
Dict: torrey - Altar of Incense


Altar of Incense @ Dimensions, &:c of kjv@Exodus:30:1 kjv@Exodus:30:2 kjv@Exodus:37:25
Covered with Gold kjv@Exodus:30:3 kjv@Exodus:37:26
Top of, surrounded with a crown of gold kjv@Exodus:30:3 kjv@Exodus:37:26
Had four rings of gold under the crown for the staves kjv@Exodus:30:4 kjv@Exodus:37:27
Staves of, covered with gold kjv@Exodus:30:5
Called the golden altar kjv@Exodus:39:38
Placed before the vail in the outer sanctuary kjv@Exodus:30:6 kjv@Exodus:40:5 kjv@Exodus:40:26
Said to be before the Lord kjv@Leviticus:4:7 kjv@1Kings:9:25
Anointed with holy oil kjv@Exodus:30:26 kjv@Exodus:30:27
The priest burned incense on every morning and evening kjv@Exodus:30:7 kjv@Exodus:30:8
No strange incense nor any sacrifice to be offered on kjv@Exodus:30:9
Atonement made for, by the high priest once every year kjv@Exodus:30:10 kjv@Leviticus:16:18 kjv@Leviticus:16:19
The blood of all sin offerings put on the horns of kjv@Leviticus:4:7 kjv@Leviticus:4:18
Punishment for
Offering strange fire on kjv@Leviticus:10:1 kjv@Leviticus:10:2
Unauthorised offering on kjv@2Chronicles:26:16-19
Covered by the priest before removal from the sanctuary kjv@Numbers:4:11
A type of Christ kjv@Revelation:8:3 kjv@Revelation:9:3