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Dict: smith - GIANTS


GIANTS - G>@ - men of extraordinary size or height. They are first spoken of in kjv@Genesis:6:4) under the name Nephilim. We are told in kjv@Genesis:6:1-4) that "there were Nephilim in the earth," and that afterwards the "sons of God" mingling with the beautiful "daughters of mens produced a race of violent and insolent Gibborim (Authorized Version "mighty men"). The Rephalim, a name which frequently occurs. The earliest mention of them is the record of their defeat by Chedorlaomer and some allied kings at Ashteroth Karnaim. The "valley of Rephaim," (2 Samuel kjv@5:18; 1Chronicles:11:15; kjv@Isaiah:17:5) a rich valley southwest of Jerusalem, derived its name from them. They were probably an aboriginal people of which the EMIM, ANAKIM and ZUZIM, THE which see were branches.
See also GOLIATH