
Dict: all - Seraiah



SERAIAH - S>@ - The king’s scribe or secretary in the reign of David. (2 Samuel kjv@8:17) (B.C. 1043.) The high priest in the reign of Zedekiah. ( kjv@2Kings:25:18; kjv@1Chronicles:6:14; kjv@Jeremiah:52:24) (B.C. 594.) The son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite. ( kjv@2Kings:25:23; kjv@Jeremiah:40:8) The son of Kenaz and brother of Othniel. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:13-14) Ancestor of Jehu a Simeonite chieftain. ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:35) One of the children of the province who returned with Zerubbabel. kjv@Ezra:2:2) (B.C. 536.) One of the ancestors of Ezra the scribe. kjv@Ezra:7:1) A priest, or priestly family, who signed the covenant with Nehemiah. kjv@Nehemiah:10:2) A priest, the son of Hilkiah. kjv@Nehemiah:11:11) The head of a priestly house which went up from Babylon with Zerubbabel. kjv@Nehemiah:12:12) The son of Neriah and brother of Baruch. kjv@Jeremiah:51:59-61) He went with Zedekiah to Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. (B.C. 594.) Perhaps he was an officer who took charge of the royal caravan on its march, and fixed the places where it should halt.


Seraiah @ soldier of Jehovah.

(1.) The father of Joab ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:13-14).

(2.) The grandfather of Jehu ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:35).

(3.) One of David's scribes or secretaries ( kjv@2Samuel:8:17).

(4.) A Netophathite kjv@Jeremiah:40:8), a chief priest of the time of Zedekiah. He was carried captive by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon, and there put to death ( kjv@2Kings:25:18 kjv@2Kings:25:23).

(5.) kjv@Ezra:2:2.

(6.) Father of Ezra the scribe (7:1).

(7.) A ruler of the temple kjv@Nehemiah:11:11).

(8.) A priest of the days of Jehoiakim kjv@Nehemiah:12:1 kjv@Nehemiah:12:12).

(9.) The son of Neriah. When Zedekiah made a journey to Babylon to do homage to Nebuchadnezzar, Seraiah had charge of the royal gifts to be presented on that occasion. Jeremiah took advantage of the occasion, and sent with Seraiah a word of cheer to the exiles in Babylon, and an announcement of the doom in store for that guilty city. The roll containing this message kjv@Jeremiah:50:1-8) Seraiah was to read to the exiles, and then, after fixing a stone to it, was to throw it into the Euphrates, uttering, as it sank, the prayer recorded in kjv@Jeremiah:51:59-64. Babylon was at this time in the height of its glory, the greatest and most powerful monarchy in the world. Scarcely seventy years elapsed when the words of the prophet were all fulfilled. kjv@Jeremiah:51:59 is rendered in the Revised Version, "Now Seraiah was chief chamberlain," instead of "was a quiet prince," as in the Authorized Version.






-1. Also called SHEVA, SHISHA, and SHAVSHA .David's scribe kjv@2Samuel:8:17; kjv@2Samuel:20:25; kjv@1Kings:4:3; kjv@1Chronicles:18:16

-2. Chief priest at the time of collapse of Jerusalem kjv@2Kings:25:18 .Father of Ezra kjv@Ezra:7:1 .Killed by Nebuchadnezzar kjv@2Kings:25:18-21; kjv@Jeremiah:52:24-27

-3. An Israelite captain who surrendered to Gedaliah kjv@2Kings:25:23; kjv@Jeremiah:40:8

-4. Son of Kenaz kjv@1Chronicles:4:13-14

-5. A Simeonite kjv@1Chronicles:4:35

-6. A priest who returned from the Babylonian captivity kjv@Ezra:2:2; kjv@Nehemiah:12:1 kjv@Nehemiah:12:12 .Called AZARIAH kjv@Nehemiah:7:7

-7. One who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah kjv@Nehemiah:10:2 .Possibly identical with number six, see above

-8. A ruler of the temple after the captivity kjv@Nehemiah:11:11

-9. Son of Azriel .Commanded by King Jehoiakim to seize the prophet Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:36:26

-10. A servant of Zedekiah kjv@Jeremiah:51:59-61



kjv@STRING:Seraiah <HITCHCOCK>@ prince of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S



H8304 <STRHEB>@ שׂריהוּ שׂריה ώerâyâh ώerâyâhû {ser-aw-yaw'} ser-aw-yaw'-hoo From H8280 and H3050; Jah has prevailed; {Serajah} the name of nine Israelites: - Seraiah.