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Dict: smith - ABIJAH OR ABIJAM


ABIJAH OR ABIJAM - A>@ - (my father is Jehovah). Son and successor of Rehoboam on the throne of Judah. (Kings:4:21; kjv@2Chronicles:12:16) He is called ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH in Chronicles, ABIJAM in Kings. He began to reign B.C. 959, and reigned three years. He endeavored to recover the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, and made war on Jeroboam. He was successful in battle, and took several of the cities of Israel. We are told that he walked in all the sins of Rehoboam. (Kings:14:23-24) The second son of Samuel, called ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIA, COURSE OFH in our version. [ABIA, COURSE OF, ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIA, COURSE OFH, No. 3] Son of Jeroboam I., king of Israel; died in his childhood. (Kings:14:1) ... A descendant of Eleazar, who gave his name to the eighth of the 24 courses into which the priests were divided by David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:10; kjv@2Chronicles:8:14; kjv@Nehemiah:12:4 kjv@Nehemiah:12:17) One of the priests who entered into a covenant with Nehemiah to walk in God’s law, kjv@Nehemiah:10:7) unless the name is rather that of a family, and the same with the preceding.