
Dict: torrey - Ma


Macedonian Empire, the @ Called the kingdom of Grecia kjv@Daniel:11:2
Illustrated by the
Brazen part of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream kjv@Daniel:2:32 kjv@Daniel:2:39
Leopard with four wings and four heads kjv@Daniel:7:16 kjv@Daniel:7:17
Rough goat with notable horn kjv@Daniel:8:5 kjv@Daniel:8:21
Philippi the chief city of kjv@Acts:16:12
Predictions respecting
Conquest of the Medo
- Persian kingdom kjv@Daniel:8:6 kjv@Daniel:8:7 kjv@Daniel:11:2 kjv@Daniel:11:3
Power and greatness of Alexander its last king kjv@Daniel:8:8 kjv@Daniel:11:3
Division of it into four kingdoms kjv@Daniel:8:8 kjv@Daniel:8:22
Divisions of it ruled by strangers kjv@Daniel:11:4
History of its four divisions kjv@Daniel:11:4-29
The little horn to arise out of one of its divisions kjv@Daniel:8:8-12 kjv@Daniel:8:23-25
Gospel preached in, by God's desire kjv@Acts:16:9 kjv@Acts:16:10
Liberality of the churches of kjv@2Corinthians:8:1-5

Magistrates @ Are appointed by God kjv@Romans:13:1
Are ministers of God kjv@Romans:13:4 kjv@Romans:13:6
Purpose of their appointment kjv@Romans:13:4 kjv@1Peter:2:14
Their office to be respected kjv@Acts:23:5
Are not a terror to the good, but to the evil kjv@Romans:13:3
To be wisely selected and appointed kjv@Exodus:18:21 kjv@Ezra:7:25
To be prayed for kjv@1Timothy:2:1 kjv@1Timothy:2:2
Seek wisdom from God kjv@1Kings:3:9
Rule in the fear of God kjv@2Samuel:23:3 kjv@2Chronicles:19:7
Know the law of God kjv@Ezra:7:25
Be faithful to the Sovereign kjv@Daniel:6:4
Enforce the laws kjv@Ezra:7:26
Judge wisely kjv@1Kings:3:16-28
Hate covetousness kjv@Exodus:18:21
Not take bribes kjv@Exodus:23:8 kjv@Deuteronomy:16:19
Defend the poor kjv@Job:29:12 kjv@Job:29:16
Judge for God, not for man kjv@2Chronicles:19:6
Judge righteously kjv@Deuteronomy:1:16 kjv@Deuteronomy:16:18 kjv@Deuteronomy:25:1
Be impartial kjv@Exodus:23:6 kjv@Deuteronomy:1:17
Be diligent in ruling kjv@Romans:12:8
Subjection to their authority enjoined kjv@Matthew:23:2 kjv@Matthew:23:3 kjv@Romans:13:1 kjv@1Peter:2:13 kjv@1Peter:2:14
- Illustrated kjv@Proverbs:28:15
- Exemplified
Joseph kjv@Genesis:41:46
Gideon kjv@Judges:8:35
Samuel kjv@1Samuel:12:3 kjv@1Samuel:12:4 kjv@Ezra:10:1-9
Nehemiah kjv@Nehemiah:3:15
Job kjv@Job:29:16
Daniel kjv@Daniel:6:3
- Exemplified
Sons of Samuel kjv@1Samuel:8:3
Pilate kjv@Matthew:27:24 kjv@Matthew:27:26
Magistrates in Philippi kjv@Acts:16:22 kjv@Acts:16:23
Gallio kjv@Acts:18:16 kjv@Acts:18:17
Felix kjv@Acts:24:26

Malice @ Springs from an evil heart kjv@Matthew:15:19 kjv@Matthew:15:20 kjv@Galatians:5:19
Forbidden kjv@1Corinthians:14:20 kjv@Colossians:3:8 kjv@Ephesians:4:26 kjv@Ephesians:4:27
A hindrance to growth in grace kjv@1Peter:2:1 kjv@1Peter:2:2
Incompatible with the worship of God kjv@1Corinthians:5:7 kjv@1Corinthians:5:8
Christian liberty not to be a cloak for kjv@1Peter:2:16
Saints avoid kjv@Job:31:29 kjv@Job:31:30 kjv@Psalms:35:12-14
The wicked
Speak with kjv@3John:1:10
Live in kjv@Titus:3:3
Conceive kjv@Psalms:7:14
Filled with kjv@Romans:1:29
Visit saints with kjv@Psalms:83:3 kjv@Matthew:22:6
Pray for those who injure you through kjv@Matthew:5:44
Brings its own punishment kjv@Psalms:7:15 kjv@Psalms:7:16
God requites kjv@Psalms:10:14 kjv@Ezekiel:36:5
Punishment of kjv@Amos:1:11 kjv@Amos:1:12 kjv@Obadiah:1:10-15
Cain kjv@Genesis:4:5
Esau kjv@Genesis:27:41
Joseph's brethren kjv@Genesis:37:19 kjv@Genesis:37:20
Saul kjv@1Samuel:18:9-11
Shimei kjv@2Samuel:16:5 kjv@1Kings:2:8 kjv@1Kings:2:9
Joab kjv@2Samuel:3:27 kjv@1Kings:2:5 kjv@1Kings:2:28-33
Sanballat kjv@Nehemiah:2:10
Haman kjv@Esther:3:5 kjv@Esther:3:6
Edomites kjv@Ezekiel:35:5
Presidents, &:c kjv@Daniel:6:4-9
Herodias kjv@Mark:6:19
Scribes &:c kjv@Mark:11:18 kjv@Luke:11:54
Diotrephes kjv@3John:1:10

Man @ Made for God kjv@Proverbs:16:4 kjv@Revelation:4:11
God's purpose in creation completed by making kjv@Genesis:2:5 kjv@Genesis:2:7
Cannot profit God kjv@Job:22:2 kjv@Psalms:16:2
Unworthy of God's favour kjv@Job:7:17 kjv@Psalms:8:4
By God kjv@Genesis:1:27 kjv@Isaiah:45:12
By Christ kjv@John:1:3 kjv@Colossians:1:16
By the Holy Spirit kjv@Job:33:4
After consultation, by the Trinity kjv@Genesis:1:26
On the sixth day kjv@Genesis:1:31
Upon the earth kjv@Deuteronomy:4:32 kjv@Job:20:4
From the dust kjv@Genesis:2:7 kjv@Job:33:6
In the image of God kjv@Genesis:1:26 kjv@Genesis:1:27 kjv@1Corinthians:11:7
After the likeness of God kjv@Genesis:1:26 kjv@James:3:9
Male and female kjv@Genesis:1:27 kjv@Genesis:5:2
A living soul kjv@Genesis:2:7 kjv@1Corinthians:15:45
In uprightness kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:29
In knowledge (inferred) kjv@Colossians:3:10
Under obligations to obedience kjv@Genesis:2:16 kjv@Genesis:2:17
A type of Christ kjv@Romans:5:14
Approved of by God kjv@Genesis:1:31
Blessed by God kjv@Genesis:1:28 kjv@Genesis:5:2
Placed in the garden of Eden kjv@Genesis:2:15
Every herb and tree given to, for food kjv@Genesis:1:29
Allowed to eat flesh after the flood kjv@Genesis:9:3
Not good for, to be alone kjv@Genesis:2:18
Woman formed to be a help for kjv@Genesis:2:20-25
Possessed of
A Body kjv@Matthew:6:25
A soul kjv@Luke:12:20 kjv@Acts:14:22 kjv@1Peter:4:19
A spirit kjv@Proverbs:18:14 kjv@Proverbs:20:17 kjv@1Corinthians:2:11
Understanding kjv@Ephesians:1:18 kjv@Ephesians:4:18
Will kjv@1Corinthians:9:17 kjv@2Peter:1:21
Affections kjv@1Chronicles:29:3 kjv@Colossians:3:2
Conscience kjv@Romans:2:15 kjv@1Timothy:4:2
Memory kjv@Genesis:41:9 kjv@1Corinthians:15:2
Made by God in his successive generations kjv@Job:10:8-11 kjv@Job:31:15
Fearfully and wonderfully made kjv@Psalms:139:14
Of every nation, made of one blood kjv@Acts:17:26
Quickened by the breath of God kjv@Genesis:2:7 kjv@Genesis:7:22 kjv@Job:33:4
Made wise by the inspiration of the Almighty kjv@Job:32:8 kjv@Job:32:9
Inferior to angels kjv@Psalms:8:5 kjv@Hebrews:2:7
Is of the earth earthy kjv@1Corinthians:15:47
Nature and constitution of, different from other creatures kjv@1Corinthians:15:39
More valuable than other creatures kjv@Matthew:6:26 kjv@Matthew:10:31 kjv@Matthew:12:12
Wiser than other creatures kjv@Job:35:11
Received dominion over other creatures kjv@Genesis:1:28 kjv@Psalms:8:6-8
Gave names to other creatures kjv@Genesis:2:19 kjv@Genesis:2:20
Intellect of, matured by age kjv@1Corinthians:13:11
The potsherd of the earth kjv@Isaiah:45:9
A worm kjv@Job:25:6
Vain man kjv@Job:11:12 kjv@James:2:20
Flesh kjv@Genesis:6:12 kjv@Joel:2:28
Compared to
Grass kjv@Isaiah:40:6-8 kjv@1Peter:1:24
Clay in the potter's hand kjv@Isaiah:64:8 kjv@Jeremiah:18:2 kjv@Jeremiah:18:6
Vanity kjv@Psalms:144:4
A sleep kjv@Psalms:90:5
A wild ass's colt kjv@Job:11:12
Originally naked and not ashamed kjv@Genesis:2:25
Disobeyed God by eating part of the forbidden fruit kjv@Genesis:3:1-12
Filled with shame after the fall kjv@Genesis:3:10
Covered himself with fig leaves kjv@Genesis:3:7
Clothed by God with skins kjv@Genesis:3:21
Punished for disobedience kjv@Genesis:3:16-19
Banished from paradise kjv@Genesis:3:23 kjv@Genesis:3:24
Involved posterity in his ruin kjv@Romans:5:12-19
Has sought out many inventions kjv@Ecclesiastes:7:29
Born in sin kjv@Psalms:51:5
Born to trouble kjv@Job:5:7
Has an appointed time on the earth kjv@Job:7:1
Days of, compared to a shadow kjv@1Chronicles:29:15
Days of, as the days of a hireling kjv@Job:7:1
Has but few days kjv@Job:14:1
Ordinary limit of his life kjv@Psalms:90:10
Ignorant of what is good for him kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:2
Ignorant of what is to come after him kjv@Ecclesiastes:10:14
Not profited by all his labour and travail kjv@Ecclesiastes:2:22 kjv@Ecclesiastes:6:12
Cannot direct his ways kjv@Jeremiah:10:23 kjv@Proverbs:20:24
Walks in a vain show kjv@Psalms:39:6
Instructs kjv@Psalms:94:10
Orders the goings of kjv@Proverbs:5:21 kjv@Proverbs:20:24
Prepares the heart of kjv@Proverbs:16:1
Enables to speak kjv@Proverbs:16:1
Preserves kjv@Job:7:20 kjv@Psalms:36:6
Provides for kjv@Psalms:145:15 kjv@Psalms:145:16
Destroys the hopes of kjv@Job:14:19
Makes the wrath of, to praise him kjv@Psalms:76:10
Makes his beauty consume away kjv@Psalms:39:11
Turns to destruction kjv@Psalms:90:3
Cannot be just with God kjv@Job:9:2 kjv@Job:25:4 kjv@Psalms:143:2 kjv@Romans:3:20
Cannot cleanse himself kjv@Job:15:14 kjv@Jeremiah:2:22
All the ways of, clean in his own eyes kjv@Proverbs:16:2
Knew what was in kjv@John:2:25
Took on him nature of kjv@John:1:14 kjv@Hebrews:2:14 kjv@Hebrews:2:16
Made in the image of kjv@Philippians:2:7
Was found in fashion as kjv@Philippians:2:8
Approved of God as kjv@Acts:2:22
Called the second, as covenant head of the church kjv@1Corinthians:15:47
Is the head of every kjv@1Corinthians:11:3
A refuge as, to sinners kjv@Isaiah:32:2
As such, is the cause of the resurrection kjv@1Corinthians:15:21 kjv@1Corinthians:15:22
Shall be recompensed according to his works kjv@Psalms:62:12 kjv@Romans:2:6
Cannot retain his spirit from death kjv@Ecclesiastes:8:8
Would give all his possessions for the preservation of life kjv@Job:2:4
Able to sustain bodily affliction kjv@Proverbs:18:14
Sinks under trouble of mind kjv@Proverbs:18:14
No trust to be placed in kjv@Psalms:118:8 kjv@Isaiah:2:22
The help of, vain kjv@Psalms:60:11
The whole duty of kjv@Ecclesiastes:12:13

Manasseh, the Tribe Of @ Descended from Joseph's eldest son adopted by Jacob kjv@Genesis:41:51 kjv@Genesis:48:5
Predictions respecting kjv@Genesis:48:20 kjv@Genesis:49:22-26 kjv@Deuteronomy:33:13-17
Persons selected from
To number the people kjv@Numbers:1:10
To spy out the land kjv@Numbers:13:11
To divide the land kjv@Numbers:34:23
Strength of, on leaving Egypt kjv@Numbers:1:34 kjv@Numbers:1:35
Part of third division of Israel in their journeys kjv@Numbers:10:22 kjv@Numbers:10:23
Encamped next to, and under the standard of Ephraim west of tabernacle kjv@Numbers:2:18 kjv@Numbers:2:20
Offering of, at dedication kjv@Numbers:7:54-59
Families of kjv@Numbers:26:29-33
Strength of, on entering Canaan kjv@Numbers:26:34
On Gerizim said amen to the blessing kjv@Deuteronomy:27:12
Half of, obtained inheritance east of Jordan kjv@Numbers:32:33 kjv@Numbers:32:39-42 kjv@Joshua:13:29-31
Inheritance of the other half kjv@Joshua:17:1-11
Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary kjv@Joshua:17:12 kjv@Joshua:17:13 kjv@Judges:1:27 kjv@Judges:1:28
Some of
Aided David against Saul kjv@1Chronicles:12:19-21
At coronation of David kjv@1Chronicles:12:31-37
Returned to their allegiance to the house of David in Asa's reign kjv@2Chronicles:15:9
At Hezekiah's passover kjv@2Chronicles:30:1 kjv@2Chronicles:30:11 kjv@2Chronicles:30:18
David appointed rulers and captains over kjv@1Chronicles:26:32 kjv@1Chronicles:27:20 kjv@1Chronicles:27:21
Often at war with Ephraim kjv@Judges:12:1 kjv@Judges:12:6 kjv@Isaiah:9:21
Country of, purified from idols by Hezekiah and Josiah kjv@2Chronicles:31:1 kjv@2Chronicles:34:6
Remarkable persons of
Daughters of Zelophehad kjv@Numbers:27:1-7
Gideon kjv@Judges:6:15
Abimelech kjv@Judges:9:1
Jotham kjv@Judges:9:5 kjv@Judges:9:7 kjv@Judges:9:21
Jair kjv@Judges:10:3
Jephthah kjv@Judges:11:1
Barzillai kjv@2Samuel:17:27
Elijah kjv@1Kings:17:1

Manna @ Miraculously given to Israel for food in the wilderness kjv@Exodus:16:4 kjv@Exodus:16:15 kjv@Nehemiah:9:15
God's manna kjv@Nehemiah:9:20
Bread of heaven kjv@Psalms:105:40
Bread from heaven kjv@Exodus:16:4 kjv@John:6:31
Corn of heaven kjv@Psalms:78:24
Angel's food kjv@Psalms:78:25
Spiritual meat kjv@1Corinthians:10:3
Previously unknown kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:8:16
Described as
Like coriander seed kjv@Exodus:16:31 kjv@Numbers:11:7
White kjv@Exodus:16:31
Like in colour to bdellium kjv@Numbers:11:7
Like in taste to wafers made with honey kjv@Exodus:16:31
Like in taste to oil kjv@Numbers:11:8
Like hoar frost kjv@Exodus:16:14
Fell after the evening dew kjv@Numbers:11:9
None fell on the Sabbath day kjv@Exodus:16:26 kjv@Exodus:16:27
Gathered every morning kjv@Exodus:16:21
An omer of, gathered for each person kjv@Exodus:16:16
Two portions of, gathered the sixth day on account of the Sabbath kjv@Exodus:16:5 kjv@Exodus:16:22-26
He that gathered much or little had sufficient and nothing over kjv@Exodus:16:18
Melted away by the sun kjv@Exodus:16:21
When Israel murmured for bread kjv@Exodus:16:2 kjv@Exodus:16:3
In answer to prayer kjv@Psalms:105:40
Through Moses kjv@John:6:31 kjv@John:6:32
To exhibit God's glory kjv@Exodus:16:7
As a sign of Moses's divine mission kjv@John:6:30 kjv@John:6:31
For forty years kjv@Nehemiah:9:21
As a test of obedience kjv@Exodus:16:4
To teach that man does not live by bread only kjv@Deuteronomy:8:3 kjv@Matthew:4:4
To humble and prove Israel kjv@Deuteronomy:8:16
Kept longer than a day (except on the Sabbath) became corrupt kjv@Exodus:16:19 kjv@Exodus:16:20
The Israelites
At first covetous of kjv@Exodus:16:17
Ground, made into cakes and baked in pans kjv@Numbers:11:8
Counted inferior to food of Egypt kjv@Numbers:11:4-6
Loathed kjv@Numbers:21:5
Punished for despising kjv@Numbers:11:10-20
Punished for loathing kjv@Numbers:21:6
Ceased when Israel entered Canaan kjv@Exodus:16:35 kjv@Joshua:5:12
Illustrative of
Christ kjv@John:6:32-35
Blessedness given to saints kjv@Revelation:2:17
A golden pot of, laid up in the holiest for a memorial kjv@Exodus:16:32-34 kjv@Hebrews:9:4

Marriage @ Divinely instituted kjv@Genesis:2:24
A covenant relationship kjv@Malachi:2:4
Designed for
The happiness of man kjv@Genesis:2:18
Increasing the human population kjv@Genesis:1:28 kjv@Genesis:9:1
Raising up godly seed kjv@Malachi:2:15
Preventing fornication kjv@1Corinthians:7:2
Alliance and Society with the Enemies of God kjv@Genesis:3:15 kjv@Genesis:4:1
Lawful in all kjv@1Corinthians:7:2 kjv@1Corinthians:7:28 kjv@1Timothy:5:14
Honourable for all kjv@Hebrews:13:4
Should be only in the Lord kjv@1Corinthians:7:39
Expressed by
Joining together kjv@Matthew:19:6
Making affinity kjv@1Kings:3:1
Taking to wife kjv@Exodus:2:1
Giving daughters to sons, and sons to daughters kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3 kjv@Ezra:9:12
Indissoluble during the joint lives of the parties kjv@Matthew:19:6 kjv@Romans:7:2 kjv@Romans:7:3 kjv@1Corinthians:7:39
Early introduction of polygamy kjv@Genesis:4:19
Contracted in patriarchal age with near relations kjv@Genesis:20:12 kjv@Genesis:24:24 kjv@Genesis:28:2
Often contracted by parents for children kjv@Genesis:24:49-51 kjv@Genesis:34:6 kjv@Genesis:34:8
Should be with consent of parents kjv@Genesis:28:8 kjv@Judges:14:2 kjv@Judges:14:3
Consent of the parties necessary to kjv@Genesis:24:57 kjv@Genesis:24:58 kjv@1Samuel:18:20 kjv@1Samuel:25:41
Parents might refuse to give their children in kjv@Exodus:22:17 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3
The Jews
Forbidden to contract, with their near relations kjv@Leviticus:18:6
Forbidden to contract with idolaters kjv@Deuteronomy:7:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:7:4 kjv@Joshua:23:12 kjv@Ezra:9:11 kjv@Ezra:9:12
Often contracted with foreigners kjv@1Kings:11:1 kjv@Nehemiah:13:23
Sometimes guilty of polygamy kjv@1Kings:11:1 kjv@1Kings:11:3
Careful in contracting for their children kjv@Genesis:24:2 kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:28:1 kjv@Genesis:28:2
Betrothed themselves some time before kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7 kjv@Judges:14:5 kjv@Judges:14:7 kjv@Judges:14:8 kjv@Matthew:1:18
Contracted when young kjv@Proverbs:2:17 kjv@Joel:1:8
Often contracted, in their own tribe kjv@Exodus:2:1 kjv@Numbers:36:6-13 kjv@Luke:1:5 kjv@Luke:1:27
Obliged to contract with a brother's wife who died without seed kjv@Deuteronomy:25:5 kjv@Matthew:22:24
Considered being debarred from, a reproach kjv@Isaiah:4:1
Considered being debarred from, a cause of grief kjv@Judges:11:38
Often punished by being debarred from kjv@Jeremiah:7:34 kjv@Jeremiah:16:9 kjv@Jeremiah:25:10
Were allowed divorce from, because of hardness of their hearts kjv@Deuteronomy:24:1 kjv@Matthew:19:7 kjv@Matthew:19:8
Exempted from going to war immediately after kjv@Deuteronomy:20:7
Priest not to contract, with divorced or improper persons kjv@Leviticus:21:7
The high priest not to contract, with a widow or a divorced or profane person kjv@Leviticus:21:14
Contracted at the gate and before witnesses kjv@Ruth:4:1 kjv@Ruth:4:10 kjv@Ruth:4:11
Modes of demanding women in kjv@Genesis:24:3 kjv@Genesis:24:4 kjv@Genesis:34:6 kjv@Genesis:34:8 kjv@1Samuel:25:39 kjv@1Samuel:25:40
Elder daughters usually given in, before the younger kjv@Genesis:29:26
A dowry given to the woman's parents before kjv@Genesis:29:18 kjv@Genesis:34:12 kjv@1Samuel:18:27 kjv@1Samuel:18:28 kjv@Hosea:3:2
With great rejoicing kjv@Jeremiah:33:11 kjv@John:3:29
With feasting kjv@Genesis:29:22 kjv@Judges:14:10 kjv@Matthew:22:2 kjv@Matthew:22:3 kjv@John:2:1-10
For seven days kjv@Judges:14:12
A benediction pronounced after kjv@Genesis:24:60 kjv@Ruth:4:11 kjv@Ruth:4:12
The bride
Received presents before kjv@Genesis:24:53
Given a handmaid at kjv@Genesis:24:59 kjv@Genesis:29:24 kjv@Genesis:29:29
Adorned with jewels for kjv@Isaiah:49:18 kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Gorgeously apparelled kjv@Psalms:45:13 kjv@Psalms:45:14
Attended by bridesmaids kjv@Psalms:45:9
Stood on the right of bridegroom kjv@Psalms:45:9
Called to forget her father's house kjv@Psalms:45:10
The bridegroom
Adorned with ornaments kjv@Isaiah:61:10
Attended by many friends kjv@Judges:14:11 kjv@John:3:29
Presented with gifts kjv@Psalms:45:12
Crowned with garlands kjv@Songs:3:11
Rejoiced over the bride kjv@Isaiah:62:5
Returned with the bride to his house at night kjv@Matthew:25:1-6
Garments provided for guests at kjv@Matthew:22:12
Infidelity of those contracted in, punished as if married kjv@Deuteronomy:22:23 kjv@Deuteronomy:22:24 kjv@Matthew:1:19
Illustrative of
God's union with the Jewish nation kjv@Isaiah:54:5 kjv@Jeremiah:3:14 kjv@Hosea:2:19 kjv@Hosea:2:20
Christ's union with his church kjv@Ephesians:5:23 kjv@Ephesians:5:24 kjv@Ephesians:5:32

Martyrdom @ Is death endured for the word of God, and testimony of Christ kjv@Revelation:6:9 kjv@Revelation:20:4
Forewarned of kjv@Matthew:10:21 kjv@Matthew:24:9 kjv@John:16:2
Should not fear kjv@Matthew:10:28 kjv@Revelation:2:10
Should be prepared for kjv@Matthew:16:24 kjv@Matthew:16:25 kjv@Acts:21:13
Should resist sin to kjv@Hebrews:12:4
Reward of kjv@Revelation:2:10 kjv@Revelation:6:11
Inflicted at the instigation of the devil kjv@Revelation:2:10 kjv@Revelation:2:13
The Apostasy guilty of inflicting kjv@Revelation:17:6 kjv@Revelation:18:24
Of saints, shall be avenged kjv@Luke:11:50 kjv@Luke:11:51 kjv@Revelation:18:20-24
Abel kjv@Genesis:4:8 kjv@1John:3:12
Ahimelech and his fellow priests kjv@1Samuel:22:18 kjv@1Samuel:22:19
Prophets and Saints of old kjv@1Kings:18:4 kjv@1Kings:19:10 kjv@Luke:11:50 kjv@Luke:11:51 kjv@Hebrews:11:37
Urijah kjv@Jeremiah:26:23
John the Baptist kjv@Mark:6:27
Peter kjv@John:21:18 kjv@John:21:19
Stephen kjv@Acts:7:58
Christians kjv@Acts:9:1 kjv@Acts:22:4 kjv@Acts:26:10
James kjv@Acts:12:2
Antipas kjv@Revelation:2:13

Masters @ Authority of, established kjv@Colossians:3:22 kjv@1Peter:2:18
Should, with their households,
Worship God kjv@Genesis:35:3
Fear God kjv@Acts:10:2
Serve God kjv@Joshua:24:15
Observe the Sabbath kjv@Exodus:20:10 kjv@Deuteronomy:5:12-14
Put away idols kjv@Genesis:35:2
Should select faithful servants kjv@Genesis:24:2 kjv@Psalms:101:6 kjv@Psalms:101:7
Should receive faithful advice from servants kjv@2Kings:5:13 kjv@2Kings:5:14
Duty of, toward servants:
To act justly kjv@Job:31:13 kjv@Job:31:15 kjv@Colossians:4:1
To deal with them in the fear of God kjv@Ephesians:6:9 kjv@Colossians:4:1
To esteem them highly, if saints kjv@Philemon:1:16
To take care of them in sickness kjv@Luke:7:3
To forbear threatening them kjv@Ephesians:6:9
Not to defraud them kjv@Genesis:31:7
Not to keep back their wages kjv@Leviticus:19:13 kjv@Deuteronomy:24:15
Not to rule over them with rigour kjv@Leviticus:25:43 kjv@Deuteronomy:24:14
Benevolent, blessed kjv@Deuteronomy:15:18
Unjust, denounced kjv@Jeremiah:22:13 kjv@James:5:4
- Exemplified
Abraham kjv@Genesis:18:19
Jacob kjv@Genesis:35:2
Joshua kjv@Joshua:24:15
Centurion kjv@Luke:7:2 kjv@Luke:7:3
Cornelius kjv@Acts:10:2
- Exemplified
Egyptians kjv@Exodus:1:13 kjv@Exodus:1:14
Nabal kjv@1Samuel:25:17
Amalekite kjv@1Samuel:30:13