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Dict: easton - Harness


Harness @

(1.) Heb. 'asar, "to bind;" hence the act of fastening animals to a cart ( kjv@1Samuel:6:7 kjv@1Samuel:6:10 kjv@Jeremiah:46:4, etc.).

(2.) An Old English word for "armour;" Heb. neshek ( kjv@2Chronicals:9:24).

(3.) Heb. shiryan, a coat of mail (kjvKings:22:34; kjv@2Chronicals:18:33; rendered "breastplate" in kjv@Isaiah:59:17).

(4.) The children of Israel passed out of Egypt "harnessed" kjv@Exodus:13:18), i.e., in an orderly manner, and as if to meet a foe. The word so rendered is probably a derivative from Hebrew hamesh (i.e., "five"), and may denote that they went up in five divisions, viz., the van, centre, two wings, and rear-guard.