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Dict: smith - GEBA


GEBA - G>@ - (a hill), a city of Benjamin, with "suburbs," allotted to the priests. kjv@Joshua:21:17; kjv@1Chronicles:6:60) It is named amongst the first group of the Benjamite towns
apparently those lying near to and along the north boundary. kjv@Joshua:18:24) Here the name is given as GABA. During the wars of the earlier part of the reign of Saul, Geba was held as a garrison by the Philistines, ( kjv@1Samuel:13:3) but they were ejected by Jonathan. It is now the modern village of Jeba , which stands picturesquely on the top of its steep terraced hill, six miles north of Jerusalem, on the very edge of the great Wady Suweinit , looking northward to the opposite village of ancient Michmash, which also retains its old name of Mukhmas .

GEBAL - G>@ - (mountain), a maritime town of Phoenicia, near Tyre, kjv@Ezekiel:27:9) known by the Greeks as Byblus. It is called Jebail by the Arabs, thus reviving the old biblical name.