

Dict: all - Aha


AHA @ a term of derision- kjv@Psalms:35:21; kjv@Psalms:40:15; kjv@Psalms:70:3; kjv@Ezekiel:25:3; kjv@Ezekiel:26:2; kjv@Ezekiel:36:2 Derision, DERISION Mocking, MOCKING & MOCKING & SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST

AHAB @ King of Israel, son of Omri

(1) General references to- kjv@1Kings:16:29; kjv@1Kings:17:1; kjv@1Kings:18:5; kjv@1Kings:19:1; kjv@1Kings:20:2; kjv@1Kings:21:25; kjv@1Kings:22:3 kjv@1Kings:20:37; kjv@2Kings:10:1,10

(2) Facts Concerning Established Idolatry- 1Kings:16:30-33; target="11;16;30-33">1Kings:21:26 Was weak-minded- kjv@1Kings:21:4 The tool of his wife Jezebel- kjv@1Kings:21:7,25 His doom foretold by Elijah- kjv@1Kings:21:22
By Micaiah- kjv@1Kings:22:28

- AHASUERUS..SEE Book of Esther- kjv@Esther:1:1

AHAZIAH @ (a) King of Judah, also called Azariah, or Jehoahaz, son of Jehoram- kjv@2Kings:8:25; kjv@2Kings:9:16,23,27; kjv@2Chronicles:22:2,9 (b) King of Israel, son of Ahab- kjv@1Kings:22:40,52; kjv@2Kings:1:2,17; kjv@2Chronicles:20:35

AHAZ @ King of Judah, son of Jotham- kjv@2Kings:15:38; kjv@2Kings:16:2,8; kjv@2Kings:20:11; kjv@2Chronicles:28:27; kjv@Isaiah:7:12; kjv@Isaiah:38:8


AHAB - A>@ - (uncle). Son of Omri, seventh king of Israel, reigned B.C. 919-896. He married Jezebel, daughter of Ethbaal king of Tyre; and in obedience to her wishes, caused temple to be built to Baal in Samaria itself; and an oracular grove to be consecrated to Astarte.
See (Kings:18:19) One of Ahab’s chief tastes was for splendid architecture which he showed by building an ivory house and several cities. Desiring to add to his pleasure-grounds at Jezreel the vineyard of his neighbor Naboth, he proposed to buy it or give land in exchange for it; and when this was refused by Naboth in accordance with the Levitical law, kjv@Leviticus:25:23) a false accusation of blasphemy was brought against him, and he was murdered, and Ahab took possession of the coveted fields. ( kjv@2Kings:9:26) Thereupon Elijah declared that the entire extirpation of Ahab’s house was the penalty appointed for his long course of wickedness. ELIJAH The execution, however, of the sentence was delayed in consequence of Ahab’s deep repentance. (Kings:21:1) ... Ahab undertook three campaigns against Ben-hadad II. king of Damascus, two defensive and one offensive. In the first Ben-hadad laid siege to Samaria, but was repulsed with great loss. (Kings:20:1-21) Next year Ben-hadad again invaded Israel by way of Aphek, on the east of Jordan; yet Ahab’s victory was so complete that Ben-hadad himself fell into his hands, but was released contrary to God’s will, (Kings:20:22-34) on condition of restoring the cities of Israel, and admitting Hebrew commissioners into Damascus. After this great success Ahab enjoyed peace for three years, when he attacked Ramoth in Gilead, on the east of Jordan, in conjunction with Jehoshaphat king of Judah, which town he claimed as belonging to Israel. Being told by the prophet Micaiah that he would fall, he disguised himself, but was slain by "a certain man who drew a bow at a venture." When buried in Samaria, the dogs licked up his blood as a servant was washing his chariot; a partial fulfillment of Elijah’s prediction, (Kings:21:19) which was more literally accomplished in the case of his son. ( kjv@2Kings:9:26) A lying prophet, who deceived the captive Israelites in Babylon, and was burnt to death by Nebuchadnezzar. kjv@Jeremiah:29:21)

AHARAH - A>@ - (after the brother), third son of Benjamin. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:1) AHER; AHIRAM

AHARHEL - A>@ - (behind the breastwork), a name occurring in an obscure fragment of the genealogies of Judah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:8)

AHASAI - A>@ - (whom Jehovah holds), a priest, ancestor of Maasiai, kjv@Nehemiah:11:13) called JAHZERAH in ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:12)

AHASBAI - A>@ - (blooming), father of Eli-phelet, one of David’s thirty-seven captains. (2 Samuel 23:34) In the corrupt list in ( kjv@1Chronicles:11:35) Eliphelet appears as "Eliphal the son of Ur." (B.C. about 1050.)

AHASHVEROSH - A>@ - Another (the Hebrew) form of AHASUERIUS. kjv@Ezra:4:6) in margin.

AHASUERUS - A>@ - (lion-king), the name of one Median and two Persian kings mentioned in the Old Testament. In kjv@Daniel:9:1) Ahasuerus is said to be the father of Darius the Mede. DARIUS This first Ahasuerus is Cyaxares, the conqueror of Nineveh. (Began to reign B.C. 634.) The Ahasuerus king of Persia, referred to in kjv@Ezra:4:6) must be Cambyses, thought to be Cyrus’ successor, and perhaps his son. (B.C. 529.) The third is the Ahasuerus of the book of Esther. This Ahasuerus is probably Xerxes of history, kjv@Esther:1:1) (B.C. 485), and this conclusion is fortified by the resemblance of character and by certain chronological indications, the account of his life and character agreeing with the book of Esther In the third year of Ahaseuerus was held a great feast and assembly in Shushan the palace, kjv@Esther:1:3) following a council held to consider the invasion of Greece. He divorced his queen Vashti for refusing to appear in public at this banquet, and married, four years afterwards, the Jewess Esther, cousin and ward of Mordecai. Five years after this, Haman, one of his counsellors, having been slighted by Mordecai, prevailed upon the king to order the destruction of all the Jews in the empire. But before the day appointed for the massacre, Esther and Mordecai influenced the king to put Haman to death and to give the Jews the right of self
- Defence.

AHAVA - A>@ - (water), a place, kjv@Ezra:8:15) or a river, kjv@Ezra:8:21 On the banks of which Ezra collected the second expedition which returned with him from Babylon to Jerusalem. Perhaps it is the modern Hit, on the Euphrates due east of Damascus.

AHAZ - A>@ - (possessor), eleventh king of Judah, son of Jotham, reigned 741-726, about sixteen years. At the time of his accession, Rezin king of Damascus and Pekah king of Israel had recently formed a league against Judah, and they proceeded to lay siege to Jerusalem. Upon this Isaiah hastened to give advice and encouragement to Ahaz, and the allies failed in their attack on Jerusalem. Isai 7-8-9. But, the allies inflicted a most severe injury on Judah by the capture of Elath, a flourishing port on the Red Sea, while the Philistines invaded the west and south. 2Kin 16; kjv@2Chronicals:28. Ahaz, having forfeited God’s favor by his wickedness, sought deliverance from these numerous troubles by appealing to Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, who forced him from his most formidable enemies. But Ahaz had to purchase this help at a costly price; he became tributary to Tiglath-pileser. He was weak, a gross idolater, and sought safety in heathen ceremonies, making his son pass through the fire to Molech, consulting wizards and necromancers. kjv@Isaiah:8:19) and other idolatrous practices. ( kjv@2Kings:23:12) His only service of permanent value was the introduction of the sun-dial. He died at the age of 36, but was refused a burial with the kings his ancestors. ( kjv@2Chronicles:28:27) Son of Micah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:35-36 kjv@1Chronicles:9:42)

AHAZIAH - A>@ - (sustained by the Lord). Son of Ahab and Jezebel eighth king of Israel, reigned B.C. 896-895. After the battle of Ramoth in Gilead, in which Ahab perished AHAB, the vassal king of Moab refused his yearly tribute; comp. kjv@Isaiah:16:1) Before Ahaziah could take measures for enforcing his claim, he was seriously injured by a fall through a lattice in his palace at Samaria. Being an idolater, he sent to inquire of the oracle of Baalzebub in the Philistine city of Ekron whether he should recover his health. But Elijah, who now for the last time exercised the prophetic office, rebuked him for this impiety, and announced to him his approaching death. The only other recorded transaction of his reign, his endeavor to join the king of Judah in trading to Ophir, is related under JEHOSHAPHAT. (Kings:22:49-53; kjv@2Kings:1:1; kjv@2Chronicles:20:35-37) Fifth king of Judah, son of Jehoram and Athaliah (daughter of Ahab), and therefore nephew of the preceding Ahaziah, reigned one year, B.C. 884. He is Galled AZARIAH, ( kjv@2Chronicles:22:2) probably by a copyist’s error, and JEHOAHAZ. ( kjv@2Chronicles:21:17) He was 22 years old at his accession. ( kjv@2Kings:8:26) (his age 42, in ( kjv@2Chronicles:22:2) Isa a copyist’s error). Ahaziah was an idolater, and he allied himself with his uncle Jehoram king of Israel against Hazael, the new king of Syria. the two kings were, however defeated at Ramoth, where Jehoram was severely wounded. The revolution carried out in Israel by Jehu under the guidance of Elisha broke out while Ahaziah was visiting his uncle at Jezreel. As Jehu approached the town, Jehoram and Ahaziah went out to meet him; the former was shot through the heart by Jehu, and Ahaziah was pursued and mortally wounded. He died when he reached Megiddo.


Aha! @ an exclamation of ridicule kjv@Psalms:35:21 kjv@Psalms:40:15 kjv@Psalms:70:3 ). In kjv@Isaiah:44:16 it signifies joyful surprise, as also in kjv@Job:39:25, R.V.

Ahab @ father's brother.

(1.) The son of Omri, whom he succeeded as the seventh king of Israel. His history is recorded in kjvKings:16-22. His wife was Jezebel (q.v.), who exercised a very evil influence over him. To the calf-worship introduced by Jeroboam he added the worship of Baal. He was severely admonished by Elijah (q.v.) for his wickedness. His anger was on this account kindled against the prophet, and he sought to kill him. He undertook three campaigns against Ben-hadad II., king of Damascus. In the first two, which were defensive, he gained a complete victory over Ben-hadad, who fell into his hands, and was afterwards released on the condition of his restoring all the cities of Israel he then held, and granting certain other concessions to Ahab. After three years of peace, for some cause Ahab renewed war (kjvKings:22:3) with Ben-hadad by assaulting the city of Ramoth-gilead, although the prophet Micaiah warned him that he would not succeed, and that the 400 false prophets who encouraged him were only leading him to his ruin. Micaiah was imprisoned for thus venturing to dissuade Ahab from his purpose. Ahab went into the battle disguised, that he might if possible escape the notice of his enemies; but an arrow from a bow "drawn at a venture" pierced him, and though stayed up in his chariot for a time he died towards evening, and Elijah's prophecy (kjvKings:21:19) was fulfilled. He reigned twenty-three years. Because of his idolatry, lust, and covetousness, Ahab is referred to as pre-eminently the type of a wicked king ( kjv@2Kings:8:18; kjv@2Chronicals:22:3; kjv@Micah:6:16).

(2.) A false prophet referred to by Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:29:21), of whom nothing further is known.

Ahasuerus @ There are three kings designated by this name in Scripture.

(1.) The father of Darius the Mede, mentioned in kjv@Daniel:9:1. This was probably the Cyaxares I. known by this name in profane history, the king of Media and the conqueror of Nineveh.

(2.) The king mentioned in kjv@Ezra:4:6, probably the Cambyses of profane history, the son and successor of Cyrus (B.C. 529).

(3.) The son of Darius Hystaspes, the king named in the Book of Esther. He ruled over the kingdoms of Persia, Media, and Babylonia, "from India to Ethiopia." This was in all probability the Xerxes of profane history, who succeeded his father Darius (B.C. 485). In the LXX. version of the Book of Esther the name Artaxerxes occurs for Ahasuerus. He reigned for twenty-one years (B.C. 486-465). He invaded Greece with an army, it is said, of more than 2,000,000 soldiers, only 5,000 of whom returned with him. Leonidas, with his famous 300, arrested his progress at the Pass of Thermopylae, and then he was defeated disastrously by Themistocles at Salamis. It was after his return from this invasion that Esther was chosen as his queen.

Ahava @ water, the river kjv@Ezra:8:21) by the banks of which the Jewish exiles assembled under Ezra when about to return to Jerusalem from Babylon. In all probability this was one of the streams of Mesopotamia which flowed into the Euphrates somewhere in the north-west of Babylonia. It has, however, been supposed to be the name of a place kjv@Ezra:8:15) now called Hit, on the Euphrates, east of Damascus.

Ahaz @ possessor.

(1.) A grandson of Jonathan ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:35 kjv@1Chronicles:9:42).

(2.) The son and successor of Jotham, king of Judah ( kjv@2Kings:16; Isaiah:7-9; 2Chronicals:28). He gave himself up to a life of wickedness and idolatry. Notwithstanding the remonstrances and warnings of Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah, he appealed for help against Rezin, king of Damascus, and Pekah, king of Israel, who threatened Jerusalem, to Tiglath-pileser, the king of Assyria, to the great injury of his kingdom and his own humilating subjection to the Assyrians ( kjv@2Kings:16:7-9 kjv@2Kings:15:29). He also introduced among his people many heathen and idolatrous customs kjv@Isaiah:8:19 kjv@Isaiah:38:8; kjv@2Kings:23:12). He died at the age of thirty-five years, after reigning sixteen years (B.C. 740-724), and was succeeded by his son Hezekiah. Because of his wickedness he was "not brought into the sepulchre of the kings."

Ahaziah @ held by Jehovah.

(1.) The son and successor of Ahab. He followed the counsels of his mother Jezebel, and imitated in wickedness the ways of his father. In his reign the Moabites revolted from under his authority ( kjv@2Kings:3:5-7). He united with Jehoshaphat in an attempt to revive maritime trade by the Red Sea, which proved a failure ( kjv@2Chronicals:20:35-37). His messengers, sent to consult the god of Ekron regarding his recovery from the effects of a fall from the roof-gallery of his palace, were met on the way by Elijah, who sent them back to tell the king that he would never rise from his bed (kjvKings:22:51; kjv@2Kings:1:18).

(2.) The son of Joram, or Jehoram, and sixth king of Judah. Called Jehoahaz ( kjv@2Chronicals:21:17 kjv@2Chronicals:25:23), and Azariah ( kjv@2Chronicals:22:6). Guided by his idolatrous mother Athaliah, his reign was disastrous ( kjv@2Kings:8:24-29 kjv@2Kings:9:29). He joined his uncle Jehoram, king of Israel, in an expedition against Hazael, king of Damascus; but was wounded at the pass of Gur when attempting to escape, and had strength only to reach Megiddo, where he died ( kjv@2Kings:9:22-28). He reigned only one year.






-1. King of Israel kjv@1Kings:16:29 .Marries Jezebel kjv@1Kings:16:31 .Idolatry of kjv@1Kings:16:30-33; kjv@1Kings:18:18-19; kjv@1Kings:21:25-26 .Other wickedness of kjv@2Kings:3:2; kjv@2Chronicles:21:6; kjv@2Chronicles:22:3-4; kjv@Micah:6:16 .Reproved by Elijah; assembles the prophets of Baal kjv@1Kings:18:17-46 .Fraudulently confiscates Naboth's vineyard 1Kings:21 .Defeats Ben-hadad 1Kings:20 .Closing history and death of kjv@1Kings:22; 2Chronicles:18 .Succeeded by his son, Ahaziah kjv@1Kings:22:40 .Prophecies against kjv@1Kings:20:42; kjv@1Kings:21:19-24; kjv@2Kings:9:8 kjv@2Kings:9:2Kings:22:19-28; 25, 26 .Sons of, murdered kjv@2Kings:10:1-8

-2. A false prophet kjv@Jeremiah:29:21-22

- Also called EHI, and AHIRAM, and AHER .Son of Benjamin kjv@Genesis:46:21; kjv@Numbers:26:38; kjv@1Chronicles:7:12; kjv@1Chronicles:8:1

- Son of Harum kjv@1Chronicles:4:8

- A grandson of Immer kjv@Nehemiah:11:13

- Father of Eliphelet kjv@2Samuel:23:34
See UR kjv@1Chronicles:11:35


-1. King of Persia, history of .


-3. Father of Darius kjv@Daniel:9:1

- A river of Babylon kjv@Ezra:8:15 kjv@Ezra:8:21, 31


-1. King of Judah, son and successor of Jotham kjv@2Kings:15:38; kjv@2Kings:16:1; kjv@2Chronicles:27:9; kjv@2Chronicles:28:1 .Idolatrous abominations of kjv@2Kings:16:3-4; kjv@2Chronicles:28:2-4 kjv@2Chronicles:28:22-25 .Kingdom of, invaded by the kings of Syria and Samaria kjv@2Kings:16:5-6; kjv@2Chronicles:28:5-8 .Robs the temple to purchase aid from the king of Asia kjv@2Kings:16:7-9 kjv@2Kings:16:17, 18; kjv@2Chronicles:28:21 .Visits Damascus, obtains a novel pattern of an altar, which he substitutes for the altar in the temple in Jerusalem, and otherwise perverts the forms of worship kjv@2Kings:16:10-16 .Sundial of kjv@2Kings:20:11; kjv@Isaiah:38:8 .Prophets in the reign of kjv@Isaiah:1:1; kjv@Hosea:1:1; kjv@Micah:1:1 .Prophecies concerning kjv@Isaiah:7:13-25 .Succeeded by Hezekiah kjv@2Kings:16:20

-2. Son of Micah:1Chronicles:8:35; kjv@1Chronicles:9:41-42


-1. King of Judah. Called AZARIAH and JEHOAHAZ kjv@2Chronicles:21:17; kjv@2Chronicles:25:23 .History of kjv@2Kings:8:25-29; kjv@2Kings:9:16-29 .Gifts of, to the temple kjv@2Kings:12:18 .Brethren of, slain kjv@2Kings:10:13-14 .Succeeded by Athaliah kjv@2Chronicles:22:10-12

-2. King of Israel .History of kjv@1Kings:22:40 kjv@1Kings:22:49, 51-53; kjv@2Chronicles:20:35-37; 2Kings:1 .Succeeded by Jehoram kjv@2Kings:3:1



kjv@STRING:Abraham <HITCHCOCK>@ father of a great multitude - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahab <HITCHCOCK>@ uncle, or father-A's brother - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Aharah <HITCHCOCK>@ a smiling brother; a meadow of a sweet savor - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aharhel <HITCHCOCK>@ another host; the last sorrow; a brother-A's sheep - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Ahasbai <HITCHCOCK>@ trusting in me; a grown-up brother - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahasuerus <HITCHCOCK>@ prince; head; chief - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahava <HITCHCOCK>@ essence; being; generation - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahaz <HITCHCOCK>@ one that takes or possesses - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Ahaziah <HITCHCOCK>@ seizure; vision of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Aijeleth-Shahar <HITCHCOCK>@ the land of the morning - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Anaharath <HITCHCOCK>@ dryness, burning, wrath - HITCHCOCK-A

kjv@STRING:Beer-lahai-roi <HITCHCOCK>@ the well of him that liveth and seeth me - HITCHCOCK-B

kjv@STRING:Haahashtari <HITCHCOCK>@ a runner - HITCHCOCK-H

kjv@STRING:Jahaleel <HITCHCOCK>@ praising God; light of God - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jahath <HITCHCOCK>@ broken in pieces; descending - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jahaziah <HITCHCOCK>@ the vision of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jahaziel <HITCHCOCK>@ seeing God - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jegar-sahadutha <HITCHCOCK>@ heap of witness - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehaziel <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Jahaziel - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Jehoahaz <HITCHCOCK>@ possession of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Joahaz <HITCHCOCK>@ apprehending; possessing; seeing - HITCHCOCK-J

kjv@STRING:Kehelahath <HITCHCOCK>@ a whole; a congregation - HITCHCOCK-K

kjv@STRING:Lahad <HITCHCOCK>@ praising; to confess - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Lahairoi <HITCHCOCK>@ who liveth and seeth me - HITCHCOCK-L

kjv@STRING:Mahaleleel <HITCHCOCK>@ praising God - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahali <HITCHCOCK>@ infirmity; a harp; pardon - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahanaim <HITCHCOCK>@ tents; two fields; two armies - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahanehdan <HITCHCOCK>@ tents of judgment - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahanem <HITCHCOCK>@ a comforter - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Maharai <HITCHCOCK>@ hasting; a hill; from a hill - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahath <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Maath - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahavites <HITCHCOCK>@ declaring a message; marrow - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahaz <HITCHCOCK>@ an end; ending; growing hope - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mahazioth <HITCHCOCK>@ seeing a sign; seeing a letter - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Makas <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Mahaz - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Maleleel <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Mahaleleel - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mezahab <HITCHCOCK>@ gilded - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Nahaliel <HITCHCOCK>@ inheritance; valley of God - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nahallal <HITCHCOCK>@ praised; bright - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Naharai <HITCHCOCK>@ my nostrils; hot; anger - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nahash <HITCHCOCK>@ snake; serpent - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nahath <HITCHCOCK>@ rest; a leader - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Pahath-Moab <HITCHCOCK>@ ruler of Moab - HITCHCOCK-P

kjv@STRING:Rachab <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Rahab - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Rahab <HITCHCOCK>@ proud; quarrelsome -R(applied to Egypt) - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Rahab <HITCHCOCK>@ large; extended -R(name of a woman) - HITCHCOCK

kjv@STRING:Raham <HITCHCOCK>@ compassion; a friend - HITCHCOCK-R

kjv@STRING:Tahan <HITCHCOCK>@ beseeching; merciful - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tahapenes <HITCHCOCK>@ secret temptation - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Tahath <HITCHCOCK>@ fear; going down - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Thahash <HITCHCOCK>@ that makes haste; that keeps silence - HITCHCOCK-T

kjv@STRING:Zaham <HITCHCOCK>@ crime; filthiness; impurity - HITCHCOCK-Z


AHA @ a term of derision- kjv@Psalms:35:21; kjv@Psalms:40:15; kjv@Psalms:70:3; kjv@Ezekiel:25:3; kjv@Ezekiel:26:2; kjv@Ezekiel:36:2 Derision, DERISION Mocking, MOCKING & MOCKING & SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST

AHAB @ King of Israel, son of Omri

(1) General references to- kjv@1Kings:16:29; kjv@1Kings:17:1; kjv@1Kings:18:5; kjv@1Kings:19:1; kjv@1Kings:20:2; kjv@1Kings:21:25; kjv@1Kings:22:3 kjv@1Kings:20:37; kjv@2Kings:10:1,10

(2) Facts Concerning Established Idolatry- 1Kings:16:30-33; target="11;16;30-33">1Kings:21:26 Was weakminded kjv@1Kings:21:4 The tool of his wife Jezebel- kjv@1Kings:21:7,25 His doom foretold by Elijah- kjv@1Kings:21:22 -By Micaiah kjv@1Kings:22:28 AHASUERUS..SEE Book of Esther kjv@Esther:1:1

AHAZIAH @ (a) King of Judah, also called Azariah, or Jehoahaz, son of Jehoram- kjv@2Kings:8:25; kjv@2Kings:9:16,23,27; kjv@2Chronicles:22:2,9 (b) King of Israel, son of Ahab- kjv@1Kings:22:40,52; kjv@2Kings:1:2,17; kjv@2Chronicles:20:35

AHAZ @ King of Judah, son of Jotham- kjv@2Kings:15:38; kjv@2Kings:16:2,8; kjv@2Kings:20:11; kjv@2Chronicles:28:27; kjv@Isaiah:7:12; kjv@Isaiah:38:8


H28 <STRHEB>@ אבידע 'ăbîydâ‛ ab-ee-daw' From H1 and H3045; father of knowledge (that is knowing); {Abida} a son of Abraham by Keturah: - {Abida} Abidah.

H85 <STRHEB>@ אברהם 'abrâhâm ab-raw-hawm' Contracted from H1 and an unused root (probably meaning to be populous); father of a multitude; {Abraham} the later name of Abram: - Abraham.

H87 <STRHEB>@ אברם 'abrâm ab-rawm' Contracted from H48; high father; {Abram} the original name of Abraham: - Abram.

H1328 <STRHEB>@ בּתוּאל bethû'êl beth-oo-ale' Apparently from the same as H1326 and H410; destroyed of God; {Bethuel} the name of a nephew of {Abraham} and of a place in Palestine: - Bethuel. Compare H1329.

H1514 <STRHEB>@ גּחם gacham gah'-kham From an unused root meaning to burn; flame; {Gacham} a son of Nahor: - Gaham.

H1515 <STRHEB>@ גּחר gachar gah'-khar From an unused root meaning to hide; lurker; {Gachar} one of the Nethinim: - Gahar.

H1723 <STRHEB>@ דּהואo dahăvâ' dah-hav-aw' (Chaldee); of uncertain derivation; {Dahava} a people colonized in Samaria: - Dehavites.

H1774 <STRHEB>@ דּי זהב dîy zâhâb dee zaw-hawb' As if from H1768 and H2091; of gold; {Dizahab} a place in the Desert: - Dizahab.

H1889 <STRHEB>@ האח hech heh-awkh' From H1887 and H253; aha!: - {ah} {aha} ha.

H158 <STRHEB>@ אהב 'ahab ah'-hab From H157; affection (in a good or a bad sense): - love (-r).

H163 <STRHEB>@ אהוא 'ahăvâ' a-hav-aw' Probably of foreign origin; {Ahava} a river of Babylonia: - Ahava.

H175 <STRHEB>@ אהרון 'ahărôn a-har-one' Of uncertain derivation; {Aharon} the brother of Moses: - Aaron.

H2093 <STRHEB>@ זהם zaham zah'-ham From H2092; loathing; {Zaham} an Israelite: - Zaham.

H2175 <STRHEB>@ זמרן zimrân zim-rawn' From H2167; musical; {Zimran} a son of Abraham by Keturah: - Zimran.

H2375 <STRHEB>@ חזו chăzô khaz-o' From H2372; seer; {Chazo} a nephew of Abraham: - Hazo.

H256 <STRHEB>@ אחב אחאב 'achb 'echâb {akh-awb'} ekh-awb' The second form used once (by contraction) in ; from H251 and H1; brother (that {is} friend) of (his) father; {Achab} the name of a king of Israel and of a prophet at Babylon: - Ahab.

H271 <STRHEB>@ אחז 'âchâz aw-khawz' From H270; possessor; {Achaz} the name of a Jewish king and of an Israelite: - Ahaz.

H273 <STRHEB>@ אחזי 'achzay akh-zah'ee From H270; seizer; {Achzai} an Israelite: - Ahasai.

H274 <STRHEB>@ אחזיהוּ אחזיה 'ăchazyâhchazyâhû {akh-az-yaw'} akh-az-yaw'-hoo From H270 and H3050; Jah has seized; {Achazjah} the name of a Jewish and an Israelitish king: - Ahaziah.

H3026 <STRHEB>@ יגר שׂהדוּתא yegar ώahădûthâ' yegar' sah-had-oo-thaw' (Chaldee); from a word derived from an unused root (meaning to gather) and a derivative of a root corresponding to H7717; heap of the testimony; {Jegar-Sahadutha} a cairn East of the Jordan: - Jegar-Sahadutha.

H3059 <STRHEB>@ יהואחז yehô'âchâz yeh-ho-aw-khawz' From H3068 and H270; Jehovah seized; {Jehoachaz} the name of three Israelites: - Jehoahaz. Compare H3099.

H3096 <STRHEB>@ יהצה יהצה יהץ yahats yahtsâh yahtsâh {yah'-hats} {yah'-tsaw} yah-tsaw' From an unused root meaning to stamp; perhaps threshing floor; Jahats or {Jahtsah} a place East of the Jordan: - {Jahaz} {Jahazah} Jahzah.

H3099 <STRHEB>@ יואחז yô'âchâz yo-aw-khawz' A form of H3059; {Joachaz} the name of two Israelites: - {Jehoahaz} Joahaz.

H3166 <STRHEB>@ יחזיאל yachăzîyl yakh-az-ee-ale' From H2372 and H410; beheld of God; {Jachaziel} the name of five Israelites: - {Jahaziel} Jahziel.

H3167 <STRHEB>@ יחזיה yachzeyâh yakh-zeh-yaw' From H2371 and H3050; Jah will behold; {Jachzejah} an Israelite: - Jahaziah.

H3189 <STRHEB>@ יחת yachath yakh'-ath From H3161; unity; {Jachath} the name of four Israelites: - Jahath.

H3327 <STRHEB>@ יצחק yitschâq yits-khawk' From H6711; laughter (that {is} mockery); Jitschak (or {Isaac}) son of Abraham: - Isaac. Compare H3446.

H3435 <STRHEB>@ ישׁבּק yishbâq yish-bawk' From an unused root corresponding to H7662; he will leave; {Jishbak} a son of Abraham: - Ishbak.

H3446 <STRHEB>@ ישׂחק yiώchâq yis-khawk' From H7831; he will laugh; {Jischak} the heir of Abraham: - Isaac. Compare H3327.

H3458 <STRHEB>@ ישׁמעאל yishmâ‛ê'l yish-maw-ale' From H8085 and H410; God will hear; {Jishmael} the name of Abraham´ s oldest {son} and of five Israelites: - Ishmael.

H3777 <STRHEB>@ כּשׂד keώed keh'-sed From an unused root of uncertain meaning; {Kesed} a relative of Abraham: - Chesed.

H3851 <STRHEB>@ להב lahab lah'-hab From an unused root meaning to {gleam} a flash; figuratively a sharply polished blade or point of a weapon: - {blade} {bright} {flame} glittering.

H3854 <STRHEB>@ להג lahag lah'-hag From an unused root meaning to be eager; intense mental application: - study.

H3855 <STRHEB>@ להד lahad lah'-had From an unused root meaning to glow (compare H3851) or else to be earnest (compare H3854); {Lahad} an Israelite: - Lahad.

H3858 <STRHEB>@ להט lahaţ lah'-hat From H3857; a blaze; also (from the idea of enwrapping) magic (as covert): - {flaming} enchantment.

H3876 <STRHEB>@ לוט lôţ lote The same as H3875; {Lot} Abraham´ s nephew: - Lot.

H308 <STRHEB>@ אחסבּי 'ăchasbay akh-as-bah'ee Of uncertain derivation; {Achasbai} an Israelite: - Ahasbai.

H315 <STRHEB>@ אחרח 'achrach akh-rakh From H310 and H251; after (his) brother; {Achrach} an Israelite: - Aharah.

H316 <STRHEB>@ אחרחל 'ăcharchêl akh-ar-kale' From H310 and H2426; behind (the) intrenchment (that {is} safe); {Acharchel} an Israelite: - Aharhel.

H325 <STRHEB>@ אחשׁרשׁ אחשׁורושׁ 'ăchashvêrôsh 'achashrôsh {akh-ash-vay-rosh'} akh-ash-rosh' Of Persian origin; Achashverosh (that {is} Ahasuerus or {Artaxerxes} but in this case {Xerxes}) the title (rather than name) of a Persian king: - Ahasuerus.

H348 <STRHEB>@ איזבל 'îyzebel ee-zeh'-bel From H336 and H2083; {chaste} {Izebel} the wife of king Ahab: - Jezebel.

H4080 <STRHEB>@ מדין midyân mid-yawn' The same as H4079; {Midjan} a son of Abraham; also his country and (collectively) his descendants: - {Midian} Midianite.

H4091 <STRHEB>@ מדן medân med-awn' The same as H4090; {Medan} a son of Abraham: - Medan.

H4111 <STRHEB>@ מהללאל mahălall mah-hal-al-ale' From H4110 and H410; praise of God; {Mahalalel} the name of an antediluvian patriarch and of an Israelite: - Mahalaleel.

H4121 <STRHEB>@ מהרי mahăray mah-har-ah'ee From H4116; hasty; {Maharai} an Israelite: - Maharai.

H4233 <STRHEB>@ מחוים machăvîym makh-av-eem' Apparently a {patrial} but from an unknown place (in the plural only for a singular); a Machavite or inhabitant of some place named Machaveh: - Mahavite.

H4238 <STRHEB>@ מחזיאות machăzîyth makh-az-ee-oth' Feminine plural from H2372; visions; {Machazioth} an Israelite: - Mahazioth.

H4257 <STRHEB>@ מחלת machălath makh-al-ath' From H2470; sickness; {machalath} probably the title (initial word) of a popular song: - Mahalath.

H4258 <STRHEB>@ מחלת machălath makh-al-ath' The smae as H4257; sickness; {Machalath} the name of an Ishmaelitess and of an Israelitess: - Mahalath.

H4265 <STRHEB>@ מחנה־דן machănêh-dân makh-an-ay'-dawn From H4264 and H1835; camp of Dan; {Machaneh-Dan} a place in Palestine: - Mahaneh-dan.

H4266 <STRHEB>@ מחנים machănayim makh-an-ah'-yim Dual of H4264; double camp; {Machanajim} a place in Palestine: - Mahanaim.

H4287 <STRHEB>@ מחת machath makh'-ath Probably from H4229; erasure; {Machath} the name of two Israelites: - Mahath.

H4314 <STRHEB>@ מי זהב mêy zâhâb may zaw-hawb' From H4325 and {H2091} water of gold; {Me-Zahab} an Edomite: - Mezahab.

H4506 <STRHEB>@ מנחת mânachath maw-nakh'-ath From H5117; rest; {Manachath} the name of an Edomite and of a place in Moab: - Manahath.

H5096 <STRHEB>@ נהלל נהלל nahălâl nahălôl {nah-hal-awl'} nah-hal-ole' The same as H5097; Nahalal or {Nahalol} a place in Palestine: - {Nahalal} {Nahallal} Nahalol.

H5099 <STRHEB>@ נהם naham nah'-ham From H5098; a snarl: - roaring.

H5152 <STRHEB>@ נחור nâchôr naw-khore' From the same as H5170; snorer; {Nachor} the name of the grandfather and a brother of Abraham: - Nahor.

H5160 <STRHEB>@ נחליאל nachălîyl nakh-al-ee-ale' From H5158 and H410; valley of God; {Nachaliel} a place in the Desert: - Nahaliel.

H5163 <STRHEB>@ נחם nacham nakh'-am From H5162; consolation; {Nacham} an Israelite: - Naham.

H5167 <STRHEB>@ נחמני nachămânîy nakh-am-aw-nee' From H5162; consolatory; {Nachamani} an Israelite: - Nahamani.

H5171 <STRHEB>@ נחרי נחרי nachăray nachray {nakh-ar-ah'ee} nakh-rah'ee From the same as H5170; snorer; Nacharai or {Nachrai} an Israelite: - {Naharai} Nahari.

H5176 <STRHEB>@ נחשׁ nâchâsh naw-khawsh' The same as H5175; {Nachash} the name of two persons apparently non Israelites: - Nahash.

H5184 <STRHEB>@ נחת nachath nakh'-ath The same as H5183; quiet; {Nachath} the name of an Edomite and of two Israelites: - Nahath.

H5469 <STRHEB>@ סהר sahar sah'-har From an unused root meaning to be round; roundness: - round.

H5517 <STRHEB>@ סיעהא סיעא sîy‛â' sîy‛ăhâ' {see-ah'} see-ah-haw' From an unused root meaning to converse; congregation; {Sia} or {Siaha} one of the Nethinim: - {Sia} Siaha.

H5904 <STRHEB>@ עיר נחשׁ ‛îyr nâchâsh eer naw-khawsh' From H5892 and H5175; city of a serpent; {Ir-Nachash} a place in Palestine: - Ir-nahash.

H588 <STRHEB>@ אנחרת 'ănâchărâth an-aw-kha-rawth' Probably from the same root as H5170; a gorge or narrow pass; {Anacharath} a place in Palestine: - Anaharath.

H6355 <STRHEB>@ פּחת מואב pachath mô'âb pakh'-ath mo-awb' From H6354 and H4124; pit of Moab; Pachath {Moab} an Israelite: - Pahath-moab.

H6394 <STRHEB>@ פּלדּשׁ pildâsh pil-dawsh' Of uncertain derivation; {Pildash} a relative of Abraham: - Pildash.

H6890 <STRHEB>@ צרת השּׁחר tsereth hashshachar tseh'-reth hash-shakh'-ar From the same as H6889 and H7837 with the article interposed; splendor of the dawn; Tsereth hash {Shachar} a place in Palestine: - Zareth-shahar.

H6989 <STRHEB>@ קטוּרה qeţûrâh ket-oo-raw' Feminine passive participle of H6999; perfumed; {Keturah} a wife of Abraham: - Keturah.

H7055 <STRHEB>@ קמוּאל qemû'êl kem-oo-ale' From H6965 and H410; raised of God; {Kemuel} the name of a relative of {Abraham} and of two Israelites: - Kemuel.

H7293 <STRHEB>@ רהב rahab rah'-hab From {H7292} bluster (blusterer): - {proud} strength.

H7294 <STRHEB>@ רהב rahab rah'-hab The same as H7293; Rahab (that {is} {boaster}) an epithet of Egypt: - Rahab.

H7298 <STRHEB>@ רהט rahaţ rah'-hat From an unused root apparently meaning to hollow out; a channel or watering box; by resemblance a ringlet of hair (as forming parallel lines): - {gallery} {gutter} trough.

H7343 <STRHEB>@ רחב râchâb raw-khawb' The same as H7342; proud; {Rachab} a Canaanitess: - Rahab.

H7357 <STRHEB>@ רחם racham rakh'-am The same as H7356; pity; {Racham} an Israelite: - Raham.

H7744 <STRHEB>@ שׁוּח shûach shoo'-akh From H7743; dell; {Shuach} a son of Abraham: - Shuah.

H7831 <STRHEB>@ שׁחצוםo shachătsôm shakh-ats-ome' From the same as H7830; proudly; {Shachatsom} a place in Palestine: - Shahazimah [from the margin].

H7842 <STRHEB>@ שׁחרים shachărayim shakh-ar-ah'-yim Dual of H7837; double dawn; {Shacharajim} an Israelite: - Shaharaim.

H763 <STRHEB>@ ארם נהרים 'ăram nahărayim ar-am' nah-har-ah'-yim From H758 and the dual of H5104; Aram of (the) two rivers (Euphrates and Tigris) or Mesopotamia: - {Aham-naharaim} Mesopotamia.

H8283 <STRHEB>@ שׂרה ώârâh saw-raw' The same as H8282; {Sarah} Abraham´ s wife: - Sarah.

H8297 <STRHEB>@ שׂרי ώâray saw-rah'ee From H8269; dominative; {Sarai} the wife of Abraham: - Sarai.

H8445 <STRHEB>@ תּוקהתo tôqahath to-kah'-ath From the same as H3349; obedience; {Tokahath} an Israelite. (By correction for H8616.): - Tikvath [by correction for H8616].

H8465 <STRHEB>@ תּחן tachan takh'-an Probably from H2583; station; {Tachan} the name of two Israelites: - Tahan.

H8470 <STRHEB>@ תּחני tachănîy takh-an-ee' Patronymic from H8465; a Tachanite (collectively) or descendant of Tachan: - Tahanites.

H8471 <STRHEB>@ תּחפּנס תּחפנחס תּחפּנחסo tachpanchês techaphnechês tachpenês takh-pan-khace' tekh-af-nekh-ace' (etc.) (The second form used in ); (the third form used in ); of Egyptian derivation; {Tachpanches} Techaphneches or {Tachpenes} a place in Egypt: - {Tahapanes} {Tahpanhes} Tehaphnehes.

H8477 <STRHEB>@ תּחשׁ tachash takh'-ash The same as H8476; {Tachash} a relative of Abraham: - Thahash.

H8480 <STRHEB>@ תּחת tachath takh'-ath The same as H8478; {Tachath} the name of a place in the {Desert} also of three Israelites: - Tahath.

H8646 <STRHEB>@ תּרח terach teh'-rakh Of uncertain derivation; {Terach} the father of Abraham; also a place in the Desert: - {Tarah} Terah.

H883 <STRHEB>@ בּאר לחי ראי ber lachay rô'îy be-ayr' lakh-ah'ee ro-ee' From H875 and H2416 (with prefix) and H7208; well of a living (One) my Seer; {Beer-lachai-roi} a place in the Desert: - Beer-lahai-roi.

H923 <STRHEB>@ בּהט bahaţ bah'-hat From an unused root (probably meaning to glisten); white marble or perhaps alabaster: - red [marble].

H978 <STRHEB>@ בּחרוּמי bachărûmîy bakh-ar-oo-mee' Patrial from H980 (by transposition) a Bacharumite or inhabitant of Bachurim: - Baharumite.

G11 <STRGRK>@ Ἀβραάμ Abraam ab-rah-am' Of Hebrew origin [H85]; Abraham the Hebrew patriarch. In the text should probably read Jacob: - Abraham.

G28 <STRGRK>@ Ἄγαρ Agar ag'-ar Of Hebrew origin [H1904]; Hagar the concubine of Abraham: - Hagar.

G1436 <STRGRK>@ ἔα ea eh'-ah Apparent imperative of G1439; properly let it be that is (as interjection) aha !: - let alone.

G2291 <STRGRK>@ Θάρα Thara thar'-ah Of Hebrew origin [H8646]; Thara (that is Terach) the father of Abraham: - Thara.

G2464 <STRGRK>@ Ἰσαάκ Isaak ee-sah-ak' Of Hebrew origin [H3327]; Isaac (that is Jitschak) the son of Abraham: - Isaac.

G3121 <STRGRK>@ Μαλελεήλ Maleleēl mal-el-eh-ale' Of Hebrew origin [H4111]; Maleleel (that is Mahalalel) an antediluvian: - Maleleel.

G3493 <STRGRK>@ Ναχώρ Nachōr nakh-ore' Of Hebrew origin [H5152]; Nachor the grandfather of Abraham: - Nachor.

G4460 <STRGRK>@ Ῥαάβ Rhaab hrah-ab' Of Hebrew origin [H7343]; Raab (that is Rachab) a Canaanitess: - Rahab. See also G4477.

G4564 <STRGRK>@ Σάῤῥα Sarrha sar'-hrah Of Hebrew origin [H8283]; Sarra (that is Sarah) the wife of Abraham: - Sara Sarah.