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PALACES @ kjv@1Kings:7:1; kjv@1Kings:22:39; kjv@Ezra:6:2; kjv@Nehemiah:1:1; kjv@Psalms:144:12; kjv@Jeremiah:22:14


PALACE - P>@ - Palace in the Bible, in the singular and plural, is the rendering of several words of diverse meaning. ( kjv@1Chronicles:29:1; kjv@Ezra:4:14; kjv@Amos:4:3) etc. It often designates the royal residence, and usually suggests a fortress or battlemented house. The word occasionally included the whole city as in kjv@Esther:9:12) and again, as in (Kings:16:18) it is restricted to a part of the royal apartments. It is applied, as in ( kjv@1Chronicles:29:1) to the temple in Jerusalem. The site of the palace of Solomon was almost certainly in the city itself on the brow opposite to the temple, and overlooking it and the whole city of David. It is impossible, of course, to be at all certain what was either the form or the exact disposition of such a palace; but, as we have the dimensions of the three principal buildings given in the book of Kings and confirmed by Josephus, we may, by taking these as a scale, ascertain pretty nearly that the building covered somewhere about 150,000 or 160,000 square feet. Whether it was a square of 400 feet each way, or an oblong of about 550 feet by 300, must always be more or less a matter of conjecture. The principal building situated within the palace was, as in all eastern palaces, the great hall of state and audience, called "the house of the forest of Lebanon," apparently from the four rows of cedar pillars by which it was supported. It was 100 cubits (175 feet) long, 50 (88 feet) wide, and 30 (52 feet) high. Next in importance was the hall or "porch of judgment," a quadrangular building supported by columns, as we learn front Josephus, which apparently stood on the other side of the great court, opposite the house of the forest of Lebanon. The third edifice is merely called a "porch of pillars." Its dimensions were 50 by 30 cubits. Its use cannot be considered as doubtful, as it was an indispensable adjunct to an eastern palace. It was the ordinary place of business of the palace, and the reception-room when the king received ordinary visitors, and sat, except on great state occasions, to transact the business of the kingdom. Behind this, we are told, was the inner court, adorned with gardens and fountains, and surrounded by cloisters for shade; and there were other courts for the residence of the attendants and guards, and for the women of the harem. Apart from this palace, but attached, as Josephus tells us, to the hall of judgment, was the palace of Pharaoh’s daughter-too proud and important a personage to be grouped with the ladies of the harem, and requiring a residence of her own. The recent discoveries at Nineveh have enabled us to understand many of the architectural details of this palace, which before they were made were nearly wholly inexplicable. Solomon constructed an ascent from his own house to the temple, "the house of Jehovah," (Kings:10:5) which was a subterranean passage 250 feet long by 42 feet wide, of which the remains may still be traced.


Palace @ Used now only of royal dwellings, although originally meaning simply (as the Latin word palatium, from which it is derived, shows) a building surrounded by a fence or a paling. In the Authorized Version there are many different words so rendered, presenting different ideas, such as that of citadel or lofty fortress or royal residence kjv@Nehemiah:1:1; kjv@Daniel:8:2). It is the name given to the temple fortress kjv@Nehemiah:2:8) and to the temple itself ( kjv@1Chronicles:29:1). It denotes also a spacious building or a great house kjv@Daniel:1:4 kjv@Daniel:4:4 kjv@Daniel:4:29: kjv@Esther:1:5 kjv@Esther:7:7), and a fortified place or an enclosure kjv@Ezekiel:25:4). Solomon's palace is described in kjvKings:7:1-12 as a series of buildings rather than a single great structure. Thirteen years were spent in their erection. This palace stood on the eastern hill, adjoining the temple on the south. In the New Testament it designates the official residence of Pilate or that of the high priest kjv@Matthew:26:3-58, 69; kjv@Mark:14:54-66; kjv@John:18:15). In kjv@Philippians:1:13 this word is the rendering of the Greek praitorion, meaning the praetorian cohorts at Rome (the life-guard of the Caesars). Paul was continually chained to a soldier of that corps kjv@Acts:28:16), and hence his name and sufferings became known in all the praetorium. The "soldiers that kept" him would, on relieving one another on guard, naturally spread the tidings regarding him among their comrades. Some, however, regard the praetroium (q.v.) as the barrack within the palace (the palatium) of the Caesars in Rome where a detachment of these praetorian guards was stationed, or as the camp of the guards placed outside the eastern walls of Rome. "In the chambers which were occupied as guard-rooms," says Dr. Manning, "by the praetorian troops on duty in the palace, a number of rude caricatures are found roughly scratched upon the walls, just such as may be seen upon barrack walls in every part of the world. Amongst these is one of a human figure nailed upon a cross. To add to the 'offence of the cross,' the crucified one is represented with the head of an animal, probably that of an ass. Before it stands the figure of a Roman legionary with one hand upraised in the attitude of worship. Underneath is the rude, misspelt, ungrammatical inscription, Alexamenos worships his god. It can scarcely be doubted that we have here a contemporary caricature, executed by one of the praetorian guard, ridiculing the faith of a Christian comrade."



Palaces @ Jerusalem celebrated for kjv@Psalms:48:3 kjv@Psalms:48:13
The term applied to
Residences of kings kjv@Daniel:4:4 kjv@Daniel:6:18
Houses of great men kjv@Amos:3:9 kjv@Micah:5:5
The temple of God kjv@1Chronicles:29:1 kjv@1Chronicles:29:19
The house of the high priest kjv@Matthew:26:58
Described as
High kjv@Psalms:78:69
Polished kjv@Psalms:144:12
Pleasant kjv@Isaiah:13:22
Of kings
Called the king's house kjv@2Kings:25:9 kjv@2Chronicles:7:11
Called the house of the kingdom kjv@2Chronicles:2:1 kjv@2Chronicles:2:12
Called the king's palace kjv@Esther:1:5
Called the royal house kjv@Esther:1:9
Splendidly furnished kjv@Esther:1:6
Surrounded with gardens kjv@Esther:1:5
Surrounded with terraces kjv@2Chronicles:9:11
Under governors kjv@1Kings:4:6 kjv@Nehemiah:7:2
Often attended by eunuchs as servants kjv@2Kings:20:18 kjv@Daniel:1:3 kjv@Daniel:1:4
Were strictly guarded kjv@2Kings:11:5
Afforded support to all the King's retainers kjv@Ezra:4:14 kjv@Daniel:1:5
Royal decrees issued from kjv@Esther:3:15 kjv@Esther:8:14
Royal decrees laid up in kjv@Ezra:6:2
Contained treasures of the king kjv@1Kings:15:18 kjv@2Chronicles:12:9 kjv@2Chronicles:25:24
Gorgeous apparel suited to, alone kjv@Luke:7:25
Were entered by gates kjv@Nehemiah:2:8
Often the storehouses of rapine kjv@Amos:3:10
Often as punishment
Spoiled kjv@Amos:3:11
Forsaken kjv@Isaiah:32:14
Desolate kjv@Psalms:69:25 kjv@Ezekiel:19:7
Scenes of bloodshed kjv@Jeremiah:9:21
Burned with fire kjv@2Chronicles:36:19 kjv@Jeremiah:17:27
Overgrown with thorns, &:c kjv@Isaiah:34:13
The habitation of dragons, &:c kjv@Isaiah:13:22
The spider makes its way even into kjv@Proverbs:30:28
Illustrative of
The splendour of the church kjv@Songs:8:9
The godly children of saints kjv@Psalms:144:12
The place of Satan's dominion kjv@Luke:11:21



- For kings kjv@1Kings:21:1; kjv@2Kings:15:25; kjv@Jeremiah:49:27; kjv@Amos:1:12; kjv@Nahum:2:6
- Of David kjv@2Samuel:7:2
- Of Solomon kjv@1Kings:7:1-12
- At Babylon kjv@Daniel:4:29; kjv@Daniel:5:5; kjv@Daniel:6:18
- At Shushan kjv@Nehemiah:1:1; kjv@Esther:1:2; kjv@Esther:7:7; kjv@Daniel:8:2
- Archives kept in kjv@Ezra:6:2
- Proclamations issued from kjv@Amos:3:9

- FIGURATIVE .Of a government kjv@Amos:1:12; kjv@Amos:2:2; kjv@Nahum:2:6



kjv@STRING:Hazeroth <HITCHCOCK>@ villages; palaces - HITCHCOCK-H


PALACES @ kjv@1Kings:7:1; kjv@1Kings:22:39; kjv@Ezra:6:2; kjv@Nehemiah:1:1; kjv@Psalms:144:12; kjv@Jeremiah:22:14


H1001 <STRHEB>@ בּירא bîyrâ' bee-raw' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1002; a palace: - palace.

H1002 <STRHEB>@ בּירה bîyrâh bee-raw' Of foreign origin; a castle or palace: - palace.

H1004 <STRHEB>@ בּית bayith bah'-yith Probably from H1129 abbreviated; a house (in the greatest variation of {applications} especially {family} etc.): - {court} {daughter} {door} + {dungeon} {family} + forth {of} X great as would {contain} hangings. {home[born]} [winter]house ({-hold}) {inside(-ward}) {palace} {place} + {prison} + {steward} + {tablet} {temple} {web} + within (-out).

H1055 <STRHEB>@ בּיתן bîythân bee-thawn' Probably from H1004; a palace (that {is} large house): - palace.

H1964 <STRHEB>@ היכל hêykâl hay-kawl' Probably from H3201 (in the sense of capacity); a large public {building} such as a palace or temple: - {palace} temple.

H1965 <STRHEB>@ היכל hêykal hay-kal' (Chaldee); corresponding to H1964: - {palace} temple.

H2038 <STRHEB>@ הרמון harmôn har-mone' From the same as H2036; a castle (from its height): - palace.

H2918 <STRHEB>@ טירה ţîyrâh tee-raw' Feminine of (an equivalent to) H2905; a wall; hence a fortress or a hamlet: - (goodly) {castle} {habitation} {palace} row.

H4720 <STRHEB>@ מקּדשׁ מקדּשׁ miqdâsh miqqedâsh {mik-dawsh'} mik-ked-awsh' From H6942; a consecrated thing or {place} especially a {palace} sanctuary (whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum: - {chapel} hallowed {part} holy {place} sanctuary.

H490 <STRHEB>@ אלמנה 'almânâh al-maw-naw' Feminine of H488; a widow; also a desolate place: - desolate house ({palace}) widow.

H643 <STRHEB>@ אפּדן 'appeden ap-peh'-den Apparently of foreign derivation; a pavilion or palace tent: - palace.

H759 <STRHEB>@ ארמון 'armôn ar-mone' From an unused root (meaning to be elevated); a citadel (from its height): - {castle} palace. Compare H2038.

H8651 <STRHEB>@ תּרע terater-ah' {(Chaldee}) corresponding to H8179; a door; by implication a palace: - gate mouth.

G4232 <STRGRK>@ πραιτώριον praitōrion prahee-to'-ree-on Of Latin origin; the praetorium or governor´ s court room (sometimes including the whole edifice and camp): - (common judgment) hall (of judgment) palace praetorium.

G833 <STRGRK>@ αὐλή aulē ow-lay' From the same as G109; a yard (as open to the wind); by implication a mansion: - court ([sheep-]) fold hall palace.

G933 <STRGRK>@ βασίλειον basileion bas-il'-i-on Neuter of G934; a palace: - king´ s court.