

Dict: all - MANNA


MANNA @ the food of the Israelites in the wilderness- kjv@Exodus:16:4,15,33; kjv@Numbers:11:6; kjv@Joshua:5:12; kjv@Nehemiah:9:20; kjv@John:6:31; kjv@1Corinthians:10:3; kjv@Revelation:2:17 Food

(1), FOOD, PHYSICAL Spiritual Food, FOOD


MANNA - M>@ - (what is this?) (Heb. man). The most important passages of the Old Testament on this topic are the following: kjv@Exodus:16:14-36; kjv@Numbers:11:7-9 kjv@Numbers:11:5 kjv@Numbers:11:16; kjv@Joshua:5:12; kjv@Psalms:78:24; 25) From these passages we learn that the manna came every morning except the Sabbath, in the form of a small round seed resembling the hear frost that it must be gathered early, before the sun became so hot as to melt it; that it must be gathered every day except the Sabbath; that the attempt to lay aside for a succeeding day, except on the clay immediately preceding the Sabbath, failed by the substance becoming wormy and offensive; that it was prepared for food by grinding and baking; that its taste was like fresh oil, and like wafers made with honey, equally agreeable to all palates; that the whole nation, of at least 2,000,000, subsisted upon it for forty years; that it suddenly ceased when they first got the new corn of the land of Canaan; and that it was always regarded as a miraculous gift directly from God, and not as a product of nature. The natural products of the Arabian deserts and other Oriental regions which bear the name of manna have not the qualities or uses ascribed to the manna of Scripture. The latter substance was undoubtedly wholly miraculous, and not in any respect a product of nature, though its name may have come from its resemblance to the natural manna The substance now called manna in the Arabian desert through which the Israelites passed is collected in the month of June from the tarfa or tamarisk shrub (Tamarix gallica). According to Burckhardt it drops from the thorns on the sticks and leaves with which the ground is covered, and must be gathered early in the day or it will be melted by the sun. The Arabs cleanse and boil it, strain it through a cloth and put it in leathern bottles; and in this way it can be kept uninjured for several years. They use it like honey or butter with their unleavened bread, but never make it into cakes or eat it by itself. The whole harvest, which amounts to only five or six hundred pounds, is consumed by the Bedouins, "who," says Schaff consider it the greatest dainty their country affords." The manna of European commerce conies mostly from Calabria and Sicily. It’s gathered during the months of June and July from some species of ash (Ornus europaea and O. rotundifolia), from which it drops in consequence of a puncture by an insect resembling the locust, but distinguished from it by having a sting under its body. The substance is fluid at night and resembles the dew but in the morning it begins to harden.


Manna @ Heb. man-hu, "What is that?" the name given by the Israelites to the food miraculously supplied to them during their wanderings in the wilderness kjv@Exodus:16:15-35). The name is commonly taken as derived from man, an expression of surprise, "What is it?" but more probably it is derived from manan, meaning "to allot," and hence denoting an "allotment" or a "gift." This "gift" from God is described as "a small round thing," like the "hoar-frost on the ground," and "like coriander seed," "of the colour of bdellium," and in taste "like wafers made with honey." It was capable of being baked and boiled, ground in mills, or beaten in a mortar kjv@Exodus:16:23; kjv@Numbers:11:7). If any was kept over till the following morning, it became corrupt with worms; but as on the Sabbath none fell, on the preceding day a double portion was given, and that could be kept over to supply the wants of the Sabbath without becoming corrupt. Directions concerning the gathering of it are fully given kjv@Exodus:16:16-18, 33; kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:8:16). It fell for the first time after the eighth encampment in the desert of Sin, and was daily furnished, except on the Sabbath, for all the years of the wanderings, till they encamped at Gilgal, after crossing the Jordan, when it suddenly ceased, and where they "did eat of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of Israel manna any more" kjv@Joshua:5:12). They now no longer needed the "bread of the wilderness." This manna was evidently altogether a miraculous gift, wholly different from any natural product with which we are acquainted, and which bears this name. The manna of European commerce comes chiefly from Calabria and Sicily. It drops from the twigs of a species of ash during the months of June and July. At night it is fluid and resembles dew, but in the morning it begins to harden. The manna of the Sinaitic peninsula is an exudation from the "manna-tamarisk" tree (Tamarix mannifera), the el-tarfah of the Arabs. This tree is found at the present day in certain well-watered valleys in the peninsula of Sinai. The manna with which the people of Israel were fed for forty years differs in many particulars from all these natural products. Our Lord refers to the manna when he calls himself the "true bread from heaven" kjv@John:6:31-35; 48-51). He is also the "hidden manna" kjv@Revelation:2:17; comp. kjv@John:6:49-51).



Manna @ Miraculously given to Israel for food in the wilderness kjv@Exodus:16:4 kjv@Exodus:16:15 kjv@Nehemiah:9:15
God's manna kjv@Nehemiah:9:20
Bread of heaven kjv@Psalms:105:40
Bread from heaven kjv@Exodus:16:4 kjv@John:6:31
Corn of heaven kjv@Psalms:78:24
Angel's food kjv@Psalms:78:25
Spiritual meat kjv@1Corinthians:10:3
Previously unknown kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:8:16
Described as
Like coriander seed kjv@Exodus:16:31 kjv@Numbers:11:7
White kjv@Exodus:16:31
Like in colour to bdellium kjv@Numbers:11:7
Like in taste to wafers made with honey kjv@Exodus:16:31
Like in taste to oil kjv@Numbers:11:8
Like hoar frost kjv@Exodus:16:14
Fell after the evening dew kjv@Numbers:11:9
None fell on the Sabbath day kjv@Exodus:16:26 kjv@Exodus:16:27
Gathered every morning kjv@Exodus:16:21
An omer of, gathered for each person kjv@Exodus:16:16
Two portions of, gathered the sixth day on account of the Sabbath kjv@Exodus:16:5 kjv@Exodus:16:22-26
He that gathered much or little had sufficient and nothing over kjv@Exodus:16:18
Melted away by the sun kjv@Exodus:16:21
When Israel murmured for bread kjv@Exodus:16:2 kjv@Exodus:16:3
In answer to prayer kjv@Psalms:105:40
Through Moses kjv@John:6:31 kjv@John:6:32
To exhibit God's glory kjv@Exodus:16:7
As a sign of Moses's divine mission kjv@John:6:30 kjv@John:6:31
For forty years kjv@Nehemiah:9:21
As a test of obedience kjv@Exodus:16:4
To teach that man does not live by bread only kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 kjv@Matthew:4:4
To humble and prove Israel kjv@Deuteronomy:8:16
Kept longer than a day (except on the Sabbath) became corrupt kjv@Exodus:16:19 kjv@Exodus:16:20
The Israelites
At first covetous of kjv@Exodus:16:17
Ground, made into cakes and baked in pans kjv@Numbers:11:8
Counted inferior to food of Egypt kjv@Numbers:11:4-6
Loathed kjv@Numbers:21:5
Punished for despising kjv@Numbers:11:10-20
Punished for loathing kjv@Numbers:21:6
Ceased when Israel entered Canaan kjv@Exodus:16:35 kjv@Joshua:5:12
Illustrative of
Christ kjv@John:6:32-35
Blessedness given to saints kjv@Revelation:2:17
A golden pot of, laid up in the holiest for a memorial kjv@Exodus:16:32-34 kjv@Hebrews:9:4



- General scriptures concerning kjv@Exodus:16:4-35; kjv@Numbers:11:6-10; kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:8:16 kjv@Joshua:5:12; kjv@Nehemiah:9:20; kjv@John:6:31 kjv@John:6:Psalms:78:24; 49, 58
- Preserved in the ark of the testimony kjv@Exodus:16:33; kjv@Hebrews:9:4

- FIGURATIVE kjv@John:6:48-51; kjv@1Corinthians:10:3; kjv@Revelation:2:17



kjv@STRING:Madmannah <HITCHCOCK>@ measure of a gift; preparation of a garment - HITCHCOCK-M

kjv@STRING:Mishmannah <HITCHCOCK>@ fatness; taking away provision - HITCHCOCK-M


MANNA @ the food of the Israelites in the wilderness- kjv@Exodus:16:4,15,33; kjv@Numbers:11:6; kjv@Joshua:5:12; kjv@Nehemiah:9:20; kjv@John:6:31; kjv@1Corinthians:10:3; kjv@Revelation:2:17 Food

(1), FOOD, PHYSICAL Spiritual Food, FOOD


H4089 <STRHEB>@ מדמנּה madmannâh mad-man-naw' A variation for H4087; {Madmannah} a place in Palestine: - Madmannah.

H4478 <STRHEB>@ מן mân mawn From H4100; literally a whatness (so to {speak}) that {is} manna (so called from the question about it): - manna.

H4925 <STRHEB>@ משׁמנּה mishmannâh mish-man-naw' From H8080; fatness; {Mashmannah} an Israelite: - Mishmannah.

G3131 <STRGRK>@ μάννα manna man'-nah Of Hebrew origin [H4478]; manna (that is man) an edible gum: - manna.