
Dict: smith - BUL


BUL - B>@ - (rain). MONTH

BULL, BULLOCK - B>@ - terms used synonymously with ox, oxen, and properly a generic name for horned cattle when a full age and fit for the plough. It is variously rendered "bullock," kjv@Isaiah:65:25) "cow," kjv@Ezekiel:4:15) "oxen," kjv@Genesis:12:16) Kine is used in the Bible as the plural of cow. In kjv@Isaiah:51:20) the "wild bull" ("wild ox" in (14:5)) was possibly one of the larger species of antelope, and took its name from its swiftness. Dr. Robinson mentions larger herds of black and almost harmless buffaloes as still existing in Palestine, and these may be the animal indicated.

BULRUSH - B>@ - (or papyrus), a red growing in the shallow water on the banks of the Nile. It grows to the height of 12 or 15 feet, with a stalk two or three inches in diameter. The stalks are very pliable and can be very closely interwoven, as is evident from their having been used in the construction of arks. kjv@Exodus:2:3-5) Paper was made from this plant, from which it derives its name.