his sword back in its sheath.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:9 @'Behold, a son will be born to you, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side; for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quiet to Israel in his days.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:13" @ Then you will prosper, if you are careful to observe the statutes and the ordinances which the LORD commanded Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be dismayed.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:15" @Moreover, there are many workmen with you, stonecutters and masons of stone and carpenters, and all men who are skillful in every kind of work.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:17 @David also commanded all the leaders of Israel to help his son Solomon, saying,

nasb@1Chronicles:22:11 @Jahath was the first and Zizah the second; but Jeush and Beriah did not have many sons, so they became a father's household, one class.

nasb@1Chronicles:22:14 @But as for Moses the man of God, his sons were named among the tribe of Levi.

nasb@1Chronicles:22:17 @The son of Eliezer was Rehabiah the chief; and Eliezer had no other sons, but the sons of Rehabiah were very many.

nasb@1Chronicles:23:19 @These were their offices for their ministry when they came in to the house of the LORD according to the ordinance given to them through Aaron their father, just as the LORD God of Israel had commanded him.

nasb@1Chronicles:24:1 @Moreover, David and the commanders of the army set apart for the service some of the sons of Asaph and of Heman and of Jeduthun, who were to prophesy with lyres, harps and cymbals; and the number of those who performed their service was-

nasb@1Chronicles:24:4 @Of Heman, the sons of Heman- Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel and Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti and Romamti-ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, Mahazioth.

nasb@1Chronicles:24:5 @All these were the sons of Heman the king's seer to exalt him according to the words of God, for God gave fourteen sons and three daughters to Heman.

nasb@1Chronicles:24:6 @All these were under the direction of their father to sing in the house of the LORD, with cymbals, harps and lyres, for the service of the house of God. Asaph, Jeduthun and Heman were under the direction of the king.

nasb@1Chronicles:25:26 @This Shelomoth and his relatives had charge of all the treasures of the dedicated gifts which King David and the heads of the fathers' households, the commanders of thousands and hundreds, and the commanders of the army, had dedicated.

nasb@1Chronicles:25:32 @and his relatives, capable men, were 2,700 in number, heads of fathers' households. And King David made them overseers of the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of the Manassites concerning all the affairs of God and of the king.

nasb@1Chronicles:26:1 @Now this is the enumeration of the sons of Israel, the heads of fathers' households, the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, and their officers who served the king in all the affairs of the divisions which came in and went out month by month throughout all the months of the year, each division numbering 24,000-

nasb@1Chronicles:26:3 @He was from the sons of Perez, and was chief of all the commanders of the army for the first month.

nasb@1Chronicles:26:5 @The third commander of the army for the third month was Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the priest, as chief; and in his division were 24,000.

nasb@1Chronicles:26:6 @This Benaiah was the mighty man of the thirty, and had charge of thirty; and over his division was Ammizabad his son.

nasb@1Chronicles:26:8 @The fifth for the fifth month was the commander Shamhuth the Izrahite; and in his division were 24,000.

nasb@1Chronicles:26:20 @for the sons of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of Azaziah; for the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joel the son of Pedaiah;

nasb@1Chronicles:26:21 @for the half-tribe of Manasseh in Gilead, Iddo the son of Zechariah; for Benjamin, Jaasiel the son of Abner;

nasb@1Chronicles:26:32 @Also Jonathan, David's uncle, was a counselor, a man of understanding, and a scribe; and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni tutored the king's sons.

nasb@1Chronicles:26:34 @Jehoiada the son of Benaiah, and Abiathar succeeded Ahithophel; and Joab was the commander of the king's army.

nasb@1Chronicles:27:1 @Now David assembled at Jerusalem all the officials of Israel, the princes of the tribes, and the commanders of the divisions that served the king, and the commanders of thousands, and the commanders of hundreds, and the overseers of all the property and livestock belonging to the king and his sons, with the officials and the mighty men, even all the valiant men.

nasb@1Chronicles:27:2 @Then King David rose to his feet and said, "Listen to me, my brethren and my people; I had intended to build a permanent home for the ark of the covenant of the LORD and for the footstool of our God. So I had made preparations to build it.

nasb@1Chronicles:27:3" @But God said to me, ' You shall not build a house for My name because you are a man of war and have shed blood.'

nasb@1Chronicles:27:5" @ Of all my sons (for the LORD has given me many sons), He has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the LORD over Israel.

nasb@1Chronicles:27:7 @'I will establish his kingdom forever if he resolutely performs My commandments and My ordinances, as is done now.'

nasb@1Chronicles:27:8" @So now, in the sight of all Israel, the assembly of the LORD, and in the hearing of our God, observe and seek after all the commandments of the LORD your God so that you may possess the good land and bequeath it to your sons after you forever.

nasb@1Chronicles:27:21" @Now behold, there are the divisions of the priests and the Levites for all the service of the house of God, and every willing man of any skill will be with you in all the work for all kinds of service. The officials also and all the people will be entirely at your command."

nasb@1Chronicles:27:29 @Then King David said to the entire assembly, "My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and inexperienced and the work is great; for the temple is not for man, but for the LORD God.

nasb@1Chronicles:27:6 @Then the rulers of the fathers' households, and the princes of the tribes of Israel, and the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, with the overseers over the king's work, offered willingly;

nasb@1Chronicles:27:19 @and give to my son Solomon a perfect heart to keep Your commandments, Your testimonies and Your statutes, and to do them all, and to build the temple, for which I have made provision."

nasb@2Chronicles:1:2 @Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the commanders of thousands and of hundreds and to the judges and to every leader in all Israel, the heads of the fathers' households.

nasb@2Chronicles:2:7" @Now send me a skilled man to work in gold, silver, brass and iron, and in purple, crimson and violet fabrics, and who knows how to make engravings, to work with the skilled men whom I have in Judah and Jerusalem, whom David my father provided.

nasb@2Chronicles:2:13" @Now I am sending Huram-abi, a skilled man, endowed with understanding,

nasb@2Chronicles:2:14 @the son of a Danite woman and a Tyrian father, who knows how to work in gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood, and in purple, violet, linen and crimson fabrics, and who knows how to make all kinds of engravings and to execute any design which may be assigned to him, to work with your skilled men and with those of my lord David your father.

nasb@2Chronicles:5:6 @And King Solomon and all the congregation of Israel who were assembled with him before the ark, were sacrificing so many sheep and oxen that they could not be counted or numbered.

nasb@2Chronicles:5:12 @and all the Levitical singers, Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and kinsmen, clothed in fine linen, with cymbals, harps and lyres, standing east of the altar, and with them one hundred and twenty priests blowing trumpets

nasb@2Chronicles:5:5 @'Since the day that I brought My people from the land of Egypt, I did not choose a city out of all the tribes of Israel in which to build a house that My name might be there, nor did I choose any man for a leader over My people Israel;

nasb@2Chronicles:5:16" @Now therefore, O LORD, the God of Israel, keep with Your servant David, my father, that which You have promised him, saying, ' You shall not lack a man to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your sons take heed to their way, to walk in My law as you have walked before Me.'

nasb@2Chronicles:5:18" @But will God indeed dwell with mankind on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You; how much less this house which I have built.

nasb@2Chronicles:5:22" @If a man sins against his neighbor and is made to take an oath, and he comes and takes an oath before Your altar in this house,

nasb@2Chronicles:5:29 @whatever prayer or supplication is made by any man or by all Your people Israel, each knowing his own affliction and his own pain, and spreading his hands toward this house,

nasb@2Chronicles:5:36" @When they sin against You ( for there is no man who does not sin) and You are angry with them and deliver them to an enemy, so that they take them away captive to a land far off or near,

nasb@2Chronicles:6:13" @ If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people,

nasb@2Chronicles:6:17" @As for you, if you walk before Me as your father David walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded you, and will keep My statutes and My ordinances,

nasb@2Chronicles:6:18 @then I will establish your royal throne as I covenanted with your father David, saying, ' You shall not lack a man to be ruler in Israel.'

nasb@2Chronicles:6:19" @ But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them,

nasb@2Chronicles:7:9 @But Solomon did not make slaves for his work from the sons of Israel; they were men of war, his chief captains and commanders of his chariots and his horsemen.

nasb@2Chronicles:7:13 @and did so according to the daily rule, offering them up according to the commandment of Moses, for the sabbaths, the new moons and the three annual feasts--the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Booths.

nasb@2Chronicles:7:14 @Now according to the ordinance of his father David, he appointed the divisions of the priests for their service, and the Levites for their duties of praise and ministering before the priests according to the daily rule, and the gatekeepers by their divisions at every gate; for David the man of God had so commanded.

nasb@2Chronicles:7:15 @And they did not depart from the commandment of the king to the priests and Levites in any manner or concerning the storehouses.

nasb@2Chronicles:8:24 @They brought every man his gift, articles of silver and gold, garments, weapons, spices, horses and mules, so much year by year.

nasb@2Chronicles:9:16 @When all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them the people answered the king, saying, " What portion do we have in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to your tents, O Israel; Now look after your own house, David." So all Israel departed to their tents.

nasb@2Chronicles:10:2 @But the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,

nasb@2Chronicles:10:4 @'Thus says the LORD, "You shall not go up or fight against your relatives; return every man to his house, for this thing is from Me."'" So they listened to the words of the LORD and returned from going against Jeroboam.

nasb@2Chronicles:10:23 @He acted wisely and distributed some of his sons through all the territories of Judah and Benjamin to all the fortified cities, and he gave them food in abundance. And he sought many wives for them.

nasb@2Chronicles:11:10 @Then King Rehoboam made shields of bronze in their place and committed them to the care of the commanders of the guard who guarded the door of the king's house.

nasb@2Chronicles:13:4 @and commanded Judah to seek the LORD God of their fathers and to observe the law and the commandment.

nasb@2Chronicles:13:11 @Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, "LORD, there is no one besides You to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O LORD our God, for we trust in You, and in Your name have come against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; let not man prevail against You."

nasb@2Chronicles:13:13 @Asa and the people who were with him pursued them as far as Gerar; and so many Ethiopians fell that they could not recover, for they were shattered before the LORD and before His army. And they carried away very much plunder.

nasb@2Chronicles:14:3" @ For many days Israel was without the true God and without a teaching priest and without law.

nasb@2Chronicles:14:5" @ In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for many disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands.

nasb@2Chronicles:14:9 @He gathered all Judah and Benjamin and those from Ephraim, Manasseh and Simeon who resided with them, for many defected to him from Israel when they saw that the LORD his God was with him.

nasb@2Chronicles:14:13 @and whoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman.

nasb@2Chronicles:15:4 @So Ben-hadad listened to King Asa and sent the commanders of his armies against the cities of Israel, and they conquered Ijon, Dan, Abel-maim and all the store cities of Naphtali.

nasb@2Chronicles:15:8" @Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubim an immense army with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet because you relied on the LORD, He delivered them into your hand.

nasb@2Chronicles:16:4 @but sought the God of his father, followed His commandments, and did not act as Israel did.

nasb@2Chronicles:16:14 @This was their muster according to their fathers' households- of Judah, commanders of thousands, Adnah was the commander, and with him 300,000 valiant warriors;

nasb@2Chronicles:16:15 @and next to him was Johanan the commander, and with him 280,000;

nasb@2Chronicles:17:2 @Some years later he went down to visit Ahab at Samaria. And Ahab slaughtered many sheep and oxen for him and the people who were with him, and induced him to go up against Ramoth-gilead.

nasb@2Chronicles:17:7 @The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, for he never prophesies good concerning me but always evil. He is Micaiah, son of Imla." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so."

nasb@2Chronicles:17:15 @Then the king said to him, "How many times must I adjure you to speak to me nothing but the truth in the name of the LORD?"

nasb@2Chronicles:17:26 @and say, 'Thus says the king, " Put this man in prison and feed him sparingly with bread and water until I return safely."'"

nasb@2Chronicles:17:30 @Now the king of Aram had commanded the captains of his chariots, saying, "Do not fight with small or great, but with the king of Israel alone."

nasb@2Chronicles:17:33 @A certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel in a joint of the armor. So he said to the driver of the chariot, "Turn around and take me out of the fight, for I am severely wounded."

nasb@2Chronicles:18:6 @He said to the judges, "Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the LORD who is with you when you render judgment.

nasb@2Chronicles:18:10" @ Whenever any dispute comes to you from your brethren who live in their cities, between blood and blood, between law and commandment, statutes and ordinances, you shall warn them so that they may not be guilty before the LORD, and wrath may not come on you and your brethren. Thus you shall do and you will not be guilty.

nasb@2Chronicles:19:27 @Every man of Judah and Jerusalem returned with Jehoshaphat at their head, returning to Jerusalem with joy, for the LORD had made them to rejoice over their enemies.

nasb@2Chronicles:20:3 @Their father gave them many gifts of silver, gold and precious things, with fortified cities in Judah, but he gave the kingdom to Jehoram because he was the firstborn.

nasb@2Chronicles:20:9 @Then Jehoram crossed over with his commanders and all his chariots with him. And he arose by night and struck down the Edomites who were surrounding him and the commanders of the chariots.

nasb@2Chronicles:22:7" @The Levites will surround the king, each man with his weapons in his hand; and whoever enters the house, let him be killed. Thus be with the king when he comes in and when he goes out."

nasb@2Chronicles:22:8 @So the Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded. And each one of them took his men who were to come in on the sabbath, with those who were to go out on the sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest did not dismiss any of the divisions.

nasb@2Chronicles:22:10 @He stationed all the people, each man with his weapon in his hand, from the right side of the house to the left side of the house, by the altar and by the house, around the king.

nasb@2Chronicles:23:8 @So the king commanded, and they made a chest and set it outside by the gate of the house of the LORD.

nasb@2Chronicles:23:20 @Then the Spirit of God came on Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest; and he stood above the people and said to them, "Thus God has said, ' Why do you transgress the commandments of the LORD and do not prosper? Because you have forsaken the LORD, He has also forsaken you.'"

nasb@2Chronicles:23:21 @So they conspired against him and at the command of the king they stoned him to death in the court of the house of the LORD.

nasb@2Chronicles:23:27 @As to his sons and the many oracles against him and the rebuilding of the house of God, behold, they are written in the treatise of the Book of the Kings. Then Amaziah his son became king in his place.

nasb@2Chronicles:24:4 @However, he did not put their children to death, but did as it is written in the law in the book of Moses, which the LORD commanded, saying, " Fathers shall not be put to death for sons, nor sons be put to death for fathers, but each shall be put to death for his own sin."

nasb@2Chronicles:24:5 @Moreover, Amaziah assembled Judah and appointed them according to their fathers' households under commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds throughout Judah and Benjamin; and he took a census of those from twenty years old and upward and found them to be 300,000 choice men, able to go to war and handle spear and shield.

nasb@2Chronicles:24:7 @But a man of God came to him saying, "O king, do not let the army of Israel go with you, for the LORD is not with Israel nor with any of the sons of Ephraim.

nasb@2Chronicles:24:9 @Amaziah said to the man of God, "But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the troops of Israel?" And the man of God answered, " The LORD has much more to give you than this."

nasb@2Chronicles:25:10 @He built towers in the wilderness and hewed many cisterns, for he had much livestock, both in the lowland and in the plain. He also had plowmen and vinedressers in the hill country and the fertile fields, for he loved the soil.

nasb@2Chronicles:27:7 @And Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, slew Maaseiah the king's son and Azrikam the ruler of the house and Elkanah the second to the king.

nasb@2Chronicles:28:14 @and from the sons of Heman, Jehiel and Shimei; and from the sons of Jeduthun, Shemaiah and Uzziel.

nasb@2Chronicles:28:15 @They assembled their brothers, consecrated themselves, and went in to cleanse the house of the LORD, according to the commandment of the king by the words of the LORD.

nasb@2Chronicles:28:25 @He then stationed the Levites in the house of the LORD with cymbals, with harps and with lyres, according to the command of David and of Gad the king's seer, and of Nathan the prophet; for the command was from the LORD through His prophets.

nasb@2Chronicles:28:35 @There were also many burnt offerings with the fat of the peace offerings and with the libations for the burnt offerings. Thus the service of the house of the LORD was established again.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:1 @Now Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, that they should come to the house of the LORD at Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover to the LORD God of Israel.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:6 @The couriers went throughout all Israel and Judah with the letters from the hand of the king and his princes, even according to the command of the king, saying, "O sons of Israel, return to the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, that He may return to those of you who escaped and are left from the hand of the kings of Assyria.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:10 @So the couriers passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, and as far as Zebulun, but they laughed them to scorn and mocked them.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:11 @Nevertheless some men of Asher, Manasseh and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:12 @The hand of God was also on Judah to give them one heart to do what the king and the princes commanded by the word of the LORD.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:13 @Now many people were gathered at Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the second month, a very large assembly.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:16 @They stood at their stations after their custom, according to the law of Moses the man of God; the priests sprinkled the blood which they received from the hand of the Levites.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:17 @For there were many in the assembly who had not consecrated themselves; therefore, the Levites were over the slaughter of the Passover lambs for everyone who was unclean, in order to consecrate them to the LORD.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:18 @For a multitude of the people, even many from Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not purified themselves, yet they ate the Passover otherwise than prescribed. For Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, "May the good LORD pardon

nasb@2Chronicles:30:1 @Now when all this was finished, all Israel who were present went out to the cities of Judah, broke the pillars in pieces, cut down the Asherim and pulled down the high places and the altars throughout all Judah and Benjamin, as well as in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the sons of Israel returned to their cities, each to his possession.

nasb@2Chronicles:30:4 @Also he commanded the people who lived in Jerusalem to give the portion due to the priests and the Levites, that they might devote themselves to the law of the LORD.

nasb@2Chronicles:30:11 @Then Hezekiah commanded them to prepare rooms in the house of the LORD, and they prepared them.

nasb@2Chronicles:30:21 @Every work which he began in the service of the house of God in law and in commandment, seeking his God, he did with all his heart and prospered.

nasb@2Chronicles:31:4 @So many people assembled and stopped up all the springs and the stream which flowed through the region, saying, "Why should the kings of Assyria come and find abundant water?"

nasb@2Chronicles:31:21 @And the LORD sent an angel who destroyed every mighty warrior, commander and officer in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned in shame to his own land. And when he had entered the temple of his god, some of his own children killed him there with the sword.

nasb@2Chronicles:31:23 @And many were bringing gifts to the LORD at Jerusalem and choice presents to Hezekiah king of Judah, so that he was exalted in the sight of all nations thereafter.

nasb@2Chronicles:31:33 @So Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the upper section of the tombs of the sons of David; and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem honored him at his death. And his son Manasseh became king in his place.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:1 @Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:8 @and I will not again remove the foot of Israel from the land which I have appointed for your fathers, if only they will observe to do all that I have commanded them according to all the law, the statutes and the ordinances given through Moses."

nasb@2Chronicles:32:9 @Thus Manasseh misled Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the LORD destroyed before the sons of Israel.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:10 @The LORD spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:11 @Therefore the LORD brought the commanders of the army of the king of Assyria against them, and they captured Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:13 @When he prayed to Him, He was moved by his entreaty and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:14 @Now after this he built the outer wall of the city of David on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the entrance of the Fish Gate; and he encircled the Ophel with it and made it very high. Then he put army commanders in all the fortified cities of Judah.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:18 @Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh even his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of the LORD God of Israel, behold, they are among the records of the kings of Israel.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:20 @So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they buried him in his own house. And Amon his son became king in his place.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:22 @He did evil in the sight of the LORD as Manasseh his father had done, and Amon sacrificed to all the carved images which his father Manasseh had made, and he served them.

nasb@2Chronicles:32:23 @Moreover, he did not humble himself before the LORD as his father Manasseh had done, but Amon multiplied guilt.

nasb@2Chronicles:33:6 @In the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon, even as far as Naphtali, in their surrounding ruins,

nasb@2Chronicles:33:9 @They came to Hilkiah the high priest and delivered the money that was brought into the house of God, which the Levites, the doorkeepers, had collected from Manasseh and Ephraim, and from all the remnant of Israel, and from all Judah and Benjamin and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

nasb@2Chronicles:33:20 @Then the king commanded Hilkiah, Ahikam the son of Shaphan, Abdon the son of Micah, Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah the king's servant, saying,

nasb@2Chronicles:33:23 @She said to them, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Tell the man who sent you to Me,

nasb@2Chronicles:33:31 @Then the king stood in his place and made a covenant before the LORD to walk after the LORD, and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes with all his heart and with all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant written in this book.

nasb@2Chronicles:34:10 @So the service was prepared, and the priests stood at their stations and the Levites by their divisions according to the king's command.

nasb@2Chronicles:34:15 @The singers, the sons of Asaph, were also at their stations according to the command of David, Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun the king's seer; and the gatekeepers at each gate did not have to depart from their service, because the Levites their brethren prepared for them.

nasb@2Chronicles:34:16 @So all the service of the LORD was prepared on that day to celebrate the Passover, and to offer burnt offerings on the altar of the LORD according to the command of King Josiah.

nasb@2Chronicles:35:10 @At the turn of the year King Nebuchadnezzar sent and brought him to Babylon with the valuable articles of the house of the LORD, and he made his kinsman Zedekiah king over Judah and Jerusalem.

nasb@2Chronicles:35:17 @Therefore He brought up against them the king of the Chaldeans who slew their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had no compassion on young man or virgin, old man or infirm; He gave them all into his hand.

nasb@Ezra:2:1 @Now when the seventh month came, and the sons of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered together as one man to Jerusalem.

nasb@Ezra:2:2 @Then Jeshua the son of Jozadak and his brothers the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his brothers arose and built the altar of the God of Israel to offer burnt offerings on it, as it is written in the law of Moses, the man of God.

nasb@Ezra:2:12 @Yet many of the priests and Levites and heads of fathers' households, the old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this house was laid before their eyes, while many shouted aloud for joy,

nasb@Ezra:3:3 @But Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of fathers' households of Israel said to them, " You have nothing in common with us in building a house to our God; but we ourselves will together build to the LORD God of Israel, as King Cyrus, the king of Persia has commanded us."

nasb@Ezra:3:8 @Rehum the commander and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter against Jerusalem to King Artaxerxes, as follows--

nasb@Ezra:3:9 @then wrote Rehum the commander and Shimshai the scribe and the rest of their colleagues, the judges and the lesser governors, the officials, the secretaries, the men of Erech, the Babylonians, the men of Susa, that is, the Elamites,

nasb@Ezra:3:17 @Then the king sent an answer to Rehum the commander, to Shimshai the scribe, and to the rest of their colleagues who live in Samaria and in the rest of the provinces beyond the River- "Peace. And now

nasb@Ezra:4:11" @Thus they answered us, saying, 'We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth and are rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago, which a great king of Israel built and finished.

nasb@Ezra:5:11" @And I issued a decree that any man who violates this edict, a timber shall be drawn from his house and he shall be impaled on it and his house shall be made a refuse heap on account of this.

nasb@Ezra:5:14 @And the elders of the Jews were successful in building through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they finished building according to the command of the God of Israel and the decree of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.

nasb@Ezra:6:11 @Now this is the copy of the decree which King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priest, the scribe, learned in the words of the commandments of the LORD and His statutes to Israel-

nasb@Ezra:6:23" @Whatever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be done with zeal for the house of the God of heaven, so that there will not be wrath against the kingdom of the king and his sons.

nasb@Ezra:7:17 @I sent them to Iddo the leading man at the place Casiphia; and I told them what to say to Iddo and his brothers, the temple servants at the place Casiphia, that is, to bring ministers to us for the house of our God.

nasb@Ezra:7:18 @According to the good hand of our God upon us they brought us a man of insight of the sons of Mahli, the son of Levi, the son of Israel, namely Sherebiah, and his sons and brothers, 18 men;

nasb@Ezra:7:10" @Now, our God, what shall we say after this? For we have forsaken Your commandments,

nasb@Ezra:7:11 @which You have commanded by Your servants the prophets, saying, 'The land which you are entering to possess is an unclean land with the uncleanness of the peoples of the lands, with their abominations which have filled it from end to end and with their impurity.

nasb@Ezra:7:14 @shall we again break Your commandments and intermarry with the peoples who commit these abominations? Would You not be angry with us to the point of destruction, until there is no remnant nor any who escape?

nasb@Ezra:8:3" @So now let us make a covenant with our God to put away all the wives and their children, according to the counsel of my lord and of those who tremble at the commandment of our God; and let it be done according to the law.

nasb@Ezra:8:13" @But there are many people; it is the rainy season and we are not able to stand in the open. Nor can the task be done in one or two days, for we have transgressed greatly in this matter.

nasb@Ezra:8:30 @and of the sons of Pahath-moab- Adna, Chelal, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattaniah, Bezalel, Binnui and Manasseh;

nasb@Ezra:8:33 @of the sons of Hashum- Mattenai, Mattattah, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jeremai, Manasseh and Shimei;

nasb@Nehemiah:1:5 @I said, "I beseech You, O LORD God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who preserves the covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments,

nasb@Nehemiah:1:7" @ We have acted very corruptly against You and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses.

nasb@Nehemiah:1:8" @Remember the word which You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, ' If you are unfaithful I will scatter you among the peoples;

nasb@Nehemiah:1:9 @but if you return to Me and keep My commandments and do them, though those of you who have been scattered were in the most remote part of the heavens, I will gather them from there and will bring them to the place where I have chosen to cause My name to dwell.'

nasb@Nehemiah:1:11" @O Lord, I beseech You, may Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and the prayer of Your servants who delight to revere Your name, and make Your servant successful today and grant him compassion before this man." Now I was the cupbearer to the king.

nasb@Nehemiah:4:22 @At that time I also said to the people, "Let each man with his servant spend the night within Jerusalem so that they may be a guard for us by night and a laborer by day."

nasb@Nehemiah:5:2 @For there were those who said, "We, our sons and our daughters are many; therefore let us get grain that we may eat and live."

nasb@Nehemiah:5:13 @I also shook out the front of my garment and said, "Thus may God shake out every man from his house and from his possessions who does not fulfill this promise; even thus may he be shaken out and emptied." And all the assembly said, "Amen!" And they praised the LORD. Then the people did according to this promise.

nasb@Nehemiah:5:18 @Now that which was prepared for each day was one ox and six choice sheep, also birds were prepared for me; and once in ten days all sorts of wine were furnished in abundance. Yet for all this I did not demand the governor's food allowance, because the servitude was heavy on this people.

nasb@Nehemiah:6:4 @They sent messages to me four times in this manner, and I answered them in the same way.

nasb@Nehemiah:6:5 @Then Sanballat sent his servant to me in the same manner a fifth time with an open letter in his hand.

nasb@Nehemiah:6:11 @But I said, " Should a man like me flee? And could one such as I go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in."

nasb@Nehemiah:6:17 @Also in those days many letters went from the nobles of Judah to Tobiah, and Tobiah's letters came to them.

nasb@Nehemiah:6:18 @For many in Judah were bound by oath to him because he was the son-in-law of Shecaniah the son of Arah, and his son Jehohanan had married the daughter of Meshullam the son of Berechiah.

nasb@Nehemiah:7:2 @then I put Hanani my brother, and Hananiah the commander of the fortress, in charge of Jerusalem, for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many.

nasb@Nehemiah:7:7 @who came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, Baanah. The number of men of the people of Israel-

nasb@Nehemiah:8:1 @And all the people gathered as one man at the square which was in front of the Water Gate, and they asked Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the LORD had given to Israel.

nasb@Nehemiah:8:14 @They found written in the law how the LORD had commanded through Moses that the sons of Israel should live in booths during the feast of the seventh month.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:13" @Then You came down on Mount Sinai, And spoke with them from heaven; You gave them just ordinances and true laws, Good statutes and commandments.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:14" @So You made known to them Your holy sabbath, And laid down for them commandments, statutes and law, Through Your servant Moses.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:16" @But they, our fathers, acted arrogantly; They became stubborn and would not listen to Your commandments.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:20" @ You gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, Your manna You did not withhold from their mouth, And You gave them water for their thirst.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:28" @But as soon as they had rest, they did evil again before You; Therefore You abandoned them to the hand of their enemies, so that they ruled over them. When they cried again to You, You heard from heaven, And many times You rescued them according to Your compassion,

nasb@Nehemiah:9:29 @And admonished them in order to turn them back to Your law. Yet they acted arrogantly and did not listen to Your commandments but sinned against Your ordinances, By which if a man observes them he shall live. And they turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck, and would not listen.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:30" @ However, You bore with them for many years, And admonished them by Your Spirit through Your prophets, Yet they would not give ear. Therefore You gave them into the hand of the peoples of the lands.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:34" @For our kings, our leaders, our priests and our fathers have not kept Your law Or paid attention to Your commandments and Your admonitions with which You have admonished them.

nasb@Nehemiah:10:29 @are joining with their kinsmen, their nobles, and are taking on themselves a curse and an oath to walk in God's law, which was given through Moses, God's servant, and to keep and to observe all the commandments of GOD our Lord, and His ordinances and His statutes;

nasb@Nehemiah:11:9 @Joel the son of Zichri was their overseer, and Judah the son of Hassenuah was second in command of the city.

nasb@Nehemiah:11:23 @For there was a commandment from the king concerning them and a firm regulation for the song leaders day by day.

nasb@Nehemiah:12:24 @The heads of the Levites were Hashabiah, Sherebiah and Jeshua the son of Kadmiel, with their brothers opposite them, to praise and give thanks, as prescribed by David the man of God, division corresponding to division.

nasb@Nehemiah:12:36 @and his kinsmen, Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah and Hanani, with the musical instruments of David the man of God. And Ezra the scribe went before them.

nasb@Nehemiah:12:45 @For they performed the worship of their God and the service of purification, together with the singers and the gatekeepers in accordance with the command of David and of his son Solomon.

nasb@Nehemiah:13:11 @So I reprimanded the officials and said, " Why is the house of God forsaken?" Then I gathered them together and restored them to their posts.

nasb@Nehemiah:13:17 @Then I reprimanded the nobles of Judah and said to them, "What is this evil thing you are doing, by profaning the sabbath day?

nasb@Nehemiah:13:19 @It came about that just as it grew dark at the gates of Jerusalem before the sabbath, I commanded that the doors should be shut and that they should not open them until after the sabbath. Then I stationed some of my servants at the gates so that no load would enter on the sabbath day.

nasb@Nehemiah:13:22 @And I commanded the Levites that they should purify themselves and come as gatekeepers to sanctify the sabbath day. For this also remember me, O my God, and have compassion on me according to the greatness of Your lovingkindness.

nasb@Nehemiah:13:26" @ Did not Solomon king of Israel sin regarding these things? Yet among the many nations there was no king like him, and he was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel; nevertheless the foreign women caused even him to sin.

nasb@Esther:1:4 @And he displayed the riches of his royal glory and the splendor of his great majesty for many days, 180 days.

nasb@Esther:1:10 @On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar and Carkas, the seven eunuchs who served in the presence of King Ahasuerus,

nasb@Esther:1:12 @But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command delivered by the eunuchs. Then the king became very angry and his wrath burned within him.

nasb@Esther:1:15" @According to law, what is to be done with Queen Vashti, because she did not obey the command of King Ahasuerus delivered by the eunuchs?"

nasb@Esther:1:17" @For the queen's conduct will become known to all the women causing them to look with contempt on their husbands by saying, 'King Ahasuerus commanded Queen Vashti to be brought in to his presence, but she did not come.'

nasb@Esther:1:22 @So he sent letters to all the king's provinces, to each province according to its script and to every people according to their language, that every man should be the master in his own house and the one who speaks in the language of his own people.

nasb@Esther:2:8 @So it came about when the command and decree of the king were heard and many young ladies were gathered to the citadel of Susa into the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken to the king's palace into the custody of Hegai, who was in charge of the women.

nasb@Esther:2:20 @Esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people, even as Mordecai had commanded her; for Esther did what Mordecai told her as she had done when under his care.

nasb@Esther:3:1 @After these events King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him and established his authority over all the princes who were with him.

nasb@Esther:3:2 @All the king's servants who were at the king's gate bowed down and paid homage to Haman; for so the king had commanded concerning him. But Mordecai neither bowed down nor paid homage.

nasb@Esther:3:3 @Then the king's servants who were at the king's gate said to Mordecai, " Why are you transgressing the king's command?"

nasb@Esther:3:4 @Now it was when they had spoken daily to him and he would not listen to them, that they told Haman to see whether Mordecai's reason would stand; for he had told them that he was a Jew.

nasb@Esther:3:5 @When Haman saw that Mordecai neither bowed down nor paid homage to him, Haman was filled with rage.

nasb@Esther:3:6 @But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had told him who the people of Mordecai were; therefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus.

nasb@Esther:3:7 @In the first month, which is the month Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, Pur, that is the lot, was cast before Haman from day to day and from month to month, until the twelfth month, that is the month Adar.

nasb@Esther:3:8 @Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus, "There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from those of all other people and they do not observe the king's laws, so it is not in the king's interest to let them remain.

nasb@Esther:3:10 @Then the king took his signet ring from his hand and gave it to Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews.

nasb@Esther:3:11 @The king said to Haman, "The silver is yours, and the people also, to do with them as you please."

nasb@Esther:3:12 @Then the king's scribes were summoned on the thirteenth day of the first month, and it was written just as Haman commanded to the king's satraps, to the governors who were over each province and to the princes of each people, each province according to its script, each people according to its language, being written in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed with the king's signet ring.

nasb@Esther:3:15 @The couriers went out impelled by the king's command while the decree was issued at the citadel in Susa; and while the king and Haman sat down to drink, the city of Susa was in confusion.

nasb@Esther:4:3 @In each and every province where the command and decree of the king came, there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting, weeping and wailing; and many lay on sackcloth and ashes.

nasb@Esther:4:7 @Mordecai told him all that had happened to him, and the exact amount of money that Haman had promised to pay to the king's treasuries for the destruction of the Jews.

nasb@Esther:4:11" @All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that for any man or woman who comes to the king to the inner court who is not summoned, he has but one law, that he be put to death, unless the king holds out to him the golden scepter so that he may live. And I have not been summoned to come to the king for these thirty days."

nasb@Esther:4:17 @So Mordecai went away and did just as Esther had commanded him.

nasb@Esther:5:4 @Esther said, "If it pleases the king, may the king and Haman come this day to the banquet that I have prepared for him."

nasb@Esther:5:5 @Then the king said, " Bring Haman quickly that we may do as Esther desires." So the king and Haman came to the banquet which Esther had prepared.

nasb@Esther:5:8 @if I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and do what I request, may the king and Haman come to the banquet which I will prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king says."

nasb@Esther:5:9 @Then Haman went out that day glad and pleased of heart; but when Haman saw Mordecai in the king's gate and that he did not stand up or tremble before him, Haman was filled with anger against Mordecai.

nasb@Esther:5:10 @Haman controlled himself, however, went to his house and sent for his friends and his wife Zeresh.

nasb@Esther:5:11 @Then Haman recounted to them the glory of his riches, and the number of his sons, and every instance where the king had magnified him and how he had promoted him above the princes and servants of the king.

nasb@Esther:5:12 @Haman also said, "Even Esther the queen let no one but me come with the king to the banquet which she had prepared; and tomorrow also I am invited by her with the king.

nasb@Esther:5:14 @Then Zeresh his wife and all his friends said to him, " Have a gallows fifty cubits high made and in the morning ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on it; then go joyfully with the king to the banquet." And the advice pleased Haman, so he had the gallows made.

nasb@Esther:6:4 @So the king said, "Who is in the court?" Now Haman had just entered the outer court of the king's palace in order to speak to the king about hanging Mordecai on the gallows which he had prepared for him.

nasb@Esther:6:5 @The king's servants said to him, "Behold, Haman is standing in the court." And the king said, "Let him come in."

nasb@Esther:6:6 @So Haman came in and the king said to him, "What is to be done for the man whom the king desires to honor?" And Haman said to himself, "Whom would the king desire to honor more than me?"

nasb@Esther:6:7 @Then Haman said to the king, "For the man whom the king desires to honor,

nasb@Esther:6:9 @and let the robe and the horse be handed over to one of the king's most noble princes and let them array the man whom the king desires to honor and lead him on horseback through the city square, and proclaim before him, 'Thus it shall be done to the man whom the king desires to honor.'"

nasb@Esther:6:10 @Then the king said to Haman, "Take quickly the robes and the horse as you have said, and do so for Mordecai the Jew, who is sitting at the king's gate; do not fall short in anything of all that you have said."

nasb@Esther:6:11 @So Haman took the robe and the horse, and arrayed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city square, and proclaimed before him, "Thus it shall be done to the man whom the king desires to honor."

nasb@Esther:6:12 @Then Mordecai returned to the king's gate. But Haman hurried home, mourning, with his head covered.

nasb@Esther:6:13 @Haman recounted to Zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him. Then his wise men and Zeresh his wife said to him, "If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is of Jewish origin, you will not overcome him, but will surely fall before him."

nasb@Esther:6:14 @While they were still talking with him, the king's eunuchs arrived and hastily brought Haman to the banquet which Esther had prepared.

nasb@Esther:7:1 @Now the king and Haman came to drink wine with Esther the queen.

nasb@Esther:7:6 @Esther said, " A foe and an enemy is this wicked Haman!" Then Haman became terrified before the king and queen.

nasb@Esther:7:7 @The king arose in his anger from drinking wine and went into the palace garden; but Haman stayed to beg for his life from Queen Esther, for he saw that harm had been determined against him by the king.

nasb@Esther:7:8 @Now when the king returned from the palace garden into the place where they were drinking wine, Haman was falling on the couch where Esther was. Then the king said, "Will he even assault the queen with me in the house?" As the word went out of the king's mouth, they covered Haman's face.

nasb@Esther:7:9 @Then Harbonah, one of the eunuchs who were before the king said, "Behold indeed, the gallows standing at Haman's house fifty cubits high, which Haman made for Mordecai who spoke good on behalf of the king!" And the king said, "Hang him on it."

nasb@Esther:7:10 @So they hanged Haman on the gallows which he had prepared for Mordecai, and the king's anger subsided.

nasb@Esther:8:1 @On that day King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Queen Esther; and Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had disclosed what he was to her.

nasb@Esther:8:2 @The king took off his signet ring which he had taken away from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman.

nasb@Esther:8:3 @Then Esther spoke again to the king, fell at his feet, wept and implored him to avert the evil scheme of Haman the Agagite and his plot which he had devised against the Jews.

nasb@Esther:8:5 @Then she said, " If it pleases the king and if I have found favor before him and the matter seems proper to the king and I am pleasing in his sight, let it be written to revoke the letters devised by Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, which he wrote to destroy the Jews who are in all the king's provinces.

nasb@Esther:8:7 @So King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, "Behold, I have given the house of Haman to Esther, and him they have hanged on the gallows because he had stretched out his hands against the Jews.

nasb@Esther:8:9 @So the king's scribes were called at that time in the third month (that is, the month Sivan), on the twenty-third day; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded to the Jews, the satraps, the governors and the princes of the provinces which extended from India to Ethiopia, 127 provinces, to every province according to its script, and to every people according to their language as well as to the Jews according to their script and their language.

nasb@Esther:8:14 @The couriers, hastened and impelled by the king's command, went out, riding on the royal steeds; and the decree was given out at the citadel in Susa.

nasb@Esther:8:17 @In each and every province and in each and every city, wherever the king's commandment and his decree arrived, there was gladness and joy for the Jews, a feast and a holiday. And many among the peoples of the land became Jews, for the dread of the Jews had fallen on them.

nasb@Esther:9:1 @Now in the twelfth month (that is, the month Adar), on the thirteenth day when the king's command and edict were about to be executed, on the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, it was turned to the contrary so that the Jews themselves gained the mastery over those who hated them.

nasb@Esther:9:4 @Indeed, Mordecai was great in the king's house, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces; for the man Mordecai became greater and greater.

nasb@Esther:9:10 @the ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the Jews' enemy; but they did not lay their hands on the plunder.

nasb@Esther:9:12 @The king said to Queen Esther, "The Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men and the ten sons of Haman at the citadel in Susa. What then have they done in the rest of the king's provinces! Now what is your petition? It shall even be granted you. And what is your further request? It shall also be done."

nasb@Esther:9:13 @Then said Esther, "If it pleases the king, let tomorrow also be granted to the Jews who are in Susa to do according to the edict of today; and let Haman's ten sons be hanged on the gallows."

nasb@Esther:9:14 @So the king commanded that it should be done so; and an edict was issued in Susa, and Haman's ten sons were hanged.

nasb@Esther:9:24 @For Haman the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the adversary of all the Jews, had schemed against the Jews to destroy them and had cast Pur, that is the lot, to disturb them and destroy them.

nasb@Esther:9:25 @But when it came to the king's attention, he commanded by letter that his wicked scheme which he had devised against the Jews, should return on his own head and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.

nasb@Esther:9:32 @The command of Esther established these customs for Purim, and it was written in the book.

nasb@Esther:10:3 @For Mordecai the Jew was second only to King Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews and in favor with his many kinsmen, one who sought the good of his people and one who spoke for the welfare of his whole nation.

nasb@Job:1:1 @There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and that man was blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil.

nasb@Job:1:3 @His possessions also were 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys, and very many servants; and that man was the greatest of all the men of the east.

nasb@Job:1:8 @The LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil."

nasb@Job:2:3 @The LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man fearing God and turning away from evil. And he still holds fast his integrity, although you incited Me against him to ruin him without cause."

nasb@Job:2:4 @Satan answered the LORD and said, "Skin for skin! Yes, all that a man has he will give for his life.

nasb@Job:2:11 @Now when Job's three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, they came each one from his own place, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite; and they made an appointment together to come to sympathize with him and comfort him.

nasb@Job:3:23" @Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden, And whom God has hedged in?

nasb@Job:3:4 @Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered,

nasb@Job:3:3" @Behold you have admonished many, And you have strengthened weak hands.

nasb@Job:3:17 @'Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?

nasb@Job:3:2" @For anger slays the foolish man, And jealousy kills the simple.

nasb@Job:3:7 @For man is born for trouble, As sparks fly upward.

nasb@Job:3:17" @Behold, how happy is the man whom God reproves, So do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.

nasb@Job:3:25" @You will know also that your descendants will be many, And your offspring as the grass of the earth.

nasb@Job:3:14" @For the despairing man there should be kindness from his friend; So that he does not forsake the fear of the Almighty.

nasb@Job:3:7" @Is not man forced to labor on earth, And are not his days like the days of a hired man?

nasb@Job:3:2" @As a slave who pants for the shade, And as a hired man who eagerly waits for his wages,

nasb@Job:3:17" @ What is man that You magnify him, And that You are concerned about him,

nasb@Job:3:20" @Lo, God will not reject a man of integrity, Nor will He support the evildoers.

nasb@Job:3:2" @In truth I know that this is so; But how can a man be in the right before God?

nasb@Job:3:7 @Who commands the sun not to shine, And sets a seal upon the stars;

nasb@Job:3:32" @For He is not a man as I am that I may answer Him, That we may go to court together.

nasb@Job:3:4 @'Have You eyes of flesh? Or do You see as a man sees?

nasb@Job:3:5 @'Are Your days as the days of a mortal, Or Your years as man's years,

nasb@Job:3:2" @Shall a multitude of words go unanswered, And a talkative man be acquitted?

nasb@Job:3:12" @ An idiot will become intelligent When the foal of a wild donkey is born a man.

nasb@Job:3:19" @You would lie down and none would disturb you, And many would entreat your favor.

nasb@Job:3:4" @I am a joke to my friends, The one who called on God and He answered him; The just and blameless man is a joke.

nasb@Job:3:10 @In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind?

nasb@Job:3:14" @Behold, He tears down, and it cannot be rebuilt; He imprisons a man, and there can be no release.

nasb@Job:3:25" @They grope in darkness with no light, And He makes them stagger like a drunken man.

nasb@Job:3:9" @Will it be well when He examines you? Or will you deceive Him as one deceives a man?

nasb@Job:3:16" @This also will be my salvation, For a godless man may not come before His presence.

nasb@Job:3:23" @ How many are my iniquities and sins? Make known to me my rebellion and my sin.

nasb@Job:3:14" @ Man, who is born of woman, Is short-lived and full of turmoil.

nasb@Job:3:6" @ Turn Your gaze from him that he may rest, Until he fulfills his day like a hired man.

nasb@Job:3:10" @But man dies and lies prostrate. Man expires, and where is he?

nasb@Job:3:12 @So man lies down and does not rise. Until the heavens are no longer, He will not awake nor be aroused out of his sleep.

nasb@Job:3:14" @If a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my struggle I will wait Until my change comes.

nasb@Job:3:19 @Water wears away stones, Its torrents wash away the dust of the earth; So You destroy man's hope.

nasb@Job:3:15 @Then Eliphaz the Temanite responded,

nasb@Job:3:2" @Should a wise man answer with windy knowledge And fill himself with the east wind?

nasb@Job:3:7" @Were you the first man to be born, Or were you brought forth before the hills?

nasb@Job:3:14" @What is man, that he should be pure, Or he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?

nasb@Job:3:16 @How much less one who is detestable and corrupt, Man, who drinks iniquity like water!

nasb@Job:3:20" @The wicked man writhes in pain all his days, And numbered are the years stored up for the ruthless.

nasb@Job:3:2" @I have heard many such things; Sorry comforters are you all.

nasb@Job:3:21" @O that a man might plead with God As a man with his neighbor!

nasb@Job:3:10" @But come again all of you now, For I do not find a wise man among you.

nasb@Job:3:4" @Do you know this from of old, From the establishment of man on earth,

nasb@Job:3:29" @This is the wicked man's portion from God, Even the heritage decreed to him by God."

nasb@Job:3:4" @As for me, is my complaint to man? And why should I not be impatient?

nasb@Job:3:19" @You say, ' God stores away a man's iniquity for his sons.' Let God repay him so that he may know it.

nasb@Job:3:28" @For you say, 'Where is the house of the nobleman, And where is the tent, the dwelling places of the wicked?'

nasb@Job:3:22 @Then Eliphaz the Temanite responded,

nasb@Job:3:2" @Can a vigorous man be of use to God, Or a wise man be useful to himself?

nasb@Job:3:8" @But the earth belongs to the mighty man, And the honorable man dwells in it.

nasb@Job:3:12" @I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.

nasb@Job:3:14" @For He performs what is appointed for me, And many such decrees are with Him.

nasb@Job:3:21" @He wrongs the barren woman And does no good for the widow.

nasb@Job:3:4" @How then can a man be just with God? Or how can he be clean who is born of woman?

nasb@Job:3:6 @How much less man, that maggot, And the son of man, that worm!"

nasb@Job:3:13" @This is the portion of a wicked man from God, And the inheritance which tyrants receive from the Almighty.

nasb@Job:3:14" @Though his sons are many, they are destined for the sword; And his descendants will not be satisfied with bread.

nasb@Job:3:18" @He has built his house like the spider's web, Or as a hut which the watchman has made.

nasb@Job:3:3" @Man puts an end to darkness, And to the farthest limit he searches out The rock in gloom and deep shadow.

nasb@Job:3:13" @ Man does not know its value, Nor is it found in the land of the living.

nasb@Job:3:28" @And to man He said, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.'"

nasb@Job:3:9" @If my heart has been enticed by a woman, Or I have lurked at my neighbor's doorway,

nasb@Job:4:8" @But it is a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.

nasb@Job:4:13" @Do not say, ' We have found wisdom; God will rout him, not man.'

nasb@Job:4:21" @Let me now be partial to no one, Nor flatter any man.

nasb@Job:4:12" @Behold, let me tell you, you are not right in this, For God is greater than man.

nasb@Job:4:17 @That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride;

nasb@Job:4:19" @Man is also chastened with pain on his bed, And with unceasing complaint in his bones;

nasb@Job:4:23" @If there is an angel as mediator for him, One out of a thousand, To remind a man what is right for him,

nasb@Job:4:26 @Then he will pray to God, and He will accept him, That he may see His face with joy, And He may restore His righteousness to man.

nasb@Job:4:7" @What man is like Job, Who drinks up derision like water,

nasb@Job:4:9" @For he has said, ' It profits a man nothing When he is pleased with God.'

nasb@Job:4:11" @For He pays a man according to his work, And makes him find it according to his way.

nasb@Job:4:15 @All flesh would perish together, And man would return to dust.

nasb@Job:4:21" @For His eyes are upon the ways of a man, And He sees all his steps.

nasb@Job:4:23" @For He does not need to consider a man further, That he should go before God in judgment.

nasb@Job:4:29 @When He keeps quiet, who then can condemn? And when He hides His face, who then can behold Him, That is, in regard to both nation and man?--

nasb@Job:4:34" @Men of understanding will say to me, And a wise man who hears me,

nasb@Job:4:6" @If you have sinned, what do you accomplish against Him? And if your transgressions are many, what do you do to Him?

nasb@Job:4:8" @Your wickedness is for a man like yourself, And your righteousness is for a son of man.

nasb@Job:4:10" @ He opens their ear to instruction, And commands that they return from evil.

nasb@Job:4:25" @All men have seen it; Man beholds from afar.

nasb@Job:4:28 @Which the clouds pour down, They drip upon man abundantly.

nasb@Job:4:32" @He covers His hands with the lightning, And commands it to strike the mark.

nasb@Job:4:7" @He seals the hand of every man, That all men may know His work.

nasb@Job:4:12" @It changes direction, turning around by His guidance, That it may do whatever He commands it On the face of the inhabited earth.

nasb@Job:4:20" @Shall it be told Him that I would speak? Or should a man say that he would be swallowed up?

nasb@Job:4:3" @Now gird up your loins like a man, And I will ask you, and you instruct Me!

nasb@Job:4:12" @Have you ever in your life commanded the morning, And caused the dawn to know its place,

nasb@Job:4:26 @To bring rain on a land without people, On a desert without a man in it,

nasb@Job:4:9" @Will the wild ox consent to serve you, Or will he spend the night at your manger?

nasb@Job:4:19" @Do you give the horse his might? Do you clothe his neck with a mane?

nasb@Job:4:27" @Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up And makes his nest on high?

nasb@Job:4:7" @Now gird up your loins like a man; I will ask you, and you instruct Me.

nasb@Job:4:3" @Will he make many supplications to you, Or will he speak to you soft words?

nasb@Job:4:7 @It came about after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, that the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends, because you have not spoken of Me what is right as My servant Job has.

nasb@Job:4:9 @So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went and did as the LORD told them; and the LORD accepted Job.

nasb@Job:4:17 @And Job died, an old man and full of days.

nasb@Psalms:1:1 @How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!

nasb@Psalms:3:1 @O LORD, how my adversaries have increased! Many are rising up against me.

nasb@Psalms:3:2 @Many are saying of my soul, "There is no deliverance for him in God." Selah.

nasb@Psalms:4:3 @But know that the LORD has set apart the godly man for Himself; The LORD hears when I call to Him.

nasb@Psalms:4:6 @Many are saying, " Who will show us any good?" Lift up the light of Your countenance upon us, O LORD!

nasb@Psalms:5:6 @You destroy those who speak falsehood; The LORD abhors the man of bloodshed and deceit.

nasb@Psalms:5:12 @For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield.

nasb@Psalms:7:12 @If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready.

nasb@Psalms:8:4 @What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?

nasb@Psalms:9:19 @Arise, O LORD, do not let man prevail; Let the nations be judged before You.

nasb@Psalms:10:3 @For the wicked boasts of his heart's desire, And the greedy man curses and spurns the LORD.

nasb@Psalms:10:18 @To vindicate the orphan and the oppressed, So that man who is of the earth will no longer cause terror.

nasb@Psalms:12:1 @Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases to be, For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men.

nasb@Psalms:18:16 @He sent from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.

nasb@Psalms:18:48 @He delivers me from my enemies; Surely You lift me above those who rise up against me; You rescue me from the violent man.

nasb@Psalms:19:5 @Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; It rejoices as a strong man to run his course.

nasb@Psalms:19:8 @The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.

nasb@Psalms:22:6 @But I am a worm and not a man, A reproach of men and despised by the people.

nasb@Psalms:22:12 @Many bulls have surrounded me; Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled me.

nasb@Psalms:25:12 @Who is the man who fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way he should choose.

nasb@Psalms:25:19 @Look upon my enemies, for they are many, And they hate me with violent hatred.

nasb@Psalms:29:3 @The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; The God of glory thunders, The LORD is over many waters.

nasb@Psalms:31:12 @I am forgotten as a dead man, out of mind; I am like a broken vessel.

nasb@Psalms:31:13 @For I have heard the slander of many, Terror is on every side; While they took counsel together against me, They schemed to take away my life.

nasb@Psalms:31:20 @You hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues.

nasb@Psalms:32:2 @How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit!

nasb@Psalms:32:10 @Many are the sorrows of the wicked, But he who trusts in the LORD, lovingkindness shall surround him.

nasb@Psalms:33:9 @For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.

nasb@Psalms:34:6 @This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him And saved him out of all his troubles.

nasb@Psalms:34:8 @O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

nasb@Psalms:34:12 @Who is the man who desires life And loves length of days that he may see good?

nasb@Psalms:34:19 @Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.

nasb@Psalms:36:6 @Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; Your judgments are like a great deep. O LORD, You preserve man and beast.

nasb@Psalms:37:7 @Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

nasb@Psalms:37:10 @Yet a little while and the wicked man will be no more; And you will look carefully for his place and he will not be there.

nasb@Psalms:37:16 @Better is the little of the righteous Than the abundance of many wicked.

nasb@Psalms:37:23 @The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way.

nasb@Psalms:37:35 @I have seen a wicked, violent man Spreading himself like a luxuriant tree in its native soil.

nasb@Psalms:37:37 @Mark the blameless man, and behold the upright; For the man of peace will have a posterity.

nasb@Psalms:38:13 @But I, like a deaf man, do not hear; And I am like a mute man who does not open his mouth.

nasb@Psalms:38:14 @Yes, I am like a man who does not hear, And in whose mouth are no arguments.

nasb@Psalms:38:19 @But my enemies are vigorous and strong, And many are those who hate me wrongfully.

nasb@Psalms:39:5" @Behold, You have made my days as handbreadths, And my lifetime as nothing in Your sight; Surely every man at his best is a mere breath. Selah.

nasb@Psalms:39:6" @Surely every man walks about as a phantom; Surely they make an uproar for nothing; He amasses riches and does not know who will gather them.

nasb@Psalms:39:11" @With reproofs You chasten a man for iniquity; You consume as a moth what is precious to him; Surely every man is a mere breath. Selah.

nasb@Psalms:40:3 @He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the LORD.

nasb@Psalms:40:4 @How blessed is the man who has made the LORD his trust, And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood.

nasb@Psalms:40:5 @Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count.

nasb@Psalms:42:8 @The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night, A prayer to the God of my life.

nasb@Psalms:43:1 @Vindicate me, O God, and plead my case against an ungodly nation; O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man!

nasb@Psalms:44:4 @You are my King, O God; Command victories for Jacob.

nasb@Psalms:48:6 @Panic seized them there, Anguish, as of a woman in childbirth.

nasb@Psalms:49:7 @No man can by any means redeem his brother Or give to God a ransom for him--

nasb@Psalms:49:12 @But man in his pomp will not endure; He is like the beasts that perish.

nasb@Psalms:49:16 @Do not be afraid when a man becomes rich, When the glory of his house is increased;

nasb@Psalms:49:20 @Man in his pomp, yet without understanding, Is like the beasts that perish.

nasb@Psalms:52:1 @Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man? The lovingkindness of God endures all day long.

nasb@Psalms:52:7" @Behold, the man who would not make God his refuge, But trusted in the abundance of his riches And was strong in his evil desire."

nasb@Psalms:55:13 @But it is you, a man my equal, My companion and my familiar friend;

nasb@Psalms:55:18 @He will redeem my soul in peace from the battle which is against me, For they are many who strive with me.

nasb@Psalms:56:1 @Be gracious to me, O God, for man has trampled upon me; Fighting all day long he oppresses me.

nasb@Psalms:56:2 @My foes have trampled upon me all day long, For they are many who fight proudly against me.

nasb@Psalms:56:4 @In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?

nasb@Psalms:56:11 @In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?

nasb@Psalms:58:8 @Let them be as a snail which melts away as it goes along, Like the miscarriages of a woman which never see the sun.

nasb@Psalms:60:7" @ Gilead is Mine, and Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is the helmet of My head; Judah is My scepter.

nasb@Psalms:60:11 @O give us help against the adversary, For deliverance by man is in vain.

nasb@Psalms:61:6 @You will prolong the king's life; His years will be as many generations.

nasb@Psalms:62:3 @How long will you assail a man, That you may murder him, all of you, Like a leaning wall, like a tottering fence?

nasb@Psalms:62:12 @And lovingkindness is Yours, O Lord, For You recompense a man according to his work.

nasb@Psalms:64:6 @They devise injustices, saying, "We are ready with a well-conceived plot"; For the inward thought and the heart of a man are deep.

nasb@Psalms:64:10 @The righteous man will be glad in the LORD and will take refuge in Him; And all the upright in heart will glory.

nasb@Psalms:68:11 @The Lord gives the command; The women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host-

nasb@Psalms:68:15 @A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan; A mountain of many peaks is the mountain of Bashan.

nasb@Psalms:68:16 @Why do you look with envy, O mountains with many peaks, At the mountain which God has desired for His abode? Surely the LORD will dwell there forever.

nasb@Psalms:68:28 @Your God has commanded your strength; Show Yourself strong, O God, who have acted on our behalf.

nasb@Psalms:71:3 @Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come; You have given commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress.

nasb@Psalms:71:4 @Rescue me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, Out of the grasp of the wrongdoer and ruthless man,

nasb@Psalms:71:7 @I have become a marvel to many, For You are my strong refuge.

nasb@Psalms:71:20 @You who have shown me many troubles and distresses Will revive me again, And will bring me up again from the depths of the earth.

nasb@Psalms:73:5 @They are not in trouble as other men, Nor are they plagued like mankind.

nasb@Psalms:74:22 @Arise, O God, and plead Your own cause; Remember how the foolish man reproaches You all day long.

nasb@Psalms:75:10 @For the wrath of man shall praise You; With a remnant of wrath You will gird Yourself.

nasb@Psalms:77:5 @For He established a testimony in Jacob And appointed a law in Israel, Which He commanded our fathers That they should teach them to their children,

nasb@Psalms:77:7 @That they should put their confidence in God And not forget the works of God, But keep His commandments,

nasb@Psalms:77:23 @Yet He commanded the clouds above And opened the doors of heaven;

nasb@Psalms:77:24 @He rained down manna upon them to eat And gave them food from heaven.

nasb@Psalms:77:25 @Man did eat the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance.

nasb@Psalms:79:2 @Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Your power And come to save us!

nasb@Psalms:79:17 @Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand, Upon the son of man whom You made strong for Yourself.

nasb@Psalms:83:5 @How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, In whose heart are the highways to Zion!

nasb@Psalms:83:12 @O LORD of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You!

nasb@Psalms:85:2 @Preserve my soul, for I am a godly man; O You my God, save Your servant who trusts in You.

nasb@Psalms:87:4 @I am reckoned among those who go down to the pit; I have become like a man without strength,

nasb@Psalms:88:31 @If they violate My statutes And do not keep My commandments,

nasb@Psalms:88:48 @What man can live and not see death? Can he deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? Selah.

nasb@Psalms:88:50 @Remember, O Lord, the reproach of Your servants; How I bear in my bosom the reproach of all the many peoples,

nasb@Psalms:89:3 @You turn man back into dust And say, "Return, O children of men."

nasb@Psalms:91:6 @A senseless man has no knowledge, Nor does a stupid man understand this-

nasb@Psalms:91:12 @The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

nasb@Psalms:92:4 @More than the sounds of many waters, Than the mighty breakers of the sea, The LORD on high is mighty.

nasb@Psalms:93:10 @He who chastens the nations, will He not rebuke, Even He who teaches man knowledge?

nasb@Psalms:93:11 @The LORD knows the thoughts of man, That they are a mere breath.

nasb@Psalms:93:12 @Blessed is the man whom You chasten, O LORD, And whom You teach out of Your law;

nasb@Psalms:96:1 @The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; Let the many islands be glad.

nasb@Psalms:102:15 @As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

nasb@Psalms:103:14 @He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And vegetation for the labor of man, So that he may bring forth food from the earth,

nasb@Psalms:103:15 @And wine which makes man's heart glad, So that he may make his face glisten with oil, And food which sustains man's heart.

nasb@Psalms:103:23 @Man goes forth to his work And to his labor until evening.

nasb@Psalms:103:24 @O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; The earth is full of Your possessions.

nasb@Psalms:104:8 @He has remembered His covenant forever, The word which He commanded to a thousand generations,

nasb@Psalms:104:14 @He permitted no man to oppress them, And He reproved kings for their sakes-

nasb@Psalms:104:17 @He sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave.

nasb@Psalms:105:34 @They did not destroy the peoples, As the LORD commanded them,

nasb@Psalms:105:43 @Many times He would deliver them; They, however, were rebellious in their counsel, And so sank down in their iniquity.

nasb@Psalms:106:27 @They reeled and staggered like a drunken man, And were at their wits' end.

nasb@Psalms:107:8" @Gilead is Mine, Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is the helmet of My head; Judah is My scepter.

nasb@Psalms:107:12 @Oh give us help against the adversary, For deliverance by man is in vain.

nasb@Psalms:108:6 @Appoint a wicked man over him, And let an accuser stand at his right hand.

nasb@Psalms:108:16 @Because he did not remember to show lovingkindness, But persecuted the afflicted and needy man, And the despondent in heart, to put them to death.

nasb@Psalms:108:30 @With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD; And in the midst of many I will praise Him.

nasb@Psalms:110:10 @The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.

nasb@Psalms:111:1 @Praise the LORD! How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, Who greatly delights in His commandments.

nasb@Psalms:111:5 @It is well with the man who is gracious and lends; He will maintain his cause in judgment.

nasb@Psalms:112:9 @He makes the barren woman abide in the house As a joyful mother of children. Praise the LORD!

nasb@Psalms:114:4 @Their idols are silver and gold, The work of man's hands.

nasb@Psalms:117:6 @The LORD is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me?

nasb@Psalms:117:8 @It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man.

nasb@Psalms:118:6 @Then I shall not be ashamed When I look upon all Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:9 @How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word.

nasb@Psalms:118:10 @With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:19 @I am a stranger in the earth; Do not hide Your commandments from me.

nasb@Psalms:118:21 @You rebuke the arrogant, the cursed, Who wander from Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:32 @I shall run the way of Your commandments, For You will enlarge my heart.

nasb@Psalms:118:35 @Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, For I delight in it.

nasb@Psalms:118:47 @I shall delight in Your commandments, Which I love.

nasb@Psalms:118:48 @And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments, Which I love; And I will meditate on Your statutes.

nasb@Psalms:118:60 @I hastened and did not delay To keep Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:66 @Teach me good discernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:73 @Your hands made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:84 @How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me?

nasb@Psalms:118:86 @All Your commandments are faithful; They have persecuted me with a lie; help me!

nasb@Psalms:118:96 @I have seen a limit to all perfection; Your commandment is exceedingly broad.

nasb@Psalms:118:98 @Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, For they are ever mine.

nasb@Psalms:118:115 @Depart from me, evildoers, That I may observe the commandments of my God.

nasb@Psalms:118:127 @Therefore I love Your commandments Above gold, yes, above fine gold.

nasb@Psalms:118:131 @I opened my mouth wide and panted, For I longed for Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:132 @Turn to me and be gracious to me, After Your manner with those who love Your name.

nasb@Psalms:118:134 @Redeem me from the oppression of man, That I may keep Your precepts.

nasb@Psalms:118:138 @You have commanded Your testimonies in righteousness And exceeding faithfulness.

nasb@Psalms:118:143 @Trouble and anguish have come upon me, Yet Your commandments are my delight.

nasb@Psalms:118:151 @You are near, O LORD, And all Your commandments are truth.

nasb@Psalms:118:157 @Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, Yet I do not turn aside from Your testimonies.

nasb@Psalms:118:166 @I hope for Your salvation, O LORD, And do Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:118:172 @Let my tongue sing of Your word, For all Your commandments are righteousness.

nasb@Psalms:118:176 @I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments.

nasb@Psalms:125:1 @Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.

nasb@Psalms:125:5 @How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

nasb@Psalms:126:4 @Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed Who fears the LORD.

nasb@Psalms:126:1" @Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up," Let Israel now say,

nasb@Psalms:126:2" @Many times they have persecuted me from my youth up; Yet they have not prevailed against me.

nasb@Psalms:130:3 @It is like the dew of Hermon Coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the LORD commanded the blessing-- life forever.

nasb@Psalms:132:8 @He smote the firstborn of Egypt, Both of man and beast.

nasb@Psalms:132:10 @He smote many nations And slew mighty kings,

nasb@Psalms:132:15 @The idols of the nations are but silver and gold, The work of man's hands.

nasb@Psalms:134:3 @For there our captors demanded of us songs, And our tormentors mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion."

nasb@Psalms:137:11" @May a slanderer not be established in the earth; May evil hunt the violent man speedily."

nasb@Psalms:140:2 @And do not enter into judgment with Your servant, For in Your sight no man living is righteous.

nasb@Psalms:141:3 @O LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that You think of him?

nasb@Psalms:141:4 @Man is like a mere breath; His days are like a passing shadow.

nasb@Psalms:143:3 @Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.

nasb@Psalms:144:10 @He does not delight in the strength of the horse; He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.

nasb@Psalms:144:15 @He sends forth His command to the earth; His word runs very swiftly.

nasb@Psalms:145:5 @Let them praise the name of the LORD, For He commanded and they were created.

nasb@Proverbs:1:5 @A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel,

nasb@Proverbs:2:1 @My son, if you will receive my words And treasure my commandments within you,

nasb@Proverbs:2:12 @To deliver you from the way of evil, From the man who speaks perverse things;

nasb@Proverbs:2:16 @To deliver you from the strange woman, From the adulteress who flatters with her words;

nasb@Proverbs:3:1 @My son, do not forget my teaching, But let your heart keep my commandments;

nasb@Proverbs:3:4 @So you will find favor and good repute In the sight of God and man.

nasb@Proverbs:3:13 @How blessed is the man who finds wisdom And the man who gains understanding.

nasb@Proverbs:3:30 @Do not contend with a man without cause, If he has done you no harm.

nasb@Proverbs:3:31 @Do not envy a man of violence And do not choose any of his ways.

nasb@Proverbs:4:4 @Then he taught me and said to me, "Let your heart hold fast my words; Keep my commandments and live;

nasb@Proverbs:4:10 @Hear, my son, and accept my sayings And the years of your life will be many.

nasb@Proverbs:5:21 @For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He watches all his paths.

nasb@Proverbs:6:11 @Your poverty will come in like a vagabond And your need like an armed man.

nasb@Proverbs:6:12 @A worthless person, a wicked man, Is the one who walks with a perverse mouth,

nasb@Proverbs:6:20 @My son, observe the commandment of your father And do not forsake the teaching of your mother;

nasb@Proverbs:6:23 @For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light; And reproofs for discipline are the way of life

nasb@Proverbs:6:24 @To keep you from the evil woman, From the smooth tongue of the adulteress.

nasb@Proverbs:6:27 @Can a man take fire in his bosom And his clothes not be burned?

nasb@Proverbs:6:28 @Or can a man walk on hot coals And his feet not be scorched?

nasb@Proverbs:6:32 @The one who commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense; He who would destroy himself does it.

nasb@Proverbs:6:34 @For jealousy enrages a man, And he will not spare in the day of vengeance.

nasb@Proverbs:6:35 @He will not accept any ransom, Nor will he be satisfied though you give many gifts.

nasb@Proverbs:7:1 @My son, keep my words And treasure my commandments within you.

nasb@Proverbs:7:2 @Keep my commandments and live, And my teaching as the apple of your eye.

nasb@Proverbs:7:7 @And I saw among the naive, And discerned among the youths A young man lacking sense,

nasb@Proverbs:7:10 @And behold, a woman comes to meet him, Dressed as a harlot and cunning of heart.

nasb@Proverbs:7:21 @With her many persuasions she entices him; With her flattering lips she seduces him.

nasb@Proverbs:7:26 @For many are the victims she has cast down, And numerous are all her slain.

nasb@Proverbs:8:29 @When He set for the sea its boundary So that the water would not transgress His command, When He marked out the foundations of the earth;

nasb@Proverbs:8:30 @Then I was beside Him, as a master workman; And I was daily His delight, Rejoicing always before Him,

nasb@Proverbs:8:34" @ Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at my doorposts.

nasb@Proverbs:9:7 @He who corrects a scoffer gets dishonor for himself, And he who reproves a wicked man gets insults for himself.

nasb@Proverbs:9:8 @Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you, Reprove a wise man and he will love you.

nasb@Proverbs:9:9 @Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, Teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.

nasb@Proverbs:9:13 @The woman of folly is boisterous, She is naive and knows nothing.

nasb@Proverbs:10:8 @The wise of heart will receive commands, But a babbling fool will be ruined.

nasb@Proverbs:10:15 @The rich man's wealth is his fortress, The ruin of the poor is their poverty.

nasb@Proverbs:10:19 @When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise.

nasb@Proverbs:10:21 @The lips of the righteous feed many, But fools die for lack of understanding.

nasb@Proverbs:10:23 @Doing wickedness is like sport to a fool, And so is wisdom to a man of understanding.

nasb@Proverbs:11:7 @When a wicked man dies, his expectation will perish, And the hope of strong men perishes.

nasb@Proverbs:11:9 @With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered.

nasb@Proverbs:11:12 @He who despises his neighbor lacks sense, But a man of understanding keeps silent.

nasb@Proverbs:11:16 @A gracious woman attains honor, And ruthless men attain riches.

nasb@Proverbs:11:17 @The merciful man does himself good, But the cruel man does himself harm.

nasb@Proverbs:11:21 @Assuredly, the evil man will not go unpunished, But the descendants of the righteous will be delivered.

nasb@Proverbs:11:22 @As a ring of gold in a swine's snout So is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion.

nasb@Proverbs:11:25 @The generous man will be prosperous, And he who waters will himself be watered.

nasb@Proverbs:12:2 @A good man will obtain favor from the LORD, But He will condemn a man who devises evil.

nasb@Proverbs:12:3 @A man will not be established by wickedness, But the root of the righteous will not be moved.

nasb@Proverbs:12:8 @A man will be praised according to his insight, But one of perverse mind will be despised.

nasb@Proverbs:12:10 @A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.

nasb@Proverbs:12:12 @The wicked man desires the booty of evil men, But the root of the righteous yields fruit.

nasb@Proverbs:12:13 @An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips, But the righteous will escape from trouble.

nasb@Proverbs:12:14 @A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his words, And the deeds of a man's hands will return to him.

nasb@Proverbs:12:15 @The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel.

nasb@Proverbs:12:16 @A fool's anger is known at once, But a prudent man conceals dishonor.

nasb@Proverbs:12:23 @A prudent man conceals knowledge, But the heart of fools proclaims folly.

nasb@Proverbs:12:25 @Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good word makes it glad.

nasb@Proverbs:12:27 @A lazy man does not roast his prey, But the precious possession of a man is diligence.

nasb@Proverbs:13:2 @From the fruit of a man's mouth he enjoys good, But the desire of the treacherous is violence.

nasb@Proverbs:13:5 @A righteous man hates falsehood, But a wicked man acts disgustingly and shamefully.

nasb@Proverbs:13:8 @The ransom of a man's life is his wealth, But the poor hears no rebuke.

nasb@Proverbs:13:13 @The one who despises the word will be in debt to it, But the one who fears the commandment will be rewarded.

nasb@Proverbs:13:16 @Every prudent man acts with knowledge, But a fool displays folly.

nasb@Proverbs:13:22 @A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, And the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

nasb@Proverbs:14:1 @The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands.

nasb@Proverbs:14:4 @Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, But much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.

nasb@Proverbs:14:12 @There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

nasb@Proverbs:14:14 @The backslider in heart will have his fill of his own ways, But a good man will be satisfied with his.

nasb@Proverbs:14:15 @The naive believes everything, But the sensible man considers his steps.

nasb@Proverbs:14:16 @A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, But a fool is arrogant and careless.

nasb@Proverbs:14:17 @A quick-tempered man acts foolishly, And a man of evil devices is hated.

nasb@Proverbs:14:20 @The poor is hated even by his neighbor, But those who love the rich are many.

nasb@Proverbs:15:18 @A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, But the slow to anger calms a dispute.

nasb@Proverbs:15:20 @A wise son makes a father glad, But a foolish man despises his mother.

nasb@Proverbs:15:21 @Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But a man of understanding walks straight.

nasb@Proverbs:15:22 @Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed.

nasb@Proverbs:15:23 @A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!

nasb@Proverbs:16:1 @The plans of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.

nasb@Proverbs:16:2 @All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, But the LORD weighs the motives.

nasb@Proverbs:16:7 @When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

nasb@Proverbs:16:9 @The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.

nasb@Proverbs:16:14 @The fury of a king is like messengers of death, But a wise man will appease it.

nasb@Proverbs:16:25 @There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.

nasb@Proverbs:16:27 @A worthless man digs up evil, While his words are like scorching fire.

nasb@Proverbs:16:28 @A perverse man spreads strife, And a slanderer separates intimate friends.

nasb@Proverbs:16:29 @A man of violence entices his neighbor And leads him in a way that is not good.

nasb@Proverbs:17:11 @A rebellious man seeks only evil, So a cruel messenger will be sent against him.

nasb@Proverbs:17:12 @Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, Rather than a fool in his folly.

nasb@Proverbs:17:18 @A man lacking in sense pledges And becomes guarantor in the presence of his neighbor.

nasb@Proverbs:17:23 @A wicked man receives a bribe from the bosom To pervert the ways of justice.

nasb@Proverbs:17:27 @He who restrains his words has knowledge, And he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.

nasb@Proverbs:18:3 @When a wicked man comes, contempt also comes, And with dishonor comes scorn.

nasb@Proverbs:18:4 @The words of a man's mouth are deep waters; The fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.

nasb@Proverbs:18:11 @A rich man's wealth is his strong city, And like a high wall in his own imagination.

nasb@Proverbs:18:12 @Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, But humility goes before honor.

nasb@Proverbs:18:14 @The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it?

nasb@Proverbs:18:16 @A man's gift makes room for him And brings him before great men.

nasb@Proverbs:18:20 @With the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be satisfied; He will be satisfied with the product of his lips.

nasb@Proverbs:18:23 @The poor man utters supplications, But the rich man answers roughly.

nasb@Proverbs:18:24 @A man of too many friends comes to ruin, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

nasb@Proverbs:19:1 @Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity Than he who is perverse in speech and is a fool.

nasb@Proverbs:19:3 @The foolishness of man ruins his way, And his heart rages against the LORD.

nasb@Proverbs:19:4 @Wealth adds many friends, But a poor man is separated from his friend.

nasb@Proverbs:19:6 @Many will seek the favor of a generous man, And every man is a friend to him who gives gifts.

nasb@Proverbs:19:7 @All the brothers of a poor man hate him; How much more do his friends abandon him! He pursues them with words, but they are gone.

nasb@Proverbs:19:11 @A man's discretion makes him slow to anger, And it is his glory to overlook a transgression.

nasb@Proverbs:19:15 @Laziness casts into a deep sleep, And an idle man will suffer hunger.

nasb@Proverbs:19:16 @He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, But he who is careless of conduct will die.

nasb@Proverbs:19:17 @One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, And He will repay him for his good deed.

nasb@Proverbs:19:19 @A man of great anger will bear the penalty, For if you rescue him, you will only have to do it again.

nasb@Proverbs:19:21 @Many plans are in a man's heart, But the counsel of the LORD will stand.

nasb@Proverbs:19:22 @What is desirable in a man is his kindness, And it is better to be a poor man than a liar.

nasb@Proverbs:20:3 @Keeping away from strife is an honor for a man, But any fool will quarrel.

nasb@Proverbs:20:5 @A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, But a man of understanding draws it out.

nasb@Proverbs:20:6 @Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, But who can find a trustworthy man?

nasb@Proverbs:20:7 @A righteous man who walks in his integrity-- How blessed are his sons after him.

nasb@Proverbs:20:17 @Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man, But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel.

nasb@Proverbs:20:24 @Man's steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?

nasb@Proverbs:20:25 @It is a trap for a man to say rashly, "It is holy!" And after the vows to make inquiry.

nasb@Proverbs:20:27 @The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the innermost parts of his being.

nasb@Proverbs:21:2 @Every man's way is right in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the hearts.

nasb@Proverbs:21:8 @The way of a guilty man is crooked, But as for the pure, his conduct is upright.

nasb@Proverbs:21:9 @It is better to live in a corner of a roof Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.

nasb@Proverbs:21:16 @A man who wanders from the way of understanding Will rest in the assembly of the dead.

nasb@Proverbs:21:17 @He who loves pleasure will become a poor man; He who loves wine and oil will not become rich.

nasb@Proverbs:21:19 @It is better to live in a desert land Than with a contentious and vexing woman.

nasb@Proverbs:21:20 @There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, But a foolish man swallows it up.

nasb@Proverbs:21:22 @A wise man scales the city of the mighty And brings down the stronghold in which they trust.

nasb@Proverbs:21:28 @A false witness will perish, But the man who listens to the truth will speak forever.

nasb@Proverbs:21:29 @A wicked man displays a bold face, But as for the upright, he makes his way sure.

nasb@Proverbs:22:12 @The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, But He overthrows the words of the treacherous man.

nasb@Proverbs:22:24 @Do not associate with a man given to anger; Or go with a hot-tempered man,

nasb@Proverbs:22:29 @Do you see a man skilled in his workNULL He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.

nasb@Proverbs:23:2 @And put a knife to your throat If you are a man of great appetite.

nasb@Proverbs:23:6 @Do not eat the bread of a selfish man, Or desire his delicacies;

nasb@Proverbs:23:27 @For a harlot is a deep pit And an adulterous woman is a narrow well.

nasb@Proverbs:24:5 @A wise man is strong, And a man of knowledge increases power.

nasb@Proverbs:24:12 @If you say, "See, we did not know this," Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does He not know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work?

nasb@Proverbs:24:15 @Do not lie in wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; Do not destroy his resting place;

nasb@Proverbs:24:16 @For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.

nasb@Proverbs:24:20 @For there will be no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked will be put out.

nasb@Proverbs:24:29 @Do not say, "Thus I shall do to him as he has done to me; I will render to the man according to his work."

nasb@Proverbs:24:30 @I passed by the field of the sluggard And by the vineyard of the man lacking sense,

nasb@Proverbs:24:34 @Then your poverty will come as a robber And your want like an armed man.

nasb@Proverbs:25:14 @Like clouds and wind without rain Is a man who boasts of his gifts falsely.

nasb@Proverbs:25:18 @Like a club and a sword and a sharp arrow Is a man who bears false witness against his neighbor.

nasb@Proverbs:25:19 @Like a bad tooth and an unsteady foot Is confidence in a faithless man in time of trouble.

nasb@Proverbs:25:24 @It is better to live in a corner of the roof Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.

nasb@Proverbs:25:26 @Like a trampled spring and a polluted well Is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.

nasb@Proverbs:25:28 @Like a city that is broken into and without walls Is a man who has no control over his spirit.

nasb@Proverbs:26:12 @Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

nasb@Proverbs:26:18 @Like a madman who throws Firebrands, arrows and death,

nasb@Proverbs:26:19 @So is the man who deceives his neighbor, And says, " Was I not joking?"

nasb@Proverbs:26:21 @Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife.

nasb@Proverbs:27:7 @A sated man loathes honey, But to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet.

nasb@Proverbs:27:8 @Like a bird that wanders from her nest, So is a man who wanders from his home.

nasb@Proverbs:27:9 @Oil and perfume make the heart glad, So a man's counsel is sweet to his friend.

nasb@Proverbs:27:12 @A prudent man sees evil and hides himself, The naive proceed and pay the penalty.

nasb@Proverbs:27:13 @Take his garment when he becomes surety for a stranger; And for an adulterous woman hold him in pledge.

nasb@Proverbs:27:15 @A constant dripping on a day of steady rain And a contentious woman are alike;

nasb@Proverbs:27:17 @Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.

nasb@Proverbs:27:19 @As in water face reflects face, So the heart of man reflects man.

nasb@Proverbs:27:20 @Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied, Nor are the eyes of man ever satisfied.

nasb@Proverbs:28:2 @By the transgression of a land many are its princes, But by a man of understanding and knowledge, so it endures.

nasb@Proverbs:28:3 @A poor man who oppresses the lowly Is like a driving rain which leaves no food.

nasb@Proverbs:28:11 @The rich man is wise in his own eyes, But the poor who has understanding sees through him.

nasb@Proverbs:28:14 @How blessed is the man who fears always, But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.

nasb@Proverbs:28:17 @A man who is laden with the guilt of human blood Will be a fugitive until death; let no one support him.

nasb@Proverbs:28:20 @A faithful man will abound with blessings, But he who makes haste to be rich will not go unpunished.

nasb@Proverbs:28:21 @To show partiality is not good, Because for a piece of bread a man will transgress.

nasb@Proverbs:28:22 @A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth And does not know that want will come upon him.

nasb@Proverbs:28:23 @He who rebukes a man will afterward find more favor Than he who flatters with the tongue.

nasb@Proverbs:28:24 @He who robs his father or his mother And says, "It is not a transgression," Is the companion of a man who destroys.

nasb@Proverbs:28:25 @An arrogant man stirs up strife, But he who trusts in the LORD will prosper.

nasb@Proverbs:28:27 @He who gives to the poor will never want, But he who shuts his eyes will have many curses.

nasb@Proverbs:29:1 @A man who hardens his neck after much reproof Will suddenly be broken beyond remedy.

nasb@Proverbs:29:2 @When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan.

nasb@Proverbs:29:3 @A man who loves wisdom makes his father glad, But he who keeps company with harlots wastes his wealth.

nasb@Proverbs:29:4 @The king gives stability to the land by justice, But a man who takes bribes overthrows it.

nasb@Proverbs:29:5 @A man who flatters his neighbor Is spreading a net for his steps.

nasb@Proverbs:29:6 @By transgression an evil man is ensnared, But the righteous sings and rejoices.

nasb@Proverbs:29:9 @When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man, The foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest.

nasb@Proverbs:29:11 @A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back.

nasb@Proverbs:29:13 @The poor man and the oppressor have this in common- The LORD gives light to the eyes of both.

nasb@Proverbs:29:20 @Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

nasb@Proverbs:29:22 @An angry man stirs up strife, And a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression.

nasb@Proverbs:29:23 @A man's pride will bring him low, But a humble spirit will obtain honor.

nasb@Proverbs:29:25 @The fear of man brings a snare, But he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted.

nasb@Proverbs:29:26 @Many seek the ruler's favor, But justice for man comes from the LORD.

nasb@Proverbs:29:27 @An unjust man is abominable to the righteous, And he who is upright in the way is abominable to the wicked.

nasb@Proverbs:30:1 @The words of Agur the son of Jakeh, the oracle. The man declares to Ithiel, to Ithiel and Ucal-

nasb@Proverbs:30:2 @Surely I am more stupid than any man, And I do not have the understanding of a man.

nasb@Proverbs:30:11 @There is a kind of man who curses his father And does not bless his mother.

nasb@Proverbs:30:14 @There is a kind of man whose teeth are like swords And his jaw teeth like knives, To devour the afflicted from the earth And the needy from among men.

nasb@Proverbs:30:19 @The way of an eagle in the sky, The way of a serpent on a rock, The way of a ship in the middle of the sea, And the way of a man with a maid.

nasb@Proverbs:30:20 @This is the way of an adulterous woman- She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, "I have done no wrong."

nasb@Proverbs:30:23 @Under an unloved woman when she gets a husband, And a maidservant when she supplants her mistress.

nasb@Proverbs:31:29" @Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all."

nasb@Proverbs:31:30 @Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:0:3 @What advantage does man have in all his work Which he does under the sun?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:0:8 @All things are wearisome; Man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:8 @Also, I collected for myself silver and gold and the treasure of kings and provinces. I provided for myself male and female singers and the pleasures of men--many concubines.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:12 @So I turned to consider wisdom, madness and folly; for what will the man do who will come after the king except what has already been done?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:14 @The wise man's eyes are in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. And yet I know that one fate befalls them both.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:16 @For there is no lasting remembrance of the wise man as with the fool, inasmuch as in the coming days all will be forgotten. And how the wise man and the fool alike die!

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:18 @Thus I hated all the fruit of my labor for which I had labored under the sun, for I must leave it to the man who will come after me.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:19 @And who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will have control over all the fruit of my labor for which I have labored by acting wisely under the sun. This too is vanity.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:21 @When there is a man who has labored with wisdom, knowledge and skill, then he gives his legacy to one who has not labored with them. This too is vanity and a great evil.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:22 @For what does a man get in all his labor and in his striving with which he labors under the sun?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:1:24 @There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen that it is from the hand of God.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:2:11 @He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:2:13 @moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor--it is the gift of God.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:2:17 @I said to myself, " God will judge both the righteous man and the wicked man," for a time for every matter and for every deed is there.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:2:19 @For the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same. As one dies so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for man over beast, for all is vanity.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:2:21 @Who knows that the breath of man ascends upward and the breath of the beast descends downward to the earth?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:2:22 @I have seen that nothing is better than that man should be happy in his activities, for that is his lot. For who will bring him to see what will occur after himNULL

nasb@Ecclesiastes:3:4 @I have seen that every labor and every skill which is done is the result of rivalry between a man and his neighbor. This too is vanity and striving after wind.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:3:8 @There was a certain man without a dependent, having neither a son nor a brother, yet there was no end to all his labor. Indeed, his eyes were not satisfied with riches and he never asked, "And for whom am I laboring and depriving myself of pleasure?" This too is vanity and it is a grievous task.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:4:3 @For the dream comes through much effort and the voice of a fool through many words.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:4:7 @For in many dreams and in many words there is emptiness. Rather, fear God.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:4:12 @The sleep of the working man is pleasant, whether he eats little or much; but the full stomach of the rich man does not allow him to sleep.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:4:16 @This also is a grievous evil--exactly as a man is born, thus will he die. So what is the advantage to him who toils for the wind?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:4:19 @Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has also empowered him to eat from them and to receive his reward and rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:2 @a man to whom God has given riches and wealth and honor so that his soul lacks nothing of all that he desires; yet God has not empowered him to eat from them, for a foreigner enjoys them. This is vanity and a severe affliction.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:3 @If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things and he does not even have a proper burial, then I say, "Better the miscarriage than he,

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:6" @Even if the other man lives a thousand years twice and does not enjoy good things-- do not all go to one place?"

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:7 @All a man's labor is for his mouth and yet the appetite is not satisfied.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:8 @For what advantage does the wise man have over the fool? What advantage does the poor man have, knowing how to walk before the living?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:10 @Whatever exists has already been named, and it is known what man is; for he cannot dispute with him who is stronger than he is.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:11 @For there are many words which increase futility. What then is the advantage to a man?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:5:12 @For who knows what is good for a man during his lifetime, during the few years of his futile lifeNULL He will spend them like a shadow. For who can tell a man what will be after him under the sunNULL

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @It is better to go to a house of mourning Than to go to a house of feasting, Because that is the end of every man, And the living takes it to heart.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:5 @It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man Than for one to listen to the song of fools.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:7 @For oppression makes a wise man mad, And a bribe corrupts the heart.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:14 @In the day of prosperity be happy, But in the day of adversity consider-- God has made the one as well as the other So that man will not discover anything that will be after him.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:15 @I have seen everything during my lifetime of futility; there is a righteous man who perishes in his righteousness and there is a wicked man who prolongs his life in his wickedness.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:19 @Wisdom strengthens a wise man more than ten rulers who are in a city.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:20 @Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:22 @For you also have realized that you likewise have many times cursed others.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:26 @And I discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are chains. One who is pleasing to God will escape from her, but the sinner will be captured by her.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:28 @which I am still seeking but have not found. I have found one man among a thousand, but I have not found a woman among all these.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:6:29" @Behold, I have found only this, that God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices."

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:1 @Who is like the wise man and who knows the interpretation of a matter? A man's wisdom illumines him and causes his stern face to beam.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:2 @I say, "Keep the command of the king because of the oath before God.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:5 @He who keeps a royal command experiences no trouble, for a wise heart knows the proper time and procedure.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:6 @For there is a proper time and procedure for every delight, though a man's trouble is heavy upon him.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:8 @No man has authority to restrain the wind with the wind, or authority over the day of death; and there is no discharge in the time of war, and evil will not deliver those who practice it.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:9 @All this I have seen and applied my mind to every deed that has been done under the sun wherein a man has exercised authority over another man to his hurt.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:13 @But it will not be well for the evil man and he will not lengthen his days like a shadow, because he does not fear God.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:15 @So I commended pleasure, for there is nothing good for a man under the sun except to eat and to drink and to be merry, and this will stand by him in his toils throughout the days of his life which God has given him under the sun.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:7:17 @and I saw every work of God, I concluded that man cannot discover the work which has been done under the sun. Even though man should seek laboriously, he will not discover; and though the wise man should say, "I know," he cannot discover.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:8:1 @For I have taken all this to my heart and explain it that righteous men, wise men, and their deeds are in the hand of God. Man does not know whether it will be love or hatred; anything awaits him.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:8:2 @It is the same for all. There is one fate for the righteous and for the wicked; for the good, for the clean and for the unclean; for the man who offers a sacrifice and for the one who does not sacrifice. As the good man is, so is the sinner; as the swearer is, so is the one who is afraid to swear.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @Moreover, man does not know his time- like fish caught in a treacherous net and birds trapped in a snare, so the sons of men are ensnared at an evil time when it suddenly falls on them.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @But there was found in it a poor wise man and he delivered the city by his wisdom. Yet no one remembered that poor man.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:8:16 @So I said, " Wisdom is better than strength." But the wisdom of the poor man is despised and his words are not heeded.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:9:2 @A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:9:6 @folly is set in many exalted places while rich men sit in humble places.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:9:12 @Words from the mouth of a wise man are gracious, while the lips of a fool consume him;

nasb@Ecclesiastes:9:14 @Yet the fool multiplies words. No man knows what will happen, and who can tell him what will come after him?

nasb@Ecclesiastes:9:20 @Furthermore, in your bedchamber do not curse a king, and in your sleeping rooms do not curse a rich man, for a bird of the heavens will carry the sound and the winged creature will make the matter known.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:10:1 @Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:10:5 @Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:10:8 @Indeed, if a man should live many years, let him rejoice in them all, and let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Everything that is to come will be futility.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:10:9 @Rejoice, young man, during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young manhood. And follow the impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes. Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:11:5 @Furthermore, men are afraid of a high place and of terrors on the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags himself along, and the caperberry is ineffective. For man goes to his eternal home while mourners go about in the street.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:11:9 @In addition to being a wise man, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge; and he pondered, searched out and arranged many proverbs.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:11:12 @But beyond this, my son, be warned- the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body.

nasb@Ecclesiastes:11:13 @The conclusion, when all has been heard, is- fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.

nasb@Songs:1:8" @All of them are wielders of the sword, Expert in war; Each man has his sword at his side, Guarding against the terrors of the night.

nasb@Songs:1:8" @Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, May you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down from the summit of Amana, From the summit of Senir and Hermon, From the dens of lions, From the mountains of leopards.

nasb@Songs:1:13" @The mandrakes have given forth fragrance; And over our doors are all choice fruits, Both new and old, Which I have saved up for you, my beloved.

nasb@Songs:1:7" @Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it; If a man were to give all the riches of his house for love, It would be utterly despised."

nasb@Isaiah:1:3" @An ox knows its owner, And a donkey its master's manger, But Israel does not know, My people do not understand."

nasb@Isaiah:1:8 @The daughter of Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, Like a watchman's hut in a cucumber field, like a besieged city.

nasb@Isaiah:1:31 @The strong man will become tinder, His work also a spark. Thus they shall both burn together And there will be none to quench them.

nasb@Isaiah:2:3 @And many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; That He may teach us concerning His ways And that we may walk in His paths." For the law will go forth from Zion And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

nasb@Isaiah:2:4 @And He will judge between the nations, And will render decisions for many peoples; And they will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they learn war.

nasb@Isaiah:2:9 @So the common man has been humbled And the man of importance has been abased, But do not forgive them.

nasb@Isaiah:2:11 @The proud look of man will be abased And the loftiness of man will be humbled, And the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.

nasb@Isaiah:2:17 @The pride of man will be humbled And the loftiness of men will be abased; And the LORD alone will be exalted in that day,

nasb@Isaiah:2:22 @Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemedNULL

nasb@Isaiah:3:2 @The mighty man and the warrior, The judge and the prophet, The diviner and the elder,

nasb@Isaiah:3:3 @The captain of fifty and the honorable man, The counselor and the expert artisan, And the skillful enchanter.

nasb@Isaiah:3:6 @When a man lays hold of his brother in his father's house, saying, "You have a cloak, you shall be our ruler, And these ruins will be under your charge,"

nasb@Isaiah:4:1 @For seven women will take hold of one man in that day, saying, "We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach!"

nasb@Isaiah:5:9 @In my ears the LORD of hosts has sworn, "Surely, many houses shall become desolate, Even great and fine ones, without occupants.

nasb@Isaiah:5:15 @So the common man will be humbled and the man of importance abased, The eyes of the proud also will be abased.

nasb@Isaiah:6:5 @Then I said, " Woe is me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I live among a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts."

nasb@Isaiah:6:12" @The LORD has removed men far away, And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.

nasb@Isaiah:7:14" @Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign- Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.

nasb@Isaiah:7:21 @Now in that day a man may keep alive a heifer and a pair of sheep;

nasb@Isaiah:7:8" @Then it will sweep on into Judah, it will overflow and pass through, It will reach even to the neck; And the spread of its wings will fill the breadth of your land, O Immanuel.

nasb@Isaiah:7:15" @Many will stumble over them, Then they will fall and be broken; They will even be snared and caught."

nasb@Isaiah:8:15 @The head is the elder and honorable man, And the prophet who teaches falsehood is the tail.

nasb@Isaiah:8:19 @By the fury of the LORD of hosts the land is burned up, And the people are like fuel for the fire; No man spares his brother.

nasb@Isaiah:8:21 @Manasseh devours Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh, And together they are against Judah. In spite of all this, His anger does not turn away And His hand is still stretched out.

nasb@Isaiah:9:7 @Yet it does not so intend, Nor does it plan so in its heart, But rather it is its purpose to destroy And to cut off many nations.

nasb@Isaiah:9:13 @For he has said, "By the power of my hand and by my wisdom I did this, For I have understanding; And I removed the boundaries of the peoples And plundered their treasures, And like a mighty man I brought down their inhabitants,

nasb@Isaiah:9:18 @And He will destroy the glory of his forest and of his fruitful garden, both soul and body, And it will be as when a sick man wastes away.

nasb@Isaiah:11:3 @I have commanded My consecrated ones, I have even called My mighty warriors, My proudly exulting ones, To execute My anger.

nasb@Isaiah:11:4 @A sound of tumult on the mountains, Like that of many people! A sound of the uproar of kingdoms, Of nations gathered together! The LORD of hosts is mustering the army for battle.

nasb@Isaiah:11:7 @Therefore all hands will fall limp, And every man's heart will melt.

nasb@Isaiah:11:8 @They will be terrified, Pains and anguish will take hold of them; They will writhe like a woman in labor, They will look at one another in astonishment, Their faces aflame.

nasb@Isaiah:11:12 @I will make mortal man scarcer than pure gold And mankind than the gold of Ophir.

nasb@Isaiah:12:16" @Those who see you will gaze at you, They will ponder over you, saying, 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms,

nasb@Isaiah:14:14 @But now the LORD speaks, saying, "Within three years, as a hired man would count them, the glory of Moab will be degraded along with all his great population, and his remnant will be very small and impotent."

nasb@Isaiah:14:7 @In that day man will have regard for his Maker And his eyes will look to the Holy One of Israel.

nasb@Isaiah:14:12 @Alas, the uproar of many peoples Who roar like the roaring of the seas, And the rumbling of nations Who rush on like the rumbling of mighty waters!

nasb@Isaiah:14:13 @The nations rumble on like the rumbling of many waters, But He will rebuke them and they will flee far away, And be chased like chaff in the mountains before the wind, Or like whirling dust before a gale.

nasb@Isaiah:15:9 @Moreover, the manufacturers of linen made from combed flax And the weavers of white cloth will be utterly dejected.

nasb@Isaiah:15:14 @The LORD has mixed within her a spirit of distortion; They have led Egypt astray in all that it does, As a drunken man staggers in his vomit.

nasb@Isaiah:16:1 @In the year that the commander came to Ashdod, when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him and he fought against Ashdod and captured it,

nasb@Isaiah:17:3 @For this reason my loins are full of anguish; Pains have seized me like the pains of a woman in labor. I am so bewildered I cannot hear, so terrified I cannot see.

nasb@Isaiah:17:11 @The oracle concerning Edom. One keeps calling to me from Seir, "Watchman, how far gone is the night? Watchman, how far gone is the night?"

nasb@Isaiah:17:12 @The watchman says, "Morning comes but also night. If you would inquire, inquire; Come back again."

nasb@Isaiah:17:16 @For thus the Lord said to me, "In a year, as a hired man would count it, all the splendor of Kedar will terminate;

nasb@Isaiah:18:9 @And you saw that the breaches In the wall of the city of David were many; And you collected the waters of the lower pool.

nasb@Isaiah:18:17 @'Behold, the LORD is about to hurl you headlong, O man. And He is about to grasp you firmly

nasb@Isaiah:19:3 @And were on many waters. The grain of the Nile, the harvest of the River was her revenue; And she was the market of nations.

nasb@Isaiah:19:11 @He has stretched His hand out over the sea, He has made the kingdoms tremble; The LORD has given a command concerning Canaan to demolish its strongholds.

nasb@Isaiah:19:16 @Take your harp, walk about the city, O forgotten harlot; Pluck the strings skillfully, sing many songs, That you may be remembered.

nasb@Isaiah:20:22 @They will be gathered together Like prisoners in the dungeon, And will be confined in prison; And after many days they will be punished.

nasb@Isaiah:21:10 @For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain, And Moab will be trodden down in his place As straw is trodden down in the water of a manure pile.

nasb@Isaiah:21:17 @As the pregnant woman approaches the time to give birth, She writhes and cries out in her labor pains, Thus were we before You, O LORD.

nasb@Isaiah:24:8 @It will be as when a hungry man dreams-- And behold, he is eating; But when he awakens, his hunger is not satisfied, Or as when a thirsty man dreams-- And behold, he is drinking, But when he awakens, behold, he is faint And his thirst is not quenched. Thus the multitude of all the nations will be Who wage war against Mount Zion.

nasb@Isaiah:24:19 @The afflicted also will increase their gladness in the LORD, And the needy of mankind will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

nasb@Isaiah:25:17 @One thousand will flee at the threat of one man; You will flee at the threat of five, Until you are left as a flag on a mountain top And as a signal on a hill.

nasb@Isaiah:26:1 @Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help And rely on horses, And trust in chariots because they are many And in horsemen because they are very strong, But they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the LORD!

nasb@Isaiah:26:7 @For in that day every man will cast away his silver idols and his gold idols, which your sinful hands have made for you as a sin.

nasb@Isaiah:26:8 @And the Assyrian will fall by a sword not of man, And a sword not of man will devour him. So he will not escape the sword, And his young men will become forced laborers.

nasb@Isaiah:27:8 @But the noble man devises noble plans; And by noble plans he stands.

nasb@Isaiah:28:8 @The highways are desolate, the traveler has ceased, He has broken the covenant, he has despised the cities, He has no regard for man.

nasb@Isaiah:29:16 @Seek from the book of the LORD, and read- Not one of these will be missing; None will lack its mate. For His mouth has commanded, And His Spirit has gathered them.

nasb@Isaiah:31:6" @Behold, you rely on the staff of this crushed reed, even on Egypt, on which if a man leans, it will go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who rely on him.

nasb@Isaiah:31:21 @But they were silent and answered him not a word; for the king's commandment was, "Do not answer him."

nasb@Isaiah:32:24" @Through your servants you have reproached the Lord, And you have said, 'With my many chariots I came up to the heights of the mountains, To the remotest parts of Lebanon; And I cut down its tall cedars and its choice cypresses. And I will go to its highest peak, its thickest forest.

nasb@Isaiah:33:11 @I said, "I will not see the LORD, The LORD in the land of the living; I will look on man no more among the inhabitants of the world.

nasb@Isaiah:34:19 @As for the idol, a craftsman casts it, A goldsmith plates it with gold, And a silversmith fashions chains of silver.

nasb@Isaiah:34:20 @He who is too impoverished for such an offering Selects a tree that does not rot; He seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman To prepare an idol that will not totter.

nasb@Isaiah:34:7 @So the craftsman encourages the smelter, And he who smooths metal with the hammer encourages him who beats the anvil, Saying of the soldering, "It is good"; And he fastens it with nails, So that it will not totter.

nasb@Isaiah:34:13 @The LORD will go forth like a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies.

nasb@Isaiah:34:14" @ I have kept silent for a long time, I have kept still and restrained Myself. Now like a woman in labor I will groan, I will both gasp and pant.

nasb@Isaiah:34:20 @You have seen many things, but you do not observe them; Your ears are open, but none hears.

nasb@Isaiah:34:17 @Who brings forth the chariot and the horse, The army and the mighty man (They will lie down together and not rise again; They have been quenched and extinguished like a wick)-

nasb@Isaiah:35:12 @The man shapes iron into a cutting tool and does his work over the coals, fashioning it with hammers and working it with his strong arm. He also gets hungry and his strength fails; he drinks no water and becomes weary.

nasb@Isaiah:35:13 @Another shapes wood, he extends a measuring line; he outlines it with red chalk. He works it with planes and outlines it with a compass, and makes it like the form of a man, like the beauty of man, so that it may sit in a house.

nasb@Isaiah:35:15 @Then it becomes something for a man to burn, so he takes one of them and warms himself; he also makes a fire to bake bread. He also makes a god and worships it; he makes it a graven image and falls down before it.

nasb@Isaiah:35:10" @Woe to him who says to a father, 'What are you begetting?' Or to a woman, 'To what are you giving birth?'"

nasb@Isaiah:35:12" @It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it. I stretched out the heavens with My hands And I ordained all their host.

nasb@Isaiah:35:16 @They will be put to shame and even humiliated, all of them; The manufacturers of idols will go away together in humiliation.

nasb@Isaiah:36:11 @Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man of My purpose from a far country. Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it, surely I will do it.

nasb@Isaiah:36:3" @Your nakedness will be uncovered, Your shame also will be exposed; I will take vengeance and will not spare a man."

nasb@Isaiah:36:9" @But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day- Loss of children and widowhood. They will come on you in full measure In spite of your many sorceries, In spite of the great power of your spells.

nasb@Isaiah:36:12" @Stand fast now in your spells And in your many sorceries With which you have labored from your youth; Perhaps you will be able to profit, Perhaps you may cause trembling.

nasb@Isaiah:36:13" @You are wearied with your many counsels; Let now the astrologers, Those who prophesy by the stars, Those who predict by the new moons, Stand up and save you from what will come upon you.

nasb@Isaiah:36:5 @Therefore I declared them to you long ago, Before they took place I proclaimed them to you, So that you would not say, 'My idol has done them, And my graven image and my molten image have commanded them.'

nasb@Isaiah:36:18" @If only you had paid attention to My commandments! Then your well-being would have been like a river, And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

nasb@Isaiah:37:15" @Can a woman forget her nursing child And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.

nasb@Isaiah:37:24" @ Can the prey be taken from the mighty man, Or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?"

nasb@Isaiah:37:25 @Surely, thus says the LORD, "Even the captives of the mighty man will be taken away, And the prey of the tyrant will be rescued; For I will contend with the one who contends with you, And I will save your sons.

nasb@Isaiah:37:2" @Why was there no man when I came? When I called, why was there none to answer? Is My hand so short that it cannot ransom? Or have I no power to deliver? Behold, I dry up the sea with My rebuke, I make the rivers a wilderness; Their fish stink for lack of water And die of thirst.

nasb@Isaiah:37:6" @ Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth beneath; For the sky will vanish like smoke, And the earth will wear out like a garment And its inhabitants will die in like manner; But My salvation will be forever, And My righteousness will not wane.

nasb@Isaiah:37:7" @ Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, A people in whose heart is My law; Do not fear the reproach of man, Nor be dismayed at their revilings.

nasb@Isaiah:37:12" @I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you are afraid of man who dies And of the son of man who is made like grass,

nasb@Isaiah:38:14 @Just as many were astonished at you, My people, So His appearance was marred more than any man And His form more than the sons of men.

nasb@Isaiah:38:15 @Thus He will sprinkle many nations, Kings will shut their mouths on account of Him; For what had not been told them they will see, And what they had not heard they will understand.

nasb@Isaiah:39:3 @He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.

nasb@Isaiah:39:9 @His grave was assigned with wicked men, Yet He was with a rich man in His death, Because He had done no violence, Nor was there any deceit in His mouth.

nasb@Isaiah:39:11 @As a result of the anguish of His soul, He will see it and be satisfied; By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify the many, As He will bear their iniquities.

nasb@Isaiah:39:12 @Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great, And He will divide the booty with the strong; Because He poured out Himself to death, And was numbered with the transgressors; Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors.

nasb@Isaiah:39:54" @ Shout for joy, O barren one, you who have borne no child; Break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud, you who have not travailed; For the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous Than the sons of the married woman," says the LORD.

nasb@Isaiah:39:4" @Behold, I have made him a witness to the peoples, A leader and commander for the peoples.

nasb@Isaiah:39:7 @Let the wicked forsake his way And the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the LORD, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.

nasb@Isaiah:39:2" @How blessed is the man who does this, And the son of man who takes hold of it; Who keeps from profaning the sabbath, And keeps his hand from doing any evil."

nasb@Isaiah:40:1 @The righteous man perishes, and no man takes it to heart; And devout men are taken away, while no one understands. For the righteous man is taken away from evil,

nasb@Isaiah:40:8" @Behind the door and the doorpost You have set up your sign; Indeed, far removed from Me, you have uncovered yourself, And have gone up and made your bed wide. And you have made an agreement for yourself with them, You have loved their bed, You have looked on their manhood.

nasb@Isaiah:40:5" @Is it a fast like this which I choose, a day for a man to humble himself? Is it for bowing one's head like a reed And for spreading out sackcloth and ashes as a bed? Will you call this a fast, even an acceptable day to the LORD?

nasb@Isaiah:41:16 @And He saw that there was no man, And was astonished that there was no one to intercede; Then His own arm brought salvation to Him, And His righteousness upheld Him.

nasb@Isaiah:41:17 @He put on righteousness like a breastplate, And a helmet of salvation on His head; And He put on garments of vengeance for clothing And wrapped Himself with zeal as a mantle.

nasb@Isaiah:42:3 @To grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.

nasb@Isaiah:42:4 @Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, They will raise up the former devastations; And they will repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.

nasb@Isaiah:43:5 @For as a young man marries a virgin, So your sons will marry you; And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, So your God will rejoice over you.

nasb@Isaiah:44:3" @ I have trodden the wine trough alone, And from the peoples there was no man with Me. I also trod them in My anger And trampled them in My wrath; And their lifeblood is sprinkled on My garments, And I stained all My raiment.

nasb@Isaiah:45:20" @No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, Or an old man who does not live out his days; For the youth will die at the age of one hundred And the one who does not reach the age of one hundred Will be thought accursed.

nasb@Isaiah:45:3" @But he who kills an ox is like one who slays a man; He who sacrifices a lamb is like the one who breaks a dog's neck; He who offers a grain offering is like one who offers swine's blood; He who burns incense is like the one who blesses an idol. As they have chosen their own ways, And their soul delights in their abominations,

nasb@Isaiah:45:16 @For the LORD will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, And those slain by the LORD will be many.

nasb@Isaiah:45:23" @And it shall be from new moon to new moon And from sabbath to sabbath, All mankind will come to bow down before Me," says the LORD.

nasb@Isaiah:45:24" @Then they will go forth and look On the corpses of the men Who have transgressed against Me. For their worm will not die And their fire will not be quenched; And they will be an abhorrence to all mankind."

nasb@Jeremiah:1:7 @But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am a youth,' Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, And all that I command you, you shall speak.

nasb@Jeremiah:1:17" @Now, gird up your loins and arise, and speak to them all which I command you. Do not be dismayed before them, or I will dismay you before them.

nasb@Jeremiah:2:6" @They did not say, 'Where is the LORD Who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, Who led us through the wilderness, Through a land of deserts and of pits, Through a land of drought and of deep darkness, Through a land that no one crossed And where no man dwelt?'

nasb@Jeremiah:2:3 @God says, " If a husband divorces his wife And she goes from him And belongs to another man, Will he still return to her? Will not that land be completely polluted? But you are a harlot with many lovers; Yet you turn to Me," declares the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:2:20" @Surely, as a woman treacherously departs from her lover, So you have dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel," declares the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:12 @a wind too strong for this--will come at My command; now I will also pronounce judgments against them.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:25 @I looked, and behold, there was no man, And all the birds of the heavens had fled.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:29 @At the sound of the horseman and bowman every city flees; They go into the thickets and climb among the rocks; Every city is forsaken, And no man dwells in them.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:31 @For I heard a cry as of a woman in labor, The anguish as of one giving birth to her first child, The cry of the daughter of Zion gasping for breath, Stretching out her hands, saying, "Ah, woe is me, for I faint before murderers."

nasb@Jeremiah:3:5" @ Roam to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, And look now and take note. And seek in her open squares, If you can find a man, If there is one who does justice, who seeks truth, Then I will pardon her.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:6 @Therefore a lion from the forest will slay them, A wolf of the deserts will destroy them, A leopard is watching their cities. Everyone who goes out of them will be torn in pieces, Because their transgressions are many, Their apostasies are numerous.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:23" @They seize bow and spear; They are cruel and have no mercy; Their voice roars like the sea, And they ride on horses, Arrayed as a man for the battle Against you, O daughter of Zion!"

nasb@Jeremiah:3:24 @We have heard the report of it; Our hands are limp. Anguish has seized us, Pain as of a woman in childbirth.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:5" @For if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly practice justice between a man and his neighbor,

nasb@Jeremiah:3:20 @Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, My anger and My wrath will be poured out on this place, on man and on beast and on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground; and it will burn and not be quenched."

nasb@Jeremiah:3:22" @For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:23" @But this is what I commanded them, saying, ' Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you.'

nasb@Jeremiah:3:31" @They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, and it did not come into My mind.

nasb@Jeremiah:3:6" @I have listened and heard, They have spoken what is not right; No man repented of his wickedness, Saying, 'What have I done?' Everyone turned to his course, Like a horse charging into the battle.

nasb@Jeremiah:4:12 @Who is the wise man that may understand this? And who is he to whom the mouth of the LORD has spoken, that he may declare it? Why is the land ruined, laid waste like a desert, so that no one passes through?

nasb@Jeremiah:4:23 @Thus says the LORD, " Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches;

nasb@Jeremiah:5:3 @For the customs of the peoples are delusion; Because it is wood cut from the forest, The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool.

nasb@Jeremiah:5:9 @Beaten silver is brought from Tarshish, And gold from Uphaz, The work of a craftsman and of the hands of a goldsmith; Violet and purple are their clothing; They are all the work of skilled men.

nasb@Jeremiah:5:14 @Every man is stupid, devoid of knowledge; Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols; For his molten images are deceitful, And there is no breath in them.

nasb@Jeremiah:5:23 @I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not in himself, Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.

nasb@Jeremiah:5:3 @and say to them, 'Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, " Cursed is the man who does not heed the words of this covenant

nasb@Jeremiah:5:4 @which I commanded your forefathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, ' Listen to My voice, and do according to all which I command you; so you shall be My people, and I will be your God,'

nasb@Jeremiah:5:8 @'Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked, each one, in the stubbornness of his evil heart; therefore I brought on them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do, but they did not.'"

nasb@Jeremiah:5:13" @For your gods are as many as your cities, O Judah; and as many as the streets of Jerusalem are the altars you have set up to the shameful thing, altars to burn incense to Baal.

nasb@Jeremiah:5:15" @What right has My beloved in My house When she has done many vile deeds? Can the sacrificial flesh take away from you your disaster, So that you can rejoice?"

nasb@Jeremiah:6:10" @Many shepherds have ruined My vineyard, They have trampled down My field; They have made My pleasant field A desolate wilderness.

nasb@Jeremiah:6:11" @It has been made a desolation, Desolate, it mourns before Me; The whole land has been made desolate, Because no man lays it to heart.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:5 @So I went and hid it by the Euphrates, as the LORD had commanded me.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:6 @After many days the LORD said to me, "Arise, go to the Euphrates and take from there the waistband which I commanded you to hide there."

nasb@Jeremiah:7:11 @'For as the waistband clings to the waist of a man, so I made the whole household of Israel and the whole household of Judah cling to Me,' declares the LORD, 'that they might be for Me a people, for renown, for praise and for glory; but they did not listen.'

nasb@Jeremiah:7:21" @What will you say when He appoints over you-- And you yourself had taught them-- Former companions to be head over you? Will not pangs take hold of you Like a woman in childbirth?

nasb@Jeremiah:7:7" @Although our iniquities testify against us, O LORD, act for Your name's sake! Truly our apostasies have been many, We have sinned against You.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:9" @Why are You like a man dismayed, Like a mighty man who cannot save? Yet You are in our midst, O LORD, And we are called by Your name; Do not forsake us!"

nasb@Jeremiah:7:14 @Then the LORD said to me, "The prophets are prophesying falsehood in My name. I have neither sent them nor commanded them nor spoken to them; they are prophesying to you a false vision, divination, futility and the deception of their own minds.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:4" @I will make them an object of horror among all the kingdoms of the earth because of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah, the king of Judah, for what he did in Jerusalem.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:8" @Their widows will be more numerous before Me Than the sand of the seas; I will bring against them, against the mother of a young man, A destroyer at noonday; I will suddenly bring down on her Anguish and dismay.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:10 @Woe to me, my mother, that you have borne me As a man of strife and a man of contention to all the land! I have not lent, nor have men lent money to me, Yet everyone curses me.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:19 @Therefore, thus says the LORD, " If you return, then I will restore you-- Before Me you will stand; And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, But as for you, you must not turn to them.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:16" @Behold, I am going to send for many fishermen," declares the LORD, "and they will fish for them; and afterwards I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and every hill and from the clefts of the rocks.

nasb@Jeremiah:7:20 @Can man make gods for himself? Yet they are not gods!

nasb@Jeremiah:8:5 @Thus says the LORD, " Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind And makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:8:7" @ Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD And whose trust is the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:8:10" @I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.

nasb@Jeremiah:8:22" @You shall not bring a load out of your houses on the sabbath day nor do any work, but keep the sabbath day holy, as I commanded your forefathers.

nasb@Jeremiah:8:5 @and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, a thing which I never commanded or spoke of, nor did it ever enter My mind;

nasb@Jeremiah:9:10 @For I have heard the whispering of many, " Terror on every side! Denounce him; yes, let us denounce him!" All my trusted friends, Watching for my fall, say- "Perhaps he will be deceived, so that we may prevail against him And take our revenge on him."

nasb@Jeremiah:9:15 @Cursed be the man who brought the news To my father, saying, "A baby boy has been born to you!" And made him very happy.

nasb@Jeremiah:9:16 @But let that man be like the cities Which the LORD overthrew without relenting, And let him hear an outcry in the morning And a shout of alarm at noon;

nasb@Jeremiah:9:6" @I will also strike down the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast; they will die of a great pestilence.

nasb@Jeremiah:10:8" @Many nations will pass by this city; and they will say to one another, 'Why has the LORD done thus to this great city?'

nasb@Jeremiah:10:23" @You who dwell in Lebanon, Nested in the cedars, How you will groan when pangs come upon you, Pain like a woman in childbirth!

nasb@Jeremiah:10:28" @Is this man Coniah a despised, shattered jar? Or is he an undesirable vessel? Why have he and his descendants been hurled out And cast into a land that they had not known?

nasb@Jeremiah:10:30" @Thus says the LORD, 'Write this man down childless, A man who will not prosper in his days; For no man of his descendants will prosper Sitting on the throne of David Or ruling again in Judah.'"

nasb@Jeremiah:11:9 @As for the prophets- My heart is broken within me, All my bones tremble; I have become like a drunken man, Even like a man overcome with wine, Because of the LORD And because of His holy words.

nasb@Jeremiah:11:24" @Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?" declares the LORD. " Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:11:32" @Behold, I am against those who have prophesied false dreams," declares the LORD, "and related them and led My people astray by their falsehoods and reckless boasting; yet I did not send them or command them, nor do they furnish this people the slightest benefit," declares the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:11:34" @Then as for the prophet or the priest or the people who say, 'The oracle of the LORD,' I will bring punishment upon that man and his household.

nasb@Jeremiah:11:36" @For you will no longer remember the oracle of the LORD, because every man's own word will become the oracle, and you have perverted the words of the living God, the LORD of hosts, our God.

nasb@Jeremiah:13:14 @'(For many nations and great kings will make slaves of them, even them; and I will recompense them according to their deeds and according to the work of their hands.)'"

nasb@Jeremiah:13:2" @Thus says the LORD, ' Stand in the court of the LORD'S house, and speak to all the cities of Judah who have come to worship in the LORD'S house all the words that I have commanded you to speak to them. Do not omit a word!

nasb@Jeremiah:13:8 @When Jeremiah finished speaking all that the LORD had commanded him to speak to all the people, the priests and the prophets and all the people seized him, saying, " You must die!

nasb@Jeremiah:13:11 @Then the priests and the prophets spoke to the officials and to all the people, saying, "A death sentence for this man! For he has prophesied against this city as you have heard in your hearing."

nasb@Jeremiah:13:16 @Then the officials and all the people said to the priests and to the prophets, "No death sentence for this man! For he has spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God."

nasb@Jeremiah:13:20 @Indeed, there was also a man who prophesied in the name of the LORD, Uriah the son of Shemaiah from Kiriath-jearim; and he prophesied against this city and against this land words similar to all those of Jeremiah.

nasb@Jeremiah:14:4" @Command them to go to their masters, saying, 'Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, thus you shall say to your masters,

nasb@Jeremiah:14:7" @ All the nations shall serve him and his son and his grandson until the time of his own land comes; then many nations and great kings will make him their servant.

nasb@Jeremiah:14:8" @The prophets who were before me and before you from ancient times prophesied against many lands and against great kingdoms, of war and of calamity and of pestilence.

nasb@Jeremiah:15:23 @because they have acted foolishly in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbors' wives and have spoken words in My name falsely, which I did not command them; and I am He who knows and am a witness," declares the LORD.'"

nasb@Jeremiah:15:26" @The LORD has made you priest instead of Jehoiada the priest, to be the overseer in the house of the LORD over every madman who prophesies, to put him in the stocks and in the iron collar,

nasb@Jeremiah:15:6 @'Ask now, and see If a male can give birth. Why do I see every man With his hands on his loins, as a woman in childbirth? And why have all faces turned pale?

nasb@Jeremiah:16:8" @Behold, I am bringing them from the north country, And I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth, Among them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and she who is in labor with child, together; A great company, they will return here.

nasb@Jeremiah:16:22" @How long will you go here and there, O faithless daughter? For the LORD has created a new thing in the earth-- A woman will encompass a man."

nasb@Jeremiah:16:27" @Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beast.

nasb@Jeremiah:16:30" @But everyone will die for his own iniquity; each man who eats the sour grapes, his teeth will be set on edge.

nasb@Jeremiah:16:34" @They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," declares the LORD, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."

nasb@Jeremiah:17:13" @And I commanded Baruch in their presence, saying,

nasb@Jeremiah:17:20 @who has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, and even to this day both in Israel and among mankind; and You have made a name for Yourself, as at this day.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:23 @'They came in and took possession of it, but they did not obey Your voice or walk in Your law; they have done nothing of all that You commanded them to do; therefore You have made all this calamity come upon them.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:35" @They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I had not commanded them nor had it entered My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:43 @' Fields will be bought in this land of which you say, " It is a desolation, without man or beast; it is given into the hand of the Chaldeans."

nasb@Jeremiah:17:10" @Thus says the LORD, 'Yet again there will be heard in this place, of which you say, "It is a waste, without man and without beast," that is, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate, without man and without inhabitant and without beast,

nasb@Jeremiah:17:12" @Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'There will again be in this place which is waste, without man or beast, and in all its cities, a habitation of shepherds who rest their flocks.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:17" @For thus says the LORD, 'David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel;

nasb@Jeremiah:17:18 @and the Levitical priests shall never lack a man before Me to offer burnt offerings, to burn grain offerings and to prepare sacrifices continually.'"

nasb@Jeremiah:17:9 @that each man should set free his male servant and each man his female servant, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman; so that no one should keep them, a Jew his brother, in bondage.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:10 @And all the officials and all the people obeyed who had entered into the covenant that each man should set free his male servant and each man his female servant, so that no one should keep them any longer in bondage; they obeyed, and set them free.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:15" @Although recently you had turned and done what is right in My sight, each man proclaiming release to his neighbor, and you had made a covenant before Me in the house which is called by My name.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:16" @Yet you turned and profaned My name, and each man took back his male servant and each man his female servant whom you had set free according to their desire, and you brought them into subjection to be your male servants and female servants."'

nasb@Jeremiah:17:17" @Therefore thus says the LORD, 'You have not obeyed Me in proclaiming release each man to his brother and each man to his neighbor. Behold, I am proclaiming a release to you,' declares the LORD, 'to the sword, to the pestilence and to the famine; and I will make you a terror to all the kingdoms of the earth.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:22 @'Behold, I am going to command,' declares the LORD, 'and I will bring them back to this city; and they will fight against it and take it and burn it with fire; and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without inhabitant.'"

nasb@Jeremiah:17:4 @and I brought them into the house of the LORD, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan the son of Igdaliah, the man of God, which was near the chamber of the officials, which was above the chamber of Maaseiah the son of Shallum, the doorkeeper.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:6 @But they said, "We will not drink wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, 'You shall not drink wine, you or your sons, forever.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:7 @'You shall not build a house, and you shall not sow seed and you shall not plant a vineyard or own one; but in tents you shall dwell all your days, that you may live many days in the land where you sojourn.'

nasb@Jeremiah:17:8" @We have obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, in all that he commanded us, not to drink wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons or our daughters,

nasb@Jeremiah:17:10" @We have only dwelt in tents, and have obeyed and have done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:14" @The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, which he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are observed. So they do not drink wine to this day, for they have obeyed their father's command. But I have spoken to you again and again; yet you have not listened to Me.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:15" @Also I have sent to you all My servants the prophets, sending them again and again, saying- ' Turn now every man from his evil way and amend your deeds, and do not go after other gods to worship them. Then you will dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your forefathers; but you have not inclined your ear or listened to Me.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:16 @'Indeed, the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have observed the command of their father which he commanded them, but this people has not listened to Me.'"'

nasb@Jeremiah:17:18 @Then Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, "Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, 'Because you have obeyed the command of Jonadab your father, kept all his commands and done according to all that he commanded you;

nasb@Jeremiah:17:19 @therefore thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, "Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not lack a man to stand before Me always."'"

nasb@Jeremiah:17:3" @ Perhaps the house of Judah will hear all the calamity which I plan to bring on them, in order that every man will turn from his evil way; then I will forgive their iniquity and their sin."

nasb@Jeremiah:17:5 @Jeremiah commanded Baruch, saying, "I am restricted; I cannot go into the house of the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:8 @Baruch the son of Neriah did according to all that Jeremiah the prophet commanded him, reading from the book the words of the LORD in the LORD'S house.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:26 @And the king commanded Jerahmeel the king's son, Seraiah the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel to seize Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet, but the LORD hid them.

nasb@Jeremiah:17:29" @And concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah you shall say, 'Thus says the LORD, "You have burned this scroll, saying, ' Why have you written on it that the king of Babylon will certainly come and destroy this land, and will make man and beast to cease from it?'"

nasb@Jeremiah:17:32 @Then Jeremiah took another scroll and gave it to Baruch the son of Neriah, the scribe, and he wrote on it at the dictation of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire; and many similar words were added to them.

nasb@Jeremiah:18:10 @'For even if you had defeated the entire army of Chaldeans who were fighting against you, and there were only wounded men left among them, each man in his tent, they would rise up and burn this city with fire.'"

nasb@Jeremiah:18:16 @For Jeremiah had come into the dungeon, that is, the vaulted cell; and Jeremiah stayed there many days.

nasb@Jeremiah:18:21 @Then King Zedekiah gave commandment, and they committed Jeremiah to the court of the guardhouse and gave him a loaf of bread daily from the bakers' street, until all the bread in the city was gone. So Jeremiah remained in the court of the guardhouse.

nasb@Jeremiah:18:4 @Then the officials said to the king, "Now let this man be put to death, inasmuch as he is discouraging the men of war who are left in this city and all the people, by speaking such words to them; for this man is not seeking the well-being of this people but rather their harm."

nasb@Jeremiah:18:10 @Then the king commanded Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, saying, "Take thirty men from here under your authority and bring up Jeremiah the prophet from the cistern before he dies."

nasb@Jeremiah:18:24 @Then Zedekiah said to Jeremiah, "Let no man know about these words and you will not die.

nasb@Jeremiah:18:27 @Then all the officials came to Jeremiah and questioned him. So he reported to them in accordance with all these words which the king had commanded; and they ceased speaking with him, since the conversation had not been overheard.

nasb@Jeremiah:20:7 @Now all the commanders of the forces that were in the field, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam over the land and that he had put him in charge of the men, women and children, those of the poorest of the land who had not been exiled to Babylon.

nasb@Jeremiah:20:13 @Now Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were in the field came to Gedaliah at Mizpah

nasb@Jeremiah:20:15 @Then Johanan the son of Kareah spoke secretly to Gedaliah in Mizpah, saying, " Let me go and kill Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and not a man will know! Why should he take your life, so that all the Jews who are gathered to you would be scattered and the remnant of Judah would perish?"

nasb@Jeremiah:21:11 @But Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were with him heard of all the evil that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had done.

nasb@Jeremiah:21:13 @Now as soon as all the people who were with Ishmael saw Johanan the son of Kareah and the commanders of the forces that were with him, they were glad.

nasb@Jeremiah:21:16 @Then Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were with him took from Mizpah all the remnant of the people whom he had recovered from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, after he had struck down Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, that is, the men who were soldiers, the women, the children, and the eunuchs, whom he had brought back from Gibeon.

nasb@Jeremiah:22:1 @Then all the commanders of the forces, Johanan the son of Kareah, Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people both small and great approached

nasb@Jeremiah:22:2 @and said to Jeremiah the prophet, "Please let our petition come before you, and pray for us to the LORD your God, that is for all this remnant; because we are left but a few out of many, as your own eyes now see us,

nasb@Jeremiah:22:8 @Then he called for Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were with him, and for all the people both small and great,

nasb@Jeremiah:23:4 @So Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces, and all the people, did not obey the voice of the LORD to stay in the land of Judah.

nasb@Jeremiah:23:5 @But Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces took the entire remnant of Judah who had returned from all the nations to which they had been driven away, in order to reside in the land of Judah--

nasb@Jeremiah:23:7 @'Now then thus says the LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel, "Why are you doing great harm to yourselves, so as to cut off from you man and woman, child and infant, from among Judah, leaving yourselves without remnant,

nasb@Jeremiah:23:26" @Nevertheless hear the word of the LORD, all Judah who are living in the land of Egypt, 'Behold, I have sworn by My great name,' says the LORD, ' never shall My name be invoked again by the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, " As the Lord GOD lives."

nasb@Jeremiah:24:6 @Let not the swift man flee, Nor the mighty man escape; In the north beside the river Euphrates They have stumbled and fallen.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:41" @Kerioth has been captured And the strongholds have been seized, So the hearts of the mighty men of Moab in that day Will be like the heart of a woman in labor.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:7 @Concerning Edom. Thus says the LORD of hosts, "Is there no longer any wisdom in Teman? Has good counsel been lost to the prudent? Has their wisdom decayed?

nasb@Jeremiah:25:18" @Like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors," says the LORD, " no one will live there, nor will a son of man reside in it.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:20 @Therefore hear the plan of the LORD which He has planned against Edom, and His purposes which He has purposed against the inhabitants of Teman- surely they will drag them off, even the little ones of the flock; surely He will make their pasture desolate because of them.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:22 @Behold, He will mount up and swoop like an eagle and spread out His wings against Bozrah; and the hearts of the mighty men of Edom in that day will be like the heart of a woman in labor.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:24" @Damascus has become helpless; She has turned away to flee, And panic has gripped her; Distress and pangs have taken hold of her Like a woman in childbirth.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:32" @Their camels will become plunder, And their many cattle for booty, And I will scatter to all the winds those who cut the corners of their hair; And I will bring their disaster from every side," declares the LORD.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:33" @Hazor will become a haunt of jackals, A desolation forever; No one will live there, Nor will a son of man reside in it."

nasb@Jeremiah:25:3" @For a nation has come up against her out of the north; it will make her land an object of horror, and there will be no inhabitant in it. Both man and beast have wandered off, they have gone away!

nasb@Jeremiah:25:21" @Against the land of Merathaim, go up against it, And against the inhabitants of Pekod. Slay and utterly destroy them," declares the LORD, "And do according to all that I have commanded you.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:29" @Summon many against Babylon, All those who bend the bow- Encamp against her on every side, Let there be no escape. Repay her according to her work; According to all that she has done, so do to her; For she has become arrogant against the LORD, Against the Holy One of Israel.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:40" @As when God overthrew Sodom And Gomorrah with its neighbors," declares the LORD, "No man will live there, Nor will any son of man reside in it.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:41" @Behold, a people is coming from the north, And a great nation and many kings Will be aroused from the remote parts of the earth.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:42" @They seize their bow and javelin; They are cruel and have no mercy. Their voice roars like the sea; And they ride on horses, Marshalled like a man for the battle Against you, O daughter of Babylon.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:43" @The king of Babylon has heard the report about them, And his hands hang limp; Distress has gripped him, Agony like a woman in childbirth.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:13 @O you who dwell by many waters, Abundant in treasures, Your end has come, The measure of your end.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:17 @All mankind is stupid, devoid of knowledge; Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, For his molten images are deceitful, And there is no breath in them.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:22 @And with you I shatter man and woman, And with you I shatter old man and youth, And with you I shatter young man and virgin,

nasb@Jeremiah:25:43" @Her cities have become an object of horror, A parched land and a desert, A land in which no man lives And through which no son of man passes.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:55 @For the LORD is going to destroy Babylon, And He will make her loud noise vanish from her. And their waves will roar like many waters; The tumult of their voices sounds forth.

nasb@Jeremiah:25:59 @The message which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the grandson of Mahseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. (Now Seraiah was quartermaster.)

nasb@Jeremiah:25:62 @and say, 'You, O LORD, have promised concerning this place to cut it off, so that there will be nothing dwelling in it, whether man or beast, but it will be a perpetual desolation.'

nasb@Jeremiah:26:25 @He also took from the city one official who was overseer of the men of war, and seven of the king's advisers who were found in the city, and the scribe of the commander of the army who mustered the people of the land, and sixty men of the people of the land who were found in the midst of the city.

nasb@Lamentations:1:10 @The adversary has stretched out his hand Over all her precious things, For she has seen the nations enter her sanctuary, The ones whom You commanded That they should not enter into Your congregation.

nasb@Lamentations:1:17 @Zion stretches out her hands; There is no one to comfort her; The LORD has commanded concerning Jacob That the ones round about him should be his adversaries; Jerusalem has become an unclean thing among them.

nasb@Lamentations:1:18" @The LORD is righteous; For I have rebelled against His command; Hear now, all peoples, And behold my pain; My virgins and my young men Have gone into captivity.

nasb@Lamentations:1:22" @Let all their wickedness come before You; And deal with them as You have dealt with me For all my transgressions; For my groans are many and my heart is faint."

nasb@Lamentations:2:12 @They say to their mothers, " Where is grain and wine?" As they faint like a wounded man In the streets of the city, As their life is poured out On their mothers' bosom.

nasb@Lamentations:2:17 @The LORD has done what He purposed; He has accomplished His word Which He commanded from days of old. He has thrown down without sparing, And He has caused the enemy to rejoice over you; He has exalted the might of your adversaries.

nasb@Lamentations:3:1 @I am the man who has seen affliction Because of the rod of His wrath.

nasb@Lamentations:3:27 @It is good for a man that he should bear The yoke in his youth.

nasb@Lamentations:3:35 @To deprive a man of justice In the presence of the Most High,

nasb@Lamentations:3:36 @To defraud a man in his lawsuit-- Of these things the Lord does not approve.

nasb@Lamentations:3:37 @Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass, Unless the Lord has commanded it?

nasb@Lamentations:3:39 @Why should any living mortal, or any man, Offer complaint in view of his sins?

nasb@Ezekiel:1:5 @Within it there were figures resembling four living beings. And this was their appearance- they had human form.

nasb@Ezekiel:1:8 @Under their wings on their four sides were human hands. As for the faces and wings of the four of them,

nasb@Ezekiel:1:10 @As for the form of their faces, each had the face of a man; all four had the face of a lion on the right and the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle.

nasb@Ezekiel:1:16 @The appearance of the wheels and their workmanship was like sparkling beryl, and all four of them had the same form, their appearance and workmanship being as if one wheel were within another.

nasb@Ezekiel:1:26 @Now above the expanse that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne, like lapis lazuli in appearance; and on that which resembled a throne, high up, was a figure with the appearance of a man.

nasb@Ezekiel:2:1 @Then He said to me, "Son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you!"

nasb@Ezekiel:2:3 @Then He said to me, "Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people who have rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me to this very day.

nasb@Ezekiel:2:6" @And you, son of man, neither fear them nor fear their words, though thistles and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for they are a rebellious house.

nasb@Ezekiel:2:8" @Now you, son of man, listen to what I am speaking to you; do not be rebellious like that rebellious house. Open your mouth and eat what I am giving you."

nasb@Ezekiel:3:1 @Then He said to me, "Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel."

nasb@Ezekiel:3:3 @He said to me, "Son of man, feed your stomach and fill your body with this scroll which I am giving you." Then I ate it, and it was sweet as honey in my mouth.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:4 @Then He said to me, "Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:6 @nor to many peoples of unintelligible speech or difficult language, whose words you cannot understand. But I have sent you to them who should listen to you;

nasb@Ezekiel:3:10 @Moreover, He said to me, "Son of man, take into your heart all My words which I will speak to you and listen closely.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:17" @Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman to the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:18" @When I say to the wicked, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:20" @Again, when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:21" @However, if you have warned the righteous man that the righteous should not sin and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; and you have delivered yourself."

nasb@Ezekiel:3:25" @As for you, son of man, they will put ropes on you and bind you with them so that you cannot go out among them.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:26" @Moreover, I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be mute and cannot be a man who rebukes them, for they are a rebellious house.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:4" @Now you son of man, get yourself a brick, place it before you and inscribe a city on it, Jerusalem.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:12" @You shall eat it as a barley cake, having baked it in their sight over human dung."

nasb@Ezekiel:3:15 @Then He said to me, "See, I will give you cow's dung in place of human dung over which you will prepare your bread."

nasb@Ezekiel:3:16 @Moreover, He said to me, "Son of man, behold, I am going to break the staff of bread in Jerusalem, and they will eat bread by weight and with anxiety, and drink water by measure and in horror,

nasb@Ezekiel:3:5" @As for you, son of man, take a sharp sword; take and use it as a barber's razor on your head and beard. Then take scales for weighing and divide the hair.

nasb@Ezekiel:3:2" @Son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy against them

nasb@Ezekiel:3:2" @And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land of Israel, 'An end! The end is coming on the four corners of the land.

nasb@Ezekiel:4:2 @Then I looked, and behold, a likeness as the appearance of a man; from His loins and downward there was the appearance of fire, and from His loins and upward the appearance of brightness, like the appearance of glowing metal.

nasb@Ezekiel:4:5 @Then He said to me, "Son of man, raise your eyes now toward the north." So I raised my eyes toward the north, and behold, to the north of the altar gate was this idol of jealousy at the entrance.

nasb@Ezekiel:4:6 @And He said to me, "Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations which the house of Israel are committing here, so that I would be far from My sanctuary? But yet you will see still greater abominations."

nasb@Ezekiel:4:8 @He said to me, "Son of man, now dig through the wall." So I dug through the wall, and behold, an entrance.

nasb@Ezekiel:4:11 @Standing in front of them were seventy elders of the house of Israel, with Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan standing among them, each man with his censer in his hand and the fragrance of the cloud of incense rising.

nasb@Ezekiel:4:12 @Then He said to me, "Son of man, do you see what the elders of the house of Israel are committing in the dark, each man in the room of his carved images? For they say, ' The LORD does not see us; the LORD has forsaken the land.'"

nasb@Ezekiel:4:15 @He said to me, "Do you see this, son of man? Yet you will see still greater abominations than these."

nasb@Ezekiel:4:17 @He said to me, "Do you see this, son of man? Is it too light a thing for the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they have committed here, that they have filled the land with violence and provoked Me repeatedly? For behold, they are putting the twig to their nose.

nasb@Ezekiel:5:2 @Behold, six men came from the direction of the upper gate which faces north, each with his shattering weapon in his hand; and among them was a certain man clothed in linen with a writing case at his loins. And they went in and stood beside the bronze altar.

nasb@Ezekiel:5:3 @Then the glory of the God of Israel went up from the cherub on which it had been, to the threshold of the temple. And He called to the man clothed in linen at whose loins was the writing case.

nasb@Ezekiel:5:6" @Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark; and you shall start from My sanctuary." So they started with the elders who were before the temple.

nasb@Ezekiel:5:11 @Then behold, the man clothed in linen at whose loins was the writing case reported, saying, "I have done just as You have commanded me."

nasb@Ezekiel:6:2 @And He spoke to the man clothed in linen and said, "Enter between the whirling wheels under the cherubim and fill your hands with coals of fire from between the cherubim and scatter them over the city." And he entered in my sight.

nasb@Ezekiel:6:3 @Now the cherubim were standing on the right side of the temple when the man entered, and the cloud filled the inner court.

nasb@Ezekiel:6:6 @It came about when He commanded the man clothed in linen, saying, "Take fire from between the whirling wheels, from between the cherubim," he entered and stood beside a wheel.

nasb@Ezekiel:6:8 @The cherubim appeared to have the form of a man's hand under their wings.

nasb@Ezekiel:6:14 @And each one had four faces. The first face was the face of a cherub, the second face was the face of a man, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.

nasb@Ezekiel:6:21 @Each one had four faces and each one four wings, and beneath their wings was the form of human hands.

nasb@Ezekiel:7:2 @He said to me, "Son of man, these are the men who devise iniquity and give evil advice in this city,

nasb@Ezekiel:7:4" @Therefore, prophesy against them, son of man, prophesy!"

nasb@Ezekiel:7:15" @Son of man, your brothers, your relatives, your fellow exiles and the whole house of Israel, all of them, are those to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, 'Go far from the LORD; this land has been given us as a possession.'

nasb@Ezekiel:7:2" @Son of man, you live in the midst of the rebellious house, who have eyes to see but do not see, ears to hear but do not hear; for they are a rebellious house.

nasb@Ezekiel:7:3" @Therefore, son of man, prepare for yourself baggage for exile and go into exile by day in their sight; even go into exile from your place to another place in their sight. Perhaps they will understand though they are a rebellious house.

nasb@Ezekiel:7:7 @I did so, as I had been commanded. By day I brought out my baggage like the baggage of an exile. Then in the evening I dug through the wall with my hands; I went out in the dark and carried the baggage on my shoulder in their sight.

nasb@Ezekiel:7:9" @Son of man, has not the house of Israel, the rebellious house, said to you, ' What are you doing?'

nasb@Ezekiel:7:18" @Son of man, eat your bread with trembling and drink your water with quivering and anxiety.

nasb@Ezekiel:7:22" @Son of man, what is this proverb you people have concerning the land of Israel, saying, 'The days are long and every vision fails'?

nasb@Ezekiel:7:27" @Son of man, behold, the house of Israel is saying, 'The vision that he sees is for many years from now, and he prophesies of times far off.'

nasb@Ezekiel:7:2" @Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy from their own inspiration, ' Listen to the word of the LORD!

nasb@Ezekiel:7:17" @Now you, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people who are prophesying from their own inspiration. Prophesy against them

nasb@Ezekiel:8:3" @Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their hearts and have put right before their faces the stumbling block of their iniquity. Should I be consulted by them at all?

nasb@Ezekiel:8:4" @Therefore speak to them and tell them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Any man of the house of Israel who sets up his idols in his heart, puts right before his face the stumbling block of his iniquity, and then comes to the prophet, I the LORD will be brought to give him an answer in the matter in view of the multitude of his idols,

nasb@Ezekiel:8:8" @I will set My face against that man and make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from among My people. So you will know that I am the LORD.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:13" @Son of man, if a country sins against Me by committing unfaithfulness, and I stretch out My hand against it, destroy its supply of bread, send famine against it and cut off from it both man and beast,

nasb@Ezekiel:8:17" @Or if I should bring a sword on that country and say, 'Let the sword pass through the country and cut off man and beast from it,'

nasb@Ezekiel:8:19" @Or if I should send a plague against that country and pour out My wrath in blood on it to cut off man and beast from it,

nasb@Ezekiel:8:21 @For thus says the Lord GOD, "How much more when I send My four severe judgments against Jerusalem- sword, famine, wild beasts and plague to cut off man and beast from it!

nasb@Ezekiel:8:2" @Son of man, how is the wood of the vine better than any wood of a branch which is among the trees of the forest?

nasb@Ezekiel:8:2" @Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations

nasb@Ezekiel:8:41" @They will burn your houses with fire and execute judgments on you in the sight of many women. Then I will stop you from playing the harlot, and you will also no longer pay your lovers.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:2" @Son of man, propound a riddle and speak a parable to the house of Israel,

nasb@Ezekiel:8:3 @saying, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "A great eagle with great wings, long pinions and a full plumage of many colors came to Lebanon and took away the top of the cedar.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:9" @Say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Will it thrive? Will he not pull up its roots and cut off its fruit, so that it withers--so that all its sprouting leaves wither? And neither by great strength nor by many people can it be raised from its roots again.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:15 @'But he rebelled against him by sending his envoys to Egypt that they might give him horses and many troops. Will he succeed? Will he who does such things escape? Can he indeed break the covenant and escape?

nasb@Ezekiel:8:17 @' Pharaoh with his mighty army and great company will not help him in the war, when they cast up ramps and build siege walls to cut off many lives.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:5" @But if a man is righteous and practices justice and righteousness,

nasb@Ezekiel:8:6 @and does not eat at the mountain shrines or lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, or defile his neighbor's wife or approach a woman during her menstrual period--

nasb@Ezekiel:8:7 @if a man does not oppress anyone, but restores to the debtor his pledge, does not commit robbery, but gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with clothing,

nasb@Ezekiel:8:8 @if he does not lend money on interest or take increase, if he keeps his hand from iniquity and executes true justice between man and man,

nasb@Ezekiel:8:21" @But if the wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed and observes all My statutes and practices justice and righteousness, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:24" @But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, commits iniquity and does according to all the abominations that a wicked man does, will he live? All his righteous deeds which he has done will not be remembered for his treachery which he has committed and his sin which he has committed; for them he will die.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:26" @When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, commits iniquity and dies because of it, for his iniquity which he has committed he will die.

nasb@Ezekiel:8:27" @Again, when a wicked man turns away from his wickedness which he has committed and practices justice and righteousness, he will save his life.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:3" @Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Do you come to inquire of Me? As I live," declares the Lord GOD, " I will not be inquired of by you."'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:4" @Will you judge them, will you judge them, son of man? Make them know the abominations of their fathers;

nasb@Ezekiel:10:11" @I gave them My statutes and informed them of My ordinances, by which, if a man observes them, he will live.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:13" @But the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness. They did not walk in My statutes and they rejected My ordinances, by which, if a man observes them, he will live; and My sabbaths they greatly profaned. Then I resolved to pour out My wrath on them in the wilderness, to annihilate them.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:21" @But the children rebelled against Me; they did not walk in My statutes, nor were they careful to observe My ordinances, by which, if a man observes them, he will live; they profaned My sabbaths. So I resolved to pour out My wrath on them, to accomplish My anger against them in the wilderness.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:27" @Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed Me by acting treacherously against Me.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:30" @Therefore, say to the house of Israel, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Will you defile yourselves after the manner of your fathers and play the harlot after their detestable things?

nasb@Ezekiel:10:46" @Son of man, set your face toward Teman, and speak out against the south and prophesy against the forest land of the Negev,

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem, and speak against the sanctuaries and prophesy against the land of Israel;

nasb@Ezekiel:10:6" @As for you, son of man, groan with breaking heart and bitter grief, groan in their sight.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:9" @Son of man, prophesy and say, 'Thus says the LORD.' Say, ' A sword, a sword sharpened And also polished!

nasb@Ezekiel:10:12" @ Cry out and wail, son of man; for it is against My people, it is against all the officials of Israel. They are delivered over to the sword with My people, therefore strike your thigh.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:14" @You therefore, son of man, prophesy and clap your hands together; and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword for the slain. It is the sword for the great one slain, which surrounds them,

nasb@Ezekiel:10:15 @that their hearts may melt, and many fall at all their gates. I have given the glittering sword. Ah! It is made for striking like lightning, it is wrapped up in readiness for slaughter.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:19" @As for you, son of man, make two ways for the sword of the king of Babylon to come; both of them will go out of one land. And make a signpost; make it at the head of the way to the city.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:28" @And you, son of man, prophesy and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD concerning the sons of Ammon and concerning their reproach,' and say- 'A sword, a sword is drawn, polished for the slaughter, to cause it to consume, that it may be like lightning--

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @And you, son of man, will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? Then cause her to know all her abominations.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:18" @Son of man, the house of Israel has become dross to Me; all of them are bronze and tin and iron and lead in the furnace; they are the dross of silver.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:24" @Son of man, say to her, 'You are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation.'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:25" @There is a conspiracy of her prophets in her midst like a roaring lion tearing the prey. They have devoured lives; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in the midst of her.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:30" @I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother;

nasb@Ezekiel:10:36 @Moreover, the LORD said to me, "Son of man, will you judge Oholah and Oholibah? Then declare to them their abominations.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, write the name of the day, this very day. The king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem this very day.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:16" @Son of man, behold, I am about to take from you the desire of your eyes with a blow; but you shall not mourn and you shall not weep, and your tears shall not come.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:18 @So I spoke to the people in the morning, and in the evening my wife died. And in the morning I did as I was commanded.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:25 @'As for you, son of man, will it not be on the day when I take from them their stronghold, the joy of their pride, the desire of their eyes and their heart's delight, their sons and their daughters,

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, set your face toward the sons of Ammon and prophesy against them,

nasb@Ezekiel:10:13 @therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "I will also stretch out My hand against Edom and cut off man and beast from it. And I will lay it waste; from Teman even to Dedan they will fall by the sword.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, because Tyre has said concerning Jerusalem, 'Aha, the gateway of the peoples is broken; it has opened to me. I shall be filled, now that she is laid waste,'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:3 @therefore thus says the Lord GOD, 'Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and I will bring up many nations against you, as the sea brings up its waves.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @And you, son of man, take up a lamentation over Tyre;

nasb@Ezekiel:10:3 @and say to Tyre, who dwells at the entrance to the sea, merchant of the peoples to many coastlands, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "O Tyre, you have said, 'I am perfect in beauty.'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:15" @The sons of Dedan were your traders. Many coastlands were your market; ivory tusks and ebony they brought as your payment.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:24" @They traded with you in choice garments, in clothes of blue and embroidered work, and in carpets of many colors and tightly wound cords, which were among your merchandise.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:33 @'When your wares went out from the seas, You satisfied many peoples; With the abundance of your wealth and your merchandise You enriched the kings of earth.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Because your heart is lifted up And you have said, ' I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods In the heart of the seas'; Yet you are a man and not God, Although you make your heart like the heart of God--

nasb@Ezekiel:10:9 @'Will you still say, "I am a god," In the presence of your slayer, Though you are a man and not God, In the hands of those who wound you?

nasb@Ezekiel:10:12" @Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "You had the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:13" @You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering- The ruby, the topaz and the diamond; The beryl, the onyx and the jasper; The lapis lazuli, the turquoise and the emerald; And the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, Was in you. On the day that you were created They were prepared.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:21" @Son of man, set your face toward Sidon, prophesy against her

nasb@Ezekiel:10:22 @and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am against you, O Sidon, And I will be glorified in your midst. Then they will know that I am the LORD when I execute judgments in her, And I will manifest My holiness in her.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:25 @'Thus says the Lord GOD, "When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and will manifest My holiness in them in the sight of the nations, then they will live in their land which I gave to My servant Jacob.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, set your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt and prophesy against him and against all Egypt.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:8 @'Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I will bring upon you a sword and I will cut off from you man and beast.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:11" @A man's foot will not pass through it, and the foot of a beast will not pass through it, and it will not be inhabited for forty years.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:18" @Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon made his army labor hard against Tyre; every head was made bald and every shoulder was rubbed bare. But he and his army had no wages from Tyre for the labor that he had performed against it."

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, prophesy and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, " Wail, 'Alas for the day!'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:21" @Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, behold, it has not been bound up for healing or wrapped with a bandage, that it may be strong to hold the sword.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:24 @'For I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon and put My sword in his hand; and I will break the arms of Pharaoh, so that he will groan before him with the groanings of a wounded man.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, say to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his hordes, 'Whom are you like in your greatness?

nasb@Ezekiel:10:5 @'Therefore its height was loftier than all the trees of the field And its boughs became many and its branches long Because of many waters as it spread them out.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:7 @'So it was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches; For its roots extended to many waters.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:15 @'Thus says the Lord GOD, "On the day when it went down to Sheol I caused lamentations; I closed the deep over it and held back its rivers. And its many waters were stopped up, and I made Lebanon mourn for it, and all the trees of the field wilted away on account of it.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, take up a lamentation over Pharaoh king of Egypt and say to him, 'You compared yourself to a young lion of the nations, Yet you are like the monster in the seas; And you burst forth in your rivers And muddied the waters with your feet And fouled their rivers.'"

nasb@Ezekiel:10:3 @Thus says the Lord GOD, "Now I will spread My net over you With a company of many peoples, And they shall lift you up in My net.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:9" @I will also trouble the hearts of many peoples when I bring your destruction among the nations, into lands which you have not known.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:10" @I will make many peoples appalled at you, and their kings will be horribly afraid of you when I brandish My sword before them; and they will tremble every moment, every man for his own life, on the day of your fall."

nasb@Ezekiel:10:13" @I will also destroy all its cattle from beside many waters; And the foot of man will not muddy them anymore And the hoofs of beasts will not muddy them.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:18" @Son of man, wail for the hordes of Egypt and bring it down, her and the daughters of the powerful nations, to the nether world, with those who go down to the pit;

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, speak to the sons of your people and say to them, 'If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman,

nasb@Ezekiel:10:6 @'But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand.'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:7" @Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:8" @When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:9" @But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:10" @Now as for you, son of man, say to the house of Israel, 'Thus you have spoken, saying, "Surely our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and we are rotting away in them; how then can we survive?"'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:12" @And you, son of man, say to your fellow citizens, 'The righteousness of a righteous man will not deliver him in the day of his transgression, and as for the wickedness of the wicked, he will not stumble because of it in the day when he turns from his wickedness; whereas a righteous man will not be able to live by his righteousness on the day when he commits sin.'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:15 @if a wicked man restores a pledge, pays back what he has taken by robbery, walks by the statutes which ensure life without committing iniquity, he shall surely live; he shall not die.

nasb@Ezekiel:10:24" @Son of man, they who live in these waste places in the land of Israel are saying, ' Abraham was only one, yet he possessed the land; so to us who are many the land has been given as a possession.'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:30" @But as for you, son of man, your fellow citizens who talk about you by the walls and in the doorways of the houses, speak to one another, each to his brother, saying, ' Come now and hear what the message is which comes forth from the LORD.'

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to those shepherds, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Woe, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock?

nasb@Ezekiel:10:10 @'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand My sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep. So the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore, but I will deliver My flock from their mouth, so that they will not be food for them."'"

nasb@Ezekiel:10:2" @Son of man, set your face against Mount Seir, and prophesy against it

nasb@Ezekiel:11:1" @And you, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say, 'O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD.

nasb@Ezekiel:11:11 @'I will multiply on you man and beast; and they will increase and be fruitful; and I will cause you to be inhabited as you were formerly and will treat you better than at the first. Thus you will know that I am the LORD.

nasb@Ezekiel:11:17" @Son of man, when the house of Israel was living in their own land, they defiled it by their ways and their deeds; their way before Me was like the uncleanness of a woman in her impurity.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:2 @He caused me to pass among them round about, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley; and lo, they were very dry.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:3 @He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" And I answered, "O Lord GOD, You know."

nasb@Ezekiel:12:7 @So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to its bone.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:9 @Then He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life."'"

nasb@Ezekiel:12:10 @So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they came to life and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:11 @Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, 'Our bones are dried up and our hope has perished. We are completely cut off.'

nasb@Ezekiel:12:16" @And you, son of man, take for yourself one stick and write on it, 'For Judah and for the sons of Israel, his companions'; then take another stick and write on it, 'For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel, his companions.'

nasb@Ezekiel:12:2" @Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him

nasb@Ezekiel:12:6 @Gomer with all its troops; Beth-togarmah from the remote parts of the north with all its troops--many peoples with you.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:8" @ After many days you will be summoned; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:9" @You will go up, you will come like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops, and many peoples with you."

nasb@Ezekiel:12:14" @Therefore prophesy, son of man, and say to Gog, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "On that day when My people Israel are living securely, will you not know it?

nasb@Ezekiel:12:15" @ You will come from your place out of the remote parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly and a mighty army;

nasb@Ezekiel:12:17 @'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Are you the one of whom I spoke in former days through My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days for many years that I would bring you against them?

nasb@Ezekiel:12:21" @I will call for a sword against him on all My mountains," declares the Lord GOD. " Every man's sword will be against his brother.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:22" @With pestilence and with blood I will enter into judgment with him; and I will rain on him and on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, a torrential rain, with hailstones, fire and brimstone.

nasb@Ezekiel:12:23" @I will magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the LORD."'

nasb@Ezekiel:13:1" @And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal;

nasb@Ezekiel:13:15" @As those who pass through the land pass through and anyone sees a man's bone, then he will set up a marker by it until the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamon-gog.

nasb@Ezekiel:13:17" @As for you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD, 'Speak to every kind of bird and to every beast of the field, "Assemble and come, gather from every side to My sacrifice which I am going to sacrifice for you, as a great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, that you may eat flesh and drink blood.

nasb@Ezekiel:13:27" @When I bring them back from the peoples and gather them from the lands of their enemies, then I shall be sanctified through them in the sight of the many nations.

nasb@Ezekiel:14:3 @So He brought me there; and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze, with a line of flax and a measuring rod in his hand; and he was standing in the gateway.

nasb@Ezekiel:14:4 @The man said to me, " Son of man, see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and give attention to all that I am going to show you; for you have been brought here in order to show it to you. Declare to the house of Israel all that you see."

nasb@Ezekiel:14:5 @And behold, there was a wall on the outside of the temple all around, and in the man's hand was a measuring rod of six cubits, each of which was a cubit and a handbreadth. So he measured the thickness of the wall, one rod; and the height, one rod.

nasb@Ezekiel:15:19 @a man's face toward the palm tree on one side and a young lion's face toward the palm tree on the other side; they were carved on all the house all around.

nasb@Ezekiel:17:2 @and behold, the glory of the God of Israel was coming from the way of the east. And His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory.

nasb@Ezekiel:17:6 @Then I heard one speaking to me from the house, while a man was standing beside me.

nasb@Ezekiel:17:7 @He said to me, "Son of man, this is the place of My throne and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell among the sons of Israel forever. And the house of Israel will not again defile My holy name, neither they nor their kings, by their harlotry and by the corpses of their kings when they die,

nasb@Ezekiel:17:10" @As for you, son of man, describe the temple to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the plan.

nasb@Ezekiel:17:18 @And He said to me, " Son of man, thus says the Lord GOD, 'These are the statutes for the altar on the day it is built, to offer burnt offerings on it and to sprinkle blood on it.

nasb@Ezekiel:18:5 @The LORD said to me, "Son of man, mark well, see with your eyes and hear with your ears all that I say to you concerning all the statutes of the house of the LORD and concerning all its laws; and mark well the entrance of the house, with all exits of the sanctuary.

nasb@Ezekiel:18:22" @And they shall not marry a widow or a divorced woman but shall take virgins from the offspring of the house of Israel, or a widow who is the widow of a priest.

nasb@Ezekiel:18:12" @The shekel shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, and fifteen shekels shall be your maneh.

nasb@Ezekiel:19:3 @When the man went out toward the east with a line in his hand, he measured a thousand cubits, and he led me through the water, water reaching the ankles.

nasb@Ezekiel:19:6 @He said to me, "Son of man, have you seen this?" Then he brought me back to the bank of the river.

nasb@Ezekiel:19:7 @Now when I had returned, behold, on the bank of the river there were very many trees on the one side and on the other.

nasb@Ezekiel:19:9" @It will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes, will live. And there will be very many fish, for these waters go there and the others become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.

nasb@Ezekiel:19:10" @And it will come about that fishermen will stand beside it; from Engedi to Eneglaim there will be a place for the spreading of nets. Their fish will be according to their kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many.

nasb@Ezekiel:19:4" @Beside the border of Naphtali, from the east side to the west side, Manasseh, one portion.

nasb@Ezekiel:19:5" @Beside the border of Manasseh, from the east side to the west side, Ephraim, one portion.

nasb@Daniel:1:7 @Then the commander of the officials assigned new names to them; and to Daniel he assigned the name Belteshazzar, to Hananiah Shadrach, to Mishael Meshach and to Azariah Abed-nego.

nasb@Daniel:1:8 @But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king's choice food or with the wine which he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he might not defile himself.

nasb@Daniel:1:9 @Now God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials,

nasb@Daniel:1:10 @and the commander of the officials said to Daniel, "I am afraid of my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink; for why should he see your faces looking more haggard than the youths who are your own age? Then you would make me forfeit my head to the king."

nasb@Daniel:1:11 @But Daniel said to the overseer whom the commander of the officials had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah,

nasb@Daniel:1:18 @Then at the end of the days which the king had specified for presenting them, the commander of the officials presented them before Nebuchadnezzar.

nasb@Daniel:2:5 @The king replied to the Chaldeans, "The command from me is firm- if you do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation, you will be torn limb from limb and your houses will be made a rubbish heap.

nasb@Daniel:2:8 @The king replied, "I know for certain that you are bargaining for time, inasmuch as you have seen that the command from me is firm,

nasb@Daniel:2:10 @The Chaldeans answered the king and said, "There is not a man on earth who could declare the matter for the king, inasmuch as no great king or ruler has ever asked anything like this of any magician, conjurer or Chaldean.

nasb@Daniel:2:11" @Moreover, the thing which the king demands is difficult, and there is no one else who could declare it to the king except gods, whose dwelling place is not with mortal flesh."

nasb@Daniel:2:15 @he said to Arioch, the king's commander, "For what reason is the decree from the king so urgent?" Then Arioch informed Daniel about the matter.

nasb@Daniel:2:25 @Then Arioch hurriedly brought Daniel into the king's presence and spoke to him as follows- "I have found a man among the exiles from Judah who can make the interpretation known to the king!"

nasb@Daniel:2:30" @But as for me, this mystery has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than in any other living man, but for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king, and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind.

nasb@Daniel:2:48 @Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts, and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over all the wise men of Babylon.

nasb@Daniel:3:4 @Then the herald loudly proclaimed- "To you the command is given, O peoples, nations and men of every language,

nasb@Daniel:3:10" @You, O king, have made a decree that every man who hears the sound of the horn, flute, lyre, trigon, psaltery, and bagpipe and all kinds of music, is to fall down and worship the golden image.

nasb@Daniel:3:20 @He commanded certain valiant warriors who were in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in order to cast them into the furnace of blazing fire.

nasb@Daniel:3:22 @For this reason, because the king's command was urgent and the furnace had been made extremely hot, the flame of the fire slew those men who carried up Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego.

nasb@Daniel:3:28 @Nebuchadnezzar responded and said, "Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, who has sent His angel and delivered His servants who put their trust in Him, violating the king's command, and yielded up their bodies so as not to serve or worship any god except their own God.

nasb@Daniel:3:16" @Let his mind be changed from that of a man And let a beast's mind be given to him, And let seven periods of time pass over him.

nasb@Daniel:3:17" @This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers And the decision is a command of the holy ones, In order that the living may know That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, And bestows it on whom He wishes And sets over it the lowliest of men."

nasb@Daniel:3:25 @that you be driven away from mankind and your dwelling place be with the beasts of the field, and you be given grass to eat like cattle and be drenched with the dew of heaven; and seven periods of time will pass over you, until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.

nasb@Daniel:3:26 @'And in that it was commanded to leave the stump with the roots of the tree, your kingdom will be assured to you after you recognize that it is Heaven that rules.

nasb@Daniel:3:32 @and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.'

nasb@Daniel:3:33" @Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles' feathers and his nails like birds' claws.

nasb@Daniel:4:5 @Suddenly the fingers of a man's hand emerged and began writing opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the king's palace, and the king saw the back of the hand that did the writing.

nasb@Daniel:4:7 @The king called aloud to bring in the conjurers, the Chaldeans and the diviners. The king spoke and said to the wise men of Babylon, "Any man who can read this inscription and explain its interpretation to me shall be clothed with purple and have a necklace of gold around his neck, and have authority as third ruler in the kingdom."

nasb@Daniel:4:11" @There is a man in your kingdom in whom is a spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of your father, illumination, insight and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods were found in him. And King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, your father the king, appointed him chief of the magicians, conjurers, Chaldeans and diviners.

nasb@Daniel:4:21" @He was also driven away from mankind, and his heart was made like that of beasts, and his dwelling place was with the wild donkeys. He was given grass to eat like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until he recognized that the Most High God is ruler over the realm of mankind and that He sets over it whomever He wishes.

nasb@Daniel:5:7" @All the commissioners of the kingdom, the prefects and the satraps, the high officials and the governors have consulted together that the king should establish a statute and enforce an injunction that anyone who makes a petition to any god or man besides you, O king, for thirty days, shall be cast into the lions' den.

nasb@Daniel:5:12 @Then they approached and spoke before the king about the king's injunction, "Did you not sign an injunction that any man who makes a petition to any god or man besides you, O king, for thirty days, is to be cast into the lions' den?" The king replied, "The statement is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which may not be revoked."

nasb@Daniel:6:4" @The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it.

nasb@Daniel:6:8" @While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts.

nasb@Daniel:6:13" @I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him.

nasb@Daniel:7:11 @It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary was thrown down.

nasb@Daniel:7:15 @When I, Daniel, had seen the vision, I sought to understand it; and behold, standing before me was one who looked like a man.

nasb@Daniel:7:16 @And I heard the voice of a man between the banks of Ulai, and he called out and said, " Gabriel, give this man an understanding of the vision."

nasb@Daniel:7:17 @So he came near to where I was standing, and when he came I was frightened and fell on my face; but he said to me, "Son of man, understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end."

nasb@Daniel:7:25" @And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence; And he will magnify himself in his heart, And he will destroy many while they are at ease. He will even oppose the Prince of princes, But he will be broken without human agency.

nasb@Daniel:7:26" @The vision of the evenings and mornings Which has been told is true; But keep the vision secret, For it pertains to many days in the future."

nasb@Daniel:8:4 @I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed and said, "Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments,

nasb@Daniel:8:5 @we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances.

nasb@Daniel:8:21 @while I was still speaking in prayer, then the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision previously, came to me in my extreme weariness about the time of the evening offering.

nasb@Daniel:8:23" @At the beginning of your supplications the command was issued, and I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed; so give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision.

nasb@Daniel:8:27" @And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."

nasb@Daniel:9:5 @I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, there was a certain man dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz.

nasb@Daniel:9:11 @He said to me, "O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you." And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling.

nasb@Daniel:9:16 @And behold, one who resembled a human being was touching my lips; then I opened my mouth and spoke and said to him who was standing before me, "O my lord, as a result of the vision anguish has come upon me, and I have retained no strength.

nasb@Daniel:9:18 @Then this one with human appearance touched me again and strengthened me.

nasb@Daniel:9:19 @He said, "O man of high esteem, do not be afraid. Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!" Now as soon as he spoke to me, I received strength and said, "May my lord speak, for you have strengthened me."

nasb@Daniel:9:14" @Now in those times many will rise up against the king of the South; the violent ones among your people will also lift themselves up in order to fulfill the vision, but they will fall down.

nasb@Daniel:9:18" @Then he will turn his face to the coastlands and capture many. But a commander will put a stop to his scorn against him; moreover, he will repay him for his scorn.

nasb@Daniel:9:26" @Those who eat his choice food will destroy him, and his army will overflow, but many will fall down slain.

nasb@Daniel:9:33" @ Those who have insight among the people will give understanding to the many; yet they will fall by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder for many days.

nasb@Daniel:9:34" @Now when they fall they will be granted a little help, and many will join with them in hypocrisy.

nasb@Daniel:9:39" @He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.

nasb@Daniel:9:40" @At the end time the king of the South will collide with him, and the king of the North will storm against him with chariots, with horsemen and with many ships; and he will enter countries, overflow them and pass through.

nasb@Daniel:9:41" @He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many countries will fall; but these will be rescued out of his hand- Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon.

nasb@Daniel:9:44" @But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many.

nasb@Daniel:9:2" @ Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.

nasb@Daniel:9:3" @Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

nasb@Daniel:9:4" @But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

nasb@Daniel:9:6 @And one said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, " How long will it be until the end of these wonders?"

nasb@Daniel:9:7 @I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.

nasb@Daniel:9:10" @ Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.

nasb@Hosea:3:1 @Then the LORD said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is loved by her husband, yet an adulteress, even as the LORD loves the sons of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes."

nasb@Hosea:3:3 @Then I said to her, "You shall stay with me for many days. You shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man; so I will also be toward you."

nasb@Hosea:3:4 @For the sons of Israel will remain for many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar and without ephod or household idols.

nasb@Hosea:5:11 @Ephraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment, Because he was determined to follow man's command.

nasb@Hosea:5:9 @And as raiders wait for a man, So a band of priests murder on the way to Shechem; Surely they have committed crime.

nasb@Hosea:7:6 @For from Israel is even this! A craftsman made it, so it is not God; Surely the calf of Samaria will be broken to pieces.

nasb@Hosea:8:7 @The days of punishment have come, The days of retribution have come; Let Israel know this! The prophet is a fool, The inspired man is demented, Because of the grossness of your iniquity, And because your hostility is so great.

nasb@Hosea:8:8 @Ephraim was a watchman with my God, a prophet; Yet the snare of a bird catcher is in all his ways, And there is only hostility in the house of his God.

nasb@Hosea:8:12 @Though they bring up their children, Yet I will bereave them until not a man is left. Yes, woe to them indeed when I depart from them!

nasb@Hosea:9:14 @Therefore a tumult will arise among your people, And all your fortresses will be destroyed, As Shalman destroyed Beth-arbel on the day of battle, When mothers were dashed in pieces with their children.

nasb@Hosea:10:4 @I led them with cords of a man, with bonds of love, And I became to them as one who lifts the yoke from their jaws; And I bent down and fed them.

nasb@Hosea:10:9 @I will not execute My fierce anger; I will not destroy Ephraim again. For I am God and not man, the Holy One in your midst, And I will not come in wrath.

nasb@Joel:2:2 @A day of darkness and gloom, A day of clouds and thick darkness. As the dawn is spread over the mountains, So there is a great and mighty people; There has never been anything like it, Nor will there be again after it To the years of many generations.

nasb@Joel:2:28" @ It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions.

nasb@Joel:3:10 @Beat your plowshares into swords And your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, "I am a mighty man."

nasb@Amos:1:12" @So I will send fire upon Teman And it will consume the citadels of Bozrah."

nasb@Amos:2:7" @These who pant after the very dust of the earth on the head of the helpless Also turn aside the way of the humble; And a man and his father resort to the same girl In order to profane My holy name.

nasb@Amos:2:12" @But you made the Nazirites drink wine, And you commanded the prophets saying, 'You shall not prophesy!'

nasb@Amos:2:14" @ Flight will perish from the swift, And the stalwart will not strengthen his power, Nor the mighty man save his life.

nasb@Amos:3:9" @I smote you with scorching wind and mildew; And the caterpillar was devouring Your many gardens and vineyards, fig trees and olive trees; Yet you have not returned to Me," declares the LORD.

nasb@Amos:3:10" @I sent a plague among you after the manner of Egypt; I slew your young men by the sword along with your captured horses, And I made the stench of your camp rise up in your nostrils; Yet you have not returned to Me," declares the LORD.

nasb@Amos:3:13 @For behold, He who forms mountains and creates the wind And declares to man what are His thoughts, He who makes dawn into darkness And treads on the high places of the earth, The LORD God of hosts is His name.

nasb@Amos:4:12 @For I know your transgressions are many and your sins are great, You who distress the righteous and accept bribes And turn aside the poor in the gate.

nasb@Amos:4:19 @As when a man flees from a lion And a bear meets him, Or goes home, leans his hand against the wall And a snake bites him.

nasb@Amos:5:11 @For behold, the LORD is going to command that the great house be smashed to pieces and the small house to fragments.

nasb@Amos:6:14 @Then Amos replied to Amaziah, "I am not a prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet; for I am a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs.

nasb@Amos:7:3" @The songs of the palace will turn to wailing in that day," declares the Lord GOD. "Many will be the corpses; in every place they will cast them forth in silence."

nasb@Amos:7:3" @Though they hide on the summit of Carmel, I will search them out and take them from there; And though they conceal themselves from My sight on the floor of the sea, From there I will command the serpent and it will bite them.

nasb@Amos:7:4" @And though they go into captivity before their enemies, From there I will command the sword that it slay them, And I will set My eyes against them for evil and not for good."

nasb@Amos:7:9" @For behold, I am commanding, And I will shake the house of Israel among all nations As grain is shaken in a sieve, But not a kernel will fall to the ground.

nasb@Amos:7:13" @Behold, days are coming," declares the LORD, "When the plowman will overtake the reaper And the treader of grapes him who sows seed; When the mountains will drip sweet wine And all the hills will be dissolved.

nasb@Obadiah:0:9" @Then your mighty men will be dismayed, O Teman, So that everyone may be cut off from the mountain of Esau by slaughter.

nasb@Jonah:0:5 @Then the sailors became afraid and every man cried to his god, and they threw the cargo which was in the ship into the sea to lighten it for them. But Jonah had gone below into the hold of the ship, lain down and fallen sound asleep.

nasb@Jonah:0:7 @Each man said to his mate, "Come, let us cast lots so we may learn on whose account this calamity has struck us." So they cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah.

nasb@Jonah:0:14 @Then they called on the LORD and said, "We earnestly pray, O LORD, do not let us perish on account of this man's life and do not put innocent blood on us; for You, O LORD, have done as You have pleased."

nasb@Jonah:1:10 @Then the LORD commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah up onto the dry land.

nasb@Jonah:1:7 @He issued a proclamation and it said, "In Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles- Do not let man, beast, herd, or flock taste a thing. Do not let them eat or drink water.

nasb@Jonah:1:8" @But both man and beast must be covered with sackcloth; and let men call on God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence which is in his hands.

nasb@Jonah:2:11" @Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as many animalsNULL"

nasb@Micah:2:2 @They covet fields and then seize them, And houses, and take them away. They rob a man and his house, A man and his inheritance.

nasb@Micah:2:11" @If a man walking after wind and falsehood Had told lies and said, 'I will speak out to you concerning wine and liquor,' He would be spokesman to this people.

nasb@Micah:3:2 @Many nations will come and say, " Come and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD And to the house of the God of Jacob, That He may teach us about His ways And that we may walk in His paths." For from Zion will go forth the law, Even the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

nasb@Micah:3:3 @And He will judge between many peoples And render decisions for mighty, distant nations. Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation will not lift up sword against nation, And never again will they train for war.

nasb@Micah:3:9" @Now, why do you cry out loudly? Is there no king among you, Or has your counselor perished, That agony has gripped you like a woman in childbirth?

nasb@Micah:3:10" @ Writhe and labor to give birth, Daughter of Zion, Like a woman in childbirth; For now you will go out of the city, Dwell in the field, And go to Babylon. There you will be rescued; There the LORD will redeem you From the hand of your enemies.

nasb@Micah:3:11" @And now many nations have been assembled against you Who say, 'Let her be polluted, And let our eyes gloat over Zion.'

nasb@Micah:3:13" @Arise and thresh, daughter of Zion, For your horn I will make iron And your hoofs I will make bronze, That you may pulverize many peoples, That you may devote to the LORD their unjust gain And their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.

nasb@Micah:3:7 @Then the remnant of Jacob Will be among many peoples Like dew from the LORD, Like showers on vegetation Which do not wait for man Or delay for the sons of men.

nasb@Micah:3:8 @The remnant of Jacob Will be among the nations, Among many peoples Like a lion among the beasts of the forest, Like a young lion among flocks of sheep, Which, if he passes through, Tramples down and tears, And there is none to rescue.

nasb@Micah:3:8 @He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?

nasb@Micah:3:10" @Is there yet a man in the wicked house, Along with treasures of wickedness And a short measure that is cursed?

nasb@Micah:4:3 @Concerning evil, both hands do it well. The prince asks, also the judge, for a bribe, And a great man speaks the desire of his soul; So they weave it together.

nasb@Micah:4:6 @For son treats father contemptuously, Daughter rises up against her mother, Daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; A man's enemies are the men of his own household.

nasb@Nahum:1:12 @Thus says the LORD, "Though they are at full strength and likewise many, Even so, they will be cut off and pass away. Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no longer.

nasb@Nahum:1:14 @The LORD has issued a command concerning you- "Your name will no longer be perpetuated. I will cut off idol and image From the house of your gods. I will prepare your grave, For you are contemptible."

nasb@Nahum:2:1 @The one who scatters has come up against you. Man the fortress, watch the road; Strengthen your back, summon all your strength.

nasb@Nahum:2:5 @He remembers his nobles; They stumble in their march, They hurry to her wall, And the mantelet is set up.

nasb@Nahum:3:3 @Horsemen charging, Swords flashing, spears gleaming, Many slain, a mass of corpses, And countless dead bodies-- They stumble over the dead bodies!

nasb@Nahum:3:4 @All because of the many harlotries of the harlot, The charming one, the mistress of sorceries, Who sells nations by her harlotries And families by her sorceries.

nasb@Habakkuk:2:5" @Furthermore, wine betrays the haughty man, So that he does not stay at home. He enlarges his appetite like Sheol, And he is like death, never satisfied. He also gathers to himself all nations And collects to himself all peoples.

nasb@Habakkuk:2:8" @Because you have looted many nations, All the remainder of the peoples will loot you-- Because of human bloodshed and violence done to the land, To the town and all its inhabitants.

nasb@Habakkuk:2:10" @You have devised a shameful thing for your house By cutting off many peoples; So you are sinning against yourself.

nasb@Habakkuk:2:17" @For the violence done to Lebanon will overwhelm you, And the devastation of its beasts by which you terrified them, Because of human bloodshed and violence done to the land, To the town and all its inhabitants.

nasb@Habakkuk:3:3 @God comes from Teman, And the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah. His splendor covers the heavens, And the earth is full of His praise.

nasb@Habakkuk:3:15 @You trampled on the sea with Your horses, On the surge of many waters.

nasb@Zephaniah:0:3" @I will remove man and beast; I will remove the birds of the sky And the fish of the sea, And the ruins along with the wicked; And I will cut off man from the face of the earth," declares the LORD.

nasb@Zephaniah:2:6" @I have cut off nations; Their corner towers are in ruins. I have made their streets desolate, With no one passing by; Their cities are laid waste, Without a man, without an inhabitant.

nasb@Haggai:1:12 @'If a man carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and touches bread with this fold, or cooked food, wine, oil, or any other food, will it become holy?'" And the priests answered, "No."

nasb@Zechariah:0:6" @But did not My words and My statutes, which I commanded My servants the prophets, overtake your fathers? Then they repented and said, ' As the LORD of hosts purposed to do to us in accordance with our ways and our deeds, so He has dealt with us.'"'"

nasb@Zechariah:0:8 @I saw at night, and behold, a man was riding on a red horse, and he was standing among the myrtle trees which were in the ravine, with red, sorrel and white horses behind him.

nasb@Zechariah:0:10 @And the man who was standing among the myrtle trees answered and said, "These are those whom the LORD has sent to patrol the earth."

nasb@Zechariah:0:21 @I said, "What are these coming to doNULL" And he said, "These are the horns which have scattered Judah so that no man lifts up his head; but these craftsmen have come to terrify them, to throw down the horns of the nations who have lifted up their horns against the land of Judah in order to scatter it."

nasb@Zechariah:1:1 @Then I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, there was a man with a measuring line in his hand.

nasb@Zechariah:1:4 @and said to him, "Run, speak to that young man, saying, ' Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls because of the multitude of men and cattle within it.

nasb@Zechariah:1:11" @ Many nations will join themselves to the LORD in that day and will become My people. Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you.

nasb@Zechariah:3:1 @Then the angel who was speaking with me returned and roused me, as a man who is awakened from his sleep.

nasb@Zechariah:4:7 @(and behold, a lead cover was lifted up); and this is a woman sitting inside the ephah."

nasb@Zechariah:5:12" @Then say to him, 'Thus says the LORD of hosts, "Behold, a man whose name is Branch, for He will branch out from where He is; and He will build the temple of the LORD.

nasb@Zechariah:6:3 @speaking to the priests who belong to the house of the LORD of hosts, and to the prophets, saying, "Shall I weep in the fifth month and abstain, as I have done these many years?"

nasb@Zechariah:6:4" @Thus says the LORD of hosts, ' Old men and old women will again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each man with his staff in his hand because of age.

nasb@Zechariah:6:10 @'For before those days there was no wage for man or any wage for animal; and for him who went out or came in there was no peace because of his enemies, and I set all men one against another.

nasb@Zechariah:6:20" @Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'It will yet be that peoples will come, even the inhabitants of many cities.

nasb@Zechariah:6:22 @'So many peoples and mighty nations will come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to entreat the favor of the LORD.'

nasb@Zechariah:8:1 @Ask rain from the LORD at the time of the spring rain-- The LORD who makes the storm clouds; And He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field to each man.

nasb@Zechariah:8:7" @Ephraim will be like a mighty man, And their heart will be glad as if from wine; Indeed, their children will see it and be glad, Their heart will rejoice in the LORD.

nasb@Zechariah:9:12 @The burden of the word of the LORD concerning Israel. Thus declares the LORD who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him,

nasb@Zechariah:9:5 @but he will say, 'I am not a prophet; I am a tiller of the ground, for a man sold me as a slave in my youth.'

nasb@Zechariah:9:7" @Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, And against the man, My Associate," Declares the LORD of hosts. " Strike the Shepherd that the sheep may be scattered; And I will turn My hand against the little ones.

nasb@Malachi:0:2" @And now this commandment is for you, O priests.

nasb@Malachi:0:4" @Then you will know that I have sent this commandment to you, that My covenant may continue with Levi," says the LORD of hosts.

nasb@Malachi:0:6" @ True instruction was in his mouth and unrighteousness was not found on his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many back from iniquity.

nasb@Malachi:0:8" @But as for you, you have turned aside from the way; you have caused many to stumble by the instruction; you have corrupted the covenant of Levi," says the LORD of hosts.

nasb@Malachi:0:12" @As for the man who does this, may the LORD cut off from the tents of Jacob everyone who awakes and answers, or who presents an offering to the LORD of hosts.

nasb@Malachi:0:8" @Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, 'How have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.

nasb@Malachi:0:17" @They will be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him."

nasb@Malachi:0:4" @ Remember the law of Moses My servant, even the statutes and ordinances which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel.