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Dict: smith - HIN



HIND - H>@ - the female of the common stag or Cervus elaphus . It is frequently noticed in the poetical parts of Scripture as emblematic of activity, kjv@Genesis:49:21; kjv@Psalms:18:33) gentleness, kjv@Proverbs:5:19) feminine modesty, (Solomon kjv@2:7; 3:5) earnest longing, kjv@Psalms:42:1) and maternal affection. kjv@Jeremiah:14:5) Its shyness and remoteness from the haunts of men are also alluded to, kjv@Job:39:1) and its timidity, causing it to cast its young at the sound of thunder. kjv@Psalms:29:9)

HINGE - H>@ - Both ancient Egyptian and modern Oriental doors were and are hung by means of pivots turning in sockets on both the upper and lower sides. (Kings:7:50) In Syria, and especially the Hauran, there are many ancient doors consisting of stone slabs with pivots carved out of the same piece, inserted in sockets above and below, and fixed during the building of the house. The allusion in kjv@Proverbs:26:14) is thus clearly explained.

HINNOM - H>@ - (lamentation), Valley of, otherwise called "the valley of the son" or "children of Hinnom," a deep and narrow ravine, with steep, rocky sides, to the south and west of Jerusalem, separating Mount Zion to the north from the "hill of evil counsel," and the sloping rocky plateau of the "plain of Rephaim" to the south. The earliest mention of the valley of Hinnom is in kjv@Joshua:15:8 kjv@Joshua:18:16) where the boundary line between the tribes of Judah and Benjamin is described as passing along the bed of the ravine. On the southern brow, overlooking the valley at its eastern extremity Solomon erected high places for Molech, (Kings:11:7) whose horrid rites were revived from time to time in the same vicinity the later idolatrous kings. Ahaz and Manasseh made their children "pass through the fire" in this valley, ( kjv@2Kings:16:3; kjv@2Chronicles:28:3 kjv@2Chronicles:33:6) and the fiendish custom of infant sacrifice to the fire-gods seems to have been kept up in Tophet, which was another name for this place. To put an end to these abominations the place was polluted by Josiah, who renders it ceremonially unclean by spreading over it human bones and other corruptions, ( kjv@2Kings:23:10 kjv@2Kings:23:13-14 kjv@2Chronicles:34:4-5) from which time it appears to have become the common cesspool of the city, into which sewage was conducted, to be carried off by the waters of the Kidron. From its ceremonial defilement, and from the detested and abominable fire of Molech, if not from the supposed ever-burning funeral piles, the later Jews applied the name of this valley
Ge Hinnom, Gehenna (land of Hinnom)
to denote the place of eternal torment. In this sense the word is used by our Lord. kjv@Matthew:5:29 kjv@Matthew:10:28 kjv@Matthew:23:15 ; kjv@Mark:9:43; kjv@Luke:12:5)