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nkjv@Genesis:18:2 @ So he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing by him; and when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground,

nkjv@Exodus:16:20 @ Notwithstanding they did not heed Moses. But some of them left part of it until morning, and it bred worms and stank. And Moses was angry with them.

nkjv@Exodus:21:21 @ Notwithstanding, if he remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his property.

nkjv@Exodus:22:6 @ "If fire breaks out and catches in thorns, so that stacked grain, standing grain, or the field is consumed, he who kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.

nkjv@Exodus:26:15 @ "And for the tabernacle you shall make the boards of acacia wood, standing upright.

nkjv@Exodus:31:3 @ And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,

nkjv@Exodus:33:10 @ All the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the tabernacle door, and all the people rose and worshiped, each man in his tent door.

nkjv@Exodus:35:31 @ and He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship,

nkjv@Exodus:36:1 @ "And Bezalel and Aholiab, and every gifted artisan in whom the LORD has put wisdom and understanding, to know how to do all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, shall do according to all that the LORD has commanded."

nkjv@Exodus:36:20 @ For the tabernacle he made boards of acacia wood, standing upright.

nkjv@Numbers:22:23 @ Now the donkey saw the Angel of the LORD standing in the way with His drawn sword in His hand, and the donkey turned aside out of the way and went into the field. So Balaam struck the donkey to turn her back onto the road.

nkjv@Numbers:22:31 @ Then the LORD opened Balaam's eyes, and he saw the Angel of the LORD standing in the way with His drawn sword in His hand; and he bowed his head and fell flat on his face.

nkjv@Numbers:23:6 @ So he returned to him, and there he was, standing by his burnt offering, he and all the princes of Moab.

nkjv@Numbers:23:17 @ So he came to him, and there he was, standing by his burnt offering, and the princes of Moab were with him. And Balak said to him, "What has the LORD spoken?"

nkjv@Deuteronomy:1:13 @ Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them heads over you.'

nkjv@Deuteronomy:4:6 @ Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'

nkjv@Deuteronomy:23:25 @ When you come into your neighbor's standing grain, you may pluck the heads with your hand, but you shall not use a sickle on your neighbor's standing grain.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:32:28 @ "For they are a nation void of counsel, Nor is there any understanding in them.

nkjv@Judges:15:5 @ When he had set the torches on fire, he let the foxes go into the standing grain of the Philistines, and burned up both the shocks and the standing grain, as well as the vineyards and olive groves.

nkjv@1Samuel:19:20 @ Then Saul sent messengers to take David. And when they saw the group of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as leader over them, the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied.

nkjv@1Samuel:22:6 @ When Saul heard that David and the men who were with him had been discovered--now Saul was staying in Gibeah under a tamarisk tree in Ramah, with his spear in his hand, and all his servants standing about him--

nkjv@1Samuel:25:3 @ The name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife Abigail. And she was a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance; but the man was harsh and evil in his doings. He was of the house of Caleb.

nkjv@1Kings:3:9 @ Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?"

nkjv@1Kings:3:11 @ Then God said to him: "Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice,

nkjv@1Kings:3:12 @ behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you.

nkjv@1Kings:4:29 @ And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.

nkjv@1Kings:7:14 @ He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a bronze worker; he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill in working with all kinds of bronze work. So he came to King Solomon and did all his work.

nkjv@1Kings:8:14 @ Then the king turned around and blessed the whole assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel was standing.

nkjv@1Kings:13:25 @ And there, men passed by and saw the corpse thrown on the road, and the lion standing by the corpse. Then they went and told it in the city where the old prophet dwelt.

nkjv@1Kings:13:28 @ Then he went and found his corpse thrown on the road, and the donkey and the lion standing by the corpse. The lion had not eaten the corpse nor torn the donkey.

nkjv@1Kings:22:19 @ Then Micaiah said, "Therefore hear the word of the LORD: I saw the LORD sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by, on His right hand and on His left.

nkjv@2Kings:11:14 @ When she looked, there was the king standing by a pillar according to custom; and the leaders and the trumpeters were by the king. All the people of the land were rejoicing and blowing trumpets. So Athaliah tore her clothes and cried out, "Treason! Treason!"

nkjv@1Chronicles:12:32 @ of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command;

nkjv@1Chronicles:21:16 @ Then David lifted his eyes and saw the angel of the LORD standing between earth and heaven, having in his hand a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem. So David and the elders, clothed in sackcloth, fell on their faces.

nkjv@1Chronicles:22:12 @ Only may the LORD give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the LORD your God.

nkjv@2Chronicles:2:12 @ Hiram also said: 4 Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, for He has given King David a wise son, endowed with prudence and understanding, who will build a temple for the LORD and a royal house for himself!

nkjv@2Chronicles:2:13 @ And now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding, Huram my master craftsman

nkjv@2Chronicles:6:3 @ Then the king turned around and blessed the whole assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel was standing.

nkjv@2Chronicles:18:18 @ Then Micaiah said, "Therefore hear the word of the LORD: I saw the LORD sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing on His right hand and His left.

nkjv@2Chronicles:23:13 @ When she looked, there was the king standing by his pillar at the entrance; and the leaders and the trumpeters were by the king. All the people of the land were rejoicing and blowing trumpets, also the singers with musical instruments, and those who led in praise. So Athaliah tore her clothes and said, "Treason! Treason!"

nkjv@2Chronicles:26:5 @ He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him prosper.

nkjv@Ezra:8:16 @ Then I sent for Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and Elnathan, men of understanding.

nkjv@Ezra:8:18 @ Then, by the good hand of our God upon us, they brought us a man of understanding, of the sons of Mahli the son of Levi, the son of Israel, namely Sherebiah, with his sons and brothers, eighteen men;

nkjv@Nehemiah:8:2 @ So Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly of men and women and all who could hear with understanding on the first day of the seventh month.

nkjv@Nehemiah:8:5 @ And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was standing above all the people; and when he opened it, all the people stood up.

nkjv@Nehemiah:10:28 @ Now the rest of the people--the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the Nethinim, and all those who had separated themselves from the peoples of the lands to the Law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, everyone who had knowledge and understanding--

nkjv@Esther:5:2 @ So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favor in his sight, and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Then Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter.

nkjv@Esther:6:5 @ The king's servants said to him, "Haman is there, standing in the court." And the king said, "Let him come in."

nkjv@Esther:7:9 @ Now Harbonah, one of the eunuchs, said to the king, "Look! The gallows, fifty cubits high, which Haman made for Mordecai, who spoke good on the king's behalf, is standing at the house of Haman." Then the king said, "Hang him on it!"

nkjv@Job:12:3 @ But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you. Indeed, who does not know such things as these?

nkjv@Job:12:12 @ Wisdom is with aged men, And with length of days, understanding.

nkjv@Job:12:13 @ "With Him are wisdom and strength, He has counsel and understanding.

nkjv@Job:12:24 @ He takes away the understanding of the chiefs of the people of the earth, And makes them wander in a pathless wilderness.

nkjv@Job:17:4 @ For You have hidden their heart from understanding; Therefore You will not exalt them.

nkjv@Job:18:2 @ "How long till you put an end to words? Gain understanding, and afterward we will speak.

nkjv@Job:20:3 @ I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me, And the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.

nkjv@Job:26:12 @ He stirs up the sea with His power, And by His understanding He breaks up the storm.

nkjv@Job:28:12 @ "But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?

nkjv@Job:28:20 @ "From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding?

nkjv@Job:28:28 @ And to man He said, "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding."'

nkjv@Job:32:8 @ But there is a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding.

nkjv@Job:34:10 @ "Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: Far be it from God to do wickedness, And from the Almighty to commit iniquity.

nkjv@Job:34:16 @ "If you have understanding, hear this; Listen to the sound of my words:

nkjv@Job:34:34 @ "Men of understanding say to me, Wise men who listen to me:

nkjv@Job:36:5 @ "Behold, God is mighty, but despises no one; He is mighty in strength of understanding.

nkjv@Job:38:4 @ "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.

nkjv@Job:38:36 @ Who has put wisdom in the mind? Or who has given understanding to the heart?

nkjv@Job:39:17 @ Because God deprived her of wisdom, And did not endow her with understanding.

nkjv@Psalms:32:9 @ Do not be like the horse or like the mule, Which have no understanding, Which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, Else they will not come near you.

nkjv@Psalms:47:7 @ For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding.

nkjv@Psalms:49:3 @ My mouth shall speak wisdom, And the meditation of my heart shall give understanding.

nkjv@Psalms:69:2 @ I sink in deep mire, Where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, Where the floods overflow me.

nkjv@Psalms:111:10 @ The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

nkjv@Psalms:119:34 @ Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart.

nkjv@Psalms:119:73 @ Your hands have made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.

nkjv@Psalms:119:99 @ I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.

nkjv@Psalms:119:104 @ Through Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way.

nkjv@Psalms:119:125 @ I am Your servant; Give me understanding, That I may know Your testimonies.

nkjv@Psalms:119:130 @ The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.

nkjv@Psalms:119:144 @ The righteousness of Your testimonies is everlasting; Give me understanding, and I shall live.

nkjv@Psalms:119:169 @ Let my cry come before You, O LORD; Give me understanding according to Your word.

nkjv@Psalms:122:2 @ Our feet have been standing Within your gates, O Jerusalem!

nkjv@Psalms:147:5 @ Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite.

nkjv@Proverbs:1:2 @ To know wisdom and instruction, To perceive the words of understanding,

nkjv@Proverbs:1:5 @ A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel,

nkjv@Proverbs:2:2 @ So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding;

nkjv@Proverbs:2:3 @ Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding,

nkjv@Proverbs:2:6 @ For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

nkjv@Proverbs:2:11 @ Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you,

nkjv@Proverbs:3:5 @ Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;

nkjv@Proverbs:3:13 @ Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding;

nkjv@Proverbs:3:19 @ The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; By understanding He established the heavens;

nkjv@Proverbs:4:1 @ Hear, my children, the instruction of a father, And give attention to know understanding;

nkjv@Proverbs:4:5 @ Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth.

nkjv@Proverbs:4:7 @ Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.

nkjv@Proverbs:5:1 @ My son, pay attention to my wisdom; Lend your ear to my understanding,

nkjv@Proverbs:6:32 @ Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; He who does so destroys his own soul.

nkjv@Proverbs:7:4 @ Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," And call understanding your nearest kin,

nkjv@Proverbs:7:7 @ And saw among the simple, I perceived among the youths, A young man devoid of understanding,

nkjv@Proverbs:8:1 @ Does not wisdom cry out, And understanding lift up her voice?

nkjv@Proverbs:8:5 @ O you simple ones, understand prudence, And you fools, be of an understanding heart.

nkjv@Proverbs:8:14 @ Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; I am understanding, I have strength.

nkjv@Proverbs:9:4 @ "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!" As for him who lacks understanding, she says to him,

nkjv@Proverbs:9:6 @ Forsake foolishness and live, And go in the way of understanding.

nkjv@Proverbs:9:10 @ "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

nkjv@Proverbs:9:16 @ "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here"; And as for him who lacks understanding, she says to him,

nkjv@Proverbs:10:13 @ Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding, But a rod is for the back of him who is devoid of understanding.

nkjv@Proverbs:10:23 @ To do evil is like sport to a fool, But a man of understanding has wisdom.

nkjv@Proverbs:11:12 @ He who is devoid of wisdom despises his neighbor, But a man of understanding holds his peace.

nkjv@Proverbs:12:11 @ He who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, But he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding.

nkjv@Proverbs:13:15 @ Good understanding gains favor, But the way of the unfaithful is hard.

nkjv@Proverbs:14:29 @ He who is slow to wrath has great understanding, But he who is impulsive exalts folly.

nkjv@Proverbs:14:33 @ Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding, But what is in the heart of fools is made known.

nkjv@Proverbs:15:14 @ The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, But the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness.

nkjv@Proverbs:15:21 @ Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment, But a man of understanding walks uprightly.

nkjv@Proverbs:15:32 @ He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, But he who heeds rebuke gets understanding.

nkjv@Proverbs:16:16 @ How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.

nkjv@Proverbs:16:22 @ Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it. But the correction of fools is folly.

nkjv@Proverbs:17:18 @ A man devoid of understanding shakes hands in a pledge, And becomes surety for his friend.

nkjv@Proverbs:17:24 @ Wisdom is in the sight of him who has understanding, But the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.

nkjv@Proverbs:17:27 @ He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.

nkjv@Proverbs:18:2 @ A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:8 @ He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; He who keeps understanding will find good.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:25 @ Strike a scoffer, and the simple will become wary; Rebuke one who has understanding, and he will discern knowledge.

nkjv@Proverbs:20:5 @ Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, But a man of understanding will draw it out.

nkjv@Proverbs:21:16 @ A man who wanders from the way of understanding Will rest in the assembly of the dead.

nkjv@Proverbs:21:30 @ There is no wisdom or understanding Or counsel against the LORD.

nkjv@Proverbs:23:4 @ Do not overwork to be rich; Because of your own understanding, cease!

nkjv@Proverbs:23:23 @ Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding.

nkjv@Proverbs:24:3 @ Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established;

nkjv@Proverbs:24:30 @ I went by the field of the lazy man, And by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding;

nkjv@Proverbs:28:2 @ Because of the transgression of a land, many are its princes; But by a man of understanding and knowledge Right will be prolonged.

nkjv@Proverbs:28:11 @ The rich man is wise in his own eyes, But the poor who has understanding searches him out.

nkjv@Proverbs:28:16 @ A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.

nkjv@Proverbs:30:2 @ Surely I am more stupid than any man, And do not have the understanding of a man.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:11 @ I returned and saw under the sun that-- The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.

nkjv@Isaiah:11:2 @ The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.

nkjv@Isaiah:27:11 @ When its boughs are withered, they will be broken off; The women come and set them on fire. For it is a people of no understanding; Therefore He who made them will not have mercy on them, And He who formed them will show them no favor.

nkjv@Isaiah:29:14 @ Therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work Among this people, A marvelous work and a wonder; For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, And the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden."

nkjv@Isaiah:29:16 @ Surely you have things turned around! Shall the potter be esteemed as the clay; For shall the thing made say of him who made it, "He did not make me"? Or shall the thing formed say of him who formed it, "He has no understanding"?

nkjv@Isaiah:29:24 @ These also who erred in spirit will come to understanding, And those who complained will learn doctrine."

nkjv@Isaiah:40:14 @ With whom did He take counsel, and who instructed Him, And taught Him in the path of justice? Who taught Him knowledge, And showed Him the way of understanding?

nkjv@Isaiah:40:28 @ Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.

nkjv@Isaiah:44:19 @ And no one considers in his heart, Nor is there knowledge nor understanding to say, "I have burned half of it in the fire, Yes, I have also baked bread on its coals; I have roasted meat and eaten it; And shall I make the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?"

nkjv@Jeremiah:3:15 @ And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.

nkjv@Jeremiah:4:22 @ "For My people are foolish, They have not known Me. They are silly children, And they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, But to do good they have no knowledge."

nkjv@Jeremiah:5:21 @ "Hear this now, O foolish people, Without understanding, Who have eyes and see not, And who have ears and hear not:

nkjv@Jeremiah:51:15 @ He has made the earth by His power; He has established the world by His wisdom, And stretched out the heaven by His understanding.

nkjv@Lamentations:2:4 @ Standing like an enemy, He has bent His bow; With His right hand, like an adversary, He has slain all who were pleasing to His eye; On the tent of the daughter of Zion, He has poured out His fury like fire.

nkjv@Ezekiel:10:3 @ Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the temple when the man went in, and the cloud filled the inner court.

nkjv@Ezekiel:20:21 @ "Notwithstanding, the children rebelled against Me; they did not walk in My statutes, and were not careful to observe My judgments, "which, if a man does, he shall live by them'; but they profaned My Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them and fulfill My anger against them in the wilderness.

nkjv@Ezekiel:28:4 @ With your wisdom and your understanding You have gained riches for yourself, And gathered gold and silver into your treasuries;

nkjv@Daniel:1:17 @ As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

nkjv@Daniel:1:20 @ And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm.

nkjv@Daniel:2:21 @ And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding.

nkjv@Daniel:4:34 @ And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever: For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom is from generation to generation.

nkjv@Daniel:5:11 @ There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the Spirit of the Holy God. And in the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, were found in him; and King Nebuchadnezzar your father--your father the king--made him chief of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers.

nkjv@Daniel:5:12 @ Inasmuch as an excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting dreams, solving riddles, and explaining enigmas were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, now let Daniel be called, and he will give the interpretation."

nkjv@Daniel:5:14 @ I have heard of you, that the Spirit of God is in you, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom are found in you.

nkjv@Daniel:8:3 @ Then I lifted my eyes and saw, and there, standing beside the river, was a ram which had two horns, and the two horns were high; but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last.

nkjv@Daniel:8:6 @ Then he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen standing beside the river, and ran at him with furious power.

nkjv@Daniel:10:1 @ In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar. The message was true, but the appointed time was long; and he understood the message, and had understanding of the vision.

nkjv@Daniel:11:35 @ And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.

nkjv@Amos:9:1 @ I saw the Lord standing by the altar, and He said: "Strike the doorposts, that the thresholds may shake, And break them on the heads of them all. I will slay the last of them with the sword. He who flees from them shall not get away, And he who escapes from them shall not be delivered.

nkjv@Obadiah:1:8 @ "Will I not in that day," says the LORD, "Even destroy the wise men from Edom, And understanding from the mountains of Esau?

nkjv@Zechariah:3:1 @ Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him.

nkjv@Zechariah:3:3 @ Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the Angel.

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