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nkjv@Genesis:6:3 @ And the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years."

nkjv@Genesis:8:10 @ And he waited yet another seven days, and again he sent the dove out from the ark.

nkjv@Genesis:8:12 @ So he waited yet another seven days and sent out the dove, which did not return again to him anymore.

nkjv@Genesis:15:16 @ But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete."

nkjv@Genesis:18:29 @ And he spoke to Him yet again and said, "Suppose there should be forty found there?" So He said, "I will not do it for the sake of forty."

nkjv@Genesis:21:13 @ Yet I will also make a nation of the son of the bondwoman, because he is your seed."

nkjv@Genesis:31:7 @ Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt me.

nkjv@Genesis:38:5 @ And she conceived yet again and bore a son, and called his name Shelah. He was at Chezib when she bore him.

nkjv@Genesis:40:23 @ Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.

nkjv@Genesis:44:4 @ When they had gone out of the city, and were not yet far off, Joseph said to his steward, "Get up, follow the men; and when you overtake them, say to them, "Why have you repaid evil for good?

nkjv@Exodus:5:11 @ Go, get yourselves straw where you can find it; yet none of your work will be reduced."'

nkjv@Exodus:5:18 @ Therefore go now and work; for no straw shall be given you, yet you shall deliver the quota of bricks."

nkjv@Exodus:9:17 @ As yet you exalt yourself against My people in that you will not let them go.

nkjv@Exodus:9:30 @ But as for you and your servants, I know that you will not yet fear the LORD God."

nkjv@Exodus:9:34 @ And when Pharaoh saw that the rain, the hail, and the thunder had ceased, he sinned yet more; and he hardened his heart, he and his servants.

nkjv@Exodus:10:7 @ Then Pharaoh's servants said to him, "How long shall this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God. Do you not yet know that Egypt is destroyed?"

nkjv@Exodus:21:22 @ "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

nkjv@Exodus:32:32 @ Yet now, if You will forgive their sin--but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written."

nkjv@Exodus:33:12 @ Then Moses said to the LORD, "See, You say to me, "Bring up this people.' But You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, "I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.'

nkjv@Leviticus:5:17 @ "If a person sins, and commits any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD, though he does not know it, yet he is guilty and shall bear his iniquity.

nkjv@Leviticus:11:7 @ and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.

nkjv@Leviticus:11:21 @ Yet these you may eat of every flying insect that creeps on all fours: those which have jointed legs above their feet with which to leap on the earth.

nkjv@Leviticus:26:24 @ then I also will walk contrary to you, and I will punish you yet seven times for your sins.

nkjv@Leviticus:26:44 @ Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor shall I abhor them, to utterly destroy them and break My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.

nkjv@Numbers:11:21 @ And Moses said, "The people whom I am among are six hundred thousand men on foot; yet You have said, "I will give them meat, that they may eat for a whole month.'

nkjv@Numbers:11:26 @ But two men had remained in the camp: the name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad. And the Spirit rested upon them. Now they were among those listed, but who had not gone out to the tabernacle; yet they prophesied in the camp.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:1:32 @ Yet, for all that, you did not believe the LORD your God,

nkjv@Deuteronomy:1:43 @ So I spoke to you; yet you would not listen, but rebelled against the command of the LORD, and presumptuously went up into the mountain.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:5:24 @ And you said: "Surely the LORD our God has shown us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard His voice from the midst of the fire. We have seen this day that God speaks with man; yet he still lives.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:9:29 @ Yet they are Your people and Your inheritance, whom You brought out by Your mighty power and by Your outstretched arm.'

nkjv@Deuteronomy:12:9 @ for as yet you have not come to the rest and the inheritance which the LORD your God is giving you.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:14:8 @ Also the swine is unclean for you, because it has cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud; you shall not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:22:17 @ Now he has charged her with shameful conduct, saying, "I found your daughter was not a virgin," and yet these are the evidences of my daughter's virginity.' And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:29:4 @ Yet the LORD has not given you a heart to perceive and eyes to see and ears to hear, to this very day.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:31:27 @ for I know your rebellion and your stiff neck. If today, while I am yet alive with you, you have been rebellious against the LORD, then how much more after my death?

nkjv@Deuteronomy:32:52 @ Yet you shall see the land before you, though you shall not go there, into the land which I am giving to the children of Israel."

nkjv@Joshua:3:4 @ Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before."

nkjv@Joshua:13:1 @ Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the LORD said to him: "You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed.

nkjv@Joshua:13:2 @ This is the land that yet remains: all the territory of the Philistines and all that of the Geshurites,

nkjv@Joshua:14:11 @ As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in.

nkjv@Joshua:17:12 @ Yet the children of Manasseh could not drive out the inhabitants of those cities, but the Canaanites were determined to dwell in that land.

nkjv@Joshua:18:2 @ But there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes which had not yet received their inheritance.

nkjv@Judges:1:35 @ and the Amorites were determined to dwell in Mount Heres, in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim; yet when the strength of the house of Joseph became greater, they were put under tribute.

nkjv@Judges:2:17 @ Yet they would not listen to their judges, but they played the harlot with other gods, and bowed down to them. They turned quickly from the way in which their fathers walked, in obeying the commandments of the LORD; they did not do so.

nkjv@Judges:10:13 @ Yet you have forsaken Me and served other gods. Therefore I will deliver you no more.

nkjv@Judges:16:7 @ And Samson said to her, "If they bind me with seven fresh bowstrings, not yet dried, then I shall become weak, and be like any other man."

nkjv@Judges:16:8 @ So the lords of the Philistines brought up to her seven fresh bowstrings, not yet dried, and she bound him with them.

nkjv@Judges:20:28 @ and Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, stood before it in those days), saying, "Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of my brother Benjamin, or shall I cease?" And the LORD said, "Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand."

nkjv@Judges:21:14 @ So Benjamin came back at that time, and they gave them the women whom they had saved alive of the women of Jabesh Gilead; and yet they had not found enough for them.

nkjv@1Samuel:3:6 @ Then the LORD called yet again, "Samuel!" So Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, "Here I am, for you called me." He answered, "I did not call, my son; lie down again."

nkjv@1Samuel:3:7 @ (Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, nor was the word of the LORD yet revealed to him.)

nkjv@1Samuel:10:22 @ Therefore they inquired of the LORD further, "Has the man come here yet?" And the LORD answered, "There he is, hidden among the equipment."

nkjv@1Samuel:12:20 @ Then Samuel said to the people, "Do not fear. You have done all this wickedness; yet do not turn aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart.

nkjv@1Samuel:15:30 @ Then he said, "I have sinned; yet honor me now, please, before the elders of my people and before Israel, and return with me, that I may worship the LORD your God."

nkjv@1Samuel:16:11 @ And Samuel said to Jesse, "Are all the young men here?" Then he said, "There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep." And Samuel said to Jesse, "Send and bring him. For we will not sit down till he comes here."

nkjv@1Samuel:24:11 @ Moreover, my father, see! Yes, see the corner of your robe in my hand! For in that I cut off the corner of your robe, and did not kill you, know and see that there is neither evil nor rebellion in my hand, and I have not sinned against you. Yet you hunt my life to take it.

nkjv@1Samuel:25:29 @ Yet a man has risen to pursue you and seek your life, but the life of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of the living with the LORD your God; and the lives of your enemies He shall sling out, as from the pocket of a sling.

nkjv@2Samuel:7:19 @ And yet this was a small thing in Your sight, O Lord GOD; and You have also spoken of Your servant's house for a great while to come. Is this the manner of man, O Lord GOD?

nkjv@2Samuel:14:14 @ For we will surely die and become like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises means, so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him.

nkjv@2Samuel:19:28 @ For all my father's house were but dead men before my lord the king. Yet you set your servant among those who eat at your own table. Therefore what right have I still to cry out anymore to the king?"

nkjv@2Samuel:19:43 @ And the men of Israel answered the men of Judah, and said, "We have ten shares in the king; therefore we also have more right to David than you. Why then do you despise us--were we not the first to advise bringing back our king?" Yet the words of the men of Judah were fiercer than the words of the men of Israel.

nkjv@2Samuel:21:20 @ Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also was born to the giant.

nkjv@2Samuel:23:5 @ "Although my house is not so with God, Yet He has made with me an everlasting covenant, Ordered in all things and secure. For this is all my salvation and all my desire; Will He not make it increase?

nkjv@1Kings:8:28 @ Yet regard the prayer of Your servant and his supplication, O LORD my God, and listen to the cry and the prayer which Your servant is praying before You today:

nkjv@1Kings:8:47 @ yet when they come to themselves in the land where they were carried captive, and repent, and make supplication to You in the land of those who took them captive, saying, "We have sinned and done wrong, we have committed wickedness';

nkjv@1Kings:14:8 @ and tore the kingdom away from the house of David, and gave it to you; and yet you have not been as My servant David, who kept My commandments and who followed Me with all his heart, to do only what was right in My eyes;

nkjv@1Kings:19:18 @ Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him."

nkjv@2Kings:3:17 @ For thus says the LORD: "You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.'

nkjv@2Kings:5:18 @ Yet in this thing may the LORD pardon your servant: when my master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand, and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon--when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the LORD please pardon your servant in this thing."

nkjv@2Kings:8:19 @ Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah, for the sake of His servant David, as He promised him to give a lamp to him and his sons forever.

nkjv@2Kings:13:23 @ But the LORD was gracious to them, had compassion on them, and regarded them, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not yet destroy them or cast them from His presence.

nkjv@2Kings:14:3 @ And he did what was right in the sight of the LORD, yet not like his father David; he did everything as his father Joash had done.

nkjv@2Kings:17:13 @ Yet the LORD testified against Israel and against Judah, by all of His prophets, every seer, saying, "Turn from your evil ways, and keep My commandments and My statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by My servants the prophets."

nkjv@2Kings:17:33 @ They feared the LORD, yet served their own gods--according to the rituals of the nations from among whom they were carried away.

nkjv@2Kings:17:41 @ So these nations feared the LORD, yet served their carved images; also their children and their children's children have continued doing as their fathers did, even to this day.

nkjv@1Chronicles:5:2 @ yet Judah prevailed over his brothers, and from him came a ruler, although the birthright was Joseph's--

nkjv@1Chronicles:17:17 @ And yet this was a small thing in Your sight, O God; and You have also spoken of Your servant's house for a great while to come, and have regarded me according to the rank of a man of high degree, O LORD God.

nkjv@1Chronicles:20:6 @ Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, with twenty-four fingers and toes, six on each hand and six on each foot; and he also was born to the giant.

nkjv@2Chronicles:6:6 @ Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.'

nkjv@2Chronicles:6:19 @ Yet regard the prayer of Your servant and his supplication, O LORD my God, and listen to the cry and the prayer which Your servant is praying before You:

nkjv@2Chronicles:6:37 @ yet when they come to themselves in the land where they were carried captive, and repent, and make supplication to You in the land of their captivity, saying, "We have sinned, we have done wrong, and have committed wickedness';

nkjv@2Chronicles:13:6 @ Yet Jeroboam the son of Nebat, the servant of Solomon the son of David, rose up and rebelled against his lord.

nkjv@2Chronicles:14:7 @ Therefore he said to Judah, "Let us build these cities and make walls around them, and towers, gates, and bars, while the land is yet before us, because we have sought the LORD our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side." So they built and prospered.

nkjv@2Chronicles:16:8 @ Were the Ethiopians and the Lubim not a huge army with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet, because you relied on the LORD, He delivered them into your hand.

nkjv@2Chronicles:16:12 @ And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians.

nkjv@2Chronicles:20:33 @ Nevertheless the high places were not taken away, for as yet the people had not directed their hearts to the God of their fathers.

nkjv@2Chronicles:21:7 @ Yet the LORD would not destroy the house of David, because of the covenant that He had made with David, and since He had promised to give a lamp to him and to his sons forever.

nkjv@2Chronicles:24:19 @ Yet He sent prophets to them, to bring them back to the LORD; and they testified against them, but they would not listen.

nkjv@2Chronicles:30:18 @ For a multitude of the people, many from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves, yet they ate the Passover contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, "May the good LORD provide atonement for everyone

nkjv@Ezra:3:12 @ But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers' houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes. Yet many shouted aloud for joy,

nkjv@Ezra:9:9 @ For we were slaves. Yet our God did not forsake us in our bondage; but He extended mercy to us in the sight of the kings of Persia, to revive us, to repair the house of our God, to rebuild its ruins, and to give us a wall in Judah and Jerusalem.

nkjv@Ezra:10:2 @ And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, one of the sons of Elam, spoke up and said to Ezra, "We have trespassed against our God, and have taken pagan wives from the peoples of the land; yet now there is hope in Israel in spite of this.

nkjv@Nehemiah:1:9 @ but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name.'

nkjv@Nehemiah:2:16 @ And the officials did not know where I had gone or what I had done; I had not yet told the Jews, the priests, the nobles, the officials, or the others who did the work.

nkjv@Nehemiah:5:5 @ Yet now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children as their children; and indeed we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters have been brought into slavery. It is not in our power to redeem them, for other men have our lands and vineyards."

nkjv@Nehemiah:5:18 @ Now that which was prepared daily was one ox and six choice sheep. Also fowl were prepared for me, and once every ten days an abundance of all kinds of wine. Yet in spite of this I did not demand the governor's provisions, because the bondage was heavy on this people.

nkjv@Nehemiah:9:19 @ Yet in Your manifold mercies You did not forsake them in the wilderness. The pillar of the cloud did not depart from them by day, To lead them on the road; Nor the pillar of fire by night, To show them light, And the way they should go.

nkjv@Nehemiah:9:28 @ "But after they had rest, They again did evil before You. Therefore You left them in the hand of their enemies, So that they had dominion over them; Yet when they returned and cried out to You, You heard from heaven; And many times You delivered them according to Your mercies,

nkjv@Nehemiah:9:29 @ And testified against them, That You might bring them back to Your law. Yet they acted proudly, And did not heed Your commandments, But sinned against Your judgments, "Which if a man does, he shall live by them.' And they shrugged their shoulders, Stiffened their necks, And would not hear.

nkjv@Nehemiah:9:30 @ Yet for many years You had patience with them, And testified against them by Your Spirit in Your prophets. Yet they would not listen; Therefore You gave them into the hand of the peoples of the lands.

nkjv@Nehemiah:13:18 @ Did not your fathers do thus, and did not our God bring all this disaster on us and on this city? Yet you bring added wrath on Israel by profaning the Sabbath."

nkjv@Nehemiah:13:26 @ Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? Yet among many nations there was no king like him, who was beloved of his God; and God made him king over all Israel. Nevertheless pagan women caused even him to sin.

nkjv@Esther:4:11 @ "All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that any man or woman who goes into the inner court to the king, who has not been called, he has but one law: put all to death, except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter, that he may live. Yet I myself have not been called to go in to the king these thirty days."

nkjv@Esther:4:14 @ For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

nkjv@Esther:5:13 @ Yet all this avails me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king's gate."

nkjv@Job:5:7 @ Yet man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward.

nkjv@Job:8:7 @ Though your beginning was small, Yet your latter end would increase abundantly.

nkjv@Job:8:12 @ While it is yet green and not cut down, It withers before any other plant.

nkjv@Job:8:21 @ He will yet fill your mouth with laughing, And your lips with rejoicing.

nkjv@Job:9:21 @ "I am blameless, yet I do not know myself; I despise my life.

nkjv@Job:9:31 @ Yet You will plunge me into the pit, And my own clothes will abhor me.

nkjv@Job:10:8 @ "Your hands have made me and fashioned me, An intricate unity; Yet You would destroy me.

nkjv@Job:13:15 @ Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him.

nkjv@Job:14:9 @ Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.

nkjv@Job:17:9 @ Yet the righteous will hold to his way, And he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger.

nkjv@Job:20:7 @ Yet he will perish forever like his own refuse; Those who have seen him will say, "Where is he?'

nkjv@Job:20:14 @ Yet his food in his stomach turns sour; It becomes cobra venom within him.

nkjv@Job:21:14 @ Yet they say to God, "Depart from us, For we do not desire the knowledge of Your ways.

nkjv@Job:21:32 @ Yet he shall be brought to the grave, And a vigil kept over the tomb.

nkjv@Job:22:18 @ Yet He filled their houses with good things; But the counsel of the wicked is far from me.

nkjv@Job:24:11 @ They press out oil within their walls, And tread winepresses, yet suffer thirst.

nkjv@Job:24:12 @ The dying groan in the city, And the souls of the wounded cry out; Yet God does not charge them with wrong.

nkjv@Job:24:23 @ He gives them security, and they rely on it; Yet His eyes are on their ways.

nkjv@Job:26:8 @ He binds up the water in His thick clouds, Yet the clouds are not broken under it.

nkjv@Job:29:5 @ When the Almighty was yet with me, When my children were around me;

nkjv@Job:32:3 @ Also against his three friends his wrath was aroused, because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job.

nkjv@Job:33:10 @ Yet He finds occasions against me, He counts me as His enemy;

nkjv@Job:33:14 @ For God may speak in one way, or in another, Yet man does not perceive it.

nkjv@Job:34:19 @ Yet He is not partial to princes, Nor does He regard the rich more than the poor; For they are all the work of His hands.

nkjv@Job:35:14 @ Although you say you do not see Him, Yet justice is before Him, and you must wait for Him.

nkjv@Job:36:2 @ "Bear with me a little, and I will show you That there are yet words to speak on God's behalf.

nkjv@Job:40:23 @ Indeed the river may rage, Yet he is not disturbed; He is confident, though the Jordan gushes into his mouth,

nkjv@Psalms:2:6 @ "Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion."

nkjv@Psalms:37:10 @ For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more.

nkjv@Psalms:37:25 @ I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.

nkjv@Psalms:37:36 @ Yet he passed away, and behold, he was no more; Indeed I sought him, but he could not be found.

nkjv@Psalms:40:17 @ But I am poor and needy; Yet the LORD thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God.

nkjv@Psalms:42:5 @ Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance.

nkjv@Psalms:42:11 @ Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.

nkjv@Psalms:43:5 @ Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.

nkjv@Psalms:44:22 @ Yet for Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

nkjv@Psalms:49:20 @ A man who is in honor, yet does not understand, Is like the beasts that perish.

nkjv@Psalms:55:21 @ The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, But war was in his heart; His words were softer than oil, Yet they were drawn swords.

nkjv@Psalms:71:14 @ But I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more.

nkjv@Psalms:78:23 @ Yet He had commanded the clouds above, And opened the doors of heaven,

nkjv@Psalms:78:56 @ Yet they tested and provoked the Most High God, And did not keep His testimonies,

nkjv@Psalms:90:10 @ The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

nkjv@Psalms:94:7 @ Yet they say, "The LORD does not see, Nor does the God of Jacob understand."

nkjv@Psalms:102:18 @ This will be written for the generation to come, That a people yet to be created may praise the LORD.

nkjv@Psalms:107:41 @ Yet He sets the poor on high, far from affliction, And makes their families like a flock.

nkjv@Psalms:119:51 @ The proud have me in great derision, Yet I do not turn aside from Your law.

nkjv@Psalms:119:83 @ For I have become like a wineskin in smoke, Yet I do not forget Your statutes.

nkjv@Psalms:119:109 @ My life is continually in my hand, Yet I do not forget Your law.

nkjv@Psalms:119:110 @ The wicked have laid a snare for me, Yet I have not strayed from Your precepts.

nkjv@Psalms:119:141 @ I am small and despised, Yet I do not forget Your precepts.

nkjv@Psalms:119:143 @ Trouble and anguish have overtaken me, Yet Your commandments are my delights.

nkjv@Psalms:119:157 @ Many are my persecutors and my enemies, Yet I do not turn from Your testimonies.

nkjv@Psalms:129:2 @ "Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth; Yet they have not prevailed against me.

nkjv@Psalms:138:6 @ Though the LORD is on high, Yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar.

nkjv@Psalms:139:16 @ Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.

nkjv@Proverbs:6:31 @ Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house.

nkjv@Proverbs:8:26 @ While as yet He had not made the earth or the fields, Or the primal dust of the world.

nkjv@Proverbs:11:24 @ There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, But it leads to poverty.

nkjv@Proverbs:13:7 @ There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; And one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches.

nkjv@Proverbs:19:7 @ All the brothers of the poor hate him; How much more do his friends go far from him! He may pursue them with words, yet they abandon him.

nkjv@Proverbs:27:22 @ Though you grind a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, Yet his foolishness will not depart from him.

nkjv@Proverbs:30:12 @ There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, Yet is not washed from its filthiness.

nkjv@Proverbs:30:25 @ The ants are a people not strong, Yet they prepare their food in the summer;

nkjv@Proverbs:30:26 @ The rock badgers are a feeble folk, Yet they make their homes in the crags;

nkjv@Proverbs:30:27 @ The locusts have no king, Yet they all advance in ranks;

nkjv@Proverbs:31:15 @ She also rises while it is yet night, And provides food for her household, And a portion for her maidservants.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:1:7 @ All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come, There they return again.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:14 @ The wise man's eyes are in his head, But the fool walks in darkness. Yet I myself perceived That the same event happens to them all.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:19 @ And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? Yet he will rule over all my labor in which I toiled and in which I have shown myself wise under the sun. This also is vanity.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:21 @ For there is a man whose labor is with wisdom, knowledge, and skill; yet he must leave his heritage to a man who has not labored for it. This also is vanity and a great evil.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:3 @ Yet, better than both is he who has never existed, Who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:8 @ There is one alone, without companion: He has neither son nor brother. Yet there is no end to all his labors, Nor is his eye satisfied with riches. But he never asks, "For whom do I toil and deprive myself of good?" This also is vanity and a grave misfortune.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:16 @ There was no end of all the people over whom he was made king; Yet those who come afterward will not rejoice in him. Surely this also is vanity and grasping for the wind.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @ A man to whom God has given riches and wealth and honor, so that he lacks nothing for himself of all he desires; yet God does not give him power to eat of it, but a foreigner consumes it. This is vanity, and it is an evil affliction.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:6:7 @ All the labor of man is for his mouth, And yet the soul is not satisfied.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:12 @ Though a sinner does evil a hundred times, and his days are prolonged, yet I surely know that it will be well with those who fear God, who fear before Him.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:8:17 @ then I saw all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun. For though a man labors to discover it, yet he will not find it; moreover, though a wise man attempts to know it, he will not be able to find it.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:9:15 @ Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city. Yet no one remembered that same poor man.

nkjv@Ecclesiastes:11:8 @ But if a man lives many years And rejoices in them all, Yet let him remember the days of darkness, For they will be many. All that is coming is vanity.

nkjv@Isaiah:6:13 @ But yet a tenth will be in it, And will return and be for consuming, As a terebinth tree or as an oak, Whose stump remains when it is cut down. So the holy seed shall be its stump."

nkjv@Isaiah:10:7 @ Yet he does not mean so, Nor does his heart think so; But it is in his heart to destroy, And cut off not a few nations.

nkjv@Isaiah:10:25 @ For yet a very little while and the indignation will cease, as will My anger in their destruction."

nkjv@Isaiah:10:32 @ As yet he will remain at Nob that day; He will shake his fist at the mount of the daughter of Zion, The hill of Jerusalem.

nkjv@Isaiah:14:15 @ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit.

nkjv@Isaiah:17:6 @ Yet gleaning grapes will be left in it, Like the shaking of an olive tree, Two or three olives at the top of the uppermost bough, Four or five in its most fruitful branches," Says the LORD God of Israel.

nkjv@Isaiah:26:10 @ Let grace be shown to the wicked, Yet he will not learn righteousness; In the land of uprightness he will deal unjustly, And will not behold the majesty of the LORD.

nkjv@Isaiah:27:10 @ Yet the fortified city will be desolate, The habitation forsaken and left like a wilderness; There the calf will feed, and there it will lie down And consume its branches.

nkjv@Isaiah:28:12 @ To whom He said, "This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest," And, "This is the refreshing"; Yet they would not hear.

nkjv@Isaiah:29:2 @ Yet I will distress Ariel; There shall be heaviness and sorrow, And it shall be to Me as Ariel.

nkjv@Isaiah:29:17 @ Is it not yet a very little while Till Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, And the fruitful field be esteemed as a forest?

nkjv@Isaiah:30:20 @ And though the Lord gives you The bread of adversity and the water of affliction, Yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore, But your eyes shall see your teachers.

nkjv@Isaiah:31:2 @ Yet He also is wise and will bring disaster, And will not call back His words, But will arise against the house of evildoers, And against the help of those who work iniquity.

nkjv@Isaiah:42:25 @ Therefore He has poured on him the fury of His anger And the strength of battle; It has set him on fire all around, Yet he did not know; And it burned him, Yet he did not take it to heart.

nkjv@Isaiah:44:1 @ "Yet hear me now, O Jacob My servant, And Israel whom I have chosen.

nkjv@Isaiah:44:11 @ Surely all his companions would be ashamed; And the workmen, they are mere men. Let them all be gathered together, Let them stand up; Yet they shall fear, They shall be ashamed together.

nkjv@Isaiah:46:7 @ They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it And set it in its place, and it stands; From its place it shall not move. Though one cries out to it, yet it cannot answer Nor save him out of his trouble.

nkjv@Isaiah:46:10 @ Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, "My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,'

nkjv@Isaiah:49:4 @ Then I said, "I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain; Yet surely my just reward is with the LORD, And my work with my God."'

nkjv@Isaiah:49:15 @ "Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you.

nkjv@Isaiah:53:4 @ Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.

nkjv@Isaiah:53:7 @ He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth.

nkjv@Isaiah:53:10 @ Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand.

nkjv@Isaiah:56:8 @ The Lord GOD, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, says, "Yet I will gather to him Others besides those who are gathered to him."

nkjv@Isaiah:57:10 @ You are wearied in the length of your way; Yet you did not say, "There is no hope.' You have found the life of your hand; Therefore you were not grieved.

nkjv@Isaiah:58:2 @ Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God.

nkjv@Jeremiah:2:9 @ "Therefore I will yet bring charges against you," says the LORD, "And against your children's children I will bring charges.

nkjv@Jeremiah:2:21 @ Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before Me Into the degenerate plant of an alien vine?

nkjv@Jeremiah:2:22 @ For though you wash yourself with lye, and use much soap, Yet your iniquity is marked before Me," says the Lord GOD.

nkjv@Jeremiah:2:32 @ Can a virgin forget her ornaments, Or a bride her attire? Yet My people have forgotten Me days without number.

nkjv@Jeremiah:2:35 @ Yet you say, "Because I am innocent, Surely His anger shall turn from me.' Behold, I will plead My case against you, Because you say, "I have not sinned.'

nkjv@Jeremiah:3:1 @ "They say, "If a man divorces his wife, And she goes from him And becomes another man's, May he return to her again?' Would not that land be greatly polluted? But you have played the harlot with many lovers; Yet return to Me," says the LORD.

nkjv@Jeremiah:3:8 @ Then I saw that for all the causes for which backsliding Israel had committed adultery, I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also.

nkjv@Jeremiah:3:10 @ And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but in pretense," says the LORD.

nkjv@Jeremiah:4:27 @ For thus says the LORD: "The whole land shall be desolate; Yet I will not make a full end.

nkjv@Jeremiah:5:22 @ Do you not fear Me?' says the LORD. "Will you not tremble at My presence, Who have placed the sand as the bound of the sea, By a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass beyond it? And though its waves toss to and fro, Yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot pass over it.

nkjv@Jeremiah:5:28 @ They have grown fat, they are sleek; Yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked; They do not plead the cause, The cause of the fatherless; Yet they prosper, And the right of the needy they do not defend.

nkjv@Jeremiah:7:24 @ Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward.

nkjv@Jeremiah:7:26 @ Yet they did not obey Me or incline their ear, but stiffened their neck. They did worse than their fathers.

nkjv@Jeremiah:9:20 @ Yet hear the word of the LORD, O women, And let your ear receive the word of His mouth; Teach your daughters wailing, And everyone her neighbor a lamentation.

nkjv@Jeremiah:11:8 @ Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but everyone followed the dictates of his evil heart; therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do, but which they have not done."'

nkjv@Jeremiah:12:1 @ Righteous are You, O LORD, when I plead with You; Yet let me talk with You about Your judgments. Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why are those happy who deal so treacherously?

nkjv@Jeremiah:14:9 @ Why should You be like a man astonished, Like a mighty one who cannot save? Yet You, O LORD, are in our midst, And we are called by Your name; Do not leave us!

nkjv@Jeremiah:15:9 @ "She languishes who has borne seven; She has breathed her last; Her sun has gone down While it was yet day; She has been ashamed and confounded. And the remnant of them I will deliver to the sword Before their enemies," says the LORD.

nkjv@Jeremiah:18:23 @ Yet, LORD, You know all their counsel Which is against me, to slay me. Provide no atonement for their iniquity, Nor blot out their sin from Your sight; But let them be overthrown before You. Deal thus with them In the time of Your anger.

nkjv@Jeremiah:22:6 @ For thus says the LORD to the house of the king of Judah: "You are Gilead to Me, The head of Lebanon; Yet I surely will make you a wilderness, Cities which are not inhabited.

nkjv@Jeremiah:22:17 @ "Yet your eyes and your heart are for nothing but your covetousness, For shedding innocent blood, And practicing oppression and violence."

nkjv@Jeremiah:22:24 @ "As I live," says the LORD, "though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, were the signet on My right hand, yet I would pluck you off;

nkjv@Jeremiah:23:21 @ "I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

nkjv@Jeremiah:23:32 @ Behold, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," says the LORD, "and tell them, and cause My people to err by their lies and by their recklessness. Yet I did not send them or command them; therefore they shall not profit this people at all," says the LORD.

nkjv@Jeremiah:25:7 @ Yet you have not listened to Me," says the LORD, "that you might provoke Me to anger with the works of your hands to your own hurt.

nkjv@Jeremiah:27:15 @ for I have not sent them," says the LORD, "yet they prophesy a lie in My name, that I may drive you out, and that you may perish, you and the prophets who prophesy to you."

nkjv@Jeremiah:30:11 @ For I am with you,' says the LORD, "to save you; Though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you, Yet I will not make a complete end of you. But I will correct you in justice, And will not let you go altogether unpunished.'

nkjv@Jeremiah:31:5 @ You shall yet plant vines on the mountains of Samaria; The planters shall plant and eat them as ordinary food.

nkjv@Jeremiah:32:25 @ And You have said to me, O Lord GOD, "Buy the field for money, and take witnesses"!--yet the city has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans."'

nkjv@Jeremiah:32:33 @ And they have turned to Me the back, and not the face; though I taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not listened to receive instruction.

nkjv@Jeremiah:34:4 @ Yet hear the word of the LORD, O Zedekiah king of Judah! Thus says the LORD concerning you: "You shall not die by the sword.

nkjv@Jeremiah:36:24 @ Yet they were not afraid, nor did they tear their garments, the king nor any of his servants who heard all these words.

nkjv@Jeremiah:36:28 @ "Take yet another scroll, and write on it all the former words that were in the first scroll which Jehoiakim the king of Judah has burned.

nkjv@Jeremiah:37:4 @ Now Jeremiah was coming and going among the people, for they had not yet put him in prison.

nkjv@Jeremiah:40:5 @ Now while Jeremiah had not yet gone back, Nebuzaradan said, "Go back to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon has made governor over the cities of Judah, and dwell with him among the people. Or go wherever it seems convenient for you to go." So the captain of the guard gave him rations and a gift and let him go.

nkjv@Jeremiah:41:4 @ And it happened, on the second day after he had killed Gedaliah, when as yet no one knew it,

nkjv@Jeremiah:44:28 @ Yet a small number who escape the sword shall return from the land of Egypt to the land of Judah; and all the remnant of Judah, who have gone to the land of Egypt to dwell there, shall know whose words will stand, Mine or theirs.

nkjv@Jeremiah:48:47 @ "Yet I will bring back the captives of Moab In the latter days," says the LORD. Thus far is the judgment of Moab.

nkjv@Jeremiah:51:33 @ For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: "The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor When it is time to thresh her; Yet a little while And the time of her harvest will come."

nkjv@Jeremiah:51:53 @ Though Babylon were to mount up to heaven, And though she were to fortify the height of her strength, Yet from Me plunderers would come to her," says the LORD.

nkjv@Lamentations:3:29 @ Let him put his mouth in the dust-- There may yet be hope.

nkjv@Lamentations:3:32 @ Though He causes grief, Yet He will show compassion According to the multitude of His mercies.

nkjv@Ezekiel:2:5 @ As for them, whether they hear or whether they refuse--for they are a rebellious house--yet they will know that a prophet has been among them.

nkjv@Ezekiel:3:19 @ Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

nkjv@Ezekiel:6:8 @ "Yet I will leave a remnant, so that you may have some who escape the sword among the nations, when you are scattered through the countries.

nkjv@Ezekiel:11:16 @ Therefore say, "Thus says the Lord GOD: "Although I have cast them far off among the Gentiles, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet I shall be a little sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone."'

nkjv@Ezekiel:12:13 @ I will also spread My net over him, and he shall be caught in My snare. I will bring him to Babylon, to the land of the Chaldeans; yet he shall not see it, though he shall die there.

nkjv@Ezekiel:13:6 @ They have envisioned futility and false divination, saying, "Thus says the LORD!' But the LORD has not sent them; yet they hope that the word may be confirmed.

nkjv@Ezekiel:14:22 @ Yet behold, there shall be left in it a remnant who will be brought out, both sons and daughters; surely they will come out to you, and you will see their ways and their doings. Then you will be comforted concerning the disaster that I have brought upon Jerusalem, all that I have brought upon it.

nkjv@Ezekiel:16:31 @ "You erected your shrine at the head of every road, and built your high place in every street. Yet you were not like a harlot, because you scorned payment.

nkjv@Ezekiel:18:19 @ "Yet you say, "Why should the son not bear the guilt of the father?' Because the son has done what is lawful and right, and has kept all My statutes and observed them, he shall surely live.

nkjv@Ezekiel:18:25 @ "Yet you say, "The way of the Lord is not fair.' Hear now, O house of Israel, is it not My way which is fair, and your ways which are not fair?

nkjv@Ezekiel:18:29 @ Yet the house of Israel says, "The way of the Lord is not fair.' O house of Israel, is it not My ways which are fair, and your ways which are not fair?

nkjv@Ezekiel:20:13 @ Yet the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness; they did not walk in My statutes; they despised My judgments, "which, if a man does, he shall live by them'; and they greatly defiled My Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them in the wilderness, to consume them.

nkjv@Ezekiel:23:19 @ "Yet she multiplied her harlotry In calling to remembrance the days of her youth, When she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt.

nkjv@Ezekiel:23:44 @ Yet they went in to her, as men go in to a woman who plays the harlot; thus they went in to Oholah and Oholibah, the lewd women.

nkjv@Ezekiel:24:16 @ "Son of man, behold, I take away from you the desire of your eyes with one stroke; yet you shall neither mourn nor weep, nor shall your tears run down.

nkjv@Ezekiel:28:2 @ "Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre, "Thus says the Lord GOD: "Because your heart is lifted up, And you say, "I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods, In the midst of the seas,' Yet you are a man, and not a god, Though you set your heart as the heart of a god

nkjv@Ezekiel:29:13 @ "Yet, thus says the Lord GOD: "At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples among whom they were scattered.

nkjv@Ezekiel:29:18 @ "Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon caused his army to labor strenuously against Tyre; every head was made bald, and every shoulder rubbed raw; yet neither he nor his army received wages from Tyre, for the labor which they expended on it.

nkjv@Ezekiel:31:18 @ "To which of the trees in Eden will you then be likened in glory and greatness? Yet you shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the depths of the earth; you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised, with those slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his multitude,' says the Lord GOD."

nkjv@Ezekiel:32:25 @ They have set her bed in the midst of the slain, With all her multitude, With her graves all around it, All of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword; Though their terror was caused In the land of the living, Yet they bear their shame With those who go down to the Pit; It was put in the midst of the slain.

nkjv@Ezekiel:33:17 @ "Yet the children of your people say, "The way of the LORD is not fair.' But it is their way which is not fair!

nkjv@Ezekiel:33:20 @ Yet you say, "The way of the LORD is not fair.' O house of Israel, I will judge every one of you according to his own ways."

nkjv@Ezekiel:36:20 @ When they came to the nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name--when they said of them, "These are the people of the LORD, and yet they have gone out of His land.'

nkjv@Ezekiel:44:11 @ Yet they shall be ministers in My sanctuary, as gatekeepers of the house and ministers of the house; they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister to them.

nkjv@Daniel:2:41 @ Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.

nkjv@Daniel:5:17 @ Then Daniel answered, and said before the king, "Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another; yet I will read the writing to the king, and make known to him the interpretation.

nkjv@Daniel:7:12 @ As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.

nkjv@Daniel:9:13 @ "As it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities and understand Your truth.

nkjv@Daniel:10:9 @ Yet I heard the sound of his words; and while I heard the sound of his words I was in a deep sleep on my face, with my face to the ground.

nkjv@Daniel:10:14 @ Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come."

nkjv@Daniel:11:33 @ And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering.

nkjv@Daniel:11:45 @ And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.

nkjv@Hosea:1:7 @ Yet I will have mercy on the house of Judah, Will save them by the LORD their God, And will not save them by bow, Nor by sword or battle, By horses or horsemen."

nkjv@Hosea:1:10 @ "Yet the number of the children of Israel Shall be as the sand of the sea, Which cannot be measured or numbered. And it shall come to pass In the place where it was said to them, "You are not My people,' There it shall be said to them, "You are sons of the living God.'

nkjv@Hosea:5:13 @ "When Ephraim saw his sickness, And Judah saw his wound, Then Ephraim went to Assyria And sent to King Jareb; Yet he cannot cure you, Nor heal you of your wound.

nkjv@Hosea:7:9 @ Aliens have devoured his strength, But he does not know it; Yes, gray hairs are here and there on him, Yet he does not know it.

nkjv@Hosea:7:13 @ "Woe to them, for they have fled from Me! Destruction to them, Because they have transgressed against Me! Though I redeemed them, Yet they have spoken lies against Me.

nkjv@Hosea:7:15 @ Though I disciplined and strengthened their arms, Yet they devise evil against Me;

nkjv@Hosea:9:12 @ Though they bring up their children, Yet I will bereave them to the last man. Yes, woe to them when I depart from them!

nkjv@Hosea:13:4 @ "Yet I am the LORD your God Ever since the land of Egypt, And you shall know no God but Me; For there is no savior besides Me.

nkjv@Amos:2:9 @ "Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them, Whose height was like the height of the cedars, And he was as strong as the oaks; Yet I destroyed his fruit above And his roots beneath.

nkjv@Amos:4:6 @ "Also I gave you cleanness of teeth in all your cities. And lack of bread in all your places; Yet you have not returned to Me," Says the LORD.

nkjv@Amos:4:8 @ So two or three cities wandered to another city to drink water, But they were not satisfied; Yet you have not returned to Me," Says the LORD.

nkjv@Amos:4:9 @ "I blasted you with blight and mildew. When your gardens increased, Your vineyards, Your fig trees, And your olive trees, The locust devoured them; Yet you have not returned to Me," Says the LORD.

nkjv@Amos:4:10 @ "I sent among you a plague after the manner of Egypt; Your young men I killed with a sword, Along with your captive horses; I made the stench of your camps come up into your nostrils; Yet you have not returned to Me," Says the LORD.

nkjv@Amos:4:11 @ "I overthrew some of you, As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, And you were like a firebrand plucked from the burning; Yet you have not returned to Me," Says the LORD.

nkjv@Amos:5:11 @ Therefore, because you tread down the poor And take grain taxes from him, Though you have built houses of hewn stone, Yet you shall not dwell in them; You have planted pleasant vineyards, But you shall not drink wine from them.

nkjv@Amos:6:12 @ Do horses run on rocks? Does one plow there with oxen? Yet you have turned justice into gall, And the fruit of righteousness into wormwood,

nkjv@Amos:9:8 @ "Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are on the sinful kingdom, And I will destroy it from the face of the earth; Yet I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob," Says the LORD.

nkjv@Amos:9:9 @ "For surely I will command, And will sift the house of Israel among all nations, As grain is sifted in a sieve; Yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground.

nkjv@Jonah:2:4 @ Then I said, "I have been cast out of Your sight; Yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.'

nkjv@Jonah:2:6 @ I went down to the moorings of the mountains; The earth with its bars closed behind me forever; Yet You have brought up my life from the pit, O LORD, my God.

nkjv@Jonah:3:4 @ And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day's walk. Then he cried out and said, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!"

nkjv@Micah:1:15 @ I will yet bring an heir to you, O inhabitant of Mareshah; The glory of Israel shall come to Adullam.

nkjv@Micah:3:11 @ Her heads judge for a bribe, Her priests teach for pay, And her prophets divine for money. Yet they lean on the LORD, and say, "Is not the LORD among us? No harm can come upon us."

nkjv@Micah:5:2 @ "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting."

nkjv@Micah:6:10 @ Are there yet the treasures of wickedness In the house of the wicked, And the short measure that is an abomination?

nkjv@Micah:7:13 @ Yet the land shall be desolate Because of those who dwell in it, And for the fruit of their deeds.

nkjv@Nahum:1:12 @ Thus says the LORD: "Though they are safe, and likewise many, Yet in this manner they will be cut down When he passes through. Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more;

nkjv@Nahum:3:10 @ Yet she was carried away, She went into captivity; Her young children also were dashed to pieces At the head of every street; They cast lots for her honorable men, And all her great men were bound in chains.

nkjv@Habakkuk:2:3 @ For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

nkjv@Habakkuk:2:19 @ Woe to him who says to wood, "Awake!' To silent stone, "Arise! It shall teach!' Behold, it is overlaid with gold and silver, Yet in it there is no breath at all.

nkjv@Habakkuk:3:18 @ Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

nkjv@Haggai:2:4 @ Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,' says the LORD; "and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land,' says the LORD, "and work; for I am with you,' says the LORD of hosts.

nkjv@Haggai:2:17 @ I struck you with blight and mildew and hail in all the labors of your hands; yet you did not turn to Me,' says the LORD.

nkjv@Haggai:2:19 @ Is the seed still in the barn? As yet the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have not yielded fruit. But from this day I will bless you."'

nkjv@Zechariah:1:6 @ Yet surely My words and My statutes, Which I commanded My servants the prophets, Did they not overtake your fathers? "So they returned and said: "Just as the LORD of hosts determined to do to us, According to our ways and according to our deeds, So He has dealt with us."""

nkjv@Zechariah:8:20 @ "Thus says the LORD of hosts: "Peoples shall yet come, Inhabitants of many cities;

nkjv@Malachi:1:2 @ "I have loved you," says the LORD. "Yet you say, "In what way have You loved us?' Was not Esau Jacob's brother?" Says the LORD. "Yet Jacob I have loved;

nkjv@Malachi:1:6 @ "A son honors his father, And a servant his master. If then I am the Father, Where is My honor? And if I am a Master, Where is My reverence? Says the LORD of hosts To you priests who despise My name. Yet you say, "In what way have we despised Your name?'

nkjv@Malachi:2:12 @ May the LORD cut off from the tents of Jacob The man who does this, being awake and aware, Yet who brings an offering to the LORD of hosts!

nkjv@Malachi:2:14 @ Yet you say, "For what reason?" Because the LORD has been witness Between you and the wife of your youth, With whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion And your wife by covenant.

nkjv@Malachi:2:17 @ You have wearied the LORD with your words; Yet you say, "In what way have we wearied Him?" In that you say, "Everyone who does evil Is good in the sight of the LORD, And He delights in them," Or, "Where is the God of justice?"

nkjv@Malachi:3:7 @ Yet from the days of your fathers You have gone away from My ordinances And have not kept them. Return to Me, and I will return to you," Says the LORD of hosts. "But you said, "In what way shall we return?'

nkjv@Malachi:3:8 @ "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, "In what way have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings.

nkjv@Malachi:3:13 @ "Your words have been harsh against Me," Says the LORD, "Yet you say, "What have we spoken against You?'