

Dict: all - Naph



(1) Son of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:30:8; kjv@Genesis:35:25; kjv@Genesis:49:21

(2) Tribe of- kjv@Numbers:2:29; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:23; kjv@Joshua:19:32; kjv@Judges:1:33; kjv@Judges:4:6; kjv@Judges:6:35; kjv@2Kings:15:29


NAPHISH - N>@ - (refreshment), the last but one of the sons of Ishmael. kjv@Genesis:25:15; kjv@1Chronicles:1:31)

NAPHTALI - N>@ - (wrestling), the fifth son of Jacob; the second child name to him by Bilhah, Rachel’s slave. His birth and the bestowal of his name are recorded in kjv@Genesis:30:8) When the census was taken at Mount Sinai the tribe of Naphtali numbered no less than 53-400 fighting men, kjv@Numbers:1:43 kjv@Numbers:2:50) but when the borders of the promised land were reached, its numbers were reduced to, 45,400. kjv@Numbers:26:48-50) During the march through the wilderness Naphtali occupied a position on the north of the sacred tent with Dan and Asher. kjv@Numbers:2:25-31) In the apportionment of the land, the lot of Naphtali was enclosed on three sides by those of other tribes. On the west lay Asher, on the south Zebulun, and on the east the transjordanic Manasseh. (In the division of the kingdom Naphtali belonged to the kingdom of Israel, and later was a part of Galilee, bordering on the northwestern pert of the Sea of Galilee, and including Capernaum and Bethsaida.

NAPHTALI, MOUNT - N>@ - the mountainous district which formed the main part of the inheritance of Naphtali, kjv@Joshua:20:7) answering to "Mount Ephraim" in the centre and "Mount Judah" in the south of Palestine.

NAPHTUHIM - N>@ - (border-people), a Mizraite (Egyptian) nation or tribe mentioned only in the account of the descendants of Noah. kjv@Genesis:10:13; kjv@1Chronicles:1:11) If we may judge from their position in the list Of the Mizraites, the Naphtuhim were possibly settled, at first, either in Egypt or immediately to the west of it.


Naphish @ refresher, one of the sons of Ishmael kjv@Genesis:25:15; kjv@1Chronicles:1:31). He was the father of an Arab tribe.

Naphtali @ my wrestling, the fifth son of Jacob. His mother was Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid kjv@Genesis:30:8). When Jacob went down into Egypt, Naphtali had four sons kjv@Genesis:46:24). Little is known of him as an individual.

Naphtali, Mount @ the mountainous district of Naphtali kjv@Joshua:20:7).

Naphtali, Tribe of @ On this tribe Jacob pronounced the patriarchal blessing, "Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words" kjv@Genesis:49:21). It was intended thus to set forth under poetic imagery the future character and history of the tribe. At the time of the Exodus this tribe numbered 53-400 adult males kjv@Numbers:1:43), but at the close of the wanderings they numbered only 45,400 (26:48-50). Along with Dan and Asher they formed "the camp of Dan," under a common standard (2:25-31), occupying a place during the march on the north side of the tabernacle. The possession assigned to this tribe is set forth in kjv@Joshua:19:32-39. It lay in the north-eastern corner of the land, bounded on the east by the Jordan and the lakes of Merom and Galilee, and on the north it extended far into Coele
- Syria, the valley between the two Lebanon ranges. It comprehended a greater variety of rich and beautiful scenery and of soil and climate than fell to the lot of any other tribe. The territory of Naphtali extended to about 800 square miles, being the double of that of Issachar. The region around Kedesh, one of its towns, was originally called Galil, a name afterwards given to the whole northern division of Canaan. A large number of foreigners settled here among the mountains, and hence it was called "Galilee of the Gentiles" (q.v.), kjv@Matthew:4:15-16. The southern portion of Naphtali has been called the "Garden of Palestine." It was of unrivalled fertility. It was the principal scene of our Lord's public ministry. Here most of his parables were spoken and his miracles wrought. This tribe was the first to suffer from the invasion of Benhadad, king of Syria, in the reigns of Baasha, king of Israel, and Asa, king of Judah (kjvKings:15:20; kjv@2Chronicals:16:4). In the reign of Pekah, king of Israel, the Assyrians under Tiglath-pileser swept over the whole north of Israel, and carried the people into captivity ( kjv@2Kings:15:29). Thus the kingdom of Israel came to an end (B.C. 722). Naphtali is now almost wholly a desert, the towns of Tiberias, on the shore of the Lake of Galilee, and Safed being the only places in it of any importance.

Naphtuhim @ a Hamitic tribe descended from Mizraim kjv@Genesis:10:13). Others identify this word with Napata, the name of the city and territory on the southern frontier of Mizraim, the modern Meroe, at the great bend of the Nile at Soudan. This city was the royal residence, it is said, of Queen Candace kjv@Acts:8:27). Here there are extensive and splendid ruins.



Naphtali, the Tribe Of @ Descended from Jacob's sixth son kjv@Genesis:30:7 kjv@Genesis:30:8
Predictions respecting kjv@Genesis:49:21 kjv@Deuteronomy:33:23
Persons selected from
To number the people kjv@Numbers:1:15
To spy out the land kjv@Numbers:13:14
To divide the land kjv@Numbers:34:28
Strength of, on leaving Egypt kjv@Numbers:1:42 kjv@Numbers:1:43
The rear of the fourth division of Israel in their journeys kjv@Numbers:10:25 kjv@Numbers:10:27
Encamped under the standard of Dan north of the tabernacle kjv@Numbers:2:25 kjv@Numbers:2:29
Offering of, at the dedication kjv@Numbers:7:78-83
Families of kjv@Numbers:26:48 kjv@Numbers:26:49
Strength of, on entering Canaan kjv@Numbers:26:50
On Ebal said amen to the curses kjv@Deuteronomy:27:13
Bounds of their inheritance kjv@Joshua:19:32-39
Did not drive out the Canaanites, but made them tributary kjv@Judges:1:33
Chosen from Zebulun to go with Barak against Sisera kjv@Judges:4:6 kjv@Judges:4:10
Praised for aiding against Sisera kjv@Judges:5:18
Joined Gideon in the pursuit and overthrow of the Midianites kjv@Judges:7:23
Some of, at David's coronation kjv@1Chronicles:12:34
Officer placed over, by David kjv@1Chronicles:27:19
Officer placed over, by Solomon kjv@1Kings:4:15
Land of, ravaged by Benhadad kjv@1Kings:15:20
Land of, purged of idols by Josiah kjv@2Chronicles:34:6
Taken captive by Tiglathpileser kjv@2Kings:15:29
Specially favoured by our Lord's ministry kjv@Isaiah:9:1 kjv@Isaiah:9:2 kjv@Matthew:4:13-15
Remarkable persons of
Barak kjv@Judges:4:6
Hiram kjv@1Kings:7:14



- Also called NEPHISH
- A son of Ishmael kjv@Genesis:25:15; kjv@1Chronicles:1:31


-1. Son of Jacob and Bilhah kjv@Genesis:30:7-8; kjv@Genesis:35:25 .Jacob blesses kjv@Genesis:49:21 .Sons of kjv@Genesis:46:24; kjv@1Chronicles:7:13

-2. Tribe of .Census of kjv@Numbers:1:42-43; kjv@Numbers:26:48-50 .Position assigned to, in camping and in marching kjv@Numbers:2:25-31; kjv@Numbers:10:25-27 .Moses' benediction on kjv@Deuteronomy:33:23 .Inheritance of kjv@Joshua:19:32-39; kjv@Judges:1:33; kjv@Ezekiel:48:3 .Defeat Sisera kjv@Judges:4:6 kjv@Judges:4:10 kjv@Judges:5:18 .Follow Gideon kjv@Judges:6:35; kjv@Judges:7:23 .Help in conveying the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem kjv@Psalms:68:27 .Military operations of kjv@1Chronicles:12:34 kjv@1Chronicles:12:40 .Against kjv@1Kings:15:20; kjv@2Kings:15:29; kjv@2Chronicles:16:4 .Prophecies concerning kjv@Isaiah:9:1-2; kjv@Revelation:7:6

- The inhabitants of central Egypt kjv@Genesis:10:13; kjv@1Chronicles:1:11



kjv@STRING:Naphish <HITCHCOCK>@ the soul; he that rests, refreshes himself, or respires - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Naphtali <HITCHCOCK>@ that struggles or fights - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nephish <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Naphish - HITCHCOCK-N

kjv@STRING:Nephthalim <HITCHCOCK>@ same as Naphtali - HITCHCOCK-N



(1) Son of Jacob- kjv@Genesis:30:8; kjv@Genesis:35:25; kjv@Genesis:49:21

(2) Tribe of- kjv@Numbers:2:29; kjv@Deuteronomy:33:23; kjv@Joshua:19:32; kjv@Judges:1:33; kjv@Judges:4:6; kjv@Judges:6:35; kjv@2Kings:15:29


H2936 <STRHEB>@ טנף ţânaph taw-naf' A primitive root; to soil: - defile.

H3670 <STRHEB>@ כּנף kânaph kaw-naf' A primitive root; properly to project {laterally} that {is} probably (reflexively) to withdraw: - be removed.

H5305 <STRHEB>@ נפישׁ nâphîysh naw-feesh' From H5314; refreshed; {Naphish} a son of {Ishmael} and his posterity: - Naphish.

H5319 <STRHEB>@ נפתּוּל naphtûl naf-tool' From H6617; properly wrestled; but used (in the plural) {transitively} a struggle: - wrestling.

H5320 <STRHEB>@ נפתּחים naphtûchîym naf-too-kheem' Plural of foreign origin; {Naphtuchim} an Egyptian tribe: - Naptuhim.

H5321 <STRHEB>@ נפתּלי naphtâlîy naf-taw-lee' From H6617; my wrestling; {Naphtali} a son of {Jacob} with the tribe descended from {him} and its territory: - Naphtali.

H599 <STRHEB>@ אנף 'ânaph aw-naf' A primitive root; to breathe {hard} that {is} be enraged: - be angry (displeased).

H600 <STRHEB>@ אנף 'ănaph an-af' (Chaldee); corresponding to H639 (only in the plural as a singular); the face: - {face} visage.

H6056 <STRHEB>@ ענף ענף ‛ănapheneph {an-af'} eh'-nef (Chaldee); corresponding to H6057: - {bough} branch.

H6801 <STRHEB>@ צנף tsânaph tsaw-naf' A primitive root; to {wrap} that {is} roll or dress: - be {attired} X {surely} violently turn.

G46 <STRGRK>@ ἄγναφος agnaphos ag'-naf-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and the same as G1102; properly unfulled that is (by implication) new (cloth): - new.

G1102 <STRGRK>@ γναφεύς gnapheus gnaf-yuce' By variation for a derivative from κνάπτω knaptō (to tease cloth); a cloth dresser: - fuller.

G3508 <STRGRK>@ Νεφθαλείμ Nephthaleim nef-thal-ime' Of Hebrew origin [H5321]; Nephthaleim (that is Naphthali) a tribe in Palestine: - Nephthalim.

G398 <STRGRK>@ ἀναφαίνω anaphainō an-af-ah'ee-no From G303 and G5316; to show that is (reflexively) appear or (passively) have pointed out: - (should) appear discover.

G399 <STRGRK>@ ἀναφέρω anapherō an-af-er'-o From G303 and G5342; to take up (literally or figuratively): - bear bring (carry lead) up offer (up).

G400 <STRGRK>@ ἀναφωνέω anaphōneō an-af-o-neh'-o From G303 and G5455; to exclaim: - speak out.