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Dict: smith - GILEAD


GILEAD - G>@ - (rocky region). A mountainous region bounded on the west by the Jordan, on the north by Bashan, on the east by the Arabian plateau, and on the south by Moab and Ammon. kjv@Genesis:31:21 kjv@Genesis:3:12-17) It is sometimes called "Mount Gilead," kjv@Genesis:31:25) sometimes "the land of Gilead," kjv@Numbers:32:1) and sometimes simply "Gilead." kjv@Psalms:60:7; kjv@Genesis:37:25) The name Gilead, as is usual in Palestine, describes the physical aspect of the country: it signifies "a hard rocky region." The mountains of Gilead, including Pisgah, Abarim and Peor, have a real elevation of from 2000 to 3000 feet; but their apparent elevation on the western side is much greater, owing to the depression of the Jordan valley, which averages about 3000 feet. Their outline is singularly uniform, resembling a massive wall running along the horizon. Gilead was specially noted for its balm collected from "balm of Gilead" trees, and worth twice its weight in silver. Possibly the name of a mountain west of the Jordan, near Jezreel. kjv@Judges:7:3) We are inclined, however, to think that the true reading in this place should be GILBOA. Son of Machir, grandson of Manasseh. kjv@Numbers:26:29-30) The father of Jephthah. kjv@Judges:11:1-2)

GILEADITES, THE - G>@ - kjv@Numbers:26:29; kjv@Judges:10:3 kjv@Judges:12:4-5), a branch of the tribe of Manasseh, descended from Gilead.