
Dict: easton - Shem


Shem @ a name; renown, the first mentioned of the sons of Noah kjv@Genesis:5:32 kjv@Genesis:6:10). He was probably the eldest of Noah's sons. The words "brother of Japheth the elder" in kjv@Genesis:10:21 are more correctly rendered "the elder brother of Japheth," as in the Revised Version. Shem's name is generally mentioned first in the list of Noah's sons. He and his wife were saved in the ark (7:13). Noah foretold his preeminence over Canaan (9:23-27). He died at the age of six hundred years, having been for many years contemporary with Abraham, according to the usual chronology. The Israelitish nation sprang from him kjv@Genesis:11:10-26; kjv@1Chronicles:1:24-27).

Shema @ rumour.

(1.) A Reubenite ( kjv@1Chronicles:5:8).

(2.) A Benjamite ( kjv@1Chronicles:8:13).

(3.) One who stood by Ezra when he read the law kjv@Nehemiah:8:4).

(4.) A town in the south of Judah kjv@Joshua:15:26); the same as Sheba (ver. 5).

Shemaah @ rumour, a Benjamite whose sons "came to David to Ziklag" ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:3).

Shemaiah @ whom Jehovah heard.

(1.) A prophet in the reign of Rehoboam (kjvKings:12:22-24).

(2.) kjv@Nehemiah:3:29.

(3.) A Simeonite ( kjv@1Chronicles:4:37).

(4.) A priest kjv@Nehemiah:12:42).

(5.) A Levite ( kjv@1Chronicles:9:16).

(6.) kjv@1Chronicles:9:14; kjv@Nehemiah:11:15.

(7.) A Levite in the time of David, who with 200 of his brethren took part in the bringing up of the ark from Obed-edom to Hebron ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:8).

(8.) A Levite ( kjv@1Chronicles:24:6).

(9.) The eldest son of Obed-edom ( kjv@1Chronicles:26:4-8).

(10.) A Levite ( kjv@2Chronicals:29:14).

(11.) A false prophet who hindered the rebuilding of Jerusalem kjv@Nehemiah:6:10).

(12.) A prince of Judah who assisted at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem kjv@Nehemiah:12:34-36).

(13.) A false prophet who opposed Jeremiah kjv@Jeremiah:29:24-32).

(14.) One of the Levites whom Jehoshaphat appointed to teach the law ( kjv@2Chronicals:17:8).

(15.) A Levite appointed to "distribute the oblations of the Lord" ( kjv@2Chronicals:31:15).

(16.) A Levite ( kjv@2Chronicals:35:9).

(17.) The father of Urijah the prophet kjv@Jeremiah:26:20).

(18.) The father of a prince in the reign of Jehoiakim kjv@Jeremiah:36:12).

Shemariah @ whom Jehovah guards.

(1.) One who joined David at Ziklag ( kjv@1Chronicles:12:5).

(2.) kjv@Ezra:10:32-41.

Shemeber @ soaring on high, the king of Zeboiim, who joined with the other kings in casting off the yoke of Chedorlaomer. After having been reconquered by him, he was rescued by Abraham kjv@Genesis:14:2).

Sheminith @ eight; octave, a musical term, supposed to denote the lowest note sung by men's voices ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:21; kjv@Psalms:6; 12, title).

Shemiramoth @ most high name.

(1.) A Levite in the reign of Jehoshaphat ( kjv@2Chronicals:17:8).

(2.) A Levite in David's time ( kjv@1Chronicles:15:18-20).

Shemuel @ heard of God.

(1.) The son of Ammihud. He represented Simeon in the division of the land kjv@Numbers:34:20).

(2.) Used for "Samuel" ( kjv@1Chronicles:6:33, R.V.).

(3.) A prince of the tribe of Issachar ( kjv@1Chronicles:7:2).