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Dict: smith - ASP


ASP - A>@ - (Heb. pethen), translated (adder in) kjv@Psalms:58:4 kjv@Psalms:91:13) Probably the Egyptian cobra, a small and very poisonous serpent, a dweller in the holes of walls, kjv@Isaiah:11:8) and a snake upon which the serpent-charmers practiced their art.

ASPALATHUS - A>@ - the name of some sweet perfume mentioned in Ecclus. 24:15. The Lignum rhodianum , is by some supposed to be the substance indicated by the aspalathus, the plant which yields it is the Convolvulus scoparius if Linnaeus.

ASPATHA - A>@ - third son of Haman. kjv@Esther:9:7)

ASPHAR - A>@ - the pool in the "wilderness of Thecoe." 1 Macc. kjv@9:33. Is it possible that the name is a corruption of lacus Asphaltites?