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ylt@Genesis:1:20 @And God saith, 'Let the waters teem with the teeming living creature, and fowl let fly on the earth on the face of the expanse of the heavens.'

ylt@Genesis:1:21 @And God prepareth the great monsters, and every living creature that is creeping, which the waters have teemed with, after their kind, and every fowl with wing, after its kind, and God seeth that [it is] good.

ylt@Genesis:3:6 @And the woman seeth that the tree [is] good for food, and that it [is] pleasant to the eyes, and the tree is desirable to make [one] wise, and she taketh of its fruit and eateth, and giveth also to her husband with her, and he doth eat;

ylt@Genesis:3:12 @and the man saith, 'The woman whom Thou didst place with me -- she hath given to me of the tree -- and I do eat.'

ylt@Genesis:5:22 @And Enoch walketh habitually with God after his begetting Methuselah three hundred years, and begetteth sons and daughters.

ylt@Genesis:5:24 @And Enoch walketh habitually with God, and he is not, for God hath taken him.

ylt@Genesis:6:9 @These [are] births of Noah: Noah [is] a righteous man; perfect he hath been among his generations; with God hath Noah walked habitually.

ylt@Genesis:6:11 @And the earth is corrupt before God, and the earth is filled [with] violence.

ylt@Genesis:6:13 @And God said to Noah, 'An end of all flesh hath come before Me, for the earth hath been full of violence from their presence; and lo, I am destroying them with the earth.

ylt@Genesis:6:14 @'Make for thyself an ark of gopher-wood; rooms dost thou make with the ark, and thou hast covered it within and without with cypress;

ylt@Genesis:6:15 @and this [is] that which thou dost with it: three hundred cubits [is] the length of the ark, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height;

ylt@Genesis:6:18 @'And I have established My covenant with thee, and thou hast come in unto the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy son's wives with thee;

ylt@Genesis:6:19 @and of all that liveth, of all flesh, two of every [sort] thou dost bring in unto the ark, to keep alive with thee; male and female are they.

ylt@Genesis:7:7 @And Noah goeth in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, unto the ark, from the presence of the waters of the deluge;

ylt@Genesis:7:13 @In this self-same day went in Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, sons of Noah, and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them, unto the ark;

ylt@Genesis:7:23 @And wiped away is all the substance that is on the face of the ground, from man unto beast, unto creeping thing, and unto fowl of the heavens; yea, they are wiped away from the earth, and only Noah is left, and those who [are] with him in the ark;

ylt@Genesis:8:1 @And God remembereth Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle which [are] with him in the ark, and God causeth a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subside,

ylt@Genesis:8:15 @And God speaketh unto Noah, saying, 'Go out from the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee;

ylt@Genesis:8:16 @every living thing that [is] with thee, of all flesh, among fowl, and among cattle, and among every creeping thing which is creeping on the earth, bring out with thee;

ylt@Genesis:8:18 @And Noah goeth out, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him;

ylt@Genesis:9:8 @And God speaketh unto Noah, and unto his sons with him, saying,

ylt@Genesis:9:9 @'And I, lo, I am establishing My covenant with you, and with your seed after you,

ylt@Genesis:9:10 @and with every living creature which [is] with you, among fowl, among cattle, and among every beast of the earth with you, from all who are going out of the ark -- to every beast of the earth.

ylt@Genesis:9:11 @And I have established My covenant with you, and all flesh is not any more cut off by waters of a deluge, and there is not any more a deluge to destroy the earth.'

ylt@Genesis:9:12 @And God saith, 'This is a token of the covenant which I am giving between Me and you, and every living creature that [is] with you, to generations age-during;

ylt@Genesis:9:22 @And Ham, father of Canaan, seeth the nakedness of his father, and declareth to his two brethren without.

ylt@Genesis:11:31 @And Terah taketh Abram his son, and Lot, son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, wife of Abram his son, and they go out with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go towards the land of Canaan; and they come unto Charan, and dwell there.

ylt@Genesis:12:4 @And Abram goeth on, as Jehovah hath spoken unto him, and Lot goeth with him, and Abram [is] a son of five and seventy years in his going out from Charan.

ylt@Genesis:12:13 @say, I pray thee, thou [art] my sister, so that it is well with me because of thee, and my soul hath lived for thy sake.'

ylt@Genesis:13:1 @And Abram goeth up from Egypt (he and his wife, and all that he hath, and Lot with him) towards the south;

ylt@Genesis:13:5 @And also to Lot, who is going with Abram, there hath been sheep and oxen and tents;

ylt@Genesis:14:2 @they have made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboim, and the king of Bela, which [is] Zoar.

ylt@Genesis:14:5 @And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the kings who [are] with him, and they smite the Rephaim in Ashteroth Karnaim, and the Zuzim in Ham, and the Emim in Shaveh Kiriathaim,

ylt@Genesis:14:8 @And the king of Sodom goeth out, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboim, and the king of Bela, which [is] Zoar; and they set the battle in array with them in the valley of Siddim,

ylt@Genesis:14:9 @with Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goyim, and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar; four kings with the five.

ylt@Genesis:14:17 @And the king of Sodom goeth out to meet him (after his turning back from the smiting of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings who [are] with him), unto the valley of Shaveh, which [is] the king's valley.

ylt@Genesis:14:24 @save only that which the young men have eaten, and the portion of the men who have gone with me -- Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre -- they take their portion.'

ylt@Genesis:15:5 @and He bringeth him out without, and saith, 'Look attentively, I pray thee, towards the heavens, and count the stars, if thou art able to count them;' and He saith to him, 'Thus is thy seed.'

ylt@Genesis:15:14 @and the nation also whom they serve I judge, and after this they go out with great substance;

ylt@Genesis:15:18 @In that day hath Jehovah made with Abram a covenant, saying, 'To thy seed I have given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Phrat,

ylt@Genesis:15:19 @with the Kenite, and the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite,

ylt@Genesis:17:3 @And Abram falleth upon his face, and God speaketh with him, saying,

ylt@Genesis:17:4 @'I -- lo, My covenant [is] with thee, and thou hast become father of a multitude of nations;

ylt@Genesis:17:12 @'And a son of eight days is circumcised by you; every male to your generations, born in the house, or bought with money from any son of a stranger, who is not of thy seed;

ylt@Genesis:17:13 @he is certainly circumcised who [is] born in thine house, or bought with thy money; and My covenant hath become in your flesh a covenant age-during;

ylt@Genesis:17:19 @and God saith, 'Sarah thy wife is certainly bearing a son to thee, and thou hast called his name Isaac, and I have established My covenant with him, for a covenant age-during, to his seed after him.

ylt@Genesis:17:21 @and My covenant I establish with Isaac, whom Sarah doth bear to thee at this appointed time in the next year;'

ylt@Genesis:17:22 @and He finisheth speaking with him, and God goeth up from Abraham.

ylt@Genesis:17:23 @And Abraham taketh Ishmael his son, and all those born in his house, and all those bought with his money -- every male among the men of Abraham's house -- and circumciseth the flesh of their foreskin, in this self-same day, as God hath spoken with him.

ylt@Genesis:17:27 @and all the men of his house -- born in the house, and bought with money from the son of a stranger -- have been circumcised with him.

ylt@Genesis:18:16 @And the men rise from thence, and look on the face of Sodom, and Abraham is going with them to send them away;

ylt@Genesis:18:23 @And Abraham draweth nigh and saith, 'Dost Thou also consume righteous with wicked?

ylt@Genesis:18:24 @peradventure there are fifty righteous in the midst of the city; dost Thou also consume, and not bear with the place for the sake of the fifty -- the righteous who [are] in its midst?

ylt@Genesis:18:25 @Far be it from Thee to do according to this thing, to put to death the righteous with the wicked; that it hath been -- as the righteous so the wicked -- far be it from Thee; doth the Judge of all the earth not do justice?'

ylt@Genesis:18:26 @And Jehovah saith, 'If I find in Sodom fifty righteous in the midst of the city, then have I borne with all the place for their sake.'

ylt@Genesis:19:8 @lo, I pray you, I have two daughters, who have not known any one; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do to them as [is] good in your eyes; only to these men do not anything, for therefore have they come in within the shadow of my roof.'

ylt@Genesis:19:11 @and the men who [are] at the opening of the house they have smitten with blindness, from small even unto great, and they weary themselves to find the opening.

ylt@Genesis:19:16 @And he lingereth, and the men lay hold on his hand, and on the hand of his wife, and on the hand of his two daughters, through the mercy of Jehovah unto him, and they bring him out, and cause him to rest without the city.

ylt@Genesis:19:17 @And it cometh to pass when he hath brought them out without, that he saith, 'Escape for thy life; look not expectingly behind thee, nor stand thou in all the circuit; to the mountain escape, lest thou be consumed.'

ylt@Genesis:19:19 @lo, I pray thee, thy servant hath found grace in thine eyes, and thou dost make great thy kindness which thou hast done with me by saving my life, and I am unable to escape to the mountain, lest the evil cleave [to] me, and I have died;

ylt@Genesis:19:21 @And he saith unto him, 'Lo, I have accepted thy face also for this thing, without overthrowing the city [for] which thou hast spoken;

ylt@Genesis:19:30 @And Lot goeth up out of Zoar, and dwelleth in the mountain, and his two daughters with him, for he hath been afraid of dwelling in Zoar, and he dwelleth in a cave, he and his two daughters.

ylt@Genesis:19:32 @come, we cause our father to drink wine, and lie with him, and preserve from our father -- a seed.'

ylt@Genesis:19:33 @And they cause their father to drink wine on that night; and the first-born goeth in, and lieth with her father, and he hath not known in her lying down, or in her rising up.

ylt@Genesis:19:34 @And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that the first-born saith unto the younger, 'Lo, I have lain yesterday-night with my father: we cause him to drink wine also to-night, and go thou in, lie with him, and we preserve from our father -- a seed.'

ylt@Genesis:19:35 @And they cause their father to drink wine on that night also, and the younger riseth and lieth with him, and he hath not known in her lying down, or in her rising up.

ylt@Genesis:20:6 @And God saith unto him in the dream, 'Yea, I -- I have known that in the integrity of thy heart thou hast done this, and I withhold thee, even I, from sinning against Me, therefore I have not suffered thee to come against her;

ylt@Genesis:20:9 @and Abimelech calleth for Abraham, and saith to him, 'What hast thou done to us? and what have I sinned against thee, that thou hast brought upon me, and upon my kingdom, a great sin? works which are not done thou hast done with me.'

ylt@Genesis:20:13 @and it cometh to pass, when God hath caused me to wander from my father's house, that I say to her, This [is] thy kindness which thou dost with me: at every place whither we come, say of me, He [is] my brother.'

ylt@Genesis:20:16 @and to Sarah he hath said, 'Lo, I have given a thousand silverlings to thy brother; lo, it is to thee a covering of eyes, to all who are with thee;' and by all this she is reasoned with.

ylt@Genesis:21:2 @and Sarah conceiveth, and beareth a son to Abraham, to his old age, at the appointed time that God hath spoken of with him;

ylt@Genesis:21:10 @and she saith to Abraham, 'Cast out this handmaid and her son; for the son of this handmaid hath no possession with my son -- with Isaac.'

ylt@Genesis:21:18 @rise, lift up the youth, and lay hold on him with thy hand, for for a great nation I set him.'

ylt@Genesis:21:19 @And God openeth her eyes, and she seeth a well of water, and she goeth and filleth the bottle [with] water, and causeth the youth to drink;

ylt@Genesis:21:20 @and God is with the youth, and he groweth, and dwelleth in the wilderness, and is an archer;

ylt@Genesis:21:22 @And it cometh to pass at that time that Abimelech speaketh -- Phichol also, head of his host -- unto Abraham, saying, 'God [is] with thee in all that thou art doing;

ylt@Genesis:21:23 @and now, swear to me by God here: thou dost not lie to me, or to my continuator, or to my successor; according to the kindness which I have done with thee thou dost with me, and with the land in which thou hast sojourned.'

ylt@Genesis:21:25 @And Abraham reasoned with Abimelech concerning the matter of a well of water which Abimelech's servants have taken violently away,

ylt@Genesis:22:3 @And Abraham riseth early in the morning, and saddleth his ass, and taketh two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and he cleaveth the wood of the burnt-offering, and riseth and goeth unto the place of which God hath spoken to him.

ylt@Genesis:22:5 @and Abraham saith unto his young men, 'Remain by yourselves here with the ass, and I and the youth go yonder and worship, and turn back unto you.'

ylt@Genesis:22:12 @and He saith, 'Put not forth thine hand unto the youth, nor do anything to him, for now I have known that thou art fearing God, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only one, from Me.'

ylt@Genesis:22:16 @and saith, 'By Myself I have sworn -- the affirmation of Jehovah -- that because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only one --

ylt@Genesis:23:4 @'A sojourner and a settler I [am] with you; give to me a possession of a burying-place with you, and I bury my dead from before me.'

ylt@Genesis:23:6 @'Hear us, my lord; a prince of God [art] thou in our midst; in the choice of our burying-places bury thy dead: none of us his burying-place doth withhold from thee, from burying thy dead.'

ylt@Genesis:23:8 @and he speaketh with them, saying, 'If it is your desire to bury my dead from before me, hear me, and meet for me with Ephron, son of Zoar;

ylt@Genesis:23:16 @And Abraham hearkeneth unto Ephron, and Abraham weigheth to Ephron the silver which he hath spoken of in the ears of the sons of Heth, four hundred silver shekels, passing with the merchant.

ylt@Genesis:24:12 @And he saith, 'Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, cause to meet, I pray Thee, before me this day -- (and do kindness with my lord Abraham;

ylt@Genesis:24:14 @and it hath been, the young person unto whom I say, Incline, I pray thee, thy pitcher, and I drink, and she hath said, Drink, and I water also thy camels) -- her Thou hast decided for Thy servant, for Isaac; and by it I know that Thou hast done kindness with my lord.'

ylt@Genesis:24:25 @She saith also unto him, 'Both straw and provender [are] abundant with us, also a place to lodge in.'

ylt@Genesis:24:27 @and saith, 'Blessed [is] Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, who hath not left off His kindness and His truth with my lord; -- I [being] in the way, Jehovah hath led me to the house of my lord's brethren.'

ylt@Genesis:24:29 @And Rebekah hath a brother, and his name [is] Laban, and Laban runneth unto the man who [is] without, unto the fountain;

ylt@Genesis:24:31 @And he saith, 'Come in, O blessed one of Jehovah, why standest thou without, and I -- I have prepared the house and place for the camels!'

ylt@Genesis:24:32 @And he bringeth in the man into the house, and looseth the camels, and giveth straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the feet of the men who [are] with him:

ylt@Genesis:24:40 @and he saith unto me, Jehovah, before whom I have walked habitually, doth send His messenger with thee, and hath prospered thy way, and thou hast taken a wife for my son from my family, and from the house of my father;

ylt@Genesis:24:49 @'And now, if ye are dealing kindly and truly with my lord, declare to me; and if not, declare to me; and I turn unto the right or unto the left.'

ylt@Genesis:24:54 @And they eat and drink, he and the men who [are] with him, and lodge all night; and they rise in the morning, and he saith, 'Send me to my lord;'

ylt@Genesis:24:55 @and her brother saith -- her mother also -- 'Let the young person abide with us a week or ten days, afterwards doth she go.'

ylt@Genesis:24:58 @and they call for Rebekah, and say unto her, 'Dost thou go with this man?' and she saith, 'I go.'

ylt@Genesis:25:22 @and the children struggle together within her, and she saith, 'If [it is] right -- why [am] I thus?' and she goeth to seek Jehovah.

ylt@Genesis:25:27 @And the youths grew, and Esau is a man acquainted [with] hunting, a man of the field; and Jacob [is] a plain man, inhabiting tents;

ylt@Genesis:26:3 @sojourn in this land, and I am with thee, and bless thee, for to thee and to thy seed I give all these lands, and I have established the oath which I have sworn to Abraham thy father;

ylt@Genesis:26:8 @And it cometh to pass, when the days have been prolonged to him there, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looketh through the window, and seeth, and lo, Isaac is playing with Rebekah his wife.

ylt@Genesis:26:10 @And Abimelech saith, 'What [is] this thou hast done to us? as a little thing one of the people had lain with thy wife, and thou hadst brought upon us guilt;'

ylt@Genesis:26:15 @and all the wells which his father's servants digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines have stopped them, and fill them with dust.

ylt@Genesis:26:20 @and shepherds of Gerar strive with shepherds of Isaac, saying, 'The water [is] ours;' and he calleth the name of the well 'Strife,' because they have striven habitually with him;

ylt@Genesis:26:24 @and Jehovah appeareth unto him during that night, and saith, 'I [am] the God of Abraham thy father, fear not, for I [am] with thee, and have blessed thee, and have multiplied thy seed, because of Abraham My servant;'

ylt@Genesis:26:28 @And they say, 'We have certainly seen that Jehovah hath been with thee, and we say, 'Let there be, we pray thee, an oath between us, between us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee;

ylt@Genesis:26:29 @do not evil with us, as we have not touched thee, and as we have only done good with thee, and send thee away in peace; thou [art] now blessed of Jehovah.'

ylt@Genesis:27:15 @and Rebekah taketh the desirable garments of Esau her elder son, which [are] with her in the house, and doth put on Jacob her younger son;

ylt@Genesis:27:35 @and he saith, 'Thy brother hath come with subtilty, and taketh thy blessing.'

ylt@Genesis:27:37 @And Isaac answereth and saith to Esau, 'Lo, a mighty one have I set him over thee, and all his brethren have I given to him for servants, and [with] corn and wine have I sustained him; and for thee now, what shall I do, my son?'

ylt@Genesis:27:41 @And Esau hateth Jacob, because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Esau saith in his heart, 'The days of mourning [for] my father draw near, and I slay Jacob my brother.'

ylt@Genesis:27:44 @and thou hast dwelt with him some days, till thy brother's fury turn back,

ylt@Genesis:27:46 @And Rebekah saith unto Isaac, 'I have been disgusted with my life because of the presence of the daughters of Heth; if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, like these -- from the daughters of the land -- why do I live?'

ylt@Genesis:28:4 @and He doth give to thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee and to thy seed with thee, to cause thee to possess the land of thy sojournings, which God gave to Abraham.'

ylt@Genesis:28:15 @'And lo, I [am] with thee, and have kept thee whithersoever thou goest, and have caused thee to turn back unto this ground; for I leave thee not till that I have surely done that which I have spoken to thee.'

ylt@Genesis:28:20 @And Jacob voweth a vow, saying, 'Seeing God is with me, and hath kept me in this way which I am going, and hath given to me bread to eat, and a garment to put on --

ylt@Genesis:29:6 @And he saith to them, 'Hath he peace?' and they say, 'Peace; and lo, Rachel his daughter is coming with the flock.'

ylt@Genesis:29:9 @He is yet speaking with them, and Rachel hath come with the flock which her father hath, for she [is] shepherdess;

ylt@Genesis:29:14 @and Laban saith to him, 'Only my bone and my flesh [art] thou;' and he dwelleth with him a month of days.

ylt@Genesis:29:19 @and Laban saith, 'It is better for me to give her to thee than to give her to another man; dwell with me;'

ylt@Genesis:29:25 @And it cometh to pass in the morning, that lo, it [is] Leah; and he saith unto Laban, 'What [is] this thou hast done to me? for Rachel have I not served with thee? and why hast thou deceived me?'

ylt@Genesis:29:27 @fulfil the week of this one, and we give to thee also this one, for the service which thou dost serve with me yet seven other years.'

ylt@Genesis:29:30 @And he goeth in also unto Rachel, and he also loveth Rachel more than Leah; and he serveth with him yet seven other years.

ylt@Genesis:30:2 @And Jacob's anger burneth against Rachel, and he saith, 'Am I in stead of God who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?'

ylt@Genesis:30:8 @and Rachel saith, 'With wrestlings of God I have wrestled with my sister, yea, I have prevailed;' and she calleth his name Napthali.

ylt@Genesis:30:15 @And she saith to her, 'Is thy taking my husband a little thing, that thou hast taken also the love-apples of my son?' and Rachel saith, 'Therefore doth he lie with thee to-night, for thy son's love-apples.'

ylt@Genesis:30:16 @And Jacob cometh in from the field at evening; and Leah goeth to meet him, and saith, 'Unto me dost thou come in, for hiring I have hired thee with my son's love-apples;' and he lieth with her during that night.

ylt@Genesis:30:20 @and Leah saith, 'God hath endowed me -- a good dowry; this time doth my husband dwell with me, for I have borne to him six sons;' and she calleth his name Zebulun;

ylt@Genesis:30:29 @And he saith unto him, 'Thou -- thou hast known that which I have served thee [in], and that which thy substance was with me;

ylt@Genesis:30:33 @and my righteousness hath answered for me in the day to come, when it cometh in for my hire before thy face; -- every one which is not speckled and spotted among [my] goats, and brown among [my] lambs -- it is stolen with me.'

ylt@Genesis:31:2 @and Jacob seeth the face of Laban, and lo, it is not with him as heretofore.

ylt@Genesis:31:3 @And Jehovah saith unto Jacob, 'Turn back unto the land of thy fathers, and to thy kindred, and I am with thee.'

ylt@Genesis:31:5 @and saith to them, 'I am beholding your father's face -- that it is not towards me as heretofore, and the God of my father hath been with me,

ylt@Genesis:31:6 @and ye -- ye have known that with all my power I have served your father,

ylt@Genesis:31:7 @and your father hath played upon me, and hath changed my hire ten times; and God hath not suffered him to do evil with me.

ylt@Genesis:31:23 @and he taketh his brethren with him, and pursueth after him a journey of seven days, and overtaketh him in the mount of Gilead.

ylt@Genesis:31:24 @And God cometh in unto Laban the Aramaean in a dream of the night, and saith to him, 'Take heed to thyself lest thou speak with Jacob from good unto evil.'

ylt@Genesis:31:25 @And Laban overtaketh Jacob; and Jacob hath fixed his tent in the mount; and Laban with his brethren have fixed [theirs] in the mount of Gilead.

ylt@Genesis:31:27 @Why hast thou hidden thyself to flee, and deceivest me, and hast not declared to me, and I send thee away with joy and with songs, with tabret and with harp,

ylt@Genesis:31:29 @my hand is to God to do evil with you, but the God of your father yesternight hath spoken unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself from speaking with Jacob from good unto evil.

ylt@Genesis:31:32 @with whomsoever thou findest thy gods -- he doth not live; before our brethren discern for thyself what [is] with me, and take to thyself:' and Jacob hath not known that Rachel hath stolen them.

ylt@Genesis:31:36 @And it is displeasing to Jacob, and he striveth with Laban; and Jacob answereth and saith to Laban, 'What [is] my transgression? what my sin, that thou hast burned after me?

ylt@Genesis:31:38 @'These twenty years I [am] with thee: thy ewes and thy she-goats have not miscarried, and the rams of thy flock I have not eaten;

ylt@Genesis:31:50 @if thou afflict my daughters, or take wives beside my daughters -- there is no man with us -- see, God [is] witness between me and thee.'

ylt@Genesis:32:4 @and commandeth them, saying, 'Thus do ye say to my lord, to Esau: Thus said thy servant Jacob, With Laban I have sojourned, and I tarry until now;

ylt@Genesis:32:6 @And the messengers turn back unto Jacob, saying, 'We came in unto thy brother, unto Esau, and he also is coming to meet thee, and four hundred men with him;'

ylt@Genesis:32:7 @and Jacob feareth exceedingly, and is distressed, and he divideth the people who [are] with him, and the flock, and the herd, and the camels, into two camps,

ylt@Genesis:32:9 @And Jacob saith, 'God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, Jehovah who saith unto me, Turn back to thy land, and to thy kindred, and I do good with thee:

ylt@Genesis:32:10 @I have been unworthy of all the kind acts, and of all the truth which Thou hast done with thy servant -- for, with my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I have become two camps.

ylt@Genesis:32:12 @and Thou -- Thou hast said, I certainly do good with thee, and have set thy seed as the sand of the sea, which is not numbered because of the multitude.'

ylt@Genesis:32:20 @and ye have said also, Lo, thy servant Jacob [is] behind us;' for he said, 'I pacify his face with the present which is going before me, and afterwards I see his face; it may be he lifteth up my face;'

ylt@Genesis:32:24 @And Jacob is left alone, and one wrestleth with him till the ascending of the dawn;

ylt@Genesis:32:25 @and he seeth that he is not able for him, and he cometh against the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob's thigh is disjointed in his wrestling with him;

ylt@Genesis:32:28 @And he saith, 'Thy name is no more called Jacob, but Israel; for thou hast been a prince with God and with men, and dost prevail.'

ylt@Genesis:33:1 @And Jacob lifteth up his eyes, and looketh, and lo, Esau is coming, and with him four hundred men; and he divideth the children unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two maid-servants;

ylt@Genesis:33:5 @and he lifteth up his eyes, and seeth the women and the children, and saith, 'What [are] these to thee?' And he saith, 'The children with whom God hath favoured thy servant.'

ylt@Genesis:33:7 @and Leah also draweth nigh, and her children, and they bow themselves; and afterwards Joseph hath drawn nigh with Rachel, and they bow themselves.

ylt@Genesis:33:10 @And Jacob saith, 'Nay, I pray thee, if, I pray thee, I have found grace in thine eyes, then thou hast received my present from my hand, because that I have seen thy face, as the seeing of the face of God, and thou art pleased with me;

ylt@Genesis:33:13 @And he saith unto him, 'My lord knoweth that the children [are] tender, and the suckling flock and the herd [are] with me; when they have beaten them one day, then hath all the flock died.

ylt@Genesis:33:15 @And Esau saith, 'Let me, I pray thee, place with thee some of the people who [are] with me;' and he said, 'Why [is] this? I find grace in the eyes of my lord.'

ylt@Genesis:34:2 @and Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite, a prince of the land, seeth her, and taketh her, and lieth with her, and humbleth her;

ylt@Genesis:34:5 @And Jacob hath heard that he hath defiled Dinah his daughter, and his sons were with his cattle in the field, and Jacob kept silent till their coming.

ylt@Genesis:34:6 @And Hamor, father of Shechem, goeth out unto Jacob to speak with him;

ylt@Genesis:34:7 @and the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard, and the men grieve themselves, and it [is] very displeasing to them, for folly he hath done against Israel, to lie with the daughter of Jacob -- and so it is not done.

ylt@Genesis:34:8 @And Hamor speaketh with them, saying, 'Shechem, my son, his soul hath cleaved to your daughter; give her, I pray you, to him for a wife,

ylt@Genesis:34:9 @and join ye in marriage with us; your daughters ye give to us, and our daughters ye take to yourselves,

ylt@Genesis:34:10 @and with us ye dwell, and the land is before you; dwell ye and trade [in] it, and have possessions in it.'

ylt@Genesis:34:16 @then we have given our daughters to you, and your daughters we take to ourselves, and we have dwelt with you, and have become one people;

ylt@Genesis:34:21 @'These men are peaceable with us; then let them dwell in the land, and trade [in] it; and the land, lo, [is] wide before them; their daughters let us take to ourselves for wives, and our daughters give to them.

ylt@Genesis:34:22 @'Only for this do the men consent to us, to dwell with us, to become one people, in every male of us being circumcised, as they are circumcised;

ylt@Genesis:34:23 @their cattle, and their substance, and all their beasts -- are they not ours? only let us consent to them, and they dwell with us.'

ylt@Genesis:35:2 @And Jacob saith unto his household, and unto all who [are] with him, 'Turn aside the gods of the stranger which [are] in your midst, and cleanse yourselves, and change your garments;

ylt@Genesis:35:3 @and we rise, and go up to Bethel, and I make there an altar to God, who is answering me in the day of my distress, and is with me in the way that I have gone.'

ylt@Genesis:35:6 @And Jacob cometh in to Luz which [is] in the land of Canaan (it [is] Bethel), he and all the people who [are] with him,

ylt@Genesis:35:13 @And God goeth up from him, in the place where He hath spoken with him.

ylt@Genesis:35:14 @And Jacob setteth up a standing pillar in the place where He hath spoken with him, a standing pillar of stone, and he poureth on it an oblation, and he poureth on it oil;

ylt@Genesis:35:15 @and Jacob calleth the name of the place where God spake with him Bethel.

ylt@Genesis:35:22 @and it cometh to pass in Israel's dwelling in that land, that Reuben goeth, and lieth with Bilhah his father's concubine; and Israel heareth.

ylt@Genesis:35:29 @and Isaac expireth, and dieth, and is gathered unto his people, aged and satisfied with days; and bury him do Esau and Jacob his sons.

ylt@Genesis:37:2 @These [are] births of Jacob: Joseph, a son of seventeen years, hath been enjoying himself with his brethren among the flock, (and he [is] a youth,) with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives, and Joseph bringeth in an account of their evil unto their father.

ylt@Genesis:38:14 @and she turneth aside the garments of her widowhood from off her, and covereth herself with a vail, and wrappeth herself up, and sitteth in the opening of Enayim, which [is] by the way to Timnath, for she hath seen that Shelah hath grown up, and she hath not been given to him for a wife.

ylt@Genesis:39:2 @And Jehovah is with Joseph, and he is a prosperous man, and he is in the house of his lord the Egyptian,

ylt@Genesis:39:3 @and his lord seeth that Jehovah is with him, and all that he is doing Jehovah is causing to prosper in his hand,

ylt@Genesis:39:7 @And it cometh to pass after these things, that his lord's wife lifteth up her eyes unto Joseph, and saith, 'Lie with me;'

ylt@Genesis:39:8 @and he refuseth, and saith unto his lord's wife, 'Lo, my lord hath not known what [is] with me in the house, and all that he hath he hath given into my hand;

ylt@Genesis:39:9 @none is greater in this house than I, and he hath not withheld from me anything, except thee, because thou [art] his wife; and how shall I do this great evil? -- then have I sinned against God.'

ylt@Genesis:39:10 @And it cometh to pass at her speaking unto Joseph day [by] day, that he hath not hearkened unto her, to lie near her, to be with her;

ylt@Genesis:39:12 @and she catcheth him by his garment, saying, 'Lie with me;' and he leaveth his garment in her hand, and fleeth, and goeth without.

ylt@Genesis:39:13 @And it cometh to pass when she seeth that he hath left his garment in her hand, and fleeth without,

ylt@Genesis:39:14 @that she calleth for the men of her house, and speaketh to them, saying, 'See, he hath brought in to us a man, a Hebrew, to play with us; he hath come in unto me, to lie with me, and I call with a loud voice,

ylt@Genesis:39:15 @and it cometh to pass, when he heareth that I have lifted up my voice and call, that he leaveth his garment near me, and fleeth, and goeth without.'

ylt@Genesis:39:17 @And she speaketh unto him according to these words, saying, 'The Hebrew servant whom thou hast brought unto us, hath come in unto me to play with me;

ylt@Genesis:39:18 @and it cometh to pass, when I lift my voice and call, that he leaveth his garment near me, and fleeth without.'

ylt@Genesis:39:21 @And Jehovah is with Joseph, and stretcheth out kindness unto him, and putteth his grace in the eyes of the chief of the round-house;

ylt@Genesis:39:23 @the chief of the round-house seeth not anything under his hand, because Jehovah [is] with him, and that which he is doing Jehovah is causing to prosper.

ylt@Genesis:40:4 @and the chief of the executioners chargeth Joseph with them, and he serveth them; and they are days in charge.

ylt@Genesis:40:7 @and he asketh Pharaoh's eunuchs who [are] with him in charge in the house of his lord, saying, 'Wherefore [are] your faces sad to-day?'

ylt@Genesis:40:8 @And they say unto him, 'A dream we have dreamed, and there is no interpreter of it;' and Joseph saith unto them, 'Are not interpretations with God? recount, I pray you, to me.'

ylt@Genesis:40:13 @yet, within three days doth Pharaoh lift up thy head, and hath put thee back on thy station, and thou hast given the cup of Pharaoh into his hand, according to the former custom when thou wast his butler.

ylt@Genesis:40:14 @'Surely if thou hast remembered me with thee, when it is well with thee, and hast done (I pray thee) kindness with me, and hast made mention of me unto Pharaoh, then hast thou brought me out from this house,

ylt@Genesis:40:19 @yet, within three days doth Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, and hath hanged thee on a tree, and the birds have eaten thy flesh from off thee.'

ylt@Genesis:41:6 @and lo, seven ears, thin, and blasted with an east wind, are springing up after them;

ylt@Genesis:41:9 @And the chief of the butlers speaketh with Pharaoh, saying, 'My sin I mention this day:

ylt@Genesis:41:12 @And there [is] with us a youth, a Hebrew, servant to the chief of the executioners, and we recount to him, and he interpreteth to us our dreams, [to] each according to his dream hath he interpreted,

ylt@Genesis:41:16 @and Joseph answereth Pharaoh, saying, 'Without me -- God doth answer Pharaoh with peace.'

ylt@Genesis:41:23 @and lo, seven ears, withered, thin, blasted with an east wind, are springing up after them;

ylt@Genesis:41:27 @and the seven thin and bad kine which are coming up after them are seven years, and the seven empty ears, blasted with an east wind, are seven years of famine;

ylt@Genesis:41:42 @And Pharaoh turneth aside his seal-ring from off his hand, and putteth it on the hand of Joseph, and clotheth him [with] garments of fine linen, and placeth a chain of gold on his neck,

ylt@Genesis:41:44 @And Pharaoh saith unto Joseph, 'I [am] Pharaoh, and without thee a man doth not lift up his hand and his foot in all the land of Egypt;'

ylt@Genesis:42:4 @and Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob hath not sent with his brethren, for he said, 'Lest mischief meet him.'

ylt@Genesis:42:7 @And Joseph seeth his brethren, and discerneth them, and maketh himself strange unto them, and speaketh with them sharp things, and saith unto them, 'From whence have ye come?' and they say, 'From the land of Canaan -- to buy food.'

ylt@Genesis:42:13 @and they say, 'Thy servants [are] twelve brethren; we [are] sons of one man in the land of Canaan, and lo, the young one [is] with our father to-day, and the one is not.'

ylt@Genesis:42:16 @send one of you, and let him bring your brother, and ye, remain ye bound, and let your words be proved, whether truth be with you: and if not -- Pharaoh liveth! surely ye [are] spies;'

ylt@Genesis:42:25 @And Joseph commandeth, and they fill their vessels [with] corn, also to put back the money of each unto his sack, and to give to them provision for the way; and one doth to them so.

ylt@Genesis:42:30 @'The man, the lord of the land, hath spoken with us sharp things, and maketh us as spies of the land;

ylt@Genesis:42:32 @we [are] twelve brethren, sons of our father, the one is not, and the young one [is] to-day with our father in the land of Canaan.

ylt@Genesis:42:33 @'And the man, the lord of the land, saith unto us, By this I know that ye [are] right men -- one of your brethren leave with me, and [for] the famine of your houses take ye and go,

ylt@Genesis:42:34 @and bring your young brother unto me, and I know that ye [are] not spies, but ye [are] right men; your brother I give to you, and ye trade with the land.'

ylt@Genesis:42:38 @and he saith, 'My son doth not go down with you, for his brother [is] dead, and he by himself is left; when mischief hath met him in the way in which ye go, then ye have brought down my grey hairs in sorrow to sheol.'

ylt@Genesis:43:3 @And Judah speaketh unto him, saying, 'The man protesting protested to us, saying, Ye do not see my face without your brother [being] with you;

ylt@Genesis:43:4 @if thou art sending our brother with us, we go down, and buy for thee food,

ylt@Genesis:43:5 @and if thou art not sending -- we do not go down, for the man said unto us, Ye do not see my face without your brother [being] with you.'

ylt@Genesis:43:8 @And Judah saith unto Israel his father, 'Send the youth with me, and we arise, and go, and live, and do not die, both we, and thou, and our infants.

ylt@Genesis:43:16 @and Joseph seeth Benjamin with them, and saith to him who [is] over his house, 'Bring the men into the house, and slaughter an animal, and make ready, for with me do the men eat at noon.'

ylt@Genesis:43:32 @And they place for him by himself, and for them by themselves, and for the Egyptians who are eating with him by themselves: for the Egyptians are unable to eat bread with the Hebrews, for it [is] an abomination to the Egyptians.

ylt@Genesis:43:34 @and he lifteth up gifts from before him unto them, and the gift of Benjamin is five hands more than the gifts of all of them; and they drink, yea, they drink abundantly with him.

ylt@Genesis:44:1 @And he commandeth him who [is] over his house, saying, 'Fill the bags of the men [with] food, as they are able to bear, and put the money of each in the mouth of his bag;

ylt@Genesis:44:5 @Is not this that with which my lord drinketh? and he observeth diligently with it; ye have done evil [in] that which ye have done.'

ylt@Genesis:44:9 @with whomsoever of thy servants it is found, he hath died, and we also are to my lord for servants.'

ylt@Genesis:44:10 @And he saith, 'Now, also, according to your words, so it [is]; he with whom it is found becometh my servant, and ye are acquitted;'

ylt@Genesis:44:23 @and thou sayest unto thy servants, If your young brother come not down with you, ye add not to see my face.

ylt@Genesis:44:26 @and we say, We are not able to go down; if our young brother is with us, then we have gone down; for we are not able to see the man's face, and our young brother not with us.

ylt@Genesis:44:29 @when ye have taken also this from my presence, and mischief hath met him, then ye have brought down my grey hairs with evil to sheol.

ylt@Genesis:44:30 @'And now, at my coming in unto thy servant my father, and the youth not with us (and his soul is bound up in his soul),

ylt@Genesis:44:31 @then it hath come to pass when he seeth that the youth is not, that he hath died, and thy servants have brought down the grey hairs of thy servant our father with sorrow to sheol;

ylt@Genesis:44:33 @'And now, let thy servant, I pray thee, abide instead of the youth a servant to my lord, and the youth goeth up with his brethren,

ylt@Genesis:44:34 @for how do I go up unto my father, and the youth not with me? lest I look on the evil which doth find my father.'

ylt@Genesis:45:1 @And Joseph hath not been able to refrain himself before all those standing by him, and he calleth, 'Put out every man from me;' and no man hath stood with him when Joseph maketh himself known unto his brethren,

ylt@Genesis:45:15 @and he kisseth all his brethren, and weepeth over them; and afterwards have his brethren spoken with him.

ylt@Genesis:46:4 @I -- I go down with thee to Egypt, and I -- I also certainly bring thee up, and Joseph doth put his hand on thine eyes.'

ylt@Genesis:46:6 @and they take their cattle, and their goods which they have acquired in the land of Canaan, and come into Egypt -- Jacob, and all his seed with him,

ylt@Genesis:46:7 @his sons, and his sons' sons with him, his daughters, and his sons' daughters, yea, all his seed he brought with him into Egypt.

ylt@Genesis:47:12 @and Joseph nourisheth his father, and his brethren, and all the house of his father [with] bread, according to the mouth of the infants.

ylt@Genesis:47:17 @And they bring in their cattle unto Joseph, and Joseph giveth to them bread, for the horses, and for the cattle of the flock, and for the cattle of the herd, and for the asses; and he tendeth them with bread, for all their cattle, during that year.

ylt@Genesis:47:29 @And the days of Israel are near to die, and he calleth for his son, for Joseph, and saith to him, 'If, I pray thee, I have found grace in thine eyes, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and thou hast done with me kindness and truth; bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt,

ylt@Genesis:47:30 @and I have lain with my fathers, and thou hast borne me out of Egypt, and buried me in their burying-place.' And he saith, 'I -- I do according to thy word;'

ylt@Genesis:48:1 @And it cometh to pass, after these things, that [one] saith to Joseph, 'Lo, thy father is sick;' and he taketh his two sons with him, Manasseh and Ephraim.

ylt@Genesis:48:21 @And Israel saith unto Joseph, 'Lo, I am dying, and God hath been with you, and hath brought you back unto the land of your fathers;

ylt@Genesis:49:1 @And Jacob calleth unto his sons and saith, 'Be gathered together, and I declare to you that which doth happen with you in the latter end of the days.

ylt@Genesis:49:12 @Red [are] eyes with wine, And white [are] teeth with milk!

ylt@Genesis:49:30 @in the cave which [is] in the field of Machpelah, which [is] on the front of Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite for a possession of a burying-place;

ylt@Genesis:50:7 @And Joseph goeth up to bury his father, and go up with him do all the servants of Pharaoh, elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt,

ylt@Genesis:50:9 @and there go up with him both chariot and horsemen, and the camp is very great.

ylt@Genesis:50:13 @and his sons bear him away to the land of Canaan, and bury him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a burying-place, from Ephron the Hittite, on the front of Mamre.

ylt@Genesis:50:14 @And Joseph turneth back to Egypt, he and his brethren, and all who are going up with him to bury his father, after his burying his father.

ylt@Genesis:50:15 @And the brethren of Joseph see that their father is dead, and say, 'Peradventure Joseph doth hate us, and doth certainly return to us all the evil which we did with him.'

ylt@Genesis:50:17 @Thus ye do say to Joseph, I pray thee, bear, I pray thee, with the transgression of thy brethren, and their sin, for they have done thee evil; and now, bear, we pray thee, with the transgression of the servants of the God of thy father;' and Joseph weepeth in their speaking unto him.

ylt@Exodus:1:1 @And these [are] the names of the sons of Israel who are coming into Egypt with Jacob; a man and his household have they come;

ylt@Exodus:1:7 @and the sons of Israel have been fruitful, and they teem, and multiply, and are very very mighty, and the land is filled with them.

ylt@Exodus:1:11 @And they set over it princes of tribute, so as to afflict it with their burdens, and it buildeth store-cities for Pharaoh, Pithom and Raamses;

ylt@Exodus:1:13 @and the Egyptians cause the sons of Israel to serve with rigour,

ylt@Exodus:1:14 @and make their lives bitter in hard service, in clay, and in brick, and in every [kind] of service in the field; all their service in which they have served [is] with rigour.

ylt@Exodus:2:3 @and she hath not been able any more to hide him, and she taketh for him an ark of rushes, and daubeth it with bitumen and with pitch, and putteth the lad in it, and putteth [it] in the weeds by the edge of the River;

ylt@Exodus:2:21 @And Moses is willing to dwell with the man, and he giveth Zipporah his daughter to Moses,

ylt@Exodus:2:24 @and God heareth their groaning, and God remembereth His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob;

ylt@Exodus:3:2 @and there appeareth unto him a messenger of Jehovah in a flame of fire, out of the midst of the bush, and he seeth, and lo, the bush is burning with fire, and the bush is not consumed.

ylt@Exodus:3:8 @and I go down to deliver it out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to cause it to go up out of the land, unto a land good and broad, unto a land flowing with milk and honey -- unto the place of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.

ylt@Exodus:3:9 @'And now, lo, the cry of the sons of Israel hath come in unto Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians are oppressing them,

ylt@Exodus:3:12 @and He saith, 'Because I am with thee, and this [is] to thee the sign that I have sent thee: in thy bringing out the people from Egypt -- ye do serve God on this mount.'

ylt@Exodus:3:17 @and I say, I bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt, unto the land of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, unto a land flowing [with] milk and honey.

ylt@Exodus:3:18 @'And they have hearkened to thy voice, and thou hast entered, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, and ye have said unto him, Jehovah, God of the Hebrews, hath met with us; and now, let us go, we pray thee, a journey of three days into the wilderness, and we sacrifice to Jehovah our God.

ylt@Exodus:3:20 @and I have put forth My hand, and have smitten Egypt with all My wonders, which I do in its midst -- and afterwards he doth send you away.

ylt@Exodus:4:12 @and now, go, and I -- I am with thy mouth, and have directed thee that which thou speakest;'

ylt@Exodus:4:15 @and thou hast spoken unto him, and hast set the words in his mouth, and I -- I am with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and have directed you that which ye do;

ylt@Exodus:4:17 @and this rod thou dost take in thy hand, with which thou doest the signs.'

ylt@Exodus:4:28 @and Moses declareth to Aaron all the words of Jehovah with which He hath sent him, and all the signs with which He hath charged him.

ylt@Exodus:5:3 @And they say, 'The God of the Hebrews hath met with us, let us go, we pray thee, a journey of three days into the wilderness, and we sacrifice to Jehovah our God, lest He meet us with pestilence or with sword.'

ylt@Exodus:6:1 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Now dost thou see that which I do to Pharaoh, for with a strong hand he doth send them away, yea, with a strong hand he doth cast them out of his land.'

ylt@Exodus:6:4 @and also I have established My covenant with them, to give to them the land of Canaan, the land of their sojournings, wherein they have sojourned;

ylt@Exodus:7:11 @And Pharaoh also calleth for wise men, and for sorcerers; and the scribes of Egypt, they also, with their flashings, do so,

ylt@Exodus:7:17 @'Thus said Jehovah: By this thou knowest that I [am] Jehovah; lo, I am smiting with the rod which [is] in my hand, on the waters which [are] in the River, and they have been turned to blood,

ylt@Exodus:7:20 @And Moses and Aaron do so, as Jehovah hath commanded, and he lifteth up [his hand] with the rod, and smiteth the waters which [are] in the River, before the eyes of Pharaoh, and before the eyes of his servants, and all the waters which [are] in the River are turned to blood,

ylt@Exodus:7:22 @And the scribes of Egypt do so with their flashings, and the heart of Pharaoh is strong, and he hath not hearkened unto them, as Jehovah hath spoken,

ylt@Exodus:8:2 @and if thou art refusing to send away, lo, I am smiting all thy border with frogs;

ylt@Exodus:8:3 @and the River hath teemed [with] frogs, and they have gone up and gone into thy house, and into the inner-chamber of thy bed, and on thy couch, and into the house of thy servants, and among thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneading-troughs;

ylt@Exodus:8:5 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Say unto Aaron, Stretch out thy hand, with thy rod, against the streams, against the rivers, and against the ponds, and cause the frogs to come up against the land of Egypt.'

ylt@Exodus:8:7 @and the scribes do so with their flashings, and cause the frogs to come up against the land of Egypt.

ylt@Exodus:8:17 @And they do so, and Aaron stretcheth out his hand with his rod, and smiteth the dust of the land, and the gnats are on man and on beast; all the dust of the land hath been gnats in all the land of Egypt.

ylt@Exodus:8:18 @And the scribes do so with their flashings, to bring out the gnats, and they have not been able, and the gnats are on man and on beast;

ylt@Exodus:9:9 @and it hath become small dust over all the land of Egypt, and it hath become on man and on cattle a boil breaking forth [with] blains, in all the land of Egypt.'

ylt@Exodus:9:10 @And they take the soot of the furnace, and stand before Pharaoh, and Moses sprinkleth it towards the heavens, and it is a boil [with] blains, breaking forth, on man and on beast;

ylt@Exodus:9:15 @for now I have put forth My hand, and I smite thee, and thy people, with pestilence, and thou art hidden from the earth.

ylt@Exodus:10:9 @And Moses saith, 'With our young ones, and with our aged ones, we go, with our sons, and with our daughters, with our flock, and our herd, we go, for we have a festival to Jehovah.'

ylt@Exodus:10:10 @And he saith unto them, 'Be it so, Jehovah [be] with you when I send you and your infants away; see -- for evil [is] before your faces;

ylt@Exodus:10:17 @and now, bear with, I pray you, my sin, only this time, and make ye supplication to Jehovah your God, that He turn aside from off me only this death.'

ylt@Exodus:10:24 @And Pharaoh calleth unto Moses and saith, 'Go ye, serve Jehovah, only your flock and your herd are stayed, your infants also go with you;'

ylt@Exodus:10:26 @and also our cattle doth go with us, there is not left a hoof, for from it we do take to serve Jehovah our God; and we -- we know not how we do serve Jehovah till our going thither.'

ylt@Exodus:12:8 @'And they have eaten the flesh in this night, roast with fire; with unleavened things and bitters they do eat it;

ylt@Exodus:12:9 @ye do not eat of it raw, or boiled at all in water, but roast with fire, its head with its legs, and with its inwards;

ylt@Exodus:12:10 @and ye do not leave of it till morning, and that which is remaining of it till morning with fire ye do burn.

ylt@Exodus:12:38 @and a great rabble also hath gone up with them, and flock and herd -- very much cattle.

ylt@Exodus:12:39 @And they bake with the dough which they have brought out from Egypt unleavened cakes, for it hath not fermented; for they have been cast out of Egypt, and have not been able to delay, and also provision they have not made for themselves.

ylt@Exodus:12:46 @in one house it is eaten, thou dost not carry out of the house [any] of the flesh without, and a bone ye do not break of it;

ylt@Exodus:12:48 @'And when a sojourner sojourneth with thee, and hath made a passover to Jehovah, every male of his [is] to be circumcised, and then he doth come near to keep it, and he hath been as a native of the land, but any uncircumcised one doth not eat of it;

ylt@Exodus:13:5 @'And it hath been, when Jehovah bringeth thee in unto the land of the Canaanite, and of the Hittite, and of the Amorite, and of the Hivite, and of the Jebusite, which He hath sworn to thy fathers to give to thee, a land flowing with milk and honey, that thou hast done this service in this month.

ylt@Exodus:13:7 @unleavened things are eaten the seven days, and any thing fermented is not seen with thee; yea, leaven is not seen with thee in all thy border.

ylt@Exodus:13:13 @'And every firstling of an ass thou dost ransom with a lamb, and if thou dost not ransom [it], then thou hast beheaded it: and every first-born of man among thy sons thou dost ransom.

ylt@Exodus:13:19 @And Moses taketh the bones of Joseph with him, for he certainly caused the sons of Israel to swear, saying, 'God doth certainly inspect you, and ye have brought up my bones from this with you.'

ylt@Exodus:14:6 @And he harnesseth his chariot, and his people he hath taken with him,

ylt@Exodus:14:8 @and Jehovah strengtheneth the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursueth after the sons of Israel, and the sons of Israel are going out with a high hand,

ylt@Exodus:14:25 @and turneth aside the wheels of their chariots, and they lead them with difficulty, and the Egyptians say, 'Let us flee from the face of Israel, for Jehovah is fighting for them against the Egyptians.'

ylt@Exodus:14:31 @and Israel seeth the great hand with which Jehovah hath wrought against the Egyptians, and the people fear Jehovah, and remain stedfast in Jehovah, and in Moses His servant.

ylt@Exodus:15:7 @And in the abundance of Thine excellency Thou throwest down Thy withstanders, Thou sendest forth Thy wrath -- It consumeth them as stubble.

ylt@Exodus:15:9 @The enemy said, I pursue, I overtake; I apportion spoil; Filled is my soul with them; I draw out my sword; My hand destroyeth them: --

ylt@Exodus:15:10 @Thou hast blown with Thy wind The sea hath covered them; They sank as lead in mighty waters.

ylt@Exodus:15:19 @For the horse of Pharaoh hath gone in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and Jehovah turneth back on them the waters of the sea, and the sons of Israel have gone on dry land in the midst of the sea.

ylt@Exodus:15:20 @And Miriam the inspired one, sister of Aaron, taketh the timbrel in her hand, and all the women go out after her, with timbrels and with choruses;

ylt@Exodus:16:3 @and the sons of Israel say unto them, 'Oh that we had died by the hand of Jehovah in the land of Egypt, in our sitting by the flesh-pot, in our eating bread to satiety -- for ye have brought us out unto this wilderness to put all this assembly to death with hunger.'

ylt@Exodus:16:12 @'I have heard the murmurings of the sons of Israel; speak unto them, saying, Between the evenings ye eat flesh, and in the morning ye are satisfied [with] bread, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah your God.'

ylt@Exodus:16:18 @and they measure with an omer, and he who is [gathering] much hath nothing over, and he who is [gathering] little hath no lack, each according to his eating they have gathered.

ylt@Exodus:16:20 @and they have not hearkened unto Moses, and some of them do leave of it till morning, and it bringeth up worms and stinketh; and Moses is wroth with them.

ylt@Exodus:16:31 @and the house of Israel call its name Manna, and it [is] as coriander seed, white; and its taste [is] as a cake with honey.

ylt@Exodus:16:32 @And Moses saith, 'This [is] the thing which Jehovah hath commanded: Fill the omer with it, for a charge for your generations, so that they see the bread which I have caused you to eat in the wilderness, in My bringing you out from the land of Egypt.'

ylt@Exodus:17:2 @and the people strive with Moses, and say, 'Give us water, and we drink.' And Moses saith to them, 'What? -- ye strive with me, what? -- ye try Jehovah?'

ylt@Exodus:17:3 @and the people thirst there for water, and the people murmur against Moses, and say, 'Why [is] this? -- thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to put us to death, also our sons and our cattle, with thirst.'

ylt@Exodus:17:5 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Pass over before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel, and thy rod with which thou hast smitten the River take in thy hand, and thou hast gone:

ylt@Exodus:17:8 @And Amalek cometh, and fighteth with Israel in Rephidim,

ylt@Exodus:17:9 @and Moses saith unto Joshua, 'Choose for us men, and go out, fight with Amalek: to-morrow I am standing on the top of the hill, and the rod of God in my hand.'

ylt@Exodus:17:10 @And Joshua doth as Moses hath said to him, to fight with Amalek, and Moses, Aaron, and Hur, have gone up [to] the top of the height;

ylt@Exodus:17:16 @and saith, 'Because a hand [is] on the throne of Jah, war [is] to Jehovah with Amalek from generation -- generation.'

ylt@Exodus:18:6 @and he saith unto Moses, 'I, thy father-in-law, Jethro, am coming unto thee, and thy wife, and her two sons with her.'

ylt@Exodus:18:12 @And Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, taketh a burnt-offering and sacrifices for God; and Aaron cometh in, and all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with the father-in-law of Moses, before God.

ylt@Exodus:18:18 @thou dost surely wear away, both thou, and this people which [is] with thee, for the thing is too heavy for thee, thou art not able to do it by thyself.

ylt@Exodus:18:19 @'Now, hearken to my voice, I counsel thee, and God is with thee: be thou for the people over-against God, and thou hast brought in the things unto God;

ylt@Exodus:18:22 @and they have judged the people at all times; and it hath come to pass, every great matter they bring in unto thee, and every small matter they judge themselves; and lighten it from off thyself, and they have borne with thee.

ylt@Exodus:19:9 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Lo, I am coming unto thee in the thickness of the cloud, so that the people hear in My speaking with thee, and also believe in thee to the age;' and Moses declareth the words of the people unto Jehovah.

ylt@Exodus:19:19 @and the sound of the trumpet is going on, and very strong; Moses speaketh, and God doth answer him with a voice.

ylt@Exodus:19:24 @And Jehovah saith unto him, 'Go, descend, then thou hast come up, thou, and Aaron with thee; and the priests and the people do not break through, to come up unto Jehovah, lest He break forth upon them.'

ylt@Exodus:20:10 @and the seventh day [is] a Sabbath to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not do any work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and thy cattle, and thy sojourner who is within thy gates, --

ylt@Exodus:20:19 @and say unto Moses, 'Speak thou with us, and we hear, and let not God speak with us, lest we die.'

ylt@Exodus:20:22 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Thus dost thou say unto the sons of Israel: Ye -- ye have seen that from the heavens I have spoken with you;

ylt@Exodus:20:23 @ye do not make with Me gods of silver, even gods of gold ye do not make to yourselves.

ylt@Exodus:21:3 @if by himself he cometh in, by himself he goeth out; if he [is] owner of a wife, then his wife hath gone out with him;

ylt@Exodus:21:6 @then hath his lord brought him nigh unto God, and hath brought him nigh unto the door, or unto the side-post, and his lord hath bored his ear with an awl, and he hath served him -- to the age.

ylt@Exodus:21:8 @if evil in the eyes of her lord, so that he hath not betrothed her, then he hath let her be ransomed; to a strange people he hath not power to sell her, in his dealing treacherously with her.

ylt@Exodus:21:10 @'If another [woman] he take for him, her food, her covering, and her habitation, he doth not withdraw;

ylt@Exodus:21:11 @and if these three he do not to her, then she hath gone out for nought, without money.

ylt@Exodus:21:14 @'And when a man doth presume against his neighbour to slay him with subtilty, from Mine altar thou dost take him to die.

ylt@Exodus:21:18 @'And when men contend, and a man hath smitten his neighbour with a stone, or with the fist, and he die not, but hath fallen on the bed;

ylt@Exodus:21:19 @if he rise, and hath gone up and down without on his staff, then hath the smiter been acquitted; only his cessation he giveth, and he is thoroughly healed.

ylt@Exodus:21:20 @'And when a man smiteth his man-servant or his handmaid, with a rod, and he hath died under his hand -- he is certainly avenged;

ylt@Exodus:22:14 @'And when a man doth ask [anything] from his neighbour, and it hath been hurt or hath died -- its owner not being with it -- he doth certainly repay;

ylt@Exodus:22:15 @if its owner [is] with it, he doth not repay, -- if it [is] a hired thing, it hath come for its hire.

ylt@Exodus:22:16 @'And when a man doth entice a virgin who [is] not betrothed, and hath lain with her, he doth certainly endow her to himself for a wife;

ylt@Exodus:22:19 @'Whoever lieth with a beast is certainly put to death.

ylt@Exodus:22:25 @'If thou dost lend My poor people with thee money, thou art not to him as a usurer; thou dost not lay on him usury;

ylt@Exodus:22:30 @so thou dost to thine ox, to thy sheep; seven days it is with its dam, on the eighth day thou dost give it to Me.

ylt@Exodus:23:1 @'Thou dost not lift up a vain report; thou dost not put thy hand with a wicked man to be a violent witness.

ylt@Exodus:23:5 @when thou seest the ass of him who is hating thee crouching under its burden, then thou hast ceased from leaving [it] to it -- thou dost certainly leave [it] with him.

ylt@Exodus:23:21 @be watchful because of his presence, and hearken to his voice, rebel not against him, for he beareth not with your transgression, for My name [is] in his heart;

ylt@Exodus:23:22 @for, if thou diligently hearken to his voice, and hast done all that which I speak, then I have been at enmity with thine enemies, and have distressed those distressing thee.

ylt@Exodus:23:32 @thou dost not make a covenant with them, and with their gods;

ylt@Exodus:24:2 @and Moses hath drawn nigh by himself unto Jehovah; and they draw not nigh, and the people go not up with him.

ylt@Exodus:24:8 @And Moses taketh the blood, and sprinkleth on the people, and saith, 'Lo, the blood of the covenant which Jehovah hath made with you, concerning all these things.'

ylt@Exodus:24:14 @and unto the elders he hath said, 'Abide ye for us in this [place], until that we turn back unto you, and lo, Aaron and Hur [are] with you -- he who hath matters doth come nigh unto them.'

ylt@Exodus:25:11 @and thou hast overlaid it [with] pure gold, within and without thou dost overlay it, and thou hast made on it a ring of gold round about.

ylt@Exodus:25:13 @and thou hast made staves of shittim wood, and hast overlaid them [with] gold,

ylt@Exodus:25:20 @'And the cherubs have been spreading out wings on high, covering the mercy-seat over with their wings, and their faces [are] one towards another -- towards the mercy-seat are the faces of the cherubs.

ylt@Exodus:25:22 @and I have met with thee there, and have spoken with thee from off the mercy-seat (from between the two cherubs, which [are] on the ark of the testimony) all that which I command thee concerning the sons of Israel.

ylt@Exodus:25:24 @and hast overlaid it [with] pure gold, and hast made for it a crown of gold round about,

ylt@Exodus:25:28 @and thou hast made the staves of shittim wood, and hast overlaid them with gold, and the table hath been borne with them;

ylt@Exodus:25:29 @and thou hast made its dishes, and its bowls, and its covers, and its cups, with which they pour out; of pure gold thou dost make them;

ylt@Exodus:25:39 @of a talent of pure gold he doth make it, with all these vessels.

ylt@Exodus:26:1 @'And thou dost make the tabernacle: ten curtains of twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet; [with] cherubs, work of a designer, thou dost make them;

ylt@Exodus:26:29 @and the boards thou dost overlay [with] gold, and their rings thou dost make of gold places for bars, and hast overlaid their bars with gold;

ylt@Exodus:26:31 @'And thou hast made a vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen, work of a designer; he maketh it [with] cherubs;

ylt@Exodus:26:32 @and thou hast put it on four pillars of shittim wood, overlaid [with] gold, their pegs [are] of gold, on four sockets of silver.

ylt@Exodus:26:33 @'And thou hast put the vail under the hooks, and hast brought in thither within the vail the ark of the testimony; and the vail hath made a separation for you between the holy and the holy of holies.

ylt@Exodus:26:37 @and thou hast made for the covering five pillars of shittim [wood], and hast overlaid them [with] gold, their pegs [are] of gold, and thou hast cast for them five sockets of brass.

ylt@Exodus:27:2 @And thou hast made its horns on its four corners, its horns are of the same, and thou hast overlaid it [with] brass.

ylt@Exodus:27:6 @'And thou hast made staves for the altar, staves of shittim wood, and hast overlaid them [with] brass.

ylt@Exodus:27:8 @Hollow with boards thou dost make it, as it hath been shewed thee in the mount, so do they make [it].

ylt@Exodus:27:17 @All the pillars of the court round about [are] filleted [with] silver, their pegs [are] silver, and their sockets brass.

ylt@Exodus:28:1 @'And thou, bring thou near unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from the midst of the sons of Israel, for his being priest to Me, [even] Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, sons of Aaron;

ylt@Exodus:28:3 @and thou -- thou dost speak unto all the wise of heart, whom I have filled [with] a spirit of wisdom, and they have made the garments of Aaron to sanctify him for his being priest to Me.

ylt@Exodus:28:11 @the work of an engraver in stone, openings of a signet, thou dost open the two stones by the names of the sons of Israel; turned round, embroidered [with] gold, thou dost make them.

ylt@Exodus:28:20 @and the fourth row [is] beryl, and onyx, and jasper; embroidered with gold are they in their settings,

ylt@Exodus:28:26 @'And thou hast made two rings of gold, and hast set them on the two ends of the breastplate, on its border, which [is] over-against the ephod within;

ylt@Exodus:28:28 @and they bind the breastplate by its rings unto the rings of the ephod with a ribbon of blue, to be above the girdle of the ephod, and the breastplate is not loosed from the ephod.

ylt@Exodus:28:41 @and thou hast clothed Aaron thy brother with them, and his sons with him, and hast anointed them, and hast consecrated their hand, and hast sanctified them, and they have been priests to Me.

ylt@Exodus:29:2 @and bread unleavened, and cakes unleavened anointed with oil, of fine wheaten flour thou dost make them,

ylt@Exodus:29:4 @'And Aaron and his sons thou dost bring near unto the opening of the tent of meeting, and hast bathed them with water;

ylt@Exodus:29:5 @and thou hast taken the garments, and hast clothed Aaron with the coat, and the upper robe of the ephod, and the ephod, and the breastplate, and hast girded him with the girdle of the ephod,

ylt@Exodus:29:8 @'And his sons thou dost bring near, and hast clothed them [with] coats,

ylt@Exodus:29:9 @and hast girded them [with] a girdle (Aaron and his sons), and hast bound on them bonnets; and the priesthood hath been theirs by a statute age-during, and thou hast consecrated the hand of Aaron, and the hand of his sons,

ylt@Exodus:29:12 @and hast taken of the blood of the bullock, and hast put [it] on the horns of the altar with thy finger, and all the blood thou dost pour out at the foundation of the altar;

ylt@Exodus:29:14 @and the flesh of the bullock, and his skin, and his dung, thou dost burn with fire at the outside of the camp; it [is] a sin-offering.

ylt@Exodus:29:18 @and thou hast made perfume with the whole ram on the altar. It [is] a burnt-offering to Jehovah, a sweet fragrance; a fire-offering it [is] to Jehovah.

ylt@Exodus:29:21 @and thou hast taken of the blood which [is] on the altar, and of the anointing oil, and hast sprinkled on Aaron, and on his garments, and on his sons, and on the garments of his sons with him, and he hath been hallowed, he, and his garments, and his sons, and the garments of his sons with him.

ylt@Exodus:29:34 @and if there be left of the flesh of the consecration or of the bread till the morning, then thou hast burned that which is left with fire; it is not eaten, for it [is] holy.

ylt@Exodus:29:40 @and a tenth [deal] of fine flour, mixed with beaten oil, a fourth part of a hin, and a libation, a fourth part of a hin, of wine, [is] for the one lamb.

ylt@Exodus:29:42 @a continual burnt-offering for your generations, at the opening of the tent of meeting, before Jehovah, whither I am met with you, to speak unto thee there,

ylt@Exodus:29:43 @and I have met there with the sons of Israel, and it hath been sanctified by My honour.

ylt@Exodus:30:3 @'And thou hast overlaid it with pure gold, its top, and its sides round about, and its horns; and thou hast made to it a crown of gold round about;

ylt@Exodus:30:4 @and two rings of gold thou dost make to it under its crown; on its two ribs thou dost make [them], on its two sides, and they have become places for staves, to bear it with them.

ylt@Exodus:30:5 @'And thou hast made the staves of shittim wood, and hast overlaid them with gold;

ylt@Exodus:30:6 @and thou hast put it before the vail, which [is] by the ark of the testimony, before the mercy-seat which [is] over the testimony, whither I am met with thee.

ylt@Exodus:30:20 @in their going in unto the tent of meeting they wash [with] water, and die not; or in their drawing nigh unto the altar to minister, to perfume a fire-offering to Jehovah,

ylt@Exodus:30:26 @'And thou hast anointed with it the tent of meeting, and the ark of the testimony,

ylt@Exodus:30:32 @on flesh of man it is not poured, and with its proper proportion ye make none like it; it [is] holy; it is holy to you;

ylt@Exodus:30:36 @and thou hast beaten [some] of it small, and hast put of it before the testimony, in the tent of meeting, whither I am met with thee; most holy it is to you.

ylt@Exodus:30:37 @'As to the perfume which thou makest, with its proper proportion ye do not make to yourselves, holy it is to thee to Jehovah;

ylt@Exodus:31:3 @and I fill him [with] the Spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all work,

ylt@Exodus:31:6 @'And I, lo, I have given with him Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, and in the heart of every wise-hearted one I have given wisdom, and they have made all that which I have commanded thee.

ylt@Exodus:31:18 @And He giveth unto Moses, when He finisheth speaking with him in mount Sinai, two tables of the testimony, tables of stone, written by the finger of God.

ylt@Exodus:32:4 @and he receiveth from their hand, and doth fashion it with a graving tool, and doth make it a molten calf, and they say, 'These thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.'

ylt@Exodus:32:11 @And Moses appeaseth the face of Jehovah his God, and saith, 'Why, O Jehovah, doth Thine anger burn against Thy people, whom Thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a strong hand?

ylt@Exodus:32:20 @and he taketh the calf which they have made, and burneth [it] with fire, and grindeth until [it is] small, and scattereth on the face of the waters, and causeth the sons of Israel to drink.

ylt@Exodus:32:25 @And Moses seeth the people that it [is] unbridled, for Aaron hath made it unbridled for contempt among its withstanders,

ylt@Exodus:33:3 @unto a land flowing with milk and honey, for I do not go up in thy midst, for thou [art] a stiff-necked people -- lest I consume thee in the way.'

ylt@Exodus:33:9 @And it hath come to pass, at the going in of Moses to the tent, the pillar of the cloud cometh down, and hath stood at the opening of the tent, and He hath spoken with Moses;

ylt@Exodus:33:12 @And Moses saith unto Jehovah, 'See, Thou art saying unto me, Bring up this people, and Thou hast not caused me to know whom Thou dost send with me; and Thou hast said, I have known thee by name, and also thou hast found grace in Mine eyes.

ylt@Exodus:33:16 @and in what is it known now, that I have found grace in Thine eyes -- I and Thy people -- is it not in Thy going with us? and we have been distinguished -- I and Thy people -- from all the people who [are] on the face of the ground.'

ylt@Exodus:34:3 @and no man cometh up with thee, and also no man is seen in all the mount, also the flock and the herd do not feed over-against that mount.'

ylt@Exodus:34:5 @And Jehovah cometh down in a cloud, and stationeth Himself with him there, and calleth in the Name of Jehovah,

ylt@Exodus:34:10 @And He saith, 'Lo, I am making a covenant: before all thy people I do wonders, which have not been done in all the earth, or in any nation, and all the people in whose midst thou [art] have seen the work of Jehovah, for it [is] fearful that which I am doing with thee.

ylt@Exodus:34:12 @take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land into which thou art going, lest it become a snare in thy midst;

ylt@Exodus:34:15 @'Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitant of the land, and they have gone a-whoring after their gods, and have sacrificed to their gods, and [one] hath called to thee, and thou hast eaten of his sacrifice,

ylt@Exodus:34:20 @and the firstling of an ass thou dost ransom with a lamb; and if thou dost not ransom, then thou hast beheaded it; every first-born of thy sons thou dost ransom, and they do not appear before Me empty.

ylt@Exodus:34:25 @'Thou dost not slaughter with a fermented thing the blood of My sacrifice; and the sacrifice of the feast of the passover doth not remain till morning:

ylt@Exodus:34:27 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Write for thyself these words, for, according to the tenor of these words I have made with thee a covenant, and with Israel.'

ylt@Exodus:34:28 @And he is there with Jehovah forty days and forty nights; bread he hath not eaten, and water he hath not drunk; and he writeth on the tables the matters of the covenant -- the ten matters.

ylt@Exodus:34:29 @And it cometh to pass, when Moses is coming down from mount Sinai (and the two tables of the testimony [are] in the hand of Moses in his coming down from the mount), that Moses hath not known that the skin of his face hath shone in His speaking with him,

ylt@Exodus:34:32 @and afterwards have all the sons of Israel come nigh, and he chargeth them with all that Jehovah hath spoken with him in mount Sinai.

ylt@Exodus:34:33 @And Moses finisheth speaking with them, and putteth on his face a vail;

ylt@Exodus:34:34 @and in the going in of Moses before Jehovah to speak with Him, he turneth aside the vail until his coming out; and he hath come out and hath spoken unto the sons of Israel that which he is commanded;

ylt@Exodus:34:35 @and the sons of Israel have seen the face of Moses that the skin of the face of Moses hath shone, and Moses hath put back the vail on his face until his going in to speak with Him.

ylt@Exodus:35:22 @And they come in -- the men with the women -- every willing-hearted one -- they have brought in nose-ring, and ear-ring, and seal-ring, and necklace, all golden goods, even every one who hath waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah.

ylt@Exodus:35:23 @And every man with whom hath been found blue, and purple, and scarlet, and linen, and goats' [hair], and rams' skins made red, and badgers' skins, have brought [them] in;

ylt@Exodus:35:24 @every one lifting up a heave-offering of silver and brass have brought in the heave-offering of Jehovah; and every one with whom hath been found shittim wood for any work of the service brought [it] in.

ylt@Exodus:35:25 @And every wise-hearted woman hath spun with her hands, and they bring in yarn, the blue, and the purple, the scarlet, and the linen;

ylt@Exodus:35:31 @and He doth fill him [with] the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all work,

ylt@Exodus:35:35 @He hath filled them with wisdom of heart to do every work, of engraver, and designer, and embroiderer (in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in linen), and weaver, who do any work, and of designers of designs.

ylt@Exodus:36:8 @And all the wise-hearted ones among the doers of the work make the tabernacle; ten curtains of twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, [with] cherubs, work of a designer, he hath made them.

ylt@Exodus:36:34 @and the boards he hath overlaid with gold, and their rings he hath made of gold, places for bars, and he overlayeth the bars with gold.

ylt@Exodus:36:35 @And he maketh the vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen, work of a designer he hath made it, [with] cherubs;

ylt@Exodus:36:36 @and he maketh for it four pillars of shittim [wood], and overlayeth them with gold; their pegs [are] of gold; and he casteth for them four sockets of silver.

ylt@Exodus:36:38 @also its five pillars, and their pegs; and he overlaid their tops and their fillets [with] gold, and their five sockets [are] brass.

ylt@Exodus:37:2 @and he overlayeth it with pure gold within and without, and maketh for it a wreath of gold round about;

ylt@Exodus:37:4 @and he maketh staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with gold,

ylt@Exodus:37:9 @and the cherubs are spreading out wings on high, covering over the mercy-seat with their wings, and their faces [are] one towards another; towards the mercy-seat have the faces of the cherubs been.

ylt@Exodus:37:11 @and overlayeth it with pure gold, and maketh for it a wreath of gold round about.

ylt@Exodus:37:15 @And he maketh the staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with gold, to bear the table;

ylt@Exodus:37:26 @and he overlayeth it with pure gold, its top and its sides round about, and its horns; and he maketh for it a wreath of gold round about;

ylt@Exodus:37:27 @and two rings of gold he hath made for it under its wreath, at its two corners, at its two sides, for places for staves to bear it with them.

ylt@Exodus:37:28 @And he maketh the staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with gold;

ylt@Exodus:38:2 @and he maketh its horns on its four corners; its horns have been of the same; and he overlayeth it with brass;

ylt@Exodus:38:6 @and he maketh the staves of shittim wood, and overlayeth them with brass;

ylt@Exodus:38:7 @and he bringeth in the staves into the rings on the sides of the altar, to bear it with them; hollow [with] boards he made it.

ylt@Exodus:38:8 @And he maketh the laver of brass, and its base of brass, with the looking-glasses of the women assembling, who have assembled at the opening of the tent of meeting.

ylt@Exodus:38:17 @and the sockets for the pillars of brass, the pegs of the pillars and their fillets of silver, and the overlaying of their tops of silver, and all the pillars of the court are filleted with silver.

ylt@Exodus:38:18 @And the covering of the gate of the court [is] the work of an embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen; and twenty cubits [is] the length, and the height with the breadth five cubits, over-against the hangings of the court;

ylt@Exodus:38:23 @and with him [is] Aholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver, and designer, and embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and in scarlet, and in linen.

ylt@Exodus:38:30 @and he maketh with it the sockets of the opening of the tent of meeting, and the brazen altar, and the brazen grate which it hath, and all the vessels of the altar,

ylt@Exodus:39:6 @And they prepare the shoham stones, set, embroidered [with] gold, opened with openings of a signet, by the names of the sons of Israel;

ylt@Exodus:39:13 @and the fourth row a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper -- set, embroidered [with] gold, in their settings.

ylt@Exodus:39:19 @And they make two rings of gold, and set [them] on the two ends of the breastplate, on its border, which [is] on the side of the ephod within;

ylt@Exodus:39:21 @and they bind the breastplate by its rings unto the rings of the ephod, with a ribbon of blue, to be above the girdle of the ephod, and the breastplate is not loosed from off the ephod, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Exodus:40:3 @and hast set there the ark of the testimony, and hast covered over the ark with the vail,

ylt@Exodus:40:12 @'And thou hast brought near Aaron and his sons unto the opening of the tent of meeting, and hast bathed them with water;

ylt@Exodus:40:13 @and thou hast clothed Aaron with the holy garments, and anointed him, and sanctified him, and he hath acted as priest to Me.

ylt@Exodus:40:14 @'And his sons thou dost bring near, and hast clothed them with coats,

ylt@Leviticus:1:8 @and sons of Aaron, the priests, have arranged the pieces, with the head and the fat, on the wood, which [is] on the fire, which [is] on the altar;

ylt@Leviticus:1:9 @and its inwards and its legs he doth wash with water; and the priest hath made perfume with the whole on the altar, a burnt-offering, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:1:13 @and the inwards and the legs he doth wash with water, and the priest hath brought the whole near, and hath made perfume on the altar; it [is] a burnt-offering, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:1:16 @and he hath turned aside its crop with its feathers, and hath cast it near the altar, eastward, unto the place of ashes;

ylt@Leviticus:1:17 @and he hath cleaved it with its wings (he doth not separate [it]), and the priest hath made it a perfume on the altar, on the wood, which [is] on the fire; it [is] a burnt-offering, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:2:2 @and he hath brought it in unto the sons of Aaron, the priests, and he hath taken from thence the fulness of his hand of its flour and of its oil, besides all its frankincense, and the priest hath made perfume with its memorial on the altar, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah;

ylt@Leviticus:2:4 @'And when thou bringest near an offering, a present baked in an oven, [it is of] unleavened cakes of flour mixed with oil, or thin unleavened cakes anointed with oil.

ylt@Leviticus:2:5 @'And if thine offering [is] a present [made] on the girdel, it is of flour, mixed with oil, unleavened;

ylt@Leviticus:2:7 @'And if thine offering [is] a present [made] on the frying-pan, of flour with oil it is made,

ylt@Leviticus:2:11 @No present which ye bring near to Jehovah is made fermented, for with any leaven or any honey ye perfume no fire-offering to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:2:13 @And every offering -- thy present -- with salt thou dost season, and thou dost not let the salt of the covenant of thy God cease from thy present; with all thine offerings thou dost bring near salt.

ylt@Leviticus:2:14 @'And if thou bring near a present of first-ripe [fruits] to Jehovah, -- of green ears, roasted with fire, beaten out [corn] of a fruitful field thou dost bring near the present of thy first-ripe [fruits],

ylt@Leviticus:2:16 @and the priest hath made perfume with its memorial from its beaten out [corn], and from its oil, besides all its frankincense -- a fire-offering to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:4:12 @he hath even brought out the whole bullock unto the outside of the camp, unto a clean place, unto the place of the pouring out of the ashes, and he hath burnt it on the wood with fire; beside the place of the pouring out of the ashes it is burnt.

ylt@Leviticus:4:25 @'And the priest hath taken of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and hath put on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and its blood he doth pour out at the foundation of the altar of the burnt-offering,

ylt@Leviticus:4:26 @and with all its fat he doth make perfume on the altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings; and the priest hath made atonement for him because of his sin, and it hath been forgiven him.

ylt@Leviticus:4:30 @'And the priest hath taken of its blood with his finger, and hath put on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its blood he doth pour out at the foundation of the altar,

ylt@Leviticus:4:34 @'And the priest hath taken of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and hath put on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its blood he poureth out at the foundation of the altar,

ylt@Leviticus:5:4 @'Or when a person sweareth, speaking wrongfully with the lips to do evil, or to do good, even anything which man speaketh wrongfully with an oath, and it hath been hid from him; -- when he hath known then he hath been guilty of one of these;

ylt@Leviticus:5:16 @'And that which he hath sinned against the holy thing he repayeth, and its fifth is adding to it, and hath given it to the priest, and the priest maketh atonement for him with the ram of the guilt-offering, and it hath been forgiven him.

ylt@Leviticus:6:4 @'Then it hath been, when he sinneth, and hath been guilty, that he hath returned the plunder which he hath taken violently away, or the thing which he hath got by oppression, or the deposit which hath been deposited with him, or the lost thing which he hath found;

ylt@Leviticus:6:10 @that the priest hath put on his long robe of fine linen, and his fine linen trousers he doth put on his flesh, and hath lifted up the ashes which the fire consumeth with the burnt-offering on the altar, and hath put them near the altar;

ylt@Leviticus:6:12 @'And the fire on the altar is burning on it, it is not quenched, and the priest hath burned on it wood morning by morning, and hath arranged on it the burnt-offering, and hath made perfume on it [with] the fat of the peace-offerings;

ylt@Leviticus:6:15 @and [one] hath lifted up of it with his hand from the flour of the present, and from its oil, and all the frankincense which [is] on the present, and hath made perfume on the altar, sweet fragrance -- its memorial to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:6:16 @'And the remnant of it do Aaron and his sons eat; [with] unleavened things it is eaten, in the holy place, in the court of the tent of meeting they do eat it.

ylt@Leviticus:6:17 @It is not baken [with] any thing fermented, their portion I have given it, out of My fire-offerings; it [is] most holy, like the sin-offering, and like the guilt-offering.

ylt@Leviticus:6:21 @on a girdel with oil it is made -- fried thou dost bring it in; baked pieces of the present thou dost bring near, a sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:6:26 @'The priest who is making atonement with it doth eat it, in the holy place it is eaten, in the court of the tent of meeting;

ylt@Leviticus:6:28 @and an earthen vessel in which it is boiled is broken, and if in a brass vessel it is boiled, then it is scoured and rinsed with water.

ylt@Leviticus:6:30 @and no sin-offering, [any] of whose blood is brought in unto the tent of meeting to make atonement in the sanctuary is eaten; with fire it is burnt.

ylt@Leviticus:7:10 @and every present, mixed with oil or dry, is for all the sons of Aaron -- one as another.

ylt@Leviticus:7:12 @if for a thank-offering he bring it near, then he hath brought near with the sacrifice of thank-offering unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and thin unleavened cakes anointed with oil, and of fried flour cakes mixed with oil;

ylt@Leviticus:7:13 @besides the cakes, fermented bread he doth bring near [with] his offering, besides the sacrifice of thank-offering of his peace-offerings;

ylt@Leviticus:7:17 @and the remnant of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day with fire is burnt;

ylt@Leviticus:7:19 @'And the flesh which cometh against any unclean thing is not eaten; with fire it is burnt; as to the flesh, every clean one doth eat of the flesh;

ylt@Leviticus:7:30 @his own hands do bring in the fire-offerings of Jehovah, the fat beside the breast, it he doth bring in with the breast, to wave it -- a wave-offering before Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:7:31 @'And the priest hath made perfume with the fat on the altar, and the breast hath been Aaron's and his sons;

ylt@Leviticus:8:2 @'Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and the bullock of the sin-offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened things,

ylt@Leviticus:8:6 @And Moses bringeth near Aaron and his sons, and doth bathe them with water,

ylt@Leviticus:8:7 @and doth put on him the coat, and doth gird him with the girdle, and doth clothe him with the upper robe, and doth put on him the ephod, and doth gird him with the girdle of the ephod, and doth bind [it] to him with it,

ylt@Leviticus:8:13 @And Moses bringeth near the sons of Aaron, and doth clothe them [with] coats, and girdeth them [with] girdles, and bindeth for them turbans, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Leviticus:8:15 @and [one] slaughtereth, and Moses taketh the blood, and putteth on the horns of the altar round about with his finger, and cleanseth the altar, and the blood he hath poured out at the foundation of the altar, and sanctifieth it, to make atonement upon it.

ylt@Leviticus:8:17 @and the bullock, and its skin, and its flesh, and its dung, he hath burnt with fire, at the outside of the camp, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Leviticus:8:20 @and the ram he hath cut into its pieces, and Moses maketh perfume with the head, and the pieces, and the fat,

ylt@Leviticus:8:21 @and the inwards and the legs he hath washed with water, and Moses maketh perfume with the whole ram on the altar; it [is] a burnt-offering, for sweet fragrance; it [is] a fire-offering to Jehovah, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Leviticus:8:30 @And Moses taketh of the anointing oil, and of the blood which [is] on the altar, and sprinkleth on Aaron, on his garments, and on his sons, and on the garments of his sons with him, and he sanctifieth Aaron, his garments, and his sons, and the garments of his sons with him.

ylt@Leviticus:8:32 @'And the remnant of the flesh and of the bread with fire ye burn;

ylt@Leviticus:9:4 @and a bullock and a ram for peace-offerings, to sacrifice before Jehovah, and a present mixed with oil; for to-day Jehovah hath appeared unto you.'

ylt@Leviticus:9:11 @and the flesh and the skin he hath burnt with fire, at the outside of the camp.

ylt@Leviticus:9:17 @and he bringeth near the present, and filleth his palm with it, and maketh perfume on the altar, apart from the burnt-offering of the morning.

ylt@Leviticus:9:20 @and they set the fat on the breasts, and he maketh perfume with the fat on the altar;

ylt@Leviticus:10:9 @'Wine and strong drink thou dost not drink, thou, and thy sons with thee, in your going in unto the tent of meeting, and ye die not -- a statute age-during to your generations;

ylt@Leviticus:10:14 @'And the breast of the wave-offering, and the leg of the heave-offering, ye do eat in a clean place, thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee; for thy portion and the portion of thy sons they have been given, out of the sacrifices of peace-offerings of the sons of Israel;

ylt@Leviticus:10:15 @the leg of the heave-offering, and breast of the wave-offering, besides fire-offerings of the fat, they do bring in to wave a wave-offering before Jehovah, and it hath been to thee, and to thy sons with thee, by a statute age-during, as Jehovah hath commanded.'

ylt@Leviticus:10:18 @lo, its blood hath not been brought in unto the holy place within; eating ye do eat it in the holy place, as I have commanded.'

ylt@Leviticus:11:21 @'Only -- this ye do eat of any teeming thing which is flying, which is going on four, which hath legs above its feet, to move with them on the earth;

ylt@Leviticus:11:43 @ye do not make yourselves abominable with any teeming thing which is teeming, nor do ye make yourselves unclean with them, so that ye have been unclean thereby.

ylt@Leviticus:11:44 @'For I [am] Jehovah your God, and ye have sanctified yourselves, and ye have been holy, for I [am] holy; and ye do not defile your persons with any teeming thing which is creeping on the earth;

ylt@Leviticus:13:52 @'And he hath burnt the garment, or the warp, or the woof, in wool or in linen, or any vessel of skin in which the plague is; for it [is] a fretting leprosy; with fire it is burnt.

ylt@Leviticus:13:55 @And the priest hath seen [that which hath] the plague after it hath been washed, and lo, the plague hath not changed its aspect, and the plague hath not spread, -- it [is] unclean; with fire thou dost burn it; it [is] a fretting in its back-part or in its front-part.

ylt@Leviticus:13:57 @and if it still be seen in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin, it [is] a fretting; with fire thou dost burn it -- that in which the plague [is].

ylt@Leviticus:14:8 @'And he who is to be cleansed hath washed his garments, and hath shaved all his hair, and hath bathed with water, and hath been clean, and afterwards he doth come in unto the camp, and hath dwelt at the outside of his tent seven days.

ylt@Leviticus:14:9 @'And it hath been, on the seventh day -- he shaveth all his hair, his head, and his beard, and his eyebrows, even all his hair he doth shave, and he hath washed his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with water, and hath been clean.

ylt@Leviticus:14:10 @'And on the eighth day he taketh two lambs, perfect ones, and one ewe-lamb, daughter of a year, a perfect one, and three tenth deals of flour [for] a present, mixed with oil, and one log of oil.

ylt@Leviticus:14:11 @'And the priest who is cleansing hath caused the man who is to be cleansed to stand with them before Jehovah, at the opening of the tent of meeting,

ylt@Leviticus:14:16 @and the priest hath dipped his right finger in the oil which [is] on his left palm, and hath sprinkled of the oil with his finger seven times before Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:14:21 @'And if he [is] poor, and his hand is not reaching [these things], then he hath taken one lamb -- a guilt-offering, for a wave-offering, to make atonement for him, and one-tenth deal of flour mixed with oil for a present, and a log of oil,

ylt@Leviticus:14:27 @and the priest hath sprinkled with his right finger of the oil which [is] on his left palm, seven times before Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:14:41 @and the house he doth cause to be scraped within round about, and they have poured out the clay which they have scraped off, at the outside of the city, at an unclean place;

ylt@Leviticus:14:52 @'And he hath cleansed the house with the blood of the bird, and with the running water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar wood, and with the hyssop, and with the scarlet;

ylt@Leviticus:15:3 @and this is his uncleanness in his issue -- his flesh hath run with his issue, or his flesh hath stopped from his issue; it [is] his uncleanness.

ylt@Leviticus:15:5 @and any one who cometh against his bed doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:6 @'And he who is sitting on the vessel on which he sitteth who hath the issue, doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:7 @'And he who is coming against the flesh of him who hath the issue, doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and hath been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:8 @'And when he who hath the issue spitteth on him who is clean, then he hath washed his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:10 @and any one who is coming against anything which is under him is unclean till the evening, and he who is bearing them doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:11 @'And anyone against whom he cometh who hath the issue (and his hands hath not rinsed with water) hath even washed his garments, and bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:12 @'And the earthen vessel which he who hath the issue cometh against is broken; and every wooden vessel is rinsed with water.

ylt@Leviticus:15:13 @'And when he who hath the issue is clean from his issue, then he hath numbered to himself seven days for his cleansing, and hath washed his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with running water, and been clean.

ylt@Leviticus:15:16 @'And when a man's seed of copulation goeth out from him, then he hath bathed with water all his flesh, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:17 @'And any garment, or any skin on which there is seed of copulation, hath also been washed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:18 @'And a woman with whom a man lieth with seed of copulation, they also have bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:21 @and any one who is coming against her bed doth wash his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:22 @'And any one who is coming against any vessel on which she sitteth doth wash his garments, and hath washed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:24 @'And if a man really lie with her, and her separation is on him, then he hath been unclean seven days, and all the bed on which he lieth is unclean.

ylt@Leviticus:15:25 @'And when a woman's issue of blood floweth many days within the time of her separation, or when it floweth over her separation -- all the days of the issue of her uncleanness are as the days of her separation; she [is] unclean.

ylt@Leviticus:15:27 @and any one who is coming against them is unclean, and hath washed his garments, and hath bathed with water, and been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:15:33 @and of her who is sick in her separation, and of him who hath an issue, the issue of a male or of a female, and of a man who lieth with an unclean woman.'

ylt@Leviticus:16:2 @yea, Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Speak unto Aaron thy brother, and he cometh not in at all times unto the sanctuary within the vail, unto the front of the mercy-seat, which [is] upon the ark, and he dieth not, for in a cloud I am seen upon the mercy-seat.

ylt@Leviticus:16:3 @'With this doth Aaron come in unto the sanctuary; with a bullock, a son of the herd, for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering;

ylt@Leviticus:16:4 @a holy linen coat he putteth on, and linen trousers are on his flesh, and with a linen girdle he girdeth himself, and with a linen mitre he wrappeth himself up; they [are] holy garments; and he hath bathed with water his flesh, and hath put them on.

ylt@Leviticus:16:12 @and hath taken the fulness of the censer of burning coals of fire from off the altar, from before Jehovah, and the fulness of his hands of thin spice-perfume, and hath brought [it] within the vail;

ylt@Leviticus:16:14 @'And he hath taken of the blood of the bullock, and hath sprinkled with his finger on the front of the mercy-seat eastward; even at the front of the mercy-seat he doth sprinkle seven times of the blood with his finger.

ylt@Leviticus:16:15 @'And he hath slaughtered the goat of the sin-offering which [is] the people's, and hath brought in its blood unto the inside of the vail, and hath done with its blood as he hath done with the blood of the bullock, and hath sprinkled it on the mercy-seat, and at the front of the mercy-seat,

ylt@Leviticus:16:16 @and he hath made atonement for the sanctuary because of the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins; and so he doth for the tent of meeting which is tabernacling with them in the midst of their uncleannesses.

ylt@Leviticus:16:19 @and he hath sprinkled on it of the blood with his finger seven times, and hath cleansed it, and hath hallowed it from the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel.

ylt@Leviticus:16:24 @and he hath bathed his flesh with water in the holy place, and hath put on his garments, and hath come out, and hath made his burnt-offering, and the burnt-offering of the people, and hath made atonement for himself and for the people;

ylt@Leviticus:16:25 @and with the fat of the sin-offering he doth make perfume on the altar.

ylt@Leviticus:16:26 @'And he who is sending away the goat for a goat of departure doth wash his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with water, and afterwards he cometh in unto the camp.

ylt@Leviticus:16:27 @'And the bullock of the sin-offering, and the goat of the sin-offering, whose blood hath been brought in to make atonement in the sanctuary, doth [one] bring out unto the outside of the camp, and they have burnt with fire their skins, and their flesh, and their dung;

ylt@Leviticus:16:28 @and he who is burning them doth wash his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with water, and afterwards he cometh in unto the camp.

ylt@Leviticus:17:5 @so that the sons of Israel do bring in their sacrifices which they are sacrificing on the face of the field, yea, they have brought them in to Jehovah, unto the opening of the tent of meeting, unto the priest, and they have sacrificed sacrifices of peace-offerings to Jehovah with them.

ylt@Leviticus:17:6 @'And the priest hath sprinkled the blood upon the altar of Jehovah, at the opening of the tent of meeting, and hath made perfume with the fat for sweet fragrance to Jehovah;

ylt@Leviticus:17:13 @and any man of the sons of Israel, or of the sojourners, who is sojourning in your midst, who hunteth venison, beast or fowl, which is eaten -- hath even poured out its blood, and hath covered it with dust;

ylt@Leviticus:17:15 @'And any person who eateth a carcase or torn thing, among natives or among sojourners -- hath both washed his garments, and hath bathed with water, and hath been unclean until the evening -- then he hath been clean;

ylt@Leviticus:18:9 @'The nakedness of thy sister, daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, born at home or born without; thou dost not uncover their nakedness.

ylt@Leviticus:18:20 @'And unto the wife of thy fellow thou dost not give thy seed of copulation, for uncleanness with her.

ylt@Leviticus:18:22 @'And with a male thou dost not lie as one lieth with a woman; abomination it [is].

ylt@Leviticus:18:23 @'And with any beast thou dost not give thy copulation, for uncleanness with it; and a woman doth not stand before a beast to lie down with it; confusion it [is].

ylt@Leviticus:18:24 @'Ye are not defiled with all these, for with all these have the nations been defiled which I am sending away from before you;

ylt@Leviticus:18:30 @and ye have kept My charge, so as not to do [any] of the abominable statutes which have been done before you, and ye do not defile yourselves with them; I [am] Jehovah your God.'

ylt@Leviticus:19:6 @in the day of your sacrificing it is eaten, and on the morrow, and that which is left unto the third day with fire is burnt,

ylt@Leviticus:19:13 @'Thou dost not oppress thy neighbour, nor take plunder; the wages of the hireling doth not remain with thee till morning.

ylt@Leviticus:19:19 @'My statutes ye do keep: thy cattle thou dost not cause to gender [with] diverse kinds; thy field thou dost not sow with diverse kinds, and a garment of diverse kinds, shaatnez, doth not go up upon thee.

ylt@Leviticus:19:20 @'And when a man lieth with a woman with seed of copulation, and she a maid-servant, betrothed to a man, and not really ransomed, or freedom hath not been given to her, an investigation there is; they are not put to death, for she [is] not free.

ylt@Leviticus:19:22 @and the priest hath made atonement for him with the ram of the guilt-offering before Jehovah, for his sin which he hath sinned, and it hath been forgiven him because of his sin which he hath sinned.

ylt@Leviticus:19:26 @'Ye do not eat with the blood; ye do not enchant, nor observe clouds.

ylt@Leviticus:19:33 @'And when a sojourner sojourneth with thee in your land, thou dost not oppress him;

ylt@Leviticus:19:34 @as a native among you is the sojourner to you who is sojourning with you, and thou hast had love to him as to thyself, for sojourners ye have been in the land of Egypt; I [am] Jehovah your God.

ylt@Leviticus:20:2 @'And unto the sons of Israel thou dost say, Any man of the sons of Israel, and of the sojourners who is sojourning in Israel, who giveth of his seed to the Molech, is certainly put to death; the people of the land do stone him with stones;

ylt@Leviticus:20:10 @'And a man who committeth adultery with a man's wife -- who committeth adultery with the wife of his neighbour -- the adulterer and the adulteress are surely put to death.

ylt@Leviticus:20:11 @'And a man who lieth with his father's wife -- the nakedness of his father he hath uncovered -- both of them are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.

ylt@Leviticus:20:12 @'And a man who lieth with his daughter-in-law -- both of them are certainly put to death; confusion they have made; their blood [is] on them.

ylt@Leviticus:20:13 @'And a man who lieth with a male as one lieth with a woman; abomination both of them have done; they are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.

ylt@Leviticus:20:14 @'And a man who taketh the woman and her mother -- it [is] wickedness; with fire they burn him and them, and there is no wickedness in your midst.

ylt@Leviticus:20:15 @'And a man who giveth his lying with a beast is certainly put to death, and the beast ye do slay.

ylt@Leviticus:20:16 @'And a woman who draweth near unto any beast to lie with it -- thou hast even slain the woman and the beast; they are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.

ylt@Leviticus:20:18 @'And a man who lieth with a sick woman, and hath uncovered her nakedness, her fountain he hath made bare, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood, -- even both of them have been cut off from the midst of their people.

ylt@Leviticus:20:20 @'And a man who lieth with his aunt, the nakedness of his uncle he hath uncovered; their sin they bear; childless they die.

ylt@Leviticus:20:23 @and ye walk not in the statutes of the nation which I am sending away from before you, for all these they have done, and I am wearied with them;

ylt@Leviticus:20:24 @and I say to you, Ye -- ye do possess their ground, and I -- I give it to you to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey; I [am] Jehovah your God, who hath separated you from the peoples.

ylt@Leviticus:20:27 @'And a man or woman -- when there is in them a familiar spirit, or who [are] wizards -- are certainly put to death; with stones they stone them; their blood [is] on them.'

ylt@Leviticus:21:9 @'And a daughter of any priest when she polluteth herself by going a-whoring -- her father she is polluting; with fire she is burnt.

ylt@Leviticus:21:20 @or hump-backed, or a dwarf, or with a mixture in his eye, or a scurvy person, or scabbed, or broken-testicled.

ylt@Leviticus:22:6 @the person who cometh against it -- hath even been unclean till the evening, and doth not eat of the holy things, but hath bathed his flesh with water,

ylt@Leviticus:22:14 @'And when a man doth eat of a holy thing through ignorance, then he hath added its fifth part to it, and hath given [it] to the priest, with the holy thing;

ylt@Leviticus:23:13 @and its present two tenth deals of flour mixed with oil, a fire-offering to Jehovah, a sweet fragrance, and its drink-offering, wine, a fourth of the hin.

ylt@Leviticus:23:17 @out of your dwellings ye bring in bread of a wave-offering, two [loaves], of two tenth deals of flour they are, [with] yeast they are baken, first-[fruits] to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:23:18 @'And ye have brought near, besides the bread, seven lambs, perfect ones, sons of a year, and one bullock, a son of the herd, and two rams; they are a burnt-offering to Jehovah, with their present and their libations, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:24:5 @'And thou hast taken flour, and hast baked twelve cakes with it, two tenth deals are in the one cake,

ylt@Leviticus:24:23 @And Moses speaketh unto the sons of Israel, and they bring out the reviler unto the outside of the camp, and stone him with stones; and the sons of Israel have done as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Leviticus:25:6 @'And the sabbath of the land hath been to you for food, to thee, and to thy man-servant, and to thy handmaid, and to thy hireling, and to thy settler, who are sojourning with thee;

ylt@Leviticus:25:23 @'And the land is not sold -- to extinction, for the land [is] Mine, for sojourners and settlers [are] ye with Me;

ylt@Leviticus:25:35 @'And when thy brother is become poor, and his hand hath failed with thee, then thou hast kept hold on him, sojourner and settler, and he hath lived with thee;

ylt@Leviticus:25:36 @thou takest no usury from him, or increase; and thou hast been afraid of thy God; and thy brother hath lived with thee;

ylt@Leviticus:25:39 @'And when thy brother becometh poor with thee, and he hath been sold to thee, thou dost not lay on him servile service;

ylt@Leviticus:25:40 @as an hireling, as a settler, he is with thee, till the year of the jubilee he doth serve with thee, --

ylt@Leviticus:25:41 @then he hath gone out from thee, he and his sons with him, and hath turned back unto his family; even unto the possession of his fathers he doth turn back.

ylt@Leviticus:25:42 @'For they [are] My servants, whom I have brought out from the land of Egypt: they are not sold [with] the sale of a servant;

ylt@Leviticus:25:43 @thou rulest not over him with rigour, and thou hast been afraid of thy God.

ylt@Leviticus:25:45 @and also of the sons of the settlers who are sojourning with you, of them ye buy, and of their families who [are] with you, which they have begotten in your land, and they have been to you for a possession;

ylt@Leviticus:25:46 @and ye have taken them for inheritance to your sons after you, to occupy [for] a possession; to the age ye lay service upon them, but upon your brethren, the sons of Israel, one with another, thou dost not rule over him with rigour.

ylt@Leviticus:25:47 @'And when the hand of a sojourner or settler with thee attaineth [riches], and thy brother with him hath become poor, and he hath been sold to a sojourner, a settler with thee, or to the root of the family of a sojourner,

ylt@Leviticus:25:50 @'And he hath reckoned with his buyer from the year of his being sold to him till the year of jubilee, and the money of his sale hath been by the number of years; as the days of an hireling it is with him.

ylt@Leviticus:25:52 @'And if few are left of the years till the year of jubilee, then he hath reckoned with him, according to his years he doth give back his redemption [money];

ylt@Leviticus:25:53 @as an hireling, year by year, he is with him, and he doth not rule him with rigour before thine eyes.

ylt@Leviticus:25:54 @'And if he is not redeemed in these [years], then he hath gone out in the year of jubilee, he and his sons with him.

ylt@Leviticus:26:9 @'And I have turned unto you, and have made you fruitful, and have multiplied you, and have established My covenant with you;

ylt@Leviticus:26:21 @'And if ye walk with Me [in] opposition, and are not willing to hearken to Me, then I have added to you a plague seven times, according to your sins,

ylt@Leviticus:26:23 @'And if by these ye are not instructed by Me, and have walked with Me [in] opposition,

ylt@Leviticus:26:24 @then I have walked -- I also -- with you in opposition, and have smitten you, even I, seven times for your sins;

ylt@Leviticus:26:27 @'And if for this ye hearken not to Me, and have walked with Me in opposition,

ylt@Leviticus:26:28 @then I have walked with you in the fury of opposition, and have chastised you, even I, seven times for your sins.

ylt@Leviticus:26:39 @'And those who are left of you -- they consume away in their iniquity, in the lands of your enemies; and also in the iniquities of their fathers, with them they consume away.

ylt@Leviticus:26:40 @'And -- they have confessed their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, in their trespass which they have trespassed against Me, and also, that they have walked with Me, in opposition,

ylt@Leviticus:26:42 @then I have remembered My covenant [with] Jacob, and also My covenant [with] Isaac, and also My covenant [with] Abraham I remember, and the land I remember.

ylt@Leviticus:26:43 @'And -- the land is left of them, and doth enjoy its sabbaths, in the desolation without them, and they accept the punishment of their iniquity, because, even because, against My judgments they have kicked, and My statutes hath their soul loathed,

ylt@Leviticus:26:44 @and also even this, in their being in the land of their enemies, I have not rejected them, nor have I loathed them, to consume them, to break My covenant with them; for I [am] Jehovah their God; --

ylt@Numbers:1:4 @and with you there is a man for a tribe, each is a head to the house of his fathers.

ylt@Numbers:1:5 @'And these [are] the names of the men who stand with you: 'For Reuben -- Elizur son of Shedeur.

ylt@Numbers:2:2 @'Each by his standard, with ensigns of the house of their fathers, do the sons of Israel encamp; over-against round about the tent of meeting they encamp.'

ylt@Numbers:3:1 @And these [are] births of Aaron and Moses, in the day of Jehovah's speaking with Moses in mount Sinai.

ylt@Numbers:3:31 @And their charge [is] the ark, and the table, and the candlestick, and the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary with which they serve, and the vail, and all its service.

ylt@Numbers:4:5 @that Aaron and his sons have come in, in the journeying of the camp, and have taken down the vail of the hanging, and have covered with it the ark of the testimony;

ylt@Numbers:4:8 @and they have spread over them a garment of scarlet, and have covered it with a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves,

ylt@Numbers:4:9 @and have taken a garment of blue, and have covered the candlestick of the lamp, and its lights, and its snuffers, and its snuff-dishes, and all its oil vessels wherewith they minister to it;

ylt@Numbers:4:11 @'And on the golden altar they spread a garment of blue, and have covered it with a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves;

ylt@Numbers:4:12 @and have taken all the vessels of ministry wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and have put [them] unto a garment of blue, and have covered them with a covering of badger skin, and have put [them] on the bar,

ylt@Numbers:4:14 @and have put on it all its vessels wherewith they minister about it, the censers, the hooks, and the shovels, and the bowls, all the vessels of the altar, and have spread on it a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves:

ylt@Numbers:4:49 @by the command of Jehovah hath [one] numbered them, by the hand of Moses, each man by his service, and by his burden, with his numbered ones, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Numbers:5:2 @'Command the sons of Israel, and they send out of the camp every leper, and every one with an issue, and every one defiled by a body;

ylt@Numbers:5:13 @and a man hath lain with her [with] the seed of copulation, and it hath been hid from the eyes of her husband, and concealed, and she hath been defiled, and there is no witness against her, and she hath not been caught,

ylt@Numbers:5:19 @'And the priest hath caused her to swear, and hath said unto the woman, If no man hath lain with thee, and if thou hast not turned aside [to] uncleanness under thy husband, be free from these bitter waters which cause the curse;

ylt@Numbers:5:21 @(then the priest hath caused the woman to swear with an oath of execration, and the priest hath said to the woman) -- Jehovah doth give thee for an execration, and for a curse, in the midst of thy people, in Jehovah's giving thy thigh to fall, and thy belly to swell,

ylt@Numbers:5:23 @'And the priest hath written these execrations in a book, and hath blotted [them] out with the bitter waters,

ylt@Numbers:5:28 @'And if the woman hath not been defiled, and is clean, then she hath been acquitted, and hath been sown [with] seed.

ylt@Numbers:6:15 @and a basket of unleavened things of flour, cakes mixed with oil, and thin cakes of unleavened things anointed with oil, and their present, and their libations.

ylt@Numbers:7:13 @And his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:19 @He hath brought near his offering, one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:25 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:31 @his offering is one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:37 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:43 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:49 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:55 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:61 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:67 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:73 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:79 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:89 @And in the going in of Moses unto the tent of meeting to speak with Him -- he doth even hear the voice speaking unto him from off the mercy-seat which [is] upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubs; and He speaketh unto him.

ylt@Numbers:8:8 @and have taken a bullock, a son of the herd, and its present, flour mixed with oil, -- and a second bullock a son of the herd thou dost take for a sin-offering,

ylt@Numbers:8:26 @and he hath ministered with his brethren in the tent of meeting, to keep the charge, and doth not do service; thus thou dost to the Levites concerning their charge.'

ylt@Numbers:9:7 @and those men say unto him, 'We are defiled by the body of a man; why are we withheld so as not to bring near the offering of Jehovah in its appointed season, in the midst of the sons of Israel?'

ylt@Numbers:9:11 @in the second month, on the fourteenth day, between the evenings they prepare it; with unleavened and bitter things they eat it;

ylt@Numbers:9:14 @'And when a sojourner sojourneth with you, then he hath prepared a passover to Jehovah, according to the statute of the passover, and according to its ordinance, so he doth; one statute is to you, even to a sojourner, and to a native of the land.'

ylt@Numbers:10:3 @and they have blown with them, and all the company have met together unto thee, unto the opening of the tent of meeting.

ylt@Numbers:10:4 @And if with one they blow, then have the princes, heads of the thousands of Israel, met together unto thee;

ylt@Numbers:10:8 @and sons of Aaron, the priests, blow with the trumpets; and they have been to you for a statute age-during to your generations.

ylt@Numbers:10:9 @'And when ye go into battle in your land against the adversary who is distressing you, then ye have shouted with the trumpets, and ye have been remembered before Jehovah your God, and ye have been saved from your enemies.

ylt@Numbers:10:10 @'And in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed seasons, and in the beginnings of your months, ye have blown also with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace-offerings, and they have been to you for a memorial before your God; I, Jehovah, [am] your God.'

ylt@Numbers:10:29 @And Moses saith to Hobab son of Raguel the Midianite, father-in-law of Moses, 'We are journeying unto the place of which Jehovah hath said, I give it to you; go with us, and we have done good to thee; for Jehovah hath spoken good concerning Israel.'

ylt@Numbers:10:32 @and it hath come to pass when thou goest with us, yea, it hath come to pass -- that good which Jehovah doth kindly with us -- it we have done kindly to thee.'

ylt@Numbers:11:8 @the people have turned aside and gathered [it], and ground [it] with millstones, or beat [it] in a mortar, and boiled [it] in a pan, and made it cakes, and its taste hath been as the taste of the moisture of oil.

ylt@Numbers:11:16 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Gather to Me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou hast known that they are elders of the people, and its authorities; and thou hast taken them unto the tent of meeting, and they have stationed themselves there with thee,

ylt@Numbers:11:17 @and I have come down and spoken with thee there, and have kept back of the Spirit which [is] upon thee, and have put on them, and they have borne with thee some of the burden of the people, and thou dost not bear [it] thyself alone.

ylt@Numbers:12:6 @And He saith, 'Hear, I pray you, My words: If your prophet is of Jehovah -- in an appearance unto him I make Myself known; in a dream I speak with him;

ylt@Numbers:12:8 @mouth unto mouth I speak with him, and [by] an appearance, and not in riddles; and the form of Jehovah he beholdeth attentively; and wherefore have ye not been afraid to speak against My servant -- against Moses?'

ylt@Numbers:13:27 @And they recount to him, and say, 'We came in unto the land whither thou hast sent us, and also it [is] flowing with milk and honey -- and this [is] its fruit;

ylt@Numbers:13:31 @And the men who have gone up with him said, 'We are not able to go up against the people, for it [is] stronger than we;'

ylt@Numbers:14:8 @if Jehovah hath delighted in us, then He hath brought us in unto this land, and hath given it to us, a land which is flowing with milk and honey;

ylt@Numbers:14:9 @only, against Jehovah rebel not ye: and ye, fear not ye the people of the land, for our bread they [are]; their defence hath turned aside from off them, and Jehovah [is] with us; fear them not.'

ylt@Numbers:14:10 @And all the company say to stone them with stones, and the honour of Jehovah hath appeared in the tent of meeting unto all the sons of Israel.

ylt@Numbers:14:12 @I smite it with pestilence, and dispossess it, and make thee become a nation greater and mightier than it.'

ylt@Numbers:14:13 @And Moses saith unto Jehovah, 'Then have the Egyptians heard! for Thou hast brought up with Thy power this people out of their midst,

ylt@Numbers:14:19 @forgive, I pray Thee, the iniquity of this people, according to the greatness of Thy kindness, and as Thou hast borne with this people from Egypt, even until now.'

ylt@Numbers:14:21 @and yet, I live -- and it is filled -- the whole earth -- [with] the honour of Jehovah;

ylt@Numbers:14:24 @and My servant Caleb, because there hath been another spirit with him, and he is fully after Me -- I have brought him in unto the land whither he hath entered, and his seed doth possess it.

ylt@Numbers:14:43 @for the Amalekite and the Canaanite [are] there before you, and ye have fallen by the sword, because that ye have turned back from after Jehovah, and Jehovah is not with you.'

ylt@Numbers:15:4 @'And he who is bringing near his offering to Jehovah hath brought near a present of flour, a tenth deal, mixed with a fourth of the hin of oil;

ylt@Numbers:15:6 @or for a ram thou dost prepare a present of flour, two-tenth deals, mixed with oil, a third of the hin;

ylt@Numbers:15:9 @then he hath brought near for the son of the herd a present of flour, three-tenth deals, mixed with oil, a half of the hin;

ylt@Numbers:15:13 @every native doth thus with these, at bringing near a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah;

ylt@Numbers:15:14 @and when a sojourner sojourneth with you, or whoso [is] in your midst to your generations, and he hath made a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah, as ye do so he doth.

ylt@Numbers:15:16 @one law and one ordinance is to you and to the sojourner who is sojourning with you.'

ylt@Numbers:15:30 @'And the person who doth [aught] with a high hand -- of the native or of the sojourner -- Jehovah he is reviling, and that person hath been cut off from the midst of his people;

ylt@Numbers:15:35 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'The man is certainly put to death, all the company stoning him with stones, at the outside of the camp.'

ylt@Numbers:15:36 @And all the company bring him out unto the outside of the camp, and stone him with stones, and he dieth, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Numbers:16:2 @and they rise up before Moses, with men of the sons of Israel, two hundred and fifty, princes of the company, called of the convention, men of name,

ylt@Numbers:16:10 @yea, He doth bring thee near, and all thy brethren the sons of Levi with thee -- and ye have sought also the priesthood!

ylt@Numbers:16:13 @is it little that thou hast brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to put us to death in a wilderness that thou also certainly makest thyself prince over us?

ylt@Numbers:16:14 @Yea, unto a land flowing with milk and honey thou hast not brought us in, nor dost thou give to us an inheritance of field and vineyard; the eyes of these men dost thou pick out? we do not come up.'

ylt@Numbers:16:18 @And they take each his censer, and put on them fire, and lay on them perfume, and they stand at the opening of the tent of meeting, with Moses and Aaron.

ylt@Numbers:17:4 @and thou hast placed them in the tent of meeting, before the testimony, where I meet with you.

ylt@Numbers:18:1 @And Jehovah saith unto Aaron, 'Thou, and thy sons, and the house of thy father with thee, do bear the iniquity of the sanctuary; and thou, and thy sons with thee, do bear the iniquity of your priesthood;

ylt@Numbers:18:2 @and also thy brethren, the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father, bring near with thee, and they are joined unto thee, and serve thee, even thou and thy sons with thee, before the tent of the testimony.

ylt@Numbers:18:7 @and thou, and thy sons with thee, do keep your priesthood, for everything of the altar, and within the vail, and ye have served; a service of gift I make your priesthood; and the stranger who is coming near is put to death.'

ylt@Numbers:18:11 @'And this [is] thine: the heave-offering of their gift, to all the wave-offerings of the sons of Israel, to thee I have given them, and to thy sons, and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute age-during; every clean one in thy house doth eat it;

ylt@Numbers:18:16 @'And their ransomed ones from a son of a month, thou dost ransom with thy valuation, of silver, five shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, twenty gerahs it [is].

ylt@Numbers:18:19 @all the heave-offerings of the holy things which the sons of Israel lift up to Jehovah I have given to thee and to thy sons, and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute age-during, a covenant of salt, age-during it [is] before Jehovah, to thee and to thy seed with thee.'

ylt@Numbers:19:4 @'And Eleazar the priest hath taken of its blood with his finger, and hath sprinkled over-against the front of the tent of meeting of her blood seven times;

ylt@Numbers:19:7 @and the priest hath washed his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with water, and afterwards doth come in unto the camp, and the priest is unclean till the evening;

ylt@Numbers:19:8 @and he who is burning it doth wash his garments with water, and hath bathed his flesh with water, and is unclean till the evening.

ylt@Numbers:19:19 @'And the clean hath sprinkled [it] on the unclean on the third day, and on the seventh day, and hath cleansed him on the seventh day, and he hath washed his garments, and hath bathed with water, and hath been clean in the evening.

ylt@Numbers:20:3 @and the people strive with Moses, and speak, saying, 'And oh that we had expired when our brethren expired before Jehovah!

ylt@Numbers:20:11 @and Moses lifteth up his hand, and smiteth the rock with his rod twice; and much water cometh out, and the company drink, also their beasts.

ylt@Numbers:20:13 @These [are] waters of Meribah, because the sons of Israel have 'striven' with Jehovah, and He is sanctified upon them.

ylt@Numbers:20:18 @And Edom saith unto him, 'Thou dost not pass over through me, lest with sword I come out to meet thee.'

ylt@Numbers:20:20 @And he saith, 'Thou dost not pass over;' and Edom cometh out to meet him with much people, and with a strong hand;

ylt@Numbers:20:26 @and strip Aaron of his garments, and thou hast clothed [with] them Eleazar his son, and Aaron is gathered, and doth die there.'

ylt@Numbers:20:28 @and Moses strippeth Aaron of his garments, and clotheth with them Eleazar his son, and Aaron dieth there on the top of the mount; and Moses cometh down -- Eleazar also -- from the mount,

ylt@Numbers:21:18 @'A well -- digged it have princes, Prepared it have nobles of the people, With the lawgiver, with their staves.' And from the wilderness [they journeyed] to Mattanah,

ylt@Numbers:22:8 @and he saith unto them, 'Lodge here to-night, and I have brought you back word, as Jehovah speaketh unto me;' and the princes of Moab abide with Balaam.

ylt@Numbers:22:9 @And God cometh in unto Balaam, and saith, 'Who [are] these men with thee?'

ylt@Numbers:22:12 @and God saith unto Balaam, 'Thou dost not go with them; thou dost not curse the people; for it [is] blessed.'

ylt@Numbers:22:13 @And Balaam riseth in the morning, and saith unto the princes of Balak, 'Go unto your land, for Jehovah is refusing to suffer me to go with you;'

ylt@Numbers:22:14 @and the princes of Moab rise, and come in unto Balak, and say, 'Balaam is refusing to come with us.'

ylt@Numbers:22:16 @and they come in unto Balaam, and say to him, 'Thus said Balak son of Zippor, Be not, I pray thee, withheld from coming unto me,

ylt@Numbers:22:19 @and, now, abide, I pray you, in this [place], you also, to-night; and I know what Jehovah is adding to speak with me.'

ylt@Numbers:22:20 @And God cometh in unto Balaam, by night, and saith to him, 'If to call for thee the men have come, rise, go with them, and only the thing which I speak unto thee -- it thou dost do.'

ylt@Numbers:22:21 @And Balaam riseth in the morning, and saddleth his ass, and goeth with the princes of Moab,

ylt@Numbers:22:22 @and the anger of God burneth because he is going, and a messenger of Jehovah stationeth himself in the way for an adversary to him, and he is riding on his ass, and two of his servants [are] with him,

ylt@Numbers:22:27 @and the ass seeth the messenger of Jehovah, and croucheth under Balaam, and the anger of Balaam burneth, and he smiteth the ass with a staff.

ylt@Numbers:22:35 @And the messenger of Jehovah saith unto Balaam, 'Go with the men; and only the word which I speak unto thee -- it thou dost speak;' and Balaam goeth with the princes of Balak.

ylt@Numbers:22:39 @And Balaam goeth with Balak, and they come to Kirjath-Huzoth,

ylt@Numbers:22:40 @and Balak sacrificeth oxen and sheep, and sendeth to Balaam, and to the princes who [are] with him;

ylt@Numbers:23:7 @And he taketh up his simile, and saith: 'From Aram he doth lead me -- Balak king of Moab; From mountains of the east: Come -- curse for me Jacob, And come -- be indignant [with] Israel.

ylt@Numbers:23:13 @And Balak saith unto him, 'Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place, whence thou dost see it, only its extremity thou dost see, and all of it thou dost not see, and pierce it for me thence;'

ylt@Numbers:23:17 @And he cometh unto him, and lo, he is standing by his burnt-offering, and the princes of Moab with him, and Balak saith to him: 'What hath Jehovah spoken?'

ylt@Numbers:23:21 @He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, Nor hath He seen perverseness in Israel; Jehovah his God [is] with him, And a shout of a king [is] in him.

ylt@Numbers:24:8 @God is bringing him out of Egypt; As the swiftness of a Reem is to him, He eateth up nations his adversaries, And their bones he breaketh, And [with] his arrows he smiteth,

ylt@Numbers:25:11 @'Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, hath turned back My fury from the sons of Israel, by his being zealous with My zeal in their midst, and I have not consumed the sons of Israel in My zeal.

ylt@Numbers:25:14 @And the name of the man of Israel who is smitten, who hath been smitten with the Midianitess, [is] Zimri son of Salu, prince of the house of a father of the Simeonite;

ylt@Numbers:25:18 @for they are adversaries to you with their frauds, [with] which they have acted fraudulently to you, concerning the matter of Peor, and concerning the matter of Cozbi, daughter of a prince of Midian, their sister, who is smitten in the day of the plague for the matter of Peor.'

ylt@Numbers:26:3 @And Moses speaketh -- Eleazar the priest also -- with them, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, [near] Jericho, saying,

ylt@Numbers:27:4 @why is the name of our father withdrawn from the midst of his family because he hath no son? give to us a possession in the midst of the brethren of our father;'

ylt@Numbers:27:21 @'And before Eleazar the priest he standeth, and he hath asked for him by the judgment of the Lights before Jehovah; at His word they go out, and at His word they come in; he, and all the sons of Israel with him, even all the company.'

ylt@Numbers:28:5 @and a tenth of the ephah of flour for a present, mixed with beaten oil, a fourth of the hin;

ylt@Numbers:28:9 @'And on the sabbath-day, two lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones, and two-tenth deals of flour, a present, mixed with oil, and its libation;

ylt@Numbers:28:12 @and three-tenth deals of flour, a present, mixed with oil, for the one bullock, and two-tenth deals of flour, a present, mixed with oil, for the one ram;

ylt@Numbers:28:13 @and a several tenth deal of flour, a present, mixed with oil, for the one lamb; a burnt-offering, a sweet fragrance, a fire-offering to Jehovah;

ylt@Numbers:28:20 @and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals for a bullock, and two-tenth deals for a ram ye do prepare;

ylt@Numbers:28:28 @and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals to the one bullock, two-tenth deals to the one ram,

ylt@Numbers:29:3 @and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals for the bullock, two-tenth deals for the ram,

ylt@Numbers:29:9 @and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals for the bullock, two-tenth deals for the one ram,

ylt@Numbers:29:14 @and their present, flour mixed with oil, three-tenth deals to the one bullock, for the thirteen bullocks, two-tenth deals to the one ram, for the two rams,

ylt@Numbers:30:10 @'And if [in] the house of her husband she hath vowed, or hath bound a bond on her soul with an oath,

ylt@Numbers:31:8 @and the kings of Midian they have slain, besides their pierced ones, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian; and Balaam son of Beor, they have slain with the sword.

ylt@Numbers:31:10 @and all their cities, with their habitations, and all their towers, they have burnt with fire.

ylt@Numbers:31:23 @every thing which may go into fire, ye cause to pass over through fire, and it hath been clean; only, with the water of separation it is cleansed, and all that may not go into fire, ye cause to pass over through water;

ylt@Numbers:31:49 @and they say unto Moses, 'Thy servants have taken up the sum of the men of war who [are] with us, and not a man of us hath been missed;

ylt@Numbers:32:19 @for we do not inherit with them beyond the Jordan and yonder, for our inheritance hath come unto us beyond the Jordan at the [sun]-rising.'

ylt@Numbers:32:29 @and Moses saith unto them, 'If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben pass over with you the Jordan, every one armed for battle, before Jehovah, and the land hath been subdued before you, then ye have given to them the land of Gilead for a possession;

ylt@Numbers:32:30 @and if they do not pass over armed with you, then they have possessions in your midst in the land of Canaan.'

ylt@Numbers:32:32 @we -- we pass over armed before Jehovah [to] the land of Canaan, and with us [is] the possession of our inheritance beyond the Jordan.'

ylt@Numbers:33:3 @And they journey from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month, on the morrow of the passover have the sons of Israel gone out with a high hand, before the eyes of all the Egyptians --

ylt@Numbers:35:4 @'And the suburbs of the cities which ye give to the Levites [are], from the wall of the city and without, a thousand cubits round about.

ylt@Numbers:35:16 @'And if with an instrument of iron he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.

ylt@Numbers:35:17 @'And if with a stone [in] the hand, wherewith he dieth, he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.

ylt@Numbers:35:18 @'Or with a wooden instrument [in] the hand, wherewith he dieth, he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.

ylt@Numbers:35:21 @or in enmity he hath smitten him with his hand, and he dieth; the smiter is certainly put to death; he [is] a murderer; the redeemer of blood doth put the murderer to death in his coming against him.

ylt@Numbers:35:22 @'And if, in an instant, without enmity, he hath thrust him through, or hath cast at him any instrument, without lying in wait;

ylt@Numbers:35:23 @or with any stone wherewith he dieth, without seeing, and causeth [it] to fall upon him, and he dieth, and he [is] not his enemy, nor seeking his evil;

ylt@Numbers:35:25 @'And the company have delivered the man-slayer out of the hand of the redeemer of blood, and the company have caused him to turn back unto the city of his refuge, whither he hath fled, and he hath dwelt in it till the death of the chief priest, who hath been anointed with the holy oil.

ylt@Numbers:36:3 @'And -- they have been to one of the sons of the [other] tribes of the sons of Israel for wives, and their inheritance hath been withdrawn from the inheritance of our fathers, and hath been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs, and from the lot of our inheritance it is withdrawn,

ylt@Numbers:36:4 @and if it is the jubilee of the sons of Israel, then hath their inheritance been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs, and from the inheritance of the tribe of our fathers is their inheritance withdrawn.'

ylt@Numbers:36:12 @[to men] of the families of the sons of Manasseh, son of Joseph, they have been for wives, and their inheritance is with the tribe of the family of their father.

ylt@Deuteronomy:1:25 @and they take with their hand of the fruit of the land, and bring down unto us, and bring us back word, and say, Good is the land which Jehovah our God is giving to us.

ylt@Deuteronomy:1:30 @Jehovah your God, who is going before you -- He doth fight for you, according to all that He hath done with you in Egypt before your eyes,

ylt@Deuteronomy:1:37 @'Also with me hath Jehovah been angry for your sake, saying, Also, thou dost not go in thither;

ylt@Deuteronomy:2:5 @ye do not strive with them, for I do not give to you of their land even the treading of the sole of a foot; for a possession to Esau I have given mount Seir.

ylt@Deuteronomy:2:6 @'Food ye buy from them with money, and have eaten; and also water ye buy from them with money, and have drunk,

ylt@Deuteronomy:2:7 @for Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee in all the work of thy hands; He hath known thy walking in this great wilderness these forty years; Jehovah thy God [is] with thee; thou hast not lacked anything.

ylt@Deuteronomy:3:5 @All these [are] cities fenced with high walls, two-leaved doors and bar, apart from cities of villages very many;

ylt@Deuteronomy:3:26 @'And Jehovah sheweth himself wroth with me, for your sake, and hath not hearkened unto me, and Jehovah saith unto me, Enough for thee; add not to speak unto Me any more about this thing:

ylt@Deuteronomy:3:27 @go up [to] the top of Pisgah, and lift up thine eyes westward, and northward, and southward, and eastward, and see with thine eyes -- for thou dost not pass over this Jordan;

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:11 @and ye draw near and stand under the mountain, and the mountain is burning with fire unto the heart of the heavens -- darkness, cloud, yea, thick darkness:

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:21 @'And Jehovah hath shewed himself wroth with me because of your words, and sweareth to my not passing over the Jordan, and to my not going in unto the good land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance;

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:23 @'Take heed to yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of Jehovah your God, which He hath made with you, and have made to yourselves a graven image, a similitude of anything [concerning] which Jehovah thy God hath charged thee:

ylt@Deuteronomy:4:29 @'And -- ye have sought from thence Jehovah thy God, and hast found, when thou seekest Him with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:2 @Jehovah our God made with us a covenant in Horeb;

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:3 @not with our fathers hath Jehovah made this covenant, but with us; we -- these -- here to-day -- all of us alive.

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:4 @Face to face hath Jehovah spoken with you, in the mount, out of the midst of the fire;

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:14 @and the seventh day [is] a sabbath to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not do any work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and thine ox, and thine ass, and all thy cattle, and thy sojourner who [is] within thy gates; so that thy man-servant, and thy handmaid doth rest like thyself;

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:16 @'Honour thy father and thy mother, as Jehovah thy God hath commanded thee, so that thy days are prolonged, and so that it is well with thee, on the ground which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:23 @'And it cometh to pass as ye hear the voice out of the midst of the darkness, and of the mountain burning with fire, that ye come near unto me, all the heads of your tribes, and your elders,

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:24 @and say, Lo, Jehovah our God hath shewed us His honour, and His greatness; and His voice we have heard out of the midst of the fire; this day we have seen that God doth speak with man -- and he hath lived.

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:29 @O that their heart had been thus to them, to fear Me, and to keep My commands all the days, that it may be well with them, and with their sons -- to the age!

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:31 @and thou here stand thou with Me, and let Me speak unto thee all the command, and the statutes, and the judgments which thou dost teach them, and they have done in the land which I am giving to them to possess it.

ylt@Deuteronomy:5:33 @in all the way which Jehovah your God hath commanded you ye walk, so that ye live, and [it is] well with you, and ye have prolonged days in the land which ye possess.

ylt@Deuteronomy:6:3 @'And thou hast heard, O Israel, and observed to do, that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest multiply exceedingly, as Jehovah, God of thy fathers, hath spoken to thee, [in] the land flowing with milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:6:5 @and thou hast loved Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might,

ylt@Deuteronomy:6:18 @and thou hast done that which is right and good in the eyes of Jehovah, so that it is well with thee, and thou hast gone in and possessed the good land which Jehovah hath sworn to thy fathers,

ylt@Deuteronomy:7:2 @and Jehovah thy God hath given them before thee, and thou hast smitten them -- thou dost utterly devote them -- thou dost not make with them a covenant, nor dost thou favour them.

ylt@Deuteronomy:7:3 @'And thou dost not join in marriage with them; thy daughter thou dost not give to his son, and his daughter thou dost not take to thy son,

ylt@Deuteronomy:7:5 @'But thus thou dost to them: their altars ye break down, and their standing pillars ye shiver, and their shrines ye cut down, and their graven images ye burn with fire;

ylt@Deuteronomy:7:19 @the great trials which thine eyes have seen, and the signs, and the wonders, and the strong hand, and the stretched-out arm, with which Jehovah thy God hath brought thee out; so doth Jehovah thy God to all the peoples of whose presence thou art afraid.

ylt@Deuteronomy:7:25 @'The graven images of their gods ye do burn with fire; thou dost not desire the silver and gold on them, nor hast thou taken [it] to thyself, lest thou be snared by it, for the abomination of Jehovah thy God it [is];

ylt@Deuteronomy:8:5 @and thou hast known, with thy heart, that as a man chastiseth his son Jehovah thy God is chastising thee,

ylt@Deuteronomy:8:9 @a land in which without scarcity thou dost eat bread, thou dost not lack anything in it; a land whose stones [are] iron, and out of its mountains thou dost dig brass;

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:7 @'Remember -- do not forget -- that [with] which thou hast made Jehovah thy God wroth in the wilderness; even from the day that thou hast come out of the land of Egypt till your coming in unto this place rebels ye have been with Jehovah;

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:9 @'In my going up into the mount to receive the tables of stone (tables of the covenant which Jehovah hath made with you), and I abide in the mount forty days and forty nights; bread I have not eaten, and water I have not drunk;

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:10 @and Jehovah giveth unto me the two tables of stone written with the finger of God, and on them according to all the words which Jehovah hath spoken with you in the mount, out of the midst of the fire, in the day of the assembly.

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:15 @'And I turn, and come down from the mount, and the mount is burning with fire, and the two tables of the covenant on my two hands,

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:19 @'For I have been afraid because of the anger and the fury with which Jehovah hath been wroth against you, to destroy you; and Jehovah doth hearken unto me also at this time.

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:20 @'And with Aaron hath Jehovah shewed himself very angry, to destroy him, and I pray also for Aaron at that time;

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:21 @and your sin, which ye have made -- the calf -- I have taken, and I burn it with fire, and beat it, grinding well till that it [is] small as dust, and I cast its dust unto the brook which is going down out of the mount.

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:24 @rebels ye have been with Jehovah from the day of my knowing you.

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:26 @and I pray unto Jehovah, and say, Lord Jehovah, destroy not Thy people, and Thine inheritance, whom Thou hast ransomed in Thy greatness; whom Thou hast brought out of Egypt with a strong hand;

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:9 @therefore there hath not been to Levi a portion and inheritance with his brethren; Jehovah Himself [is] his inheritance, as Jehovah thy God hath spoken to him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:12 @'And now, Israel, what is Jehovah thy God asking from thee, except to fear Jehovah thy God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:21 @He [is] thy praise, and He [is] thy God, who hath done with thee these great and fearful [things] which thine eyes have seen:

ylt@Deuteronomy:10:22 @with seventy persons did thy fathers go down to Egypt, and now hath Jehovah thy God made thee as stars of the heavens for multitude.

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:9 @and so that ye prolong days on the ground which Jehovah hath sworn to your fathers to give to them and to their seed -- a land flowing with milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:10 @'For the land whither thou art going in to possess it, is not as the land of Egypt whence ye have come out, where thou sowest thy seed, and hast watered with thy foot, as a garden of the green herb;

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:13 @'And it hath been -- if thou hearken diligently unto My commands which I am commanding you to-day, to love Jehovah your God, and to serve Him with all your heart, and with all your soul --

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:3 @and ye have broken down their altars, and shivered their standing pillars, and their shrines ye burn with fire, and graven images of their gods ye cut down, and have destroyed their name out of that place.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:7 @and ye have eaten there before Jehovah your God, and have rejoiced in every putting forth of your hand, ye and your households, with which Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:12 @and ye have rejoiced before Jehovah your God, ye, and your sons, and your daughters, and your men-servants, and your handmaids, and the Levite who [is] within your gates, for he hath no part and inheritance with you.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:15 @'Only, with all the desire of thy soul thou dost sacrifice, and hast eaten flesh according to the blessing of Jehovah thy God which He hath given to thee, in all thy gates; the unclean and the clean do eat it, as of the roe, and as of the hart.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:17 @thou art not able to eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, and of thy new wine, and thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herd and of thy flock, and any of thy vows which thou vowest, and thy free-will offerings, and heave-offering of thy hand;

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:18 @but before Jehovah thy God thou dost eat it, in the place which Jehovah thy God doth fix on, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and the Levite who [is] within thy gates, and thou hast rejoiced before Jehovah thy God in every putting forth of thy hand;

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:21 @'When the place is far from thee which Jehovah thy God doth choose to put His name there, then thou hast sacrificed of thy herd and of thy flock which Jehovah hath given to thee, as I have commanded thee, and hast eaten within thy gates, of all the desire of thy soul;

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:23 @'Only, be sure not to eat the blood, for the blood [is] the life, and thou dost not eat the life with the flesh;

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:25 @thou dost not eat it, in order that it may be well with thee, and with thy sons after thee, when thou dost that which [is] right in the eyes of Jehovah.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:28 @Observe, and thou hast obeyed all these words which I am commanding thee, in order that it may be well with thee and with thy sons after thee -- to the age, when thou dost that which [is] good and right in the eyes of Jehovah thy God.

ylt@Deuteronomy:12:31 @'Thou dost not do so to Jehovah thy God; for every abomination of Jehovah which He is hating they have done to their gods, for even their sons and their daughters they burn with fire to their gods.

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:3 @thou dost not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or unto that dreamer of the dream, for Jehovah your God is trying you, to know whether ye are loving Jehovah your God with all your heart, and with all your soul;

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:10 @and thou hast stoned him with stones, and he hath died, for he hath sought to drive thee away from Jehovah thy God, who is bringing thee out of the land of Egypt, out of a house of servants;

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:16 @and all its spoil thou dost gather unto the midst of its broad place, and hast burned with fire the city and all its spoil completely, before Jehovah thy God, and it hath been a heap age-during, it is not built any more;

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:21 @'Ye do not eat of any carcase; to the sojourner who [is] within thy gates thou dost give it, and he hath eaten it; or sell [it] to a stranger; for a holy people thou [art] to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not boil a kid in its mother's milk.

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:27 @As to the Levite who [is] within thy gates, thou dost not forsake him, for he hath no portion and inheritance with thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:28 @'At the end of three years thou dost bring out all the tithe of thine increase in that year, and hast placed [it] within thy gates;

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:29 @and come in hath the Levite (for he hath no part and inheritance with thee), and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who [are] within thy gates, and they have eaten, and been satisfied, so that Jehovah thy God doth bless thee in all the work of thy hand which thou dost.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:3 @of the stranger thou mayest exact, and that which is thine with thy brother doth thy hand release;

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:4 @only when there is no needy one with thee, for Jehovah doth greatly bless thee in the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- an inheritance to possess it.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:7 @'When there is with thee any needy one of one of thy brethren, in one of thy cities, in thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, thou dost not harden thy heart, nor shut thy hand from thy needy brother;

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:16 @'And it hath been, when he saith unto thee, I go not out from thee -- because he hath loved thee, and thy house, because [it is] good for him with thee --

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:19 @'Every firstling that is born in thy herd and in thy flock -- the male thou dost sanctify to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not work with the firstling of thine ox, nor shear the firstling of thy flock;

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:22 @within thy gates thou dost eat it, the unclean and the clean alike, as the roe, and as the hart.

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:3 @'Thou dost not eat with it any fermented thing, seven days thou dost eat with it unleavened things, bread of affliction; for in haste thou hast come out of the land of Egypt; so that thou dost remember the day of thy coming out of the land of Egypt all days of thy life;

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:4 @and there is not seen with thee leaven in all thy border seven days, and there doth not remain of the flesh which thou dost sacrifice at evening on the first day till morning.

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:5 @'Thou art not able to sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee,

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:11 @And thou hast rejoiced before Jehovah thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and the Levite who [is] within thy gates, and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who [are] in thy midst, in the place which Jehovah thy God doth choose to cause His name to tabernacle there,

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:14 @and thou hast rejoiced in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and the Levite, and the sojourner, and the fatherless, and the widow, who [are] within thy gates.

ylt@Deuteronomy:16:18 @'Judges and authorities thou dost make to thee within all thy gates which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, for thy tribes; and they have judged the people -- a righteous judgment.

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:5 @'Then thou hast brought out that man, or that woman, who hath done this evil thing, unto thy gates -- the man or the woman -- and thou hast stoned them with stones, and they have died.

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:8 @'When anything is too hard for thee for judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke -- matters of strife within thy gates -- then thou hast risen, and gone up unto the place on which Jehovah thy God doth fix,

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:12 @And the man who acteth with presumption, so as not to hearken unto the priest (who is standing to serve there Jehovah thy God), or unto the judge, even that man hath died, and thou hast put away the evil thing from Israel,

ylt@Deuteronomy:17:19 @and it hath been with him, and he hath read in it all days of his life, so that he doth learn to fear Jehovah his God, to keep all the words of this law, and these statutes, to do them;

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:1 @'There is not to the priests the Levites -- all the tribe of Levi -- a portion and inheritance with Israel; fire-offerings of Jehovah, even His inheritance, they eat,

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:6 @'And when the Levite cometh from one of thy cities out of all Israel, where he hath sojourned, and hath come with all the desire of his soul unto the place which Jehovah doth choose,

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:8 @portion as portion they do eat, apart from his sold things, with the fathers.

ylt@Deuteronomy:18:13 @Perfect thou art with Jehovah thy God,

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:5 @even he who cometh in with his neighbour into a forest to hew wood, and his hand hath driven with an axe to cut the tree, and the iron hath slipped from the wood, and hath met his neighbour, and he hath died -- he doth flee unto one of these cities, and hath lived,

ylt@Deuteronomy:19:13 @thine eye hath no pity on him, and thou hast put away the innocent blood from Israel, and it is well with thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:1 @'When thou goest out to battle against thine enemy, and hast seen horse and chariot -- a people more numerous than thou -- thou art not afraid of them, for Jehovah thy God [is] with thee, who is bringing thee up out of the land of Egypt;

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:4 @for Jehovah your God [is] He who is going with you, to fight for you with your enemies -- to save you.

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:12 @'And if it doth not make peace with thee, and hath made with thee war, then thou hast laid siege against it,

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:20 @Only, the tree, which thou knowest that it [is] not a fruit-tree, it thou dost destroy, and hast cut down, and hast built a bulwark against the city which is making with thee war till thou hast subdued it.

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:3 @and it hath been, the city which [is] near unto the slain one, even the elders of that city have taken a heifer of the herd, which hath not been wrought with, which hath not drawn in the yoke,

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:17 @But the first-born, son of the hated one, he doth acknowledge, to give to him a double portion of all that is found with him, for he [is] the beginning of his strength; to him [is] the right of the first-born.

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:21 @and all the men of his city have stoned him with stones, and he hath died, and thou hast put away the evil out of thy midst, and all Israel do hear and fear.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:2 @and if thy brother [is] not near unto thee, and thou hast not known him, then thou hast removed it unto the midst of thy house, and it hath been with thee till thy brother seek it, and thou hast given it back to him;

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:4 @'Thou dost not see the ass of thy brother, or his ox, falling in the way, and hast hid thyself from them; thou dost certainly raise [them] up with him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:6 @'When a bird's nest cometh before thee in the way, in any tree, or on the earth, brood or eggs, and the mother sitting on the brood or on the eggs, thou dost not take the mother with the young ones;

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:7 @thou dost certainly send away the mother, and the young ones dost take to thyself, so that it is well with thee, and thou hast prolonged days.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:9 @'Thou dost not sow thy vineyard [with] divers things, lest the fulness of the seed which thou dost sow, and the increase of the vineyard, be separated.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:10 @'Thou dost not plow with an ox and with an ass together.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:12 @'Fringes thou dost make to thee on the four skirts of thy covering with which thou dost cover [thyself].

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:21 @then they have brought out the damsel unto the opening of her father's house, and stoned her have the men of her city with stones, and she hath died, for she hath done folly in Israel, to go a-whoring [in] her father's house; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:22 @'When a man is found lying with a woman, married to a husband, then they have died even both of them, the man who is lying with the woman, also the woman; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of Israel.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:23 @'When there is a damsel, a virgin, betrothed to a man, and a man hath found her in a city, and lain with her;

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:24 @then ye have brought them both out unto the gate of that city, and stoned them with stones, and they have died: -- the damsel, because that she hath not cried, [being] in a city; and the man, because that he hath humbled his neighbour's wife; and thou hast put away the evil thing out of thy midst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:25 @'And if in a field the man find the damsel who is betrothed, and the man hath laid hold on her, and lain with her, then hath the man who hath lain with her died alone;

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:28 @'When a man findeth a damsel, a virgin who is not betrothed, and hath caught her, and lain with her, and they have been found,

ylt@Deuteronomy:22:29 @then hath the man who is lying with her given to the father of the damsel fifty silverlings, and to him she is for a wife; because that he hath humbled her, he is not able to send her away all his days.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:4 @because that they have not come before you with bread and with water in the way, in your coming out from Egypt, and because he hath hired against thee Balaam son of Beor, of Pethor of Aram-Naharaim, to revile thee;

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:11 @and it hath been, at the turning of the evening, he doth bathe with water, and at the going in of the sun he doth come in unto the midst of the camp.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:12 @'And a station thou hast at the outside of the camp, and thou hast gone out thither without,

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:13 @and a nail thou hast on thy staff, and it hath been, in thy sitting without, that thou hast digged with it, and turned back, and covered thy filth;

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:16 @with thee he doth dwell, in thy midst, in the place which he chooseth within one of thy gates, where it is pleasing to him; thou dost not oppress him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:23 @The produce of thy lips thou dost keep, and hast done [it], as thou hast vowed to Jehovah thy God; a free-will-offering, which thou hast spoken with thy mouth.

ylt@Deuteronomy:23:25 @When thou comest in among the standing-corn of thy neighbour, then thou hast plucked the ears with thy hand, but a sickle thou dost not wave over the standing-corn of thy neighbour.

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:12 @'And if he is a poor man, thou dost not lie down with his pledge;

ylt@Deuteronomy:24:14 @'Thou dost not oppress a hireling, poor and needy, of thy brethren or of thy sojourner who is in thy land within thy gates;

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:5 @'When brethren dwell together, and one of them hath died, and hath no son, the wife of the dead is not without to a strange man; her husband's brother doth go in unto her, and hath taken her to him for a wife, and doth perform the duty of her husband's brother;

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:11 @'When men strive together, one with another, and the wife of the one hath drawn near to deliver her husband out of the hand of his smiter, and hath put forth her hand, and laid hold on his secrets,

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:5 @'And thou hast answered and said before Jehovah thy God, A perishing Aramaean [is] my father! and he goeth down to Egypt, and sojourneth there with few men, and becometh there a nation, great, mighty, and numerous;

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:9 @and he bringeth us in unto this place, and giveth to us this land -- a land flowing with milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:12 @'When thou dost complete to tithe all the tithe of thine increase in the third year, the year of the tithe, then thou hast given to the Levite, to the sojourner, to the fatherless, and to the widow, and they have eaten within thy gates, and been satisfied,

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:15 @look from Thy holy habitation, from the heavens, and bless Thy people Israel, and the ground which Thou hast given to us, as Thou hast sworn to our fathers -- a land flowing [with] milk and honey.

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:16 @'This day Jehovah thy God is commanding thee to do these statutes and judgments; and thou hast hearkened and done them with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:2 @and it hath been, in the day that ye pass over the Jordan unto the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, that thou hast raised up for thee great stones, and plaistered them with plaister,

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:3 @and written on them all the words of this law in thy passing over, so that thou goest in unto the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee -- a land flowing with milk and honey, as Jehovah, God of thy fathers, hath spoken to thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:4 @'And it hath been, in your passing over the Jordan, ye raise up these stones which I am commanding you to-day, in mount Ebal, and thou hast plaistered them with plaister,

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:20 @'Cursed [is] he who is lying with his father's wife, for he hath uncovered his father's skirt, -- and all the people have said, Amen.

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:21 @'Cursed [is] he who is lying with any beast, -- and all the people have said, Amen.

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:22 @'Cursed [is] he who is lying with his sister, daughter of his father, or daughter of his mother, -- and all the people have said, Amen.

ylt@Deuteronomy:27:23 @'Cursed [is] he who is lying with his mother-in-law, -- and all the people have said, Amen.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:8 @'Jehovah commandeth with thee the blessing in thy storehouses, and in every putting forth of thy hand, and hath blessed thee in the land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:22 @'Jehovah doth smite thee with consumption, and with fever, and with inflammation, and with extreme burning, and with sword, and with blasting, and with mildew, and they have pursued thee till thou perish

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:27 @'Jehovah doth smite thee with the ulcer of Egypt, and with emerods, and with scurvy, and with itch, of which thou art not able to be healed.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:28 @'Jehovah doth smite thee with madness, and with blindness, and with astonishment of heart;

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:30 @'A woman thou dost betroth, and another man doth lie with her; a house thou dost build, and dost not dwell in it; a vineyard thou dost plant, and dost not make it common;

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:35 @'Jehovah doth smite thee with an evil ulcer, on the knees, and on the legs (of which thou art not able to be healed), from the sole of thy foot even unto thy crown.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:41 @'Sons and daughters thou dost beget, and they are not with thee, for they go into captivity;

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:47 @'Because that thou hast not served Jehovah thy God with joy, and with gladness of heart, because of the abundance of all things --

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:53 @and thou hast eaten the fruit of thy body, flesh of thy sons and thy daughters (whom Jehovah thy God hath given to thee), in the siege, and in the straitness with which thine enemies do straiten thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:55 @against giving to one of them of the flesh of his sons whom he eateth, because he hath nothing left to him, in the siege, and in the straitness with which thine enemy doth straiten thee in all thy gates.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:57 @and against her seed which cometh out from between her feet, even against her sons whom she doth bear, for she doth eat them for the lacking of all things in secret, in the siege and in the straitness with which thine enemy doth straiten thee within thy gates.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:62 @and ye have been left with few men, instead of which ye have been as stars of the heavens for multitude, because thou hast not hearkened to the voice of Jehovah thy God.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:67 @in the morning thou sayest, O that it were evening! and in the evening thou sayest, O that it were morning! from the fear of thy heart, with which thou art afraid, and from the sight of thine eyes which thou seest.

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:68 @'And Jehovah hath brought thee back to Egypt with ships, by a way of which I said to thee, Thou dost not add any more to see it, and ye have sold yourselves there to thine enemies, for men-servants and for maid-servants, and there is no buyer.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:1 @These [are] the words of the covenant which Jehovah hath commanded Moses to make with the sons of Israel in the land of Moab, apart from the covenant which He made with them in Horeb.

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:12 @for thy passing over into the covenant of Jehovah thy God, and into His oath which Jehovah thy God is making with thee to-day;

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:14 @'And not with you alone am I making this covenant and this oath;

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:15 @but with him who is here with us, standing to-day before Jehovah our God, and with him who is not here with us to-day,

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:17 @and ye see their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which [are] with them,

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:19 @'And it hath been, in his hearing the words of this oath, and he hath blessed himself in his heart, saying, I have peace, though in the stubbornness of my heart I go on, in order to end the fulness with the thirst.

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:23 @([with] brimstone and salt is the whole land burnt, it is not sown, nor doth it shoot up, nor doth there go up on it any herb, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim, which Jehovah overturned in His anger, and in His fury,) --

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:25 @'And they have said, Because that they have forsaken the covenant of Jehovah, God of their fathers, which He made with them in His bringing them out of the land of Egypt,

ylt@Deuteronomy:30:2 @and hast turned back unto Jehovah thy God, and hearkened to His voice, according to all that I am commanding thee to-day, thou and thy sons, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul --

ylt@Deuteronomy:30:6 @'And Jehovah thy God hath circumcised thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, for the sake of thy life;

ylt@Deuteronomy:30:10 @for thou dost hearken to the voice of Jehovah thy God, to keep His commands, and His statutes, which are written in the book of this law, for thou turnest back unto Jehovah thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul.

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:6 @be strong and courageous, fear not, nor be terrified because of them, for Jehovah thy God [is] He who is going with thee; He doth not fail thee nor forsake thee.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:7 @And Moses calleth for Joshua, and saith unto him before the eyes of all Israel, 'Be strong and courageous, for thou -- thou dost go in with this people unto the land which Jehovah hath sworn to their fathers to give to them, and thou -- thou dost cause them to inherit it;

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:8 @and Jehovah [is] He who is going before thee, He himself is with thee; He doth not fail thee nor forsake thee; fear not, nor be affrighted.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:12 @'Assemble the people, the men, and the women, and the infants, and thy sojourner who [is] within thy gates, so that they hear, and so that they learn, and have feared Jehovah your God, and observed to do all the words of this law;

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:16 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Lo, thou art lying down with thy fathers, and this people hath risen, and gone a-whoring after the gods of the stranger of the land into the midst of which it hath entered, and forsaken Me, and broken My covenant which I made with it;

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:20 @and I bring them in unto the ground which I have sworn to their fathers -- flowing with milk and honey, and they have eaten, and been satisfied, and been fat, and have turned unto other gods, and they have served them, and despised Me, and broken My covenant.

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:23 @and He commandeth Joshua son of Nun, and saith, 'Be strong and courageous, for thou dost bring in the sons of Israel unto the land which I have sworn to them, and I -- I am with thee.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:27 @for I -- I have known thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck; lo, in my being yet alive with you to-day, rebellious ye have been with Jehovah, and also surely after my death.

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:29 @for I have known that after my death ye do very corruptly, and have turned aside out of the way which I commanded you, and evil hath met you in the latter end of the days, because ye do the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, to make Him angry with the work of your hands.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:4 @The Rock! -- perfect [is] His work, For all His ways [are] just; God of stedfastness, and without iniquity: Righteous and upright [is] He.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:12 @Jehovah alone doth lead him, And there is no strange god with him.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:14 @Butter of the herd, and milk of the flock, With fat of lambs, and rams, sons of Bashan, And he-goats, with fat of kidneys of wheat; And of the blood of the grape thou dost drink wine!

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:16 @They make Him zealous with strangers, With abominations they make Him angry.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:24 @Exhausted by famine, And consumed by heat, and bitter destruction. And the teeth of beasts I send upon them, With poison of fearful things of the dust.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:25 @Without bereave doth the sword, And at the inner-chambers -- fear, Both youth and virgin, Suckling with man of grey hair.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:29 @If they were wise -- They deal wisely [with] this; They attend to their latter end:

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:34 @Is it not laid up with Me? Sealed among My treasures?

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:39 @See ye, now, that I -- I [am] He, And there is no god with Me: I put to death, and I keep alive; I have smitten, and I heal; And there is not from My hand a deliverer,

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:42 @I make drunk Mine arrows with blood, And My sword devoureth flesh, From the blood of the pierced and captive, From the head of the freemen of the enemy.

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:43 @Sing ye nations -- [with] his people, For the blood of His servants He avengeth, And vengeance He turneth back on His adversaries, And hath pardoned His land -- His people.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:1 @And this [is] the blessing [with] which Moses the man of God blessed the sons of Israel before his death,

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:2 @and he saith: -- 'Jehovah from Sinai hath come, And hath risen from Seir for them; He hath shone from mount Paran, And hath come [with] myriads of holy ones; At His right hand [are] springs for them.

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:8 @And of Levi he said: -- Thy Thummim and thy Urim [are] for thy pious one, Whom Thou hast tried in Massah, Thou dost strive with Him at the waters of Meribah;

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:11 @Bless, O Jehovah, his strength, And the work of his hands Thou acceptest, Smite the loins of his withstanders, And of those hating him -- that they rise not!

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:21 @And he provideth the first part for himself, For there the portion of the lawgiver is covered, And he cometh [with] the heads of the people; The righteousness of Jehovah he hath done, And His judgments with Israel.

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:23 @And of Naphtali he said: -- O Naphtali, satisfied with pleasure, And full of the blessing of Jehovah, West and south possess thou.

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:24 @And of Asher he said: -- Blessed with sons [is] Asher, Let him be accepted by his brethren, And dipping in oil his foot.

ylt@Deuteronomy:34:4 @And Jehovah saith unto him, 'This [is] the land which I have sworn to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, To thy seed I give it; I have caused thee to see with thine eyes, and thither thou dost not pass over.'

ylt@Joshua:1:5 @'No man doth station himself before thee all days of thy life; as I have been with Moses, I am with thee, I do not fail thee, nor forsake thee;

ylt@Joshua:1:9 @'Have not I commanded thee? be strong and courageous; be not terrified nor affrighted, for with thee [is] Jehovah thy God in every [place] whither thou goest.'

ylt@Joshua:1:11 @'Pass over into the midst of the camp, and command the people, saying, Prepare for yourselves provision, for within three days ye are passing over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which Jehovah your God is giving to you to possess it.'

ylt@Joshua:1:17 @according to all that we hearkened unto Moses [in], so we hearken unto thee; surely Jehovah thy God is with thee as He hath been with Moses.

ylt@Joshua:2:6 @and she hath caused them to go up on the roof, and hideth them with the flax wood, which is arranged for her on the roof.

ylt@Joshua:2:12 @'And now, swear ye, I pray you, to me by Jehovah -- because I have done with you kindness -- that ye have done, even ye, kindness with the house of my father, and have given to me a true token,

ylt@Joshua:2:14 @And the men say to her, 'Our soul for yours -- to die; if ye declare not this our matter, then it hath been, in Jehovah's giving to us this land, that we have done with thee kindness and truth.'

ylt@Joshua:2:19 @and it hath been, any one who goeth out from the doors of thy house without, his blood [is] on his head, and we are innocent; and any one who is with thee in the house, his blood [is] on our head, if a hand is on him;

ylt@Joshua:3:7 @And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'This day I begin to make thee great in the eyes of all Israel, so that they know that as I was with Moses I am with thee;

ylt@Joshua:4:3 @and command ye them, saying, Take up for you from this [place], from the midst of the Jordan, from the established standing-place of the feet of the priests, twelve stones, and ye have removed them over with you, and placed them in the lodging-place in which ye lodge to-night.'

ylt@Joshua:4:8 @And the sons of Israel do so as Joshua commanded, and take up twelve stones out of the midst of the Jordan, as Jehovah hath spoken unto Joshua, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Israel, and remove them over with them unto the lodging-place, and place them there,

ylt@Joshua:5:6 @for forty years have the sons of Israel gone in the wilderness, till all the nation of the men of war who are coming out of Egypt, who hearkened not to the voice of Jehovah, to whom Jehovah hath sworn not to show them the land which Jehovah sware to their fathers to give to us, a land flowing with milk and honey, are consumed;

ylt@Joshua:6:4 @and seven priests do bear seven trumpets of the jubilee before the ark, and on the seventh day ye compass the city seven times, and the priests blow with the trumpets,

ylt@Joshua:6:8 @And it cometh to pass, when Joshua speaketh unto the people, that the seven priests bearing seven trumpets of the jubilee before Jehovah have passed over and blown with the trumpets, and the ark of the covenant of Jehovah is going after them;

ylt@Joshua:6:9 @and he who is armed is going before the priests blowing the trumpets, and he who is gathering up is going after the ark, going on and blowing with the trumpets;

ylt@Joshua:6:13 @and seven priests bearing seven trumpets of the jubilee before the ark of Jehovah are walking, going on, and they have blown with the trumpets -- and he who is armed is going before them, and he who is gathering up is going behind the ark of Jehovah -- going on and blowing with the trumpets.

ylt@Joshua:6:16 @and it cometh to pass, at the seventh time, the priests have blown with the trumpets, and Joshua saith unto the people, 'Shout ye, for Jehovah hath given to you the city;

ylt@Joshua:6:17 @and the city hath been devoted, it and all that [is] in it, to Jehovah; only Rahab the harlot doth live, she and all who [are] with her in the house, for she hid the messengers whom we sent;

ylt@Joshua:6:20 @And the people shout, and blow with the trumpets, and it cometh to pass when the people hear the voice of the trumpet, that the people shout -- a great shout, and the wall falleth under it, and the people goeth up into the city, each over-against him, and they capture the city;

ylt@Joshua:6:24 @And the city they have burnt with fire, and all that [is] in it; only, the silver and the gold, and the vessels of brass, and of iron, they have given [to] the treasury of the house of Jehovah;

ylt@Joshua:6:27 @and Jehovah is with Joshua, and his fame is in all the land.

ylt@Joshua:7:12 @and the sons of Israel have not been able to stand before their enemies; the neck they turn before their enemies, for they have become a devoted thing; I add not to be with you -- if ye destroy not the devoted thing out of your midst.

ylt@Joshua:7:15 @and it hath been, he who is captured with the devoted thing is burnt with fire, he and all that he hath, because he hath transgressed the covenant of Jehovah, and because he hath done folly in Israel.'

ylt@Joshua:7:24 @And Joshua taketh Achan son of Zerah, and the silver, and the robe, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his ox, and his ass, and his flock, and his tent, and all that he hath, and all Israel with him, and they cause them to go up the valley of Achor.

ylt@Joshua:7:25 @And Joshua saith, 'What! thou hast troubled us! -- Jehovah doth trouble thee this day;' and all Israel cast stones at him, and they burn them with fire, and they stone them with stones,

ylt@Joshua:8:1 @And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'Fear not, nor be affrighted, take with thee all the people of war, and rise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land,

ylt@Joshua:8:5 @and I and all the people who [are] with me draw near unto the city, and it hath come to pass when they come out to meet us as at the first, and we have fled before them,

ylt@Joshua:8:8 @and it hath been, when ye capture the city, ye burn the city with fire, according to the word of Jehovah ye do, see, I have commanded you.'

ylt@Joshua:8:11 @and all the people of war who [are] with him have gone up, and draw nigh and come in over-against the city, and encamp on the north of Ai; and the valley [is] between him and Ai.

ylt@Joshua:8:18 @And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'Stretch out with the javelin which [is] in thy hand towards Ai, for into thy hand I give it;' and Joshua stretcheth out with the javelin which [is] in his hand toward the city,

ylt@Joshua:8:19 @and the ambush hath risen [with] haste, out of its place, and they run at the stretching out of his hand, and go into the city, and capture it, and hasten, and burn the city with fire.

ylt@Joshua:8:26 @And Joshua hath not brought back his hand which he stretched out with the javelin till that he hath devoted all the inhabitants of Ai;

ylt@Joshua:9:2 @that they gather themselves together to fight with Joshua, and with Israel -- one mouth.

ylt@Joshua:9:4 @and they work, even they, with subtilty, and go, and feign to be ambassadors, and take old sacks for their asses, and wine-bottles, old, and rent, and bound up,

ylt@Joshua:9:6 @And they go unto Joshua, unto the camp at Gilgal, and say unto him, and unto the men of Israel, 'From a land far off we have come, and now, make with us a covenant;'

ylt@Joshua:9:7 @and the men of Israel say unto the Hivite, 'It may be in our midst ye are dwelling, and how do we make with thee a covenant?'

ylt@Joshua:9:11 @'And our elders, and all the inhabitants of our land speak unto us, saying, Take in your hand provision for the way, and go to meet them, and ye have said unto them, Your servants we [are], and now, make with us a covenant;

ylt@Joshua:9:12 @this our bread -- hot we provided ourselves with it out of our houses, on the day of our coming out to go unto you, and now, lo, it is dry, and hath been crumbs;

ylt@Joshua:9:15 @and Joshua maketh with them peace, and maketh with them a covenant, to keep them alive; and swear to them do the princes of the company.

ylt@Joshua:9:16 @And it cometh to pass, at the end of three days after that they have made with them a covenant, that they hear that they [are] their neighbours -- that in their midst they are dwelling.

ylt@Joshua:10:1 @And it cometh to pass, when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heareth that Joshua hath captured Ai, and doth devote it (as he had done to Jericho and to her king so he hath done to Ai and to her king), and that the inhabitants of Gibeon have made peace with Israel, and are in their midst, --

ylt@Joshua:10:4 @'Come up unto me, and help me, and we smite Gibeon, for it hath made peace with Joshua, and with the sons of Israel.'

ylt@Joshua:10:6 @And the men of Gibeon send unto Joshua, unto the camp at Gilgal, saying, 'Let not thy hand cease from thy servants; come up unto us [with] haste, and give safety to us, and help us; for all the kings of the Amorite, dwelling in the hill-country, have been assembled against us.'

ylt@Joshua:10:7 @And Joshua goeth up from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, even all the mighty men of valour.

ylt@Joshua:10:15 @And Joshua turneth back, and all Israel with him, unto the camp at Gilgal.

ylt@Joshua:10:24 @And it cometh to pass, when they bring out these kings unto Joshua, that Joshua calleth unto every man of Israel, and saith unto the captains of the men of war, who have gone with him, 'Draw near, set your feet on the necks of these kings;' and they draw near, and set their feet on their necks.

ylt@Joshua:10:25 @And Joshua saith unto them, 'Fear not, nor be affrighted; be strong and courageous; for thus doth Jehovah do to all your enemies with whom ye are fighting;'

ylt@Joshua:10:29 @And Joshua passeth over, and all Israel with him, from Makkedah [to] Libnah, and fighteth with Libnah;

ylt@Joshua:10:31 @And Joshua passeth over, and all Israel with him, from Libnah to Lachish, and encampeth against it, and fighteth against it;

ylt@Joshua:10:34 @And Joshua passeth over, and all Israel with him, from Lachish to Eglon, and they encamp against it, and fight against it,

ylt@Joshua:10:36 @And Joshua goeth up, and all Israel with him, from Eglon to Hebron, and they fight against it,

ylt@Joshua:10:38 @And Joshua turneth back, and all Israel with him, to Debir, and fighteth against it,

ylt@Joshua:10:43 @and Joshua turneth back, and all Israel with him, unto the camp at Gilgal.

ylt@Joshua:11:4 @and they go out, they and all their camps with them, a people numerous, as the sand which [is] on the sea-shore for multitude, and horse and charioteer very many;

ylt@Joshua:11:5 @and all these kings are met together, and they come and encamp together at the waters of Merom, to fight with Israel.

ylt@Joshua:11:6 @And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'Be not afraid of their presence, for to-morrow about this time I am giving all of them wounded before Israel; their horses thou dost hough, and their chariots burn with fire.'

ylt@Joshua:11:7 @And Joshua cometh, and all the people of war with him, against them by the waters of Merom suddenly, and they fall on them;

ylt@Joshua:11:9 @and Joshua doth to them as Jehovah said to him; their horses he hath houghed, and their chariots burnt with fire.

ylt@Joshua:11:11 @and they smite every person who [is] in it by the mouth of the sword; he hath devoted -- he hath not left any one breathing, and Hazor he hath burnt with fire;

ylt@Joshua:11:18 @Many days hath Joshua made with all these kings war;

ylt@Joshua:11:19 @there hath not been a city which made peace with the sons of Israel save the Hivite, inhabitants of Gibeon; the whole they have taken in battle;

ylt@Joshua:11:20 @for from Jehovah it hath been to strengthen their heart, to meet in battle with Israel, in order to devote them, so that they have no grace, but in order to destroy them, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

ylt@Joshua:11:21 @And Joshua cometh at that time, and cutteth off the Anakim from the hill-country, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, even from all the hill-country of Judah, and from all the hill-country of Israel; with their cities hath Joshua devoted them.

ylt@Joshua:13:8 @with it the Reubenite, and the Gadite, have received their inheritance, which Moses hath given to them beyond the Jordan eastward, as Moses servant of Jehovah hath given to them;

ylt@Joshua:13:21 @and all the cities of the plain, and all the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorite, who reigned in Heshbon, whom Moses smote, with the princes of Midian, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, princes of Sihon, inhabitants of the land.

ylt@Joshua:13:22 @And Balaam, son of Beor, the diviner, have the sons of Israel slain with the sword, among their wounded ones.

ylt@Joshua:14:7 @a son of forty years [am] I in Moses, servant of Jehovah, sending me from Kadesh-Barnea, to spy the land, and I bring him back word as with my heart;

ylt@Joshua:14:8 @and my brethren who have gone up with me have caused the heart of the people to melt, and I have been fully after Jehovah my God;

ylt@Joshua:14:12 @'And now, give to me this hill-country, of which Jehovah spake in that day, for thou didst hear in that day, for Anakim [are] there, and cities, great, fenced; if so be Jehovah [is] with me, then I have dispossessed them, as Jehovah hath spoken.'

ylt@Joshua:15:63 @As to the Jebusites, inhabitants of Jerusalem, the sons of Judah have not been able to dispossess them, and the Jebusite dwelleth with the sons of Judah in Jerusalem unto this day.

ylt@Joshua:17:14 @And the sons of Joseph speak with Joshua, saying, 'Wherefore hast thou given to me an inheritance -- one lot and one portion, and I a numerous people? hitherto hath Jehovah blessed me.'

ylt@Joshua:17:16 @And the sons of Joseph say, 'The hill is not found to us, and a chariot of iron [is] with every Canaanite who is dwelling in the land of the valley -- to him who [is] in Beth-Shean and its towns, and to him who [is] in the valley of Jezreel.'

ylt@Joshua:19:46 @and Me-Jarkon, and Rakkon, with the border over-against Japho.

ylt@Joshua:19:47 @And the border of the sons of Dan goeth out from them, and the sons of Dan go up and fight with Leshem, and capture it, and smite it by the mouth of the sword, and possess it, and dwell in it, and call Leshem, Dan, according to the name of Dan their father.

ylt@Joshua:20:3 @for the fleeing thither of a man-slayer smiting life inadvertently, without knowledge; and they have been to you for a refuge from the redeemer of blood.

ylt@Joshua:20:4 @'When [one] hath fled unto one of these cities, and hath stood [at] the opening of the gate of the city, and hath spoken in the ears of the elders of that city his matter, then they have gathered him into the city unto them, and have given to him a place, and he hath dwelt with them.

ylt@Joshua:20:5 @'And when the redeemer of blood doth pursue after him, then they do not shut up the man-slayer into his hand, for without knowledge he hath smitten his neighbour, and is not hating him hitherto;

ylt@Joshua:22:5 @Only, be very watchful to do the command and the law which Moses, servant of Jehovah, commanded you, to love Jehovah your God, and to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commands, and to cleave to Him, and to serve Him, with all your heart, and with all your soul.'

ylt@Joshua:22:7 @And to the half of the tribe of Manasseh hath Moses given, in Bashan, and to its [other] half hath Joshua given with their brethren beyond the Jordan westward; and also when Joshua hath sent them away unto their tents, then he doth bless them,

ylt@Joshua:22:8 @and speak unto them, saying, 'With great riches turn ye back unto your tents, and with very much cattle, with silver, and with gold, and with brass, and with iron, and with very much raiment; divide the spoil of your enemies with your brethren.'

ylt@Joshua:22:14 @and ten princes with him, one prince, one prince, for a house of a father, for all the tribes of Israel, and each of them a head of a house of their fathers, for the thousands of Israel.

ylt@Joshua:22:15 @And they come in unto the sons of Reuben, and unto the sons of Gad, and unto the half of the tribe of Manasseh, unto the land of Gilead, and speak with them, saying,

ylt@Joshua:22:21 @And the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the half of the tribe of Manasseh, answer and speak with the heads of the thousands of Israel:

ylt@Joshua:22:27 @but a witness it [is] between us and you, and between our generations after us, to do the service of Jehovah before Him with our burnt-offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace-offerings, and your sons do not say hereafter to our sons, Ye have no portion in Jehovah.

ylt@Joshua:22:30 @And Phinehas the priest, and the princes of the company, and the heads of the thousands of Israel, who [are] with him, hear the words which the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the sons of Manasseh have spoken, and it is good in their eyes.

ylt@Joshua:23:7 @so as not to go in among these nations, these who are left with you; and of the name of their gods ye do not make mention, nor do ye swear, nor do ye serve them, nor do ye bow yourselves to them;

ylt@Joshua:23:12 @'But -- if ye at all turn back and have cleaved to the remnant of these nations, these who are left with you, and intermarried with them, and gone in to them, and they to you,

ylt@Joshua:23:14 @'And lo, I am going, to-day, in the way of all the earth, and ye have known -- with all your heart, and with all your soul -- that there hath not fallen one thing of all the good things which Jehovah your God hath spoken concerning you; the whole have come to you; there hath not failed of it one thing.

ylt@Joshua:24:6 @And I bring out your fathers from Egypt, and ye go into the sea, and the Egyptians pursue after your fathers, with chariot and with horsemen, to the Red Sea;

ylt@Joshua:24:8 @'And I bring you in unto the land of the Amorite who is dwelling beyond the Jordan, and they fight with you, and I give them into your hand, and ye possess their land, and I destroy them out of your presence.

ylt@Joshua:24:19 @And Joshua saith unto the people, 'Ye are not able to serve Jehovah, for a God most holy He [is]; a zealous God He [is]; He doth not bear with your transgression and with your sins.

ylt@Joshua:24:25 @And Joshua maketh a covenant with the people on that day, and layeth on it a statute and an ordinance, in Shechem.

ylt@Joshua:24:27 @And Joshua saith unto all the people, 'Lo, this stone is against us for a witness, for it hath heard all the sayings of Jehovah which He hath spoken with us, and it hath been against you for a witness, lest ye lie against your God.'

ylt@Joshua:24:32 @And the bones of Joseph, which the sons of Israel brought up out of Egypt, they buried in Shechem, in the portion of the field which Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor father of Shechem, with a hundred kesitah; and they are to the sons of Joseph for an inheritance.

ylt@Judges:1:3 @And Judah saith to Simeon his brother, 'Go up with me into my lot, and we fight against the Canaanite -- and I have gone, even I, with thee into thy lot;' and Simeon goeth with him.

ylt@Judges:1:16 @And the sons of the Kenite, father-in-law of Moses, have gone up out of the city of palms with the sons of Judah [to] the wilderness of Judah, which [is] in the south of Arad, and they go and dwell with the people.

ylt@Judges:1:17 @And Judah goeth with Simeon his brother, and they smite the Canaanite inhabiting Zephath, and devote it; and [one] calleth the name of the city Hormah.

ylt@Judges:1:19 @and Jehovah is with Judah, and he occupieth the hill-country, but not to dispossess the inhabitants of the valley, for they have chariots of iron.

ylt@Judges:1:21 @And the Jebusite, inhabiting Jerusalem, the sons of Benjamin have not dispossessed; and the Jebusite dwelleth with the sons of Benjamin, in Jerusalem, till this day.

ylt@Judges:1:22 @And the house of Joseph go up -- even they -- to Beth-El, and Jehovah [is] with them;

ylt@Judges:1:24 @and the watchers see a man coming out from the city, and say to him, 'Shew us, we pray thee, the entrance of the city, and we have done with thee kindness.'

ylt@Judges:2:2 @and saith, 'I cause you to come up out of Egypt, and bring you in unto the land which I have sworn to your fathers, and say, I do not break My covenant with you to the age; and ye -- ye make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land -- their altars ye break down; and ye have not hearkened to My voice -- what [is] this ye have done?

ylt@Judges:2:17 @and also unto their judges they have not hearkened, but have gone a-whoring after other gods, and bow themselves to them; they have turned aside [with] haste out of the way [in] which their fathers walked to obey the commands of Jehovah -- they have not done so.

ylt@Judges:2:18 @And when Jehovah raised up to them judges -- then was Jehovah with the judge, and saved them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for it repenteth Jehovah, because of their groaning from the presence of their oppressors, and of those thrusting them away.

ylt@Judges:3:27 @And it cometh to pass, in his coming in, that he bloweth with a trumpet in the hill-country of Ephraim, and go down with him do the sons of Israel from the hill-country, and he before them;

ylt@Judges:3:31 @And after him hath been Shamgar son of Anath, and he smiteth the Philistines -- six hundred men -- with an ox-goad, and he saveth -- he also -- Israel.

ylt@Judges:4:6 @And she sendeth and calleth for Barak son of Abinoam, out of Kedesh-Naphtali, and saith unto him, 'Hath not Jehovah, God of Israel, commanded? go, and thou hast drawn towards mount Tabor, and hast taken with thee ten thousand men, out of the sons of Naphtali, and out of the sons of Zebulun,

ylt@Judges:4:8 @And Barak saith unto her, 'If thou dost go with me, then I have gone; and if thou dost not go with me, I do not go;'

ylt@Judges:4:9 @and she saith, 'I do certainly go with thee; only, surely thy glory is not on the way which thou art going, for into the hand of a woman doth Jehovah sell Sisera;' and Deborah riseth and goeth with Barak to Kedesh.

ylt@Judges:4:10 @And Barak calleth Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh, and he goeth up -- at his feet [are] ten thousand men -- and Deborah goeth up with him.

ylt@Judges:4:13 @and Sisera calleth all his chariots, nine hundred chariots of iron, and all the people who [are] with him, from Harosheth of the Goyim, unto the brook Kishon.

ylt@Judges:4:18 @and Jael goeth out to meet Sisera, and saith unto him, 'Turn aside, my lord, turn aside unto me, fear not;' and he turneth aside unto her, into the tent, and she covereth him with a coverlet.

ylt@Judges:5:14 @Out of Ephraim their root [is] against Amalek. After thee, Benjamin, among thy peoples. Out of Machir came down lawgivers, And out of Zebulun those drawing with the reed of a writer.

ylt@Judges:5:15 @And princes in Issachar [are] with Deborah, Yea, Issachar [is] right with Barak, Into the valley he was sent on his feet. In the divisions of Reuben, Great [are] the decrees of heart!

ylt@Judges:5:20 @From the heavens they fought: The stars from their highways fought with Sisera.

ylt@Judges:6:5 @for they and their cattle come up, with their tents; they come in as the fulness of the locust for multitude, and of them and of their cattle there is no number, and they come into the land to destroy it.

ylt@Judges:6:12 @and the messenger of Jehovah appeareth unto him, and saith unto him, 'Jehovah [is] with thee, O mighty one of valour.'

ylt@Judges:6:13 @And Gideon saith unto him, 'O, my lord -- and Jehovah is with us! -- and why hath all this found us? and where [are] all His wonders which our fathers recounted to us, saying, Hath not Jehovah brought us up out of Egypt? and now Jehovah hath left us, and doth give us into the hand of Midian.'

ylt@Judges:6:15 @And he saith unto him, 'O, my lord, wherewith do I save Israel? lo, my chief [is] weak in Manasseh, and I the least in the house of my father.'

ylt@Judges:6:16 @And Jehovah saith unto him, 'Because I am with thee -- thou hast smitten the Midianites as one man.'

ylt@Judges:6:17 @And he saith unto Him, 'If, I pray Thee, I have found grace in Thine eyes, then Thou hast done for me a sign that Thou art speaking with me.

ylt@Judges:6:26 @and thou hast built an altar to Jehovah thy God on the top of this stronghold, by the arrangement, and hast taken the second bullock, and caused to ascend a burnt-offering with the wood of the shrine which thou cuttest down.'

ylt@Judges:6:34 @and the Spirit of Jehovah hath clothed Gideon, and he bloweth with a trumpet, and Abi-Ezer is called after him;

ylt@Judges:6:39 @And Gideon saith unto God, 'Let not Thine anger burn against me, and I speak only this time; let me try, I pray Thee, only this time with the fleece -- let there be, I pray Thee, drought on the fleece alone, and on all the earth let there be dew.'

ylt@Judges:7:1 @And Jerubbaal (he [is] Gideon) riseth early, and all the people who [are] with him, and they encamp by the well of Harod, and the camp of Midian hath been on the south of him, on the height of Moreh, in the valley.

ylt@Judges:7:2 @And Jehovah saith unto Gideon, 'Too many [are] the people who [are] with thee for My giving Midian into their hand, lest Israel beautify itself against Me, saying, My hand hath given salvation to me;

ylt@Judges:7:4 @And Jehovah saith unto Gideon, 'Yet [are] the people too many; bring them down unto the water, and I refine it for thee there; and it hath been, he of whom I say unto thee, This doth go with thee -- he doth go with thee; and any of whom I say unto thee, This doth not go with thee -- he doth not go.'

ylt@Judges:7:5 @And he bringeth down the people unto the water, and Jehovah saith unto Gideon, 'Every one who lappeth with his tongue of the water as the dog lappeth -- thou dost set him apart; also every one who boweth on his knees to drink.'

ylt@Judges:7:6 @And the number of those lapping with their hand unto their mouth is three hundred men, and all the rest of the people have bowed down on their knees to drink water.

ylt@Judges:7:16 @And he divideth the three hundred men [into] three detachments, and putteth trumpets into the hand of all of them, and empty pitchers, and lamps within the pitchers.

ylt@Judges:7:18 @and I have blown with a trumpet -- I and all who [are] with me, and ye have blown with trumpets, even ye, round about all the camp, and have said, For Jehovah and for Gideon.'

ylt@Judges:7:19 @And Gideon cometh -- and the hundred men who [are] with him -- into the extremity of the camp, [at] the beginning of the middle watch (it hath only just confirmed the watchmen), and they blow with trumpets -- dashing in pieces also the pitchers which [are] in their hand;

ylt@Judges:7:20 @and the three detachments blow with trumpets, and break the pitchers, and keep hold with their left hand on the lamps, and with their right hand on the trumpets to blow, and they cry, 'The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon.'

ylt@Judges:8:1 @And the men of Ephraim say unto him, 'What [is] this thing thou hast done to us -- not to call for us when thou didst go to fight with Midian?' and they strive with him severely;

ylt@Judges:8:4 @And Gideon cometh in unto the Jordan, passing over, he and the three hundred men who [are] with him -- wearied, and pursuing,

ylt@Judges:8:7 @And Gideon saith, 'Therefore -- in Jehovah's giving Zebah and Zalmunna into my hand -- I have threshed your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness, and with the threshing instruments.'

ylt@Judges:8:10 @And Zebah and Zalmunna [are] in Karkor, and their camps with them, about fifteen thousand, all who are left of all the camp of the sons of the east; and those falling [are] a hundred and twenty thousand men, drawing sword.

ylt@Judges:8:15 @And he cometh in unto the men of Succoth, and saith, 'Lo Zebah and Zalmunna, with whom ye reproached me, saying, Is the hand of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thy hand that we give to thy men who [are] wearied bread?'

ylt@Judges:8:35 @neither have they done kindness with the house of Jerubbaal -- Gideon -- according to all the good which he did with Israel.

ylt@Judges:9:4 @and they give to him seventy silverings out of the house of Baal-Berith, and Abimelech hireth with them men, vain and unstable, and they go after him;

ylt@Judges:9:16 @'And, now, if in truth and in sincerity ye have acted, when ye make Abimelech king; and if ye have done good with Jerubbaal, and with his house; and if according to the deed of his hands ye have done to him --

ylt@Judges:9:19 @yea, if in truth and in sincerity ye have acted with Jerubbaal and with his house this day, rejoice ye in Abimelech, and he doth rejoice -- even he -- in you;

ylt@Judges:9:23 @and God sendeth an evil spirit between Abimelech and the masters of Shechem, and the masters of Shechem deal treacherously with Abimelech,

ylt@Judges:9:32 @and, now, rise by night, thou and the people who [are] with thee, and lay wait in the field,

ylt@Judges:9:33 @and it hath been, in the morning, about the rising of the sun, thou dost rise early, and hast pushed against the city; and lo, he and the people who [are] with him are going out unto thee -- and thou hast done to him as thy hand doth find.'

ylt@Judges:9:34 @And Abimelech riseth, and all the people who [are] with him, by night, and they lay wait against Shechem -- four detachments;

ylt@Judges:9:35 @and Gaal son of Ebed goeth out, and standeth at the opening of the gate of the city, and Abimelech riseth -- also the people who [are] with him -- from the ambush,

ylt@Judges:9:44 @And Abimelech and the detachments who [are] with him have pushed on, and stand at the opening of the gate of the city, and the two detachments have pushed against all who are in the field, and smite them,

ylt@Judges:9:45 @and Abimelech hath fought against the city all that day, and captureth the city, and the people who [are] in it he hath slain, and he breaketh down the city, and soweth it [with] salt.

ylt@Judges:9:48 @and Abimelech goeth up to mount Zalmon, he and all the people who [are] with him, and Abimelech taketh the great axe in his hand, and cutteth off a bough of the trees, and lifteth it up, and setteth [it] on his shoulder, and saith unto the people who [are] with him, 'What ye have seen I have done -- haste, do ye like it.'

ylt@Judges:9:49 @And all the people also cut down each one his bough, and go after Abimelech, and set [them] at the high place, and burn by these the high place with fire, and also all the men of the tower of Shechem die, about a thousand men and women.

ylt@Judges:9:52 @And Abimelech cometh unto the tower, and fighteth against it, and draweth nigh unto the opening of the tower to burn it with fire,

ylt@Judges:10:16 @And they turn aside the gods of the stranger out of their midst, and serve Jehovah, and His soul is grieved with the misery of Israel.

ylt@Judges:11:3 @And Jephthah fleeth from the face of his brethren, and dwelleth in the land of Tob; and vain men gather themselves together unto Jephthah, and they go out with him.

ylt@Judges:11:4 @And it cometh to pass, after a time, that the Bene-Ammon fight with Israel,

ylt@Judges:11:5 @and it cometh to pass, when the Bene-Ammon have fought with Israel, that the elders of Gilead go to take Jephthah from the land of Tob;

ylt@Judges:11:8 @and the elders of Gilead say unto Jephthah, 'Therefore, now, we have turned back unto thee; and thou hast gone with us, and fought against the Bene-Ammon, and thou hast been to us for head -- to all the inhabitants of Gilead.'

ylt@Judges:11:11 @And Jephthah goeth with the elders of Gilead, and the people set him over them for head and for captain, and Jephthah speaketh all his words before Jehovah in Mizpeh.

ylt@Judges:11:20 @and Sihon hath not trusted Israel to pass over through his border, and Sihon gathereth all his people, and they encamp in Jahaz, and fight with Israel;

ylt@Judges:11:25 @'And now, [art] thou at all better than Balak son of Zippor, king of Moab? did he at all strive with Israel? did he at all fight against them?

ylt@Judges:11:27 @And I -- I have not sinned against thee, and thou art doing with me evil -- to fight against me. Jehovah, the Judge, doth judge to-day between the sons of Israel and the sons of Ammon.'

ylt@Judges:11:34 @And Jephthah cometh into Mizpeh, unto his house, and lo, his daughter is coming out to meet him with timbrels, and with choruses, and save her alone, he hath none, son or daughter.

ylt@Judges:12:1 @And the men of Ephraim are called together, and pass over northward, and say to Jephthah, 'Wherefore has thou passed over to fight against the Bene-Ammon, and on us hast not called to go with thee? thy house we burn over thee with fire.'

ylt@Judges:12:2 @And Jephthah saith unto them, 'A man of great strife I have been (I and my people) with the Bene-Ammon, and I call you, and ye have not saved me out of their hand,

ylt@Judges:12:4 @And Jephthah gathered all the men of Gilead, and fighteth with Ephraim, and the men of Gilead smite Ephraim, because they said, 'Fugitives of Ephraim [are] ye Gileadites, in the midst of Ephraim -- in the midst of Manasseh.'

ylt@Judges:12:9 @and he hath thirty sons and thirty daughters, he hath sent without and thirty daughters hath brought in to his sons from without; and he judgeth Israel seven years.

ylt@Judges:13:9 @And God hearkeneth to the voice of Manoah, and the messenger of God cometh again unto the woman, and she [is] sitting in a field, and Manoah her husband is not with her,

ylt@Judges:14:11 @and it cometh to pass when they see him, that they take thirty companions, and they are with him.

ylt@Judges:14:15 @And it cometh to pass, on the seventh day, that they say to Samson's wife, 'Entice thy husband, that he declare to us the riddle, lest we burn thee and the house of thy father with fire; to possess us have ye called for us? is it not?'

ylt@Judges:14:18 @And the men of the city say to him on the seventh day, before the sun goeth in: -- 'What [is] sweeter than honey? And what stronger than a lion?' And he saith to them: 'Unless ye had ploughed with my heifer, Ye had not found out my riddle.'

ylt@Judges:15:1 @And it cometh to pass, after [some] days, in the days of wheat-harvest, that Samson looketh after his wife, with a kid of the goats, and saith, 'I go in unto my wife, to the inner chamber;' and her father hath not permitted him to go in,

ylt@Judges:15:3 @And Samson saith of them, 'I am more innocent this time than the Philistines, though I am doing with them evil.'

ylt@Judges:15:6 @And the Philistines say, 'Who hath done this?' And they say, 'Samson, son-in-law of the Timnite, because he hath taken away his wife, and giveth her to his companion;' and the Philistines go up, and burn her and her father with fire.

ylt@Judges:15:13 @And they speak to him, saying, No, but we certainly bind thee, and have given thee into their hand, and we certainly do not put thee to death;' and they bind him with two thick bands, new ones, and bring him up from the rock.

ylt@Judges:15:14 @He hath come unto Lehi -- and the Philistines have shouted at meeting him -- and the Spirit of Jehovah prospereth over him, and the thick bands which [are] on his arms are as flax which they burn with fire, and his bands are wasted from off his hands,

ylt@Judges:15:15 @and he findeth a fresh jaw-bone of an ass, and putteth forth his hand and taketh it, and smiteth with it -- a thousand men.

ylt@Judges:15:16 @And Samson saith, 'With a jaw-bone of the ass -- an ass upon asses -- with a jaw-bone of the ass I have smitten a thousand men.'

ylt@Judges:15:18 @and he thirsteth exceedingly, and calleth unto Jehovah, and saith, 'Thou -- Thou hast given by the hand of Thy servant this great salvation; and now, I die with thirst, and have fallen into the hand of the uncircumcised.'

ylt@Judges:16:3 @And Samson lieth down till the middle of the night, and riseth in the middle of the night, and layeth hold on the doors of the gate of the city, and on the two side posts, and removeth them with the bar, and putteth on his shoulders, and taketh them up unto the top of the hill, which [is] on the front of Hebron.

ylt@Judges:16:6 @And Delilah saith unto Samson, 'Declare, I pray thee, to me, wherein thy great power [is], and wherewith thou art bound, to afflict thee.'

ylt@Judges:16:7 @And Samson saith unto her, 'If they bind me with seven green withs which have not been dried, then I have been weak, and have been as one of the human race.'

ylt@Judges:16:8 @And the princes of the Philistines bring up to her seven green withs which have not been dried, and she bindeth him with them.

ylt@Judges:16:9 @And the ambush is abiding with her in an inner chamber, and she saith unto him, 'Philistines [are] upon thee, Samson;' and he breaketh the withs as a thread of tow is broken in its smelling fire, and his power hath not been known.

ylt@Judges:16:10 @And Delilah saith unto Samson, 'Lo, thou hast played upon me, and speakest unto me lies; now, declare, I pray thee, to me, wherewith thou art bound.'

ylt@Judges:16:11 @And he saith unto her, 'If they certainly bind me with thick bands, new ones, by which work hath not been done, then I have been weak, and have been as one of the human race.'

ylt@Judges:16:12 @And Delilah taketh thick bands, new ones, and bindeth him with them, and saith unto him, 'Philistines [are] upon thee, Samson;' and the ambush is abiding in an inner chamber, and he breaketh them from off his arms as a thread.

ylt@Judges:16:13 @And Delilah saith unto Samson, 'Hitherto thou hast played upon me, and dost speak unto me lies; declare to me wherewith thou art bound.' And he saith unto her, 'If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web.'

ylt@Judges:16:14 @And she fixeth [it] with the pin, and saith unto him, 'Philistines [are] upon thee, Samson;' and he awaketh out of his sleep, and journeyeth with the pin of the weaving machine, and with the web.

ylt@Judges:16:15 @And she saith unto him, 'How dost thou say, I have loved thee, and thy heart is not with me? these three times thou hast played upon me, and hast not declared to me wherein thy great power [is].'

ylt@Judges:16:16 @And it cometh to pass, because she distressed him with her words all the days, and doth urge him, and his soul is grieved to death,

ylt@Judges:16:21 @And the Philistines seize him, and pick out his eyes, and bring him down to Gaza, and bind him with two brazen fetters; and he is grinding in the prison-house.

ylt@Judges:16:29 @And Samson turneth aside [to] the two middle pillars, on which the house is established, and on which it is supported, [to] the one with his right hand, and one with his left;

ylt@Judges:16:30 @and Samson saith, 'Let me die with the Philistines,' and he inclineth himself powerfully, and the house falleth on the princes, and on all the people who [are] in it, and the dead whom he hath put to death in his death are more than those whom he put to death in his life.

ylt@Judges:17:2 @and he saith to his mother, 'The eleven hundred silverlings which have been taken of thine, and [of which] thou hast sworn, and also spoken in mine ears; lo, the silver [is] with me, I have taken it;' and his mother saith, 'Blessed [is] my son of Jehovah.'

ylt@Judges:17:10 @And Micah saith to him, 'Dwell with me, and be to me for a father and for a priest, and I give to thee ten silverlings for the days, and a suit of garments, and thy sustenance;' and the Levite goeth [in].

ylt@Judges:17:11 @And the Levite is willing to dwell with the man, and the young man is to him as one of his sons.

ylt@Judges:18:3 @They [are] with the household of Micah, and they have discerned the voice of the young man, the Levite, and turn aside there, and say to him, 'Who hath brought thee hither? and what art thou doing in this [place?] and what to thee here?'

ylt@Judges:18:7 @And the five men go, and come in to Laish, and see the people which [is] in its midst, dwelling confidently, according to the custom of Zidonians, quiet and confident; and there is none putting to shame in the land in [any] thing, possessing restraint, and they [are] far off from the Zidonians, and have no word with [any] man.

ylt@Judges:18:11 @And there journey thence, of the family of the Danite, from Zorah, and from Eshtaol, six hundred men girded with weapons of war.

ylt@Judges:18:16 @(and the six hundred men girded with their weapons of war, who [are] of the sons of Dan, are standing at the opening of the gate), --

ylt@Judges:18:17 @yea, the five men, those going to traverse the land, go up -- they have come in thither -- they have taken the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image -- and the priest is standing at the opening of the gate, and the six hundred men who are girded with weapons of war --

ylt@Judges:18:19 @and they say to him, 'Keep silent, lay thy hand on thy mouth, and go with us, and be to us for a father and for a priest: is it better thy being a priest to the house of one man, or thy being priest to a tribe and to a family in Israel?'

ylt@Judges:18:25 @And the sons of Dan say unto him, 'Let not thy voice be heard with us, lest men bitter in soul fall upon you, and thou hast gathered thy life, and the life of thy household;'

ylt@Judges:18:27 @And they have taken that which Micah had made, and the priest whom he had, and come in against Laish, against a people quiet and confident, and smite them by the mouth of the sword, and the city have burnt with fire,

ylt@Judges:18:28 @and there is no deliverer, for it [is] far off from Zidon, and they have no word with [any] man, and it [is] in the valley which [is] by Beth-Rehob; and they build the city, and dwell in it,

ylt@Judges:19:3 @And her husband riseth and goeth after her, to speak unto her heart, to bring her back, and his young man [is] with him, and a couple of asses; and she bringeth him into the house of her father, and the father of the young woman seeth him, and rejoiceth to meet him.

ylt@Judges:19:4 @And keep hold on him doth his father-in-law, father of the young woman, and he abideth with him three days, and they eat and drink, and lodge there.

ylt@Judges:19:5 @And it cometh to pass, on the fourth day, that they rise early in the morning, and he riseth to go, and the father of the young woman saith unto his son-in-law, 'Support thy heart with a morsel of bread, and afterward ye go on.'

ylt@Judges:19:10 @And the man hath not been willing to lodge all night, and he riseth, and goeth, and cometh in till over-against Jebus (It [is] Jerusalem), and with him [are] a couple of asses saddled; and his concubine [is] with him.

ylt@Judges:19:19 @and both straw and provender are for our asses, and also bread and wine there are for me, and for thy handmaid, and for the young man with thy servants; there is no lack of anything.'

ylt@Judges:19:25 @And the men have not been willing to hearken to him, and the man taketh hold on his concubine, and bringeth [her] out unto them without, and they know her, and roll themselves upon her all the night, till the morning, and send her away in the ascending of the dawn;

ylt@Judges:20:14 @and the sons of Benjamin are gathered out of the cities to Gibeah, to go out to battle with the sons of Israel.

ylt@Judges:20:16 @among all this people [are] seven hundred chosen men, bound of their right hand, each of these slinging with a stone at the hair, and he doth not err.

ylt@Judges:20:18 @And they rise and go up to Beth-El, and ask of God, and the sons of Israel say, 'Who doth go up for us at the commencement to battle with the sons of Benjamin?' and Jehovah saith, 'Judah -- at the commencement.'

ylt@Judges:20:20 @and the men of Israel go out to battle with Benjamin, and the men of Israel set themselves in array with them, [for] battle against Gibeah,

ylt@Judges:20:23 @And the sons of Israel go up and weep before Jehovah till the evening, and ask of Jehovah, saying, 'Do I add to draw nigh to battle with the sons of Benjamin, my brother?' And Jehovah saith, 'Go up against him.'

ylt@Judges:20:28 @and Phinehas son of Eleazar, son of Aaron, is standing before it in those days -- saying, 'Do I add again to go out to battle with the sons of Benjamin, my brother, or do I cease?' And Jehovah saith, 'Go up, for to-morrow I give him into thy hand.'

ylt@Judges:20:38 @And there was the appointed sign to the men of Israel with the ambush -- their causing to go up a great volume of smoke from the city.

ylt@Judges:20:43 @they have compassed the Benjamites -- they have pursued them -- with ease they have trodden them down till over-against Gibeah, at the sun-rising.

ylt@Ruth:1:7 @And she goeth out from the place where she hath been, and her two daughters-in-law with her, and they go in the way to turn back unto the land of Judah.

ylt@Ruth:1:8 @And Naomi saith to her two daughters-in-law, 'Go, turn back, each to the house of her mother; Jehovah doth with you kindness as ye have done with the dead, and with me;

ylt@Ruth:1:10 @And they say to her, 'Surely with thee we go back to thy people.'

ylt@Ruth:1:11 @And Naomi saith, 'Turn back, my daughters; why do ye go with me? are there yet to me sons in my bowels that they have been to you for husbands?

ylt@Ruth:1:18 @And she seeth that she is strengthening herself to go with her, and she ceaseth to speak unto her;

ylt@Ruth:1:22 @And Naomi turneth back, and Ruth the Moabitess her daughter-in-law with her, who hath turned back from the fields of Moab, and they have come in to Beth-Lehem at the commencement of barley-harvest.

ylt@Ruth:2:4 @And lo, Boaz hath come from Beth-Lehem, and saith to the reapers, 'Jehovah [is] with you;' and they say to him, 'Jehovah doth bless thee.'

ylt@Ruth:2:6 @And the young man who is set over the reapers answereth and saith, 'A young woman -- Moabitess -- she [is], who came back with Naomi from the fields of Moab,

ylt@Ruth:2:11 @And Boaz answereth and saith to her, 'It hath thoroughly been declared to me all that thou hast done with thy mother-in-law, after the death of thy husband, and thou dost leave thy father, and thy mother, and the land of thy birth, and dost come in unto a people which thou hast not known heretofore.

ylt@Ruth:2:19 @And her mother-in-law saith to her, 'Where hast thou gleaned to-day? and where hast thou wrought? may he who is discerning thee be blessed.' And she declareth to her mother-in-law with whom she hath wrought, and saith, 'The name of the man with whom I have wrought to-day [is] Boaz.'

ylt@Ruth:2:20 @And Naomi saith to her daughter-in-law, 'Blessed [is] he of Jehovah who hath not forsaken His kindness with the living and with the dead;' and Naomi saith to her, 'The man is a relation of ours; he [is] of our redeemers.'

ylt@Ruth:2:22 @And Naomi saith unto Ruth her daughter-in-law, 'Good, my daughter, that thou goest out with his young women, and they come not against thee in another field.'

ylt@Ruth:2:23 @And she cleaveth to the young women of Boaz to glean, till the completion of the barley-harvest, and of the wheat-harvest, and she dwelleth with her mother-in-law.

ylt@Ruth:3:1 @And Naomi her mother-in-law saith to her, 'My daughter, do not I seek for thee rest, that it may be well with thee?

ylt@Ruth:3:2 @and now, is not Boaz of our acquaintance, with whose young women thou hast been? lo, he is winnowing the threshing-floor of barley to-night,

ylt@1Samuel:1:24 @and she causeth him to go up with her when she hath weaned him, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and she bringeth him into the house of Jehovah at Shiloh, and the youth [is but] a youth.

ylt@1Samuel:1:26 @and she saith, 'O, my lord, thy soul liveth! my lord, I [am] the woman who stood with thee in this [place], to pray unto Jehovah;

ylt@1Samuel:2:5 @The satiated for bread hired themselves, And the hungry have ceased. While the barren hath borne seven, And she abounding with sons hath languished.

ylt@1Samuel:2:8 @He raiseth from the dust the poor, From a dunghill He lifteth up the needy, To cause [them] to sit with nobles, Yea, a throne of honour He doth cause them to inherit, For to Jehovah [are] the fixtures of earth, And He setteth on them the habitable world.

ylt@1Samuel:2:13 @And the custom of the priests with the people [is]: any man sacrificing a sacrifice -- then hath the servant of the priest come in when the flesh is boiling, and the hook of three teeth in his hand,

ylt@1Samuel:2:15 @Also before they make perfume with the fat -- then hath the priest's servant come in, and said to the man who is sacrificing, 'Give flesh to roast for the priest, and he doth not take of thee flesh boiled, but raw;'

ylt@1Samuel:2:16 @and the man saith unto him, 'Let them surely make a perfume (as to-day) with the fat, then take to thee as thy soul desireth;' and he hath said to him, 'Surely now thou dost give; and if not -- I have taken by strength.'

ylt@1Samuel:2:18 @And Samuel is ministering [in] the presence of Jehovah, a youth girt [with] an ephod of linen;

ylt@1Samuel:2:19 @and a small upper coat doth his mother make to him, and she hath brought it up to him from time to time, in her coming up with her husband to sacrifice the sacrifice of the time.

ylt@1Samuel:2:21 @When Jehovah hath looked after Hannah, then she conceiveth and beareth three sons and two daughters; and the youth Samuel groweth up with Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:2:22 @And Eli [is] very old, and hath heard all that his sons do to all Israel, and how that they lie with the women who are assembling [at] the opening of the tent of meeting,

ylt@1Samuel:2:26 @And the youth Samuel is going on and growing up, and [is] good both with Jehovah, and also with men.

ylt@1Samuel:2:32 @and thou hast beheld an adversary [in My] habitation, in all that He doth good with Israel, and there is not an old man in thy house all the days.

ylt@1Samuel:3:19 @And Samuel groweth up, and Jehovah hath been with him, and hath not let fall any of his words to the earth;

ylt@1Samuel:4:4 @And the people sendeth to Shiloh, and they take up thence the ark of the covenant of Jehovah of Hosts, inhabiting the cherubs, and there [are] two sons of Eli, with the ark of the covenant of God, Hophni and Phinehas.

ylt@1Samuel:4:8 @Wo to us, who doth deliver us out of the hand of these honourable gods? these [are] the gods who are smiting the Egyptians with every plague in the wilderness.

ylt@1Samuel:5:6 @And the hand of Jehovah is heavy on the Ashdodites, and He maketh them desolate, and smiteth them with emerods, Ashdod and its borders.

ylt@1Samuel:5:7 @And the men of Ashdod see that [it is] so, and have said, 'The ark of the God of Israel doth not abide with us, for hard hath been His hand upon us, and upon Dagon our god.'

ylt@1Samuel:5:12 @and the men who have not died have been smitten with emerods, and the cry of the city goeth up into the heavens.

ylt@1Samuel:6:2 @and the Philistines call for priests and for diviners, saying, 'What do we do to the ark of Jehovah? let us know wherewith we send it to its place?'

ylt@1Samuel:6:15 @And the Levites have taken down the ark of Jehovah, and the coffer which [is] with it, in which [are] the vessels of gold, and place [them] on the great stone; and the men of Beth-Shemesh have caused to ascend burnt-offerings and sacrifice sacrifices in that day to Jehovah;

ylt@1Samuel:7:3 @And Samuel speaketh unto all the house of Israel, saying, 'If with all your heart ye are turning back unto Jehovah -- turn aside the gods of the stranger from your midst, and Ashtaroth; and prepare your heart unto Jehovah, and serve Him only, and He doth deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.'

ylt@1Samuel:7:10 @and Samuel is causing the burnt-offering to go up -- and the Philistines have drawn nigh to battle against Israel -- and Jehovah doth thunder with a great noise, on that day, upon the Philistines, and troubleth them, and they are smitten before Israel.

ylt@1Samuel:9:3 @And the asses of Kish, father of Saul, are lost, and Kish saith unto Saul his son, 'Take, I pray thee, with thee, one of the young men, and rise, go, seek the asses.'

ylt@1Samuel:9:5 @They have come in unto the land of Zuph, and Saul hath said to his young man who [is] with him, 'Come, and we turn back, lest my father leave off from the asses, and hath been sorrowful for us.'

ylt@1Samuel:9:7 @And Saul saith to his young man, 'And lo, we go, and what do we bring in to the man? for the bread hath gone from our vessels, and a present there is not to bring in to the man of God -- what [is] with us?'

ylt@1Samuel:9:8 @And the young man addeth to answer Saul, and saith, 'Lo, there is found with me a fourth of a shekel of silver: and I have given to the man of God, and he hath declared to us our way.'

ylt@1Samuel:9:19 @And Samuel answereth Saul and saith, 'I [am] the seer; go up before me into the high place, and ye have eaten with me to-day, and I have sent thee away in the morning, and all that [is] in thy heart I declare to thee.

ylt@1Samuel:9:24 @(and the cook lifteth up the leg, and that which [is] on it, and setteth before Saul), and he saith, 'Lo, that which is left; set [it] before thee -- eat, for to this appointed season it is kept for thee, saying, The people I have called;' and Saul eateth with Samuel on that day.

ylt@1Samuel:9:25 @And they come down from the high place to the city, and he speaketh with Saul on the roof.

ylt@1Samuel:9:26 @And they rise early, and it cometh to pass, at the ascending of the dawn, that Samuel calleth unto Saul, on the roof, saying, 'Rise, and I send thee away;' and Saul riseth, and they go out, both of them -- he and Samuel, without.

ylt@1Samuel:10:6 @and prospered over thee hath the Spirit of Jehovah, and thou hast prophesied with them, and hast been turned to another man;

ylt@1Samuel:10:7 @and it hath been, when these signs come to thee -- do for thyself as thy hand findeth, for God [is] with thee.

ylt@1Samuel:10:11 @And it cometh to pass, all his acquaintance heretofore, see, and lo, with prophets he hath prophesied, and the people say one unto another, 'What [is] this hath happened to the son of Kish? is Saul also among the prophets?'

ylt@1Samuel:10:26 @And also Saul hath gone to his house, to Gibeah, and the force go with him whose heart God hath touched;

ylt@1Samuel:11:1 @And Nahash the Ammonite cometh up, and encampeth against Jabesh-Gilead, and all the men of Jabesh say unto Nahash, 'Make with us a covenant, and we serve thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:11:2 @And Nahash the Ammonite saith unto them, 'For this I covenant with you, by picking out to you every right eye -- and I have put it a reproach on all Israel.'

ylt@1Samuel:12:2 @and now, lo, the king is walking habitually before you, and I have become aged and gray-headed, and my sons, lo, they [are] with you, and I have walked habitually before you from my youth till this day.

ylt@1Samuel:12:3 @'Lo, here [am] I; testify against me, over-against Jehovah, and over-against His anointed; whose ox have I taken, and whose ass have I taken, and whom have I oppressed; whom have I bruised, and of whose hand have I taken a ransom, and hide mine eyes with it? -- and I restore to you.'

ylt@1Samuel:12:7 @and, now, station yourselves, and I judge you before Jehovah, with all the righteous acts of Jehovah, which He did with you, and with your fathers.

ylt@1Samuel:12:20 @And Samuel saith unto the people, 'Fear not; ye have done all this evil; only, turn not aside from after Jehovah -- and ye have served Jehovah with all your heart,

ylt@1Samuel:12:24 @only, fear ye Jehovah, and ye have served Him in truth with all your heart, for see that which He hath made great with you;

ylt@1Samuel:13:2 @and Saul chooseth for himself three thousand [men] out of Israel; and two thousand are with Saul in Michmash, and in the hill-country of Beth-El; and a thousand have been with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin; and the remnant of the people he hath sent each to his tents.

ylt@1Samuel:13:3 @And Jonathan smiteth the garrison of the Philistines which [is] in Geba, and the Philistines hear, and Saul hath blown with a trumpet through all the land, saying, 'Let the Hebrews hear.'

ylt@1Samuel:13:5 @And the Philistines have been gathered to fight with Israel; thirty thousand chariots, and six thousand horsemen, and a people as the sand which [is] on the sea-shore for multitude; and they come up and encamp in Michmash, east of Beth-Aven.

ylt@1Samuel:13:8 @And he waiteth seven days, according to the appointment with Samuel, and Samuel hath not come to Gilgal, and the people are scattered from off him.

ylt@1Samuel:13:15 @And Samuel riseth, and goeth up from Gilgal to Gibeah of Benjamin; and Saul inspecteth the people who are found with him, about six hundred men,

ylt@1Samuel:13:16 @and Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the people who are found with them, are abiding in Gibeah of Benjamin, and the Philistines have encamped in Michmash.

ylt@1Samuel:13:22 @And it hath been, in the day of battle, that there hath not been found sword and spear in the hand of any of the people who [are] with Saul and with Jonathan -- and there is found to Saul and to Jonathan his son.

ylt@1Samuel:14:2 @And Saul is abiding at the extremity of Gibeah, under the pomegranate which [is] in Migron, and the people who [are] with him, about six hundred men,

ylt@1Samuel:14:7 @And the bearer of his weapons saith to him, 'Do all that [is] in thy heart; turn for thee; lo, I [am] with thee, as thine own heart.'

ylt@1Samuel:14:17 @And Saul saith to the people who [are] with him, 'Inspect, I pray you, and see; who hath gone from us?' and they inspect, and lo, Jonathan and the bearer of his weapons are not.

ylt@1Samuel:14:18 @And Saul saith to Ahiah, 'Bring nigh the ark of God;' for the ark of God hath been on that day with the sons of Israel.

ylt@1Samuel:14:20 @And Saul is called, and all the people who [are] with him, and they come in unto the battle, and, lo, the sword of each hath been against his neighbour -- a very great destruction.

ylt@1Samuel:14:21 @And the Hebrews [who] have been for the Philistines as heretofore, who had gone up with them into the camp, have turned round, even they, to be with Israel who [are] with Saul and Jonathan,

ylt@1Samuel:14:32 @and the people make unto the spoil, and take sheep, and oxen, and sons of the herd, and slaughter on the earth, and the people eat with the blood.

ylt@1Samuel:14:33 @And they declare to Saul, saying, 'Lo, the people are sinning against Jehovah, to eat with the blood.' And he saith, 'Ye have dealt treacherously, roll unto me to-day a great stone.'

ylt@1Samuel:14:34 @And Saul saith, 'Be ye scattered among the people, and ye have said to them, Bring ye nigh unto me each his ox, and each his sheep; and ye have slain [them] in this place, and eaten, and ye do not sin against Jehovah to eat with the blood.' And all the people bring nigh each his ox, in his hand, that night, and slaughter [them] there.

ylt@1Samuel:14:35 @And Saul buildeth an alter to Jehovah; with it he hath begun to build altars to Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:14:43 @And Saul saith unto Jonathan, 'Declare to me, what hast thou done?' and Jonathan declareth to him, and saith, 'I certainly tasted with the end of the rod that [is] in my hand a little honey; lo, I die!'

ylt@1Samuel:14:45 @And the people say unto Saul, 'Doth Jonathan die who wrought this great salvation in Israel? -- a profanation! Jehovah liveth, if there falleth from the hair of his head to the earth, for with God he hath wrought this day;' and the people rescue Jonathan, and he hath not died.

ylt@1Samuel:15:6 @and Saul saith unto the Kenite, 'Go, turn aside, go down from the midst of Amalek, lest I consume thee with it, and thou didst kindness with all the sons of Israel, in their going up out of Egypt;' and the Kenite turneth aside from the midst of Amalek.

ylt@1Samuel:15:25 @and now, bear, I pray thee, with my sin, and turn back with me, and I bow myself to Jehovah.'

ylt@1Samuel:15:26 @And Samuel saith unto Saul, 'I do not turn back with thee; for thou hast rejected the word of Jehovah, and Jehovah doth reject thee from being king over Israel.'

ylt@1Samuel:15:30 @And he saith, 'I have sinned; now, honour me, I pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn back with me; and I have bowed myself to Jehovah thy God.'

ylt@1Samuel:16:1 @And Jehovah saith unto Samuel, 'Till when art thou mourning for Saul, and I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thy horn with oil, and go, I send thee unto Jesse the Beth-Lehemite, for I have seen among his sons for Myself a king.

ylt@1Samuel:16:5 @and he saith, 'Peace; to sacrifice to Jehovah I have come, sanctify yourselves, and ye have come in with me to the sacrifice;' and he sanctifieth Jesse and his sons, and calleth them to the sacrifice.

ylt@1Samuel:16:12 @And he sendeth, and bringeth him in, and he [is] ruddy, with beauty of eyes, and of good appearance; and Jehovah saith, 'Rise, anoint him, for this [is] he.'

ylt@1Samuel:16:16 @let our lord command, we pray thee, thy servants before thee, they seek a skilful man, playing on a harp, and it hath come to pass, in the spirit of sadness [from] God being upon thee, that he hath played with his hand, and [it is] well with thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:16:18 @And one of the servants answereth and saith, 'Lo, I have seen a son of Jesse the Beth-Lehemite, skilful in playing, and a mighty virtuous man, and a man of battle, and intelligent in word, and a man of form, and Jehovah [is] with him.'

ylt@1Samuel:16:19 @And Saul sendeth messengers unto Jesse, and saith, 'Send unto me David thy son, who [is] with the flock.'

ylt@1Samuel:16:20 @And Jesse taketh an ass, [with] bread, and a bottle of wine, and one kid of the goats, and sendeth by the hand of David his son unto Saul.

ylt@1Samuel:16:23 @And it hath come to pass, in the spirit of [sadness from] God being on Saul, that David hath taken the harp, and played with his hand, and Saul hath refreshment and gladness, and the spirit of sadness hath turned aside from off him.

ylt@1Samuel:17:5 @and a helmet of brass [is] on his head, and [with] a scaled coat of mail he [is] clothed, and the weight of the coat of mail [is] five thousand shekels of brass,

ylt@1Samuel:17:9 @if he be able to fight with me, and have smitten me, then we have been to you for servants; and if I am able for him, and have smitten him, then ye have been to us for servants, and have served us.'

ylt@1Samuel:17:19 @And Saul, and they, and all the men of Israel [are] in the valley of Elah, fighting with the Philistines.

ylt@1Samuel:17:23 @And he is speaking with them, and lo, a man of the duellists is coming up, Goliath the Philistine [is] his name, of Gath, out of the ranks of the Philistines, and he speaketh according to those words, and David heareth;

ylt@1Samuel:17:25 @And the men of Israel say, 'Have ye seen this man who is coming up? for, to reproach Israel he is coming up, and it hath been -- the man who smiteth him, the king doth enrich him with great riches, and his daughter he doth give to him, and his father's house doth make free in Israel.'

ylt@1Samuel:17:32 @and David saith unto Saul, 'Let no man's heart fall because of him, thy servant doth go, and hath fought with this Philistine.'

ylt@1Samuel:17:33 @And Saul saith unto David, 'Thou art not able to go unto this Philistine, to fight with him, for a youth thou [art], and he a man of war from his youth.'

ylt@1Samuel:17:37 @And David saith, 'Jehovah, who delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, He doth deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.' And Saul saith unto David, 'Go, and Jehovah is with thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:17:38 @And Saul clotheth David with his long robe, and hath put a helmet of brass on his head, and doth clothe him with a coat of mail.

ylt@1Samuel:17:39 @And David girded his sword above his long robe, and beginneth to go, for he hath not tried [it]; and David saith unto Saul, 'I am not able to go with these, for I had not tried;' and David turneth them aside from off him.

ylt@1Samuel:17:42 @and the Philistine looketh attentively, and seeth David, and despiseth him, for he was a youth, and ruddy, with a fair appearance.

ylt@1Samuel:17:43 @And the Philistine saith unto David, 'Am I a dog that thou art coming unto me with staves?' and the Philistine revileth David by his gods,

ylt@1Samuel:17:45 @And David saith unto the Philistine, 'Thou art coming unto me with sword, and with spear, and with buckler, and I am coming unto thee in the name of Jehovah of Hosts, God of the ranks of Israel, which thou hast reproached.

ylt@1Samuel:17:50 @And David is stronger than the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smiteth the Philistine, and putteth him to death, and there is no sword in the hand of David,

ylt@1Samuel:17:51 @and David runneth and standeth over the Philistine, and taketh his sword, and draweth it out of its sheath, and putteth him to death, and cutteth off with it his head; and the Philistines see that their hero [is] dead, and flee.

ylt@1Samuel:18:6 @And it cometh to pass, in their coming in, in David's returning from smiting the Philistine, that the women come out from all the cities of Israel to sing -- also the dancers -- to meet Saul the king, with tabrets, with joy, and with three-stringed instruments;

ylt@1Samuel:18:10 @And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that the spirit of sadness [from] God prospereth over Saul, and he prophesieth in the midst of the house, and David is playing with his hand, as day by day, and the javelin [is] in the hand of Saul,

ylt@1Samuel:18:12 @And Saul is afraid of the presence of David, for Jehovah hath been with him, and from Saul He hath turned aside;

ylt@1Samuel:18:14 @And David is in all his ways acting wisely, and Jehovah [is] with him,

ylt@1Samuel:18:28 @And Saul seeth and knoweth that Jehovah [is] with David, and Michal daughter of Saul hath loved him,

ylt@1Samuel:18:29 @and Saul addeth to be afraid of the presence of David yet; and Saul is an enemy with David all the days.

ylt@1Samuel:19:9 @And a spirit of sadness [from] Jehovah is unto Saul, and he is sitting in his house, and his javelin in his hand, and David is playing with the hand,

ylt@1Samuel:19:10 @and Saul seeketh to smite with the javelin through David, and through the wall, and he freeth himself from the presence of Saul, and he smiteth the javelin through the wall; and David hath fled and escapeth during that night.

ylt@1Samuel:19:13 @and Michal taketh the teraphim, and layeth on the bed, and the mattress of goats' [hair] she hath put [for] his pillows, and covereth with a garment.

ylt@1Samuel:20:5 @And David saith unto Jonathan, 'Lo, the new moon [is] to-morrow; and I do certainly sit with the king to eat; and thou hast sent me away, and I have been hidden in a field till the third evening;

ylt@1Samuel:20:8 @and thou hast done kindness, to thy servant, for into a covenant of Jehovah thou hast brought thy servant with thee; -- and if there is in me iniquity, put thou me to death; and unto thy father, why is this -- thou dost bring me in?'

ylt@1Samuel:20:13 @thus doth Jehovah do to Jonathan, and thus doth He add; when the evil concerning thee is good to my father, then I have uncovered thine ear, and sent thee away, and thou hast gone in peace, and Jehovah is with thee, as he was with my father;

ylt@1Samuel:20:14 @and not only while I am alive dost thou do with me the kindness of Jehovah, and I die not,

ylt@1Samuel:20:16 @And Jonathan covenanteth with the house of David, and Jehovah hath sought [it] from the hand of the enemies of David;

ylt@1Samuel:20:17 @and Jonathan addeth to cause David to swear, because he loveth him, for with the love of his own soul he hath loved him.

ylt@1Samuel:20:35 @And it cometh to pass in the morning, that Jonathan goeth out into the field for the appointment with David, and a little youth [is] with him.

ylt@1Samuel:20:41 @The youth hath gone, and David hath risen from Ezel, at the south, and falleth on his face to the earth, and boweth himself three times, and they kiss one another, and they weep one with another, till David exerted himself;

ylt@1Samuel:21:1 @And David cometh in to Nob, unto Ahimelech the priest, and Ahimelech trembleth at meeting David, and saith to him, 'Wherefore [art] thou thyself alone, and no man with thee?'

ylt@1Samuel:22:2 @and gather themselves unto him do every man in distress, and every man who hath an exactor, and every man bitter in soul, and he is over them for head, and there are with him about four hundred men.

ylt@1Samuel:22:3 @And David goeth thence to Mizpeh of Moab, and saith unto the king of Moab, 'Let, I pray thee, my father and my mother go out with you, till that I know what God doth for me;'

ylt@1Samuel:22:4 @and he leadeth them before the king of Moab, and they dwell with him all the days of David's being in the fortress.

ylt@1Samuel:22:6 @And Saul heareth that David hath become known, and the men who [are] with him, and Saul is abiding in Gibeah, under the grove in Ramah, and his spear [is] in his hand, and all his servants standing by him.

ylt@1Samuel:22:8 @for ye have conspired all of you against me, and there is none uncovering mine ear about my son's covenanting with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you grieving for me, and uncovering mine ear, that my son hath raised up my servant against me, to lie in wait as [at] this day.'

ylt@1Samuel:22:17 @And the king saith to runners, those standing by him, 'Turn round, and put to death the priests of Jehovah, because their hand also [is] with David, and because they have known that he is fleeing, and have not uncovered mine ear;' and the servants of the king have not been willing to put forth their hand to come against the priests of Jehovah.

ylt@1Samuel:22:23 @dwell with me; fear not; for he who seeketh my life seeketh thy life; for a charge [art] thou with me.'

ylt@1Samuel:23:5 @And David goeth, and his men, to Keilah, and fighteth with the Philistines, and leadeth away their cattle, and smiteth among them -- a great smiting, and David saveth the inhabitants of Keilah.

ylt@1Samuel:23:19 @And the Ziphites go up unto Saul to Gibeah, saying, 'Is not David hiding himself with us in fortresses, in the forest, in the height of Hachilah, which [is] on the south of the desolate place?

ylt@1Samuel:23:23 @And see and know of all the hiding-places where he hideth himself, and ye have turned back unto me prepared, and I have gone with you, and it hath been, if he is in the land, that I have searched him out through all the thousands of Judah.'

ylt@1Samuel:24:18 @and thou hast declared to-day how that thou hast done good with me, how that Jehovah shut me up into thy hand, and thou didst not slay me,

ylt@1Samuel:25:7 @and, now, I have heard that thou hast shearers; now, the shepherds whom thou hast have been with us, we have not put them to shame, nor hath anything been looked after by them, all the days of their being in Carmel.

ylt@1Samuel:25:15 @and the men [are] very good to us, and have not put us to shame, and we have not looked after anything all the days we have gone up and down with them, in our being in the field;

ylt@1Samuel:25:16 @a wall they have been unto us both by night and by day, all the days of our being with them, feeding the flock.

ylt@1Samuel:25:25 @'Let not, I pray thee, my lord set his heart to this man of worthlessness, on Nabal, for as his name [is] so [is] he; Nabal [is] his name, and folly [is] with him; and I, thine handmaid, did not see the young men of my lord whom thou didst send;

ylt@1Samuel:25:26 @and now, my lord, Jehovah liveth, and thy soul liveth, in that Jehovah hath withheld thee from coming in with blood, and to save thy hand to thee -- now let thine enemies be as Nabal, even those seeking evil unto my lord.

ylt@1Samuel:25:28 @'Bear, I pray thee, with the transgression of thy handmaid, for Jehovah doth certainly make to my lord a stedfast house; for the battles of Jehovah hath my lord fought, and evil is not found in thee [all] thy days.

ylt@1Samuel:25:29 @And man riseth to pursue thee and to seek thy soul, and the soul of my lord hath been bound in the bundle of life with Jehovah thy God; as to the soul of thine enemies, He doth sling them out in the midst of the hollow of the sling.

ylt@1Samuel:25:33 @and blessed [is] thy discretion, and blessed [art] thou in that thou hast restrained me this day from coming in with blood, and to restrain my hand to myself.

ylt@1Samuel:25:34 @And yet, Jehovah liveth, God of Israel, who hath kept me back from doing evil with thee, for unless thou hadst hasted, and dost come to meet me, surely there had not been left to Nabal till the light of the morning, of those sitting on the wall.'

ylt@1Samuel:25:36 @And Abigail cometh in unto Nabal, and lo, he hath a banquet in his house, like a banquet of the king, and the heart of Nabal [is] glad within him, and he [is] drunk unto excess, and she hath not declared to him anything, less or more, till the light of the morning.

ylt@1Samuel:25:37 @And it cometh to pass in the morning, when the wine is gone out from Nabal, that his wife declareth to him these things, and his heart dieth within him, and he hath been as a stone.

ylt@1Samuel:25:39 @and David heareth that Nabal [is] dead, and saith, 'Blessed [is] Jehovah who hath pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and His servant hath kept back from evil, and the wickedness of Nabal hath Jehovah turned back on his own head;' and David sendeth and speaketh with Abigail, to take her to him for a wife.

ylt@1Samuel:26:2 @And Saul riseth, and goeth down unto the wilderness of Ziph, and with him three thousand men, chosen ones of Israel, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.

ylt@1Samuel:26:6 @And David answereth and saith unto Ahimelech the Hittite, and unto Abishai son of Zeruiah, brother of Joab, saying, 'Who doth go down with me unto Saul, unto the camp?' and Abishai saith, 'I -- I go down with thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:26:8 @And Abishai saith unto David, 'God hath shut up to-day thine enemy into thy hand; and, now, let me smite him, I pray thee, with a spear, even into the earth at once -- and I do repeat [it] to him.'

ylt@1Samuel:27:2 @And David riseth, and passeth over, he and six hundred men who [are] with him, unto Achish son of Maoch king of Gath;

ylt@1Samuel:27:3 @and David dwelleth with Achish in Gath, he and his men, each one with his household, [even] David and his two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail wife of Nabal the Carmelitess.

ylt@1Samuel:27:5 @And David saith unto Achish, 'If, I pray thee, I have found grace in thine eyes, they give to me a place in one of the cities of the field, and I dwell there, yea, why doth thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?'

ylt@1Samuel:28:1 @And it cometh to pass in those days, that the Philistines gather their camps for the war, to fight against Israel, and Achish saith unto David, 'Thou dost certainly know that with me thou dost go out into the camp, thou and thy men.'

ylt@1Samuel:28:8 @And Saul disguiseth himself and putteth on other garments, and goeth, he and two of the men with him, and they come in unto the woman by night, and he saith, 'Divine, I pray thee, to me by the familiar spirit, and cause to come up to me him whom I say unto thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:28:12 @And the woman seeth Samuel, and crieth with a loud voice, and the woman speaketh unto Saul, saying, 'Why hast thou deceived me -- and thou Saul?'

ylt@1Samuel:28:14 @And he saith to her, 'What [is] his form?' and she saith, 'An aged man is coming up, and he [is] covered with an upper robe;' and Saul knoweth that he [is] Samuel, and boweth -- face to thee earth -- and doth obeisance.

ylt@1Samuel:28:19 @yea, Jehovah giveth also Israel with thee into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow thou and thy sons [are] with me; also the camp of Israel doth Jehovah give into the hand of the Philistines.'

ylt@1Samuel:29:2 @and the princes of the Philistines are passing on by hundreds, and by thousands, and David and his men are passing on in the rear with Achish.

ylt@1Samuel:29:3 @And the heads of the Philistines say, 'What [are] these Hebrews?' and Achish saith unto the heads of the Philistines, 'Is not this David servant of Saul king of Israel, who hath been with me these days or these years, and I have not found in him anything [wrong] from the day of his falling away till this day.'

ylt@1Samuel:29:4 @And the heads of the Philistines are wroth against him, and the heads of the Philistines say to him, 'Send back the man, and he doth turn back unto his place whither thou hast appointed him, and doth not go down with us into battle, and is not to us for an adversary in battle; and wherewith doth this one reconcile himself unto his lord -- is it not with the heads of those men?'

ylt@1Samuel:29:6 @And Achish calleth unto David, and saith unto him, 'Jehovah liveth, surely thou [art] upright, and good in mine eyes is thy going out, and thy coming in, with me in the camp, for I have not found in thee evil from the day of thy coming in unto me till this day; and in the eyes of the princes thou art not good;

ylt@1Samuel:29:9 @And Achish answereth and saith unto David, 'I have known that thou [art] good in mine eyes as a messenger of God; only, the princes of the Philistines have said, He doth not go up with us into battle;

ylt@1Samuel:29:10 @and now, rise thou early in the morning, and the servants of thy lord who have come with thee, when ye have risen early in the morning, and have light, then go ye.'

ylt@1Samuel:30:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the coming in of David and his men to Ziklag, on the third day, that the Amalekites have pushed unto the south, and unto Ziklag, and smite Ziklag, and burn it with fire,

ylt@1Samuel:30:3 @And David cometh in -- and his men -- unto the city, and lo, burnt with fire, and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters have been taken captive!

ylt@1Samuel:30:4 @And David lifteth up -- and the people who [are] with him -- their voice and weep, till that they have no power to weep.

ylt@1Samuel:30:9 @And David goeth on, he and six hundred men who [are] with him, and they come in unto the brook of Besor, and those left have stood still,

ylt@1Samuel:30:14 @we pushed [to] the south of the Cherethite, and against that which [is] to Judah, and against the south of Caleb, and Ziklag we burned with fire.'

ylt@1Samuel:30:16 @And he bringeth him down, and lo, they are spread out over the face of all the earth, eating, and drinking, and feasting, with all the great spoil which they have taken out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Judah.

ylt@1Samuel:30:21 @And David cometh in unto the two hundred men who were too faint to go after David, and whom they cause to abide at the brook of Besor, and they go out to meet David, and to meet the people who [are] with him, and David approacheth the people, and asketh of them of welfare.

ylt@1Samuel:30:22 @And every bad and worthless man, of the men who have gone with David, answereth, yea, they say, 'Because that they have not gone with us we do not give to them of the spoil which we have delivered, except each his wife and his children, and they lead away and go.

ylt@1Samuel:30:23 @And David saith, 'Ye do not do so, my brethren, with that which Jehovah hath given to us, and He doth preserve us, and doth give the troop which cometh against us into our hand;

ylt@1Samuel:31:3 @And the battle is hard against Saul, and the archers find him -- men with bow -- and he is pained greatly by the archers;

ylt@1Samuel:31:4 @and Saul saith to the bearer of his weapons, 'Draw thy sword, and pierce me with it, lest they come -- these uncircumcised -- and have pierced me, and rolled themselves on me;' and the bearer of his weapons hath not been willing, for he is greatly afraid, and Saul taketh the sword, and falleth upon it.

ylt@1Samuel:31:5 @And the bearer of his weapons seeth that Saul [is] dead, and he falleth -- he also -- on his sword, and dieth with him;

ylt@2Samuel:1:11 @And David taketh hold on his garments, and rendeth them, and also all the men who [are] with him,

ylt@2Samuel:1:17 @And David lamenteth with this lamentation over Saul, and over Jonathan his son;

ylt@2Samuel:1:21 @Mountains of Gilboa! No dew nor rain be on you, And fields of heave-offerings! For there hath become loathsome The shield of the mighty, The shield of Saul -- without the anointed with oil.

ylt@2Samuel:1:24 @Daughters of Israel! for Saul weep ye, Who is clothing you [in] scarlet with delights. Who is lifting up ornaments of gold on your clothing.

ylt@2Samuel:2:3 @and his men who [are] with him hath David brought up -- a man and his household -- and they dwell in the cities of Hebron.

ylt@2Samuel:2:5 @And David sendeth messengers unto the men of Jabesh-Gilead, and saith unto them, 'Blessed [are] ye of Jehovah, in that ye have done this kindness with your lord, with Saul, that ye bury him.

ylt@2Samuel:2:6 @'And, now, Jehovah doth with you kindness and truth, and also, I do with you this good because ye have done this thing;

ylt@2Samuel:2:23 @And he refuseth to turn aside, and Abner smiteth him with the hinder part of the spear unto the fifth [rib], and the spear cometh out from behind him, and he falleth there, and dieth under it; and it cometh to pass, every one who hath come unto the place where Asahel hath fallen and dieth -- they stand still.

ylt@2Samuel:2:28 @And Joab bloweth with a trumpet, and all the people stand still, and pursue no more after Israel, nor have they added any more to fight.

ylt@2Samuel:3:8 @And it is displeasing to Abner exceedingly, because of the words of Ish-Bosheth, and he saith, 'The head of a dog [am] I -- that in reference to Judah to-day I do kindness with the house of Saul thy father, unto his brethren, and unto his friends, and have not delivered thee into the hand of David -- that thou chargest against me iniquity concerning the woman to-day?

ylt@2Samuel:3:12 @And Abner sendeth messengers unto David for himself, saying, 'Whose [is] the land?' saying, 'Make thy covenant with me, and lo, my hand [is] with thee, to bring round unto thee all Israel.'

ylt@2Samuel:3:13 @And he saith, 'Good -- I make with thee a covenant; only, one thing I am asking of thee, that is, Thou dost not see my face, except thou dost first bring in Michal, daughter of Saul in thy coming into see my face.'

ylt@2Samuel:3:14 @And David sendeth messengers unto Ish-Bosheth son of Saul, saying, 'Give up my wife Michal, whom I betrothed to myself with a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.'

ylt@2Samuel:3:16 @and her husband goeth with her, going on and weeping behind her, unto Bahurim, and Abner saith unto him, 'Go, turn back;' and he turneth back.

ylt@2Samuel:3:17 @And the word of Abner was with the elders of Israel, saying, 'Heretofore ye have been seeking David for king over you,

ylt@2Samuel:3:20 @and Abner cometh in unto David, to Hebron, and with him twenty men, and David maketh for Abner, and for the men who [are] with him, a banquet.

ylt@2Samuel:3:21 @And Abner saith unto David, 'I arise, and go, and gather unto my lord the king the whole of Israel, and they make with thee a covenant, and thou hast reigned over all that thy soul desireth;' and David sendeth away Abner, and he goeth in peace.

ylt@2Samuel:3:22 @And lo, the servants of David, and Joab, have come from the troop, and much spoil have brought with them, and Abner is not with David in Hebron, for he hath sent him away, and he goeth in peace;

ylt@2Samuel:3:23 @and Joab and all the host that [is] with him have come, and they declare to Joab, saying, 'Abner son of Ner hath come unto the king, and he sendeth him away, and he goeth in peace.'

ylt@2Samuel:3:27 @And Abner turneth back to Hebron, and Joab turneth him aside unto the midst of the gate to speak with him quietly, and smiteth him there in the fifth [rib] -- and he dieth -- for the blood of Asahel his brother.

ylt@2Samuel:3:31 @And David saith unto Joab, and unto all the people who [are] with him, 'Rend your garments, and gird on sackcloth, and mourn before Abner;' and king David is going after the bier.

ylt@2Samuel:5:3 @And all the elders of Israel come unto the king, to Hebron, and king David maketh with them a covenant in Hebron before Jehovah, and they anoint David for king over Israel.

ylt@2Samuel:5:10 @and David goeth, going on and becoming great, and Jehovah, God of Hosts, [is] with him.

ylt@2Samuel:6:2 @and David riseth and goeth, and all the people who [are] with him, from Baale-Judah, to bring up thence the ark of God, whose name hath been called -- the name of Jehovah of Hosts, inhabiting the cherubs -- upon it.

ylt@2Samuel:6:4 @and they lift it up from the house of Abinadab, which [is] in the height, with the ark of God, and Ahio is going before the ark,

ylt@2Samuel:6:5 @and David and all the house of Israel are playing before Jehovah, with all kinds of [instruments] of fir-wood, even with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cornets, and with cymbals.

ylt@2Samuel:6:12 @And it is declared to king David, saying, 'Jehovah hath blessed the house of Obed-Edom, and all that he hath, because of the ark of God;' and David goeth and bringeth up the ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the city of David with joy.

ylt@2Samuel:6:14 @And David is dancing with all strength before Jehovah, and David is girded with a linen ephod,

ylt@2Samuel:6:15 @and David and all the house of Israel are bringing up the ark of Jehovah with shouting, and with the voice of a trumpet,

ylt@2Samuel:6:22 @and I have been more vile than this, and have been low in mine eyes, and with the handmaids whom thou hast spoken of, with them I am honoured.'

ylt@2Samuel:7:3 @And Nathan saith unto the king, 'All that [is] in thine heart -- go, do, for Jehovah [is] with thee.'

ylt@2Samuel:7:7 @During all [the time] that I have walked up and down among all the sons of Israel, a word have I spoken with one of the tribes of Israel which I commanded to feed my people Israel, saying, 'Why have ye not built to Me a house of cedars?

ylt@2Samuel:7:9 @and I am with thee whithersoever thou hast gone, and I cut off all thine enemies from thy presence, and have made for thee a great name, as the name of the great ones who [are] in the earth,

ylt@2Samuel:7:12 @'When thy days are full, and thou hast lain with thy fathers, then I have raised up thy seed after thee which goeth out from thy bowels, and have established his kingdom;

ylt@2Samuel:7:14 @I am to him for a father, and he is to Me for a son; whom in his dealings perversely I have even reproved with a rod of men, and with strokes of the sons of Adam,

ylt@2Samuel:7:22 @Therefore Thou hast been great, Jehovah God, for there is none like Thee, and there is no God save Thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

ylt@2Samuel:8:2 @And he smiteth Moab, and measureth them with a line, causing them to lie down on the earth, and he measureth two lines to put to death, and the fulness of the line to keep alive, and the Moabites are to David for servants, bearers of a present.

ylt@2Samuel:8:10 @and Toi sendeth Joram his son unto king David to ask of him of welfare, and to bless him, (because that he hath fought against Hadadezer, and smiteth him, for a man of wars [with] Toi had Hadadezer been), and in his hand have been vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and vessels of brass,

ylt@2Samuel:8:11 @also them did king David sanctify to Jehovah, with the silver and the gold which he sanctified of all the nations which he subdued:

ylt@2Samuel:9:1 @And David saith, 'Is there yet any left to the house of Saul, and I do with him kindness because of Jonathan?'

ylt@2Samuel:9:3 @And the king saith, 'Is there not yet a man to the house of Saul, and I do with him the kindness of God?' And Ziba saith unto the king, 'Jonathan hath yet a son -- lame.'

ylt@2Samuel:9:7 @And David saith to him, 'Be not afraid; for I certainly do with thee kindness because of Jonathan thy father, and have given back to thee all the field of Saul thy father, and thou dost eat bread at my table continually.'

ylt@2Samuel:10:2 @and David saith, 'I do kindness with Hanun son of Nahash, as his father did with me kindness;' and David sendeth to comfort him by the hand of his servants concerning his father, and the servants of David come in to the land of the Bene-Ammon.

ylt@2Samuel:10:6 @And the Bene-Ammon see that they have been abhorred by David, and the Bene-Ammon send and hire Aram of Beth-Rehob, and Aram of Zoba, twenty thousand footmen, and the king of Maacah [with] a thousand men, and Ish-Tob [with] twelve thousand men;

ylt@2Samuel:10:13 @And Joab draweth nigh, and the people who [are] with him, to battle against Aram, and they flee from his presence;

ylt@2Samuel:10:17 @And it is declared to David, and he gathereth all Israel, and passeth over the Jordan, and cometh in to Helam, and Aram setteth itself in array to meet David, and they fight with him;

ylt@2Samuel:10:19 @And all the kings -- servants of Hadadezer -- see that they have been smitten before Israel, and make peace with Israel, and serve them; and Aram is afraid to help any more the Bene-Ammon.

ylt@2Samuel:11:1 @And it cometh to pass, at the revolution of the year -- at the time of the going out of the messengers -- that David sendeth Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel, and they destroy the Bene-Ammon, and lay siege against Rabbah. And David is dwelling in Jerusalem,

ylt@2Samuel:11:4 @And David sendeth messengers, and taketh her, and she cometh unto him, and he lieth with her -- and she is purifying herself from her uncleanness -- and she turneth back unto her house;

ylt@2Samuel:11:9 @and Uriah lieth down at the opening of the king's house, with all the servants of his lord, and hath not gone down unto his house.

ylt@2Samuel:11:11 @And Uriah saith unto David, 'The ark, and Israel, and Judah, are abiding in booths, and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, on the face of the field are encamping; and I -- I go in unto my house to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife! -- thy life, and the life of thy soul -- if I do this thing.'

ylt@2Samuel:11:13 @and David calleth for him, and he eateth before him, and drinketh, and he causeth him to drink, and he goeth out in the evening to lie on his couch with the servants of his lord, and unto his house he hath not gone down.

ylt@2Samuel:11:17 @and the men of the city go out and fight with Joab, and there fall [some] of the people, of the servants of David; and there dieth also Uriah the Hittite.

ylt@2Samuel:11:22 @And the messenger goeth, and cometh in, and declareth to David all that with which Joab sent him,

ylt@2Samuel:12:3 @And the poor one hath nothing, Except one little ewe-lamb, Which he hath bought, and keepeth alive, And it groweth up with him, And with his sons together; Of his morsel it eateth, And from his cup it drinketh, And in his bosom it lieth, And it is to him as a daughter;

ylt@2Samuel:12:11 @thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am raising up against thee evil, out of thy house, and have taken thy wives before thine eyes, and given to thy neighbour, and he hath lain with thy wives before the eyes of this sun;

ylt@2Samuel:12:17 @And the elders of his house rise against him, to raise him up from the earth, and he hath not been willing, nor hath he eaten with them bread;

ylt@2Samuel:12:24 @And David comforteth Bath-Sheba his wife, and goeth in unto her, and lieth with her, and she beareth a son, and he calleth his name Solomon; and Jehovah hath loved him,

ylt@2Samuel:13:11 @and she bringeth nigh unto him to eat, and he layeth hold on her, and saith to her, 'Come, lie with me, my sister.'

ylt@2Samuel:13:13 @And I -- whither do I cause my reproach to go? and thou -- thou art as one of the fools in Israel; and now, speak, I pray thee, unto the king; for he doth not withhold me from thee.'

ylt@2Samuel:13:14 @And he hath not been willing to hearken to her voice, and is stronger than she, and humbleth her, and lieth with her.

ylt@2Samuel:13:15 @And Amnon hateth her -- a very great hatred -- that greater [is] the hatred with which he hath hated her than the love with which he loved her, and Amnon saith to her, 'Rise, go.'

ylt@2Samuel:13:16 @And she saith to him, 'Because of the circumstances this evil is greater than the other that thou hast done with me -- to send me away;' and he hath not been willing to hearken to her,

ylt@2Samuel:13:17 @and calleth his young man, his servant, and saith, 'Send away, I pray thee, this one from me without, and bolt the door after her;'

ylt@2Samuel:13:18 @-- and upon her [is] a long coat, for such upper robes do daughters of the king who [are] virgins put on, -- and his servant taketh her out without, and hath bolted the door after her.

ylt@2Samuel:13:20 @and Absalom her brother saith unto her, 'Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee? and now, my sister, keep silent, he [is] thy brother; set not thy heart to this thing;' and Tamar dwelleth -- but desolate -- in the house of Absalom her brother.

ylt@2Samuel:13:22 @and Absalom hath not spoken with Amnon either evil or good, for Absalom is hating Amnon, because that he humbled Tamar his sister.

ylt@2Samuel:13:23 @And it cometh to pass, after two years of days, that Absalom hath shearers in Baal-Hazor, which [is] with Ephraim, and Absalom calleth for all the sons of the king.

ylt@2Samuel:13:24 @And Absalom cometh unto the king, and saith, 'Lo, I pray thee, thy servant hath shearers, let the king go, I pray thee, and his servants, with thy servant.'

ylt@2Samuel:13:26 @And Absalom saith, 'If not -- let, I pray thee, Amnon my brother go with us;' and the king saith to him, 'Why doth he go with thee?'

ylt@2Samuel:13:27 @and Absalom urgeth on him, and he sendeth with him Amnon, and all the sons of the king.

ylt@2Samuel:13:28 @And Absalom commandeth his young men, saying, 'See, I pray thee, when the heart of Amnon [is] glad with wine, and I have said unto you, Smite Amnon, that ye have put him to death; fear not; is it not because I have commanded you? be strong, yea, become sons of valour.'

ylt@2Samuel:13:31 @and the king riseth, and rendeth his garments, and lieth on the earth, and all his servants are standing by [with] rent garments.

ylt@2Samuel:14:2 @and Joab sendeth to Tekoah, and taketh thence a wise woman, and saith unto her, 'Feign thyself a mourner, I pray thee, and put on, I pray thee, garments of mourning, and anoint not thyself with oil, and thou hast been as a woman these many days mourning for the dead,

ylt@2Samuel:14:17 @and thy maid-servant saith, Let, I pray thee, the word of my lord the king be for ease; for as a messenger of God so [is] my lord the king, to understand the good and the evil; and Jehovah thy God is with thee.'

ylt@2Samuel:14:19 @And the king saith, 'Is the hand of Joab with thee in all this?' And the woman answereth and saith, 'Thy soul liveth, my lord, O king, none [doth turn] to the right or to the left from all that my lord the king hath spoken; for thy servant Joab he commanded me, and he put in the mouth of thy maid-servant all these words;

ylt@2Samuel:14:30 @And he saith unto his servants, 'See, the portion of Joab [is] by the side of mine, and he hath barley there; go, and burn it with fire;' and the servants of Absalom burn the portion with fire.

ylt@2Samuel:14:31 @And Joab riseth and cometh unto Absalom in the house, and saith unto him, 'Why have thy servants burned the portion that I have with fire?'

ylt@2Samuel:15:11 @And with Absalom have gone two hundred men, out of Jerusalem, invited ones, and they are going in their simplicity, and have not known anything;

ylt@2Samuel:15:12 @and Absalom sendeth Ahithophel the Gilonite, a counsellor of David, out of his city, out of Gilo, in his sacrificing sacrifices; and the conspiracy is strong, and the people are going and increasing with Absalom.

ylt@2Samuel:15:14 @And David saith to all his servants who [are] with him in Jerusalem, 'Rise, and we flee, for we have no escape from the face of Absalom; haste to go, lest he hasten, and have overtaken us, and forced on us evil, and smitten the city by the mouth of the sword.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:19 @And the king saith unto Ittai the Gittite, 'Why dost thou go -- thou also -- with us? turn back -- and abide with the king, for thou [art] a stranger, and also an exile thou -- to thy place.

ylt@2Samuel:15:20 @Yesterday [is] thy coming in, and to-day I move thee to go with us, and I am going on that which I am going! -- turn back, and take back thy brethren with thee, -- kindness and truth.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:22 @And David saith unto Ittai, 'Go and pass over;' and Ittai the Gittite passeth over, and all his men, and all the infants who [are] with him.

ylt@2Samuel:15:24 @and lo, also Zadok, and all the Levites with him, bearing the ark of the covenant of God, and they make the ark of God firm, and Abiathar goeth up, till the completion of all the people to pass over out of the city.

ylt@2Samuel:15:27 @And the king saith unto Zadok the priest, 'Art thou a seer? turn back to the city in peace, and Ahimaaz thy son, and Jonathan son of Abiathar, your two sons with you;

ylt@2Samuel:15:30 @And David is going up in the ascent of the olives, going up and weeping, and he hath the head covered, and he is going barefooted, and all the people who [are] with him have covered each his head, and have gone up, going up and weeping;

ylt@2Samuel:15:31 @and David declared, saying, 'Ahithophel [is] among the conspirators with Absalom;' and David saith, 'Make foolish, I pray Thee, the counsel of Ahithophel, O Jehovah.'

ylt@2Samuel:15:33 @and David saith to him, 'If thou hast passed on with me then thou hast been on me for a burden,

ylt@2Samuel:15:35 @and are there not with thee there Zadok and Abiathar the priests? and it hath been, the whole of the matter that thou hearest from the house of the king thou dost declare to Zadok and to Abiathar the priests.

ylt@2Samuel:15:36 @Lo, there with them [are] their two sons, Ahimaaz to Zadok, and Jonathan to Abiathar, and ye have sent by their hand unto me anything that ye hear.'

ylt@2Samuel:16:6 @and he stoneth David with stones, and all the servants of king David, and all the people, and all the mighty men on his right and on his left.

ylt@2Samuel:16:13 @And David goeth with his men in the way, and Shimei is going at the side of the hill over-against him, going on, and he revileth, and stoneth with stones over-against him, and hath dusted with dust.

ylt@2Samuel:16:14 @And the king cometh in, and all the people who [are] with him, wearied, and they are refreshed there.

ylt@2Samuel:16:15 @And Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, have come in to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him,

ylt@2Samuel:16:17 @And Absalom saith unto Hushai, 'This thy kindness with thy friend! why hast thou not gone with thy friend?'

ylt@2Samuel:16:18 @And Hushai saith unto Absalom, 'Nay, for he whom Jehovah hath chosen, and this people, even all the men of Israel, his I am, and with him I abide;

ylt@2Samuel:16:21 @And Ahithophel saith unto Absalom, 'Go in unto the concubines of thy father, whom he left to keep the house, and all Israel hath heard that thou hast been abhorred by thy father, and the hands of all who [are] with thee have been strong.'

ylt@2Samuel:17:2 @and come upon him, and he weary and feeble-handed, and I have caused him to tremble, and all the people have fled who [are] with him, and I have smitten the king by himself,

ylt@2Samuel:17:8 @And Hushai saith, 'Thou hast known thy father and his men, that they [are] heroes, and they are bitter in soul as a bereaved bear in a field, and thy father [is] a man of war, and doth not lodge with the people;

ylt@2Samuel:17:10 @and he also, the son of valour, whose heart [is] as the heart of the lion, doth utterly melt, for all Israel doth know that thy father is a hero, and sons of valour [are] those with him.

ylt@2Samuel:17:12 @and we have come in unto him in one of the places where he is found, and we [are] upon him as the dew falleth on the ground, and there hath not been left of him and of all the men who [are] with him even one.

ylt@2Samuel:17:16 @and now, send hastily, and declare to David, saying, Lodge not to-night in the plains of the wilderness, and also, certainly pass over, lest there be a swallowing up of the king and of all the people who are with him.'

ylt@2Samuel:17:22 @And David riseth, and all the people who [are] with him, and they pass over the Jordan, till the light of the morning, till one hath not been lacking who hath not passed over the Jordan.

ylt@2Samuel:17:24 @And David came to Mahanaim, and Absalom passed over the Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him;

ylt@2Samuel:17:26 @and Israel encampeth with Absalom [in] the land of Gilead.

ylt@2Samuel:17:29 @and honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheese of kine, have brought nigh for David, and for the people who [are] with him to eat, for they said, 'Thy people [is] hungry, and weary, and thirsty, in the wilderness.'

ylt@2Samuel:18:1 @And David inspecteth the people who [are] with him, and setteth over them heads of thousands and heads of hundreds,

ylt@2Samuel:18:2 @and David sendeth the third of the people by the hand of Joab, and the third by the hand of Abishai, son of Zeruiah, brother of Joab, and the third by the hand of Ittai the Gittite, and the king saith unto the people, 'I certainly go out -- I also -- with you.'

ylt@2Samuel:18:16 @And Joab bloweth with a trumpet, and the people turneth back from pursuing after Israel, for Joab hath kept back the people;

ylt@2Samuel:18:27 @And the watchman saith, 'I see the running of the first as the running of Ahimaaz son of Zadok.' And the king saith, 'This [is] a good man, and with good tidings he cometh.'

ylt@2Samuel:19:7 @'And now, rise, go out and speak unto the heart of thy servants, for by Jehovah I have sworn, that -- thou art not going out -- there doth not lodge a man with thee to-night; and this [is] worse for thee than all the evil that hath come upon thee from thy youth till now.'

ylt@2Samuel:19:16 @and Shimei son of Gera, the Benjamite, who [is] from Bahurim, hasteth, and cometh down with the men of Judah, to meet king David,

ylt@2Samuel:19:17 @and a thousand men [are] with him from Benjamin, and Ziba servant of the house of Saul, and his fifteen sons and his twenty servants with him, and they have gone prosperously over the Jordan before the king.

ylt@2Samuel:19:25 @and it cometh to pass, when he hath come to Jerusalem to meet the king, that the king saith to him, 'Why didst thou not go with me, Mephibosheth?'

ylt@2Samuel:19:26 @And he saith, 'My lord, O king, my servant deceived me, for thy servant said, I saddle for me the ass, and ride on it, and go with the king, for thy servant [is] lame;

ylt@2Samuel:19:31 @And Barzillai the Gileadite hath gone down from Rogelim, and passeth over the Jordan with the king, to send him away over the Jordan;

ylt@2Samuel:19:33 @and the king saith unto Barzillai, 'Pass thou over with me, and I have sustained thee with me in Jerusalem.'

ylt@2Samuel:19:34 @And Barzillai saith unto the king, 'How many [are] the days of the years of my life, that I go up with the king to Jerusalem?

ylt@2Samuel:19:36 @As a little thing, thy servant doth pass over the Jordan with the king, and why doth the king recompense me this recompense?

ylt@2Samuel:19:37 @Let, I pray thee, thy servant turn back again, and I die in mine own city, near the burying-place of my father and of my mother, -- and lo, thy servant Chimham, let him pass over with my lord the king, and do thou to him that which [is] good in thine eyes.'

ylt@2Samuel:19:38 @And the king saith, 'With me doth Chimham go over, and I do to him that which [is] good in thine eyes, yea, all that thou dost fix on me I do to thee.'

ylt@2Samuel:19:40 @And the king passeth over to Gilgal, and Chimham hath passed over with him, and all the people of Judah, and they bring over the king, and also the half of the people of Israel.

ylt@2Samuel:19:41 @And, lo, all the men of Israel are coming unto the king, and they say unto the king, 'Wherefore have they stolen thee -- our brethren, the men of Judah?' (and they bring the king and his household over the Jordan, and all the men of David with him).

ylt@2Samuel:20:1 @And there hath been called there a man of worthlessness, and his name [is] Sheba, son of Bichri, a Benjamite, and he bloweth with a trumpet, and saith, 'We have no portion in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse; each to his tents, O Israel.'

ylt@2Samuel:20:10 @and Amasa hath not been watchful of the sword that [is] in the hand of Joab, and he smiteth him with it unto the fifth [rib], and sheddeth out his bowels to the earth, and he hath not repeated [it] to him, and he dieth; and Joab and Abishai his brother have pursued after Sheba son of Bichri.

ylt@2Samuel:20:15 @and they go in and lay siege against him, in Abel of Beth-Maachah, and cast up a mount against the city, and it standeth in a trench, and all the people who are [are] with Joab are destroying, to cause the wall to fall.

ylt@2Samuel:20:22 @And the woman cometh unto all the people in her wisdom, and they cut off the head of Sheba son of Bichri, and cast [it] unto Joab, and he bloweth with a trumpet, and they are scattered from the city, each to his tents, and Joab hath turned back to Jerusalem unto the king.

ylt@2Samuel:21:3 @yea, David saith unto the Gibeonites, 'What do I do for you? and with what do I make atonement? and bless ye the inheritance of Jehovah.'

ylt@2Samuel:21:15 @And again have the Philistines war with Israel, and David goeth down, and his servants with him, and they fight with the Philistines; and David is weary,

ylt@2Samuel:21:16 @and Ishbi-Benob, who [is] among the children of the giant -- the weight of his spear [is] three hundred [shekels] weight of brass, and he is girded with a new one -- speaketh of smiting David,

ylt@2Samuel:21:17 @and Abishai son of Zeruiah giveth help to him, and smiteth the Philistine, and putteth him to death; then swear the men of David to him, saying, 'Thou dost not go out again with us to battle, nor quench the lamp of Israel.'

ylt@2Samuel:21:18 @And it cometh to pass afterwards, that the battle is again in Gob with the Philistines, then hath Sibbechai the Hushathite smitten Saph, who [is] among the children of the giant.

ylt@2Samuel:21:19 @And the battle is again in Gob with the Philistines, and Elhanan son of Jaare-Oregim, the Beth-Lehemite, smiteth [a brother of] Goliath the Gittite, and the wood of his spear [is] like a beam of weavers.

ylt@2Samuel:22:26 @With the kind Thou shewest Thyself kind, With the perfect man Thou shewest Thyself perfect,

ylt@2Samuel:22:27 @With the pure Thou shewest Thyself pure, And with the perverse Thou shewest Thyself a wrestler.

ylt@2Samuel:22:40 @And Thou girdest me [with] strength for battle, Thou causest my withstanders to bow under me.

ylt@2Samuel:22:49 @And bringing me forth from mine enemies, Yea, above my withstanders Thou raisest me up. From a man of violence Thou deliverest me.

ylt@2Samuel:23:5 @For -- not so [is] my house with God; For -- a covenant age-during He made with me, Arranged in all things, and kept; For -- all my salvation, and all desire, For -- He hath not caused [it] to spring up.

ylt@2Samuel:23:7 @And the man who cometh against them Is filled with iron and the staff of a spear, And with fire they are utterly burnt In the cessation.'

ylt@2Samuel:23:9 @And after him [is] Eleazar son of Dodo, son of Ahohi, of the three mighty men with David; in their exposing themselves among the Philistines -- they have been gathered there to battle, and the men of Israel go up --

ylt@2Samuel:23:17 @and saith, 'Far be it from me, O Jehovah, to do this; is it the blood of the men who are going with their lives?' and he was not willing to drink it; these [things] did the three mighty ones.

ylt@2Samuel:23:21 @And he hath smitten the Egyptian man, a man of appearance, and in the hand of the Egyptian [is] a spear, and he goeth down unto him with a rod, and taketh violently away the spear out of the hand of the Egyptian, and slayeth him with his own spear.

ylt@2Samuel:24:2 @And the king saith unto Joab, head of the host that [is] with him, 'Go to and fro, I pray thee, through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan even unto Beer-Sheba, and inspect ye the people -- and I have known the number of the people.'

ylt@1Kings:1:1 @And king David [is] old, entering into days, and they cover him with garments, and he hath no heat,

ylt@1Kings:1:7 @And his words are with Joab son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest, and they help after Adonijah;

ylt@1Kings:1:8 @and Zadok the priest, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the mighty ones whom David hath, have not been with Adonijah.

ylt@1Kings:1:14 @Lo, thou are yet speaking there with the king, and I come in after thee, and have completed thy words.'

ylt@1Kings:1:21 @and it hath been, when my lord the king lieth with his fathers, that I have been, I and my son Solomon -- [reckoned] sinners.'

ylt@1Kings:1:22 @And lo, she is yet speaking with the king, and Nathan the prophet hath come in;

ylt@1Kings:1:33 @And the king saith to them, 'Take with you the servants of your lord, and ye have caused Solomon my son to ride on mine own mule, and caused him to go down unto Gihon,

ylt@1Kings:1:34 @and anointed him there hath Zadok the priest -- and Nathan the prophet -- for king over Israel, and ye have blown with a trumpet, and said, Let king Solomon live;

ylt@1Kings:1:37 @as Jehovah hath been with my lord the king, so is He with Solomon, and doth make his throne greater than the throne of my lord king David.'

ylt@1Kings:1:39 @and Zadok the priest taketh the horn of oil out of the tent, and anointeth Solomon, and they blow with a trumpet, and all the people say, 'Let king Solomon live.'

ylt@1Kings:1:40 @And all the people come up after him, and the people are piping with pipes, and rejoicing -- great joy, and the earth rendeth with their voice.

ylt@1Kings:1:41 @And Adonijah heareth, and all those called, who [are] with him, and they have finished to eat, and Joab heareth the noise of the trumpet, and saith, 'Wherefore [is] the noise of the city roaring?'

ylt@1Kings:1:44 @and the king sendeth with him Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethite, and the Pelethite, and they cause him to ride on the king's mule,

ylt@1Kings:2:4 @so that Jehovah doth establish His word which He spake unto me, saying, If thy sons observe their way to walk before Me in truth, with all their heart, and with all their soul; saying, There is not cut off a man of thine from the throne of Israel.

ylt@1Kings:2:8 @'And lo, with thee [is] Shimei son of Gera, the Benjamite of Bahurim, and he reviled me -- a grievous reviling -- in the day of my going to Mahanaim; and he hath come down to meet me at the Jordan, and I swear to him by Jehovah, saying, I do not put thee to death by the sword;

ylt@1Kings:2:9 @and now, acquit him not, for a wise man thou [art], and thou hast known that which thou dost to him, and hast brought down his old age with blood to Sheol.'

ylt@1Kings:2:10 @And David lieth down with his fathers, and is buried in the city of David,

ylt@1Kings:2:32 @and Jehovah hath turned back his blood on his own head, who hath fallen on two men more righteous and better than he, and slayeth them with the sword, -- and my father David knew not -- Abner son of Ner, head of the host of Israel, and Amasa son of Jether, head of the host of Judah;

ylt@1Kings:3:1 @And Solomon joineth in marriage with Pharaoh king of Egypt, and taketh the daughter of Pharaoh, and bringeth her in unto the city of David, till he completeth to build his own house, and the house of Jehovah, and the wall of Jerusalem round about.

ylt@1Kings:3:6 @And Solomon saith, 'Thou hast done with Thy servant David my father great kindness, as he walked before Thee in truth and in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with Thee, and Thou dost keep for him this great kindness, and dost give to him a son sitting on his throne, as [at] this day.

ylt@1Kings:3:17 @and the one woman saith, 'O, my lord, I and this woman are dwelling in one house, and I bring forth with her, in the house;

ylt@1Kings:3:18 @and it cometh to pass on the third day of my bringing forth, that this woman also bringeth forth, and we [are] together, there is no stranger with us in the house, save we two, in the house.

ylt@1Kings:4:13 @Ben-Geber, in Ramoth-Gilead, hath the small towns of Jair son of Manasseh, which [are] in Gilead; he hath a portion of Argob that [is] in Bashan, sixty great cities [with] wall and brazen bar.

ylt@1Kings:5:6 @'And now, command, and they cut down for me cedars out of Lebanon, and my servants are with thy servants, and the hire of thy servants I give to thee according to all that thou sayest, for thou hast known that there is not among us a man acquainted with cutting wood, like the Sidonians.'

ylt@1Kings:6:6 @The lowest couch, five by the cubit [is] its breadth; and the middle, six by the cubit [is] its breadth; and the third, seven by the cubit [is] its breadth, for withdrawings he hath put to the house round about, without -- not to lay hold on the walls of the house.

ylt@1Kings:6:8 @The opening of the middle side [is] at the right shoulder of the house, and with windings they go up on the middle one, and from the middle one unto the third.

ylt@1Kings:6:9 @And he buildeth the house, and completeth it, and covereth the house [with] beams and rows of cedars.

ylt@1Kings:6:12 @'This house that thou art building -- if thou dost walk in My statutes, and My judgments dost do, yea, hast done all My commands, to walk in them, then I have established My word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father,

ylt@1Kings:6:15 @and he buildeth the walls of the house within with beams of cedar, from the floor of the house unto the walls of the ceiling; he hath overlaid with wood the inside, and covereth the floor of the house with ribs of fir.

ylt@1Kings:6:16 @And he buildeth the twenty cubits on the sides of the house with ribs of cedar, from the floor unto the walls; and he buildeth for it within, for the oracle, for the holy of holies.

ylt@1Kings:6:18 @And the cedar for the house within [is] carvings of knobs and openings of flowers; the whole [is] cedar, there is not a stone seen.

ylt@1Kings:6:19 @And the oracle in the midst of the house within he hath prepared, to put there the ark of the covenant of Jehovah.

ylt@1Kings:6:20 @And before the oracle [is] twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits [is] its height; and he overlayeth it with gold refined, and overlayeth the altar with cedar.

ylt@1Kings:6:21 @And Solomon overlayeth the house within with gold refined, and causeth [it] to pass over in chains of gold before the oracle, and overlayeth it with gold.

ylt@1Kings:6:22 @And the whole of the house he hath overlaid with gold, till the completion of all the house; and the whole of the altar that the oracle hath, he hath overlaid with gold.

ylt@1Kings:6:23 @And he maketh within the oracle two cherubs, of the oil-tree, ten cubits [is] their height;

ylt@1Kings:6:28 @and he overlayeth the cherubs with gold,

ylt@1Kings:6:29 @and all the walls of the house round about he hath carved with openings of carvings, cherubs, and palm trees, and openings of flowers, within and without.

ylt@1Kings:6:30 @And the floor of the house he hath overlaid with gold, within and without;

ylt@1Kings:6:32 @And the two doors [are] of the oil-tree, and he hath carved upon them carvings of cherubs, and palm-trees, and openings of flowers, and overlaid with gold, and he causeth the gold to go down on the cherubs and on the palm-trees.

ylt@1Kings:6:35 @And he hath carved cherubs, and palms, and openings of flowers, and overlaid with straightened gold the graved work.

ylt@1Kings:7:3 @and [it is] covered with cedar above, on the sides that [are] on the forty and five pillars, fifteen in the row.

ylt@1Kings:7:7 @And the porch of the throne where he judgeth -- the porch of judgment -- he hath made, and [it is] covered with cedar from the floor unto the floor.

ylt@1Kings:7:8 @As to his house where he dwelleth, the other court [is] within the porch -- as this work it hath been; and a house he maketh for the daughter of Pharaoh -- whom Solomon hath taken -- like this porch.

ylt@1Kings:7:9 @All these [are] of precious stone, according to the measures of hewn work, sawn with a saw, within and without, even from the foundation unto the coping, and at the outside, unto the great court.

ylt@1Kings:7:14 @he [is] son of a woman, a widow, of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father a man of Tyre, a worker in brass, and he is filled with the wisdom and the understanding, and the knowledge to do all work in brass -- and he cometh unto king Solomon, and doth all his work.

ylt@1Kings:7:18 @And he maketh the pillars, and two rows round about on the one net-work, to cover the chapiters that [are] on the top, with the pomegranates, and so he hath made for the second chapiter.

ylt@1Kings:7:31 @And its mouth within the chapiter and above [is] by the cubit, and its mouth [is] round, the work of the base, a cubit and half a cubit; and also on its mouth [are] carvings and their borders, square, not round.

ylt@1Kings:8:5 @And king Solomon and all the company of Israel who are met unto him [are] with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen, that are not counted nor numbered for multitude.

ylt@1Kings:8:8 @and they lengthen the staves, and the heads of the staves are seen from the holy [place] on the front of the oracle, and are not seen without, and they are there unto this day.

ylt@1Kings:8:9 @There is nothing in the ark, only the two tables of stone which Moses put there in Horeb, when Jehovah covenanted with the sons of Israel in their going out of the land of Egypt.

ylt@1Kings:8:15 @And he saith, 'Blessed [is] Jehovah, God of Israel, who spake by His mouth with David my father, and by His hand hath fulfilled [it], saying,

ylt@1Kings:8:17 @'And it is with the heart of David my father to build a house for the name of Jehovah, God of Israel,

ylt@1Kings:8:18 @and Jehovah saith unto David my father, Because that it hath been with thy heart to build a house for My name, thou hast done well that it hath been with thy heart;

ylt@1Kings:8:21 @and set there a place for the ark, where [is] the covenant of Jehovah which He made with our fathers in His bringing them out from the land of Egypt.'

ylt@1Kings:8:23 @and saith, 'Jehovah, God of Israel, there is not a God like Thee, in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath, keeping the covenant and the kindness for Thy servants, those walking before Thee with all their heart,

ylt@1Kings:8:24 @who hast kept for Thy servant David my father that which Thou spakest to him; yea, Thou speakest with Thy mouth, and with Thy hand hast fulfilled [it], as [at] this day.

ylt@1Kings:8:46 @'When they sin against Thee (for there is not a man who sinneth not), and Thou hast been angry with them, and hast given them up before an enemy, and they have taken captive their captivity unto the land of the enemy far off or near;

ylt@1Kings:8:48 @yea, they have turned back unto Thee, with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their enemies who have taken them captive, and have prayed unto Thee the way of their land, which Thou gavest to their fathers, the city which Thou hast chosen, and the house which I have builded for Thy name:

ylt@1Kings:8:55 @and he standeth and blesseth all the assembly of Israel [with] a loud voice, saying,

ylt@1Kings:8:57 @'Jehovah our God is with us as He hath been with our fathers; He doth not forsake us nor leave us;

ylt@1Kings:8:59 @and these my words with which I have made supplication before Jehovah, are near unto Jehovah our God by day and by night, to maintain the cause of His servant, and the cause of His people Israel, the matter of a day in its day;

ylt@1Kings:8:61 @and your heart hath been perfect with Jehovah our God, to walk in His statutes, and to keep His commands, as [at] this day.'

ylt@1Kings:8:62 @And the king and all Israel with him are sacrificing a sacrifice before Jehovah;

ylt@1Kings:8:65 @And Solomon maketh, at that time, the festival -- and all Israel with him, a great assembly from the entering in of Hamath unto the brook of Egypt -- before Jehovah our God, seven days and seven days; fourteen days.

ylt@1Kings:9:3 @and Jehovah saith unto him, 'I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication with which thou hast made supplication before Me; I have hallowed this house that thou hast built to put My name there -- unto the age, and Mine eyes and My heart have been there all the days.

ylt@1Kings:9:11 @Hiram king of Tyre hath assisted Solomon with cedar-trees, and with fir-trees, and with gold, according to all his desire; then doth king Solomon give to Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.

ylt@1Kings:9:16 @(Pharaoh king of Egypt hath gone up and doth capture Gezer, and doth burn it with fire, and the Canaanite who is dwelling in the city he hath slain, and giveth it [with] presents to his daughter, wife of Solomon.)

ylt@1Kings:9:25 @And Solomon caused to ascend, three times in a year, burnt-offerings and peace-offerings on the altar that he built to Jehovah, and he perfumed it with that which [is] before Jehovah, and finished the house.

ylt@1Kings:9:27 @And Hiram sendeth in the navy his servants, shipmen knowing the sea, with servants of Solomon,

ylt@1Kings:10:1 @And the queen of Sheba is hearing of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of Jehovah, and cometh to try him with enigmas,

ylt@1Kings:10:2 @and she cometh to Jerusalem, with a very great company, camels bearing spices, and very much gold, and precious stone, and she cometh unto Solomon, and speaketh unto him all that hath been with her heart.

ylt@1Kings:10:18 @And the king maketh a great throne of ivory, and overlayeth it with refined gold;

ylt@1Kings:10:22 @for a navy of Tarshish hath the king at sea with a navy of Hiram; once in three years cometh the navy of Tarshish, bearing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.

ylt@1Kings:10:26 @And Solomon gathereth chariots, and horsemen, and he hath a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, and he placeth them in the cities of the chariot, and with the king in Jerusalem.

ylt@1Kings:11:4 @And it cometh to pass, at the time of the old age of Solomon, his wives have turned aside his heart after other gods, and his heart hath not been perfect with Jehovah his God, like the heart of David his father.

ylt@1Kings:11:9 @And Jehovah sheweth Himself angry with Solomon, for his heart hath turned aside from Jehovah, God of Israel, who had appeared unto him twice,

ylt@1Kings:11:11 @and Jehovah saith to Solomon, 'Because that this hath been with thee, and thou hast not kept My covenant and My statutes that I charged upon thee, I surely rend the kingdom from thee, and have given it to thy servant.

ylt@1Kings:11:15 @and it cometh to pass, in David's being with Edom, in the going up of Joab head of the host to bury the slain, that he smiteth every male in Edom --

ylt@1Kings:11:17 @and Hadad fleeth, he and certain Edomites, of the servants of his father, with him, to go in to Egypt, and Hadad [is] a little youth,

ylt@1Kings:11:18 @and they rise out of Midian, and come into Paran, and take men with them out of Paran, and come in to Egypt, unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he giveth to him a house, and bread hath commanded for him, and land hath given to him.

ylt@1Kings:11:20 @and the sister of Tahpenes beareth to him Genubath his son, and Tahpenes weaneth him within the house of Pharaoh, and Genubath is in the house of Pharaoh in the midst of the sons of Pharaoh.

ylt@1Kings:11:21 @And Hadad hath heard in Egypt that David hath lain with his fathers, and that Joab head of the host is dead, and Hadad saith unto Pharaoh, 'Send me away, and I go unto my land.'

ylt@1Kings:11:22 @And Pharaoh saith to him, 'But, what art thou lacking with me, that lo, thou art seeking to go unto thine own land?' and he saith, 'Nay, but thou dost certainly send me away.'

ylt@1Kings:11:29 @And it cometh to pass, at that time, that Jeroboam hath gone out from Jerusalem, and Ahijah the Shilonite, the prophet, findeth him in the way, and he is covering himself with a new garment; and both of them [are] by themselves in a field,

ylt@1Kings:11:38 @and it hath been, if thou dost hear all that I command thee, and hast walked in My ways, and done that which is right in Mine eyes, to keep My statutes and My commands, as did David My servant, that I have been with thee, and have built for thee a stedfast house, as I built for David, and have given to thee Israel,

ylt@1Kings:11:43 @and Solomon lieth with his fathers, and is buried in the city of David his father, and reign doth Rehoboam his son in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:12:6 @And king Rehoboam consulteth with the elders who have been standing in the presence of Solomon his father, in his being alive, saying, 'How are ye counselling to answer this people?'

ylt@1Kings:12:8 @And he forsaketh the counsel of the elders which they counselled him, and consulteth with the lads who have grown up with him, who are standing before him;

ylt@1Kings:12:10 @And they speak unto him -- the lads who had grown up with him -- saying, 'Thus dost thou say to this people who have spoken unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, and thou, make [it] light upon us; thus dost thou speak unto them, My little [finger] is thicker than the loins of my father;

ylt@1Kings:12:11 @and now, my father laid on you a heavy yoke, and I add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, and I -- I chastise you with scorpions.'

ylt@1Kings:12:14 @and speaketh unto them, according to the counsel of the lads, saying, 'My father made your yoke heavy, and I add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, and I -- I chastise you with scorpions;'

ylt@1Kings:12:21 @And Rehoboam cometh to Jerusalem, and assembleth all the house of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen warriors, to fight with the house of Israel, to bring back the kingdom to Rehoboam son of Solomon.

ylt@1Kings:12:24 @Thus said Jehovah, Ye do not go up nor fight with your brethren the sons of Israel; turn back each to his house, for from Me hath this thing been;' and they hear the word of Jehovah, and turn back to go according to the word of Jehovah.

ylt@1Kings:13:7 @And the king speaketh unto the man of God, 'Come in with me to the house, and refresh thyself, and I give to thee a gift.'

ylt@1Kings:13:8 @And the man of God saith unto the king, 'If thou dost give to me the half of thine house, I do not go in with thee, nor do I eat bread, nor do I drink water, in this place;

ylt@1Kings:13:15 @And he saith unto him, 'Come with me to the house, and eat bread.'

ylt@1Kings:13:16 @And he saith, 'I am not able to turn back with thee, and to go in with thee, nor do I eat bread or drink with thee water in this place,

ylt@1Kings:13:18 @And he saith to him, 'I also [am] a prophet like thee, and a messenger spake unto me by the word of Jehovah, saying, Bring him back with thee unto thy house, and he doth eat bread and drink water;' -- he hath lied to him.

ylt@1Kings:13:19 @And he turneth back with him, and eateth bread in his house, and drinketh water.

ylt@1Kings:14:6 @And it cometh to pass, at Ahijah's hearing the sound of her feet [as] she came in to the opening, that he saith, 'Come in, wife of Jeroboam, why is this -- thou art making thyself strange? and I am sent unto thee [with] a sharp thing:

ylt@1Kings:14:8 @and rend the kingdom from the house of David, and give it to thee, -- and thou hast not been as My servant David who kept My commands, and who walked after Me with all his heart, to do only that which [is] right in Mine eyes,

ylt@1Kings:14:20 @And the days that Jeroboam reigned [are] twenty and two years, and he lieth with his fathers, and reign doth Nadab his son in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:14:31 @and Rehoboam lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers, in the city of David, and the name of his mother [is] Naamah the Ammonitess, and reign doth Abijam his son in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:15:3 @and he walketh in all the sins of his father, that he did before him, and his heart hath not been perfect with Jehovah his God, as the heart of David his father;

ylt@1Kings:15:8 @and Abijam lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in the city of David, and reign doth Asa his son in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:15:14 @and the high places have not turned aside; only, the heart of Asa hath been perfect with Jehovah all his days,

ylt@1Kings:15:19 @'A covenant [is] between me and thee, between my father and thy father; lo, I have sent to thee a reward of silver and gold; go, break thy covenant with Baasha king of Israel, and he goeth up from off me.'

ylt@1Kings:15:22 @And king Asa hath summoned all Judah -- there is none exempt -- and they lift up the stones of Ramah, and its wood, that Baasha hath built, and king Asa buildeth with them Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah.

ylt@1Kings:15:24 @and Asa lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the city of David his father, and Jehoshaphat his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:15:30 @because of the sins of Jeroboam that he sinned, and that he caused Israel to sin, by his provocation with which he provoked to anger Jehovah, God of Israel.

ylt@1Kings:16:2 @'Because that I have raised thee up out of the dust, and appoint thee leader over My people Israel, and thou walkest in the way of Jeroboam, and causest My people Israel to sin -- to provoke Me to anger with their sins;

ylt@1Kings:16:6 @And Baasha lieth with his fathers, and is buried in Tirzah, and Elah his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:16:7 @And also by the hand of Jehu son of Hanani the prophet a word of Jehovah hath been concerning Baasha, and concerning his house, and concerning all the evil that he did in the eyes of Jehovah to provoke Him to anger with the work of his hands, to be like the house of Jeroboam, and concerning that for which he smote him.

ylt@1Kings:16:13 @concerning all the sins of Baasha, and the sins of Elah his son, that they sinned, and that they caused Israel to sin to provoke Jehovah, God of Israel, with their vanities.

ylt@1Kings:16:17 @And Omri goeth up, and all Israel with him, from Gibbethon, and they lay siege to Tirzah.

ylt@1Kings:16:18 @And it cometh to pass, at Zimri's seeing that the city hath been captured, that he cometh in unto a high place of the house of the king, and burneth over him the house of the king with fire, and dieth,

ylt@1Kings:16:24 @and he buyeth the mount Samaria from Shemer, with two talents of silver, and buildeth [on] the mount, and calleth the name of the city that he hath built by the name of Shemer, lord of the hill -- Samaria.

ylt@1Kings:16:26 @and walketh in all the way of Jeroboam son of Nebat, and in his sin that he caused Israel to sin, to provoke Jehovah, God of Israel, with their vanities.

ylt@1Kings:16:28 @And Omri lieth with his fathers, and is buried in Samaria, and Ahab his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:17:20 @and crieth unto Jehovah, and saith, 'Jehovah my God, also on the widow with whom I am sojourning hast Thou done evil -- to put her son to death?'

ylt@1Kings:18:4 @and it cometh to pass, in Jezebel's cutting off the prophets of Jehovah, that Obadiah taketh a hundred prophets, and hideth them, fifty men in a cave, and hath sustained them with bread and water --

ylt@1Kings:18:13 @'Hath it not been declared to my lord that which I have done in Jezebel's slaying the prophets of Jehovah, that I hide of the prophets of Jehovah a hundred men, fifty by fifty in a cave, and sustained them with bread and water?

ylt@1Kings:18:27 @And it cometh to pass, at noon, that Elijah playeth on them, and saith, 'Call with a loud voice, for he [is] a god, for he is meditating, or pursuing, or on a journey; it may be he is asleep, an doth awake.'

ylt@1Kings:18:28 @And they call with a loud voice, and cut themselves, according to their ordinance, with swords and with spears, till a flowing of blood [is] on them;

ylt@1Kings:18:32 @and he buildeth with the stones an altar, in the name of Jehovah, and maketh a trench, as about the space of two measures of seed, round about the altar.

ylt@1Kings:18:35 @and the water goeth round about the altar, and also, the trench he hath filled with water.

ylt@1Kings:19:19 @And he goeth thence, and findeth Elisha son of Shaphat, and he is plowing; twelve yoke [are] before him, and he [is] with the twelfth; and Elijah passeth over unto him, and casteth his robe upon him,

ylt@1Kings:19:21 @And he turneth back from after him, and taketh the yoke of oxen, and sacrificeth it, and with instruments of the oxen he hath boiled their flesh, and giveth to the people, and they eat, and he riseth, and goeth after Elijah, and serveth him.

ylt@1Kings:20:1 @And Ben-Hadad king of Aram hath gathered all his force, and thirty and two kings [are] with him, and horse and chariot, and he goeth up and layeth siege against Samaria, and fighteth with it,

ylt@1Kings:20:7 @And the king of Israel calleth to all the elders of the land, and saith, 'Know, I pray you, and see that evil this [one] is seeking, for he sent unto me for my wives, and for my sons, and for my silver, and for my gold, and I withheld not from him.'

ylt@1Kings:20:23 @And the servants of the king of Aram said unto him, 'Gods of hills [are] their gods, therefore they were stronger than we; and yet, we fight with them in the plain -- are we not stronger than they?

ylt@1Kings:20:25 @and thou, number to thee a force as the force that is fallen from thee, and horse for horse, and chariot for chariot, and we fight with them in the plain; are we not stronger than they?' and he hearkeneth to their voice, and doth so.

ylt@1Kings:20:26 @And it cometh to pass at the turn of the year, that Ben-Hadad inspecteth the Aramaeans, and goeth up to Aphek, to battle with Israel,

ylt@1Kings:20:34 @And he saith unto him, 'The cities that my father took from thy father, I give back, and streets thou dost make for thee in Damascus, as my father did in Samaria;' -- 'and I, with a covenant, send thee away;' and he maketh with him a covenant, and sendeth him away.

ylt@1Kings:20:38 @and the prophet goeth and standeth for the king on the way, and disguiseth himself with ashes on his eyes.

ylt@1Kings:21:8 @And she writeth letters in the name of Ahab, and sealeth with his seal, and sendeth the letters unto the elders, and unto the freemen, who are in his city, those dwelling with Naboth,

ylt@1Kings:21:13 @and two men -- sons of worthlessness -- come in, and sit over-against him, and the men of worthlessness testify of him, even Naboth, before the people, saying, 'Naboth blessed God and Melech;' and they take him out to the outside of the city, and stone him with stones, and he dieth;

ylt@1Kings:21:22 @and given up thy house like the house of Jeroboam son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha son of Ahijah, for the provocation with which thou hast provoked [Me], and dost cause Israel to sin.

ylt@1Kings:22:4 @And he saith unto Jehoshaphat, 'Dost thou go with me to battle [to] Ramoth-Gilead?' and Jehoshaphat saith unto the king of Israel, 'As I am, so thou; as my people, so thy people; as my horses, so thy horses.'

ylt@1Kings:22:10 @And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah are sitting, each on his throne, clothed with garments, in a threshing-floor, at the opening of the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets are prophesying before them.

ylt@1Kings:22:13 @And the messenger who hath gone to call Micaiah hath spoken unto him, saying, 'Lo, I pray thee, the words of the prophets, with one mouth, [are] good towards the king; let it be, I pray thee, thy word as the word of one of them -- and thou hast spoken good.'

ylt@1Kings:22:24 @And Zedekiah son of Chenaanah draweth nigh, and smiteth Micaiah on the cheek, and saith, 'Where [is] this -- he hath passed over -- the Spirit of Jehovah -- from me to speak with thee?'

ylt@1Kings:22:31 @And the king of Aram commanded the heads of the charioteers whom he hath -- thirty and two -- saying, 'Ye do not fight with small or with great, but with the king of Israel by himself.'

ylt@1Kings:22:34 @And a man hath drawn with a bow, in his simplicity, and smiteth the king of Israel between the joinings and the coat of mail, and he saith to his charioteer, 'Turn thy hand, and take me out from the camp, for I have become sick.'

ylt@1Kings:22:40 @And Ahab lieth with his fathers, and Ahaziah his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@1Kings:22:44 @And Jehoshaphat maketh peace with the king of Israel;

ylt@1Kings:22:45 @and the rest of the matters of Jehoshaphat, and his might that he got, and with which he fought, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Judah?

ylt@1Kings:22:49 @Then said Ahaziah son of Ahab unto Jehoshaphat, 'Let my servants go with thy servants in the ships;' and Jehoshaphat was not willing.

ylt@1Kings:22:50 @And Jehoshaphat lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the city of David his father, and Jehoram his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:1:15 @And a messenger of Jehovah speaketh unto Elijah, 'Go down with him, be not afraid of him;' and he riseth and goeth down with him unto the king,

ylt@2Kings:2:16 @and say unto him, 'Lo, we pray thee, there are with thy servants fifty men, sons of valour: let them go, we pray thee, and they seek thy lord, lest the Spirit of Jehovah hath taken him up, and doth cast him on one of the hills, or into one of the valleys;' and he saith, 'Ye do not send.'

ylt@2Kings:3:4 @And Mesha king of Moab was a sheep-master, and he rendered to the king of Israel a hundred thousand lambs, and a hundred thousand rams, [with] wool,

ylt@2Kings:3:7 @and goeth and sendeth unto Jehoshaphat king of Judah, saying, 'The king of Moab hath transgressed against me; dost thou go with me unto Moab for battle?' and he saith, 'I go up, as I, so thou; as my people, so thy people; as my horses, so thy horses.

ylt@2Kings:3:12 @And Jehoshaphat saith, 'The word of Jehovah is with him;' and go down unto him do the king of Israel, and Jehoshaphat, and the king of Edom.

ylt@2Kings:3:19 @and ye have smitten every fenced city, and every choice city, and every good tree ye cause to fall, and all fountains of waters ye stop, and every good portion ye mar with stones.'

ylt@2Kings:3:20 @And it cometh to pass in the morning, at the ascending of the [morning]-present, that lo, waters are coming in from the way of Edom, and the land is filled with the waters,

ylt@2Kings:3:26 @And the king of Moab seeth that the battle has been too strong for him, and he taketh with him seven hundred men, drawing sword, to cleave through unto the king of Edom, and they have not been able,

ylt@2Kings:4:3 @And he saith, 'Go, ask for thee vessels from without, from all thy neighbours -- empty vessels -- let [them] not be few;

ylt@2Kings:4:13 @And he saith to him, 'Say, I pray thee, unto her, Lo, thou hast troubled thyself concerning us with all this trouble; what -- to do for thee? is it to speak for thee unto the king, or unto the head of the host?' and she saith, 'In the midst of my people I am dwelling.'

ylt@2Kings:5:9 @And Naaman cometh, with his horses and with his chariot, and standeth at the opening of the house for Elisha;

ylt@2Kings:6:3 @And the one saith, 'Be pleased, I pray thee, and go with thy servants;' and he saith, 'I -- I go.'

ylt@2Kings:6:4 @And he goeth with them, and they come in to the Jordan, and cut down the trees,

ylt@2Kings:6:8 @And the king of Aram hath been fighting against Israel, and taketh counsel with his servants, saying, 'At such and such a place [is] my encamping.'

ylt@2Kings:6:16 @And he saith, 'Fear not, for more [are] they who [are] with us than they who [are] with them.'

ylt@2Kings:6:18 @And they come down unto it, and Elisha prayeth unto Jehovah, and saith, 'Smite, I pray Thee, this nation with blindness;' and He smiteth them with blindness, according to the word of Elisha.

ylt@2Kings:6:22 @And he saith, 'Thou dost not smite; those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword and with thy bow art thou smiting? set bread and water before them, and they eat, and drink, and go unto their lord.'

ylt@2Kings:6:30 @And it cometh to pass, at the king's hearing the words of the woman, that he rendeth his garments, and he is passing by on the wall, and the people see, and lo, the sackcloth [is] on his flesh within.

ylt@2Kings:6:32 @And Elisha is sitting in his house, and the elders are sitting with him, and [the king] sendeth a man from before him; before the messenger doth come unto him, even he himself said unto the elders, 'Have ye seen that this son of the murderer hath sent to turn aside my head? see, at the coming in of the messenger, shut the door, and ye have held him fast at the door, is not the sound of the feet of his lord behind him?'

ylt@2Kings:6:33 @He is yet speaking with them, and lo, the messenger is coming down unto him, and he saith, 'Lo, this [is] the evil from Jehovah: what -- do I wait for Jehovah any more?'

ylt@2Kings:7:2 @And the captain whom the king hath, by whose hand he hath been supported, answereth the man of God and saith, 'Lo, Jehovah is making windows in the heavens -- shall this thing be?' and he saith, 'Lo, thou art seeing it with thine eyes, and thereof thou dost not eat.'

ylt@2Kings:7:11 @and he calleth the gatekeepers, and they declare to the house of the king within.

ylt@2Kings:7:19 @and the captain answereth the man of God, and saith, 'And lo, Jehovah is making windows in the heavens -- it is according to this word?' and he saith, 'Lo, thou art seeing with thine eyes, and thereof thou dost not eat;'

ylt@2Kings:8:12 @And Hazael saith, 'Wherefore is my lord weeping?' and he saith, 'Because I have known the evil that thou dost to the sons of Israel -- their fenced places thou dost send into fire, and their young men with sword thou dost slay, and their sucklings thou dost dash to pieces, and their pregnant women thou dost rip up.'

ylt@2Kings:8:21 @and Joram passeth over to Zair, and all the chariots with him, and he himself hath risen by night, and smiteth Edom, that is coming round about unto him, and the heads of the chariots, and the people fleeth to its tents;

ylt@2Kings:8:24 @And Joram lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the city of David, and reign doth Ahaziah his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:8:28 @And he goeth with Joram son of Ahab to battle with Hazael king of Aram in Ramoth-Gilead, and the Aramaeans smite Joram,

ylt@2Kings:8:29 @and Joram the king turneth back to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds with which the Arameans smite him in Ramah, in his fighting with Hazael king of Aram, and Ahaziah son of Jehoram king of Judah hath gone down to see Joram son of Ahab in Jezreel, for he is sick.

ylt@2Kings:9:13 @And they haste and take each his garment, and put [it] under him at the top of the stairs, and blow with a trumpet, and say, 'Reigned hath Jehu!'

ylt@2Kings:9:15 @and king Joram turneth back to be healed in Jezreel, of the wounds with which the Aramaeans smite him, in his fighting with Hazael king of Aram) -- and Jehu saith, 'If it is your mind, let not an escaped one go out from the city, to go to declare [it] in Jezreel.'

ylt@2Kings:9:20 @And the watchman declareth, saying, 'He came unto them, and he hath not returned, and the driving [is] like the driving of Jehu son of Nimshi, for with madness he driveth.'

ylt@2Kings:9:24 @And Jehu hath filled his hand with a bow, and smiteth Jehoram between his arms, and the arrow goeth out from his heart, and he boweth down in his chariot.

ylt@2Kings:9:28 @and his servants carry him in a chariot to Jerusalem, and bury him in his burying-place, with his fathers, in the city of David.

ylt@2Kings:9:32 @And he lifteth up his face unto the window, and saith, 'Who [is] with me? -- who?' and look out unto him do two [or] three eunuchs;

ylt@2Kings:10:2 @'And now, at the coming in of this letter unto you, and with you [are] sons of your lord, and with you [are] the chariots and the horses, and a fenced city, and the armour,

ylt@2Kings:10:6 @And he writeth unto them a letter a second time, saying, 'If ye [are] for me, and to my voice are hearkening, take the heads of the men -- the sons of your lord, and come unto me about this time to-morrow, to Jezreel;' and the sons of the king [are] seventy men, with the great ones of the city those bringing them up.

ylt@2Kings:10:15 @And he goeth thence, and findeth Jehonadab son of Rechab -- to meet him, and blesseth him, and saith unto him, 'Is thy heart right, as my heart [is] with thy heart?' and Jehonadab saith, 'It is;' -- 'Then it is; give thy hand;' and he giveth his hand, and he causeth him to come up into him into the chariot,

ylt@2Kings:10:16 @and saith, 'Come with me, and look on my zeal for Jehovah;' and they cause him to ride in his chariot.

ylt@2Kings:10:23 @And Jehu goeth in, and Jehonadab son of Rechab, to the house of Baal, and saith to the servants of Baal, 'Search and see, lest there be here with you of the servants of Jehovah -- but, the servants of Baal by themselves.'

ylt@2Kings:10:31 @And Jehu hath not taken heed to walk in the law of Jehovah, God of Israel, with all his heart, he hath not turned aside from the sins of Jeroboam, that he caused Israel to sin.

ylt@2Kings:10:35 @And Jehu lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in Samaria, and reign doth Jehoahaz his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:11:3 @and he is with her, in the house of Jehovah, hiding himself, six years, and Athaliah is reigning over the land.

ylt@2Kings:11:4 @And in the seventh year hath Jehoiada sent and taketh the heads of the hundreds, of the executioners and of the runners, and bringeth them in unto him, to the house of Jehovah, and maketh with them a covenant, and causeth them to swear in the house of Jehovah, and sheweth them the son of the king,

ylt@2Kings:11:8 @and ye have compassed the king round about, each with his weapons in his hand, and he who is coming unto the ranges is put to death; and be ye with the king in his going out and in his coming in.'

ylt@2Kings:11:9 @And the heads of the hundreds do according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded, and take each his men going in on the sabbath, with those going out on the sabbath, and come in unto Jehoiada the priest,

ylt@2Kings:11:11 @And the runners stand, each with his weapons in his hand, from the right shoulder of the house unto the left shoulder of the house, by the altar and by the house, by the king round about;

ylt@2Kings:11:14 @and looketh, and lo, the king is standing by the pillar, according to the ordinance, and the heads, and the trumpets, [are] by the king, and all the people of the land are rejoicing, and blowing with trumpets, and Athaliah rendeth her garments, and calleth, 'Conspiracy! conspiracy!'

ylt@2Kings:12:14 @for to those doing the work they give it, and they have strengthened with it the house of Jehovah,

ylt@2Kings:12:15 @and they do not reckon with the men into whose hand they give the money to give to those doing the work, for in faithfulness they are dealing.

ylt@2Kings:12:21 @yea, Jozachar son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad son of Shemer, his servants, have smitten him, and he dieth, and they bury him with his fathers in the city of David, and reign doth Amaziah his son, in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:13:9 @And Jehoahaz lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in Samaria, and reign doth Joash his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:13:12 @And the rest of the matters of Joash, and all that he did, and his might with which he fought with Amaziah king of Judah, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?

ylt@2Kings:13:13 @And Joash lieth with his fathers, and Jeroboam hath sat on his throne, and Joash is buried in Samaria, with the kings of Israel.

ylt@2Kings:13:14 @And Elisha hath been sick with his sickness in which he dieth, and come down unto him doth Joash king of Israel, and weepeth on his face, and saith, 'My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and its horsemen.'

ylt@2Kings:13:23 @and Jehovah doth favour them, and pity them, and turn unto them, for the sake of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and hath not been willing to destroy them, nor to cast them from His presence as yet.

ylt@2Kings:14:10 @Thou hast certainly smitten Edom, and thy heart hath lifted thee up; be honoured, and abide in thy house; and why dost thou stir thyself up in evil, that thou hast fallen, thou, and Judah with thee?'

ylt@2Kings:14:15 @And the rest of the matters of Jehoash that he did, and his might, and how he fought with Amaziah king of Judah, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?

ylt@2Kings:14:16 @And Jehoash lieth with his fathers, and is buried in Samaria with the kings of Israel, and reign doth Jeroboam his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:14:20 @and lift him up on the horses, and he is buried in Jerusalem, with his fathers, in the city of David.

ylt@2Kings:14:22 @he hath built Elath, and bringeth it back to Judah, after the lying of the king with his fathers.

ylt@2Kings:14:28 @And the rest of the matters of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might with which he fought, and with which he brought back Damascus, and Hamath of Judah, into Israel, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?

ylt@2Kings:14:29 @And Jeroboam lieth with his fathers, with the kings of Israel, and reign doth Zechariah his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:15:7 @And Azariah lieth with his fathers, and they bury him with his fathers, in the city of David, and reign doth Jotham his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:15:19 @Pul king of Asshur hath come against the land, and Menahem giveth to Pul a thousand talents of silver, for his hand being with him to strengthen the kingdom in his hand.

ylt@2Kings:15:22 @And Menahem lieth with his fathers, and reign doth Pekahiah his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:15:25 @And Pekah son of Remaliah, his captain, doth conspire against him, and smiteth him in Samaria, in the high place of the house of the king with Argob and Arieh, and with him fifty men of the sons of the Gileadites, and he putteth him to death, and reigneth in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:15:38 @And Jotham lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers, in the city of David his father, and reign doth Ahaz his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:16:18 @And the covered place for the sabbath that they built in the house, and the entrance of the king without, he turned [from] the house of Jehovah, because of the king of Asshur.

ylt@2Kings:16:20 @And Ahaz lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers, in the city of David, and reign doth Hezekiah his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:17:15 @and reject His statutes and His covenant that He made with their fathers, and His testimonies that He testified against them, and go after the vain thing, and become vain, and after the nations that are round about them, of whom Jehovah commanded them not to do like them;

ylt@2Kings:17:31 @and the Avites have made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites are burning their sons with fire to Adrammelech and Anammelech, gods of Sepharvim.

ylt@2Kings:17:35 @and Jehovah maketh with them a covenant, and chargeth them, saying, 'Ye do not fear other gods, nor bow yourselves to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them,

ylt@2Kings:17:36 @but Jehovah who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a stretched-out arm, Him ye do fear, and to Him ye bow yourselves, and to Him ye do sacrifice;

ylt@2Kings:17:38 @and the covenant that I have made with you ye do not forget, and ye do not fear other gods;

ylt@2Kings:18:7 @And Jehovah hath been with him, in every place where he goeth out he acteth wisely, and he rebelleth against the king of Asshur, and hath not served him;

ylt@2Kings:18:17 @And the king of Asshur sendeth Tartan, and the chief of the eunuchs, and the chief of the butlers, from Lachish, unto king Hezekiah, with a heavy force, to Jerusalem, and they go up and come in to Jerusalem, and they go up, and come in and stand by the conduit of the upper pool that [is] in the highway of the fuller's field.

ylt@2Kings:18:25 @Now, without Jehovah have I come up against this place to destroy it? Jehovah said unto me, Go up against this land, and thou hast destroyed it.'

ylt@2Kings:18:26 @And Eliakim son of Hilkiah saith -- and Shebna, and Joah -- to the chief of the butlers, 'Speak, we pray thee, unto thy servants [in] Aramaean, for we are understanding, and do not speak with us [in] Jewish, in the ears of the people who [are] on the wall.'

ylt@2Kings:18:27 @And the chief of the butlers saith unto them, 'For thy lord, and unto thee, hath my lord sent me to speak these words? is it not for the men, those sitting on the wall to eat their own dung and to drink their own water, with you?'

ylt@2Kings:18:28 @And the chief of the butlers standeth and calleth with a great voice [in] Jewish, and speaketh and saith, 'Hear ye a word of the great king, the king of Asshur:

ylt@2Kings:18:31 @'Do not hearken unto Hezekiah, for thus said the king of Asshur, Make with me a blessing, and come out unto me, and eat ye each of his vine, and each of his fig-tree, and drink ye each the waters of his own well,

ylt@2Kings:18:37 @And Eliakim son of Hilkiah, who [is] over the house, cometh in, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah son of Asaph the remembrancer, unto Hezekiah, with rent garments, and they declare to him the words of the chief of the butlers.

ylt@2Kings:19:1 @And it cometh to pass, at king Hezekiah's hearing, that he rendeth his garments, and covereth himself with sackcloth, and entereth the house of Jehovah,

ylt@2Kings:19:2 @and sendeth Eliakim, who [is] over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covering themselves with sackcloth, unto Isaiah the prophet, son of Amoz,

ylt@2Kings:19:4 @'It may be Jehovah thy God doth hear all the words of the chief of the butlers with which the king of Asshur his lord hath sent him to reproach the living God, and hath decided concerning the words that Jehovah thy God hath heard, and thou hast lifted up prayer for the remnant that is found.'

ylt@2Kings:19:6 @and Isaiah saith to them, 'Thus do ye say unto your lord: Thus said Jehovah, Be not afraid because of the words that thou hast heard, with which the servants of the king of Asshur have reviled Me.

ylt@2Kings:19:9 @And he heareth concerning Tirhakah king of Cush, saying, 'Lo, he hath come out to fight with thee;' and he turneth and sendeth messengers unto Hezekiah, saying,

ylt@2Kings:19:16 @Incline, O Jehovah, Thine ear, and hear; open, O Jehovah, Thine eyes, and see; and hear Thou the words of Sennacherib with which he hath sent him to reproach the living God.

ylt@2Kings:19:24 @I have digged, and drunk strange waters, And I dry up with the sole of my steps All floods of a bulwark.

ylt@2Kings:19:32 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Concerning the king of Asshur: He doth not come in unto this city, Nor doth he shoot there an arrow, Nor doth he come before it with shield. Nor doth he pour out against it a mount.

ylt@2Kings:19:37 @and it cometh to pass, he is bowing himself in the house of Nisroch his god, and Adramelech and Sharezar [his sons] have smitten him with the sword, and they have escaped to the land of Ararat, and Esar-Haddon his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:20:3 @'I pray Thee, O Jehovah, remember, I pray Thee, how I have walked habitually before Thee in truth, and with a perfect heart, and that which [is] good in Thine eyes I have done;' and Hezekiah weepeth -- a great weeping.

ylt@2Kings:20:21 @And Hezekiah lieth with his fathers, and reign doth Manasseh his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:21:6 @and he hath caused his son to pass through fire, and observed clouds, and used enchantment, and dealt with a familiar spirit and wizards; he hath multiplied to do the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah -- to provoke to anger.

ylt@2Kings:21:18 @And Manasseh lieth with his fathers, and is buried in the garden of his house, in the garden of Uzza, and reign doth Amon his son in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:22:7 @only, the silver that is given into their hand is not reckoned with them, for in faithfulness they are dealing.

ylt@2Kings:22:17 @because that they have forsaken Me, and make perfume to other gods, so as to provoke Me to anger with every work of their hands, and My wrath hath been kindled against this place, and it is not quenched.

ylt@2Kings:23:2 @and the king goeth up to the house of Jehovah, and every man of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, with him, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people, from small unto great, and he readeth in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that is found in the house of Jehovah.

ylt@2Kings:23:3 @And the king standeth by the pillar, and maketh the covenant before Jehovah, to walk after Jehovah, and to keep His commands, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all the heart, and with all the soul, to establish the words of this covenant that are written on this book, and all the people stand in the covenant.

ylt@2Kings:23:11 @And he causeth to cease the horses that the kings of Judah have given to the sun from the entering in of the house of Jehovah, by the chamber of Nathan-Melech the eunuch, that [is] in the suburbs, and the chariots of the sun he hath burnt with fire.

ylt@2Kings:23:14 @And he hath broken in pieces the standing-pillars, and cutteth down the shrines, and filleth their place with bones of men;

ylt@2Kings:23:18 @And he saith, 'Let him alone, let no man touch his bones;' and they let his bones escape, with the bones of the prophet who came out of Samaria.

ylt@2Kings:23:25 @And like him there hath not been before him a king who turned back unto Jehovah with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses, and after him there hath none risen like him.

ylt@2Kings:23:26 @Only, Jehovah hath not turned back from the fierceness of His great anger with which His anger burned against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh provoked him,

ylt@2Kings:24:4 @and also the innocent blood that he hath shed, and he filleth Jerusalem with innocent blood, and Jehovah was not willing to forgive.

ylt@2Kings:24:6 @And Jehoiakim lieth with his fathers, and Jehoiachin his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@2Kings:25:6 @and they seize the king, and bring him up unto the king of Babylon, to Riblah, and they speak with him -- judgment.

ylt@2Kings:25:7 @And the sons of Zedekiah they have slaughtered before his eyes, and the eyes of Zedekiah he hath blinded, and bindeth him with brazen fetters, and they bring him to Babylon.

ylt@2Kings:25:9 @and he burneth the house of Jehovah, and the house of the king, and all the houses of Jerusalem, yea, every great house he hath burned with fire;

ylt@2Kings:25:10 @and the walls of Jerusalem round about have all the forces of the Chaldeans, who [are] with the chief of the executioners, broken down.

ylt@2Kings:25:14 @And the pots, and the shovels, and the snuffers, and the spoons, and all the vessels of brass with which they minister they have taken,

ylt@2Kings:25:17 @eighteen cubits [is] the height of the one pillar, and the chapiter on it [is] of brass, and the height of the chapiter [is] three cubits, and the net and the pomegranates [are] on the chapiter round about -- the whole [is] of brass; and like these hath the second pillar, with the net.

ylt@2Kings:25:25 @And it cometh to pass, in the seventh month, come hath Ishmael son of Nathaniah, son of Elishama of the seed of the kingdom, and ten men with him, and they smite Gedaliah, and he dieth, and the Jews and the Chaldeans who have been with him in Mizpah.

ylt@2Kings:25:28 @and speaketh with him good things and putteth his throne above the throne of the kings who [are] with him in Babylon,

ylt@1Chronicles:2:23 @and he taketh Geshur and Aram, the small villages of Jair, from them, with Kenath and its small towns, sixty cities -- all these [belonged to] the sons of Machir father of Gilead.

ylt@1Chronicles:2:30 @And sons of Nadab: Seled, and Appaim; and Seled dieth without sons.

ylt@1Chronicles:2:32 @And sons of Jada, brother of Shammai: Jether, and Jonathan: and Jether dieth without sons.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:9 @And Jabez is honoured above his brethren, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, 'Because I have brought forth with grief.'

ylt@1Chronicles:4:10 @And Jabez calleth to the God of Israel, saying, 'If blessing Thou dost bless me, then Thou hast made great my border, and Thy hand hath been with me, and Thou hast kept [me] from evil -- not to grieve me;' and God bringeth in that which he asked.

ylt@1Chronicles:4:23 @They [are] the potters and inhabitants of Netaim and Gedera; with the king in his work they dwelt there.

ylt@1Chronicles:5:10 @And in the days of Saul they have made war with the Hagarites, who fall by their hand, and they dwell in their tents over all the face of the east of Gilead.

ylt@1Chronicles:5:19 @And they make war with the Hagarites, and Jetur, and Naphish, and Nodab,

ylt@1Chronicles:5:20 @and they are helped against them, and the Hagarites are given into their hand, and all who [are] with them, for they cried to God in battle, and He was entreated of them, because they trusted in Him.

ylt@1Chronicles:7:7 @And sons of Bela: Ezbon, and Uzzi, and Uzziel, and Jerimoth, and Iri, five; heads of a house of fathers, mighty of valour, with their genealogy, twenty and two thousand, and thirty and four.

ylt@1Chronicles:7:9 @with their genealogy, after their generations, heads of a house of their fathers, mighty of valour, twenty thousand and two hundred.

ylt@1Chronicles:7:14 @Sons of Manasseh: Ashriel, whom Jaladah his Aramaean concubine bare, with Machir father of Gilead.

ylt@1Chronicles:7:40 @All these [are] sons of Asher, heads of the house of the fathers, chosen ones, mighty in valour, heads of the princes, with their genealogy, for the host, for battle, their number [is] twenty and six thousand men.

ylt@1Chronicles:8:32 @and Mikloth begat Shimeah. And they also over-against their brethren dwelt in Jerusalem with their brethren.

ylt@1Chronicles:9:20 @and Phinehas son of Eleazar hath been leader over them formerly; Jehovah [is] with him.

ylt@1Chronicles:9:25 @And their brethren in their villages [are] to come in for seven days from time to time with these.

ylt@1Chronicles:9:38 @And Mikloth begat Shimeam, and they also, over-against their brethren, have dwelt in Jerusalem with their brethren.

ylt@1Chronicles:10:1 @And the Philistines have fought with Israel, and the men of Israel flee from the face of the Philistines, and fall wounded in mount Gilboa,

ylt@1Chronicles:10:3 @And the battle [is] heavy on Saul, and those shooting with the bow find him, and he is wounded by those shooting,

ylt@1Chronicles:10:4 @and Saul saith unto the bearer of his weapons, 'Draw thy sword, and pierce me with it, lest these uncircumcised come -- and have abused me.' And the bearer of his weapons hath not been willing, for he feareth exceedingly, and Saul taketh the sword, and falleth upon it;

ylt@1Chronicles:11:3 @And all the elders of Israel come in unto the king to Hebron, and David maketh with them a covenant in Hebron before Jehovah, and they anoint David for king over Israel, according to the word of Jehovah by the hand of Samuel.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:9 @And David goeth, going on and becoming great, and Jehovah of Hosts [is] with him.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:10 @And these [are] heads of the mighty ones whom David hath, who are strengthening themselves with him in his kingdom, with all Israel, to cause him to reign, according to the word of Jehovah, over Israel.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:13 @he hath been with David in Pas-Dammim, and the Philistines have been gathered there to battle, and a portion of the field is full of barley, and the people have fled from the face of the Philistines,

ylt@1Chronicles:11:19 @and saith, 'Far be it from me, by my God, to do this; the blood of these men do I drink with their lives? for with their lives they have brought it;' and he was not willing to drink it; these [things] did the three mighty ones.

ylt@1Chronicles:11:23 @And he hath smitten the man, the Egyptian -- a man of measure, five by the cubit -- and in the hand of the Egyptian [is] a spear like a beam of weavers, and he goeth down unto him with a rod, and taketh violently away the spear out of the hand of the Egyptian, and slayeth him with his own spear.

ylt@1Chronicles:12:2 @armed with bow, right and left handed, with stones, and with arrows, with bows, of the brethren of Saul, of Benjamin.

ylt@1Chronicles:12:17 @and David goeth out before them, and answereth and saith to them, 'If for peace ye have come in unto me, to help me, I have a heart to unite with you; and if to betray me to mine adversaries -- without violence in my hands -- the God of our fathers doth see and reprove.'

ylt@1Chronicles:12:18 @And the Spirit hath clothed Amasai, head of the captains: 'To thee, O David, and with thee, O son of Jesse -- peace! peace to thee, and peace to thy helper, for thy God hath helped thee;' and David receiveth them, and putteth them among the heads of the troop.

ylt@1Chronicles:12:19 @And of Manasseh there have fallen unto David in his coming with the Philistines against Israel to battle -- and they helped them not, for by counsel the princes of the Philistines sent him away, saying, 'With our heads he doth fall unto his master Saul.' --

ylt@1Chronicles:12:21 @and they have helped with David over the troop, for mighty of valour [are] all of them, and they are captains in the host,

ylt@1Chronicles:12:27 @and Jehoiada [is] the leader of the Aaronite, and with him [are] three thousand and seven hundred,

ylt@1Chronicles:12:33 @Of Zebulun, going forth to the host, arranging battle with all instruments of battle, [are] fifty thousand, and keeping rank without a double heart.

ylt@1Chronicles:12:34 @And of Naphtali, a thousand heads, and with them, with target and spear, [are] thirty and seven thousand.

ylt@1Chronicles:12:37 @And from beyond the Jordan, of the Reubenite, and of the Gadite, and of the half of the tribe of Manasseh, with all instruments of the host for battle, [are] a hundred and twenty thousand.

ylt@1Chronicles:12:38 @All these [are] men of war, keeping rank -- with a perfect heart they have come to Hebron, to cause David to reign over all Israel, and also all the rest of Israel [are] of one heart, to cause David to reign,

ylt@1Chronicles:12:39 @and they are there, with David, three days, eating and drinking, for their brethren have prepared for them.

ylt@1Chronicles:13:1 @And David consulteth with the heads of the thousands, and of the hundreds, every leader,

ylt@1Chronicles:13:2 @and David saith to all the assembly of Israel, 'If unto you it be good, and from Jehovah our God it hath broken forth -- we send unto our brethren, those left in all the lands of Israel, and with them the priests and the Levites, in the cities of their suburbs, and they are gathered unto us,

ylt@1Chronicles:13:8 @and David and all Israel are playing before God, with all strength, and with songs, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.

ylt@1Chronicles:13:14 @And the ark of God dwelleth with the household of Obed-Edom, in his house, three months, and Jehovah blesseth the house of Obed-Edom, and all that he hath.

ylt@1Chronicles:14:12 @And they leave there their gods, and David speaketh, and they are burnt with fire.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:15 @and sons of the Levites bear the ark of God, as Moses commanded, according to the word of Jehovah, on their shoulder, with staves, above them.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:16 @And David saith to the heads of the Levites to appoint their brethren the singers, with instruments of song, psalteries, and harps, and cymbals, sounding, to lift up with the voice for joy.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:18 @and with them their brethren, the seconds [in rank], Zechariah, Ben, and Jaaziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Unni, Eliab, and Benaiah, and Maaseiah, and Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah; and Obed-Edom and Jeiel the gatekeepers;

ylt@1Chronicles:15:19 @and the singers, Heman, Asaph, and Ethan, with cymbals of brass to sound,

ylt@1Chronicles:15:20 @and Zechariah, and Aziel, and Shemiramoth, and Jeheil, and Unni, and Eliab, and Maaseiah, and Benaiah, with psalteries besides virgins,

ylt@1Chronicles:15:21 @and Mattithiah, and Elipheleh, and Mikneiah, and Obed-Edom, and Jeiel, and Azaziah, with harps, on the octave, to oversee.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:24 @And Shebaniah, and Joshaphat, and Nethaneel, and Amasai, and Zechariah, and Benaiah, and Eliezer the priests, are blowing with trumpets before the ark of God; and Obed-Edom and Jehiah [are] gatekeepers for the ark.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:25 @And it is David, and the elders of Israel, and the heads of the thousands, who are going to bring up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah from the house of Obed-Edom with joy;

ylt@1Chronicles:15:28 @And all Israel are bringing up the ark of the covenant of Jehovah with shouting, and with the sound of a cornet, and with trumpets, and with cymbals, sounding with psalteries and harps,

ylt@1Chronicles:16:5 @Asaph the head, and his second Zechariah; Jeiel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehiel, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obed-Edom, and Jeiel, with instruments of psalteries, and with harps; and Asaph with cymbals is sounding;

ylt@1Chronicles:16:6 @and Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests [are] with trumpets continually before the ark of the covenant of God.

ylt@1Chronicles:16:16 @Which He hath made with Abraham, And His oath -- to Isaac,

ylt@1Chronicles:16:41 @And with them [are] Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest of those chosen, who were defined by name, to give thanks to Jehovah, for to the age [is] His kindness,

ylt@1Chronicles:16:42 @and with them -- Heman and Jeduthun -- [are] trumpets and cymbals for those sounding, and instruments of the song of God, and the sons of Jeduthun [are] at the gate.

ylt@1Chronicles:17:2 @and Nathan saith unto David, 'All that [is] in thy heart do, for God [is] with thee.'

ylt@1Chronicles:17:6 @whithersoever I have walked up and down among all Israel, a word spake I, with one of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to feed My people, saying, Why have ye not built for Me a house of cedars?

ylt@1Chronicles:17:8 @and I am with thee whithersoever thou hast walked, and I cut off all thine enemies from thy presence, and have made for thee a name like the name of the great ones who [are] in the earth.

ylt@1Chronicles:17:11 @and it hath come to pass, when thy days have been fulfilled to go with thy fathers, that I have raised up thy seed after thee, who is of thy sons, and I have established his kingdom,

ylt@1Chronicles:17:20 @O Jehovah, there is none like Thee, and there is no god save Thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

ylt@1Chronicles:18:8 @and from Tibhath, and from Chun, cities of Hadarezer, hath David taken very much brass; with it hath Solomon made the brazen sea, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass.

ylt@1Chronicles:18:10 @and he sendeth Hadoram his son unto king David, to ask of him of peace, and to bless him (because that he hath fought against Hadarezer, and smiteth him, for a man of wars with Tou had Hadarezer been,) and all kinds of vessels, of gold, and silver, and brass;

ylt@1Chronicles:18:11 @also them hath king David sanctified to Jehovah with the silver and the gold that he hath taken from all the nations, from Edom, and from Moab, and from the sons of Ammon, and from the Philistines, and from Amalek.

ylt@1Chronicles:19:2 @and David saith, 'I do kindness with Hanun son of Nahash, for his father did with me kindness;' and David sendeth messengers to comfort him concerning his father. And the servants of David come in unto the land of the sons of Ammon, unto Hanun, to comfort him,

ylt@1Chronicles:19:14 @And Joab draweth nigh, and the people who [are] with him, before Aram to battle, and they flee from his face;

ylt@1Chronicles:19:17 @And it is declared to David, and he gathereth all Israel, and passeth over the Jordan, and cometh in unto them, and setteth in array against them; yea, David setteth in array the battle to meet Aram, and they fight with him;

ylt@1Chronicles:19:19 @And the servants of Hadarezer see that they have been smitten before Israel, and they make peace with David and serve him, and Aram hath not been willing to help the sons of Ammon any more.

ylt@1Chronicles:20:4 @And it cometh to pass, after this, that there remaineth war in Gezer with the Philistines, then hath Sibbechai the Hushathite smitten Sippai, of the children of the giant, and they are humbled.

ylt@1Chronicles:20:5 @And there is again war with the Philistines, and Elhanan son of Jair smiteth Lahmi, brother of Goliath the Gittite, the wood of whose spear [is] like a beam of weavers.

ylt@1Chronicles:21:6 @And Levi and Benjamin he hath not numbered in their midst, for the word of the king was abominable with Joab.

ylt@1Chronicles:21:16 @and David lifteth up his eyes, and seeth the messenger of Jehovah standing between the earth and the heavens, and his sword drawn in his hand, stretched out over Jerusalem, and David falleth, and the elders, covered with sackcloth, on their faces.

ylt@1Chronicles:21:20 @And Ornan turneth back, and seeth the messenger, and his four sons [are] with him, hiding themselves, and Ornan is threshing wheat.

ylt@1Chronicles:21:24 @And king David saith to Ornan, 'Nay, for I surely buy for full silver; for I do not lift up that which is thine to Jehovah, so as to offer a burnt-offering without cost.'

ylt@1Chronicles:21:26 @and David buildeth there an altar to Jehovah, and offereth burnt-offerings and peace-offerings, and calleth unto Jehovah, and He answereth him with fire from the heavens on the altar of the burnt-offering.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:4 @And cedar-trees even without number, for the Zidonians and the Tyrians brought in cedar-trees in abundance to David.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:7 @and David saith to Solomon his son, 'As for me, it hath been with my heart to build a house to the name of Jehovah my God,

ylt@1Chronicles:22:11 @'Now, my son, Jehovah is with thee, and thou hast prospered, and hast built the house of Jehovah thy God, as He spake concerning thee.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:13 @then thou dost prosper, if thou dost observe to do the statutes and the judgments that Jehovah charged Moses with concerning Israel; be strong and courageous; do not fear, nor be cast down.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:15 @'And with thee in abundance [are] workmen, hewers and artificers of stone and of wood, and every skilful man for every work.

ylt@1Chronicles:22:16 @To the gold, to the silver, and to the brass, and to the iron, there is no number; arise and do, and Jehovah is with thee.'

ylt@1Chronicles:22:18 @'Is not Jehovah your God with you? yea, He hath given rest to you round about, for He hath given into my hand the inhabitants of the land, and subdued hath been the land before His people.

ylt@1Chronicles:23:1 @And David is old, and satisfied with days, and causeth his son Solomon to reign over Israel,

ylt@1Chronicles:23:5 @and four thousand gatekeepers, and four thousand giving praise to Jehovah, 'with instruments that I made for praising,' [saith David.]

ylt@1Chronicles:24:5 @And they distribute them, by lots, one with another, for princes of the sanctuary, and princes of God, have been of the sons of Eleazar, and of the sons of Ithamar.

ylt@1Chronicles:25:1 @And David and the heads of the host separate for service, of the sons of Asaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun, who are prophesying with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals, and the number of the workmen is according to their service.

ylt@1Chronicles:25:3 @Of Jeduthun: sons of Jeduthun, Gedaliah, and Zeri, and Jeshaiah, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, Shisshah, [are] by the side of their father Jeduthun; with a harp he is prophesying, for giving of thanks and of praise to Jehovah.

ylt@1Chronicles:25:6 @All these [are] by the side of their father in the song of the house of Jehovah, with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God; by the side of the king [are] Asaph, and Jeduthun, and Heman.

ylt@1Chronicles:25:7 @And their number, with their brethren -- taught in the song of Jehovah, all who are intelligent -- is two hundred, eighty and eight.

ylt@1Chronicles:25:8 @And they cause to fall lots -- charge over-against [charge], as well the small as the great, the intelligent with the learner.

ylt@1Chronicles:26:8 @all these [are] of the sons of Obed-Edom; they, and their sons, and their brethren, men of valour with might for service, [are] sixty and two of Obed-Edom.

ylt@1Chronicles:26:14 @And the lot falleth eastward to Shelemiah; and [for] Zechariah his son -- a counsellor with understanding -- they cause to fall lots, and his lot goeth out northward:

ylt@1Chronicles:26:16 @to Shuppim and to Hosah to the west, with the gate Shallecheth, in the highway, the ascent, charge over-against charge;

ylt@1Chronicles:27:32 @And Jonathan, uncle of David, [is] counsellor, a man of understanding, he is also a scribe; and Jehiel son of Hachmoni [is] with the sons of the king;

ylt@1Chronicles:28:1 @And David assembleth all the heads of Israel, heads of the tribes, and heads of the courses who are serving the king, and heads of the thousands, and heads of the hundreds, and heads of all the substance and possessions of the king, and of his sons, with the officers and the mighty ones, even to every mighty one of valour -- unto Jerusalem.

ylt@1Chronicles:28:2 @And David the king riseth on his feet, and saith, 'Hear me, my brethren and my people, I -- with my heart -- to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, and for the footstool of our God, and I prepared to build,

ylt@1Chronicles:28:9 @'And thou, Solomon, my son, know the God of thy father, and serve Him with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind, for all hearts is Jehovah seeking, and every imagination of the thoughts He is understanding; if thou dost seek Him, He is found of thee, and if thou dost forsake Him, He casteth thee off for ever.

ylt@1Chronicles:28:12 @and the pattern of all that hath been by the Spirit with him, for the courts of the house of Jehovah, and for all the chambers round about, for the treasures of the house of God, and for the treasures of the things sacrificed;

ylt@1Chronicles:28:20 @And David saith to Solomon his son, 'Be strong, and courageous, and do; do not fear nor be affrighted, for Jehovah God, my God, [is] with thee; He doth not fail thee, nor forsake thee, unto the completion of all the work of the service of the house of Jehovah.

ylt@1Chronicles:28:21 @'And lo, courses of the priests and of the Levites [are] for all the service of the house of God; and with thee in all work [is] every willing one with wisdom, for every service; and the heads and all the people [are] according to all thy words.'

ylt@1Chronicles:29:2 @and with all my power I have prepared for the house of my God, the gold for [things of] gold, and the silver for [those of] silver, and the brass for [those of] brass, the iron for [those of] iron, and the wood for [those of] wood, shoham stones, and settings, and stones of painting and of diverse colours, and all [kinds of] precious stone, and stones of white marble, in abundance.

ylt@1Chronicles:29:8 @and he with whom stones are found hath given to the treasury of the house of Jehovah, by the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.

ylt@1Chronicles:29:9 @And the people rejoice because of their offering willingly, for with a perfect heart they have offered willingly to Jehovah; and also David the king hath rejoiced -- great joy.

ylt@1Chronicles:29:17 @'And I have known, my God, that Thou art trying the heart, and uprightness dost desire; I, in the uprightness of my heart, have willingly offered all these: and now, Thy people who are found here I have seen with joy to offer willingly to Thee.

ylt@1Chronicles:29:22 @And they eat and drink before Jehovah on that day with great joy, and cause Solomon son of David to reign a second time, and anoint [him] before Jehovah for leader, and Zadok for priest.

ylt@1Chronicles:29:28 @and he dieth in a good old age, satisfied with days, riches, and honour, and reign doth Solomon his son in his stead.

ylt@1Chronicles:29:30 @with all his reign, and his might, and the times that went over him, and over Israel, and over all kingdoms of the lands.

ylt@2Chronicles:1:1 @And strengthen himself doth Solomon son of David over his kingdom, and Jehovah his God [is] with him, and maketh him exceedingly great.

ylt@2Chronicles:1:3 @and they go -- Solomon, and all the assembly with him -- to the high place that [is] in Gibeon, for there hath been God's tent of meeting, that Moses, servant of Jehovah, made in the wilderness,

ylt@2Chronicles:1:8 @And Solomon saith to God, 'Thou hast done with David my father great kindness, and hast caused me to reign in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:1:9 @Now, O Jehovah God, is Thy word with David my father stedfast, for Thou hast caused me to reign over a people numerous as the dust of the earth;

ylt@2Chronicles:1:11 @And God saith to Solomon, 'Because that this hath been with thy heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, and honour, and the life of those hating thee, and also many days hast not asked, and dost ask for thyself wisdom and knowledge, so that thou dost judge My people over which I have caused thee to reign --

ylt@2Chronicles:1:14 @and Solomon gathereth chariots and horsemen, and he hath a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, and he placeth them in the cities of the chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:2:3 @And Solomon sendeth unto Huram king of Tyre, saying, 'When thou hast dealt with David my father, then thou dost send to him cedars to build for him a house to dwell in;

ylt@2Chronicles:2:7 @'And now, send to me a wise man to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, and blue, and knowing to grave gravings with the wise men who [are] with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father prepared;

ylt@2Chronicles:2:8 @and send to me cedar-trees, firs, and algums from Lebanon, for I have known that thy servants know to cut down trees of Lebanon, and lo, my servants [are] with thy servants,

ylt@2Chronicles:2:14 @(son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father a man of Tyre), knowing to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stones, and in wood, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson, and to grave any graving, and to devise any device that is given to him, with thy wise men, and the wise men of my lord David thy father.

ylt@2Chronicles:2:17 @And Solomon numbereth all the men, the sojourners who [are] in the land of Israel, after the numbering with which David his father numbered them, and they are found a hundred and fifty thousand, and three thousand, and six hundred;

ylt@2Chronicles:3:4 @As to the porch that [is] on the front, the length [is] by the front of the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the height a hundred and twenty, and he overlayeth it within with pure gold.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:5 @And the large house he hath covered with fir-trees, and he doth cover it with good gold, and causeth to ascend on it palms and chains,

ylt@2Chronicles:3:6 @and he overlayeth the house with precious stone for beauty, and the gold [is] gold of Parvaim,

ylt@2Chronicles:3:7 @and he covereth the house, the beams, the thresholds, and its walls, and its doors, with gold, and hath graved cherubs on the walls.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:8 @And he maketh the most holy house: its length [is] by the front of the breadth of the house twenty cubits, and its breadth twenty cubits, and he covereth it with good gold, to six hundred talents;

ylt@2Chronicles:3:9 @and the weight of the nails [is] fifty shekels of gold, and the upper chambers he hath covered with gold.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:10 @And he maketh in the most holy house two cherubs, image work, and he overlayeth them with gold;

ylt@2Chronicles:4:4 @It is standing on twelve oxen, three facing the north, and three facing the west, and three facing the south, and three facing the east, and the sea [is] upon them above, and all their hinder parts [are] within.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:5 @And its thickness [is] a handbreadth, and its lip as the work of the lip of a cup flowered with lilies; taking hold -- baths three thousand it containeth.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:6 @And he maketh ten lavers, and putteth five on the right, and five on the left, to wash with them; the work of the burnt-offering they purge with them; and the sea [is] for priests to wash with.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:9 @And he maketh the court of the priests, and the great court, and doors for the court, and their doors he hath overlaid with brass.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:9 @and they lengthen the staves, and the heads of the staves are seen out of the ark on the front of the oracle, and they are not seen without; and it is there unto this day.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:10 @There is nothing in the ark but the two tables that Moses gave in Horeb, where Jehovah covenanted with the sons of Israel, in their going out from Egypt.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:12 @and the Levites, the singers, to all of them, to Asaph, to Heman, to Jeduthun, and to their sons, and to their brethren, clothed in white linen, with cymbals, and with psalteries, and harps, are standing on the east of the altar, and with them priests, to a hundred and twenty, blowing with trumpets --

ylt@2Chronicles:5:13 @yea, it cometh to pass, as one [are] trumpeters and singers, to sound -- one voice -- to praise and to give thanks to Jehovah, and at the lifting up of the sound with trumpets, and with cymbals, and with instruments of song, and at giving praise to Jehovah, for good, for to the age [is] His kindness, that the house is filled with a cloud -- the house of Jehovah,

ylt@2Chronicles:6:4 @and he saith, 'Blessed [is] Jehovah, God of Israel, who hath spoken with His mouth with David my father, and with His hands hath fulfilled [it], saying:

ylt@2Chronicles:6:7 @'And it is with the heart of David my father to build a house for the name of Jehovah God of Israel,

ylt@2Chronicles:6:8 @and Jehovah saith unto David my father, Because that it hath been with thy heart to build a house for My name, thou hast done well that it hath been with thy heart,

ylt@2Chronicles:6:11 @and I place there the ark, where [is] the covenant of Jehovah that He made with the sons of Israel.'

ylt@2Chronicles:6:14 @and saith, 'O Jehovah God of Israel, there is not like Thee a god in the heavens and in the earth, keeping the covenant and the kindness for Thy servants who are walking before Thee with all their heart;

ylt@2Chronicles:6:15 @who hast kept for Thy servant David my father that which Thou didst speak to him; yea, Thou dost speak with Thy mouth, and with Thy hand hast fulfilled [it], as at this day.

ylt@2Chronicles:6:18 @(for is it true? -- God dwelleth with man on the earth! Lo, the heavens, and the heavens of the heavens, do not contain Thee, how much less this house that I have built?)

ylt@2Chronicles:6:36 @'When they sin against Thee -- for there is not a man who sinneth not -- and Thou hast been angry with them, and hast given them before an enemy, and taken them captive have their captors, unto a land far off or near;

ylt@2Chronicles:6:38 @yea, they have turned back unto Thee with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their captivity, whither they have taken them captive, and they have prayed the way of their land that Thou hast given to their fathers, and of the city that Thou hast chosen, and of the house that I have built for Thy name:

ylt@2Chronicles:6:41 @and now, rise, O Jehovah God, to Thy rest, Thou, and the ark of Thy strength; Thy priests, O Jehovah God, are clothed with salvation, and Thy saints rejoice in the goodness,

ylt@2Chronicles:7:6 @And the priests over their charges are standing, and the Levites with instruments of the song of Jehovah -- that David the king made, to give thanks to Jehovah, for to the age [is] His kindness, in David's praising by their hand -- and the priests are blowing trumpets over-against them, and all Israel are standing.

ylt@2Chronicles:7:8 @And solomon maketh the feast at that time seven days, and all Israel with him -- a very great assembly -- from the entering in of Hamath unto the brook of Egypt.

ylt@2Chronicles:7:18 @then I have established the throne of thy kingdom, as I covenanted with David thy father, saying, There is not cut off a man to thee -- a ruler in Israel;

ylt@2Chronicles:8:5 @And he buildeth Beth-Horon the upper, and Beth-Horon the lower -- cities of defence, with walls, two-leaved doors, and bar --

ylt@2Chronicles:8:18 @and Huram sendeth to him, by the hand of his servants, ships and servants knowing the sea, and they go with servants of Solomon to Ophir, and take thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and bring in unto king Solomon.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:1 @And the queen of Sheba hath heard of the fame of Solomon, and cometh in to try Solomon with acute sayings, to Jerusalem, with a very great company, and camels bearing spices and gold in abundance, and precious stone; and she cometh in unto Solomon, and speaketh with him all that hath been with her heart,

ylt@2Chronicles:9:17 @And the king maketh a great throne of ivory, and overlayeth it with pure gold;

ylt@2Chronicles:9:21 @for ships of the king are going to Tarshish, with servants of Huram: once in three years come do the ships of Tarshish bearing gold, and silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:25 @And there are to Solomon four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, and he placed them in cities of the chariot, and with the king in Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:9:29 @And the rest of the matters of Solomon, the first and the last, are they not written beside the matters of Nathan the prophet, and beside the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and with the visions of Iddo the seer concerning Jeroboam son of Nebat?

ylt@2Chronicles:9:31 @and Solomon lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in the city of David his father, and reign doth Rehoboam his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:10:6 @And king Rehoboam consulteth with the aged men who have been standing before Solomon his father in his being alive, saying, 'How are ye counselling to answer this people?'

ylt@2Chronicles:10:7 @And they speak unto him, saying, 'If thou dost become good to this people, and hast been pleased with them, and spoken unto them good words, then they have been to thee servants all the days.'

ylt@2Chronicles:10:8 @And he forsaketh the counsel of the aged men that they counselled him, and consulteth with the lads who have grown up with him, those standing before him,

ylt@2Chronicles:10:10 @And the lads who have grown up with him, speak with him, saying, 'Thus dost thou say to the people who have spoken unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, and thou, make light [somewhat] of our yoke; thus dost thou say unto them, My little finger is thicker than the loins of my father;

ylt@2Chronicles:10:11 @and now, my father laid on you a heavy yoke, and I -- I add unto your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, and I -- with scorpions.'

ylt@2Chronicles:10:14 @and speaketh unto them according to the counsel of the lads, saying, 'My father made your yoke heavy, and I -- I add unto it; my father chastised you with whips, and I -- with scorpions.'

ylt@2Chronicles:11:1 @And Rehoboam cometh in to Jerusalem, and assembleth the house of Judah and Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen warriors, to fight with Israel, to bring back the kingdom to Rehoboam.

ylt@2Chronicles:11:4 @Thus said Jehovah, Ye do not go up nor fight with your brethren, turn back each to his house, for from Me hath this thing been;' and they hear the words of Jehovah, and turn back from going against Jeroboam.

ylt@2Chronicles:12:1 @And it cometh to pass, at the establishing of the kingdom of Rehoboam, and at his strengthening himself, he hath forsaken the law of Jehovah, and all Israel with him.

ylt@2Chronicles:12:3 @with a thousand and two hundred chariots, and with sixty thousand horsemen, and there is no number to the people who have come with him out of Egypt -- Lubim, Sukkiim, and Cushim --

ylt@2Chronicles:12:16 @and Rehoboam lieth with his fathers, and is buried in the city of David, and reign doth Abijah his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:13:3 @And Abijah directeth the war with a force of mighty men of war, four hundred thousand chosen men, and Jeroboam hath set in array with him battle, with eight hundred thousand chosen men, mighty of valour.

ylt@2Chronicles:13:8 @'And now, ye are saying to strengthen yourselves before the kingdom of Jehovah in the hand of the sons of David, and ye [are] a numerous multitude, and with you calves of gold that Jeroboam hath made to you for gods.

ylt@2Chronicles:13:9 @'Have ye not cast out the priests of Jehovah, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and make to you priests like the peoples of the lands? every one who hath come to fill his hand with a bullock, a son of the herd, and seven rams, even he hath been a priest to No-gods!

ylt@2Chronicles:13:12 @'And lo, with us -- at [our] head -- [is] God, and His priests and trumpets of shouting to shout against you; O sons of Israel, do not fight with Jehovah, God of your fathers, for ye do not prosper.'

ylt@2Chronicles:13:14 @And Judah turneth, and lo, against them [is] the battle, before and behind, and they cry to Jehovah, and the priests are blowing with trumpets,

ylt@2Chronicles:14:1 @And Abijah lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in the city of David, and reign doth Asa his son in his stead: in his days was the land quiet ten years.

ylt@2Chronicles:14:6 @And he buildeth cities of bulwarks in Judah, for the land hath quiet, and there is no war with him in these years, because Jehovah hath given rest to him.

ylt@2Chronicles:14:7 @And he saith to Judah, 'Let us build these cities, and compass [them] with wall, and towers, two-leaved doors, and bars, while the land [is] before us, because we have sought Jehovah our God, we have sought, and He giveth rest to us round about;' and they build and prosper.

ylt@2Chronicles:14:9 @And come out unto them doth Zerah the Cushite with a force of a thousand thousand, and chariots three hundred, and he cometh in unto Mareshah,

ylt@2Chronicles:14:11 @And Asa calleth unto Jehovah his God, and saith, 'Jehovah! it is nothing with Thee to help, between the mighty and those who have no power; help us, O Jehovah, our God, for on Thee we have leant, and in Thy name we have come against this multitude; O Jehovah, our God thou [art]; let him not prevail with Thee -- mortal man!

ylt@2Chronicles:14:13 @and Asa and the people who [are] with him pursue them even to Gerar, and there fall of the Cushim, for they have no preserving, because they have been broken before Jehovah, and before His camp; and they bear away very much spoil,

ylt@2Chronicles:15:2 @and he goeth out before Asa, and saith to him, 'Hear, me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin; Jehovah [is] with you -- in your being with Him, and if ye seek Him, He is found of you, and if ye forsake Him, He forsaketh you;

ylt@2Chronicles:15:3 @and many days [are] to Israel without a true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law,

ylt@2Chronicles:15:6 @and they have been beaten down, nation by nation, and city by city, for God hath troubled them with every adversity;

ylt@2Chronicles:15:9 @and gathereth all Judah and Benjamin, and the sojourners with them out of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and out of Simeon -- for they have fallen unto him from Israel in abundance, in their seeing that Jehovah his God [is] with him.

ylt@2Chronicles:15:12 @and they enter into a covenant to seek Jehovah, God of their fathers, with all their heart, and with all their soul,

ylt@2Chronicles:15:14 @And they swear to Jehovah with a loud voice, and with shouting, and with trumpets, and with cornets,

ylt@2Chronicles:15:15 @and rejoice do all Judah concerning the oath, for with all their heart they have sworn, and with all their good-will they have sought Him, and He is found of them, and Jehovah giveth rest to them round about.

ylt@2Chronicles:16:3 @'A covenant [is] between me and thee, and between my father and thy father, lo, I have sent to thee silver and gold; go, break thy covenant with Baasha king of Israel, and he doth go up from off me.'

ylt@2Chronicles:16:6 @and Asa the king hath taken all Judah, and they bear away the stones of Ramah, and its wood, that Baasha hath built, and he buildeth with them Geba and Mizpah.

ylt@2Chronicles:16:9 @for Jehovah -- His eyes go to and fro in all the earth, to show Himself strong [for] a people whose heart [is] perfect towards Him; thou hast been foolish concerning this, because -- henceforth there are with thee wars.'

ylt@2Chronicles:16:10 @And Asa is angry at the seer, and giveth him to the house of torture, for [he is] in a rage with him for this; and Asa oppresseth [some] of the people at that time.

ylt@2Chronicles:16:13 @And Asa lieth with his fathers, and dieth in the forty and first year of his reign,

ylt@2Chronicles:16:14 @and they bury him in [one of] his graves, that he had prepared for himself in the city of David, and they cause him to lie on a bed that [one] hath filled [with] spices, and divers kinds of mixtures, with perfumed work; and they burn for him a burning -- very great.

ylt@2Chronicles:17:3 @And Jehovah is with Jehoshaphat, for he hath walked in the first ways of David his father, and hath not sought to Baalim,

ylt@2Chronicles:17:8 @and with them the Levites, Shemaiah, and Nethaniah, and Zebadiah, and Asahel, and Shemiramoth, and Jehonathan, and Adonijah, and Tobijath, and Tob-Adonijah, the Levites; and with them Elishama and Jehoram, the priests.

ylt@2Chronicles:17:9 @And they teach in Judah, and with them [is] the Book of the Law of Jehovah, and they go round about into all cities of Judah, and teach among the people.

ylt@2Chronicles:17:10 @And here is a fear of Jehovah on all kingdoms of the lands that [are] round about Judah, and they have not fought with Jehoshaphat;

ylt@2Chronicles:17:14 @And these [are] their numbers, for the house of their fathers: Of Judah, heads of thousands, Adnah the head, and with him mighty ones of valour, three hundred chiefs.

ylt@2Chronicles:17:15 @And at his hand [is] Jehohanan the head, and with him two hundred and eighty chiefs.

ylt@2Chronicles:17:16 @And at his hand [is] Amasiah son of Zichri, who is willingly offering himself to Jehovah, and with him two hundred chiefs, mighty of valour.

ylt@2Chronicles:17:17 @And of Benjamin: mighty of valour, Eliada, and with him, armed with bow and shield, two hundred chiefs.

ylt@2Chronicles:17:18 @And at his hand [is] Jehozabad, and with him a hundred and eighty chiefs, armed ones of the host.

ylt@2Chronicles:18:2 @and goeth down at the end of [certain] years unto Ahab to Samaria, and Ahab sacrificeth for him sheep and oxen in abundance, and for the people who [are] with him, and persuadeth him to go up unto Ramoth-Gilead.

ylt@2Chronicles:18:3 @And Ahab king of Israel saith unto Jehoshaphat king of Judah, 'Dost thou go with me [to] Ramoth-Gilead?' And he saith to him, 'As I -- so thou, and as thy people -- my people, even with thee in battle.'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:9 @And the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah are sitting, each on his throne, clothed with garments, and they are sitting in a threshing-floor at the opening of the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets are prophesying before them.

ylt@2Chronicles:18:11 @With these thou dost push Aram till thou hast consumed them.' And all the prophets are prophesying so, saying, 'Go up [to] Ramath-Gilead and prosper, and Jehovah hath given [it] into the hand of the king.'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:20 @And go out doth the spirit, and stand before Jehovah, and saith, I do entice him; and Jehovah saith unto him, With what?

ylt@2Chronicles:18:23 @And Zedekiah son of Chenaanah cometh nigh, and smiteth Micaiah on the cheek, and saith, 'Where [is] this -- the way the Spirit of Jehovah passed over from me to speak with thee?'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:30 @And the king of Aram hath commanded the heads of the charioteers whom he hath, saying, 'Ye do not fight with small or with great, except with the king of Israel by himself.'

ylt@2Chronicles:18:33 @And a man hath drawn with a bow, in his simplicity, and smiteth the king of Israel between the joinings and the coat of mail, and he saith to the charioteer, 'Turn thy hand, and thou hast brought me out of the camp, for I have become sick.'

ylt@2Chronicles:19:3 @but good things have been found with thee, for thou hast put away the shrines out of the land, and hast prepared thy heart to seek God.'

ylt@2Chronicles:19:6 @and saith unto the judges, 'See what ye are doing -- for not for man do ye judge, but for Jehovah, who [is] with you in the matter of judgment;

ylt@2Chronicles:19:7 @and now, let fear of Jehovah be upon you, observe and do, for there is not with Jehovah our God perverseness, and acceptance of faces, and taking of a bribe.'

ylt@2Chronicles:19:9 @and he layeth a charge upon them, saying, 'Thus do ye do in the fear of Jehovah, in faithfulness, and with a perfect heart,

ylt@2Chronicles:19:11 @'And, lo, Amariah the head priest [is] over you for every matter of Jehovah, and Zebadiah son of Ishmael, the leader of the house of Judah, [is] for every matter of the king, and officers the Levites [are] before you; be strong and do, and Jehovah is with the good.'

ylt@2Chronicles:20:1 @And it cometh to pass after this, the sons of Moab have come in, and the sons of Ammon, and with them of the peoples, against Jehoshaphat to battle.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:6 @and saith, 'O Jehovah, God of our fathers, art not Thou -- God in the heavens? yea, Thou art ruling over all kingdoms of the nations, and in Thy hand [is] power and might, and there is none with Thee to station himself.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:17 @Not for you to fight in this; station yourselves, stand, and see the salvation of Jehovah with you, O Judah and Jerusalem -- be not afraid nor fear ye -- to-morrow go out before them, and Jehovah [is] with you.'

ylt@2Chronicles:20:19 @And the Levites, of the sons of the Kohathites, and of the sons of the Korhites, rise to give praise to Jehovah, God of Israel, with a loud voice on high.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:21 @And he taketh counsel with the people, and appointeth singers to Jehovah, and those giving praise to the honour of holiness, in the going out before the armed [men], and saying, 'Give ye thanks to Jehovah, for to the age [is] His kindness.'

ylt@2Chronicles:20:22 @And at the time they have begun with singing and praise, Jehovah hath put ambushments against the sons of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, who are coming in to Judah, and they are smitten,

ylt@2Chronicles:20:23 @and the sons of Ammon stand up, and Moab, against the inhabitants of mount Seir, to devote and to destroy, and at their finishing with the inhabitants of Seir, they helped, a man against his neighbour, to destroy.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:25 @and Jehoshaphat cometh in, and his people, to seize their spoil, and they find among them, in abundance, both goods and carcases, and desirable vessels, and they take spoil to themselves without prohibition, and they are three days seizing the spoil, for it [is] abundant.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:27 @And they turn back, every man of Judah and Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat at their head, to go back unto Jerusalem with joy, for Jehovah hath made them rejoice over their enemies.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:28 @And they come in to Jerusalem with psalteries, and with harps, and with trumpets, unto the house of Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:20:29 @And there is a fear of God on all kingdoms of the lands in their hearing that Jehovah hath fought with the enemies of Israel,

ylt@2Chronicles:20:35 @And after this hath Jehoshaphat king of Judah joined himself with Ahaziah king of Israel, (he did wickedly in [so] doing),

ylt@2Chronicles:20:36 @and he joineth him with himself to make ships to go to Tarshish, and they make ships in Ezion-Geber,

ylt@2Chronicles:20:37 @and prophesy doth Eliezer son of Dodavah, of Mareshah, against Jehoshaphat, saying, 'For thy joining thyself with Ahaziah, Jehovah hath broken up thy works;' and the ships are broken, and have not retained [power] to go unto Tarshish.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:1 @And Jehoshaphat lieth with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the city of David, and Jehoram his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:3 @and their father giveth to them many gifts of silver and of gold, and of precious things, with fenced cities in Judah, and the kingdom he hath given to Jehoram, for He [is] the first-born.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:4 @And Jehoram riseth up over the kingdom of his father, and strengtheneth himself, and slayeth all his brethren with the sword, and also -- of the heads of Israel.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:7 @and Jehovah hath not been willing to destroy the house of David, for the sake of the covenant that He made with David, and as He had said to give to him a lamp, and to his sons -- all the days.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:9 @and Jehoram passeth over with his heads, and all the chariots with him, and it cometh to pass, he hath risen by night and smiteth the Edomites who are coming round against him, and the princes of the chariots,

ylt@2Chronicles:21:15 @and thou, with many sicknesses, with disease of thy bowels, till thy bowels come out, by the sickness, day by day.'

ylt@2Chronicles:21:19 @and it cometh to pass, from days to days, and at the time of the going out of the end of two years, his bowels have gone out with his sickness, and he dieth of sore diseases, and his people have not made for him a burning like the burning of his fathers.

ylt@2Chronicles:21:20 @A son of thirty and two [years] was he in his reigning, and eight years he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and he goeth without desire, and they bury him in the city of David, and not in the graves of the kings.

ylt@2Chronicles:22:1 @And the inhabitants of Jerusalem cause Ahaziah his youngest son to reign in his stead, (for all the elder had the troop slain that came in with the Arabians to the camp,) and Ahaziah son of Jehoram king of Judah reigneth.

ylt@2Chronicles:22:5 @Also, in their counsel he hath walked, and goeth with Jehoram son of Ahab king of Israel to battle against Hazael king of Aram, in Ramoth-Gilead, and they of Ramah smite Joram;

ylt@2Chronicles:22:6 @and he turneth back to be healed in Jezreel because of the wounds with which they had smitten him in Ramah, in his fighting with Hazael king of Aram. And Azariah son of Jehoram king of Judah hath gone down to see Jehoram son of Ahab, in Jezreel, for he [is] sick;

ylt@2Chronicles:22:7 @and from God hath been the destruction of Ahaziah, to come unto Joram: and in his coming he hath gone out with Jehoram unto Jehu son of Nimshi, whom Jehovah anointed to cut off the house of Ahab.

ylt@2Chronicles:22:8 @And it cometh to pass, in Jehu's executing judgment with the house of Ahab, that he findeth the heads of Judah and sons of the brethren of Ahaziah, ministers of Ahaziah, and slayeth them.

ylt@2Chronicles:22:9 @And he seeketh Ahaziah, and they capture him, (and he is hiding himself in Samaria), and bring him in unto Jehu, and put him to death, and bury him, for they said, 'He [is] son of Jehoshaphat, who sought Jehovah with all his heart;' and there is none to the house of Ahaziah to retain power for the kingdom.

ylt@2Chronicles:22:12 @And he is with them in the house of God hiding himself six years, and Athaliah is reigning over the land.

ylt@2Chronicles:23:1 @And in the seventh year hath Jehoiada strengthened himself, and taketh the heads of the hundreds, even Azariah son of Jeroham, and Ishmael son of Jehohanan, and Azariah son of Obed, and Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat son of Zichri, with him into covenant.

ylt@2Chronicles:23:3 @and all the assembly make a covenant in the house of God with the king, and he saith to them, 'Lo, the son of the king doth reign, as Jehovah spake concerning the sons of David.

ylt@2Chronicles:23:7 @and the Levites have compassed the king round about, each with his weapon in his hand, and he who hath gone in unto the house is put to death; and be ye with the king in his coming in and in his going out.'

ylt@2Chronicles:23:8 @And the Levites and all Judah do according to all that Jehoiada the priest hath commanded, and take each his men going in on the sabbath, with those going out on the sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest hath not let away the courses.

ylt@2Chronicles:23:13 @and seeth, and lo, the king is standing by his pillar in the entrance, and the heads, and the trumpets [are] by the king, and all the people of the land rejoicing and shouting with trumpets, and the singers with instruments of song, and the teachers, to praise, and Athaliah rendeth her garments, and saith, 'Conspiracy, conspiracy.'

ylt@2Chronicles:23:14 @And Jehoiada the priest bringeth out the heads of the hundreds, inspectors of the force, and saith unto them, 'Take her out from within the rows, and he who hath gone after her is put to death by the sword;' for the priest said, 'Put her not to death [in] the house of Jehovah.'

ylt@2Chronicles:23:18 @And Jehoiada putteth the offices of the house of Jehovah into the hand of the priests the Levites whom David had apportioned over the house of Jehovah, to cause to ascend the burnt-offerings of Jehovah, as written in the law of Moses, with joy, and with singing, by the hands of David;

ylt@2Chronicles:24:4 @And it cometh to pass after this, it hath been with the heart of Joash to renew the house of Jehovah,

ylt@2Chronicles:24:8 @And the king speaketh, and they make one chest, and put it at the gate of the house of Jehovah without,

ylt@2Chronicles:24:15 @And Jehoiada is aged and satisfied with days, and dieth -- a son of a hundred and thirty years in his death,

ylt@2Chronicles:24:16 @and they bury him in the city of David, with the kings, for he hath done good in Israel, and with God, and his house.

ylt@2Chronicles:24:21 @And they conspire against him, and stone him with stones by the command of the king, in the court of the house of Jehovah,

ylt@2Chronicles:24:22 @and Joash the king hath not remembered the kindness that Jehoiada his father did with him, and slayeth his son, and in his death he said, 'Jehovah doth see, and require.'

ylt@2Chronicles:24:24 @for with few men have the force of Aram come in, and Jehovah hath given into their hand a mighty force for multitude, because they have forsaken Jehovah, God of their fathers; and with Joash they have executed judgments.

ylt@2Chronicles:24:25 @And in their going from him -- for they left him with many diseases -- his servants themselves have conspired against him, for the blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest, and slay him on his bed, and he dieth; and they bury him in the city of David, and have not buried him in the graves of the kings.

ylt@2Chronicles:25:2 @and he doth that which is right in the eyes of Jehovah -- only, not with a perfect heart.

ylt@2Chronicles:25:6 @And he hireth out of Israel a hundred thousand mighty ones of valour, with a hundred talents of silver;

ylt@2Chronicles:25:7 @and a man of God hath come in unto him, saying, 'O king, the host of Israel doth not go with thee; for Jehovah is not with Israel -- all the sons of Ephraim;

ylt@2Chronicles:25:13 @And the sons of the troop that Amaziah hath sent back from going with him to battle -- they rush against cities of Judah, from Samaria even unto Beth-Horon, and smite of them three thousand, and seize much prey.

ylt@2Chronicles:25:19 @Thou hast said, Lo, I have smitten Edom; and thy heart hath lifted thee up to boast; now, abide in thy house, why dost thou stir thyself up in evil, that thou hast fallen, thou, and Judah with thee?'

ylt@2Chronicles:25:24 @and [taketh] all the gold, and the silver, and all the vessels that are found in the house of God with Obed-Edom, and the treasures of the house of the king, and the sons of the pledges, and turneth back to Samaria.

ylt@2Chronicles:25:28 @and lift him up on the horses, and bury him with his fathers in the city of Judah.

ylt@2Chronicles:26:2 @He hath built Eloth, and restoreth it to Judah after the king's lying with his fathers.

ylt@2Chronicles:26:6 @And he goeth forth, and fighteth with the Philistines, and breaketh down the wall of Gath, and the wall of Jabneh, and the wall of Ashdod, and buildeth cities about Ashdod, and among the Philistines.

ylt@2Chronicles:26:13 @and by their hand [is] the force of the host, three hundred thousand, and seven thousand, and five hundred warriors, with mighty power to give help to the king against the enemy.

ylt@2Chronicles:26:15 @And he maketh in Jerusalem inventions -- a device of an inventor -- to be on the towers, and on the corners, to shoot with arrows and with great stones, and his name goeth out unto a distance, for he hath been wonderfully helped till that he hath been strong.

ylt@2Chronicles:26:17 @And Azariah the priest goeth in after him, and with him priests of Jehovah eighty, sons of valour,

ylt@2Chronicles:26:19 @And Uzziah is wroth, and in his hand [is] a censer to make perfume, and in his being wroth with the priests -- the leprosy hath risen in his forehead, before the priests, in the house of Jehovah, from beside the altar of perfume.

ylt@2Chronicles:26:23 @and Uzziah lieth with his fathers, and they bury him with his fathers, in the field of the burying-place that the kings have, for they said, 'He [is] a leper;' and reign doth Jotham his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:27:5 @And he hath fought with the king of the sons of Ammon, and prevaileth over them, and the sons of Ammon give to him in that year a hundred talents of silver, and ten thousand cors of wheat, and of barley ten thousand; this have the sons of Ammon returned to him both in the second year, and in the third.

ylt@2Chronicles:27:9 @and Jotham lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in the city of David, and reign doth Ahaz his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:28:3 @and himself hath made perfume in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and burneth his sons with fire according to the abominations of the nations that Jehovah dispossessed from the presence of the sons of Israel,

ylt@2Chronicles:28:10 @and now, sons of Judah and Jerusalem ye are saying to subdue for men-servants and for maid-servants to you; but are there not with you causes of guilt before Jehovah your God?

ylt@2Chronicles:28:19 @for Jehovah hath humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he made free with Judah, even to commit a trespass against Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:28:27 @And Ahaz lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in the city, in Jerusalem, but have not brought him in to the graves of the kings of Israel, and reign doth Hezekiah his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:8 @and the wrath of Jehovah is on Judah and Jerusalem, and He giveth them for a trembling, for an astonishment, and for a hissing, as ye are seeing with your eyes.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:10 @'Now -- with my heart -- to make a covenant before Jehovah, God of Israel, and the fierceness of His anger doth turn back from us.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:16 @and the priests come in to the inner part of the house of Jehovah to cleanse [it], and bring out all the uncleanness that they have found in the temple of Jehovah to the court of the house of Jehovah, and the Levites receive [it], to take [it] out to the brook Kidron without.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:18 @And they come in within unto Hezekiah the king, and say, 'We have cleansed all the house of Jehovah, and the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its vessels, and the table of the arrangement, and all its vessels,

ylt@2Chronicles:29:24 @and the priests slaughter them, and make a sin-offering with their blood on the altar, to make atonement for all Israel, for 'For all Israel,' said the king, '[is] the burnt-offering and the sin-offering.'

ylt@2Chronicles:29:25 @And he appointeth the Levites in the house of Jehovah with cymbals, with psalteries, and with harps, by the command of David, and of Gad, seer of the king, and of Nathan the prophet, for by the hand of Jehovah [is] the command, by the hand of His prophets;

ylt@2Chronicles:29:26 @and the Levites stand with the instruments of David, and the priests with the trumpets.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:29 @And at the completion of the offering up bowed have the king and all those found with him, and do obeisance.

ylt@2Chronicles:29:35 @And also, burnt-offerings [are] in abundance, with fat of the peace-offerings, and with oblations for the burnt-offering; and the service of the house of Jehovah is established,

ylt@2Chronicles:30:6 @And the runners go with letters from the hand of the king and his heads, into all Israel and Judah, even according to the command of the king, saying, 'O sons of Israel, turn back unto Jehovah, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and He doth turn back unto the escaped part that is left of you from the hand of the kings of Asshur;

ylt@2Chronicles:30:21 @And the sons of Israel, those found in Jerusalem, make the feast of unleavened things seven days with great joy; and giving praise to Jehovah day by day are the Levites and the priests, with instruments of praise before Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:30:23 @And all the assembly take counsel to keep other seven days, and they keep seven days [with] joy;

ylt@2Chronicles:31:21 @and in every work that he hath begun for the service of the house of God, and for the law, and for the command, to seek to his God, with all his heart he hath wrought and prospered.

ylt@2Chronicles:32:3 @and he taketh counsel with his heads and his mighty ones, to stop the waters of the fountains that [are] at the outside of the city -- and they help him,

ylt@2Chronicles:32:7 @'Be strong and courageous, be not afraid, nor be cast down from the face of the king of Asshur, and from the face of all the multitude that [is] with him, for with us [are] more than with him.

ylt@2Chronicles:32:8 @With him [is] an arm of flesh, and with us [is] Jehovah our God, to help us, and to fight our battles;' and the people are supported by the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

ylt@2Chronicles:32:9 @After this hath Sennacherib king of Asshur sent his servants to Jerusalem -- and he [is] by Lachish, and all his power with him -- against Hezekiah king of Judah, and against all Judah, who [are] in Jerusalem, saying,

ylt@2Chronicles:32:18 @And they call with a great voice [in] Jewish, against the people of Jerusalem who [are] on the wall, to frighten them, and to trouble them, that they may capture the city,

ylt@2Chronicles:32:21 @and Jehovah sendeth a messenger, and cutteth off every mighty one of valour -- both leader and head -- in the camp of the king of Asshur, and he turneth back with shame of face to his land, and entereth the house of his god, and those coming out of his bowels have caused him to fall there by the sword.

ylt@2Chronicles:32:31 @and so with the ambassadors of the heads of Babylon, those sending unto him to inquire of the wonder that hath been in the land, God hath left him to try him, to know all in his heart,

ylt@2Chronicles:32:33 @And Hezekiah lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in the uppermost of the graves of the sons of David, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem have done honour to him at his death, and reign doth Manasseh his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:33:6 @And he hath caused his sons to pass over through fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and observed clouds and used enchantments and witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and a wizard; he hath multiplied to do the evil thing in the eyes of Jehovah, to provoke him to anger.

ylt@2Chronicles:33:11 @and Jehovah bringeth in against them the heads of the host that the king of Asshur hath, and they capture Manasseh among the thickets, and bind him with brazen fetters, and cause him to go to Babylon.

ylt@2Chronicles:33:20 @And Manasseh lieth with his fathers, and they bury him in his own house, and reign doth Amon his son in his stead.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:6 @and in the cities of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and Simeon, even unto Naphtali, with their tools, round about.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:25 @because that they have forsaken Me, and make perfume to other gods, so as to provoke Me with all the works of their hands, and poured out is My fury upon this place, and it is not quenched.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:31 @And the king standeth on his station, and maketh the covenant before Jehovah, to walk after Jehovah, and to keep His commands, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to do the words of the covenant that are written on this book.

ylt@2Chronicles:35:13 @And they cook the passover with fire, according to the ordinance, and the sanctified things they have cooked in pots, and in kettles, and in pans -- for all the sons of the people.

ylt@2Chronicles:35:21 @and he sendeth unto him messengers, saying, 'What -- to me and to thee, O king of Judah? not against thee do I come to-day, but unto the house with which I have war, and God said to haste me; cease for thee from God who [is] with me, and He doth not destroy thee.'

ylt@2Chronicles:36:10 @and at the turn of the year hath king Nebuchadnezzar sent and bringeth him in to Babylon, with the desirable vessels of the house of Jehovah, and causeth Zedekiah his brother to reign over Judah and Jerusalem.

ylt@2Chronicles:36:16 @and they are mocking at the messengers of God, and despising His words, and acting deceitfully with His prophets, till the going up of the fury of Jehovah against His people -- till there is no healing.

ylt@2Chronicles:36:19 @And they burn the house of God, and break down the wall of Jerusalem, and all its palaces they have burnt with fire, and all its desirable vessels -- to destruction.

ylt@2Chronicles:36:23 @'Thus said Cyrus king of Persia, All kingdoms of the earth hath Jehovah, God of the heavens, given to me, and He hath laid a charge on me to build to Him a house in Jerusalem, that [is] in Judah; who is among you of all His people? Jehovah his God [is] with him, and he doth go up.'

ylt@Ezra:1:3 @who [is] among you of all His people? His God is with him, and he doth go up to Jerusalem, that [is] in Judah, and build the house of Jehovah, God of Israel -- He [is] God -- that [is] in Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezra:1:4 @'And every one who is left, of any of the places where he [is] a sojourner, assist him do the men of his place with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, along with a free-will offering for the house of God, that [is] in Jerusalem.'

ylt@Ezra:1:6 @and all those round about them have strengthened [them] with their hands, with vessels of silver, with gold, with goods, and with beasts, and with precious things, apart from all that hath been offered willingly.

ylt@Ezra:1:11 @All the vessels of gold and of silver [are] five thousand and four hundred; the whole hath Sheshbazzar brought up with the going up of the removal from Babylon to Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezra:2:2 @who have come in with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah: The number of the men of the people of Israel:

ylt@Ezra:2:63 @and the Tirshatha saith to them, that they eat not of the most holy things till the standing up of a priest with Urim and with Thummim.

ylt@Ezra:3:10 @And those building have founded the temple of Jehovah, and they appoint the priests, clothed, with trumpets, and the Levites, sons of Asaph, with cymbals, to praise Jehovah, by means of [the instruments of] David king of Israel.

ylt@Ezra:3:12 @And many of the priests, and the Levites, and the heads of the fathers, the aged men who had seen the first house -- in this house being founded before their eyes -- are weeping with a loud voice, and many with a shout, in joy, lifting up the voice;

ylt@Ezra:4:2 @and they draw nigh unto Zerubbabel, and unto heads of the fathers, and say to them, 'Let us build with you; for, like you, we seek to your God, and we are not sacrificing since the days of Esar-Haddon king of Asshur, who brought us up hither.'

ylt@Ezra:5:2 @Then have Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua son of Jozadak, risen, and begun to build the house of God, that [is] in Jerusalem, and with them are the prophets of God supporting them.

ylt@Ezra:5:8 @'To Darius the king, all peace! be it known to the king that we have gone to the province of Judah, to the great house of God, and it is built [with] rolled stones, and wood is placed in the walls, and this work is done speedily, and prospering in their hand.

ylt@Ezra:6:2 @and there hath been found at Achmetha, in a palace that [is] in the province of Media, a roll, and a record thus written within it [is]:

ylt@Ezra:6:8 @'And by me is made a decree concerning that which ye do with the elders of these Jews to build this house of God, that of the riches of the king, that [are] of the tribute beyond the river, speedily let the outlay be given to these men, that they cease not;

ylt@Ezra:6:9 @and what they are needing -- both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs for burnt-offerings to the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil according to the saying of the priests who [are] in Jerusalem -- let be given to them day by day without fail,

ylt@Ezra:6:16 @And the sons of Israel have made, [and] the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the sons of the captivity, a dedication of this house of God with joy,

ylt@Ezra:6:22 @and they make the feast of unleavened things seven days with joy, for Jehovah made them to rejoice, and turned round the heart of the king of Asshur unto them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.

ylt@Ezra:7:13 @By me hath been made a decree that every one who is willing, in my kingdom, of the people of Israel and of its priests and Levites, to go to Jerusalem with thee, doth go;

ylt@Ezra:7:14 @because that from the king and his seven counsellors thou art sent, to inquire concerning Judah and concerning Jerusalem, with the law of God that [is] in thy hand,

ylt@Ezra:7:16 @and all the silver and gold that thou findest in all the province of Babylon, with the free-will offerings of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly, for the house of their God that [is] in Jerusalem,

ylt@Ezra:7:17 @therefore thou dost speedily buy with this money, bullocks, rams, lambs, and their presents, and their libations, and dost bring them near to the altar of the house of your God that [is] in Jerusalem,

ylt@Ezra:7:18 @and that which to thee and to thy brethren is good to do with the rest of the silver and gold, according to the will of your God ye do.'

ylt@Ezra:7:22 @Unto silver a hundred talents, and unto wheat a hundred cors, and unto wine a hundred baths, and unto oil a hundred baths, and salt without reckoning;

ylt@Ezra:7:28 @and unto me hath stretched out kindness before the king and his counsellors, and before all the mighty heads of the king: and I have strengthened myself as the hand of Jehovah my God [is] upon me, and I gather out of Israel heads to go up with me.

ylt@Ezra:8:1 @And these [are] heads of their fathers, and the genealogy of those going up with me, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king, from Babylon.

ylt@Ezra:8:3 @from the sons of Shechaniah, from the sons of Pharosh: Zechariah, and with him, reckoning themselves by genealogy, of males a hundred and fifty.

ylt@Ezra:8:4 @From the sons of Pahath-Moab: Elihoenai son of Zerahiah, and with him two hundred who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:5 @From the sons of Shechaniah: the son of Jahaziel, and with him three hundred who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:6 @And from the sons of Adin: Ebed son of Jonathan, and with him fifty who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:7 @And from the sons of Elam: Jeshaiah son of Athaliah, and with him seventy who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:8 @And from the sons of Shephatiah: Zebadiah son of Michael, and with him eighty who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:9 @From the sons of Joab: Obadiah son of Jehiel, and with him two hundred and eighteen who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:10 @And from the sons of Shelomith, the son of Josiphiah, and with him a hundred and sixty who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:11 @And from the sons of Bebai: Zechariah son of Bebai, and with him twenty and eight who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:12 @And from the sons of Azgad: Johanan son of Hakkatan, and with him a hundred and ten who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:13 @And from the younger sons of Adonikam -- and these [are] their names -- Eliphelet, Jeiel, and Shemaiah, and with them sixty who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:14 @And from the sons of Bigvai, Uthai and Zabbud, and with them seventy who are males.

ylt@Ezra:8:19 @and Hashabiah, and with him Jeshaiah, of the sons of Merari, his brethren, and their sons, twenty;

ylt@Ezra:8:24 @And I separate from the heads of the priests, twelve, even Sherebiah, Hashabiah, and with them of their brethren ten,

ylt@Ezra:8:33 @And on the fourth day hath been weighed the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, in the house of our God, unto the hand of Meremoth son of Uriah the priest, and with him Eleazar son of Phinehas, and with them Jozabad son of Jeshua, and Noadiah son of Binnui, the Levites:

ylt@Ezra:9:7 @'From the days of our fathers we [are] in great guilt unto this day, and in our iniquities we have been given -- we, our kings, our priests -- into the hand of the kings of the lands, with sword, with captivity, and with spoiling, and with shame of face, as [at] this day.

ylt@Ezra:9:11 @that Thou hast commanded by the hands of thy servants the prophets, saying, The land into which ye are going to possess it, [is] a land of impurity, by the impurity of the people of the lands, by their abominations with which they have filled it -- from mouth unto mouth -- by their uncleanness;

ylt@Ezra:9:14 @do we turn back to break Thy commands, and to join ourselves in marriage with the people of these abominations? art not Thou angry against us -- even to consumption -- till there is no remnant and escaped part?

ylt@Ezra:10:3 @and now, let us make a covenant with our God, to cause all the women to go out, and that which is born of them, by the counsel of the Lord, and of those trembling at the command of our God, and according to law it is done;

ylt@Ezra:10:4 @rise, for on thee [is] the matter, and we [are] with thee; be strong, and do.'

ylt@Ezra:10:12 @And all the assembly answer and say [with] a great voice, 'Right; according to thy word -- on us to do;

ylt@Ezra:10:13 @but the people [are] many, and [it is] the time of showers, and there is no power to stand without, and the work [is] not for one day, nor for two, for we have multiplied to transgress in this thing.

ylt@Ezra:10:14 @'Let, we pray thee, our heads of all the assembly stand, and all who [are] in our cities, who have settled strange wives, do come in at the times appointed, and with them the elders of city and city, and its judges, till the turning back of the fury of the wrath of our God from us, for this thing.'

ylt@Ezra:10:17 @and they finish with all the men who have settled strange women unto the first day of the first month.

ylt@Nehemiah:1:3 @and they say to me, 'Those left, who have been left of the captivity there in the province, [are] in great evil, and in reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burnt with fire.'

ylt@Nehemiah:2:3 @and say to the king, 'Let the king to the age live! wherefore should not my face be sad, when the city, the place of the graves of my fathers, [is] a waste, and its gates have been consumed with fire?'

ylt@Nehemiah:2:9 @And I come in unto the governors beyond the River, and give to them the letters of the king; and the king sendeth with me heads of a force, and horsemen;

ylt@Nehemiah:2:12 @and I rise by night, I and a few men with me, and have not declared to a man what my God is giving unto my heart to do for Jerusalem, and there is no beast with me except the beast on which I am riding.

ylt@Nehemiah:2:13 @And I go out through the gate of the valley by night, and unto the front of the fountain of the dragon, and unto the gate of the dunghill, and I am measuring about the walls of Jerusalem, that are broken down, and its gates consumed with fire.

ylt@Nehemiah:2:17 @and I say unto them, 'Ye are seeing the evil that we are in, in that Jerusalem [is] waste, and its gates have been burnt with fire; come and we build the wall of Jerusalem, and we are not any more a reproach.'

ylt@Nehemiah:4:13 @And I appoint at the lowest of the places, at the back of the wall, in the clear places, yea, I appoint the people, by their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.

ylt@Nehemiah:4:17 @The builders on the wall, and the bearers of the burden, those lading, [each] with one of his hands is working in the business, and one is laying hold of the missile.

ylt@Nehemiah:4:18 @And the builders [are] each with his sword, girded on his loins, and building, and he who is blowing with a trumpet [is] beside me.

ylt@Nehemiah:4:22 @Also, at that time I said to the people, 'Let each with his servant lodge in the midst of Jerusalem, and they have been to us by night a guard, and by day [for] the work:'

ylt@Nehemiah:5:7 @and my heart reigneth over me, and I strive with the freemen, and with the prefects, and say to them, 'Usury one upon another ye are exacting;' and I set against them a great assembly,

ylt@Nehemiah:5:18 @and that which hath been prepared for one day [is] one ox, six fat sheep, also fowls have been prepared for me, and once in ten days of all wines abundantly, and with this, the bread of the governor I have not sought, for heavy is the service on this people.

ylt@Nehemiah:7:7 @who are coming in with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, Baanah. Number of the men of the people of Israel:

ylt@Nehemiah:7:65 @and the Tirshatha saith to them that they eat not of the most holy things till the standing up of the priest with Urim and Thummim.

ylt@Nehemiah:8:6 @and Ezra blesseth Jehovah, the great God, and all the people answer, 'Amen, Amen,' with lifting up of their hands, and they bow and do obeisance to Jehovah -- faces to the earth.

ylt@Nehemiah:9:1 @And in the twenty and fourth day of this month have the sons of Israel been gathered, with fasting, and with sackcloth, and earth upon them;

ylt@Nehemiah:9:4 @And there stand up on the ascent, of the Levites, Jeshua, and Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, Chenani, and they cry with a loud voice unto Jehovah their God.

ylt@Nehemiah:9:8 @and didst find his heart stedfast before Thee, so as to make with him the covenant, to give the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Jebusite, and the Girgashite, to give [it] to his seed. 'And Thou dost establish Thy words, for Thou [art] righteous,

ylt@Nehemiah:9:13 @'And on mount Sinai Thou hast come down, even to speak with them from the heavens, and Thou dost give to them right judgments, and true laws, good statutes and commands.

ylt@Nehemiah:9:17 @yea, they refuse to hearken, and have not remembered Thy wonders that Thou hast done with them, and harden their neck and appoint a head, to turn back to their service, in their rebellion; and Thou [art] a God of pardons, gracious, and merciful, long-suffering, and abundant in kindness, and hast not forsaken them.

ylt@Nehemiah:9:20 @'And Thy good Spirit Thou hast given, to cause them to act wisely; and Thy manna Thou hast not withheld from their mouth, and water Thou hast given to them for their thirst,

ylt@Nehemiah:9:24 @'And the sons come in, and possess the land, and Thou humblest before them the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, and givest them into their hand, and their kings, and the peoples of the land, to do with them according to their pleasure.

ylt@Nehemiah:10:38 @and the priest, son of Aaron, hath been with the Levites in the tithing of the Levites, and the Levites bring up the tithe of the tithe to the house of our God unto the chambers, to the treasure-house;

ylt@Nehemiah:11:25 @And at the villages with their fields, of the sons of Judah there have dwelt, in Kirjath-Arba and its small towns, and in Dibon and its small towns, and in Jekabzeel and its villages,

ylt@Nehemiah:12:1 @And these [are] the priests and the Levites who came up with Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua; Seraiah, Jeremiah, Ezra,

ylt@Nehemiah:12:27 @And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them in to Jerusalem, to make the dedication even with gladness, and with thanksgivings, and with singing, [with] cymbals, psalteries, and with harps;

ylt@Nehemiah:12:35 @and of the sons of the priests with trumpets, Zechariah son of Jonathan, son of Shemaiah, son of Mattaniah, son of Michaiah, son of Zaccur, son of Asaph,

ylt@Nehemiah:12:36 @and his brethren Shemaiah, and Azarael, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethaneel, and Judah, Hanani, with instruments of song of David the man of God, and Ezra the scribe [is] before them;

ylt@Nehemiah:12:40 @And the two thanksgiving companies stand in the house of God, and I and half of the prefects with me,

ylt@Nehemiah:12:41 @and the priests, Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Michaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah, Hananiah, with trumpets,

ylt@Nehemiah:12:43 @and they sacrifice on that day great sacrifices and rejoice, for God hath made them rejoice [with] great joy, and also, the women and the children have rejoiced, and the joy of Jerusalem is heard -- unto a distance.

ylt@Nehemiah:13:2 @because they have not come before the sons of Israel with bread and with water, and hire against them Balaam to revile them, and our God turneth the reviling into a blessing.

ylt@Nehemiah:13:8 @and it is very displeasing to me, and I cast all the vessels of the house of Tobiah without, out of the chamber,

ylt@Nehemiah:13:9 @and I speak, and they cleanse the chambers, and I bring back thither the vessels of the house of God with the present and the frankincense.

ylt@Nehemiah:13:11 @And I strive with the prefects, and say, 'Wherefore hath the house of God been forsaken?' and I gather them, and set them on their station;

ylt@Nehemiah:13:17 @And I strive with the freemen of Judah, and say to them, 'What [is] this evil thing that ye are doing, and polluting the sabbath-day?

ylt@Nehemiah:13:25 @And I strive with them, and declare them vile, and smite certain of them, and pluck off their hair, and cause them to swear by God, 'Ye do not give your daughters to their sons, nor do ye take of their daughters to your sons, and to yourselves.

ylt@Esther:1:6 @white linen, white cotton, and blue, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple on rings of silver, and pillars of marble, couches of gold, and of silver, on a pavement of smaragdus, and white marble, and mother-of-pearl, and black marble --

ylt@Esther:1:10 @On the seventh day, as the heart of the king is glad with wine, he hath said to Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven eunuchs who are ministering in the presence of the king Ahasuerus,

ylt@Esther:1:11 @to bring in Vashti the queen before the king, with a royal crown, to shew the peoples and the heads her beauty, for she [is] of good appearance,

ylt@Esther:1:15 @'According to law, what -- to do with queen Vashti, because that she hath not done the saying of the king Ahasuerus by the hand of the eunuchs?'

ylt@Esther:1:19 @'If to the king [it be] good, there goeth forth a royal word from before him, and it is written with the laws of Persia and Media, and doth not pass away, that Vashti doth not come in before the king Ahasuerus, and her royalty doth the king give to her companion who [is] better than she;

ylt@Esther:2:6 @who had been removed from Jerusalem with the removal that was removed with Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon removed --

ylt@Esther:2:11 @and during every day Mordecai is walking up and down before the court of the house of the women to know the welfare of Esther, and what is done with her.

ylt@Esther:2:12 @And in the drawing nigh of the turn of each young woman to come in unto the king Ahasuerus, at the end of there being to her -- according to the law of the women -- twelve months, for so they fulfil the days of their purifications; six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with spices, and with the purifications of women,

ylt@Esther:2:13 @and with this the young woman hath come in unto the king, all that she saith is given to her, to go in with her, out of the house of the women, unto the house of the king;

ylt@Esther:2:20 @Esther is not declaring her kindred and her people, as Mordecai hath laid a charge upon her, and the saying of Mordecai Esther is doing as when she was truly with him.

ylt@Esther:3:1 @After these things hath the king Ahasuerus exalted Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and lifteth him up, and setteth his throne above all the heads who [are] with him,

ylt@Esther:3:11 @and the king saith to Haman, 'The silver is given to thee, and the people, to do with it as [it is] good in thine eyes.'

ylt@Esther:3:12 @And scribes of the king are called, on the first month, on the thirteenth day of it, and it is written according to all that Haman hath commanded, unto lieutenants of the king, and unto the governors who [are] over province and province, and unto the heads of people and people, province and province, according to its writing, and people and people according to its tongue, in the name of the king Ahasuerus it hath been written and sealed with the signet of the king,

ylt@Esther:4:2 @and he cometh in unto the front of the gate of the king, but none is to come in unto the gate of the king with a sackcloth-garment.

ylt@Esther:5:11 @and Haman recounteth to them the glory of his wealth, and the abundance of his sons, and all that with which the king made him great, and with which he lifted him up above the heads and servants of the king.

ylt@Esther:5:12 @And Haman saith, 'Yea, Esther the queen brought none in with the king, unto the feast that she made, except myself, and also for to-morrow I am called to her, with the king,

ylt@Esther:5:14 @And Zeresh his wife saith to him, and all his friends, 'Let them prepare a tree, in height fifty cubits, and in the morning speak to the king, and they hang Mordecai on it, and go thou in with the king unto the banquet rejoicing;' and the thing is good before Haman, and he prepareth the tree.

ylt@Esther:6:3 @And the king saith, 'What honour and greatness hath been done to Mordecai for this?' And the servants of the king, his ministers, say, 'Nothing hath been done with him.'

ylt@Esther:6:6 @And Haman cometh in, and the king saith to him, 'What -- to do with the man in whose honour the king hath delighted?' And Haman saith in his heart, 'To whom doth the king delight to do honour more than myself?'

ylt@Esther:6:12 @And Mordecai turneth back unto the gate of the king, and Haman hath been hastened unto his house mourning, and with covered head,

ylt@Esther:6:14 @They are yet speaking with him, and eunuchs of the king have come, and haste to bring in Haman unto the banquet that Esther hath made.

ylt@Esther:7:1 @And the king cometh in, and Haman, to drink with Esther the queen,

ylt@Esther:7:8 @And the king hath turned back out of the garden of the house unto the house of the banquet of wine, and Haman is falling on the couch on which Esther [is], and the king saith, 'Also to subdue the queen with me in the house?' the word hath gone out from the mouth of the king, and the face of Haman they have covered.

ylt@Esther:8:8 @and ye, write ye for the Jews, as [it is] good in your eyes, in the name of the king, and seal with the signet of the king -- for the writing that is written in the name of the king, and sealed with the signet of the king, there is none to turn back.'

ylt@Esther:8:10 @And he writeth in the name of the king Ahasuerus, and sealeth with the signet of the king, and sendeth letters by the hand of the runners with horses, riders of the dromedary, the mules, the young mares,

ylt@Esther:9:5 @And the Jews smite among all their enemies -- a smiting of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction -- and do with those hating them according to their pleasure,

ylt@Esther:9:25 @and in her coming in before the king, he said with the letter, 'Let his evil device that he devised against the Jews turn back upon his own head,' and they have hanged him and his sons on the tree,

ylt@Esther:9:29 @And Esther the queen, daughter of Abihail, writeth, and Mordecai the Jew, with all might, to establish this second letter of Purim,

ylt@Esther:10:2 @and all the work of his strength, and his might, and the explanation of the greatness of Mordecai with which the king made him great, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of Media and Persia?

ylt@Job:1:4 @And his sons have gone and made a banquet -- the house of each [in] his day -- and have sent and called to their three sisters to eat and to drink with them;

ylt@Job:2:7 @And the Adversary goeth forth from the presence of Jehovah, and smiteth Job with a sore ulcer from the sole of his foot unto his crown.

ylt@Job:2:8 @And he taketh to him a potsherd to scrape himself with it, and he is sitting in the midst of the ashes.

ylt@Job:2:10 @And he saith unto her, 'As one of the foolish women speaketh, thou speakest; yea, the good we receive from God, and the evil we do not receive.' In all this Job hath not sinned with his lips.

ylt@Job:2:13 @And they sit with him on the earth seven days and seven nights, and there is none speaking unto him a word when they have seen that the pain hath been very great.

ylt@Job:3:14 @With kings and counsellors of earth, These building wastes for themselves.

ylt@Job:3:15 @Or with princes -- they have gold, They are filling their houses [with] silver.

ylt@Job:4:2 @Hath one tried a word with thee? -- Thou art weary! And to keep in words who is able?

ylt@Job:4:11 @An old lion is perishing without prey, And the whelps of the lioness do separate.

ylt@Job:4:20 @From morning to evening are beaten down, Without any regarding, for ever they perish.

ylt@Job:4:21 @Hath not their excellency been removed with them? They die, and not in wisdom!

ylt@Job:5:23 @(For with sons of the field [is] thy covenant, And the beast of the field Hath been at peace with thee.)

ylt@Job:6:4 @For arrows of the Mighty [are] with me, Whose poison is drinking up my spirit. Terrors of God array themselves [for] me!

ylt@Job:6:6 @Eaten is an insipid thing without salt? Is there sense in the drivel of dreams?

ylt@Job:6:13 @Is not my help with me, And substance driven from me?

ylt@Job:7:5 @Clothed hath been my flesh [with] worms, And a clod of dust, My skin hath been shrivelled and is loathsome,

ylt@Job:7:6 @My days swifter than a weaving machine, And they are consumed without hope.

ylt@Job:7:11 @Also I -- I withhold not my mouth -- I speak in the distress of my spirit, I talk in the bitterness of my soul.

ylt@Job:7:14 @And thou hast affrighted me with dreams, And from visions thou terrifiest me,

ylt@Job:8:11 @'Doth a rush wise without mire? A reed increase without water?

ylt@Job:8:12 @While it [is] in its budding -- uncropt, Even before any herb it withereth.

ylt@Job:8:21 @While he filleth with laughter thy mouth, And thy lips with shouting,

ylt@Job:9:2 @Truly I have known that [it is] so, And what -- is man righteous with God?

ylt@Job:9:3 @If he delight to strive with Him -- He doth not answer him one of a thousand.

ylt@Job:9:14 @How much less do I -- I answer Him? Choose out my words with Him?

ylt@Job:9:17 @Because with a tempest He bruiseth me, And hath multiplied my wounds for nought.

ylt@Job:9:18 @He permitteth me not to refresh my spirit, But filleth me with bitter things.

ylt@Job:9:26 @They have passed on with ships of reed, As an eagle darteth on food.

ylt@Job:9:30 @If I have washed myself with snow-water, And purified with soap my hands,

ylt@Job:9:35 @I speak, and do not fear Him, But I am not right with myself.

ylt@Job:10:2 @I say unto God, 'Do not condemn me, Let me know why Thou dost strive [with] me.

ylt@Job:10:11 @Skin and flesh Thou dost put on me, And with bones and sinews dost fence me.

ylt@Job:10:12 @Life and kindness Thou hast done with me. And Thy inspection hath preserved my spirit.

ylt@Job:10:13 @And these Thou hast laid up in Thy heart, I have known that this [is] with Thee.

ylt@Job:10:17 @Thou renewest Thy witnesses against me, And dost multiply Thine anger with me, Changes and warfare [are] with me.

ylt@Job:11:5 @And yet, O that God had spoken! And doth open His lips with thee.

ylt@Job:12:2 @Truly -- ye [are] the people, And with you doth wisdom die.

ylt@Job:12:3 @I also have a heart like you, I am not fallen more than you, And with whom is there not like these?

ylt@Job:12:5 @A torch -- despised in the thoughts of the secure Is prepared for those sliding with the feet.

ylt@Job:12:12 @With the very aged [is] wisdom, And [with] length of days understanding.

ylt@Job:12:13 @With Him [are] wisdom and might, To him [are] counsel and understanding.

ylt@Job:12:16 @With Him [are] strength and wisdom, His the deceived and deceiver.

ylt@Job:13:17 @Hear ye diligently my word, And my declaration with your ears.

ylt@Job:13:19 @Who [is] he that doth strive with me? For now I keep silent and gasp.

ylt@Job:13:20 @Only two things, O God, do with me: Then from Thy face I am not hidden.

ylt@Job:14:3 @Also -- on this Thou hast opened Thine eyes, And dost bring me into judgment with Thee.

ylt@Job:14:5 @If determined are his days, The number of his months [are] with Thee, His limit Thou hast made, And he passeth not over;

ylt@Job:15:2 @Doth a wise man answer [with] vain knowledge? And fill [with] an east wind his belly?

ylt@Job:15:3 @To reason with a word not useful? And speeches -- no profit in them?

ylt@Job:15:8 @Of the secret counsel of God dost thou hear? And withdrawest thou unto thee wisdom?

ylt@Job:15:9 @What hast thou known, and we know not? Understandest thou -- and it is not with us?

ylt@Job:15:11 @Too few for thee are the comforts of God? And a gentle word [is] with thee,

ylt@Job:15:26 @He runneth unto Him with a neck, With thick bosses of his shields.

ylt@Job:15:27 @For he hath covered his face with his fat, And maketh vigour over [his] confidence.

ylt@Job:16:4 @I also, like you, might speak, If your soul were in my soul's stead. I might join against you with words, And nod at you with my head.

ylt@Job:16:5 @I might harden you with my mouth, And the moving of my lips might be sparing.

ylt@Job:16:9 @His anger hath torn, and he hateth me, He hath gnashed at me with his teeth, My adversary sharpeneth his eyes for me.

ylt@Job:16:10 @They have gaped on me with their mouth, In reproach they have smitten my cheeks, Together against me they set themselves.

ylt@Job:16:16 @My face is foul with weeping, And on mine eyelids [is] death-shade.

ylt@Job:16:21 @And he reasoneth for a man with God, And a son of man for his friend.

ylt@Job:17:2 @If not -- mockeries [are] with me. And in their provocations mine eye lodgeth.

ylt@Job:17:3 @Place, I pray Thee, my pledge with Thee; Who is he that striketh hand with me?

ylt@Job:19:2 @Till when do ye afflict my soul, And bruise me with words?

ylt@Job:19:4 @And also -- truly, I have erred, With me doth my error remain.

ylt@Job:19:16 @To my servant I have called, And he doth not answer, With my mouth I make supplication to him.

ylt@Job:19:20 @To my skin and to my flesh Cleaved hath my bone, And I deliver myself with the skin of my teeth.

ylt@Job:19:22 @Why do you pursue me as God? And with my flesh are not satisfied?

ylt@Job:19:24 @With a pen of iron and lead -- For ever in a rock they may be hewn.

ylt@Job:20:11 @His bones have been full of his youth, And with him on the dust it lieth down.

ylt@Job:20:20 @For he hath not known ease in his belly. With his desirable thing he delivereth not himself.

ylt@Job:21:3 @Bear with me, and I speak, And after my speaking -- ye may deride.

ylt@Job:21:8 @Their seed is established, Before their face with them, And their offspring before their eyes.

ylt@Job:21:9 @Their houses [are] peace without fear, Nor [is] a rod of God upon them.

ylt@Job:21:15 @What [is] the Mighty One that we serve Him? And what do we profit when we meet with Him?'

ylt@Job:21:25 @And this [one] dieth with a bitter soul, And have not eaten with gladness.

ylt@Job:21:34 @And how do ye comfort me [with] vanity, And in your answers hath been left trespass?

ylt@Job:22:4 @Because of thy reverence Doth He reason [with] thee? He entereth with thee into judgment:

ylt@Job:22:7 @Thou causest not the weary to drink water, And from the hungry thou withholdest bread.

ylt@Job:22:18 @And he hath filled their houses [with] good: (And the counsel of the wicked Hath been far from me.)

ylt@Job:22:21 @Acquaint thyself, I pray thee, with Him, And be at peace, Thereby thine increase [is] good.

ylt@Job:23:4 @I arrange before Him the cause, And my mouth fill [with] arguments.

ylt@Job:23:6 @In the abundance of power doth He strive with me? No! surely He putteth [it] in me.

ylt@Job:23:7 @There the upright doth reason with Him, And I escape for ever from my judge.

ylt@Job:23:10 @For He hath known the way with me, He hath tried me -- as gold I go forth.

ylt@Job:23:14 @For He doth complete my portion, And many such things [are] with Him.

ylt@Job:24:7 @The naked they cause to lodge Without clothing. And there is no covering in the cold.

ylt@Job:24:8 @From the inundation of hills they are wet, And without a refuge -- have embraced a rock.

ylt@Job:24:10 @Naked, they have gone without clothing, And hungry -- have taken away a sheaf.

ylt@Job:25:2 @The rule and fear [are] with Him, Making peace in His high places.

ylt@Job:25:4 @And what? is man righteous with God? And what? is he pure -- born of a woman?

ylt@Job:26:4 @With whom hast thou declared words? And whose breath came forth from thee?

ylt@Job:26:10 @A limit He hath placed on the waters, Unto the boundary of light with darkness.

ylt@Job:27:7 @As the wicked is my enemy, And my withstander as the perverse.

ylt@Job:27:11 @I shew you by the hand of God, That which [is] with the Mighty I hide not.

ylt@Job:27:13 @This [is] the portion of wicked man with God, And the inheritance of terrible ones From the Mighty they receive.

ylt@Job:27:14 @If his sons multiply -- for them [is] a sword. And his offspring [are] not satisfied [with] bread.

ylt@Job:28:14 @The deep hath said, 'It [is] not in me,' And the sea hath said, 'It is not with me.'

ylt@Job:28:16 @It is not valued with pure gold of Ophir, With precious onyx and sapphire,

ylt@Job:28:19 @Not equal it doth the topaz of Cush, With pure gold it is not valued.

ylt@Job:28:22 @Destruction and death have said: 'With our ears we have heard its fame.'

ylt@Job:29:5 @When yet the Mighty One [is] with me. Round about me -- my young ones,

ylt@Job:29:6 @When washing my goings with butter, And the firm rock [is] with me rivulets of oil.

ylt@Job:29:18 @And I say, 'With my nest I expire, And as the sand I multiply days.'

ylt@Job:29:20 @My honour [is] fresh with me, And my bow in my hand is renewed.

ylt@Job:30:1 @And now, laughed at me, Have the younger in days than I, Whose fathers I have loathed to set With the dogs of my flock.

ylt@Job:30:3 @With want and with famine gloomy, Those fleeing to a dry place, Formerly a desolation and waste,

ylt@Job:30:8 @Sons of folly -- even sons without name, They have been smitten from the land.

ylt@Job:30:21 @Thou art turned to be fierce to me, With the strength of Thy hand, Thou oppresest me.

ylt@Job:30:28 @Mourning I have gone without the sun, I have risen, in an assembly I cry.

ylt@Job:31:5 @If I have walked with vanity, And my foot doth hasten to deceit,

ylt@Job:31:13 @If I despise the cause of my man-servant, And of my handmaid, In their contending with me,

ylt@Job:31:16 @If I withhold from pleasure the poor, And the eyes of the widow do consume,

ylt@Job:31:18 @(But from my youth He grew up with me as [with] a father, And from the belly of my mother I am led.)

ylt@Job:31:19 @If I see [any] perishing without clothing, And there is no covering to the needy,

ylt@Job:31:30 @Yea, I have not suffered my mouth to sin, To ask with an oath his life.

ylt@Job:31:39 @If its strength I consumed without money, And the life of its possessors, I have caused to breathe out,

ylt@Job:32:4 @And Elihu hath waited earnestly beside Job with words, for they are older than he in days.

ylt@Job:32:14 @And he hath not set in array words for me, And with your sayings I do not answer him.

ylt@Job:33:9 @'Pure [am] I, without transgression, Innocent [am] I, and I have no iniquity.

ylt@Job:33:19 @And he hath been reproved With pain on his bed, And the strife of his bones [is] enduring.

ylt@Job:33:26 @He maketh supplication unto God, And He accepteth him. And he seeth His face with shouting, And He returneth to man His righteousness.

ylt@Job:33:29 @Lo, all these doth God work, Twice -- thrice with man,

ylt@Job:33:30 @To bring back his soul from the pit, To be enlightened with the light of the living.

ylt@Job:34:6 @Against my right do I lie? Mortal [is] mine arrow -- without transgression.'

ylt@Job:34:8 @And he hath travelled for company With workers of iniquity, So as to go with men of wickedness.

ylt@Job:34:9 @For he hath said, 'It doth not profit a man, When he delighteth himself with God.'

ylt@Job:34:20 @[In] a moment they die, and at midnight Shake do people, and they pass away, And they remove the mighty without hand.

ylt@Job:34:35 @Job -- not with knowledge doth he speak, And his words [are] not with wisdom.

ylt@Job:35:4 @I return thee words, and thy friends with thee,

ylt@Job:35:16 @And Job [with] vanity doth open his mouth, Without knowledge words he multiplieth.

ylt@Job:36:4 @For, truly, my words [are] not false, The perfect in knowledge [is] with thee.

ylt@Job:36:7 @He withdraweth not from the righteous His eyes, And [from] kings on the throne, And causeth them to sit for ever, and they are high,

ylt@Job:36:8 @And if prisoners in fetters They are captured with cords of affliction,

ylt@Job:36:12 @And if they do not hearken, By the dart they pass away, And expire without knowledge.

ylt@Job:36:18 @Lest He move thee with a stroke, And the abundance of an atonement turn thee not aside.

ylt@Job:37:4 @After it roar doth a voice -- He thundereth with the voice of His excellency, And He doth not hold them back, When His voice is heard.

ylt@Job:37:5 @God thundereth with His voice wonderfully, Doing great things and we know not.

ylt@Job:37:18 @Thou hast made an expanse with Him For the clouds -- strong as a hard mirror!

ylt@Job:38:2 @Who [is] this -- darkening counsel, By words without knowledge?

ylt@Job:38:8 @And He shutteth up with doors the sea, In its coming forth, from the womb it goeth out.

ylt@Job:38:15 @And withheld from the wicked is their light, And the arm lifted up is broken.

ylt@Job:38:41 @Who doth prepare for a raven his provision, When his young ones cry unto God? They wander without food.

ylt@Job:39:10 @Dost thou bind a Reem in a furrow [with] his thick band? Doth he harrow valleys after thee?

ylt@Job:39:16 @Her young ones it hath hardened without her, In vain [is] her labour without fear.

ylt@Job:39:19 @Dost thou give to the horse might? Dost thou clothe his neck [with] a mane?

ylt@Job:39:24 @With trembling and rage he swalloweth the ground, And remaineth not stedfast Because of the sound of a trumpet.

ylt@Job:40:2 @Is the striver with the Mighty instructed? The reprover of God, let him answer it.

ylt@Job:40:9 @And an arm like God hast thou? And with a voice like Him dost thou thunder?

ylt@Job:40:15 @Lo, I pray thee, Behemoth, that I made with thee: Grass as an ox he eateth.

ylt@Job:40:22 @Cover him do shades, [with] their shadow, Cover him do willows of the brook.

ylt@Job:40:24 @Before his eyes doth [one] take him, With snares doth [one] pierce the nose?

ylt@Job:41:1 @Dost thou draw leviathan with an angle? And with a rope thou lettest down -- his tongue?

ylt@Job:41:2 @Dost thou put a reed in his nose? And with a thorn pierce his jaw?

ylt@Job:41:4 @Doth he make a covenant with thee? Dost thou take him for a servant age-during?

ylt@Job:41:5 @Dost thou play with him as a bird? And dost thou bind him for thy damsels?

ylt@Job:41:7 @Dost thou fill with barbed irons his skin? And with fish-spears his head?

ylt@Job:41:13 @Who hath uncovered the face of his clothing? Within his double bridle who doth enter?

ylt@Job:41:33 @There is not on the earth his like, That is made without terror.

ylt@Job:42:2 @Thou hast known that [for] all things Thou art able, And not withheld from Thee is [any] device:

ylt@Job:42:3 @'Who [is] this, hiding counsel without knowledge?' Therefore, I have declared, and understand not, Too wonderful for me, and I know not.

ylt@Job:42:8 @And now, take to you seven bullocks and seven rams, and go ye unto My servant Job, and ye have caused a burnt-offering to ascend for you; and Job My servant doth pray for you, for surely his face I accept, so as not to do with you folly, because ye have not spoken concerning Me rightly, like My servant Job.

ylt@Job:42:11 @And come unto him do all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all his former acquaintances, and they eat bread with him in his house, and bemoan him, and comfort him concerning all the evil that Jehovah had brought upon him, and they gave to him each one kesitah, and each one ring of gold.

ylt@Job:42:17 @and Job dieth, aged and satisfied [with] days.

ylt@Psalms:1:3 @And he hath been as a tree, Planted by rivulets of water, That giveth its fruit in its season, And its leaf doth not wither, And all that he doth he causeth to prosper.

ylt@Psalms:2:9 @Thou dost rule them with a sceptre of iron, As a vessel of a potter Thou dost crush them.'

ylt@Psalms:2:11 @Serve ye Jehovah with fear, And rejoice with trembling.

ylt@Psalms:4:1 @To the Overseer with Stringed Instruments. -- A Psalm of David. In my calling answer Thou me, O God of my righteousness. In adversity Thou gavest enlargement to me; Favour me, and hear my prayer.

ylt@Psalms:5:12 @For Thou blessest the righteous, O Jehovah, As a buckler with favour dost compass him!

ylt@Psalms:6:1 @To the Overseer with stringed instruments, on the octave. -- A Psalm of David. O Jehovah, in Thine anger reprove me not, Nor in Thy fury chastise me.

ylt@Psalms:6:6 @I have been weary with my sighing, I meditate through all the night [on] my bed, With my tear my couch I waste.

ylt@Psalms:7:4 @If I have done my well-wisher evil, And draw mine adversary without cause,

ylt@Psalms:7:14 @Lo, he travaileth [with] iniquity, And he hath conceived perverseness, And hath brought forth falsehood.

ylt@Psalms:8:5 @And causest him to lack a little of Godhead, And with honour and majesty compassest him.

ylt@Psalms:9:1 @To the Overseer, 'On the Death of Labben.' -- A Psalm of David. I confess, O Jehovah, with all my heart, I recount all Thy wonders,

ylt@Psalms:9:6 @O thou Enemy, Finished have been destructions for ever, As to cities thou hast plucked up, Perished hath their memorial with them.

ylt@Psalms:12:2 @Vanity they speak each with his neighbour, Lip of flattery! With heart and heart they speak.

ylt@Psalms:16:11 @Thou causest me to know the path of life; Fulness of joys [is] with Thy presence, Pleasant things by Thy right hand for ever!

ylt@Psalms:17:1 @A Prayer of David. Hear, O Jehovah, righteousness, attend my cry, Give ear [to] my prayer, without lips of deceit.

ylt@Psalms:17:7 @Separate wonderfully Thy kindness, O Saviour of the confiding, By Thy right hand, from withstanders.

ylt@Psalms:17:10 @Their fat they have closed up, Their mouths have spoken with pride:

ylt@Psalms:17:14 @From men, Thy hand, O Jehovah, From men of the world, their portion [is] in life, And [with] Thy hidden things Thou fillest their belly, They are satisfied [with] sons; And have left their abundance to their sucklings.

ylt@Psalms:17:15 @I -- in righteousness, I see Thy face; I am satisfied, in awaking, [with] Thy form!

ylt@Psalms:18:23 @And I am perfect with him, And I keep myself from mine iniquity.

ylt@Psalms:18:25 @With the kind Thou showest Thyself kind, With a perfect man showest Thyself perfect.

ylt@Psalms:18:26 @With the pure Thou showest Thyself pure, And with the perverse showest Thyself a wrestler,

ylt@Psalms:18:32 @God! who is girding me [with] strength, And He maketh perfect my way.

ylt@Psalms:18:39 @And Thou girdest me [with] strength for battle, Causest my withstanders to bow under me.

ylt@Psalms:18:48 @My deliverer from mine enemies, Above my withstanders Thou raisest me, From a man of violence dost deliver me.

ylt@Psalms:20:6 @Now I have known That Jehovah hath saved His anointed, He answereth him from His holy heavens, With the saving might of His right hand.

ylt@Psalms:21:2 @The desire of his heart Thou gavest to him, And the request of his lips Thou hast not withheld. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:21:6 @For Thou makest him blessings for ever, Thou dost cause him to rejoice with joy, By Thy countenance.

ylt@Psalms:22:7 @All beholding me do mock at me, They make free with the lip -- shake the head,

ylt@Psalms:23:4 @Also -- when I walk in a valley of death-shade, I fear no evil, for Thou [art] with me, Thy rod and Thy staff -- they comfort me.

ylt@Psalms:23:5 @Thou arrangest before me a table, Over-against my adversaries, Thou hast anointed with oil my head, My cup is full!

ylt@Psalms:25:3 @Also let none waiting on Thee be ashamed, Let the treacherous dealers without cause be ashamed.

ylt@Psalms:25:18 @See mine affliction and my misery, And bear with all my sins.

ylt@Psalms:25:19 @See my enemies, for they have been many, And with violent hatred they have hated me.

ylt@Psalms:26:4 @I have not sat with vain men, And with dissemblers I enter not.

ylt@Psalms:26:5 @I have hated the assembly of evil doers, And with the wicked I sit not.

ylt@Psalms:26:7 @To sound with a voice of confession, And to recount all Thy wonders.

ylt@Psalms:26:9 @Do not gather with sinners my soul, And with men of blood my life,

ylt@Psalms:28:1 @By David. Unto Thee, O Jehovah, I call, My rock, be not silent to me! Lest Thou be silent to me, And I have been compared With those going down to the pit.

ylt@Psalms:28:3 @Draw me not with the wicked, And with workers of iniquity, Speaking peace with their neighbours, And evil in their heart.

ylt@Psalms:28:7 @Jehovah [is] my strength, and my shield, In Him my heart trusted, and I have been helped. And my heart exulteth, And with my song I thank Him.

ylt@Psalms:29:4 @The voice of Jehovah [is] with power, The voice of Jehovah [is] with majesty,

ylt@Psalms:29:11 @Jehovah strength to his people giveth, Jehovah blesseth His people with peace!

ylt@Psalms:30:11 @Thou hast turned my mourning to dancing for me, Thou hast loosed my sackcloth, And girdest me [with] joy.

ylt@Psalms:31:11 @Among all mine adversaries I have been a reproach, And to my neighbours exceedingly, And a fear to mine acquaintances, Those seeing me without -- fled from me.

ylt@Psalms:32:7 @Thou [art] a hiding-place for me, From distress Thou dost keep me, [With] songs of deliverance dost compass me. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:32:9 @Be ye not as a horse -- as a mule, Without understanding, With bridle and bit, its ornaments, to curb, Not to come near unto thee.

ylt@Psalms:33:2 @Give ye thanks to Jehovah with a harp, With psaltery of ten strings sing praise to Him,

ylt@Psalms:33:3 @Sing ye to Him a new song, Play skilfully with shouting.

ylt@Psalms:34:3 @Ascribe ye greatness to Jehovah with me, And we exalt His name together.

ylt@Psalms:35:1 @By David. Strive, Jehovah, with my strivers, fight with my fighters,

ylt@Psalms:35:7 @For without cause they hid for me their netpit, Without cause they digged for my soul.

ylt@Psalms:35:13 @And I -- in their sickness my clothing [is] sackcloth, I have humbled with fastings my soul, And my prayer unto my bosom returneth.

ylt@Psalms:35:16 @With profane ones, mockers in feasts, Gnashing against me their teeth.

ylt@Psalms:35:19 @Mine enemies rejoice not over me [with] falsehood, Those hating me without cause wink the eye.

ylt@Psalms:36:1 @To the Overseer. -- By a servant of Jehovah, by David. The transgression of the wicked Is affirming within my heart, 'Fear of God is not before his eyes,

ylt@Psalms:36:9 @For with Thee [is] a fountain of life, In Thy light we see light.

ylt@Psalms:38:10 @My heart [is] panting, my power hath forsaken me, And the light of mine eyes, Even they are not with me.

ylt@Psalms:38:19 @And mine enemies [are] lively, They have been strong, and those hating me without cause, Have been multiplied.

ylt@Psalms:39:1 @To the Overseer, to Jeduthun. -- A Psalm of David. I have said, 'I observe my ways, Against sinning with my tongue, I keep for my mouth a curb, while the wicked [is] before me.'

ylt@Psalms:39:2 @I was dumb [with] silence, I kept silent from good, and my pain is excited.

ylt@Psalms:39:3 @Hot [is] my heart within me, In my meditating doth the fire burn, I have spoken with my tongue.

ylt@Psalms:39:11 @With reproofs against iniquity, Thou hast corrected man, And dost waste as a moth his desirableness, Only, vanity [is] every man. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:39:12 @Hear my prayer, O Jehovah, And [to] my cry give ear, Unto my tear be not silent, For a sojourner I [am] with Thee, A settler like all my fathers.

ylt@Psalms:40:8 @To do Thy pleasure, my God, I have delighted, And Thy law [is] within my heart.

ylt@Psalms:42:4 @These I remember, and pour out my soul in me, For I pass over into the booth, I go softly with them unto the house of God, With the voice of singing and confession, The multitude keeping feast!

ylt@Psalms:42:5 @What! bowest thou thyself, O my soul? Yea, art thou troubled within me? Wait for God, for still I confess Him: The salvation of my countenance -- My God!

ylt@Psalms:42:8 @By day Jehovah commandeth His kindness, And by night a song [is] with me, A prayer to the God of my life.

ylt@Psalms:42:10 @With a sword in my bones Have mine adversaries reproached me, In their saying unto me all the day, 'Where [is] thy God?'

ylt@Psalms:42:11 @What! bowest thou thyself, O my soul? And what! art thou troubled within me? Wait for God, for still I confess Him, The salvation of my countenance, and my God!

ylt@Psalms:43:4 @And I go in unto the altar of God, Unto God, the joy of my rejoicing. And I thank Thee with a harp, O God, my God.

ylt@Psalms:43:5 @What! bowest thou thyself, O my soul? And what! art thou troubled within me? Wait for God, for still I confess Him, The salvation of my countenance, and my God!

ylt@Psalms:44:1 @To the Overseer. -- By sons of Korah. An Instruction. O God, with our ears we have heard, Our fathers have recounted to us, The work Thou didst work in their days, In the days of old.

ylt@Psalms:44:2 @Thou, [with] Thy hand, nations hast dispossessed. And Thou dost plant them. Thou afflictest peoples, and sendest them away.

ylt@Psalms:44:5 @By Thee our adversaries we do push, By Thy name tread down our withstanders,

ylt@Psalms:44:9 @In anger Thou hast cast off and causest us to blush, And goest not forth with our hosts.

ylt@Psalms:44:12 @Thou sellest Thy people -- without wealth, And hast not become great by their price.

ylt@Psalms:44:19 @But Thou hast smitten us in a place of dragons, And dost cover us over with death-shade.

ylt@Psalms:45:12 @And the daughter of Tyre with a present, The rich of the people do appease thy face.

ylt@Psalms:45:13 @All glory [is] the daughter of the king within, Of gold-embroidered work [is] her clothing.

ylt@Psalms:45:15 @They are brought with joy and gladness, They come into the palace of the king.

ylt@Psalms:46:6 @Troubled have been nations, Moved have been kingdoms, He hath given forth with His voice, earth melteth.

ylt@Psalms:46:7 @Jehovah of Hosts [is] with us, A tower for us [is] the God of Jacob. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:46:9 @Causing wars to cease, Unto the end of the earth, the bow he shivereth, And the spear He hath cut asunder, Chariots he doth burn with fire.

ylt@Psalms:46:11 @Jehovah of hosts [is] with us, A tower for us [is] the God of Jacob! Selah.

ylt@Psalms:47:1 @To the Overseer. -- By sons of Korah. A Psalm. All ye peoples, clap the hand, Shout to God with a voice of singing,

ylt@Psalms:47:5 @God hath gone up with a shout, Jehovah with the sound of a trumpet.

ylt@Psalms:47:9 @Nobles of peoples have been gathered, [With] the people of the God of Abraham, For to God [are] the shields of earth, Greatly hath He been exalted!

ylt@Psalms:49:4 @I incline to a simile mine ear, I open with a harp my riddle:

ylt@Psalms:49:13 @This their way [is] folly for them, And their posterity with their sayings are pleased. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:50:5 @Gather ye to Me My saints, Making covenant with Me over a sacrifice.

ylt@Psalms:50:11 @I have known every fowl of the mountains, And the wild beast of the field [is] with Me.

ylt@Psalms:50:18 @If thou hast seen a thief, Then thou art pleased with him, And with adulterers [is] thy portion.

ylt@Psalms:50:19 @Thy mouth thou hast sent forth with evil, And thy tongue joineth deceit together,

ylt@Psalms:51:7 @Thou cleansest me with hyssop and I am clean, Washest me, and than snow I am whiter.

ylt@Psalms:51:10 @A clean heart prepare for me, O God, And a right spirit renew within me.

ylt@Psalms:51:18 @Do good in Thy good pleasure with Zion, Thou dost build the walls of Jerusalem.

ylt@Psalms:54:1 @To the Overseer with stringed instruments. -- An instruction, by David, in the coming in of the Ziphim, and they say to Saul, 'Is not David hiding himself with us?' O God, by Thy name save me, and by Thy might judge me.

ylt@Psalms:54:4 @Lo, God [is] a helper to me, The Lord [is] with those supporting my soul,

ylt@Psalms:54:6 @With a free will-offering I sacrifice to Thee, I thank Thy name, O Jehovah, for [it is] good,

ylt@Psalms:55:1 @To the Overseer with stringed instruments. -- An instruction, by David. Give ear, O God, [to] my prayer, And hide not from my supplication.

ylt@Psalms:55:4 @My heart is pained within me, And terrors of death have fallen on me.

ylt@Psalms:55:18 @He hath ransomed in peace my soul From him who is near to me, For with the multitude they were with me.

ylt@Psalms:59:1 @To the Overseer. -- 'Destroy not,' by David. -- A secret treasure, in Saul's sending, and they watch the house to put him to death. Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God, From my withstanders set me on high.

ylt@Psalms:59:4 @Without punishment they run and prepare themselves, Stir up to meet me, and see.

ylt@Psalms:59:7 @Lo, they belch out with their mouths, Swords [are] in their lips, for 'Who heareth?'

ylt@Psalms:60:1 @To the Overseer. -- 'Concerning the Lily of Testimony,' a secret treasure of David, to teach, in his striving with Aram-Naharaim, and with Aram-Zobah, and Joab turneth back and smiteth Edom in the valley of Salt -- twelve thousand. O God, Thou hadst cast us off, Thou hadst broken us -- hadst been angry! -- Thou dost turn back to us.

ylt@Psalms:60:5 @That Thy beloved ones may be drawn out, Save [with] Thy right hand, and answer us.

ylt@Psalms:60:10 @Is it not Thou, O God? hast Thou cast us off? And dost Thou not go forth, O God, with our hosts!

ylt@Psalms:62:4 @Only -- from his excellency They have consulted to drive away, They enjoy a lie, with their mouth they bless, And with their heart revile. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:62:11 @Once hath God spoken, twice I heard this, That 'strength [is] with God.'

ylt@Psalms:62:12 @And with Thee, O Lord, [is] kindness, For Thou dost recompense to each, According to his work!

ylt@Psalms:63:1 @A Psalm of David, in his being in the wilderness of Judah. O God, Thou [art] my God, earnestly do I seek Thee, Thirsted for Thee hath my soul, Longed for Thee hath my flesh, In a land dry and weary, without waters.

ylt@Psalms:63:5 @As [with] milk and fatness is my soul satisfied, And [with] singing lips doth my mouth praise.

ylt@Psalms:64:7 @And God doth shoot them [with] an arrow, Sudden have been their wounds,

ylt@Psalms:65:4 @O the happiness of [him whom] Thou choosest, And drawest near, he inhabiteth Thy courts, We are satisfied with the goodness of Thy house, Thy holy temple.

ylt@Psalms:65:6 @Establishing mountains by His power, He hath been girded with might,

ylt@Psalms:65:10 @Its ridges have been filled, Deepened hath been its furrow, With showers Thou dost soften it, Its springing up Thou blessest.

ylt@Psalms:65:13 @Clothed have lambs the flock, And valleys are covered with corn, They shout -- yea, they sing!

ylt@Psalms:66:13 @I enter Thy house with burnt-offerings, I complete to Thee my vows,

ylt@Psalms:66:15 @'Burnt-offerings of fatlings I offer to Thee, With perfume of rams, I prepare a bullock with he-goats.' Selah.

ylt@Psalms:66:17 @Unto Him [with] my mouth I have called, And exaltation [is] under my tongue.

ylt@Psalms:67:1 @To the Overseer, with stringed instruments. -- A Psalm, a Song. God doth favour us and bless us, Doth cause His face to shine with us. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:68:3 @And the righteous rejoice, they exult before God, And they joy with gladness.

ylt@Psalms:68:13 @Though ye do lie between two boundaries, Wings of a dove covered with silver, And her pinions with yellow gold.

ylt@Psalms:68:25 @Singers have been before, Behind [are] players on instruments, In the midst virgins playing with timbrels.

ylt@Psalms:68:30 @Rebuke a beast of the reeds, a company of bulls, With calves of the peoples, Each humbling himself with pieces of silver, Scatter Thou peoples delighting in conflicts.

ylt@Psalms:68:33 @To him who is riding on the heavens of the heavens of old, Lo, He giveth with His voice a strong voice.

ylt@Psalms:69:3 @I have been wearied with my calling, Burnt hath been my throat, Consumed have been mine eyes, waiting for my God.

ylt@Psalms:69:4 @Those hating me without cause Have been more than the hairs of my head, Mighty have been my destroyers, My lying enemies, That which I took not away -- I bring back.

ylt@Psalms:69:28 @They are blotted out of the book of life, And with the righteous are not written.

ylt@Psalms:69:30 @I praise the name of God with a song, And I magnify Him with thanksgiving,

ylt@Psalms:71:8 @Filled is my mouth [with] Thy praise, All the day [with] Thy beauty.

ylt@Psalms:71:13 @They are ashamed, they are consumed, Who are opposing my soul, They are covered [with] reproach and blushing, Who are seeking my evil,

ylt@Psalms:71:14 @And I continually do wait with hope, And have added unto all Thy praise.

ylt@Psalms:71:22 @I also thank Thee with a vessel of psaltery, Thy truth, O my God, I sing to Thee with a harp, O Holy One of Israel,

ylt@Psalms:72:2 @He judgeth Thy people with righteousness, And Thy poor with judgment.

ylt@Psalms:72:5 @They fear Thee with the sun, and before the moon, Generation -- generations.

ylt@Psalms:72:19 @And blessed [is] the Name of His honour to the age, And the whole earth is filled [with] His honour. Amen, and amen!

ylt@Psalms:73:5 @In the misery of mortals they are not, And with common men they are not plagued.

ylt@Psalms:73:22 @And I am brutish, and do not know. A beast I have been with Thee.

ylt@Psalms:73:23 @And I [am] continually with Thee, Thou hast laid hold on my right hand.

ylt@Psalms:73:24 @With Thy counsel Thou dost lead me, And after honour dost receive me.

ylt@Psalms:73:25 @Whom have I in the heavens? And with Thee none I have desired in earth.

ylt@Psalms:74:6 @And now, its carvings together With axe and hatchet they break down,

ylt@Psalms:74:9 @Our ensigns we have not seen, There is no more a prophet, Nor with us is one knowing how long.

ylt@Psalms:74:23 @Forget not the voice of Thine adversaries, The noise of Thy withstanders is going up continually!

ylt@Psalms:75:5 @Raise not up on high your horn, (Ye speak with a stiff neck.)

ylt@Psalms:76:1 @To the Overseer with stringed instruments. -- A Psalm of Asaph. -- A Song. In Judah [is] God known, in Israel His name [is] great.

ylt@Psalms:77:6 @I remember my music in the night, With my heart I meditate, and my spirit doth search diligently:

ylt@Psalms:77:15 @Thou hast redeemed with strength Thy people, The sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:78:2 @I open with a simile my mouth, I bring forth hidden things of old,

ylt@Psalms:78:8 @And they are not like their fathers, A generation apostate and rebellious, A generation! it hath not prepared its heart, Nor stedfast with God [is] its spirit.

ylt@Psalms:78:14 @And leadeth them with a cloud by day, And all the night with a light of fire.

ylt@Psalms:78:32 @With all this they have sinned again, And have not believed in His wonders.

ylt@Psalms:78:36 @And -- they deceive Him with their mouth, And with their tongue do lie to Him,

ylt@Psalms:78:37 @And their heart hath not been right with Him, And they have not been stedfast in His covenant.

ylt@Psalms:78:47 @He destroyeth with hail their vine, And their sycamores with frost,

ylt@Psalms:78:58 @And make Him angry with their high places, And with their graven images make Him zealous,

ylt@Psalms:78:62 @And delivereth up to the sword His people, And with His inheritance shewed Himself angry.

ylt@Psalms:78:68 @And He chooseth the tribe of Judah, With mount Zion that He loved,

ylt@Psalms:79:12 @And turn Thou back to our neighbours, Sevenfold unto their bosom, their reproach, Wherewith they reproached Thee, O Lord.

ylt@Psalms:80:5 @Thou hast caused them to eat bread of tears, And causest them to drink With tears a third time.

ylt@Psalms:80:10 @Covered have been hills [with] its shadow, And its boughs [are] cedars of God.

ylt@Psalms:80:16 @Burnt with fire -- cut down, From the rebuke of Thy face they perish.

ylt@Psalms:81:2 @Lift up a song, and give out a timbrel, A pleasant harp with psaltery.

ylt@Psalms:81:16 @He causeth him to eat of the fat of wheat, And [with] honey from a rock I satisfy thee!

ylt@Psalms:83:7 @Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with inhabitants of Tyre,

ylt@Psalms:83:8 @Asshur also is joined with them, They have been an arm to sons of Lot. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:83:15 @So dost Thou pursue them with Thy whirlwind, And with Thy hurricane troublest them.

ylt@Psalms:83:16 @Fill their faces [with] shame, And they seek Thy name, O Jehovah.

ylt@Psalms:84:11 @For a sun and a shield [is] Jehovah God, Grace and honour doth Jehovah give. He withholdeth not good To those walking in uprightness.

ylt@Psalms:85:4 @Turn back [to] us, O God of our salvation, And make void Thine anger with us.

ylt@Psalms:86:12 @I confess Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I honour Thy name to the age.

ylt@Psalms:86:17 @Do with me a sign for good, And those hating me see and are ashamed, For Thou, O Jehovah, hast helped me, Yea, Thou hast comforted me!

ylt@Psalms:87:4 @I mention Rahab and Babel to those knowing Me, Lo, Philistia, and Tyre, with Cush! This [one] was born there.

ylt@Psalms:88:4 @I have been reckoned with those going down [to] the pit, I have been as a man without strength.

ylt@Psalms:88:7 @Upon me hath Thy fury lain, And [with] all Thy breakers Thou hast afflicted. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:89:1 @An instruction, by Ethan the Ezrahite. Of the kind acts of Jehovah, to the age I sing, To all generations I make known Thy faithfulness with my mouth,

ylt@Psalms:89:10 @Thou hast bruised Rahab, as one wounded. With the arm of Thy strength Thou hast scattered Thine enemies.

ylt@Psalms:89:13 @Thou hast an arm with might, Strong is Thy hand -- high Thy right hand.

ylt@Psalms:89:20 @I have found David My servant, With My holy oil I have anointed him.

ylt@Psalms:89:21 @With whom My hand is established, My arm also doth strengthen him.

ylt@Psalms:89:24 @And My faithfulness and kindness [are] with him, And in My name is his horn exalted.

ylt@Psalms:89:28 @To the age I keep for him My kindness, And My covenant [is] stedfast with him.

ylt@Psalms:89:32 @I have looked after with a rod their transgression, And with strokes their iniquity,

ylt@Psalms:89:38 @And Thou, Thou hast cast off, and dost reject, Thou hast shown Thyself wroth With Thine anointed,

ylt@Psalms:89:45 @Thou hast shortened the days of his youth, Hast covered him over [with] shame. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:89:51 @Wherewith Thine enemies reproached, O Jehovah, Wherewith they have reproached The steps of Thine anointed.

ylt@Psalms:90:6 @In the morning it flourisheth, and hath changed, At evening it is cut down, and hath withered.

ylt@Psalms:90:14 @Satisfy us at morn [with] Thy kindness, And we sing and rejoice all our days.

ylt@Psalms:91:4 @With His pinion He covereth thee over, And under His wings thou dost trust, A shield and buckler [is] His truth.

ylt@Psalms:91:8 @But with thine eyes thou lookest, And the reward of the wicked thou seest,

ylt@Psalms:91:15 @He doth call Me, and I answer him, I [am] with him in distress, I deliver him, and honour him.

ylt@Psalms:91:16 @With length of days I satisfy him, And I cause him to look on My salvation!

ylt@Psalms:92:3 @On ten strings and on psaltery, On higgaion, with harp.

ylt@Psalms:92:10 @And Thou exaltest as a reem my horn, I have been anointed with fresh oil.

ylt@Psalms:94:16 @Who riseth up for me with evil doers? Who stationeth himself for me with workers of iniquity?

ylt@Psalms:94:19 @In the abundance of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul.

ylt@Psalms:94:20 @Is a throne of mischief joined [with] Thee? A framer of perverseness by statute?

ylt@Psalms:95:2 @We come before His face with thanksgiving, With psalms we shout to Him.

ylt@Psalms:98:5 @Sing to Jehovah with harp, With harp, and voice of praise,

ylt@Psalms:98:6 @With trumpets, and voice of a cornet, Shout ye before the king Jehovah.

ylt@Psalms:100:2 @Serve Jehovah with joy, come before him with singing.

ylt@Psalms:100:4 @Enter ye His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise, Give ye thanks to Him, bless ye His Name.

ylt@Psalms:101:6 @Mine eyes are on the faithful of the land, To dwell with me, Whoso is walking in a perfect way, he serveth me.

ylt@Psalms:102:4 @Smitten as the herb, and withered, is my heart, For I have forgotten to eat my bread.

ylt@Psalms:102:9 @Because ashes as bread I have eaten, And my drink with weeping have mingled,

ylt@Psalms:102:11 @My days as a shadow [are] stretched out, And I -- as the herb I am withered.

ylt@Psalms:102:14 @For Thy servants have been pleased with her stones, And her dust they favour.

ylt@Psalms:103:5 @Who is satisfying with good thy desire, Renew itself as an eagle doth thy youth.

ylt@Psalms:104:2 @Covering himself [with] light as a garment, Stretching out the heavens as a curtain,

ylt@Psalms:104:6 @The abyss! as with clothing Thou hast covered it, Above hills do waters stand.

ylt@Psalms:104:25 @This, the sea, great and broad of sides, There [are] moving things -- innumerable, Living creatures -- small with great.

ylt@Psalms:104:28 @Thou dost give to them -- they gather, Thou dost open Thy hand -- they [are] satisfied [with] good.

ylt@Psalms:105:9 @That He hath made with Abraham, And His oath to Isaac,

ylt@Psalms:105:18 @They have afflicted with fetters his feet, Iron hath entered his soul,

ylt@Psalms:105:30 @Teemed hath their land [with] frogs, In the inner chambers of their kings.

ylt@Psalms:105:37 @And bringeth them out with silver and gold, And there is not in its tribes a feeble one.

ylt@Psalms:105:40 @They have asked, and He bringeth quails, And [with] bread of heaven satisfieth them.

ylt@Psalms:105:42 @For He hath remembered His holy word, With Abraham His servant,

ylt@Psalms:105:43 @And He bringeth forth His people with joy, With singing His chosen ones.

ylt@Psalms:106:4 @Remember me, O Jehovah, With the favour of Thy people, Look after me in Thy salvation.

ylt@Psalms:106:5 @To look on the good of Thy chosen ones, To rejoice in the joy of Thy nation, To boast myself with Thine inheritance.

ylt@Psalms:106:6 @We have sinned with our fathers, We have done perversely, we have done wickedly.

ylt@Psalms:106:33 @For they have provoked his spirit, And he speaketh wrongfully with his lips.

ylt@Psalms:106:38 @And they shed innocent blood -- Blood of their sons and of their daughters, Whom they have sacrificed to idols of Canaan, And the land is profaned with blood.

ylt@Psalms:106:39 @And they are defiled with their works, And commit whoredom in their habitual doings.

ylt@Psalms:107:9 @For He hath satisfied a longing soul, And a hungry soul hath filled [with] goodness.

ylt@Psalms:107:12 @And He humbleth with labour their heart, They have been feeble, and there is no helper.

ylt@Psalms:107:22 @And they sacrifice sacrifices of thanksgiving, And recount His works with singing.

ylt@Psalms:108:6 @That Thy beloved ones may be delivered, Save [with] Thy right hand, and answer us.

ylt@Psalms:108:11 @Hast not Thou, O God, cast us off? And Thou goest not out, O God, with our hosts!

ylt@Psalms:109:2 @For the mouth of wickedness, and the mouth of deceit, Against me they have opened, They have spoken with me -- A tongue of falsehood, and words of hatred!

ylt@Psalms:109:3 @They have compassed me about, And they fight me without cause.

ylt@Psalms:109:21 @And Thou, O Jehovah Lord, Deal with me for Thy name's sake, Because Thy kindness [is] good, deliver me.

ylt@Psalms:109:30 @I thank Jehovah greatly with my mouth, And in the midst of many I praise Him,

ylt@Psalms:111:1 @Praise ye Jah! I thank Jehovah with the whole heart, In the secret meeting of the upright, And of the company.

ylt@Psalms:112:9 @He hath scattered -- hath given to the needy, His righteousness is standing for ever, His horn is exalted with honour.

ylt@Psalms:113:8 @To cause to sit with princes, With the princes of His people.

ylt@Psalms:115:13 @He blesseth those fearing Jehovah, The small with the great.

ylt@Psalms:118:27 @God [is] Jehovah, and He giveth to us light, Direct ye the festal-sacrifice with cords, Unto the horns of the altar.

ylt@Psalms:119:2 @O the happiness of those keeping His testimonies, With the whole heart they seek Him.

ylt@Psalms:119:7 @I confess Thee with uprightness of heart, In my learning the judgments of Thy righteousness.

ylt@Psalms:119:9 @[Beth.] With what doth a young man purify his path? To observe -- according to Thy word.

ylt@Psalms:119:10 @With all my heart I have sought Thee, Let me not err from Thy commands.

ylt@Psalms:119:13 @With my lips I have recounted All the judgments of Thy mouth.

ylt@Psalms:119:29 @The way of falsehood turn aside from me And with Thy law favour me.

ylt@Psalms:119:34 @Cause me to understand, and I keep Thy law, And observe it with the whole heart.

ylt@Psalms:119:58 @I appeased Thy face with the whole heart, Favour me according to Thy saying.

ylt@Psalms:119:65 @[Teth.] Good Thou didst with Thy servant, O Jehovah, According to Thy word.

ylt@Psalms:119:69 @Forged against me falsehood have the proud, I with the whole heart keep Thy precepts.

ylt@Psalms:119:78 @Ashamed are the proud, For [with] falsehood they dealt perversely with me. I meditate in Thy precepts.

ylt@Psalms:119:86 @All Thy commands [are] faithfulness, [With] falsehood they have pursued me, Help Thou me.

ylt@Psalms:119:124 @Do with Thy servant according to Thy kindness. And Thy statutes teach Thou me.

ylt@Psalms:119:145 @[Koph.] I have called with the whole heart, Answer me, O Jehovah, Thy statutes I keep,

ylt@Psalms:119:161 @[Shin.] Princes have pursued me without cause, And because of Thy words was my heart afraid.

ylt@Psalms:120:4 @Sharp arrows of a mighty one, with broom-coals.

ylt@Psalms:120:5 @Wo to me, for I have inhabited Mesech, I have dwelt with tents of Kedar.

ylt@Psalms:120:6 @Too much hath my soul dwelt with him who is hating peace.

ylt@Psalms:123:3 @Favour us, O Jehovah, favour us, For greatly have we been filled with contempt,

ylt@Psalms:123:4 @Greatly hath our soul been filled With the scorning of the easy ones, With the contempt of the arrogant!

ylt@Psalms:125:5 @As to those turning [to] their crooked ways, Jehovah causeth them to go with workers of iniquity. Peace on Israel!

ylt@Psalms:126:2 @Then filled [with] laughter is our mouth, And our tongue [with] singing, Then do they say among nations, 'Jehovah did great things with these.'

ylt@Psalms:126:3 @Jehovah did great things with us, We have been joyful.

ylt@Psalms:126:5 @Those sowing in tears, with singing do reap,

ylt@Psalms:126:6 @Whoso goeth on and weepeth, Bearing the basket of seed, Surely cometh in with singing, bearing his sheaves!

ylt@Psalms:127:5 @O the happiness of the man Who hath filled his quiver with them, They are not ashamed, For they speak with enemies in the gate!

ylt@Psalms:129:6 @They are as grass of the roofs, That before it was drawn out withereth,

ylt@Psalms:130:4 @But with Thee [is] forgiveness, that Thou mayest be feared.

ylt@Psalms:130:7 @Israel doth wait on Jehovah, For with Jehovah [is] kindness, And abundant with Him [is] redemption.

ylt@Psalms:132:15 @Her provision I greatly bless, Her needy ones I satisfy [with] bread,

ylt@Psalms:132:16 @And her priests I clothe [with] salvation, And her pious ones do sing aloud.

ylt@Psalms:132:18 @His enemies I do clothe [with] shame, And upon him doth his crown flourish!

ylt@Psalms:138:1 @By David. I confess Thee, with all my heart, Before the gods I do praise Thee.

ylt@Psalms:138:3 @In the day I called, when Thou dost answer me, Thou dost strengthen me in my soul [with] strength.

ylt@Psalms:139:3 @My path and my couch Thou hast fanned, And [with] all my ways hast been acquainted.

ylt@Psalms:139:14 @I confess Thee, because that [with] wonders I have been distinguished. Wonderful [are] Thy works, And my soul is knowing [it] well.

ylt@Psalms:139:18 @I recount them! than the sand they are more, I have waked, and I am still with Thee.

ylt@Psalms:139:21 @Do not I hate, Jehovah, those hating Thee? And with Thy withstanders grieve myself?

ylt@Psalms:139:22 @[With] perfect hatred I have hated them, Enemies they have become to me.

ylt@Psalms:140:13 @Only -- the righteous give thanks to Thy name, The upright do dwell with Thy presence!

ylt@Psalms:141:4 @Incline not my heart to an evil thing, To do habitually actions in wickedness, With men working iniquity, Yea, I eat not of their pleasant things.

ylt@Psalms:143:2 @And enter not into judgment with Thy servant, For no one living is justified before Thee.

ylt@Psalms:143:4 @And my spirit in me is become feeble, Within me is my heart become desolate.

ylt@Psalms:143:7 @Haste, answer me, O Jehovah, My spirit hath been consumed, Hide not Thou Thy face from me, Or I have been compared with those going down [to] the pit.

ylt@Psalms:147:7 @Answer ye to Jehovah with thanksgiving, Sing ye to our God with a harp.

ylt@Psalms:147:8 @Who is covering the heavens with clouds, Who is preparing for the earth rain, Who is causing grass to spring up [on] mountains,

ylt@Psalms:147:11 @Jehovah is pleased with those fearing Him, With those waiting for His kindness.

ylt@Psalms:147:14 @Who is making thy border peace, [With] the fat of wheat He satisfieth Thee.

ylt@Psalms:148:12 @Young men, and also maidens, Aged men, with youths,

ylt@Psalms:149:3 @They praise His name in a dance, With timbrel and harp sing praise to Him.

ylt@Psalms:149:4 @For Jehovah is pleased with His people, He beautifieth the humble with salvation.

ylt@Psalms:149:8 @To bind their kings with chains, And their honoured ones with fetters of iron,

ylt@Psalms:150:3 @Praise Him with blowing of trumpet, Praise Him with psaltery and harp.

ylt@Psalms:150:4 @Praise Him with timbrel and dance, Praise Him with stringed instruments and organ.

ylt@Psalms:150:5 @Praise Him with cymbals of sounding, Praise Him with cymbals of shouting.

ylt@Proverbs:1:11 @If they say, 'Come with us, we lay wait for blood, We watch secretly for the innocent without cause,

ylt@Proverbs:1:13 @Every precious substance we find, We fill our houses [with] spoil,

ylt@Proverbs:1:15 @My son! go not in the way with them, Withhold thy foot from their path,

ylt@Proverbs:1:23 @Turn back at my reproof, lo, I pour forth to you my spirit, I make known my words with you.

ylt@Proverbs:2:1 @My son, if thou dost accept my sayings, And my commands dost lay up with thee,

ylt@Proverbs:3:5 @Trust unto Jehovah with all thy heart, And unto thine own understanding lean not.

ylt@Proverbs:3:10 @And filled are thy barns [with] plenty, And [with] new wine thy presses break forth.

ylt@Proverbs:3:11 @Chastisement of Jehovah, my son, despise not, And be not vexed with His reproof,

ylt@Proverbs:3:12 @For whom Jehovah loveth He reproveth, Even as a father the son He is pleased with.

ylt@Proverbs:3:27 @Withhold not good from its owners, When thy hand [is] toward God to do [it].

ylt@Proverbs:3:28 @Say not thou to thy friend, 'Go, and return, and to-morrow I give,' And substance with thee.

ylt@Proverbs:3:29 @Devise not against thy neighbour evil, And he sitting confidently with thee.

ylt@Proverbs:3:30 @Strive not with a man without cause, If he have not done thee evil.

ylt@Proverbs:3:32 @For an abomination to Jehovah [is] the perverted, And with the upright [is] His secret counsel.

ylt@Proverbs:4:7 @The first thing [is] wisdom -- get wisdom, And with all thy getting get understanding.

ylt@Proverbs:5:4 @And her latter end [is] bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a sword [with] mouths.

ylt@Proverbs:5:10 @Lest strangers be filled [with] thy power, And thy labours in the house of a stranger,

ylt@Proverbs:5:17 @Let them be to thee for thyself, And not to strangers with thee.

ylt@Proverbs:5:20 @And why dost thou magnify thyself, My son, with a stranger? And embrace the bosom of a strange woman?

ylt@Proverbs:5:22 @His own iniquities do capture the wicked, And with the ropes of his sin he is holden.

ylt@Proverbs:5:23 @He dieth without instruction, And in the abundance of his folly magnifieth himself!

ylt@Proverbs:6:2 @Hast been snared with sayings of thy mouth, Hast been captured with sayings of thy mouth,

ylt@Proverbs:6:12 @A man of worthlessness, a man of iniquity, Walking [with] perverseness of mouth,

ylt@Proverbs:6:13 @Winking with his eyes, speaking with his feet, Directing with his fingers,

ylt@Proverbs:6:22 @In thy going up and down, it leadeth thee, In thy lying down, it watcheth over thee, And thou hast awaked -- it talketh [with] thee.

ylt@Proverbs:6:25 @Desire not her beauty in thy heart, And let her not take thee with her eyelids.

ylt@Proverbs:6:32 @He who committeth adultery [with] a woman lacketh heart, He is destroying his soul who doth it.

ylt@Proverbs:7:1 @My son! keep my sayings, And my commands lay up with thee.

ylt@Proverbs:7:16 @[With] ornamental coverings I decked my couch, Carved works -- cotton of Egypt.

ylt@Proverbs:7:18 @Come, we are filled [with] loves till the morning, We delight ourselves in loves.

ylt@Proverbs:7:21 @She turneth him aside with the abundance of her speech, With the flattery of her lips she forceth him.

ylt@Proverbs:8:11 @For better [is] wisdom than rubies, Yea, all delights are not comparable with it.

ylt@Proverbs:8:12 @I, wisdom, have dwelt with prudence, And a knowledge of devices I find out.

ylt@Proverbs:8:18 @Wealth and honour [are] with me, Lasting substance and righteousness.

ylt@Proverbs:8:24 @In there being no depths, I was brought forth, In there being no fountains heavy [with] waters,

ylt@Proverbs:8:31 @Rejoicing in the habitable part of His earth, And my delights [are] with the sons of men.

ylt@Proverbs:10:18 @Whoso is covering hatred with lying lips, And whoso is bringing out an evil report is a fool.

ylt@Proverbs:10:22 @The blessing of Jehovah -- it maketh rich, And He addeth no grief with it.

ylt@Proverbs:11:2 @Pride hath come, and shame cometh, And with the lowly [is] wisdom.

ylt@Proverbs:11:9 @With the mouth a hypocrite corrupteth his friend, And by knowledge the righteous are drawn out.

ylt@Proverbs:11:14 @Without counsels do a people fall, And deliverance [is] in a multitude of counsellors.

ylt@Proverbs:11:26 @Whoso is withholding corn, the people execrate him, And a blessing [is] for the head of him who is selling.

ylt@Proverbs:12:11 @Whoso is tilling the ground is satisfied [with] bread, And whoso is pursuing vanities is lacking heart,

ylt@Proverbs:12:14 @From the fruit of the mouth [is] one satisfied [with] good, And the deed of man's hands returneth to him.

ylt@Proverbs:13:10 @A vain man through pride causeth debate, And with the counselled [is] wisdom.

ylt@Proverbs:13:16 @Every prudent one dealeth with knowledge, And a fool spreadeth out folly.

ylt@Proverbs:13:20 @Whoso is walking with wise men is wise, And a companion of fools suffereth evil.

ylt@Proverbs:13:23 @Abundance of food -- the tillage of the poor, And substance is consumed without judgment.

ylt@Proverbs:14:1 @Every wise woman hath builded her house, And the foolish with her hands breaketh it down.

ylt@Proverbs:14:4 @Without oxen a stall [is] clean, And great [is] the increase by the power of the ox.

ylt@Proverbs:14:10 @The heart knoweth its own bitterness, And with its joy a stranger doth not intermeddle.

ylt@Proverbs:14:18 @The simple have inherited folly, And the prudent are crowned [with] knowledge.

ylt@Proverbs:15:16 @Better [is] a little with the fear of Jehovah, Than much treasure, and tumult with it.

ylt@Proverbs:15:17 @Better [is] an allowance of green herbs and love there, Than a fatted ox, and hatred with it.

ylt@Proverbs:15:22 @Without counsel [is] the making void of purposes, And in a multitude of counsellors it is established.

ylt@Proverbs:16:7 @When a man's ways please Jehovah, even his enemies, He causeth to be at peace with him.

ylt@Proverbs:16:8 @Better [is] a little with righteousness, Than abundance of increase without justice.

ylt@Proverbs:16:19 @Better is humility of spirit with the poor, Than to apportion spoil with the proud.

ylt@Proverbs:17:1 @Better [is] a dry morsel, and rest with it, Than a house full of the sacrifices of strife.

ylt@Proverbs:17:14 @The beginning of contention [is] a letting out of waters, And before it is meddled with leave the strife.

ylt@Proverbs:17:27 @One acquainted with knowledge is sparing his words, And the cool of temper [is] a man of understanding.

ylt@Proverbs:18:1 @For [an object of] desire he who is separated doth seek, With all wisdom he intermeddleth.

ylt@Proverbs:18:3 @With the coming of the wicked come also hath contempt, And with shame -- reproach.

ylt@Proverbs:18:23 @[With] supplications doth the poor speak, And the rich answereth fierce things.

ylt@Proverbs:18:24 @A man with friends [is] to show himself friendly, And there is a lover adhering more than a brother!

ylt@Proverbs:19:2 @Also, without knowledge the soul [is] not good, And the hasty in feet is sinning.

ylt@Proverbs:19:23 @The fear of Jehovah [is] to life, And satisfied he remaineth -- he is not charged with evil.

ylt@Proverbs:20:8 @A king sitting on a throne of judgment, Is scattering with his eyes all evil,

ylt@Proverbs:20:13 @Love not sleep, lest thou become poor, Open thine eyes -- be satisfied [with] bread.

ylt@Proverbs:20:17 @Sweet to a man [is] the bread of falsehood, And afterwards is his mouth filled [with] gravel.

ylt@Proverbs:20:18 @Purposes by counsel thou dost establish, And with plans make thou war.

ylt@Proverbs:20:19 @A revealer of secret counsels is the busybody, And for a deceiver [with] his lips make not thyself surety.

ylt@Proverbs:20:30 @The bandages of a wound thou removest with the evil, Also the plagues of the inner parts of the heart!

ylt@Proverbs:21:9 @Better to sit on a corner of the roof, Than [with] a woman of contentions and a house of company.

ylt@Proverbs:21:19 @Better to dwell in a wilderness land, Than [with] a woman of contentions and anger.

ylt@Proverbs:21:26 @All the day desiring he hath desired, And the righteous giveth and withholdeth not.

ylt@Proverbs:22:13 @The slothful hath said, 'A lion [is] without, In the midst of the broad places I am slain.'

ylt@Proverbs:22:20 @Have I not written to thee three times With counsels and knowledge?

ylt@Proverbs:22:24 @Shew not thyself friendly with an angry man, And with a man of fury go not in,

ylt@Proverbs:23:1 @When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, Thou considerest diligently that which [is] before thee,

ylt@Proverbs:23:7 @For as he hath thought in his soul, so [is] he, 'Eat and drink,' saith he to thee, And his heart [is] not with thee.

ylt@Proverbs:23:11 @For their Redeemer [is] strong, He doth plead their cause with thee.

ylt@Proverbs:23:13 @Withhold not from a youth chastisement, When thou smitest him with a rod he dieth not.

ylt@Proverbs:23:14 @Thou with a rod smitest him, And his soul from Sheol thou deliverest.

ylt@Proverbs:23:21 @For the quaffer and glutton become poor, And drowsiness clotheth with rags.

ylt@Proverbs:23:29 @Who hath wo? who hath sorrow? Who hath contentions? who hath plaint? Who hath wounds without cause? Who hath redness of eyes?

ylt@Proverbs:24:1 @Be not envious of evil men, And desire not to be with them.

ylt@Proverbs:24:4 @And by knowledge the inner parts are filled, [With] all precious and pleasant wealth.

ylt@Proverbs:24:21 @Fear Jehovah, my son, and the king, With changers mix not up thyself,

ylt@Proverbs:24:28 @Be not a witness for nought against thy neighbour, Or thou hast enticed with thy lips.

ylt@Proverbs:25:9 @Thy cause plead with thy neighbour, And the secret counsel of another reveal not,

ylt@Proverbs:25:16 @Honey thou hast found -- eat thy sufficiency, Lest thou be satiated [with] it, and hast vomited it.

ylt@Proverbs:25:17 @Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house, Lest he be satiated [with] thee, and have hated thee.

ylt@Proverbs:25:24 @Better to sit on a corner of a roof, Than [with] a woman of contentions, and a house of company.

ylt@Proverbs:25:28 @A city broken down without walls, [Is] a man without restraint over his spirit!

ylt@Proverbs:26:2 @As a bird by wandering, as a swallow by flying, So reviling without cause doth not come.

ylt@Proverbs:26:20 @Without wood is fire going out, And without a tale-bearer, contention ceaseth,

ylt@Proverbs:27:14 @Whoso is saluting his friend with a loud voice, In the morning rising early, A light thing it is reckoned to him.

ylt@Proverbs:27:22 @If thou dost beat the foolish in a mortar, Among washed things -- with a pestle, His folly turneth not aside from off him.

ylt@Proverbs:28:17 @A man oppressed with the blood of a soul, Unto the pit fleeth, none taketh hold on him.

ylt@Proverbs:28:19 @Whoso is tilling his ground is satisfied [with] bread, And whoso is pursuing vanity, Is filled [with] poverty.

ylt@Proverbs:28:22 @Troubled for wealth [is] the man [with] an evil eye, And he knoweth not that want doth meet him.

ylt@Proverbs:28:23 @Whoso is reproving a man afterwards findeth grace, More than a flatterer with the tongue.

ylt@Proverbs:29:18 @Without a Vision is a people made naked, And whoso is keeping the law, O his happiness!

ylt@Proverbs:29:24 @Whoso is sharing with a thief is hating his own soul, Execration he heareth, and telleth not.

ylt@Proverbs:30:6 @Add not to His words, lest He reason with thee, And thou hast been found false.

ylt@Proverbs:30:7 @Two things I have asked from Thee, Withhold not from me before I die.

ylt@Proverbs:30:16 @Sheol, and a restrained womb, Earth -- it [is] not satisfied [with] water, And fire -- it hath not said, 'Sufficiency,'

ylt@Proverbs:30:22 @For a servant when he reigneth, And a fool when he is satisfied with bread,

ylt@Proverbs:30:28 @A spider with two hands taketh hold, And is in the palaces of a king.

ylt@Proverbs:30:31 @A girt one of the loins, or a he-goat, And a king -- no rising up with him.

ylt@Proverbs:31:13 @She hath sought wool and flax, And with delight she worketh [with] her hands.

ylt@Proverbs:31:17 @She hath girded with might her loins, And doth strengthen her arms.

ylt@Proverbs:31:21 @She is not afraid of her household from snow, For all her household are clothed [with] scarlet.

ylt@Proverbs:31:23 @Known in the gates is her husband, In his sitting with elders of the land.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:11 @There is not a remembrance of former [generations]; and also of the latter that are, there is no remembrance of them with those that are at the last.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:16 @I -- I spake with my heart, saying, 'I, lo, I have magnified and added wisdom above every one who hath been before me at Jerusalem, and my heart hath seen abundantly wisdom and knowledge.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:1 @I said in my heart, 'Pray, come, I try thee with mirth, and look thou on gladness;' and lo, even it [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:3 @I have sought in my heart to draw out with wine my appetite, (and my heart leading in wisdom), and to take hold on folly till that I see where [is] this -- the good to the sons of man of that which they do under the heavens, the number of the days of their lives.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:9 @And I became great, and increased above every one who had been before me in Jerusalem; also, my wisdom stood with me.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:10 @And all that mine eyes asked I kept not back from them; I withheld not my heart from any joy, for my heart rejoiced because of all my labour, and this hath been my portion, from all my labour,

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:14 @The wise! -- his eyes [are] in his head, and the fool in darkness is walking, and I also knew that one event happeneth with them all;

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:15 @and I said in my heart, 'As it happeneth with the fool, it happeneth also with me, and why am I then more wise?' And I spake in my heart, that also this [is] vanity:

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:16 @That there is no remembrance to the wise -- with the fool -- to the age, for that which [is] already, [in] the days that are coming is all forgotten, and how dieth the wise? with the fool!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:11 @The whole He hath made beautiful in its season; also, that knowledge He hath put in their heart without which man findeth not out the work that God hath done from the beginning even unto the end.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:14 @I have known that all that God doth is to the age, to it nothing is to be added, and from it nothing is to be withdrawn; and God hath wrought that they do fear before Him.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:6 @'Better [is] a handful [with] quietness, than two handfuls [with] labour and vexation of spirit.'

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @There is one, and there is not a second; even son or brother he hath not, and there is no end to all his labour! His eye also is not satisfied with riches, and [he saith not], 'For whom am I labouring and bereaving my soul of good?' This also is vanity, it is a sad travail.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:15 @I have seen all the living, who are walking under the sun, with the second youth who doth stand in his place;

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:10 @Whoso is loving silver is not satisfied [with] silver, nor he who is in love with stores [with] increase. Even this [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:10 @What [is] that which hath been? already is its name called, and it is known that it [is] man, and he is not able to contend with him who is stronger than he.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:11 @Wisdom [is] good with an inheritance, And an advantage [it is] to those beholding the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:17 @Do not much wrong, neither be thou a fool, why dost thou die within thy time?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:18 @[It is] good that thou dost lay hold on this, and also, from that withdrawest not thy hand, for whoso is fearing God goeth out with them all.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @Because sentence hath not been done [on] an evil work speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of man is full within them to do evil.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:15 @And I have praised mirth because there is no good to man under the sun except to eat and to drink, and to rejoice, and it remaineth with him of his labour the days of his life that God hath given to him under the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:7 @Go, eat with joy thy bread, and drink with a glad heart thy wine, for already hath God been pleased with thy works.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:9 @See life with the wife whom thou hast loved, all the days of the life of thy vanity, that He hath given to thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity, for it [is] thy portion in life, even of thy labour that thou art labouring at under the sun.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:10 @All that thy hand findeth to do, with thy power do, for there is no work, and device, and knowledge, and wisdom in Sheol whither thou art going.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @I have turned so as to see under the sun, that not to the swift [is] the race, nor to the mighty the battle, nor even to the wise bread, nor even to the intelligent wealth, nor even to the skilful grace, for time and chance happen with them all.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:10:11 @If the serpent biteth without enchantment, Then there is no advantage to a master of the tongue.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:10:19 @For mirth they are making a feast, And wine maketh life joyful, And the silver answereth with all.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:11:6 @In the morning sow thy seed, And at even withdraw not thy hand, For thou knowest not which is right, this or that, Or whether both of them alike [are] good.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:12:14 @For every work doth God bring into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether good or bad.'

ylt@Songs:1:2 @Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth, For better [are] thy loves than wine.

ylt@Songs:1:6 @Fear me not, because I [am] very dark, Because the sun hath scorched me, The sons of my mother were angry with me, They made me keeper of the vineyards, My vineyard -- my own -- I have not kept.

ylt@Songs:1:10 @Comely have been thy cheeks with garlands, Thy neck with chains.

ylt@Songs:1:11 @Garlands of gold we do make for thee, With studs of silver!

ylt@Songs:2:5 @Sustain me with grape-cakes, Support me with citrons, for I [am] sick with love.

ylt@Songs:3:6 @Who [is] this coming up from the wilderness, Like palm-trees of smoke, Perfumed [with] myrrh and frankincense, From every powder of the merchant?

ylt@Songs:3:10 @Its pillars he made of silver, Its bottom of gold, its seat of purple, Its midst lined [with] love, By the daughters of Jerusalem.

ylt@Songs:3:11 @Go forth, and look, ye daughters of Zion, On king Solomon, with the crown, With which his mother crowned him, In the day of his espousals, And in the day of the joy of his heart!

ylt@Songs:4:9 @Thou hast emboldened me, my sister-spouse, Emboldened me with one of thine eyes, With one chain of thy neck.

ylt@Songs:4:13 @Thy shoots a paradise of pomegranates, With precious fruits,

ylt@Songs:4:14 @Cypresses with nard -- nard and saffron, Cane and cinnamon, With all trees of frankincense, Myrrh and aloes, with all chief spices.

ylt@Songs:5:1 @I have come in to my garden, my sister-spouse, I have plucked my myrrh with my spice, I have eaten my comb with my honey, I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends, drink, Yea, drink abundantly, O beloved ones!

ylt@Songs:5:2 @I am sleeping, but my heart waketh: The sound of my beloved knocking! 'Open to me, my sister, my friend, My dove, my perfect one, For my head is filled [with] dew, My locks [with] drops of the night.'

ylt@Songs:5:6 @I opened to my beloved, But my beloved withdrew -- he passed on, My soul went forth when he spake, I sought him, and found him not. I called him, and he answered me not.

ylt@Songs:5:8 @I have adjured you, daughters of Jerusalem, If ye find my beloved -- What do ye tell him? that I [am] sick with love!

ylt@Songs:5:14 @His hands rings of gold, set with beryl, His heart bright ivory, covered with sapphires,

ylt@Songs:6:1 @Whither hath thy beloved gone, O fair among women? Whither hath thy beloved turned, And we seek him with thee?

ylt@Songs:6:8 @Sixty are queens, and eighty concubines, And virgins without number.

ylt@Songs:7:1 @As the chorus of 'Mahanaim.' How beautiful were thy feet with sandals, O daughter of Nadib. The turnings of thy sides [are] as ornaments, Work of the hands of an artificer.

ylt@Songs:7:2 @Thy waist [is] a basin of roundness, It lacketh not the mixture, Thy body a heap of wheat, fenced with lilies,

ylt@Songs:7:5 @Thy head upon thee as Carmel, And the locks of thy head as purple, The king is bound with the flowings!

ylt@Songs:8:1 @Who doth make thee as a brother to me, Sucking the breasts of my mother? I find thee without, I kiss thee, Yea, they do not despise me,

ylt@Isaiah:1:4 @Ah, sinning nation, a people heavy [with] iniquity, A seed of evil doers, sons -- corrupters! They have forsaken Jehovah, They have despised the Holy One of Israel, They have gone away backward.

ylt@Isaiah:1:6 @From the sole of the foot -- unto the head, There is no soundness in it, Wound, and bruise, and fresh smiting! They have not been closed nor bound, Nor have they softened with ointment.

ylt@Isaiah:1:7 @Your land [is] a desolation, your cities burnt with fire, Your ground, before you strangers are consuming it, And a desolation as overthrown by strangers!

ylt@Isaiah:1:11 @'Why to Me the abundance of your sacrifices? saith Jehovah, I have been satiated [with] burnt-offerings of rams, And fat of fatlings; And blood of bullocks, and lambs, And he-goats I have not desired.

ylt@Isaiah:1:21 @How hath a faithful city become a harlot? I have filled it [with] judgment, Righteousness lodgeth in it -- now murderers.

ylt@Isaiah:1:22 @Thy silver hath become dross, Thy drink polluted with water.

ylt@Isaiah:2:6 @For Thou hast left Thy people, the house of Jacob. For they have been filled from the east, And [are] sorcerers like the Philistines, And with the children of strangers strike hands.

ylt@Isaiah:3:14 @Jehovah into judgment doth enter With elders of His people, and its heads: 'And ye, ye have consumed the vineyard, Plunder of the poor [is] in your houses.

ylt@Isaiah:3:16 @'Because that daughters of Zion have been haughty, And they walk stretching out the neck, And deceiving [with] the eyes, Walking and mincing they go, And with their feet they make a tinkling,

ylt@Isaiah:5:2 @And he fenceth it, and casteth out its stones, And planteth it [with] a choice vine, And buildeth a tower in its midst, And also a wine press hath hewn out in it, And he waiteth for the yielding of grapes, And it yieldeth bad ones!

ylt@Isaiah:5:9 @By the weapons of Jehovah of Hosts Do not many houses a desolation become? Great and good without inhabitant!

ylt@Isaiah:5:13 @Therefore my people removed without knowledge, And its honourable ones are famished, And its multitude dried up of thirst.

ylt@Isaiah:5:14 @Therefore hath Sheol enlarged herself, And hath opened her mouth without limit. And gone down hath its honour, and its multitude, And its noise, and its exulting one -- into her.

ylt@Isaiah:5:18 @Wo [to] those drawing out iniquity with cords of vanity, And as [with] thick ropes of the cart -- sin.

ylt@Isaiah:5:25 @Therefore hath the anger of Jehovah burned among His people, And He stretcheth out His hand against it, And smiteth it, and the mountains tremble, And their carcase is as filth in the midst of the out-places. With all this His anger did not turn back, And still His hand is stretched out!

ylt@Isaiah:5:26 @And He lifted up an ensign to nations afar off, And hissed to it from the end of the earth, And lo, with haste, swift it cometh.

ylt@Isaiah:6:2 @Seraphs are standing above it: six wings hath each one; with two [each] covereth its face, and with two [each] covereth its feet, and with two [each] flieth.

ylt@Isaiah:6:6 @And flee unto me doth one of the seraphs, and in his hand a burning coal, (with tongs he hath taken [it] from off the altar,)

ylt@Isaiah:6:10 @Declare fat the heart of this people, And its ears declare heavy, And its eyes declare dazzled, Lest it see with its eyes, And with its ears hear, and its heart consider, And it hath turned back, and hath health.'

ylt@Isaiah:6:11 @And I say, 'Till when, O Lord?' And He saith, 'Surely till cities have been wasted without inhabitant, And houses without man, And the ground be wasted -- a desolation,

ylt@Isaiah:7:8 @For the head of Aram [is] Damascus, And the head of Damascus [is] Rezin, And within sixty and five years Is Ephraim broken from [being] a people.

ylt@Isaiah:7:16 @For before the youth doth know To refuse evil, and to fix on good, Forsaken is the land thou art vexed with, because of her two kings.

ylt@Isaiah:7:24 @With arrows and with bow he cometh thither, Because all the land is brier and thorn.

ylt@Isaiah:7:25 @And all the hills that with a mattock are kept in order, Thither cometh not the fear of brier and thorn, And it hath been for the sending forth of ox, And for the treading of sheep!'

ylt@Isaiah:8:1 @And Jehovah saith unto me, 'Take to thee a great tablet, and write upon it with a graving tool of man, To haste spoil, enjoy prey.'

ylt@Isaiah:8:6 @'Because that this people hath refused The waters of Shiloah that go softly, And is rejoicing with Rezin and the son of Remaliah,

ylt@Isaiah:8:11 @For thus hath Jehovah spoken unto me with strength of hand, and instructeth me against walking in the way of this people, saying,

ylt@Isaiah:9:5 @For every battle of a warrior [is] with rushing, and raiment rolled in blood, And it hath been for burning -- fuel of fire.

ylt@Isaiah:9:12 @Aram from before, and Philistia from behind, And they devour Israel with the whole mouth. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

ylt@Isaiah:9:17 @Therefore, over its young men the Lord rejoiceth not, And its orphans, and its widows He pitieth not, For every one [is] profane, and an evil doer, And every mouth is speaking folly. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

ylt@Isaiah:9:21 @Manasseh -- Ephraim, and Ephraim -- Manasseh, Together they [are] against Judah, With all this not turned back hath His anger. And still His hand is stretched out!

ylt@Isaiah:10:4 @Without Me it hath bowed down In the place of a bound one, And in the place of the slain they fall. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

ylt@Isaiah:10:15 @-- Doth the axe glorify itself Against him who is hewing with it? Doth the saw magnify itself Against him who is shaking it? As a rod waving those lifting it up! As a staff lifting up that which is not wood!

ylt@Isaiah:10:22 @For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, A remnant doth return of it, A consumption determined, Overflowing [with] righteousness.

ylt@Isaiah:10:24 @Therefore, thus said the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, 'Be not afraid, my people, inhabiting Zion, because of Asshur, With a rod he doth smite thee, And his staff lifteth up against thee, in the way of Egypt.

ylt@Isaiah:10:30 @Cry aloud [with] thy voice, daughter of Gallim, Give attention, Laish! answer her, Anathoth.

ylt@Isaiah:10:33 @Lo, the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts, Is lopping a branch with violence, And the high of stature are cut down, And the lofty are become low,

ylt@Isaiah:10:34 @And He hath gone round the thickets of the forest with iron, And Lebanon by a mighty one falleth!

ylt@Isaiah:11:4 @And he hath judged in righteousness the poor, And decided in uprightness for the humble of earth, And hath smitten earth with the rod of his mouth, And with the breath of his lips he putteth the wicked to death.

ylt@Isaiah:11:6 @And a wolf hath sojourned with a lamb, And a leopard with a kid doth lie down, And calf, and young lion, and fatling [are] together, And a little youth is leader over them.

ylt@Isaiah:11:9 @Evil they do not, nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For full hath been the earth with the knowledge of Jehovah, As the waters are covering the sea.

ylt@Isaiah:11:15 @And Jehovah hath devoted to destruction The tongue of the sea of Egypt, And hath waved His hand over the river, In the terror of his wind, And hath smitten it at the seven streams, And hath caused [men] to tread [it] with shoes.

ylt@Isaiah:12:1 @And thou hast said in that day: 'I thank thee, O Jehovah, Though Thou hast been angry with me, Turn back doth Thine anger, And Thou dost comfort me.

ylt@Isaiah:12:3 @And ye have drawn waters with joy Out of the fountains of salvation,

ylt@Isaiah:13:9 @Lo, the day of Jehovah doth come, Fierce, with wrath, and heat of anger, To make the land become a desolation, Yea, its sinning ones He destroyeth from it.

ylt@Isaiah:13:16 @And their sucklings are dashed to pieces before their eyes, Spoiled are their houses, and their wives lain with.

ylt@Isaiah:13:19 @And Babylon, the beauty of kingdoms, The glory, the excellency of the Chaldeans, Hath been as overthrown by God, With Sodom and with Gomorrah.

ylt@Isaiah:14:6 @He who is smiting peoples in wrath, A smiting without intermission, He who is ruling in anger nations, Pursuing without restraint!

ylt@Isaiah:14:20 @Thou art not united with them in burial, For thy land thou hast destroyed, Thy people thou hast slain, Not named to the age is the seed of evil doers.

ylt@Isaiah:14:21 @Prepare ye for his sons slaughter; Because of the iniquity of their fathers, They rise not, nor have possessed the land, Nor filled the face of the world [with] cities.

ylt@Isaiah:14:23 @And have made it for a possession of a bittern, And ponds of waters, And daubed it with the mire of destruction, The affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts!

ylt@Isaiah:14:30 @And delighted have the first-born of the poor, And the needy in confidence lie down, And I have put to death with famine thy root, And thy remnant it slayeth.

ylt@Isaiah:15:3 @In its out-places they girded on sackcloth, On its pinnacles, and in its broad places, Every one howleth -- going down with weeping.

ylt@Isaiah:15:5 @My heart [is] toward Moab, Cry do her fugitives unto Zoar, a heifer of the third [year], For -- the ascent of Luhith -- With weeping he goeth up in it, For, in the way of Horonaim, A cry of destruction they wake up.

ylt@Isaiah:15:6 @For, the waters of Nimrim are desolations, For, withered hath been the hay, Finished hath been the tender grass, A green thing there hath not been.

ylt@Isaiah:16:9 @Therefore I weep with the weeping of Jazer, The vine of Sibmah, I water thee [with] my tear, O Heshbon and Elealeh, For -- for thy summer fruits, and for thy harvest, The shouting hath fallen.

ylt@Isaiah:16:14 @And now hath Jehovah spoken, saying, 'In three years, as years of an hireling, Lightly esteemed is the honour of Moab, With all the great multitude, And the remnant [is] little, small, not mighty!'

ylt@Isaiah:17:10 @Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, And the rock of thy strength hast not remembered, Therefore thou plantest plants of pleasantness, And with a strange slip sowest it,

ylt@Isaiah:18:1 @Ho, land shadowed [with] wings, That [is] beyond the rivers of Cush,

ylt@Isaiah:18:2 @That is sending by sea ambassadors, Even with implements of reed on the face of the waters, -- Go, ye light messengers, Unto a nation drawn out and peeled, Unto a people fearful from its beginning and onwards, A nation meeting out by line, and treading down, Whose land floods have spoiled.

ylt@Isaiah:18:5 @For before harvest, when the flower is perfect, And the blossom is producing unripe fruit, Then hath [one] cut the sprigs with pruning hooks, And the branches he hath turned aside, cut down.

ylt@Isaiah:19:6 @And they have turned away the flowings, Weak and dried up have been brooks of the bulwark, Reed and flag have withered.

ylt@Isaiah:19:7 @Exposed things by the brook, by the edge of the brook, And every sown thing of the brook, hath withered, It hath been driven away, and is not.

ylt@Isaiah:19:23 @In that day is a highway out of Egypt to Asshur, And come in have the Assyrians to Egypt, And the Egyptians into Asshur, And the Egyptians have served with the Assyrians.

ylt@Isaiah:20:4 @so doth the king of Asshur lead the captivity of Egypt, and the removal of Cush, young and old, naked and barefoot, with seat uncovered -- the nakedness of Egypt;

ylt@Isaiah:21:3 @Therefore filled have been my loins [with] great pain, Pangs have seized me as pangs of a travailing woman, I have been bent down by hearing, I have been troubled by seeing.

ylt@Isaiah:21:14 @To meet the thirsty brought water have Inhabitants of the land of Tema, With his bread they came before a fugitive.

ylt@Isaiah:21:16 @For thus said the Lord unto me: 'Within a year, as years of a hireling, Consumed hath been all the honour of Kedar.

ylt@Isaiah:22:21 @And I have clothed him with thy coat, And with thy girdle I strengthen him, And thy garment I give into his hand, And he hath been for a father to the inhabitant of Jerusalem, And to the house of Judah.

ylt@Isaiah:23:1 @The Burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of Tarshish, For it hath been destroyed, Without house, without entrance, From the land of Chittim it was revealed to them.

ylt@Isaiah:23:17 @And it hath come to pass, At the end of seventy years Jehovah inspecteth Tyre, And she hath repented of her gift, That she committed fornication With all kingdoms of the earth on the face of the ground.

ylt@Isaiah:24:9 @With a song they drink not wine, Bitter is strong drink to those drinking it.

ylt@Isaiah:24:12 @Left in the city [is] desolation, And [with] wasting is the gate smitten.

ylt@Isaiah:25:5 @As heat in a dry place, The noise of strangers Thou humblest, Heat with the shadow of a thick cloud, The singing of the terrible is humbled.

ylt@Isaiah:25:11 @And he spread out his hands in its midst, As spread out doth the swimmer to swim; And He hath humbled his excellency With the machinations of his hands.

ylt@Isaiah:26:9 @[With] my soul I desired Thee in the night, Also, [with] my spirit within me I seek Thee earnestly, For when Thy judgments [are] on the earth, The inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness.

ylt@Isaiah:27:1 @In that day lay a charge doth Jehovah, With his sword -- the sharp, and the great, and the strong, On leviathan -- a fleeing serpent, And on leviathan -- a crooked serpent, And He hath slain the dragon that [is] in the sea.

ylt@Isaiah:27:5 @Or -- he doth take hold on My strength, He doth make peace with Me, Peace he doth make with Me.

ylt@Isaiah:27:6 @Those coming in He causeth to take root, Jacob doth blossom, and flourished hath Israel, And they have filled the face of the world [with] increase.

ylt@Isaiah:27:8 @In measure, in sending it forth, thou strivest with it, He hath taken away by His sharp wind, In the day of an east wind,

ylt@Isaiah:27:11 @In the withering of its branch it is broken off, Women are coming in setting it on fire, For it [is] not a people of understanding, Therefore pity it not doth its Maker, And its Former doth not favour it.

ylt@Isaiah:27:13 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, It is blown with a great trumpet, And come in have those perishing in the land of Asshur, And those cast out in the land of Egypt, And have bowed themselves to Jehovah, In the holy mount -- in Jerusalem!

ylt@Isaiah:28:2 @Lo, a mighty and strong one [is] to the Lord, As a storm of hail -- a destructive shower, As an inundation of mighty waters overflowing, He cast down to the earth with the hand.

ylt@Isaiah:28:8 @For all tables have been full of vomit, Filth -- without place!

ylt@Isaiah:28:15 @Because ye have said: 'We have made a covenant with death, And with Sheol we have made a provision, An overflowing scourge, when it passeth over, Doth not meet us, Though we have made a lie our refuge, And in falsehood have been hidden.'

ylt@Isaiah:28:18 @And disannulled hath been your covenant with death, And your provision with Sheol doth not stand, An overflowing scourge, when it passeth over, Then ye have been to it for a treading-place.

ylt@Isaiah:28:27 @For not with a sharp-pointed thing threshed are fitches, And the wheel of a cart on cummin turned round, For with a staff beaten out are fitches, And cummin with a rod.

ylt@Isaiah:29:6 @By Jehovah of Hosts thou art inspected, With thunder, and with an earthquake, And great noise, hurricane, and whirlwind, And flame of devouring fire.

ylt@Isaiah:29:9 @Tarry and wonder, look ye, yea, look, Be drunk, and not with wine, Stagger, and not with strong drink.

ylt@Isaiah:29:13 @And the Lord saith: Because drawn near hath this people, with its mouth, And with its lips they have honoured Me, And its heart it hath put far off from Me, And their fear of Me is -- A precept of men is taught!

ylt@Isaiah:29:14 @Therefore, lo, I am adding to do wonderfully with this people, A wonder, and a marvel, And perished hath the wisdom of its wise ones, And the understanding of its intelligent ones hideth itself.'

ylt@Isaiah:30:8 @No, go in, write it on a tablet with them, And on a book engrave it, And it is for a latter day, for a witness unto the age,

ylt@Isaiah:30:23 @And He hath given rain [for] thy seed, With which thou dost sow the ground, And bread, the increase of the ground, And it hath been fat and plenteous, Enjoy do thy cattle in that day an enlarged pasture.

ylt@Isaiah:30:24 @And the oxen and the young asses serving the ground, Fermented provender do eat, That one is winnowing with shovel and fan.

ylt@Isaiah:30:28 @And His breath [is] as an overflowing stream, Unto the neck it divideth, To sift nations with a sieve of vanity, And a bridle causing to err, [Is] on the jaws of the peoples.

ylt@Isaiah:30:29 @Singing is to you as in a night sanctified for a festival, And joy of heart as he who is going with a pipe, To go in to the mountain of Jehovah, Unto the rock of Israel.

ylt@Isaiah:30:30 @And caused to be heard hath Jehovah The honour of His voice, And the coming down of His arm He doth shew with the raging of anger, And the flame of a consuming fire, Scattering, and inundation, and hailstone.

ylt@Isaiah:30:31 @For from the voice of Jehovah broken down [is] Asshur, With a rod He smiteth.

ylt@Isaiah:30:32 @And every passage of the settled staff, That Jehovah causeth to rest on him, Hath been with tabrets, and with harps, And in battles of shaking he hath fought with it.

ylt@Isaiah:32:7 @And the miser -- his instruments [are] evil, He hath counselled wicked devices, To corrupt the poor with lying sayings, Even when the needy speaketh justly.

ylt@Isaiah:32:11 @Tremble ye women, ye easy ones, Be troubled, ye confident ones, Strip and make bare, with a girdle on the loins,

ylt@Isaiah:33:1 @Wo, spoiler! and thou not spoiled, And treacherous! and they dealt not treacherously with thee, When thou dost finish, O spoiler, thou art spoiled, When thou dost finish dealing treacherously, They deal treacherously with thee.

ylt@Isaiah:33:5 @Set on high is Jehovah, for He is dwelling on high, He filled Zion [with] judgment and righteousness,

ylt@Isaiah:33:7 @Lo, 'Their Ariel,' they have cried without, Messengers of peace do weep bitterly.

ylt@Isaiah:33:9 @Mourned, languished hath the land, Confounded hath been Lebanon, Withered hath been Sharon as a wilderness, And shaking are Bashan and Carmel.

ylt@Isaiah:33:12 @And peoples have been [as] burnings of lime, Thorns, as sweepings, with fire they burn.

ylt@Isaiah:33:21 @But there mighty [is] Jehovah for us, A place of rivers -- streams broad of sides, No ship with oars doth go into it, And a mighty ship doth not pass over it.

ylt@Isaiah:34:6 @A sword [is] to Jehovah -- it hath been full of blood, It hath been made fat with fatness, With blood of lambs and he-goats. With fat of kidneys of rams, For a sacrifice [is] to Jehovah in Bozrah, And a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

ylt@Isaiah:34:7 @And come down have reems with them, And bullocks with bulls, And soaked hath been their land from blood, And their dust from fatness is made fat.

ylt@Isaiah:34:14 @And met have Ziim with Aiim, And the goat for its companion calleth, Only there rested hath the night-owl, And hath found for herself a place of rest.

ylt@Isaiah:34:15 @There made her nest hath the bittern, Yea, she layeth, and hath hatched, And hath gathered under her shadow, Only there gathered have been vultures, Each with its companion.

ylt@Isaiah:35:2 @Flourishing it doth flourish, and rejoice, Yea, [with] joy and singing, The honour of Lebanon hath been given to it, The beauty of Carmel and Sharon, They -- they see the honour of Jehovah, The majesty of our God.

ylt@Isaiah:35:10 @And the ransomed of Jehovah return, And have entered Zion with singing. And joy age-during on their head, Joy and gladness they attain, And fled away have sorrow and sighing!

ylt@Isaiah:36:2 @And the king of Asshur sendeth Rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem, unto the king Hezekiah, with a heavy force, and he standeth by the conduit of the upper pool, in the highway of the fuller's field,

ylt@Isaiah:36:8 @'And now, negotiate, I pray thee, with my lord the king of Asshur, and I give to thee two thousand horses, if thou art able to put for thee riders on them.

ylt@Isaiah:36:10 @And now, without Jehovah have I come up against this land to destroy it? Jehovah said unto me, Go up unto this land, and thou hast destroyed it.'

ylt@Isaiah:36:12 @And Rabshakeh saith, 'Unto thy lord, and unto thee, hath my lord sent me to speak these words? is it not for the men -- those sitting on the wall to eat their own dung and to drink their own water with you?'

ylt@Isaiah:36:13 @And Rabshakeh standeth and calleth with a great voice [in] Jewish, and saith, 'Hear ye the words of the great king, the king of Asshur:

ylt@Isaiah:36:16 @'Do not hearken unto Hezekiah, for thus said the king of Asshur, Make ye with me a blessing, and come out unto me, and eat ye each of his vine, and each of his fig-tree, and drink ye each the waters of his own well,

ylt@Isaiah:36:22 @And Eliakim son of Hilkiah, who [is] over the house, cometh in, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah son of Asaph, the remembrancer, unto Hezekiah with rent garments, and they declare to him the words of Rabshakeh.

ylt@Isaiah:37:1 @And it cometh to pass, at the king Hezekiah's hearing, that he rendeth his garments, and covereth himself with sackcloth, and entereth the house of Jehovah,

ylt@Isaiah:37:2 @and sendeth Eliakim, who [is] over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covering themselves with sackcloth, unto Isaiah son of Amoz the prophet,

ylt@Isaiah:37:4 @'It may be Jehovah thy God doth hear the words of Rabshakeh with which the king of Asshur his lord hath sent him to reproach the living God, and hath decided concerning the words that Jehovah thy God hath heard, and thou hast lifted up prayer for the remnant that is found.'

ylt@Isaiah:37:6 @and Isaiah saith unto them, 'Thus do ye say unto your lord, Thus said Jehovah, Be not afraid because of the words that thou hast heard, with which the servants of the king of Asshur have reviled Me.

ylt@Isaiah:37:9 @And he heareth concerning Tirhakah king of Cush, saying, 'He hath come out to fight with thee;' and he heareth, and sendeth messengers unto Hezekiah, saying,

ylt@Isaiah:37:25 @I -- I have dug and drunk waters, And I dry up with the sole of my steps All floods of a bulwark.

ylt@Isaiah:37:33 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Concerning the king of Asshur: He doth not come in unto this city, Nor doth he shoot there an arrow, Nor doth he come before it [with] shield, Nor doth he pour out against it a mount.

ylt@Isaiah:37:38 @And it cometh to pass, he is bowing himself in the house of Nisroch his god, and Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons have smitten him with the sword, and they have escaped to the land of Ararat, and Esar-Haddon his son reigneth in his stead.

ylt@Isaiah:38:3 @and saith, 'I pray thee, O Jehovah, remember, I pray Thee, how I have walked habitually before Thee in truth, and with a perfect heart, and that which [is] good in thine eyes I have done;' and Hezekiah weepeth -- a great weeping.

ylt@Isaiah:38:11 @I said, I do not see Jah -- Jah! In the land of the living, I do not behold man any more, With the inhabitants of the world.

ylt@Isaiah:38:17 @Lo, to peace He changed for me bitterness, And Thou hast delighted in my soul without corruption, For Thou hast cast behind Thy back all my sins.

ylt@Isaiah:40:7 @Withered hath grass, faded the flower, For the Spirit of Jehovah blew upon it, Surely the people [is] grass;

ylt@Isaiah:40:8 @Withered hath grass, faded the flower, But a word of our God riseth for ever.

ylt@Isaiah:40:9 @On a high mountain get thee up, O Zion, Proclaiming tidings, Lift up with power thy voice, O Jerusalem, proclaiming tidings, Lift up, fear not, say to cities of Judah, 'Lo, your God.'

ylt@Isaiah:40:10 @Lo, the Lord Jehovah with strength cometh, And His arm is ruling for Him, Lo, His hire [is] with Him, and His wage before Him.

ylt@Isaiah:40:11 @As a shepherd His flock He feedeth, With His arm He gathereth lambs, And in His bosom He carrieth [them]: Suckling ones He leadeth.

ylt@Isaiah:40:14 @With whom consulted He, That he causeth Him to understand? And teacheth Him in the path of judgment, And teacheth Him knowledge? And the way of understanding causeth Him to know?

ylt@Isaiah:40:19 @The graven image poured out hath a artizan, And a refiner with gold spreadeth it over, And chains of silver he is refining.

ylt@Isaiah:40:24 @Yea, they have not been planted, Yea, they have not been sown, Yea, not taking root in the earth is their stock, And also He hath blown upon them, and they wither, And a whirlwind as stubble taketh them away.

ylt@Isaiah:41:3 @He pursueth them, he passeth over in safety A path with his feet he entereth not.

ylt@Isaiah:41:4 @Who hath wrought and done, Calling the generations from the first? I, Jehovah, the first, and with the last I [am] He.

ylt@Isaiah:41:7 @And strengthen doth an artizan the refiner, A smoother [with] a hammer, Him who is beating [on] an anvil, Saying, 'For joining it [is] good,' And he strengtheneth it with nails, it is not moved!

ylt@Isaiah:41:10 @Be not afraid, for with thee I [am], Look not around, for I [am] thy God, I have strengthened thee, Yea, I have helped thee, yea, I upheld thee, With the right hand of My righteousness.

ylt@Isaiah:41:11 @Lo, all those displeased with thee, They are ashamed and blush, They are as nothing, yea, perish Do the men who strive with thee.

ylt@Isaiah:41:12 @Thou seekest them, and findest them not, The men who debate with thee, They are as nothing, yea, as nothing, The men who war with thee.

ylt@Isaiah:41:17 @The poor and the needy are seeking water, And there is none, Their tongue with thirst hath failed, I, Jehovah do answer them, The God of Israel -- I forsake them not.

ylt@Isaiah:42:4 @He doth not become weak nor bruised, Till he setteth judgment in the earth, And for his law isles wait with hope.

ylt@Isaiah:43:2 @When thou passest into waters, I [am] with thee, And into floods, they do not overflow thee, When thou goest into fire, thou art not burnt, And a flame doth not burn against thee.

ylt@Isaiah:43:5 @Be not afraid, for I [am] with thee, From the east I bring in thy seed, And from the west I gather thee.

ylt@Isaiah:43:12 @I -- I declared, and saved, and proclaimed, And there is no stranger with you, And ye [are] My witnesses, an affirmation of Jehovah, And I [am] God.

ylt@Isaiah:43:23 @Thou hast not brought in to Me, The lamb of thy burnt-offerings, And [with] thy sacrifices thou hast not honoured Me, I have not caused thee to serve with a present, Nor wearied thee with frankincense.

ylt@Isaiah:43:24 @Thou hast not bought for Me with money sweet cane, And [with] the fat of thy sacrifices hast not filled Me, Only -- thou hast caused Me to serve with thy sins, Thou hast wearied Me with thine iniquities.

ylt@Isaiah:44:5 @This [one] saith, For Jehovah I [am], And this calleth [himself] by the name of Jacob, And this [one] writeth [with] his hand, 'For Jehovah,' and by the name of Israel surnameth himself.

ylt@Isaiah:44:12 @He hath wrought iron [with] an axe, And hath wrought with coals, And with hammers doth form it, And doth work it by his powerful arm, Yea, he is hungry, and there is no power, He doth not drink water, and he is wearied.

ylt@Isaiah:44:13 @He hath wrought [with] wood, He hath stretched out a rule, He doth mark it out with a line, He maketh it with carving tools, And with a compass he marketh it out, And maketh it according to the form of a man, According to the beauty of a man, To remain in the house.

ylt@Isaiah:44:23 @Sing, O heavens, for Jehovah hath wrought, Shout, O lower parts of earth, Break forth, O mountains, with singing, Forest, and every tree in it, For Jehovah hath redeemed Jacob, And in Israel He doth beautify Himself.

ylt@Isaiah:44:24 @Thus said Jehovah, thy redeemer, And thy framer from the womb: 'I [am] Jehovah, doing all things, Stretching out the heavens by Myself, Spreading out the earth -- who [is] with Me?

ylt@Isaiah:45:9 @Wo [to] him who is striving with his Former, (A potsherd with potsherds of the ground!) Doth clay say to its Framer, 'What dost thou?' And thy work, 'He hath no hands?'

ylt@Isaiah:45:24 @Only in Jehovah, said hath one, Have I righteousness and strength, Unto Him he cometh in, And ashamed are all those displeased with Him.

ylt@Isaiah:47:15 @So have they been to thee with whom thou hast laboured, Thy merchants from thy youth, Each to his passage they have wandered, Thy saviour is not!

ylt@Isaiah:48:10 @Lo, I have refined thee, and not with silver, I have chosen thee in a furnace of affliction.

ylt@Isaiah:48:20 @Go out from Babylon, flee from the Chaldeans, With a voice of singing declare, Cause ye this to be heard, Bring it forth unto the end of the earth, Say, Redeemed hath Jehovah His servant Jacob.

ylt@Isaiah:49:4 @And I said, 'For a vain thing I laboured, For emptiness and vanity my power I consumed, But my judgment [is] with Jehovah, And my wage with my God.

ylt@Isaiah:49:13 @Sing, O heavens, and joy, O earth, And break forth, O mountains, with singing, For comforted hath Jehovah His people, And His afflicted ones He doth pity.

ylt@Isaiah:49:25 @For thus said Jehovah: Even the captive of the mighty is taken, And the prey of the terrible is delivered, And with thy striver I strive, and thy sons I save.

ylt@Isaiah:50:2 @Wherefore have I come, and there is no one? I called, and there is none answering, Hath My hand been at all short of redemption? And is there not in me power to deliver? Lo, by My rebuke I dry up a sea, I make rivers a wilderness, Their fish stinketh, for there is no water, And dieth with thirst.

ylt@Isaiah:50:3 @I clothe the heavens [with] blackness, And sackcloth I make their covering.

ylt@Isaiah:50:8 @Near [is] He who is justifying me, Who doth contend with me? We stand together, who [is] mine opponent? Let him come nigh unto me.

ylt@Isaiah:51:5 @Near [is] My righteousness, Gone out hath My salvation and Mine arms, Peoples they judge, on Me isles do wait, Yea, on Mine arm they do wait with hope.

ylt@Isaiah:51:11 @And the ransomed of Jehovah turn back, And they have come to Zion with singing, And joy age-during [is] on their head, Gladness and joy they attain, Fled away have sorrow and sighing,

ylt@Isaiah:51:16 @And I put My words in thy mouth, And with the shadow of My hand have covered thee, To plant the heavens, and to found earth, And to say to Zion, 'My people [art] thou.'

ylt@Isaiah:51:21 @Therefore, hear, I pray thee, this, O afflicted and drunken one, and not with wine,

ylt@Isaiah:52:12 @For not in haste do ye go out, Yea, with flight ye go not on, For going before you [is] Jehovah, And gathering you [is] the God of Israel!

ylt@Isaiah:53:3 @He is despised, and left of men, A man of pains, and acquainted with sickness, And as one hiding the face from us, He is despised, and we esteemed him not.

ylt@Isaiah:53:9 @And it appointeth with the wicked his grave, And with the rich [are] his high places, Because he hath done no violence, Nor [is] deceit in his mouth.

ylt@Isaiah:53:12 @Therefore I give a portion to him among the many, And with the mighty he apportioneth spoil, Because that he exposed to death his soul, And with transgressors he was numbered, And he the sin of many hath borne, And for transgressors he intercedeth.

ylt@Isaiah:54:1 @Sing, O barren, she hath not borne! Break forth with singing, and cry aloud, She hath not brought forth! For more [are] the sons of the desolate, Than the sons of the married one, said Jehovah.

ylt@Isaiah:54:11 @O afflicted, storm-tossed, not comforted, Lo, I am laying with cement thy stones, And have founded thee with sapphires,

ylt@Isaiah:54:15 @Lo, he doth diligently assemble without My desire, Who hath assembled near thee? By thee he falleth!

ylt@Isaiah:55:1 @Ho, every thirsty one, come ye to the waters, And he who hath no money, Come ye, buy and eat, yea, come, buy Without money and without price, wine and milk.

ylt@Isaiah:55:12 @For with joy ye go forth, And with peace ye are brought in, The mountains and the hills Break forth before you [with] singing, And all trees of the field clap the hand.

ylt@Isaiah:56:5 @I have given to them in My house, And within My walls a station and a name, Better than sons and than daughters, A name age-during I give to him That is not cut off.

ylt@Isaiah:57:1 @The righteous hath perished, And there is none laying [it] to heart, And men of kindness are gathered, Without any considering that from the face of evil Gathered is the righteous one.

ylt@Isaiah:57:15 @For thus said the high and exalted One, Inhabiting eternity, and holy [is] His name: 'In the high and holy place I dwell, And with the bruised and humble of spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of bruised ones,'

ylt@Isaiah:58:1 @Call with the throat, restrain not, As a trumpet lift up thy voice, And declare to My people their transgression, And to the house of Jacob their sins;

ylt@Isaiah:58:4 @Lo, for strife and debate ye fast, And to smite with the fist of wickedness, Ye fast not as [to]-day, To sound in the high place your voice.

ylt@Isaiah:58:13 @If thou dost turn from the sabbath thy foot, Doing thine own pleasure on My holy day, And hast cried to the sabbath, 'A delight,' To the holy of Jehovah, 'Honoured,' And hast honoured it, without doing thine own ways, Without finding thine own pleasure, And speaking a word.

ylt@Isaiah:59:3 @For your hands have been polluted with blood, And your fingers with iniquity, Your lips have spoken falsehood, Your tongue perverseness doth mutter.

ylt@Isaiah:59:6 @Their webs become not a garment, Nor do they cover themselves with their works, Their works [are] works of iniquity, And a deed of violence [is] in their hands.

ylt@Isaiah:59:10 @We feel like the blind [for] the wall, Yea, as without eyes we feel, We have stumbled at noon as at twilight, In desolate places as the dead.

ylt@Isaiah:59:12 @For our transgressions have been multiplied before Thee, And our sins have testified against us, For our transgressions [are] with us, And our iniquities -- we have known them.

ylt@Isaiah:59:17 @And He putteth on righteousness as a breastplate, And an helmet of salvation on His head, And He putteth on garments of vengeance [for] clothing, And is covered, as [with] an upper-robe, [with] zeal.

ylt@Isaiah:59:21 @And I -- this [is] My covenant with them, said Jehovah, My Spirit that [is] on thee, And My words that I have put in thy mouth, Depart not from thy mouth, And from the mouth of thy seed, And from the mouth of thy seed's seed, said Jehovah, From henceforth unto the age!

ylt@Isaiah:60:9 @Surely for Me isles do wait, And ships of Tarshish first, To bring thy sons from afar, Their silver and their gold with them, To the name of Jehovah thy God, And to the Holy One of Israel, Because He hath beautified thee.

ylt@Isaiah:61:10 @I greatly rejoice in Jehovah, Joy doth my soul in my God, For He clothed me with garments of salvation, With a robe of righteousness covereth Me, As a bridegroom prepareth ornaments, And as a bride putteth on her jewels.

ylt@Isaiah:62:5 @For a young man doth marry a virgin, Thy Builders do marry thee, With the joy of a bridegroom over a bride, Rejoice over thee doth thy God.

ylt@Isaiah:62:11 @Lo, Jehovah hath proclaimed unto the end of the earth: 'Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Lo, thy salvation hath come,' Lo, his hire [is] with him, and his wage before him.

ylt@Isaiah:63:1 @'Who [is] this coming from Edom? With dyed garments from Bozrah? This that is honourable in his clothing, Travelling in the abundance of his power?' -- 'I, speaking in righteousness, mighty to save.'

ylt@Isaiah:63:3 @-- 'A wine-press I have trodden by myself, And of the peoples there is no one with me, And I tread them in mine anger, And I trample them in my fury, Sprinkled is their strength on my garments, And all my clothing I have polluted.

ylt@Isaiah:64:5 @Thou hast met with the rejoicer And the doer of righteousness, In Thy ways they remember Thee, Lo, Thou hast been wroth when we sin, By them [is] continuance, and we are saved.

ylt@Isaiah:64:11 @Our holy and our beautiful house, Where praise Thee did our fathers, Hath become burnt with fire, And all our desirable things have become a waste.

ylt@Isaiah:65:23 @They labour not for a vain thing, Nor do they bring forth for trouble, For the seed of the blessed of Jehovah [are] they, And their offspring with them.

ylt@Isaiah:66:10 @Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, And be glad in her, all ye loving her, Rejoice ye with her for joy, All ye are mourning for her,

ylt@Isaiah:66:14 @And ye have seen, and rejoiced hath your heart, And your bones as tender grass do flourish, And the hand of Jehovah hath been known unto His servants, And He hath been indignant with His enemies.

ylt@Isaiah:66:16 @For by fire and by His sword, Doth Jehovah do judgment with all flesh. And many have been Jehovah's pierced ones.'

ylt@Jeremiah:1:8 @Be not afraid of their faces, for with thee [am] I to deliver thee, -- an affirmation of Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:1:16 @And I have spoken My judgments with them concerning all their evil, in that they have forsaken Me, and make perfume to other gods, and bow themselves to the works of their own hands.

ylt@Jeremiah:1:19 @and they have fought against thee, and they prevail not against thee; for with thee [am] I, -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- to deliver thee.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:9 @Therefore, yet I plead with you, An affirmation of Jehovah, And with your sons' sons I plead.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:15 @Against him roar do young lions, They have given forth their voice, And make his land become a desolation, His cities have been burnt without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:22 @But though thou dost wash with nitre, And dost multiply to thyself soap, Marked is thine iniquity before Me, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:25 @Withhold thy foot from being unshod, And thy throat from thirst, And thou sayest, 'It is incurable, No, for I have loved strangers, and after them I go.'

ylt@Jeremiah:2:29 @Why do ye strive with Me? All of you have transgressed against Me, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:32 @Doth a virgin forget her ornaments? A bride her bands? And My people have forgotten Me days without number.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:35 @And thou sayest, 'Because I have been innocent, Surely turned back hath His anger from me?' Lo, I have been judged with thee, Because of thy saying, 'I have not sinned.'

ylt@Jeremiah:3:1 @Saying, 'Lo, one sendeth away his wife, And she hath gone from him, And she hath been to another man, Doth he turn back unto her again? Greatly defiled is not that land? And thou hast committed whoredom with many lovers, And turn again to Me, an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:2 @Lift thine eyes to the high places, and see, Where hast thou not been lain with? On the ways thou hast sat for them, As an Arab in a wilderness, And thou defilest the land, By thy fornications, and by thy wickedness.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:3 @And withheld are showers, and gathered rain hath not been. The forehead of a whorish woman thou hast, Thou hast refused to be ashamed.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:9 @And it hath come to pass, from the vileness of her fornication, that the land is defiled, and she committeth fornication with stone and with wood.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:10 @And even in all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned back unto Me with all her heart, but with falsehood, an affirmation of Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:3:15 @And I have given to you shepherds According to Mine own heart, And they have fed you with knowledge and understanding.

ylt@Jeremiah:3:20 @But -- a woman hath deceived her friend, So ye have dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel, an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:7 @Gone up hath a lion from his thicket, And a destroyer of nations hath journeyed, He hath come forth from his place To make thy land become a desolation, Thy cities are laid waste, without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:12 @A full wind from these doth come for Me, Now, also, I speak judgments with them.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:17 @As the keepers of a field They have been against her round about, For with Me she hath been rebellious, An affirmation of Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:4:29 @From the voice of the horseman, And of him shooting with the bow, all the city is fleeing, They have come into thickets, And on cliffs they have gone up, All the city is forsaken, And there is no one dwelling in them.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:30 @And thou, O spoiled one, what dost thou? For thou puttest on scarlet, For thou adornest thyself [with] ornaments of gold. For thou rendest with pain thine eyes, In vain thou dost make thyself fair, Kicked against thee have doting ones, Thy life they do seek.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:5 @I get me to the great, and I speak with them, For they have known the way of Jehovah, The judgment of their God.' Surely they together have broken the yoke, They have drawn away the bands.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:21 @Hear ye, I pray you, this, O people, foolish and without heart, Eyes they have, and they see not, Ears they have, and they hear not.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:11 @And with the fury of Jehovah I have been filled, (I have been weary of containing,) To pour [it] on the suckling in the street, And on the assembly of youths together, For even husband with wife are captured, An elder with one full of days,

ylt@Jeremiah:7:16 @And thou dost not pray for this people, Nor lift up for them crying and prayer, Nor intercede with Me, for I hear thee not.

ylt@Jeremiah:7:22 @For I did not speak with your fathers, Nor did I command them in the day of My bringing them out of the land of Egypt, Concerning the matters of burnt-offering and sacrifice,

ylt@Jeremiah:7:31 @And have built the high places of Tophet, That [are] in the valley of the son of Hinnom, To burn their sons and their daughters with fire, Which I did not command, Nor did it come up on My heart.

ylt@Jeremiah:7:32 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And it is not said any more, 'The Tophet,' And 'Valley of the son of Hinnom,' But 'Valley of the slaughter,' And they have buried in Tophet -- without place.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:8 @How do ye say, We [are] wise, And the law of Jehovah [is] with us? Surely, lo, falsely it hath wrought, The false pen of scribes.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:19 @Lo, the voice of a cry of the daughter of my people from a land afar off, Is Jehovah not in Zion? is her king not in her? Wherefore have they provoked Me with their graven images, With the vanities of a foreigner?

ylt@Jeremiah:9:8 @A slaughtering arrow [is] their tongue, Deceit it hath spoken in its mouth, Peace with its neighbour it speaketh, And in its heart it layeth its ambush,

ylt@Jeremiah:9:10 @For the mountains I lift up weeping and wailing, And for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, For they have been burnt up without any passing over, Nor have they heard the voice of cattle, From the fowl of the heavens unto the beast they have fled, they have gone.

ylt@Jeremiah:9:11 @And I make Jerusalem become heaps, A habitation of dragons, And the cities of Judah I make a desolation, Without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:9:12 @Who [is] the wise man? and he understandeth this, And he to whom the mouth of Jehovah spake? And he doth declare it, For what hath the land perished? It hath been burnt up as a wilderness, Without any passing through.

ylt@Jeremiah:9:21 @For death hath come up into our windows, It hath come into our palaces, To cut off the suckling from without, Young men from the broad places.

ylt@Jeremiah:10:3 @For the statutes of the peoples are vanity, For a tree from a forest hath one cut, Work of the hands of an artificer, with an axe,

ylt@Jeremiah:10:4 @With silver and with gold they beautify it, With nails and with hammers they fix it, And it doth not stumble.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:5 @In order to establish the oath that I have sworn to your fathers, To give to them a land flowing with milk and honey, as this day. And I answer and say, 'Amen, O Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:11:10 @They have turned back to the iniquities of their first fathers, Who refused to hear My words, And they have gone after other gods to serve them, The house of Israel, and the house of Judah, Have made void My covenant, that I made with their fathers.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:15 @What -- to My beloved in My house, Her doing wickedness with many, And the holy flesh do pass over from thee? When thou dost evil, then thou exultest.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:19 @And I [am] as a trained lamb brought to slaughter, And I have not known That against me they have devised devices: We destroy the tree with its food, and cut him off From the land of the living, And his name is not remembered again.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:1 @Righteous [art] Thou, O Jehovah, When I plead towards thee, Only, judgments do I speak with Thee, Wherefore did the way of the wicked prosper? At rest have been all treacherous dealers.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:3 @And Thou, O Jehovah, Thou hast known me, Thou seest me, and hast tried my heart with Thee, Draw them away as sheep to slaughter, And separate them for a day of slaughter.

ylt@Jeremiah:12:4 @Till when doth the earth mourn, And the herb of the whole field wither? For the wickedness of those dwelling in it, Consumed have been beast and fowl, Because they said, 'He doth not see our latter end.'

ylt@Jeremiah:12:5 @For -- with footmen thou hast run, And they weary thee, And how dost thou fret thyself with horses! Even in the land of peace, [In which] thou art confident -- And how dost thou in the rising of Jordan!

ylt@Jeremiah:12:8 @Mine inheritance hath been to Me as a lion in a forest, She gave forth against Me with her voice, Therefore I have hated her.

ylt@Jeremiah:13:13 @And thou hast said unto them, 'Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am filling all the inhabitants of this land, And the kings who sit for David on his throne, And the priests, and the prophets, And all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, [With] drunkenness,

ylt@Jeremiah:14:17 @And thou hast said unto them this word: Tears come down mine eyes night and day, And they do not cease, For, [with] a great breach, Broken hath been the virgin daughter of my people, A very grievous stroke.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:21 @Do not despise, for Thy name's sake, Dishonour not the throne of Thine honour, Remember, break not Thy covenant with us.

ylt@Jeremiah:15:7 @And I scatter them with a fan, in the gates the land, I bereaved, I have destroyed My people, From their ways they turned not back.

ylt@Jeremiah:15:11 @Jehovah said, Did I not direct thee for good? Did not I intercede for thee in a time of evil, And in a time of adversity, with the enemy?

ylt@Jeremiah:15:17 @I have not sat in an assembly of deriders, Nor do I exult, because of thy hand, -- Alone I have sat, For [with] indignation Thou hast filled me.

ylt@Jeremiah:15:20 @And I have made thee to this people For a wall -- brazen -- fenced, And they have fought against thee, And they do not prevail against thee, For with thee [am] I to save thee, And to deliver thee -- an affirmation of Jehovah,

ylt@Jeremiah:16:8 @A house of banqueting thou dost not enter, To sit with them, to eat and to drink,

ylt@Jeremiah:16:18 @And I have recompensed a first -- A second time -- their iniquity and their sin, Because of their polluting My land, With the carcase of their detestable things, Yea, their abominable things have filled Mine inheritance.

ylt@Jeremiah:17:1 @The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, With the point of a diamond, Graven on the tablet of their heart, And on the horns of your altars,

ylt@Jeremiah:17:18 @Let my pursuers be ashamed, and let not me be ashamed -- me! Let them be affrighted, and let not me be affrighted -- me! Bring in on them a day of evil, And a second time [with] destruction destroy them.

ylt@Jeremiah:18:16 @To make their land become a desolation, A hissing age-during, Every passer by it is astonished, And bemoaneth with his head.

ylt@Jeremiah:18:18 @And they say, Come, And we devise against Jeremiah devices, For law doth not perish from the priest, Nor counsel from the wise, Nor the word from the prophet, Come, and we smite him with the tongue, And we do not attend to any of his words.

ylt@Jeremiah:18:19 @Give attention, O Jehovah, unto me, And hearken to the voice of those contending with me.

ylt@Jeremiah:19:4 @because that they have forsaken Me, and make known this place, and make perfume in it to other gods, that they knew not, they and their fathers, and the kings of Judah, and they have filled this place [with] innocent blood,

ylt@Jeremiah:19:5 @and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons with fire, burnt-offerings to Baal, that I commanded not, nor spake of, nor did it come up on My heart.

ylt@Jeremiah:19:9 @And I have caused them to eat the flesh of their sons, and the flesh of their daughters, and each the flesh of his friend they do eat, in the siege and in the straitness with which straiten them do their enemies, and those seeking their life.

ylt@Jeremiah:19:10 @'And thou hast broken the bottle before the eyes of the men who are going with thee,

ylt@Jeremiah:19:11 @and hast said unto them: Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, Thus do I break this people and this city, as one breaketh the potter's vessel, that is not able to be repaired again, and in Tophet they bury -- without place to bury;

ylt@Jeremiah:20:4 @For thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am making thee for a fear to thyself, And to all loving thee, And they have fallen by the sword of their enemies, and thine eyes are beholding, And all Judah I give into the hand of the king of Babylon, And he hath removed them to Babylon, And he hath smitten them with the sword.

ylt@Jeremiah:20:11 @And Jehovah [is] with me, as a terrible mighty one, Therefore my persecutors stumble and prevail not, They have been exceedingly ashamed, For they have not acted wisely, Confusion age-during is not forgotten.

ylt@Jeremiah:21:2 @'Inquire, we pray thee, for us at Jehovah, for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath fought against us; perhaps Jehovah doth deal with us according to all His wonders, and doth cause him to go up from off us.'

ylt@Jeremiah:21:4 @Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel: Lo, I am turning round the weapons of battle That [are] in your hand, With which ye do fight the king of Babylon, And the Chaldeans, who are laying siege against you, At the outside of the wall, And I have gathered them into the midst of this city,

ylt@Jeremiah:21:5 @And I -- I have fought against you, With a stretched-out hand, and with a strong arm, And in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath,

ylt@Jeremiah:21:10 @For I have set My face against this city for evil, And not for good -- an affirmation of Jehovah. Into the hand of the king of Babylon it is given, And he hath burned it with fire.

ylt@Jeremiah:22:7 @And I have separated for thee destroyers, Each with his weapons, And they have cut down the choice of thy cedars, And have cast them on the fire.

ylt@Jeremiah:22:14 @Who is saying, 'I build for myself a large house, And airy upper chambers,' And he hath cut out for himself its windows, Ceiled with cedar, and painted with vermillion.

ylt@Jeremiah:22:15 @Dost thou reign, because thou art fretting thyself in cedar? Thy father -- did he not eat and drink? Yea, he did judgment and righteousness, Then [it is] well with him.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:20 @The anger of Jehovah doth not turn back Till His doing, and till His establishing, The thoughts of His heart, In the latter end of the days ye attend to it With understanding.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:28 @The prophet with whom [is] a dream, Let him recount the dream, And he with whom [is] My word, Let him truly speak My word. What -- to the straw with the corn? An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:24:7 @And have given to them a heart to know Me, For I [am] Jehovah, And they have been to Me for a people, And I am to them for God, For they turned back unto Me with all their heart.

ylt@Jeremiah:25:6 @And ye do not go after other gods to serve them, and to bow yourselves to them, nor do ye provoke Me to anger with the work of your hands, and I do no evil to you;

ylt@Jeremiah:25:7 @And ye have not hearkened unto Me -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- so as to provoke Me to anger with the work of your hands for evil to you.

ylt@Jeremiah:25:31 @Wasting hath come unto the end of the earth, For a controversy hath Jehovah with nations, He hath executed judgment for all flesh, The wicked! He hath given them to the sword, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:26:9 @Wherefore hast thou prophesied in the name of Jehovah, saying, 'As Shiloh this house shall be, and this city is wasted, without inhabitant?' and all the people are assembled unto Jeremiah in the house of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:26:11 @And the priests and the prophets speak unto the heads, and unto all the people, saying, 'Judgment of death [is] for this man, for he hath prophesied against this city, as ye have heard with your ears.'

ylt@Jeremiah:26:22 @And the king Jehoiakim sendeth men to Egypt -- Elnathan son of Achbor, and men with him unto Egypt --

ylt@Jeremiah:26:23 @And they bring out Urijah from Egypt, and bring him in unto the king Jehoiakim, and he smiteth him with a sword, and casteth his corpse unto the graves of the sons of the people.'

ylt@Jeremiah:26:24 @Only, the hand of Ahikam son of Shaphan hath been with Jeremiah so as not to give him up into the hand of the people to put him to death.

ylt@Jeremiah:27:5 @Thus do ye say unto your lords, I -- I have made the earth with man, and the cattle that [are] on the face of the earth, by My great power, and by My stretched-out arm, and I have given it to whom it hath been right in Mine eyes.

ylt@Jeremiah:27:8 @And it hath come to pass, the nation and the kingdom that do not serve him -- Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon -- and that which putteth not its neck into the yoke of the king of Babylon, with sword, and with famine, and with pestilence, I lay a charge on that nation -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- till I consume them by his hand.

ylt@Jeremiah:27:18 @'And, if they be prophets, and if a word of Jehovah be with them, let them intercede, I pray you, with Jehovah of Hosts, so that the vessels that are left in the house of Jehovah, and [in] the house of the king of Judah, and in Jerusalem, have not gone into Babylon.

ylt@Jeremiah:27:20 @That Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon hath not taken, in his removing Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim king of Judah from Jerusalem to Babylon with all the freemen of Judah and Jerusalem,

ylt@Jeremiah:28:3 @Within two years of days I am bringing back unto this place all the vessels of the house of Jehovah that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon hath taken from this place, and doth carry to Babylon,

ylt@Jeremiah:28:11 @And Hananiah speaketh before the eyes of all the people, saying, 'Thus said Jehovah, Thus I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, within two years of days, from off the neck of all the nations;' and Jeremiah the prophet goeth on his way.

ylt@Jeremiah:29:9 @For with falsehood they are prophesying to you in My name; I have not sent them, an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:29:13 @And ye have sought Me, and have found, for ye seek Me with all your heart;

ylt@Jeremiah:29:16 @Surely thus said Jehovah concerning the king who is sitting on the throne of David, and concerning all the people that is dwelling in this city, your brethren who went not forth with you in the removal;

ylt@Jeremiah:29:18 @And I have pursued after them with sword, with famine, and with pestilence, and have given them for a trembling to all kingdoms of the earth, for a curse and for an astonishment, and for a hissing, and for a reproach among all the nations whither I have driven them,

ylt@Jeremiah:29:22 @And taken from them hath been a reviling by all the removed of Judah that [are] in Babylon, saying, Jehovah doth set thee as Zedekiah, and as Ahab, whom the king of Babylon roasted with fire;

ylt@Jeremiah:29:23 @Because that they have done folly in Israel, and commit adultery with the wives of their neighbours, and speak a word in My name falsely that I have not commanded them, and I [am] He who knoweth and a witness -- an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:7 @Wo! for great [is] that day, without any like it, Yea, a time of adversity it [is] to Jacob, Yet out of it he is saved.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:11 @For with thee [am] I, An affirmation of Jehovah -- to save thee, For I make an end of all the nations Whither I have scattered thee, Only, of thee I do not make an end, And I have chastised thee in judgment, And do not entirely acquit thee.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:14 @all loving thee have forgotten thee, Thee they do not seek, For with the stroke of an enemy I smote thee, The chastisement of a fierce one, Because of the abundance of thy iniquity, Mighty have been thy sins!

ylt@Jeremiah:31:3 @From afar Jehovah hath appeared to me, With love age-during I have loved thee, Therefore I have drawn thee [with] kindness.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:7 @For thus said Jehovah: Sing, O ye to Jacob, [with] joy, And cry aloud at the head of the nations, Sound ye, praise ye, and say, Save, O Jehovah, thy people, the remnant of Israel.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:9 @With weeping they come in, And with supplications I bring them, I cause them to go unto streams of waters, In a right way -- they stumble not in it, For I have been to Israel for a father, And Ephraim -- My first-born [is] he.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:14 @And satisfied the soul of the priests [with] fatness, And My people with My goodness are satisfied, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:16 @Thus said Jehovah: Withhold thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears, For there is a reward for thy work, An affirmation of Jehovah, And they have turned back from the land of the enemy.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:22 @Till when dost thou withdraw thyself, O backsliding daughter? For Jehovah hath prepared a new thing in the land, Woman doth compass man.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:27 @Lo, days are coming, an affirmation of Jehovah, And I have sown the house of Israel, And the house of Judah, With seed of man, and seed of beast.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:31 @Lo, days are coming, an affirmation of Jehovah, And I have made with the house of Israel And with the house of Judah a new covenant,

ylt@Jeremiah:31:32 @Not like the covenant that I made with their fathers, In the day of My laying hold on their hand, To bring them out of the land of Egypt, In that they made void My covenant, And I ruled over them -- an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:33 @For this [is] the covenant that I make, With the house of Israel, after those days, An affirmation of Jehovah, I have given My law in their inward part, And on their heart I do write it, And I have been to them for God, And they are to me for a people.

ylt@Jeremiah:32:4 @And Zedekiah king of Judah doth not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but is certainly given into the hand of the king of Babylon, and his mouth hath spoken with his mouth, and his eyes see his eyes,

ylt@Jeremiah:32:5 @And [to] Babylon he leadeth Zedekiah, and there he is till My inspecting him, -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- because ye fight with the Chaldeans, ye do not prosper.'

ylt@Jeremiah:32:21 @'And Thou bringest forth Thy people Israel from the land of Egypt, with signs and with wonders, and by a strong hand, and by a stretched-out arm, and by great fear,

ylt@Jeremiah:32:22 @And thou givest to them this land that thou didst swear to their fathers to give to them, a land flowing with milk and honey,

ylt@Jeremiah:32:25 @Yet Thou hast said unto me, O Lord Jehovah, Buy for thee the field with money, and cause witnesses to testify -- and the city hath been given into the hand of the Chaldeans!'

ylt@Jeremiah:32:30 @For the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah have been only doing evil in Mine eyes, from their youth; for the sons of Israel are only provoking Me with the work of their hands -- an affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:32:41 @and I have rejoiced over them to do them good, and have planted them in this land in truth, with all my heart, and with all My soul.

ylt@Jeremiah:32:43 @and bought hath been the field in this land of which ye are saying, A desolation it [is], without man and beast, it hath been given into the hand of the Chaldeans.

ylt@Jeremiah:32:44 @Fields with money they buy, so as to write in a book, and to seal, and to cause witnesses to testify, in the land of Benjamin, and in suburbs of Jerusalem, and in cities of Judah, and in cities of the hill-country, and in cities of the low country, and in cities of the south, for I turn back their captivity -- an affirmation of Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:33:5 @they are coming in to fight with the Chaldeans, and to fill them with the carcases of men, whom I have smitten in Mine anger, and in My fury, and [for] whom I have hidden My face from this city, because of all their evil:

ylt@Jeremiah:33:10 @Thus said Jehovah: Again heard in this place of which ye are saying, Waste it [is], without man and without beast, In cities of Judah, and in streets of Jerusalem, That are desolated, without man, And without inhabitant, and without beast,

ylt@Jeremiah:33:12 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Again there is in this place -- that is waste, Without man and beast, And in all its cities -- a habitation of shepherds, Causing the flock to lie down.

ylt@Jeremiah:33:21 @Also My covenant is broken with David My servant, So that he hath not a son reigning on his throne, And with the Levites the priests, My ministers.

ylt@Jeremiah:34:2 @'Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel: Go, and thou hast spoken unto Zedekiah king of Judah, and hast said unto him, Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am giving this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he hath burned it with fire,

ylt@Jeremiah:34:3 @and thou, thou dost not escape out of his hand, for thou art certainly caught, and into his hand thou art given, and thine eyes see the eyes of the king of Babylon, and his mouth with thy mouth speaketh, and Babylon thou enterest.

ylt@Jeremiah:34:5 @in peace thou diest, and with the burnings of thy fathers, the former kings who have been before thee, so they make a burning for thee; and Ah, lord, they lament for thee, for the word I have spoken -- an affirmation of Jehovah.'

ylt@Jeremiah:34:8 @The word that hath been unto Jeremiah from Jehovah, after the making by the king Zedekiah of a covenant with all the people who [are] in Jerusalem, to proclaim to them liberty,

ylt@Jeremiah:34:13 @'Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, I -- I made a covenant with your fathers in the day of My bringing them forth from the land of Egypt, from a house of servants, saying,

ylt@Jeremiah:34:22 @Lo, I am commanding -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and have brought them back unto this city, and they have fought against it, and captured it, and burned it with fire, and the cities of Judah I do make a desolation -- without inhabitant.'

ylt@Jeremiah:35:2 @'Go unto the house of the Rechabites, and thou hast spoken with them, and brought them into the house of Jehovah, unto one of the chambers, and caused them to drink wine.'

ylt@Jeremiah:36:18 @And Baruch saith to them, 'From his mouth, he pronounceth unto me all these words, and I am writing on the book with ink.'

ylt@Jeremiah:36:23 @and it cometh to pass, when Jehudi readeth three or four leaves, he cutteth it out with the scribe's knife, and hath cast unto the fire, that [is] on the stove, till the consumption of all the roll by the fire that [is] on the stove.

ylt@Jeremiah:36:25 @And also Elnathan, and Delaiah, and Gemariah have interceded with the king not to burn the roll, and he hath not hearkened unto them.

ylt@Jeremiah:37:8 @and the Chaldeans have turned back, and fought against this city, and captured it, and burnt it with fire.

ylt@Jeremiah:37:10 @for though ye had smitten all the force of the Chaldeans who are fighting with you, and there were left of them wounded men -- each in his tent -- they rise, and have burnt this city with fire.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:6 @And they take Jeremiah, and cast him into the pit of Malchiah son of the king, that [is] in the court of the prison, and they send down Jeremiah with cords; and in the pit there is no water, but mire, and Jeremiah sinketh in the mire.

ylt@Jeremiah:38:10 @And the king commandeth Ebed-Melech the Cushite, saying, 'Take with thee from this thirty men, and thou hast brought up Jeremiah the prophet from the pit, before he dieth.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:11 @And Ebed-Melech taketh the men with him, and entereth the house of the king, unto the place of the treasury, and taketh thence worn-out clouts, and worn-out rags, and sendeth them unto Jeremiah unto the pit by cords.

ylt@Jeremiah:38:13 @and they draw out Jeremiah with cords, and bring him up out of the pit, and Jeremiah dwelleth in the court of the prison.

ylt@Jeremiah:38:17 @And Jeremiah saith unto Zedekiah, 'Thus said Jehovah, God of Hosts, God of Israel: If thou dost certainly go forth unto the heads of the king of Babylon, then hath thy soul lived, and this city is not burned with fire, yea, thou hast lived, thou and thy house.

ylt@Jeremiah:38:18 @And if thou dost not go forth unto the heads of the king of Babylon, then hath this city been given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they have burnt it with fire, and thou dost not escape from their hand.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:23 @'And all thy wives, and thy sons, are brought forth unto the Chaldeans, and thou dost not escape from their hand, for by the hand of the king of Babylon thou art caught, and this city is burnt with fire.'

ylt@Jeremiah:38:25 @and when the heads hear that I have spoken with thee, and they have come in unto thee, and have said unto thee, Declare to us, we pray thee, what thou didst speak unto the king, do not hide [it] from us, and we do not put thee to death, and what the king spake unto thee,

ylt@Jeremiah:39:5 @And the forces of the Chaldeans pursue after them, and overtake Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho, and they take him, and bring him up unto Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, to Riblah, in the land of Hamath, and he speaketh with him -- judgments.

ylt@Jeremiah:39:7 @And the eyes of Zedekiah he hath blinded, and he bindeth him with brazen fetters, to bring him in to Babylon.

ylt@Jeremiah:39:8 @And the house of the king, and the house of the people, have the Chaldeans burnt with fire, and the walls of Jerusalem they have broken down.

ylt@Jeremiah:39:12 @'Take him, and place thine eyes upon him, and do no evil thing to him, but as he speaketh unto thee, so do with him.'

ylt@Jeremiah:40:4 @'And now, lo, I have loosed thee to-day from the chains that [are] on thy hand; if good in thine eyes to come with me [to] Babylon, come, and I keep mine eye upon thee: and if evil in thine eyes to come with me to Babylon, forbear; see, all the land [is] before thee, whither [it be] good, and whither [it be] right in thine eyes to go -- go.' --

ylt@Jeremiah:40:5 @and while he doth not reply -- 'Or turn back unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon hath appointed over the cities of Judah, and dwell with him in the midst of the people, or whithersoever it is right in thine eyes to go -- go.' And the chief of the executioners giveth to him for the way, and a gift, and sendeth him away,

ylt@Jeremiah:40:6 @and Jeremiah cometh in unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, to Mizpah, and dwelleth with him, in the midst of the people who are left in the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:40:7 @And all the heads of the forces that [are] in the field hear, they and their men, that the king of Babylon hath appointed Gedaliah son of Ahikam over the land, and that he hath charged him [with] men, and women, and infants, and of the poor of the land, of those who have not been removed to Babylon;

ylt@Jeremiah:41:1 @And it cometh to pass, in the seventh month, come hath Ishmael son of Nethaniah, son of Elishama, of the seed royal, and of the chiefs of the king, and ten men with him, unto Gedaliah son of Ahikam, to Mizpah, and they eat there bread together in Mizpah.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:2 @And Ishmael son of Nethaniah riseth, and the ten men who have been with him, and they smite Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, with the sword, and he putteth him to death whom the king of Babylon hath appointed over the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:3 @And all the Jews who have been with him, with Gedaliah, in Mizpah, and the Chaldeans who have been found there -- the men of war -- hath Ishmael smitten.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:5 @that men come in from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria -- eighty men -- with shaven beards, and rent garments, and cutting themselves, and an offering and frankincense in their hand, to bring in to the house of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:7 @And it cometh to pass, at their coming in unto the midst of the city, that Ishmael son of Nethaniah doth slaughter them, at the midst of the pit, he and the men who [are] with him.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:9 @And the pit whither Ishmael hath cast all the carcases of the men whom he hath smitten along with Gedaliah, is that which the king Asa made because of Baasha king of Israel -- it hath Ishmael son of Nethaniah filled with the pierced.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:11 @And hear doth Johanan son of Kareah, and all the heads of the forces that [are] with him, of all the evil that Ishmael son of Nethaniah hath done,

ylt@Jeremiah:41:12 @and they take all the men, and go to fight with Ishmael son of Nethaniah, and they find him at the great waters that [are] in Gibeon.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:13 @And it cometh to pass, when all the people who [are] with Ishmael see Johanan son of Kareah, and all the heads of the forces who [are] with him, that they rejoice.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:15 @And Ishmael son of Nethaniah hath escaped, with eight men, from the presence of Johanan, and he goeth unto the sons of Ammon.

ylt@Jeremiah:41:16 @And Johanan son of Kareah, and all the heads of the forces who [are] with him, take all the remnant of the people whom he hath brought back from Ishmael son of Nethaniah, from Mizpah -- after he had smitten Gedaliah son of Ahikam -- mighty ones, men of war, and women, and infants, and eunuchs, whom he had brought back from Gibeon,

ylt@Jeremiah:42:4 @And Jeremiah the prophet saith unto them, 'I have heard: lo, I am praying unto Jehovah your God according to your words, and it hath come to pass, the whole word that Jehovah answereth you, I declare to you -- I do not withhold from you a word.'

ylt@Jeremiah:42:5 @And they have said to Jeremiah, 'Jehovah is against us for a witness true and faithful, if -- according to all the word with which Jehovah thy God doth send thee unto us -- we do not so.

ylt@Jeremiah:42:8 @and he calleth unto Johanan son of Kareah, and unto all the heads of the forces that [are] with him, and to all the people, from the least even unto the greatest,

ylt@Jeremiah:42:11 @Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, whom ye are afraid of; be not afraid of him -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- for with you [am] I, to save you, and to deliver you from his hand.

ylt@Jeremiah:42:21 @and I declare to you to-day, and ye have not hearkened to the voice of Jehovah your God, and to anything with which He hath sent me unto you.

ylt@Jeremiah:43:1 @And it cometh to pass, when Jeremiah doth finish to speak unto all the people all the words of Jehovah their God, with which Jehovah their God hath sent him unto them -- all these words --

ylt@Jeremiah:43:6 @the men, and the women, and the infant, and the daughters of the king, and every person that Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, had left with Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch son of Neriah,

ylt@Jeremiah:43:12 @And I have kindled a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt, and it hath burned them, and he hath taken them captive, and covered himself with the land of Egypt, as cover himself doth the shepherd with his garment, and he hath gone forth thence in peace;

ylt@Jeremiah:43:13 @and he hath broken the standing pillars of the house of the sun, that [is] in the land of Egypt, and the houses of the gods of Egypt he doth burn with fire.'

ylt@Jeremiah:44:13 @'And I have seen after those dwelling in the land of Egypt, as I saw after Jerusalem, with sword, with famine, and with pestilence,

ylt@Jeremiah:44:17 @for we certainly do everything that hath gone out of our mouth, to make perfume to the queen of the heavens, and to pour out to her libations, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our heads, in cities of Judah, and in streets of Jerusalem, and -- we are satisfied with bread, and we are well, and evil we have not seen.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:19 @and when we are making perfume to the queen of the heavens, and pouring out to her libations -- without our husbands have we made for her cakes to idolize her, and to pour out to her libations?'

ylt@Jeremiah:44:22 @And Jehovah is not able any more to accept [you], because of the evil of your doings, because of the abominations that ye have done, and your land is for a waste, and for an astonishment, and for a reviling, without inhabitant, as [at] this day.

ylt@Jeremiah:44:25 @Thus spake Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, saying: Ye and your wives both speak with your mouth, and with your hands have fulfilled, saying: We certainly execute our vows that we have vowed, to make perfume to the queen of the heavens, and to pour out to her libations, ye do certainly establish your vows, and certainly execute your vows.

ylt@Jeremiah:45:3 @'Thou hast said, Wo to me, now, for Jehovah hath added sorrow to my pain, I have been wearied with my sighing, and rest I have not found.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:4 @Gird the horses, and go up, ye horsemen, And station yourselves with helmets, Polish the javelins, put on the coats of mail.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:19 @Goods for removal make for thee, O inhabitant, daughter of Egypt, For Noph becometh a desolation, And hath been burnt up, without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:22 @Its voice as a serpent goeth on, For with a force they go, And with axes they have come in to her, As hewers of trees.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:28 @Thou, thou dost not fear, My servant Jacob, An affirmation of Jehovah -- for with thee I [am], For I make an end of all the nations Whither I have driven thee, And of thee I do not make an end, And I have reproved thee in judgment, And do not entirely acquit thee!'

ylt@Jeremiah:48:5 @For the ascent of Luhith with weeping, Go up doth weeping, For in the descent of Horonaim Adversaries a cry of desolation have heard.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:9 @Give wings to Moab, for she utterly goeth out, And her cities are for a desolation, Without an inhabitant in them.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:10 @Cursed [is] he who is doing the work of Jehovah slothfully, And cursed [is] he Who is withholding his sword from blood.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:32 @With the weeping of Jazer, I weep for thee, O vine of Sibmah, Thy branches have passed over a sea, Unto the sea of Jazer they have come, On thy summer fruits, and on thy harvest, A spoiler hath fallen.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:45 @In the shadow of Heshbon stood powerless have fugitives, For fire hath gone forth from Heshbon, And a flame from within Sihon, And it consumeth the corner of Moab, And the crown of the sons of Shaon.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:46 @Wo to thee, O Moab, Perished hath the people of Chemosh, For thy sons were taken with the captives, And thy daughters with the captivity.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:2 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have sounded unto Rabbah of the sons of Ammon a shout of battle, And it hath been for a heap -- a desolation, And her daughters with fire are burnt, And Israel hath succeeded its heirs, Said hath Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:39 @Therefore dwell do Ziim with Iim, Yea, dwelt in her have daughters of the ostrich, And it is not inhabited any more for ever, Nor dwelt in unto all generations.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:40 @As overthrown by God with Sodom, And with Gomorrah, and with its neighbours, An affirmation of Jehovah, none doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:1 @Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am stirring up against Babylon, And the inhabitants of Leb -- My withstanders, A destroying wind,

ylt@Jeremiah:51:14 @Sworn hath Jehovah of Hosts by Himself, That, Surely I have filled thee [with] men as the cankerworm, And they have cried against thee -- shouting.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:28 @Sanctify against it the nations with the kings of Media, Its governors and all its prefects, And all the land of its dominion.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:29 @And shake doth the land, and it is pained, For stood against Babylon have the purposes of Jehovah, To make the land of Babylon a desolation without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:32 @And the passages have been captured, And the reeds they have burnt with fire, And the men of war have been troubled.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:34 @Devoured us, crushed us, hath Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, He hath set us [as] an empty vessel, He hath swallowed us as a dragon, He hath filled his belly with my dainties, He hath driven us away.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:37 @And Babylon hath been for heaps, A habitation of dragons, An astonishment, and a hissing, without inhabitant.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:40 @I cause them to go down as lambs to slaughter, As rams with he-goats.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:42 @Come up against Babylon hath the sea, With a multitude of its billows it hath been covered.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:58 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, the wall of Babylon -- The broad one -- is utterly made bare, And her high gates with fire are burnt, And peoples labour in vain, And nations in fire, and have been weary!

ylt@Jeremiah:51:59 @The word that Jeremiah the prophet hath commanded Seraiah son of Neriah, son of Maaseiah, in his going with Zedekiah king of Judah to Babylon, in the fourth year of his reign -- and Seraiah [is] a quiet prince;

ylt@Jeremiah:52:9 @and they capture the king, and bring him up unto the king of Babylon to Riblah, in the land of Hamath, and he speaketh with him -- judgments.

ylt@Jeremiah:52:13 @and he burneth the house of Jehovah, and the house of the king, and all the houses of Jerusalem, even every great house he hath burned with fire,

ylt@Jeremiah:52:14 @and all the walls of Jerusalem round about broken down have all the forces of the Chaldeans that [are] with the chief of the executioners.

ylt@Jeremiah:52:18 @and the pots, and the shovels, and the snuffers, and the bowls, and the spoons, and all the vessels of brass with which they minister, they have taken away;

ylt@Jeremiah:52:32 @and speaketh with him good things, and setteth his throne above the throne of the kings who [are] with him in Babylon,

ylt@Lamentations:1:1 @How hath she sat alone, The city abounding with people! She hath been as a widow, The mighty among nations! Princes among provinces, She hath become tributary!

ylt@Lamentations:1:4 @The ways of Zion are mourning, Without any coming at the appointed time, All her gates are desolate, her priests sigh, Her virgins are afflicted -- and she hath bitterness.

ylt@Lamentations:1:16 @For these I am weeping, My eye, my eye, is running down with waters, For, far from me hath been a comforter, Refreshing my soul, My sons have been desolate, For mighty hath been an enemy.

ylt@Lamentations:1:20 @See, O Jehovah, for distress [is] to me, My bowels have been troubled, Turned hath been my heart in my midst, For I have greatly provoked, From without bereaved hath the sword, In the house [it is] as death.

ylt@Lamentations:2:19 @Arise, cry aloud in the night, At the beginning of the watches. Pour out as water thy heart, Over against the face of the Lord, Lift up unto Him thy hands, for the soul of thine infants, Who are feeble with hunger at the head of all out-places.

ylt@Lamentations:3:2 @Me He hath led, and causeth to go [in] darkness, and without light.

ylt@Lamentations:3:9 @He hath hedged my ways with hewn work, My paths He hath made crooked.

ylt@Lamentations:3:15 @He hath filled me with bitter things, He hath filled me [with] wormwood.

ylt@Lamentations:3:16 @And He breaketh with gravel my teeth, He hath covered me with ashes.

ylt@Lamentations:3:30 @He giveth to his smiter the cheek, He is filled with reproach.

ylt@Lamentations:3:33 @For He hath not afflicted with His heart, Nor doth He grieve the sons of men.

ylt@Lamentations:3:43 @Thou hast covered Thyself with anger, And dost pursue us; Thou hast slain -- Thou hast not pitied.

ylt@Lamentations:3:44 @Thou hast covered Thyself with a cloud, So that prayer doth not pass through.

ylt@Lamentations:3:49 @Mine eye is poured out, And doth not cease without intermission,

ylt@Lamentations:3:52 @Hunted me sore as a bird have my enemies without cause.

ylt@Lamentations:3:62 @The lips of my withstanders, Even their meditation against me all the day.

ylt@Lamentations:4:2 @The precious sons of Zion, Who are comparable with fine gold, How have they been reckoned earthen bottles, Work of the hands of a potter.

ylt@Lamentations:4:4 @Cleaved hath the tongue of a suckling unto his palate with thirst, Infants asked bread, a dealer out they have none.

ylt@Lamentations:4:8 @Darker than blackness hath been their visage, They have not been known in out-places, Cleaved hath their skin unto their bone, It hath withered -- it hath been as wood.

ylt@Lamentations:4:9 @Better have been the pierced of a sword Than the pierced of famine, For these flow away, pierced through, Without the increase of the field.

ylt@Lamentations:4:14 @They have wandered naked in out-places, They have been polluted with blood, Without [any] being able to touch their clothing,

ylt@Lamentations:5:3 @Orphans we have been -- without a father, our mothers [are] as widows.

ylt@Lamentations:5:6 @[To] Egypt we have given a hand, [To] Asshur, to be satisfied with bread.

ylt@Lamentations:5:9 @With our lives we bring in our bread, Because of the sword of the wilderness.

ylt@Lamentations:5:13 @Young men to grind they have taken, And youths with wood have stumbled.

ylt@Ezekiel:1:27 @And I see as the colour of copper, as the appearance of fire within it round about, from the appearance of his loins and upward, and from the appearance of his loins and downward, I have seen as the appearance of fire, and brightness [is] to it round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:2:1 @It [is] the appearance of the likeness of the honour of Jehovah, and I see, and fall on my face, and I hear a voice speaking, and He saith unto me, 'Son of man, stand on thy feet, and I speak with thee.'

ylt@Ezekiel:2:6 @'And thou, son of man, thou art not afraid of them, yea, of their words thou art not afraid, for briers and thorns are with thee, and near scorpions thou art dwelling, of their words thou art not afraid, and of their faces thou art not affrighted, for they [are] a rebellious house,

ylt@Ezekiel:3:3 @And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, thy belly thou dost feed, and thy bowels thou dost fill with this roll that I am giving unto thee;' and I eat it, and it is in my mouth as honey for sweetness.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:4 @And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, go, enter in unto the house of Israel, and thou hast spoken with My words unto them.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:10 @And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, all My words, that I speak unto thee, receive with thy heart, and with thine ears hear;

ylt@Ezekiel:3:22 @And there is on me there a hand of Jehovah, and He saith to me, 'Rise, go forth to the valley, and there I do speak with thee.'

ylt@Ezekiel:3:24 @And come into me doth a spirit, and causeth me to stand on my feet, and He speaketh with me, and saith unto me, 'Go in, be shut up in the midst of thy house.

ylt@Ezekiel:3:25 @'And thou, son of man, lo, they have put on thee thick bands, and have bound thee with them, and thou goest not forth in their midst;

ylt@Ezekiel:3:27 @And in My speaking with thee, I do open thy mouth, and thou hast said unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah; the hearer doth hear, and the forbearer doth forbear; for a rebellious house [are] they.

ylt@Ezekiel:4:12 @A barley-cake thou dost eat it, and it with dung -- the filth of man -- thou dost bake before their eyes.

ylt@Ezekiel:4:16 @And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, lo, I am breaking the staff of bread in Jerusalem, and they have eaten bread by weight and with fear; and water by measure and with astonishment, they do drink;

ylt@Ezekiel:4:17 @so that they lack bread and water, and have been astonished one with another, and been consumed in their iniquity.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:2 @A third part with fire thou dost burn in the midst of the city, at the fulness of the days of the siege; and thou hast taken the third part, thou dost smite with a weapon round about it; and the third part thou dost scatter to the wind, and a weapon I draw out after them.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:11 @Therefore, I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah: Because My sanctuary thou hast defiled, With all thy detestable things, And with all thine abominations, Mine eye pitieth not, and I also spare not. Do not even I also diminish?

ylt@Ezekiel:6:9 @And remembered Me have your escaped among nations, Whither they have been taken captive, Because I have been broken with their heart that is going a-whoring, That hath turned aside from off Me, And with their eyes they are going a-whoring after their idols, And they have been loathsome in their own faces, For the evils that they have done -- all their abominations.

ylt@Ezekiel:6:11 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'Smite with thy palm, and stamp with thy foot, And say: Alas, for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel, Who by sword, by famine, and by pestilence do fall.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:14 @They have blown with a trumpet to prepare the whole, And none is going to battle, For My wrath [is] unto all its multitude.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:15 @The sword [is] without, And the pestilence and the famine within, He who is in a field by sword dieth, And he who is in a city, Famine and pestilence devour him.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:27 @The king doth become a mourner, And a prince putteth on desolation, And the hands of the people of the land are troubled, From their own way I deal with them, And with their own judgments I judge them, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:8:17 @And He saith unto me, 'Hast thou seen, son of man? hath it been a light thing to the house of Judah to do the abomination that they have done here, that they have filled the land with violence, and turn back to provoke Me to anger? and lo, they are putting forth the branch unto their nose!

ylt@Ezekiel:9:2 @And lo, six men are coming from the way of the upper gate, that is facing the north, and each his slaughter-weapon in his hand, and one man in their midst is clothed with linen, and a scribe's inkhorn at his loins, and they come in, and stand near the brazen altar.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:4 @And He calleth unto the man who is clothed with linen, who hath the scribe's inkhorn at his loins, and Jehovah saith unto him, 'Pass on into the midst of the city, into the midst of Jerusalem, and thou hast made a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and who are groaning for all the abominations that are done in its midst.'

ylt@Ezekiel:9:7 @And they begin among the aged men who [are] before the house, and He saith unto them, 'Defile the house, and fill the courts with the wounded, go forth.' And they have gone forth and have smitten in the city.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:11 @And lo, the man clothed with linen, at whose loins [is] the inkhorn, is bringing back word, saying, 'I have done as Thou hast commanded me.'

ylt@Ezekiel:10:2 @And He speaketh unto the man clothed with linen, and saith, 'Go in unto the midst of the wheel, unto the place of the cherub, and fill thy hands with coals of fire from between the cherubs, and scatter over the city.' And he goeth in before mine eyes.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:4 @and become high doth the honour of Jehovah above the cherub, over the threshold of the house, and the house is filled with the cloud, and the court hath been filled with the brightness of the honour of Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:6 @And it cometh to pass, in His commanding the man clothed with linen, saying, 'Take fire from between the wheel, from between the cherubs,' and he goeth in and standeth near the wheel,

ylt@Ezekiel:10:7 @that the [one] cherub putteth forth his hand from between the cherubs unto the fire that [is] between the cherubs, and lifteth up, and giveth into the hands of him who is clothed with linen, and he receiveth, and cometh forth.

ylt@Ezekiel:10:17 @In their standing they stand, and in their exaltation they are exalted with them: for the living spirit [is] in them.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:6 @Ye multiplied your wounded in this city, And filled its out-places with the wounded.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:7 @And I do so, as I have been commanded; my vessels I have brought forth as vessels of removal by day, and at even I have dug for me through the wall with the hand; in the darkness I have brought forth, on the shoulder I have borne away, before their eyes.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:18 @'Son of man, thy bread in haste thou dost eat, and thy water with trembling and with fear thou dost drink;

ylt@Ezekiel:12:19 @and thou hast said unto the people of the land, Thus said the Lord Jehovah concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem, concerning the land of Israel: Their bread with fear they do eat, and their water with astonishment drink, because its land is desolate, because of its fulness, because of the violence of all who are dwelling in it.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:10 @Because, even because, they did cause My people to err, Saying, Peace! and there is no peace, And that one is building a wall, And lo, they are daubing it with chalk.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:11 @Say to those daubing with chalk -- It falleth, There hath been an overflowing shower, And ye, O hailstones, do fall, And a tempestuous wind doth rend,

ylt@Ezekiel:13:13 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have rent with a tempestuous wind in My fury, And an overflowing shower is in Mine anger, And hailstones in My fury -- to consume.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:14 @And I have broken down the wall that ye daubed with chalk, And have caused it to come unto the earth, And revealed hath been its foundation, And it hath fallen, And ye have been consumed in its midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:15 @And I have completed My wrath on the wall, And on those daubing it with chalk, And I say to you: The wall is not, And those daubing it are not;

ylt@Ezekiel:13:20 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against your pillows, With which ye are hunting there the souls of the flourishing, And I have rent them from off your arms, And have sent away the souls that ye are hunting, The souls of the flourishing.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:22 @Because of paining the heart of the righteous with falsehood, And I have not pained it, And strengthening the hands of the wicked, So as not to turn back from his evil way, To keep him alive,

ylt@Ezekiel:14:4 @'Therefore, speak with them, and thou hast said unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Every one of the house of Israel who causeth his idols to go up unto his heart, and the stumbling-block of his iniquity setteth over-against his face, and hath gone in unto the prophet -- I Jehovah have given an answer to him for this, for the abundance of his idols,

ylt@Ezekiel:14:11 @so that the house of Israel do not wander any more from after Me, nor are defiled any more with all their transgressions, and they have been to Me for a people, and I am to them for God -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'

ylt@Ezekiel:14:15 @'If an evil beast I cause to pass through the land, and it hath bereaved, and it hath been a desolation, without any passing through because of the beast --

ylt@Ezekiel:16:5 @No eye hath had pity on thee, to do to thee any of these, To have compassion on thee, And thou art cast on the face of the field, With loathing of thy person. In the day thou hast been born -- thou!

ylt@Ezekiel:16:7 @A myriad -- as the shoot of the field I have made thee, And thou art multiplied, and art great, And comest in with an excellent adornment, Breasts have been formed, and thy hair hath grown -- And thou, naked and bare!

ylt@Ezekiel:16:8 @And I pass over by thee, and I see thee, And lo, thy time [is] a time of loves, And I spread My skirt over thee, And I cover thy nakedness, And I swear to thee, and come in to a covenant with thee, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, And thou dost become Mine.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:9 @And I do wash thee with water, And I wash away thy blood from off thee, And I anoint thee with perfume.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:10 @And I clothe thee with embroidery, And I shoe thee with badger's skin, And I gird thee with fine linen, And I cover thee with figured silk.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:11 @And I adorn thee with adornments, And I give bracelets for thy hands, And a chain for thy neck.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:17 @And thou dost take thy beauteous vessels Of My gold and My silver that I gave to thee, And dost make to thee images of a male, And dost go a-whoring with them,

ylt@Ezekiel:16:22 @And with all thine abominations and thy whoredoms, Thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, When thou wast naked and bare, Trodden down in thy blood thou wast!

ylt@Ezekiel:16:28 @And thou goest a-whoring unto sons of Asshur, Without thy being satisfied, And thou dost go a-whoring with them, And also -- thou hast not been satisfied.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:29 @And thou dost multiply thy whoredoms On the land of Canaan -- toward Chaldea, And even with this thou hast not been satisfied.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:40 @And have caused an assembly to come up against thee, And stoned thee with stones, And thrust thee through with their swords,

ylt@Ezekiel:16:41 @And burnt thy houses with fire, And done in thee judgments before the eyes of many women, And I have caused thee to cease from going a-whoring, And also a gift thou givest no more.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:59 @For thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have dealt with thee as thou hast done, In that thou hast despised an oath -- to break covenant.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:60 @And I -- I have remembered My covenant with thee, In the days of thy youth, And I have established for thee a covenant age-during.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:61 @And thou hast remembered thy ways, And thou hast been ashamed, In thy receiving thy sisters -- Thine elder with thy younger, And I have given them to thee for daughters, And not by thy covenant.

ylt@Ezekiel:16:62 @And I -- I have established My covenant with thee, And thou hast known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:7 @And there is another great eagle, Great-winged, and abounding with feathers, And lo, this vine hath bent its roots toward him, And its thin shoots it hath sent out toward him, To water it from the furrows of its planting,

ylt@Ezekiel:17:9 @Say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: It prospereth -- its roots doth he not draw out, And its fruit cut off, and it is withered? [In] all the leaves of its springing it withereth, And not by great strength, and by a numerous people, To lift it up by its roots.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:10 @And lo, the planted thing -- doth it prosper? When come against it doth the east wind, Doth it not utterly wither? On the furrows of its springing it withereth.'

ylt@Ezekiel:17:13 @And he taketh of the seed of the kingdom, And maketh with him a covenant, And bringeth him in to an oath, And the mighty of the land he hath taken,

ylt@Ezekiel:17:16 @I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Doth he not -- in the place of the king who is causing him to reign, Whose oath he hath despised, And whose covenant he hath broken, With him -- in the midst of Babylon -- die?

ylt@Ezekiel:17:17 @And not with a great force, and with a numerous assembly, Doth Pharaoh maintain him in battle, By pouring out a mount, and in building a fortification, To cut off many souls.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:20 @And I have spread out for him My snare, And he hath been caught in My net, And I have brought him in to Babylon, And pleaded with him there his trespass, That he hath trespassed against Me.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:21 @And all his fugitives, with all his bands, By sword do fall, and those remaining, To every wind they are spread out, And ye have known that I, Jehovah, have spoken.

ylt@Ezekiel:18:7 @A man -- he doth not oppress, His pledge to the debtor he doth return, Plunder he doth not take away, His bread to the hungry he doth give, And the naked doth cover with a garment,

ylt@Ezekiel:18:16 @A man -- he hath not oppressed, A pledge he hath not bound, And plunder he hath not taken away, His bread to the hungry he hath given, And the naked he covered with a garment,

ylt@Ezekiel:19:4 @And hear of it do nations, In their pit it hath been caught, And they bring it in with chains unto the land of Egypt.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:12 @And it is plucked up in fury, To the earth it hath been cast, And the east wind hath dried up its fruit, Broken and withered hath been the rod of its strength, Fire hath consumed it.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:3 @'Son of man, speak with the elders of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: To seek Me are ye coming in? I live -- I am not sought by you -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:6 @In that day I did lift up My hand to them, To bring them forth from the land of Egypt, Unto a land that I spied out for them, Flowing with milk and honey, A beauty it [is] to all the lands,

ylt@Ezekiel:20:7 @And I say unto them, Let each cast away the detestable things of his eyes, And with the idols of Egypt be not defiled, I [am] Jehovah your God.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:15 @And also, I, I have lifted up My hand to them in the wilderness, Not to bring them in to the land that I had given, Flowing with milk and honey, A beauty it [is] to all the lands,

ylt@Ezekiel:20:18 @And I say to their sons in the wilderness: In the statutes of your fathers ye walk not, And their judgments ye do not observe, And with their idols ye are not defiled.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:33 @I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, Do not I, with a strong hand, And with a stretched-out arm, And with fury poured out -- rule over you?

ylt@Ezekiel:20:34 @And I have brought you forth from the peoples, And assembled you from the lands In which ye have been scattered, With a strong hand and with a stretched-out arm, And with fury poured out.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:35 @And I have brought you in unto the wilderness of the peoples, And have been judged with you there face to face.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:36 @As I was judged with your fathers, In the wilderness of the land of Egypt, So I am judged with you, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:40 @For, in My holy mountain, In the mountain of the height of Israel, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, There serve Me do all the house of Israel, All of it, in the land -- there I accept them, And there I do seek your heave-offerings, And with the first-fruit of your gifts, With all your holy things.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:41 @With sweet fragrance I do accept you, In My bringing you out from the peoples, And I have assembled you from the lands In which ye have been scattered, And I have been sanctified in you Before the eyes of the nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:20:44 @And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My dealing with you for My name's sake, Not according to your evil ways, And according to your corrupt doings, O house of Israel, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'

ylt@Ezekiel:21:6 @And thou, son of man, sigh with breaking of loins, yea, with bitterness thou dost sigh before their eyes,

ylt@Ezekiel:21:21 @For stood hath the king of Babylon at the head of the way, At the top of the two ways, to use divination, He hath moved lightly with the arrows, He hath asked at the teraphim, He hath looked on the liver.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:22 @At his right hath been the divination -- Jerusalem, To place battering-rams, To open the mouth with slaughter, To lift up a voice with shouting, To place battering-rams against the gates, To pour out a mount, to build a fortification.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:31 @And I have poured on thee Mine indignation, With fire of My wrath I blow against thee, And have given thee into the hand of brutish men -- artificers of destruction.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:11 @And each with the wife of his neighbour hath done abomination, And each his daughter-in-law hath defiled through wickedness, And each his sister, his father's daughter, hath humbled in thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:14 @Doth thy heart stand -- are thy hands strong, For the days that I am dealing with thee? I, Jehovah, have spoken and have done [it].

ylt@Ezekiel:22:28 @And its prophets have daubed for them with chalk, Seeing a vain thing, and divining for them a lie, Saying, 'Thus said the Lord Jehovah:' And Jehovah hath not spoken.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:29 @The people of the land have used oppression, And have taken plunder violently away, And humble and needy have oppressed, And the sojourner oppressed -- without judgment.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:3 @And they go a-whoring in Egypt, In their youth they have gone a-whoring, There they have bruised their breasts, And there they have dealt with the loves of their virginity.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:6 @Clothed with blue -- governors and prefects, Desirable young men all of them, Horsemen, riding on horses,

ylt@Ezekiel:23:8 @And her whoredoms out of Egypt she hath not forsaken, For with her they lay in her youth, And they dealt with the loves of her virginity, And they pour out their whoredoms on her.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:10 @They have uncovered her nakedness, Her sons and her daughters they have taken, And her by sword they have slain, And she is a name for women, And judgments they have done with her.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:14 @And she doth add unto her whoredoms, And she seeth graved men on the wall, Pictures of Chaldeans, graved with red lead,

ylt@Ezekiel:23:15 @Girded with a girdle on their loins, Dyed attire spread out on their heads, The appearance of rulers -- all of them, The likeness of sons of Babylon, Chaldea is the land of their birth.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:17 @And come in unto her do sons of Babylon, To the bed of loves, And they defile her with their whoredoms, And she is defiled with them, And her soul is alienated from them.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:23 @Sons of Babylon, and of all Chaldea, Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, All the sons of Asshur with them, Desirable young men, governors and prefects, All of them -- rulers and proclaimed ones, Riding on horses, all of them.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:24 @And they have come in against thee, With arms, rider, and wheel, And with an assembly of peoples; Target, and shield, and helmet, They do set against thee round about, And I have set before them judgment, They have judged thee in their Judgments.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:25 @And I have set My jealousy against thee, And they have dealt with thee in fury, Thy nose and thine ears they turn aside, And thy posterity by sword falleth, They, thy sons and thy daughters do take away, And thy posterity is devoured by fire.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:29 @And they have dealt with thee in hatred, And they have taken all thy labour, And they have left thee naked and bare, And revealed hath been the nakedness of thy whoredoms, And the wickedness of thy whoredoms.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:30 @To do these things to thee, In thy going a-whoring after nations, Because thou hast been defiled with their idols,

ylt@Ezekiel:23:33 @With drunkenness and sorrow thou art filled, A cup of astonishment and desolation, The cup of thy sister Samaria.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:37 @For they have committed adultery, And blood [is] in their hands, With their idols they committed adultery, And also their sons whom they bore to Me, They caused to pass over to them for food.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:42 @And the voice of a multitude at ease [is] with her, And unto men of the common people are brought in Sabeans from the wilderness, And they put bracelets on their hands, And a beauteous crown on their heads.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:45 @As to righteous men, they judge them with the judgment of adulteresses, And the judgment of women shedding blood, For they [are] adulteresses, And blood [is] in their hands.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:47 @And they have cast at them the stone of the assembly, And cut them with their swords, Their sons and their daughters they do slay, And their houses with fire they burn.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:7 @For her blood in her midst hath been, On a clear place of a rock she hath set it, She hath not poured it on the earth, To cover it over with dust.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:12 @[With] sorrows she hath wearied herself, And the abundance of her scum goeth not out of her, In the fire [is] her scum.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:27 @In that day opened is thy mouth with the escaped, And thou speakest, and art not silent any more, And thou hast been to them for a type. And they have known that I [am] Jehovah.'

ylt@Ezekiel:25:6 @For thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of thy clapping the hand, And of thy stamping with the foot, And thou rejoicest with all thy despite in soul Against the ground of Israel,

ylt@Ezekiel:25:10 @To the sons of the east, with the sons of Ammon, And I have given it for a possession, So that the sons of Ammon are not remembered among nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:25:15 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because of the doings of the Philistines in vengeance, And they take vengeance with despite in soul, To destroy -- the enmity age-during!

ylt@Ezekiel:25:17 @And done upon them great vengeance with furious reproofs, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My giving out My vengeance on them!

ylt@Ezekiel:26:7 @For, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am bringing in unto Tyre Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, From the north -- a king of kings, With horse, and with chariot, and with horsemen, Even an assembly, and a numerous people.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:11 @With hoofs of his horses he treadeth all thine out-places, Thy people by sword he doth slay, And the pillars of thy strength to the earth come down.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:20 @And I have caused thee to go down, With those going down to the pit, Unto the people of old, And I have caused thee to dwell in the land, The lower parts -- in wastes of old, With those going down to the pit, So that thou art not inhabited, And I have given beauty in the land of the living.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:7 @Of fine linen with embroidery from Egypt hath been thy sail, To be to thee for an ensign, Of blue and purple from isles of Elishah hath been thy covering.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:9 @Elders of Gebal and its wise men have been in thee, Strengthening thy breach; All ships of the sea and their mariners, Have been in thee, to trade [with] thy merchandise.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:19 @Vedan and Javan go about with thy remnants, They have given shining iron, cassia, and cane, In thy merchandise it hath been.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:24 @They [are] thy merchants for perfect things, For wrappings of blue, and embroidery, And for treasuries of rich apparel, With cords bound and girded, for thy merchandise,

ylt@Ezekiel:27:30 @And have sounded for thee with their voice, And cry bitterly, and cause dust to go up on their heads, In ashes they do roll themselves.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:33 @With the outgoing of thy remnants from the seas, Thou hast filled many peoples, With the abundance of thy riches, and thy merchandise, Thou hast made rich things of earth.

ylt@Ezekiel:28:16 @By the abundance of thy merchandise They have filled thy midst with violence, And thou dost sin, And I thrust thee from the mount of God, And I destroy thee, O covering cherub, From the midst of the stones of fire.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:5 @Cush, and Phut, and Lud, and all the mixture, and Chub, And the sons of the land of the covenant with them by sword do fall,

ylt@Ezekiel:30:11 @He and his people with him -- the terrible of nations, Are brought in to destroy the land, And they have drawn their swords against Egypt, And have filled the land [with] the wounded.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:4 @Waters have made it great, The deep hath exalted him with its flowings, Going round about its planting, And its conduits it hath sent forth unto all trees of the field.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:11 @I give him into the hand of a god of nations, He dealeth sorely with him, In his wickedness I have cast him out.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:16 @From the sound of his fall I have caused nations to shake, In My causing him to go down to sheol, With those going down to the pit, And comforted in the earth -- the lower part, are all trees of Eden, The choice and the good of Lebanon, All drinking waters.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:17 @Also they with him have gone down to sheol, Unto the pierced of the sword, And -- his arm -- they dwelt in his shade in the midst of nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:18 @Unto whom hast thou been thus like, In honour and in greatness among the trees of Eden, And thou hast been brought down with the trees of Eden, Unto the earth -- the lower part, In the midst of the uncircumcised thou liest, With the pierced of the sword? It [is] Pharaoh, and all his multitude, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:32:2 @'Son of man, lift up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt, and thou hast said unto him: A young lion of nations thou hast been like, And thou [art] as a dragon in the seas, And thou comest forth with thy flowings, And dost trouble the waters with thy feet, And thou dost foul their flowings.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:3 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: And -- I have spread out for thee My net, With an assembly of many peoples, And they have brought thee up in My net.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:5 @And I have put thy flesh on the mountains, And filled the valleys [with] thy hugeness,

ylt@Ezekiel:32:6 @And watered the land with thy flowing, From thy blood -- unto the mountains, And streams are filled from thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:7 @And in quenching thee I have covered the heavens, And have made black their stars, The sun with a cloud I do cover, And the moon causeth not its light to shine.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:10 @And I have made many peoples astonished at thee, And their kings are afraid at thee with trembling, In My brandishing My sword before their faces, And they have trembled every moment, Each for his life -- in the day of thy fall.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:18 @'Son of man, Wail for the multitude of Egypt, And cause it to go down, It -- and the daughters of honourable nations, Unto the earth -- the lower parts, With those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:19 @Than whom hast thou been more pleasant? Go down, and be laid with the uncircumcised.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:21 @Speak to him do the gods of the mighty out of the midst of sheol, With his helpers -- they have gone down, They have lain with the uncircumcised, The pierced of the sword.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:24 @There [is] Elam, and all her multitude, Round about [is] her grave, All of them wounded, who are falling by sword, Who have gone down uncircumcised unto the earth -- the lower parts, Because they gave their terror in the land of the living, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:25 @In the midst of the wounded they have appointed a bed for her with all her multitude, Round about him [are] her graves, All of them uncircumcised, pierced of the sword, For their terror was given in the land of the living, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit, In the midst of the pierced he hath been put.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:27 @And they lie not with the mighty, Who are falling of the uncircumcised, Who have gone down to sheol with their weapons of war, And they put their swords under their heads, And their iniquities are on their bones, For the terror of the mighty [is] in the land of the living.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:28 @And thou, in the midst of the uncircumcised art broken, And dost lie with the pierced of the sword.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:29 @There [is] Edom, her kings, and all her princes, Who have been given up in their might, With the pierced of the sword, They with the uncircumcised do lie, And with those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:30 @There [are] princes of the north, All of them, and every Zidonian, Who have gone down with the pierced in their terror, Of their might they are ashamed, And they lie uncircumcised with the pierced of the sword, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:32 @For I have given his terror in the land of the living, And he hath been laid down in the midst of the uncircumcised, With the pierced of the sword -- Pharaoh, and all his multitude, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'

ylt@Ezekiel:33:3 @And he hath seen the sword coming against the land, And hath blown with a trumpet, and hath warned the people,

ylt@Ezekiel:33:6 @And the watchman, when he seeth the sword coming in, And he hath not blown with a trumpet, And the people hath not been warned, And come in doth a sword, And taketh away of them -- a soul, He in his iniquity is taken away, And his blood from the hand of the watchman I require.

ylt@Ezekiel:33:25 @Therefore say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: With the blood ye do eat, And your eyes ye lift up unto your idols, And blood ye shed, and the land ye inherit!

ylt@Ezekiel:33:28 @And I have made the land a desolation and an astonishment, And ceased hath the excellency of its strength, And desolated have been mountains of Israel, Without any one passing through.

ylt@Ezekiel:33:30 @And thou, son of man, the sons of thy people who are speaking about thee, By the walls, and in openings of the houses, Have spoken one with another, each with his brother, Saying: Come in, I pray you, And hear what [is] the word that cometh out from Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:33:31 @And they come in unto thee as the coming in of a people, And they sit before thee -- My people, And have heard thy words, and they do them not, For doting loves with their mouth they are making, After their dishonest gain their heart is going.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:4 @The weak ye have not strengthened, And the sick one ye have not healed, And the broken ye have not bound up, And the driven away have not brought back, And the lost ye have not sought, And with might ye have ruled them and with rigour.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:14 @With good pasture I do feed them, And on mountains of the high place of Israel is their habitation, There do they lie down in a good habitation, And fat pastures they enjoy on mountains of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:16 @The lost I seek, and the driven away bring back, And the broken I bind up, and the sick I strengthen, And the fat and the strong I destroy, I feed it with judgment.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:18 @Is it a little thing for you -- the good pasture ye enjoy, And the remnant of your pasture ye tread down with your feet, And a depth of waters ye do drink, And the remainder with your feet ye trample,

ylt@Ezekiel:34:21 @Because with side and with shoulder ye thrust away, And with your horns push all the diseased, Till ye have scattered them to the out-place,

ylt@Ezekiel:34:30 @And they have known that I, Jehovah, their God, [am] with them, And they -- the house of Israel -- My people, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:35:8 @And filled his mountains with his wounded, Thy hills, and thy valleys, and all thy streams, The pierced of the sword fall into them.

ylt@Ezekiel:35:11 @Therefore, I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, And I have done according to thine anger, And according to thine envy, With which thou hast wrought, Because of thy hatred against them, And I have been known among them when I judge thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:35:13 @And ye magnify yourselves against Me with your mouth, And have made abundant against Me your words, I -- I have heard.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:5 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Have I not, in the fire of My jealousy, Spoken against the remnant of the nations, And against Edom -- all of it, Who gave My land to themselves for a possession, With the joy of the whole heart -- with despite of soul, For the sake of casting it out for a prey?

ylt@Ezekiel:36:7 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I -- I have lifted up My hand, Do not -- the nations who [are] with you from round about -- they their own shame bear?

ylt@Ezekiel:36:18 @And I do pour out My fury upon them For the blood that they shed on the land, And with their idols they have defiled it.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:6 @and I have given on you sinews, and cause flesh to come up upon you, and covered you over with skin, and given in you a spirit, and ye have lived, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.'

ylt@Ezekiel:37:19 @Speak unto them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am taking the stick of Joseph, that [is] in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions, and have given them unto him, with the stick of Judah, and have made them become one stick, and they have been one in My hand.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:23 @Nor are they defiled any more with their idols, And with their abominations, And with any of their transgressions, And I have saved them out of all their dwellings, In which they have sinned, And I have cleansed them, And they have been to Me for a people, And I -- I am to them for God.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:26 @And I have made to them a covenant of peace, A covenant age-during it is with them, And I have placed them, and multiplied them, And placed My sanctuary in their midst -- to the age.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:4 @And I have turned thee back, And I have put hooks in thy jaws, And have brought thee out, and all thy force, Horses and horsemen, Clothed in perfection all of them, A numerous assembly, [with] buckler and shield, Handling swords -- all of them.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:5 @Persia, Cush, and Phut, with them, All of them [with] shield and helmet.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:6 @Gomer and all its bands, The house of Togarmah of the sides of the north, And all its bands, many peoples with thee,

ylt@Ezekiel:38:9 @And thou hast gone up -- as wasting thou comest in, As a cloud to cover the land art thou, Thou and all thy bands, and many peoples with thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:11 @And thou hast said: I go up against a land of unwalled villages, I go in to those at rest, dwelling confidently, All of them are dwelling without walls, And bar and doors they have not.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:15 @And thou hast come in out of thy place, From the sides of the north, Thou and many peoples with thee, Riding on horses -- all of them, A great assembly, and a numerous force.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:22 @And I have been judged with him, With pestilence and with blood, And an overflowing rain and hailstones, Fire and brimstone I rain on him, and on his bands, And on many peoples who [are] with him.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:4 @On mountains of Israel thou fallest, Thou, and all thy bands, and the peoples who [are] with thee, To ravenous fowl -- a bird of every wing, And [to] a beast of the field, I have given thee for food.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:9 @And gone out have the inhabitants of cities of Israel, And they have burned and kindled [a fire], With armour, and shield, and buckler, With bow, and with arrows, And with hand-staves, and with javelins, And they have caused a fire to burn with them seven years,

ylt@Ezekiel:39:10 @And they do not take wood out of the field, Nor do they hew out of the forests, For with armour they cause the fire to burn, And they have spoiled their spoilers, And they have plundered their plunderers, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:14 @And men for continual employment they separate, passing on through the land, burying with those passing by those who are left on the face of the earth, to cleanse it: at the end of seven months they search.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:20 @And ye have been satisfied at My table with horse and rider, Mighty man, and every man of war, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:39:24 @According to their uncleanness, And according to their transgressions, I have done with them, And I do hide My face from them.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:4 @and the man speaketh unto me: 'Son of man, see with thine eyes, And with thine ears hear, And set thy heart to all that I am shewing thee, For, in order to shew [it] thee, Thou hast been brought in hither, Declare all that thou art seeing to the house of Israel.'

ylt@Ezekiel:40:7 @and the little chamber one reed long and one reed broad, and between the little chambers five cubits, and the threshold of the gate, from the side of the porch of the gate from within, one reed.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:8 @And he measureth the porch of the gate from within one reed,

ylt@Ezekiel:40:9 @and he measureth the porch of the gate eight cubits, and its posts two cubits, and the porch of the gates from within,

ylt@Ezekiel:40:40 @and at the side without, at the going up to the opening of the north gate, [are] two tables; and at the other side that [is] at the porch of the gate, [are] two tables;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:42 @And the four tables for burnt-offering [are] of hewn stone: the length one cubit and a half, and the breadth one cubit and a half, and the height one cubit: on them they place the instruments with which they slaughter the burnt-offering and the sacrifice.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:43 @And the boundaries [are] one handbreadth, prepared within all round about: and on the tables [is] the flesh of the offering.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:17 @over above the opening, and unto the inner-house, and at the outside, and by all the wall all round about within and without [by] measure.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:18 @And it is made [with] cherubs and palm-trees, and a palm-tree [is] between cherub and cherub, and two faces [are] to the cherub;

ylt@Ezekiel:42:14 @In the priests' going in, they come not out from the sanctuary unto the outer court, and there they place their garments with which they minister, for they [are] holy, and have put on other garments, and have drawn near unto that which [is] for the people.'

ylt@Ezekiel:42:16 @He hath measured the east side with the measuring-reed, five hundred reeds, with the measuring-reed round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:17 @He hath measured the north side, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:18 @The south side he hath measured, five hundred reeds, with the measuring-reed.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:19 @He hath turned round unto the west side, he hath measured five hundred reeds with the measuring-reed.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:8 @In their putting their threshold with My threshold, And their door-post near My door-post, And the wall between Me and them, And they have defiled My holy name, By their abominations that they have done, And I consume them in Mine anger.

ylt@Ezekiel:44:5 @And Jehovah saith unto me, 'Son of man, set thy heart, and see with thine eyes, and with thine ears hear, all that I am speaking with thee, of all the statutes of the house of Jehovah, and of all its laws; and thou hast set thy heart to the entrance of the house, with all the outlets of the sanctuary,

ylt@Ezekiel:44:17 @And it hath come to pass, in their going in unto the gates of the inner court, linen garments they put on; and no wool cometh up on them in their ministering in the gates of the inner court and within.

ylt@Ezekiel:44:18 @Linen bonnets are on their head, and linen trousers are on their loins, they are not restrained with sweat.

ylt@Ezekiel:44:24 @And concerning controversy, they stand up for judgment; with My judgments they judge it; and My law and My statutes in all My appointed places they keep; and My sabbaths they sanctify.

ylt@Ezekiel:46:7 @And with an ephah for a bullock, and an ephah for a ram, he prepareth a present, and for the lambs as his hand attaineth, and of oil a hin for an ephah.

ylt@Ezekiel:46:14 @And a present thou dost make for it morning by morning, a sixth part of the ephah, and of oil a third part of the hin, to temper with the fine flour, a present to Jehovah, by a statute age-during -- continually;

ylt@Ezekiel:46:23 @And a row [is] round about in them, round about to them four, and made with boilers under the rows round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:2 @And he causeth me to go out the way of the gate northward, and causeth me to turn round the way without, unto the gate that [is] without, the way that is looking eastward, and lo, water is coming forth from the right side.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:22 @and it hath come to pass, ye separate it for an inheritance to yourselves, and to the sojourners who are sojourning in your midst, who have begotten sons in your midst, and they have been to you as native, with the sons of Israel, with you they are separated for an inheritance in the midst of the tribes of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:23 @And it hath come to pass, in the tribe with which the sojourner sojourneth, there ye give his inheritance -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:20 @All the heave-offering [is] five and twenty thousand by five and twenty thousand, square do ye lift up the heave-offering of the holy [portion] with the possession of the city.

ylt@Daniel:1:8 @And Daniel purposeth in his heart that he will not pollute himself with the king's portion of food, and with the wine of his drinking, and he seeketh of the chief of the eunuchs that he may not pollute himself.

ylt@Daniel:1:13 @and our appearance is seen before thee, and the appearance of the lads who are eating the king's portion of food, and as thou seest -- deal with thy servants.'

ylt@Daniel:1:19 @And the king speaketh with them, and there hath none been found among them all like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, and they stand before the king;

ylt@Daniel:2:11 @and the thing that the king is asking [is] precious, and others are there not that do shew it before the king, save the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.'

ylt@Daniel:2:14 @Then Daniel hath replied [with] counsel and discretion to Arioch chief of the executioners of the king, who hath gone forth to slay the wise men of Babylon.

ylt@Daniel:2:18 @and to seek mercies from before the God of the heavens concerning this secret, that they destroy not Daniel and his companions with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

ylt@Daniel:2:22 @He is revealing deep and hidden things; He hath known what [is] in darkness, and light with Him hath dwelt.

ylt@Daniel:2:34 @Thou wast looking till that a stone hath been cut out without hands, and it hath smitten the image on its feet, that [are] of iron and of clay, and it hath broken them small;

ylt@Daniel:2:41 @As to that which thou hast seen: the feet and toes, part of them potter's clay, and part of them iron, the kingdom is divided: and some of the standing of the iron [is] to be in it, because that thou hast seen the iron mixed with miry clay.

ylt@Daniel:2:43 @Because thou hast seen iron mixed with miry clay, they are mixing themselves with the seed of men: and they are not adhering one with another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

ylt@Daniel:2:45 @Because that thou hast seen that out of the mountain cut hath been a stone without hands, and it hath beaten small the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king that which [is] to be after this; and the dream [is] true, and its interpretation stedfast.

ylt@Daniel:4:2 @The signs and wonders that God Most High hath done with me, it is good before me to shew.

ylt@Daniel:4:3 @His signs how great! and His wonders how mighty! His kingdom [is] a kingdom age-during, and His rule [is] with generation and generation.

ylt@Daniel:4:15 @but the stump of its roots leave in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and with the dew of the heavens is it wet, and with the beasts [is] his portion in the herb of the earth;

ylt@Daniel:4:23 @and that which the king hath seen -- a sifter, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens, and he hath said, Cut down the tree, and destroy it; but the stump of its roots leave in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and with the dew of the heavens it is wet, and with the beast of the field [is] his portion, till that seven times pass over him.

ylt@Daniel:4:25 @and they are driving thee away from men, and with the beast of the field is thy dwelling, and the herb as oxen they do cause thee to eat, and by the dew of the heavens they are wetting thee, and seven times do pass over thee, till that thou knowest that the Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men, and to whom He willeth He giveth it.

ylt@Daniel:4:32 @and from men they are driving thee away, and with the beast of the field [is] thy dwelling, the herb as oxen they do cause thee to eat, and seven times do pass over thee, till that thou knowest that the Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men, and to whom He willeth He giveth it.

ylt@Daniel:4:34 @'And at the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, mine eyes to the heavens have lifted up, and mine understanding unto me returneth, and the Most High I have blessed, and the Age-during Living One I have praised and honoured, whose dominion [is] a dominion age-during, and His kingdom with generation and generation;

ylt@Daniel:4:35 @and all who are dwelling on the earth as nothing are reckoned, and according to his will He is doing among the forces of the heavens and those dwelling on the earth, and there is none that doth clap with his hand, and saith to Him, What hast Thou done?

ylt@Daniel:5:2 @Belshazzar hath said -- while tasting the wine -- to bring in the vessels of gold and of silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, that drink with them may the king, and his great men, his wives, and his concubines.

ylt@Daniel:5:3 @Then they have brought in the vessels of gold that had been taken out of the temple of the house of God that [is] in Jerusalem, and drunk with them have the king and his great men, his wives and his concubines;

ylt@Daniel:5:21 @and from the sons of men he is driven, and his heart with the beasts hath been like, and with the wild asses [is] his dwelling; the herb like oxen they cause him to eat, and by the dew of the heavens is his body wet, till that he hath known that God Most High is ruler in the kingdom of men, and whom He willeth He raiseth up over it.

ylt@Daniel:5:23 @and against the Lord of the heavens thou hast lifted up thyself; and the vessels of His house they have brought in before thee, and thou, and thy great men, thy wives, and thy concubines, are drinking wine with them, and gods of silver, and of gold, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone, that are not seeing, nor hearing, nor knowing, thou hast praised: and the God in whose hand [is] thy breath, and all thy ways, Him thou hast not honoured.

ylt@Daniel:5:29 @Then hath Belshazzar said, and they have clothed Daniel with purple, and a bracelet of gold [is] on his neck, and they have proclaimed concerning him that he is the third ruler in the kingdom.

ylt@Daniel:6:17 @And a stone hath been brought and placed at the mouth of the den, and the king hath sealed it with his signet, and with the signet of his great men, that the purpose be not changed concerning Daniel.

ylt@Daniel:6:20 @and at his coming near to the den, to Daniel, with a grieved voice, he crieth. The king hath answered and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, thy God, whom thou art serving continually, is He able to deliver thee from the lions?'

ylt@Daniel:6:21 @Then Daniel hath spoken with the king: 'O king, to the ages live:

ylt@Daniel:7:7 @'After this I was seeing in the visions of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and fearful, and exceedingly strong; and it hath iron teeth very great, it hath consumed, yea, it doth break small, and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled; and it [is] diverse from all the beasts that [are] before it; and it hath ten horns.

ylt@Daniel:7:13 @'I was seeing in the visions of the night, and lo, with the clouds of the heavens as a son of man was [one] coming, and unto the Ancient of Days he hath come, and before Him they have brought him near.

ylt@Daniel:7:19 @'Then I wished for certainty concerning the fourth beast, that was diverse from them all, fearful exceedingly; its teeth of iron, and its nails of brass, it hath devoured, it doth break small, and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled;

ylt@Daniel:7:21 @'I was seeing, and this horn is making war with the saints, and hath prevailed over them,

ylt@Daniel:8:12 @And the host is given up, with the continual [sacrifice], through transgression, and it throweth down truth to the earth, and it hath worked, and prospered.

ylt@Daniel:8:18 @And in his speaking with me, I have been in a trance on my face, on the earth; and he cometh against me, and causeth me to stand on my station,

ylt@Daniel:8:25 @'And by his understanding he hath also caused deceit to prosper in his hand, and in his heart he exerteth himself, and by ease he destroyeth many; and against the prince of princes he standeth -- and without hand he is broken.

ylt@Daniel:9:3 @and I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek [by] prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.

ylt@Daniel:9:22 @And he giveth understanding, and speaketh with me, and saith, 'O Daniel, now I have come forth to cause thee to consider understanding wisely;

ylt@Daniel:9:26 @And after the sixty and two weeks, cut off is Messiah, and the city and the holy place are not his, the Leader who hath come doth destroy the people; and its end [is] with a flood, and till the end [is] war, determined [are] desolations.

ylt@Daniel:9:27 @And he hath strengthened a covenant with many -- one week, and [in] the midst of the week he causeth sacrifice and present to cease, and by the wing of abominations he is making desolate, even till the consummation, and that which is determined is poured on the desolate one.'

ylt@Daniel:10:5 @and I lift up mine eyes, and look, and lo, a certain one clothed in linen, and his loins girt with pure gold of Uphaz,

ylt@Daniel:10:7 @'And I have seen -- I, Daniel, by myself -- the appearance: and the men who have been with me have not seen the appearance, but a great trembling hath fallen on them, and they flee to be hidden;

ylt@Daniel:10:11 @'And he saith unto me: Daniel, man greatly desired, attend to the words that I am speaking unto thee, and stand on thy station, for now I have been sent unto thee. 'And when he speaketh with me this word, I have stood trembling.

ylt@Daniel:10:15 @'And when he speaketh with me about these things, I have set my face toward the earth, and have been silent;

ylt@Daniel:10:17 @And how is the servant of this my lord able to speak with this my lord? as for me, henceforth there remaineth in me no power, yea, breath hath not been left in me.

ylt@Daniel:10:19 @and he saith: Do not fear, O man greatly desired, peace to thee, be strong, yea, be strong; and when he speaketh with me, I have strengthened myself, and I say, Let my lord speak, for thou hast strengthened me.

ylt@Daniel:10:20 @And he saith, Hast thou known why I have come unto thee? and now I turn back to fight with the head of Persia; yea, I am going forth, and lo, the head of Javan hath come;

ylt@Daniel:10:21 @but I declare to thee that which is noted down in the Writing of Truth, and there is not one strengthening himself with me, concerning these, except Michael your head.

ylt@Daniel:11:2 @and, now, truth I declare to thee, Lo, yet three kings are standing for Persia, and the fourth doth become far richer than all, and according to his strength by his riches he stirreth up the whole, with the kingdom of Javan.

ylt@Daniel:11:8 @and also their gods, with their princes, with their desirable vessels of silver and gold, into captivity he bringeth [into] Egypt; and he doth stand more years than the king of the north.

ylt@Daniel:11:11 @And the king of the south doth become embittered, and hath gone forth and fought with him, with the king of the north, and hath caused a great multitude to stand, and the multitude hath been given into his hand,

ylt@Daniel:11:13 @'And the king of the north hath turned back, and hath caused a multitude to stand, greater than the first, and at the end of the times a second time he doth certainly come in with a great force, and with much substance;

ylt@Daniel:11:17 @And he setteth his face to go in with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; and he hath wrought, and the daughter of women he giveth to him, to corrupt her; and she doth not stand, nor is for him.

ylt@Daniel:11:18 @'And he turneth back his face to the isles, and hath captured many; and a prince hath caused his reproach of himself to cease; without his reproach he turneth [it] back to him.

ylt@Daniel:11:25 @'And he stirreth up his power and his heart against the king of the south with a great force, and the king of the south stirreth himself up to battle with a very great and mighty force, and standeth not, for they devise devices against him,

ylt@Daniel:11:28 @And he turneth back [to] his land with great substance, and his heart [is] against the holy covenant, and he hath wrought, and turned back to his land.

ylt@Daniel:11:34 @And in their stumbling, they are helped -- a little help, and joined to them have been many with flatteries.

ylt@Daniel:11:38 @And to the god of strongholds, on his station, he giveth honour; yea, to a god whom his fathers knew not he giveth honour, with gold, and with silver, and with precious stone, and with desirable things.

ylt@Daniel:11:39 @And he hath dealt in the fortresses of the strongholds with a strange god whom he hath acknowledged; he multiplieth honour, and hath caused them to rule over many, and the ground he apportioneth at a price.

ylt@Daniel:11:40 @'And at the time of the end, push himself forward with him doth a king of the south, and storm against him doth a king of the north, with chariot, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he hath come in to the lands, and hath overflowed, and passed over,

ylt@Hosea:2:2 @Plead ye with your mother -- plead, (For she [is] not My wife, and I [am] not her husband,) And she turneth her whoredoms from before her, And her adulteries from between her breasts,

ylt@Hosea:2:3 @Lest I strip her naked. And have set her up as [in] the day of her birth, And have made her as a wilderness, And have set her as a dry land, And have put her to death with thirst.

ylt@Hosea:2:6 @Therefore, lo, I am hedging up thy way with thorns, And I have made for her a wall, And her paths she doth not find.

ylt@Hosea:2:18 @And I have made to them a covenant in that day, with the beast of the field, And with the fowl of the heavens, And the creeping thing of the ground, And bow, and sword, and war I break from off the land, And have caused them to lie down confidently.

ylt@Hosea:3:4 @For many days remain do the sons of Israel without a king, and there is no prince, and there is no sacrifice, and there is no standing pillar, and there is no ephod and teraphim.

ylt@Hosea:4:1 @'Hear a word of Jehovah, sons of Israel, For a strife [is] to Jehovah with inhabitants of the land, For there is no truth, nor kindness, Nor knowledge of God, in the land,

ylt@Hosea:4:3 @Therefore mourn doth the land, And weak is every dweller in it, With the beast of the field, And with the fowl of the heavens, And the fishes of the sea -- they are removed.

ylt@Hosea:4:4 @Only, let no one strive, nor reprove a man, And thy people [are] as those striving with a priest.

ylt@Hosea:4:5 @And thou hast stumbled in the day, And stumbled hath also a prophet with thee in the night, And I have cut off thy mother.

ylt@Hosea:4:14 @Therefore commit whoredom do your daughters, And your spouses commit adultery, I do not see after your daughters when they commit whoredom, And after your spouses when they commit adultery, For they with the harlots are separated, And with the whores they do sacrifice, A people that doth not understand kicketh.

ylt@Hosea:4:19 @Distressed her hath wind with its wings, And they are ashamed of their sacrifices!

ylt@Hosea:5:5 @And humbled hath been the excellency of Israel to his face, And Israel and Ephraim stumble by their iniquity, Stumbled also hath Judah with them.

ylt@Hosea:5:6 @With their flock and with their herd, They go to seek Jehovah, and do not find, He hath withdrawn from them.

ylt@Hosea:5:7 @Against Jehovah they dealt treacherously, For strange sons they have begotten, Now consume them doth a month [with] their portions.

ylt@Hosea:7:3 @With their wickedness they make glad a king, And with their lies -- princes.

ylt@Hosea:7:5 @A day of our king! Princes have polluted themselves [with] the poison of wine, He hath drawn out his hand with scorners.

ylt@Hosea:7:11 @And Ephraim is as a simple dove without heart, Egypt they called on -- [to] Asshur they have gone.

ylt@Hosea:7:14 @And have not cried unto Me with their heart, but howl on their beds, For corn and new wine they assemble themselves, They turn aside against Me.

ylt@Hosea:9:11 @Ephraim [is] as a fowl, Fly away doth their honour, without birth, And without womb, and without conception.

ylt@Hosea:9:12 @For though they nourish their sons, I have made them childless -- without man, Surely also, wo to them, when I turn aside from them.

ylt@Hosea:11:4 @With cords of man I do draw them, With thick cords of love, And I am to them as a raiser up of a yoke on their jaws, And I incline unto him -- I feed [him].

ylt@Hosea:11:12 @Compassed Me with feigning hath Ephraim, And with deceit the house of Israel. And Judah again is ruling with God, And with the Holy Ones [is] faithful!

ylt@Hosea:12:1 @Ephraim is enjoying wind, And is pursuing an east wind, All the day lying and spoiling he multiplieth, And a covenant with Asshur they make, And oil to Egypt is carried.

ylt@Hosea:12:2 @And a controversy hath Jehovah with Judah, To lay a charge on Jacob according to his ways, According to his doings He returneth to him.

ylt@Hosea:12:3 @In the womb he took his brother by the heel, And by his strength he was a prince with God,

ylt@Hosea:12:4 @Yea, he is a prince unto the Messenger, And he overcometh [by] weeping, And he maketh supplication to Him, At Bethel He doth find him, And there He doth speak with us,

ylt@Hosea:14:2 @Take with you words, and turn to Jehovah, Say ye unto Him: 'Take away all iniquity, and give good, And we do render the fruit of our lips.

ylt@Hosea:14:8 @O Ephraim, what to Me any more with idols? I -- I afflicted, and I cause him to sing: 'I [am] as a green fir-tree,' From Me is thy fruit found.

ylt@Joel:1:8 @Wail, as a virgin girdeth with sackcloth, For the husband of her youth.

ylt@Joel:1:12 @The vine hath been dried up, And the fig-tree doth languish, Pomegranate, also palm, and apple-tree, All trees of the field have withered, For dried up hath been joy from the sons of men.

ylt@Joel:1:13 @Gird, and lament, ye priests, Howl, ye ministrants of the altar, Come in, lodge in sackcloth, ministrants of my God, For withheld from the house of your God hath been present and libation.

ylt@Joel:1:17 @Rotted have scattered things under their clods, Desolated have been storehouses, Broken down have been granaries, For withered hath the corn.

ylt@Joel:2:12 @And also now -- an affirmation of Jehovah, Turn ye back unto Me with all your heart, And with fasting, and with weeping, And with lamentation.

ylt@Joel:2:19 @Let Jehovah answer and say to His people, 'Lo, I am sending to you the corn, And the new wine, and the oil, And ye have been satisfied with it, And I make you no more a reproach among nations,

ylt@Joel:2:20 @And the northern I put far off from you, And have driven him unto a land dry and desolate, With his face unto the eastern sea, And his rear unto the western sea, And come up hath his stink, And come up doth his stench, For he hath exerted himself to work.

ylt@Joel:2:24 @And full have been the floors [with] pure corn, And overflown have the presses [with] new wine and oil.

ylt@Joel:2:26 @And ye have eaten, eating and being satisfied, And have praised the name of Jehovah your God, Who hath dealt with you wonderfully, And not ashamed are My people to the age.

ylt@Joel:3:2 @Then I have gathered all the nations, And caused them to go down unto the valley of Jehoshaphat, And I have been judged with them there, Concerning My people and Mine inheritance -- Israel, Whom they scattered among nations, And My land they have apportioned.

ylt@Joel:3:18 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, Drop down do the mountains juice, And the hills do flow [with] milk, And all streams of Judah do go [with] water, And a fountain from the house of Jehovah goeth forth, And hath watered the valley of Shittim.

ylt@Amos:1:2 @and he saith: Jehovah from Zion doth roar, And from Jerusalem giveth forth His voice, And mourned have pastures of the shepherds, And withered hath the top of Carmel!

ylt@Amos:1:3 @And thus said Jehovah: For three transgressions of Damascus, And for four, I do not reverse it, Because of their threshing Gilead with sharp-pointed irons,

ylt@Amos:1:11 @Thus said Jehovah: For three transgressions of Edom, And for four, I do not reverse it, Because of his pursuing with a sword his brother, And he hath destroyed his mercies, And tear perpetually doth his anger, And his wrath -- he hath kept it for ever,

ylt@Amos:1:14 @And I have kindled a fire against the wall of Rabbah, And it hath consumed her palaces, With a shout in a day of battle, With a whirlwind in a day of hurricane,

ylt@Amos:2:2 @And I have sent a fire against Moab, And it hath consumed the palaces of Kerioth, And dying with noise is Moab, With shouting, with voice of a trumpet.

ylt@Amos:2:3 @And I have cut off a judge from her midst, And all its heads I slay with him, said Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:2:15 @And the handler of the bow standeth not, And the swift with his feet delivereth not [himself], And the rider of the horse delivereth not his soul.

ylt@Amos:3:9 @Sound ye unto palaces in Ashdod, And to palaces in the land of Egypt, and say: Be ye gathered on mountains of Samaria, And see many troubles within her, And oppressed ones in her midst.

ylt@Amos:3:15 @And I have smitten the winter-house with the summer-house, And perished have houses of ivory, And consumed have been many houses, An affirmation of Jehovah!

ylt@Amos:4:2 @Sworn hath the Lord Jehovah by His holiness, That lo, days are coming upon you, And he hath taken you away with hooks, And your posterity with fish-hooks.

ylt@Amos:4:5 @And perfume with leaven a thank-offering, And proclaim willing gifts, sound ye! For so ye have loved, O sons of Israel, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:4:7 @And I also -- I have withheld from you the rain. While yet three months to harvest, And I have sent rain on one city, And on another city I do not send rain, One portion is rained on, And the portion on which it raineth not withereth.

ylt@Amos:4:9 @I have smitten you with blasting and with mildew, The abundance of your gardens and of your vineyards, And of your figs, and of your olives, Eat doth the palmer-worm, And ye have not turned back unto Me, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:4:10 @I have sent among you pestilence by the way of Egypt, I have slain by sword your choice ones, With your captive horses, And I cause the stink of your camps to come up -- even into your nostrils, And ye have not turned back unto Me, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:5:14 @Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live, And it is so; Jehovah, God of Hosts, [is] with you, as ye said.

ylt@Amos:6:6 @Who are drinking with bowls of wine, And [with] chief perfumes anoint [themselves], And have not been pained for the breach of Joseph.

ylt@Amos:6:10 @And lifted him up hath his loved one, even his burner, To bring forth the bones from the house, And he said to him who [is] in the sides of the house, 'Is there yet with thee?' And he said, 'None,' then he said, 'Hush! Save to make mention of the name of Jehovah.'

ylt@Amos:6:11 @For lo, Jehovah is commanding, And He hath smitten the great house [with] breaches, And the little house [with] clefts.

ylt@Amos:6:12 @Do horses run on a rock? Doth one plough [it] with oxen? For ye have turned to gall judgment, And the fruit of righteousness to wormwood.

ylt@Amos:7:9 @And desolated have been high places of Isaac, And sanctuaries of Israel are wasted, And I have risen against the house of Jeroboam with a sword.'

ylt@Amos:8:6 @To purchase with money the poor, And the needy for a pair of sandals, Yea, the refuse of the pure corn we sell.

ylt@Amos:8:13 @In that day faint do the fair virgins, And the young men, with thirst.

ylt@Amos:9:1 @I have seen the Lord standing by the altar, and He saith: 'Smite the knob, and the thresholds shake, And cut them off by the head -- all of them, And their posterity with a sword I do slay, Not flee to them doth the fleer, Nor escape to them doth a fugitive.

ylt@Amos:9:9 @For lo, I am commanding, And I have shaken among all the nations the house of Israel, As [one] doth shake with a sieve, And there falleth not a grain [to] the earth.

ylt@Obadiah:1:19 @And they have possessed the south with the mount of Esau, And the low country with the Philistines, And they have possessed the field of Ephraim, And the field of Samaria, And Benjamin with Gilead.

ylt@Obadiah:1:20 @And the removed of this force of the sons of Israel, That [is with] the Canaanites unto Zarephat, And the removed of Jerusalem that [is] with the Sepharad, Possess the cities of the south.

ylt@Jonah:1:3 @And Jonah riseth to flee to Tarshish from the face of Jehovah, and goeth down [to] Joppa, and findeth a ship going [to] Tarshish, and he giveth its fare, and goeth down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the face of Jehovah.

ylt@Jonah:2:7 @In the feebleness within me of my soul Jehovah I have remembered, And come in unto Thee doth my prayer, Unto Thy holy temple.

ylt@Jonah:2:9 @And I -- with a voice of thanksgiving -- I sacrifice to Thee, That which I have vowed I complete, Salvation [is] of Jehovah.

ylt@Jonah:3:8 @and cover themselves [with] sackcloth let man and beast, and let them call unto God mightily, and let them turn back each from his evil way, and from the violence that [is] in their hands.

ylt@Jonah:4:6 @And Jehovah God appointeth a gourd, and causeth it to come up over Jonah, to be a shade over his head, to give deliverance to him from his affliction, and Jonah rejoiceth because of the gourd [with] great joy.

ylt@Micah:1:7 @And all her graven images are beaten down, And all her gifts are burnt with fire, And all her idols I make a desolation, For, from the hire of a harlot she gathered, and unto the hire of a harlot they return.

ylt@Micah:2:11 @If one is going [with] the wind, And [with] falsehood hath lied: 'I prophesy to thee of wine, and of strong drink,' He hath been the prophet of this people!

ylt@Micah:3:5 @Thus said Jehovah concerning the prophets Who are causing My people to err, Who are biting with their teeth, And have cried 'Peace,' And he who doth not give unto their mouth, They have sanctified against him war.

ylt@Micah:3:6 @Therefore a night ye have without vision, And darkness ye have without divination, And gone in hath the sun on the prophets, And black over them hath been the day.

ylt@Micah:3:10 @Building up Zion with blood, And Jerusalem with iniquity.

ylt@Micah:5:1 @Now gather thyself together, O daughter of troops, A siege he hath laid against us, With a rod they smite on the cheek the judge of Israel.

ylt@Micah:5:6 @And they have afflicted the land of Asshur with the sword, And the land of Nimrod at its openings, And he hath delivered from Asshur when he doth come into our land, And when he treadeth in our borders.

ylt@Micah:5:15 @And I have done vengeance in anger and in fury, With the nations who have not hearkened!

ylt@Micah:6:1 @Hear, I pray you, that which Jehovah is saying: 'Rise -- strive thou with the mountains, And cause thou the hills to hear thy voice.'

ylt@Micah:6:2 @Hear, O mountains, the strife of Jehovah, Ye strong ones -- foundations of earth! For a strife [is] to Jehovah, with His people, And with Israel He doth reason.

ylt@Micah:6:6 @With what do I come before Jehovah? Do I bow to God Most High? Do I come before Him with burnt-offerings? With calves -- sons of a year?

ylt@Micah:6:7 @Is Jehovah pleased with thousands of rams? With myriads of streams of oil? Do I give my first-born [for] my transgression? The fruit of my body [for] the sin of my soul?

ylt@Micah:6:8 @He hath declared to thee, O man, what [is] good; Yea, what is Jehovah requiring of thee, Except -- to do judgment, and love kindness, And lowly to walk with thy God?

ylt@Micah:6:11 @Do I reckon [it] pure with balances of wickedness? And with a bag of deceitful stones?

ylt@Micah:7:2 @Perished hath the kind out of the land, And upright among men -- there are none, All of them for blood lie in wait, Each his brother they hunt [with] a net.

ylt@Micah:7:14 @Rule Thou Thy people with Thy rod, The flock of Thine inheritance, Dwelling alone [in] a forest in the midst of Carmel, They enjoy Bashan and Gilead as in days of old.

ylt@Nahum:1:8 @And with a flood passing over, An end He maketh of its place, And His enemies doth darkness pursue.

ylt@Nahum:1:10 @For while princes [are] perplexed, And with their drink are drunken, They have been consumed as stubble fully dried.

ylt@Nahum:2:3 @The shield of his mighty ones is become red, Men of might [are in] scarlet, With fiery torches [is] the chariot in a day of his preparation, And the firs have been caused to tremble.

ylt@Nahum:2:12 @The lion is tearing parts [for] his whelps, And is strangling for his lionesses, And he doth fill [with] prey his holes, And his habitations [with] rapine.

ylt@Nahum:3:1 @Wo [to] the city of blood, She is all with lies -- burglary -- full, Prey doth not depart.

ylt@Nahum:3:12 @All thy fortresses [are] fig-trees with first-fruits, If they are shaken, They have fallen into the mouth of the eater.

ylt@Habakkuk:1:15 @Each of them with a hook he hath brought up, He doth catch it in his net, and gathereth it in his drag, Therefore he doth joy and rejoice.

ylt@Habakkuk:2:4 @Lo, a presumptuous one! Not upright is his soul within him, And the righteous by his stedfastness liveth.

ylt@Habakkuk:2:16 @Thou hast been filled -- shame without honour, Drink thou also, and be uncircumcised, Turn round unto thee doth the cup of the right hand of Jehovah, And shameful spewing [is] on thine honour.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:9 @Utterly naked Thou dost make Thy bow, Sworn are the tribes -- saying, 'Pause!' [With] rivers Thou dost cleave the earth.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:13 @Thou hast gone forth for the salvation of Thy people, For salvation with Thine anointed, Thou hast smitten the head of the house of the wicked, Laying bare the foundation unto the neck. Pause!

ylt@Habakkuk:3:14 @Thou hast pierced with his staves the head of his leaders, They are tempestuous to scatter me, Their exultation [is] as to consume the poor in secret.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:15 @Thou hast proceeded through the sea with Thy horses -- the clay of many waters.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:19 @Jehovah the Lord [is] my strength, And He doth make my feet like hinds, And on my high-places causeth me to tread. To the overseer with my stringed instruments!

ylt@Zephaniah:1:4 @And stretched out My hand against Judah, And against all inhabiting Jerusalem, And cut off from this place the remnant of Baal, The name of the idolatrous priests, with the priests,

ylt@Zephaniah:1:9 @And I have laid a charge on every one Who is leaping over the threshold in that day, Who are filling the house of their masters [With] violence and deceit.

ylt@Zephaniah:1:12 @And it hath come to pass, at that time, I search Jerusalem with lights, And I have laid a charge on the men Who are hardened on their preserved things, Who are saying in their heart: Jehovah doth no good, nor doth He evil.

ylt@Zephaniah:2:5 @Ho! O inhabitants of the sea-coast, Nation of the Cherethites, A word of Jehovah [is] against you, Canaan, land of the Philistines, And I have destroyed thee without an inhabitant.

ylt@Zephaniah:2:8 @I have heard the reproach of Moab, And the revilings of the sons of Ammon, Wherewith they reproached My people, And magnify [themselves] against their border.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:6 @I have cut off nations, Desolated have been their chief ones, I have laid waste their out-places without any passing by, Destroyed have been their cities, Without man, without inhabitant.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:9 @For then do I turn unto peoples a pure lip, To call all of them by the name of Jehovah, To serve Him [with] one shoulder.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:11 @In that day thou art not ashamed because of any of thine actions, Wherewith thou hast transgressed against Me, For then do I turn aside from thy midst The exulting ones of thine excellency, And thou dost add no more to be haughty, In My holy mountain.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:14 @Cry aloud, O daughter of Zion, shout, O Israel, Rejoice and exult with the whole heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.

ylt@Zephaniah:3:17 @Jehovah thy God [is] in thy midst, A mighty one doth save, He rejoiceth over thee with joy, He doth work in His love, He joyeth over thee with singing.'

ylt@Zephaniah:3:19 @Lo, I am dealing with all afflicting thee at that time, And I have saved the halting one, And the driven out ones I do gather, And have set them for a praise and for a name, In all the land of their shame.

ylt@Haggai:1:8 @Go up the mountain, and ye have brought in wood, And build the house, and I am pleased with it. And I am honoured, said Jehovah.

ylt@Haggai:1:13 @And Haggai, messenger of Jehovah, in messages of Jehovah, speaketh to the people, saying: 'I [am] with you, an affirmation of Jehovah.'

ylt@Haggai:2:3 @Who among you hath been left that saw this house in its former honour? And what are ye seeing it now? Is it not, compared with it, as nothing in your eyes?

ylt@Haggai:2:4 @And now, be strong, O Zerubbabel, An affirmation of Jehovah, And be strong, O Joshua, son of Josedech, the high priest, And be strong, all ye people of the land, An affirmation of Jehovah, And do ye -- (for I [am] with you, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts) --

ylt@Haggai:2:5 @The thing that I covenanted with you, In your coming forth from Egypt, And My Spirit is remaining in your midst, fear not.

ylt@Haggai:2:7 @And I have shaken all the nations, And they have come [to] the desire of all the nations, And I have filled this house [with] honour, Said Jehovah of Hosts.

ylt@Haggai:2:12 @Lo, one doth carry holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and he hath come with his skirt against the bread, or against the pottage, or against the wine, or against the oil, or against any food -- is it holy?' And the priests answer and say, 'No.'

ylt@Haggai:2:17 @I have smitten you with blasting, And with mildew, and with hail -- All the work of your hands, And there is none of you with Me, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Zechariah:1:9 @And I say, 'What [are] these, my lord?' And the messenger who is speaking with me saith unto me, 'I -- I do shew thee what these [are].'

ylt@Zechariah:1:13 @And Jehovah answereth the messenger, who is speaking with me, good words, comfortable words.

ylt@Zechariah:1:14 @And the messenger who is speaking with me, saith unto me, 'Call, saying: Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: I have been zealous for Jerusalem, and for Zion [with] great zeal.

ylt@Zechariah:1:15 @And [with] great wrath I am wroth against the nations who are at ease, For I was a little wroth, and they assisted -- for evil.

ylt@Zechariah:1:16 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: I have turned to Jerusalem with mercies, My house is built in it, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, And a line is stretched over Jerusalem.

ylt@Zechariah:1:19 @And I say unto the messenger who is speaking with me, 'What [are] these?' And he saith unto me, 'These [are] the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem.'

ylt@Zechariah:2:3 @And lo, the messenger who is speaking with me is going out, and another messenger is going out to meet him,

ylt@Zechariah:2:7 @Ho, Zion, be delivered who art dwelling [with] the daughter of Babylon.

ylt@Zechariah:3:3 @And Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and is standing before the messenger.

ylt@Zechariah:3:4 @And he answereth and speaketh unto those standing before him, saying: 'Turn aside the filthy garments from off him.' And he saith unto him, 'See, I have caused thine iniquity to pass away from off thee, so as to clothe thee with costly apparel.'

ylt@Zechariah:3:5 @He also said, 'Let them set a pure diadem on his head. And they set the pure diadem on his head, and clothe him with garments. And the messenger of Jehovah is standing,

ylt@Zechariah:4:1 @And the messenger who is speaking with me doth turn back, and stir me up as one who is stirred up out of his sleep,

ylt@Zechariah:4:4 @And I answer and speak unto the messenger who is speaking with me, saying, 'What [are] these, my lord?'

ylt@Zechariah:4:5 @And the messenger who is speaking with me answereth and saith unto me, 'Hast thou not known what these [are]?' And I say, 'No, my lord.'

ylt@Zechariah:5:5 @And the messenger who is speaking with me goeth forth, and saith unto me, 'Lift up, I pray thee, thine eyes, and see what [is] this that is coming forth?'

ylt@Zechariah:5:10 @And I say unto the messenger who is speaking with me, 'Whither [are] they causing the ephah to go?'

ylt@Zechariah:6:4 @And I answer and say unto the messenger who is speaking with me, 'What [are] these, my lord?'

ylt@Zechariah:7:6 @When ye fasted with mourning in the fifth and in the seventh [months] -- even these seventy years -- did ye keep the fast [to] Me -- Me? And when ye eat, and when ye drink, is it not ye who are eating, and ye who are drinking?

ylt@Zechariah:7:9 @'Thus spake Jehovah of Hosts, saying: True judgment judge ye, And kindness and mercy do one with another.

ylt@Zechariah:8:2 @'Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: I have been zealous for Zion with great zeal, With great heat I have been zealous for her.

ylt@Zechariah:8:15 @So I have turned back, I have purposed, in these days, To do good with Jerusalem, And with the house of Judah -- fear not!

ylt@Zechariah:8:16 @These [are] the things that ye do: Speak ye truth each with his neighbour, Truth and peaceful judgment judge in your gates,

ylt@Zechariah:8:23 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: In those days take hold do ten men of all languages of the nations, Yea, they have taken hold on the skirt of a man, a Jew, saying: We go with you, for we heard God [is] with you!

ylt@Zechariah:9:4 @Lo, the Lord doth dispossess her, And He hath smitten in the sea her force, And she with fire is consumed.

ylt@Zechariah:9:8 @And I have pitched for My house a camp, Because of the passer through, and of the returner, And pass not through against them again doth an exactor, For, now, I have seen with My eyes.

ylt@Zechariah:9:13 @For I have trodden for Me Judah, A bow I have filled [with] Ephraim, And I have stirred up thy sons, O Zion, Against thy sons, O Javan, And I have set thee as the sword of a hero.

ylt@Zechariah:9:14 @And Jehovah doth appear for them, And gone forth as lightning hath His arrow, And the Lord Jehovah with a trumpet bloweth, And He hath gone with whirlwinds of the south.

ylt@Zechariah:10:2 @Because the teraphim did speak iniquity, And the diviners have seen a falsehood, And dreams of the vanity they speak, [With] vanity they give comfort, Therefore they have journeyed as a flock, They are afflicted, for there is no shepherd.

ylt@Zechariah:10:5 @And they have been as heroes, Treading in mire of out-places in battle, And they have fought, for Jehovah [is] with them, And have put to shame riders of horses.

ylt@Zechariah:10:9 @And I sow them among peoples, And in far-off places they remember Me, And they have lived with their sons, And they have turned back.

ylt@Zechariah:11:8 @And I cut off the three shepherds in one month, and my soul is grieved with them, and also their soul hath abhorred me.

ylt@Zechariah:11:10 @And I take My staff Pleasantness, and cut it asunder, to make void My covenant that I had made with all the peoples:

ylt@Zechariah:12:4 @In that day -- an affirmation of Jehovah, I do smite every horse with astonishment, And its rider with madness, And on the house of Judah I open My eyes, And every horse of the peoples I smite with blindness.

ylt@Zechariah:14:2 @And I have gathered all the nations unto Jerusalem to battle, And captured hath been the city, And spoiled have been the houses, And the women are lain with, Gone forth hath half the city in a removal, And the remnant of the people are not cut off from the city.

ylt@Zechariah:14:5 @And ye have fled [to] the valley of My mountains, For join doth the valley of the mountains to Azal, And ye have fled as ye fled before the shaking, In the days of Uzziah king of Judah, And come in hath Jehovah my God, All holy ones [are] with Thee.

ylt@Zechariah:14:12 @And this is the plague with which Jehovah Doth plague all the peoples who have warred against Jerusalem, He hath consumed away its flesh, And it is standing on its feet, And its eyes are consumed in their holes, And its tongue is consumed in their mouth.

ylt@Zechariah:14:14 @And also Judah is fought with in Jerusalem, And gathered hath been the force of all the nations round about, Gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.

ylt@Zechariah:14:18 @And if the family of Egypt go not up, nor come in, Then not on them is the plague With which Jehovah doth plague the nations That go not up to celebrate the feast of booths.

ylt@Malachi:2:3 @Lo, I am pushing away before you the seed, And have scattered dung before your faces, Dung of your festivals, And it hath taken you away with it.

ylt@Malachi:2:4 @And ye have known that I have sent unto you this charge, For My covenant being with Levi, Said Jehovah of Hosts.

ylt@Malachi:2:5 @My covenant hath been with him of life and of peace, And I make them to him a fear, and he doth fear Me, And because of My name he hath been affrighted.

ylt@Malachi:2:6 @The law of truth hath been in his mouth, And perverseness hath not been found in his lips, In peace and in uprightness he walked with Me, And many he brought back from iniquity.

ylt@Malachi:2:13 @And this a second time ye do, Covering with tears the altar of Jehovah, With weeping and groaning, Because there is no more turning unto the present, Or receiving of a pleasing thing from your hand.

ylt@Malachi:2:15 @And He did not make one [only], And He hath the remnant of the Spirit. And what [is] the one [alone]! He is seeking a godly seed. And ye have been watchful over your spirit, And with the wife of thy youth, None doth deal treacherously.

ylt@Malachi:2:16 @For [I] hate sending away, said Jehovah, God of Israel, And He [who] hath covered violence with his clothing, said Jehovah of Hosts, And ye have been watchful over your spirit, And ye do not deal treacherously.

ylt@Malachi:2:17 @Ye have wearied Jehovah with your words, And ye have said: 'In what have we wearied Him?' In your saying: 'Every evil-doer [is] good in the eyes of Jehovah, And in them He is delighting,' Or, 'Where [is] the God of judgment?'

ylt@Malachi:3:9 @With a curse ye are cursed! And Me ye are deceiving -- this nation -- all of it.

ylt@Malachi:3:10 @Bring in all the tithe unto the treasure-house, And there is food in My house; When ye have tried Me, now, with this, Said Jehovah of Hosts, Do not I open to you the windows of heaven? Yea, I have emptied on you a blessing till there is no space.