Indexes Search Result: indexed - dear
Found: kjv@Ephesians:5:1 @ Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear...

Found: dict:hitchcock David @ well-beloved, dear - HITCHCOCK-D

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PUBLIC DOMAIN Please share these resources freely with those to whom you are dear. May it serve them well toward filling their diverse spiritual needs. May God bless your efforts! You are welcome to redistribute these many audio resources to whomever you would like, they are willing offered into the public domain for the believer's edification. However, if you are to distribute these materials we do ask that you redistribute them unedited and without profit.

Found: NOVEMBER21 PM @ His dear Son.-nkjv@Colossians:1:13 nkjv@Matthew:3:17. nkjv@Isaiah:42:1. nkjv@John:1:18 nkjv@1John:4:9-10 nkjv@1John:4:16 nkjv@John:17:22-24. nkjv@1John:3:1.

Found: 1Clement:1:1 <1CLEMENT>@ By reason of the sudden and repeated calamities and reverses which are befalling us, brethren, we consider that we have been somewhat tardy in giving heed to the matters of dispute that have arisen among you, dearly beloved, and to the detestable and unholy sedition, so alien and strange to the elect of God, which a few headstrong and self-willed persons have kindled to such a pitch of madness that your name, once revered and renowned and lovely in the sight of all men, hath been greatly reviled.

Found: 1Clement:7:1 <1CLEMENT>@ These things, dearly beloved, we write, not only as admonishing you, but also as putting ourselves in remembrance. For we are in the same lists, and the same contest awaiteth us.

Found: 1Clement:12:8 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye see, dearly beloved, not only faith, but prophecy, is found in the woman.

Found: 1Clement:16:17 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye see, dearly beloved, what is the pattern that hath been given unto us; for, if the Lord was thus lowly of mind, what should we do, who through Him have been brought under the yoke of His grace?

Found: 1Clement:24:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us understand, dearly beloved, how the Master continually showeth unto us the resurrection that shall be hereafter; whereof He made the Lord Jesus Christ the firstfruit, when He raised Him from the dead.

Found: 1Clement:24:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us behold, dearly beloved, the resurrection which happeneth at its proper season.

Found: 1Clement:35:1 <1CLEMENT>@ How blessed and marvelous are the gifts of God, dearly beloved

Found: 1Clement:35:5 <1CLEMENT>@ But how shall this be, dearly beloved? If our mind be fixed through faith towards God; if we seek out those things which are well pleasing and acceptable unto Him; if we accomplish such things as beseem His faultless will, and follow the way of truth, casting off from ourselves all unrighteousness and iniquity, covetousness, strifes, malignities and deceits, whisperings and backbitings, hatred of God, pride and arrogance, vainglory and inhospitality.

Found: 1Clement:36:1 <1CLEMENT>@ This is the way, dearly beloved, wherein we found our salvation, even Jesus Christ the High priest of our offerings, the Guardian and Helper of our weakness.

Found: 1Clement:43:6 <1CLEMENT>@ What think ye, dearly beloved? Did not Moses know beforehand that this would come to pass? Assuredly he knew it. But that disorder might not arise in Israel, he did thus, to the end that the Name of the true and only God might be glorified: to whom he the glory for ever and ever. Amen...

Found: 1Clement:47:6 <1CLEMENT>@ It is shameful, dearly beloved, yes, utterly shameful and unworthy of your conduct in Christ, that it should be reported that the very steadfast and ancient Church of the Corinthians, for the sake of one or two persons, maketh sedition against its presbyters.

Found: 1Clement:50:1 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye see, dearly beloved, how great and marvelous a thing is love, and there is no declaring its perfection.

Found: 1Clement:50:4 <1CLEMENT>@ Blessed were we, dearly beloved, if we should be doing the commandments of God in concord of love, to the end that our sins may through love be forgiven us.

Found: 1Clement:53:1 <1CLEMENT>@ For ye know, and know well, the sacred scriptures, dearly beloved, and ye have searched into the oracles of God. We write these things therefore to put you in remembrance.

Found: 1Clement:56:2 <1CLEMENT>@ Let us accept chastisement, whereat no man ought to be vexed, dearly beloved. The admonition which we give one to another is good and exceeding useful; for it joineth us unto the will of God.

Found: 1Clement:56:16 <1CLEMENT>@ Ye see, dearly beloved, how great protection there is for them that are chastened by the Master: for being a kind father He chasteneth us to the end that we may obtain mercy through His holy chastisement.

Found: Hermas:1188:3 @ "Where then," say I, "shall I remain?" "Thou shalt pass the night with us," say they as a brother, not as a husband; for thou art our brother, and henceforward we will dwell with thee; for we love thee dearly." But I was ashamed to abide with them.

Found: Hermas:32109:2 @ The Lord dwelleth in men that love peace; for to Him peace is dear; but from the contentious and them that are given up to wickedness He keepeth afar off. Restore therefore to Him your spirit whole as ye received it.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:6:1 @ Seeing then that in the aforementioned persons I beheld your whole people in faith and embraced them, I advise you, be ye zealous to do all things in godly concord, the bishop presiding after the likeness of God and the presbyters after the likeness of the council of the Apostles, with the deacons also who are most dear to me, having been entrusted with the diaconate of Jesus Christ, who was with the Father before the worlds and appeared at the end of time.

Found: IgnatiusMagnesians:11:1 @ Now these things I say, my dearly beloved, not because I have learned that any of you are so minded; but as being less than any of you, I would have you be on your guard betimes, that ye fall not into the snares of vain doctrine; but be ye fully persuaded concerning the birth and the passion and the resurrection, which took place in the time of the governorship of Pontius Pilate; for these things were truly and certainly done by Jesus Christ our hope; from which hope may it not befall any of you to be turned aside.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:7:2 @ It becometh thee, most blessed Polycarp, to call together a godly council and to elect some one among you who is very dear to you and zealous also, who shall be fit to bear the name of God's courier--to appoint him, I say, that he may go to Syria and glorify your zealous love unto the glory of God.

Found: IgnatiusPolycarp:8:3 @ I bid you farewell always in our God Jesus Christ, in whom abide ye in the unity and supervision of God. I salute Alce, a name very dear to me. Fare ye well in the Lord.

Found: IgnatiusRomans:10:1 @ Now I write these things to you from Smyrna by the hand of the Ephesians who are worthy of all felicitation. And Crocus also, a name very dear to me, is with me, with many others besides.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:4:1 @ But these things I warn you, dearly beloved, knowing that ye yourselves are so minded. Howbeit I watch over you betimes to protect you from wild beasts in human form--men whom not only should ye not receive, but, if it were possible, not so much as meet them; only pray ye for them, if haply they may repent. This indeed is difficult, but Jesus Christ, our true life, hath power over it.

Found: IgnatiusSmyrneans:13:2 @ I salute the household of Tavia, and I pray that she may be grounded in faith and love both of flesh and of spirit. I salute Alce, a name very dear to me, and Daphnus the incomparable, and Eutecnus, and all by name. Fare ye well in the grace of God.

Found: UNSORTED @ Old Earth Ministries

Found: dear @ kjv@CONCORD:dear

Found: dearly @ kjv@CONCORD:dearly

Found: dearth @ kjv@CONCORD:dearth

Found: http://www.carlmedearis.com/podcast/CarlMedearis.xml , Carl Medearis Podcast , Religion and Spirituality , Carl Medearis; carl medearis jesus good samaritan christianity christians islam muslims arabs middle east engage world international initiatives speak , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/7/1/5/0/71500cfa9bec0efc/Dolan_0011_PUB_by_Bachrach2012.jpg , American English; United States ,

Found: http://ohdeargodpod.libsyn.com/rss , Oh Dear God , Religion and Spirituality , Erin McGown; MeLissa Gavarrette; christianityamericanchristianityspiritualityreligionletterstothechurchstorytelling , PODCAST , http://static.libsyn.com/p/assets/c/6/1/f/c61fcddf0280e5a5/odgp1.jpg , Australian English; ,