
Dict: smith - SUCCOTH


SUCCOTH - S>@ - (booths). An ancient town, first heard of in the account of the homeward journey of Jacob from Padan-aram. kjv@Genesis:35:17) The name is derived from the fact of Jacob’s having there put up "booths" (succoth) for his cattle as well as a house for himself. From the itinerary of Jacob’s return it seems that Succoth lay between Peniel, near the ford of the torrent Jabbok and Shechem. Comp. kjv@Genesis:32:30) and kjv@Genesis:33:18 In accordance with this is the mention of Succoth in the narrative of Gideon’s pursuit of Zebah and Zalluunna. kjv@Judges:5:5-17) It would appear from this passage that it lay east of the Jordan, which is corroborated by the fact that it was allotted to the tribe of Gad. kjv@Joshua:13:27) Succoth is named once again after this
in (Kings:7:46; kjv@2Chronicles:4:17)
as marking the spot at which the brass founderies were placed for casting the metal work of the temple. (Dr. Merrill identifies it with a site called Tell Darala , one mile north of the Jabbok.
ED.) The first camping-place of the Israelites when they left Egypt. kjv@Exodus:12:37 kjv@Exodus:13:20; kjv@Numbers:33:5-6) This place was apparently reached at the close of the first days march. Rameses, the starting-place, was probably near the western end of the Wadi-t
- Tumeylat . The distance traversed in each day’s journey was about fifteen miles.

SUCCOTHBENOTH - S>@ - Occurs only in ( kjv@2Kings:17:30) It has generally been supposed that this term is pure Hebrew, and signifies the tents of daughters; which some explain as "the booths in which the daughters of the Babylonians prostituted themselves in honor of their idol," others as "small tabernacles in which were contained images of female deities." Sir H. Rawlinson thinks that Succoth-benoth represents the Chaldaean goddess Zerbanit , the wife of Merodach, who was especially worshipped at Babylon.