

Dict: smith - NER


NER - N>@ - (a light or lamp), son of Jehiel, according to ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:33) father of Abner, and grandfather of King Saul. (B.C. 1140.) Abner was, therefore, uncle to Saul, as is expressly stated in ( kjv@1Samuel:14:50)

NEREUS - N>@ - (lamp), a Christian at Rome, saluted by St. Paul. kjv@Romans:16:15) According to tradition he was beheaded at Terracina, probably in the reign of Nerva.

NERGAL - N>@ - (hero), one of the chief Assyrian and Babylonian deities, seems to have corresponded closely to the classical Mars. ( kjv@2Kings:17:30) It is conjectured that he may represent the deified Nimrod.

NERGALSHAREZER - N>@ - (prince of fire) occurs only in kjv@Jeremiah:39:3) and Jere 39:13 There appear to have been two persons in the name among the "princes of the king of Babylon" who accompanied Nebuchadnezzar on his last expedition against Jerusalem. One of these is not marked by any additional title; but the other has the honorable distinction of Rab-mag, probably meaning chief of the Magi [see RAB

- MAG], and it is to him alone that any particular interest attaches. In sacred Scripture he appears among the persons who, by command of Nebuchadnezzar, released Jeremiah from prison. Profane history gives us reason to believe that he was a personage of great importance, who not long afterward mounted the Babylonian throne. He is the same as the monarch called Neriglissar or Neriglissor, who murdered Evil-merodach, the son of Nebuchadnezzar and succeeded him upon the throne. His reign lasted from B.C. 559, to B.C. 556.

NERI - N>@ - short form for NERIAH (Jehovah is my lamp) son of Melchi and father of Salathiel, in the genealogy of Christ.

NERIAH - N>@ - (lamp of Jehovah), the son of Maaseiah and father of Baruch and Seraiah.