

Dict: all - Abi


ABIATHAR @ high priest, son of Ahimelech- kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@2Samuel:15:29; kjv@1Kings:1:7; kjv@1Kings:2:26

ABIGAIL @ wife of Nabal, becomes David's wife- kjv@1Samuel:25:3; kjv@1Samuel:27:3; kjv@1Samuel:30:5; kjv@2Samuel:2:2; kjv@1Chronicles:3:1 Notable Women, WOMEN

ABIHU @ son of Aaron, offers strange fire and is smitten of God- kjv@Exodus:6:23; kjv@Exodus:24:9; kjv@Exodus:28:1; kjv@Leviticus:10:1; kjv@Numbers:3:4; kjv@Numbers:26:61

ABIJAM OR ABIJAH @ king of Judah- kjv@1Kings:14:31; kjv@1Kings:15:1; kjv@2Chronicles:11:22; kjv@2Chronicles:13:4; kjv@2Chronicles:14:1

ABIMELECH @ king of Gerar, reproves Abraham- kjv@Genesis:20:2; kjv@Genesis:21:22,32

ABINADAB @ receives the ark from the Philistines- kjv@1Samuel:7:1; kjv@2Samuel:6:3; kjv@1Chronicles:13:7

ABISHAI @ son of David's sister, Zeruiah- kjv@1Samuel:26:6; kjv@2Samuel:2:18; kjv@2Samuel:3:30; kjv@2Samuel:10:10; kjv@2Samuel:16:9; kjv@2Samuel:18:2; kjv@2Samuel:19:21; kjv@2Samuel:21:17 kjv@2Samuel:23:18; kjv@1Chronicles:18:12


ABI - A>@ - mother of King Hezekiah, ( kjv@2Kings:18:2) written ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIJAH OR ABIJAM in ( kjv@2Chronicles:29:1)

ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH - A>@ - Son of Becher, the son of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:8) Wife of Hezron. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:24) Second son of Samuel. ( kjv@1Samuel:8:2; kjv@1Chronicles:7:28) The son of Rehoboam. ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:10; kjv@Matthew:1:7)
See ABIJAH OR ABIJAM, 1. Mother of King Hezekiah. ABI Same as ABIJAH OR ABIJAM, 4.

ABIA, COURSE OF - A>@ - the eighth of the 24 courses or classes into which the priests were divided for serving at the altar. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24; Luke:1:5)

ABIAIBON - A>@ - (father of strength).

ABIASAPH - A>@ - (father of gathering, i.e. gathered), kjv@Exodus:6:24) otherwise written Ebi/asaph. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:23 kjv@1Chronicles:6:37 kjv@1Chronicles:9:19) one of the descendants of Korah, and head of the Korhites. Among the remarkable descendants of Abiasaph were Samuel the prophet, ( kjv@1Samuel:1:11) and Heman the singer.

ABIATHAR - A>@ - (father of abundance , i.e. liberal), High priest and fourth in descent from Eli. (B.C. 1060-1012.) Abiathar was the only one of the all the sons of Ahimelech the high priest who escaped the slaughter inflicted upon his father’s house by Saul, in revenge for his father’s house by Saul, in revenge of his having inquired of the Lord for David and given him the shew-bread to eat. ( kjv@1Samuel:22:1) ... Abiathar having become high priest fled to David, and was thus enabled to inquire of the Lord for him. ( kjv@1Samuel:23:9 kjv@1Samuel:30:7; 2 Samuel kjv@2:1; 5:19) etc. He adhered to David in his wanderings while pursued by Saul; he was with him while he reigned in Hebron, and afterwards in Jerusalem. (2 Samuel kjv@2:1-3) He continued faithful to him in Absalom’s rebellion. (2 Samuel 15;24,29,35-36; 17:15-17; 19:11) When, however, Adonijah set himself up fro David’s successor on the throne, in opposition to Solomon, Abiathar sided with him, while Zadok was on Solomon’s side. For this Abiathar was deprived of the high priesthood. Zadok had joined David at Hebron, ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:28) so that there was henceforth who high priests in the reign of David, and till the deposition of Abiathar by Solomon, when Zadok became the sole high priest.

ABIB - A>@ - (green fruits). MONTH

ABIDA, OR ABIDAH - A>@ - (father of knowledge), a son of Midian. kjv@Genesis:25:4; kjv@1Chronicles:1:33)

ABIDAN - A>@ - (father of the judge), chief of the tribe of Benjamin at the time of the Exodus. (B.C. 1491.) kjv@Numbers:1:11 kjv@Numbers:2:22 kjv@Numbers:7:60 ,65; 10:24)

ABIEL OR ABIEL - A>@ - (father of strength , i.e. strong). Father of Kish, and consequently grandfather of Saul, ( kjv@1Samuel:9:1) as well as of Abner, Saul’s commander-in-chief. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:51) (B.C. 1093-1055.) One of David’s mighty men. ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:32) In (2 Samuel 23:31) he is called ABI

- ALBON. (B.C. 1053.)

ABIEZER - A>@ - (father of help, helpful). Eldest son of Gilead, and descendant of Manasseh. kjv@Joshua:17:2; kjv@1Chronicles:7:18) (B.C. 1450.) He was the ancestor of the great judge Gideon. GIDEON One of David’s mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:27; kjv@1Chronicles:11:28 kjv@1Chronicles:27:12) (B.C. 1014.)

ABIGAIL - A>@ - (father, i.e. source, of joy). The beautiful wife of Nabal, a wealthy owner of goats and sheep in Carmel. (B.C. 1060.) When David’s messengers were slighted by Nabal, Abigail supplies David and his followers with provisions, and succeeded in appeasing his anger. The days after this Nabal died, and David sent for Abigail and made her his wife. ( kjv@1Samuel:25:14) etc. By her he had a son, called Chileab in (2 Samuel kjv@3:3) but Daniel in ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:1) A sister of David, married to Jether the Ishmaelite , and mother, by him , of Amasa. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:17) In (2 Samuel 17:25) for Israelite read Ishmaelite. (B.C. 1068.)

ABIHAIL - A>@ - (father of , i.e. possessing, strength). Father of Zuriel, chief of the Levitical father of Merari, a contemporary of Moses. kjv@Numbers:3:35) (B.C. 1490.) Wife of Abishur. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:29) Son of Huri, of the tribe of Gad. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:14) Wife of Rehoboam. She is called the daughter, i.e. descendant, of Eliab, the elder brother of David. ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:18) (B.C. 972.) Father of Esther and uncle of Mordecai. kjv@Esther:2:15 kjv@Esther:9:29)

ABIHU - A>@ - (he (God) is my father), the second son, kjv@Numbers:3:2) of Aaron by Elisheba. kjv@Exodus:6:23) Being, together with his elder brother Nadab, guilty of offering strange fire to the lord, he was consumed by fire from heaven. kjv@Leviticus:10:1-2)

ABIHUD - A>@ - (father of renown, famous), son of Bela and grandson of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:3)

ABIJAH OR ABIJAM - A>@ - (my father is Jehovah). Son and successor of Rehoboam on the throne of Judah. (Kings:4:21; kjv@2Chronicles:12:16) He is called ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH in Chronicles, ABIJAM in Kings. He began to reign B.C. 959, and reigned three years. He endeavored to recover the kingdom of the Ten Tribes, and made war on Jeroboam. He was successful in battle, and took several of the cities of Israel. We are told that he walked in all the sins of Rehoboam. (Kings:14:23-24) The second son of Samuel, called ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIA, COURSE OFH in our version. [ABIA, COURSE OF, ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH, ABIA, COURSE OFH, No. 3] Son of Jeroboam I., king of Israel; died in his childhood. (Kings:14:1) ... A descendant of Eleazar, who gave his name to the eighth of the 24 courses into which the priests were divided by David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:10; kjv@2Chronicles:8:14; kjv@Nehemiah:12:4 kjv@Nehemiah:12:17) One of the priests who entered into a covenant with Nehemiah to walk in God’s law, kjv@Nehemiah:10:7) unless the name is rather that of a family, and the same with the preceding.



ABILENE - A>@ - (land of meadows), kjv@Luke:3:1) a city situated on the eastern slope of Antilibanus, in a district fertilized by the river Barada (Abana). The city was 18 miles from Damascus, and stood in a remarkable gorge called Suk Wady Barada .

ABIMAEL - A>@ - (father of Mael), a descendant of Joktan, kjv@Genesis:10:28; kjv@1Chronicles:1:22) and probably the progenitor of an Arab tribe (Mali).

ABIMELECH - A>@ - (father of the king), the name of several Philistine kings, was probably a common title of these kings, like that of Pharaoh among the Egyptians and that of Caesar and Augustus among the Romans. Hence in the title of kjv@Psalms:34:1) ... the name of Abimelech is given to the king, who is called Achish in ( kjv@1Samuel:21:11) A Philistine, king of Gerar, kjv@Genesis:20-21, who, exercising the right claimed by Eastern princes of collecting all the beautiful women of their dominions into their harem, kjv@Genesis:12:15; kjv@Esther:2:3) sent for and took Sarah. A similar account is given of Abraham’s conduct of this occasion to that of his behavior towards Pharaoh. ABRAHAM (B.C. 1920.) Another king of Gerar int he time of Isaac, of whom a similar narrative is recorded in relation to Rebekah. kjv@Genesis:26:1) etc. (B.C. 1817.) Son of the judge Gideon by his Shechemite concubine. kjv@Judges:8:31) (B.C. 1322-1319.) After his father’s death he murdered all his brethren, 70 in number, with the exception of Jotham, the youngest, who concealed himself; and he then persuaded the Shechemites to elect him king. Shechem now became an independent state. After Abimelech had reigned three years, the citizens of Shechem rebelled. He was absent at the time, but he returned and quelled the insurrection. Shortly after he stormed and took Thebez, but was struck on the head by a woman with the fragment of a millstone, comp. (2 Samuel 11:21) and lest he should be said to have died by a woman, he bade his armor-bearer slay him. A son of Abiathar. ( kjv@1Chronicles:18:16)

ABINADAB - A>@ - A Levite, a native of Kirjath-jearim, in whose house the ark remained 20 years. ( kjv@1Samuel:7:1-2; kjv@1Chronicles:13:7) (B.C. 1124.) Second son of Jesse, who followed Saul to his war against the Philistines, ( kjv@1Samuel:16:8 kjv@1Samuel:17:13) (B.C. 1063.) A son of Saul, who was slain with his brothers at the fatal battle on Mount Gilboa. ( kjv@1Samuel:31:2) (B.C. 1053.) Father of one of the twelve chief officers of Solomon. (Kings:4:11) (B.C. before 1014.)

ABINER - A>@ - (father of light). Same as ABNER. ( kjv@1Samuel:14:50) margin.

ABINOAM - A>@ - the father of Barak. kjv@Judges:4:6 kjv@Judges:4:12 kjv@Judges:5:1 kjv@Judges:5:12) (B.C. 1300.)

ABIRAM - A>@ - A Reubenite, son of Eliab, who with Korah, a Levite, organized a conspiracy against Moses and Aaron. kjv@Numbers:16:1) ... For details, see KORAH (B.C. 1490.) Eldest son of Hiel the bethelite, who died when his father laid the foundations of Jericho, (Kings:16:34) and thus accomplished the first part of the curse of Joshua. kjv@Joshua:6:26) (B.C. after 905.)

ABISHAG - A>@ - a beautiful Shunammite (from Shunem, in the tribe of Issachar), taken into David’s harem to comfort him in his extreme old age. (Kings:1:1-4)

ABISHAI, OR ABISHAI - A>@ - (father of a gift), The eldest of the three sons of Zeruiah, David’s sister, and brother to Joab and Asahel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:16) Like his two brothers he was the devoted follower of David. He was his companion in the desperate night expedition to the camp of Saul. ( kjv@1Samuel:26:6-9) (B.C. 1055.) On the outbreak of Absalom’s rebellion he remained true to the king,a nd commanded a third part of the army in the decisive battle against Absalom. He rescued David from the hands of the gigantic Philistine, Ishbi-benob. (2 Samuel 21:17) His personal prowess on this, as on another occasion, when he fought singlehanded against three hundred, won for him a place as captain of the second three of David’s mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:18; kjv@1Chronicles:11:20)

ABISHALOM - A>@ - (father of peace), father or grandfather of Maachah, who was the wife of Rehoboam and mother of Abijah. (Kings:15:2,10) He is called Absalom in ( kjv@2Chronicles:11:20-21) This person must be David’s son.
See LXX.; (2 Samuel 14:27)

ABISHUA, OR ABISHUA - A>@ - (father of deliverance). Son of Bela, of the tribe of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:4) Son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, and father of Bukki, in the genealogy of the high priests. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:4-5 kjv@1Chronicles:6:50-51 kjv@Ezra:7:4-5)

ABISHUR - A>@ - (father of the wall), son of Shammai. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:28)

ABITAL - A>@ - (father of the dew), one of David’s wives. (2 Samuel kjv@3:4; 1Chronicles:3:3)

ABITUB - A>@ - (father of goodness), son of Shaharaim by Hushim. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:11)

ABIUD - A>@ - (father of praise), descendant of Zorobabel in the genealogy of Jesus Christ. kjv@Matthew:1:13)


Abi-albon @ father of strength; i.e., "valiant", one of David's body-guard of thirty mighty men ( kjv@2Samuel:23:31); called also Abiel ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:32).

Abia @ my father is the Lord, the Greek form of Abijah, or Abijam kjv@Matthew:1:7), instead of Abiah ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:8). In kjv@Luke:1:5, the name refers to the head of the eighth of the twenty-four courses into which David divided the priests ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:10).

Abiasaph @ father of gathering; the gatherer, the youngest of the three sons of Korah the Levite, head of a family of Korhites kjv@Exodus:6:24); called Ebisaph ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:37).

Abiathar @ father of abundance, or my father excels, the son of Ahimelech the high priest. He was the tenth high priest, and the fourth in descent from Eli. When his father was slain with the priests of Nob, he escaped, and bearing with him the ephod, he joined David, who was then in the cave of Adullam ( kjv@1Samuel:22:20-23 kjv@1Samuel:23:6). He remained with David, and became priest of the party of which he was the leader ( kjv@1Samuel:30:7). When David ascended the throne of Judah, Abiathar was appointed high priest ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:11; kjvKings:2:26) and the "king's companion" ( kjv@1Chronicles:27:34). Meanwhile Zadok, of the house of Eleazar, had been made high priest. These appointments continued in force till the end of David's reign (kjvKings:4:4). Abiathar was deposed (the sole historical instance of the deposition of a high priest) and banished to his home at Anathoth by Solomon, because he took part in the attempt to raise Adonijah to the throne. The priesthood thus passed from the house of Ithamar ( kjv@1Samuel:2:30-36; kjvKings:1:19; 2:26-27). Zadok now became sole high priest. In kjv@Mark:2:26, reference is made to an occurrence in "the days of Abiathar the high priest." But from kjv@1Samuel:22, we learn explicitly that this event took place when Ahimelech, the father of Abiathar, was high priest. The apparent discrepancy is satisfactorily explained by interpreting the words in Mark as referring to the life-time of Abiathar, and not to the term of his holding the office of high priest. It is not implied in Mark that he was actual high priest at the time referred to. Others, however, think that the loaves belonged to Abiathar, who was at that time kjv@Leviticus:24:9) a priest, and that he either himself gave them to David, or persuaded his father to give them.

Abib @ an ear of corn, the month of newly-ripened grain kjv@Exodus:13:4 kjv@Exodus:23:15); the first of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, and the seventh of the civil year. It began about the time of the vernal equinox, on 21st March. It was called Nisan, after the Captivity kjv@Nehemiah:2:1). On the fifteenth day of the month, harvest was begun by gathering a sheaf of barley, which was offered unto the Lord on the sixteenth kjv@Leviticus:23:4-11).

Abida @ or Abi'dah, father of knowledge; knowing, one of the five sons of Midian, who was the son of Abraham by Keturah ( kjv@1Chronicles:1:33), and apparently the chief of an Arab tribe.

Abidan @ father of judgment; judge, head of the tribe of Benjamin at the Exodus kjv@Numbers:1:11 kjv@Numbers:2:22).

Abieezer @ father of help; i.e., "helpful."

(1.) The second of the three sons of Hammoleketh, the sister of Gilead. He was the grandson of Manasseh ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:18). From his family Gideon sprang kjv@Joshua:17:2; comp. kjv@Judges:6:34 kjv@Judges:8:2). He was also called Jeezer kjv@Numbers:26:30).

(2.) One of David's thirty warriors ( kjv@2Samuel:23:27; comp. kjv@1Chronicles:27:12).

(3.) The prince of the tribe of Dan at the Exodus kjv@Numbers:1:12).

Abiel @ father (i.e., "possessor") of God = "pious."

(1.) The son of Zeror and father of Ner, who was the grandfather of Saul ( kjv@1Samuel:14:51; kjv@1Chronicles:8:33 kjv@1Chronicles:9:39). In kjv@1Samuel:9:1, he is called the "father," probably meaning the grandfather, of Kish.

(2.) An Arbathite, one of David's warriors ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:32); called also Abi-albon ( kjv@2Samuel:23:31).

Abiezrite @ father of help, a descendant of Abiezer kjv@Judges:6:11-24 kjv@Judges:8:32).

Abigail @ father (i.e., "leader") of the dance, or "of joy."

(1.) The sister of David, and wife of Jether an Ishmaelite ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:16-17). She was the mother of Amasa ( kjv@2Samuel:17:25).

(2.) The wife of the churlish Nabal, who dwelt in the district of Carmel ( kjv@1Samuel:25:3). She showed great prudence and delicate management at a critical period of her husband's life. She was "a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance." After Nabal's death she became the wife of David ( kjv@1Samuel:25:14-42), and was his companion in all his future fortunes ( kjv@1Samuel:27:3 kjv@1Samuel:30:5; kjv@2Samuel:2:2). By her David had a son called Chileab ( kjv@2Samuel:3:3), elsewhere called Daniel ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:1).

Abihail @ father of might.

(1.) kjv@Numbers:3:35.

(2.) kjv@1Chronicles:2:29.

(3.) kjv@1Chronicles:5:14.

(4.) The second wife of King Rehoboam ( kjv@2Chronicals:11:18), a descendant of Eliab, David's eldest brother.

(5.) The father of Esther and uncle of Mordecai kjv@Esther:2:15).

Abihu @ father of Him; i.e., "worshipper of God", the second of the sons of Aaron kjv@Exodus:6:23; kjv@Numbers:3:2 kjv@Numbers:26:60; kjv@1Chronicles:6:3). Along with his three brothers he was consecrated to the priest's office kjv@Exodus:28:1). With his father and elder brother he accompanied the seventy elders part of the way up the mount with Moses kjv@Exodus:24:1 kjv@Exodus:24:9). On one occasion he and Nadab his brother offered incense in their censers filled with "strange" (i.e., common) fire, i.e., not with fire taken from the great brazen altar kjv@Leviticus:6:9, etc.), and for this offence they were struck dead, and were taken out and buried without the camp kjv@Leviticus:10:1-11; comp. kjv@Numbers:3:4 kjv@Numbers:26:61; kjv@1Chronicles:24:2). It is probable that when they committed this offence they were intoxicated, for immediately after is given the law prohibiting the use of wine or strong drink to the priests.

Abihud @ father (i.e., "possessor") of renown.

(1.) One of the sons of Bela, the son of Benjamin ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:3); called also Ahihud (ver. 7).

(2.) A descendant of Zerubbabel and father of Eliakim kjv@Matthew:1:13, "Abiud"); called also Juda kjv@Luke:3:26), and Obadiah ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:21).

Abijah @ father (i.e., "possessor or worshipper") of Jehovah.

(1.) kjv@1Chronicles:7:8.

(2.) kjv@1Chronicles:2:24.

(3.) The second son of Samuel ( kjv@1Samuel:8:2; kjv@1Chronicles:6:28). His conduct, along with that of his brother, as a judge in Beer-sheba, to which office his father had appointed him, led to popular discontent, and ultimately provoked the people to demand a royal form of government.

(4.) A descendant of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, a chief of one of the twenty-four orders into which the priesthood was divided by David ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:10). The order of Abijah was one of those which did not return from the Captivity kjv@Ezra:2:36-39; kjv@Nehemiah:7:39-42 kjv@Nehemiah:12:1).

(5.) The son of Rehoboam, whom he succeeded on the throne of Judah ( kjv@1Chronicles:3:10). He is also called Abijam (kjvKings:14:31; 15:1-8). He began his three years' reign ( kjv@2Chronicals:12:16 kjv@2Chronicals:13:1-2) with a strenuous but unsuccessful effort to bring back the ten tribes to their allegiance. His address to "Jeroboam and all Israel," before encountering them in battle, is worthy of being specially noticed ( kjv@2Chronicals:13:5-12). It was a very bloody battle, no fewer than 500,000 of the army of Israel having perished on the field. He is described as having walked "in all the sins of his father" (kjvKings:15:3; kjv@2Chronicals:11:20-22). It is said in kjvKings:15:2 that "his mother's name was Maachah, the daughter of Abishalom;" but in kjv@2Chronicals:13:2 we read, "his mother's name was Michaiah, the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah." The explanation is that Maachah is just a variation of the name Michaiah, and that Abishalom is probably the same as Absalom, the son of David. It is probable that "Uriel of Gibeah" married Tamar, the daughter of Absalom ( kjv@2Samuel:14:27), and by her had Maachah. The word "daughter" in kjvKings:15:2 will thus, as it frequently elsewhere does, mean grand-daughter.

(6.) A son of Jeroboam, the first king of Israel. On account of his severe illness when a youth, his father sent his wife to consult the prophet Ahijah regarding his recovery. The prophet, though blind with old age, knew the wife of Jeroboam as soon as she approached, and under a divine impulse he announced to her that inasmuch as in Abijah alone of all the house of Jeroboam there was found "some good thing toward the Lord," he only would come to his grave in peace. As his mother crossed the threshold of the door on her return, the youth died, and "all Israel mourned for him" (kjvKings:14:1-18).

(7.) The daughter of Zechariah ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:1; comp. kjv@Isaiah:8:2), and afterwards the wife of Ahaz. She is also called Abi ( kjv@2Kings:18:2).

(8.) One of the sons of Becher, the son of Benjamin ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:8). "Abiah," A.V.

Abijam @ father of the sea; i.e., "seaman" the name always used in Kings of the king of Judah, the son of Rehoboam, elsewhere called Abijah (kjvKings:15:1,7-8). (
See ABIJAH, 5.)

Abilene @ a plain, a district lying on the east slope of the Anti
- Lebanon range; so called from its chief town, Abila kjv@Luke:3:1), which stood in the Suk Wady Barada, between Heliopolis (Baalbec) and Damascus, 38 miles from the former and 18 from the latter. Lysanias was governor or tetrarch of this province.

Abimael @ father of Mael, one of the sons or descendants of Joktan, in Northern Arabia kjv@Genesis:10:28; kjv@1Chronicles:1:22).

Abimelech @ my father a king, or father of a king, a common name of the Philistine kings, as "Pharaoh" was of the Egyptian kings.

(1.) The Philistine king of Gerar in the time of Abraham kjv@Genesis:20:1-18). By an interposition of Providence, Sarah was delivered from his harem, and was restored to her husband Abraham. As a mark of respect he gave to Abraham valuable gifts, and offered him a settlement in any part of his country; while at the same time he delicately and yet severely rebuked him for having practised a deception upon him in pretending that Sarah was only his sister. Among the gifts presented by the king were a thousand pieces of silver as a "covering of the eyes" for Sarah; i.e., either as an atoning gift and a testimony of her innocence in the sight of all, or rather for the purpose of procuring a veil for Sarah to conceal her beauty, and thus as a reproof to her for not having worn a veil which, as a married woman, she ought to have done. A few years after this Abimelech visited Abraham, who had removed southward beyond his territory, and there entered into a league of peace and friendship with him. This league was the first of which we have any record. It was confirmed by a mutual oath at Beer-sheba kjv@Genesis:21:22-34).

(2.) A king of Gerar in the time of Isaac, probably the son of the preceeding kjv@Genesis:26:1-22). Isaac sought refuge in his territory during a famine, and there he acted a part with reference to his wife Rebekah similar to that of his father Abraham with reference to Sarah. Abimelech rebuked him for the deception, which he accidentally discovered. Isaac settled for a while here, and prospered. Abimelech desired him, however, to leave his territory, which Isaac did. Abimelech afterwards visited him when he was encamped at Beer-sheba, and expressed a desire to renew the covenant which had been entered into between their fathers kjv@Genesis:26:26-31).

(3.) A son of Gideon kjv@Judges:9:1), who was proclaimed king after the death of his father kjv@Judges:8:33-9:6). One of his first acts was to murder his brothers, seventy in number, "on one stone," at Ophrah. Only one named Jotham escaped. He was an unprincipled, ambitious ruler, often engaged in war with his own subjects. When engaged in reducing the town of Thebez, which had revolted, he was struck mortally on his head by a mill-stone, thrown by the hand of a woman from the wall above. Perceiving that the wound was mortal, he desired his armour-bearer to thrust him through with his sword, that it might not be said he had perished by the hand of a woman kjv@Judges:9:50-57).

(4.) The son of Abiathar, and high priest in the time of David ( kjv@1Chronicles:18:16). In the parallel passage, kjv@2Samuel:8:17, we have the name Ahimelech, and Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech. This most authorities consider the more correct reading.

(5.) Achish, king of Gath, in the title of kjv@Psalms:34. (Comp. kjv@1Samuel:21:10-15.)

Abinadab @ father of nobleness; i.e., "noble."

(1.) A Levite of Kirjath-jearim, in whose house the ark of the covenant was deposited after having been brought back from the land of the Philistines ( kjv@1Samuel:7:1). It remained there twenty years, till it was at length removed by David ( kjv@1Samuel:7:1-2; kjv@1Chronicles:13:7).

(2.) The second of the eight sons of Jesse ( kjv@1Samuel:16:8). He was with Saul in the campaign against the Philistines in which Goliath was slain ( kjv@1Samuel:17:13).

(3.) One of Saul's sons, who peristed with his father in the battle of Gilboa ( kjv@1Samuel:31:2; kjv@1Chronicles:10:2).

(4.) One of Solomon's officers, who "provided victuals for the king and his household." He presided, for this purpose, over the district of Dor (kjvKings:4:11).

Abinoam @ father of kindness, the father of Barak kjv@Judges:4:6 kjv@Judges:5:1).

Abiram @ father of height; i.e., "proud."

(1.) One of the sons of Eliab, who joined Korah in the conspiracy against Moses and Aaron. He and all the conspirators, with their families and possessions (except the children of Korah), were swallowed up by an earthquake kjv@Numbers:16:1-27 kjv@Numbers:26:9; kjv@Psalms:106:17).

(2.) The eldest son of Hiel the Bethelite, who perished prematurely in consequence of his father's undertaking to rebuild Jericho (kjvKings:16:34), according to the words of Joshua (6:26). (

Abishag @ father of (i.e., "given to") error, a young woman of Shunem, distinguished for her beauty. She was chosen to minister to David in his old age. She became his wife (kjvKings:1:3-4,15). After David's death Adonijah persuaded Bathsheba, Solomon's mother, to entreat the king to permit him to marry Abishag. Solomon suspected in this request an aspiration to the throne, and therefore caused him to be put to death (kjvKings:2:17-25).

Abishai @ father of (i.e., "desirous of") a gift, the eldest son of Zeruiah, David's sister. He was the brother of Joab and Asahel ( kjv@2Samuel:2:18; kjv@1Chronicles:2:16). Abishai was the only one who accompanied David when he went to the camp of Saul and took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul's bolster ( kjv@1Samuel:26:5-12). He had the command of one of the three divisions of David's army at the battle with Absalom ( kjv@2Samuel:18:2 kjv@2Samuel:18:5,12). He slew the Philistine giant Ishbi-benob, who threatened David's life ( kjv@2Samuel:21:15-17). He was the chief of the second rank of the three "mighties" ( kjv@2Samuel:23:18-19; kjv@1Chronicles:11:20-21); and on one occasion withstood 300 men, and slew them with his own spear ( kjv@2Samuel:23:18). Abishai is the name of the Semitic chief who offers gifts to the lord of Beni
- Hassan.
See illustration facing page 10.

Abishua @ father of welfare; i.e., "fortunate."

(1.) The grandson of Benjamin ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:4).

(2.) The son of Phinehas the high priest ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:4-5 kjv@1Chronicles:6:50 kjv@Ezra:7:5).

Abishur @ father of the wall; i.e., "mason", one of the two sons of Shammai of the tribe of Judah ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:28-29).

Abital @ father of dew; i.e., "fresh", David's fifth wife ( kjv@2Samuel:3:4).

Abitub @ father of goodness, a Benjamite ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:11).





- Mother of Hezekiah kjv@2Kings:18:2
- Called ABIJAH kjv@2Chronicles:29:1


-1. Also called ABIJAH, chief of the twenty-four courses of priests kjv@1Chronicles:24:10; kjv@Nehemiah:12:4; kjv@Luke:1:5

-2. Son of Samuel kjv@1Samuel:8:1-5; kjv@1Chronicles:6:28

-3. King of Judah .

- Wife of Hezron kjv@1Chronicles:2:24


- Also called ABIEL
- One of David's heroes kjv@2Samuel:23:31; kjv@1Chronicles:11:32

- Son of Korah kjv@Exodus:6:24


-1. High priest. Called AHIMELECH in kjv@1Chronicles:24:3 kjv@1Chronicles:24:2Samuel:8:17; 6, 31 .And ABIMELECH kjv@1Chronicles:18:16 .Son of Ahimelech kjv@1Samuel:22:20 .Escapes to David from the vengeance of Saul, who slew the priests in the City of Nob kjv@1Samuel:22:20-23; with_22:6-19 .Consults the ephod for David kjv@1Samuel:22:9-12; kjv@1Samuel:30:9-12 .Associate high priest with Zadok in the reign of David kjv@2Samuel:15:35; kjv@2Samuel:20:25; kjv@1Kings:4:4; kjv@1Chronicles:15:11 .But called AHIMELECH and father of Abiathar kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@1Chronicles:18:16 .Loyal to David when Absalom rebelled; leaves Jerusalem with the ark of the covenant, but is directed by David to return with the ark kjv@2Samuel:15:24-29 .Helps David by sending his son from Jerusalem to David with secret information concerning the counsel of Ahithophel kjv@2Samuel:15:35-36; kjv@2Samuel:17:15-22; kjv@1Kings:2:26 .Supports Adonijah's pretensions to the throne kjv@1Kings:1:7 .Thrust out of office by Solomon kjv@1Kings:2:26-27; with_1Samuel:2:31-35


- Also called NISAN
- First month in the Jewish calendar kjv@Exodus:12:2
- Passover instituted, and Israelites depart from Egypt in kjv@Exodus:23:15; kjv@Deuteronomy:16:1
- Tabernacle set up in kjv@Exodus:40:2 kjv@Exodus:40:17
- Israelites arrive at the wilderness of Zin in kjv@Numbers:20:1
- Enter Canaan in kjv@Joshua:4:19
- Jordan's overflow in kjv@1Chronicles:12:15

- Son of Midian kjv@1Chronicles:1:33

- A descendant of Abraham kjv@Genesis:25:4


-1. Saul's grandfather kjv@1Samuel:14:51

-2. A Benjamite kjv@1Samuel:9:1 .



-1. Also called JEEZER, progenitor of the Abiezrites kjv@Numbers:26:30; kjv@Joshua:17:2; kjv@Judges:6:34; kjv@Judges:8:2

-2. One of David's heroes kjv@2Samuel:23:27; kjv@1Chronicles:27:12


-1. Nabal's wife .Her wisdom and tact, and marriage to David kjv@1Samuel:25; 1Chronicles:27:3; kjv@2Samuel:2:2 .Mother of Chileab by David kjv@2Samuel:3:3; kjv@1Chronicles:3:1 .Taken captive and rescued by David kjv@1Samuel:30:1-18

-2. Sister of David, and mother of Amasa kjv@2Samuel:17:25; kjv@1Chronicles:2:16-17


-1. Father of Esther kjv@Esther:2:15

-2. The second wife of Rehoboam kjv@2Chronicles:11:18-19

-3. Father of Zuriel kjv@Numbers:3:35

-4. Wife of Abishur kjv@1Chronicles:2:29

- Son of Aaron kjv@Exodus:6:23; kjv@Numbers:3:2
- Summoned by God to Sinai kjv@Exodus:24:9
- Called to the priesthood kjv@Exodus:28:1
- Death of kjv@Leviticus:10:1-2; kjv@Numbers:26:61
- Died childless kjv@Numbers:3:4

- Also called AHIHUD, son of Bela kjv@1Chronicles:8:3


-1. Son of Jeroboam kjv@1Kings:14:1-18

-2. ABIJAH .

- Also called ABIJAH and ABIA
- King of Judah kjv@1Kings:14:31; kjv@1Kings:15:1; kjv@2Chronicles:12:16
- History of kjv@1Kings:15:1-8; kjv@2Chronicles:11:22; 13
- Succeeded by Asa kjv@1Kings:15:8; kjv@2Chronicles:14:1

- A Roman province in Palestine kjv@Luke:3:1

- Son of Joktan kjv@Genesis:10:28; kjv@1Chronicles:1:22


-1. King of Gerar kjv@Genesis:20; 1Chronicles:21:22-32

-2. King of Gerar Genesis:26

-3. Son of Gideon kjv@Judges:8:31; 9; kjv@2Samuel:11:21



-1. A Levite, in whose house the ark of God rested twenty years kjv@1Samuel:7:1-2; kjv@2Samuel:6:3-4; kjv@1Chronicles:13:7

-2. Son of Jesse kjv@1Samuel:16:8; kjv@1Samuel:17:13

-3. Also called ISHUI, son of Saul kjv@1Samuel:14:49; kjv@1Samuel:31:2

-4. Father of one of Solomon's purveyors. Called in R. V. Ben
- Abinadab kjv@1Kings:4:11

- Father of Barak kjv@Judges:4:6


-1. An Israelite who conspired with Dathan against Moses and Aaron kjv@Numbers:16; Judges:26:9-10; kjv@Deuteronomy:11:6; kjv@Psalms:106:17

-2. Son of Hiel kjv@1Kings:16:34

- Wife of David kjv@1Kings:1:1-4; kjv@1Kings:2:13-25

- Son of Zeruiah, David's sister kjv@1Chronicles:2:16
- One of David's chief men kjv@2Samuel:23:18
- Seeks Saul's life kjv@1Samuel:26:6-8
- Pursues and kills Abner kjv@2Samuel:2:24; kjv@2Samuel:3:30
- Defeats the Edomites kjv@1Chronicles:18:12
- Defeats the Ammonites kjv@2Samuel:10:10 kjv@2Samuel:10:14
- Seeks the life of Shimei kjv@2Samuel:16:9; kjv@2Samuel:19:21
- Leads a division of David's army against Absalom kjv@2Samuel:18:2 kjv@2Samuel:18:5
- Overthrows Sheba kjv@2Samuel:20:1-22
- Saves David from being slain by a Philistine kjv@2Samuel:21:17
- Obtains water from the well of Bethlehem for David kjv@1Chronicles:11:15-20

- General scriptures concerning kjv@1Kings:15:2 kjv@1Kings:15:10


-1. A high priest kjv@1Chronicles:6:4

-2. A son of Bela kjv@1Chronicles:8:4

- Son of Shammai kjv@1Chronicles:2:28-29

- Wife of David kjv@2Samuel:3:4; kjv@1Chronicles:3:3

- A Benjamite kjv@1Chronicles:8:11

- Ancestor of Jesus kjv@Matthew:1:13




kjv@STRING:Abiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord is my father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abi-albon <HITCHCOCK>@ most intelligent father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abiasaph <HITCHCOCK>@ consuming father; gathering - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abiathar <HITCHCOCK>@ excellent father; father of the remnant - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abib <HITCHCOCK>@ green fruit; ears of corn - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abidah <HITCHCOCK>@ father of knowledge - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abidan <HITCHCOCK>@ father of judgment - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abiezer <HITCHCOCK>@ father of help - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abigail <HITCHCOCK>@ the father-A's joy - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Abihail <HITCHCOCK>@ the father of strength - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abihu <HITCHCOCK>@ he is my father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abihud <HITCHCOCK>@ father of praise; confession - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abijah <HITCHCOCK>@ the Lord is my father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abijam <HITCHCOCK>@ father of the sea - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abilene <HITCHCOCK>@ the father of mourning - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abimael <HITCHCOCK>@ a father sent from God - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abimelech <HITCHCOCK>@ father of the king - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abinadab <HITCHCOCK>@ father of a vow, or of willingness - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abinoam <HITCHCOCK>@ father of beauty - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abiram <HITCHCOCK>@ high father; father of deceit - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abishag <HITCHCOCK>@ ignorance of the father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abishai <HITCHCOCK>@ the present of my father - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abishalom <HITCHCOCK>@ father of peace - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abishua <HITCHCOCK>@ father of salvation - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abishur <HITCHCOCK>@ father of the wall; father of uprightness - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abital <HITCHCOCK>@ the father of the dew; or of the shadow - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abitub <HITCHCOCK>@ father of goodness - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Abiud <HITCHCOCK>@ father of praise - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Arabia <HITCHCOCK>@ evening; desert; ravens - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Dor <HITCHCOCK>@ generation, habitation - HITCHCOCK-D

kjv@STRING:En-dor <HITCHCOCK>@ fountain, eye of generation, or of habitation - HITCHCOCK-E

kjv@STRING:Hashabiah <HITCHCOCK>@ the estimation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Jeconiah <HITCHCOCK>@ preparation, or stability, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Lehabim <HITCHCOCK>@ flames; inflamed; swords - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Magor-missabib <HITCHCOCK>@ fear on every side - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Media <HITCHCOCK>@ measure; habit; covering - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Midian <HITCHCOCK>@ judgment; covering; habit - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Naioth <HITCHCOCK>@ beauties; habitations - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nedabiah <HITCHCOCK>@ prince or vow of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Parmenas <HITCHCOCK>@ that abides, or is permanent - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Rehabiah <HITCHCOCK>@ breadth, or extent, of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Shecaniah <HITCHCOCK>@ habitation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S

kjv@STRING:Tabitha <HITCHCOCK>@ clear-sighted; a roe-deer - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Telabib <HITCHCOCK>@ a heap of new grain - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Zebul <HITCHCOCK>@ a habitation - HITCHCOCK-Z


ABIATHAR @ high priest, son of Ahimelech- kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@2Samuel:15:29; kjv@1Kings:1:7; kjv@1Kings:2:26

ABIGAIL @ wife of Nabal, becomes David's wife- kjv@1Samuel:25:3; kjv@1Samuel:27:3; kjv@1Samuel:30:5; kjv@2Samuel:2:2; kjv@1Chronicles:3:1 Notable Women, WOMEN

ABIHU @ son of Aaron, offers strange fire and is smitten of God- kjv@Exodus:6:23; kjv@Exodus:24:9; kjv@Exodus:28:1; kjv@Leviticus:10:1; kjv@Numbers:3:4; kjv@Numbers:26:61

ABIJAM OR ABIJAH @ king of Judah- kjv@1Kings:14:31; kjv@1Kings:15:1; kjv@2Chronicles:11:22; kjv@2Chronicles:13:4; kjv@2Chronicles:14:1

ABIMELECH @ king of Gerar, reproves Abraham- kjv@Genesis:20:2; kjv@Genesis:21:22,32

ABINADAB @ receives the ark from the Philistines- kjv@1Samuel:7:1; kjv@2Samuel:6:3; kjv@1Chronicles:13:7

ABISHAI @ son of David's sister, Zeruiah- kjv@1Samuel:26:6; kjv@2Samuel:2:18; kjv@2Samuel:3:30; kjv@2Samuel:10:10; kjv@2Samuel:16:9; kjv@2Samuel:18:2; kjv@2Samuel:19:21; kjv@2Samuel:21:17 kjv@2Samuel:23:18; kjv@1Chronicles:18:12


H1 <STRHEB>@ אב 'âb awb A primitive word; father in a literal and {immediate} or figurative and remote application: - {chief} (fore-) father ({[-less]}) X {patrimony} principal. Compare names in Abi-

H21 <STRHEB>@ אבי 'ăbîy ab-ee' From H1; fatherly; {Abi} Hezekiah´ s mother: - Abi.

H22 <STRHEB>@ אביאל 'ăbîyl ab-ee-ale' From H1 and H410; father (that is possessor) of God; {Abiel} the name of two Israelites: - Abiel.

H23 <STRHEB>@ אביאסף 'ăbîysâph ab-ee-aw-sawf' From H1 and H622; father of gathering (that is gatherer); {Abiasaph} an Israelite: - Abiasaph.

H24 <STRHEB>@ אביב 'âbîyb aw-beeb' From an unused root (meaning to be tender); {green} that is a young ear of grain; hence the name of the month Abib or Nisan: - {Abib} {ear} green ears of corn.

H25 <STRHEB>@ אבי גבעון 'ăbîy gib‛ôn ab-ee' ghib-one' From H1 and H1391; father (that is founder) of Gibon; {Abi-Gibon} perhaps an Israelite: - father of Gibeon.

H26 <STRHEB>@ אביגל אביגיל 'ăbîygayilbîygal {ab-ee-gah'yil} ab-ee-gal' From H1 and H1524; father (that is source) of joy; Abigail or {Abigal} the name of two Israelitesses: - Abigal.

H27 <STRHEB>@ אבידן 'ăbîydân ab-ee-dawn' From H1 and H1777; father of judgment (that is judge); {Abidan} an Israelite: - Abidan.

H28 <STRHEB>@ אבידע 'ăbîydâ‛ ab-ee-daw' From H1 and H3045; father of knowledge (that is knowing); {Abida} a son of Abraham by Keturah: - {Abida} Abidah.

H29 <STRHEB>@ אביּהוּ אביּה 'ăbîyâhbîyâhû {ab-ee-yaw'} ab-ee-yaw'-hoo From H1 and H3050; father (that is worshipper) of Jah; {Abijah} the name of several Israelite men and two Israelitesses: - {Abiah} Abijah.

H30 <STRHEB>@ אביהוּא 'ăbîyhû' ab-ee-hoo' From H1 and H1931; father (that is worshipper) of Him (that is God); {Abihu} a son of Aaron: - Abihu.

H31 <STRHEB>@ אביהוּד 'ăbîyhûd ab-ee-hood' From H1 and H1935; father (that {is} possessor) of renown; {Abihud} the name of two Israelites: - Abihud.

H32 <STRHEB>@ אביחיל אביהיל 'ăbîyhayilbîychayil {ab-ee-hah'-yil} ab-ee-khah'-yil (More correct in its second form); from H1 and H2428; father (that {is} possessor) of might; Abihail or {Abichail} the name of three Israelites and two Israelitesses: - Abihail.

H33 <STRHEB>@ אבי העזרי 'ăbîy hâ‛ezrîy ab-ee'-haw-ez-ree' From H44 with the article inserted; father of the Ezrite; and Abiezrite or descendant of Abiezer: - Abiezrite.

H36 <STRHEB>@ אביטוּב 'ăbîyţûb ab-ee-toob' From H1 and H2898; father of goodness (that {is} good); {Abitub} an Israelite: - Abitub.

H37 <STRHEB>@ אביטל 'ăbîyţal ab-ee-tal' From H1 and H2919; father of dew (that {is} fresh); {Abital} a wife of King David: - Abital.

H38 <STRHEB>@ אביּם 'ăbîyâm ab-ee-yawm' From H1 and H3220; father of (the) sea (that {is} seaman); Abijam (or {Abijah}) a king of Judah: - Abijam.

H39 <STRHEB>@ אבימאל 'ăbîymâ'êl ab-ee-maw-ale' From H1 and an elsewhere unused (probably foreign) word; father of Mael (apparently some Arab tribe); {Abimael} a son of Joktan: - Abimael.

H40 <STRHEB>@ אבימלך 'ăbîymelek ab-ee-mel'-ek From H1 and H4428; father of (the) king; {Abimelek} the name of two Philistine kings and of two Israelites: - Abimelech.

H41 <STRHEB>@ אבינדב 'ăbîynâdâb ab-ee-naw-dawb' From H1 and H5068; father of generosity (that {is} liberal); {Abinadab} the name of four Israelites: - Abinadab.

H42 <STRHEB>@ אבינעם 'ăbîynô‛am ab-ee-no'-am From H1 and H5278; father of pleasantness (that {is} gracious); {Abinoam} an Israelite: - Abinoam.

H44 <STRHEB>@ אביעזר 'ăbîyezer ab-ee-ay'-zer From H1 and H5829; father of help (that {is} helpful); {Abiezer} the name of two Israelites: - Abiezer.

H45 <STRHEB>@ אבי־עלבון 'ăbîy-‛albôn ab-ee al-bone' From H1 and an unused root of uncertain derivation; probably father of strength (that {is} valiant); {Abialbon} an Israelite: - Abialbon.

H48 <STRHEB>@ אבירם 'ăbîyrâm ab-ee-rawm' From H1 and H7311; father of height (that {is} lofty); {Abiram} the name of two Israelites: - Abiram.

H49 <STRHEB>@ אבישׁג 'ăbîyshag ab-ee-shag' From H1 and H7686; father of error (that {is} blundering); {Abishag} a concubine of David: - Abishag.

H50 <STRHEB>@ אבישׁוּע 'ăbîyshûaab-ee-shoo'-ah From H1 and H7171; father of plenty (that {is} prosperous); {Abishua} the name of two Israelites: - Abishua.

H51 <STRHEB>@ אבישׁוּר 'ăbîyshûr ab-ee-shoor' From H1 and H7791; father of (the) wall (that {is} perhaps {mason}) {Abishur} an Israelites: - Abishur.

H52 <STRHEB>@ אבשׁי אבישׁי 'ăbîyshay 'abshay {ab-ee-shah'ee} ab-shah'ee From H1 and H7862; father of a gift (that {is} probably generous); {Abishai} an Israelite: - Abishai.

H53 <STRHEB>@ אבשׁלום אבישׁלום 'ăbîyshâlôm 'abshâlôm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} ab-shaw-lome' From H1 and H7965; father of peace (that {is} friendly); {Abshalom} a son of David; also (the fuller form) a later Israelite: - {Abishalom} Absalom.

H54 <STRHEB>@ אביתר 'ebyâthâr eb-yaw-thawr' Contracted from H1 and H3498; father of abundance (that {is} liberal); {Ebjathar} an Israelite: - Abiathar.

H1010 <STRHEB>@ בּית מעון בּית בּעל מעון bêyth baal me‛ôn bêyth me‛ôn bayth bah'-al {me-own'} bayth me-own' From H1004 and H1168 and H4583; The first form meaning house of Baal of (the) habitation of (apparently by transposition). The second form meaning house of habitation of (Baal); {Beth-Baal-Meon} a palce in Palestine: - Beth-baal-meon. Compare H1186 and H1194.

H1017 <STRHEB>@ בּית האלי bêyth hâ'ĕlîy bayth haw-el-ee' Patrial from H1008 with the article interposed; a {Bethelite} or inhabitant of Bethel: - Bethelite.

H1030 <STRHEB>@ בּית השּׁמשׁי bêyth hashshimshîy bayth hash-shim-shee' Patrial from H1053 with the article inserted; a Beth {shimshite} or inhabitant of Bethshemesh: - Bethshemite.

H1111 <STRHEB>@ בּלק bâlâq baw-lawk' From H1110; waster; {Balak} a Moabitish king: - Balak.

H1125 <STRHEB>@ בּן־אבינדב ben-'ăbîynâdâb ben-ab-ee''-naw-dawb' From H1121 and H40; (the) son of Abinadab; Ben {Abinadab} an Israelite: - the son of Abinadab.

H1186 <STRHEB>@ בּעל מעון baal me‛ôn bah'-al meh-one' From H1168 and H4583; Baal of (the) habitation (of) (compare H1010); Baal {Meon} a place East of the Jordan: - Baal-meon.

H1187 <STRHEB>@ בּעל פּעור baal pe‛ôr bah'-al peh-ore' From H1168 and H6465; Baal of Peor; Baal {Peor} a Moabitish deity: - Baal-peor.

H1307 <STRHEB>@ בּרתי bêrôthîy bay-ro-thee' Patrial from H1268; a {Berothite} or inhabitant of Berothai: - Berothite.

H1382 <STRHEB>@ גּבלי giblîy ghib-lee' Patrial from H1380; a {Gebalite} or inhabitant of Gebal: - {Giblites} stone-squarer.

H1393 <STRHEB>@ גּבעני gib‛ônîy ghib-o-nee' Patrial from H1391; a {Gibonite} or inhabitant of Gibon: - Gibeonite.

H1395 <STRHEB>@ גּבעתי gib‛âthîy ghib-aw-thee' Patrial from H1390; a {Gibathite} or inhabitant of Gibath: - Gibeathite.

H1451 <STRHEB>@ גּדרי gedêrîy ghed-ay-ree' Patrial from H1445; a {Gederite} or inhabitant of Geder: - Gederite.

H1452 <STRHEB>@ גּדרתי gedêrâthîy ghed-ay-raw-thee' Patrial from H1449; a {Gederathite} or inhabitant of Gederah: - Gederathite.

H1481 <STRHEB>@ גּוּר gûr goor A primitive root; properly to turn aside from the road (for a lodging or any other {purpose}) that {is} sojourn (as a guest); also to {shrink} fear (as in a strange place); also to gather for hostility (as afraid): - {abide} {assemble} be {afraid} {dwell} {fear} gather ({together}) {inhabitant} {remain} {sojourn} stand in {awe} (be) {stranger} X surely.

H1482 <STRHEB>@ גּר גּוּר gûr gûr {goor} goor Perhaps from H1481; a cub (as still abiding in the {lair}) especially of the lion: - {whelp} young one.

H1485 <STRHEB>@ גּוּר־בּעל gûr-baal goor-bah'-al From H1481 and H1168; dwelling of Baal; Gur {Baal} a place in Arabia: - Gur-baal.

H1493 <STRHEB>@ גּזוני gizônîy ghee-zo-nee' Patrial from the unused name of a place apparently in Palestine; a Gizonite or inhabitant of Gizoh: - Gizonite.

H1509 <STRHEB>@ גּזרה gezêrâh ghez-ay-raw' From H1504; a desert (as separated): - not inhabited.

H1511 <STRHEB>@ גּרזי גּזרי gizrîy girzîy {ghiz-ree'} gher-zee' The first form is patrial from H1507; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitant of Gezer; but the second form is better (as in the text) by transposition and is patrial of H1630; a Girzite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in Palestine: - Gezrites.

H1526 <STRHEB>@ גּילני gîylônîy ghee-lo-nee' Patrial from H1542; a Gilonite or inhabitant of Giloh: - Gilonite.

H1628 <STRHEB>@ גּרוּת gêrûth gay-rooth' From H1481; a (temporary) residence: - habitation.

H1651 <STRHEB>@ גּשׁוּרי geshûrîy ghe-shoo-ree' Patrial from H1650; a Geshurite (also collectively) or inhabitant of Geshur: - {Geshuri} Geshurites.

H1654 <STRHEB>@ גּשׁמוּ גּשׁם geshem gashmû {gheh'-shem} gash-moo' The same as H1653; Geshem or {Gashmu} an Arabian: - {Geshem} Gashmu.

H1663 <STRHEB>@ גּתּי gittîy ghit-tee' Patrial from H1661; a Gittite or inhabitant of Gath: - Gittite.

H1692 <STRHEB>@ דּבק dâbaq daw-bak' A primitive root; properly to {impinge} that {is} cling or adhere; figuratively to catch by pursuit: - {abide} {fast} cleave (fast {together}) follow close ({hard} {after}) be joined ({together}) keep ({fast}) {overtake} pursue {hard} {stick} take.

H1720 <STRHEB>@ דּדנים dedânîym ded-aw-neem' Plural of H1719 (as patrial); {Dedanites} the descendants or inhabitants of Dedan: - Dedanim.

H1746 <STRHEB>@ דּוּמה dûmâh doo-maw' The same as H1745; {Dumah} a tribe and region of Arabia: - Dumah.

H1767 <STRHEB>@ דּי day dahee Of uncertain derivation; enough (as noun or {adverb}) used chiefly with preposition in phrases: - {able} according {to} after ({ability}) {among} as (oft {as}) (more than) {enough} {from} {in} {since} (much as is) sufficient ({-ly}) too {much} {very} when.

H1784 <STRHEB>@ דּיני dîynay dee-nah'ee (Chaldee); patrial from an uncertain primitive; a Dinaite or inhabitant of some unknown Assyrian province: - Dinaite.

H1839 <STRHEB>@ דּני dânîy daw-nee' Patronymic from H1835; a Danite (often collectively) or descendant (or inhabitant) of Dan: - {Danites} of Dan.

H1853 <STRHEB>@ דּקלה diqlâh dik-law' Of foreign origin; {Diklah} a region of Arabia: - Diklah.

H1905 <STRHEB>@ הגריא הגרי hagrîy hagrîy' {hag-ree'} hag-ree' Perhaps patronymic from H1904; a Hagrite or member of a certain Arabian clan: - {Hagarene} {Hagarite} Haggeri.

H130 <STRHEB>@ אדמי 'ĕdômîy ed-o-mee' Patronymic from H123; an {Edomite} or descendant from (or inhabitant of) Edom: - Edomite. See H726.

H2051 <STRHEB>@ ודן vedân ved-awn' Perhaps for H5730; Vedan (or {Aden}) a place in Arabia: - Dan also.

H2073 <STRHEB>@ זבל זבוּל zebûl zebûl {ze-bool'} zeb-ool' From H2082; a residence: - dwell {in} {dwelling} habitation.

H2074 <STRHEB>@ זבוּלן זבלוּן זבוּלוּן zebûlûn zebûlûn zebûlûn {zeb-oo-loon'} {zeb-oo-loon'} zeb-oo-loon' From H2082; habitation; {Zebulon} a son of Jacob; also his territory and tribe: - Zebulun.

H2130 <STRHEB>@ זיפי zîyphîy zee-fee' Patrial from H2128; a Ziphite or inhabitant of Ziph: - {Ziphim} Ziphite.

H2174 <STRHEB>@ זמרי zimrîy zim-ree' From H2167; musical; {Zimri} the name of five {Israelites} and of an Arabian tribe: - Zimri.

H2262 <STRHEB>@ חבצּניה chăbatstsanyâh khab-ats-tsan-yaw' Of uncertain derivation; {Chabatstsanjah} a Rechabite: - Habazaniah.

H2276 <STRHEB>@ חברני חברוני chebrônîy chebrônîy {kheb-ro-nee'} kheb-ro-nee' Patronymic from H2275; Chebronite ({collectively}) an inhabitant of Chebron: - Hebronites.

H2403 <STRHEB>@ חטּאת חטּאה chaţţâ'âh chaţţâ'th {khat-taw-aw'} khat-tawth' From H2398; an offence (sometimes habitual {sinfulness}) and its {penalty} {occasion} {sacrifice} or expiation; also (concretely) an offender: - punishment (of {sin}) purifying (-fication for {sin}) sin ({-ner} offering).

H2526 <STRHEB>@ חם châm khawm The same as H2525; hot (from the tropical habitat); {Cham} a son of Noah; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country: - Ham.

H2583 <STRHEB>@ חנה chânâh khaw-naw' A primitive root (compare H2603); properly to incline; by implication to decline (of the slanting rays of evening); specifically to pitch a tent; generally to encamp (for abode or siege): - abide (in {tents}) {camp} {dwell} {encamp} grow to an {end} {lie} pitch ({tent}) rest in tent.

H2588 <STRHEB>@ חנוּת chânûth khaw-nooth' From H2583; properly a vault or cell (with an arch); by implication a prison: - cabin.

H2674 <STRHEB>@ חצור châtsôr khaw-tsore' A collective form of H2691; village; {Chatsor} the name (thus simply) of two places in Palestine and of one in Arabia: - Hazor.

H2700 <STRHEB>@ חצרמות chătsarmâveth khats-ar-maw'-veth From H2691 and H4194; village of death; {Chatsarmaveth} a place in Arabia: - Hazarmaveth.

H2733 <STRHEB>@ חרדי chărôdîy khar-o-dee' Patrial from a derivative of H2729 (compare H5878); a {Charodite} or inhabitant of Charod: - Harodite.

H2741 <STRHEB>@ חרוּפי chărûphîy khar-oo-fee' A patrial from (probably) a collateral form of H2756; a Charuphite or inhabitant of Charuph (or Chariph): - Haruphite.

H2772 <STRHEB>@ חרני chôrônîy kho-ro-nee' Patrial from H2773; a Choronite or inhabitant of Choronaim: - Horonite.

H2811 <STRHEB>@ חשׁביהוּ חשׁביה chăshabyâh chăshabyâhû {khash-ab-yaw'} khash-ab-yaw'-hoo From H2803 and H3050; Jah has regarded; {Chashabjah} the name of nine Israelites: - Hashabiah.

H2918 <STRHEB>@ טירה ţîyrâh tee-raw' Feminine of (an equivalent to) H2905; a wall; hence a fortress or a hamlet: - (goodly) {castle} {habitation} {palace} row.

H2967 <STRHEB>@ טרפּלי ţarpelay tar-pel-ah'ee (Chaldee); from a name of foreign derivation; a Tarpelite (collectively) or inhabitant of {Tarpel} a place in Assyria: - Tarpelites.

H2983 <STRHEB>@ יבוּסי yebûsîy yeb-oo-see' Patrial from H2982; a Jebusite or inhabitant of Jebus: - Jebusite(-s).

H2985 <STRHEB>@ יבין yâbîyn yaw-bene' From H995; intelligent; {Jabin} the name of two Canaanitish kings: - Jabin.

H202 <STRHEB>@ און 'ôn one Probably from the same as H205 (in the sense of {effort} but successful); {ability} {power} (figuratively) wealth: - {force} {goods} {might} {strength} substance.

H3120 <STRHEB>@ יון yâvân yaw-vawn' Probably from the same as H3196; effervescing (that {is} hot and active); {Javan} the name of a son of {Joktan} and of the race ({Ionians} that {is} Greeks) descended from {him} with their territory; also of a place in Arabia: - Javan.

H3122 <STRHEB>@ יונדב yônâdâb yo-naw-dawb' A form of H3082; {Jonadab} the name of an Israelite and of a Rechabite: - Jonadab.

H3355 <STRHEB>@ יקטן yoqţân yok-tawn' From H6994; he will be made little; {Joktan} an Arabian patriarch: - Joktan.

H3370 <STRHEB>@ יקשׁן yoqshân yok-shawn' From H3369; insidious; {Jokshan} an Arabian patriarch: - Jokshan.

H3392 <STRHEB>@ ירח yerach yeh'-rakh The same as H3391; {Jerach} an Arabian patriarch: - Jerah.

H3427 <STRHEB>@ ישׁב yâshab yaw-shab' A primitive root; properly to sit down (specifically as {judge} in {ambush} in quiet); by implication to {dwell} to remain; causatively to {settle} to marry: - (make to) abide ({-ing}) {continue} (cause {to} make to) dwell ({-ing}) ease {self} {endure} {establish} X {fail} {habitation} {haunt} (make to) inhabit ({-ant}) make to keep {[house]} {lurking} X marry ({-ing}) (bring again to) {place} {remain} {return} {seat} set ({-tle}) (down-) sit ({-down} {still} -ting {down} -ting [place] {-uate}) {take} tarry.

H3433 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבי לחם ישׁבי לחם yâshûbîy lechem yôshebêy lechem {yaw-shoo'-bee} yo-sheh-bay' (leh'-khem) Shown as the first form; from H7725 and H3899; returner of bread; {Jashubi-Lechem} an Israelite; but probably the text should be pointed (as in the second form) and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} that {is} of Bethlehem (by contraction): - Jashubi-lehem. [Probably the text should be pointed Yoshebey {Lechem} yo-sheh-bay {leh-khem} and rendered (they were) inhabitants of {Lechem} That is6of Bethlehem (by contraction). Compare H3902.]

H3557 <STRHEB>@ כּוּל kûl kool A primitive root; properly to keep in; hence to measure; figuratively to maintain (in various senses): - (be able {to} can) {abide} {bear} {comprehend} {contain} {feed} {forbearing} {guide} hold (-ing {in}) nourish ({-er}) be {present} make {provision} {receive} {sustain} provide sustenance (victuals).

H3572 <STRHEB>@ כּוּשׁן kûshân koo-shawn' Perhaps from H3568; {Cushan} a region of Arabia: - Cushan.

H3581 <STRHEB>@ כּוח כּח kôach kôach {ko'-akh} ko'-akh From an unused root meaning to be firm; {vigor} literally ({force} in a good or a bad sense) or figuratively ({capacity} means6 produce); also (from its hardiness) a large lizard: - {ability} {able} {chameleon} {force} {fruits} {might} power ({-ful}) {strength} {substance} wealth.

H3645 <STRHEB>@ כּמישׁ כּמושׁo kemôsh kemîysh {kem-oshe'} kem-eesh' From an unused root meaning to subdue; the powerful; {Kemosh} the god of the Moabites: - Chemosh.

H3667 <STRHEB>@ כּנען kenaan ken-ah'-an From H3665; humiliated; {Kenaan} a son of Ham; also the country inhabited by him: - {Canaan} {merchant} traffick.

H3669 <STRHEB>@ כּנעני kenaanîy ken-ah-an-ee' Patrial from H3667; a Kenaanite or inhabitant of Kenaan; by implication a pedlar (the Cananites standing for their neighbors the {Ishmaelites} who conducted mercantile caravans): - {Canaanite} {merchant} trafficker.

H3761 <STRHEB>@ כּרמלי karmelîy kar-mel-ee' Patronymic from H3760; a Karmelite or inhabitant of Karmel (the town): - Carmelite.

H3762 <STRHEB>@ כּרמלית karmelîyth kar-mel-eeth' Feminine of H3761; a Karmelitess or female inhabitant of Karmel: - Carmelitess.

H3778 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂדּימה כּשׂדּי kaώdîy kaώdîymâh {kas-dee'} kas-dee'-maw (Occasionally shown as the second form with enclitic; meaning towards the Kasdites); patronymic from H3777 (only in the plural); a {Kasdite} or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldaean (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - into {Chaldea}) patronymicallyn. from H3777 (only in the plural); a Kasdite; or descendant of Kesed; by implication a Chaldan (as if so descended); also an astrologer (as if proverbial of that people): - {Chaldeans} {Chaldees} inhabitants of Chaldea.

H3779 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂדּי kaώday kas-dah'ee (Chaldee); corresponding to H3778; a Chaldaean or inhabitant of Chaldaea; by implication a Magian or professional astrologer: - Chaldean.

H3817 <STRHEB>@ לאמּים lemmîym leh-oom-meem' Plural of H3816; communities; Leum {mim} an Arabian: - Leummim.

H3853 <STRHEB>@ להבים lehâbîym leh-haw-beem' Plural of H3851; flames; {Lehabim} a son of {Mizrain} and his descendents: - Lehabim.

H3856 <STRHEB>@ לההּ lâhahh law-hah' A primitive root meaning properly to {burn} that {is} (by implication) to be rabid (figuratively insane); also (from the exhaustion of frenzy) to languish: - {faint} mad.

H3864 <STRHEB>@ לבּי לוּבי lûbîy lûbbîy {loo-bee'} loob-bee' Patrial from a name probably derived from an unused root meaning to {thirst} that {is} a dry region; apparently a Libyan or inhabitant of interior Africa (only in plural): - Lubim ({-s}) Libyans.

H3866 <STRHEB>@ לוּדיּי לוּדי lûdîy lûdîyîy {loo-dee'} loo-dee-ee' Patrial from H3865; a Ludite or inhabitant of Lud (ony in plural): - {Ludim} Lydians.

H3867 <STRHEB>@ לוה lâvâh law-vaw' A primitive root; properly to {twine} that {is} (by implication) to {unite} to remain; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (causatively) to lend: - abide {with} borrow ({-er}) {cleave} join ({self}) lend (-er).

H3885 <STRHEB>@ לין לוּן lûn lîyn {loon} leen A primitive root; to stop (usually over night); by implication to stay permanently; hence (in a bad sense) to be obstinate (especially in {words} to complain): - abide (all {night}) {continue} {dwell} {endure} {grudge} be {left} lie all {night} (cause to) lodge (all {night} {in} {-ing} this {night}) (make to) {murmur} {remain} tarry (all {night} that night).

H3911 <STRHEB>@ לטאה leţâ'âh let-aw-aw' From an unused root meaning to hide; a kind of lizard (from its covert habits): - lizard.

H3912 <STRHEB>@ לטוּשׁם leţûshim let-oo-sheem' Masculine plural of passive participle of H3913; hammered (that {is} oppressed) ones; {Letushim} an Arabian tribe: - Letushim.

H339 <STRHEB>@ אי 'îy ee From H183; properly a habitable spot (as desirable); dry {land} a {coast} an island: - {country} {isle} island.

H368 <STRHEB>@ אימים 'êymîym ay-meem' Plural of H367; terrors; {Emim} an early Canaanitish (or Moabitish) tribe: - Emims.

H4036 <STRHEB>@ מגור מסּביב mâgôr missâbîyb maw-gore' mis-saw-beeb' From H4032 and H5439 with the preposition inserted; affright from around; {Magor-mis-Sabib} a symbolical name of Pashur: - Magor-missabib.

H4125 <STRHEB>@ מואבית מואביּה מואבי mô'âbîy mô'âbîyâh mô'âbîyth {mo-aw-bee'} {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} mo-aw-beeth' Patronymic from H4124; a Moabite or {Moabitess} that {is} a descendant from Moab: - (woman) of {Moab} Moabite ({-ish} -ss).

H4183 <STRHEB>@ מורשׁתּי môrashtîy mo-rash-tee' Patrial from H4182; a Morashtite or inhabitant of Moresheth Gath: - Morashthite.

H4186 <STRHEB>@ משׁב מושׁב môshâb môshâb {mo-shawb'} mo-shawb' From H3427; a seat; figuratively a site; abstractly a session; by extension an abode (the place or the time); by implication population: - {assembly} dwell {in} dwelling ({-place}) wherein (that) dwelt ({in}) inhabited {place} {seat} {sitting} {situation} sojourning.

H4233 <STRHEB>@ מחוים machăvîym makh-av-eem' Apparently a {patrial} but from an unknown place (in the plural only for a singular); a Machavite or inhabitant of some place named Machaveh: - Mahavite.

H4259 <STRHEB>@ מחלתי mechôlâthîy mekh-o-law-thee' Patrial from H65; a Mecholathite or inhabitant of Abel Mecholah: - Mecholathite.

H4331 <STRHEB>@ מישׁא mêyshâ' may-shaw' From H4185; departure; {Mesha} a place in Arabia; also an Israelite: - Mesha.

H4338 <STRHEB>@ מישׁע mêyshamay-shaw' A variation for H4337; safety; {Mesha} a Moabite: - Mesha.

H4349 <STRHEB>@ מכון mâkôn maw-kone' From H3559; properly a {fixture} that {is} a basis; generally a {place} especially as an abode: - {foundation} {habitation} ({dwelling-} settled) place.

H4351 <STRHEB>@ מכרה מכוּרה mekûrâh mekôrâh {mek-oo-raw'} mek-o-raw' From the same as H3564 in the sense of digging; origin (as if a mine): - {birth} {habitation} nativity.

H4380 <STRHEB>@ מכרה mekêrâh mek-ay-raw' Probably from the same as H3564 in the sense of stabbing; a sword: - habitation.

H4382 <STRHEB>@ מכרתי mekêrâthîy mek-ay-raw-thee' Patrial from an unused name (the same as H4380) of a place in Palestine; a {Mekerathite} or inhabitant of Mekerah: - Mecherathite.

H4583 <STRHEB>@ מעין מעוןo mâ‛ôn mâ‛îyn {maw-ohn'} maw-een' From the same as H5772; an {abode} of God (the Tabernacle or the {Temple}) men (their home) or animals (their lair); hence a retreat (asylum): - {den} dwelling ([-]) {place}) habitation.

H4585 <STRHEB>@ מענה מעונה me‛ônâh me‛ônâh {meh-o-naw'} meh-o-naw' Feminine of {H4583} and meaning the same: - {den} {habitation} (dwelling) {place} refuge.

H4586 <STRHEB>@ מעיני מעוּניo me‛ûnîy me‛îynîy {meh-oo-nee'} meh-ee-nee' Probably patrial from H4584; a {Meunite} or inhabitant of Maon (only in plural): - Mehunim ({-s}) Meunim.

H4587 <STRHEB>@ מעונתי me‛ônôthay meh-o-no-thah'ee Plural of H4585; habitative; {Meonothai} an Israelite: - Meonothai.

H4602 <STRHEB>@ מעכתי ma‛ăkâthîy mah-ak-aw-thee' Patrial from H4601; a {Maakathite} or inhabitant of Maakah: - Maachathite.

H4610 <STRHEB>@ מעלה עקרבּים ma‛ălêhaqrabbîym mah-al-ay' ak-rab-beem' From H4608 and (the plural of) H6137; Steep of {Scorpions} a place in the Desert: - {Maaleh-accrabim} the ascent (going up) of Akrabbim.

H4689 <STRHEB>@ מצוק mâtsôq maw-tsoke' From H6693; a narrow {place} that {is} (abstractly and figuratively) confinement or disability: - {anguish} {distress} straitness.

H4713 <STRHEB>@ מצרי mitsrîy mits-ree' From H4714; a {Mitsrite} or inhabitant of Mitsrajim: - {Egyptian} of Egypt.

H4723 <STRHEB>@ מּקוא מקוה מקוהo miqveh miqvêh miqvê' {mik-veh'} {mik-vay'} mik-vay' From H6960; something waited {for} that {is} confidence (objectively or subjectively); also a {collection} that {is} (of water) a {pond} or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove: - {abiding} gathering {together} {hope} linen {yarn} plenty [of {water]} pool.

H4824 <STRHEB>@ מרנתי mêrônôthîy may-ro-no-thee' Patrial from an unused noun; a {Meronothite} or inhabitant of some (otherwise unknown) Meronoth: - Meronothite.

H4852 <STRHEB>@ משׁא mêshâ' may-shaw' Of foreign derivation; {Mesha} a place in Arabia: - Mesha.

H4907 <STRHEB>@ משׁכּן mishkan mish-kan' (Chaldee); corresponding to H4908; residence: - habitation.

H4908 <STRHEB>@ משׁכּן mishkân mish-kawn' From H7931; a residence (including a shepherd´ s {hut} the lair of {animals} figuratively the grave; also the Temple); specifically the Tabernacle (properly its wooden walls): - {dwelleth} dwelling ({place}) {habitation} {tabernacle} tent.

H4954 <STRHEB>@ משׁרעי mishrâ‛îy mish-raw-ee' Patrial from an unused noun from an unused root; probably meaning to stretch out; extension; a {Mishraite} or inhabitant (collectively) of Mishra: - Mishraites.

H4981 <STRHEB>@ מתני mithnîy mith-nee' Probably patrial from an unused noun meaning slenderness; a {Mithnite} or inhabitant of Methen: - Mithnite.

H4999 <STRHEB>@ נאה nâ'âh naw-aw' From H4998; a home; figuratively a pasture: - {habitation} {house} {pasture} pleasant place.

H5072 <STRHEB>@ נדביה nedabyâh ned-ab-yaw' From H5068 and H3050; largess of Jah; {Nedabjah} an Israelite: - Nedabiah.

H5115 <STRHEB>@ נוה nâvâh naw-vaw' A primitive root; to rest (as at home); causatively (through the implied idea of beauty (compare {H5116)}) to celebrate (with praises): - keep at {home} prepare an habitation.

H5116 <STRHEB>@ נוה נוה nâveh nâvâh {naw-veh'} naw-vaw' From H5115; (adjective) at home; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely; also (noun) a {home} of God ({temple}) men ({residence}) flocks ({pasture}) or wild animals (den): - {comely} dwelling ({place}) {fold} {habitation} pleasant {place} {sheepcote} {stable} tarried.

H5200 <STRHEB>@ נטפתי neţôphâthîy net-o-faw-thee' Patronymic from H5199; a {Netophathite} or inhabitant of Netophah: - Netophathite.

H5284 <STRHEB>@ נעמתי na‛ămâthîy nah-am-aw-thee' Patrial from a place corresponding in nmae (but not identical) with H5279; a {Naamathite} or inhabitant of Naamah: - Naamathite

H5381 <STRHEB>@ נשׂג nâώag naw-sag' A primitive root; to reach (literally or figuratively): - {ability} be {able} attain ({unto}) (be able {to} can) {get} lay {at} {put} {reach} {remove} wax {rich} X {surely} (over-) take (hold {of} {on} upon).

H5436 <STRHEB>@ סבאי sebâ'îy seb-aw-ee' Patrial from H5434; a {Sebaite} or inhabitant of Seba: - Sabean.

H5514 <STRHEB>@ סיני sîynay see-nah'ee Of uncertain derivation; {Sinai} a mountain of Arabia: - Sinai.

H5525 <STRHEB>@ סכּי sûkkîy sook-kee' Patrial from an unknown name (perhaps H5520); a {Sukkite} or inhabitant of some place near Egypt (that {is} hut dwellers): - Sukkiims.

H5596 <STRHEB>@ שׂפח ספח sâphach ώâphach {saw-fakh'} saw-fakh' A primitive root; properly to scrape {out} but in certain peculiar senses (of removal or association): - {abiding} gather {together} {cleave} {put} smite with a scab.

H5611 <STRHEB>@ ספר sephâr sef-awr' The same as H5610; {Sephar} a place in Arabia: - Sephar.

H5616 <STRHEB>@ ספרוי sepharvîy sef-ar-vee' Patrial from H5617; a Sepharvite or inhabitant of Sepharvain: - Sepharvite.

H5700 <STRHEB>@ עגלון ‛eglôn eg-lawn' From H5695; vituline; {Eglon} the name of a place in Palestine and of a Moabitish king: - Eglon.

H5761 <STRHEB>@ עוּים ‛avviym av-veem' Plural of H5757; Avvim (as inhabited by {Avvites}) a place in Palestine (with the article prefixed): - Avim.

H5772 <STRHEB>@ עונה ‛ônâh o-naw' From an unused root apparently meaning to dwell together; (sexual) cohabitation: - duty of marriage.

H5805 <STRHEB>@ עזוּבה ‛ăzûbâh az-oo-baw' Feminine passive participle of H5800; desertion (of inhabitants): - forsaking.

H5841 <STRHEB>@ עזּתי ‛azzâthîy az-zaw-thee' Patrial from H5804; an Azzathite or inhabitant of Azzah: - {Gazathite} Gazite.

H5962 <STRHEB>@ עלמי ‛almîy al-mee' (Chaldee); patrial from a name corresponding to H5867 contracted; an Elamite or inhabitant of Elam: - Elamite.

H5975 <STRHEB>@ עמד ‛âmad aw-mad' A primitive root; to {stand} in various relations (literally and {figuratively} intransitively and transitively): - abide ({behind}) {appoint} {arise} {cease} {confirm} {continue} {dwell} be {employed} {endure} {establish} {leave} {make} {ordain} be {[over]} {place} (be) present ({self}) raise {up} {remain} {repair} + {serve} set ({forth} {over} {-tle} {up}) (make {to} make to be at {a} with-) stand ({by} {fast} {firm} {still} {up}) (be at a) stay ({up}) tarry.

H530 <STRHEB>@ אמנה אמוּנה 'ĕmûnâhmûnâh {em-oo-naw'} em-oo-naw' Feminine of H529; literally firmness; figuratively security; moral fidelity: - faith ({-ful} {-ly} {-ness} {[man]}) set {office} {stability} {steady} {truly} {truth} verily.

H571 <STRHEB>@ אמת 'emeth eh'-meth Contracted from H539; stability; figuratively {certainty} {truth} trustworthiness: - assured ({-ly}) {establishment} {faithful} {right} {sure} true ({-ly} {-th}) verity.

H6069 <STRHEB>@ ענּתותי ענתתי ‛anthôthîyannethôthîy {an-tho-thee'} an-ne-tho-thee' Patrial from H6068; an Antothite or inhabitant of Anathoth: - of {Anathoth} {Anethothite} {Anetothite} Antothite.

H6078 <STRHEB>@ עפני ‛ophnîy of-nee' From an unused noun (denoting a place in Palestine; from an unused root of uncertain meaning); an Ophnite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ophen: - Ophni.

H6081 <STRHEB>@ עפר ‛êpher ay'-fer Probably a variation of H6082; gazelle; {Epher} the name of an Arabian and of two Israelites: - Epher.

H6139 <STRHEB>@ עקרני עקרוני ‛eqrônîyeqrônîy {ek-ro-nee'} ek-ro-nee' Patrial from H6138; an Ekronite or inhabitant of Ekron: - Ekronite.

H6152 <STRHEB>@ ערב ערב ‛ărâb ‛ărab {ar-ab'} ar-awb' From H6150 in the figuratively sense of sterility; Arab (that {is} {Arabia}) a country East of Palestine: - Arabia.

H6154 <STRHEB>@ ערב ערב ‛êrebereb {ay'-reb} eh'-reb The second form used in with the article prefixed); from H6148; the web (or transverse threads of cloth); also a {mixture} (or mongrel race): - {Arabia} mingled {people} mixed ({multitude}) woof.

H6163 <STRHEB>@ ערבי ערבי ‛ărâbîyarbîy {ar-aw-bee'} ar-bee' Patrial from H6152; an Arabian or inhabitant of Arab (that {is} Arabia): - Arabian.

H6164 <STRHEB>@ ערבתי ‛arbâthîy ar-baw-thee' Patrial from H1026; an Arbathite or inhabitant of (Beth-) Arabah: - Arbathite.

H6171 <STRHEB>@ ערוד ‛ârôd aw-rode' From the same as H6166; an onager (from his lonesome habits): - wild ass.

H6200 <STRHEB>@ ערערי ‛ărô‛êrîy ar-o-ay-ree' Patronymic from H6177; an Aroerite or inhabitant of Aroer: - Aroerite.

H6204 <STRHEB>@ ערפּה ‛orpâh or-paw' Feminine of H6203; mane; {Orpah} a Moabitess: - Orpah.

H6208 <STRHEB>@ ערקי ‛arqîy ar-kee' Patrial from an unused name meaning a tush; an Arkite or inhabitant of Erek: - Arkite.

H6254 <STRHEB>@ עשׁתּרתי ‛ashterâthîy ash-ter-aw-thee' Patrial from H6252; an Ashterathite or inhabitant of Ashtaroth: - Ashterathite.

H6290 <STRHEB>@ פּארן pâ'rân paw-rawn' From H6286; ornamental; {Paran} a desert of Arabia: - Paran.

H6397 <STRHEB>@ פּלוני pelônîy pel-o-nee' Patronymic from an unused name (from H6395) meaning separate; a Pelonite or inhabitant of an unknown Palon: - Pelonite.

H6430 <STRHEB>@ פּלשׁתּי pelishtîy pel-ish-tee' Patrial from H6429; a Pelishtite or inhabitant of Pelesheth: - Philistine.

H6466 <STRHEB>@ פּעל pâ‛al paw-al' A primitive root; to do or make (systematically and {habitually}) especially to practise: - {commit} [evil-] do ({-er}) make ({-r}) {ordain} work ({-er}) wrought.

H6505 <STRHEB>@ פּרד pered peh'-red From H6504; a mule (perhaps from his lonely habits): - mule.

H6522 <STRHEB>@ פּרזּי perizzîy per-iz-zee' For H6521; inhabitant of the open country; a {Perizzite} one of the Canaanitish tribes: - Perizzite.

H6539 <STRHEB>@ פּרס pâras paw-ras' Of foreign origin; Paras (that {is} {Persia}) an Eastern {country} including its inhabitants: - {Persia} Persians.

H6542 <STRHEB>@ פּרסי parsîy par-see' Patrial from H6539; a Parsite (that {is} {Persian}) or inhabitant of Peres: - Persian.

H6553 <STRHEB>@ פּרעתני פּרעתוני pir‛âthônîy pir‛âthônîy {pir-aw-tho-nee'} pir-aw-tho-nee' Patrial from H6552; a Pirathonite or inhabitant of Pirathon: - Pirathonite.

H6625 <STRHEB>@ פּתרסי pathrûsîy path-roo-see' Partrial from H6624; a {Pathrusite} or inhabitant of Pathros: - Pathrusim.

H6722 <STRHEB>@ צדני צידניo tsîydônîy tsidônîy {tsee-do-nee'} tsee-do-nee' Patrial from H6721; a Tsidonian or inhabitant of Tsidon: - {Sidonian} of {Sidon} Zidonian.

H6728 <STRHEB>@ ציּי tsîyîy tsee-ee' From the same as H6723; a desert {dweller} that {is} nomad or wild beast: - wild beast of the {desert} that dwell in (inhabiting) the wilderness.

H6834 <STRHEB>@ צפּור tsippôr tsip-pore' The same as H6833; {Tsippor} a Moabite: - Zippor.

H6876 <STRHEB>@ צרי tsôrîy tso-ree' Patrial from H6865; a Tsorite or inhabitant of Tsor (that {is} Syrian): - (man) of Tyre.

H6882 <STRHEB>@ צרעתי צרעי tsâr‛îy tsâr‛âthîy {tsor-ee'} tsor-aw-thee' Patrial from H6881; a Tsorite or {Tsorathite} that {is} inhabitant of Tsorah: - {Zorites} {Zareathites} Zorathites.

H6965 <STRHEB>@ קוּם qûm koom A primitive root; to rise (in various {applications} {literally} {figuratively} intensively and causatively): - {abide} {accomplish} X be {clearer} {confirm} {continue} {decree} X be {dim} {endure} X {enemy} {enjoin} get {up} make {good} {help} {hold} (help to) lift up ({again}) {make} X but {newly} {ordain} {perform} {pitch} raise ({up}) rear ({up}) {remain} (a-) rise (up) ({again} {against}) rouse {up} set ({up}) (e-) {stablish} (make to) stand ({up}) stir {up} {strengthen} {succeed} ({as-} make) sure ({-ly}) (be) up ({-hold} -rising).

H670 <STRHEB>@ אפרסי 'ăphâresay af-aw-re-sah' (Chaldee); of foreign origin (only in the plural); an Apharesite or inhabitant of an unknown region of Assyria: - Apharsite.

H7327 <STRHEB>@ רוּת rûth rooth Probably for H7468; friend; {Ruth} a Moabitess: - Ruth.

H7345 <STRHEB>@ רחביהוּ רחביה rechabyâh rechabyâhû {rekh-ab-yaw'} rekh-ab-yaw'-hoo From H7337 and H3050; Jah has enlarged; {Rechabjah} an Israelite: - Rehabiah.

H7410 <STRHEB>@ רם râm rawm Active participle of H7311; high; {Ram} the name of an Arabian and of an Israelite: - Ram. See also H1027.

H7435 <STRHEB>@ רמתי râmâthîy raw-maw-thee' Patronymic of H7414; a Ramathite or inhabitant of Ramah: - Ramathite.

H7694 <STRHEB>@ שׁגל shêgâl shay-gawl' From H7693; a queen (from cohabitation): - queen.

H7767 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּנמּית shûnammîyth shoo-nam-meeth' Patrial from H7766; a {Shunammitess} or female inhabitant of Shunem: - Shunamite.

H7801 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּשׁנכי shûshankîy shoo-shan-kee' (Chaldee); of foreign origin; a Shushankite (collectively) or inhabitant of some unknown place in Assyria: - Susanchites.

H7888 <STRHEB>@ שׁלני שׁילני שׁילוני shîylônîy shîylônîy shilônîy (1,2&amp;3) shee-lo-nee' From H7887; a Shilonite or inhabitant of Shiloh: - Shilonite.

H7910 <STRHEB>@ שׁכּר שׁכּור shikkôr shikkôr {shik-kore'} shik-kore' From H7937; {intoxicated} as a state or a habit: - drunk ({-ard} {-en} -en man).

H7931 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן shâkan shaw-kan' A primitive root (apparently akin (by transmutation) to H7901 through the idea of lodging; compare H5531 and H7925); to reside or permanently stay (literally or figuratively): - {abide} {continue} (cause {to} make to) dwell ({-er}) have {habitation} {inhabit} {lay} {place} (cause to) {remain} {rest} set (up).

H7932 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן shekan shek-an' (Chaldee); corresponding to H7931: - cause to {dwell} have habitation.

H7933 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן sheken sheh'-ken From H7931; a residence: - habitation.

H7934 <STRHEB>@ שׁכן shâkên shaw-kane' From H7931; a resident; by extension a fellow citizen: - {inhabitant} {neighbour} nigh.

H758 <STRHEB>@ ארם 'ărâm arawm' From the same as H759; the highland; Aram or {Syria} and its inhabitants; also the name of a son of {Shem} a grandson of {Nahor} and of an Israelite: - {Aram} {Mesopotamia} {Syria} Syrians.

H796 <STRHEB>@ אשׁדּודי 'ashdôdîy ash-do-dee' Patrial from H795; an Ashdodite (often collectively) or inhabitant of Ashdod: - {Ashdodites} of Ashdod.

H8116 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרית shimrîyth shim-reeth' Feminine of H8113; female guard; {Shimrith} a Moabitess: - Shimrith.

H8118 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרני shômerônîy sho-mer-o-nee' Patrial from H8111; a Shomeronite (collectively) or inhabitant of Shomeron: - Samaritans.

H8170 <STRHEB>@ שׁעלבני shaalbônîy shah-al-bo-nee' Patrial from H8169; a Shaalbonite or inhabitant of Shaalbin: - Shaalbonite.

H8225 <STRHEB>@ שׁפמי shiphmîy shif-mee' Patrial from H8221; a Shiphmite or inhabitant of Shepham: - Shiphmite.

H8290 <STRHEB>@ שׁרוני shârônîy shaw-ro-nee' Patrial from H8289; a Sharonite or inhabitant of Sharon: - Sharonite.

H8398 <STRHEB>@ תּבל têbêl tay-bale' From H2986; the earth (as moist and therefore inhabited); by extension the globe; by implication its inhabitants; specifically a particular {land} as Babylonia or Palestine: - habitable {part} world.

H8453 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁב תּושׁב tôshâb tôshâb {to-shawb'} to-shawb' (The second form used in Kings ); from H3427; a dweller (but not {outlandish} H5237); especially (as distinguished from a native citizen (active participle of H3427) and a temporary {inmate} {H1616} or mere {lodger} H3885) resident alien: - {foreigner-inhabitant} {sojourner} stranger.

H8454 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁיּה תּוּשׁיּה tûshîyâh tûshîyâh {too-shee-yaw'} too-shee-yaw' From an unused root probably meaning to substantiate; support or (by implication) {ability} that {is} (direct) {help} (in purpose) an {undertaking} (intellectual) understanding: - {enterprise} that which (thing as it) {is} {substance} (sound) {wisdom} working.

H8491 <STRHEB>@ תּיצי tîytsîy tee-tsee' Partrial or patronymic from an unused noun of uncertain meaning; a Titsite or descendant or inhabitant of an unknown Tits: - Tizite.

H8511 <STRHEB>@ תּלא tâlâ' taw-law' A primitive root; to suspend; figuratively (through hesitation) to be uncertain; by implication (of mental dependence) to habituate: - be {bent} hang (in doubt).

H8512 <STRHEB>@ תּל אביב têlbîyb tale aw-beeb' From H8510 and H24; mound of green growth; {Tel-Abib} a place in Chaldaea: - Tel-abib.

H8554 <STRHEB>@ תּמני timnîy tim-nee' Patrial from H8553; a Timnite or inhabitant of Timnah: - Timnite.

H8621 <STRHEB>@ תּקעי תּקועי teqô‛îy teqô‛îy {tek-o-ee'} tek-o-ee' Patronymic from H8620; a Tekoite or inhabitant of Tekoah: - Tekoite.

H8654 <STRHEB>@ תּרעתי tir‛âthîy teer-aw-thee' Patrial from an unused name meaning gate; a Tirathite or inhabitant of an unknown Tirah: - Tirathite.

H8664 <STRHEB>@ תּשׁבּי tishbîy tish-bee' Patrial from an unused name meaning recourse; a Tishbite or inhabitant of Tishbeh (in Gilead): - Tishbite.

H805 <STRHEB>@ אשּׁוּרי אשׁוּרי 'ăshûrîy 'ashshûrîy {ash-oo-ree'} ash-shoo-ree' From a patrial word of the same form as H804; an Ashurite (collectively) or inhabitant of {Ashur} a district in Palestine: - {Asshurim} Ashurites.

H832 <STRHEB>@ אשׁקלוני 'eshqelônîy esh-kel-o-nee' Patrial from H831; an Ashkelonite (collectively) or inhabitant of Ashkelon: - Eshkalonites.

H848 <STRHEB>@ אשׁתּאלי 'eshtâ'ûlîy esh-taw-oo-lee' Patrial from H847; an Eshtaolite (collectively) or inhabitant of Eshtaol: - Eshtaulites.

H886 <STRHEB>@ בּארתי berôthîy be-ay-ro-thee' Patrial from H881; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth: - Beerothite.

H935 <STRHEB>@ בּוא bô' bo A primitive root; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications): - {abide} {apply} {attain} X {be} {befall} + {besiege} bring ({forth} {in} {into} to {pass}) {call} {carry} X {certainly} ({cause} {let} thing for) to come ({against} {in} {out} {upon} to {pass}) {depart} X doubtless {again} + {eat} + {employ} (cause to) enter ({in} {into} {-tering} {-trance} {-try}) be {fallen} {fetch} + {follow} {get} {give} go ({down} {in} to {war}) {grant} + {have} X {indeed} {[in-]vade} {lead} lift {[up]} {mention} pull {in} {put} {resort} run ({down}) {send} {set} X (well) stricken [in {age]} X {surely} take ({in}) way.

H978 <STRHEB>@ בּחרוּמי bachărûmîy bakh-ar-oo-mee' Patrial from H980 (by transposition) a Bacharumite or inhabitant of Bachurim: - Baharumite.

G7 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβιά Abia ab-ee-ah' Of Hebrew origin [H29]; Abijah the name of two Israelites: - Abia.

G8 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβιάθαρ Abiathar ab-ee-ath'-ar Of Hebrew origin [H54]; Abiathar an Israelite: - Abiathar.

G9 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβιληνή Abilēnē ab-ee-lay-nay' Of foreign origin (compare [H58]); Abilene a region of Syria: - Abilene.

G10 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβιούδ Abioud ab-ee-ood' Of Hebrew origin [H31]; Abihud an Israelite: - Abiud.

G63 <STRGRK>@ ἀγραυλέω agrauleō ag-row-leh'-o From G68 and G832 (in the sense of G833); to camp out: - abide in the field.

G1007 <STRGRK>@ Βοσόρ Bosor bos-or' Of Hebrew origin [H1160]; Bosor (that is Beor) a Moabite: - Bosor.

G1046 <STRGRK>@ Γαδαρηνός Gadarēnos gad-ar-ay-nos' From Γαδαρά Gadara (a town East of the Jordan); a Gadarene or inhabitant of Gadara: - Gadarene.

G1052 <STRGRK>@ Γαλάτης Galatēs gal-at'-ace From G1053; a Galatian or inhabitant of Galatia: - Galatian.

G1138 <STRGRK>@ Δαβίδ Dabid dab-eed' Of Hebrew origin [H1732]; Dabid (that is David) the Israelite king: - David.

G1153 <STRGRK>@ Δαμασκηνός Damaskēnos dam-as-kay-nos' From G1154; a Damascene or inhabitant of Damascus: - Damascene.

G1190 <STRGRK>@ Δερβαῖος Derbaios der-bah'ee-os From G1191; a Derbaean or inhabitant of Derbe: - of Derbe.

G1199 <STRGRK>@ δεσμόν δεσμός desmon desmos des-mon' des-mos' Neuter and masculine respectively from G1210; a band that is ligament (of the body) or shackle (of a prisoner); figuratively an impediment or disability: - band bond chain string.

G1304 <STRGRK>@ διατρίβω diatribō dee-at-ree'-bo From G1223 and the base of G5147; to wear through (time) that is remain: - abide be continue tarry.

G1411 <STRGRK>@ δύναμις dunamis doo'-nam-is From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): - ability abundance meaning might (-ily -y -y deed) (worker of) miracle (-s) power strength violence mighty (wonderful) work.

G1484 <STRGRK>@ ἔθνος ethnos eth'-nos Probably from G1486; a race (as of the same habit) that is a tribe; specifically a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually by implication pagan): - Gentile heathen nation people.

G1485 <STRGRK>@ ἔθος ethos eth'-os From G1486; a usage (prescribed by habit or law): - custom manner be wont.

G1486 <STRGRK>@ ἔθω ethō eth'-o A primary verb; to be used (by habit or conventionality); neuter perfect participle usage: - be custom (manner wont).

G1658 <STRGRK>@ ἐλεύθερος eleutheros el-yoo'-ther-os Probably from the alternate of G2064; unrestrained (to go at pleasure) that is (as a citizen) not a slave (whether freeborn or manumitted) or (generally) exempt (from obligation or liability): - free (man woman) at liberty.

G1659 <STRGRK>@ ἐλευθερόω eleutheroō el-yoo-ther-o'-o From G1658; to liberate that is (figuratively) to exempt (from moral ceremonial or mortal liability): - deliver make free.

G1672 <STRGRK>@ Ἕλλην Hellēn hel'-lane From G1671; a Hellen (Grecian) or inhabitant of Hellas; by extension a Greek speaking person especially a non-Jew: - Gentile Greek.

G1774 <STRGRK>@ ἐνοικέω enoikeō en-oy-keh'-o From G1722 and G3611; to inhabit (figuratively): - dwell in.

G1838 <STRGRK>@ ἕξις hexis hex'-is From G2192; habit that is (by implication) practice: - use.

G1849 <STRGRK>@ ἐξουσία exousia ex-oo-see'-ah From G1832 (in the sense of ability); privilege that is (subjectively) force capacity6 competency freedom or (objectively) mastery (concretely magistrate superhuman6 potentate token of control) delegated influence: - authority jurisdiction liberty power right strength.

G1961 <STRGRK>@ ἐπιμένω epimenō ep-ee-men'-o From G1909 and G3306; to stay over that is remain (figuratively persevere): - abide (in) continue (in) tarry.

G1981 <STRGRK>@ ἐπισκηνόω episkēnoō ep-ee-skay-no'-o From G1909 and G4637; to tent upon that is (figuratively) abide with: - rest upon.

G117 <STRGRK>@ Ἀθηναῖος Athēnaios ath-ay-nah'-yos From G116; an Athenaean or inhabitant of Athenae: - Athenian.

G124 <STRGRK>@ Αἰγύπτιος Aiguptios ahee-goop'-tee-os From G125; an Egyptian or inhabitant of AEgyptus: - Egyptian.

G181 <STRGRK>@ ἀκαταστασία akatastasia ak-at-as-tah-see'-ah From G182; instability that is disorder: - commotion confusion tumult.

G2141 <STRGRK>@ εὐπορέω euporeō yoo-por-eh'-o From a compound of G2090 and the base of G4197; (intransitively) to be good for passing through that is (figuratively) have pecuniary means: - ability.

G2180 <STRGRK>@ Ἐφέσιος Ephesios ef-es'-ee-os From G2181; an Ephesian or inhabitant of Ephesus: - Ephesian of Ephesus.

G2192 <STRGRK>@ ἔχω echō ekh'-o A primary verb (including an alternate form σχέω scheō skheh'-o used in certain tenses only); to hold (used in very various applications literally or figuratively direct or remote; such as possession ability6 contiguity relation or condition): - be (able X hold possessed with) accompany + begin to amend can (+ -not) X conceive count diseased do + eat + enjoy + fear following have hold keep + lack + go to law lie + must needs + of necessity + need next + recover + reign + rest return X sick take for + tremble + uncircumcised use.

G2239 <STRGRK>@ ἦθος ēthos ay'-thos A strengthened form of G1485; usage that is (plural) moral habits: - manners.

G2331 <STRGRK>@ Θεσσαλονικεύς Thessalonikeus thes-sal-on-ik-yoos' From G2332; a Thessalonican that is inhabitant of Thessalonice: - Thessalonian.

G2364 <STRGRK>@ θυγάτηρ thugatēr thoo-gat'-air Apparently a primary word (compare daughter); a female child or (by Hebraism) descendant (or inhabitant): - daughter.

G2415 <STRGRK>@ Ἱεροσολυμίτης Hierosolumitēs hee-er-os-ol-oo-mee'-tace From G2414; a Hierosolymite that is inhabitant of Hierosolyma: - of Jerusalem.

G2426 <STRGRK>@ ἱκανότης hikanotēs hik-an-ot'-ace From G2425; ability: - sufficiency.

G2469 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσκαριώτης Iskariōtēs is-kar-ee-o'-tace Of Hebrew origin (probably [H377] and [H7149]); inhabitants of Kerioth; Iscariotes (that is Keriothite) an epithet of Judas the traitor: - Iscariot.

G2476 <STRGRK>@ ἵστημι histēmi his'-tay-mee A prolonged form of a primary word στάω staō (of the same meaning and used for it in certain tenses); to stand (transitively or intransitively) used in various applications (literally or figuratively): - abide appoint bring continue covenant establish hold up lay present set (up) stanch stand (by forth still up). Compare G5087.

G2479 <STRGRK>@ ἰσχύς ischus is-khoos' From a derivative of ἱς his (force; compare ἔσχον eschon; a form of G2192); forcefulness (literally or figuratively): - ability might ([-ily]) power strength.

G2601 <STRGRK>@ καταβιβάζω katabibazō kat-ab-ib-ad'-zo From G2596 and a derivative of the base of G939; to cause to go down that is precipitate: - bring (thrust) down.

G2650 <STRGRK>@ καταμένω katamenō kat-am-en'-o From G2596 and G3306; to stay fully that is reside: - abide.

G2730 <STRGRK>@ κατοικέω katoikeō kat-oy-keh'-o From G2596 and G3611; to house permanently that is reside (literally or figuratively): - dwell (-er) inhabitant (-ter).

G2732 <STRGRK>@ κατοικητήριον katoikētērion kat-oy-kay-tay'-ree-on From a derivative of G2730; a dwelling place: - habitation.

G2733 <STRGRK>@ κατοικία katoikia kat-oy-kee'-ah residence(properly the condition; but by implication the abode itself): - habitation.

G2845 <STRGRK>@ κοίτη koitē koy'-tay From G2749; a couch; by extension cohabitation; by implication the male sperm: - bed chambering X conceive.

G2858 <STRGRK>@ Κολοσσαεύς Kolossaeus kol-os-sayoos' From G2857; a Colossaean that is inhabitant of Colossae: - Colossian.

G2881 <STRGRK>@ Κορίνθιος Korinthios kor-in'-thee-os From G2882; a Corinthian that is inhabitant of Corinth: - Corinthian.

G2889 <STRGRK>@ κόσμος kosmos kos'-mos Probably from the base of G2865; orderly arrangement that is decoration; by implication the world (in a wide or narrow sense including its inhabitants literally or figuratively [morally]): - adorning world.

G2912 <STRGRK>@ Κρής Krēs krace From G2914; a Cretan that is inhabitant of Crete: - Crete Cretian.

G2953 <STRGRK>@ Κύπριος Kuprios koo'-pree-os From G2954; a Cyprian (Cypriot) that is inhabitant of Cyprus: - of Cyprus.

G2956 <STRGRK>@ Κυρηναῖος Kurēnaios koo-ray-nah'-yos From G2957; a Cyrenaean that is inhabitant of Cyrene: - of Cyrene Cyrenian.

G2994 <STRGRK>@ Λαοδικεύς Laodikeus lah-od-ik-yooce' From G2993; a Laodicean that is inhabitant of Laodicia: - Laodicean.

G221 <STRGRK>@ Ἀλεξανδρεύς Alexandreus al-ex-and-reuce' From Ἀλεξάνδρεια Alexandreia (the city so called); an Alexandreian or inhabitant of Alexandria: - of Alexandria Alexandrian.

G276 <STRGRK>@ ἀμετάθετος ametathetos am-et-ath'-et-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of G3346; unchangeable or (neuter as abstract) unchangeability: - immutable (-ility).

G3078 <STRGRK>@ Λυσανίας Lusanias loo-san-ee'-as From G3080 and ἀνία ania (trouble); grief dispelling; Lysanias a governor of Abilene: - Lysanias.

G3094 <STRGRK>@ Μαγδαληνή Magdalēnē mag-dal-ay-nay' Feminine of a derivative of G3093; a female Magdalene that is inhabitant of Magdala: - Magdalene.

G3099 <STRGRK>@ Μαδιάν Madian mad-ee-an' Of Hebrew origin [H4080]; Madian (that is Midian) a region of Arabia: - Madian.

G3110 <STRGRK>@ Μακεδών Makedōn mak-ed-ohn' Of uncertain derivation; a Macedon (Macedonian) that is inhabitant of Macedonia: - of Macedonia Macedonian.

G3195 <STRGRK>@ μέλλω mellō mel'-lo A strengthened form of G3199 (through the idea of expectation); to intend that is be about to be do or suffer something (of persons or things especially events; in the sense of purpose duty6 necessity probability6 possibility or hesitation): - about after that be (almost) (that which is things + which was for) to come intend was to (be) mean mind be at the point (be) ready + return shall (begin) (which that) should (after afterwards hereafter) tarry which was for will would be yet.

G3306 <STRGRK>@ μένω menō men'-o A primary verb; to stay (in a given place state relation or expectancy): - abide continue dwell endure be present remain stand tarry (for) X thine own.

G3370 <STRGRK>@ Μῆδος Mēdos may'-dos Of foreign origin (compare [H4074]); a Median or inhabitant of Media: - Mede.

G3479 <STRGRK>@ Ναζαρηνός Nazarēnos nad-zar-ay-nos' From G3478; a Nazarene that is inhabitant of Nazareth: - of Nazareth.

G3480 <STRGRK>@ Ναζωραῖος Nazōraios nad-zo-rah'-yos From G3478; a Nazoraean that is inhabitant of Nazareth; by extension a Christian: - Nazarene of Nazareth.

G3536 <STRGRK>@ Νινευΐ́της Nineuitēs nin-yoo-ee'-tace From G3535; a Ninevite that is inhabitant of Nineveh: - of Nineve Ninevite.

G3554 <STRGRK>@ νόσος nosos nos'-os Of uncertain affinity; a malady (rarely figurative of moral disability): - disease infirmity sickness.

G3611 <STRGRK>@ οἰκέω oikeō oy-key'-o From G3624; to occupy a house that is reside (figuratively inhabit remain6 inhere); by implication to cohabit: - dwell. See also G3625.

G3613 <STRGRK>@ οἰκητήριον oikētērion oy-kay-tay'-ree-on Neuter of a presumed derivative of G3611 (equivalent to G3612); a residence (literally or figuratively): - habitation house.

G3849 <STRGRK>@ παραβιάζομαι parabiazomai par-ab-ee-ad'-zom-ahee From G3844 and the middle voice of G971; to force contrary to (nature) that is compel (by entreaty): - constrain.

G3887 <STRGRK>@ παραμένω paramenō par-am-en'-o From G3844 and G3306; to stay near that is remain (literally tarry; or figuratively be permanent persevere): - abide continue.

G3934 <STRGRK>@ Πάρθος Parthos par'-thos Probably of foreign origin; a Parthian that is inhabitant of Parthia: - Parthian.

G307 <STRGRK>@ ἀναβιβάζω anabibazō an-ab-ee-bad'-zo From G303 and a derivative of the base of G939; to cause to go up that is haul (a net): - draw.

G390 <STRGRK>@ ἀναστρέφω anastrepho an-as-tref'-o From G303 and G4762; to overturn; also to return; by implication to busy oneself that is remain live: - abide behave self have conversation live overthrow pass return be used.

G4043 <STRGRK>@ περιπατέω peripateō per-ee-pat-eh'-o From G4012 and G3961; to tread all around that is walk at large (especially as proof of ability); figuratively to live deport oneself follow (as a companion or votary): - go be occupied with walk (about).

G4160 <STRGRK>@ ποιέω poieō poy-eh'-o Apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application more or less direct): - abide + agree appoint X avenge + band together be bear + bewray bring (forth) cast out cause commit + content continue deal + without any delay (would) do (-ing) execute exercise fulfil gain give have hold X journeying keep + lay wait + lighten the ship make X mean + none of these things move me observe ordain perform provide + have purged purpose put + raising up X secure shew X shoot out spend take tarry + transgress the law work yield. Compare G4238.

G4238 <STRGRK>@ πράσσω prassō pras'-so A primary verb; to practise that is perform repeatedly or habitually (thus differing from G4160 which properly refers to a single act); by implication to execute accomplish etc.; specifically to collect (dues) fare (personally): - commit deeds do exact keep require use arts.

G4357 <STRGRK>@ προσμένω prosmenō pros-men'-o From G4314 and G3306; to stay further that is remain in a place with a person; figuratively to adhere to persevere in: - abide still be with cleave unto continue in (with).

G4503 <STRGRK>@ Ῥούθ Rhouth hrooth Of Hebrew origin [H7327]; Ruth a Moabitess: - Ruth.

G4541 <STRGRK>@ Σαμαρείτης Samareitēs sam-ar-i'-tace From G4540; a Samarite that is inhabitants of Samaria: - Samaritan.

G4606 <STRGRK>@ Σιδώνιος Sidōnios sid-o'-nee-os From G4605; a Sidonian that is inhabitant of Sidon: - of Sidon.

G4614 <STRGRK>@ Σινᾶ Sina see-nah' Of Hebrew origin [H5514]; Sina (that is Sinai) a mountain in Arabia: - Sina.

G4623 <STRGRK>@ σιωπάω siōpaō see-o-pah'-o From σιωπη siōpē (silence that is a hush; properly muteness that is involuntary stillness or inability ot speak; and thus differing from G4602 which is rather a voluntary refusal or indisposition to speak although the terms are often used synonymously); to be dumb (but not deaf also like G2974 properly); figuratively to be calm (as quiet water): - dumb (hold) peace.

G4633 <STRGRK>@ σκηνή skēnē skay-nay' Apparently akin to G4632 and G4639; a tent or cloth hut (literally or figuratively): - habitation tabernacle.

G4647 <STRGRK>@ σκόλοψ skolops skol'-ops Perhaps form the base of G4628 and G3700; withered at the front that is a point or prickle (figuratively a bodily annoyance or disability): - thorn.

G4733 <STRGRK>@ στερέωμα stereōma ster-eh'-o-mah From G4732; something established that is (abstractly) confirmation (stability): - stedfastness.

G4740 <STRGRK>@ στηριγμός stērigmos stay-rig-mos' From G4741; stability (figuratively): - stedfastness

G4905 <STRGRK>@ συνέρχομαι sunerchomai soon-er'-khom-ahee From G4862 and G2064; to convene depart in company with associate with or (specifically) cohabit (conjugally): - accompany assemble (with) come (together) come (company go) with resort.

G4914 <STRGRK>@ συνήθεια sunētheia soon-ay'-thi-ah From a compound of G4862 and G2239; mutual habituation that is usage: - custom.

G5000 <STRGRK>@ Ταβιθά Tabitha tab-ee-thah' Of Chaldee origin (compare [H6646]); the gazelle; Tabitha (that is Tabjetha) a Christian female: - Tabitha.

G491 <STRGRK>@ Ἀντιοχεύς Antiocheus an-tee-okh-yoos' From G490; an Antiochian or inhabitant of Antiochia: - of Antioch.

G5159 <STRGRK>@ τροποφορέω tropophoreō trop-of-or-eh'-o From G5158 and G5409; to endure one´ s habits: - suffer the manners.

G5183 <STRGRK>@ Τύριος Turios too'-ree-os From G5184; a Tyrian that is inhabitant of Tyrus: - of Tyre.

G5278 <STRGRK>@ ὑπομένω hupomenō hoop-om-en'-o From G5259 and G3306; to stay under (behind) that is remain; figuratively to undergo that is bear (trials) have fortitude persevere: - abide endure (take) patient (-ly) suffer tarry behind.

G5561 <STRGRK>@ χώρα chōra kho'-rah Feminine of a derivative of the base of G5490 through the idea of empty expanse; room that is a space of territory (more or less extensive; often including its inhabitants): - coast county fields grounds land region. Compare G5117.

G688 <STRGRK>@ Ἀραβία Arabia ar-ab-ee'-ah Of Hebrew origin [H6152]; Arabia a region of Asia: - Arabia.

G690 <STRGRK>@ Ἄραψ Araps ar'-aps From G688; an Arab or native of Arabia: - Arabian.

G702 <STRGRK>@ Ἀρέτας Aretas ar-et'-as Of foreign origin; Aretas an Arabian: - Aretas.

G774 <STRGRK>@ Ἀσιανός Asianos as-ee-an-os' From G773; an Asian (that is Asiatic) or inhabitant of Asia: - of Asia.

G835 <STRGRK>@ αὐλίζομαι aulizomai ow-lid'-zom-ahee Middle voice from G833; to pass the night (properly in the open air): - abide lodge.

G904 <STRGRK>@ Βαλάκ Balak bal-ak' Of Hebrew origin [H1111]; Balak a Moabite: - Balac.

G950 <STRGRK>@ βεβαιόω bebaioō beb-ah-yo'-o From G949; to stabilitate (figuratively): - confirm (e-) stablish.

G951 <STRGRK>@ βεβαίωσις bebaiōsis beb-ah'-yo-sis From G950; stabiliment: - confirmation.