

Dict: smith - ABI


ABI - A>@ - mother of King Hezekiah, ( kjv@2Kings:18:2) written ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIJAH OR ABIJAM in ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:1)

ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH - A>@ - Son of Becher, the son of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:8) Wife of Hezron. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:24) Second son of Samuel. ( kjv@1Samuel:8:2; kjv@1Chronicles:7:28) The son of Rehoboam. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:10; kjv@Matthew:1:7)
See ABIJAH OR ABIJAM, 1. Mother of King Hezekiah. ABI Same as ABIJAH OR ABIJAM, 4.

ABIA, COURSE OF - A>@ - the eighth of the 24 courses or classes into which the priests were divided for serving at the altar. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24; Luke:1:5)

ABIAIBON - A>@ - (father of strength).

ABIASAPH - A>@ - (father of gathering, i.e. gathered), kjv@Exodus:6:24) otherwise written Ebi/asaph. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:23 kjv@1Chronicles:6:37 kjv@1Chronicles:9:19) one of the descendants of Korah, and head of the Korhites. Among the remarkable descendants of Abiasaph were Samuel the prophet, ( kjv@1Samuel:1:11) and Heman the singer.

ABIATHAR - A>@ - (father of abundance , i.e. liberal), High priest and fourth in descent from Eli. (B.C. 1060-1012.) Abiathar was the only one of the all the sons of Ahimelech the high priest who escaped the slaughter inflicted upon his father’s house by Saul, in revenge for his father’s house by Saul, in revenge of his having inquired of the Lord for David and given him the shew-bread to eat. ( kjv@1Samuel:22:1) ... Abiathar having become high priest fled to David, and was thus enabled to inquire of the Lord for him. ( kjv@1Samuel:23:9 kjv@1Samuel:30:7; 2 Samuel kjv@2:1; 5:19) etc. He adhered to David in his wanderings while pursued by Saul; he was with him while he reigned in Hebron, and afterwards in Jerusalem. (2 Samuel kjv@2:1-3) He continued faithful to him in Absalom’s rebellion. (2 Samuel 15;24,29,35-36; 17:15-17; 19:11) When, however, Adonijah set himself up fro David’s successor on the throne, in opposition to Solomon, Abiathar sided with him, while Zadok was on Solomon’s side. For this Abiathar was deprived of the high priesthood. Zadok had joined David at Hebron, ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:28) so that there was henceforth who high priests in the reign of David, and till the deposition of Abiathar by Solomon, when Zadok became the sole high priest.

ABIB - A>@ - (green fruits). MONTH

ABIDA, OR ABIDAH - A>@ - (father of knowledge), a son of Midian. kjv@Genesis:25:4; kjv@1Chronicles:1:33)

ABIDAN - A>@ - (father of the judge), chief of the tribe of Benjamin at the time of the Exodus. (B.C. 1491.) kjv@Numbers:1:11 kjv@Numbers:2:22 kjv@Numbers:7:60 ,65; 10:24)

ABIEL OR ABIEL - A>@ - (father of strength , i.e. strong). Father of Kish, and consequently grandfather of Saul, ( kjv@1Samuel:9:1) as well as of Abner, Saul’s commander-in-chief. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:51) (B.C. 1093-1055.) One of David’s mighty men. ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:32) In (2 Samuel 23:31) he is called ABI

- ALBON. (B.C. 1053.)

ABIEZER - A>@ - (father of help, helpful). Eldest son of Gilead, and descendant of Manasseh. kjv@Joshua:17:2; kjv@1Chronicles:7:18) (B.C. 1450.) He was the ancestor of the great judge Gideon. GIDEON One of David’s mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:27; kjv@1Chronicles:11:28 kjv@1Chronicles:27:12) (B.C. 1014.)

ABIGAIL - A>@ - (father, i.e. source, of joy). The beautiful wife of Nabal, a wealthy owner of goats and sheep in Carmel. (B.C. 1060.) When David’s messengers were slighted by Nabal, Abigail supplies David and his followers with provisions, and succeeded in appeasing his anger. The days after this Nabal died, and David sent for Abigail and made her his wife. ( kjv@1Samuel:25:14) etc. By her he had a son, called Chileab in (2 Samuel kjv@3:3) but Daniel in ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:1) A sister of David, married to Jether the Ishmaelite , and mother, by him , of Amasa. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:17) In (2 Samuel 17:25) for Israelite read Ishmaelite. (B.C. 1068.)

ABIHAIL - A>@ - (father of , i.e. possessing, strength). Father of Zuriel, chief of the Levitical father of Merari, a contemporary of Moses. kjv@Numbers:3:35) (B.C. 1490.) Wife of Abishur. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:29) Son of Huri, of the tribe of Gad. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:14) Wife of Rehoboam. She is called the daughter, i.e. descendant, of Eliab, the elder brother of David. ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:18) (B.C. 972.) Father of Esther and uncle of Mordecai. kjv@Esther:2:15 kjv@Esther:9:29)

ABIHU - A>@ - (he (God) is my father), the second son, kjv@Numbers:3:2) of Aaron by Elisheba. kjv@Exodus:6:23) Being, together with his elder brother Nadab, guilty of offering strange fire to the lord, he was consumed by fire from heaven. kjv@Leviticus:10:1-2)

ABIHUD - A>@ - (father of renown, famous), son of Bela and grandson of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:3)

ABIJAH OR ABIJAM - A>@ - (my father is Jehovah). Son and successor of Rehoboam on the throne of Judah. (Kings:4:21; kjv@2Chronicles:12:16) He is called ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH in Chronicles, ABIJAM in Kings. He began to reign B.C. 959, and reigned three years. He endeavored to recover the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, and made war on Jeroboam. He was successful in battle, and took several of the cities of Israel. We are told that he walked in all the sins of Rehoboam. (Kings:14:23-24) The second son of Samuel, called ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIA, COURSE OFH in our version. [ABIA, COURSE OF, ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIA, COURSE OFH, No. 3] Son of Jeroboam I., king of Israel; died in his childhood. (Kings:14:1) ... A descendant of Eleazar, who gave his name to the eighth of the 24 courses into which the priests were divided by David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:10; kjv@2Chronicles:8:14; kjv@Nehemiah:12:4 kjv@Nehemiah:12:17) One of the priests who entered into a covenant with Nehemiah to walk in God’s law, kjv@Nehemiah:10:7) unless the name is rather that of a family, and the same with the preceding.



ABILENE - A>@ - (land of meadows), kjv@Luke:3:1) a city situated on the eastern slope of Antilibanus, in a district fertilized by the river Barada (Abana). The city was 18 miles from Damascus, and stood in a remarkable gorge called Suk Wady Barada .

ABIMAEL - A>@ - (father of Mael), a descendant of Joktan, kjv@Genesis:10:28; kjv@1Chronicles:1:22) and probably the progenitor of an Arab tribe (Mali).

ABIMELECH - A>@ - (father of the king), the name of several Philistine kings, was probably a common title of these kings, like that of Pharaoh among the Egyptians and that of Caesar and Augustus among the Romans. Hence in the title of kjv@Psalms:34:1) ... the name of Abimelech is given to the king, who is called Achish in ( kjv@1Samuel:21:11) A Philistine, king of Gerar, kjv@Genesis:20-21, who, exercising the right claimed by Eastern princes of collecting all the beautiful women of their dominions into their harem, kjv@Genesis:12:15; kjv@Esther:2:3) sent for and took Sarah. A similar account is given of Abraham’s conduct of this occasion to that of his behavior towards Pharaoh. ABRAHAM (B.C. 1920.) Another king of Gerar int he time of Isaac, of whom a similar narrative is recorded in relation to Rebekah. kjv@Genesis:26:1) etc. (B.C. 1817.) Son of the judge Gideon by his Shechemite concubine. kjv@Judges:8:31) (B.C. 1322-1319.) After his father’s death he murdered all his brethren, 70 in number, with the exception of Jotham, the youngest, who concealed himself; and he then persuaded the Shechemites to elect him king. Shechem now became an independent state. After Abimelech had reigned three years, the citizens of Shechem rebelled. He was absent at the time, but he returned and quelled the insurrection. Shortly after he stormed and took Thebez, but was struck on the head by a woman with the fragment of a millstone, comp. (2 Samuel 11:21) and lest he should be said to have died by a woman, he bade his armor-bearer slay him. A son of Abiathar. ( kjv@1Chronicles:18:16)

ABINADAB - A>@ - A Levite, a native of Kirjath-jearim, in whose house the ark remained 20 years. ( kjv@1Samuel:7:1-2; kjv@1Chronicles:13:7) (B.C. 1124.) Second son of Jesse, who followed Saul to his war against the Philistines, ( kjv@1Samuel:16:8 kjv@1Samuel:17:13) (B.C. 1063.) A son of Saul, who was slain with his brothers at the fatal battle on Mount Gilboa. ( kjv@1Samuel:31:2) (B.C. 1053.) Father of one of the twelve chief officers of Solomon. (Kings:4:11) (B.C. before 1014.)

ABINER - A>@ - (father of light). Same as ABNER. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:50) margin.

ABINOAM - A>@ - the father of Barak. kjv@Judges:4:6 kjv@Judges:4:12 kjv@Judges:5:1 kjv@Judges:5:12) (B.C. 1300.)

ABIRAM - A>@ - A Reubenite, son of Eliab, who with Korah, a Levite, organized a conspiracy against Moses and Aaron. kjv@Numbers:16:1) ... For details, see KORAH (B.C. 1490.) Eldest son of Hiel the bethelite, who died when his father laid the foundations of Jericho, (Kings:16:34) and thus accomplished the first part of the curse of Joshua. kjv@Joshua:6:26) (B.C. after 905.)

ABISHAG - A>@ - a beautiful Shunammite (from Shunem, in the tribe of Issachar), taken into David’s harem to comfort him in his extreme old age. (Kings:1:1-4)

ABISHAI, OR ABISHAI - A>@ - (father of a gift), The eldest of the three sons of Zeruiah, David’s sister, and brother to Joab and Asahel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:16) Like his two brothers he was the devoted follower of David. He was his companion in the desperate night expedition to the camp of Saul. ( kjv@1Samuel:26:6-9) (B.C. 1055.) On the outbreak of Absalom’s rebellion he remained true to the king,a nd commanded a third part of the army in the decisive battle against Absalom. He rescued David from the hands of the gigantic Philistine, Ishbi-benob. (2 Samuel 21:17) His personal prowess on this, as on another occasion, when he fought singlehanded against three hundred, won for him a place as captain of the second three of David’s mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:18; kjv@1Chronicles:11:20)

ABISHALOM - A>@ - (father of peace), father or grandfather of Maachah, who was the wife of Rehoboam and mother of Abijah. (Kings:15:2,10) He is called Absalom in ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:20-21) This person must be David’s son.
See LXX.; (2 Samuel 14:27)

ABISHUA, OR ABISHUA - A>@ - (father of deliverance). Son of Bela, of the tribe of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:4) Son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, and father of Bukki, in the genealogy of the high priests. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:4-5 kjv@1Chronicles:6:50-51 kjv@Ezra:7:4-5)

ABISHUR - A>@ - (father of the wall), son of Shammai. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:28)

ABITAL - A>@ - (father of the dew), one of David’s wives. (2 Samuel kjv@3:4; 1Chronicles:3:3)

ABITUB - A>@ - (father of goodness), son of Shaharaim by Hushim. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:11)

ABIUD - A>@ - (father of praise), descendant of Zorobabel in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. kjv@Matthew:1:13)