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ylt@Genesis:1:11 @And God saith, 'Let the earth yield tender grass, herb sowing seed, fruit-tree (whose seed [is] in itself) making fruit after its kind, on the earth:' and it is so.

ylt@Genesis:1:12 @And the earth bringeth forth tender grass, herb sowing seed after its kind, and tree making fruit (whose seed [is] in itself) after its kind; and God seeth that [it is] good;

ylt@Genesis:1:21 @And God prepareth the great monsters, and every living creature that is creeping, which the waters have teemed with, after their kind, and every fowl with wing, after its kind, and God seeth that [it is] good.

ylt@Genesis:1:24 @And God saith, 'Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind, cattle and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after its kind:' and it is so.

ylt@Genesis:1:25 @And God maketh the beast of the earth after its kind, and the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, and God seeth that [it is] good.

ylt@Genesis:2:19 @And Jehovah God formeth from the ground every beast of the field, and every fowl of the heavens, and bringeth in unto the man, to see what he doth call it; and whatever the man calleth a living creature, that [is] its name.

ylt@Genesis:2:21 @And Jehovah God causeth a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he sleepeth, and He taketh one of his ribs, and closeth up flesh in its stead.

ylt@Genesis:3:6 @And the woman seeth that the tree [is] good for food, and that it [is] pleasant to the eyes, and the tree is desirable to make [one] wise, and she taketh of its fruit and eateth, and giveth also to her husband with her, and he doth eat;

ylt@Genesis:3:24 @yea, he casteth out the man, and causeth to dwell at the east of the garden of Eden the cherubs and the flame of the sword which is turning itself round to guard the way of the tree of life.

ylt@Genesis:4:7 @Is there not, if thou dost well, acceptance? and if thou dost not well, at the opening a sin-offering is crouching, and unto thee its desire, and thou rulest over it.'

ylt@Genesis:4:12 @when thou tillest the ground, it doth not add to give its strength to thee -- a wanderer, even a trembling one, thou art in the earth.'

ylt@Genesis:6:12 @And God seeth the earth, and lo, it hath been corrupted, for all flesh hath corrupted its way on the earth.

ylt@Genesis:6:15 @and this [is] that which thou dost with it: three hundred cubits [is] the length of the ark, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height;

ylt@Genesis:6:16 @a window dost thou make for the ark, and unto a cubit thou dost restrain it from above; and the opening of the ark thou dost put in its side, -- lower, second, and third [stories] dost thou make it.

ylt@Genesis:6:20 @Of the fowl after its kind, and of the cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every [sort] they come in unto thee, to keep alive.

ylt@Genesis:7:2 @of all the clean beasts thou dost take to thee seven pairs, a male and its female; and of the beasts which are not clean two, a male and its female;

ylt@Genesis:7:14 @they, and every living creature after its kind, and every beast after its kind, and every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth after its kind, and every fowl after its kind, every bird -- every wing.

ylt@Genesis:7:20 @fifteen cubits upwards have the waters become mighty, and the mountains are covered;

ylt@Genesis:9:4 @only flesh in its life -- its blood -- ye do not eat.

ylt@Genesis:11:4 @And they say, 'Give help, let us build for ourselves a city and tower, and its head in the heavens, and make for ourselves a name, lest we be scattered over the face of all the earth.'

ylt@Genesis:11:9 @therefore hath [one] called its name Babel, for there hath Jehovah mingled the pronunciation of all the earth, and from thence hath Jehovah scattered them over the face of all the earth.

ylt@Genesis:13:17 @rise, go up and down through the land, to its length, and to its breadth, for to thee I give it.'

ylt@Genesis:14:10 @And the valley of Siddim [is] full of bitumen-pits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah flee, and fall there, and those left have fled to the mountain.

ylt@Genesis:15:10 @and he taketh to him all these, and separateth them in the midst, and putteth each piece over against its fellow, but the bird he hath not divided;

ylt@Genesis:18:21 @I go down now, and see whether according to its cry which is coming unto Me they have done completely -- and if not -- I know;'

ylt@Genesis:18:24 @peradventure there are fifty righteous in the midst of the city; dost Thou also consume, and not bear with the place for the sake of the fifty -- the righteous who [are] in its midst?

ylt@Genesis:22:13 @And Abraham lifteth up his eyes, and looketh, and lo, a ram behind, seized in a thicket by its horns; and Abraham goeth, and taketh the ram, and causeth it to ascend for a burnt-offering instead of his son;

ylt@Genesis:23:17 @And established are the field of Ephron, which [is] in Machpelah, which [is] before Mamre, the field and the cave which [is] in it, and all the trees which [are] in the field, which [are] in all its border round about,

ylt@Genesis:26:21 @and they dig another well, and they strive also for it, and he calleth its name 'Hatred.'

ylt@Genesis:26:22 @And he removeth from thence, and diggeth another well, and they have not striven for it, and he calleth its name Enlargements, and saith, 'For -- now hath Jehovah given enlargement to us, and we have been fruitful in the land.'

ylt@Genesis:28:12 @And he dreameth, and lo, a ladder set up on the earth, and its head is touching the heavens; and lo, messengers of God are going up and coming down by it;

ylt@Genesis:28:18 @And Jacob riseth early in the morning, and taketh the stone which he hath made his pillows, and maketh it a standing pillar, and poureth oil upon its top,

ylt@Genesis:29:3 @(When thither have all the droves been gathered, and they have rolled the stone from off the mouth of the well, and have watered the flock, then they have turned back the stone on the mouth of the well to its place.)

ylt@Genesis:31:48 @And Laban saith, 'This heap [is] witness between me and thee to-day;' therefore hath he called its name Galeed;

ylt@Genesis:32:16 @and he giveth into the hand of his servants, every drove by itself, and saith unto his servants, 'Pass over before me, and a space ye do put between drove and drove.'

ylt@Genesis:35:8 @And Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, dieth, and she is buried at the lower part of Bethel, under the oak, and he calleth its name 'Oak of weeping.'

ylt@Genesis:37:20 @and now, come, and we slay him, and cast him into one of the pits, and have said, An evil beast hath devoured him; and we see what his dreams are.'

ylt@Genesis:40:10 @and in the vine [are] three branches, and it [is] as it were flourishing; gone up hath its blossom, its clusters have ripened grapes;

ylt@Genesis:40:12 @And Joseph saith to him, 'This [is] its interpretation: the three branches are three days;

ylt@Genesis:40:18 @And Joseph answereth and saith, 'This [is] its interpretation: the three baskets are three days;

ylt@Genesis:41:8 @And it cometh to pass in the morning, that his spirit is moved, and he sendeth and calleth all the scribes of Egypt, and all its wise men, and Pharaoh recounteth to them his dream, and there is no interpreter of them to Pharaoh.

ylt@Genesis:41:48 @And he gathereth all the food of the seven years which have been in the land of Egypt, and putteth food in the cities; the food of the field which [is] round about [each] city hath he put in its midst;

ylt@Genesis:43:21 @and it cometh to pass, when we have come in unto the lodging-place, and open our bags, that lo, each one's money [is] in the mouth of his bag, our money in its weight, and we bring it back in our hand;

ylt@Genesis:47:21 @as to the people he hath removed them to cities from the [one] end of the border of Egypt even unto its [other] end.

ylt@Genesis:49:17 @Dan is a serpent by the way, An adder by the path, Which is biting the horse's heels, And its rider falleth backward.

ylt@Genesis:50:11 @and the inhabitant of the land, the Canaanite, see the mourning in the threshing-floor of Atad, and say, 'A grievous mourning [is] this to the Egyptians;' therefore hath [one] called its name 'The mourning of the Egyptians,' which [is] beyond the Jordan.

ylt@Exodus:3:7 @And Jehovah saith, 'I have certainly seen the affliction of My people who [are] in Egypt, and their cry I have heard, because of its exactors, for I have known its pains;

ylt@Exodus:3:20 @and I have put forth My hand, and have smitten Egypt with all My wonders, which I do in its midst -- and afterwards he doth send you away.

ylt@Exodus:4:3 @and He saith, 'Cast it to the earth;' and he casteth it to the earth, and it becometh a serpent -- and Moses fleeth from its presence.

ylt@Exodus:5:4 @And the king of Egypt saith unto them, 'Why, Moses and Aaron, do ye free the people from its works? go to your burdens.'

ylt@Exodus:5:6 @And Pharaoh commandeth, on that day, the exactors among the people and its authorities, saying,

ylt@Exodus:5:10 @And the exactors of the people, and its authorities, go out, and speak unto the people, saying, 'Thus said Pharaoh, I do not give you straw,

ylt@Exodus:5:13 @and the exactors are making haste, saying, 'Complete your works, the matter of a day in its day, as when there is straw.'

ylt@Exodus:5:19 @And the authorities of the sons of Israel see them in affliction, saying, 'Ye do not diminish from your bricks; the matter of a day in its day.'

ylt@Exodus:9:18 @lo, I am raining about [this] time to-morrow hail very grievous, such as hath not been in Egypt, even from the day of its being founded, even until now.

ylt@Exodus:9:24 @and there is hail, and fire catching itself in the midst of the hail, very grievous, such as hath not been in all the land of Egypt since it hath become a nation.

ylt@Exodus:11:7 @'And against all the sons of Israel a dog sharpeneth not its tongue, from man even unto beast, so that ye know that Jehovah doth make a separation between the Egyptians and Israel;

ylt@Exodus:12:9 @ye do not eat of it raw, or boiled at all in water, but roast with fire, its head with its legs, and with its inwards;

ylt@Exodus:12:34 @and the people taketh up its dough before it is fermented, their kneading-troughs [are] bound up in their garments on their shoulder.

ylt@Exodus:13:10 @and thou hast kept this statute at its appointed season from days to days.

ylt@Exodus:14:27 @And Moses stretcheth out his hand towards the sea, and the sea turneth back, at the turning of the morning, to its perennial flow, and the Egyptians are fleeing at its coming, and Jehovah shaketh off the Egyptians in the midst of the sea,

ylt@Exodus:15:1 @Then singeth Moses and the sons of Israel this song to Jehovah, and they speak, saying: -- 'I sing to Jehovah, For triumphing He hath triumphed; The horse and its rider He hath thrown into the sea.

ylt@Exodus:15:21 @and Miriam answereth to them: -- 'Sing ye to Jehovah, For Triumphing He hath triumphed; The horse and its rider He hath thrown into the sea!'

ylt@Exodus:15:23 @and they come in to Marah, and have not been able to drink the waters of Marah, for they [are] bitter; therefore hath [one] called its name Marah.

ylt@Exodus:16:4 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Lo, I am raining to you bread from the heavens -- and the people have gone out and gathered the matter of a day in its day -- so that I try them whether they walk in My law, or not;

ylt@Exodus:16:31 @and the house of Israel call its name Manna, and it [is] as coriander seed, white; and its taste [is] as a cake with honey.

ylt@Exodus:17:15 @and Moses buildeth an altar, and calleth its name Jehovah-Nissi,

ylt@Exodus:18:23 @If thou dost this thing, and God hath commanded thee, then thou hast been able to stand, and all this people also goeth in unto its place in peace.'

ylt@Exodus:19:12 @'And thou hast made a border [for] the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, going up into the mount, or coming against its extremity; whoever is coming against the mount is certainly put to death;

ylt@Exodus:19:18 @and mount Sinai [is] wholly a smoke from the presence of Jehovah, who hath come down on it in fire, and its smoke goeth up as smoke of the furnace, and the whole mount trembleth exceedingly;

ylt@Exodus:21:29 @and if the ox is [one] accustomed to gore heretofore, and it hath been testified to its owner, and he doth not watch it, and it hath put to death a man or woman, the ox is stoned, and its owner also is put to death.

ylt@Exodus:21:34 @the owner of the pit doth repay, money he doth give back to its owner, and the dead is his.

ylt@Exodus:21:35 @'And when a man's ox doth smite the ox of his neighbour, and it hath died, then they have sold the living ox, and halved its money, and also the dead one they do halve;

ylt@Exodus:21:36 @or, it hath been known that the ox is [one] accustomed to gore heretofore, and its owner doth not watch it, he certainly repayeth ox for ox, and the dead is his.

ylt@Exodus:22:11 @an oath of Jehovah is between them both, that he hath not put forth his hand against the work of his neighbour, and its owner hath accepted, and he doth not repay;

ylt@Exodus:22:12 @but if it is certainly stolen from him, he doth repay to its owner;

ylt@Exodus:22:14 @'And when a man doth ask [anything] from his neighbour, and it hath been hurt or hath died -- its owner not being with it -- he doth certainly repay;

ylt@Exodus:22:15 @if its owner [is] with it, he doth not repay, -- if it [is] a hired thing, it hath come for its hire.

ylt@Exodus:22:30 @so thou dost to thine ox, to thy sheep; seven days it is with its dam, on the eighth day thou dost give it to Me.

ylt@Exodus:23:5 @when thou seest the ass of him who is hating thee crouching under its burden, then thou hast ceased from leaving [it] to it -- thou dost certainly leave [it] with him.

ylt@Exodus:23:10 @'And six years thou dost sow thy land, and hast gathered its increase;

ylt@Exodus:23:16 @and the Feast of Harvest, the first fruits of thy works which thou sowest in the field; and the Feast of the In-Gathering, in the outgoing of the year, in thy gathering thy works out of the field.

ylt@Exodus:23:19 @the beginning of the first-fruits of thy ground thou dost bring into the house of Jehovah thy God; thou dost not boil a kid in its mother's milk.

ylt@Exodus:25:9 @according to all that which I am shewing thee, the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all its vessels, even so ye do make [it].

ylt@Exodus:25:10 @'And they have made an ark of shittim wood; two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height;

ylt@Exodus:25:12 @'And thou hast cast for it four rings of gold, and hast put [them] on its four feet, even two rings on its one side, and two rings on its second side;

ylt@Exodus:25:17 @'And thou hast made a mercy-seat of pure gold, two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth;

ylt@Exodus:25:19 @and make thou one cherub at the end on this side, and one cherub at the end on that; at the mercy-seat ye do make the cherubs on its two ends.

ylt@Exodus:25:23 @'And thou hast made a table of shittim wood, two cubits its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height,

ylt@Exodus:25:25 @and hast made for it a border of a handbreadth round about, and hast made a crown of gold to its border round about.

ylt@Exodus:25:26 @'And thou hast made to it four rings of gold, and hast put the rings on the four corners, which [are] to its four feet;

ylt@Exodus:25:29 @and thou hast made its dishes, and its bowls, and its covers, and its cups, with which they pour out; of pure gold thou dost make them;

ylt@Exodus:25:31 @'And thou hast made a candlestick of pure gold, of beaten work is the candlestick made; its base, and its branch, its calyxes, its knops, and its flowers are of the same;

ylt@Exodus:25:32 @and six branches are coming out of its sides, three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the second side;

ylt@Exodus:25:34 @'And in the candlestick [are] four calyxes made like almonds, its knops and its flowers;

ylt@Exodus:25:37 @and thou hast made its seven lamps, and [one] hath caused its lights to go up, and it hath given light over-against its front.

ylt@Exodus:25:38 @'And its snuffers and its snuff dishes [are] of pure gold;

ylt@Exodus:26:16 @ten cubits [is] the length of the board, and a cubit and a half the breadth of the one board;

ylt@Exodus:26:19 @and forty sockets of silver thou dost make under the twenty boards, two sockets under the one board for its two handles, and two sockets under the other board for its two handles.

ylt@Exodus:26:24 @And they are pairs beneath, and together they are pairs above its head unto the one ring; so is it for them both, they are for the two corners.

ylt@Exodus:26:30 @and thou hast raised up the tabernacle according to its fashion which thou hast been shewn in the mount.

ylt@Exodus:27:1 @'And thou hast made the altar of shittim wood, five cubits the length, and five cubits the breadth -- the altar is square -- and three cubits its height.

ylt@Exodus:27:2 @And thou hast made its horns on its four corners, its horns are of the same, and thou hast overlaid it [with] brass.

ylt@Exodus:27:3 @And thou hast made its pots to remove its ashes, and its shovels, and its bowls, and its forks, and its fire-pans, even all its vessels thou dost make of brass.

ylt@Exodus:27:4 @'And thou hast made for it a grate of net-work of brass, and hast made on the net four rings of brass on its four extremities,

ylt@Exodus:27:10 @and its twenty pillars and their twenty sockets [are] of brass, the pegs of the pillars and their fillets [are] of silver;

ylt@Exodus:27:11 @and so for the north side in length, hangings of a hundred [cubits] in length, and its twenty pillars and their twenty sockets [are] of brass, the pegs of the pillars and their fillets [are] of silver.

ylt@Exodus:27:12 @'And [for] the breadth of the court at the west side [are] hangings of fifty cubits, their pillars ten, and their sockets ten.

ylt@Exodus:27:13 @And [for] the breadth of the court at the east side, eastward, [are] fifty cubits.

ylt@Exodus:27:14 @And the hangings at the side [are] fifteen cubits, their pillars three, and their sockets three.

ylt@Exodus:27:15 @And at the second side [are] hangings fifteen [cubits], their pillars three, and their sockets three.

ylt@Exodus:27:16 @'And for the gate of the court a covering of twenty cubits, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen, work of an embroiderer; their pillars four, their sockets four.

ylt@Exodus:27:18 @'The length of the court [is] a hundred by the cubit, and the breadth fifty by fifty, and the height five cubits, of twined linen, and their sockets [are] brass,

ylt@Exodus:27:19 @even all the vessels of the tabernacle, in all its service, and all its pins, and all the pins of the court, [are] brass.

ylt@Exodus:28:7 @it hath two shoulders joining at its two ends, and it is joined.

ylt@Exodus:28:8 @'And the girdle of his ephod which [is] on him, according to its work, is of the same, of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen.

ylt@Exodus:28:16 @it is square, doubled, a span its length, and a span its breadth.

ylt@Exodus:28:25 @and the two ends of the two thick bands thou dost put on the two embroidered things, and thou hast put [them] on the shoulders of the ephod over-against its face.

ylt@Exodus:28:26 @'And thou hast made two rings of gold, and hast set them on the two ends of the breastplate, on its border, which [is] over-against the ephod within;

ylt@Exodus:28:27 @and thou hast made two rings of gold, and hast put them on the two shoulders of the ephod, beneath, over-against its front, over-against its joining, above the girdle of the ephod,

ylt@Exodus:28:28 @and they bind the breastplate by its rings unto the rings of the ephod with a ribbon of blue, to be above the girdle of the ephod, and the breastplate is not loosed from the ephod.

ylt@Exodus:28:32 @and the opening for its head hath been in its midst, a border is to its opening round about, work of a weaver, as the opening of a habergeon there is to it; it is not rent.

ylt@Exodus:28:33 @'And thou hast made on its hem pomegranates of blue, and purple, and scarlet, on its hem round about, and bells of gold in their midst round about;

ylt@Exodus:28:35 @'And it hath been on Aaron to minister in, and its sound hath been heard in his coming in unto the sanctuary before Jehovah, and in his going out, and he doth not die.

ylt@Exodus:29:16 @and thou hast slaughtered the ram, and hast taken its blood, and hast sprinkled [it] on the altar round about,

ylt@Exodus:29:17 @and the ram thou dost cut into its pieces, and hast washed its inwards, and its legs, and hast put [them] on its pieces, and on its head;

ylt@Exodus:29:20 @and thou hast slaughtered the ram, and hast taken of its blood, and hast put on the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and on the tip of the right ear of his sons, and on the thumb of their right hand, and on the great toe of their right foot, and hast sprinkled the blood on the altar round about;

ylt@Exodus:29:31 @'And the ram of the consecration thou dost take, and hast boiled its flesh in the holy place;

ylt@Exodus:29:41 @'And the second lamb thou dost prepare between the evenings; according to the present of the morning, and according to its libation, thou dost prepare for it, for sweet fragrance, a fire-offering, to Jehovah: --

ylt@Exodus:30:2 @a cubit its length, and a cubit its breadth, (it is square), and two cubits its height; its horns [are] of the same.

ylt@Exodus:30:3 @'And thou hast overlaid it with pure gold, its top, and its sides round about, and its horns; and thou hast made to it a crown of gold round about;

ylt@Exodus:30:4 @and two rings of gold thou dost make to it under its crown; on its two ribs thou dost make [them], on its two sides, and they have become places for staves, to bear it with them.

ylt@Exodus:30:10 @and Aaron hath made atonement on its horns, once in a year, by the blood of the sin-offering of atonements; once in a year doth he make atonement for it, to your generations; it [is] most holy to Jehovah.'

ylt@Exodus:30:18 @'And thou hast made a laver of brass (and its base of brass), for washing; and thou hast put it between the tent of meeting and the altar, and hast put water there;

ylt@Exodus:30:27 @and the table and all its vessels, and the candlestick and its vessels, and the altar of perfume,

ylt@Exodus:30:28 @and the altar of burnt-offering and all its vessels, and the laver and its base;

ylt@Exodus:30:32 @on flesh of man it is not poured, and with its proper proportion ye make none like it; it [is] holy; it is holy to you;

ylt@Exodus:30:37 @'As to the perfume which thou makest, with its proper proportion ye do not make to yourselves, holy it is to thee to Jehovah;

ylt@Exodus:31:8 @and the table and its vessels, and the pure candlestick and all its vessels, and the altar of the perfume,

ylt@Exodus:31:9 @and the altar of the burnt-offering and all its vessels, and the laver and its base,

ylt@Exodus:32:25 @And Moses seeth the people that it [is] unbridled, for Aaron hath made it unbridled for contempt among its withstanders,

ylt@Exodus:34:13 @for their altars ye break down, and their standing pillars ye shiver, and its shrines ye cut down;

ylt@Exodus:34:22 @'And a feast of weeks thou dost observe for thyself; first-fruits of wheat-harvest; and the feast of in-gathering, at the revolution of the year.

ylt@Exodus:34:26 @the first of the first-fruits of the land thou dost bring into the house of Jehovah thy God; thou dost not boil a kid in its mother's milk.'

ylt@Exodus:35:11 @'The tabernacle, its tent, and its covering, its hooks, and its boards, its bars, its pillars, and its sockets,

ylt@Exodus:35:12 @'The ark and its staves, the mercy-seat, and the vail of the covering,

ylt@Exodus:35:13 @'The table and its staves, and all its vessels, and the bread of the presence,

ylt@Exodus:35:14 @'And the candlestick for the light, and its vessels, and its lamps, and the oil for the light,

ylt@Exodus:35:15 @'And the altar of perfume, and its staves, and the anointing oil, and the spice perfume, and the covering of the opening at the opening of the tabernacle,

ylt@Exodus:35:16 @'The altar of burnt-offering and the brazen grate which it hath, its staves, and all its vessels, the laver and its base,

ylt@Exodus:35:17 @'The hangings of the court, its pillars, and their sockets, and the covering of the gate of the court,

ylt@Exodus:35:21 @and they come in -- every man whom his heart hath lifted up, and every one whom his spirit hath made willing -- they have brought in the heave-offering of Jehovah for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments.

ylt@Exodus:36:15 @the length of the one curtain [is] thirty by the cubit, and the breadth of the one curtain [is] four cubits; one measure [is] to the eleven curtains;

ylt@Exodus:36:21 @ten cubits [is] the length of the [one] board, and a cubit and a half the breadth of the [one] board;

ylt@Exodus:36:24 @and forty sockets of silver he hath made under the twenty boards, two sockets under the one board for its two handles, and two sockets under the other board for its two handles.

ylt@Exodus:36:29 @and they have been twins below, and together they are twins at its head, at the one ring; so he hath done to both of them at the two corners;

ylt@Exodus:36:38 @also its five pillars, and their pegs; and he overlaid their tops and their fillets [with] gold, and their five sockets [are] brass.

ylt@Exodus:37:1 @And Bezaleel maketh the ark of shittim wood, two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height;

ylt@Exodus:37:3 @and he casteth for it four rings of gold, on its four feet, even two rings on its one side, and two rings on its second side;

ylt@Exodus:37:6 @And he maketh a mercy-seat of pure gold, two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth;

ylt@Exodus:37:8 @one cherub at the end on this [side], and one cherub at the end on that, out of the mercy-seat he hath made the cherubs, at its two ends;

ylt@Exodus:37:10 @And he maketh the table of shittim wood; two cubits its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height,

ylt@Exodus:37:12 @And he maketh for it a border of a handbreadth round about, and maketh a wreath of gold for its border round about;

ylt@Exodus:37:13 @and he casteth for it four rings of gold, and putteth the rings on the four corners which [are] to its four feet;

ylt@Exodus:37:16 @and he maketh the vessels which [are] upon the table, its dishes, and its bowls, and its cups, and the cups by which they pour out, of pure gold.

ylt@Exodus:37:17 @And he maketh the candlestick of pure gold; of beaten work he hath made the candlestick, its base, and its branch, its calyxes, its knops, and its flowers, have been of the same;

ylt@Exodus:37:18 @and six branches are coming out of its sides, three branches of the candlestick out of its one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of its second side;

ylt@Exodus:37:20 @And in the candlestick [are] four calyxes, made like almonds, its knops, and its flowers,

ylt@Exodus:37:23 @And he maketh its seven lamps, and its snuffers, and its snuff-dishes, of pure gold;

ylt@Exodus:37:24 @of a talent of pure gold he hath made it, and all its vessels.

ylt@Exodus:37:25 @And he maketh the perfume-altar of shittim wood; a cubit its length, and a cubit its breadth (square), and two cubits its height; its horns have been of the same;

ylt@Exodus:37:26 @and he overlayeth it with pure gold, its top and its sides round about, and its horns; and he maketh for it a wreath of gold round about;

ylt@Exodus:37:27 @and two rings of gold he hath made for it under its wreath, at its two corners, at its two sides, for places for staves to bear it with them.

ylt@Exodus:38:1 @And he maketh the altar of burnt-offering of shittim wood, five cubits its length, and five cubits its breadth (square), and three cubits its height;

ylt@Exodus:38:2 @and he maketh its horns on its four corners; its horns have been of the same; and he overlayeth it with brass;

ylt@Exodus:38:3 @and he maketh all the vessels of the altar, the pots, and the shovels, and the sprinkling-pans, the forks, and the fire-pans; all its vessels he hath made of brass.

ylt@Exodus:38:4 @And he maketh for the altar a brazen grate of net-work, under its border beneath, unto its midst;

ylt@Exodus:38:8 @And he maketh the laver of brass, and its base of brass, with the looking-glasses of the women assembling, who have assembled at the opening of the tent of meeting.

ylt@Exodus:38:13 @and at the east side eastward fifty cubits.

ylt@Exodus:38:14 @The hangings on the side [are] fifteen cubits, their pillars three, and their sockets three,

ylt@Exodus:38:15 @and at the second side at the gate of the court, on this and on that, [are] hangings, fifteen cubits, their pillars three, and their sockets three;

ylt@Exodus:38:18 @And the covering of the gate of the court [is] the work of an embroiderer, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen; and twenty cubits [is] the length, and the height with the breadth five cubits, over-against the hangings of the court;

ylt@Exodus:39:4 @shoulder-pieces they have made for it, joining; at its two ends it is joined.

ylt@Exodus:39:5 @And the girdle of his ephod which [is] on it is of the same, according to its work, of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Exodus:39:9 @it hath been square; double they have made the breastplate, a span its length, and a span its breadth, doubled.

ylt@Exodus:39:18 @and the two ends of the two thick bands they have put on the two embroidered things, and they put them on the shoulders of the ephod, over-against its front.

ylt@Exodus:39:19 @And they make two rings of gold, and set [them] on the two ends of the breastplate, on its border, which [is] on the side of the ephod within;

ylt@Exodus:39:20 @and they make two rings of gold, and put them on the two shoulders of the ephod below, over-against its front, over-against its joining, above the girdle of the ephod;

ylt@Exodus:39:21 @and they bind the breastplate by its rings unto the rings of the ephod, with a ribbon of blue, to be above the girdle of the ephod, and the breastplate is not loosed from off the ephod, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Exodus:39:23 @and the opening of the upper robe [is] in its midst, as the opening of a habergeon, a border [is] to its opening round about, it is not rent;

ylt@Exodus:39:33 @And they bring in the tabernacle unto Moses, the tent, and all its vessels, its hooks, its boards, its bars, and its pillars, and its sockets;

ylt@Exodus:39:35 @the ark of the testimony and its staves, and the mercy-seat;

ylt@Exodus:39:36 @the table, all its vessels, and the bread of the presence;

ylt@Exodus:39:37 @the pure candlestick, its lamps, the lamps of arrangement, and all its vessels, and the oil for the light.

ylt@Exodus:39:39 @the brazen altar and the brazen grate which it hath, its staves, and all its vessels, the laver and its base.

ylt@Exodus:39:40 @The hangings of the court, its pillars, and its sockets; and the covering for the gate of the court, its cords, and its pins; and all the vessels of the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of meeting;

ylt@Exodus:40:4 @and hast brought in the table, and set its arrangement in order, and hast brought in the candlestick, and caused its lamps to go up.

ylt@Exodus:40:9 @and hast taken the anointing oil, and anointed the tabernacle, and all that [is] in it, and hallowed it, and all its vessels, and it hath been holy;

ylt@Exodus:40:10 @and thou hast anointed the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its vessels, and sanctified the altar, and the altar hath been most holy;

ylt@Exodus:40:11 @and thou hast anointed the laver and its base, and sanctified it.

ylt@Exodus:40:18 @and Moses raiseth up the tabernacle, and setteth its sockets, and placeth its boards, and placeth its bars, and raiseth its pillars,

ylt@Exodus:40:37 @and if the cloud go not up then they journey not, until the day of its going up:

ylt@Leviticus:1:6 @'And he hath stripped the burnt-offering, and hath cut it into its pieces;

ylt@Leviticus:1:9 @and its inwards and its legs he doth wash with water; and the priest hath made perfume with the whole on the altar, a burnt-offering, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:1:11 @and he hath slaughtered it by the side of the altar northward, before Jehovah; and sons of Aaron, the priests, have sprinkled its blood on the altar round about;

ylt@Leviticus:1:12 @and he hath cut it into its pieces, and its head and its fat, and the priest hath arranged them on the wood, which [is] on the fire, which [is] on the altar;

ylt@Leviticus:1:15 @and the priest hath brought it near unto the altar, and hath wrung off its head, and hath made perfume on the altar, and its blood hath been wrung out by the side of the altar;

ylt@Leviticus:1:16 @and he hath turned aside its crop with its feathers, and hath cast it near the altar, eastward, unto the place of ashes;

ylt@Leviticus:1:17 @and he hath cleaved it with its wings (he doth not separate [it]), and the priest hath made it a perfume on the altar, on the wood, which [is] on the fire; it [is] a burnt-offering, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:2:2 @and he hath brought it in unto the sons of Aaron, the priests, and he hath taken from thence the fulness of his hand of its flour and of its oil, besides all its frankincense, and the priest hath made perfume with its memorial on the altar, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah;

ylt@Leviticus:2:9 @and the priest hath lifted up from the present its memorial, and hath made perfume on the altar, a fire-offering of sweet fragrance to Jehovah;

ylt@Leviticus:2:12 @'An offering of first-[fruits] -- ye bring them near to Jehovah, but on the altar they go not up, for sweet fragrance.

ylt@Leviticus:2:14 @'And if thou bring near a present of first-ripe [fruits] to Jehovah, -- of green ears, roasted with fire, beaten out [corn] of a fruitful field thou dost bring near the present of thy first-ripe [fruits],

ylt@Leviticus:2:16 @and the priest hath made perfume with its memorial from its beaten out [corn], and from its oil, besides all its frankincense -- a fire-offering to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:3:8 @and hath laid his hand on the head of his offering, and hath slaughtered it before the tent of meeting, and sons of Aaron have sprinkled its blood on the altar round about.

ylt@Leviticus:3:9 @'And he hath brought near from the sacrifice of the peace-offerings a fire-offering to Jehovah, its fat, the whole fat tail (over-against the bone he doth turn it aside), and the fat which is covering the inwards, and all the fat which [is] on the inwards,

ylt@Leviticus:3:13 @and hath laid his hand on its head, and hath slaughtered it before the tent of meeting, and sons of Aaron have sprinkled its blood on the altar round about;

ylt@Leviticus:4:11 @'And the skin of the bullock, and all its flesh, besides its head, and besides its legs, and its inwards, and its dung --

ylt@Leviticus:4:19 @and all its fat he doth lift up from it, and hath made perfume on the altar.

ylt@Leviticus:4:25 @'And the priest hath taken of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and hath put on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and its blood he doth pour out at the foundation of the altar of the burnt-offering,

ylt@Leviticus:4:26 @and with all its fat he doth make perfume on the altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings; and the priest hath made atonement for him because of his sin, and it hath been forgiven him.

ylt@Leviticus:4:30 @'And the priest hath taken of its blood with his finger, and hath put on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its blood he doth pour out at the foundation of the altar,

ylt@Leviticus:4:31 @and all its fat he doth turn aside, as the fat hath been turned aside from off the sacrifice of the peace-offerings, and the priest hath made perfume on the altar, for sweet fragrance to Jehovah; and the priest hath made atonement for him, and it hath been forgiven him.

ylt@Leviticus:4:34 @'And the priest hath taken of the blood of the sin-offering with his finger, and hath put on the horns of the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its blood he poureth out at the foundation of the altar,

ylt@Leviticus:4:35 @and all its fat he turneth aside, as the fat of the sheep is turned aside from the sacrifice of the peace-offerings, and the priest hath made them a perfume on the altar, according to the fire-offerings of Jehovah, and the priest hath made atonement for him, for his sin which he hath sinned, and it hath been forgiven him.

ylt@Leviticus:5:8 @and he hath brought them in unto the priest, and hath brought near that which [is] for a sin-offering first, and hath wrung off its head from its neck, and doth not separate [it],

ylt@Leviticus:5:12 @and he hath brought it in unto the priest, and the priest hath taken a handful from it -- the fulness of his hand -- its memorial -- and hath made perfume on the altar, according to the fire-offerings of Jehovah; it [is] a sin-offering.

ylt@Leviticus:5:16 @'And that which he hath sinned against the holy thing he repayeth, and its fifth is adding to it, and hath given it to the priest, and the priest maketh atonement for him with the ram of the guilt-offering, and it hath been forgiven him.

ylt@Leviticus:6:5 @or all that concerning which he sweareth falsely, he hath even repaid it in its principal, and its fifth he is adding to it; to him whose it [is] he giveth it in the day of his guilt-offering.

ylt@Leviticus:6:15 @and [one] hath lifted up of it with his hand from the flour of the present, and from its oil, and all the frankincense which [is] on the present, and hath made perfume on the altar, sweet fragrance -- its memorial to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:6:27 @all that cometh against its flesh is holy, and when [any] of its blood is sprinkled on the garment, that on which it is sprinkled thou dost wash in the holy place;

ylt@Leviticus:7:2 @in the place where they slaughter the burnt-offering they do slaughter the guilt-offering, and its blood [one] doth sprinkle on the altar round about,

ylt@Leviticus:7:3 @and all its fat he bringeth near out of it, the fat tail, and the fat which is covering the inwards,

ylt@Leviticus:8:9 @and doth put the mitre on his head, and doth put on the mitre, over-against its front, the golden flower of the holy crown, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Leviticus:8:11 @and he sprinkleth of it on the altar seven times, and anointeth the altar, and all its vessels, and the laver, and its base, to sanctify them;

ylt@Leviticus:8:17 @and the bullock, and its skin, and its flesh, and its dung, he hath burnt with fire, at the outside of the camp, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Leviticus:8:20 @and the ram he hath cut into its pieces, and Moses maketh perfume with the head, and the pieces, and the fat,

ylt@Leviticus:8:23 @and [one] slaughtereth, and Moses taketh of its blood, and putteth on the tip of the right ear of Aaron, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot;

ylt@Leviticus:9:13 @and the burnt-offering they have presented unto him, by its pieces, and the head, and he maketh perfume on the altar;

ylt@Leviticus:10:18 @lo, its blood hath not been brought in unto the holy place within; eating ye do eat it in the holy place, as I have commanded.'

ylt@Leviticus:11:14 @and the vulture, and the kite after its kind,

ylt@Leviticus:11:15 @every raven after its kind,

ylt@Leviticus:11:16 @and the owl, and the night-hawk, and the cuckoo, and the hawk after its kind,

ylt@Leviticus:11:19 @and the stork, the heron after its kind, and the lapwing, and the bat.

ylt@Leviticus:11:21 @'Only -- this ye do eat of any teeming thing which is flying, which is going on four, which hath legs above its feet, to move with them on the earth;

ylt@Leviticus:11:22 @these of them ye do eat: the locust after its kind, and the bald locust after its kind, and the beetle after its kind, and the grasshopper after its kind;

ylt@Leviticus:11:27 @'And any one going on its paws, among all the beasts which are going on four -- unclean they [are] to you; any one who is coming against their carcase is unclean until the evening;

ylt@Leviticus:11:29 @'And this [is] to you the unclean among the teeming things which are teeming on the earth: the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after its kind,

ylt@Leviticus:11:33 @and any earthen vessel, into the midst of which [any] one of them falleth, all that [is] in its midst is unclean, and it ye do break.

ylt@Leviticus:11:38 @and when water is put on the seed, and [any] of its carcase hath fallen on it -- unclean it [is] to you.

ylt@Leviticus:11:39 @'And when any of the beasts which are to you for food dieth, he who is coming against its carcase is unclean till the evening;

ylt@Leviticus:11:40 @and he who is eating of its carcase doth wash his garments, and hath been unclean till the evening; and he who is lifting up its carcase doth wash his garments, and hath been unclean till the evening.

ylt@Leviticus:13:4 @'And if the bright spot is white in the skin of his flesh, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and its hair hath not turned white, then hath the priest shut up [him who hath] the plague seven days.

ylt@Leviticus:13:18 @'And when flesh hath in it, in its skin, an ulcer, and it hath been healed,

ylt@Leviticus:13:20 @and the priest hath seen, and lo, its appearance [is] lower than the skin, and its hair hath turned white, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it [is] a plague of leprosy -- in an ulcer it hath broken out.

ylt@Leviticus:13:23 @and if in its place the bright spot stay -- it hath not spread -- it [is] an inflammation of the ulcer; and the priest hath pronounced him clean.

ylt@Leviticus:13:24 @'Or when flesh hath in its skin a fiery burning, and the quickening of the burning, the bright white spot, hath been very red or white,

ylt@Leviticus:13:25 @and the priest hath seen it, and lo, the hair hath turned white in the bright spot, and its appearance [is] deeper than the skin; leprosy it [is], in the burning it hath broken out, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it [is] a plague of leprosy.

ylt@Leviticus:13:28 @'And if the bright spot stay in its place, it hath not spread in the skin, and is become weak; a rising of the burning it [is], and the priest hath pronounced him clean; for it [is] inflammation of the burning.

ylt@Leviticus:13:30 @then hath the priest seen the plague, and lo, its appearance is deeper than the skin, and in it a thin shining hair, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it [is] a scall -- it [is] a leprosy of the head or of the beard.

ylt@Leviticus:13:31 @'And when the priest seeth the plague of the scall, and lo, its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, then hath the priest shut up [him who hath] the plague of the scall seven days.

ylt@Leviticus:13:34 @And the priest hath seen the scall on the seventh day, and lo, the scall hath not spread in the skin, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and the priest hath pronounced him clean, and he hath washed his garments, and hath been clean.

ylt@Leviticus:13:55 @And the priest hath seen [that which hath] the plague after it hath been washed, and lo, the plague hath not changed its aspect, and the plague hath not spread, -- it [is] unclean; with fire thou dost burn it; it [is] a fretting in its back-part or in its front-part.

ylt@Leviticus:14:45 @'And he hath broken down the house, its stones, and its wood, and all the clay of the house, and he hath brought [them] forth unto the outside of the city, unto an unclean place.

ylt@Leviticus:16:15 @'And he hath slaughtered the goat of the sin-offering which [is] the people's, and hath brought in its blood unto the inside of the vail, and hath done with its blood as he hath done with the blood of the bullock, and hath sprinkled it on the mercy-seat, and at the front of the mercy-seat,

ylt@Leviticus:17:13 @and any man of the sons of Israel, or of the sojourners, who is sojourning in your midst, who hunteth venison, beast or fowl, which is eaten -- hath even poured out its blood, and hath covered it with dust;

ylt@Leviticus:17:14 @for [it is] the life of all flesh, its blood is for its life; and I say to the sons of Israel, Blood of any flesh ye do not eat, for the life of all flesh is its blood; any one eating it is cut off.

ylt@Leviticus:18:25 @and the land is defiled, and I charge its iniquity upon it, and the land vomiteth out its inhabitants:

ylt@Leviticus:19:23 @'And when ye come in unto the land, and have planted all [kinds] of trees [for] food, then ye have reckoned as uncircumcised its fruit, three years it is to you uncircumcised, it is not eaten,

ylt@Leviticus:19:24 @and in the fourth year all its fruit is holy -- praises for Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:19:25 @And in the fifth year ye do eat its fruit -- to add to you its increase; I [am] Jehovah your God.

ylt@Leviticus:19:31 @'Ye do not turn unto those having familiar spirits; and unto wizards ye do not seek, for uncleanness by them; I [am] Jehovah your God.

ylt@Leviticus:20:6 @'And the person who turneth unto those having familiar spirits, and unto the wizards, to go a-whoring after them, I have even set My face against that person, and cut him off from the midst of his people.

ylt@Leviticus:22:14 @'And when a man doth eat of a holy thing through ignorance, then he hath added its fifth part to it, and hath given [it] to the priest, with the holy thing;

ylt@Leviticus:22:27 @'When ox or lamb or goat is born, and it hath been seven days under its dam, then from the eighth day and henceforth, it is pleasing for an offering, a fire-offering to Jehovah;

ylt@Leviticus:22:28 @but an ox or sheep -- it and its young one, ye do not slaughter in one day.

ylt@Leviticus:23:10 @'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When ye come in unto the land which I am giving to you, and have reaped its harvest, and have brought in the sheaf, the beginning of your harvest unto the priest,

ylt@Leviticus:23:13 @and its present two tenth deals of flour mixed with oil, a fire-offering to Jehovah, a sweet fragrance, and its drink-offering, wine, a fourth of the hin.

ylt@Leviticus:23:17 @out of your dwellings ye bring in bread of a wave-offering, two [loaves], of two tenth deals of flour they are, [with] yeast they are baken, first-[fruits] to Jehovah.

ylt@Leviticus:23:20 @and the priest hath waved them, besides the bread of the first-[fruits] -- a wave-offering before Jehovah, besides the two lambs; they are holy to Jehovah for the priest;

ylt@Leviticus:23:37 @'These [are] appointed seasons of Jehovah, which ye proclaim holy convocations, to bring near a fire-offering to Jehovah, a burnt-offering, and a present, a sacrifice, and libations, a thing of a day in its day,

ylt@Leviticus:25:3 @'Six years thou dost sow thy field, and six years thou dost prune thy vineyard, and hast gathered its increase,

ylt@Leviticus:25:10 @and ye have hallowed the year, the fiftieth year; and ye have proclaimed liberty in the land to all its inhabitants; a jubilee it is to you; and ye have turned back each unto his possession; yea, each unto his family ye do turn back.

ylt@Leviticus:25:11 @'A jubilee it [is], the fiftieth year, a year it is to you; ye sow not, nor reap its spontaneous growth, nor gather its separated things;

ylt@Leviticus:25:12 @for a jubilee it [is], holy it is to you; out of the field ye eat its increase;

ylt@Leviticus:25:16 @according to the multitude of the years thou dost multiply its price, and according to the fewness of the years thou dost diminish its price; for a number of increases he is selling to thee;

ylt@Leviticus:25:19 @and the land hath given its fruit, and ye have eaten to satiety, and have dwelt confidently on it.

ylt@Leviticus:25:22 @and ye have sown the eighth year, and have eaten of the old increase; until the ninth year, until the coming in of its increase, ye do eat the old.

ylt@Leviticus:25:26 @and when a man hath no redeemer, and his own hand hath attained, and he hath found as sufficient [for] its redemption,

ylt@Leviticus:25:27 @then he hath reckoned the years of its sale, and hath given back that which is over to the man to whom he sold [it], and he hath returned to his possession.

ylt@Leviticus:25:29 @'And when a man selleth a dwelling-house [in] a walled city, then hath his right of redemption been until the completion of a year from its selling; days -- is his right of redemption;

ylt@Leviticus:26:4 @then I have given your rains in their season, and the land hath given her produce, and the tree of the field doth give its fruit;

ylt@Leviticus:26:20 @and consumed hath been your strength in vain, and your land doth not give her produce, and the tree of the land doth not give its fruit.

ylt@Leviticus:26:34 @'Then doth the land enjoy its sabbaths -- all the days of the desolation, and ye in the land of your enemies -- then doth the land rest, and hath enjoyed its sabbaths;

ylt@Leviticus:26:43 @'And -- the land is left of them, and doth enjoy its sabbaths, in the desolation without them, and they accept the punishment of their iniquity, because, even because, against My judgments they have kicked, and My statutes hath their soul loathed,

ylt@Leviticus:27:10 @he doth not change it nor exchange it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good; and if he really change beast for beast, -- then it hath been -- it and its exchange is holy.

ylt@Leviticus:27:13 @and if he really redeem it, then he hath added its fifth to thy valuation.

ylt@Leviticus:27:16 @'And if of the field of his possession a man sanctify to Jehovah, then hath thy valuation been according to its seed; a homer of barley-seed at fifty shekels of silver;

ylt@Leviticus:27:21 @and the field hath been, in its going out in the jubilee, holy to Jehovah as a field which is devoted; to the priest is its possession.

ylt@Leviticus:27:27 @And if among the unclean beasts, then he hath ransomed [it] at thy valuation, and he hath added its fifth to it; and if it is not redeemed, then it hath been sold at thy valuation.

ylt@Leviticus:27:31 @'And if a man really redeem [any] of his tithe, its fifth he addeth to it.

ylt@Leviticus:27:33 @he enquireth not between good and bad, nor doth he change it; and if he really change it -- then it hath been -- it and its exchange is holy; it is not redeemed.'

ylt@Numbers:1:22 @Of the sons of Simeon -- their births, by their families, by the house of their fathers, its numbered ones in the number of names, by their polls, every male from a son of twenty years and upward, every one going out to the host --

ylt@Numbers:1:50 @and thou, appoint the Levites over the tabernacle of the testimony, and over all its vessels, and over all that it hath; they bear the tabernacle, and all its vessels, and they serve it; and round about the tabernacle they encamp.

ylt@Numbers:2:6 @and his host, and its numbered ones, [are] four and fifty thousand and four hundred.

ylt@Numbers:2:8 @and his host, and its numbered ones, [are] seven and fifty thousand and four hundred;

ylt@Numbers:2:11 @and his host, and its numbered ones, [are] six and forty thousand and five hundred.

ylt@Numbers:3:25 @And the charge of the sons of Gershon in the tent of meeting [is] the tabernacle, and the tent, its covering, and the vail at the opening of the tent of meeting,

ylt@Numbers:3:26 @and the hangings of the court, and the vail at the opening of the court, which [is] by the tabernacle and by the altar round about, and its cords, to all its service.

ylt@Numbers:3:31 @And their charge [is] the ark, and the table, and the candlestick, and the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary with which they serve, and the vail, and all its service.

ylt@Numbers:3:36 @And the oversight -- the charge of the sons of Merari -- [is] the boards of the tabernacle, and its bars, and its pillars, and its sockets, and all its vessels, and all its service,

ylt@Numbers:4:6 @and have put on it a covering of badger skin, and have spread a garment completely of blue above, and have placed its staves.

ylt@Numbers:4:8 @and they have spread over them a garment of scarlet, and have covered it with a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves,

ylt@Numbers:4:9 @and have taken a garment of blue, and have covered the candlestick of the lamp, and its lights, and its snuffers, and its snuff-dishes, and all its oil vessels wherewith they minister to it;

ylt@Numbers:4:10 @and they have put it and all its vessels unto a covering of badger skin, and have put [it] on the bar.

ylt@Numbers:4:11 @'And on the golden altar they spread a garment of blue, and have covered it with a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves;

ylt@Numbers:4:14 @and have put on it all its vessels wherewith they minister about it, the censers, the hooks, and the shovels, and the bowls, all the vessels of the altar, and have spread on it a covering of badger skin, and have placed its staves:

ylt@Numbers:4:16 @'And the oversight of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, [is] the oil of the lamp, and the spice-perfume, and the present of continuity, and the anointing oil, the oversight of all the tabernacle, and of all that [is] in it, in the sanctuary, and in its vessels.'

ylt@Numbers:4:25 @and they have borne the curtains of the tabernacle, and the tent of meeting, its covering, and the covering of the badger [skin] which [is] on it above, and the vail at the opening of the tent of meeting,

ylt@Numbers:4:31 @'And this [is] the charge of their burden, of all their service in the tent of meeting; the boards of the tabernacle, and its bars, and its pillars, and its sockets,

ylt@Numbers:5:7 @and they have confessed their sin which they have done, then he hath restored his guilt in its principal, and its fifth is adding to it, and hath given [it] to him in reference to whom he hath been guilty.

ylt@Numbers:5:26 @and the priest hath taken a handful of the present, its memorial, and hath made perfume on the altar, and afterwards doth cause the woman to drink the water:

ylt@Numbers:6:17 @and the ram he maketh a sacrifice of peace-offerings to Jehovah, besides the basket of unleavened things; and the priest hath made its present and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:7:1 @And it cometh to pass on the day of Moses' finishing setting up the tabernacle, that he anointeth it, and sanctifieth it, and all its vessels, and the altar, and all its vessels, and he anointeth them, and sanctifieth them,

ylt@Numbers:7:10 @And the princes bring near the dedication of the altar in the day of its being anointed; yea, the princes bring near their offering before the altar.

ylt@Numbers:7:13 @And his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:19 @He hath brought near his offering, one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:25 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:31 @his offering is one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:37 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:43 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:49 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:55 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:61 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:67 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:73 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:79 @his offering [is] one silver dish, its weight a hundred and thirty [shekels]; one silver bowl of seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them full of flour mixed with oil, for a present;

ylt@Numbers:7:84 @This [is] the dedication of the altar, in the day of its being anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve silver dishes, twelve silver bowls, twelve golden spoons;

ylt@Numbers:7:88 @and all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace-offerings [are] twenty and four bullocks, rams sixty, he-goats sixty, lambs, sons of a year, sixty; this is the dedication of the altar, in the day of its being anointed.

ylt@Numbers:8:3 @And Aaron doth so; over-against the face of the candlestick he hath caused its lights to go up, as Jehovah hath commanded Moses.

ylt@Numbers:8:4 @And this [is] the work of the candlestick: beaten work of gold; unto its thigh, unto its flower it [is] beaten work; as the appearance which Jehovah shewed Moses, so he hath made the candlestick.

ylt@Numbers:8:8 @and have taken a bullock, a son of the herd, and its present, flour mixed with oil, -- and a second bullock a son of the herd thou dost take for a sin-offering,

ylt@Numbers:9:2 @'Also, the sons of Israel prepare the passover in its appointed season;

ylt@Numbers:9:3 @in the fourteenth day of this month between the evenings ye prepare it in its appointed season; according to all its statutes, and according to all its ordinances ye prepare it.'

ylt@Numbers:9:7 @and those men say unto him, 'We are defiled by the body of a man; why are we withheld so as not to bring near the offering of Jehovah in its appointed season, in the midst of the sons of Israel?'

ylt@Numbers:9:13 @'And the man who is clean, and hath not been on a journey, and hath ceased to prepare the passover, even that person hath been cut off from his people; because the offering of Jehovah he hath not brought near, in its appointed season, that man doth bear his sin.

ylt@Numbers:9:14 @'And when a sojourner sojourneth with you, then he hath prepared a passover to Jehovah, according to the statute of the passover, and according to its ordinance, so he doth; one statute is to you, even to a sojourner, and to a native of the land.'

ylt@Numbers:9:19 @And in the cloud prolonging itself over the tabernacle many days, then have the sons of Israel kept the charge of Jehovah, and journey not,

ylt@Numbers:9:22 @Whether two days, or a month, or days, in the cloud prolonging itself over the tabernacle, to tabernacle over it, the sons of Israel encamp, and journey not; and in its being lifted up they journey;

ylt@Numbers:10:14 @And the standard of the camp of the sons of Judah journeyeth in the first [place], by their hosts, and over its host [is] Nahshon son of Amminadab.

ylt@Numbers:10:18 @And the standard of the camp of Reuben hath journeyed, by their hosts, and over its host [is] Elizur son of Shedeur.

ylt@Numbers:10:22 @And the standard of the camp of the sons of Ephraim hath journeyed, by their hosts, and over its host [is] Elishama son of Ammihud.

ylt@Numbers:10:25 @And the standard of the camp of the sons of Dan hath journeyed (rearward to all the camps), by their hosts, and over its host [is] Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.

ylt@Numbers:10:36 @And in its resting he saith, 'Return, O Jehovah, [to] the myriads, the thousands of Israel.'

ylt@Numbers:11:4 @And the rabble who [are] in its midst have lusted greatly, and the sons of Israel also turn back and weep, and say, 'Who doth give us flesh?

ylt@Numbers:11:7 @And the manna is as coriander seed, and its aspect as the aspect of bdolach;

ylt@Numbers:11:8 @the people have turned aside and gathered [it], and ground [it] with millstones, or beat [it] in a mortar, and boiled [it] in a pan, and made it cakes, and its taste hath been as the taste of the moisture of oil.

ylt@Numbers:11:10 @And Moses heareth the people weeping by its families, each at the opening of his tent, and the anger of Jehovah burneth exceedingly, and in the eyes of Moses [it is] evil.

ylt@Numbers:11:12 @I -- have I conceived all this people? I -- have I begotten it, that Thou sayest unto me, Carry it in thy bosom as the nursing father beareth the suckling, unto the ground which Thou hast sworn to its fathers?

ylt@Numbers:11:16 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Gather to Me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom thou hast known that they are elders of the people, and its authorities; and thou hast taken them unto the tent of meeting, and they have stationed themselves there with thee,

ylt@Numbers:11:31 @And a spirit hath journeyed from Jehovah, and cutteth off quails from the sea, and leaveth by the camp, as a day's journey here, and as a day's journey there, round about the camp, and about two cubits, on the face of the land.

ylt@Numbers:13:20 @And what the land [is], whether it [is] fat or lean; whether there is wood in it or not; and ye have strengthened yourselves, and have taken of the fruit of the land;' and the days [are] days of the first-fruits of grapes.

ylt@Numbers:13:27 @And they recount to him, and say, 'We came in unto the land whither thou hast sent us, and also it [is] flowing with milk and honey -- and this [is] its fruit;

ylt@Numbers:13:32 @and they bring out an evil account of the land which they have spied unto the sons of Israel, saying, 'The land into which we passed over to spy it, is a land eating up its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in its midst [are] men of stature;

ylt@Numbers:14:11 @And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Until when doth this people despise Me? and until when do they not believe in Me, for all the signs which I have done in its midst?

ylt@Numbers:15:24 @then it hath been, if from the eyes of the company it hath been done in ignorance, that all the company have prepared one bullock, a son of the herd, for a burnt-offering, for sweet fragrance to Jehovah, and its present, and its libation, according to the ordinance, and one kid of the goats for a sin-offering.

ylt@Numbers:16:22 @and they fall on their faces, and say, 'God, God of the spirits of all flesh -- the one man sinneth, and against all the company Thou art wroth!'

ylt@Numbers:18:12 @all the best of the oil, and all the best of the new wine, and wheat -- their first-[fruits] which they give to Jehovah -- to thee I have given them.

ylt@Numbers:18:13 @'The first-fruits of all that [is] in their land, which they bring in to Jehovah, are thine; every clean one in thy house doth eat it;

ylt@Numbers:18:29 @out of all your gifts ye do lift up the whole heave-offering of Jehovah; out of all its fat, -- its hallowed part -- out of it.

ylt@Numbers:18:30 @'And thou hast said unto them, In your lifting up its fat out of it, then it hath been reckoned to the Levites, as increase of a threshing-floor, and as increase of a wine-vat;

ylt@Numbers:18:32 @and ye bear no sin for it, in your lifting up its fat out of it, and the holy things of the sons of Israel ye do not pollute, and ye die not.'

ylt@Numbers:19:4 @'And Eleazar the priest hath taken of its blood with his finger, and hath sprinkled over-against the front of the tent of meeting of her blood seven times;

ylt@Numbers:20:8 @'Take the rod, and assemble the company, thou and Aaron thy brother; and ye have spoken unto the rock before their eyes, and it hath given its water, and thou hast brought out to them water from the rock, and hast watered the company, and their beasts.'

ylt@Numbers:21:25 @And Israel taketh all these cities, and Israel dwelleth in all the cities of the Amorite, in Heshbon, and in all its villages;

ylt@Numbers:21:32 @and Moses sendeth to spy out Jaazer, and they capture its villages, and dispossess the Amorite who [is] there,

ylt@Numbers:23:9 @For from the top of rocks I see it, And from heights I behold it; Lo a people! alone it doth tabernacle, And among nations doth not reckon itself.

ylt@Numbers:23:13 @And Balak saith unto him, 'Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place, whence thou dost see it, only its extremity thou dost see, and all of it thou dost not see, and pierce it for me thence;'

ylt@Numbers:24:2 @and Balaam lifteth up his eyes, and seeth Israel tabernacling, by its tribes, and the Spirit of God is upon him,

ylt@Numbers:24:18 @And Edom hath been a possession, And Seir hath been a possession, [for] its enemies, And Israel is doing valiantly;

ylt@Numbers:27:16 @'Jehovah -- God of the spirits of all flesh -- appoint a man over the company,

ylt@Numbers:28:2 @'Command the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, My offering, My bread for My fire-offerings, My sweet fragrance, ye take heed to bring near to Me in its appointed season.

ylt@Numbers:28:7 @and its libation, a fourth of the hin for the one lamb; in the sanctuary cause thou a libation of strong drink to be poured out to Jehovah.

ylt@Numbers:28:8 @'And the second lamb thou dost prepare between the evenings; as the present of the morning, and as its libation thou preparest -- a fire-offering, a sweet fragrance to Jehovah.

ylt@Numbers:28:9 @'And on the sabbath-day, two lambs, sons of a year, perfect ones, and two-tenth deals of flour, a present, mixed with oil, and its libation;

ylt@Numbers:28:10 @the burnt-offering of the sabbath in its sabbath, besides the continual burnt-offering and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:28:15 @and one kid of the goats for a sin-offering to Jehovah; besides the continual burnt-offering it is prepared, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:28:24 @according to these ye prepare daily, seven days, bread of a fire-offering, a sweet fragrance, to Jehovah; besides the continual burnt-offering it is prepared, and its libation;

ylt@Numbers:28:26 @'And in the day of the first-fruits, in your bringing near a new present to Jehovah, in your weeks, a holy convocation ye have; ye do no servile work;

ylt@Numbers:28:31 @apart from the continual burnt-offering and its present ye prepare [them] (perfect ones they are for you) and their libations.

ylt@Numbers:29:6 @apart from the burnt-offering of the month, and its present, and the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and their libations, according to their ordinance, for sweet fragrance, a fire-offering to Jehovah.

ylt@Numbers:29:11 @one kid of the goats, a sin-offering; apart from the sin-offering of the atonements, and the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and their libations.

ylt@Numbers:29:16 @and one kid of the goats, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:29:19 @and one kid of the goats, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and their libations.

ylt@Numbers:29:22 @and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:29:25 @and one kid of the goats, a sin-offering, apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:29:28 @and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:29:31 @and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:29:34 @and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, its present, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:29:38 @and one goat, a sin-offering; apart from the continual burnt-offering, and its present, and its libation.

ylt@Numbers:32:33 @And Moses giveth to them, to the sons of Gad, and to the sons of Reuben, and to the half of the tribe of Manasseh son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorite, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land by its cities, in the borders, the cities of the land round about.

ylt@Numbers:32:42 @and Nobah hath gone and captureth Kenath, and its villages, and calleth it Nobah, by his own name.

ylt@Numbers:34:2 @'Command the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When ye are coming in unto the land of Canaan -- this [is] the land which falleth to you by inheritance, the land of Canaan, by its borders --

ylt@Numbers:34:4 @and the border hath turned round to you from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim, and hath passed on to Zin, and its outgoings have been from the south to Kadesh-Barnea, and it hath gone out at Hazar-Addar, and hath passed on to Azmon;

ylt@Numbers:34:5 @and the border hath turned round from Azmon to the brook of Egypt, and its outgoings have been at the sea.

ylt@Numbers:34:9 @and the border hath gone out to Ziphron, and its outgoings have been at Hazar-Enan; this is to you the north border.

ylt@Numbers:34:12 @and the border hath gone down to the Jordan, and its outgoings have been at the Salt Sea; this is for you the land by its borders round about.'

ylt@Numbers:35:4 @'And the suburbs of the cities which ye give to the Levites [are], from the wall of the city and without, a thousand cubits round about.

ylt@Deuteronomy:1:7 @turn ye and journey for you, and enter the mount of the Amorite, and unto all its neighbouring places, in the plain, in the hill-country, and in the low country, and in the south, and in the haven of the sea, the land of the Canaanite, and of Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Phrat;

ylt@Deuteronomy:3:11 @for only Og king of Bashan had been left of the remnant of the Rephaim; lo, his bedstead [is] a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the sons of Ammon? nine cubits its length, and four cubits its breadth, by the cubit of a man.

ylt@Deuteronomy:3:12 @'And this land we have possessed, at that time; from Aroer, which [is] by the brook Arnon, and the half of mount Gilead, and its cities, I have given to the Reubenite, and to the Gadite;

ylt@Deuteronomy:8:9 @a land in which without scarcity thou dost eat bread, thou dost not lack anything in it; a land whose stones [are] iron, and out of its mountains thou dost dig brass;

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:21 @and your sin, which ye have made -- the calf -- I have taken, and I burn it with fire, and beat it, grinding well till that it [is] small as dust, and I cast its dust unto the brook which is going down out of the mount.

ylt@Deuteronomy:9:27 @be mindful of Thy servants, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, turn not unto the stiffness of this people, and unto its wickedness, and unto its sin;

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:4 @and that which He hath done to the force of Egypt, to its horses, and to its chariot, when He hath caused the waters of the Red Sea to flow against their faces in their pursuing after them, and Jehovah destroyeth them, unto this day;

ylt@Deuteronomy:11:14 @that I have given the rain of your land in its season -- sprinkling and gathered -- and thou hast gathered thy corn, and thy new wine, and thine oil,

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:15 @'Thou dost surely smite the inhabitants of that city by the mouth of the sword; devoting it, and all that [is] in it, even its cattle, by the mouth of the sword;

ylt@Deuteronomy:13:16 @and all its spoil thou dost gather unto the midst of its broad place, and hast burned with fire the city and all its spoil completely, before Jehovah thy God, and it hath been a heap age-during, it is not built any more;

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:13 @and the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after its kind,

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:14 @and every raven after its kind;

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:15 @and the owl, and the night-hawk, and the cuckoo, and the hawk after its kind;

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:18 @and the stork, and the heron after its kind, and the lapwing, and the bat;

ylt@Deuteronomy:14:21 @'Ye do not eat of any carcase; to the sojourner who [is] within thy gates thou dost give it, and he hath eaten it; or sell [it] to a stranger; for a holy people thou [art] to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not boil a kid in its mother's milk.

ylt@Deuteronomy:15:23 @Only, its blood thou dost not eat; on the earth thou dost pour it as water.

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:14 @Only, the women, and the infants, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, all its spoil, thou dost seize for thyself, and thou hast eaten the spoil of thine enemies which Jehovah thy God hath given to thee.

ylt@Deuteronomy:20:19 @'When thou layest siege unto a city many days, to fight against it, to capture it, thou dost not destroy its trees to force an axe against them, for of them thou dost eat, and them thou dost not cut down -- for man's [is] the tree of the field -- to go in at thy presence in the siege.

ylt@Deuteronomy:21:10 @'When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and Jehovah thy God hath given them into thy hand, and thou hast taken captive its captivity,

ylt@Deuteronomy:25:4 @'Thou dost not muzzle an ox in its threshing.

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:2 @that thou hast taken of the first of all the fruits of the ground which thou dost bring in out of thy land which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee, and hast put [it] in a basket, and gone unto the place which Jehovah thy God doth choose to cause His name to tabernacle there.

ylt@Deuteronomy:26:10 @'And now, lo, I have brought in the first of the fruits of the ground which thou hast given to me, O Jehovah; -- and thou hast placed it before Jehovah thy God, and bowed thyself before Jehovah thy God,

ylt@Deuteronomy:28:12 @'Jehovah doth open to thee his good treasure -- the heavens -- to give the rain of thy land in its season, and to bless all the work of thy hand, and thou hast lent to many nations, and thou -- thou dost not borrow.

ylt@Deuteronomy:29:22 @'And the latter generation of your sons who rise after you, and the stranger who cometh in from a land afar off, have said when they have seen the strokes of that land, and its sicknesses which Jehovah hath sent into it, --

ylt@Deuteronomy:31:21 @'And it hath been, when many evils and distresses do meet it, that this song hath testified to its face for a witness; for it is not forgotten out of the mouth of its seed, for I have known its imagining which it is doing to-day, before I bring them in unto the land of which I have sworn.'

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:11 @As an eagle waketh up its nest, Over its young ones fluttereth, Spreadeth its wings -- taketh them, Beareth them on its pinions; --

ylt@Deuteronomy:32:22 @For a fire hath been kindled in Mine anger, And it burneth unto Sheol -- the lowest, And consumeth earth and its increase, And setteth on fire foundations of mountains.

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:14 @And by precious things -- fruits of the sun, And by precious things -- cast forth by the moons,

ylt@Deuteronomy:33:16 @And by precious things -- of earth and its fulness, And the good pleasure Of Him who is dwelling in the bush, -- Let it come for the head of Joseph, And for the crown of him Who is separate from his brethren.

ylt@Joshua:3:4 @only, a distance is between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure; ye do not come near unto it, so that ye know the way in which ye go, for ye have not passed over in the way heretofore.'

ylt@Joshua:3:15 @and at those bearing the ark coming in unto the Jordan, and the feet of the priests bearing the ark have been dipped in the extremity of the waters (and the Jordan is full over all its banks all the days of harvest) --

ylt@Joshua:4:7 @that ye have said to them, Because the waters of the Jordan were cut off, at the presence of the ark of the covenant of Jehovah; in its passing over into the Jordan were the waters of the Jordan cut off; and these stones have been for a memorial to the sons of Israel -- to the age.'

ylt@Joshua:4:18 @And it cometh to pass, in the coming up of the priests bearing the ark of the covenant of Jehovah out of the midst of the Jordan -- the soles of the feet of the priests have been drawn up into the dry ground -- and the waters of the Jordan turn back to their place, and go as heretofore over all its banks.

ylt@Joshua:6:1 @(And Jericho shutteth itself up, and is shut up, because of the presence of the sons of Israel -- none going out, and none coming in;)

ylt@Joshua:6:2 @And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'See, I have given into thy hand Jericho and its king -- mighty ones of valour,

ylt@Joshua:6:26 @And Joshua adjureth [them] at that time, saying, 'Cursed [is] the man before Jehovah who raiseth up and hath built this city, [even] Jericho; in his first-born he doth lay its foundation, and in his youngest he doth set up its doors;'

ylt@Joshua:7:8 @Oh, Lord, what do I say, after that Israel hath turned the neck before its enemies?

ylt@Joshua:7:16 @And Joshua riseth early in the morning, and bringeth Israel near by its tribes, and the tribe of Judah is captured;

ylt@Joshua:8:2 @and thou hast done to Ai and to her king as thou hast done to Jericho and to her king; only, its spoil and its cattle ye spoil for yourselves; set for thee an ambush for the city at its rear.'

ylt@Joshua:8:13 @and they set the people, all the camp which [is] on the north of the city, and its rear on the west of the city, and Joshua goeth on that night into the midst of the valley.

ylt@Joshua:8:19 @and the ambush hath risen [with] haste, out of its place, and they run at the stretching out of his hand, and go into the city, and capture it, and hasten, and burn the city with fire.

ylt@Joshua:8:33 @And all Israel, and its elders, and authorities, and its judges, are standing on this side and on that of the ark, over-against the priests, the Levites, bearing the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, as well the sojourner as the native, half of them over-against mount Gerizim, and the half of them over-against mount Ebal, as Moses servant of Jehovah commanded to bless the people of Israel at the first.

ylt@Joshua:10:2 @that they are greatly afraid, because Gibeon [is] a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it [is] greater than Ai, and all its men -- heroes.

ylt@Joshua:10:13 @and the sun standeth still, and the moon hath stood -- till the nation taketh vengeance [on] its enemies; is it not written on the Book of the Upright, 'and the sun standeth in the midst of the heavens, and hath not hasted to go in -- as a perfect day?'

ylt@Joshua:10:28 @And Makkedah hath Joshua captured on that day, and he smiteth it by the mouth of the sword, and its king he hath devoted, them and every person who [is] in it -- he hath not left a remnant; and he doth to the king of Makkedah as he did to the king of Jericho.

ylt@Joshua:10:30 @and Jehovah giveth also it into the hand of Israel, and its king, and it smiteth it by the mouth of the sword, and every person who [is] in it -- it left not in it a remnant; and it doth to its king as it did to the king of Jericho.

ylt@Joshua:10:37 @and capture it, and smite it by the mouth of the sword, and its king, and all its cities, and every person who [is] in it -- he hath not left a remnant -- according to all that he did to Eglon -- and doth devote it, and every person who [is] in it.

ylt@Joshua:10:39 @and captureth it, and its king, and all its cities, and they smite them by the mouth of the sword, and devote every person who [is] in it -- he hath not left a remnant; as he did to Hebron so he did to Debir, and to its king, and as he did to Libnah, and to its king.

ylt@Joshua:11:10 @And Joshua turneth back at that time, and captureth Hazor, and its king he hath smitten by the sword; for Hazor formerly [is] head of all these kingdoms;

ylt@Joshua:11:16 @And Joshua taketh all this land: the hill-country, and all the south, and all the land of Goshen, and the low country, and the plain, even the hill-country of Israel and its low lands,

ylt@Joshua:13:2 @'This [is] the land that is left; all the circuits of the Philistines, and all Geshuri,

ylt@Joshua:13:14 @Only, to the tribe of Levi he hath not given an inheritance; fire-offerings of Jehovah, God of Israel, is its inheritance, as He hath spoken to it.

ylt@Joshua:13:17 @Heshbon, and all its cities which [are] in the plain, Dibon, and Bamoth-Baal, and Beth-Baal-Meon,

ylt@Joshua:13:23 @And the border of the sons of Reuben is the Jordan, and [its] border; this [is] the inheritance of the sons of Reuben, for their families, the cities and their villages.

ylt@Joshua:13:27 @and in the valley, Beth-Aram, and Beth-Nimrah, and Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, the Jordan and [its] border, unto the extremity of the sea of Chinnereth, beyond the Jordan, eastward.

ylt@Joshua:15:7 @and the border hath gone up towards Debir from the valley of Achor, and northward looking unto Gilgal, which [is] over-against the ascent of Adummim, which [is] on the south of the brook, and the border hath passed over unto the waters of En-Shemesh, and its outgoings have been unto En-Rogel;

ylt@Joshua:15:12 @And the west border [is] to the great sea, and [its] border; this [is] the border of the sons of Judah round about for their families.

ylt@Joshua:15:45 @Ekron and its towns and its villages,

ylt@Joshua:15:47 @Ashdod, its towns and its villages, Gaza, its towns and its villages, unto the brook of Egypt, and the great sea, and [its] border.

ylt@Joshua:16:3 @and gone down westward unto the border of Japhleti, unto the border of Beth-Horon the lower, and unto Gezer, and its outgoings have been at the sea.

ylt@Joshua:16:8 @From Tappuah the border goeth westward unto the brook of Kanah, and its outgoings have been at the sea: this [is] the inheritance of the tribe of the sons of Ephraim, for their families.

ylt@Joshua:17:9 @And the border hath come down [to] the brook of Kanah, southward of the brook; these cities of Ephraim [are] in the midst of the cities of Manasseh, and the border of Manasseh [is] on the north of the brook, and its outgoings are at the sea.

ylt@Joshua:17:11 @And Manasseh hath in Issachar and in Asher, Beth-Shean and its towns, and Ibleam and its towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of En-Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns, three counties.

ylt@Joshua:17:16 @And the sons of Joseph say, 'The hill is not found to us, and a chariot of iron [is] with every Canaanite who is dwelling in the land of the valley -- to him who [is] in Beth-Shean and its towns, and to him who [is] in the valley of Jezreel.'

ylt@Joshua:17:18 @because the mountain is thine; because it [is] a forest -- thou hast prepared it, and its outgoings have been thine; because thou dost dispossess the Canaanite, though it hath chariots of iron -- though it [is] strong.'

ylt@Joshua:18:5 @and they have divided it into seven portions -- Judah doth stay by its border on the south, and the house of Joseph do stay by their border on the north --

ylt@Joshua:18:12 @And the border is to them at the north side from the Jordan, and the border hath gone up unto the side of Jericho on the north, and gone up through the hill-country westward, and its outgoings have been at the wilderness of Beth-Aven;

ylt@Joshua:18:14 @and the border hath been marked out, and hath gone round to the corner of the sea southward, from the hill which [is] at the front of Beth-Horon southward, and its outgoings have been unto Kirjath-Baal (it [is] Kirjath-Jearim), a city of the sons of Judah: this [is] the west quarter.

ylt@Joshua:18:20 @and the Jordan doth border it at the east quarter; this [is] the inheritance of the sons of Benjamin, by its borders round about, for their families.

ylt@Joshua:19:14 @and the border hath gone round about it, from the north to Hannathon; and its outgoings have been [in] the valley of Jiphthah-El,

ylt@Joshua:19:29 @and the border hath turned back to Ramah, and unto the fenced city Tyre; and the border hath turned back to Hosah, and its outgoings are at the sea, from the coast to Achzib,

ylt@Joshua:19:33 @and their border is from Heleph, from Allon in Zaanannim, and Adami, Nekeb, and Jabneel, unto Lakkum, and its outgoings are [at] the Jordan;

ylt@Joshua:19:49 @And they finish to give the land in inheritance, by its borders, and the sons of Israel give an inheritance to Joshua son of Nun in their midst;

ylt@Joshua:21:11 @and they give to them the city of Arba father of Anak (it [is] Hebron), in the hill-country of Judah, and its suburbs round about it;

ylt@Joshua:21:12 @and the field of the city and its villages they have given to Caleb son of Jephunneh for his possession.

ylt@Joshua:21:13 @And to the sons of Aaron the priest they have given the city of refuge [for] the man-slayer, Hebron and its suburbs, and Libnah and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:14 @and Jattir and its suburbs, and Eshtemoa and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:15 @and Holon and its suburbs, and Debir and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:16 @and Ain and its suburbs, and Juttah and its suburbs, Beth-Shemesh and its suburbs; nine cities out of these two tribes.

ylt@Joshua:21:17 @And out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon and its suburbs, Geba and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:18 @Anathoth and its suburbs, and Almon and its suburbs -- four cities;

ylt@Joshua:21:21 @and they give to them the city of refuge [for] the man-slayer, Shechem and its suburbs, in the hill-country of Ephraim, and Gezer and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:22 @and Kibzaim and its suburbs, and Beth-Horon and its suburbs -- four cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:23 @And out of the tribe of Dan, Eltekeh and its suburbs, Gibbethon and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:24 @Aijalon and its suburbs, Gath-Rimmon and its suburbs -- four cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:25 @And out of the half of the tribe of Manasseh, Taanach and its suburbs, and Gath-Rimmon and its suburbs -- two cities;

ylt@Joshua:21:27 @And for the sons of Gershon, of the families of the Levites, out of the half of the tribe of Manasseh, the city of refuge [for] the man-slayer, Golan in Bashan and its suburbs, and Beeshterah and its suburbs -- two cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:28 @And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishon and its suburbs, Dabarath and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:29 @Jarmuth and its suburbs, En-Gannim and its suburbs -- four cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:30 @And out of the tribe of Asher, Mishal and its suburbs, Abdon and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:31 @Helkath and its suburbs, and Rehob and its suburbs -- four cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:32 @And out of the tribe of Naphtali, the city of refuge [for] the man-slayer, Kedesh in Galilee and its suburbs, and Hammoth-Dor and its suburbs, and Kartan and its suburbs -- three cities;

ylt@Joshua:21:34 @And for the families of the sons of Merari, the Levites, who are left, [are,] out of the tribe of Zebulun, Jokneam and its suburbs, Kartah and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:35 @Dimnah and its suburbs, Nahalal and its suburbs -- four cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:36 @And out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer and its suburbs, and Jahazah and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:37 @Kedemoth and its suburbs, and Mephaath and its suburbs -- four cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:38 @And out of the tribe of Gad, the city of refuge [for] the man-slayer, Ramoth in Gilead and its suburbs, and Mahanaim and its suburbs,

ylt@Joshua:21:39 @Heshbon and its suburbs, Jazer and its suburbs -- [in] all four cities.

ylt@Joshua:21:42 @These cities are each city and its suburbs round about it; so to all these cities.

ylt@Joshua:22:7 @And to the half of the tribe of Manasseh hath Moses given, in Bashan, and to its [other] half hath Joshua given with their brethren beyond the Jordan westward; and also when Joshua hath sent them away unto their tents, then he doth bless them,

ylt@Joshua:23:2 @and Joshua calleth for all Israel, for its elders, and for its heads, and for its judges, and for its authorities, and saith unto them, 'I have become old; I have entered into days;

ylt@Joshua:24:1 @And Joshua gathereth all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and calleth for the elders of Israel, and for its heads, and for its judges, and for its authorities, and they station themselves before God.

ylt@Joshua:24:5 @And I send Moses and Aaron, and plague Egypt, as I have done in its midst, and afterwards I have brought you out.

ylt@Judges:1:18 @And Judah captureth Gaza and its border, and Askelon and its border, and Ekron and its border;

ylt@Judges:1:26 @and the man goeth to the land of the Hittites, and buildeth a city, and calleth its name Luz -- it [is] its name unto this day.

ylt@Judges:1:27 @And Manasseh hath not occupied Beth-Shean and its towns, and Taanach and its towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of Iblaim and its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns, and the Canaanite is desirous to dwell in that land;

ylt@Judges:1:29 @And Ephraim hath not dispossessed the Canaanite who is dwelling in Gezer, and the Canaanite dwelleth in its midst, in Gezer.

ylt@Judges:1:30 @Zebulun hath not dispossessed the inhabitants of Kitron, and the inhabitants of Nahalol, and the Canaanite dwelleth in its midst, and they become tributary.

ylt@Judges:3:16 @and Ehud maketh for himself a sword, and it hath two mouths (a cubit [is] its length), and he girdeth it under his long robe on his right thigh;

ylt@Judges:5:18 @Zebulun [is] a people who exposed its soul to death, Naphtali also -- on high places of the field.

ylt@Judges:5:22 @Then broken were the horse-heels, By pransings -- pransings of its mighty ones.

ylt@Judges:5:23 @Curse Meroz -- said a messenger of Jehovah, Cursing, curse ye its inhabitants, For they came not to the help of Jehovah, To the help of Jehovah among the mighty!

ylt@Judges:5:31 @So do all Thine enemies perish, O Jehovah, And those loving Him [are] As the going out of the sun in its might!' and the land resteth forty years.

ylt@Judges:7:2 @And Jehovah saith unto Gideon, 'Too many [are] the people who [are] with thee for My giving Midian into their hand, lest Israel beautify itself against Me, saying, My hand hath given salvation to me;

ylt@Judges:7:13 @And Gideon cometh in, and lo, a man is recounting to his companion a dream, and saith, 'Lo, a dream I have dreamed, and lo, a cake of barley-bread is turning itself over into the camp of Midian, and it cometh in unto the tent, and smiteth it, and it falleth, and turneth it upwards, and the tent hath fallen.'

ylt@Judges:7:15 @And it cometh to pass, when Gideon heareth the narration of the dream and its interpretation, that he boweth himself, and turneth back unto the camp of Israel, and saith, 'Rise ye, for Jehovah hath given into your hand the camp of Midian.'

ylt@Judges:8:14 @and captureth a young man of the men of Succoth, and asketh him, and he describeth unto him the heads of Succoth, and its elders -- seventy and seven men.

ylt@Judges:11:26 @In Israel's dwelling in Heshbon and in its towns, and in Aroer and in its towns, and in all the cities which [are] by the sides of Arnon three hundred years -- and wherefore have ye not delivered them in that time?

ylt@Judges:15:19 @And God cleaveth the hollow place which [is] in Lehi, and waters come out of it, and he drinketh, and his spirit cometh back, and he reviveth; therefore hath [one] called its name 'The fountain of him who is calling,' which [is] in Lehi unto this day.

ylt@Judges:16:9 @And the ambush is abiding with her in an inner chamber, and she saith unto him, 'Philistines [are] upon thee, Samson;' and he breaketh the withs as a thread of tow is broken in its smelling fire, and his power hath not been known.

ylt@Judges:18:1 @In those days there is no king in Israel, and in those days the tribe of the Danite is seeking for itself an inheritance to inhabit, for [that] hath not fallen to it unto that day in the midst of the tribes of Israel by inheritance.

ylt@Judges:18:7 @And the five men go, and come in to Laish, and see the people which [is] in its midst, dwelling confidently, according to the custom of Zidonians, quiet and confident; and there is none putting to shame in the land in [any] thing, possessing restraint, and they [are] far off from the Zidonians, and have no word with [any] man.

ylt@Judges:20:33 @And all the men of Israel have risen from their place, and arrange themselves at Baal-Tamar, and the ambush of Israel is coming forth out of its place, out of the meadow of Gibeah.

ylt@Judges:20:37 @and the ambush have hasted, and push against Gibeah, and the ambush draweth itself out, and smiteth the whole of the city by the mouth of the sword.

ylt@Ruth:1:17 @Where thou diest I die, and there I am buried; thus doth Jehovah to me, and thus doth He add -- for death itself doth part between me and thee.'

ylt@1Samuel:4:2 @and the Philistines set themselves in array to meet Israel, and the battle spreadeth itself, and Israel is smitten before the Philistines, and they smite among the ranks in the field about four thousand men.

ylt@1Samuel:5:3 @And the Ashdodites rise early on the morrow, and lo, Dagon is fallen on its face to the earth, before the ark of Jehovah; and they take Dagon, and put it back to its place.

ylt@1Samuel:5:4 @And they rise early in the morning on the morrow, and lo, Dagon is fallen on its face to the earth, before the ark of Jehovah, and the head of Dagon, and the two palms of its hands are cut off at the threshold, only the fishy part hath been left to him;

ylt@1Samuel:5:6 @And the hand of Jehovah is heavy on the Ashdodites, and He maketh them desolate, and smiteth them with emerods, Ashdod and its borders.

ylt@1Samuel:5:11 @And they send and gather all the princes of the Philistines, and say, 'Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and it turneth back to its place, and it doth not put us to death -- and our people;' for there hath been a deadly destruction throughout all the city, very heavy hath the hand of God been there,

ylt@1Samuel:6:2 @and the Philistines call for priests and for diviners, saying, 'What do we do to the ark of Jehovah? let us know wherewith we send it to its place?'

ylt@1Samuel:6:8 @and ye have taken the ark of Jehovah, and put it on the cart, and the vessels of gold which ye have returned to Him -- a guilt-offering -- ye put in a coffer on its side, and have sent it away, and it hath gone;

ylt@1Samuel:6:9 @and ye have seen, if the way of its own border it goeth up to Beth-Shemesh -- He hath done to us this great evil; and if not, then we have known that His hand hath not come against us; an accident it hath been to us.'

ylt@1Samuel:7:12 @And Samuel taketh a stone, and setteth [it] between Mizpeh and Shen, and calleth its name Eben-Ezer, saying, 'Hitherto hath Jehovah helped us.'

ylt@1Samuel:9:16 @'At this time tomorrow, I send unto thee a man out of the land of Benjamin -- and thou hast anointed him for leader over My people Israel, and he hath saved My people out of the hand of the Philistines; for I have seen My people, for its cry hath come in unto Me.'

ylt@1Samuel:10:21 @and he bringeth near the tribe of Benjamin by its families, and the family of Matri is captured, and Saul son of Kish is captured, and they seek him, and he hath not been found.

ylt@1Samuel:13:6 @And the men of Israel have seen that they are distressed, that the people hath been oppressed, and the people hide themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits.

ylt@1Samuel:14:30 @How much more if the people had well eaten to-day of the spoil of its enemies which it hath found, for now, the smiting hath not been great among the Philistines.'

ylt@1Samuel:14:48 @And he maketh a force, and smiteth Amalek, and delivereth Israel out of the hand of its spoiler.

ylt@1Samuel:17:4 @And there goeth out a man of the duellists from the camps of the Philistines, Goliath [is] his name, from Gath; his height [is] six cubits and a span,

ylt@1Samuel:17:51 @and David runneth and standeth over the Philistine, and taketh his sword, and draweth it out of its sheath, and putteth him to death, and cutteth off with it his head; and the Philistines see that their hero [is] dead, and flee.

ylt@1Samuel:21:6 @And the priest giveth to him the holy thing, for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence which is turned aside from the presence of Jehovah to put hot bread in the day of its being taken away.

ylt@1Samuel:28:3 @And Samuel hath died, and all Israel mourn for him, and bury him in Ramah, even in his city, and Saul hath turned aside those having familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land.

ylt@1Samuel:28:9 @And the woman saith unto him, 'Lo, thou hast known that which Saul hath done, that he hath cut off those having familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land; and why art thou laying a snare for my soul -- to put me to death?'

ylt@2Samuel:6:17 @And they bring in the ark of Jehovah, and set it up in its place, in the midst of the tent which David hath spread out for it, and David causeth to ascend burnt-offerings before Jehovah, and peace-offerings.

ylt@2Samuel:7:10 @and I have appointed a place for My people, for Israel, and have planted it, and it hath tabernacled in its place, and it is not troubled any more, and the sons of perverseness do not add to afflict it any more, as in the beginning,

ylt@2Samuel:10:17 @And it is declared to David, and he gathereth all Israel, and passeth over the Jordan, and cometh in to Helam, and Aram setteth itself in array to meet David, and they fight with him;

ylt@2Samuel:10:18 @and Aram fleeth from the presence of Israel, and David slayeth of Aram seven hundred charioteers, and forty thousand horsemen, and Shobach head of its host he hath smitten, and he dieth there.

ylt@2Samuel:12:30 @and he taketh the crown of their king from off his head, and its weight [is] a talent of gold, and precious stones, and it is on the head of David; and the spoil of the city he hath brought out, very much;

ylt@2Samuel:17:9 @lo, now, he is hidden in one of the pits, or in one of the places, and it hath been, at the falling among them at the commencement, that the hearer hath heard, and said, There hath been a slaughter among the people who [are] after Absalom;

ylt@2Samuel:20:8 @they [are] near the great stone that [is] in Gibeon, and Amasa hath gone before them, and Joab [is] girded; his long robe he hath put on him, and upon it a girdle -- a sword [is] fastened upon his loins in its sheath; and he hath gone out, and it falleth.

ylt@1Kings:3:27 @And the king answereth and saith, 'Give ye to her the living child, and put it not at all to death; she [is] its mother.'

ylt@1Kings:6:2 @As to the house that king Solomon hath built for Jehovah, sixty cubits [is] its length, and twenty its breadth, and thirty cubits its height.

ylt@1Kings:6:3 @As to the porch on the front of the temple of the house, twenty cubits [is] its length on the front of the breadth of the house; ten by the cubit [is] its breadth on the front of the house;

ylt@1Kings:6:6 @The lowest couch, five by the cubit [is] its breadth; and the middle, six by the cubit [is] its breadth; and the third, seven by the cubit [is] its breadth, for withdrawings he hath put to the house round about, without -- not to lay hold on the walls of the house.

ylt@1Kings:6:7 @And the house, in its being built, of perfect stone brought [thither] hath been built, and hammer, and the axe -- any instrument of iron -- was not heard in the house, in its being built.

ylt@1Kings:6:10 @And he buildeth the couch against all the house, five cubits [is] its height, and it taketh hold of the house by cedar-wood.

ylt@1Kings:6:16 @And he buildeth the twenty cubits on the sides of the house with ribs of cedar, from the floor unto the walls; and he buildeth for it within, for the oracle, for the holy of holies.

ylt@1Kings:6:20 @And before the oracle [is] twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits [is] its height; and he overlayeth it with gold refined, and overlayeth the altar with cedar.

ylt@1Kings:6:23 @And he maketh within the oracle two cherubs, of the oil-tree, ten cubits [is] their height;

ylt@1Kings:6:24 @and five cubits [is] the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the second wing of the cherub, ten cubits from the ends of its wings even unto the ends of its wings;

ylt@1Kings:6:38 @and in the eleventh year, in the month Bul -- [that is] the eighth month -- hath the house been finished in all its matters, and in all its ordinances, and he buildeth it seven years.

ylt@1Kings:7:2 @And he buildeth the house of the forest of Lebanon; a hundred cubits [is] its length, and fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height, on four rows of cedar pillars, and cedar-beams on the pillars;

ylt@1Kings:7:6 @And the porch of the pillars he hath made; fifty cubits its length, and thirty cubits its breadth, and the porch [is] before them, and pillars and a thick place [are] before them.

ylt@1Kings:7:10 @And the foundation [is] of precious stone, great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits;

ylt@1Kings:7:15 @And he formeth the two pillars of brass; eighteen cubits [is] the height of the one pillar, and a cord of twelve cubits doth compass the second pillar.

ylt@1Kings:7:16 @And two chapiters he hath made to put on the tops of the pillars, cast in brass; five cubits the height of the one chapiter, and five cubits the height of the second chapiter.

ylt@1Kings:7:19 @And the chapiters that [are] on the top of the pillars [are] of lily-work in the porch, four cubits;

ylt@1Kings:7:21 @And he raiseth up the pillars for the porch of the temple, and he raiseth up the right pillar, and calleth its name Jachin, and he raiseth up the left pillar, and calleth its name Boaz;

ylt@1Kings:7:23 @And he maketh the molten sea, ten by the cubit from its edge unto its edge; [it is] round all about, and five by the cubit [is] its height, and a line of thirty by the cubit doth compass it round about;

ylt@1Kings:7:24 @and knops beneath its brim round about are compassing it, ten by the cubit, going round the sea round about; in two rows [are] the knops, cast in its being cast.

ylt@1Kings:7:26 @And its thickness [is] an handbreadth, and its edge as the work of the edge of a cup, flowers of lilies; two thousand baths it containeth.

ylt@1Kings:7:27 @And he maketh the ten bases of brass; four by the cubit [is] the length of the one base, and four by the cubit its breadth, and three by the cubit its height.

ylt@1Kings:7:30 @And four wheels of brass [are] to the one base, and axles of brass; and its four corners have shoulders -- under the laver [are] the molten shoulders, beside each addition.

ylt@1Kings:7:31 @And its mouth within the chapiter and above [is] by the cubit, and its mouth [is] round, the work of the base, a cubit and half a cubit; and also on its mouth [are] carvings and their borders, square, not round.

ylt@1Kings:7:34 @And four shoulders [are] unto the four corners of the one base; out of the base [are] its shoulders.

ylt@1Kings:7:35 @And in the top of the base [is] the half of a cubit in the height all round about; and on the top of the base its spokes and its borders [are] of the same.

ylt@1Kings:7:36 @And he openeth on the tablets of its spokes, and on its borders, cherubs, lions, and palm-trees, according to the void space of each, and additions round about.

ylt@1Kings:8:6 @And the priests bring in the ark of the covenant of Jehovah unto its place, unto the oracle of the house, unto the holy of holies, unto the place of the wings of the cherubs;

ylt@1Kings:8:7 @for the cherubs are spreading forth two wings unto the place of the ark, and the cherubs cover over the ark, and over its staves from above;

ylt@1Kings:8:37 @'Famine -- when it is in the land; pestilence -- when it is; blasting, mildew, locust; caterpillar -- when it is; when its enemy hath distressed it in the land [in] its gates, any plague, any sickness, --

ylt@1Kings:8:44 @'When Thy people doth go out to battle against its enemy, in the way that Thou dost send them, and they have prayed unto Jehovah the way of the city which thou hast fixed on, and of the house which I have builded for Thy name;

ylt@1Kings:8:59 @and these my words with which I have made supplication before Jehovah, are near unto Jehovah our God by day and by night, to maintain the cause of His servant, and the cause of His people Israel, the matter of a day in its day;

ylt@1Kings:12:16 @And all Israel see that the king hath not hearkened unto them, and the people send the king back word, saying, 'What portion have we in David? yea, there is no inheritance in the son of Jesse; to thy tents, O Israel; now see thy house, O David!' and Israel goeth to its tents.

ylt@1Kings:14:10 @'Therefore, lo, I am bringing in evil unto the house of Jeroboam, and have cut off to Jeroboam those sitting on the wall -- shut up and left -- in Israel, and have put away the posterity of the house of Jeroboam, as one putteth away the dung till its consumption;

ylt@1Kings:15:22 @And king Asa hath summoned all Judah -- there is none exempt -- and they lift up the stones of Ramah, and its wood, that Baasha hath built, and king Asa buildeth with them Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah.

ylt@1Kings:16:34 @In his days hath Hiel the Beth-Elite built Jericho; in Abiram his first-born he laid its foundation, and in Segub his youngest he set up its doors, according to the word of Jehovah that He spake by the hand of Joshua son of Nun.

ylt@1Kings:21:2 @and Ahab speaketh unto Naboth, saying, 'Give to me thy vineyard, and it is to me for a garden of green herbs, for it [is] near by my house, and I give to thee in its stead a better vineyard than it; if good in thine eyes, I give to thee silver -- its price.'

ylt@1Kings:21:6 @And he saith unto her, 'Because I speak unto Naboth the Jezreelite, and say to him, Give to me thy vineyard for money, or if thou desire, I give to thee a vineyard in its stead; and he saith, I do not give to thee my vineyard.'

ylt@2Kings:2:12 @And Elisha is seeing, and he is crying, 'My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and its horsemen;' and he hath not seen him again; and he taketh hold on his garments, and rendeth them into two pieces.

ylt@2Kings:3:25 @and the cities they break down, and [on] every good portion they cast each his stone, and have filled it, and every fountain of water they stop, and every good tree they cause to fall -- till one had left its stones in Kir-Haraseth, and the slingers go round and smite it.

ylt@2Kings:4:42 @And a man hath come from Baal-Shalishah, and bringeth in to the man of God bread of first-fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in its husk, and he saith, 'Give to the people, and they eat.'

ylt@2Kings:8:21 @and Joram passeth over to Zair, and all the chariots with him, and he himself hath risen by night, and smiteth Edom, that is coming round about unto him, and the heads of the chariots, and the people fleeth to its tents;

ylt@2Kings:11:18 @And all the people of the land go in to the house of Baal, and break it down, its altars and its images they have thoroughly broken, and Mattan priest of Baal they have slain before the altars; and the priest setteth inspectors over the house of Jehovah,

ylt@2Kings:12:9 @and Jehoiada the priest taketh a chest, and pierceth a hole in its lid, and putteth it near the altar, on the right side, as one cometh in to the house of Jehovah, and the priests keeping the threshold have put there all the money that is brought in to the house of Jehovah.

ylt@2Kings:13:14 @And Elisha hath been sick with his sickness in which he dieth, and come down unto him doth Joash king of Israel, and weepeth on his face, and saith, 'My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and its horsemen.'

ylt@2Kings:14:7 @He hath smitten Edom, in the valley of salt -- ten thousand, and seized Selah in war, and [one] calleth its name Joktheel unto this day,

ylt@2Kings:14:13 @And Amaziah king of Judah, son of Jehoash son of Ahaziah, caught hath Jehoash king of Israel in Beth-Shemesh, and they come in to Jerusalem, and he bursteth through the wall of Jerusalem, at the gate of Ephraim unto the gate of the corner, four hundred cubits,

ylt@2Kings:15:16 @Then doth Menahem smite Tiphsah, and all who [are] in it, and its borders from Tirzah, for it opened not [to him], and he smiteth [it], all its pregnant women he hath ripped up.

ylt@2Kings:16:10 @And king Ahaz goeth to meet Tiglath-Pileser king of Asshur [at] Damascus, and seeth the altar that [is] in Damascus, and king Ahaz sendeth unto Urijah the priest the likeness of the altar, and its pattern, according to all its work,

ylt@2Kings:17:18 @That Jehovah sheweth himself very angry against Israel, and turneth them aside from His presence; none hath been left, only the tribe of Judah by itself.

ylt@2Kings:17:23 @till that Jehovah hath turned Israel aside from His presence, as He spake by the hand of all His servants the prophets, and Israel is removed from off its land to Asshur, unto this day.

ylt@2Kings:17:24 @And the king of Asshur bringeth in from Babylon and from Cutha, and from Ava, and from Hamath, and Sepharvaim, and causeth [them] to dwell in the cities of Samaria instead of the sons of Israel, and they possess Samaria, and dwell in its cities;

ylt@2Kings:17:29 @and they are making each nation its gods, and place [them] in the houses of the high places that the Samaritans have made, each nation in their cities where they are dwelling.

ylt@2Kings:18:8 @he hath smitten the Philistines unto Gaza, and its borders, from a tower of watchers unto the fenced city.

ylt@2Kings:19:23 @By the hand of thy messengers Thou hast reproached the Lord, and sayest: In the multitude of my chariots I have come up to a high place of mountains -- The sides of Lebanon, And I cut down the height of its cedars, The choice of its firs, And I enter the lodging of its extremity, The forest of its Carmel.

ylt@2Kings:19:29 @And this to thee [is] the sign, Food of the year [is] the spontaneous growth, And in the second year the self-produced, And in the third year sow ye, and reap, And plant vineyards, and eat their fruits.

ylt@2Kings:21:13 @And I have stretched out over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab, and wiped Jerusalem as one wipeth the dish -- he hath wiped, and hath turned [it] on its face.

ylt@2Kings:22:16 @Thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am bringing in evil unto this place and on its inhabitants, all the words of the book that the king of Judah hath read,

ylt@2Kings:22:19 @because thy heart [is] tender, and thou art humbled because of Jehovah, in thy hearing that which I have spoken against this place, and against its inhabitants, to be for a desolation, and for a reviling, and dost rend thy garments, and weep before Me -- I also have heard -- the affirmation of Jehovah --

ylt@2Kings:23:6 @And he bringeth out the shrine from the house of Jehovah to the outside of Jerusalem, unto the brook Kidron, and burneth it at the brook Kidron, and beateth it small to dust, and casteth its dust on the grave of the sons of the people.

ylt@2Kings:23:24 @And also, those having familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the teraphim, and the idols, and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah, and in Jerusalem, hath Josiah put away, in order to establish the words of the law that are written on the book that Hilkiah the priest hath found in the house of Jehovah.

ylt@2Kings:25:17 @eighteen cubits [is] the height of the one pillar, and the chapiter on it [is] of brass, and the height of the chapiter [is] three cubits, and the net and the pomegranates [are] on the chapiter round about -- the whole [is] of brass; and like these hath the second pillar, with the net.

ylt@2Kings:25:21 @and the king of Babylon smiteth them, and putteth them to death in Riblah, in the land of Hamath, and he removeth Judah from off its land.

ylt@2Kings:25:30 @and his allowance -- a continual allowance -- hath been given to him from the king, the matter of a day in its day, all days of his life.

ylt@1Chronicles:2:23 @and he taketh Geshur and Aram, the small villages of Jair, from them, with Kenath and its small towns, sixty cities -- all these [belonged to] the sons of Machir father of Gilead.

ylt@1Chronicles:6:55 @and they give to them Hebron in the land of Judah and its suburbs round about it;

ylt@1Chronicles:6:56 @and the field of the city and its villages they gave to Caleb son of Jephunneh.

ylt@1Chronicles:6:57 @And to the sons of Aaron they gave the cities of refuge: Hebron, and Libnah and its suburbs, and Jattir, and Eshtemoa and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:58 @and Hilen and its suburbs, Debir and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:59 @and Ashan and its suburbs, and Beth-Shemesh and its suburbs.

ylt@1Chronicles:6:60 @And from the tribe of Benjamin, Geba and its suburbs, and Allemeth and its suburbs, and Anathoth and its suburbs. All their cities [are] thirteen cities, for their families.

ylt@1Chronicles:6:67 @and they give to them the cities of refuge, Shechem and its suburbs in the hill-country of Ephraim, and Gezer and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:68 @and Jokmeam and its suburbs, and Beth-Horan and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:69 @and Aijalon and its suburbs, and Gath-Rimmon and its suburbs;

ylt@1Chronicles:6:70 @and from the half tribe of Manasseh, Aner and its suburbs, and Bileam and its suburbs, for the family of the sons of Kohath who are left.

ylt@1Chronicles:6:71 @To the sons of Gershom from the family of the half of the tribe of Manasseh [are] Golan in Bashan and its suburbs, and Ashtaroth and its suburbs;

ylt@1Chronicles:6:72 @and from the tribe of Issachar; Kedesh and its suburbs, Daberath and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:73 @and Ramoth and its suburbs, and Anem and its suburbs;

ylt@1Chronicles:6:74 @and from the tribe of Asher; Mashal and its suburbs, and Abdon and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:75 @and Hukok and its suburbs, and Rehob and its suburbs;

ylt@1Chronicles:6:76 @and from the tribe of Naphtali: Kedesh in Galilee and its suburbs, and Hammon and its suburbs, and Kirjathaim and its suburbs.

ylt@1Chronicles:6:77 @To the sons of Merari who are left, from the tribe of Zebulun, [are] Rimmon and its suburbs, Tabor and its suburbs;

ylt@1Chronicles:6:78 @and from beyond the Jordan by Jericho, at the east of the Jordan, from the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness and its suburbs, and Jahzah and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:79 @and Kedemoth and its suburbs, and Mephaath and its suburbs;

ylt@1Chronicles:6:80 @and from the tribe of Gad: Ramoth in Gilead and its suburbs, and Mahanaim and its suburbs,

ylt@1Chronicles:6:81 @and Heshbon and its suburbs, and Jazer and its suburbs.

ylt@1Chronicles:7:28 @And their possession and their dwellings [are] Beth-El and its small towns, and to the east Naaran, and to the west Gezer and its small towns, and Shechem and its small towns, unto Gaza and its small towns;

ylt@1Chronicles:7:29 @and by the parts of the sons of Manasseh, Beth-Shean and its small towns, Taanach and its small towns, Megiddo and its small towns, Dor and its small towns; in these dwelt the sons of Joseph son of Israel.

ylt@1Chronicles:8:12 @And sons of Elpaal: Eber, and Misheam, and Shamer, (he built Ono and Lod and its small towns),

ylt@1Chronicles:12:15 @these [are] they who have passed over the Jordan in the first month, -- and it is full over all its banks -- and cause all [they of] the valley to flee to the east and to the west.

ylt@1Chronicles:15:3 @And David assembleth all Israel unto Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of Jehovah unto its place that he had prepared for it.

ylt@1Chronicles:16:32 @Roar doth the sea, and its fulness, Exult doth the field, and all that [is] in it,

ylt@1Chronicles:16:37 @And he leaveth there before the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, for Asaph and for his brethren, to minister before the ark continually, according to the matter of a day in its day,

ylt@1Chronicles:17:9 @'And I have prepared a place for My people Israel, and planted it, and it hath dwelt in its place, and is not troubled any more, and the sons of perverseness add not to wear it out as at first,

ylt@1Chronicles:18:1 @And it cometh to pass after this, that David smiteth the Philistines, and humbleth them, and taketh Gath and its small towns out of the hand of the Philistines;

ylt@1Chronicles:21:27 @And Jehovah saith to the messenger, and he turneth back his sword unto its sheath.

ylt@1Chronicles:23:26 @and also of the Levites, 'None [are] to bear the tabernacle and all its vessels for its service;'

ylt@1Chronicles:28:11 @And David giveth to Solomon his son the pattern of the porch, and of its houses, and of its treasures, and of its upper chambers, and of its innermost chambers, and of the house of the atonement;

ylt@1Chronicles:28:15 @and [by] weight for the candlesticks of gold, and their lamps of gold, by weight [for] candlestick and candlestick, and its lamps; and for the candlesticks of silver, by weight for a candlestick and its lamps, according to the service of candlestick and candlestick;

ylt@2Chronicles:3:3 @And [in] these hath Solomon been instructed to build the house of God: The length [in] cubits by the former measure [is] sixty cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:4 @As to the porch that [is] on the front, the length [is] by the front of the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the height a hundred and twenty, and he overlayeth it within with pure gold.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:7 @and he covereth the house, the beams, the thresholds, and its walls, and its doors, with gold, and hath graved cherubs on the walls.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:8 @And he maketh the most holy house: its length [is] by the front of the breadth of the house twenty cubits, and its breadth twenty cubits, and he covereth it with good gold, to six hundred talents;

ylt@2Chronicles:3:11 @as to the wings of the cherubs, their length [is] twenty cubits, the wing of the one [is] five cubits, touching the wall of the house, and the other wing [is] five cubits, touching the wing of the other cherub.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:12 @And the wing of the other cherub [is] five cubits touching the wall of the house, and the other wing [is] five cubits, adhering to the wing of the other cherub.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:13 @The wings of these cherubs are spreading forth twenty cubits, and they are standing on their feet and their faces [are] inward.

ylt@2Chronicles:3:15 @And he maketh at the front of the house two pillars, thirty and five cubits in length, and the ornament that [is] on their heads five cubits.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:1 @And he maketh an altar of brass, twenty cubits its length, and twenty cubits its breadth, and ten cubits its height.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:2 @And he maketh the molten sea; ten by the cubit, from its edge unto its edge, round in compass, and five by the cubit its height, and a line of thirty by the cubit doth compass it, round about.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:3 @And the likeness of oxen [is] under it, all round about encompassing it, ten in the cubit, compassing the sea round about; two rows of oxen are cast in its being cast.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:5 @And its thickness [is] a handbreadth, and its lip as the work of the lip of a cup flowered with lilies; taking hold -- baths three thousand it containeth.

ylt@2Chronicles:4:22 @and the snuffers, and the bowls, and the spoons, and the censers, of gold refined, and the opening of the house, its innermost doors to the holy of holies, and the doors of the house to the temple, of gold.

ylt@2Chronicles:5:7 @And the priests bring in the ark of the covenant of Jehovah unto its place, unto the oracle of the house, unto the holy of holies, unto the place of the wings of the cherubs;

ylt@2Chronicles:5:8 @and the cherubs are spreading out wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubs cover over the ark, and over its staves, from above;

ylt@2Chronicles:6:13 @for Solomon hath made a scaffold of brass, and putteth it in the midst of the court, five cubits its length, and five cubits its breadth, and three cubits its height, and he standeth upon it, and kneeleth on his knees over-against all the assembly of Israel, and spreadeth forth his hands towards the heavens --

ylt@2Chronicles:6:28 @'Famine, when it is in the land, pestilence, when it is, blasting, and mildew, locust, and caterpillar, when they are, when its enemies have distressed it in the land -- its gates, any plague and any sickness;

ylt@2Chronicles:6:34 @'When Thy people doth go out to battle against its enemies in the way that Thou dost send them, and they have prayed unto Thee the way of this city that Thou hast fixed on, and the house that I have built for Thy name:

ylt@2Chronicles:8:13 @even by the matter of a day in its day, to cause to ascend according to the command of Moses, on sabbaths, and on new moons, and on appointed seasons, three times in a year -- in the feast of unleavened things, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of booths.

ylt@2Chronicles:8:14 @And he establisheth, according to the ordinance of David his father, the courses of the priests over their service, and of the Levites over their charges, to praise and to minister over-against the priests, according to the matter of a day in its day, and the gatekeepers in their courses at gate and gate, for so [is] the command of David the man of God.

ylt@2Chronicles:8:16 @And all the work of Solomon is prepared till the day of the foundation of the house of Jehovah, and till its completion; perfect is the house of Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:13:11 @and are making perfume to Jehovah, burnt-offerings morning by morning, and evening by evening, and perfume of spices, and the arrangement of bread [is] on the pure table, and the candlestick of gold, and its lamps, to burn evening by evening, for we are keeping the charge of Jehovah our God, and ye -- ye have forsaken Him.

ylt@2Chronicles:13:19 @And Abijah pursueth after Jeroboam, and captureth from him cities, Beth-El and its small towns, and Jeshanah and its small towns, and Ephraim and its small towns.

ylt@2Chronicles:15:4 @and it turneth back in its distress unto Jehovah, God of Israel, and they seek Him, and He is found of them,

ylt@2Chronicles:16:6 @and Asa the king hath taken all Judah, and they bear away the stones of Ramah, and its wood, that Baasha hath built, and he buildeth with them Geba and Mizpah.

ylt@2Chronicles:24:11 @And it cometh to pass, at the time one bringeth in the chest for the inspection of the king by the hand of the Levites, and at their seeing that the money [is] abundant, that a scribe of the king hath come in, and an officer of the head-priest, and they empty the chest, and take it up and turn it back unto its place; thus they have done day by day, and gather money in abundance.

ylt@2Chronicles:24:13 @And those doing the business work, and there goeth up lengthening to the work by their hand, and they establish the house of God, by its proper measure, and strengthen it.

ylt@2Chronicles:25:23 @And Amaziah king of Judah, son of Joash, son of Jehoahaz, hath Joash king of Israel caught in Beth-Shemesh, and bringeth him in to Jerusalem, and breaketh down in the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim unto the gate of the corner, four hundred cubits,

ylt@2Chronicles:28:18 @And the Philistines have rushed against the cities of the low country, and of the south of Judah, and capture Beth-Shemesh, and Aijalon, and Gederoth, and Shocho and its villages, and Timnah and its villages, and Gimzo and its villages, and dwell there,

ylt@2Chronicles:29:18 @And they come in within unto Hezekiah the king, and say, 'We have cleansed all the house of Jehovah, and the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its vessels, and the table of the arrangement, and all its vessels,

ylt@2Chronicles:31:16 @apart from their genealogy, to males from a son of three years and upward, to every one who hath gone in to the house of Jehovah, by the matter of a day in its day, for their service in their charges, according to their courses;

ylt@2Chronicles:34:24 @Thus said Jehovah, Lo, I am bringing in evil on this place, and on its inhabitants, all the execrations that are written on the book that they read before the king of Judah;

ylt@2Chronicles:34:27 @Because thy heart [is] tender, and thou art humbled before God in thy hearing His words concerning this place, and concerning its inhabitants, and art humbled before Me, and dost rend thy garments, and weep before Me: even I also have heard -- the affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@2Chronicles:34:28 @Lo, I am gathering thee unto thy fathers, and thou hast been gathered unto thy graves in peace, and thine eyes do not look on all the evil that I am bringing upon this place, and upon its inhabitants;' and they bring the king back word.

ylt@2Chronicles:36:19 @And they burn the house of God, and break down the wall of Jerusalem, and all its palaces they have burnt with fire, and all its desirable vessels -- to destruction.

ylt@2Chronicles:36:21 @to fulfil the word of Jehovah in the mouth of Jeremiah, till the land hath enjoyed its sabbaths; all the days of the desolation it kept sabbath -- to the fulness of seventy years.

ylt@Ezra:2:68 @And some of the heads of the fathers in their coming in to the house of Jehovah that [is] in Jerusalem, have offered willingly for the house of God, to establish it on its base;

ylt@Ezra:3:3 @And they establish the altar on its bases, because of the fear upon them of the peoples of the lands, and he causeth burnt-offerings to ascend upon it to Jehovah, burnt-offerings for the morning and for the evening.

ylt@Ezra:3:4 @And they make the feast of the booths as it is written, and the burnt-offering of the day daily in number according to the ordinance, the matter of a day in its day;

ylt@Ezra:4:15 @so that he doth seek in the book of the records of thy fathers, and thou dost find in the book of the records, and dost know, that this city [is] a rebellious city, and causing loss [to] kings and provinces, and makers of sedition [are] in its midst from the days of old, therefore hath this city been wasted.

ylt@Ezra:4:19 @and by me a decree hath been made, and they sought, and have found that this city from the days of old against kings is lifting up itself, and rebellion and sedition is made in it,

ylt@Ezra:5:15 @and said to him, These vessels lift up, go, put them down in the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, and the house of God is builded on its place.

ylt@Ezra:6:3 @'In the first year of Cyrus the king, Cyrus the king hath made a decree concerning the house of God in Jerusalem: the house let be builded in the place where they are sacrificing sacrifices, and its foundations strongly laid; its height sixty cubits, its breadth sixty cubits;

ylt@Ezra:6:5 @'And also, the vessels of the house of God, of gold and silver, that Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, let be given back, and go to the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, [each] to its place, and put [them] down in the house of God.

ylt@Ezra:6:7 @let alone the work of this house of God, let the governor of the Jews, and the elders of the Jews, build this house of God on its place.

ylt@Ezra:7:13 @By me hath been made a decree that every one who is willing, in my kingdom, of the people of Israel and of its priests and Levites, to go to Jerusalem with thee, doth go;

ylt@Ezra:9:9 @for servants we [are], and in our servitude our God hath not forsaken us, and stretcheth out unto us kindness before the kings of Persia, to give to us a quickening to lift up the house of our God, and to cause its wastes to cease, and to give to us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.

ylt@Ezra:10:14 @'Let, we pray thee, our heads of all the assembly stand, and all who [are] in our cities, who have settled strange wives, do come in at the times appointed, and with them the elders of city and city, and its judges, till the turning back of the fury of the wrath of our God from us, for this thing.'

ylt@Nehemiah:1:3 @and they say to me, 'Those left, who have been left of the captivity there in the province, [are] in great evil, and in reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burnt with fire.'

ylt@Nehemiah:2:3 @and say to the king, 'Let the king to the age live! wherefore should not my face be sad, when the city, the place of the graves of my fathers, [is] a waste, and its gates have been consumed with fire?'

ylt@Nehemiah:2:13 @And I go out through the gate of the valley by night, and unto the front of the fountain of the dragon, and unto the gate of the dunghill, and I am measuring about the walls of Jerusalem, that are broken down, and its gates consumed with fire.

ylt@Nehemiah:2:17 @and I say unto them, 'Ye are seeing the evil that we are in, in that Jerusalem [is] waste, and its gates have been burnt with fire; come and we build the wall of Jerusalem, and we are not any more a reproach.'

ylt@Nehemiah:3:1 @And Eliashib the high priest riseth, and his brethren the priests, and they build the sheep-gate; they have sanctified it, and set up its doors, even unto the tower of Meah they have sanctified it, unto the tower of Hananeel;

ylt@Nehemiah:3:3 @and the fish-gate have sons of Hassenaah built, they have walled it, and set up its doors, its locks, and its bars.

ylt@Nehemiah:3:6 @And the old gate have Jehoiada son of Paseah, and Meshullam son of Besodeiah, strengthened; they have walled it, and set up its doors, and its locks, and its bars.

ylt@Nehemiah:3:13 @The gate of the valley hath Hanun strengthened, and the inhabitants of Zanoah; they have built it, and set up its doors, its locks, and its bars, and a thousand cubits in the wall unto the dung-gate.

ylt@Nehemiah:3:14 @And the dung-gate hath Malchijah son of Rechab, head of the district of Beth-Haccerem, strengthened; he doth built it, and set up its doors, its locks, and its bars.

ylt@Nehemiah:3:15 @And the gate of the fountain hath Shallum son of Col-Hozeh, head of the district of Mizpah, strengthened: he doth build it, and cover it, and set up its doors, its locks, and its bars, and the wall of the pool of Siloah, to the garden of the king, and unto the steps that are going down from the city of David.

ylt@Nehemiah:4:6 @And we build the wall, and all the wall is joined -- unto its half, and the people have a heart to work.

ylt@Nehemiah:7:4 @And the city [is] broad on both sides, and great, and the people [are] few in its midst, and there are no houses builded;

ylt@Nehemiah:9:36 @'Lo, we -- to-day -- [are] servants, and the land that Thou hast given to our fathers, to eat its fruit and its good -- lo, we [are] servants on it,

ylt@Nehemiah:9:37 @and its increase it is multiplying to the kings whom Thou hast set over us in our sins; and over our bodies they are ruling, and over our cattle, according to their pleasure, and we [are] in great distress.

ylt@Nehemiah:10:35 @and to bring in the first fruits of our ground, and the first fruits of all fruit of every tree, year by year, to the house of Jehovah,

ylt@Nehemiah:11:23 @for the command of the king [is] upon them, and support [is] for the singers, a matter of a day in its day.

ylt@Nehemiah:11:25 @And at the villages with their fields, of the sons of Judah there have dwelt, in Kirjath-Arba and its small towns, and in Dibon and its small towns, and in Jekabzeel and its villages,

ylt@Nehemiah:11:27 @and in Hazar-Shaul, and in Beer-Sheba and its small towns,

ylt@Nehemiah:11:28 @and in Ziklag, and in Mekonah and in its small towns,

ylt@Nehemiah:11:30 @Zanoah, Adullam, and their villages, Lachish and its fields, Azekah and its small towns; and they encamp from Beer-Sheba unto the valley of Hinnom.

ylt@Nehemiah:11:31 @And sons of Benjamin [are] at Geba, Michmash, and Aija, and Beth-El, and its small towns,

ylt@Nehemiah:12:44 @And certain are appointed on that day over the chambers for treasures, for heave-offerings, for first-fruits, and for tithes, to gather into them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for priests, and for Levites, for the joy of Judah [is] over the priests, and over the Levites, who are standing up.

ylt@Nehemiah:12:47 @And all Israel in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, are giving the portions of the singers, and of the gatekeepers, the matter of a day in its day, and are sanctifying to the Levites, and the Levites are sanctifying to the sons of Aaron.

ylt@Nehemiah:13:14 @Be mindful of me, O my God, for this, and do not blot out my kind acts that I have done, for the house of my God, and for its charges.

ylt@Nehemiah:13:31 @and for the wood-offering at appointed times, and for first-fruits. Be mindful of me, O my God, for good.

ylt@Esther:1:22 @and sendeth letters unto all provinces of the king, unto province and province according to its writing, and unto people and people according to its tongue, for every man being head in his own house -- and speaking according to the language of his people.

ylt@Esther:3:12 @And scribes of the king are called, on the first month, on the thirteenth day of it, and it is written according to all that Haman hath commanded, unto lieutenants of the king, and unto the governors who [are] over province and province, and unto the heads of people and people, province and province, according to its writing, and people and people according to its tongue, in the name of the king Ahasuerus it hath been written and sealed with the signet of the king,

ylt@Esther:5:14 @And Zeresh his wife saith to him, and all his friends, 'Let them prepare a tree, in height fifty cubits, and in the morning speak to the king, and they hang Mordecai on it, and go thou in with the king unto the banquet rejoicing;' and the thing is good before Haman, and he prepareth the tree.

ylt@Esther:7:9 @And Harbonah, one of the eunuchs, saith before the king, 'Also lo, the tree that Haman made for Mordecai, who spake good for the king, is standing in the house of Haman, in height fifty cubits;' and the king saith, 'Hang him upon it.'

ylt@Esther:8:9 @And the scribes of the king are called, at that time, in the third month -- it [is] the month of Sivan -- in the three and twentieth of it, and it is written, according to all that Mordecai hath commanded, unto the Jews, and unto the lieutenants, and the governors, and the heads of the provinces, that [are] from Hodu even unto Cush, seven and twenty and a hundred provinces -- province and province according to its writing, and people and people according to its tongue, and unto the Jews according to their writing, and according to their tongue.

ylt@Job:3:9 @Let the stars of its twilight be dark, Let it wait for light, and there is none, And let it not look on the eyelids of the dawn.

ylt@Job:4:16 @It standeth, and I discern not its aspect, A similitude [is] over-against mine eyes, Silence! and a voice I hear:

ylt@Job:5:26 @Thou comest in full age unto the grave, As the going up of a stalk in its season.

ylt@Job:6:16 @That are black because of ice, By them doth snow hide itself.

ylt@Job:6:17 @By the time they are warm they have been cut off, By its being hot they have been Extinguished from their place.

ylt@Job:8:12 @While it [is] in its budding -- uncropt, Even before any herb it withereth.

ylt@Job:9:6 @Who is shaking earth from its place, And its pillars move themselves.

ylt@Job:9:24 @Earth hath been given Into the hand of the wicked one. The face of its judges he covereth, If not -- where, who [is] he?

ylt@Job:11:9 @Longer than earth [is] its measure, And broader than the sea.

ylt@Job:12:11 @Doth not the ear try words? And the palate taste food for itself?

ylt@Job:14:7 @For there is of a tree hope, if it be cut down, That again it doth change, That its tender branch doth not cease.

ylt@Job:14:8 @If its root becometh old in the earth, And its stem doth die in the dust,

ylt@Job:14:18 @And yet, a falling mountain wasteth away, And a rock is removed from its place.

ylt@Job:18:4 @(He is tearing himself in his anger.) For thy sake is earth forsaken? And removed is a rock from its place?

ylt@Job:20:27 @Reveal do the heavens his iniquity, And earth is raising itself against him.

ylt@Job:27:22 @And it casteth at him, and doth not spare, From its hand he diligently fleeth.

ylt@Job:27:23 @It clappeth at him its hands, And it hisseth at him from his place.

ylt@Job:28:5 @The earth! from it cometh forth bread, And its under-part is turned like fire.

ylt@Job:28:6 @A place of the sapphire [are] its stones, And it hath dust of gold.

ylt@Job:28:13 @Man hath not known its arrangement, Nor is it found in the land of the living.

ylt@Job:28:15 @Gold is not given for it, Nor is silver weighed -- its price.

ylt@Job:28:17 @Not equal it do gold and crystal, Nor [is] its exchange a vessel of fine gold.

ylt@Job:28:22 @Destruction and death have said: 'With our ears we have heard its fame.'

ylt@Job:28:23 @God hath understood its way, And He hath known its place.

ylt@Job:30:16 @And now, in me my soul poureth itself out, Seize me do days of affliction.

ylt@Job:30:24 @Surely not against the heap Doth He send forth the hand, Though in its ruin they have safety.

ylt@Job:31:22 @My shoulder from its blade let fall, And mine arm from the bone be broken.

ylt@Job:31:38 @If against me my land doth cry out, And together its furrows weep,

ylt@Job:31:39 @If its strength I consumed without money, And the life of its possessors, I have caused to breathe out,

ylt@Job:36:27 @When He doth diminish droppings of the waters, They refine rain according to its vapour,

ylt@Job:37:1 @Also, at this my heart trembleth, And it moveth from its place.

ylt@Job:37:3 @Under the whole heavens He directeth it, And its light [is] over the skirts of the earth.

ylt@Job:37:8 @And enter doth the beast into covert, And in its habitations it doth continue.

ylt@Job:37:12 @And it is turning itself round by His counsels, For their doing all He commandeth them, On the face of the habitable earth.

ylt@Job:38:5 @Who placed its measures -- if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched out upon it a line?

ylt@Job:38:6 @On what have its sockets been sunk? Or who hath cast its corner-stone?

ylt@Job:38:8 @And He shutteth up with doors the sea, In its coming forth, from the womb it goeth out.

ylt@Job:38:9 @In My making a cloud its clothing, And thick darkness its swaddling band,

ylt@Job:38:12 @Hast thou commanded morning since thy days? Causest thou the dawn to know its place?

ylt@Job:38:14 @It turneth itself as clay of a seal And they station themselves as clothed.

ylt@Job:38:19 @Where [is] this -- the way light dwelleth? And darkness, where [is] this -- its place?

ylt@Job:38:20 @That thou dost take it unto its boundary, And that thou dost understand The paths of its house.

ylt@Job:38:32 @Dost thou bring out Mazzaroth in its season? And Aysh for her sons dost thou comfort?

ylt@Job:38:33 @Hast thou known the statutes of heaven? Or dost thou appoint Its dominion in the earth?

ylt@Psalms:1:3 @And he hath been as a tree, Planted by rivulets of water, That giveth its fruit in its season, And its leaf doth not wither, And all that he doth he causeth to prosper.

ylt@Psalms:10:7 @Of oaths his mouth is full, And deceits, and fraud: Under his tongue [is] perverseness and iniquity,

ylt@Psalms:13:6 @I do sing to Jehovah, For He hath conferred benefits upon me!

ylt@Psalms:24:1 @A Psalm of David. To Jehovah [is] the earth and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it.

ylt@Psalms:32:9 @Be ye not as a horse -- as a mule, Without understanding, With bridle and bit, its ornaments, to curb, Not to come near unto thee.

ylt@Psalms:38:12 @And those seeking my soul lay a snare, And those seeking my evil Have spoken mischievous things, And they do deceits meditate all the day.

ylt@Psalms:41:6 @And if he came to see -- vanity he speaketh, His heart gathereth iniquity to itself, He goeth out -- at the street he speaketh.

ylt@Psalms:42:6 @In me doth my soul bow itself, Therefore I remember Thee from the land of Jordan, And of the Hermons, from the hill Mizar.

ylt@Psalms:46:3 @Roar -- troubled are its waters, Mountains they shake in its pride. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:46:4 @A river -- its rivulets rejoice the city of God, Thy holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.

ylt@Psalms:50:1 @A Psalm of Asaph. The God of gods -- Jehovah -- hath spoken, And He calleth to the earth From the rising of the sun unto its going in.

ylt@Psalms:50:12 @If I am hungry I tell not to thee, For Mine [is] the world and its fulness.

ylt@Psalms:55:10 @By day and by night they go round it, on its walls. Both iniquity and perverseness [are] in its midst,

ylt@Psalms:55:11 @Mischiefs [are] in its midst. Fraud and deceit depart not from its street.

ylt@Psalms:57:6 @A net they have prepared for my steps, Bowed down hath my soul, They have digged before me a pit, They have fallen into its midst. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:58:4 @Their poison [is] as poison of a serpent, As a deaf asp shutting its ear,

ylt@Psalms:60:2 @Thou hast caused the land to tremble, Thou hast broken it, Heal its breaches, for it hath moved.

ylt@Psalms:65:10 @Its ridges have been filled, Deepened hath been its furrow, With showers Thou dost soften it, Its springing up Thou blessest.

ylt@Psalms:72:16 @There is a handful of corn in the earth, On the top of mountains, Shake like Lebanon doth its fruit, And they flourish out of the city as the herb of the earth.

ylt@Psalms:73:21 @For my heart doth show itself violent, And my reins prick themselves,

ylt@Psalms:74:6 @And now, its carvings together With axe and hatchet they break down,

ylt@Psalms:75:3 @Melted is the earth and all its inhabitants, I -- I have pondered its pillars. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:75:8 @For a cup [is] in the hand of Jehovah, And the wine hath foamed, It is full of mixture, and He poureth out of it, Only its dregs wring out, and drink, Do all the wicked of the earth,

ylt@Psalms:78:8 @And they are not like their fathers, A generation apostate and rebellious, A generation! it hath not prepared its heart, Nor stedfast with God [is] its spirit.

ylt@Psalms:80:10 @Covered have been hills [with] its shadow, And its boughs [are] cedars of God.

ylt@Psalms:80:11 @It sendeth forth its branches unto the sea, And unto the river its sucklings.

ylt@Psalms:80:12 @Why hast Thou broken down its hedges, And all passing by the way have plucked it?

ylt@Psalms:85:12 @Jehovah also giveth that which is good, And our land doth give its increase.

ylt@Psalms:89:9 @Thou [art] ruler over the pride of the sea, In the lifting up of its billows Thou dost restrain them.

ylt@Psalms:89:11 @Thine [are] the heavens -- the earth also [is] Thine, The habitable world and its fulness, Thou hast founded them.

ylt@Psalms:96:11 @The heavens joy, and the earth is joyful, The sea and its fulness roar.

ylt@Psalms:98:7 @Roar doth the sea and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it.

ylt@Psalms:103:2 @Bless, O my soul, Jehovah, And forget not all His benefits,

ylt@Psalms:103:5 @Who is satisfying with good thy desire, Renew itself as an eagle doth thy youth.

ylt@Psalms:103:10 @Not according to our sins hath He done to us, Nor according to our iniquities Hath He conferred benefits upon us.

ylt@Psalms:103:16 @For a wind hath passed over it, and it is not, And its place doth not discern it any more.

ylt@Psalms:104:5 @He hath founded earth on its bases, It is not moved to the age and for ever.

ylt@Psalms:104:27 @All of them unto Thee do look, To give their food in its season.

ylt@Psalms:105:24 @And He maketh His people very fruitful, And maketh it mightier than its adversaries.

ylt@Psalms:105:37 @And bringeth them out with silver and gold, And there is not in its tribes a feeble one.

ylt@Psalms:107:25 @And He saith, and appointeth a tempest, And it lifteth up its billows,

ylt@Psalms:107:34 @A fruitful land becometh a barren place, For the wickedness of its inhabitants.

ylt@Psalms:107:37 @And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, And they make fruits of increase.

ylt@Psalms:113:3 @From the rising of the sun unto its going in, Praised [is] the name of Jehovah.

ylt@Psalms:116:3 @Compassed me have cords of death, And straits of Sheol have found me, Distress and sorrow I find.

ylt@Psalms:116:7 @Turn back, O my soul, to thy rest, For Jehovah hath conferred benefits on thee.

ylt@Psalms:116:12 @What do I return to Jehovah? All His benefits [are] upon me.

ylt@Psalms:119:17 @[Gimel.] Confer benefits on Thy servant, I live, and I keep Thy word.

ylt@Psalms:119:85 @The proud have digged for me pits, That [are] not according to Thy law.

ylt@Psalms:122:3 @Jerusalem -- the builded one -- [Is] as a city that is joined to itself together.

ylt@Psalms:127:1 @A Song of the Ascents, by Solomon. If Jehovah doth not build the house, In vain have its builders laboured at it, If Jehovah doth not watch a city, In vain hath a watchman waked.

ylt@Psalms:131:2 @Have I not compared, and kept silent my soul, As a weaned one by its mother? As a weaned one by me [is] my soul.

ylt@Psalms:136:14 @And caused Israel to pass through its midst, For to the age [is] His kindness,

ylt@Psalms:137:2 @On willows in its midst we hung our harps.

ylt@Psalms:137:7 @Remember, Jehovah, for the sons of Edom, The day of Jerusalem, Those saying, 'Rase, rase to its foundation!'

ylt@Psalms:140:10 @They cause to fall on themselves burning coals, Into fire He doth cast them, Into deep pits -- they arise not.

ylt@Psalms:142:7 @Bring forth from prison my soul to confess Thy name, The righteous do compass me about, When Thou conferrest benefits upon me!

ylt@Psalms:145:15 @The eyes of all unto Thee do look, And Thou art giving to them their food in its season,

ylt@Psalms:147:9 @Giving to the beast its food, To the young of the ravens that call.

ylt@Proverbs:1:6 @For understanding a proverb and its sweetness, Words of the wise and their acute sayings.

ylt@Proverbs:1:19 @So [are] the paths of every gainer of dishonest gain, The life of its owners it taketh.

ylt@Proverbs:3:27 @Withhold not good from its owners, When thy hand [is] toward God to do [it].

ylt@Proverbs:7:23 @Till an arrow doth split his liver, As a bird hath hastened unto a snare, And hath not known that it [is] for its life.

ylt@Proverbs:8:29 @In His setting for the sea its limit, And the waters transgress not His command, In His decreeing the foundations of earth,

ylt@Proverbs:14:10 @The heart knoweth its own bitterness, And with its joy a stranger doth not intermeddle.

ylt@Proverbs:14:12 @There is a way -- right before a man, And its latter end [are] ways of death.

ylt@Proverbs:14:14 @From his ways is the backslider in heart filled, And a good man -- from his fruits.

ylt@Proverbs:15:23 @Joy [is] to a man in the answer of his mouth, And a word in its season -- how good!

ylt@Proverbs:16:2 @All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, And Jehovah is pondering the spirits.

ylt@Proverbs:16:22 @A fountain of life [is] understanding to its possessors, The instruction of fools is folly.

ylt@Proverbs:16:25 @There is a way right before a man, And its latter end -- ways of death.

ylt@Proverbs:16:33 @Into the centre is the lot cast, And from Jehovah [is] all its judgment!

ylt@Proverbs:17:8 @A stone of grace [is] the bribe in the eyes of its possessors, Whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth.

ylt@Proverbs:18:21 @Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue, And those loving it eat its fruit.

ylt@Proverbs:20:21 @An inheritance gotten wrongly at first, Even its latter end is not blessed.

ylt@Proverbs:21:22 @A city of the mighty hath the wise gone up, And bringeth down the strength of its confidence.

ylt@Proverbs:23:5 @For wealth maketh to itself wings, As an eagle it flieth to the heavens.

ylt@Proverbs:23:31 @See not wine when it showeth itself red, When it giveth in the cup its colour, It goeth up and down through the upright.

ylt@Proverbs:23:32 @Its latter end -- as a serpent it biteth, And as a basilisk it stingeth.

ylt@Proverbs:24:3 @By wisdom is a house builded, And by understanding it establisheth itself.

ylt@Proverbs:24:31 @And lo, it hath gone up -- all of it -- thorns! Covered its face have nettles, And its stone wall hath been broken down.

ylt@Proverbs:25:8 @Go not forth to strive, haste, turn, What dost thou in its latter end, When thy neighbour causeth thee to blush?

ylt@Proverbs:25:11 @Apples of gold in imagery of silver, [Is] the word spoken at its fit times.

ylt@Proverbs:26:11 @As a dog hath returned to its vomit, A fool is repeating his folly.

ylt@Proverbs:26:14 @The door turneth round on its hinge, And the slothful on his bed.

ylt@Proverbs:26:26 @Hatred is covered by deceit, Revealed is its wickedness in an assembly.

ylt@Proverbs:26:28 @A lying tongue hateth its bruised ones, And a flattering mouth worketh an overthrow!

ylt@Proverbs:27:18 @The keeper of a fig-tree eateth its fruit, And the preserver of his master is honoured.

ylt@Proverbs:28:2 @By the transgression of a land many [are] its heads. And by an intelligent man, Who knoweth right -- it is prolonged.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:5 @Also, the sun hath risen, and the sun hath gone in, and unto its place panting it is rising there.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:1:6 @Going unto the south, and turning round unto the north, turning round, turning round, the wind is going, and by its circuits the wind hath returned.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:11 @The whole He hath made beautiful in its season; also, that knowledge He hath put in their heart without which man findeth not out the work that God hath done from the beginning even unto the end.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:11 @In the multiplying of good have its consumers been multiplied, and what benefit [is] to its possessor except the sight of his eyes?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:5:13 @There is a painful evil I have seen under the sun: wealth kept for its possessor, for his evil.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:6:10 @What [is] that which hath been? already is its name called, and it is known that it [is] man, and he is not able to contend with him who is stronger than he.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:7:8 @Better [is] the latter end of a thing than its beginning, Better [is] the patient of spirit, than the haughty of spirit.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:8:8 @There is no man ruling over the spirit to restrain the spirit, and there is no authority over the day of death, and there is no discharge in battle, and wickedness delivereth not its possessors.

ylt@Songs:1:12 @While the king [is] in his circle, My spikenard hath given its fragrance.

ylt@Songs:3:10 @Its pillars he made of silver, Its bottom of gold, its seat of purple, Its midst lined [with] love, By the daughters of Jerusalem.

ylt@Songs:4:13 @Thy shoots a paradise of pomegranates, With precious fruits,

ylt@Songs:4:16 @Awake, O north wind, and come, O south, Cause my garden to breathe forth, its spices let flow, Let my beloved come to his garden, And eat its pleasant fruits!

ylt@Songs:7:8 @I said, 'Let me go up on the palm, Let me lay hold on its boughs, Yea, let thy breasts be, I pray thee, as clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of thy face as citrons,

ylt@Songs:8:6 @Set me as a seal on thy heart, as a seal on thine arm, For strong as death is love, Sharp as Sheol is jealousy, Its burnings [are] burnings of fire, a flame of Jah!

ylt@Songs:8:11 @Solomon hath a vineyard in Baal-Hamon, He hath given the vineyard to keepers, Each bringeth for its fruit a thousand silverlings;

ylt@Songs:8:12 @My vineyard -- my own -- is before me, The thousand [is] for thee, O Solomon. And the two hundred for those keeping its fruit. O dweller in gardens!

ylt@Isaiah:1:3 @An ox hath known its owner, And an ass the crib of its master, Israel hath not known, My people hath not understood.

ylt@Isaiah:2:7 @And its land is full of silver and gold, And there is no end to its treasures, And its land is full of horses, And there is no end to its chariots,

ylt@Isaiah:2:8 @And its land is full of idols, To the work of its hands it boweth itself, To that which its fingers have made,

ylt@Isaiah:3:12 @My people -- its exactors [are] sucklings, And women have ruled over it. My people -- thy eulogists are causing to err, And the way of thy paths swallowed up.

ylt@Isaiah:3:14 @Jehovah into judgment doth enter With elders of His people, and its heads: 'And ye, ye have consumed the vineyard, Plunder of the poor [is] in your houses.

ylt@Isaiah:5:2 @And he fenceth it, and casteth out its stones, And planteth it [with] a choice vine, And buildeth a tower in its midst, And also a wine press hath hewn out in it, And he waiteth for the yielding of grapes, And it yieldeth bad ones!

ylt@Isaiah:5:5 @And now, pray, let me cause you to know, That which I am doing to my vineyard, To turn aside its hedge, And it hath been for consumption, To break down its wall, And it hath been for a treading-place.

ylt@Isaiah:5:13 @Therefore my people removed without knowledge, And its honourable ones are famished, And its multitude dried up of thirst.

ylt@Isaiah:5:14 @Therefore hath Sheol enlarged herself, And hath opened her mouth without limit. And gone down hath its honour, and its multitude, And its noise, and its exulting one -- into her.

ylt@Isaiah:5:27 @There is none weary, nor stumbling in it, It doth not slumber, nor sleep, Nor opened hath been the girdle of its loins, Nor drawn away the latchet of its sandals.

ylt@Isaiah:5:28 @Whose arrows [are] sharp, and all its bows bent, Hoofs of its horses as flint have been reckoned, And its wheels as a hurricane!

ylt@Isaiah:5:29 @Its roaring [is] like a lioness, It roareth like young lions, And it howleth, and seizeth prey, And carrieth away safely, and there is none delivering.

ylt@Isaiah:5:30 @And it howleth against it in that day as the howling of a sea, And it hath looked attentively to the land, And lo, darkness -- distress, And light hath been darkened by its abundance!

ylt@Isaiah:6:2 @Seraphs are standing above it: six wings hath each one; with two [each] covereth its face, and with two [each] covereth its feet, and with two [each] flieth.

ylt@Isaiah:6:10 @Declare fat the heart of this people, And its ears declare heavy, And its eyes declare dazzled, Lest it see with its eyes, And with its ears hear, and its heart consider, And it hath turned back, and hath health.'

ylt@Isaiah:6:13 @And yet in it a tenth, and it hath turned, And hath been for a burning, As a teil-tree, and as an oak, that in falling, Have substance in them, The holy seed [is] its substance!'

ylt@Isaiah:7:6 @We go up into Judah, and we vex it, And we rend it unto ourselves, And we cause a king to reign in its midst -- The son of Tabeal.

ylt@Isaiah:8:7 @Therefore, lo, the Lord is bringing up on them, The waters of the river, the mighty and the great, (The king of Asshur, and all his glory,) And it hath gone up over all its streams, And hath gone on over all its banks.

ylt@Isaiah:8:8 @And it hath passed on into Judah, It hath overflown and passed over, Unto the neck it cometh, And the stretching out of its wings Hath been the fulness of the breadth of thy land, O Emmanu-El!

ylt@Isaiah:8:12 @'Ye do not say, A confederacy, To all to whom this people saith, A confederacy, And its fear ye do not fear, Nor declare fearful.

ylt@Isaiah:8:19 @And when they say unto you, 'Seek unto those having familiar spirits, And unto wizards, who chatter and mutter, Doth not a people seek unto its God? -- For the living unto the dead!

ylt@Isaiah:8:21 @-- And it hath passed over into it, hardened and hungry, And it hath come to pass, That it is hungry, and hath been wroth, And made light of its king, and of its God, And hath looked upwards.

ylt@Isaiah:9:3 @Thou hast multiplied the nation, Thou hast made great its joy, They have joyed before Thee as the joy in harvest, As [men] rejoice in their apportioning spoil.

ylt@Isaiah:9:4 @Because the yoke of its burden, And the staff of its shoulder, the rod of its exactor, Thou hast broken as [in] the day of Midian.

ylt@Isaiah:9:16 @And the eulogists of this people are causing to err, And its eulogised ones are consumed.

ylt@Isaiah:9:17 @Therefore, over its young men the Lord rejoiceth not, And its orphans, and its widows He pitieth not, For every one [is] profane, and an evil doer, And every mouth is speaking folly. With all this not turned back hath His anger, And still His hand is stretched out.

ylt@Isaiah:10:15 @-- Doth the axe glorify itself Against him who is hewing with it? Doth the saw magnify itself Against him who is shaking it? As a rod waving those lifting it up! As a staff lifting up that which is not wood!

ylt@Isaiah:10:20 @And it hath come to pass, in that day, The remnant of Israel, And the escaped of the house of Jacob, Do not add any more to lean on its smiter, And have leant on Jehovah, The Holy One of Israel, in truth.

ylt@Isaiah:10:32 @Yet to-day in Nob to remain, Wave its hand doth the mount of the daughter of Zion, The hill of Jerusalem.

ylt@Isaiah:13:9 @Lo, the day of Jehovah doth come, Fierce, with wrath, and heat of anger, To make the land become a desolation, Yea, its sinning ones He destroyeth from it.

ylt@Isaiah:13:10 @For the stars of the heavens, and their constellations, Cause not their light to shine, Darkened hath been the sun in its going out, And the moon causeth not its light to come forth.

ylt@Isaiah:13:13 @Therefore the heavens I cause to tremble, And the earth doth shake from its place, In the wrath of Jehovah of Hosts, And in a day of the heat of his anger.

ylt@Isaiah:14:29 @Rejoice not thou, Philistia, all of thee, That broken hath been the rod of thy smiter, For from the root of a serpent cometh out a viper, And its fruit [is] a flying saraph.

ylt@Isaiah:15:2 @He hath gone up to Bajith and Dibon, The high places -- to weep, On Nebo and on Medeba Moab howleth, On all its heads [is] baldness, every beard cut off.

ylt@Isaiah:15:3 @In its out-places they girded on sackcloth, On its pinnacles, and in its broad places, Every one howleth -- going down with weeping.

ylt@Isaiah:15:8 @For gone round hath the cry the border of Moab, Unto Eglaim [is] its howling, And to Beer-Elim [is] its howling.

ylt@Isaiah:16:9 @Therefore I weep with the weeping of Jazer, The vine of Sibmah, I water thee [with] my tear, O Heshbon and Elealeh, For -- for thy summer fruits, and for thy harvest, The shouting hath fallen.

ylt@Isaiah:18:2 @That is sending by sea ambassadors, Even with implements of reed on the face of the waters, -- Go, ye light messengers, Unto a nation drawn out and peeled, Unto a people fearful from its beginning and onwards, A nation meeting out by line, and treading down, Whose land floods have spoiled.

ylt@Isaiah:19:1 @The burden of Egypt. Lo, Jehovah is riding on a swift thick cloud, And He hath entered Egypt, And moved have been the idols of Egypt at His presence, And the heart of Egypt melteth in its midst.

ylt@Isaiah:19:3 @And emptied out hath been in its midst the spirit of Egypt. And its counsel I swallow up, And they have sought unto the idols, And unto the charmers, And unto those having familiar spirits, And unto the wizards.

ylt@Isaiah:19:10 @And its foundations have been smitten, All making wages [are] afflicted in soul.

ylt@Isaiah:19:14 @Jehovah hath mingled in her midst A spirit of perverseness, And they have caused Egypt to err in all its work, As a drunkard erreth in his vomit.

ylt@Isaiah:19:19 @In that day there is an altar to Jehovah In the midst of the land of Egypt, And a standing pillar near its border to Jehovah,

ylt@Isaiah:21:2 @A hard vision hath been declared to me, The treacherous dealer is dealing treacherously, And the destroyer is destroying. Go up, O Elam, besiege, O Media, All its sighing I have caused to cease.

ylt@Isaiah:22:11 @And a ditch ye made between the two walls, For the waters of the old pool, And ye have not looked unto its Maker, And its Framer of old ye have not seen.

ylt@Isaiah:23:13 @Lo, the land of the Chaldeans -- this people was not, Asshur founded it for the Ziim, They raised its watch-towers, They lifted up her palaces, -- He hath appointed her for a ruin!

ylt@Isaiah:24:1 @Lo, Jehovah is emptying the land, And is making it waste, And hath overturned [it on] its face, And hath scattered its inhabitants.

ylt@Isaiah:24:5 @And the land hath been defiled under its inhabitants, Because they have transgressed laws, They have changed a statute, They have made void a covenant age-during.

ylt@Isaiah:24:20 @Stagger greatly doth the land as a drunkard, And it hath been moved as a lodge, And heavy on it hath been its transgression, And it hath fallen, and addeth not to rise.

ylt@Isaiah:25:11 @And he spread out his hands in its midst, As spread out doth the swimmer to swim; And He hath humbled his excellency With the machinations of his hands.

ylt@Isaiah:27:3 @I, Jehovah, am its keeper, every moment I water it, Lest any lay a charge against it, Night and day I keep it!

ylt@Isaiah:27:10 @For the fenced city [is] alone, A habitation cast out and forsaken as a wilderness, There doth the calf delight, And there it lieth down, And hath consumed its branches.

ylt@Isaiah:27:11 @In the withering of its branch it is broken off, Women are coming in setting it on fire, For it [is] not a people of understanding, Therefore pity it not doth its Maker, And its Former doth not favour it.

ylt@Isaiah:28:4 @And the fading flower of the beauty of his glory That [is] on the head of the fat valley, Hath been as its first-fruit before summer, That its beholder seeth, While it [is] yet in his hand he swalloweth it.

ylt@Isaiah:28:19 @From the fulness of its passing over it taketh you, For morning by morning it passeth over, By day and by night, And it hath been only a trembling to consider the report.

ylt@Isaiah:28:25 @Hath he not, if he have made level its face, Then scattered fitches, and cummin sprinkle, And hath placed the principal wheat, And the appointed barley, And the rie [in] its own border?

ylt@Isaiah:29:7 @And as a dream, a vision of night, hath been The multitude of all the nations Who are warring against Ariel, And all its warriors, and its bulwark, Even of those distressing her.

ylt@Isaiah:29:13 @And the Lord saith: Because drawn near hath this people, with its mouth, And with its lips they have honoured Me, And its heart it hath put far off from Me, And their fear of Me is -- A precept of men is taught!

ylt@Isaiah:29:14 @Therefore, lo, I am adding to do wonderfully with this people, A wonder, and a marvel, And perished hath the wisdom of its wise ones, And the understanding of its intelligent ones hideth itself.'

ylt@Isaiah:29:16 @Your perversion! as clay is the potter esteemed? That the work saith of its maker, 'He hath not made me?' And the framed thing said of its framer, 'He did not understand?'

ylt@Isaiah:30:10 @Who have said to seers, 'Ye do not see,' And to prophets, 'Ye do not prophesy to us Straightforward things, Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits,

ylt@Isaiah:30:14 @And He hath broken it As the breaking of the potters' bottle, Beaten down -- He doth not spare, Nor is there found, in its beating down, A potsherd to take fire from the burning, And to draw out waters from a ditch.

ylt@Isaiah:30:26 @And the light of the moon hath been as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun is sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day of Jehovah's binding up the breach of His people, When the stroke of its wound He healeth.

ylt@Isaiah:30:33 @For, arranged from former time is Tophet, Even it for the king is prepared, He hath made deep, He hath made large, Its pile [is] fire and much wood, The breath of Jehovah, As a stream of brim stone, is burning in it!

ylt@Isaiah:33:20 @See Zion, the city of our meetings, Thine eyes see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, A tent not taken down, Not removed are its pins for ever, And none of its cords are broken.

ylt@Isaiah:34:1 @Come near, ye nations, to hear, And ye peoples, give attention, Hear doth the earth and its fulness, The world, and all its productions.

ylt@Isaiah:34:14 @And met have Ziim with Aiim, And the goat for its companion calleth, Only there rested hath the night-owl, And hath found for herself a place of rest.

ylt@Isaiah:34:15 @There made her nest hath the bittern, Yea, she layeth, and hath hatched, And hath gathered under her shadow, Only there gathered have been vultures, Each with its companion.

ylt@Isaiah:34:16 @Seek out of the book of Jehovah, and read, One of these hath not been lacking, None hath missed its companion, For My mouth -- it hath commanded, And His spirit -- He hath gathered them.

ylt@Isaiah:35:7 @And the mirage hath become a pond, And the thirsty land fountains of waters, In the habitation of dragons, Its place of couching down, a court for reed and rush.

ylt@Isaiah:37:24 @By the hand of thy servants Thou hast reviled the Lord, and sayest: In the multitude of my chariots I have come up to a high place of hills, The sides of Lebanon, And I cut down the height of its cedars, The choice of its firs, And I enter the high place of its extremity, The forest of its Carmel.

ylt@Isaiah:40:6 @A voice is saying, 'Call,' And he said, 'What do I call?' All flesh [is] grass, and all its goodliness [is] As a flower of the field:

ylt@Isaiah:40:16 @And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, Nor its beasts sufficient for a burnt-offering.

ylt@Isaiah:40:22 @He who is sitting on the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants [are] as grasshoppers, He who is stretching out as a thin thing the heavens, And spreadeth them as a tent to dwell in.

ylt@Isaiah:41:9 @Whom I have taken hold of, from the ends of the earth, And from its near places I have called thee, And I say to thee, My servant Thou [art], I have chosen thee, and not rejected thee.

ylt@Isaiah:42:5 @Thus said God, Jehovah, preparing The heavens, and stretching them out, Spreading out the earth and its productions, Giving breath to the people on it, And spirit to those walking in it.

ylt@Isaiah:42:10 @Sing to Jehovah a new song, His praise from the end of the earth, Ye who are going down to the sea, and its fulness, Isles, and their inhabitants.

ylt@Isaiah:42:11 @The wilderness and its cities do lift up [the voice], The villages Kedar doth inhabit, Sing do the inhabitants of Sela, From the top of mountains they cry.

ylt@Isaiah:44:17 @And its remnant for a god he hath made -- For his graven image, He falleth down to it, and worshippeth, And prayeth unto it, and he saith, 'Deliver me, for my god thou [art].'

ylt@Isaiah:44:19 @And none doth turn [it] back unto his heart, Nor hath knowledge nor understanding to say, 'Half of it I have burned in the fire, Yea, also, I have baked bread over its coals, I roast flesh and I eat, And its remnant for an abomination I make, To the stock of a tree I fall down.'

ylt@Isaiah:45:9 @Wo [to] him who is striving with his Former, (A potsherd with potsherds of the ground!) Doth clay say to its Framer, 'What dost thou?' And thy work, 'He hath no hands?'

ylt@Isaiah:45:18 @For thus said Jehovah, Creator of heaven, He is God, Former of earth, and its Maker, He established it -- not empty He prepared it, For inhabiting He formed it: 'I [am] Jehovah, and there is none else.

ylt@Isaiah:47:11 @And come in on thee hath evil, Thou knowest not its rising, And fall on thee doth mischief, Thou art not able to pacify it, And come on thee suddenly doth desolation, Thou knowest not.

ylt@Isaiah:48:16 @Come ye near unto me, hear this, Not from the beginning in secret spake I, From the time of its being, there [am] I, And now the Lord Jehovah hath sent me, and His Spirit.

ylt@Isaiah:48:19 @And as sand is thy seed, And the offspring of thy bowels as its gravel, Not cut off nor destroyed his name before Me.

ylt@Isaiah:51:6 @Lift ye up to the heavens your eyes, And look attentively unto the earth beneath, For the heavens as smoke have vanished, And the earth as a garment weareth out, And its inhabitants as gnats do die, And My salvation is to the age, And My righteousness is not broken.

ylt@Isaiah:51:15 @And I [am] Jehovah thy God, Quieting the sea, when its billows roar, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name.

ylt@Isaiah:52:5 @And now, what -- to Me here, An affirmation of Jehovah, That taken is My people for nought? Its rulers cause howling, -- an affirmation of Jehovah, And continually all the day My name is despised.

ylt@Isaiah:53:7 @It hath been exacted, and he hath answered, And he openeth not his mouth, As a lamb to the slaughter he is brought, And as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, And he openeth not his mouth.

ylt@Isaiah:55:2 @Why do ye weigh money for that which is not bread? And your labour for that which is not for satiety? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat good, And your soul doth delight itself in fatness.

ylt@Isaiah:57:20 @And the wicked [are] as the driven out sea, For to rest it is not able, And its waters cast out filth and mire.

ylt@Isaiah:58:2 @Seeing -- Me day by day they seek, And the knowledge of My ways they desire, As a nation that righteousness hath done, And the judgment of its God hath not forsaken, They ask of me judgments of righteousness, The drawing near of God they desire:

ylt@Isaiah:60:22 @The little one doth become a chief, And the small one a mighty nation, I, Jehovah, in its own time do hasten it!

ylt@Isaiah:61:11 @For, as the earth bringeth forth her shoots, And as a garden causeth its sown things to shoot up, So the Lord Jehovah causeth righteousness and praise To shoot up before all the nations!

ylt@Isaiah:63:11 @And He remembereth the days of old, Moses -- his people. Where [is] He who is bringing them up from the sea, The shepherd of his flock? Where [is] He who is putting in its midst His Holy Spirit?

ylt@Isaiah:65:25 @Wolf and lamb do feed as one, And a lion as an ox eateth straw, As to the serpent -- dust [is] its food, They do no evil, nor destroy, In all My holy mountain, said Jehovah!

ylt@Jeremiah:1:13 @And there is a word of Jehovah unto me a second time, saying, 'What art thou seeing?' And I say, 'A blown pot I am seeing, and its face [is] from the north.'

ylt@Jeremiah:1:15 @For, lo, I am calling for all families of the kingdoms of the north, -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and they have come, and put each his throne at the opening of the gates of Jerusalem, and by its walls round about, and by all cities of Judah.

ylt@Jeremiah:1:18 @And I, lo, I have given thee this day for a fenced city, and for an iron pillar, and for brazen walls over all the land, to the kings of Judah, to its heads, to its priests, and to the people of the land;

ylt@Jeremiah:2:6 @And have not said, Where [is] Jehovah, Who bringeth us up out of the land of Egypt, Who leadeth us in a wilderness, In a land of deserts and pits, In a dry land, and of death-shade, In a land -- none hath passed through it, Nor dwelt hath man there?'

ylt@Jeremiah:2:7 @Yea, I bring you in to a land of fruitful fields, To eat its fruit and its goodness, And ye come in and defile My land, And Mine inheritance have made an abomination.

ylt@Jeremiah:2:11 @Hath a nation changed gods? (And they [are] no gods!) And My people hath changed its honour For that which doth not profit.

ylt@Jeremiah:4:26 @I have looked, and lo, The fruitful place [is] a wilderness, And all its cities have been broken down, Because of Jehovah, Because of the fierceness of His anger.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:9 @For these do I not lay a charge? An affirmation of Jehovah, And on a nation such as this, Doth not My soul avenge itself?

ylt@Jeremiah:5:15 @Lo, I am bringing against you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, an affirmation of Jehovah, A nation -- strong it [is], a nation -- from of old it [is], A nation -- thou knowest not its tongue, Nor understandest what it speaketh.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:16 @Its quiver [is] as an open sepulchre, All of them -- mighty ones.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:22 @Me do ye not fear, an affirmation of Jehovah? From My presence are ye not pained? Who hath made sand the border of the sea, A limit age-during, and it passeth not over it, They shake themselves, and they are not able, Yea, sounded have its billows, and they pass not over.

ylt@Jeremiah:5:24 @And they have not said in their heart, 'Let us fear, we pray you, Jehovah our God, who is giving rain, The sprinkling and the gathered, in its season, The appointed weeks of harvest He keepeth for us.'

ylt@Jeremiah:5:29 @For these do not I inspect, an affirmation of Jehovah, On a nation such as this, Doth not My soul avenge itself?

ylt@Jeremiah:5:31 @The prophets have prophesied falsely, And the priests bear rule by their means, And My people have loved [it] so, And what do they at its latter end?

ylt@Jeremiah:6:7 @As the digging of a well, is [for] its waters, So she hath digged [for] her wickedness, Violence and spoil is heard in her, Before My face continually [are] sickness and smiting.

ylt@Jeremiah:6:24 @'We have heard its sound, feeble have been our hands, Distress hath seized us, pain as of a travailing woman.

ylt@Jeremiah:7:28 @And thou hast said unto them: This [is] the nation that hath not hearkened, To the voice of Jehovah its God, Nor have they accepted instruction, Perished hath stedfastness, Yea, it hath been cut off from their mouth.

ylt@Jeremiah:8:1 @At that time, an affirmation of Jehovah, They bring the bones of the kings of Judah, And the bones of its princes, And the bones of the priests, And the bones of the prophets, And the bones of inhabitants of Jerusalem, Out of their graves,

ylt@Jeremiah:8:16 @From Dan hath been heard the snorting of his horses, From the voice of the neighings of his mighty ones, Trembled hath all the land, And they come in and consume the land and its fulness, The city and the inhabitants in it.

ylt@Jeremiah:9:8 @A slaughtering arrow [is] their tongue, Deceit it hath spoken in its mouth, Peace with its neighbour it speaketh, And in its heart it layeth its ambush,

ylt@Jeremiah:9:9 @For these things do not I see after them? An affirmation of Jehovah, Against a nation such as this doth not My soul avenge itself?

ylt@Jeremiah:10:8 @And in one they are brutish and foolish, An instruction of vanities [is] the tree itself.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:16 @'An olive, green, fair, of goodly fruit,' Hath Jehovah called thy name, At the noise of a great tumult He hath kindled fire against it, And broken have been its thin branches.

ylt@Jeremiah:11:19 @And I [am] as a trained lamb brought to slaughter, And I have not known That against me they have devised devices: We destroy the tree with its food, and cut him off From the land of the living, And his name is not remembered again.

ylt@Jeremiah:14:8 @O Hope of Israel -- its saviour in time of trouble, Why art Thou as a sojourner in the land? And as a traveller turned aside to lodge?

ylt@Jeremiah:15:8 @Its widows have been more to Me than the sand of the seas, I brought in to them -- against the mother -- A young man -- a spoiler -- at noon. I caused to fall upon her suddenly, wrath and trouble.

ylt@Jeremiah:17:27 @And if ye do not hearken unto me to sanctify the day of rest, And so as not to bear a burden, And to come in at the gates of Jerusalem on the day of rest, Then I have kindled a fire in its gates, And it hath consumed the high places of Jerusalem, And it is not quenched!'

ylt@Jeremiah:18:8 @And that nation hath turned from its evil, Because I have spoken against it, Then I have repented of the evil that I thought to do to it.

ylt@Jeremiah:19:8 @and I have made this city for a desolation, and for a hissing, every passer by it is astonished, and doth hiss for all its plagues.

ylt@Jeremiah:19:12 @so I do to this place -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and to its inhabitants, so as to make this city as Tophet;

ylt@Jeremiah:19:15 @'Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am bringing in unto this city, and on all its cities, all the evil that I have spoken against it, for they have hardened their neck -- not to hear My words!'

ylt@Jeremiah:20:5 @And I have given all the strength of this city, And all its labour, and all its precious things, Yea, all the treasures of the kings of Judah I do give into the hand of their enemies, And they have spoiled them, and taken them, And have brought them into Babylon.

ylt@Jeremiah:21:14 @And I have laid a charge against you, According to the fruit of your doings, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have kindled a fire in its forest, And it hath consumed -- all its suburbs!

ylt@Jeremiah:22:14 @Who is saying, 'I build for myself a large house, And airy upper chambers,' And he hath cut out for himself its windows, Ceiled with cedar, and painted with vermillion.

ylt@Jeremiah:23:14 @And in prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing, Committing adultery, and walking falsely, Yea, they strengthened the hands of evil doers, So that they have not turned back Each from his wickedness, They have been to me -- all of them -- as Sodom, And its inhabitants as Gomorrah.

ylt@Jeremiah:25:9 @Lo, I am sending, and have taken all the families of the north -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- even unto Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, My servant, and have brought them in against this land, and against its inhabitants, and against all these nations round about, and have devoted them, and appointed them for an astonishment, and for a hissing, and for wastes age-during.

ylt@Jeremiah:25:18 @Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, And its kings, its heads, To give them to waste, to astonishment, To hissing, and to reviling, as [at] this day.

ylt@Jeremiah:26:15 @Only, know ye certainly, that if ye are putting me to death, surely innocent blood ye are putting on yourselves, and on this city, and on its inhabitants; for truly hath Jehovah sent me unto you to speak in your ears all these words.'

ylt@Jeremiah:27:8 @And it hath come to pass, the nation and the kingdom that do not serve him -- Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon -- and that which putteth not its neck into the yoke of the king of Babylon, with sword, and with famine, and with pestilence, I lay a charge on that nation -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- till I consume them by his hand.

ylt@Jeremiah:27:11 @And the nation that causeth its neck to enter into the yoke of the king of Babylon, and hath served him -- I have left it on its ground -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and it hath tilled it, and dwelt in it.'

ylt@Jeremiah:29:7 @And seek the peace of the city whither I have removed you, and pray for it unto Jehovah, for in its peace ye have peace.

ylt@Jeremiah:30:18 @Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I turn back [to] the captivity of the tents of Jacob, And his dwelling places I pity, And the city hath been built on its heap, And the palace according to its ordinance remaineth.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:23 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, Still they say this word in the land of Judah, And in its cities, In My turning back [to] their captivity, Jehovah doth bless thee, habitation of righteousness, Mountain of holiness.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:24 @And dwelt in Judah have husbandmen, and in all its cities together, And they have journeyed in order.

ylt@Jeremiah:31:35 @Thus said Jehovah, Who is giving the sun for a light by day, The statutes of moon and stars for a light by night, Quieting the sea when its billows roar, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name:

ylt@Jeremiah:33:2 @Thus said Jehovah its maker, Jehovah its former, at establishing it, Jehovah [is] His name:

ylt@Jeremiah:33:12 @Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Again there is in this place -- that is waste, Without man and beast, And in all its cities -- a habitation of shepherds, Causing the flock to lie down.

ylt@Jeremiah:34:1 @The word that hath been unto Jeremiah from Jehovah -- and Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and all his force, and all kingdoms of the land of the dominion of his hand, and all the peoples are fighting against Jerusalem, and against all its cities -- saying:

ylt@Jeremiah:34:18 @'And I have given the men who are transgressing My covenant, who have not established the words of the covenant that they have made before Me, by the calf, that they have cut in two, and pass through between its pieces --

ylt@Jeremiah:37:7 @'Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, Thus do ye say unto the king of Judah, who is sending you unto Me, to seek Me: Lo, the force of Pharaoh that is coming out to you for help hath turned back to its land, to Egypt,

ylt@Jeremiah:38:4 @And the heads say unto the king, 'Let, we pray thee, this man be put to death, because that he is making feeble the hands of the men of war, who are left in this city, and the hands of all the people, by speaking unto them according to these words, for this man is not seeking for the peace of this people, but for its evil.'

ylt@Jeremiah:45:4 @Thus dost thou say unto him: Thus said Jehovah: Lo, that which I have built I am throwing down, and that which I have planted I am plucking up, even the whole land itself.

ylt@Jeremiah:46:22 @Its voice as a serpent goeth on, For with a force they go, And with axes they have come in to her, As hewers of trees.

ylt@Jeremiah:47:2 @'Thus said Jehovah: Lo, waters are coming up from the north, And have been for an overflowing stream, And they overflow the land and its fulness, The city, and the inhabitants in it, And men have cried out, And howled hath every inhabitant of the land.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:15 @Spoiled is Moab, and her cities hath one gone up, And the choice of its young men Have gone down to slaughter, An affirmation of the King, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name.

ylt@Jeremiah:48:32 @With the weeping of Jazer, I weep for thee, O vine of Sibmah, Thy branches have passed over a sea, Unto the sea of Jazer they have come, On thy summer fruits, and on thy harvest, A spoiler hath fallen.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:1 @Concerning the sons of Ammon: 'Thus said Jehovah: Sons -- hath Israel none? heir -- hath he none? Wherefore hath Malcam possessed Gad? And his people in its cities have dwelt?

ylt@Jeremiah:49:2 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have sounded unto Rabbah of the sons of Ammon a shout of battle, And it hath been for a heap -- a desolation, And her daughters with fire are burnt, And Israel hath succeeded its heirs, Said hath Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:18 @As the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, And its neighbours, said Jehovah, No one doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:21 @From the noise of their fall hath the earth shaken, The cry -- at the sea of Suph is its voice heard.

ylt@Jeremiah:49:32 @And their camels have been for a prey, And the multitude of their cattle for a spoil, And I have scattered them to every wind, Who cut off the corner [of the beard], And from all its passages I bring in their calamity, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:50:9 @For, lo, I am stirring up, And am causing to come up against Babylon, An assembly of great nations from a land of the north, And they have set in array against her, From thence she is captured, Its arrow -- as a skilful hero -- returneth not empty,

ylt@Jeremiah:50:40 @As overthrown by God with Sodom, And with Gomorrah, and with its neighbours, An affirmation of Jehovah, none doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:2 @And I have sent to Babylon fanners, And they have fanned it, and they empty its land, For they have been against it, Round about -- in the day of evil.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:5 @For, not forsaken is Israel and Judah, By its God -- by Jehovah of Hosts, For their land hath been full of guilt, Against the Holy One of Israel.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:6 @Flee ye from the midst of Babylon, And deliver ye each his soul, Be not cut off in its iniquity, For a time of vengeance it [is] to Jehovah, Recompence He is rendering to her.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:7 @A golden cup [is] Babylon in the hand of Jehovah, Making drunk all the earth, Of its wine drunk have nations, Therefore boast themselves do nations.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:9 @We healed Babylon, and she was not healed, Forsake her, and we go, each to his land, For come unto the heavens hath its judgment, And it hath been lifted up unto the clouds.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:21 @And I have broken in pieces by thee horse and its rider, And I have broken in pieces by thee chariot and its charioteer,

ylt@Jeremiah:51:28 @Sanctify against it the nations with the kings of Media, Its governors and all its prefects, And all the land of its dominion.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:36 @Therefore, thus said Jehovah: Lo, I am pleading thy cause, And I have avenged thy vengeance, And dried up its sea, and made its fountains dry.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:42 @Come up against Babylon hath the sea, With a multitude of its billows it hath been covered.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:43 @Its cities have been for a desolation, A dry land, and a wilderness, A land -- none doth dwell in them, Nor pass over into them doth a son of man.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:45 @Go forth from its midst, O My people, And deliver ye, each his soul, Because of the fierceness of the anger of Jehovah,

ylt@Jeremiah:51:47 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, And I have seen after the graven images of Babylon. And all its land is ashamed, And all its pierced ones do fall in its midst.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:52 @Therefore, lo, days are coming, An affirmation of Jehovah, And I have seen after its graven images, And in all its land groan doth the wounded.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:53 @Because Babylon goeth up to the heavens, And because it fenceth the high place of its strength, From Me come into it do spoilers, An affirmation of Jehovah.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:55 @For Jehovah is spoiling Babylon, And hath destroyed out of it a great voice, And sounded have its billows as many waters, Given forth a noise hath their voice.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:56 @For come in against it -- against Babylon -- hath a spoiler, And captured have been its mighty ones, Broken have been their bows, For the God of recompences -- Jehovah -- doth certainly repay.

ylt@Jeremiah:51:57 @And I have caused its princes to drink, And its wise men, its governors, And its prefects, and its mighty ones, And they have slept a sleep age-during, And they awake not -- an affirmation of the king, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name.

ylt@Jeremiah:52:21 @As to the pillars, eighteen cubits [is] the height of the one pillar, and a cord of twelve cubits doth compass it, and its thickness [is] four fingers hollow.

ylt@Jeremiah:52:22 @And the chapiter upon it [is] of brass, and the height of the one chapiter [is] five cubits, and net-work and pomegranates [are] on the chapiter round about, the whole [is] of brass; and like these have the second pillar, and pomegranates.

ylt@Jeremiah:52:27 @and the king of Babylon smiteth them, and putteth them to death in Riblah, in the land of Hamath, and he removeth Judah from off its own ground.

ylt@Jeremiah:52:34 @And his allowance -- a continual allowance -- hath been given to him by the king of Babylon, the matter of a day in its day, till the day of his death -- all days of his life.

ylt@Lamentations:1:3 @Removed hath Judah because of affliction, And because of the abundance of her service; She hath dwelt among nations, She hath not found rest, All her pursuers have overtaken her between the straits.

ylt@Lamentations:2:2 @Swallowed up hath the Lord, He hath not pitied any of the pleasant places of Jacob, He hath broken down in His wrath The fortresses of the daughter of Judah, He hath caused to come to the earth, He polluted the kingdom and its princes.

ylt@Lamentations:2:12 @To their mothers they say, 'Where [are] corn and wine?' In their becoming feeble as a pierced one In the broad places of the city, In their soul pouring itself out into the bosom of their mothers.

ylt@Lamentations:4:20 @The breath of our nostrils -- the anointed of Jehovah, Hath been captured in their pits, of whom we said: 'In his shadow we do live among nations.'

ylt@Ezekiel:1:4 @And I look, and lo, a tempestuous wind is coming from the north, a great cloud, and fire catching itself, and brightness to it round about, and out of its midst as the colour of copper, out of the midst of the fire.

ylt@Ezekiel:1:5 @And out of its midst [is] a likeness of four living creatures, and this [is] their appearance; a likeness of man [is] to them,

ylt@Ezekiel:1:15 @And I see the living creatures, and lo, one wheel [is] in the earth, near the living creatures, at its four faces.

ylt@Ezekiel:5:9 @And I have done in thee that which I have not done, And that which I do not its like again, Because of all thine abominations.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:12 @Come hath the time, arrived hath the day, The buyer doth not rejoice, And the seller doth not become a mourner, For wrath [is] unto all its multitude.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:13 @For the seller to the sold thing turneth not, And yet among the living [is] their life, For the vision [is] unto all its multitude, It doth not turn back, And none by his iniquity doth strengthen his life.

ylt@Ezekiel:7:14 @They have blown with a trumpet to prepare the whole, And none is going to battle, For My wrath [is] unto all its multitude.

ylt@Ezekiel:9:4 @And He calleth unto the man who is clothed with linen, who hath the scribe's inkhorn at his loins, and Jehovah saith unto him, 'Pass on into the midst of the city, into the midst of Jerusalem, and thou hast made a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and who are groaning for all the abominations that are done in its midst.'

ylt@Ezekiel:11:6 @Ye multiplied your wounded in this city, And filled its out-places with the wounded.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:7 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Your wounded whom ye placed in its midst, They [are] the flesh, and it [is] the pot, And you he hath brought out from its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:9 @And I have brought you out of its midst, And given you into the hand of strangers, And I have done among you judgments.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:11 @It is not to you for a pot, Nor are ye in its midst for flesh, At the border of Israel I do judge you.

ylt@Ezekiel:11:18 @And they have gone in thither. And turned aside all its detestable things, And all its abominations -- out of it.

ylt@Ezekiel:12:19 @and thou hast said unto the people of the land, Thus said the Lord Jehovah concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem, concerning the land of Israel: Their bread with fear they do eat, and their water with astonishment drink, because its land is desolate, because of its fulness, because of the violence of all who are dwelling in it.

ylt@Ezekiel:13:14 @And I have broken down the wall that ye daubed with chalk, And have caused it to come unto the earth, And revealed hath been its foundation, And it hath fallen, And ye have been consumed in its midst, And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:14 @and these three men have been in its midst, Noah, Daniel, and Job -- they by their righteousness deliver their own soul -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:16 @these three men in its midst: I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah -- neither sons nor daughters do they deliver; they alone are delivered, and the land is a desolation.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:18 @and these three men in its midst: I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah -- they deliver not sons and daughters, for they alone are delivered.

ylt@Ezekiel:14:20 @and Noah, Daniel, and Job, in its midst: I live -- an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah -- neither son nor daughter do they deliver; they, by their righteousness, deliver their own soul.

ylt@Ezekiel:15:4 @Lo, to the fire it hath been given for fuel, Its two ends hath the fire eaten, And its midst hath been scorched! Is it profitable for work?

ylt@Ezekiel:15:5 @Lo, in its being perfect it is not used for work, How much less, when fire hath eaten of it, And it is scorched, Hath it been used yet for work?

ylt@Ezekiel:17:4 @The top of its tender twigs it hath cropped, And it bringeth it in to the land of Canaan. In a city of merchants it hath placed it.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:6 @And it springeth up, and becometh a spreading vine, humble of stature, To turn its thin shoots toward itself, And its roots are under it, And it becometh a vine, and maketh boughs, And sendeth forth beauteous branches.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:7 @And there is another great eagle, Great-winged, and abounding with feathers, And lo, this vine hath bent its roots toward him, And its thin shoots it hath sent out toward him, To water it from the furrows of its planting,

ylt@Ezekiel:17:9 @Say: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: It prospereth -- its roots doth he not draw out, And its fruit cut off, and it is withered? [In] all the leaves of its springing it withereth, And not by great strength, and by a numerous people, To lift it up by its roots.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:10 @And lo, the planted thing -- doth it prosper? When come against it doth the east wind, Doth it not utterly wither? On the furrows of its springing it withereth.'

ylt@Ezekiel:17:12 @'Say, I pray thee, to the rebellious house, Have ye not known what these [are]? Say, Lo, come hath the king of Babylon to Jerusalem, And he taketh its king, and its princes, And bringeth them to himself to Babylon.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:14 @That the kingdom may be humble, That it may not lift itself up, To keep his covenant -- that it may stand.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:22 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have taken of the foliage of the high cedar, And I have set [it], From the top of its tender shoots a tender one I crop, And I -- I have planted [it] on a mountain high and lofty.

ylt@Ezekiel:17:23 @In a mountain -- the high place of Israel, I plant it, And it hath borne boughs, and yielded fruit, And become a goodly cedar, And dwelt under it have all birds of every wing, In the shade of its thin shoots they dwell.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:7 @And it knoweth his forsaken habitations, And their cities it hath laid waste, And desolate is the land and its fulness, Because of the voice of his roaring.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:9 @And they put it in prison -- in chains, And they bring it unto the king of Babylon, They bring it in unto bulwarks, So that its voice is not heard any more On mountains of Israel.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:11 @And it hath strong rods for sceptres of rulers, And high is its stature above thick branches, And it appeareth in its height In the multitude of its thin shoots.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:12 @And it is plucked up in fury, To the earth it hath been cast, And the east wind hath dried up its fruit, Broken and withered hath been the rod of its strength, Fire hath consumed it.

ylt@Ezekiel:19:14 @And go forth doth fire from a rod of its boughs, Its fruit it hath devoured, And it hath no rod of strength -- a sceptre to rule, Lamentation it [is] -- and it is for a lamentation!'

ylt@Ezekiel:20:29 @And I say unto them: What [is] the high place whither ye are going in? And its name is called 'high place' to this day.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:3 @and thou hast said unto the ground of Israel: Thus said Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, And have brought out My sword from its scabbard, And have cut off from thee righteous and wicked.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:4 @Because that I have cut off from thee righteous and wicked, Therefore go out doth My sword from its scabbard, Unto all flesh, from south to north.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:5 @And known have all flesh that I, Jehovah, Have brought out My sword from its scabbard, It doth not turn back any more.

ylt@Ezekiel:21:30 @Turn [it] back unto its scabbard, In the place where thou wast produced, In the land of thy birth I do judge thee.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:2 @'And thou, son of man, dost thou judge? dost thou judge the city of blood? then thou hast caused it to know all its abominations,

ylt@Ezekiel:22:3 @and thou hast said: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: The city is shedding blood in its midst, For the coming in of its time, And it hath made idols on it for defilement.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:21 @And I have heaped you up, And blown on you in the fire of My wrath, And ye have been melted in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:22 @As the melting of silver in the midst of a furnace, So are ye melted in its midst, And ye have known that I, Jehovah, I have poured out My fury upon you.'

ylt@Ezekiel:22:25 @A conspiracy of its prophets [is] in its midst, as a roaring lion tearing prey; The soul they have devoured, Wealth and glory they have taken, Its widows have multiplied in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:26 @Its priests have wronged My law, And they pollute My holy things, Between holy and common they have not made separation, And between the unclean and the clean they have not made known, And from my sabbaths they have hidden their eyes, And I am pierced in their midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:27 @Its princes in its midst [are] as wolves, Tearing prey, to shed blood, to destroy souls, For the sake of gaining dishonest gain.

ylt@Ezekiel:22:28 @And its prophets have daubed for them with chalk, Seeing a vain thing, and divining for them a lie, Saying, 'Thus said the Lord Jehovah:' And Jehovah hath not spoken.

ylt@Ezekiel:23:34 @And thou hast drunk it, and hast drained [it], And its earthen ware thou dost gnaw, And thine own breasts thou pluckest off, For I have spoken, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah,

ylt@Ezekiel:24:4 @To gather its pieces unto it, every good piece, Thigh and shoulder, the choice of the bones to fill in.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:5 @The choice of the flock to take, And also to pile of the bones under it, Boil it thoroughly, yea, cook its bones in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:6 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Wo [to] the city of blood, A pot whose scum [is] in it, And its scum hath not come out of it, By piece of it, by piece of it bring it out, Not fallen on it hath a lot.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:11 @And cause it to stand on its coals empty, So that its brass is hot and burning, Melted hath been in its midst its uncleanness, Consumed is its scum.

ylt@Ezekiel:24:24 @And Ezekiel hath been to you for a type, According to all that he hath done ye do; In its coming in -- ye have known that I [am] the Lord Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:26:3 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I [am] against thee, O Tyre, And have caused to come up against thee many nations, As the sea causeth its billows to come up.

ylt@Ezekiel:27:9 @Elders of Gebal and its wise men have been in thee, Strengthening thy breach; All ships of the sea and their mariners, Have been in thee, to trade [with] thy merchandise.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:12 @And I have made the land of Egypt a desolation, In the midst of desolate lands, And its cities, in the midst of waste cities, Are a desolation forty years, And I have scattered the Egyptians among nations, And I have dispersed them through lands.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:15 @Of the kingdoms it is lowest, And it lifteth not up itself any more above the nations, And I have made them few, So as not to rule among nations.

ylt@Ezekiel:29:19 @Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah, Lo, I am giving to Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon the land of Egypt, And he hath taken away its store, And hath taken its spoil, and taken its prey, And it hath been a reward to his force.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:4 @And come in hath a sword to Egypt, And there hath been great pain in Cush, In the falling of the wounded in Egypt, And they have taken its store, And broken down have been its foundations.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:7 @And they have been desolated in the midst of desolate lands, And its cities are in the midst of wasted cities.

ylt@Ezekiel:30:12 @And I have made floods a dry place, And I have sold the land into the hand of evil doers, And I have made desolate the land, And its fulness, by the hand of strangers, I, Jehovah, have spoken.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:3 @Lo, Asshur, a cedar in Lebanon, Fair in branch, and shading bough, and high in stature, And between thickets hath its foliage been.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:4 @Waters have made it great, The deep hath exalted him with its flowings, Going round about its planting, And its conduits it hath sent forth unto all trees of the field.

ylt@Ezekiel:31:15 @Thus said the Lord Jehovah: In the day of his going down to sheol I have caused mourning, I have covered for him the deep, and diminish its flowings, And restrained are many waters, And I make Lebanon black for him, And all trees of the field have been covered for him.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:7 @And in quenching thee I have covered the heavens, And have made black their stars, The sun with a cloud I do cover, And the moon causeth not its light to shine.

ylt@Ezekiel:32:15 @In My making the land of Egypt a desolation, And desolated hath been the land of its fulness, In My smiting all the inhabitants in it, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah.

ylt@Ezekiel:33:28 @And I have made the land a desolation and an astonishment, And ceased hath the excellency of its strength, And desolated have been mountains of Israel, Without any one passing through.

ylt@Ezekiel:33:33 @And in its coming in -- lo, it hath come, And they have known that a prophet hath been in their midst!'

ylt@Ezekiel:34:26 @And I have given them, and the suburbs of my hill, a blessing, And caused the shower to come down in its season, Showers of blessing they are.

ylt@Ezekiel:34:27 @And given hath the tree of the field its fruit, And the land doth give her increase, And they have been on their land confident, And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My breaking the bands of their yoke, And I have delivered them from the hand of those laying service on them.

ylt@Ezekiel:36:8 @And ye, O mountains of Israel, Your branch ye give out, and your fruits ye bear for My people Israel, For they have drawn near to come.

ylt@Ezekiel:37:7 @And I have prophesied as I have been commanded, and there is a noise, as I am prophesying, and lo, a rushing, and draw near do the bones, bone unto its bone.

ylt@Ezekiel:38:6 @Gomer and all its bands, The house of Togarmah of the sides of the north, And all its bands, many peoples with thee,

ylt@Ezekiel:38:13 @Sheba, and Dedan, and merchants of Tarshish, And all its young lions say to thee: To take a spoil art thou come in? To take a prey assembled thine assembly? To bear away silver and gold? To take away cattle and substance? To take a great spoil?

ylt@Ezekiel:40:5 @And lo, a wall on the outside of the house all round about, and in the hand of the man a measuring-reed, six cubits by a cubit and a handbreadth, and he measureth the breadth of the building one reed, and the height one reed.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:6 @And he cometh in unto the gate whose front [is] eastward, and he goeth up by its steps, and he measureth the threshold of the gate one reed broad, even the one threshold one reed broad,

ylt@Ezekiel:40:7 @and the little chamber one reed long and one reed broad, and between the little chambers five cubits, and the threshold of the gate, from the side of the porch of the gate from within, one reed.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:9 @and he measureth the porch of the gate eight cubits, and its posts two cubits, and the porch of the gates from within,

ylt@Ezekiel:40:11 @And he measureth the breadth of the opening of the gate ten cubits, the length of the gate thirteen cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:12 @and a border before the little chambers, one cubit, and one cubit [is] the border on this side, and the little chamber [is] six cubits on this side, and six cubits on that side.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:13 @And he measureth the gate from the roof of the [one] little chamber to the roof of another; the breadth twenty and five cubits, opening over-against opening.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:14 @And he maketh the posts of sixty cubits, even unto the post of the court, the gate all round about;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:15 @and by the front of the gate of the entrance, by the front of the porch of the inner gate, fifty cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:19 @and he measureth the breadth from before the lower gate, to the front of the inner court, on the outside, a hundred cubits, eastward and northward.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:20 @As to the gate of the outer court whose front [is] northward, he hath measured its length and its breadth;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:21 @and its little chambers, three on this side, and three on that side, and its posts and its arches have been according to the measure of the first gate, fifty cubits its length, and the breadth five and twenty by the cubit;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:22 @and its windows, and its arches, and its palm-trees [are] according to the measure of the gate whose face [is] eastward, and by seven steps they go up on it, and its arches [are] before them.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:23 @And the gate of the inner court [is] over-against the gate at the north and at the east; and he measureth from gate unto gate, a hundred cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:24 @And he causeth me to go southward, and lo, a gate southward, and he hath measured its posts and its arches according to these measures;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:25 @and windows [are] to it and to its arches all round about, like these windows, fifty cubits the length, and the breadth five and twenty cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:26 @and seven steps [are] its ascent, and its arches [are] before them, and palm-trees [are] to it, one on this side, and one on that side, at its posts;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:27 @and the gate of the inner court [is] southward, and he measureth from gate unto gate southward, a hundred cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:29 @and its little chambers, and its posts, and its arches [are] according to these measures, and windows [are] to it and to its arches all round about; fifty cubits the length, and the breadth twenty and five cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:30 @As to the arches all round about, the length [is] five and twenty cubits, and the breadth five cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:31 @and its arches [are] unto the outer court, and palm-trees [are] unto its posts, and eight steps [are] its ascent.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:33 @and its little chambers, and its posts, and its arches [are] according to these measures: and windows [are] to it and to its arches all round about, the length fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:34 @and its arches [are] toward the outer court, and palm-trees [are] toward its posts, on this side and on that side, and eight steps [are] its ascent.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:36 @its little chambers, its posts, and its arches; and windows [are] to it all round about: the length fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:37 @and its posts [are] to the outer court, and palm-trees [are] unto its posts, on this side and on that side, and eight steps [are] its ascent.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:38 @And the chamber and its opening [is] by the posts of the gates, there they purge the burnt-offering.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:47 @And he measureth the court: the length a hundred cubits, and the breadth a hundred cubits, square, and the altar [is] before the house.

ylt@Ezekiel:40:48 @And he bringeth me in unto the porch of the house, and he measureth the post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side, and the breadth of the gate, three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side;

ylt@Ezekiel:40:49 @the length of the porch twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits; and by the steps whereby they go up unto it: and pillars [are] at the posts, one on this side, and one on that side.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:1 @And he bringeth me in unto the temple, and he measureth the posts, six cubits the breadth on this side, and six cubits the breadth on that side -- the breadth of the tent.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:2 @And the breadth of the opening [is] ten cubits; and the sides of the opening [are] five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side; and he measureth its length forty cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:3 @And he hath gone inward, and measureth the post of the opening two cubits, and the opening six cubits, and the breadth of the opening seven cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:4 @And he measureth its length twenty cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits, unto the front of the temple, and he saith unto me, 'This [is] the holy of holies.'

ylt@Ezekiel:41:5 @And he measureth the wall of the house six cubits, and the breadth of the side-chamber four cubits, all round the house round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:8 @And I have looked at the house, the height all round about: the foundations of the side-chambers [are] the fulness of the reed, six cubits by the joining.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:9 @The breadth of the wall that [is] to the side-chamber at the outside [is] five cubits; and that which is left [is] the place of the side-chambers that [are] to the house.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:10 @And between the chambers [is] a breadth of twenty cubits round about the house, all round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:11 @And the opening of the side-chamber [is] to the place left, one opening northward, and one opening southward, and the breadth of the place that is left [is] five cubits all round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:12 @As to the building that [is] at the front of the separate place [at] the corner westward, the breadth [is] seventy cubits, and the wall of the building five cubits broad all round about, and its length ninety cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:13 @And he hath measured the house, the length [is] a hundred cubits; and the separate place, and the building, and its walls, the length [is] a hundred cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:41:14 @and the breadth of the front of the house, and of the separate place eastward, a hundred cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:41:15 @And he hath measured the length of the building unto the front of the separate place that [is] at its hinder part, and its galleries on this side and on that side, a hundred cubits, and the inner temple and the porches of the court,

ylt@Ezekiel:41:22 @Of the altar, the wood [is] three cubits in height, and its length two cubits; and its corners [are] to it, and its length, and its walls [are] of wood, and he speaketh unto me, 'This [is] the table that [is] before Jehovah.'

ylt@Ezekiel:42:2 @At the front of the length [is] a hundred cubits [at] the north opening, and the breadth fifty cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:3 @Over-against the twenty [cubits] that are to the inner court, and over-against the pavement that [is] to the outer court, [is] gallery over-against gallery, in the three [storeys].

ylt@Ezekiel:42:4 @And at the front of the chambers [is] a walk of ten cubits in breadth unto the inner part, a way of one cubit, and their openings [are] at the north.

ylt@Ezekiel:42:7 @As to the wall that [is] at the outside, over-against the chambers, the way of the outer-court at the front of the chambers, its length [is] fifty cubits;

ylt@Ezekiel:42:8 @for the length of the chambers that [are] to the outer court [is] fifty cubits, and of those on the front of the temple a hundred cubits.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:11 @And since they have been ashamed of all that they have done, The form of the house, and its measurement, And its outlets, and its inlets, and all its forms, And all its statutes, even all its forms, And all its laws cause them to know, And write [it] before their eyes, And they observe all its forms, And all its statutes, and have done them.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:12 @This [is] a law of the house: on the top of the mountain, all its border all round about [is] most holy; lo, this [is] a law of the house.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:13 @'And these [are] measures of the altar by cubits: The cubit [is] a cubit and a handbreadth, and the centre [is] a cubit, and a cubit the breadth; and its border on its edge round about [is] one span, and this [is] the upper part of the altar.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:14 @And from the centre of the ground unto the lower border [is] two cubits, and the breadth one cubit, and from the lesser border unto the greater border four cubits, and the breadth a cubit.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:15 @'And the altar [is] four cubits, and from the altar and upward [are] four horns.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:16 @And the altar [is] twelve long by twelve broad, square in its four squares.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:17 @And the border [is] fourteen long by fourteen broad, at its four squares, and the border round about it [is] half a cubit, and the centre to it [is] a cubit round about, and its steps are looking eastward.'

ylt@Ezekiel:43:18 @And He saith unto me, 'Son of man, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: These [are] statutes of the altar in the day of its being made to cause burnt-offering to go up on it, and to sprinkle on it blood.

ylt@Ezekiel:43:20 @And thou hast taken of its blood, and hast put it on its four horns, and on the four corners of its border, and on the border round about, and hast cleansed it, and purified it.

ylt@Ezekiel:44:3 @The prince, who [is] prince, he sitteth by it to eat bread before Jehovah, by the way of the porch of the gate he cometh in, and by its way he goeth out.'

ylt@Ezekiel:44:5 @And Jehovah saith unto me, 'Son of man, set thy heart, and see with thine eyes, and with thine ears hear, all that I am speaking with thee, of all the statutes of the house of Jehovah, and of all its laws; and thou hast set thy heart to the entrance of the house, with all the outlets of the sanctuary,

ylt@Ezekiel:44:14 @and I made them keepers of the charge of the house, for all its service and for all that is done in it.

ylt@Ezekiel:44:30 @And the first of all the first-fruits of all, and every heave-offering of all, of all your heave-offerings, are the priests': and the first of your dough ye give to the priest, to cause a blessing to rest on thy house.

ylt@Ezekiel:45:1 @And in your causing the land to fall in inheritance, ye lift up a heave-offering to Jehovah, a holy [portion] of the land: the length -- five and twenty thousand [is] the length, and the breadth ten thousand; it [is] holy in all its border round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:45:2 @There is of this for the sanctuary five hundred by five hundred, square, round about; and fifty cubits of suburb [is] to it round about.

ylt@Ezekiel:45:11 @The ephah and the bath is of one measure, for the bath to bear a tenth of the homer, and the ephah a tenth of the homer: according to the homer is its measurement.

ylt@Ezekiel:46:8 @'And in the coming in of the prince, the way of the porch of the gate he cometh in, and by its way he goeth out.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:11 @Its miry and its marshy places -- they are not healed; to salt they have been given up.

ylt@Ezekiel:47:12 @And by the stream there cometh up on its edge, on this side and on that side, every [kind of] fruit-tree whose leaf fadeth not, and not consumed is its fruit, according to its months it yieldeth first-fruits, because its waters from the sanctuary are coming forth; and its fruits hath been for food, and its leaf for medicine.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:8 @and by the border of Judah, from the east side unto the west side is the heave-offering that ye lift up, five and twenty thousand broad and long, as one of the parts, from the east side unto the west side: and the sanctuary hath been in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:10 @And of these is the holy heave-offering for the priests, northward five and twenty thousand, and westward [in] breadth ten thousand, and eastward [in] breadth ten thousand, and southward [in] length five and twenty thousand: and the sanctuary of Jehovah hath been in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:15 @And the five thousand that is left in the breadth, on the front of the five and twenty thousand, is common -- for the city, for dwelling, and for suburb, and the city hath been in its midst.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:16 @And these [are] its measures: the north side five hundred, and four thousand, and the south side five hundred, and four thousand, and on the east side five hundred, and four thousand, and the west side five hundred, and four thousand.

ylt@Ezekiel:48:18 @'And the residue in length over-against the heave-offering of the holy [portion is] ten thousand eastward, and ten thousand westward, and it hath been over-against the heave-offering of the holy [portion], and its increase hath been for food to the servants of the city,

ylt@Ezekiel:48:21 @'And the residue [is] for the prince, on this side and on that side of the heave-offering of the holy [portion], and of the possession of the city, on the front of the five and twenty thousand of the heave-offering unto the east border, and westward, on the front of the five and twenty thousand on the west border, over-against the portions of the prince; and the heave-offering of the holy [portion], and the sanctuary of the house, hath been in its midst.

ylt@Daniel:2:1 @And in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, dreamed hath Nebuchadnezzar dreams, and his spirit doth move itself, and his sleep hath been against him;

ylt@Daniel:2:5 @The king hath answered and said to the Chaldeans, 'The thing from me is gone; if ye do not cause me to know the dream and its interpretation, pieces ye are made, and your houses are made dunghills;

ylt@Daniel:2:6 @and if the dream and its interpretation ye do shew, gifts, and fee, and great glory ye receive from before me, therefore the dream and its interpretation shew ye me.'

ylt@Daniel:2:9 @[so] that, if the dream ye do not cause me to know -- one is your sentence, seeing a word lying and corrupt ye have prepared to speak before me, till that the time is changed, therefore the dream tell ye to me, then do I know that its interpretation ye do shew me.'

ylt@Daniel:2:26 @The king hath answered and said to Daniel, whose name [is] Belteshazzar, 'Art thou able to cause me to know the dream that I have seen, and its interpretation?'

ylt@Daniel:2:31 @'Thou, O king, wast looking, and lo, a certain great image. This image [is] mighty, and its brightness excellent; it is standing over-against thee, and its appearance [is] terrible.

ylt@Daniel:2:32 @This image! its head [is] of good gold, its breasts and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of brass;

ylt@Daniel:2:33 @its legs of iron, its feet, part of them of iron, and part of them of clay.

ylt@Daniel:2:34 @Thou wast looking till that a stone hath been cut out without hands, and it hath smitten the image on its feet, that [are] of iron and of clay, and it hath broken them small;

ylt@Daniel:2:36 @This [is] the dream, and its interpretation we do tell before the king.

ylt@Daniel:2:44 @'And in the days of these kings raise up doth the God of the heavens a kingdom that is not destroyed -- to the age, and its kingdom to another people is not left: it beateth small and endeth all these kingdoms, and it standeth to the age.

ylt@Daniel:2:45 @Because that thou hast seen that out of the mountain cut hath been a stone without hands, and it hath beaten small the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king that which [is] to be after this; and the dream [is] true, and its interpretation stedfast.

ylt@Daniel:3:1 @Nebuchadnezzar the king hath made an image of gold, its height sixty cubits, its breadth six cubits; he hath raised it up in the valley of Dura, in the province of Babylon;

ylt@Daniel:3:29 @And by me a decree is made, that any people, nation, and language, that doth speak erroneously concerning the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, pieces he is made, and its house is made a dunghill, because that there is no other god who is able thus to deliver.'

ylt@Daniel:4:7 @Then coming up are the scribes, the enchanters, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers, and the dream I have told before them, and its interpretation they are not making known to me.

ylt@Daniel:4:9 @'O Belteshazzar, master of the scribes, as I have known that the spirit of the holy gods [is] in thee, and no secret doth press thee, the visions of my dream that I have seen, and its interpretation, tell.

ylt@Daniel:4:10 @As to the visions of my head on my bed, I was looking, and lo, a tree in the midst of the earth, and its height [is] great:

ylt@Daniel:4:11 @become great hath the tree, yea, strong, and its height doth reach to the heavens, and its vision to the end of the whole land;

ylt@Daniel:4:12 @its leaves [are] fair, and its budding great, and food for all [is] in it: under it take shade doth the beast of the field, and in its boughs dwell do the birds of the heavens, and of it fed are all flesh.

ylt@Daniel:4:14 @He is calling mightily, and thus hath said, Cut down the tree, and cut off its branches, shake off its leaves, and scatter its budding, move away let the beast from under it, and the birds from off its branches;

ylt@Daniel:4:15 @but the stump of its roots leave in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and with the dew of the heavens is it wet, and with the beasts [is] his portion in the herb of the earth;

ylt@Daniel:4:19 @'Then Daniel, whose name [is] Belteshazzar, hath been astonished about one hour, and his thoughts do trouble him; the king hath answered and said, O Belteshazzar, let not the dream and its interpretation trouble thee. Belteshazzar hath answered and said, My lord, the dream -- to those hating thee, and its interpretation -- to thine enemies!

ylt@Daniel:4:20 @The tree that thou hast seen, that hath become great and strong, and its height doth reach to the heavens, and its vision to all the land,

ylt@Daniel:4:21 @and its leaves [are] fair, and its budding great, and food for all [is] in it, under it dwell doth the beast of the field, and on its boughs sit do the birds of the heavens.

ylt@Daniel:4:23 @and that which the king hath seen -- a sifter, even a holy one, coming down from the heavens, and he hath said, Cut down the tree, and destroy it; but the stump of its roots leave in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field, and with the dew of the heavens it is wet, and with the beast of the field [is] his portion, till that seven times pass over him.

ylt@Daniel:5:7 @Call doth the king mightily, to bring up the enchanters, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers. Answered hath the king, and said to the wise men of Babylon, that, 'Any man who doth read this writing, and its interpretation doth shew me, purple he putteth on, and a bracelet of gold [is] on his neck, and third in the kingdom he doth rule.'

ylt@Daniel:5:15 @'And now, caused to come up before me have been the wise men, the enchanters, that this writing they may read, and its interpretation to cause me to know: and they are not able to shew the interpretation of the thing:

ylt@Daniel:5:16 @and I -- I have heard of thee, that thou art able to give interpretations, and to loose knots: now, lo -- thou art able to read the writing, and its interpretation to cause me to know -- purple thou dost put on, and a bracelet of gold [is] on thy neck, and third in the kingdom thou dost rule.'

ylt@Daniel:7:4 @The first [is] like a lion, and it hath an eagle's wings. I was seeing till that its wings have been plucked, and it hath been lifted up from the earth, and on feet as a man it hath been caused to stand, and a heart of man is given to it.

ylt@Daniel:7:5 @And lo, another beast, a second, like to a bear, and to the same authority it hath been raised, and three ribs [are] in its mouth, between its teeth, and thus they are saying to it, Rise, consume much flesh.

ylt@Daniel:7:6 @'After this I was seeing, and lo, another like a leopard, and it hath four wings of a fowl on its back, and four heads hath the beast, and dominion is given to it.

ylt@Daniel:7:7 @'After this I was seeing in the visions of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and fearful, and exceedingly strong; and it hath iron teeth very great, it hath consumed, yea, it doth break small, and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled; and it [is] diverse from all the beasts that [are] before it; and it hath ten horns.

ylt@Daniel:7:9 @'I was seeing till that thrones have been thrown down, and the Ancient of Days is seated, His garment as snow [is] white, and the hair of his head [is] as pure wool, His throne flames of fire, its wheels burning fire.

ylt@Daniel:7:19 @'Then I wished for certainty concerning the fourth beast, that was diverse from them all, fearful exceedingly; its teeth of iron, and its nails of brass, it hath devoured, it doth break small, and the remnant with its feet it hath trampled;

ylt@Daniel:7:20 @and concerning the ten horns that [are] in its heads, and of the other that came up, and before which three have fallen, even of that horn that hath eyes, and a mouth speaking great things, and whose appearance [is] great above its companions.

ylt@Daniel:7:25 @and words as an adversary of the Most High it doth speak, and the saints of the Most High it doth wear out, and it hopeth to change seasons and law; and they are given into its hand, till a time, and times, and a division of a time.

ylt@Daniel:7:26 @'And the Judge is seated, and its dominion they cause to pass away, to cut off, and to destroy -- unto the end;

ylt@Daniel:8:4 @I have seen the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward, and no living creatures do stand before it, and there is none delivering out of its hand, and it hath done according to its pleasure, and hath exerted itself.

ylt@Daniel:8:5 @'And I have been considering, and lo, a young he-goat hath come from the west, over the face of the whole earth, whom none is touching in the earth; as to the young he-goat, a conspicuous horn [is] between its eyes.

ylt@Daniel:8:6 @And it cometh unto the ram possessing the two horns, that I had seen standing before the stream, and runneth unto it in the fury of its power.

ylt@Daniel:8:7 @And I have seen it coming near the ram, and it becometh embittered at it, and smiteth the ram, and breaketh its two horns, and there hath been no power in the ram to stand before it, and it casteth it to the earth, and trampleth it down, and there hath been no deliverer to the ram out of its power.

ylt@Daniel:8:8 @'And the young he-goat hath exerted itself very much, and when it is strong, broken hath been the great horn; and come up doth a vision of four in its place, at the four winds of the heavens.

ylt@Daniel:8:9 @And from the one of them come forth hath a little horn, and it exerteth itself greatly toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the beauteous [land];

ylt@Daniel:8:11 @And unto the prince of the host it exerteth itself, and by it taken away hath been the continual [sacrifice], and thrown down the base of his sanctuary.

ylt@Daniel:8:21 @And the young he-goat, the hairy one, [is] the king of Javan; and the great horn that [is] between its eyes is the first king;

ylt@Daniel:8:22 @and that being broken, stand up do four in its place, four kingdoms from the nation do stand up, and not in its power.

ylt@Daniel:9:26 @And after the sixty and two weeks, cut off is Messiah, and the city and the holy place are not his, the Leader who hath come doth destroy the people; and its end [is] with a flood, and till the end [is] war, determined [are] desolations.

ylt@Hosea:2:9 @Therefore do I turn back, And I have taken My corn in its season, And My new wine in its appointed time, And I have taken away My wool and My flax, covering her nakedness.

ylt@Hosea:4:9 @And it hath been, like people, like priest, And I have charged on it its ways, And its habitual doings I return to it.

ylt@Hosea:4:12 @My people at its staff asketh and its rod declareth to it, For a spirit of whoredoms hath caused to err, And they go a-whoring from under their God.

ylt@Hosea:4:13 @On tops of the mountains they do sacrifice, And on the hills they make perfume, Under oak, and poplar, and terebinth, For good [is] its shade.

ylt@Hosea:4:19 @Distressed her hath wind with its wings, And they are ashamed of their sacrifices!

ylt@Hosea:7:4 @All of them [are] adulterers, Like a burning oven of a baker, He ceaseth from stirring up after kneading the dough, till its leavening.

ylt@Hosea:7:9 @Devoured have strangers his power, And he hath not known, Also old age hath sprinkled [itself] on him, And he hath not known.

ylt@Hosea:9:10 @As grapes in a wilderness I found Israel, As the first-fruit in a fig-tree, at its beginning, I have seen your fathers, They -- they have gone in [to] Baal-Peor, And are separated to a shameful thing, And are become abominable like their love.

ylt@Hosea:10:5 @For the calves of Beth-Aven fear do inhabitants of Samaria, Surely mourned on account of it hath its people, And its priests on account of it leap about, Because of its honour, for it hath removed from it,

ylt@Hosea:10:6 @Also it to Asshur is carried, a present to a warlike king, Shame doth Ephraim receive, And ashamed is Israel of its own counsel.

ylt@Hosea:10:7 @Cut off is Samaria! Its king [is] as a chip on the face of the waters.

ylt@Hosea:10:11 @And Ephraim [is] a trained heifer -- loving to thresh, And I -- I have passed over on the goodness of its neck, I cause [one] to ride Ephraim, Plough doth Judah, harrow for him doth Jacob.

ylt@Hosea:13:16 @Become desolate doth Samaria, Because she hath rebelled against her God, By sword they do fall, Their sucklings are dashed in pieces, And its pregnant ones are ripped up!

ylt@Joel:1:6 @For a nation hath come up on my land, Strong, and there is no number, Its teeth [are] the teeth of a lion, And it hath the jaw-teeth of a lioness.

ylt@Joel:1:7 @It hath made my vine become a desolation, And my fig-tree become a chip, It hath made it thoroughly bare, and hath cast down, Made white have been its branches.

ylt@Joel:2:4 @As the appearance of horses [is] its appearance, And as horsemen, so they run.

ylt@Joel:2:6 @From its face pained are peoples, All faces have gathered paleness.

ylt@Joel:2:22 @Do not fear, O cattle of the field! For sprung forth have pastures of a wilderness, For the tree hath borne its fruit, Fig-tree and vine have given their strength!

ylt@Joel:3:4 @And also, what [are] ye to Me, O Tyre and Zidon, And all circuits of Philistia? Recompence are ye rendering unto Me? And if ye are giving recompence to Me, Swiftly, hastily, I turn back your recompence on your head.

ylt@Amos:2:3 @And I have cut off a judge from her midst, And all its heads I slay with him, said Jehovah.

ylt@Amos:2:13 @Lo, I am pressing you under, As the full cart doth press for itself a sheaf.

ylt@Amos:6:8 @Sworn hath the Lord Jehovah by Himself, An affirmation of Jehovah, God of Hosts: I am abominating the excellency of Jacob, And his high places I have hated, And I have delivered up the city and its fulness.

ylt@Amos:7:11 @for thus said Amos: By sword die doth Jeroboam, And Israel certainly removeth from off its land.'

ylt@Amos:7:17 @therefore thus said Jehovah: Thy wife in the city doth go a-whoring, And thy sons and thy daughters by sword do fall, And thy land by line is apportioned, And thou on an unclean land diest, And Israel certainly removeth from off its land.'

ylt@Amos:8:10 @And have turned your festivals to mourning, And all your songs to lamentation, And caused sackcloth to come up on all loins, And on every head -- baldness, And made it as a mourning [of] an only one, And its latter end as a day of bitterness.

ylt@Amos:9:11 @In that day I raise the tabernacle of David, that is fallen, And I have repaired their breaches, And its ruins I do raise up, And I have built it up as in days of old.

ylt@Obadiah:1:13 @Nor come into a gate of My people in a day of their calamity, Nor look, even thou, on its misfortune in a day of its calamity, Nor send forth against its force in a day of its calamity,

ylt@Obadiah:1:14 @Nor stand by the breach to cut off its escaped, Nor deliver up its remnant in a day of distress.

ylt@Jonah:1:3 @And Jonah riseth to flee to Tarshish from the face of Jehovah, and goeth down [to] Joppa, and findeth a ship going [to] Tarshish, and he giveth its fare, and goeth down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the face of Jehovah.

ylt@Jonah:1:15 @And they lift up Jonah, and cast him into the sea, and the sea ceaseth from its raging;

ylt@Micah:1:2 @Hear, O peoples, all of them! Attend, O earth, and its fulness, And the Lord Jehovah is against you for a witness, The Lord from His holy temple.

ylt@Micah:1:11 @Pass over for thee, O inhabitant of Shaphir, Naked one of shame. Not gone out hath the inhabitant of Zaanan, The lamentation of Beth-Ezel doth take from you its standing.

ylt@Micah:2:9 @The women of My people ye cast out from its delightful house, From its sucklings ye take away My honour to the age.

ylt@Micah:2:12 @I do surely gather thee, O Jacob, all of thee, I surely bring together the remnant of Israel, Together I do set it as the flock of Bozrah, As a drove in the midst of its pasture, It maketh a noise because of man.

ylt@Micah:4:5 @For all the peoples do walk, Each in the name of its god -- and we, We do walk in the name of Jehovah our God, To the age and for ever.

ylt@Micah:5:6 @And they have afflicted the land of Asshur with the sword, And the land of Nimrod at its openings, And he hath delivered from Asshur when he doth come into our land, And when he treadeth in our borders.

ylt@Micah:6:12 @Whose rich ones have been full of violence, And its inhabitants have spoken falsehood, And their tongue [is] deceitful in their mouth.

ylt@Micah:6:16 @And kept habitually are the statutes of Omri, And all the work of the house of Ahab, And ye do walk in their counsels, For My giving thee for a desolation, And its inhabitants for a hissing, And the reproach of My people ye do bear!

ylt@Micah:7:13 @And the land hath been for a desolation, Because of its inhabitants, Because of the fruit of their doings.

ylt@Nahum:1:8 @And with a flood passing over, An end He maketh of its place, And His enemies doth darkness pursue.

ylt@Nahum:2:5 @He doth remember his honourable ones, They stumble in their goings, They hasten [to] its wall, and prepared is the covering.

ylt@Nahum:2:13 @Lo, I [am] against thee, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, And I have burned in smoke its chariot, And thy young lions consume doth a sword, And I have cut off from the land thy prey, And not heard any more is the voice of thy messengers!

ylt@Nahum:3:12 @All thy fortresses [are] fig-trees with first-fruits, If they are shaken, They have fallen into the mouth of the eater.

ylt@Nahum:3:17 @Thy crowned ones [are] as a locust, And thy princes as great grasshoppers, That encamp in hedges in a day of cold, The sun hath risen, and it doth flee away, And not known is its place where they are.

ylt@Habakkuk:1:3 @Why dost Thou shew me iniquity, And perversity dost cause to behold? And spoiling and violence [are] before me, And there is strife, and contention doth lift [itself] up,

ylt@Habakkuk:1:6 @For, lo, I am raising up the Chaldeans, The bitter and hasty nation, That is going to the broad places of earth, To occupy tabernacles not its own.

ylt@Habakkuk:1:7 @Terrible and fearful it [is], From itself its judgment and its excellency go forth.

ylt@Habakkuk:1:8 @Swifter than leopards have been its horses, And sharper than evening wolves, And increased have its horsemen, Even its horsemen from afar come in, They fly as an eagle, hasting to consume.

ylt@Habakkuk:2:5 @And also, because the wine [is] treacherous, A man is haughty, and remaineth not at home, Who hath enlarged as sheol his soul, And is as death that is not satisfied, And doth gather unto itself all the nations, And doth assemble unto itself all the peoples,

ylt@Habakkuk:2:18 @What profit hath a graven image given That its former hath graven it? A molten image and teacher of falsehood, That trusted hath the former on his own formation -- to make dumb idols?

ylt@Habakkuk:2:19 @Wo [to] him who is saying to wood, 'Awake,' 'Stir up,' to a dumb stone, It a teacher! lo, it is overlaid -- gold and silver, And there is no spirit in its midst.

ylt@Habakkuk:3:10 @Seen thee -- pained are mountains, An inundation of waters hath passed over, Given forth hath the deep its voice, High its hands it hath lifted up.

ylt@Zephaniah:2:9 @Therefore, I live, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, Surely, Moab is as Sodom, And the sons of Ammon as Gomorrah, An overrunning of nettles and salt-pits, And a desolation -- unto the age. A residue of My people do seize them, And a remnant of My nation inherit them.

ylt@Haggai:1:10 @Therefore, over you refrained have the heavens from dew, And the land hath refrained its increase.

ylt@Haggai:2:3 @Who among you hath been left that saw this house in its former honour? And what are ye seeing it now? Is it not, compared with it, as nothing in your eyes?

ylt@Haggai:2:22 @And have overturned the throne of kingdoms, And I have destroyed the strength of kingdoms of the nations, And overturned chariot and its charioteers, And come down have horses and their riders, Each by the sword of his brother.

ylt@Zechariah:2:2 @And I say, 'Whither are thou going?' And he saith unto me, 'To measure Jerusalem, to see how much [is] its breadth, and how much its length.'

ylt@Zechariah:3:9 @For lo, the stone that I put before Joshua, On one stone [are] seven eyes, Lo, I am graving its graving, An affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts, And I have removed the iniquity of that land in one day.

ylt@Zechariah:4:2 @and he saith unto me, 'What art thou seeing?' And I say, 'I have looked, and lo, a candlestick of gold -- all of it, and its bowl [is] on its top, and its seven lamps [are] upon it, and twice seven pipes [are] to the lights that [are] on its top,

ylt@Zechariah:4:3 @and two olive-trees [are] by it, one on the right of the bowl, and one on its left.'

ylt@Zechariah:4:11 @And I answer and say unto him, 'What [are] these two olive-trees, on the right of the candlestick, and on its left?'

ylt@Zechariah:5:2 @And he saith unto me, 'What art thou seeing?' And I say, 'I am seeing a flying roll, its length twenty by the cubit, and its breadth ten by the cubit.'

ylt@Zechariah:5:4 @'I have brought it out -- an affirmation of Jehovah of Hosts -- and it hath come in unto the house of the thief, and unto the house of him who hath sworn in My name to a falsehood, and it hath remained in the midst of his house, and hath consumed it, both its wood and its stones.'

ylt@Zechariah:5:8 @And he saith, 'This [is] the wicked woman.' And he casteth her unto the midst of the ephah, and casteth the weight of lead on its mouth.

ylt@Zechariah:5:11 @And he saith unto me, 'To build to it a house in the land of Shinar.' And it hath been prepared and hath been placed there on its base.

ylt@Zechariah:6:5 @And the messenger answereth and saith unto me, 'These [are] four spirits of the heavens coming forth from presenting themselves before the Lord of the whole earth.

ylt@Zechariah:7:2 @And Beth-El sendeth Sherezer and Regem-Melech, and its men, to appease the face of Jehovah,

ylt@Zechariah:7:7 @'Are not [these] the words that Jehovah proclaimed by the hand of the former prophets, in Jerusalem's being inhabited, and [in] safety, and its cities round about it, and the south and the plain -- abiding?'

ylt@Zechariah:8:5 @And broad places of the city are full of boys and girls, Playing in its broad places.

ylt@Zechariah:11:9 @And I say, 'I do not feed you, the dying, let die; and the cut off, let be cut off; and the remaining ones, let each eat the flesh of its neighbour.'

ylt@Zechariah:12:4 @In that day -- an affirmation of Jehovah, I do smite every horse with astonishment, And its rider with madness, And on the house of Judah I open My eyes, And every horse of the peoples I smite with blindness.

ylt@Zechariah:14:4 @And stood have His feet, in that day, On the mount of Olives, That [is] before Jerusalem eastward, And cleft hath been the mount of Olives at its midst, To the east, and to the west, a very great valley, And removed hath the half of the mount towards the north. And its half towards the south.

ylt@Zechariah:14:12 @And this is the plague with which Jehovah Doth plague all the peoples who have warred against Jerusalem, He hath consumed away its flesh, And it is standing on its feet, And its eyes are consumed in their holes, And its tongue is consumed in their mouth.

ylt@Malachi:1:11 @For, from the rising of the sun to its going in, Great [is] My name among nations, And in every place perfume is brought nigh to My name, and a pure present, For great [is] My name among nations, Said Jehovah of Hosts.

ylt@Malachi:1:12 @And ye are polluting it in your saying, 'The table of Jehovah -- it is polluted, As to its fruit -- despicable is its food.'

ylt@Malachi:4:2 @And risen to you, ye who fear My name, Hath the sun of righteousness -- and healing in its wings, And ye have gone forth, and have increased as calves of a stall.