

Dict: smith - JAH


JAH - J>@ - (Jehovah), the abbreviated form of Jehovah, used only in poetry. It occurs frequently in the Hebrew, but with a single exception, kjv@Psalms:68:4) is rendered "Lord" in the Authorized Version. The identity of Jah and Jehovah is strongly marked in two passages of Isaiah
kjv@Isaiah:12:2 kjv@Isaiah:26:4) JEHOVAH.

JAHATH - J>@ - (union). Son of Libni, the son of Gershom, the son of Levi. ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:20) (B.C. after 1706.) Head of a later house in the family of Gershom, being the eldest son of Shimei, the son of Laadan. ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:10-11) A man in the genealogy of Judah, ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:2) son of Reaiah ben
- Shobal. A Levite, son of Shelomoth. ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:22) A Merarite Levite in the reign of Josiah. ( kjv@2Chronicles:34:12) (B.C. 623.)

JAHAZ, ALSO JAHAZA, JAHAZAH AND JUHZAH - J>@ - (trodden down). Under these four forms is given in the Authorized Version the name of a place which in the Hebrew appears as Yahats and Yahtsah . At Jahaz the decisive battle was fought between the children of Israel and Sihon king of the Amorites. kjv@Numbers:21:23 kjv@Numbers:2:32; kjv@Judges:11:20) It was in the allotment of Reuben. kjv@Joshua:13:18) Like many others relating to the places east of the Dead Sea, the question of its site must await further research.

JAHAZA - J>@ - (trodden down). kjv@Joshua:13:18) JAHAZ, ALSO JAHAZA, JAHAZAH AND JUHZAH

JAHAZAH - J>@ - (trodden down). kjv@Joshua:21:36; kjv@Jeremiah:48:21) JAHAZ, ALSO JAHAZA, JAHAZAH AND JUHZAH

JAHNZIAH - J>@ - (whom Jehovah watches over), son of Tikvah, apparently a priest. kjv@Ezra:10:15)

JAHAZIEL - J>@ - (whom God watches over) One of the heroes of Benjamin who joined David at Ziklag. ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:4) (B.C. 1055.) A priest in the reign of David. ( kjv@1Chronicles:16:6) A Kohathite Levite, third son of Hebron. ( kjv@1Chronicles:23:19 kjv@1Chronicles:24:23) Son of Zechariah, a Levite of the Bene
- Asaph in the reign of Jehoshaphat. ( kjv@2Chronicles:20:14) (B.C. 896.) The "son of Jahaziel" was the chief of the Bene
- Shecaniah who returned from Babylon with Ezra. kjv@Ezra:8:5) (B.C. before 459.)

JAHDAI - J>@ - (whom Jehovah directs), a man who appears to be thrust abruptly into the genealogy of Caleb, as the father of six sons. ( kjv@1Chronicles:2:47)

JAHDIEL - J>@ - (whom Jehovah makes joyful), a chieftain of Manasseh on the east of Jordan. ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:24) (B.C. 320.)

JAHDO - J>@ - (united), a Gadite, ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:14) son of Buz and father of Jeshishai.

JAHLEEL - J>@ - (hoping in Jehovah), the third of the three sons of Zebulun, kjv@Genesis:46:14; kjv@Numbers:26:26) founder of the family of Jahleelites. (B.C. 1706.)

JAHMAI - J>@ - (whom Jehovah guards), a man of Issachar, one of the heads of the house of Tolah. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:2) (B.C. 1491)

JAHZAH - J>@ - (trodden down). ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:78) JAHAZ, ALSO JAHAZA, JAHAZAH AND JUHZAH

JAHZEEL - J>@ - (whom God allots), the first of the four sons of Naphtali, kjv@Genesis:46:24) founder of the family of the Jahzeelites. kjv@Numbers:26:48) (B.C. 1306.)

JAHZERAH - J>@ - (whom God leads back), a priest of the house of Immer. ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:12)

JAHZIEL - J>@ - (whom God allots), the same as JAHZEEL. ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:13)