
Dict: all - Moabite


MOABITES @ descendants of Moab, Lot's son- kjv@Genesis:19:37; kjv@Numbers:25:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9; kjv@1Kings:11:1; kjv@Ezra:9:1; kjv@Nehemiah:13:23


MOABITE STONE, THE - M>@ - In the year 1868 Rev. F. Klein, of the Church Missionary Society at Jerusalem, found at Dhiban (the biblical Dibon), in Moab, a remarkable stone, since called the Moabite Stone. It was lying on the ground, with the inscription uppermost, and measures about 3 feet 9 inches long, 2 feet 4 inches wide and 1 foot 2 inches thick. It is a very heavy, compact black basalt. An impression was made of the main block, and of certain recovered parts broken off by the Arabs. It was broken by the Arabs, but the fragments were purchased by the French government for 32,000 francs, and are in the Louvre in Paris. The engraved face is about the shape of an ordinary gravestone, rounded at the top. On this stone is the record in the Phoenician characters of the wars of Mesha, king of Moab, with Israel. ( kjv@2Kings:3:4) It speaks of King Omri and other names of places and persons mentioned in the Bible, and belongs to this exact period of jewish and Moabite history. The names given on the Moabite Stone, engraved by one who knew them in daily life, are, in nearly every case, identical with those found in the Bible itself, and testify to the wonderful integrity with which the Scriptures have been preserved. "The inscription reads like a leaf taken out of a lost book of Chronicles. The expressions are the same; the names of gods, kings and of towns are the same."
See Rawlinson’s "Historical Illustrations;" American Cyclopedia ; and Bibliotheca Sacra , Oct. 20, 1870.


Moabite @ the designation of a tribe descended from Moab, the son of Lot kjv@Genesis:19:37). From Zoar, the cradle of this tribe, on the south-eastern border of the Dead Sea, they gradually spread over the region on the east of Jordan. Rameses II., the Pharaoh of the Oppression, enumerates Moab (Muab) among his conquests. Shortly before the Exodus, the warlike Amorites crossed the Jordan under Sihon their king and drove the Moabites kjv@Numbers:21:26-30) out of the region between the Arnon and the Jabbok, and occupied it, making Heshbon their capital. They were then confined to the territory to the south of the Arnon. On their journey the Israelites did not pass through Moab, but through the "wilderness" to the east kjv@Deuteronomy:2:8; kjv@Judges:11:18), at length reaching the country to the north of the Arnon. Here they remained for some time till they had conquered Bashan (see SIHON; OG). The Moabites were alarmed, and their king, Balak, sought aid from the Midianites kjv@Numbers:22:2-4). It was while they were here that the visit of Balaam (q.v.) to Balak took place. (
See MOSES.) After the Conquest, the Moabites maintained hostile relations with the Israelites, and frequently harassed them in war kjv@Judges:3:12-30; 1Samuel:14). The story of Ruth, however, shows the existence of friendly relations between Moab and Bethlehem. By his descent from Ruth, David may be said to have had Moabite blood in his veins. Yet there was war between David and the Moabites ( kjv@2Samuel:8:2 kjv@2Samuel:23:20; kjv@1Chronicles:18:2), from whom he took great spoil ( kjv@2Samuel:8:2 kjv@2Samuel:8:11, 12; kjv@1Chronicles:11:22 kjv@1Chronicles:18:11). During the one hundred and fifty years which followed the defeat of the Moabites, after the death of Ahab (see MESHA), they regained, apparently, much of their former prosperty. At this time Isaiah (15:1) delivered his "burden of Moab," predicting the coming of judgment on that land (comp. kjv@2Kings:17:3 kjv@2Kings:18:9; kjv@1Chronicles:5:25-26). Between the time of Isaiah and the commencement of the Babylonian captivity we have very seldom any reference to Moab kjv@Jeremiah:25:21 kjv@Jeremiah:27:3 kjv@Jeremiah:40:11 ; kjv@Zephaniah:2:8-10). After the Return, it was Sanballat, a Moabite, who took chief part in seeking to prevent the rebuilding of Jerusalem kjv@Nehemiah:2:19 kjv@Nehemiah:4:1 kjv@Nehemiah:6:1 ).

Moabite Stone @ a basalt stone, bearing an inscription by King Mesha, which was discovered at Dibon by Klein, a German missionary at Jerusalem, in 1868. It was 3 1/2 feet high and 2 in breadth and in thickness, rounded at the top. It consisted of thirty-four lines, written in Hebrew
- Phoenician characters. It was set up by Mesha as a record and memorial of his victories. It records

(1) Mesha's wars with Omri,

(2) his public buildings, and

(3) his wars against Horonaim. This inscription in a remarkable degree supplements and corroborates the history of King Mesha recorded in kjv@2Kings:3:4-27. With the exception of a very few variations, the Moabite language in which the inscription is written is identical with the Hebrew. The form of the letters here used supplies very important and interesting information regarding the history of the formation of the alphabet, as well as, incidentally, regarding the arts of civilized life of those times in the land of Moab. This ancient monument, recording the heroic struggles of King Mesha with Omri and Ahab, was erected about B.C. 900. Here "we have the identical slab on which the workmen of the old world carved the history of their own times, and from which the eye of their contemporaries read thousands of years ago the record of events of which they themselves had been the witnesses." It is the oldest inscription written in alphabetic characters, and hence is, apart from its value in the domain of Hebrew antiquities, of great linguistic importance.



Moabites @ Descended from Lot kjv@Genesis:19:37
Children of Lot kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9
People of Chemosh kjv@Numbers:21:29 kjv@Jeremiah:48:46
Are given to, as a possession kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9
Separated from the Amorites by the river Arnon kjv@Numbers:21:13
Expelled the ancient Emims kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9-11
Possessed many and great cities kjv@Numbers:21:28 kjv@Numbers:21:30 kjv@Isaiah:15:1-4 kjv@Jeremiah:48:21-24
Governed by kings kjv@Numbers:23:7 kjv@Joshua:24:9
Described as
Proud and arrogant kjv@Isaiah:16:6 kjv@Jeremiah:48:29
Idolatrous kjv@1Kings:11:7
Superstitious kjv@Jeremiah:27:3 kjv@Jeremiah:27:9
Rich and confident kjv@Jeremiah:48:7
Prosperous and at ease kjv@Jeremiah:48:11
Mighty men of war kjv@Jeremiah:48:14
Deprived of a large part of their territories by the Amorites kjv@Numbers:21:26
Refused to let Israel pass kjv@Judges:11:17 kjv@Judges:11:18
Alarmed at the number, &:c of Israel kjv@Numbers:22:3
With Midian send for Balaam to curse Israel Numbers:22-23
Enticed to idolatry by kjv@Numbers:25:1-3
Forbidden to spoil kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9 kjv@Judges:11:15
Forbidden to make leagues with kjv@Deuteronomy:23:6
Sometimes intermarried with kjv@Ruth:1:4 kjv@1Kings:11:1 kjv@1Chronicles:8:8 kjv@Nehemiah:13:23
Excluded from the congregation of Israel forever kjv@Deuteronomy:23:3 kjv@Deuteronomy:23:4 kjv@Nehemiah:13:1 kjv@Nehemiah:13:2
Always hostile to Israel kjv@Psalms:83:6 kjv@Ezekiel:25:8
Harassed and subdued by Saul kjv@1Samuel:14:47
Gave an asylum to David's family kjv@1Samuel:22:4
Made tributary to David kjv@2Samuel:8:2 kjv@2Samuel:8:12
Benaiah slew two champions of kjv@2Samuel:23:20
Paid tribute of sheep and wool to the king of Israel kjv@2Kings:3:4 kjv@Isaiah:16:1
Revolted from Israel after the death of Ahab kjv@2Kings:1:1 kjv@2Kings:3:5
Israel and Judah joined against kjv@2Kings:3:6 kjv@2Kings:3:7
Miraculously deceived by the colour of the water kjv@2Kings:3:21-24
Conquered by Israel and Judah kjv@2Kings:3:24-26
King of, sacrificed his son to excite animosity against Israel kjv@2Kings:3:27
Joined Babylon against Judah kjv@2Kings:24:2
Prophesies respecting
Terror on account of Israel kjv@Exodus:15:15
Desolation and grief kjv@Isaiah:15:1-9 kjv@Isaiah:16:2-11
Inability to avert destruction kjv@Isaiah:16:12
To destroyed in three years kjv@Isaiah:16:13 kjv@Isaiah:16:14
To be captives in Babylon kjv@Jeremiah:27:3 kjv@Jeremiah:27:8 kjv@Jeremiah:48:7
Their desolation as a punishment for their hatred of Israel kjv@Jeremiah:48:26 kjv@Jeremiah:48:27 kjv@Ezekiel:25:8 kjv@Ezekiel:25:9
Restoration from captivity kjv@Jeremiah:48:47
Subjugation to Messiah kjv@Numbers:24:17 kjv@Isaiah:25:10
Subjugation to Israel kjv@Isaiah:11:14



- Descendants of Lot through his son Moab kjv@Genesis:19:37
- Called the people of Chemosh kjv@Numbers:21:29
- The territory east of the Jordan River, bounded on the north by the Arnon River kjv@Numbers:21:13; kjv@Judges:11:18
- The people of Israel commanded not to distress the Moabites kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9
- Refuse passage of Jephthah's army through their territory kjv@Judges:11:17-18
- Balak was king of kjv@Numbers:22:4
- Calls for Balaam to curse Israel kjv@Numbers:22; 23; kjv@Joshua:24:9; kjv@Micah:6:5
- Are a snare to the Israelites kjv@Numbers:25:1-3; kjv@Ruth:1:4; kjv@1Kings:11:1; kjv@1Chronicles:8:8; kjv@Ezra:9:1-2; kjv@Nehemiah:13:23
- Land of, not given to the Israelites as a possession kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9 kjv@Deuteronomy:2:29
- David takes refuge among, from Saul kjv@1Samuel:22:3-4
- David conquers kjv@2Samuel:8:2; kjv@2Samuel:23:20; kjv@1Chronicles:11:22; kjv@1Chronicles:18:2-11
- Israelites had war with kjv@2Kings:3:5-27; kjv@2Kings:13:20; kjv@2Kings:24:2; 2Chronicles:20
- Prophecies concerning judgments upon Jeremiah:48




MOABITES @ descendants of Moab, Lot's son- kjv@Genesis:19:37; kjv@Numbers:25:1; kjv@Deuteronomy:2:9; kjv@1Kings:11:1; kjv@Ezra:9:1; kjv@Nehemiah:13:23


H3645 <STRHEB>@ כּמישׁ כּמושׁo kemôsh kemîysh {kem-oshe'} kem-eesh' From an unused root meaning to subdue; the powerful; {Kemosh} the god of the Moabites: - Chemosh.

H4125 <STRHEB>@ מואבית מואביּה מואבי mô'âbîy mô'âbîyâh mô'âbîyth {mo-aw-bee'} {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} mo-aw-beeth' Patronymic from H4124; a Moabite or {Moabitess} that {is} a descendant from Moab: - (woman) of {Moab} Moabite ({-ish} -ss).

H4338 <STRHEB>@ מישׁע mêyshamay-shaw' A variation for H4337; safety; {Mesha} a Moabite: - Mesha.

H6204 <STRHEB>@ ערפּה ‛orpâh or-paw' Feminine of H6203; mane; {Orpah} a Moabitess: - Orpah.

H6834 <STRHEB>@ צפּור tsippôr tsip-pore' The same as H6833; {Tsippor} a Moabite: - Zippor.

H7327 <STRHEB>@ רוּת rûth rooth Probably for H7468; friend; {Ruth} a Moabitess: - Ruth.

H8116 <STRHEB>@ שׁמרית shimrîyth shim-reeth' Feminine of H8113; female guard; {Shimrith} a Moabitess: - Shimrith.

G1007 <STRGRK>@ Βοσόρ Bosor bos-or' Of Hebrew origin [H1160]; Bosor (that is Beor) a Moabite: - Bosor.

G4503 <STRGRK>@ Ῥούθ Rhouth hrooth Of Hebrew origin [H7327]; Ruth a Moabitess: - Ruth.

G904 <STRGRK>@ Βαλάκ Balak bal-ak' Of Hebrew origin [H1111]; Balak a Moabite: - Balac.