
Dict: smith - PUL


PUL - P>@ - (lord), a country or nation mentioned in kjv@Isaiah:66:19) It is spoken of with distant nations, and is supposed by some to represent the island Philae in Egypt, and by others Libya.

PUL - P>@ - an Assyrian king, and the first Assyrian monarch mentioned in Scripture. He made an expedition against Menahem, king of Israel, about B.C. 770. ( kjv@2Kings:15:19)

PULSE - P>@ - (seeds) usually means peas, beans and the seeds that grow in pods. In the Authorized Version it occurs only in kjv@Lamentations:1:12 kjv@Lamentations:1:16) as the translation of words the literal meaning of which is "seeds" of any kind. Probably the term denotes uncooked grain of any kind, as barley wheat, millet, vetches, etc.